Charolais Journal

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In memory of

n o t a E r e n l E CLOSE THE GA TE

For this one farmer the worries are over, lie down and rest your head, Your time has been and struggles, enough, put the tractor in the shed. Years were not easy, many downright hard, but your faith in God transcended, Put away your tools and sleep in peace. The fences have all been mended. You raised a fine family, worked the land well and always followed the Son, Hang up your shovel inside of the barn; your work here on earth is done. A faith few possess led your journey through life, often a jagged and stony way, The sun is setting, the cattle are all bedded, and here now is the end of your day. Your love of God’s soil has passed on to your kin; the stories flow like fine wine, Wash off your work boots in the puddle left by blessed rain one final time. You always believed that the good Lord would provide and He always had somehow, Take off your gloves and put them down, no more sweat and worry for you now. Your labor is done, your home now is heaven; no more must you wait, Your legacy lives on, your love of the land, and we will close the gate.

Nancy Kraayenhof

103 ETN Loop • Lindsay, MT 59339 Office (406) 584-7520 • Lee (406) 584-7546 JEFF ESCHENBAUM STERLING ESCHENBAUM TY ESCHENBAUM 605.860.0505 605.203.0137 605.203.1082 A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   1

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A U G U S T 2018

Seventh Annual FEMALE SALE 9.22.2018

Selling 50+ L






Selling Full Interest and Full Possession! Sire: LT Bluegrass 4017 Dam’s Sire: Duke 914 Over 30 progeny produced that have topped sales for Satterfield Charolais, Nathan Reinhart, Jess Taylor & M6.



Selling 1/2 Interest or Double the Bid to take 100%!



Sire: LT Ledger 0032 P Dam: Choice of the Herd in National Sale Her son SAT Gridmaker 6306 sold in 2018 Bull Sale for $27,000 to Link Charolais & Broberg Charolais.

Selling 1/2 Interest or Double the Bid to take 100%! Sire: M6 New Standard 842 P ET Dam: M6 Ms 761 Nancy 6100 P ET Quite possibly THE BEST one ever produced! EPDs: BW: 1.4 WW: 42 YW: 85 M: 17 MTL: 38

Look for your sale catalog in the September Charolais Journal! Sale Manager: Greg Hubert

P.O. Box 100 Oakley, KS 67748 785-672-3195 (office) 785-672-7449 (cell)

Consultant: Wes Chism 281-761-5952

169 Satterfield Farm Rd • Norfork, AR 72658 Mark & Nancy Loyd & Joanne (501) 944-9274 (870) 499-7151 A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   3

Official Publication of the American-International Charolais Association V O L . 42, N O. 5



Photos by AICA Staff at AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference, Des Moines, Iowa. Cover by Molly Schoen

21 Charolais Cattle at College

Teaching students and influencing the greater agriculture industry

Coverage of the 2018 AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference

33 Pasture of Dreams

JOURNAL STAFF J. Neil Orth CPI President

David Hobbs


Molly Schoen



Kaitlyn Chism

Advertising Coordinator

Field Representatives Refer to page 11

CHAROLAIS JOURNAL 11700 NW Plaza Circle • Kansas City, MO 64153

phone (816) 464-5977 • fax (816) 464-5759

Charolais Viewpoint by J. Neil Orth

What Did They Learn?

Junior Viewpoint by Teanna Simpson

Looking upon my Final Year

ACTIVITIES & REFERENCE 18 18 30 31 60 61

Association Updates New Members AIJCA News Notes American Charolais Foundation AICA News Notes American-International Junior Charolais Foundation

66 67 78 80

Sales Review Nonpoint Show Results Calendar Advertisers’ Index

CHAROLAIS JOURNAL ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertising material for any month’s issue must be received in the offices of the Charolais Journal, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153, by the 25th of the second month preceding the month of publication, i.e., Dec. 25 for the February issue. Full camera-ready advertising copy or full-screened negatives will be accepted until the 1st of the month prior to publication provided notification of copy size, shape, color and other specifications are received by the 25th of the second month prior to the month of publication. If a proof is required, copy must be received by the 20th of the second month prior to publication, i.e., June 20 for the August issue. No copy can be altered or changed, except for typographical error, after the 1st of the month of publication. Any ad copy changes that must be made after the lst of the month will be assessed a 10% additional space charge. All dates and times are herein applicable at the office of the CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Charolais Journal (ISSN 0191-5444) is published monthly, except June and July which are combined issues, by CHAROLAIS PUBLICATIONS INC., 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Subscriptions: U.S. - $75; U.S. First Class - $100; Canada - $125; Foreign - $125. Single Copies - $7, including postage. For AICA members, $20 of annual dues to AICA are applicable to subscriptions for Charolais Journal. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO 64153, and additional mailing offices. Standard postage paid at Jefferson City, Mo. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153.

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A U G U S T 2018


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THE POWER OF THE NEXT GENERATION Building Genetic progress with Quality Donors


MS DESIGN 9139 P KC Design x Tradition x Wind 2017-18 #2 AICA Show Dam of the Year



Aiglon x Abraham x Valliant Complete French Outcross


MS 0383 MAMIE 764 P ET Wind 0383 x Silver Mark A35

Dam of the National Grand Champion Bull, BJCF Watt Z36

2018 AIJCA Junior National Participants Join Us in Supporting our Future!

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A U G U S T 2018

5593 Choupique Road Sulphur, LA Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 337-764-1040 cell Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell

Full French & Purebred Genetics P.O. Box 186, Liverpool, Texas 77577 Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 Daryl Renfrow (832) 444-5241 E-mail:



LT Authority 7229 PLD


WCR Icon 756 P


WDZ Kingsman 737 P

M895832 EPDs: 12.9 -2.1 45 93 13 8.6 36 1.2

M894821 EPDs: 7.2 -0.9 37 68 10 5.7 29 1.0

TR Mr Outkast 6650D

ACC-ORR Lock N Load 243 P

RBM TR Rhinestone Z38

M836295 EPDs: 5.9 0.6 55 110 4 7.5 31 1.6

EM823104 EPDs: 10.2 -0.4 25 53 9 6.0 21 0.4

LT Landmark 5052 PLD

WC Monumental 5524 P

Silverstream Evolution E168

M898189 EPDs: 7.1 -0.6 38 70 12 6.6 31 1.4


M879418 EPDs: 9.3 -0.4 33 60 9 7.1 25 0.8

M866771 EPDs: 13.8 -5.0 27 45 15 2.2 29 0.4

M882446 EPDs: 10.3 -0.8 42 71 16 7.0 37 1.2


M889162 EPDs: 3.4 0.8 15 23 0 6.2 8 0.0

Quality For over 26 years

A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   7

s n o i t a r e Gen y t i l a u Q of Breeding Charolais Since 1958

C407 Pld

C201 Pld

Grid Maker x Flash x Paul Top 25% Milk • 15% MB Rebred to Fargo

White Gold x Mac 809 x Flash Top 8% BW; 4% MB Rebred to Resource

Females that produce on grass for over 17 generations. We’re moving to a fall calving program and will offer all spring calving females on September 3rd in the Autumn In The Ozarks.

C308 Pld

Royce x Flash x Grid Maker Gold Standard bull calf Rebred to Fargo

C707 Pld

Royce x White Gold x Mac 809 Bred to LT Landmark

n a m r o C CHAROLAIS Dan & Connie Corman • Pomona, MO

(417) 252-1373 Performance bulls available at the farm. 8  

A U G U S T 2018

C716 Pld

Ledger x Progran x Flash Bred to LT Landmark

25th Annual

Selling 70 Selected Lots Featuring the Corman Charolais Spring Calving Herd Dispersal

Silver Anniversary

Labor Day September 3, 2018 — Noon Chappell's Sale Arena, Strafford, Missouri

View sale catalog online at HF Kate 1105 ET M6 New Germaine 5149 P ET EF1220838 Selling a flush and sexed heifer embryos by Resource out of this powerful full sister to the $36,000 Lot 1 of the M6 Dispersal. Linebred to the great Germaine family. This daughter of New Standard ranks in the top 1% of the breed in Multiple Traits and is a terrific embryo producer.


Donor Alert! This female brings look and power to the forefront. A full sib to the original Tyra donor at Hankins, this female line gets it done. Many dollars produced and many banners have been hung with these genetics. She is rebred to the popular Game Changer and brings a fancy heifer calf by the Firewater son Crown Royal to town.

Lafraise J-Lo 45C EF1202965

(pictured as a bred heifer)

This is a powerful, feminine fronted, performance oriented daughter of Tenacious is in the top 15% for WW and the top 7% for YW. She has a daughter of the calving ease and maternal sire Rushmore that is destined for the tanbark. She has been rebred to Milestone. This mating has a lot of potential. Lafraise Kiku 826B TW F1245574

Look at this deep bodied, soft made daughter of the female producer Rushmore. Her mother is one of the nicest uddered, heaviest milking females to walk the pastures at Lafraise and that’s saying something. She is also Charolais royalty tracing to the immortal BR Dot 75. She has been bred to Rhinestone, due in February.

For Sale Catalogs, contact –

Sale Manager:

Clifford Mitchell (405) 246-6324

RCR Free Lunch’s 7182 M906347 Calving ease and performance. Another top prospect from a long time consignor that keeps bringing the good ones. Not many herd bull prospects out there are in the top 20% for CE, top 15% for BW, top 25% for WW, 20% for YW and top 15% for TSI. This curve bender backs it up with a 68 lb. actual BW and a 780 lb.WW.

CCF Avenger EB702 M887531 This is a powerful 18-month old son of Game Changer. His sire is proving he can sire cattle that work in all phases of the industry and this bull will do the same. Fourth place in the Breeder’s Classic and is in the top 25% for WW. Help yourself with show ring appeal and pasture worthy performance.

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A U G U S T 2018

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B&O Division 5 Reserve Champion

Third Overall Owned Female & Div 4 Champion

Forth Overall Owned Female & Div 1 Champion

TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET X TR Ms Wyoming Wind 5604

M&M Outsider 4003 PLD X TR Ms Turton 3680A

M&M Outsider 4003 PLD X TR Ms Turton 5670C

DF Ms Champagne 56043

Owned & Shown by: Rylee Derrer, Milan, IL

BK BOY Eye Catching 740E ET

Owned & Shown by: Kelton Arthur, Stillwater, OK

J&J Ms Dari 748

Owned & Shown by: Charley Johnson, Orlando, OK

Thomas Ranch


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Bids Close at 7:00 PM Selling: Angus, Charolais, Red Angus, SimAngus, Commercial Heifers and Steers We will be selling 20 Charolais Show Heifer Prospects Owned Division 2 Reserve Champion GHC Beyond Impressive 7535

M&M Outsider 4003 PLD X Thomas Ms Impressive 0641

Owned & Shown by: Kelton Arthur, Stillwater, OK

THANK YOU AND CONGRATULATIONS to IOWA FOR ANOTHER AWESOME CHAROLAIS JUNIOR NATIONALS!!! Congratulations to everyone who participated and a Special Thank You and Congrats to all these youth who have chosen Thomas Ranch Genetics. Please consider Thomas Ranch for your next Charolais Show Heifer Purchase.

Owned Division 7 Reserve Champion BOY MSMT Montella Marie 623 ET

M&M Outsider 4003 PLD X TR Ms Montella 1572Y

Owned & Shown by: Jamie Moore, Piasa, IL

Class 9 Winner

Class 19 Winner

M&M Outsider 4003 PLD X Thomas Ms Impressive 0641

TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET X TR Ms Montella 1572Y

GHC Still Impressive 7509

Owned & Shown by: Nolan Hoge, Good Hope, IL

TR Ms Elle 7707E ET

Owned & Shown by: Madison Loschke, Kinsdown, KS

Thomas Ranch Class 7 Winner

CC Kyra Ann 7541 PLD

M&M Outsider 4003 PLD X Thomas Ms Kyra 4541 P

Owned & Shown by: Kami Stahl, Brimfield, IL 12  

A U G U S T 2018

Class 27 Winner

BRCHE TR Bevins Bunny 6104

M&M Outsider 4003 PLD X TR Ms Montella 1572Y

Owned & Shown by: Pacey Hawkins, Cincinnati, IA

Troy & VeaBea Thomas, Clint & Cally Kindred 18475 Capri Place • Harrold, SD 57536 Office: 605-973-2448 Troy’s Cell: 605-222-1258 Cally’s Cell: 605-222-1515 Clint’s Cell: 605-890-0148

Wild Indian Acres & Friends Female Sale at the ranch, De Soto, Missouri


55 lots of the BEST TEAM we could put on the field!

1 , 5 p.m. at the 1 r e b m e t p e S Ranch s u n i ! Jo

WIA Ms Wildflower D117 ET, BD: 9-1816, Ledger x Grid Maker, Due 9-918 to CCC WC Resource 417

WIA Ms Double Tree P E59, BD: 3-26-17, WC Doubletree 2009 x Turton, Due 2-21-19 to Resource

WIA Ms Patty F10 P, BD: 3-17-18,

WC Milestone 5223 x OBG Elvira 4303 Pld A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   13

Conley Nancy D6, BD: 1-5-16, M&M Outsider 4003 x LT Ledger 0332 Selling ½ interest! Bred AI on 5-22-18 to PVFC Ridge 7142

2017 National Reserve Grand Champion Female, Fort Worth 2017!

WIA Ms It’s My Time P ET,

Son of Conley Nancy D6:

WIA Renegade F03 P, BD: 1-7-18 sired by Resource

BD: 3-30-15, LT Ledger x TR PZC Firegirl 9745W ET (National Champion), WC Milestone 5223 heifer calf at side BD: 4-15-18, bred to TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET

WIA Ms Standard One Pld, BD: 9-12-12, M6 New Standard 842 x ACE Ms Wienk 7171880-P125, WC Rushmore 6327 bull calf at side BD: 3-24-18, bred AI on 5-11-18 to PVFC Ridge 7142 TR PZC Firegirl 9745W ET

ACE Ms Megan Fire 2561, BD: 9-6-12, TR PZC Rapid Fire 9775 ET x SSC Ms Impressive Ease the dam of the AIJCA Junior National Champion Female-ACE-RC Megan Elko 9910-70R, bred AI on 4-13-18 to WC Benelli 2134 P ET, the sire of WC Milestone 5223. Consigned by Raasch Family Cattle.

ACE-RC Megan Elko 9910-70R 14  

A U G U S T 2018

ACE Ms Wienk P125

Thomas Ms Impressive 0641 is the famous “Multi-Million Dollar Producer &

Dam of Multi-National Champions”!! Selling will be a full sister to her HCF Very Impressive Zoe ET 0641H, BD: 8-12-11 consigned with Ridder Farms and Wild Indian Acres, the dam of the following two ET daughters.

WIA Ms Resource P E107 ET, BD: 3-26-17, sired by CCC WC Resource 417 P x Zoe, bred AI on 5-11-18 to WR Foreman D602.

WIA Ms Resource P E105 ET,

BD: 3-29-17, sired by Resource 417 x Zoe, bred AI on 5-12-18 to WR Foreman D602.

DC Dutchess Vanessa 10 ET,

FSR Cristina 641 ET, BD: 10-6-11, M6 Grid Maker 104 x JWK Clarice J139 ET, bred AI on 5-4-18 to Sparrows Aquarius 493B.

BD: 5-15-14, VCR Sir Duke 914 x Three Trees Vanessa 3849 ET, TR Mr Fire Water 5792R ET heifer calf at side BD: 3-13-18, bred AI on 5-19-18 to CCC WC Resource 417, Consigned by A&L Charolais.

JWK Clarice J139 ET

WIA Ms Heavy Heart P ET, BD: 10-7-16, WC CCC Bud Heavy 903 Pld ET x Kip Wallace show heifer BGC Ms Cigar 549, Due 9-8-18 to CCC WC Resource 417

Three Trees Vanessa 3849 ET

SCR Miss Suretop 3147, BD: 3-1-13, Schurrtop 4319-K718 P x SCR Miss Turbo 1210, Due this fall to TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET

A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   15

ACE-ORR Lock N Load 243P, Selling the dam of Lock N Load – Orr’s Ms

Petunia 941 P, BD: 9-12-12, ACE-Orr Makers Mark 689 x Duke 914, Due 9-24-18 to Fink Gold Standard 0153. ACE-Orr Lock N Load 243P sold this past spring for $32,000 to Gabe Schuelle & Wright Charolais at 6 years of age. Also selling Lock N Load’s full sister – Orr’s Ms Petunie 667 P, BD: 9-1-16, LT Ledger 0332 x Orr’s Ms Petunia 941, bred AI on 6-6-18 to LT Affinity 6221 Pld.

Consigned by Orr Charolais

SCR Miss Tuffy 2133,

BD: 2-22-12, FC Marbler 841 x SCR Miss King Micky 7055, this makes her a full sister to SCR Tuffy 0119!, Due this fall to TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET.

Welcome Grove Miranda,

BD: 1-20-17, M6 Fresh Air 8165 P ET x New Standard, bred AI on 5-11-18 to CCC WC Resource 417 P.

HF Mustang Sally 904 Pld – Selling one Heifer Calf

Pregnancy sired by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld x HF Mustang Sally 904 Pld, due 1-1-19. Mustang Sally sold in the 2014 Embryos On Snow for $65,000 one half interest to Reimann and Schnoor.

ning in the Mike Kisner Fam e v e y a d i ily Su Fr s u n it e Joi

Call ASAP to reserve your seats in the Suite! Make a weekend of it by joining us Friday evening in the Wild Indian Acres Suite at the St. Louis Cardinal baseball game! Tickets in the suite, food, drink and shuttle complimentary of Wild Indian Acres. We will depart in a shuttle from the motel headquarters approximately 5 p.m. to watch the Cardinals play the Los Angles Dodgers at 7:15 p.m. and return to the motel after the game. Saturday morning we will see you at the ranch for lunch “served by the baseball vendor trucks”! 16  

A U G U S T 2018

Sale Manager

Greg Hubert P.O. Box 100 Oakley, KS 67748 785-672-3195 (office) 785-672-7449 (cellular)

Mike & Sara Kisner Conner & Cannon 5805 PERKINS RD • DE SOTO, MO 63020 (636) 586-2299 • (636) 236-0306 cell Tad Owings • 660-998-2557 Herdsman

J. Neil Orth, Executive Vice President


CHAROLAIS What Did They Learn?

Making decisions for the future


he fight is won or lost far away from witnesses—behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.”— Muhammad Ali

For decades, the summer months are spent showcasing the hard work and discipline of junior members of respective breed associations across America. Youngsters count the years before they can enter the first junior event and compete with the big kids. To anyone disconnected from agriculture, the process probably seems rather sentimental or “much ado about nothing.” For those of us that have raised kids and understand the value of parenting and mentoring in the context of agriculture, there may not be a more important endeavor. Consumer statistics continue to indicate the lack of understanding about how food is produced or how a seemingly endless supply of fresh, wholesome beef ends up in the supermarket meat case. The statistics further indicate consumer pressure on food production based on mis- or false information.

policy makers, industry advocates and educators tomorrow. In other news, debate about the importance of quality beef or more marbling continues. Or another debate—are we producing too much USDA Choice or Prime? The industry analysts that dedicate careers to gathering data and conducting consumer research are clear. We sell every ounce of higher quality beef we produce and the demand for higher quality is, in fact, greater than supply. From fabricating new cuts of beef to exports, the demand is directly connected to higher quality. Recently, Nevil Speer, a respected industry consultant based in Bowling Green, Kentucky, reported that during the first three weeks of May, the aggregate of higher quality beef (Prime and branded sales) accounted for 26% of all boxed beef sales, which was also a record. To further indicate the trend wasn’t an anomaly, the 52-week average also set a new record. Speer said, “All this confounds conventional wisdom. In general, as a product (e.g. high quality beef ) becomes less scarce, it should

“...the next generation is being prepared to move the breed, the industry and production agriculture forward.” The 2018 edition of the AIJCA Junior National in Des Moines, Iowa, as always, was a week of intense competition. Two hundred eighty-nine juniors from 23 states showed nearly 500 head of Charolais. More than $45,000 in scholarships were awarded to 35 juniors. It would be nearly impossible to calculate the total hours spent by the exhibitors dedicated to properly caring for and preparing their cattle to compete. What did they learn? They learned priceless lessons about health, nutrition, animal welfare and safety. They learned the importance of sacrifice and compromise, discipline and commitment. They are participating in a lifelong process that instills the incalculable value of integrity and honesty. One day, probably way too soon for their parents, every exhibitor will have a decision to make about his or her future. Returning to the ranch is critical. But today, exhibitors will have many opportunities across all facets of agriculture to make a difference. Our industry, and agriculture in general, need AIJCA exhibitors today to become scientists, geneticists, nutritionists,

be worth relatively less over time. But the industry continues to produce more high-end product and premiums for that product have remained surprisingly stable. Demand is the differentiator. Consumers are sending the signal they desire Prime and branded products and the market is able to clear that product in easy fashion.” Charolais seedstock suppliers and commercial cow-calf producers using Charolais genetics are in an enviable position. We have genetic selection tools and the genetics to meet the needs of the industry. Arguably even more important, the next generation is being prepared to move the breed, the industry and production agriculture forward. The AIJCA exhibitors today will have tremendous opportunities to influence both quality of our product and the consumers’ perception of stewardship of the land, animal welfare and our best practices to bring wholesome food to their families.


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Rex M Harrison  418 CR 1711 Holly Pond, AL 35083

Brecke J Barnard  3543 CR 300 E Foosland, IL 61845


Ty E Harrison  418 CR 1711 Holly Pond, AL 35083

Kaisson P Jones  1729 Vangundy Rd Chapin, IL 62628

Ezra F Buck  50 Radel Place Owatonna, MN 55060

Gage Cattle & Feed LLC Po Box 8 48135 S Co Rd 183 Gage, OK 73843



Adrienne M Lipinski  59083 CSAH 36 Eden Valley, MN 55329

Sarina K Keele  23016 S 477th E Ave Porter, OK 74454


Ryleigh M Parker  4005 Long Hollow Road Overbrook, OK 73453

Jael Lynn Downey  1618 Guiding Way Lane Prattville, AL 36067

Rieley K Hooten  PO Box 144 Quitman, AR 72131


Emma L Gnech  5400 Sheep Mtn Road Macdoel, CA 96058


Makennah B Tucker  36497 WCR 80 Briggsdale, CO 80611


Megan I Hosker  11326 Durham St Parrish, FL 34219


Bickett Genetics, Inc 455 Brotherton Ln Chickamauga, GA 30707 Abby E Davis  444 Dixie Meadow Lane Mt Airy, GA 30563 Ethan J Mc Michael  207 Anna Claire Dr Monticello, GA 31064 Carl E Roper 2230 Roper Rd Canon, GA 30520-2044

Alex O Barnard  3543 CR 300 E Foosland, IL 61845

Burk L Van Horn  5974 W 150 S Morgantown, IN 46160


Cal W Daughton  3185 208th St Kellerton, IA 50133 Abby K Gruhn  3870 W Ave Manning, IA 51455 KZ Cattle 211 W 3rd St Lake Park, IA 51347 Rylie J Smith  927 E 156th St N Grinnell, IA 50112


Taylor Stable 1591 Rd 180 Lakin, KS 67860 Alan R Zerr 2810 CR 400 Oakley, KS 67748


Kason C Wright  1654 Homer Bartley Road Summer Shade, KY 42166

AmericanInternational Charolais Association The AICA is the official registry for Charolais and Charbray cattle in the United States. Charolais cattle were first brought to the U.S. in 1936. In 1957, the American Charolais Breeders Association and the International Charolais Breeders Association merged forming the present AICA. Membership in the AICA is obtainable when the applicant has ownership in at least one animal, and has paid the initial membership fee of $125. AICA annual dues are $100. 18  

A U G U S T 2018

Camryn Castrogovannie  2315 Hwy 943 N Donaldsonville, LA 70346

Anglin Farms Llc 6 Anglin Farms Dr Ovett, MS 39464 Shirley A Lee 511 Crossroad CH Rd Sumrall, MS 39482


Matthew J Barry  31472 CR 409 Canton, MO 63435 Lannah R Grigg-Cassatt  25105 St Hwy 96 Webb City, MO 64870 David & Katie Johnson 308 E Central Rd Lamar, MO 64759 Smith Land & Cattle Co. 45943 Hwy 72 Salem, MO 65560


Chanc R Mc Intosh 650 S K St Broken Bow, NE 68822 Laney S Hoier  19002 CR 4 Herman, NE 68029


Corey M Imhoff 52101 Arman Hill Rd Powhatan Point, OH 43942

Mikka Jo Brumley  655 State Hwy 17 Rush Springs, OK 73082

Emily Taylor Trennepohl  1805 NW 7th Stigler, OK 74462


Bar CK Cattle Company 8925 SW Green Drive Culver, OR 97734 Wyatt M Dial  84658 Edwards Rd Milton-Freewater, OR 97862


Davanta A Rarick  78 Richmaiden Rd Fleetwood, PA 19522

South Carolina

Edward M Farmer 5514 Woodside Ave Myrtle Beach, SC 29577


Braiden Chism  900 Butler Rd Newbern, TN 38059 Victoria N Nolen  1335 Biffle Rd Newbern, TN 38059

Wyatt D Smith  2300 Locust Grove Road Newbern, TN 38059


Camille M Asmus  8707 Crescent Gate Lane Houston, TX 77024 Abby R Duplechan  211 Paris St Ladonia, TX 75449 Jackson Wyatt Hill  23507 Stuebner Dr Tomball, TX 77375 Lily A Neuman 4300 CR 213 Alvarado, TX 76009| Hannah A Nix  6835 Linden CR Ln Dickinson, TX 77539 Cullen S Tingle  2107 Chisolm Trail Forney, TX 75126 Kaylee B Wilson  4009 Matthew Drive Cleburne, TX 76031


Samuel Scott Leach  5362 Bealeton Rd Midland, VA 22728


Kelsee Fargo  413 Ruste Road Barneveld, WI 53507 Brooke H Walker  N 2967 State Road 22 Montello, WI 53949

 indicates AIJCA membership

Junior National Photos

All Junior National photos taken by Charolais Journal staff are posted on the AIJCA’s Flickr website – Candid images are all available for free download from the site. Watermarked backdrop images are available for purchase. Contact Kaitlyn Chism,, ext 201, with the image number. Photos will be edited and digital images will be sent via e-mail. New 50K Technology at a Lower Price

From now until the fall board of directors meeting in late October 2018, OR until we reach 2,000 new samples, the cost of a genomic test (GGP BOV50K) through AICA has been reduced to $25. This test includes parentage. AICA continues to offer the horned/polled test at $45. Display a Photo of Your Herd Bull or Cow on the AICA Online Registry

For a fee of $25.00, AICA will upload the animal picture to the their page on the AICA Online Registry System. Each time someone pulls up your animal on the website, the picture of the animal will appear. To have your herd bull or cow included, you must supply a picture in JPEG format. Please contact the AICA office or send an e-mail to CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

Year letter for 2018 is F.

Record your 2018 born calves using AICA’s online system. Add the data as the calves are born; continue to update the records as you add weaning and yearling data. Register the calves at any time by adding their name. AICA DNA Requirements

AI Sires used “out of herd” and all Donor Dams must be DNA tested before calves can be registered. AICA recommends collecting DNA samples during the donor’s initial flush. Check the animal’s record to make sure the DNA work has been done before submitting registration papers. DNA kits are specific to the animal being tested. Contact Marilou Wegner to request a kit. AICA rules require signatures on bulls and dams you do not own. Signatures can be submitted online, fax, mail or e-mail. Link Your Herd Management Package to AICA

AICA has launched a new service that provides the framework to allow on-farm herd management computer software to exchange data with the AICA office. By using this service, breeders can avoid entering data in to both their local software and AICA’s online system. The software package would send AICA the data. If you wish to take advantage of this new service, ask your software vendor to contact AICA. Dispose of Animals

Dispose of animals you no longer have by using the online system. The disposal button is at the bottom of the “Quick Look” screen. DO NOT dispose of bulls still being used, regardless of their status. DO NOT dispose of animals you are selling with papers. Export Your Data for Sale Catalogs

Under the “tools” tab, you will find a new “Data Export” button. This data export gives you the flexibility to export data on animals in your herd and use those data files in your own management packages. You can download and save the files directly to your computer in a CSV (can be opened in Excel) format. There are many options within this feature including selecting the type of animal to export and specific data. AICA Sire Selector Tool

Learn how to use the AICA Sire Selector Tool by viewing the instructional video posted on the AICA website and YouTube. Utilize the AICA Sire/Dam selector to identify genetics according to EPDs, TSI index and additional search parameters.

