E108 P
Power Outcross Genetics • Proven Multiple Traits EPD
Udder Teat
% Rank 20
M905524 BW: 80 WWR: 115 YWR: 129
The Breed’s #1 TSI Sire with BW and YW ranking in the top %15
Give Lee a call for —
Tank pictured working in the pasture July 2020
• Herd Bull Semen & Prospects • Quality Replacement Heifers
Follow Us On Facebook
103 ETN Loop • Lindsay, MT 59339 Office (406) 584-7520 • Lee (406) 584-7546
JEFF 605.860.0505
STERLING 605.203.0137
TY 605.203.1082 A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 1
Wild Indian Acres & Friends Female Sale
1 p.m., September 19, 2020 at the ranch, De Soto, Missouri
WIA Outlined F741 P – 2018 ET daughter of M&M Outsider 4003 out of ACE Ms Wienk P125, bred to LT Rushmore on 11-23-18
Selling 60 lots -
Including show heifer prospects, donors, fall pairs, spring cow/calf splits and bred heifers.
WIA Ms New Stone F711 P – 2018 WC Milestone 5223 out of ACE Ms New Wienk 325 (daughter of P125), bred to LT Bluegrass 4017 on 11-23-18
WIA Ms Elvira G63 P – October 2, 2019 ET daughter of M&M Outsider 4003 out of OBG Elvira 4303 Pld.
WIA Ms Gemstone F811 P – 2018 WC Milestone 5223 daughter out of VCR Sir Duke 914, due this fall to WR Foreman D602 M6 Ms New Jewel 657 – 2016 full sister to Ms Jewel 0155, March 2020 heifer calf at side by TR CC Deliverance 7974. Consigned by Vaughan Charolais
Orr’s Ms Tradition 731 Pld – 2017 LT Ledger 0332 daughter out of Fink Gold Standard daughter, WIA-Conley Insider January 2020 calf at side, bred back to WR Foreman D602
WCR Ms Big Ben 1084 P – 2012 daughter of WC Big Ben 9036 with March 2020 calf at side by WCR County Line 3132
Come out late Friday afternoon to view the cattle and then hang around for a fun evening of baseball on the video screen set up for the auction, popcorn, hot dogs, hamburgers and plenty of refreshments. Saturday, the vendor trucks will again be on hand to serve lunch and ice cream prior to the start of the auction at 1 p.m.
We all look forward to seeing you again at Wild Indian Acres! 2
A U G U S T 2020
Sale Manager
Greg Hubert P.O. Box 100 Oakley, KS 67748 785-672-3195 (office) 785-672-7449 (cellular)
WIA Ms Turbo 9814 Pld ET – 2014 ET daughter of LT Ledger 0332 out of SCR Ms Turbo 7003 with April 2, 2020 heifer calf at side sired by WDZ Phenom 839. Consigned by G4 Charolais
Mike & Sara Kisner Connor & Cannon 5805 PERKINS RD • DE SOTO, MO 63020 (636) 586-2299 • (636) 236-0306 cell
Ninth Annual FEMALE SALE 9.26.2020
Selling 50+ L
SAT Brenda 9307 ET EF1290845 Affinity x LT Brenda 2184
DOB: 9-14-19
SAT Ms Slam Dunk 9031 P F1290844 DOB: 8-28-19 Slam Dunk x Landmark x Sundance
SAT Ms Carol 9203 P F1283297 Authority x Ledger x LT Carol 4105 Pld DOB: 2-16-19 Bred to WCR County Line 9256
SAT Ms Ashlee 9210 P F1283305 Cornerstone x Ledger x OW Ashlee 5314 P ET DOB: 4-9-19 Bred to WCR County Line 9256
Join us Online!
SAT Ms Barbra 9202 P F1283295 Affinity x Sundance x SC Barbra 1113 P DOB: 2-13-19 Bred to WCR County Line 9256
Sale Manager: Greg Hubert
P.O. Box 100 Oakley, KS 67748 785-672-3195 (office) 785-672-7449 (cell)
Call to request a sale catalog! Consultant: Wes Chism 281-761-5952
169 Satterfield Farm Rd • Norfork, AR 72658 Mark & Nancy Loyd & Joanne (501) 944-9274 (870) 499-7151 A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 3
Official Publication of the American-International Charolais Association V O L . 44, N O. 5
Photos by Rachel Booth at the AIJCA Junior National, Brookings, S.D. Cover by Rachel Booth
21 AICA Listening & Learning Industry Session
August 27, Joplin Regional Stockyards, Joplin, Missouri
23 Charolais Udder Quality Genetic Evaluation Research 29 #charBOOM
Coverage of the 2020 AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference
JOURNAL STAFF J. Neil Orth CPI President
David Hobbs
Molly Schoen
Charolais Viewpoint by J. Neil Orth
We Have the Resources to Make This Work
Kaitlyn Chism
Advertising Coordinator
Junior Viewpoint by Caitlin Jedlicka
Making Memories
Field Representatives Refer to page 19
CHAROLAIS JOURNAL 11700 NW Plaza Circle • Kansas City, MO 64153
phone (816) 464-5977 • fax (816) 464-5759
Association Updates New Members American Charolais Foundation AICA News Notes
67 68 78 80
AIJCA News Notes Sales Review Calendar Advertisers’ Index
CHAROLAIS JOURNAL ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertising material for any month’s issue must be received in the offices of the Charolais Journal, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153, by the 25th of the second month preceding the month of publication, i.e., Dec. 25 for the February issue. Full camera-ready advertising copy or full-screened negatives will be accepted until the 1st of the month prior to publication provided notification of copy size, shape, color and other specifications are received by the 25th of the second month prior to the month of publication. If a proof is required, copy must be received by the 20th of the second month prior to publication, i.e., June 20 for the August issue. No copy can be altered or changed, except for typographical error, after the 1st of the month of publication. Any ad copy changes that must be made after the lst of the month will be assessed a 10% additional space charge. All dates and times are herein applicable at the office of the CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Charolais Journal (ISSN 0191-5444) is published monthly, except June and July which are combined issues, by CHAROLAIS PUBLICATIONS INC., 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Subscriptions: U.S. - $75; U.S. First Class - $100; Canada - $125; Foreign - $125. Single Copies - $7, including postage. For AICA members, $20 of annual dues to AICA are applicable to subscriptions for Charolais Journal. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO 64153, and additional mailing offices. Standard postage paid at Jefferson City, Mo. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153.
A U G U S T 2020
Thanks to all the Buyers, Guests, Speakers, and Supporters of a very successful
2020 Sale of Excellence! BHD MS COBALT Z767
F1164899 Polled BW 86 WWt 718 108% Ratio EPDs rank in the top 8% for WW, 5% YW, 30% Milk, 15% MTL, 15% CW, 35% REA, and 6% TSI Powerful donor cow & Dam of DC/BHD King F2503 Consigned by DeBruycker Charolais, Dutton, MT
High Selling 0 lot at $20,00
We’re very excited to add this powerful donor to our ET programs. (with Bella Angel Farms, Little W Farms, and Timmber Farms) Watch for progeny out of Sparrows Braxton, DC/BHD King F2503, and DC/CJC Sugar Daddy! Arlitt Ranch, Bill & Raye Arlitt, Poteet, TX Rick & Cindy Evans, Brownwood, TX
Our Thanks to Charlie Fallon, Buyer for JBS-Swift, Guymon, OK and Cody Beck, AICA, Perry, OK for providing a great educational program Friday night. We’re already planning for a tremendous 22nd Annual Sale of Excellence for May 1, 2021 in College Station, TX. We’ll have another great educational program and a quality set of cattle! Please join the Arlitt’s, Evans’, Bigg’s, Smith’s and guests for a truly great Charolais experience!
Thank You! Our success is built on a Quality Product selling to Quality Breeders with Lofty Goals! Andre Charolais, Josh & Regan, Blanks, LA Aristo Farms, Tom Greco, Topeka, KS Arlitt Ranch, Bill & Raye Arlitt, Poteet, TX Barry Rhea, Willard, MO Bella Angel Farms, Angela Flynn, Yantis, TX Bennie Monthie, Elm Mott, TX Bobby, Dinah, & Lexie Huse, Elm Mott, TX Cordell & Linda Dartez, Abbeville, LA Dale Handesty, Tuttle, OK Double H Charolais, Paynesville, MN Drew Obermeyer, Oketo, KS Gerald Smallwood, Stevenson, AL Greg Parr, Memphis, TX Heath & Kristi Hyde, Sulphur Springs, TX
Hudspeth Farms, Greg & Kelly Hudspeth, St Joe, AR (Lindsey & Drew Apple, St. Joe, AR) Issac Hughes, Golden, MS John Vasut, Angelton, TX Julie Syphett, Buffalo, TX Kaden & Sutton Matejka, Bryan, TX Ken Glazier, Kingfisher, OK Kyle Reaves, Greeneville, TN Little W Farms, Mike & Connie Watkins, Lebanon, TN Mark Arldt, Giddings, TX Matthew Ferguson, Shamrock, TX Michelle Ayoub, Chico, TX Mike Rushing, North Zulch, TX Jerry Murphy, El Campo, TX
Myron Runft, Belleville, KS Myron Toste, Layton, CA Oak Hill Farm, Wayne & Lois Bennett, Dawsonville, GA Rick & Cindy Evans, Brownwood, TX Rocking S Ranch, Butch & Betty Smith, Bristow, OK Russell Williams, Austin, TX Spring Valley Charolais, Tyson Hann, College Station, TX Sullivan Charolais, Candy Sullivan, Paris, KY Taylor Farms, Travis Taylor, Lawson, MO Timmber Farms, Tim & Marci Lee, Wiggins, MS Tom Knicker, Aubrey, TX Valerie Gutierrez, Bremond, TX Whiskey River Ranch, Chris & Justine Foster, Buhler, MO
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 5
We’re in the
BEEF business business..
Just as we’re building for the future — producing efficient, profitable and healthy beef. The AIJCA is developing the Charolais breed’s leadership for the future.
Congratulations to the AIJCA juniors on a successful week!
A U G U S T 2020
5593 Choupique Road Sulphur, LA 70665 Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 337-764-1040 cell Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell
Full French & Purebred Genetics P.O. Box 186, Liverpool, Texas 77577 Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 Daryl Renfrow (832) 444-5241 E-mail:
Sires Dominating the 2020 AIJCA Junior National Show and Leadership Conference!
M&M Outsider 4003 Pld M846631 EPDs: 10.2 -2.0 44 75 -1 21 0.7
RBM TR Rhinestone Z38 EM823104 EPDs: 7.6 -0.2 27 59 6 2.0 19 0.3
SSR Mr Driven Pld 6004 M732976 EPDs: 16.3 -6.5 2 3 8 10.6 9 0.3
TR Mr Fire Water 5792 R ET EM704588 EPDs: -5.7 3.3 31 54 18 -4.5 33 1.8
WC Milestone 5223 P
M865273 EPDs: 1.3 2.2 37 74 13 7.1 32 1.0
TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET EM790987 EPDs: 4.0 1.0 26 47 17 4.4 31 1.0
Quality Since 1991
TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E EM896198 EPDs: 9.5 -2.0 38 73 10 4.5 28 0.6
CCC WC Resource 417 P M846721 EPDs: 3.3 -0.3 42 58 21 0.6 42 0.6
To Produce Banner Winners in Your Herd, Contact us for all Your Semen and AI Supplies!