American-International Charolais Association 11700 N.w. Plaza Circle  Kansas City, Mo 64153  Phone: (816) 464-5977 Fax: (816) 464-5759  E-Mail:  Website:


Executive Vice President J. Neil Orth  Ext. 101

Recording Secretary Marilou Wegner  Ext. 400

Director Of Activities David Hobbs  Ext. 200

Youth Activities Coordinator Kaitlyn Chism  Ext. 201

Administrative Assistant Affiliates Coordinator Judy Clements  Ext. 102


Lewis Meyer  Ext. 300



Area 1 Cheryl Lux P.O. Box 348 Augusta, MT 59410 (406) 562-3670

Area 7 Marty Lewis 9411 W 56th St S Monroe, IA 50170 (515) 250-2362

Area 2 Dennis Metzger 22600 Blue Jay Ln Anderson, CA 96007 (308) 544-6445

Area 8 Mike Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334 (573) 324-2528

Area 3 Ty Eschenbaum 530 Cardinal Drive Circle Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 847-4880

Area 9 Eddy Loggains 4431 Larkin Road Violet Hill, AR 72584 (870) 368-4857

Area 4 Spencer Schrader 2118 Oxbow Rd Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-2135

Area 10 Troy Bertsche PO Box 522 Flanagan, IL 61740 (815) 674-1244

Area 5 Michael Sturgess 407 Breesport St. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 867-6863

Area 11 Frankie Anthony 806 Jarboe Lane Hardinsburg, KY 40143 (270) 527-8861

Area 6 Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Rd Saint Jo, Texas 76265 (940) 841-2792

Area 12 Doug Rogers PO Box 1718 Collins, MS 39428 (601) 765-7751



Area 13 Silas Maxwell 1120 Welcome Grove Rd Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 552-4072

Larry Lehman

Richard Clark, M.d.

Larry Ludeke P.o. Box 186 Liverpool, Tx 77577 (832) 439-4666

Vice President

Mike Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, Mo 63334 (573) 324-2528


Eddy Loggains 4431 Larkin Road Violet Hill, Ar 72584 (870) 368-4857


Michael Sturgess 407 Breesport St. San Antonio, Tx 78216 (210) 867-6863


Asst. Recording Secretary Maggie Smithee  Ext. 401

Bill Nottke 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, Mo 63128 (314) 843-2930

To Use The Extension Numbers Listed For The Above Staff, Phone (816) 464-5977.


President J. Neil Orth

Board Of Directors

FIELD STAFF Southeast Representative

Floyd Wampler 294 Peoples Rd. Bristol, Tn 37620-8846 Cell - (423) 612-2144

Southwest Representative Cody Beck 19800 John Wayne Perry, Ok 73077 Cell - (765) 719-1622

North Central Representative Colt Keffer 1239 Vinson St. Ft. Collins, Co 80526 Cell - (765) 376-8784

Larry Ludeke Mike Schumacher Michael Sturgess Eddy Loggains

Chairman & Trustee Trustees

Bill Nottke Harlin Hecht J. Neil Orth Kaitlyn Chism

Fundraising Chairman

Larry Lehman

West Representative Ty Groshans 41010 Cr Dd Akron, Co 80720 Cell - (970) 818-6016

Representative At-Large

Weston Geppert 25702 406Th Ave Mitchell, Sd 57301 Cell - (605) 933-1387

Other Regions

Call The Aica Office. (816) 464-5977


term expires 2018

term expires 2018

term expires 2020

term expires 2020

term expires 2018

term expires 2018

term expires 2019

term expires 2020

term expires 2018

term expires 2020


term expires 2018

term expires 2020

term expires 2018

Area 14 Dotty Macy 1039 Heaps Rd Street, MD 21154 (772) 713-4061

Vice President Bob Tibbs


Larry Ludeke

term expires 2020


Area 15 David Webb 317 Old Vineland SCH Easley, SC 29640 (864) 246-6203

Ray Franz


J. Neil Orth Kaitlyn Chism

term expires 2018


Breed Improvement

Junior Council

VICE CHAIRMAN Spencer Schrader Area 4 Director

VICE CHAIRMAN Ty Eschenbaum Area 3 Director

VICE CHAIRMAN Linda Hickam 14042 Hwy FF Thompson, MO 65285 (573) 682-3470



Long Range Planning

VICE CHAIRMAN Bob Tibbs 3545 Old Level Rd. Havre de Grace, MD 21078 (410) 734-6873

VICE CHAIRMAN Michael Sturgess Area 5 Director

CHAIRMAN Richard Clark P.O. Box 9 Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-5892

CHAIRMAN Mike Schumacher Area 8 Director


CHAIRMAN Marty Lewis Area 7 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Eddy Loggains Area 9 Director


CHAIRMAN Rex Ricketts Rt. 3 14800 Tucker School Rd Hallsville, MO 65255 (573) 882-4553

CHAIRMAN Dennis Metzger Area 2 Director


CHAIRMAN Bob Tibbs VICE CHAIRMAN Michael Sturgess Area 5 Director

CHAIRMAN Larry Lehman

CHAIRMAN Larry Lehman P.O. Box 700 Tioga, TX 76271 (972) 529-8723

VICE CHAIRMAN Harlin Hecht 16732 283rd Ave Paynesville, MN 56362 (320) 243-4386

Rules & Ethics CHAIRMAN Eddy Loggains

VICE CHAIRMAN Silas Maxwell Area 13 Director

A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   19

& Red Angus

Thank You to our customers and friends who purchased bulls and females in our spring sale.

WCF Mr T Rock 72 M892313 BW-68; WW-819; YW-1467 Purchased by Domek Charolais, Wibaux, Mont. Calving Ease specialist with explosive growth!


WCF Mr Casanova 7123 M898977 BW-78; WW-789; YW-1359 Purchased by Nipp Charolais, Overbrook, Okla. Son of our calving ease hot sire with growth!

WCF Mr Rock Star 7103 M900166 BW-86; WW-784; YW-1520 Purchased by Vedvei Charolais, Lake Preston, SD Maternal brother to the #1 YW trait leader WCF Mr Silver Gun 467.

For a catalog or more information, contact one of these Weber Family members:

Dean: 605-491-0185 Todd: 605-491-0301 20  î ş

A U G U S T 2018

Tim: 605-491-0986 Jason: 605-491-3832

39120 192nd Street Wagner, South Dakota 57380 (605) 384-3300, (605) 491-0986

Charolais cattle at By Amy Blum “The value of a college education is not in the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think.” ~Albert Einstein


hat do you get when you mix college-age students from diverse walks of life and experience levels with nationally-recognized Charolais programs? You get success if you’re Trinity Valley Community College in Athens, Texas or Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. Both institutions are among those that have created a pipeline of capable, qualified candidates into an opportunityfilled workforce. At the same time, the longevity of leadership and vision within their agriculture programs have earned each program’s Charolais herd a place at the table of formidable breeders.

Big Picture Needs

Charolais specifics aside, USDA forecasting calls for nearly 58,000 job openings annually through 2020 in food, agriculture, renewable natural resources, and environmentrelated fields. Added to the need is employer preference for graduates with experience in those industries. The nation’s agriculture colleges graduate roughly 61% of the people needed to fill the positions, but when the number gap is coupled with an experience gap, tremendous opportunity and challenge exist in the job market. That’s where programs like those at Trinity Valley and Virginia Tech gain even wider appeal. So, what are these colleges—vastly different in location and size—doing right, and how are they impacting the Charolais industry? Read on to see why they deserve your attention!

hamburgers than mythology however. Students at Trinity Valley range from recent high school grads prepping for employment or a bachelor’s program to non-traditional students seeking continued education or a career change. Regardless of their plans, the roughly 6,700 students enjoy small classes, hands-on programs, and a rural lifestyle. At the college’s agriculture center lies the 254-acre TVCC Ranch. Leased to the college in 1975, the ranch was purchased by Trinity Valley in 1999. Since its incorporation to the college’s program, Charolais cattle have graced the fields thanks to generous donations from local breeders and businesses. Today, the ranch is led by Marc Robinson. Robinson, who also serves as an ag and range management course instructor while coaching the college’s show team, has been with TVCC since 1997. “I came to Trinity Valley with a crossbred cow/calf operation background,” Robinson says. “I joined an already strong

Small-town feel, big-time focus

Located in Athens about an hour southeast of Dallas in the Blackland prairies of Texas, Trinity Valley Community College was founded as Henderson County Junior College in 1946. The Greek-sounding community is better known for cowboys and

The TVCC Ranch Show Team is a scholarship-based program consisting of eight Trinity Valley Community College students. Team members are responsible for all aspects of the show string’s health, wellness, and daily care. continued on page 78 CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   21






Ledger x Grid Maker x Goin’ Places Carcass Bull with Look & Maternal Top 15% REA - 20% TSI

FOR SALE CATALOGS AND INFORMATION — Joe Cavender, Owner 1530 County Road 3313, Jacksonville, TX 75766 (903) 571-1209 - Justin Matejka, Manager - Neches River Ranch (903) 521-1070 - Brett Sayre, Consultant (573) 881-1876



Milestone x Vanessa 488 (914 x D029) Foundation Bred Herd Sire! Top 10% M - 15% TM - 20% REA


Join us at the Neches River Ranch!



Because Pounds Pay

DeBruyckers have done a wonderful job breeding cattle that are • Useful • Efficient • Profitable for Ranchers and Feeders alike.

“They feed cheaply and efficiently, gain well and are EXACTLY what the packer wants.”

- Roger Peters 22  

A U G U S T 2018


It takes the power of Pyramid® 5 + Presponse® SQ, the only approved combination vaccine that protects for at least 217 days against BVDV Type 1b — the most common subtype of BVDV in infected calves. Vaccination provides a protective effect against the development of post-challenge viremia and leukopenia. Choose the viral and bacterial protection of PYRAMID 5 + PRESPONSE SQ, and realize that luck has nothing to do with raising healthy, high-returning calves. Talk with your Boehringer Ingelheim representative today. Learn more at

Pyramid and Presponse are registered trademarks of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. ©2018 Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. BIVI/PYPR/151007

A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   23


FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebookcom/Kentucky Charolais Association

Arrowhead Charolais Mike & Karen Ravencraft 3182 Minerua Tuckahoe Rd. Dover, KY 41034 606-584-0310

2015 Res. National Champion Female


Becca, Jenna and Jake 645 Evergreen Rd. Frankfort, KY 40601

D & D Ms. Kennedy 1430

Jeff Harrod: 502-330-6745 Spirit of the Bluegrass Sale October 6, 2018

1194 Smith Ridge Rd. Campbellsville, KY 42718 Mitchel Cox - Owner/Gen. Mgr. (270) 465-7584

BREEDING Quality...

Clint & Kelly Hall

859-338-0170 937-763-0931 Sullivan Charolais 606-782-1981

Maysville, KY Hillsboro, OH

Upcoming Events S.E.A.N.A. Charolais August 23 — Kentucky State Fair Junior Show, Louisville August 25 — Kentucky State Fair Open Charolais Show, Louisville October 6 — Sullivan Charolais 2nd Annual Spirit of the Bluegrass Sale, Lexington

Cathy and HAYDEN FARM James, Brooke Hayden 4430 Bloomfield Road Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 349-0005 (502) 507-4984 cell

Montgomery Charolais Darby Montgomery

36 Thompson Road • Lancaster, KY 40444

Candy Sullivan 3440 Ruddles Mill Road Paris, KY 40361

Frankie Anthony 804 Jarboe LN Hardinsburg, KY 270-617-0888

November 10 — North American Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Louisville

Rolling Hills Charolais

November 14 — North American National ROE Charolais Show, Louisville

Ross Embry

2571 Sunbeam Rd. Leitchfield, KY 42754


859-339-3922 BULLS FOR SALE

Robert and Donna Amburgey 3171 Camargo Rd. Mt. Sterling, KY 40353 (859) 404-3751 – Cell (859) 498-2764 – Home







606-510-4537 1590 Jeffries Lane

Hustonville, KY 40437 chris cooper 606-669-9009 chris jeffries 606-669-2426

Bulls For Sale

Austin Flaugher 9810 Hwy 159 N Butler, KY 41006


S A N D U S K Y FA R M S David, Rhonda, Michael & Nicholas 3200 St. Rose Road Lebannon, KY 40033 270-692-7793

M6 Cool Wind 1140 P ET 2018 Multiple Trait Leader

Top 15% WW • 8% YW • 3% Milk • 1% TM • 6% REA, TSI

M6 0383 Germaine 8163 P ET Top 15% WW • 4% YW • 3% Milk, TSI • 2% TM

Dave & Lori Weaver Cell: (270) 646-8955 Home: (270) 646-3614 24  

A U G U S T 2018

Allison Charolais John Allison 545 Eminence Road New Castle, KY 40050

502-845-2806 502-220-3170

Bulls & Heifers For Sale at the Farm

A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   25 WC Uncharted 7328 P

Get your            at the Home of the 34th National Champion Female

Resource x WC Capital Gain AWW: 1,015 lbs.

Bull Sale • October 20

• Easy Calving Larry & Peggy Our Goals Are ... Aschermann • Fast Growing 734 Belle Aire Place • Premium Grading Carthage, MO 64836 ... Breeding Stock (417) 358-7879 • e-mail:

Big Creek Charolais

Progeny of Fire Water, Budsmydad, Grid Maker, Slasher, Revelation, Bluegrass, Royce and Wyoming Wind

Jeannine Doughty P.O. Box 523 (816) 616-8838 Harrisonville, MO 64701

8 STORY FARMS Charolais Cattle

Derry & Mary Wright 42922 Old Hwy. 10 w Richmond, MO 64085 816-776-3512 farm office 816-456-3792 cellular Chris Peuster, Managing Partner 816-529-2190 cellular

8th Annual Female Sale December 1

Austin & Courtney Story

29143 175th St • Altamont, MO 64620 (660) 749-5834 • (660) 663-5048 cell •


Phenotype + Power RF

Bocephus 5027 48th National Reserve Grand Bull September 18 Online Sale The Dale Ridder Family 1585 Little Bay Road Hermann, MO 65041 Home (573) 943-6462 Dale (573) 680-4691 Cell Derek (573) 680-4692 Cell

By Cattlemen, For Cattlemen


September 3 Autumn In The Ozarks, Strafford September 15 Wild Indian Acres Female Sale, DeSoto September 18 Ridder Farms Online Sale October 20 Aschermann Bull Sale, Carthage October 26 Royal Breeders Bull Classic, Kansas City October 27 American Royal National Show, Kansas City October 27 Mead Bull Sale, Versailles November 3 Ridder Female Sale, Hermann


Riverdale Land and Livestock Semen: $50/straw; No Signing Fee



CHAROLAIS We Collect Data. Bull Sale We Sell Bulls. March 15

14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334

(573) 324-2528 home (573) 324-5411 work

Space Available Contact David Hobbs (913) 515-1215

26  

MEAD FARMS ANGUS & CHAROLAIS Barnett, MO Bull Sale • October 27

Brand of Quality

Owner: Alan Mead (573) 216-0210

Corman Charolais Dan Corman Pomona, Missouri (417) 252-1373

5J Charolais

Bill Nottke

A U G U S T 2018

New Whistle

“Breeding Charolais Since 1958"

J1377 Pld ET

Office 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 378-3255 cell

Ranch 3287 Lick Creek Road Leasburg, MO 65535

Peterson Farms Charolais

Steve & Sandy Peterson • Jeremiah, Andrew & Joey 8767 Outer Road, Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 926-5336 • (417) 746-4410

Milk Trait Leader ROE Sire JDJ

Mike, Sara, Connor & Cannon Kisner 5805 Perkins Road • DeSoto, MO 63020 (636) 586-2299 • (636) 236-0306 cell Tad Owings • (660) 998-2557 Herdsman

26th Annual Bull Sale • March 2

Mike & Brian Schumacher


Conley Nancy D6

October 7 Gast Bull & Female Sale, Springfield

Crane, Missouri 417-536-6582 L&N Thundercloud 424 P Established 1999 KC Crowd Favorite!

WH Triple Play 201 Pld

Bred to PVFC Ridge 7142

August 11 State Fair Social, Sedalia August 12 Missouri State Fair A ROE Show, Sedalia

Larry & Norma Julian

Stan & Mary Bonacker & Family Cedar Hill, MO Stan: (314) 550-2554 David: (314) 974-5230

September 15!

August 11 Missouri State Fair 4H & FFA Show, Sedalia

October 26 40th National Sale, Kansas City

L &N

She Sells

Upcoming Events

The Johansen Family AML 5J Jackson 509 Pld

11218 County Line Road Syracuse, MO 65354 (660) 473-2945

WCR Sir Thunder 417 Pld

Cell 660-670-4721 • Home 660-277-4728

Be part of this exciting event! 8

Friday, October 26, 10:30 a.m. American Royal Hale Arena • Bulls born after September 1, 2017 • All bulls eligible for the 50th National Show • Royal Breeders Group Membership Fee: $500 • All Group members receive 10 units of semen & signings from Grand or Reserve •$10,000 Prize Money— Grand — $5,000 • Reserve — $2,500 Third — $1,500 • 4th/5th — $500 • Deadline for entry: September 14th All bulls must be entered in the American Royal

For Membership and Entry information –

David Hobbs

Charolais Journal (913) 515-1215 cell (816) 464-2474 ext. 200

Jeannine Doughty

Missouri Charolais Breeders Association (816) 616-8838 A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   27

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Higher ADGs, increased breeding performance and improved herd health compared to K31.

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Pennington with design is a registered trademark of Pennington Seed, Inc. MaxQ and MaxQ II are registered trademarks of Grasslanz Technology Limited.


River Dance 4114 P TW

Photo courtesy of Clear Water Cattle West Point, MS


Available Private Treaty ▶ Semen ▶ Charolais Bulls ▶ Purebred Registered Charolais Females Semen: $25

No Signing Fee

CE 6.5

BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC -1.1 40 66 5 3.4 28 1.1

CW REA 25 0.73

FAT 0.02

MARB TSI 0.22 211.29

▶ One of the top bulls in the 2015 LT Ranch Bull Sale LT

Silver Yield 3196 P


▶Yearling Bulls For Sale


No Signing Fee

CE 7.7

28  

BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC -1.4 29 49 5 7.1 20 1.1

CW REA 7 0.12

FAT MARB TSI 0.020 0.27 196.12

Sire of the "Distance" line at the LT Ranch in SD

A U G U S T 2018

2150 Hwy 411 NE Cartersville, GA 30121 Franklin Dowell, Manager 770-386-4464

678-520-0026 cell

Say Goodbye to Stubborn Stains



I N N O VA T I O N M A T T E R S . • Stain Out’s citrus-based formula gradually removes stubborn manure, urine and grass stains from your calf’s hair • Contains an enzyme blend that breaks down the components of grass and manure stains • For best results, apply Stain Out daily at least two weeks prior to a show

Quality. Heritage. Innovation. Commitment. #morethanthebanner 18-1609-LV-DAD

A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   29


AIJCA MEMBERSHIP California Junior Beef Field Day Turlock, Calif.  May 26, 2018 Champion Owned Heifer: AA Boshe, 5-917, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Courtney Fernandes, Dos Palos, Calif. Reserve Champion Owned Heifer: NR Ms Leader 619, 10-2-16, by NR Pokemon. Laynie Wright, Lakeport, Calif. Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: PR Ms Tumbles 502, 1-27-17, by TR PZC Mr Assertion 924 ET. Derrick Pomi, Petaluma, Calif. Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: WL Miss Lucky Charm E32, 7-22-17, by JASR Merger 82A Pld. Josie Woodcock, Clovis, Calif. Champion Percentage Heifer: LW Ginger Snap, 8-5-17, b NR Pokemon 028. Laynie Wright. Reserve Champion Percentage Heifer: NR Snickerdoodle 653, 10-21-16, by NR Pokemon 028. Emma Gnech, Macdoel, Calif.

Kansas Junior Charolais Association State Show Hutchinson, Kan.  May 26, 2018 Judge: Shane Werk, Manhattan, Kan. Champion Bull: HS White Lightning 1744 P, 2-9-17, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. Hadley Schotte, Marysville, Kan. Reserve Champion Bull: MCC Sylvester 752 P, 2-10-17, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Mason Runft, Scandia, Kan. Champion Owned Heifer: Bell Elvira 179 ET, 4-4-17, by WC CCC Maverick 5117 P ET. Taylor Goering, McPherson, Kan. Reserve Champion Owned Heifer: Lizzy, 3-14-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Hadley Schotte. Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: Schrader’s Pearl 7115E, 2-22-17, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan. Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: Duer 1701 of 2658 GS, 8-5-17, by Fink Gold Standard 0153. Mitchell Duer, Onaga, Kan. Champion Steer: Laura Carpenter, Wamego, Kan. Reserve Champion Steer: Mackenzie Moldenhauer, Valley Center, Kan. Champion Percentage Heifer: Schrader’s 30  

A U G U S T 2018

Gladys 745E ET, 2-17-17, out of Schrader’s Miss Bailey 0225 ET. Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan.

California Junior Beef Field Day

Reserve Champion Percentage Heifer: Felt Miss Alexandra 310, 3-15-17, out of LKD Miss Tradition 427. Hadley Schotte. Showmanship: Champion Senior: Hadley Schotte; Reserve Senior Showman: Taylor Goering; Champion Intermediate: Allison Moser, Manhattan, Kan.; Reserve Intermediate: Weston Schrader; Champion Junior: Josi Schrader; Reserve Junior: Isom Marston, Canton, Kan. Champion Pee-Wee: Kinsley Harris, Hepler, Kan.

Champion Owned Heifer

Champion Bred & Owned Heifer

Champion Percentage Heifer

Showmanship Champions

Texas Junior Charolais Association State Show Bryan, Texas  June 2, 2018 Judges: Jon & Taylor Gevelinger, Bulverde, Texas Champion Owned Female: PZC TB Natalie 7328 ET, 3-28-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Lane Hagan, Yoakum, Texas

Kansas Junior Charolais Association State Show

Reserve Champion Owned Female: MEF Echo E1, 5-3-17, by WC CCC Maverick 5117 P ET. Madison Fischer, Hempstead, Texas Champion Bred & Owned Female: MEF Echo E1, 5-3-17, by WC CCC Maverick 5117 P ET. Madison Fischer, Hempstead, Texas Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Female: Kacy Spice, 4-1-17, by ONL AWR Cool Cub 7C. Kacy Randall, Tomball, Texas

Champion Bull

Champion Owned Heifer

Champion Bred & Owned Heifer

Champion Steer

Champion Percentage Heifer

Showmanship Champions

Champion Bull: SCC Mr MJ Schill E-46,17-17, by SCC Mr Patron A-33. Molly Smith, Lockhart, Texas Reserve Champion Bull: FFC Mr Monte Carlo Up 117E, 8-25-17, by TR Mr Wrangle Up 2502Z. Lyndsey Franklin, Ladonia, Texas Champion Percentage Heifer: BC Miss Pebbles 43E ET, 5-6-17, out of RJB Pebbles 004. Emily Hanson, Bowie, Texas Reserve Champion Percentage Heifer: Anna Marie 777, 4-20-17, by TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET. Zane Hayman, La Port, Texas Champion Steer: Katelyn Brownd, Canyon, Texas Reserve Champion Steer: Caleb Behrends, Fredericksburg, Texas James K. Greer Memorial Supreme Showman: Kaitlyn Davlin, El Campo, Texas


continued on page 60

The American Charolais Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit subsidiary of the American-International Charolais Association, strives to support scientific research, development and education activities of the Charolais breed.

Meeting the Challenges of the Future With a vision of continued progress for the Charolais breed, the American Charolais Foundation was formed October 20, 2015. Recognized as a tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in Spring of 2017, members of the American-International Charolais Association and industry interests may now make charitable contributions to the Foundation that will qualify for income, gift, and estate tax charitable deductions.

General Fund Scientific Research, Development and Education — The base on which this Foundation has been built. Charitable donations will benefit Charolais breeders, new and old. The ACF provides an opportunity for additional research, breed development and educational programs and resources.

Youth & Education Fund Within the American Charolais Foundation, this Fund is created to support the AIJCA Junior National Show and Leadership Conference and AIJCA youth in educational activities. These funds will be raised with the purpose of aiding the Junior National Host States and benefiting AIJCA members in educational activities.

Board of Directors

President Dr. Richard Clark, Tazewell, TN (423) 626-0899

Board Members Ray Franz, Sidney, MT Larry Ludeke, Liverpool, TX J. Robert Tibbs, Jr, Havre de Grace, MD J. Neil Orth, AICA Executive Vice President Kaitlyn Chism, AICA Foundation Administrator

“We have a valuable new tool that is going to become more important in the future. “ “Through the generosity of Charolais breeders and others, the Association will have more ability to meet the challenges of the future.“ — Dr. Richard Clark, ACF President Tazewell, Tennessee

Consider a contribution to the American Charolais Foundation. American Charolais Foundation | 11700 NW Plaza Circle | Kansas City, MO 64153 | 816-464-5977 | CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   31



Teanna Simpson, 2018-19 President



Looking upon my Final Year Walk a little slower, hold a little longer and take it all in.