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 7
(25 HEAD OF DONORS, 20 HEAD BORN IN 2017, 45 HEAD IN 2018, 50 HEAD IN 2019)!
BK BOY Eye Catching 740E ET
BOY Bree 807 Pld ET
BRCHE TR Dory 6501
TR Ms Fiona 8910F ET
A U G U S T 2020
Interests in All These Donors Sell!
LT Brenda 8034 Pld
M&M Ms Carbine 1567 Pld
TR Ms Randi 0633X WC CCC Blue Girl 1528 P
M&M Ms Stealth 9509 Pld ET
WC CCC Sweetheart 1140 P
For catalogs, contact.... SALE MANAGER
Greg Hubert P.O. Box 100 Oakley, KS 67748 785-672-3195 (office) 785-672-7449 (cellular)
LANCE PFEIFF (970) 215-5281 37440 Co. Rd. 43, Eaton, CO 80615 GRANDHILLSCATTLE@GMAIL.COM
100 Females All Under 6
pairs. bred & Open Heifers. bred cows
Over the past several years, Bruce Roy has put together one of the finest Charolais herds in America. Basically every animal in the sale will have 941, Cigar, or Smokester in their pedigree. Due to his pecan business and loss of some leased pasture ground he has asked Bob Morton and Frankie Anthony to disperse all his females born since 2015. Also in the sale is an excellent group of service aged sires. Don’t miss an opportunity to capitalize on the breed’s greatest genetics. There will be a few guest consigners as well. CATALOG AVAILABLE IN NEXT MONTH’S JOURNAL
SALE MANAGER BOB MORTON: 931-842-1234 FRANKIE ANTHONY: 270-617-0888 10
A U G U S T 2020
20AllBulls Service Age
SEPTEMBER 26th 12:00 p.m. Central Time
CULLMAN STOCKYARD 75 County Road Cullman, AL 339
Complete Stylish
SEMEN: $30/Straw $35 Signing CSS Certified 10 Straw Min.
996G Pld EM938764 DOB: 2-23-19 BW: 93 LBS. Exciting News! We have purchased the U.S. Semen ADJ 205 DAY WT.: 940 lbs. ADJ 365 DAY WT: 1,625 lbs. Rights in Raindance, the 2019 Alberta Select Champion and AICA EPDs: BW: 1.8 WW: 35 YW: 66 M: 5 TM: 23 SC: 1.0 high-seller ($45,000, 1/2 interest.) REA: 0.63 MB: 0.10 TSI: 208 Sired by LT Patriot, his dam CML Pld Wilma 3S is a proven herd bull CCA EPDs: Top 15% CE • 20% BW
DNA Homozygous Polled
HANG’N A CATTLE COMPANY Alan & Leslie Alexander 5412 Birch Road :: Pasco, WA 99301 Alan 509-727-9151 :: Leslie 509-727-0718 ::
“Your Northwest Source for Quality Charolais Cattle”
producer—sons include Diablo 2X, Encore 4Y and Copyright 714E.
Dale & Jill Hecht
33695 CSAH 30 Grove City, MN 56243 612-799-1859
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 11
27th Annual
M6 MS PATSY BELL 527 P Selling a Flush in this powerhouse donor. Ever since this female was one of the highlights of the historic M6 dispersal she has been making good ones. Her heifer calves are averaging over $10,000 and there is an abundance of cow power in her pedigree.
SEPTEMBER 7, 2020 - NOON Chappell’s Sale Arena - Strafford, MO
Kicking off a great sale season, this offering includes females in the prime of their lives with breed leading EPDs.
DC MS POMONA LEDGER C634P This is a half sister to the top-selling lot in the Renaissance from the same outfit. An added bonus, she is due to Tank. She is quite the breeding piece, top 9% CE, 8% BW and 20% MB. These females get the job done.
LAFRAISE RHIANNA 668 A powerful Milestone daughter with many generations of AI sires in her pedigree. Reports from across the country are praising the udder quality of Milestone daughters. She is bred to a Ledger son that was a past Champion at Junior Nationals.
A U G U S T 2020
BW: 68 WW: 715 YW: 1,245 This calving-ease specialist son of Landmark packs a punch. Look at his individual performance, there is quite a spread between birth and weaning. He should add body and do-ability to his offspring.
This is a stylish Rhinestone granddaughter that is just a 3-year old. She brings a pounds heavy, good looking Grid Maker son to town and is re-bred to the National Champion, Carbon Copy. What a pair of cattle. She is in the top 20% for CE and top 15% for BW.
EC Real Deal 127 Pld M880614
EC Revelation 5030 Pld M834660
JMAR Benaiah 1E66 EM879759
Thank You!
to these seedstock producers for choosing and trusting in our genetics! Lindskov-Thiel Ranch-SD 4C Amos Charolais-WA Twisted Land and Cattle-SD’ Wild Indian Acres-MO Randy Schmidt-NE Russell Lewis-KS Terry Cordes-IL Stewart Charolais-SD Brevig Charolais-MT F Bar Five-TX Misty Elder-ID Cole Nickels-SD Travis Hepner-OK Roster Charolais-SD Leslie Thompson-NE Rob Bodine-NC Loren Sylvan-NE David Johnson-MO
nted e s e r p e r e r e w e W ta! o k a D h t u o S n i well
JAB-EC Rumor 903 Polled
Reserve Division 8 Owned Heifer Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.
RBLT Miss Coconut 91 First Place Bred & Owned Class 4
Braydon Reiboldt, West College Corner, Ind. EC/CY Bumble 979 Pld
Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.
Watch for our exciting lineup of EC Genetics in our
Fall Pasture sale-Third week of Sept Check out our website, facebook or call Jamie for more details.
Outsider x Dam of Done Deal For Sale in our Pasture Sale in September!
EC Redell 972 Pld Gauge Thomsen, Pender, Neb.
Jamie Eggleston (605) 350-3117 • (605) 883-4602 Dennis Eggleston (605) 883-4590 • A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 13
We’re proud of our Missouri Juniors! Kyle & Tara Booth Bradley Cattle Carr Cattle Co. Connell & Henley Crutcher Cattle Co.
A U G U S T 2020
Hankins Farms Larry & Betty Hirsch David & Mary Jane Hobbs J & S Ranch Tad & Angela Owings
Justin & Morgan Patrick Shaffer Cattle Co. Robert & Melody Simpson Sparks Charolais Jeff & Julia Stone
The Missouri Team Brett Benefiel, Webb City Emilie Birge, Columbia Hayden Birge, Columbia Katie Birge, Columbia Braden Booth, Fair Grove Alexis Couldry, Atlanta Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove Ryanne Crutcher, Fair Grove Elijah Dehan, LaMonte
Austin Doerhoff, Henley Kaden Garrison, Boss Kallen Garrison, Boss Clarisa Grass, Bonne Terre Colton Grass, Bonne Terre Tannah Grigg Cassatt, Webb City Tevin Groose, Olean Emma Hankins, Springfield Jessi Hankins, Springfield
Brittany Hirsch, Thayer Christian Hirsch, Thayer Annaleigh Hobbs, Kansas City Caitlin Jedlicka, Koshkonong Cody Jedlicka, Koshkonong Brecken Jones, LaMonte Eli Meyer, Sarcoxie Emily Meyer, Sarcoxie Matthew Meyer, Sarcoxie
Paisley Nelson, Platte City Thomas Owings, Potosi Atley Patrick, Chilhowee Jaden Schweigert, Park Hills Livia Schweigert, Park Hills Annie Stewart, St Thomas Jillian Stone, Clinton
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 î şâ€ƒ 15
s r o i n u J g Helpin show ring while find success in the eir own building th rds! outstanding cow he
RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BRED & OWNED FEMALE CAG Randi 9638G ET • Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.
Wed., September 23, 2020
Bids Close at 7:00 PM Selling: Angus, Charolais, Red Angus, SimAngus, Commercial Heifers and Steers We will be selling 25 Charolais Show Heifer Prospects
CAG Bubbles 9950G • Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.
CAG TR BOY Georgina 9619G ET
• Carter Hoge, Good Hope, Ill.
TR Ms Fame 8712F ET & Schrader’s Ms Fergi 002H Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan. 16
A U G U S T 2020
Troy & VeaBea Thomas, Clint & Cally Kindred 18475 Capri Place • Harrold, SD 57536 Office: 605-973-2448 Troy’s Cell: 605-222-1258 Cally’s Cell: 605-222-1515
J. Neil Orth, Executive Vice President
We Have the Resources to Make This Work
Your AICA field staff provide a value “boots on the ground”...
uring the last six months, the COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges to every industry sector trying to market cattle and beef. No one knows when or if, how we market cattle going forward, will ever return to how we marketed cattle prior to 2020. Seedstock producers across America moved from sale preparations in the early spring to crisis management, just trying to navigate the new, constantly changing COVID-19 requirements to even conduct a sale. If there ever was a doubt about the consternation, resilience and downright survival instincts of beef producers, spring 2020 should be the textbook illustration. Depending on our age demographic, it’s a pretty safe bet to say, we’ve cussed technology on occasion. Every seedstock producer knows that on sale day, the more people on the seats, the better chance to create the competitive environment necessary for a successful auction. Breeders with auctions scheduled in the spring were immediately challenged to figure out how to sustain a competitive sale with no one on the seats. Internet bidding and all the technology associated with it proved to be the godsend. The pandemic made us realize that technology was a key to survival, at
Absentee bidding has been a customer service offered to potential bidders for years. Moving forward, however, all off-site bidding options will be inordinately more important to the success of an auction. Your regional fieldman is one of the most auction savvy marketers in the business. He understands and respects the importance of confidentiality and is ready to serve as a proxy bidder for anyone interested in bidding on your cattle. The fall sale season will continue to present challenges. But, the overall success of this most recent spring sale season, while navigating totally uncharted waters, will prove to be an asset. Technology has given us the tools to make it work. Multiple real-time bidding platforms provide a very competitive auction environment, and those interested in attending the sale in person support the online action. Presale visits to the farm or ranch to view the sale offering serve the importance of visual appraisal while sorting through a sale catalog. Charolais breeders are fortunate to have five fieldmen that work across the U.S. on your behalf every single day. These men are a valuable marketing resource and are ready to work to assist you in any way. You can confidently include them in your marketing plans
The fall sale season will continue to present challenges. But, the overall success of this most recent spring sale season, while navigating totally uncharted waters, will prove to be an asset. Technology has given us the tools to make it work. least in the short term. As we head into fall sale season, COVID-19 is still rampant and breeders continue to grapple with the new normal. It’s important to remember that almost every challenge also presents opportunity. For AICA breeders, your advertising and marketing resources are many. The Charolais Journal, Charolais Edge, Charolais Source, digital ads on and provide tremendous access to registered and commercial cow-calf producers across all demographics. Your AICA field staff provide a valuable “boots on the ground” marketing resource. One of the biggest challenges to getting cattle sold at on-the-farm auctions in the near future is onsite attendance and access. Cattle buyers, particularly registered seedstock buyers, will always be concerned about phenotype. While individual videos are helpful, a video may not provide enough confidence in specific phenotypic characteristics to convince a buyer. The one individual that sees more Charolais seedstock than anyone is your regional fieldman. Pedigree information and genomic data are also valuable tools that sometimes need interpretation. The one individual that looks at more pedigrees and includes genomic data in daily conversation is your regional fieldman.
for the fall. Not only on sale day, but, your AICA fieldman can assist in your outreach to potential buyers and bidders. They have a comprehensive understanding of the beef industry and are on the road making registered and commercial herd visits to Charolais operations constantly. AICA fieldmen understand geographic differences inherent to sustainable beef production and can objectively discuss the environmental needs of specific operations and make recommendations accordingly. Until a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available and a large portion of the U.S. population is vaccinated, our industry will be required to adjust to survive. In the case of beef production, the world has witnessed in real time, the need for a healthy meat protein processing work force, healthy producers across rural America and a vibrant economy that depends on both to work. Your AICA staff is safe and well and intent on doing our part to support Charolais and the entire beef production complex. We have the tools. We have the knowledge. We are committed to do all we can do to assist in your marketing efforts. Don’t forget the Listening & Learning Sessions, Thursday afternoon, August 27, 2020, at the Joplin Regional Stockyards, Joplin, Mo. We hope you can join us!