President Teanna Simpson Thayer, MO (417) 280-1150

Treasurer Madison Andrade San Juan Bautista, CA (408) 888-4906

Vice President Kaitlyn Davlin El Campo, TX (979) 543-0366

Ex-Officio Hadley Schotte Marysville, KS (785) 562-6632

Secretary Abbee Carnes Richland, SC (864) 784-2562


ello Everyone! My name is Teanna Simpson and I am this year’s AIJCA President. I grew up in Thayer, Missouri and am currently attending Missouri State University. I will graduate in December with my Bachelor’s in Agriculture Education and over half of my Master’s in Natural and Applied Sciences with an emphasis in agriculture. As Junior National for this year has ended, so has an another unimaginable, unbelievable, unforgettable week. Growing up from the age of six, Junior National was the one week out of the year that I got to do what I loved and be around the people who made me strive to do better. Yes, my weekly Junior National schedule has changed since then. When I first started back in 2003, I participated in my first ever cook-off contest, that’s probably what got me hooked, but instead of competing in showmanship and team fitting you would have probably found me at the stalls more than likely playing cards or in an intense water fight.

my first Junior National and Fort Worth, Texas will be my last. It’s still hard to imagine that the many great exhibitors and junior board members that I grew up looking up to will soon be having children of their own exhibiting cattle. That’s what it is all about, we must prepare these young members to be our future herdsmen, board members and outstanding exhibitors. We must prepare them to be better than we ever were. So junior members and parents as you might be preparing for next year and the road trip to Texas. This might be the first time you enter the ring without anyone’s help but your own, and this might be the first time you meet friends from all over the United States that have the same passion as you do, the Charolais breed. And to the exhibitors that are going to be in the same boat I am this coming year, remember that this is the last time in the showring at a Charolais Junior National. Walk a little slower, hold a little longer and take it

“...we must prepare these young members to be our future herdsmen, board members and outstanding exhibitors. We must prepare them to be better than we ever were.” Today at Junior Nationals, I get to help all sorts of amazing and talented individuals have some of the incredible first memories like I did. Being on the board these past couple years has given me the insight to see a completely different side of the story. Instead of me and mother anxiously waiting for our class or heat to go in, I get to see nervous kids as well as their even more nervous parents waiting on them to walk into the Junior National showring for the first time. I have gotten to see kids starting from the age of 8 through 21 show up at Junior Nationals not knowing anyone, and leave having made more friends and memories than they ever thought possible. It has been strange this past year realizing that after next year I am no longer a junior member. I’ll no longer get to be a participant at Junior Nationals, I’ll just be a spectator. Take it from a junior ageing out, you need to appreciate all the time, memories, laughter, and tears that got you to where you are today. I was blessed to be a part of the American International Junior Charolais Association at a very young age. My first Junior National was in Tupelo, Mississippi when I was just six years old. From there on out, there was never a doubt in my mind where I would be for one week every summer. That was 32  

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all in because from there on out you get to see the ring from a completely different angle. I have made some incredible friends that were even at that first Junior National with me. I would not replace these friendships or the memories that have been made for anything, and I hope everyone else can say they have a similar experience because that is a huge part of what we try to help get accomplished every year. When I first started showing cattle a the Junior National, I had little to no confidence in how I showed. But over the years, I have learned that you must believe that it can happen. All the hard work will pay off but never expect it to. But do keep in mind that no matter how bad we might want it to be, it is never just about the ribbons. The ribbons grow old and trophies will tarnish but the friendships, experiences, teamwork and dedication that you will learn will truly be the prized pieces at the end of the day because those qualities are what make exceptional leaders in the future. The Junior Board and I are already excited and in the works for planning for next year and we hope to see many new and old faces at Fort Worth! If you see me any time at Junior National, you might want to have a tissue on hand because I do believe it might be a bittersweet, tear-filled week! See y’all in Texas! CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

Directors By Area Area 1 Tara Tellefson Warden, WA (509) 793-8535

At Large Cagney Effling Highmore, SD (605) 870- 0368

Area 2 Trisha Dybdal Newcastle, NE (402) 692-3704

At Large Caitlin Jedlicka Koshkonong, MO (417) 764-3392

Area 3 Kylie Rahmeier Sylvan Grove, KS (785) 526-7450

At Large Kadon Leddy Stockholm, SD (605) 676-2595

Area 4 Kaitlyn Davlin El Campo, TX (979) 543-0366

At Large Molly Smith Lockhart, TX (512) 995-2557

Area 5 Haley Schwecke Gibbon, MN (507) 834-6947

Area 6 Matthew Owings Potosi, MO (660) 998-2557

Area 7 Madison Andrade San Juan Bautista, CA (408) 888-4906

Area 8 Abbee Carnes Richland, SC (864) 784-2562

Committee Chairmen Fundraising Madison Andrade Programs & Activities Kaitlyn Davlin

Membership Abbee Carnes Junior National Teanna Simpson

Aijca Membership Membership in the nationwide AmericanInternational Junior Charolais Association (AIJCA) is open to anyone 21 years of age and under as of January 1 of the present year. The initial membership fee is $30 and $25 annual dues thereafter.

The 2018 AIJCA Junior National had extreme heat but exhibitors never waivered bringing a high quality set to Des Moines, Iowa. Ernie Wallace, Stotts City, Mo. evaluated the Bred & Owned Heifer, Bull, Steer and Percentage Heifer Shows, Thursday, June 21, at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Juniors from 23 states exhibited 193 entries for championship honors and scholarship dollars. The Owned Heifer Show, judged by Jim Pipkin, Springfield, Mo., highlighted 265 entries from 19 states on Friday, June 22. AIJCA members shared a busy week participating in shows, contests and conference sessions. Members participated in the Mentor Program introducing new and young juniors to the Junior National experience. Juniors gained teamwork and leadership skills as well as friendships and memories to last a lifetime. Every junior should be proud of the cattle shown and contest entries submitted that made this one of best events yet. All the results are here! CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

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Grand Champion Bred & Owned Female Sponsor: Everett Shepherd Memorial

$500 Carol Doughty Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by Big Creek Charolais

Division IV Champion and 1st Class 13

Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned Female Sponsor: Everett Shepherd Memorial Division I Champion and 1st Class 3

Sponsors: Plyler & Son Charolais and Butler Cattle Company

Sponsors: 4C Amos Charolais and LaFraise Farms

J&J Angelina 660  10-9-16  By WC Resource 417 P

Crutcher Jellybean  11-3-17  By TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo.

Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla.

Third Overall Champion

Fourth Overall Champion

Fifth Overall Champion

Division II Champion and 1st Class 8

Division III Champion and 1st Class 9

Division I Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 3

Sponsor: Kent Nutrition Group

Sponsors: Iowa Junior Charolais Association and Bengtson Cattle Company

BELL Elvira 169 Abby Bell, Bristow, Okla.

Division II Reserve Champion Sponsor: Pfeifer Farms 1st Class 6 Sponsor: Carmen Liebelt

SFC Miley 791

Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa 34  

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Sponsor: Iowa Junior Charolais Association Sponsors: Silver Spur Land & Cattle and Triple S Livestock

Bar S Annie 7735 Jayce Dickerson, Paradise, Kan.

Sponsor: Fink Beef Genetics

Sponsor: Illinois Charolais Breeders Association

J&J Ms Dari 748 Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla.

Division III Reserve Champion

Division IV Reserve Champion

BELL Elvira 173 ET

CC $ugar 731

Sponsor: Hang’n A Cattle Company 1st Class 10 Sponsor: J & A Charolais Ruby Bell, Bristow, Okla.


Sponsor: Highview Farms 1st Class 12 Sponsor: F Bar 5 Riley Creasey, Macomb, Ill.

Division V Champion

Division V Reserve Champion

DF Ms Champagne 56043 & DF Ms Korbel 043F

2nd Class 15 ELM Ms Autumn 240 P & ELM Afallusa 840 P

Sponsor: Lindskov Ranch 1st Class 15 Sponsor: Heritage Tractor

Sponsor: Bar L

Matthew Meyer, Sarcoxie, Mo.

Riley Derrer, Milan, Ill.

1st Class 1 Sponsor: Tennessee Charolais Assn

TTT Ms Jingle 806 Taryn Tibboel, Pleasantville, Iowa

1st Class 2 Sponsor: Wright Charolais

DF CRG Mandy 014E Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill.

1st Class 4 Sponsor: Pennington Farm

JASR Ms Barbara 703 Pld Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo.

1st Class 5 Sponsor: Wells Charolais

LaFraise Baylor 47J ET Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill.

1st Class 7 Sponsor: LaFraise Farms

1st Class 11 Sponsor: Aces Wild Ranch

1st Class 14

Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill.

Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.

Allyson Downey, Boonville, Ind.

DF Ms Grigio 0410

Division I, Class 1 Calved 1-5-18 to 1-13-18, 3 shown 1. TTT Miss Jingle 806, 1-5-18, by CD Great White 4006 P. Taryn Tibboel, Pleasantville, Iowa. 2. DDC Charlie’s Angel F52, 1-13-18 by DDC Charlie 10. Eliza Downey, Prattville, Ala. 3. DDC Nellie F51, 1-8-18, by DDC Charlie 10. Grace Downey, Prattville, Ala.

Division I, Class 2 Calved 12-5-17 to 12-21-17, 2 shown 1. DF CRG Mandy 014E, 12-21-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill. 2. HL Ms Ramblin Rose 1711 Pld, 12-5-17, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Madison Henderson, Perry, Okla.

Division I, Class 3 Calved 11-2-17 to 11-21-17, 8 shown 1. Crutcher Jellybean 711, 11-3-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo. 2. J&J Ms Dari 748, 11-15-17, by M&M Outsider 4003

CAG TR Ms Phantom 7658E ET Pld. Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla. 3. LaFraise Margo 997, 11-18-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Keegan Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 4. FFC Ms Melbourne 580E, 11-21-17, by RRC I’m Your Huckleberry 511. Lyndsey Franklin, Ladonia, Texas. 5. CCC Sweet Rush 1110E, 11-10-17, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Austin Alexander, Bremen, Ala.

Division I, Class 4 Calved 10-4-17 to 10-22-17, 4 shown 1. JASR Ms Barbara 703 Pld, 10-2217, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo. 2. CAG TR Bellamy 7802E ET, 10-4-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D. 3. LB Miranda MLR, 10-16-17, by WC Mead Ledger N411. Tyler Livengood, Warrensburg, Mo. 4. ICC Miss Blessing, 10-21-17, by B3R Axiom A024. Emily Hoelewyn, Damon, Texas

Sponsor: Hayden Farms

DDC Jewel D16

Division I, Class 5 Calved 9-2-17 to 9-26-17, 5 shown 1. LaFraise Baylor 47J ET, 9-2617, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 2. SFC Kiley 790 TW, 9-12-17, by WC Everest 4048 P. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa 3. D R Forever Lucy 1847, 9-4-17, by AC Hoodoo U866. Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla. 4. ELM Ms Lady A 740, 9-2-17, by EGT Meyer All-A-Fire 1124. Matthew Meyer, Sarcoxie, Mo. 5. K & D Pearl, 9-10-17, by TCCS Teacher’s Pet. Devin Koester, Elizabeth, Ill.

Division II, Class 6 Calved 8-3-17 to 8-25-17, 4 shown 1. SFC Miley 791, 8-15-17, by WC Everest 4048 P. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa 2. TC Tara’s Joy E111, 8-3-17, by TC Stackhouse C39. Tara Tellefson, Warden, Wash. 3. DUER 1701 of 2658 GS, 8-5-17, by Fink Gold Standard 0153. Mitchell Duer,


Onaga, Kan. 4. K & D Dahlia, 8-25-17, by TCCS Teacher’s Pet. Kelley Koester, Elizabeth, Ill.

Division II, Class 7 Calved 7-1-17 to 7-29-17, 5 shown 1. DF Ms Grigio 0410, 7-26-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill. 2. LaFraise Rory 417D, 7-3-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 3. LaFraise Kylar 967, 7-6-17, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Keegan Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 4. JASR Witness 97E, 7-29-17, by Eatons Cross Fire 10365 Polled. Cody Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo. 5. ESUL Maggie 710E, 7-1-17, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Erin Sullivan, Woodbine, Iowa

Division II, Class 8 Calved 5-3-17 to 6-2-17, 7 shown 1. BELL Elvira 169, 6-1-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Abby Bell, Bristow, Okla. 2. Crutcher Big Creek Ellie 708, 6-2-17, by Big Creek New Look 2104 A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   35

BRED & OWNED HEIFER SHOW P ET. Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo. 3. Bar S Bomshell 7778, 5-7-17, by EB California 1041. Jayce Dickerson, Paradise, Kan. 4. LC Lucy 1740 P, 5-26-17, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. 5. CC Firefly 784, 5-12-17, by CML Diablo 2X. Alex Creasey, Macomb, Ill.

Polled ET, 3-23-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis. 4. LaFraise Rainey 47B ET, 3-25-17, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 5. CAG TR Ms Carbine 7644E ET, 3-4-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.

Division III, Class 9

Division IV, Class 11

Calved 4-1-17 to 4-27-17, 7 shown 1. Bar S Annie 7735, 4-8-17, by Bar S Golden State 5532. Jayce Dickerson, Paradise, Kan. 2. DF Ms Riesling 56048 ET, 4-18-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill. 3. Schrader’s Lucy 7151E, 4-9-17, by Schrader’s Medicine Man 5152C. Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan. 4. SFC Ms Perfect 780, 4-23-17, by WC Bluegrass 2196 P ET. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa 5. KACY Spice, 4-1-17, by ONL AWR Cool Cub 7C. Kacy Randall, Tomball, Texas

Calved 2-16-17 to 2-25-17, 6 shown 1. CAG TR Ms Phantom 7658E ET, 2-25-17, by KC Design 4246 P. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D. 2. SFC Ms Roxy 738, 2-25-17, by WC Bluegrass 2196 P ET. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa 3. Schrader’s Pearl 7115E, 2-22-17, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan. 4. Bar S Ms Megan 7236, 2-24-17, by WC Milestone 5223 P. Grady Dickerson, Paradise, Kan. 5. HCC Diamond 11E, 2-24-17, by NGC Lender 404B ET. Beth Moller, Princeton, Minn.

Division III, Class 10

Division IV, Class 12

Calved 3-2-17 to 3-28-17, 8 shown 1. BELL Elvira 173 ET, 3-28-17, by WC CCC Maverick 5117 P ET. Ruby Bell, Bristow, Okla. 2. CAG TR Ms Carbine 7634E ET, 3-2-17, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D. 3. JAB Miss Echo 709

Calved 1-15-17 to 2-10-17, 6 shown 1. CC $ugar 731, 2-5-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Riley Creasey, Macomb, Ill. 2. JAB Miss Riggs 701 Polled, 1-20-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis. 3. SCC Star Add Venture, 2-10-17, by

LT Venture 3198 Pld. Chase Simmons, Unionville, Mo. 4. ICC Miss Susan B. Anthony, 2-9-17, by B3R Axiom A024. Emily Hoelewyn, Damon, Texas 5. HVF Miss Merry Bamboo 1702, 2-9-17, by Bamboo Ledger of F216 2323 ET. Zachary Doran, Whiteford, Md.

Division IV, Class 13 Calved 10-9-16 to 12-5-16, 3 shown 1. J&J Angelina 660, 10-9-16, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla. 2. Double-H Precious Metal 621D, 10-15-16, by WC Capital Gain 2220 P ET. Taylor Hecht, Paynesville, Minn. 3. ICC Miss Lucy, 12-5-16, by B3R Axiom A024. Emily Hoelewyn, Damon, Texas

Division IV, Class 14 Calved 9-1-16 to 9-25-16, 7 shown 1. DDC Jewel D16, 9-17-16, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Allydale Downey, Boonville, Ind. 2. TTT Ms Blondie 657, 9-9-16, by CD Great White 4006 P. Taryn Tibboel, Pleasantville, Iowa 3. Tullyfergus Daisy 456, 9-3-16, by CF Pasture Pimp ET. Evie Groom, Lyons, N.Y. 4. G4 Ms Gabby 616P, 9-1-16, by WC Doubletree 2009 P. Colton Grass, Bonne Terre, Mo. 5. TTT CG Boots, 9-25-16, by CD Great White 4006 P. Ciara Galvin, Pleasantville, Iowa

Division V, Class 15 Calved 9-7-15 to 5-2-16, 4 shown 1. DF Ms Champagne 56043, 2-13-16, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Heifer calf, DF Ms Korbel 043F, 1-6-18, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill. 2. ELM Ms Autumn 240 P, 9-7-15, by WH Logan 233 Pld. Heifer calf, ELM Afallusa 840 P, 10-20-17, by EGT Meyer RAF 624 Twn Pl. Matthew Meyer, Sarcoxie, Mo. 3. HCC Freedom 04D, 2-12-16, by WR Travel Agent A602. Bull calf, HCC Rebel 05F, 1-2218, by M6 Bells & Whistles 258 P. Beth Moller, Princeton, Minn. 4. HCF Jade, 5-2-16, by SAC Light’Em Up 131 Pld. Bull calf, HCF Jaxson, 4-3-18, by WCCC Revelation 7016. Rachael Hockenbery, Woodbine, Md.

State/Affiliate Group of Three Champion – Oklahoma

State/Affiliate Group of Three Reserve Champion – Kansas

BRED & OWNED BULL SHOW Class 16 Calved 1-7-18, 1 shown 1. WIA Renegade F03 P, 1-7-18, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Connor Kisner, De Soto, Mo.

Class 17 Calved 10-1-17 to 11-10-17, 3 shown 1. J&J Vincent Vega 743, 10-16-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla. 2. CAG CC Sideline 7063E ET, 10-1-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D. 3. HL Rebel Up North, 11-10-17, by HL Firewater Creek Cut. Kole Harris, Hepler, Kan.

Class 18 Calved 8-25-17 to 9-24-17, 5 shown 1. Barrett Casino 777 of 272 C, 9-24-17, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. Payden Barrett, Grantville, Kan. 2. Fair Play, 9-7-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Aaron Suhr, Waukee, Iowa 3. NCC Fired’ Up 701 P, 9-12-17, by SAC Light’Em Up 131 Pld. Tyler Newman, Marshall, Va. 4. FFC Mr Monte Carlo Up 117, 8-25-17, by TR Mr Wrangle Up 2502Z. Lyndsey Franklin, Ladonia, 36  

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Texas 5. LHR Six Pack 7518, 9-12-17, by RRC I’m Your Huckleberry 511. Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo.

Class 19 Calved 5-2-17 to 6-11-17, 4 shown 1. MPO Mr Thunderstruck 721, 5-12-17, by TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET. Matthew Owings, Potosi, Mo. 2. GSL Lone Ranger 701E, 5-2-17, by DCF Relentless 8577 P. Garrett Schuering, Thompson, Mo. 3. TC Hotshot E75, 5-9-17, by DC Mr Dee Jay 1482 Pld. Tara Tellefson, Warden, Wash. 4. ELM Meyer Ken 29, 6-11-17, by LT Bluegrass 4017 P. Matthew Meyer, Sarcoxie, Mo.

Class 20 Calved 4-15-17 to 4-24-17, 3 shown 1. FFF Free Bird 1704, 4-24-17, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Braxton Filippo, Rush Springs, Okla. 2. BRP Sir Prince E05 Pld, 4-15-17, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Bella Parker, Godley, Texas 3. TCCB Slim Shady, 4-21-17, by LaFraise Fat Albert 821A. Baylee Butler, State Center, Iowa

Class 21 Calved 3-2-17 to 3-24-17, 4 shown 1. BAR S Jolly Roger 7687, 3-24-17, by EB California 1041. Grady Dickerson, Paradise, Kan. 2. HINR Mr Marions Proof 770, 3-24-17, by TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET. Bailey Hinrichs, Glenvil, Neb. 3. JASR Badlands 33E Pld, 3-2-17, by LT Landmark 5052 Pld. Caitlin Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo. 4. SC Jarvis Outsider 631, 3-2-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Carson Smit, Holstein, Iowa

Class 22 Calved 1-7-17 to 2-16-17, 4 shown 1. AM Big Oak E27, 2-16-17, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Ashley Moore, Piasa, Ill. 2. HS White Lightning 1744 P, 2-9-17, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. Hadley Schotte, Marysville, Kan. 3. MCC Sylvester 752 P, 2-10-17, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Mason Runft, Scandia, Kan. 4. SCC Mr MJ Schill E-46, 1-7-17, by SCC Mr Patron A-33. Molly Smith, Lockhart, Texas



Grand Champion Bull

Reserve Grand Champion Bull

1st Class 17 Sponsor: Carmen Liebelt J&J Vincent Vega 743  10-16-17  By M&M Outsider 4003 Pld Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla.

1st Class 20 Sponsor: Wells Charolais

Sponsor: Lindskov Ranch

Sponsor: ML Lewis Charolais

FFF Free Bird 1704  4-24-17  By MCF Bohannon 305A Braxton Filippo, Rush Springs, Okla.

1st Class 16 Sponsor: Dykes Charolais

1st Class 18

1st Class 19

WIA Renegade F03 P

Barrett Casino 777 of 272 C

MPO Mr Thunderstruck 721

Payden Barrett, Grantville, Kan.

Matthew Owings, Potosi, Mo.

Sponsor: Butler Cattle Company

Connor Kisner, De Soto, Mo.

1st Class 21

1st Class 22

Bar S Jolly Roger 7687

AM Big Oak E27

Sponsor: Triple S Livestock

Sponsor: Pennington Farm

Sponsor: Bengtson Cattle Company

Grady Dickerson, Paradise, Kan.

Ashley Moore, Piasa, Ill.


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Grand Champion Steer

Reserve Grand Champion Steer

Sponsors: Gallagher Animal Management and Hayden Farms Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.

Sponsors: Thomas Ranch and F Bar 5 Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.

Sponsor: Nationwide Champion Market Steer and 1st Class 27 – 1,244 lbs.

Reserve Champion Progress Steer Sponsor: Virginia Charolais Association 1st Class 23 – 814 lbs. Sponsor: Aces Wild Ranch Isom Marston, Canton, Kan.

1st Class 25 – 1,070 lbs. Sponsor: Midwest Heritage Bank Paul Hoopes, Letts, Iowa

1st Class 26 – 1,180 lbs. Sponsor: The Cattle Business Weekly Alex Barnard, Foosland, Ill.

Sponsor: SC Online Sales Champion Progress Steer and 1st Class 24 – 1,020 lbs.

Reserve Champion Market Steer Sponsor: SC Online Sales 1st Class 28 – 1,302 lbs. Sponsor: TransOva Genetics Grace Shive, Mount Hope, Kan.

1st Class 29 - 1,370 lbs.

Sponsor: Heritage Tractor Lance Meduna, Colon, Neb.

State/Affiliate Group of Three Reserve Champion – Iowa

State/Affiliate Group of Three Champion – Kansas

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STEER SHOW Progress Division, Class 23

Market Division, Class 27

4 shown, weighing 716-922 lbs. 1. Isom Marston, Canton, Kan. (814) 2. Sydney Howell, Bowie, Texas (776) 3. Cameron Catrett, Luverne, Ala. (716) 4. Lane Tellefson, Milton-Freewater, Ore. (922)

6 shown, weighing 1,204-1,260 lbs. 1. Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. (1,244) 2. Nissa Olsen, Manhattan, Kan. (1,204) 3. Ashley Moore, Piasa, Ill. (1,249) 4. Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo. (1,210) 5. William Hoopes, Letts, Iowa (1,260)

Progress Division, Class 24 3 shown, weighing 1,015-1,020 lbs. 1. Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. (1,020) 2. Thomas Owings, Potosi, Mo. (1,017) 3. Hayden Birge, Auxvasse, Mo. (1,015)

Market Division, Class 25 2 shown, weighing 1,070-1,108 lbs. 1. Paul Hoopes, Letts, Iowa (1,070) 2. Kennedy Steffes, Nevada, Iowa (1,108)

Market Division, Class 26 4 shown, weighing 1,152-1,194 lbs. 1. Alex Barnard, Foosland, Ill. (1,180) 2. Laura Carpenter, Wamego, Kan. (1,184) 3. Matthew Owings, Potosi, Mo. (1,194) 4. Katie Birge, Auxvasse, Mo. (1,152)

Market Division, Class 28 6 shown, weighing 1,275-1,302 lbs. 1. Grace Shive, Mount Hope, Kan. (1,302) 2. Davanta Rarick, Fleetwood, Pa. (1,285) 3. Abbi Pfeifer, Russell, Iowa (1,275) 4. Kaitlyn Schroeder, Radcliffe, Iowa (1,292) 5. Kylie Rahmeier, Sylvan Grove, Kan. (1,285)

Market Division, Class 29 5 shown, weighing 1,333-1,382 lbs. 1. Lance Meduna, Colon, Neb. (1,370) 2. Michael Frisbie, Buckingham, Iowa (1,333) 3. Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla. (1,355) 4. Kole Harris, Hepler, Kan. (1,339) 5. Ella Barrett, Grantville, Kan. (1,382)

Jordan Mack Memorial Herdsman of the Year

Belt Buckle and $250 Award Sponsored by Mack Cattle, Watertown, S.D. Nick Williams, Bremen, Ala, the 2017 recipient, awarded the 2018 Jordan Mack Memorial Herdsman of the Year Award to Matthew Meyer, Sarcoxie, Mo.


Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University Team Fitting Contest Judges

Weaver Leather Livestock Showmanship Contest Judges

Bred & Owned Heifer, Bull, Steer and Percentage Heifer Shows Judge

Owned Heifer Show Judge

Nate and Carrie Horman, Roland, Iowa

From left: Ashley Recknor, Clarion, Iowa - Judge and Sara Hunter, Ames, Iowa - Associate

Jim Pipkin, Springfield, Mo.

Ernie Wallace, Stotts City, Mo.


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Reserve Grand Champion Percentage Heifer

Grand Champion Percentage Heifer

Sponsor: Derrer Farms Division IV Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 41

Sponsor: 4C Amos Charolais

$1,000 Scholarship Sponsored by Lehman Charolais

Division IV Champion and 1st Class 41

Sponsor: Hankins Farms

Sponsors: Wild Indian Acres and Double H Charolais

PZC Desire 6240 ET  9-10-16  Out of RJB Pebbles 004

GHC Golden Angel 6501  11-2-16  Out of TR PZC Ms Ivory Angel 0711

Turner Longacre, Kellyville, Okla.

Kendra Elder, Blum, Texas

Division I Champion

Sponsor: Fink Beef Genetics 1st Class 32 Sponsor: JWC Marketing

Conley Daisy E726

Payton Line, Seaton, Ill.

Division II Reserve Champion Sponsor: Triple T Farms 1st Class 34 Sponsor: Nationwide

BC Miss Pebbles 43E ET Emily Hanson, Bowie, Texas

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Division I Reserve Champion

Division II Champion

AML Kitty 710

JFS Sandy

Sponsor: Polzin Cattle 1st Class 31 Sponsor: Iowa Junior Charolais Assn

Sponsor: Dykes Charolais 1st Class 33 Sponsor: TransOva Genetics

Isom Marston, Canton, Kan.

Ruby Bell, Bristow, Okla.

Division III Champion

Division III Reserve Champion


Miss Peaches

Sponsor: Derrer Farms 1st Class 38 Sponsor: Stalcup Farms Charolais Jamie Moore, Piasa, Ill.


Sponsor: Dismukes Ranch 1st Class 36 Sponsor: Midwest Heritage Bank

Abbee Carnes, Richland, S.C.

1st Class 35

1st Class 30 Rydge Casey, Lockhart, Texas

Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio

1st Class 39

1st Class 40

Sponsor: Bar J Charolais

NTH Gale Ms Tinkerbell 781

Sponsor: The Cattle Business Weekly

Carey Farms Ginger E01 Jacob White, Covington, Ga.

Division I, Class 30

343A. Devin Untiedt, Andover, S.D.

Calved 1-18-18, 1 shown 1. SCC Miss Julie F-6, 1-18-18, out of SCC Lady Waco C-24. Rydge Casey, Lockhart, Texas

Division II, Class 34

Division I, Class 31 Calved 10-2-17-11-4-17, 4 shown 1. AML Kitty 710, 10-28-17, by AML Ghost Rider 210. Isom Marston, Canton, Kan. 2. TLRP Pamela 7504, 10-2-17, out of OBG Pamela 5504. Ryanne Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo. 3. MCC Ms Candee 72P, 11-4-17, by WC CCC Blue Mtn 5121 P ET. Mason Runft, Scandia, Kan. 4. KKCC Winn-Dixie 726E, 10-6-17, by BFI/KKCC/PZC Honky-Tonk 641C. Jilian Schoenfeld, Lakefield, Minn.

Calved 5-6-17 to 5-15-17, 4 shown 1. BC Miss Pebbles 43E ET, 5-6-17, out of RJB Pebbles 004. Emily Hanson, Bowie, Texas 2. Miss Twinkie, 5-7-17, by See No Evil. Tommy Wilson, Piasa, Ill. 3. BCR Harper 746, 5-14-17, by BCC5 Sancho. Marissa Meduna, Colon, Neb. 4. Lucy, 5-15-17, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Chance Steffes, Nevada, Iowa

Division III, Class 35

Calved 9-2-17 to 9-27-17, 3 shown 1. Conley Daisy E726, 9-27-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Payton Line, Seaton, Ill. 2. CCC Reba 920 E, 9-2017, by WR Wrangler W601. Nathan Alexander, Bremen, Ala. 3. D R Star 1617, 9-2-17, out of D R Monique 1202. Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla.

Calved 4-11-17 to 4-28-17, 8 shown 1. VLK Pebble 702, 4-11-17, out of RJB Pebbles 004. Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio 2. MINN Phoebe 701E ET, 4-25-17, out of DC Ms Major Fire 1302 Pld TW. Molly Chapman, Tipton, Iowa 3. RR Mono Mrs Sally Socks, 4-12-17, out of HF Mustang Sally 904 Pld. Kelsie Wosepka, Waverly, Iowa 4. Hartgers Lucky Lucy E10, 4-28-17, out of PZC Brooklyn 939P ET. Brandt Molyneux, Gibson, Iowa 5. WIN Gretchen, 4-16-17, out of WIA Ms Wildflower Pld 3910 ET. Will Anderson, Galena, Ill.

Division II, Class 33

Division III, Class 36

Division I, Class 32

Calved 6-2-17 to 7-4-17, 4 shown 1. JFS Sandy, 6-3-17, out of SULL Impressive Stones. Ruby Bell, Bristow, Okla. 2. K&D Dream Catcher, 6-217, out of RCV Kate. Kelley Koester, Elizabeth, Ill. 3. TEO Miss Americana 717 Pld, 7-4-17, out of HF Stella 1426. Thomas Owings, Potosi, Mo. 4. Smokey, 6-12-17, by Sparrows Talon

Sponsor: Iowa Cattleman’s Assn

VLK Pebble 702

SCC Miss Julie F-6

Tyson Tucker, Creston, Iowa

1st Class 37

Sponsor: Iowa Beef Center

Sponsor: Summit Farms

Calved 4-1-17 to 4-7-17, 8 shown 1. Miss Peaches, 4-1-17, by TR PZC Mr Assertion 924 ET. Abbee Carnes, Richland, S.C. 2. Lilac 404, 4-4-17, out of Miss Matc 1103. Ryleigh Morris, Ash Grove, Mo. 3. Miss Carmella, 4-4-17, by TB Mr Wrangle This 0110. Rylee Short, Masonville, Iowa 4. 4RL Graces Lady, 4-2-17, out of WR Miss Charlotte

CCC CH Cheyenne’s Legacy Curtis Harsh, Radnor, Ohio

State/Affiliate Group of Three Champion – Texas

T667. Grace Shive, Mount Hope, Kan. 5. LJR Ms Hi Ho Trademark, 4-3-17, out of BARA Ms Trademark 1P. Baylee Mangrum, Marmaduke, Ark.

Division III, Class 37 Calved 3-15-17 to 3-26-17, 5 shown 1. CCC CH Cheyenne’s Legacy, 3-20-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Curtis Harsh, Radnor, Ohio 2. Graceland’s Beautiful Brita, 3-26-17, out of One Penny Cream Puff C20 P. Grace Schlueter, Janesville, Minn. 3. FELT Miss Alexandra 310, 3-15-17, out of LKD Miss Tradition 427. Hadley Schotte, Marysville, Kan. 4. Miss IGWT -882 88E, 3-26-17, out of EJ Duke’s T Wind 882. Kole Crawford, Clarks, Neb. 5. Spice, 3-20-17, out of PZC TR Miss Katie 2799. Payton Hecht, Paynesville, Minn.

Division III, Class 38 Calved 3-1-17 to 3-6-17, 7 shown 1. Eden, 3-3-17, out of KASS Jacque 1117Y. Jamie Moore, Piasa, Ill. 2. Miss GMC 1E, 3-1-17, out of PZC Shine Like Diamonds 060 ET. Anna Junck, Sioux City, Iowa 3. AMD Ms Cleopatra 7014, 3-6-17, out of CC Allie’s Fire 1750 Pld. Makennah Tucker, Briggsdale, Colo. 4. Sally Mae, 3-3-17, out of HF Mustang Sally 904 Pld. Kelsie Wosepka, Waverly, Iowa 5. SX3 Here I Am 701, 3-3-17, out of WCR Ms Design 833 P. Cody Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo.

Tyson Tucker, Creston, Iowa 2. JOHNK Kyra 704E ET, 2-14-17, by TR PZC Mr Assertion 924 ET. Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. 3. Schrader’s Gladys 745E ET, 2-17-17, out of Schrader’s Miss Bailey 0225 ET. Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan. 4. AMD Gunsmokin Gal 704, 2-23-17, by TR PZC Mr Assertion 924 ET. Abby Gruhn, Manning, Iowa 5. TL Creature, 2-22-17, by JASR Pro Cut A308 P. Caitlin Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo.

Division IV, Class 40 Calved 1-2-17 to 1-5-17, 2 shown 1. Carey Farms Ginger E01, 1-2-17, by M6 Cool Rep B2. Jacob White, Covington, Ga. 2. RFMS Extraordinary 711RF, 1-5-17, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Harlie Groom, Rio Vista, Texas

Division IV, Class 41 Calved 9-1-16 to 11-2-16, 5 shown 1. PZC Desire 6240 ET, 9-10-16, out of RJB Pebbles 004. Kendra Elder, Blum, Texas 2. GHC Golden Angel 6501, 11-2-16, out of TR PZC Ms Ivory Angel 0711 ET. Turner Longacre, Kellyville, Okla. 3. SSST Ashley 900D, 9-1-16, by OBG Olaf. Kamden Filippo, Rush Springs, Okla. 4. D R Elsa 1356, 9-3-16, out of D R Monique 941. Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla. 5. PZC Destiny 6239 ET, 9-12-16, out of RJB Pebbles 004. Lane Schoenfeld, Astonia, S.D.

Division IV, Class 39 Calved 2-14-17 to 2-27-17, 5 shown 1. NTH Gale Ms Tinkerbell 781EET, 2-27-17, out of DSUL Sasha Lady 970.


A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   41


Grand Champion Female

Reserve Grand Champion Female

Sponsor: Siek Charolais

Sponsor: Shepherd Charolais Division II Champion and 1st Class 6

$1,000 Scholarship Sponsored by Cliff & Lynn Orley

Division VI Champion and 1st Class 26

Sponsors: ML Lewis Charolais and Silver Spur Land & Cattle

Sponsors: Wild Indian Acres and Ridder Farms

J&J Angelina 660  10-9-16  By CCC WC Resource 417 P Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla.

TOF Miss Reveille 1704P  10-6-17  By TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET Kendra Elder, Blum, Texas

Third Overall Champion

Fourth Overall Champion

Fifth Overall Champion

Division IV Champion and 1st Class 18

Division I Champion and 1st Class 3

Division VII Champion and 1st Class 29

Sponsor: Mitchell Management

Sponsors: 7 Hills Farm and J & A Charolais

BK BOY Eye Catching 740E ET Kelton Arthur, Stillwater, Okla.

Sponsor: Silver Spur Land & Cattle

Sponsors: Summit Farms and ML Lewis Charolais

J&J Ms Dari 748 Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla.

Sponsor: Wright Charolais

Sponsors: JVS Cattle Co. and Mitchell Management KE Wonder Woman ET KLA Wasp’s April Kelton Arthur, Stillwater, Okla.

Division I Reserve Champion

Division II Reserve Champion

Division III Champion

Crutcher Jellybean 711

GHC Beyond Impressive 7535

Bar S Bomshell 7778

Sponsor: Bertsche Cattle 1st Class 4 Sponsor: Kent Nutrition Group Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo. 42  

A U G U S T 2018

Sponsor: Carstens Farms Ltd. 1st Class 5 Sponsor: Creasey Charolais

Sponsor: Polzin Cattle 1st Class 13 Sponsor: CK Cattle

Kelton Arthur, Stillwater, Okla.

Jayce Dickerson, Paradise, Kan.



Division III Reserve Champion

Sponsor: McDaniel Cattle Company 1st Class 10 Sponsor: Pleasant Valley Charolais

SFC Miley 791

Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa

Division V Reserve Champion Sponsor: 7 Hills Farm 1st Class 24 Sponsor: Parker Frey

Division IV Reserve Champion

Division V Champion

JAB Miss Echo 709 Polled ET

Schrader’s Pearl 7115E

Sponsor: Riverdale Land & Livestock 1st Class 16 Sponsor: AgriLabs

Sponsor: Thomas Ranch 1st Class 20 Sponsor: Grand Hills Cattle

Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.

Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan.

Division VI Reserve Champion

Division VII Reserve Champion

AML RC Vanessa 606

2nd Class 29 BOY BSMT Montella Marie 623 ET JM Rhinestone Cowboy

Sponsor: Satterfield Charolais 1st Class 25 Sponsor: 7 Hills Farm

CCC Ms Upside 704 Pld

Isom Marston, Canton, Kan.

Kyeler Field, Celina, Texas

Sponsor: MOGO Charolais

Jamie Moore, Piasa, Ill.

1st Class 1

1st Class 2

1st Class 7

1st Class 8

Sponsor: Tennessee Charolais Assn

Sponsor: JWC Marketing

Sponsor: Hoopes Charolais

Sponsor: Hood Charolais

AWR Dora 802

HL Ms Ramblin Rose 1711 Pld

CC Kyra Ann 7541 Pld

SHF Ms Nancy’s Fire 1750

Belle Watje, Weatherford, Texas

Madison Henderson, Perry, Okla

Kami Stahl, Brimfield, Ill.

Kaitlyn Davlin, El Campo, Texas

1st Class 9

1st Class 11

1st Class 12

Sponsor: Paige Amenell

Sponsor: Kent Nutrition Group

Sponsor: Dodge Charolais

1st Class 14

GHC Still Impressive 7509

PZC RJB Elegance

T/R Ms Ledger E4

Nolan Hoge, Good Hope, Ill.

Drew Wagner, Hickory, Miss.

Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio


Sponsor: Sandmeier Charolais

SSS Ms Melissa 1217E Rylie Smith, Grinnell, Iowa A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   43


1st Class 15

1st Class 17

1st Class 19

1st Class 21

Sponsor: Boyert Show Cattle

Sponsor: Iowa Cattleman’s Assn

Sponsor: Bamboo Road Farms

Sponsor: Schrader Ranch

Bar S Annie 7735


TR Ms Elle 7707E ET

PL CCC Ms Penny 749 Pld ET

Jayce Dickerson, Paradise, Kan.

Abby Gruhn, Manning, Iowa

Madison Loschke, Kingsdown, Kan.

Atley Patrick, Chilhowee, Mo.

1st Class 22

1st Class 23

1st Class 27

1st Class 28

Sponsor: Bedwell Charolais

Sponsor: East Fork Cattle

Sponsor: K&D Cattle

Miss Kensington

JAB Miss Riggs 701 Polled

Brche TR Bevins Bunny 6104

Taylor Heim, Plattsmouth, Neb.

Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.

Pacey Hawkins, Cincinnati, Iowa

1st Class 30

1st Class 31

Sponsor: Van Ryswyk Farms

Sponsor: Dybdal Charolais

State/Affiliate Group of Three

DF Ms Champagne 56043 DF Ms Korbel 043F

HF Martha 1575 P

Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill.

Emma Hankins, Springfield, Mo.

44  

A U G U S T 2018

HF Mary Ann 1742 P

Champion – Oklahoma

State/Affiliate Group of Three Reserve Champion – Kansas


Sponsor: Lindskov-Thiel Ranch

DCC Snow White 1610 Brittnee Hamilton, Marlin, Texas

OWNED HEIFER SHOW Division I, Class 1 Calved 1-3-18 to 1-28-18, 8 shown 1. AWR Dora 802, 1-12-18, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Belle Watje, Weatherford, Texas 2. BCC5 Bullard Ingenuity ET, 1-3-18, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Keegan Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 3. TTT Miss Jingle 806, 1-5-18, by CD Great White 4006 P. Taryn Tibboel, Pleasantville, Iowa 4. FF Miss Rep 8004, 1-28-18, by M6 Cool Rep 450. Blake Parker, Godley Texas 5. 7HF Elsie 804 PET, 1-12-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Mariah Miller, Austin, Minn.

Division I, Class 2 Calved 12-5-17 to 12-31-17, 7 shown 1. HL Ms Ramblin Rose 1711 Pld, 12-5-17, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Madison Henderson, Perry, Okla. 2. DCC Baileys Honey 1738, 12-9-17, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Brittnee Hamilton, Marlin, Texas 3. DF CRG Mandy 014E, 12-21-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill. 4. HTC Ms Magnolia TW, 12-31-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Harlie Groom, Rio Vista, Texas 5. LJR Ms Cambridge 2450E, 1222-17, by TR PZC Mr Assertion 924 ET. Lyndsey Franklin, Ladonia, Texas

Division I, Class 3 Calved 11-10-17 to 11-27-17, 7 shown 1. J&J Ms Dari 748, 11-15-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla. 2. LaFraise Margo 997, 11-18-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Keegan Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 3. HTC Ms Honeysuckle ET, 11-27-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Harlie Groom, Rio Vista, Texas 4. CCC Sweet Rush 1110E, 11-10-17, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Austin Alexander, Bremen, Ala. 5. 4K Nichole 712, 11-12-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Grace Shive, Mount Hope, Kan.

Division I, Class 4 Calved 11-1-17 to 11-7-17, 8 shown 1. Crutcher Jellybean 711, 11-3-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo. 2. SHF Ms Perfect Marley 1766, 11-1-17, by TR Mr Diablo 2584Z. Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo. 3. HL BOY Bree 7112 Pld, 11-2-17, by Gerrard Montezuma 6T. Carter Hoge, Good Hope, Ill. 4. Moore Boy Firegirl 7112, 11-2-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Leo Sullivan, Woodbine, Iowa 5. CMC Legacy 746 P, 11-5-17, by SAC Light’Em Up 131 Pld. Katelynn Cape, Hampstead, Md.

Division II, Class 5 Calved 10-15-17 to 10-22-17, 8 shown 1.GHC Beyond Impressive 7535, 10-16-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld.

Kelton Arthur, Stillwater, Okla. 2. JASR Ms Barbara 703 Pld, 10-22-17, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo. 3. CCC Sugar N Spice 1015E ET, 10-15-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Trace Strock, Marbury, Ala. 4. CCC Lady Vada 1017E ET, 1017-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Logan Strock, Marbury, Ala. 5. WIA Ms Marion E172 P, 10-16-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Lindsey Cobb, Potosi, Mo.

Division II, Class 6 Calved 10-1-17 to 10-11-17, 8 shown 1. TOF Miss Reveille 1704P, 10-6-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Kendra Elder, Blum, Texas 2. SKS Miss Charlot E14, 10-1-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Emma Hankins, Springfield, Mo. 3. PL LB Nikki 750 ET, 10-2-17, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Tyler Livengood, Warrensburg, Mo. 4. CC Charlee 734, 10-3-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Drew Creasey, Macomb, Ill. 5. CAG TR Bellamy 7802E ET, 10-4-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.

Division II, Class 7 Calved 9-19-17 to 9-28-17, 10 shown 1. CC Kyra Ann 7541 Pld, 9-25-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Kami Stahl, Brimfield, Ill. 2. TR Ms Outsider 7950E ET, 9-19-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Corbin Hunt, Longview, Texas 3. LaFraise Baylor 47J ET, 9-26-17, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 4. TR Ms Eliza 7784E ET, 9-28-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis. 5. WC CCC Fiona 7573 P, 9-26-17, by WC Up The Limit 1128 P ET. Audrey Field, Celina, Texas

Division II, Class 8 Calved 9-6-17 to 9-17-17, 10 shown 1. SHF Ms Nancy’s Fire 1750, 9-10-17, by SHF Rehab 8104. Kaitlyn Davlin, El Campo, Texas 2. SHF Ms Rose Fire 1752, 9-8-17, by EJS Perfect Wind 3010 ET. Belle Watje, Weatherford, Texas 3. SFC Kiley 790 TW, 9-12-17, by WC Everest 4048 P. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa 4. HF Tyra 1732 P, 9-917, by B3 Wyoming Cowboy T752. Abbi Pfeifer, Russell, Iowa 5. CARRS Ms Rushmore 1729 P, 9-12-17, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Brett Benefiel, Carl Junction, Mo.

Division II, Class 9 Calved 9-1-17 to 9-5-17, 10 shown 1. GHC Still Impressive 7509, 9-1-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Nolan Hoge, Good Hope, Ill. 2. RF Ms Nancy 773, 9-5-17, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Hunter Riggins, Leddey, Okla. 3. HPF

SHF Ms Perfect Mac 772 ET, 9-1-17, by EJS Perfect Wind 3010 ET. Beau Parish, West Point, Miss. 4. MPO Miss Miley 723 Pld, 9-4-17, by TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET. Matthew Owings, Potosi, Mo. 5. GC Ms Paul Outsider 722, 9-1-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Camille Greer, Shelbyville, Texas

Division IV, Class 14

Division III, Class 11

4-2-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis. 3. KACY Spice, 4-1-17, by ONL AWR Cool Cub 7C. Kacy Randall, Tomball, Texas 4. SR Ms Faith 7470 Pld, 4-5-17, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. Hannah Siek, Blairstown, Iowa 5. CAG CC Kimmy Cakes 7705E ET, 4-2-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Haley Schwecke, Gibbon, Minn.

Calved 4-9-17 to 4-27-17, 10 shown 1. SSS Ms Melissa 1217E, 4-9-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Rylie Smith, Grinnell, Iowa 2. DF Ms Riesling 56048 ET, 4-18-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill. 3. WIA Ms Carbine Fire E26 ET, 4-24-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Division III, Class 10 Thomas Owings, Potosi, Mo. 4. Miss Calved 8-3-17 to 8-25-17, 5 shown Buckingham, 4-17-17, by TR PZC 1. SFC Miley 791, 8-15-17, by WC Everest 4048 P. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Mr Turton 0794 ET. Taylor Heim, Plattsmouth, Neb. 5. WIA Ms Changer Iowa 2. K&D Dahlia, 8-25-17, by TCCS E17 P, 4-10-17, by Big Creek Game Teacher’s Pet. Kelley Koester, Elizabeth, Changer 192 PET. Brett Benefiel, Carl Ill. 3. OHF Nancy G822 ET, 8-22-17, by LHD Cigar E46. Marie Downey, Prattville, Junction, Mo. Ala. 4. DUER 1701 of 2658 GS, 8-5-17, Division IV, Class 15 by Fink Gold Standard 0153. Mitchell Calved 4-1-17 to 4-8-17, 8 shown Duer, Onaga, Kan. 5. TC Tara’s Joy E111, 1. Bar S Annie 7735, 4-8-17, by Bar S 8-3-17, by TC Stackhouse C39. Tara Golden State 5532. Jayce Dickerson, Tellefson, Warden, Wash. Paradise, Kan. 2. JAB Gin 712 Polled, Calved 7-1-17 to 7-29-17, 6 shown 1. PZC RJB Elegance, 7-6-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Drew Wagner, Hickory, Miss. 2. LaFraise Rory 417D, 7-3-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 3. LaFraise Kyler 967, 7-6-17, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Keegan Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 4. DF Ms Grigio 0410, 7-26-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill. 5. ESUL Maggie 710E, 7-1-17, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Erin Sullivan, Woodbine, Iowa

Division III, Class 12 Calved 5-13-17 to 6-5-17, 7 shown 1. T/R Ms Ledger E4, 5-20-17, by WC CCC Maverick 5117 P ET. Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio 2. Crutcher Big Creek Ellie 708, 6-2-17, by Big Creek New Look 2104 P ET. Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo. 3. RECH Ms Blakelee 789, 5-13-17, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Taylor Benes, Valparaiso, Neb. 4. LC Lucy 1740 P, 5-26-17, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. 5. BC Miss Bud 60 ET, 6-5-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Walynn Maupin, Newbern, Tenn.

Division III, Class 13 Calved 5-2-17 to 5-8-17, 9 shown 1. Bar S Bomshell 7778, 5-7-17, by EB California 1041. Jayce Dickerson, Paradise, Kan. 2. RJB SCF Stella 773, 5-8-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa 3. TR Ms Tiffany 701 ET, 5-6-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Abbi Pfeifer, Russell, Iowa 4. DCF Stella 748E, 5-8-17, by WC CCC Power Stroke 4563 P ET. Barrett Allen, Ardmore, Okla. 5. BOY Ms Diablo 786 TW, 5-2-17, by TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET. Jamie Moore, Piasa, Ill.


Division IV, Class 16 Calved 3-21-17 to 3-28-17, 8 shown 1. JAB Miss Echo 709 Polled ET, 3-23-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis. 2. CC Ella 7717 Pld, 3-27-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Paul Hoopes, Letts, Iowa 3. CR Presence 7826, 3-23-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Ethan Costerisan, Welch, Okla. 4. LaFraise Rainey 47B ET, 3-25-17, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 5. M Eva Dee 1740 ET, 3-28-17, by D&D Outlaw. Burk Van Horn, Morgantown, Ind.

Division IV, Class 17 Calved 3-11-17 to 3-20-17, 10 shown 1. Sugar, 3-16-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Abby Gruhn, Manning, Iowa 2. Lizzy, 3-14-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Hadley Schotte, Marysville, Kan. 3. BOY Smokin Monte 7311, 3-11-17, by TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET. Carter Hoge, Good Hope, Ill. 4. TTT Fancy Mac 782, 3-15-17, by CD Great White 4006 P. Clay Collins, Pleasantville, Iowa 5. Emma, 3-20-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Kilby Meyer, Sylvan Grove, Kan.

Division IV, Class 18 Calved 3-5-17 to 3-10-17, 10 shown 1. BK BOY Eye Catching 740E ET, 3-517, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Kelton Arthur, Stillwater, Okla. 2. J/D Ice A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   45

OWNED HEIFER SHOW Queen 11E, 3-5-17, by RRC I’m Your Huckleberry 511. A.J. Grimm, Deep River Iowa 3. TR R/V Zsa Zsa’s Carbine 7693, 3-10-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Payton Creasey, Macomb, Ill. 4. SR Ms Angelina 7435 Pld, 3-6-17, by LT Reward 2348 Pld. Kelsie Wosepka, Waverly, Iowa 5. WC Brandi 7151 P ET, 3-6-17, by TR PZC Rapid Fire 9775 ET. Trisha Dybdal, Newcastle, Neb.

Division IV, Class 19 Calved 3-1-17 to 3-4-17, 10 shown 1. TR Ms Elle 7707E ET, 3-1-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Madison Loschke, Kingsdown, Kan. 2. RF Greta 7022 ET, 3-2-17, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Hunter Riggins, Leddey, Okla. 3. CAG TR Ms Carbine 7634E ET, 3-2-17, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D. 4. TCCS Dolly, 3-1-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Braden Booth, Fair Grove, Mo. 5. CAG TR Ms Carbine 7644E ET, 3-4-17, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.

Division V, Class 20 Calved 2-18-17 to 2-28-17, 9 shown 1. Schrader’s Pearl 7115E, 2-22-17, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan. 2. SCF Penelope 20E, 2-19-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Molly Chapman, Tipton, Iowa 3. BLY Miss Echo 78E, 2-19-17, by Summit Bojangles B09. Bailey Hinrichs, Glenvil, Neb. 4. SFC Ms Roxy 738, 2-25-17, by WC Bluegrass 2196 P ET. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa 5. CAG TR Ms Phantom 7658E ET, 2-25-17, by KC Design 4246 P. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.

Division V, Class 21 Calved 2-9-17 to 2-16-17, 10 shown 1. PL CCC Ms Penny 749 Pld ET, 2-1317, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Atley Patrick, Chilhowee, Mo. 2. AML Goin Places, 2-14-17, by AML Ghost Rider 210. Isom Marston, Canton, Kan. 3. MJR Smoky’s Missgamer#2-7536ET, 2-16-17, by Big Creek Game Changer 192 PET. Macara Rohr, Hays, Kan. 4. HINR Ms Marions Proof 74E, 2-16-17, by TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET. Bailey Hinrichs, Glenvil, Neb. 5. LaFraise Jordane 417B ET, 2-9-17, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Alyssa Kent, Lucas, Iowa

Division V, Class 22 Calved 2-1-17 to 2-7-17, 9 shown 1. Miss Kensington, 2-7-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Taylor Heim, Plattsmouth, Neb. 2. WGB Lucys Legacy 701D, 2-2-17, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Payton Creasey, Macomb, Ill. 3. RF Elvira 7016 ET, 2-517, by MCF Bohannon 305A. McKenna Richardson, Eureka, Kan. 4. CC $sugar 731, 2-5-17, TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 46  

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ET. Riley Creasey, Macomb, Ill. 5. WCC Look My Way ET, 2-7-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Leighton Hackett, Sauk Rapids, Minn.

Division V, Class 23 Calved 1-13-17 to 1-31-17, 10 shown 1. JAB Miss Riggs 701 Polled, 1-2017, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis. 2. DF Ms Syrah 56047, 1-13-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Avery Hunt, Longview, Texas 3. OW Miss Keystone 7053 Pld, 1-24-17, by OW Keystone 2057 Pld. Eli Pattridge, Batesville, Miss. 4. PS Lola, 1-22-17, by TR Mr Turton 280. Blake Parker, Godley, Texas 5. BRCHE Carmella Marie 7505, 1-15-17, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill.

Division V, Class 24 Calved 1-1-17 to 1-10-17, 11 shown 1. CCC Ms Upside 704 Pld, 1-9-17, by WC Up the Limit 1128 P ET. Kyeler Field, Celina, Texas 2. TR Ms Estelle 7702E ET, 1-3-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Kadence Heald, Blakesburg, Iowa 3. MLF Ms Montella 116E ET, 1-9-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio 4. AWR Erica 701, 1-4-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Raley Downing, Troy, Texas 5. White Rose Pixie Proof 704, 1-10-17, by TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET. Madalyn Rohr, Elbert, Colo.

Division VI, Class 25 Calved 11-2-16 to 12-20-16, 8 shown 1. AML RC Vanessa 606, 11-2516, by AML Ghost Rider 210. Isom Marston, Canton, Kan. 2. JAB Renee 658 Polled, 12-14-16, by JAB Drink In My Hand 157 Pld. Kallie Mattison, Lamberton, Minn. 3. ICC Miss Lucy, 12-5-16, by B3R Axiom A024. Emily Hoelewyn, Damon, Texas 4. CCC Hot Tamale 1104D, 11-4-16, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Austin Alexander, Bremen, Ala. 5. LC Tinsel 1682 Polled, 12-20-16, by WC Benelli 2134 P ET. Clay Collins, Pleasantville, Iowa

Division VI, Class 26 Calved 10-1-16 to 10-28-16, 10 shown 1. J&J Angelina 660, 10-9-16, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla. 2. CC Demi 6063 ET Pld, 10-6-16, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Haley Schwecke, Gibbon, Minn. 3. KBC SHF Ms Elvira 1673, 1012-16, by TR Mr Diablo 2584Z. Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo. 4. MJR Miss Smoky’s Ledger 658, 10-4-16, by SCC Leager 370. Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo. 5. CCC Misty 1012D ET, 10-12-16, by LT-WC Templeton 1483 Pld ET. Cassidy Catrett, Luverne, Ala.

Division VI, Class 27 Calved 9-10-16 to 9-30-16, 7 shown 1. BRCHE TR Bevins Bunny 6104,

9-16-16, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Pacey Hawkins, Cincinnati, Iowa 2. BRCHE Wylie Proof 6106, 9-30-16, by TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET. Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 3. DDC Jewel D16, 9-17-16, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Allydale Downey, Boonville, Ind. 4. SSF Miss 23/23 Breeze 1654, 9-22-16, by Bamboo Ledger of F216 2323 ET. Kimberly Doran, Whiteford, Md. 5. CD Rose Girl 6127 P, 9-10-16, by WC Up Scale 4258 P. Cody Butler, State Center, Iowa

Division VI, Class 28 Calved 9-1-16 to 9-9-16, 8 shown 1. DCC Snow White 1610, 9-6-16, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Brittnee Hamilton, Marlin, Texas 2. Bar S Ms Priority 6909, 9-2-16, by EB California 1041. Corbin Hunt, Longview, Texas 3. LaFraise Dara 696, 9-4-16, by CML Diablo 2X. Will Woodard, Madison, Ga. 4. TTT Ms Blondie 657, 9-9-16, by CD Great White 4006 P. Taryn Tibboel, Pleasantville, Iowa 5. LaFraise Miss Knockout, 9-4-16, by TR Smoke on the Water ET. Katie Smith, Dyersburg, Tenn.