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 17
Alabama Corey Jenkins 345 Hulsey Road Henagar, AL, 35978 Arkansas That Cattle Co 323 Ridge Road Camp, AR, 72320 California Brian D Dreyer 304 Rd 212 Exeter, CA, 93221 Trae M Slightom 9428 Cummings Road Durham, CA, 95938 Georgia Jacob Lee Bertolini 114 Lower Cartecay Road Ellijay, GA, 30536 Molly E Tipton 1001 Preacher Campbell Rd Clarkesville, GA, 30523 Illinois Franke Farms 152 Stubes Rd Texico, IL, 62889 Ashlyn M Hickey 751 1750th Ave Mt Pulaski, IL, 62548 Indiana DJV Livestock 8241 N Rushville Rd, Carthage, IN, 46115 Miller Farms 4405 N 500 W Thorntown, IN, 46071 Aubry L Neagle 8063 N US Hwy 27 Fountain City, IN, 47341
Hayden C Neagle 8063 N Us Hwy 27 Fountain City, IN, 47341 Jackson E Neagle 8063 N Us Hwy 27 Fountain City, IN, 47341 Iowa Bar S Cattle Co 2524 330th St Laurel, IA, 50141
Kansas Brunker Land & Cattle 3775 Tennesee Road Ottawa, KS, 66067 Marlana A Dobrinski 238 E Rye Dr Sylvan Grove, KS, 67481 Doug M Peterson 1368 Sw Collins Ave, Topeka, KS, 66604
Tennessee Chuckey-Doak Ffa 365 Ripley Island Road Afton, TN, 37616
Smith Cattle Company 7113 Jefferson Road Burlington, OK, 73722 Ohio Mackenzie A Smith 21521 Mc Coy Rd Freeport, OH, 43973
Kentucky Randy K & Tammy L Warner 2717 Ratliff Road Sharpsburg, KY, 40374
Reed J Schumacher 9185 Rd P7 Columbus Grove, OH, 45830
Jonah S West 2608 S Ky 11 Barbourville, KY, 40906
Oregon Jonwynn C Ayres 1863 Wards Creek Road Rogue River, OR, 97537
Sophie G Lorch 6996 220th St Harris, IA, 51345 Wyatt C Lorch 6996 220th St Harris, IA, 51345
Minnesota Michael J Butler 205 Central Ave S Geneva, MN, 56035 Brad Evenson 22001 510th Ave Minnesota Lake, MN, 56068
Pennsylvania Claire Olivia Mc Mullen 21863 Deer Run Shade Gap, PA, 17255 South Dakota Mcquade J Beare 209 Davis Ave E Estelline, SD, 57234
Rory A Mc Clellan 306 480th St Armstrong, IA, 50514
Missouri Jackson R Ebert 6225 Se Perren Road Holt, MO, 64048
Lexi R Stahly 903 Lakeside Ave Lake Park, IA, 51347
Mike Martin 16387 Hwy E Curryville, MO, 63339
Madelyn M Caulfield 15723 427th Ave Bradley, SD, 57217
Brady C Steward 1417 Elmwood Ave Earlham, IA, 50072
Paisley G Nelson Po Box 1661 Platte City, MO, 64079
Autumn A Clark 44624 202nd St Lake Preston, SD, 57249
Chesney F Ogle 12500 Nw Bower Road Stewartsville, MO, 64490
Caleb A Clark 44624 202nd St Lake Preston, SD, 57249
Nebraska Gavin G Romshek 2308 137th Rd Shelby, NE, 6866
Hollis D Fawcett 21051 344th Ave Ree Heights, SD, 57371
The AICA is the official registry for Charolais and Charbray cattle in the United States. Charolais cattle were first brought to the U.S. in 1936. In 1957, the American Charolais Breeders Association and the International Charolais Breeders Association merged forming the present AICA. Membership in the AICA is obtainable when the applicant has ownership in at least one animal, and has paid the initial membership fee of $125. AICA annual dues are $100.
Taylor Show Cattle 73847 Rd 434 Smithfield, NE, 68976 North Dakota Thomas J Tiegs 9247 St Line Rd Ellendale, ND, 58436 Oklahoma Montana J Brackett 1388 County Rd 5920 Fairfax, OK, 74637 Casen R Bratcher PO Box 925 Rush Springs, OK, 73082 Kinley R Bratcher Po Box 925 Rush Springs, OK, 73082 Baylor H Coldwater 209230 E 610 Rd Vici, OK, 73859
A U G U S T 2020
Payten R Linn 21350 Yearling Red Rock, OK, 74651
Sloane K Curtin 1310 Gegenheimer Rd Oxford, IA, 52322
Gina J Dye 1925 Bunker Hill Road Central City, IA, 52214
Croix M Reimann 20970 349th Ave Ree Heights, SD, 57371
Jacob L Wendland 21901 Mayday Road, Barnes, KS, 66933
Tanner P Curtin 1310 Gegenheimer Rd Nw Oxford, IA, 52322
indicates AIJCA
Kenneth Glazier 17502 E 810 Rd Kingfisher, OK, 73750
Ayva L Bohr 1360 Fox Meadow Ct Ne Swisher, IA, 52338
AmericanInternational Charolais Association
Emma A Caulfield 15723 427 Ave Bradley, SD, 57217
Ivy K Fawcett 21051 344th Ave Ree Heights, SD, 57371 Addison J Haase 42551 299th St Scotland, SD, 57059 Chloe L Hazel 47065 292nd St Beresford, SD, 57004 Mya A Heinje 47041 137th St Wilmot, SD, 57279 Lane R Krueger 40152 134th St Groton, SD, 57445 Emily P Ludens 45242 287th St Hurley, SD, 57036 Alexa R Montagne PO Box 791 Elk Point, SD, 57025
Marley R Gardiner 1950 Greenville Rd Watertown, TN, 37184 Texas Bar M Ranch 216 Doyle St Zapata, TX, 78076 James C Biggs 9224 Cr 915 Godley, TX, 76044 Ryli Anne Bivens 805 Monticello Dr Burleson, TX, 76028 Ridge Cade Conway 2352 W Hwy 243 Canton, TX, 75103 Robert Clayton Conway Iv 2352 W Hwy 243 Canton, TX, 75103 Taylor L Grove 7625 West Stone Hill Court Lipan, TX, 76462 Ella G Haseloff Po Box 851 Valley View, TX, 76272 Ty J Henson 1306 Aztec Trail Krum, TX, 76249 Andy Herrell PO Box 4653 Tyler, TX 75712 Kolten D Holcomb 1432 Cr 4102 Jacksonville, TX, 75766 Kocurek Cattle Company 8535 Hwy 36 S Caldwell, TX, 77836 Erika Maldanado 8666 Ridge Mile San Antonio, TX, 78239 Jose Luis Mendiola Jr 302 Baffin Bay Larado, TX, 78041 Aubree Mitchell 11000 Eakin Cemetary Rd Justin, TX, 76247 Brinley A Pick 1556 Lcr 106 Mt Calm, TX, 76673 Katie Procter P O Box 1463 Lampasas, TX, 76550 Lluvia A Rodriquez 6823 Burnley San Antonio, TX, 78239
continued on page 68
New ONLINE Lab Results
New online lab results! View your lab results with one click. Under the “herd” tab, click into “My Lab”. Your DNA tested animals will be listed there. Click the “view” button to see details on each animal. You can also download the results in an Excel file by using the “Lab Test Results Export” under the “tools” tab. Russell W. Ludeke – Harold Christopher Truax II Memorial Award – ACF Professional Scholarship
Eligible applicants for this $4,000 veterinary or medical student professional scholarship must be enrolled in an accredited veterinary medicine or medical institution and be or have relation to an American-International Charolais Association member. Application evaluation criteria includes academic excellence, financial need, leadership and interest in the cattle industry. For more information visit, page 26 of this issue. Applications due September 1, 2020. Expedited Registration Work
American-International Charolais Association 11700 N.w. Plaza Circle Kansas City, Mo 64153 Phone: (816) 464-5977 Fax: (816) 464-5759 E-Mail: Website:
Executive Vice President J. Neil Orth Ext. 101
Recording Secretary Marilou Wegner Ext. 400
Director Of Activities David Hobbs Ext. 200
Youth Activities Coordinator Kaitlyn Chism Ext. 201
Communications & Events Coordinator Rachel Booth Ext. 102
Lewis Meyer Ext. 300
Southwest Representative
AICA rules require signatures on bulls and dams you do not own. Signatures can be submitted online, fax, mail or e-mail.
Area 8 Steve Peterson 8767 Outer Road Mt. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 926-5526
Area 3 Donnie Leddy 15635 472nd Ave Stockholm, SD 57264 (605) 676-2595
Area 9 Eddy Loggains 4431 Larkin Road Violet Hill, AR 72584 (870) 404-4332
Area 4 Spencer Schrader 2118 Oxbow Rd Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-2135
Area 10 Troy Bertsche 4328 E 1800 N Road Flanagan, IL 61740 (815) 674-1244
Area 5 Michael Sturgess 407 Breesport St. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 867-6863
Area 11 Frankie Anthony 806 Jarboe Lane Hardinsburg, KY 40143 (270) 527-8861
Area 6 Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Rd Saint Jo, TX 76265 (940) 841-2792
Area 12 Doug Rogers PO Box 1718 Collins, MS 39428 (601) 765-7751
Area 13 Richard Clark PO Box 9 Tazwell, TN 37879 (423) 626-0899
Larry Lehman
Richard Clark, M.D.
Eddy Loggains 4431 Larkin Road Violet Hill, AR 72584 (870) 368-4857
Richard Clark PO Box 9 Tazwell, TN 37879 (423) 626-0899
Michael Sturgess 407 Breesport St. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 867-6863
Cattleman’s Source Advertising Deadline
AI Sires used “out of herd” and all Donor Dams must be DNA tested before calves can be registered. AICA recommends collecting DNA samples during the donor’s initial flush. Check the animal’s record to make sure the DNA work has been done before submitting registration papers. DNA kits are specific to the animal being tested. Contact Marilou Wegner to request a kit.
Area 2 Dennis Metzger 22600 Blue Jay Ln Anderson, CA 96007 (816) 519-8208
Vice President
To Use The Extension Numbers Listed For The Above Staff, Phone (816) 464-5977.