Division VII, Class 29 Calved 3-5-16 to 5-11-16, 5 shown 1. KE Wonder Woman ET, 5-11-16, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Heifer calf, KLA Wasp’s April, 4-1-18, by SSR Mr Driven Pld 6004. Kelton Arthur, Stillwater, Okla. 2. BOY BSMT Montella Marie 623 ET, 3-27-16, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Bull calf, JM Rhinestone Cowboy, 3-21-18, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Jamie Moore, Piasa, Ill. 3. WDZ Skittles 6033 P ET, 3-11-16, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Bull calf, SFC Dejablu 802, 3-9-18, by WC Bluegrass 2196 P ET. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa 4. BCR Ms Pamela 637 ET, 3-5-16, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Heifer calf, BCR Andrea 801, 1-6-18, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Devon Benes, Valparaiso, Neb. 5. HCF Jade, 5-2-16, by SAC Light’Em Up 131 Pld. Bull calf, HCF Jaxson, 4-3-18, by WCCC Revelation 7016. Rachael Hockenbery, Woodbine, Md.

Division VII, Class 30 Calved 1-5-16 to 2-13-16, 3 shown 1. DF Ms Champagne 56043, 2-1316, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Heifer calf, DF Ms Korbel 043F, 1-6-18, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill. 2. CCC Whiskey Girl 105D, 1-5-16, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Bull calf, CCC Resolution 101F, 1-1-18, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Nathan Alexander, Bremen, Ala. 3. HCC Freedom 04D, 2-12-16, by WR Travel Agent A602. Bull calf, HCC Rebel 05F, 1-22-18, by M6 Bells & Whistles 258 P. Beth Moller, Princeton, Minn.


Division VII, Class 31 Calved 2-26-15 to 11-3-15, 4 shown 1. HF Martha 1575 P, 11-3-15, by HF Ignite 1310 P ET. Heifer calf, HF Mary Ann 1742 P, 11-4-17, by LeddyHooDoo 325Y. Emma Hankins, Springfield, Mo. 2. JRL Moonstruck Wind 1520 P, 2-26-15, by WDZ Northern Wind 8022 Pld ET. Heifer calf, JRL Phoebe’s Moonlight 1835 P, 2-24-18, by White Rose Country Pride 413. Samantha Gerlach, Finlayson, Minn. 3. SAC Lucy 153 Pld, 5-1-15, by SAC Light’Em Up 131 Pld. Bull calf, CVF Einstein 184, 3-16-18, by B/T Smart Choice M207 ET. Katelynn Cape, Hampstead, Md. 4. ELM Ms Autumn 240 P, 9-7-15, by WH Logan 233 Pld. Heifer calf, ELM Afallusa 840 P, 1020-17, by EGT Meyer Raf 624 Twn Pl. Matthew Meyer, Sarcoxie, Mo.


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SHOW DEDICATEE 2018 Junior National Show Dedicatee Floyd Wampler

By Olivia Claire, Watseka, Ill.

If you have ever stood in the makeup ring at Junior National while cattle are lined up, flipped through an issue of the Charolais Journal, or called upon the Southeast Representative of the field staff, the name Floyd Wampler will ring a bell. Although some may not know, he got his start in the Hereford breed but has made a lasting impression on Charolais breeders across the country. Floyd was raised on a small family farm in Bristol, Tennessee where he was active in both 4-H and FFA. He went on to attend the University of Tennessee, where he stayed very busy, between competing on the livestock judging team, marrying his wife Lynne, and purchasing his first purebred females. He will note that he bought them for very little to nothing, especially by today’s standards. This is where his modesty doesn’t give the full story. Sullivan County, Tennessee which boarders Virginia, has a heritage for creating many deep-rooted cattlemen that have left undeniable innovations on various breed associations and Floyd is no exception. He didn’t just get involved in the registered Hereford business, he monopolized the breed for the 25 years he bred and showed them. Before he was breeding cattle, he was an unstoppable force both as a fitter and showman nationwide. This didn’t go unnoticed and before long he was helping to manage purebred seedstock and further develop “the eye” of the instinctive cowman he is today. Floyd was a trendsetter in the breed, crossing both horned and polled Herefords, even though at the time, polled weren’t as popular. Floyd showed the 1972 Champion Female at Chicago, one of the last shows ever held there. At the National Western Stock Show, Floyd had the Reserve National Champion Female in both 1978 and 1979, and in 1980, he had the National Champion. Floyd also had many great accomplishments in breeding livestock, including raising a bull nicknamed “Reggie” after the dominant baseball player at the time, Reggie Jackson. Similar to Mr. Jackson, in 1984, Reggie went on to win every Hereford ROM Show, except one where he wasn’t shown, the first bull to accomplish this feat. Floyd passed his winning tradition on to his two sons, Sam and Andy. While showing, they racked up an impressive number of titles. Both boys won the Hereford Junior National in their careers, and Sam at age nine, was the first Hereford junior exhibitor to show both the Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Females at the same Junior National. Hereford cattle led the family from Tennessee, to Nevada, to California, on to Oklahoma, and ending in Kansas. As Floyd humbly states, “our family had a good run in the Hereford world.” Life evolved as everyone grew in life. The boys became good students and athletes, Lynne returned to teaching school, and Floyd started with the American-International Charolais Association. In a time when many other breeds were searching for genetics to set themselves apart, Floyd caught interest in several western Charolais breeding programs who concentrated on meeting the demands of their commercial bull buyers. He promoted and helped guide Charolais in a different direction, and to this day, the genetic lines are still known, especially in the southern states. These new genetics helped frame the merits of what the Charolais breed is known for in terms of growth and added muscle. Many people have called From left: Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs, Abbee Carnes, Floyd Wampler on Floyd to make recommendations or locate an animal to fit a and Neil Orth specific order in his travels, but what many may not realize, Floyd is a talented photographer. He has had more cover photos on the Charolais Journal than anyone else to this point, and his photograph of RC Buds My Dad has been an identifying picture for the Charolais Breed. Hung in many agriculture schools to demonstrate breed characteristics, over 20 years later, it’s still one of the first pictures to pop up when you search “Charolais Bull” on Google. Floyd has traveled almost the entire U.S. through the livestock industry, getting to see new places and meet new people along the way. “I am now a rich person!” he states. “I have real friends from coast to coast, from Montana to Florida, along with a cattle family I feel lucky and humble to have.” Today Lynne is retired and both boys are successful in their own fields. He has two grandsons Kaden and Korbin; along with two granddaughters Sophie and Emma. He says that he still enjoys what he does and has yet to start working, but he is still traveling and learning from every stop he makes. “Family are friends one finds along the way.” 1994 was Floyd’s first Junior National appearance hosted in Fort Worth, Texas. Ironically his 25th Junior National in 2019 will come full circle back in Fort Worth. If he had to pick a favorite part of Junior National, it would either be showmanship or the Bred & Owned Show. These contests allow exhibitors to showcase their talents and create their own paths. Floyd accredits much of his passion in the beef industry to John Crouch. In 1971 John gave Floyd a job which helped develop not only a lifelong friendship but launched his career in the business. Floyd encourages young people to find a mentor that could change the future for them, and with that, he left thoughts for our junior members. “Passion is when you put more energy into something than is required to do it. It is more than just enthusiasm or excitement, passion is ambition that is materialized into action. Find a passion for something, even if it isn’t cattle, and you will never work a day in your life! I treasure my Charolais friends and thank you for this honor.” As his co-workers will tell you, he is one of the great ones, so our hat’s off to this year’s 2018 AIJCA Show Dedicatee, Floyd Wampler.

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CONFERENCE HONOREE 2018 Junior National Conference Honoree Marty & Joyce Lewis By Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill. This year’s 2018 AIJCA Junior National Show Conference Honoree is Marty and Joyce Lewis, a couple who is not only passionate about the Charolais breed, but also the youth and people involved within. Marty and Joyce are high school sweethearts who have been married for thirty-four years and have two children, Kaitlyn and Mason. On the farm that has been in the family for over 100 years, they run 40 cows and farm 1,700 acres of row crops in Monroe, Iowa. Marty recalls his interest in the breed starting when he was about five years old. His family would pile into their car heading south to Missouri to visit family, and each time they would pass a farm where the ‘white cows’ resided. “I made my dad turn around to go back to look at them when we passed by a farm on our way to my grandparents,” said Marty. He started raising cattle on his own in 1981, building a herd of 20 up to 100 head of commercial cows and three years later, he purchased his first Charolais bull. “I liked the hybrid vigor the Charolais cross cows offered, so when Kaitlyn was four and Mason was two, I bought three white cows to start as their future 4-H projects at the county level,” and this was just the beginning of the Lewis Family involvement. In the late 90’s, Marty became involved in the Iowa Charolais Breeders Association and in 1996, he exhibited his first bull at the Iowa Beef Expo. Shortly after, with the persuasion of Marv Nichols and Judy Frank, Marty joined the Iowa Charolais Board, becoming even more involved within the breed upon joining the AICA in 1994. Since then, he has served 20 years on the Iowa Beef Breeds Council, the coordinators of the Iowa Beef Expo, as a breed representative and even President in 2016-17. He currently serves on the AICA Board of Directors representing Area 7 and Joyce serves as Secretary of the Charolais Dees. In the midst of their children’s show careers, the family was invited to travel to the Junior National Show & Leadership Conference being held in Kansas. Marty and Mason traveled to Kansas with Mason’s show steer, thus beginning their involvement with the AIJCA. The family has attended fourteen Junior Nationals and hasn’t missed one since 2005. They even traveled to California in 2009 thanks to the Bonacker Family of Missouri for From left: Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs, Rylee Derrer, Joyce and Marty Lewis hauling their cattle. “Junior National was our family vacation each year. We were able to see our Charolais friends and family who had the same interests and passions as us and, more importantly, our children. It’s a great, friendly comradery among the members and breeders,” said Joyce. Marty and Joyce have been actively involved with the AIJCA since their kids joined. By 2008, Marty served as the fundraising chairman for the Junior National hosted in Iowa and later helped with the 2011 Junior National hosted by Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and Kansas in Kansas City, Missouri. They now are serving as this year’s Co-Chairs of the 2018 Junior Nationals in Des Moines, Iowa. “It’s been a lot of fun. We’re excited and ready for a great week, but this week would not have been possible without the support of the fundraising events. We had a great online sale and support from Charolais breeders across the country, and we just can’t thank everyone who supported the sale and the association enough,” both noted. Marty and Joyce both agreed that the AIJCA and AICA have so much to offer current and future members, “It’s a breed of the future and has its place in the industry, but it’s the juniors who keep us going as they are the future keeping us alive.” Both of their kids served on the junior board as area directors and held executive positions, and Kaitlyn has come full circle, now working as the Director of Junior Activities. “They gained not only lifelong friends, but they also learned crucial communication skills and had numerous networking opportunities,” Marty stated, “We’re both so proud of them and how much they grew through their involvement, really.” Marty and Joyce owe this honor to getting involved, and that would be the biggest piece of advice they both could give. “Volunteer and get involved. Don’t just be a paid member– the experiences are well worth it.”


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Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University Team Fitting Contest - Senior Division

Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University Team Fitting Contest - Intermediate Division

Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University Team Fitting Contest - Junior Division

Sponsor: Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University From left: Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs, Nate and Carrie Horman, Roland, Iowa - Judges; Champions- Kallie Knott, LaOtto, Ind.; Madison Andrade, San Juan Bautista, Calif.; Kaitlyn Davlin, El Campo, Texas; Kendra Elder, Blum, Texas; Reserve Champions- Cagney Effling, Highmore S.D.; Mitchell Duer, Onaga, Kan.; Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill.; Hadley Schotte, Marysville, Kan.; Tylee Williams, Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University

From left: Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs, Nate and Carrie Horman, Roland, Iowa - Judges; Champions- Jayce Dickerson, Paradise, Kan.; Audrey Field, Celina, Texas; McKenna Richardson, Eureka, Kan.; Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa; Reserve Champions- Ryleigh Morris, Ash Grove, Mo.; Thomas Owings, Potosi, Mo.; Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo.; Emma Hankins, Springfield, Mo.; Tylee Williams, Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University

From left: Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs, Tylee Williams, Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University; Champions- Camille Greer, Shelbyville, Texas; Avery Hunt, Longview, Texas; Corbin Hunt, Longview, Texas; Reserve Champions- Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan.; Samantha Gerlach, Finlayson, Minn.; Isom Marston, Canton, Kan.; Carrie and Nate Horman, Roland, Iowa - Judges

Team Sales Contest - Senior Division Sponsors: South Dakota Charolais Breeders Assn

From left: Champions - Kendra Elder, Blum, Texas; Kaitlyn Davlin, El Campo, Texas; Madison Andrade, San Juan Bautista, Calif.; (not pictured: Kallie Knott, LaOtto, Ind.) Reserve Champions- Beth and Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn.; Kallie Mattison, Lamberton, Minn.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

Sponsor: Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University

Sponsor: Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University

Team Sales Contest - Intermediate Division

Team Sales Contest - Junior Division

From left: Champions- Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; Maddy Rohr, Elbert, Colo.; Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan.; Reserve Champions- Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo.; Emma Hankins, Springfield, Mo.; Ryleigh Morris, Ash Grove, Mo.; Thomas Owings, Potosi, Mo.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

From left: Champions- Braden Booth, Fair Grove, Mo.; Hayden Birge, Auxvasse, Mo.; Clarisa Grass, Bonne Terre, Mo.; Reserve Champions- Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan.; Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; Isom Marston, Canton, Kan.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

Sponsors: Curt Clancy Charolais and Dee Zee

Sponsors: Hubert Charolais Ranch and Nichols Cryo-Genetics

Weaver Leather Livestock Showmanship Contest - Senior Division

Weaver Leather Livestock Showmanship Contest - Intermediate Division

Weaver Leather Livestock Showmanship Contest - Junior Division

From left: Sara Hunter, Ames, Iowa - Associate Judge; Ashley Recknor, Clarion, Iowa- Judge; Champion- Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.; Reserve Champion- Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; 3rd- Abbee Carnes, Richland, S.C.; 4th- Madison Loschke, Kingsdown, Kan.; 5th- Hadley Schotte, Marysville, Kan.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs; Christy Henley, Weaver Leather Livestock

From left: Sara Hunter, Ames, Iowa - Associate Judge; Ashley Recknor, Clarion, Iowa - Judge; Champion- Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo.; Reserve Champion- Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa; 3rdAbby Bell, Bristow, Okla.; 4th- Ryleigh Morris, Ash Grove, Mo.; 5th- Pacey Hawkins, Cincinnati, Iowa; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs; Christy Henley, Weaver Leather Livestock

From left: Sara Hunter, Ames, Iowa - Associate Judge; Ashley Recknor, Clarion, Iowa - Judge; Champion- Rylee Short, Masonville, Iowa; Reserve Champion- Ruby Bell, Bristow, Okla.; 3rd- Nathan Alexander, Bremen, Ala.; 4th- Corbin Hunt, Longview, Texas; 5th- Evie Groom, Lyons, N.Y.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs; Christy Henley, Weaver Leather Livestock

Sponsor: Weaver Leather Livestock

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Sponsor: Weaver Leather Livestock


Sponsor: Weaver Leather Livestock


Resume & Interview Contest

Impromptu Speech Contest

Prepared Speech Contest

Fair Grove, Mo.; 2nd- Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; Intermediate Division: 1st- Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo.; 2nd- Cody Butler, State Center, Iowa; Senior Division: 1st- Beth Moller, Princeton, Minn.; 2ndKadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

From left: High School Division: 1st- Cameron Catrett, From left: Junior Division: 1st- Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Luverne, Ala.; 2nd- Annaleigh Hobbs, Overland Park, Wis.; 2nd- Kole Harris, Hepler, Kan.; Intermediate Kan.; College Division: 1st- (not pictured: Kendra Elder, Division: 1st- Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla.; 2nd- Blum, Texas); 2nd- Beth Moller, Princeton, Minn. Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan.; Senior Division: 1stGrace Schlueter, Janesville, Minn.; 2nd- Beth Moller, Princeton, Minn.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

Sponsors: Nebeker Farms, South Dakota Charolais Breeders Assn, Sponsors: Clear Water Cattle, Schvaneveldt Charolais, South CNN Cattle Company, Rowan Ranch, Vaughan Family Ranch Dakota Charolais Breeders Assn, Roy Miller, Tad & Angela Owings, AMVC Vet Clinic From left: Junior Division: 1st- Braden Booth,

Art Contest

Sponsors: MOGO Charolais, J&S Ranch, SW&S Cattle-Tyler Smith, Rennert Ranch, Wal-Mar Charolais & Engraving, Livestock Plus, Inc.

From left: Junior Division: 1st- Macara Rohr, Hays, Kan.; 2nd- Cody Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo.; Intermediate Division: 1st- (not pictured: Michael Frisbie, Buckingham, Iowa); 2nd- Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; Senior Division: 1st- Ashley Eisenbraun, Paynesville, Minn.; 2nd- Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

Poster Contest

Sponsors: South Dakota Charolais Breeders Assn, Rob Nord -Auctioneer, Raasch Family Cattle, Wienk Charolais Ranch

From left: Junior Division – Breed/Association Promotion 1st and Herd Advertisement 1st- Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan.; Breed/Association 2nd- Rylee Short, Masonville, Iowa; Herd Advertisement: 2ndShayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

Cook-Off Contest - Senior Division

Cook-Off Contest - Intermediate Division

From left: 1st- Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo.; Trisha Dybdal, Newcastle, Neb.; Annaleigh Hobbs, Overland Park, Kan; Caitlin Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo.; 2nd- Katie and Beth Moller, Princeton, Minn.

From left: 1st- Taylor Hecht, Payton Hecht and Riley Hecht, Paynesville, Minn.; 2nd- Colton Grass, Bonne Terre, Mo.; Gracie Holt, Park Hills, Mo.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

Sponsors: Jeff & Karen Bonacker & Family

Sponsors: Curt Clancy Charolais and Triple S Farms

Sponsors: South Dakota Charolais Breeders Assn, Iowa Farm Bureau Foundation, Two Rivers Cooperative, WGB Charolais

Graphic Design Contest

Sponsors: Circle K Cattle Company, Hubert Cattle Sales, Thunderhead Charolais, Collison Embryos, Wild Oak Charolais, Carr Cattle, Company, JWC Marketing, Beck’s Superior Hybrids, Inc

From left: Intermediate Division – Breed/Assn Promotion and 1st/ Herd Advertisement 2nd- Devon Benes, Valparaiso, Neb.; Breed/Assn Promotion 2nd and Herd Advertisement 1st- Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; Senior Division – Breed/Assn Promotion 1st and Herd Advertisement 2nd- Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo.; Breed/ Assn Promotion 2nd- Caitlin Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo.; Herd Advertisement: 1st- Grady Dickerson, Paradise, Kan.

Cook-Off Contest - Junior Division Sponsors: Charolais Dees

From left: 1st- Cody Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo.; Clarisa Grass, Bonne Terre, Mo.; Connor Kisner, DeSoto, Mo. (not pictured: Cannon Kisner); 2nd- Camille Greer, Shelbyville, Texas; Avery and Corbin Hunt, Longview, Texas; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

Cook-Off Contest - Adult Division

Talent Contest

From left: 1st - James, Clarie and Janet Woodard, Madison, Ga.; Scott Carey, Madison, Ga.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

From left: 1st- Macara Rohr, Hays, Kan.; 2nd- Allydale Downey, Boonville, Ind.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

Sponsor: AM Livestock


Sponsors: Testerman Charolais and Van Langen Cattle

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Quiz Bowl Contest

Photo Contest

Sponsors: Channel Seed- Clint Long, Justin Stout Auction Service, Curt Clancy Charolais, Key Cooperative, Sonderup Charolais Ranch, Inc., Outfront Cattle Service, South Dakota Charolais Breeders Association, P5 Charolais, JWC Marketing, Simpson Family, Rowan Ranch, Titan Machinery Inc.

From left: Junior Division - Black & White: 1st- Lydia Nolting, Lamar, Mo.; 2nd- Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla.; Color: 1st- Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; 2nd- Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan.; Intermediate Division - Black & White and Color: 1st- Jayce Dickerson, Paradise, Kan.; Black and White 2nd- Grace Downey, Prattville, Ala.; Color 2nd- Ryleigh Morris, Ash Grove, Mo.; Senior Division - Black & White: 1st- Rachael Hockenbery, Woodbine, Md.; 2nd- (not pictured: Taylor Benes, Valparaiso, Neb.); Color: 1st- Ella Barrett, Grantville, Kan.; 2nd- Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

Sponsor: One Penny Ranch and Coudron Charolais

From left: 1st- Cassidy Catrett, Luverne, Ala.; Cameron Catrett, Luverne, Ala.; Logan Strock, Marbury, Ala.; Trace Strock, Marbury, Ala.; Austin Alexander, Bremen, Ala.; 2nd- Ava Schoenfeld, Lakefield, Minn.; Beth Moller, Princeton, Minn.; Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn.; Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs

Kansas Junior Charolais Association State / Affiliate Scrapbook - 1st

Iowa Junior Charolais Association State Herdsmanship - 11 or more

Missouri Junior Charolais Association State Participation - 11 or More Participants Most Creative Skit and State / Affiliate Scrapbook - 2nd

Devin & Kelley Koester, Elizabeth, Illinois Best Comedy Skit 52  î ş

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Nebraska Junior Charolais Assn

South Dakota Junior Charolais Assn Tennessee Junior Charolais Assn

Best Dressed Skit

State Participation - 10 or Less Participants CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

State Herdsmanship - 10 or Less Head


Outstanding Junior Member From left: Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs and 2017 award winner Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis. present the 2018 award to Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan.

Chad Clark Memorial Outstanding Senior Member Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs and AIJCA Board Member Teanna Simpson (right) present the 2018 award to Rachael Hockenbery, Woodbine, Md.

2017 Gold Elite Award

$250 Scholarship sponsored by the Gibson Family of Clear Creek Farm

Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs and AIJCA Board Member Matthew Owings (right) present Kelley Koester, Elizabeth, Ill. with the award and scholarship.

AICA Fieldman's Workhorse

Advisor of the Year

Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs and AICA Fieldman Floyd Wampler (right) present the 2018 award to Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill.

Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs and AIJCA Board Member Cagney Effling (right) present the 2018 honor to Kim Schwecke, Monticello, Minn. of the Junior Board Advisory Council.

2018 AIJCA Premier Challenge Junior National Contest Winner

$500 Scholarship sponsored by Zehnder-Waage Partnership

Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs and AIJCA Board Member Molly Smith (right) present Beth Moller, Princeton, Minn. the 2018 award.

2017 National Junior Merit Awards From left: Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs presents the awards to Cody Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo. (Bronze/Silver); Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis. (Bronze/Silver); Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis. (Bronze/ Silver); Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan. (Bronze/Silver); Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn. (Silver); Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa (Silver); Kelley Koester, Elizabeth, Ill. (Gold); Beth Moller, Princeton, Minn. (Gold); Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo. (Gold)

Family of the Year Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs and AIJCA Board Member Madison Andrade (middle) award the Stalcup Family, Craig and Amy Stalcup, Makayla Houck, and Haley and Garrett Stalcup (not pictured) with the 2018 award.

2018 Planning Committee Front row: Jim Pfeifer, Deb Pfeifer, Jodi Briggs, Marty Lewis, Joyce Lewis, Mason Lewis, Taylor Sabelka, Sara Shepherd Back row: Miss Charolais USA Annaleigh Hobbs, Roy Miller, Brian Briggs, Brett Beavers, Tina Beavers, Tim Butler, Chris Butler, Mark Hood, Carmen Hood, Tracy Tibboel, Dannis Tibboel, Dustie Wentz, Curvin Wentz, Linda Tibboel, Henry Hoopes, Beth Hoopes, Stefanie Pfeifer, Dan Pfeifer, Dan Shamburg, Amy Stalcup, Craig Stalcup; (not pictured: Tyler and Anna Smith)


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2018-19 Scholarship Recipients $3,000 Walker/Phillips Hadley Schotte, Marysville, Kan.

$2,000 American International Junior Charolais Foundation Madison Andrade, San Juan Bautista, Calif.; Kiera Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; Matthew Owings, Potosi, Mo.

Sponsored by: Hansen Farms From left: Payton Creasey, Macomb, Ill.; Kelley Koester, Elizabeth, Ill.; Jennifer Hood, Lohrville, Iowa; Mitchell Duer, Onaga, Kan.; Bailey Hinrichs, Glenvil, Neb.; Rachel Hockenbery, Woodbine, Md.; Taryn Tibboel, Pleasantville, Iowa; Lindsey Cobb, Potosi, Mo.; Beth Moller, Princeton, Minn.; (not pictured: Dillon Elder, Blum, Texas; Hunter Riggins, Leedey, Okla; Garrett Stalcup, Prescott, Iowa)

$2,000 Charlie and Jean Smith Molly Smith, Lockhart, Texas

$2,000 Wesson Memorial Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo.

$1,500 American International Junior Charolais Foundation Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill.; Mitchell Duer, Onaga, Kan.; Jenna Harrod, Frankfort, Ky.; Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.

$1,500 Chance Clifton Live Big! Devin Koester, Elizabeth, Ill.; Annaleigh Hobbs, Overland Park, Kan.

$1,500 Charlie & Jean Smith Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.

$1,500 Joe & Carolynne Garrett Kallie Anne Knott, LaOtto, Ind.

$1,500 Taylor Thomas Memorial Cagney Effling, Highmore S.D.

$1,500 Walker/Phillips Kendra Elder, Blum, Texas; Sydney Zehnder, Stanchfield, Minn.

$1,000 American International Junior Charolais Foundation TyAnn Tellefson, Warden, Wash.; Madison Voet, Home, Kan.; Josie Woodcock, Clovis, Calif.

$1,000 Chance Clifton Live Big! Kallie Mattison, Lamberton, Minn.; Tara Tellefson, Warden, Wash.

$1,000 Charlie & Jean Smith Abbee Carnes, Richland, S.C.; Katherine Moller, Princeton, Minn.

$1,000 Cross Family Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill.

$1,000 Everett Shepherd Memorial Ashley Eisenbraun, Paynesville, Minn.

$1,000 Missouri Junior Charolais Breeders Association Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo.

$1,000 Pete and Wendy Stamer Alex Creasey, Macomb, Ill.

Front row, from left: Ashley Eisenbraun, Paynesville, Minn.; Devin Koester, Elizabeth, Ill.; Hadley Schotte, Marysville, Kan.; Matthew Owings, Potosi, Mo.; Kendra Elder, Blum, Texas; Mitchell Duer, Onaga, Kan.; Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill.; Mason Runft, Scandia, Kan.; Back row, from left: Neil Orth, AIJCF Board of Trustee; Annaleigh Hobbs, Overland Park, Kan.; Madison Voet, Home, Kan.; TyAnn Tellefson, Warden, Wash.; Katherine Moller, Princeton, Minn.; Kallie Mattison, Lamberton, Minn.; Tara Tellefson, Warden, Wash.; Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo.; Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.; Madison Andrade, San Juan Bautista, Calif.; Molly Smith, Lockhart, Texas; Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill.; Abbee Carnes, Richland, S.C.; Alex Creasey, Macomb, Ill.; Larry Lehman, AIJCF Board of Trustee Chairman

$1,000 Tex Jedlicka Memorial Mason Runft, Scandia, Kan.

$1,000 Cliff and Lynn Orley, Champion Owned Female Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla.

$1,000 Larry and Robbie Lehman, Champion Percentage Heifer Kendra Elder, Blum, Texas

$500 Carol Doughty Memorial, Big Creek Charolais, Champion Bred and Owned Female Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla.

$500 AIJCA Premier Challenge,

Sponsored by Zehnder–Waage Partnership Beth Moller, Princeton, Minn.