AICA DNA Requirements
Area 7 Marty Lewis 9411 W 56th St S Monroe, IA 50170 (515) 250-2362
Larry Ludeke P.O. Box 186 Liverpool, TX 77577 (832) 439-4666
President J. Neil Orth
Board Of Directors
Southeast Representative
Floyd Wampler 294 Peoples Road Bristol, TN 37620 Cell - (423) 612-2144 Cody Beck 19800 John Wayne Perry, OK 73077 Cell - (765) 719-1622
North Central Representative Director of Industry Relations & Sales Colt Keffer 1903 Los Cabos Dr. Windsor, CO 80550 Cell - (765) 376-8784
West Representative
Ty Groshans 41010 CR DD Akron, CO 80720 Cell - (970) 818-6016
AICA DIRECTORS BY AREA Area 1 Cheryl Lux P.O. Box 348 Augusta, MT 59410 (406) 562-3670
Mike Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334 (573) 324-2528
Asst. Recording Secretary Maggie Smithee Ext. 401
If an animal needs to be registered with in a day or two. A rush fee of $50 will be added to work. Once the animal is registered you can pull it up online to view the registration number. The new certificate will be mailed out the following day. We also offer Fed-Ex mailing for additional $50.
The deadlines to place advertising in the is August 1. Contact your field representative about this and other advertising opportunities.
Mike Schumacher Michael Sturgess Eddy Loggains Richard Clark
Chairman & Trustee Trustees
Bill Nottke Harlin Hecht J. Neil Orth Kaitlyn Chism
Fundraising Chairman
Larry Lehman
term expires 2021
term expires 2020
term expires 2021
term expires 2020
term expires 2021
term expires 2020
Vice President Bob Tibbs
Larry Ludeke
Treasurer Ray Franz
J. Neil Orth Kaitlyn Chism
term expires 2021
term expires 2020
term expires 2021
term expires 2020
term expires 2021
term expires 2020
term expires 2021
Area 14 Dotty Macy 1039 Heaps Rd Street, MD 21154 (772) 713-4061 term expires 2020
Area 15 Dan Eversole 3250 Litton-Reaves Hall Blacksburg, VA 24061 (540) 231-4738 term expires 2021
Breed Improvement
Junior Council
Weston Geppert 25702 406th Ave Mitchell, SD 57301 Cell - (605) 933-1387
VICE CHAIRMAN Jeff Bunker 13080 Janus Ave Sparta, WI 54656 (608) 633-5334
VICE CHAIRMAN Dan Eversole Area 15 Director
Long Range Planning
Other Regions
CHAIRMAN Michael Sturgess Area 5 Director
Representative At-Large
Call The AICA Office. (816) 464-5977
Commercial Advertising
Jay Carlson Carlson Media Group, LLC Seedstock Publication Partners (913) 268-5725 office
CHAIRMAN Richard Clark P.O. Box 9 Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-5892
VICE CHAIRMAN Bob Tibbs 3545 Old Level Rd. Havre de Grace, MD 21078 (410) 734-6873
CHAIRMAN Marty Lewis Area 7 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Eddy Loggains Area 9 Director
CHAIRMAN Rex Ricketts Rt. 3 14800 Tucker School Rd Hallsville, MO 65255 (573) 882-4553
CHAIRMAN Dennis Metzger Area 2 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Lee Eaton 103 ETN Rd Lindsay, MT 59339 (406) 584-7546
CHAIRMAN Larry Ludeke Ex-Offico VICE CHAIRMAN Michael Sturgess Area 5 Director
CHAIRMAN Larry Lehman VICE CHAIRMAN Spencer Schrader Area 4 Director CHAIRMAN Larry Lehman P.O. Box 700 Tioga, TX 76271 (972) 529-8723
VICE CHAIRMAN Harlin Hecht 16732 283rd Ave Paynesville, MN 56362 (320) 243-4386
Rules & Ethics CHAIRMAN Eddy Loggains
VICE CHAIRMAN Silas Maxwell 1120 Welcome Grove Rd. Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 552-4072
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 19
Skyler Moore Bailey Moore Jackie Moore Dustin Eldridge
417.737.2615 417.540.4343 417.825.0948 417.548.2333
I-44 and Exit 22 I Carthage, Missouri
417.548.BEEF W W W. J O P L I N S T O C K Y A R D S . C O M W W W. P R I M E T I M E L I V E S T O C K . C O M 20
A U G U S T 2020
AICA “Listening & Learning” Industry Session
Thursday, August 27, 2020 Joplin Regional Stockyards Joplin, Missouri OBJECTIVE:
To illustrate the added value of utilizing Charolais genetics through the various phases of the beef cattle industry, while developing more marketing options for producers utilizing Charolais genetics.
2:30 p.m. Registration Tentative 3:30 p.m. Welcoming Remarks
Mark Harman, Joplin Regional Stockyards, Mike Schumacher, AICA President, Rex Ricketts, AICA Breed Improvement Committee Chair
Segment 1 Cowboy Arithmetic
Bill Bowman, Method Genetics, LLC
Segment 2 Ultrasound Technology for the Beef Industry Mark Henry, CUP Lab
Segment 3 The Charolais Bull at Work
Jim Hacker, Commercial Cattlemen, Bolivar, Missouri
Max Martin, JX Ranch, Loving, Texas
Segment 4 Adding Value with Charolais Genetics
Jackie Moore, Joplin Regional Stockyards Ken Danzer, Danzer Cattle, Manhattan, Kansas Colt Keffer, CharAdvantage
Segment 5 Understanding Who The Consumer Is
Gretchen Mafi, Oklahoma State University Cattlemen’s Question & Answer Cattlemen Social, Dinner & Entertainment
Segment 6 6:30 For More Information Contact:
David Hobbs • AICA Director of Activities (816) 464-2474 •
More Information & Pre-Registration Available at
Rachel Booth • AICA Communications & Event Coordinator (816) 464-5977 ext. 102 • A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 21
Caitlin Jedlicka, President
JUNIOR Memories Made Further your reach
Officers President Caitlin Jedlicka Koshkonong, MO (417) 293-3414
Treasurer Devon Benes Valparaiso, NE (402) 499-3429
Vice President Molly Smith Lockhart, TX (512) 995-6263
Ex-Officio Kaitlyn Davlin El Campo, TX (979) 543-0366
Secretary Emily Hoelewyn Damon, TX (979) 308-0320
Directors By Area
i everyone! My name is Caitlin Jedlicka and I am beyond blessed to be serving as your AIJCA President for the next year. I am 19 years old and am a junior studying Agriculture Communications at Missouri State University. My family runs a purebred Charolais operation and commercial herd in Southern Missouri, as well as a custom hay business. I was fortunate enough to be raised in the cattle business specifically the Charolais breed. I attended my first Junior National in Tupelo, Mississippi, but began competing at the 2006 Junior National in Springfield Missouri. From that first Junior National I was all in, I wanted to do everything and one day be a leader for the breed. As I sat in the truck on the way home from Brookings this year, it was hard not to reflect on the journey that got me to where I am today. There was a quote from Disney’s Cars movie that kept replaying in my mind, “I don’t have to know where I am going, I just have to know
thing I did, those white cows. I found my home in the Charolais breed. I found a family from across the country that would support me in anything I chose to do. The Charolais breed quickly became my passion, and as I got older that passion for the breed and industry only grew. I knew I wanted to give back to the breed that gave me so much, and I wanted to be a mentor to the kids just getting started in the breed. I got to put on my blue jacket in 2017, and it was one of my greatest moments. I had achieved a dream that I had had since I was just a young kid. The AIJCA is an association built to help small town kids like me dream of bigger things, and then helps them reach those dreams. An association built by dreamers, with ideas to continue to further the reach of our association and further the development of the youth involved is an association that I am proud to call my home. The past three years on the Board have been
Area 1 Maguire Rohr Elbert, CO (720) 467-3303
At Large Taylor Behrends State Center, IA (515) 520-1652
Area 2 Devon Benes Valparaiso, NE (402) 499-3429
At Large Emily Hoelewyn Damon, TX (979) 308-0320
Area 3 Madison Voet Home, KS (785) 713-2665
At Large Molly Smith Lockhart, TX (512) 995-6263
Area 4 Sydney Howell Forestburg, TX (940) 577-1301
At Large Tara Tellefson Warden, WA (509) 793-8535
Area 5 Shade Bunker Sparta, WI (608) 855-0270
“ The AIJCA is an association built to help small town kids like me dream of bigger things, and then helps them reach those dreams. ”
Area 6 Weston Schrader Wells, KS (785) 488-6390
where I’ve been.” I cannot tell you how many miles I have rode in the front seat of a truck to a cattle show. I cannot tell you the number of hours I’ve lost in sleep at one either. Or even the number of cattle shows I have been to, but I can tell you about the memories made. I can tell you about the jam sessions in the truck with my family. The water fights on the wash rack with kids from all over the United States. The fun had competing with and against my friends. The sunset walks to tie outs, the card games played on a cooler, even the naps in a lawn chair before show starts. Since I was a little kid, all I would talk about for the months leading up to Junior National was going and attending, and for months after all I would talk about was the fun I had and the friends I made. As a farm kid in a city school the Junior National was my chance to be around other kids my age that loved the same 22
A U G U S T 2020
the best three years of my life and I am beyond blessed to serve the juniors of this association for another year. While we do not know what the next year will hold, the entire board is excited and ready to serve you. See you in Perry, Georgia for It’s A Southern Tradition!
Area 7 Katelynn Cape Hampstead, MD (443) 952-0561
Area 8 Gracie Weiberg Gray, TN (423) 930-0048
Committee Chairmen Fundraising Devon Benes Programs & Activities Molly Smith
Membership Emily Hoelewyn Junior National Caitlin Jedlicka
Aijca Membership Membership in the nationwide AmericanInternational Junior Charolais Association (AIJCA) is open to anyone 21 years of age and under as of January 1 of the present year. The initial membership fee is $30 and $25 annual dues thereafter. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
American International Charolais Association
Few may be aware, but in the last 10 years, the Charolais breeders have amassed a sizable udder score database. The American International Charolais Association’s Whole Herd Rewards (WHR) process has been a contributing factor in capturing these valuable cowherd records. Udder soundness is a major factor in determining cow longevity. Poor udder quality can contribute to calf mortality, increased labor requirements, and more frequent animal handling. The July 2020 AICA National Cattle Evaluation update is the first udder quality EPD release since the AICA research was reported in 2018. The udder and teat EPDs can be accessed as part of the AICA Database Search
Figure 1. AICA udder suspension and teat size scoring system. Suspension
Teat Size
9 Very tight, level
7 Tight, fairly level
5 Moderately tight
Very small Small Intermediate
Individual udder suspension and teat size scores 4 4 are reported by Charolais breeders to the American 3 Pendulous, broken floor 3 Large International Charolais Association (AICA) using a nine-point scoring system as recommended in the 2 2 Beef Improvement Federation Guidelines (9th edition, 1 Very pendulous, broken 1 Very large, balloon March 2018). fl oor shape The AICA reported udder score is a two-digit code in which the first digit is associated with suspension and the second digit represents teat size. These scores are assigned by breeders to individual females, Figure 2. Example form for AICA udder score data entry by breeders. preferably by the same person on the weakest quarter at or near a 24-hour window of calving. Udder suspension scores are assigned ranging from a numeric 9 (very tight) to 1 (very pendulous). The teat size scores range from 9 (very small) to 1 (very large). The AICA udder scores are submitted either online or by printed forms for the AICA Registration Form & Weaning Worksheet. Figure 1 summarizes the scoring system. Figure 2 illustrates the AICA data entry form for reporting udder scores.
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 23
The AICA udder and teat score performance records are edited for contemporary group size, pedigree completeness, and scoring system errors. Udder quality traits are analyzed in a multi-trait single-step genetic evaluation with repeated udder score records, pedigree, and DNA genotypes. As an overview, the mathematical model accounted for the age of the female measured, contemporary group differences, and permanent environment effects for multiple scores on females. Heritability estimates of .25 and .23 for udder suspension and teat size are part of the genetic evaluation procedure. These two traits where highly correlated, with a .85 genetic correlation. The high genetic correlation indicates these two traits are somewhat controlled by the same genes. Known to be moderately heritable, udder quality genetic parameters have been quantified and breeding values published as expected progeny differences (EPDs) for the American Hereford Association animals. Bradford et al. (2015; J. Anim. Sci. 2015.93:2663) reported heritability estimates of .32 and .28 for udder suspension and teat size, respectively. The genetic correlation was reported to be .81 in the Hereford data.
Figure 3 illustrates the hypothetical comparison of two sires with udder trait EPDs. Assuming both sires have similar accuracies, Sire A would be expected to have daughters with more favorable udder suspension and teat size at calving than daughters of Sire B. The magnitude of difference between the two sets of future daughters’ expected scores would be about a half score favoring Sire A, based upon the nine-point scoring system. Through performance record reporting by AICA breeders, a large dataset of udder suspension and teat scores were available to estimate genetic parameters and generate selection tools for traits not readily accessible in many beef cattle breeds. The efforts by AICA to provide this new trait suite further generates interest in Charolais maternal traits as well as accessibility to future selection tools for seedstock and commercial beef producers. To access udder quality EPDs and accuracies, go to the AICA website or database search at http://search. Figure 3. Example of two Charolais sires with udder trait EPDs. Suspension EPD
Teat EPD
Sire A:
Sire B:
Score Difference
Time to Enter these Fall 2020 Sales! September 19, 2020
The ONE Sale, Rusk Co. Expo Center, Henderson, TX
Deadline for Entries: August 15, 2020
October 17, 2020
3rd Spirit of Bluegrass Sale, Bluegrass Stockyards, Lexington, KY
Deadline for Entries: August 15, 2020
October 24, 2020
Southern Connection Sale,NW Georgia Livestock Pavilion, Calhoun, GA
Deadline for Entries: August 15, 2020
November 14, 2020
OK Charolais Bull Sale, McAlester Union Stockyards, McAlester, OK
Deadline for Enties: September 15, 2020
Brett Sayre 573-881-1876 Candy Sullivan 859-338-0170 24
A U G U S T 2020
for entry forms contact Outfront Cattle or online:
KENTUCKY CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebookcom/Kentucky Charolais Association
Clint & Kelly Hall
Maysville, KY Hillsboro, OH
2015 Res. National Champion Female
937-763-0931 606-782-1981
BREEDING Quality...
Becca, Jenna and Jake 645 Evergreen Rd. Frankfort, KY 40601
D & D Ms. Kennedy 1430
Jeff Harrod: 502-330-6745
Rolling Hills Charolais Ross Embry
2571 Sunbeam Rd. Leitchfield, KY 42754
Cathy and HAYDEN FARM James, Brooke Hayden
4430 Bloomfield Road Selling Bulls: Bardstown, KY 40004 Bartow, FL - Nov. 12 (502) 349-0005 Sulphur Springs, TX - Jan. 30 (502) 507-4984 cell
Montgomery Charolais Darby Montgomery
36 Thompson Road • Lancaster, KY 40444
859-339-3922 BULLS FOR SALE
Space Available Contact: Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144
S A N D U S K Y FA R M S David, Rhonda, Michael & Nicholas 3200 St. Rose Road Lebannon, KY 40033 270-692-7793
Allison Charolais John Allison
545 Eminence Road New Castle, KY 40050
502-845-2806 502-220-3170
Bulls & Heifers For Sale at the Farm
Fall Showcase Saturday • 1 PM ET September 19, 2020
1194 Smith Ridge Rd. Campbellsville, KY 42718 Mitchel Cox - Owner/Gen. Mgr. (270) 465-7584
Space Available Contact: Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144
New Locatio
Reality Farms, Campbellsburg, Ky.
Special Offering Cow-Calf Splits • Cow-Calf Pairs Bred Heifers • Bred Cows Open Heifers Flushes • Embryos Call to Request a Catalog!
Upcoming Events September 19 Kentucky Fall Showcase Sale, Stanford October 17 Sullivan Charolais Spirit of the Bluegrass Sale, Lexington November 18 North Amercian National ROE Show Louisville Spirit of the Bluegrass Sale Oct. 17
Candy Sullivan 3440 Ruddles Mill Road Paris, KY 40361
Sponsored by:
Sullivan Charolais
S.E.A.N.A. Charolais Frankie Anthony 804 Jarboe LN Hardinsburg, KY 270-617-0888
Contact Sale Manager: JWC MARKETING WES CHISM 281-761-5952
It’s for the Future Russell W. Ludeke – Harold Christopher Truax II Memorial Award
Eligibility Requirements: • Applicants for this must be enrolled in an accredited veterinary medicine or medical institution. • Must be or have relation to an American-International Charolais Association member.
Find Application Online Presenting the 2019 award: Miss Charolais USA Madison Voet, Bar J Charolais: Beth & Larry Ludeke, Recipient Tara Fountain, JVS Cattle Co: Evelyn Gay Duhon and Rod Smith.
Questions, contact: Kaitlyn Chism ACF Administrator 816-464-2474 ext 201
About the Russell W. Ludeke – Harold Christopher Truax II Memorial Award
Applications Due September 1, 2020
With an initial gift from QuestMark Information Management, Inc., Charolais breeders Larry and Beth Ludeke of Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas and the Evelyn Gay Duhon Family of JVS Cattle Co., Sulphur, Louisiana, seek to provide professional awards annually to those impacted by the Charolais breed.
American Charolais Foundation | 11700 NW Plaza Circle | Kansas City, MO 64153 | 816-464-5977 | The American Charolais Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit subsidiary of the American-International Charolais Association, strives to support scientific research, development and education activities of the Charolais breed. 26
A U G U S T 2020
January 17, 2021 The AICA Board of Directors has voted to annually hold the National Charolais Sale in January, during the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado! The National Charolais Show will continue to rotate between Fort Worth, Denver, Kansas City and Louisville! Nomination Deadline: October 1, 2020 Catalog Information Deadline: November 2, 2020 Catalog Printed in the December 2020 issue Contact any of the Charolais Fieldmen or the Sale Manager to discuss your nominations!
Charolais Journal: David Hobbs (913) 515-1215 Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144
Cody Beck (765) 719-1622 Colt Keffer (765) 376-8784
Sale Manager:
Greg Hubert P.O. Box 100 • Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-3195 (785) 672-7449 cell A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 27
A U G U S T 2020
SD 2020 - SD kings Broo 0
-1 July 5
The 2020 AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference united Charolais families in Brookings, South Dakota for a week full of great people and great cattle. Shane Bedwell, Holt, Mo., evaluated 205 entries from 25 states during the Bred & Owned Female, Bull, Steer and Percentage Heifer Shows, Thursday, July 9. The Owned Female Show, judged by Dave Allan, Schulenbug, Texas highlighted 324 entries from 24 states on Friday, July 10. AIJCA members shared a busy week participating in shows, contests and conference sessions. Members participated in the Mentor Program introducing new and young juniors to the Junior National experience. Juniors gained teamwork and leadership skills as well as friendships and memories to last a lifetime. #charBOOM
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 î şâ€ƒ 29
$500 Carol Doughty Memorial Scholarship Sponsored by Big Creek Charolais $250 Certificate to 605 Sires
Division III Champion and 1st Class 10 Sponsors: Hang’n A Cattle Co. and LaFraise Farms BELL Elvira 399 ET, 3-1-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld
Ruby Bell, Bristow, Okla.
RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BRED & OWNED FEMALE Sponsor: White Rose Charolais Division III Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 10 Sponsor: J & A Charolais
CAG Randi 9638G ET, 3-2-19, by Sharodon Double Vision 1D.
Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.
Third Overall Champion
Fourth Overall Champion
Fifth Overall Champion
Division IV Champion and 1st Class 12
Division IV Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 12
Division I Champion and 1st Class 5
Sponsor: Bullard Cattle Co.
Sponsors: Fink Beef Genetics and South Dakota Charolais Breeders Association
J&J Angelina 823
Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla. 30
A U G U S T 2020
Sponsor: Triple S Farms
Sponsor: Hang’n A Cattle Company
PGC Ms Febe 8882F ET
Paislee Carlson, Harrisburg, S.D. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
Sponsor: Pfeifer Farms
Sponsors: P5 Charolais and Scott & Cindy Franklin
CAG Bubbles 9950G
Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.
Division I Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 5
Division II Champion and 1st Class 7
Division II Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 6
Schrader’s Ms Fran 9219G
Holt OC Ms Scotti G206
LC Gabriella 999 Pld
Sponsor: Stewart Charolais
Sponsors: 4M Land & Cattle and Wooden Cross Cattle Co. Sponsor: VanDyke Charolais Haleigh Holt, Mina, S.D.
Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan.
Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.
Division V Champion and 1st Class 13 Sponsors: Nord Farms and Vytelle
Division V Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 13 State/Affiliate Group of Three
Audrey Field, Telephone, Texas
Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn.
F5 Ms Floss F814 and F5 Mr Track 006 Pld
Sponsor: Carmen Liebelt
NGC Sophie 810F ET and NGC HCC Saige 11H
Champion – South Dakota Reserve Champion – Oklahoma (not pictured)
1st Class 1 Sponsor: Watje Cattle Company
1st Class 2 Sponsor: Watje Cattle Company
1st Class 3 Sponsor: LaFraise Farms
1st Class 4 Sponsor: Sioux Nation
Atley Patrick, Chilhowee, Mo.
Belle Watje, Weatherford, Texas
Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla.
Braydon Reiboldt, West College Corner, Ind.
PL CCC Ms Phoebe 001
1st Class 6 Sponsor: Harris Livestock Farms
Hagan Bam Bam 7328G Lane Hagan, Yoakum, Texas
AWR Alley Cat 933
1st Class 8 Sponsor: Grau Charolais Ranch
HL BOY Danika 927G
Carter Hoge, Good Hope, Ill.
J&J Angelina 943
RBLT Miss Coconut 92
1st Class 9 Sponsor: Stewart Charolais – In Memory of Dan Haler
1st Class 11 Sponsor: JWC Marketing
F5 Ms Whitney 913 Pld
Kyeler Field, Telephone, Texas
JAB-EC Rumor 903 Polled Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 31
BRED & OWNED FEMALE SHOW Division I, Class 1
Calved 1-1-20 to 2-7-20, 5 shown 1. PL CCC Ms Phoebe 001, 1-7-20, by CCC Major Impact 613 P. Atley Patrick, Chilhowee, Mo. 2. CNH Helen 02H, 2-7-20, by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET. Corbin Hunt, Longview, Texas 3. BRP Lucy H04 Pld, 1-11-20, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Bella Parker, Godley, Texas 4. DDC Naomi H52, 1-21-20, by RDK Passport 7914 TW. Marie Downey, Prattville, Ala. 5. JRL Rogue Diamond 2001 P, 1-1-20, by WC Milestone 5223 P. Samantha Gerlach, Finlayson, Minn.