$250 Gold Elite National Junior Merit Award

Sponsored by Gibson Family of Clear Creek Farm Kelley Koester, Elizabeth, Ill.

$1,000 Stauffer Memorial Abigail Spindle, Moriarty, N.M. 54  

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Chance Clifton Live Big Foundation Scholarships From left: Greg Clifton, Chance Clifton Live Big Foundation; Recipients - Devin Koester, Elizabeth, Ill.; Annaleigh Hobbs, Overland Park, Kan.; Kallie Mattison, Lamberton, Minn.; Tara Tellefson, Warden, Wash.; Larry Lehman, AIJCF Board of Trustee Chairman


2018-2019 Officers and Board of Directors

Fundraising Madison Andrade - Chair Programs & Activities Kaitlyn Davlin - Chair Membership Abbee Carnes - Chair Junior National Teanna Simpson - Chair Executive Teanna Simpson - Chair Kaitlyn Davlin Abbee Carnes Madison Andrade Hadley Schotte

Front row, from left: Teanna Simpson, Kaitlyn Davlin, Abbee Carnes, Madison Andrade, Hadley Schotte; Back row, from left: Tara Tellefson, Trisha Dybdal, Kylie Rahmeier, Haley Schwecke, Matthew Owings, Cagney Effling, Kadon Leddy, Molly Smith, Caitlin Jedlicka

Teanna Simpson........ President

Tara Tellefson..................... Area 1

Madison Andrade............ Area 7

Kaitlyn Davlin.....Vice President

Trisha Dybdal.................... Area 2

Abbee Carnes.................... Area 8

Abbee Carnes............. Secretary

Kylie Rahmeier.................. Area 3

Cagney Effling............... At Large

Madison Andrade.......Treasurer

Kaitlyn Davlin.................... Area 4

Caitlin Jedlicka.............. At Large

Hadley Schotte...........Ex-Officio

Haley Schwecke............... Area 5

Kadon Leddy................. At Large

Gibbon, Minn.

Stockholm, S.D.

Matthew Owings............. Area 6

Molly Smith.................... At Large

Thayer, Mo.

El Campo, Texas Richland, S.C.

San Juan Bautista, Calif. Marysville, Kan.

Warden, Wash.

San Juan Bautista, Calif.

Newcastle, Neb.

Richland, S.C.

Sylvan Grove, Kan.

Highmore, S.D.

El Campo, Texas

Koshkonong, Mo.

Lockhart, Texas

Potosi, Mo.


Grand Prize ­Gallagher Scale & Accessories Donated by

Winner: Moller Family, Princeton, Minn.

Reserve Grand Prize - Powder Coated Firepit Donated by The Simpson Family

Winner: Effling Family, Highmore, S.D.

Third Prize – Schaefer F5 Livestock Fan Donated by We cannot thank our generous sponsors and all of the particpants enough for helping the AIJCA put on an awesome fundraiser!

Winner: Kaitlyn Davlin, El Campo, Texas


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PLATINUM $5,000+ Kent Nutrition Group Shepherd Charolais Summit Agricultural Group GOLD $2,500+ 4C Amos Charolais Everett Shepherd Memorial Fink Beef Genetics Gallagher Animal Management Iowa Junior Charolais Association Lindskov Ranches ML Lewis Charolais Raymond Hicks Foundation SC Online Sales Silver Spur Land & Cattle Thelma’s Treats Wright Charolais SILVER $1,000+ Aces Wild Ranch Bar L Bengtson Cattle Co Bertsche Cattle Butler Cattle Company Cliff & Lynn Orley Derrer Farms Diamond DS Ltd Dismukes Ranch Dybdal Charolais Dykes Charolais EDJE Technologies F Bar 5 Hang’n A Cattle Company Hankins Farms Hayden Farms Heritage Tractor Highview Farms Iowa Beef Center/ISU Extension Iowa Beef Industry Council Iowa Cattlemen’s Association JWC Marketing Jeremy Jansen Lehman Charolais McDaniel Cattle Company Midwest Heritage Bank Midwest Marketer/Tom Rooney Muir Embroidery Nationwide Pennington Farm Pfeifer Farms Plyler & Son Charolais Polzin Cattle RM Tack & Apparel Riverdale Land & Livestock Satterfield Charolais The Cattle Business Weekly Thomas Ranch TransOva Genetics Triple S Livestock Triple T Farms Wells Charolais Wild Indian Acres BRONZE $500+ 7 Hills Farm Adkins Charolais Agridyne LLC AgriLabs Andrew Branstad Bamboo Road Farms Bar J Charolais Barilla America 56  

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Beck’s Superior Hybrids, Inc Big Creek Charolais Bovine Elite Boyert Show Cattle Brewer Meats Callender Printing Co Carr Cattle Company Channel Seeds - Clint Long Circle K Cattle Co CK Cattle Collison Embryos Dee Zee DeMoss Show Cattle Doonan Cattle Company Double-H Charolais Grand Hills Cattle Hood Charolais Hoopes Charolais Hubert Cattle Sales Iowa Charolais Breeders Association Iowa Farm Bureau Foundation Justin B Stout Auction Service K & D Cattle Key Cooperative LaFraise Farms Lindskov-Thiel Ranch Mitchell Management Nebraska Junior Charolais Assn Outfront Cattle Service P5 Charolais Paige Amenell Parker Frey Pleasant Valley Charolais Raasch Family Cattle Ridder Farms Rob Nord, Auctioneer Ryan McKinney–Umbarger Show Feed Sandmeier Charolais Schrader Ranch Shnurman Sire Service Siek Ranch Simpson Family South Dakota Charolais Breeders Assn Stalcup Farms Charolais Thunderhead Charolais Titan Machinery Inc Two Rivers Cooperative Van Ryswyk Farms Van Wall Equipment Vector Marketing/Cutco Cutlery Westwood Embryo Service Wienk Charolais Ranch Wild Oak Charolais Wilson Farms Show Coat Zehnder Cattle FRIENDS 2H Cattle Company 4D Charolais 5J Charolais Abby Lammers Alyssa & Will Anderson AM Livestock AMVC Vet Clinic Arlitt Charolais B H Charolais Bar S Ranch Beavers Charolais Bedwell Charolais Benes Cattle Co Bianchi Charolais Bina Charolais Bradley 3 Ranch Brandi Minton Brittain Cattle Buddy’s Charolais C&H Farms California Junior Charolais Assn

Cam Behmer Cannon-Deutsch Charolais Carstens Farms Ltd Cavender Ranches Charlie Simmons Charolais Dees Chloe Fontenot Chris & Kelsi Peuster Clancy Charolais Clear Creek Farms Clear Water Cattle Clift Livestock CNN Cattle Company Cobb Charolais Ranch Co-Line Welding Colton Suhr Coudron Charolais Creasey Charolais D & G Cattle Company Davlin Cattle Co. DeBruycker Charolais Diamond Jack’s Dodge Charolais Doll Charolais Ranch Don Bedwell Double I Cattle Company Dynamic Z East Fork Cattle Evans Charolais Faraway Cattle Co Grand Island CVB Grant Racca Grinnell Implement Store, Inc Hansen Farms Hat Creek Cattle Co Hawkeye Breeders Service Inc Haystack Charolais Hernandez Family Hinrichs Farms Hubert Charolais Ranch Hudspeth Farms Illinois Charolais Breeder Association Indiana Junior Charolais Association Iowa Beef Expo J & A Charolais J & S Ranch J&J Trust Charolais Jacob Fjeld Jeff & Karen Bonacker & Family Jeff MacRunnels–Umbarger Show Feed Jennifer Sly JJC Farms Joel Edge/Cory Lubben–Purina John Kline Josh St Peters JVS Cattle Co Kansas Charolais Association Kansas Junior Charolais Association Knotts Landing Farm Knoxville Regional Livestock Mrkt L.G. Herndon Jr Farms, Inc Lawrence Mahan Lazy Heart Jay Ranch Ledbetter Charolais Leddy Cattle Lewis Livestock Liebelt Charolais Link Charolais Livestock Plus Inc Long Hall Cattle Mai Charolais Meinder Stock Farm Mid Continent Farms Midwest Genetics Milestone Group Minuteman Inc Missouri Jr Charolais Breeders Assn Mitchell Charolais


MOGO Charolais Mountain Empire Charolais Assn National Center for Beef Excellence Nebeker Farms Nelson Charolais Nichols Cryo-Genetics Inc Nick Hansen North Grove Charolais One Penny Ranch Osceola Farm & Home Pendroy Auctions Pro-Fit Show Supply Quality Ag Service R & B Feeds, LLC R Lazy B Ranch Randy Schuring Rathmourne Charolais Rennert Ranch Reynolds Cattle Roberts Cattle Rocking S Ranch Roster Charolais Rowan Ranch Roy Duer Roy Miller Russell Livestock Market SAC Show Cattle Sam’s Club Sar-Mey Charolais Schvaneveldt Charolais SCI Designs Scott & Cindy Franklin Shepherd’s Hill Charolais Show Stopper Equipment Silvercrest Charolais Silverstream Charolais Smith Cattle Smoky Hill Charolais Sonderup Charolais Ranch Sonderup Charolais Ranch, Inc. Soreide Charolais Ranch Southfork Charolais Ranch Sparks Charolais Farm Stacey Handsaker Stock Options Marketing Sturgess Double S Cattle Suttles Charolais Farm SW&S Cattle Company T&S Strnad Tad & Angela Owings Tara Fountain Taylor Charolais Taylor Dybdal TC Cattle Services Tennessee Charolais Association Inc Testerman Charolais Thomas Mouser Travis Taylor Triple C Charolais Triple S Farms Twin Oaks Farm Tyler & Anna Smith United Bank of Iowa- Lohrville, IA Van Langen Cattle Vaughan Family Ranch Virginia Charolais Association VitaFerm Wakefield Charolais Wal-Mar Charolais & Engraving Walmart WGB Charolais White Rose Charolais Whiting Charolais Wild Walker Woods Windy Hill Charolais Farms Winter’s Charolais Zeisler Charolais Zoetis


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We invite everyone to join us next year at the 2019 AIJCA Junior National, Fort Worth, Texas, June 16-21. At the Showdown in Cowtown, we look forward to seeing new faces, high quality cattle, and enjoying the creativity and many talents our junior members have to showcase!


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Building a LEGACY. T

he Charolais breed has a 40 year history of building the breed’s future. Development of the AIJCF began in 1970 when breed leaders met and formulated the initial plans to provide leadership and scholarship opportunities for Charolais youth. These efforts lead to the AIJCF’s first leadership and scholarship programs being introduced at the 1973 National Junior Leadership Conference. Through the early 1980’s, AIJCF programs continued to expand with the support of Charolais breeders nationwide.


1985 was a benchmark year for AIJCF when major contributions allowed for the program’s first endowed scholarships. Today, eight endowed scholarship funds form the foundation for the program. In 2018, AIJCF awarded 28 youth from 11 states, $42,500 in scholarships. An additional $3,250 is awarded to 5 exhibitors at the Junior National Show and Leadership Conference. Selection criteria includes academic and leadership excellence. The Raymond Hicks Fund provides support for the Junior National Leadership Conference.

Become part of the breed’s legacy!


• Your tax-deductible minimum donation of $20,000 to the American-International Junior Charolais Foundation will allow you to name a scholarship which will become endowed after a period of one year. • A minimum donation of $1,000 to the AmericanInternational Junior Charolais Foundation will allow the donor to name a scholarship to be awarded at the next Junior National.

• Donations of any size are encouraged at all times.

American-International Junior Charolais Foundation 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, Mo. 64153 For more information contact the AIJCF Board of Trustees

Kaitlyn Chism Larry Lehman Neil Orth 816-464-2474 ext 201 972-529-8723 816-464-2474 ext 101 Harlin Hecht Bill Nottke (320) 243-4386 (314) 843-2930 CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

Leadership Development A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   61

continued from page 21

Charolais cattle at program built in part by the work of Wayne Burkhalter. When I took over Wayne’s ranch manager duties in 2000 and he passed away in 2003, I knew we needed to keep his momentum going.” Under Robinson’s leadership with tutelage from Gilbert Link—a long-respected Charolais breeder from Center, Texas— the college discovered new genetics and a renewed focus to increase both marketability and profitability. “Gilbert was an amazing resource for me and ultimately our college herd,” Robinson says. “He shared all his knowledge and genetics with us. His dedication to our program was the catalyst to what we’ve been able to develop in the past 20 years.” Robinson also credits the purchase of TR PLZ Impressive Fire from the Thomas Ranch and Polzin Charolais with significant herd advancements. The 2010-model bull produces show quality, production-oriented sons and daughters for the program. Using bulls like Impressive Fire—and incorporating student learning in the process—expanded the ag department’s financial abilities too. “Charolais are extremely marketable cattle, and they perform well in all our experiences,” says the enthusiastic, yet quiet, leader. “We offer semen on proven herd sires, and we market our bull sales through” About 65 purebred Charolais cows now comprise the spring and fall teaching herd. Students are involved in every aspect of ranch management, research, herd development, and marketing. The ag program’s students build fence, conduct forage tests, make and implement plans for erosion control, agronomy needs, and more. Artificial insemination along with embryo work provide students experience from both a ranch records and chute-side perspective. Additionally, the college utilizes for record-management, which works well both in and out of the classroom. Classroom coursework and ranch work offer exceptional opportunities; however, one of the college’s most unique programs is its show team. In 2000, the college changed their show team structure to a

The Trinity Valley Community College Beef Show Cattle Team displays their first place “Good Herdsman” award in the Charolais open division at the Houston Livestock Show. TVCC’s team has earned this award 16 of the past 18 years. scholarship model. Today, show team scholarships are offered to each of the eight participants. Robinson says this approach helps not only with recruiting efforts but also by having students apply more responsibility to the game. He says, “We are a team in every aspect. We maintain a string of eight to 10 head, but the kids are responsible for them all. About two weeks before a show, the show team captain assigns a specific animal to a specific team member. Then, it changes before the next show.” The college covers all expenses, and the team competes at events like Fort Worth, Tulsa State Fair, Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, and the Four States Fair. The team has already earned many accolades and banners for their 2017/18 efforts, including special recognition as 1st place recipient in the Charolais division of the Enid McNiece Good Herdsman Award at the 2018 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. “Our program is small but mighty,” Robinson says. “Everything we do from the classroom to the ranch to the show ring is done with the intention of setting our students up to be successful contributors in the agriculture industry. We’ve got many alumni now teaching in their own ag classrooms. We’ve helped foster ranch managers, government employees, and more. We want graduates to feel confident in whatever path they choose from here, and I think we do that.”

Located in Athens, Texas, Trinity Valley Community College runs a herd of fall and spring calving Charolais cows and heifers on its 254-acre TVCC Ranch. The teaching herd provides hands-on learning opportunities for school’s ranch management and show team students.

TVCC Show Team Members and their program advisor Marc Robinson (second from left) display their Senior Female Champion honors with Ms. Janet 1603 at the 2018 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, which is one of the four shows at which students exhibit TVCC animals.

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Robinson has no plans of leaving TVCC any time soon, but at age 59, he knows there will be a season. When the time comes, he hopes to leave behind a program without a lot of need for improvement. “To have a former student who has gone on to earn a master’s degree return to take over my positions would be an ideal future vision,” Robinson says. “I do my best to lead by example, so I hope wherever the program goes is a continuation of what’s already made it great.” With that, keep watch for TVCC Ranch cattle and students because while programs can always improve, Robinson says there’s no thoughts or needs for a different breed of cattle in Athens, Texas.

Land-grant Lessons

Over 1,000 miles northeast of Athens, Texas, lies Virginia’s largest town. Blacksburg fills a plateau between the Blue Ridge and Alleghany Mountains and boasts numerous awards for its quality of life and appeal. While the quaint shops and familyfriendly atmosphere are attractive, the community may be best known as home to the acclaimed Virginia Tech. Virginia Tech offers its nearly 31,000 enrolled students more than 150 majors with degrees ranging from a two-year associate to doctorates. Founded in 1903, the university’s college of agriculture and life sciences integrates seamlessly with the Virginia Ag Experiment Station (est. 1886) and the Virginia Cooperative Extension Services (est. 1914). While a typical VA Tech Animal and Poultry Sciences student aspires to the university’s veterinary program, only 126 of the 1600 applicants will be admitted. Students apply to schools like Auburn and North Carolina State as second and third choices; however, for those students choosing a different path altogether, Dan Eversole stands ready to help. “The reality is 80 percent of the students majoring in animal and poultry sciences want to go to vet school but only 10 percent do,” he says. “Luckily, there’s a whole world of opportunity out there, and our beef cattle programs open a lot of doors for students across all interests.”

John Robert Helsley, a student at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA, receives instruction from Dr. Dan Eversole, Virginia Tech’s Director of Beef Cattle Programs, during a show team practice.

Eversole joined VA Tech in 1984 as the livestock judging coach and beef cattle director. Today, he is associate professor of animal & poultry sciences and director of beef cattle programs for the land-grant university. In addition to his classroom work, Eversole serves as a student advisor with heavy focus on career placement. VA Tech ag graduates find success across many industries but especially within production agriculture, pharmaceutical sales, ag lending, animal lab companies, extension, and grad school. Though students often come from varied backgrounds, the university’s nationally-recognized Charolais herd provides opportunity to unite them all. Donations led by Mary diZerega of Oakdale Farm in Upperville, Virginia launched the university’s purebred Charolais herd in 1998. Today, VA Tech’s beef program includes 40 Angus, 18 Hereford, 35 Simmental, and 40 Charolais animals. Additionally, the school maintains a commercial herd of about 200 Simmental/Angus cross animals. While each breed has its meaningful place in the school’s teaching and research models, Eversole says the Charolais cattle flourish and continue to be great teachers for the nearly 600 undergrad students and many research teams. “Our area struggles with fescue grass and animal toxicity. Charolais don’t seem to be affected by the fescue or the heat. We don’t have late shedding or pink eye problems either. These alone are great teaching and research opportunities,” Eversole says. The Ohio-native says the muscle, fertility, and efficiency of Charolais cattle also bring balance to the school’s beef program. That balance provides students with only more opportunities to learn and grow as they explore careers beyond graduation. “Look at what Charolais bring to the industry! They have so much value in a commercial feedlot. There’s few better than a half-blood Charolais steer full of lean product hanging on a rail,” says the former AICA board member. “The breed benefits from purity and identifiability too. There’s just a lot of advantage to using Charolais in any program.” One of VA Tech’s most interesting opportunities outside of a research lab involves one of Eversole’s classes.

VPI Free Lunch 708T stands proud as a four-year-old bull. Free Lunch was raised by Virginia Tech and purchased by Select Sires in 2008. He was used heavily in the AI industry on purebred and commercial females.


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seedstock business,” Eversole says. “But the greatest successes come from the students who graduate our programs and go on to improve the agriculture industry.”

Charolais cattle are teaching students and influencing the greater agriculture industry across the country. Additional universities utilizing Charolais genetics in their teaching model include:

Northwest Missouri State University

Bill Nottke (left) presents Viriginia Tech—represented by Dr. Dan Eversole, Associate Professor of Animal & Poultry Sciences and Director of Beef Cattle Programs at Virginia Tech—the 2017 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year Award. Livestock merchandising is a junior-level class. According to Eversole, students are responsible for the annual “Hokie Harvest Sale,” which boasts inclusion of students from all majors and colleges including engineering, business, and arts. Students in the class interact with leaders in the fields of merchandising, photography, sales, graphic design, writing, and business planning. Then, they put on the department’s annual sale. “As part of the class, each student is assigned a sale lot. They are responsible for studying and learning the animal to properly market it,” Eversole shares. “I provide pedigree and such, but creating footnotes, learning how to sell something is important.” The student-run horse and cattle sale accounts for nearly $2.6 million grossed revenue for the department over its 23-year history, but the hands-on experience accounts for much more. “I’ve been able to build a great network over my 35 years at Tech,” Eversole says. “Through that, I have the unique ability to see students achieve success beyond the classroom. One of the young ladies who went through the merchandising class went on to work in the graphics department of a national breed organization; her portfolio included her work from the class. It set her apart and influenced her life, and she’s not the only student who can say that.” Virginia Tech Charolais and students are also well-known outside the classroom, research labs, and sale arena. In fact, they were recognized by the AICA as the seedstock producer of the year in 2017. “Virginia Tech has set a very high standard of leadership for registration, data collection, use of modern technology, marketing, customer satisfaction, and educating college students in the beef industry by using their Charolais herd as a teaching tool,” says Floyd Wampler, AICA’s Southeast Field Representative. While Eversole sees university research as a continued priority in the long-term, he also sees Charolais cattle continuing to influence the beef industry. The university exhibits their Charolais genetics at events like the West Virginia State Fair and the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE). Select Sires continues to market VPI Free Lunch, a breed-leading bull produced by and purchased from the college in 2008. “We’ve seen some success in the showring and in the 64  

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With beef, sheep, swine, dairy, and a farming operation on its 448-acre R.T. Wright Farm near Maryville, Missouri, Northwest Missouri State University offers students a variety of hands-on opportunities. The university’s Charolais beef herd plays a vital role in the school’s seven agricultural major programs and three graduate agriculture programs. Students can also earn a two-year farm operations certificate or specialize in eight minors through the university’s agriculture department. Cattle exhibited by NW Missouri State students have earned top honors at national Charolais shows like the American Royal.

University of Idaho

Located in Moscow, Idaho, the University of Idaho boasts a thriving beef center. The beef center serves as a teaching, research, and outreach facility for the university, and handson classes through the university’s agriculture programs help students learn everything from the value of a vaccination program to daily responsibilities of a beef herd. The school’s Charolais herd serves students through the classroom and the 200-acre farm. In addition, University of Idaho Charolais are used for livestock evaluation courses and competitions for 4-H, FFA, and college students. Members of the school’s Block & Bridle Club exhibit the university animals throughout the region. Additionally, University of Idaho bulls and heifers are marketed to ranches throughout the U.S. Northwest. Twenty-seven different undergraduate programs ranging from agribusiness to textiles draw students to the College of Agricultural & Life Sciences at University of Idaho. The school offers nine masters program routes and six doctorate programs.

Fresno State

The beef program at California State University, Fresno involves purebred herds, a feedlot, a stocker enterprise and a commercial cow-calf operation. The purebred herd, including Charolais and the feedlot are part of the agricultural laboratory on campus. The purebred herds provide students the opportunity to gain experience in the selection, management and marketing of purebred cattle. Cattle produced in the program provide learning opportunities for numerous students in courses such as introductory animal science, livestock selection, animal health and reproduction. In addition, students from many high school agricultural programs and community colleges evaluate cattle as part of their training.


with Guests Annual Production Sale Saturday, September 15, 2018 • 1 p.m. Knoxville Livestock Center • Knoxville, Tennessee Offering Bulls, Females, Semen & Embryos

RC Winner 9403 daughter

Rays Power Surge B409 Featured Service Sire

Power Surge daughter

May Smokester 9512 daughter


Roy May & Son 2760 Renfro Road Jefferson City, TN 37760 (865) 599-5075


Surge and Winner cross

Terry Baxter, Newport, TN (423) 608-0345 TN Lic #2301 A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   65



Charolais Sale Results Sales are listed in sale date order. A list of sales in this issue is provided below. Oakwater Ranch/Rocking Arrow 35th Charolais Bull Sale Prairie Valley Farms Annual Bull Sale 13th Annual Central Kentucky Classic Sale Kentucky Charolais Spring Showcase Sale Wells Charolais 36th Annual Bull Sale Rogers Bar HR 42nd Annual Cream of the Crop Charolais Female Sale Lone Star Classic Sale Appalachian Classic Colonial Farms: Partial Dispersal

Oakwater Ranch/ Rocking Arrow 35th Charolais Bull Sale Valentine, Neb.  April 10, 2018 Auctioneer: Jim Birdwell, Fletcher, Okla. Average: 87 Yearling Bulls......................... $3,595 Total Sale Gross............................. $312,765 By: Weston Geppert High-selling lots: $13,500 – Yearling Bull. OW Max Force 7019 Pld, 1-11-17, by OW Max Force 3044 Pld. To Jay Brickner, Preston, Mo. $7,500 – Yearling Bull. OW Network 7151, 2-16-17, by OW Network X120 Pld. To Kevin Koenig, Ewing, Neb. $7,000 – Yearling Bull. OW Design 50357256, 3-8-17, by OW Design 5035 Pld. To Paul Stanczylt, Fullerton, Neb.

Bowling Green, Ky.  April 21, 2018 Auctioneer: Lynn Lee, Tenn. Sale Sponsors: Frankie Anthony, Hardinsburg, Ky., & Bob Morton, Wartrace, Tenn. Sale Manager: Bob Morton. Averages: 28 Bulls............................................. $2,091 16 Cow-Calf Pairs.............................. $2,546 10 Cow-Calf Splits.............................. $3,150 16 Bred Cows.................................... $1,379 19 Bred Heifers................................. $1,665 15 Open Heifers................................ $1,079 104 Lots....................................... $1,931 Total Sale Gross............................. $200,675

$7,500 – Bull. PVF Ledger 6312, 8-27-16, by LT Ledger 0332 P. To Clarke Horn, Burke, S.D. $7,250 – Bull. PVF CE Reserve 6315, 8-2016, by LT Reserve 3274 Pld. To Greg Vanderpol, Gregory, S.D.

Kentucky Charolais Spring Showcase Sale

$7,000 – Bull. PVF Asset 6303, 8-21-16 by LT Asset 2353 Pld. To Clark Horn, Burke.

Auctioneer: Gary Allen Taylor, Winchester,

Platte, S.D.  April 14, 2018 Auctioneer: Alvie Timmermans, New Holland, S.D. Averages: 43 Yearling Bulls............................... $5,355 18 Eighteen-Month Old Bulls............ $3,992 61 Lots......................................... $4,953 Total Sale Gross............................. $302,125 By: Weston Geppert High-selling lots: $92,000 – Bull. PVF Ridge 7142, 3-6-17, by SCC O’Raille 181C Pld. To Lindskov Thiel Ranch, Isabel, S.D.

A U G U S T 2018

13th Annual Central Kentucky Classic Sale

By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $6,600 – Cow-Calf Split. ORR’s Miss Nancy 514P, 3-19-15, by Oakdale Duke 9003P. Heifer calf, 9-1-17, by WC Big Ben 9036. Cow rebred to LT Patriot 4004 Pld. From Morris Orr, Albertville, Ala. Cow to Austin Flaugher, Butler, Ky., for $4,100. Calf to Silas Maxwell, Mosheim, Tenn., for $2,500. $5,100 – Cow-Calf Pair. EZB Miss Baylee 3004 P, 2-24-13, by EJS Perfect Ease 9033 PET. Heifer calf, 2-2-18, by EZB/NC Geronimo. From EZY-B-Farms, Sparta, Tenn. To MW Farms, Bell Buckle, Tenn. $5,000 – Bull. GCC Milestone 02 ET, 11-1816, by WC Milestone 5223 P. From Gearlds Charolais, Tompkinsville, Ky. To Ricky Hord, Ky. $2,500 – Bred Heifer. Carey Farms Lady 1628, 9-3-16, by M6 Cool rep 8108 ET. Bred to LT Affinity 6221 Pld. From Carey Farms, Madison, Ga. To Keahey Charolias, Grove Hill, Ala.

$6,250 – Yearling Bull. OW Design S5197029, 1-21-17, by OW Design S519. To Darcy Leistrintz, Antioch, Neb.

Prairie Valley Farms Annual Bull Sale

66  

$6,000 – Bull. PVF O’Railee 7137, 3-1917, by SCC O’Raille 181C Pld. To Eggleston Charolais, Wessington, S.D.