Division I, Class 2
Calved 12-3-19 to 12-15-19, 4 shown 1. AWR Alley Cat 933, 12-3-19, by BOY BK Gunslinger E80. Belle Watje, Weatherford, Texas 2. Miss 4M Carly 22G, 12-6-19, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. McKenna Mitchell, Justin, Texas 3. CVF Luna 195, 12-15-19, by LT Blue Value 7903 ET. Katelynn Cape, Hampstead, Md. 4. KMC Miss Gypsy 905, 12-13-19, by KMC Tiago 701. Kallie Mattison, Lamberton, Minn.
Division I, Class 3
Calved 11-2-19 to 11-18-19, 10 shown 1. J&J Angelina 943, 11-13-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla. 2. CC Kim 914 Pld, 11-15-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Riley Creasey, Macomb, Ill. 3. Crutcher Big Creek Jolie 914, 11-5-19, by Big Creek New Look 2104 P ET. Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo. 4. FFC Ms Venice 117G, 11-9-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Lyndsey Franklin, Ladonia, Texas 5. Lazy H Miss Firewater 9526, 112-19, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo.
ET. Braydon Reiboldt, West College Corner, Ind. 2. Lazy H Miss Diablo 9518, 10-8-19, by CML Diablo 2X. Madalyn Rohr, Elbert, Colo. 3. HF Dixie 1920 P, 10-9-19, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Jessi Hankins, Springfield, Mo. 4. AWR SHF Rose Garden 1956, 10-10-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Belle Watje. 5. DDC Lucy Rae G60P, 10-25-19, by RDK Ledger 7930 P ET. Eliza Downey, Prattville, Ala.
Division I, Class 5
Calved 9-5-19 to 9-30-19, 7 shown 1. CAG Bubbles 9950G, 9-14-19, by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D. 2. Schrader’s Ms Fran 9219G, 9-3019, by 4KC Harvester 601. Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan. 3. D R Monique 1949, 9-14-19, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla. 4. PJC C&S Ms Gee Gee 990, 9-5-19, by TR Mr Rhinestone 4570B. Paton Coyle, Orient, S.D. 5. CWC Maureen 940, 9-18-19, by SHF Absolute 1508. Haley Parish, West Point, Miss.
Division II, Class 6
Calved 7-1-19 to 8-28-19, 4 shown 1. Hagan Bam Bam 7328G, 7-4-19, by SSR Mr Driven Pld 6004. Lane Hagan, Yoakum, Texas 2. KR Lady Gunslinger 522, 7-1-19, by BOY BK Gunslinger E80. Kacy Randall, Tomball, Texas 3. Lazy H Miss 100 Proof 9516 ET, 8-28-19, by TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET. Maguire Rohr. 4. JAB Reagan 924 Polled, 7-15-19, by ACE-ORR Lock N Load 243P. Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.
Division II, Class 7
Calved 5-2-19 to 6-1-19, 8 shown 1. HOLT OC Ms Scotti G206, 5-7-19, Calved 10-8-19 to 10-25-19, 6 shown by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Haleigh 1. RBLT Miss Coconut 92, 10-10- Holt, Mina, S.D. 2. LC Gabriella 999 19, by KASS/CJB Famous 6038 Pld, 5-19-19, by M&M Outsider 4003
Division I, Class 4
Class 14
Calved 12-15-19 to 1-10-20, 3 shown 1. MSL Flat Banger 306H Pld ET, 1-10-20, by BJCF Watt Z36. Mason Leifeste, Cameron, Texas 2. SBF Big League 939 P, 12-15-19, by SAC Light’em Up 131 Pld. Samuel Leach, Midland, Va. 3. SCC Mr Harold H-40, 1-4-20, by SCC Mr MJ Schill E-46. Molly Smith, Lockhart, Texas
Class 15
Calved 9-2-19 to 9-28-19, 4 shown 1. J&J Patrick Mahomes 923, 9-2-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla. 2. Caprock 32
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Pld. Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. 3. MSL Ms. Charlotte 306G, 5-1119, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Mason Leifeste, Cameron, Texas 4. SFC Tamara 9145, 5-20-19, by WC Evereset 4048 P. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa 5. Hinshaw Smokette G6, 5-6-19, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Levi Hinshaw, Secor, Iowa
Division III, Class 8
Calved 4-4-19 to 4-29-19, 4 shown 1. HL Boy Danika 927G, 4-17-19, by TR Mr Outkast 6605D. Carter Hoge, Good Hope, Ill. 2. TRF Alli, 4-8-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Rex Harrison, Holly Pond, Ala. 3. LCC Jena 909, 4-29-19, by BRCHE Rhinestone Cowboy 7502. Mick Lindstrom, Centerville, S.D. 4. HMC BCR Bella 943 Pld, 4-4-19, by RF Resource 629. Haley Meduna, Colon, Neb.
Division III, Class 9
Calved 3-7-19 to 3-19-19, 4 shown 1. F5 Ms Whitney 913 Pld, 3-19-19, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. Kyeler Field, Telephone, Texas 2. CNH Lady Dia 03G, 3-7-19, by TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET. Corbin Hunt. 3. PJC C&S Ms Grace 924, 3-16-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Paton Coyle. 4. K&D Krystal, 3-17-19, by TCCS Teacher’s Pet. Devin Koester, Elizabeth, Ill.
Division III, Class 10
Calved 3-1-19 to 3-6-19, 8 shown 1. BELL Elvira 399 ET, 3-1-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Ruby Bell, Bristow, Okla. 2. CAG Randi 9638G ET, 3-2-19, by Sharodon Double Vision 1D. Cagney Effling. 3. PF Ms Molly 932 ET, 3-4-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Abbi Pfeifer, Russell, Iowa 4. F5 Ms Dream 905 Pld, 3-6-19, by BLB Rushmore D11. Audrey Field, Telephone, Texas 5. KMC Miss Linda 903, 3-2-19, by WR Travel Agent A602. Kallie Mattison.
BRED & OWNED BULL SHOW PCC Whiteout 970G, 9-28-19, by HTA Whitehot 105A. Autumn Dietrich, Muleshoe, Texas 3. Tullyfergus George 499 ET, 9-16-19, by LT Affinity 6221 Pld. Evie Groom, Lyons, N.Y. 4. VFSF Stud 1957, 9-11-19, by OC Ledger 16335. Madison Voet, Home, Kan.
Class 16
Calved 8-8-19 to 8-23-19, 2 shown 1. BWB Fair Game B320, 8-23-19, by Big Creek Game Changer 192 PET. Braden Booth, Fair Grove, Mo. 2. 7HF Trump 919 P, 8-8-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Mariah Miller, Austin, Minn.
Class 17
Calved 5-5-19 to 6-17-19, 4 shown 1. HF Chavez 1915 P, 6-17-19, by TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET. Emma Hankins, Springfield, Mo. 2. Hinshaw Caribou Lou G13, 6-3-19, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Levi Hinshaw, Secor, Ill. 3. F5 Platinum 947 Pld, 5-10-19, by F5 Bohannon D986 P. Audrey Field, Telephone, Texas 4. BRP Mr Cinco G14 Pld, 5-5-19, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Bella Parker, Godley, Texas
Class 18
Calved 3-6-19 to 4-27-19, 3 shown 1. CAG TR Cartel 9620G ET, 3-6-19,
Division IV, Class 11
Calved 1-2-19 to 2-20-19, 6 shown 1. JAB-EC Rumor 903 Polled, 1-2-19, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Shade Bunker. 2. REIB Miss Coconut 921, 2-20-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Braydon Reiboldt. 3. SFC Roxanne 910, 2-10-19, by WC Bluegrass 2196 P ET. Makayla Houck. 4. MSL Ms. Penelope 160G Pld, 2-7-19, by FF Mr Turton 6002. Shawn Leifeste, Cameron, Texas 5. KR Ledger 9231, 1-25-19, by Schrader’s 4KC Ledger 7007. Kylie Rahmeier, Sylvan Grove, Kan.
Division IV, Class 12
Calved 9-3-18 to 10-17-18, 7 shown 1. J&J Angelina 823, 10-17-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla. 2. PGC Ms Febe 8882F ET, 9-6-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Paislee Carlson, Harrisburg, S.D. 3. FFC Ms Rio’s Proof 117F, 10-2-18, by TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET. Lyndsey Franklin. 4. TC Lady Snowranger F990, 9-318, by WDZ Front Range 602 P. Tara Tellefson, Warden, Wash. 5. BWB Insider Roxie, 9-5-18, by WIA-Conley Insider D9 P. Braden Booth, Fair Grove, Mo.
Division V, Class 13
Calved 9-7-15 to 4-8-18, 3 shown 1. F5 Ms Floss F814, 4-8-18, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Bull calf, F5 Mr Track 006 Pld, 3-9-20, by Baldridge Fasttrack 82F. Audrey Field. 2. NGC Sophie 810F ET, 1-23-18, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Heifer calf, NGC HCC Saige 11H, 1-21-20, by WR Travel Agent A602. Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn. 3. ELM Ms Autumn 240 P, 9-7-15, by WH Logan 233 Pld. Heifer calf, ELM Ms Aspen 140, 1-12-20, by ELM Meyer Ken 29. Matthew Meyer, Sarcoxie, Mo.
by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D. 2. LCC Mr Hight 908, 4-27-19, by BRCHE Rhinestone Cowboy 7502. Mick Lindstrom, Centerville, S.D. 3. BRP Houdini G05, 4-8-19, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Bella Parker.
Class 19
Calved 2-10-19 to 2-15-19, 2 shown 1. TR CAG Carbine’s Vision 9700 ET, 2-15-19, by Sharodon Double Vision 1D. Cagney Effling. 2. Schrader’s Turning Point 992G, 2-10-19, by WC Milestone 5223 P. Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan.
BRED & OWNED BULL SHOW GRAND CHAMPION BRED & OWNED BULL Sponsor: Custom Genetic Solutions 1st Class 19
Sponsor: Sturgess Double S TR CAG Carbine’s Vision 9700 ET, 2-15-19, by Sharodon Double Vision 1D
Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.
RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BRED & OWNED BULL Sponsor: Western Sire Services 1st Class 18
Sponsor: ML Lewis Charolais CAG TR Cartel 9620G ET, 3-6-19, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET
Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.
1st Class 14
Sponsor: Tennessee Charolais Assn.
1st Class 15 Sponsor: Matthew K Tellefson Estate
1st Class 16 Sponsor: Hang’n A Cattle Company
1st Class 17 Sponsor: J&A Charolais
Mason Leifeste, Cameron, Texas
Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla.
Braden Booth, Fair Grove, Mo.
Emma Hankin, Springfield, Mo.
MSL Flat Banger 306H Pld ET
J&J Patrick Mahomes 923
BWB Fair Game B320
HF Chavez 1915 P
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 33
Champion Market Division and 1st Class 30 – 1,391 lbs. Sponsors: Triple S Farms and Show-Rite
Macie Riley, Washington Court House, Ohio
Reserve Champion Market Division and 1st Class 28 –1293 lbs. Sponsors: Elanco and Prairie Valley Farm Charolais
Brighton Lane, Huntley, Mont.
Champion Progress Division Sponsor: Full Circle Cattle Company 1st Class 22 – 1,005 lbs. Sponsor: 7 Hills Farm Mason Leifeste, Cameron, Texas
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Reserve Champion Progress Division Sponsor: Sandusky Farms 1st Class 21 – 750 lbs. Sponsor: Franz Ranch Shawn Leifeste, Cameron, Texas
State/Affiliate Group of Three Champion – South Dakota
1st Class 20 – 618 lbs. Sponsor: Harris Livestock Farms Cole Eubanks, Holly Pond, Ala.