Stanford, Ky.  May 12, 2018


Ky. Sale Manager: Kentucky Charolais Association Sale Committee Sale Consultants: Jeff Harrod, Chuck Orvin, Jacob Miller Averages: 5 Bulls............................................... $2,260 5 Cow-Calf Pairs................................ $3,110 5 Cow-Calf Splits................................ $3,370 8 Bred Cows...................................... $1,512 7 Bred Heifers................................... $3,364 9 Open Heifers.................................. $1,397 39 Lots......................................... $2,357 Not included in above averages: 9 Embryos............................................ $400 Total Sale Gross............................... $95,425 By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $7,200 – Bred Heifer. HF Miss Tina 267P, 2-14-17, by WC Benelli 2134 P ET. Bred to RBM TR Rhinestone 238. From Harrod Farms, Frankfort, Ky. to Jona West, Barbourville, Ky. $5,250 – Cow-Calf Split. Hayden C600, 8-23-15, by VCR Sir Duke 914 PLD. Heifer calf, 7-30-17, by WR Wrangler W601. Cow rebred to RBM Fargo Y111. From James Hayden, Bardstown, Ky. Cow to Donald McAdams, Cleveland, Tx. for $3,500. Heifer calf to David Sandusky, Lebanon, Ky. for $1,750. $3,750 – Cow-Calf Pair. CTD Missy Marie, 11-3-15, by TR PZC Rapid Fire 9775 ET. Heifer calf, 2-22-18, by MJ/NS Tiago. From Chuck Druin, Eminence, Ky & Harrod Farms, Frankfort, Ky. To Long Hall Cattle Co., Hillsboro, Oh. $3,600 – Bred Heifer. PJ Ms Wind & Fire 657P, 8-11-16, by M6 Wind & Water 229 PET. Bred to LT Patriot 4004 PLD. From Paul Jeffries, Hustonville, Ky. to Ernie Sheppard, Science Hill, Ky. $3,600 – Bred Heifer. PJ Ms Slam Dunk 641P, 7-27-16, by M6 Slam Dunk 3115P ET. Bred to LT Landmark 5052P. From Paul Jeffries, Hustonville, Ky. to Ernie Sheppard, Science Hill, Ky. $3,600 – Cow-Calf Pair. HF Kate, 3-12-15, by S&K Cigar Pride. Heifer calf, 4-2-18, by M6 Wind & Water 229 P ET. From Longhall Cattle Co., Hillsboro, Oh. and Harrod Farms, Frankfort, Ky. To TJ Wooldridge, Frankfort, Ky.

continued on page 68

South Dakota Charolais SHOW RESULTS


Contact these seedstock breeders for herd sire prospects and herd building females.

Thomas Ranch

Kentucky State Show Frankfort, Ky. z June 30, 2018 Judge: Todd Alford, Bowman, Ga.

Private Treaty Steer & Heifer Sale September 19

Troy & VeaBea Thomas, Clint & Cally Kindred 18475 Capri Place • Harrold, SD 57536 Office: 605-973-2448 Troy’s Cell: 605-222-1258 Cally’s Cell: 605-222-1515 Clint’s Cell: 605-890-0148

Featuring– M6 Rock Star 306 P ET Fresh Air x Rio Bravo

EPDs: 1.6 2.4 41 71 18 3.9 39 1.3 Bull Sale March 25

39120 192nd Street Wagner, South Dakota 57380 (605) 384-3300, (605) 491-0986

Grand Champion Female: BCF Miss Lilly 916P, 9-8-16,by D&D Trueblood 1187 Pld ET. Lydia Carey, Richmond, Ky. Reserve Grand Champion Female: D&D Ms Bella Kennedy 1731 P ET, 3-18-17, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Kaya Coldiron, Eminence, Ky. Grand Champion Bull: Druins Buster 117, 11-7-16, by MJ NS Tiago 1432. Kaya Coldiron. Reserve Grand Champion Bull: HF Special K 1434 P ET, 7-17-17, by Big Creek Game Changer 192 PET. Rebecca, Jenna and Jacob Harrod, Frankfort, Ky.

JAMIE EGGLESTON 21130 379th Ave. • Wessington, SD 57381 (605) 883-4602 • Fax: (605) 883-4924 •

DAVID MASON Cell: (605) 680-0780 •

J&M Ranch

PC Missouri Bob 1227 Pld M801740 Multiple Trait Leader

Top 3% TSI • 4% YW, TM 7% MCE, REA • 8% CE, WW S.D. Charolais Breeders Association 2008 Outstanding Seedstock Producer

Purebred Charolais Private Treaty Sales


Jerod & Melanie Olson

Kentucky State Show (605) 860-2080

20629 443rd Ave Lake Preston, SD 57249

Steve - Myrna - Greg - BJ 405 Samara Ave. • Volga, SD 57071 • (605) 627-5229 •

Reich Ranch Charolais Tim and Ree Reich

Calvin Sandmeier (605) 285-6179

Gary Sandmeier (605) 285-6766

13123 322nd Ave. • Bowdle, SD 57428

1007 Kingsbury Belle Fourche, SD 57717  (605) 892-4366

Champion Bull

Scott & Kim Jensen 20379 441st Avenue • Lake Preston, SD 57249 (605) 847-4755 E-Mail:

Champion Female

Vedvei Charolais

If you are looking

performance Whoa, for polled cattle, call: Odden Charolais Ranch Colome, SD 57528

(200 miles Southwest of Lake Preston)

Brian & Janna Adam, Ethanie & Andrew (605) 842-1185 - Home (605) 203-1228 - Brian cell (605) 203-1229 - Adam cell


Wells Charolais Ranch 15446 419th Ave • Conde, SD 57434 Richard & Heather Wells (605) 784-3409 Jason & Nina Jo Wells (605) 784-7824 www.

“2000 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year”

44213 204th St. Alan & Deb Vedvei Lake Preston, SD 57249 (605) 847-4529


TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET



Herd Sire Prospects & Embryos for Sale Private Treaty


HANSEN 39804 163rdBJSt.Hansen • Turton, SD 57477 FARMS (605) 635-6346 • (605) 228-6199 A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   67

Appalachian Classic Knoxville, Tenn.  June 2, 2018 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, N. Richland Hills, Texas Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service, College Station, Texas Sale Consultant: Brett Sayre, Purdin, Mo. Averages: 7 Bulls............................................... $2,257 8 Cow-Calf Pairs................................ $1,725 11 Cow-Calf Splits.............................. $4,073 12 Bred Cows.................................... $2,671 4 Bred Heifers................................... $1,325 6 Open Heifers.................................. $1,275 48 Lots......................................... $2,488 Not included in above averages: 3 Embryos............................................ $375 269 Semen Units............................... $16.90 Total Sale Gross............................. $125,070

Sales Review continued from page 66

Wells Charolais 36th Annual Bull Sale Aberdeen, S.D.  May 14, 2018 Auctioneer: Seth Wishaar, Bell Fouche S.D. Average: 62 Bulls....................................... $4,119 Total Sale Gross............................. $255,380 By: Weston Geppert High-selling lots: $8,500 – Bull. Wells Mr. Royal 702, 3-18-17, by SCR Sir Next Rock 4185P. To Elda Max, Brandon, Minn. $8,500 – Bull. Wells Mr. Rowdy 7191, 3-2217 by SCR Sir Next Rock 4185P. To Elda Max. $7,750 – Bull. Wells Mr. Rock 742, 2-18-17, by SCR Sir Next Rock 4185P. To Elda Max. $7,500 – Bull. Wells Mr. Massacre 7398, 3-15-17, by CML Gunslinger 410B. To Elda Max. $7,000 – Bull. Wells Mr. Charlie 7060, 4-2-17 by Sparrows Talon 343A. To Leo Dunlavy, Andover, S.D. Note: 90 Red Commercial Pairs averaged $2,287

Rogers Bar HR 42nd Annual Cream of the Crop Charolais Female Sale Collins, Miss.  May 19, 2018 Auctioneer: Tommy Barnes, Lowndesboro, Al. Averages: 49 Cow-Calf Pairs.............................. $2,979 68  

A U G U S T 2018

15 Bred Heifers................................. $1,980 64 Lots......................................... $2,745 Total Sale Gross............................. $175,650 By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $3,600 – Cow-Calf Split. HBR Lady Program 1546, 10-20-15, by HBR Program 11P. Heifer calf, 10-26-17, by VPI Benvell: 510C. Cow rebred to HBR Harlan’s Keystone 016P. Cow to Gene Graves, Sumrall, Ms. for $2,200. Calf to Charlie Dale Jones, Fayette, Al. for $1,400. $3,200 – Cow-Calf Pair. HBR Lady Auto Pilot 419P, 9-15-14, by HEP Auto Pilot 101H ET. Bull calf, 11-8-17, by ACE-NCC Doc Easy 355. Cow rebred to HBR Harlan’s Keystone 016P. To Tony Smith, Arlington, Ga. $3,200 – Cow-Calf Pair. HBR Lady Magnum 350P, 11-3-13, by HBR Magnum 625 P/S. Heifer calf, 11-23-17, by ACE-NCC Doc Easy 355. Cow rebred to HBR Magnum 266P. To Compton Charolais, Nanafalia, Al. $2,500 – Bred Heifer. HBR Lady Big Mack 1647P, 10-7-16, by HBR Big Mack 906P. Bred to VPI Benelli 510C. To William Davis, Franklin, Al.

Lone Star Classic Sale Mt. Pleasant, Texas  May 19, 2018 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, North Richland Hills, Texas Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Services, College Station, Texas Averages: 28 Cow-Calf Pairs.............................. $2,273 1 Cow-Bull Calf Splits........................ $3,000 5 Bred Cows...................................... $2,340

6 Bred Heifers.................................. $2,142 18 Open Heifers................................ $1,500 58 Lots......................................... $2,038 Not included in above averages: 53 Units of Semen.................................. $16 14 Embryos.......................................... $336 1 Semen Tank....................................... $400 Total Sale Gross............................. $124,142 By: Cody Beck High-selling lots $5,100 – Cow-Bull Calf Pair. DLN Ms Smokester, 12-27-14, by JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET. Bred to RE3 Crizmo 605. Bull calf, 2-1-18, by BHD Asset B178 P. From Steve Dillinger, Midlothian, Texas. To Lynn Baker, Bogota, Texas. $5,000 – Cow/Heifer Calf Pair. BFM A20 Duchess P ET, 10-4-13, by VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld. Heifer calf, 4-8-18, by JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET. From Bill & Raye Arlitt, Poteet, Texas. To Bruce Roy, Mansura, La. $3,900 – Open Heifer. RE Ms 34 Duchess 785 ET, 4-3-17, by VCR Sir Duke 914. From Evans Charolais, Brownwood, Texas. To Link Charolais, Center, Texas, Bracewell Cattle Co., Tioga, Texas, and Tom Levens, Dallas, Texas. $3,500 – Cow-Heifer Calf Pair. DS Ms Cigar Throttle 7302, 12-11-07, by M6 Full Throttle 2138 PET. Bred to JDJ Maximo A18 P. Heifer calf, 12-15-17, by BHD Asset B178. From Bill & Raye Arlitt, Achee Charolais, Pass Christian, Miss., and McDavid Charolais, Easley, S.C. To Bill & Raye Arlitt, and Keith Stocum, Vass, N.C.


By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $6,500 – Cow-Calf Split. Bamboo MS Vanna 2309 ET, 10-21-12, by VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld. Bull calf, 10-11-17, by Bamboo 4398. Cow rebred to LT Patriot 4004 Pld. From Bamboo Road Farm, Marshallville, Ga. Cow to Wild Indian Acres, DeSoto, Mo. for $5,500. Bull calf to Bruce Roy, Mansura, La. for $1,000. $6,000 – Cow-Calf Split. Bamboo Nancy 4529 ET, 1-25-14, by LHD Cigar E46. Heifer calf, 9-30-17, by Bamboo/NC Jackpot 5370. Cow rebred to M6 Fresh Air 1138. From Bamboo Road Farm, Marshallville, Ga. Cow to Rocking S Ranch, Bristow, Ok. for $4,500. Heifer calf to JSL Farms, New Lexington, Oh. for $1,500. $5,800 – Cow-Calf Split. ACE Ms Nancy 9145-914-3414, 9-6-13, by VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld. Twin bull calves, 12-15-17, by Bamboo Passport 1327. From Bill Garrett, Crossville, Tn. Cow to Lehmann Charolais, Lathrop, Mo. for $4,000. One bull calf to Bobby Keahey, Grove Hill, Al. for $1,000. Other twin bull calf to Bruce Roy for $800.

Colonial Farms: Partial Dispersal Knoxville, Tenn.  June 2, 2018 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, N. Richland Hills, Texas Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service, College Station, Texas Sale Consultant: Brett Sayre, Purdin, Mo. Averages: 10 Cow-Calf Pairs.............................. $1,320 7 Cow-Calf Splits................................ $2,629 3 Bred Cows...................................... $1,333 5 Bred Heifers................................... $1,370 7 Open Heifers.................................. $1,043 32 Lots......................................... $1,555 Total Sale Gross............................... $49,750 By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $4,850 – Cow-Calf Split. CF Jacqueline 183P, 9-27-11, by MMF Unlimited Ease 327. Heifer calf, 9-30-17, by PF Mr New Standard 3140P. Rebred to RE Legendary 523 ET. Cow to Wild Indian Acres, DeSoto, Mo. for $4,100. Calf to Ken Chapman, Woodland, Ga. for $750. $3,100 – Cow-Calf Split. CF Miss Betsy 180P, 9-20-11, by CF Confidence 911P. Bull calf, 9-28-17, by PF New Standard 3140P. Cow rebred to RE Legendary 523 ET. Cow to Bradford Agriculture, Thomasville, Al. for $2,100. Calf to Bruce Roy, Mansura, La. for $1,000.




Akin Charolais Jim Akin 6700 County Road 71, Lexington, AL 35648 (256) 229-5395 Res. (256) 710-4897 Cell Home of the Super Grazer 168


Home of JWK Vanessa D029 ET Donor: 2244 x 934


JERRY & SHERRY MALTBY Mobile: (530) 681-5046 P.O. Box 760 Office: (530) 473-2830 Williams, CA 95987 Fax: (530) 473-3278 e-mail:

OFakHill arm “Focus on the Family”

BJR Summerford Charolais

OakHill Farm Home of Bennett Charolais Wayne & Lois Bennett Barn: (770) 893-3446 Home: (770) 893-2674 Cell: (770) 826-9551

1779 Holcomb Road Dawsonville, Ga 30534

Cattle For Sale Private Treaty

Robert A. Summerford II 4087 Hwy. 31 SW Falkville, AL 35622 Located 12 miles north of Cullman (256) 784-5275 Bus. (256) 784-5888 Res. Alan Summerford • (256) 758-0652 E-Mail: LT Ledger 0332 P


Quality and Performance Charolais in North Alabama

MV Limestone

Your Herd Bull Source

Keahey Charolais K

Quality Charolais Since 1987 Bobby & Pam Keahey H 251-275-8137 P.O. Box 207 C 334-456-2547 Grove Hill, AL 36451 E-mail:

McCary & Son Charolais Farm Levi & Brian McCary 334-872-9060 334-505-6338 334-419-0538


Bred For

Performance~Carcass Quality~Disposition Pat Gebauer & Luan August (970) 847-3345


WCR Sir Duke 7340 P


Road Farms LLC

Stephen Cummings

Mena, Arkansas 479.243.6562 Gravette, Arkansas 479.409.4091

Phone: (706) 754-8462 Cell: (706) 200-6655

15493 Co. Rd. 57 Hillrose, CO 80733

635 Valleyview Drive Valley Grande, AL 36701


Mountain View Charolais

Scott Tipton 1001 Preacher Campbell Rd. Clarksville, GA 30523

2509 Old Perry Road Marshallville, GA 31057

(478) 396-5832



Curfman Farms Rt. 2, Griggsville, IL 62340

60 years of quality seedstock production Rick Curfman (217) 285-5213

Roger Curfman (217) 491-1923 Ryan Curfman (217) 248-7711

A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   69





“Charolais Since 1960”

Producing quality breeding stock for 58 years. Paul Bertsche & Sons 4540 E. 1700 N. Rd. • Flanagan, IL 61740

Bulls & Females Available Private Treaty SF Paydirt 3055 P LT Bridger x Cigar x HBR Lady GI

Marty, Joyce, Kaitlyn and Mason Lewis 9411 W. 56th St. S. • Monroe, IA 50170 Marty (515) 250-2362 • Mason (515) 205-9161

Hanover, Kansas 66945

Lester Laue (785) 337-2600 Brant Laue (913) 488-3896

Dale (815) 796-2950 cell (815) 674-4419 Steve (815) 796-4440 cell (815) 674-2395 Larry (815) 842-1849 cell (815) 674-2397

“We don’t keep our cows, they keep us.”


Keith Farms

Marion Keith 6719 State Rt. 154, Tamaroa, IL 62888 (618) 967-0291 • (618) 201-6261






BAR S Ranch

Innovative Beef Production Since 1945 Paradise, Kansas 67658 David Dickerson Ken Stielow (785) 998-4386 (785) 998-4335

Fancy Creek Charolais Raising Charolais Since 1962 Ron & Diane Nord & Family 2104 Charolais Lane Bloomington, IL 61704 (309) 828-1448 or (309) 827-0457 (309) 275-0409 Ron cell

Cliff (785) 332-2794 William (785) 332-2498

Don & Charlotte Olsen and family

Females for Sale Private Treaty 15523 Tuttle Creek Blvd. Randolph, Ks 66554 Phone/Fax: (785) 293-5106 Bull Sale • October 31, 2018

Slasher x Cigarro 924 Power Look! Autumn At The Crossroads Sale Oct. 20

Hubert Charolais Ranch


BC BEAVERS CHAROLAIS ...building a program around proven genetics

Private treaty bull sale middle of March

Brett, Tina, Madison & Austin Beavers

28378 710th Ave • Collins, IA 50055 515-460-3074 •

70  

A U G U S T 2018

Spencer & Laci Schrader Weston & Josi 2118 Oxbow Rd., Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-2135 home (785) 488-7204 Spencer cell (785) 488-7227 Laci cell

Females and bulls for sale private treaty

Charolais • SimAngus • Composites

Andrew & Christa Doub 8614 W. 100 N. • Danville, IN 46122 (317) 539-6718 home • (317) 440-0525 cell •





AML Ghost Rider 210


Raile Charolais Farm

17050 Tuttle Creek Blvd. • Randolph, KS 66554 Home: 785-363-2519 • Cell: 785-313-2099

Beef Genetics


1460 Penn Road Belleville, KS 66935 Home (785) 527-5047 Cell (785) 527-1269

Rt. 1, Box 389 St. Francis, KS 67756



Breeding Charolais since 1956

Purebred Charolais Since 1968

Megan, Lori & Galen Fink



WC Over Time 3015 P

510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 David & Shelby Hubert (785) 672-3528

Terrill & Sarah Strnad 1716 280th Road Formoso, Kansas

On Facebook:

T&S Strnad Charolais

785-794-2471 home 785-243-8600 mobile



PUREBRED CHAROLAIS ­– ANGUS Corey Vaughan – (316) 213-5484

Merle Schlehuber 620-381-1712

VAUGHAN FAMILY RANCH 14630 E. 44th St. S. – Derby, KS 67037

557 190th Road = Hillsboro, KS 67063



Franz Ranch 45 Years in the Purebred Charolais Business

Ray, Jon & David Franz


Set Em Up Joe D36 Pld

ENDSLEY’S CHAROLAIS FARMS 5590 E State Rd, Hastings ,MI 49058 269-945-5531 or

2018 Houston A ROE Reserve Grand Breeding Quality Performance Cattle for the Commercial and Purebred Cattleman.

5593 Choupique Rd y Sulphur, LA Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 y 337-764-1040 cell Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell


M I N N E S O T A Breeding Quality Charolais Seedstock Since 1962 1/2 Owner of Baldridge Fasttrack

Home of White Squall Bob & Judy Tibbs (410) 734-6873

3545 Old Level Road Havre de Grace, MD 21078

Wakefield Farms

13221 CR 339 • Sidney, Montana 59270 Ray (406) 798-3675 Jon (406) 798-7740


Rambur Charolais

Howard Rambur d 406-489-3255 (cell) Production Sale 2nd Saturday in April

RC Denver

RC Feedlot d RC Cattle Phone: 406-482-3255 • Fax: 406-482-3802 34790 CR 118 • Sidney, MT 59270 Email: website:

N E B R A S K A Dybdal Charolais Larry & Krista Dybdal

Larry, Kyle & Dan Wakefield 20701 150th St. • New Richland, MN 56072 (507) 317-3086 • (507) 475-1749


88361 575th Ave • Newcastle, NE 68757 Home: 402-692-3704 • Cell: 402-841-9784


Jamie & Kay Fred • Rose, NE

Registered Bull Sale • 3rd Saturday in March Females, Embryos, Semen Private Treaty



Performance data must be submitted to the AICA office by November 15th to be included in the Winter 2019 Genetic Analysis. Please make sure calf data, weights and weigh data have been submitted online or on forms to AICA.

Crosby Farms

402-273-4236 •

Cheryle & Greg Crosby 443 Hwy 590 • Seminary, MS 39479 601-466-7377 CROSBY FARMS on Facebook

WC Passport 3127 PET


Member of JDJ Maximo A18 P Syndicate

Bernie & Cheryl Hart


PO Box 1 Bassett, Nebraska 68714 402-684-2254

Clark & Gail Brevig 676 Quarry View Lane • Lewistown, MT 59457 (406) 538-5579 phone • (406) 538-6479 fax •

Ranch Phone (308) 458-2540 Matt Hebbert (308) 458-8812 Lacy Hebbert (308) 458-8823 A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   71


Dean Churchill HC 37, Box 54 Valentine, NE 69201 (402) 376-2314



Headquarters Ranch

Mansfield, Missouri Butch Alsup • (417) 926-8416

Schurrtop Angus & Charolais Sure Performance Cattle

40842 Farnam Road Farnam, NE 69029 John (308) 569-2520 Ryan (308) 320-4067 Marty (308) 362-4941

Rick & Lisa Wilson Hart Box 865 Chickasha, OK 73023 Office (405) 224-0645 Home (405) 224-0694

Private Treaty Year Round PO Box 2670 • Moriarty, NM 87035 Bill King  (505) 220-9909  • Tom Spindle–Foreman  (505) 321-8808

Total Outcross Performance Genetics


Hilltop C Polled Charolais Pasture Proven Charolais Since 1962


Wagonhammer Ranches Box 548 Albion, NE 68620 (402) 395-2178 or 395-6962

Kirk & Peggy Castleberry

Rt. 2, Box 8 Ninnekah, OK 73067

(405) 224-1116 Cell (405) 574-2685

CHAROLAIS RANCH Since 1965 Grady, New Mexico

The Total Performance Brand

Wagon Wheel Charolais

T. Lane Grau 575-760-6336 |

Colten Grau 575-760-4510


Ray D. Winz & Sons

72354 Q Rd. • Holdrege, NE 68949 Ray (308) 995-5515, Doug (308) 991-6941 Steve (308) 567-2286 Contact us for Semen on our Trait Leading Sires.


Breeding Registered Charolais Since 1959

West Fork Ranch Roseann Wilson (308) 745-1764 RR 1, Box 19 • Loup City, NE 68853

Zeisler Charolais Richard L. Zeisler

90445 476th Ave. • Butte, NE 68722 (402) 775-2569

72  

A U G U S T 2018

Curtiss & Brenda Nipp P.O. Box 239 Wilson, OK 73463 (580) 668-3332

Gerald and Loretta Effertz and Family PO Box 640 • Velva, ND 58790-0640 (701) 720-1156Roger (701) 720-1363 Kevin (701) 338-2980 Office

Neil (701) 223-5202 Bryan (701) 624-5104


DAREN STATLER, DVM 6651 Valley Camp Rd. Greencastle, PA 17225 (717) 729-6453


SOUTH CAROLINA Nubbin Ridge Farm

Mike King, Farm Manager Quality Seedstock available with a focus on 914 and Cigar genetics! Home of: NRF Mr Donald Trump 716 P M863369 - Smokester x Full Sister 914 NRF Sir Ledger 736 P M876349 - Ledger x Smokester x Rich Lady 6198 West Oak Hwy Westminster, SC 29693 (864) 958-1343 cell


Roy R. & Sammye L. Dees

Full French & Purebred Genetics WC VULCAIN 422 P ET Sired by LT Ledger 0332 P

2017-18 #5 AICA Show Bull of the Year


CE: 2.2 BW: 2.0 WW: 44 YW: 81 M: 5 MCE: 4.3 TM: 27 SC:1.6



Houston Offices: (713) 724-9574 (281) 443-3074

BJCF/JVS San Angelo C203 ET


Visitors Welcome

1168 CR 236, Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 (936) 560-0794

David & Georgeanne Webb David Webb Jr. 317 Old Vinland School Road Easley, SC 29640 H: (864) 246-6203 C: (864) 640-7756

Liverpool, Texas Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 E-mail:


Quality Charolais Raised in the Rocks at Cherokee, San Saba County, Texas

Bruner Polled Charolais

Tommy & Sherrille Wilks P.O. Box 118 Patrick, SC 29584 (843) 307-0323

E.E. “Gene” & Glenda Bruner 4 miles east of Grandview 12320 FM 916 Grandview, TX 76050 Home: (817) 866-2839 Cell: (817) 202-7680


Roy W. Hann Jr., Owner • (979) 255-5709 Tyson Hann, Owner • (979) 324-6659

K&K Charolais Ranch

Herd Sires Bamboo Passport 147 ET LT Distance 2054 Pld


Hann Family • 9995 CR 353 Gause, TX 77857

Focused on Genetics

Kenneth Kuykendall (325) 622-4227 • FAX (325) 622-4673

Brian Bruner Austin, Texas Cell: (512) 797-3711


(972) 529-8723 P.O. Box 64336 Lubbock, TX 79464 (940) 453-5391

President- Norberto Lopez

Office Manager- Erin Metzler

Caleb Boscamp (830) 857-5189

Julie Boscamp 1360 CR 460 Waelder, TX 78959

(830) 857-5129

Dennis Charolais

...easy calving...    ...explosive growth... DCF Pure Gold 802 P EPDs: 0.9 29 49 13 28 0.9 Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Road Saint Jo, TX 76265 • (940) 995-2161

Bull Sale • Oct. 6 40th National Reserve Grand Champion Female


Kevin & Jessica Moore “When You Depend On Beef For Your Bottom Line...”