1st Class 23 – 1,016 lbs. Sponsor: Benes Cattle Co Hayden Glass, Tatum, N.M.
1st Class 26 – 1,174 lbs. Sponsor: Purina Mitchell VanderWall, Brentford, S.D.
1st Class 29 – 1,300 lbs. 1st Class 27 – 1,232 lbs. Sponsor: First National Bank in Sioux Falls Sponsor: Stockmen’s Livestock Inc. Layton Mrnak, Bowman, N.D. Ayva Bohr, Swisher, Iowa
Progress Division, Class 20
2 shown, weighing 595 to 618 lbs. 1. Cole Eubanks, Holly Pond, Ala. (618) 2. Bella Parker, Godley, Texas (595)
Progress Division, Class 21
2 shown, weighing 750 to 764 lbs. 1. Shawn Leifeste, Cameron, Texas (750) 2. Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla. (764)
Progress Division, Class 22
6 shown, weighing 950 to 1,005 lbs. 1. Mason Leifeste, Cameron, Texas (1,005) 2. Lane Tellefson, Milton Freewater, Ore. (1,004) 3. Isom Marston, Canton, Kan. (1,001) 4. Katie Birge, Auxvasse, Mo. (1,000) 5. Devon Benes, Valparaiso, Neb. (950)
Progress Division, Class 23
3 shown, weighing 1,016 to 1,018 lbs. 1. Hayden Glass, Tatum, N.M. (1,016) 2. Noah Odden, Rapid City, S.D. (1,018) 3. Elijah Dehan, LaMonte, Mo. (1,016)
Market Division, Class 24
5 shown, weighing 1,064 to 1,115 lbs. 1. Thomas Owings, Potosi, Mo. (1,096) 2. Kinsley Harris, Hepler, Kan. (1,064) 3. Huck Plyler, Hope, Ark. (1,115) 4. Wyatt Lorch, Harris, Iowa (1,108) 5. Dallee Hecht, Grove City, Minn. (1,108)
1st Class 24 – 1,096 lbs. Sponsor: Iowa Junior Charolais Assn. Thomas Owings, Potosi, Mo.
1st Class 25 – 1,133 lbs. Sponsor: Karen Nesvold Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.
State/Affiliate Group of Three Reserve Champion – Iowa
Market Division, Class 25
Market Division, Class 29
Market Division, Class 26
Market Division, Class 30
7 shown, weighing 1,132 to 1,169 lbs. 1. Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. (1,133) 2. Seth Smith, Hitchock, S.D. (1,155) 3. Connor Briggs, Chariton, Iowa (1,132) 4. Jacob Wendland, Barnes, Kan. (1,160) 5. Hoyt Dodson, Mount Perry, Ohio (1,152) 8 shown, weighing 1,174 to 1,202 lbs. 1. Mitchell VanderWal, Brentford, S.D. (1,174) 2. William Hoopes, Letts, Iowa (1,202) 3. Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis. (1,202) 4. Abbi Pfeifer, Russell, Iowa (1,174) 5. Taylin Muller, Pipestone, Minn. (1,175)
5 shown, weighing 1,300 to 1,342 lbs. 1. Ayva Bohr, Swisher, Iowa (1,300) 2. Miles Rickard, Scandia, Kan. (1,315) 3. Kelsie Wosepka, Waverly, Iowa (1,342) 4. Miles Rickard, Scandia, Kan. (1,310) 5. Owen Rozeboom, Roberts, Wis. (1,306) 3 shown, weighing 1,391 to 1,425 lbs. 1. Macie Riley, Washington Court House, Ohio (1,391) 2. Alex Barnard, Foosland, Ill. (1,425) 3. Grant Romshek, Shelby, Neb. (1,425)
Market Division, Class 27
7 shown, weighing 1,209 to 1,237 lbs. 1. Layton Mrnak, Bowman, N.D. (1,232) 2. Madalyn Rohr, Elbert, Colo. (1,217) 3. Brett Benefiel, Webb City, Mo. (1,214) 4. Nolan Eichler, Lake Preston, S.D. (1,210) 5. Kole Harris, Hepler, Kan. (1,209)
Market Division, Class 28
5 shown, weighing 1,248 to 1,293 lbs. 1. Brighton Lane, Huntley, Mont. (1,293) 2. Taylor Belfeuil, Wautoma, Wisc. (1,272) 3. Aiden Hiniker, Pipestone, Minn. (1,248) 4. Elle Pieper, Gary, S.D. (1,281) 5. Hadlee Holt, Lake Preston, S.D. (1,248)
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 35
PERCENTAGE HEIFER SHOW GRAND CHAMPION PERCENTAGE HEIFER Sponsor: 605 Sires $1,000 Scholarship sponsored by Larry & Robbie Lehman $250 Cerificate to 605 Sires Division III Champion and 1st Class 38
Sponsors: O’Campo Cattle Company and JWC Marketing
55G, 3-10-19, out of LJR Ms Turton Image 1954 ET Croix Reimann, Ree Heights, S.D.
Division III Reserve Champion and 1st Class 36 Sponsors: Vytelle and C & S Cattle
RR Ms Gigi 901G ET, 4-27-19, out of HF Mustang Sally 904 Pld Paisley Nelson, Platte City, Mo.
Division I Champion and 1st Class 33
Division I Reserve Champion and 1st Class 32 Division II Champion and 1st Class 35
D R Anna 1659
BRP Honey G28
Sponsors: ReproLogix and Harris Livestock Farms Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla.
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Sponsors: Show-Rite and 7 Hills Farm
Sponsors: Doug Lind and Mangrum Family
Bella Parker, Godley, Texas
Croix Reimann, Ree Heights, S.D.
PCF Butterscotch 169G
Division II Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 35 Division IV Champion and 1st Class 39 Sponsor: Sure Champ
Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.
Sponsors: Elanco and Lindskov Ranch Partnership
Kemp Ms Outsider 921G ET Abby Tlach, Prole, Iowa
1st Class 31 Sponsor: Webb Charolais Farm
1st Class 34 Sponsor: Benes Cattle Co
Russ Wagner, Hickory, Miss.
Jaden Schweigert, Park Hills, Mo.
STCC Gray Marky 2230
SWF Ms Oracle 903 P
1st Class 40 Sponsor: Davlin Cattle Co.
LV Daisy Mae 8118
Division III, Class 36
Hot Sauce 911, 11-12-19, out of DA Ms Marion 328 P ET. Ryanne Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo. 3. BCF Miss Carly, 12-10-19, out of HF Big Creek Addison 1736 P. Hayden Birge, Auxvasse, Mo.
Division II, Class 34
Division I, Class 33
Division II, Class 35
Calved 11-12-19 to 12-10-19, 3 shown 1. BRP Honey G28, 12-5-19, out of BC Turton’s Delight D28 PET. Bella Parker, Godley, Texas 2. Crutcher
Kyle Phipps, Delphos, Kan.
Kash Harris, Lawton, Okla.
Division I, Class 31
Division I, Class 32
Schrader’s Ms Silver 953G ET
MWBC Mustang Cally 91G
State/Affiliate Group of Three
Calved 1-3-20 to 2-23-20, 5 shown 1. STCC Gray Marky 2230, 2-23-20, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Russ Wagner, Hickory, Miss. 2. DLSC Rey 014, 2-4-20, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Riley Laufenberg, Hixton, Wisc. 3. Vestal Ms Talk About Me 9301 P, 1-12-20, by M6 Cool Rep 636. Zimrie Goen, Seagraves, Texas 4. Vestal Ms Talk About Me 9211 P. Zimrie Goen. 5. SCC Miss Holly 44 G, 1-3-20, by SCC Mr MJ Schill E-46. Rydge Casey, Lockhart, Texas.
Sponsor: TransOva Genetics
1st Class 37 Sponsor: Hoopes Charolais
State/Affiliate Group of Three Champion – South Dakota
Division IV Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 39
Clarisa Grass, Bonne Terre, Mo.
Reserve Champion – Kansas
Calved 9-3-19 to 10-3-19, 4 shown 1. D R Anna 1659, 9-10-19, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla. 2. GHC Dixieland Delight 9544, 9-3-19, out of M&M Ms Carbine 1567 Pld. Lana Johnson, Fort Collins, Colo. 3. G4 Ms Maggie 921P, 10-3-19, by WDZ Doc Holiday 5004. Colton Grass, Bonne Terre, Mo. 4. SSF Ms Fire and Ice 910, 10-1-19, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Jilian Schoenfeld, Lakefield, Minn.
Calved 8-7-19, 1 shown 1. SWF Ms Oracle 903 P, 8-7-19, out of WIA Ms Vision P E181. Jaden Schweigert, Park Hills, Mo. Calved 5-4-19 to 6-20-19, 10 shown 1. PCF Butterscotch 169G, 5-919, out of RJB Pebbles 004. Croix Reimann, Ree Heights, S.D. 2. Katie, 5-19-19, out of W4 Ms Wind Storm 6034. Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. 3. MINN Goldy 903G, 5-7-19, out of DC Ms Major Fire 1302 Pld TW. Molly Cooksey, Roggen, Colo. 4. Galaxy, 5-14-19, out of EC/CY Radiance 09 Pld. Teagan Scheel, Alpena, S.D. 5. MDCC Peach Rose 9001, 5-4-19, out of LT Silver Athena 7123 P. Hayden Glass, Tatum, N.M.
Calved 4-11-19 to 4-27-19, 7 shown 1. RR Ms Gigi 901G ET, 4-27-19, out of HF Mustang Sally 904 Pld. Paisley Nelson, Platte City, Mo. 2. Miss Snow White, 4-12-19, out of M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Baylee Mangrum, Marmaduke, Ark. 3. GAL Miss Sara ET, 4-15-19, out of GAL Dyson 01X ET. McKenna Richardson, Eureka, Kan. 4. Peaches, 4-24-19, by TR PZC Mr Assertion 924 ET. Kallen Garrison, Boss, Mo. 5. NTSC Pearl’s Goldy 937G ET, 4-15-19, out of WDZ Skittles 6037 P ET. Lexi Stahly, Lake Park, Iowa (Continued on next page)
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 37
Calved 3-20-19 to 4-10-19, 8 shown 1. MWBC Mustang Cally 91G, 4-1019, out of HF Mustang Sally 904 Pld. Kash Harris, Lawton, Okla. 2. PCF Ginger G211, 4-2-19, out of 2H Ms Marion 4003 P ET. Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis. 3. PL Tiny Dancer, 3-2719, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Eli Pieper, Gary, S.D. 4. GHC Impressive 9006, 3-20-19, out of SULL Impressive 0641-3 Clone. Ashlynn Vargas, Pryor, Okla. 5. NTH Gale Ms Willow 123, 3-27-19, out of DSUL Sasha Lady 970. Madison Borg, Concord, Neb.
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Division III, Class 38
Calved 3-1-19 to 3-10-19, 7 shown 1. 55G, 3-10-19, out of LJR Ms Turton Image 1954 ET. Croix Reimann. 2. Schrader’s Ms Mocha 956G, 3-1-19, out of Schrader’s Miss Bailey 0225 ET. Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan. 3. Miss 1932, 3-5-19, out of OCR Miss Dakota Wind X32. Weston Wagner, Redfield, S.D. 4. Schrader’s Ms Ruby 962G ET, 3-3-19, out of Schrader’s Miss Dolly 992. Kolby Phipps, Delphos, Kan. 5. Double-H Masterpiece 908G, 3-4-19, out of CML Pld Ginny 4T. Riley Hecht, Paynesville, Minn.