2929 Oak Hill Road • Alvarado, TX 76009 Kevin cell (817) 822-7109 Jessica cell (817) 822-7402 •

A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   73

TriniTy Valley CommuniTy College

R A N C H regisTered Charolais CaTTle 100 Cardinal Drive . Athens, TX 75751 Marc Robinson 903.675.6285


atman harolais Steve Patman

453 FM 55 Waxahachie, TX 75165 (972) 742-9684

Alan & Leslie Alexander Pasco, WA 99301 509-727-9151

On the web at


WC Formula 5014 P ET

Rancher’s Choice Sale | February 2019 Your Northwest Source for Quality Charolais Cattle

TC Cattle Company

“Since 1936”

A Complete Source for Quality

Fall Bull Sale • October 17

Myles and Lisa Tellefson 20427 Rd 1 SE Warden, WA 98857 (509) 750-4384 • (509) 760-6651 e-mail:

P.O. Box 595 • Raymondville, TX 78580 (956) 689-5162 • Fax (956) 689-3693 E-mail: Web: Mitch & Linda........................(956) 689-6379 Mitch Mobile..........................(956) 535-0936


PC Mr Stonecold P862


Agricola Knoll Farm

Full French Charolais Bulls For Sale

Private Treaty Bulls and Heifers Cuero/Victoria, Texas area (361) 461-1869 • (713) 444-5708 •

Rafael Ortega • Owner Scott Milligan • Manager 39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 (806) 683-6435

S CATTLE CO. SKEAN Registered Charolais

Registered Charolais Cattle Mike & Terri Suchodolski 3676 Elon Road Monroe, VA 24574 434.384.5832 home 434.660.2793 cell



Billy, Billy C., Barry & Brent

CF Ms Duke 996 Duke K09 x Ali Mark






Don & Kathy Schill (903) 388-1342

Kyle Schill (254) 230-5527

465 FCR 781 • Donie, TX 75838 A U G U S T 2018

Chatham, Virginia (434) 656-2361 - (434) 656-3771


434-906-2043 Bnkidd79@gmail


Larry Skeans • David Skeans • Katie Skeans 1138 C.R.162 Gainesville, TX 76240

Lamont, Alberta

Time Proven Genetics



Reach Potential Customers Advertise your breeding program in the Charolais Breeders section each month! 1 inch- 11x rate: $30/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $313

4C Amos Charolais Matt Amos 360-751-2791

Castle Rock, WA


74  

Hang’n A Cattle Company

Luke Amos 360-749-3330 Facebook: 4C Amos Charolais

2 inch - 11x rate: $60/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $627

• Each additional inch: $30/issue • 5% discount for 1 year (11 issues) prepaid ads

A Quality Program

Performance • Pedigree • Polled


M6 Law & Order 577 P


(M875914) M6 Cool Rep 8108 x New Standard x Nancy 6100 Welcome Grove Impressive

BHD Reality T3136 P x MR Ms Impressive 405 2015 Grand Champion Tennessee State Show


CE 6.0

BW 0.2

WW 43

YW 79

M 18

TM 39

REA Marb 1.00 0.15

High-selling Bull at 2016 Fall M6 Sale!

M6 Cool Germaine 1145 P ET

Richard Clark Box 9 • Tazewell, TN 37879


(423) 626-0899 cell • Randell Meyers Jr. • (423) 626-0917 cell

M6 Cool Rep 8108 x 0383 x 914 cow

JBC Ms Ledger 410 PET

Your Source for Seedstock Since 1971

Ledger x CF Lady Cigar 812 Pld 2016 Grand Champion Tennessee State Show

e– erd Sir Bamboo Fresh Air 4397 ET M6 Fresh Air 8165 x OHF Duke’s Ruby F216

New H

CE BW WW YW 8.7 -0.8 38 65

Silas Maxwell

Visit our website—

1120 Welcome Grove Rd. Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 552-4072

M 14

BW 0.5

WW 42

YW 76

TM 43

Our Choice to head up our ET Program.

MCF Lady GI Duke 5003 PET

Lynn Hankins 16 Larkspur Lane Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 620-8333

(F1022001) VCR 914 x HBR Lady GI 207 P ET Donor Cow at Reaves Charolais

CE 3.9

BW 0.7

WW 33

YW 58

M 24

TM 41

es Charolais ReavKyle Reaves

BC E46 Duke B01 P ET Cigar x Duke 914

EPDs: 4.4 2.3 36 59 1 7.0 19 0.8

M 22

The Result of a brother/sister mating and Pick of the Flush.

TM REA MARB TSI 33 0.88 -0.04 20.611

Little W Farm

September 15 May & Son and Guests Production Sale, Knoxville

CE 6.7

5840 West Allens Bridge Greenville, TN 37743

(423) 237-3042


FRESH AIR 1138 Pld

2016 Spring Multiple Trait Leader

Mike & Connie Watkins Kellie & Scott Porter and Kristie & Jarrod Buhler

Advertise Your Program!

Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 444-3114 or (615) 642-0976 Come check out our bulls, females and ET Program!

Contact: Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144

Bloodlines from 2244, 914, Cigar, Wyoming Wind and D040

Where the Customer Comes First!

Fresh Air 8165 x M6 Nancy 6100 EPDs: CE: 5.5 BW: 1.0 WW: 33 YW: 65 M: 13 MCE: 2.3 TM: 30 SC: 0.8 REA: 0.72 MB: 0.14 TSI: 211.60 Semen: $20/straw; $35 signing

First 7 sons avg. $7,964 in the Nipp Bull Sale

EZY-B-Farms Bobby Bain

1876 Ridgewood Dr Sparta, TN 38583 (931) 607-2259

Selling Heifer Bulls featuring our Herd Sires — M6 New Standard 335 M826229 CR Showbull 2020 M829851 and most recently M6 Lone Star 649

Cooley Royce 1107T39 Pld M745957 2-19-07 BW: 86 lbs.

Clarice & Ricky Smith

Adj. WW/R: 749 lbs./115 Adj. YW/R: 1,395 lbs./120 Adj Yrlg. REA/R: 16.25 sq. in./119.3

203 Harpo Rd • Manchester, TN 37355

615-885-7004 • 931-273-0187

Advertise Your Program! Contact: Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144

CE 0.9

BW WW 1.7 28

YW 67

M MCE TM 20 4.7 34

SC 1.3

CW REA F MB TSI 26 0.75 0.026 0.23 217.55

Special Semen Sale: $15/Straw; No Signing September 15 Production Sale

Roy May & Son

2760 Renfro Rd. • Jefferson City, TN 37760 (865) 475-8266 • (865) 599-5075 cell A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   75



Bovine Hi Res


8:48 AM

Page 1

* Semen & Embryo Sales * A.I. & ET Equipment Sales * MVE & Taylor Wharton Tanks * A.I./Palpation Clinics * TruTest Scales * Professional Exporting & Importing * Semen & Embryo Warehousing * A.I. Consultation

120 Shadylane Coppell, Texas 75019 (972) 471-1233 • Mobile (972) 839-6485

Robert T. Nord Auctioneer 

Nord Livestock Sales 9515 Texas Church Rd, Clinton, IL 61727 (217) 935-3245 or (217) 519-0375

Bovine Elite, LLC 3300 Longmire Drive • College Station, Texas 77845 800-786-4066 • 979-693-0388 • 979-693-7994 Fax •

Tommy Barnes


189 River Road Lowndesboro, AL 36752 Mobile (334) 462-4004

Sullivan Supply South Sullivan Supply Inc. Hillsboro, TX 76645 Dunlap, IA 51529 Phone: (800) 588-7096 Phone: (800) 475-5902 FAX: (254) 582-7114 FAX: (712) 643-5154


Livestock Grooming Products


Justin B. Stout


23724 W. 87th Terrace Lenexa, KS 66227

Offering System Solutions for Charolais Producers 1-800-531-5908

(913) 645-5136 Making your program stronger, one sale at a time.

Download Linde’s App!

Request Special Photos, Earn Loyalty Points View Promotions & Much More!

Order Photos

Ben Meriwether

Livestock Photography 76  

A U G U S T 2018

Video Production & Editing Photography Editing Fair Grove, Missouri • (417) 766-3278 •

will give you insight into the total cattle industry - all the breeds, issues, ideas and innovations. The Cattleman will tell you where the industry has been and where it is going so you won’t be left behind!

Greg & Brenda Hubert

P.O. Box 100 • Oakley, Kansas 67748 • (785) 672-3195 FAX: (785) 672-4902 • Professional Charolais Sales Management

SUBSCRIBE TODAY! $25 per year ($40 foreign)

1301 W. Seventh St. Fort Worth, TX 76102-2660 (817) 332-7155 Ask for Circulation Dept.

Have you planned your advertising?

CATTLE SALES – Registered and Commercial Auctions, consultations and semen sales FARM SALES – Land and equipment ORDER BUYING –“If you need it, I’ll find it”

Home: (931) 389-6865

123 Earl Warren Rd Cell: Beechgrove, TN 37018 (931) 842-1234 E-mail:

October 2018

Deadline: August 25

“Over 40 years of proven, practical experience”

The Cattleman’s Source

Koshkonong, MO Clifford Mitchell (405) 246-6324

Deadline: August 4 Contact Your Area Field Representative Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144 Colt Keffer (765) 376-8784 Cody Beck (765) 719-1622 Weston Geppert (605) 933-1387 Ty Groshans (970) 818-6016 Charolais Journal office (816) 464-2474 ext. 104


Please check my website for Fall Sales and entry dates/forms. I will be screening in August for Sales.

September 15 Hudspeth Farms & Guests The Gathering Sale...Harrison, Ark. October 6 Sullivan Charolais Spirit of Bluegrass Sale.....Lexington, Ky. October 13 The One Sale..........................................Jacksonville, Texas Ask how we can help with your breeding program and sales. A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   77

AICA Events August 12 — Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Show Sedalia, Mo. August 18 — Iowa State Fair Class A ROE Show Des Moines, Iowa October 6 — Keystone International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Show Harrisburg, Pa. October 20 — Northern International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Show Billings, Mont.



August 2018 August 8 — Indiana State Fair Open Charolais Show, Indianapolis, Ind.

October 6 — Dennis Charolais Farm & Guests Fall Edition BeefGene Bull and Female Sale, 1 p.m., Sulphur Springs Livestock Commission, Sulphur Springs, Texas. Contact: Eric Dennis.

August 10 — Illinois State Fair Open Charolais Show, Springfield, Ill.

October 6 — Keystone International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Show, Harrisburg, Pa.

August 11 — Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Social & Dinner, Missouri State Fair, Sedalia, Mo.

October 6 — Sullivan Charolais 2nd Annual Spirit of the Bluegrass Sale, 1 p.m., Bluegrass Stockyards, Lexington, Ky. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

August 12 — Lookout Ridge Farm, LLC Complete Cattle Dispersal Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Boulder, Colo. Sale Manager: American Angus Hall of Fame. August 12 — Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Show & Open Percentage Show, Sedalia, Mo. August 15 — State Fair of West Virginia Open Charolais Show, Lewisburg, W.Va. August 18 — Iowa State Fair Class A ROE Show, Des Moines, Iowa. August 25 — Kentucky State Fair Open Charolais Show, Louisville, Ky. August 25 — New York State Fair Open Charolais Show, Syracuse, N.Y. August 26 — Maryland State Fair Open Charolais Show, Timonium, Md. August 29 — Nebraska State Fair Open Charolais Show, Grand Island, Neb. August 30 — South Dakota State Fair Open Charolais Show, Huron, S.D.

September 2018 September 1 — Minnesota State Fair Open Charolais Show, St. Paul, Minn. September 3 — 25th Annual Autumn In The Ozarks Sale, noon, Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management. September 15 — Kansas State Fair Open Charolais Show, Hutchinson, Kan. September 15 — Hudspeth Farms & Guests The Gathering Sale, 1 p.m., Cattleman’s Livestock Auction, Harrison, Ark. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

Affiliate Events August 11 — Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Social & Dinner Sedalia, Mo.

September 15 — May & Son & Guests Annual Production Sale, 1 p.m., Knoxville Livestock Center, Knoxville, Tenn. Auctioneer: Terry Baxter. Contact: Bill May. September 15 — Wild Indian Acres & Friends Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, DeSoto, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. September 15 — Wright Charolais Inaugural Pasture Sale, at the farm, Kearney, Mo. Contact: Derry Wright or Chris Peuster. September 17 — Summit Farms Online Sale, Alden, Iowa. Contact: Roy Miller. September 18 — Ridder Farms Online Spring Heifer & Genetics Sale, Breeders’ World Online Sales. Contact: Derek Ridder.

Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext 200, with affiliate event dates. M o r e o n t h e W e b: 78  

A U G U S T 2018

September 19 — Thomas Ranch Private Treaty Steer & Heifer Sale, at the ranch, Harrold, S.D. Contact: Troy Thomas or Cally Kindred. September 22 — Satterfield Charolais & Angus 7th Annual Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, Evening Shade, Ark. Auctioneer: Eddie Burks. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. September 29 — Tulsa State Fair Open Charolais Show, Tulsa, Okla.

October 2018 October 2 — Hansen Farms Online Show Heifer Sale, Breeders’ World Online Sales. Contact: BJ Hansen.

October 7 — Aces Wild Ranch Southern Belle Online Charolais Female Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Jed Watje or Tracy Hedeman.

Florida and South Carolina Charolais Associations. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. October 31 — Fink Beef Genetics Annual Bull Sale, Fink Beef Genetics Sale Facility, Randolph, Kan. Contact: Galen or Lori Fink or Megan or Chad Larson.

November 2018 November 3 — 19th Annual Virginia Herd Improvement Sale, 1 p.m., Virginia Tech Judging Pavilion, Blacksburg, Va. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. November 3 – Alabama Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, Noon, Letohatchee, Ala. Contact: Bobby Keahey.

October 7 — Gast Charolais & Friends Bull & Female Sale, 2:30 p.m., Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, Mo. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

November 3 — Oklahoma Charolais Classic Bull & Female Sale, Noon, H2 Ranch Sale Facility, Perkins, Okla. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.

October 7 — Polzin Cattle Leading Ladies Online Sale, Darwin, Minn. Contact: Chris or Leslie Polzin.

November 3 — Ridder Farms Family Values Female Sale, at the farm, Hermann, Mo. Contact: Derek Ridder.

October 13 — The ONE Sale, 1 p.m., Cavender’s Neches River Ranch, Jacksonville, Texas. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. October 15 — Summit Farms Online Sale, Alden, Iowa. Contact: Roy Miller. October 17 — Thomas Charolais Inc. 17th Annual Fall Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Raymondville, Texas. Contact: Mitch Thomas or Tonnyre Thomas Joe. October 20 — Angell-Thomas Charolais 7th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 12:30 p.m., at the farm, Paris, Mo. Contact: Russ or Sally Thomas. October 20 — Aschermann Charolais 27th Edition Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Carthage, Mo. Auctioneer: Jackie Moore. Contact: Larry or Peggy Aschermann. October 20 — Doub Charolais Autumn At The Crossroads Sale, at the farm, Danville, Ind. Contact: Andrew Doub. October 20 — Northern International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Show, Billings, Mont.

November 10 — North American International Livestock Exposition Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Louisville, Ky. November 10 — Oklahoma Charolais Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Cross Livestock Auction, Checotah, Okla. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. November 14 — North American International Livestock Exposition National ROE Show, Louisville, Ky. November 15 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for 2019 Winter Genetic Analysis. November 15 — North Grove Charolais 3rd Annual Northern Gals Online Sale, CharAuctions. Contact: Dennis, Brandon or Dustin Fischer. November 16 — Genetrust Commercial Female Sale, Cavender’s Neches River Ranch, Jacksonville, Texas. Contact: Joe Cavender, Justin Matejka or Brett Sayre. November 17 — Cavender Ranches Genetrust Bull Sale, Cavender’s Neches River Ranch, Jacksonville, Texas. Contact: Joe Cavender, Justin Matejka or Brett Sayre.

October 20 — Rogers Bar HR Fall Turn-Out Bull & Brangus Female Sale, 12:30 p.m., at the ranch, Collins, Miss. Contact: Doug Rogers.

November 17 — Mississippi Pride of Dixie Sale, 1 p.m., Hinds County Junior College, Raymond, Miss. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Sponsor: Mississippi Charolais Association. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

October 24–25 — AICA Fall Committee & Board of Directors Meeting, Kansas City, Mo.

December 2018

October 25 — Charolais Shindig, AICA Office, Kansas City, Mo.

December 1 — 27th Annual Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Nixon Livestock Commission Company, Nixon, Texas. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

October 26 — Royal Breeders Bull Classic, 10:30 a.m., American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Mo. October 26 — 40th National Charolais Sale, 1:30 p.m., American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Mo. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. October 27 — American Royal Livestock Show Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Kansas City, Mo. October 27 — 50th National Charolais Show, American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Mo. October 27 — Mead Farms Fall Performance Tested Bull Sale, Mead Sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead. October 27 — Nipp Charolais Fall Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Wilson, Okla. Contact: Curtiss, Justin or Travis Nipp. October 27 — Plyler & Son Get the Brand Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Southern Arkansas University Story Arena, Magnolia, Ark. Auctioneer: Justin Stout. Contact: Caleb Plyler. October 27 — Southern Connection Sale, 1 p.m., Northwest Georgia Livestock Pavilion, Calhoun, Ga. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Sponsors: Georgia-


December 1 — Wright Charolais 8th Annual Female Sale, 1 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. December 31 — AIJCA National Junior Merit Application Deadline. Contact: Kaitlyn Chism, AICA.

January 2019 January 19 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Pen Show, Denver, Colo. January 20 — National Western Stock Show Junior Charolais Heifer Show & Junior Percentage Charolais Heifer Show, Denver, Colo. January 20 — Charolais In The Rockies Sale, 1 p.m., National Western Beef Palace Auction Arena, Denver, Colo. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. January 21 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Show, Denver, Colo.

February 2019 February 2 — Dennis Charolais Farm & Guests BeefGene Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Sulphur Springs Livestock Commission, Sulphur Springs, Texas. Contact: Eric Dennis.

Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE WITH THE JAN. 2006 ISSUE

The following terms and conditions govern all advertising in the Charolais Journal, which is used without separate or additional contract terms.

February 2 — Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo National ROE Show, Fort Worth, Texas February 16 — Domek Charolais Bull Sale, at the ranch, Wibaux, Mont. Contact: Duane or Seth Domek.

March 2019 March 2 — Mead Farms Spring Performance Tested Bull Sale, Mead Sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead. March 2 — Peterson Farms Charolais 26th Annual Top Pick Bull Sale, 1 p.m., PF Sale Facility, Mountain Grove, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management. March 9 — Nipp Charolais 10th Annual Spring Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Wilson, Okla. Contact: Curtiss, Justin or Travis Nipp. March 9 — Wright Charolais 12th Annual Bull Sale, 5 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. March 15 — MBS Charolais 4th Annual Quality + Performance Bull Sale, 2 p.m., Eastern Missouri Commission Company, Bowling Green, Mo. Contact: Mike or Brian Schumacher.

BREEDER ADVERTISING SPACE Black & White  1x   11x 1 page $700 $600 2/3 page 510 450 1/2 page (h) 395 340 1/2 page (v) 450 370 1/3 page 270 220 1/4 page 215 180 1/6 page 155 130 1 inch 35 30 Position pgs (1-7) 1,150 Inside Covers 1,200 Back Cover 1,300 CLASSIFIEDS Prepaid. Rate: $1 per word, $25 min., paid in advance. Deadline 25th of the 2nd month preceding publication COLOR 1 standard additional color $175 - red or blue (availability basis) 1 non-standard color 275 - (availability basis) 4-color 475 Special color 475 Metallic color 600 ADDITIONAL CHARGES B/W photo (each) $15 Color photo (each) 50 4-Color page correction after approval (per page) 150 B/W or 2-Color page corrections after approval (per page) 100 After deadline charge 100


Upcoming Sale Dates — September 15 — Wild Indian Acres & Friends Female Sale, De Soto, Mo.

Contact: Colt Keffer (765) 376-8784

March 16 — Fred Ranch Bull & Heifer Sale, 1 p.m., Burwell Livestock Market, Burwell, Neb. Contact: Jamie or Kay Fred.

Difficult ads requiring substantional extra production time will be charged a minimum $50/ hour rate. If you prefer no extra charges, request that the Journal staff simplify the ad if necessary at their discretion.

March 25 — Ridder Farms 3rd Annual Online Performance Bull Sale, Breeders’ World Online Sales. Contact: Derek Ridder. March 25 — Weber Charolais & Red Angus Annual Meat & Muscle Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Weber Satellite Ranch, Lake Andes, S.D. Auctioneer: Brad Veurink. Contact: Dean, Tim, Todd or Jason Weber.

CANCELLATION POLICY Charges dependent upon stage of production will be invoiced to advertisers who cancel previously submitted advertising.

March 26 — Ridder Farms Online Fall Heifer & Genetics Sale, Breeders’ World Online Sales. Contact: Derek Ridder.

DISCOUNTS A 5% discount for all advertising will be given if prepaid for one year. No agency commissions allowed on breeder rates.

April 2019 April 13 — Rambur Charolais 41st Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Sidney Mont. Contact: Howard Rambur.

CLOSING DATES All advertising copy (including photos) must be in the Charolais Journal office by the 25th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 25 for the March issue or the first working day thereafter. A $100 late fee will be applied to all late advertisements. Proof deadline: 20th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 20 for March issue.

April 13 — The Renaissance XXVII Sale, 1 p.m., Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, MO. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.

June 2019 June 16–21 — AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference, Fort Worth, Texas.



Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext. 200, or with your Classified Advertising. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

ADVERTISING CONTENT The Charolais Journal reserves the right to refuse any advertising or copy at its sole discretion. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance. The Charolais Journal accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any photographs supplied by other than its own staff. Advertisers shall imdemnify and hold harmless the Charolais Journal for any claims concerning advertising content as submitted. REPRINTS, CATALOGS AND BROCHURES Advertising and editorial reprints available. Sale catalogs and brochures are produced at special rates. Contact office for prices. Notice to advertisers: Advertising for sales scheduled prior to the 20th of the month of publication accepted at the advertiser’s risk. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for distribution.

A U G U S T 2 0 1 8   79



21 Ranch............................................72 4C Amos Charolais..............................74 8 Story Farms......................................26 5J Charolais........................................26 Aces Wild Ranch....................................2 Agricola Knoll Farm.............................74 Akin Charolais.....................................69 Allison Charoalis.................................24 Amburgey Charolais............................24 Arlitt Ranch...........................................5 Arrowhead Charolais (KY)...................24 Autumn In The Ozarks.....................8, 9 Aschermann Charolais........................26 Bamboo Road Farms LLC...................69 Barnes, Tommy...................................76 Bar J Charolais................................6, 73 Bar S Ranch........................................70 Beavers Charolais...............................70 Ben Meriwether Livestock Photography...76 Big Creek Charolais.............................26 Bill King Ranch...................................72 Boehringer Ingelheim.........................23 Boscamp’s Arrowhead Ranch.............73 Bovine Elite, LLC..................................7, 76 Bowen Farms........................................69 Bracewell Cattle Co.............................73 Brevig Charolais..................................71 Broken Box Ranch..............................69 Bruner Polled Charolais......................73 Buddy’s Charolais.................................5 C&R Charolais.....................................75 Cardinal Charolais..............................69 Castleberry’s Hilltop C Charolais........72 Cattleman, The...................................77 Cavender Ranches..............................22 Charolais Association of Texas...............73 Charolais Banner ...............................77 Circle Cee Charolais Farms.................74 Clayford Ranch Charolais....................73 Clifton, Greg........................................76 Conover, Al..........................................76 Corman Charolais ......................8, 9, 26 Cox Charolais......................................24 Crews Farms.......................................74 Crosby Farms......................................71 Crutcher, Matt.....................................76 Curfman Farms..................................69 DeBruycker Charolais...........................22 Dennis Charolais Farm.......................73 80  

A U G U S T 2018

DESCO Charolais Farm.......................72 Domek Charolais................................71 Doub Charolais...................................70 Double R Dees ...................................73 Dybdal Charolais.................................71 Eaton Charolais.....................Inside Front Effertz Key Ranch ...............................72 Eggleston Charolais.............................67 Endsley’s Charolais Farm...................71 Evans Charolais....................................5 Ezy-B-Farms.......................................75 Fancy Creek Charolais.........................70 Fink Beef Genetics..............................70 Flaugher Charolais..............................24 Fox Hollow Farms...............................72 Franz Ranch .......................................71 Fred Ranch.........................................71 Gallagher.............................................76 Gay Livestock Insurance, Jerry............77 Grau Charolais Ranch.........................72 Hang’n A Cattle Co..............................74 Hankins, Lynn.....................................75 Hansen Farms.....................................67 Harrod Farms.....................................24 Hart Charolais.....................................71 Hat Creek Cattle Company..................74 Hayden Farm......................................24 Heath Hyde Cattle Co............................5 Hebbert Charolais...............................71 Hubert Cattle Sales..............................77 Hubert Charolais Ranch ....................70 Hudspeth Farms...........................10, 11 J & J Trust Charolais.............. Back Cover J & M Ranch........................................67 James F. Bessler Inc............................77 Jeffries Charolais.................................24 Jensen Charolais Ranch......................67 Jorgensen Charolais............................69 Justin B. Stout Auction Service............76 JVS Cattle Co....................................6, 71 JWC Marketing....................................77 K & K Charolais Ranch........................73 Keahey Charolais.................................69 Keith Farms........................................70 Kent Nutrition Group, Inc...................25 Kentucky Charolais Association..........24 Keppen Charolais................................67 Keystone International Livestock Expo....68 L & N Charolais...................................26

L.G. Herndon Farms...........................69 LaFraise Farms...................................70 Lambert, Doak....................................76 Laue Charolais Ranch.........................70 Lehman Charolais................................73 Linde’s Livestock Photography............76 Lindskov-Thiel Ranch...............Back Cover Little W Farm......................................75 Long Hall Cattle...................................24 Los Pinos Cattle Co............................ 73 M6 Ranch...........................................73 MBS Charolais................................... 26 MAXQ/MAXQII.....................................28 May, Roy & Son.............................65, 75 McCary & Son Charolais Farm............69 McNickle Charolais Ranch..................70 Mead Farms........................................26 Missouri Charolais Breeders.........26, 27 Mitchell Management ........................77 ML Lewis Charolais.............................70 Montgomery Charolais........................24 Morton, Bob........................................77 Mountain View Charolais....................69 Nipp Charolais....................................72 Nord Farms.........................................70 Nord, Robert ......................................76 Nubbin Ridge Farm.............................73 Oak Hill Farm.....................................69 Oakwater Ranch..................................72 Odden Charolais Ranch..................... 67 Outfront Cattle Service .......................77 Patman Charolais................................74 Pearls Pics...........................................76 Pennington Seed, Inc..........................28 Peterson Farms Charolais...................26 Prairie Valley Farms, lnc.....................67 Pyramid 5+ Presponse SQ.................23 RJ Cattle Co.........................................22 Raile Charolais Farm..........................70 Rambur Charolais, Ltd.......................71 Ramro LLC....................................22, 74 Rathmourne Charolais......... Back Cover Reaves Charolais.................................75 Reich Charolais Ranch .......................67 Ridder Farms..................................... 26 Rio Ranch...........................................74 Riverdale Land & Livestock.................26 Rolling Hills Charolais........................24 Rollins Ranches..................................28


Royal Breeders Bull Classic.................27 Runft Charolais Ranch, Myron............70 SW&S Cattle Co...................................74 Sandmeier Charolais...........................67 Sandusky Farms.................................24 Satterfield Charolais.......... 3, Back Cover Sayre Cattle Service.............................77 Schrader Ranch..................................70 Schurrtop Angus & Charolais..............72 S.E.A.N.A. Charolais............................24 Shadow Springs Farm.........................71 ShowChampions.................................76 Skeans Cattle Co..................................74 South Dakota Charolais Breeders.........67 Spring Valley Ranches.........................73 Stewart’s Charolais..............................67 Sturgess Double S Cattle........................ 73 Sullivan Charolais .................................. 24 Sullivan Supply...................................76 Summerford Charolais, BJR...............69 T and S Strnad Charolais.....................70 TC Cattle Co.........................................74 Taylor, Jess............................ Back Cover Tennessee Charolais Breeders............75 Thomas Charolais, Inc. (TX)...............74 Thomas Ranch (SD).....................12, 67 Tiger Country Charolais......................26 Trinity Valley Community College Rch... 74 Vaughan Family Ranch.......................70 Vedvei Charolais Ranch.......................67 Volunteer Charolais ............................75 Wagonhammer Ranches.....................72 Wagon Wheel Charolais Ranch ...........72 Wakefield Farms..................................71 Weaver Charolais.................................24 Weaver Leather Livestock....................29 Webb Charolais Farm..........................73 Weber Charolais Farm...................20, 67 Welcome Grove Charolais ..................75 Wells Charolais Ranch........................67 West Fork Ranch.................................72 Wienk Charolais Ranch.........................1 Wild Indian Acres.....................13-16, 26 Windy Hill Charolais Farms.................26 Winning Fill.........................................25 Wooden Cross Cattle Co......................70 Wright Charolais......................... 26, IBC Zeisler Charolais.................................72 ZOE Charolais.....................................26

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