Division IV, Class 39
Calved 2-1-19 to 2-27-19, 8 shown 1. KEMP Ms Outsider 921G ET, 2-12-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Abby Tlach, Prole, Iowa 2. Schrader’s Ms Silver 953G, 2-25-19, out of Schrader’s Miss Bailey 0225 ET. Kyle Phipps, Delphos, Kan. 3. DLSC Sunflower 913, 2-14-19, out of LSCC Bad Girlfriend 222 Pld. Riley Laufenberg, Hixton, Wis. 4. LPC C&S Ms Ginnie 902, 2-11-19, out of C&S Ms Ellie 760. Landon Coyle, Orient, S.D. 5. Allie, 2-10-19, by TR PZC Mr Assertion 924 ET. Gloria Hansen, Austin, Minn.
CONTINUED Division IV, Class 40
Calved 1-6-19 to 1-23-19, 3 shown 1. LV Daisey Mae 8118, 1-19-19, out of Baneys 20860. Clarisa Grass, Bonne Terre, Mo. 2. CCS Lil Ms Peaches ET, 1-6-19, out of Thomas Ms Impressive 0641. Taylor Hecht, Paynesville, Minn. 3. JS Miss Redemption 9102, 1-2319, out of JS Miss Success 7235 Pld. Caleb Clark, Lake Preston, S.D.
OWNED FEMALE SHOW GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE Sponsor: Thomas Ranch $1,000 Scholarship Sponsored by Riverdale Land & Livestock $250 Cerificate to 605 Sires
Division V Champion and 1st Class 21 Sponsors: Lindskov Ranch Partnership and Harris Livestock Farms
BOY Marilyn Monroe, 3-15-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld Jackie Sleichter, Abilene, Kan.
Division VI Champion and 1st Class 24 Sponsors: Focus Marketing Group and Full Circle Cattle Co.
BELL Elvira 399 ET, 3-1-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld Ruby Bell, Bristow, Okla.
Third Overall Champion
Fourth Overall Champion
Fifth Overall Champion
Division IX Champion and 1st Class 33
Division VII Champion and 1st Class 25
Division II Champion and 1st Class 7
Sponsor: Clear Water Cattle
Sponsors: CK Cattle and Midwest Vet
J&J Angelina 823
Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla.
Sponsor: Eggleston Charolais
Sponsors: Elanco and Tri-State Livestock News
CAG TR BOY Georgina 9619G ET Carter Hoge, Good Hope, Ill.
Sponsor: City View Farm – Barry & Amy Tlach Sponsors: Bina Charolais and Skeans Cattle Co
CAG Bubbles 9950G
Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D. A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 39
Division I Champion and 1st Class 3
Sponsors: Sandmeier Charolais and Harrod Farms
Division I Reserve Champion and 1st Class 1 Division II Reserve Champion and 1st Class 9 Sponsors: Clayford Ranch and Scott & Cindy Franklin Sponsors: Bill King Ranch and Trinity Valley Comm. College
Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla.
Atley Patrick, Chilhowee, Mo.
J&J Angelina 943
Division III Champion and 1st Class 11
Sponsors: Weber Charolais Farm and Castleberry Hilltop C Polled Charolais
Hagan Bam Bam 7328G Lane Hagan, Yoakum, Texas
PL CCC Ms Phoebe 001
GHC Dixie Carbine 9568 Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.
Division III Reserve Champion and 1st Class 13 Division IV Champion and 1st Class 16
Sponsors: Thomas Charolais, Inc and J&J Beef Genetics Sponsors: Vedvei Charolais and Jensen Charolais Farms
LC Gabriella 999 Pld
Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.
CAG Ms Collins 9429G ET Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan.
Division IV Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 16 Division V Reserve Champion and 1st Class 19 Division VI Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 24 Sponsor: 7 Hills Farm
Sponsors: Schrader Ranch and C.K. Sonny & Mary Booth Sponsor: ReproLogix
Carter Hoge, Good Hope, Ill.
Sloane Curtin, Oxford, Iowa
HL BOY Danika 927G
CH Ms Margie 420G ET
Division VII Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 25 Division VIII Champion and 1st Class 31
CAG Randi 9638G ET
Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.
Division VIII Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 31
Sponsor: South Dakota Charolais Breeders Assn
Sponsors: Prairie Valley Farms and Visit Brookings
Sponsor: Bar J Charolais
Claire Hartin, Madill, Okla.
Mattie Harward, Richfield, N.C.
Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.
BK BOY Good & Ready 934G ET 40  î ş
A U G U S T 2020
BOY Gigi 925 ET Pld
JAB-EC Rumor 903 Polled
Division IX Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 33 Division X Champion and 1st Class 36
Division X Reserve Champion and 2nd Class 36
JFS Stone’s Split 101F
TR Ms Fame 8712F ET Schrader’s Ms Fergi 002H
Sponsor: Wagonhammer Ranches Caitlyn Skiles, Stephenville, Texas
Sponsors: CharAuctions and Farm Credit Services
CC BS Call Me Maybe 8906 ET P TLAC King Phillip Jenna Tlach, Prole, Iowa
1st Class 2 Sponsor: Keahey Charolais
1st Class 4 Sponsor: TC Cattle Co
McKenna Mitchell, Justin, Texas
Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Col.
Sponsor: Wienk Charolais Ranch Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan.
1st Class 5 Sponsor: Benes Cattle Co
1st Class 6 Sponsor: Lindskov-Thiel Ranch
Haley Schwecke, Gibbon, Minn.
Walynn Maupin, Newbern, Tenn.
Lazy H Miss Firewater 9526
CC Girl Crush 9063 ET P
1st Class 8 Sponsor: Hebbert Charolais
1st Class 10 Sponsor: Coudron Charolais
1st Class 12 Sponsor: ABC Cattle
Kale Cordill, Cheney, Wash.
Kilby Meyer, Sylvan Grove, Kan.
Miss 4M Carly 22G
3G’s Miss Bonafide Game 943Pol LJR Ms Randi 2748G ET
1st Class 15 Sponsor: Keppen Charolais
JCS Shania 310G
Kashlyn Krebs, Gordon, Neb.
MC Ms Fargo 1904 P ET
Trisha Dybdal, Newcastle, Neb.
1st Class 17 Sponsor: Hubert Charolais Ranch
1st Class 18 Sponsor: J&A Charolais
Payton Farmer, Brownstown, Ind.
Katie Utech, Hubbard, Neb.
BB Miss Rachelle 914G
DC Jackie 950 ET
CAG BOY Gypsy 9851G ET
1st Class 14 Sponsor: Tennessee Charolais Assn.
Holt OC Ms Scotti G206 Haleigh Holt, Mina, S.D.
1st Class 20 Sponsor: Skeans Cattle Co
CAG TR Ms Becky 9736G ET Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 41
1st Class 22 Sponsor: Voet Family
1st Class 23 Sponsor: JWC Marketing
1st Class 26 Sponsor: Riverdale Land & Livestock
1st Class 27 Sponsor: The Cattle Business Weekly
Camille Asmus, Houston, Texas
Trevor Bergh, Florence, S.D.
Thomas Netzke, Lamberton, Minn.
Addisyn Albers, Wisner, Neb.
DCC Chics Avanti 1904
1st Class 28 Sponsor: Signature Designs
SL Miss Snow Bank
WDZ Gloria 951 P
1st Class 29 Sponsor: Thomas Ranch
1st Class 30 Sponsor: Gallagher Animal Management
1st Class 32 Sponsor: South Dakota Charolais Breeders Assn.
Johnathon Ruddy, Flanagan, Ill.
Sawyer Otto, Walnut Grove, Minn.
Hollis Fawcett, Ree Heights, S.D.
MSL Ms. Penelope 160G Pld
LaFraise Shakira 49A ET
1st Class 34 Sponsor: Martin-Trudeau Insurance
1st Class 35 1st Class 37 Sponsor: First National Bank in Sioux Falls Sponsor: F Bar 5
Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla.
Mason Leifeste, Cameron, Texas
Shawn Leifeste, Cameron, Texas
D R Lisa 2588
Boy MMM Montella 956G
Carrs Ms Insider 1821 P
BOY CD Bomshel 002 ET
AML Cigarro 823
State/Affiliate Group of Three
Double-H Dream On 627D ET Double-H Special Delivery 001H
Champion – Oklahoma
Payton Hecht, Paynesville, Minn.
Jordan Mack Memorial AIJCA Herdsman of the Year Belt Buckle and $250 Award
Sponsored by Jordan Mack Memorial Calf Show
Mason Runft, Scandia, Kansas
State/Affiliate Group of Three
Reserve Champion – South Dakota
From left: Landen Mack; 2019 recipient Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill.; 2020 recipient Mason Runft, Scandia, Kan.; Renee Mack, McQuade Beare, Stephanie Mack Beare, Caydee Steffensen and Caitlin Mack Steffensen 42
A U G U S T 2020
OWNED FEMALE SHOW Division I, Class 1
Calved 1-1-20 to 2-11-20, 8 shown 1. PL CCC Ms Phoebe 001, 1-7-20, by CCC Major Impact 613 P. Atley Patrick, Chilhowee, Mo. 2. CNH Helen 02H, 2-7-20, by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET. Corbin Hunt, Longview, Texas 3. DLSC Everest 021, 2-1120, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Riley Laufenberg, Hixton, Wis. 4. BRP Lucy H04 Pld, 1-11-20, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Bella Parker, Godley, Texas 5. JRL Rogue Diamond 2001 P, 1-1-20, by WC Milestone 5223 P. Samantha Gerlach, Finlayson, Minn.
Division I, Class 2
Calved 12-3-19 to 12-26-19, 8 shown 1. Miss 4M Carly 22G, 12-6-19, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. McKenna Mitchell, Justin, Texas 2. Miss 4M Belle 89G, 12-6-19, by SO Mr Unstoppable 446 Pld. McKenna Mitchell. 3. AWR Alley Cat 933, 12-3-19, by BOY BK Gunslinger E80. Belle Watje, Weatherford, Texas 4. AML Cigarro 939, 12-26-19, by SHF Power Up 1677. Brett Benefiel, Webb City, Mo. 5. JASR Addi 1912 P, 12-3-19, by SHF Addiction 1609. Christian Hirsch, Thayer, Mo.
Division I, Class 3
Calved 11-8-19 to 11-18-19, 7 shown 1. J&J Angelina 943, 11-13-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla. 2. GHCC Guinevere 15G2, 11-18-19, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Payton Farmer, Brownstown, Ind. 3. CC Guinevere 9841 Pld, 11-12-19, by TR Mr Outkast 6605D. Avery Hahn, Winthrop, Minn. 4. CC Kim 914 Pld, 11-15-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Riley Creasey, Macomb, Ill. 5. FFC Ms Venice 117G, 11-9-19, CCC WC Resource 417 P. Lyndsey Franklin, Ladonia, Texas
Division I, Class 4
Calved 11-2-19 to 11-5-19, 11 shown 1. Lazy H Miss Firewater 9526, 112-19, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo. 2. Crutcher Big Creek Jolie 914, 11-519, by Big Creek New Look 2104 P ET. Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo. 3. CMC Lady Outsider 719 Pld, 112-19, by BRCHE Smoke Out 7503. William Maupin, Newbern, Tenn. 4. PF Ms Hope 9111, 11-3-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Chloe Briggs, Chariton, Iowa 5. MD Salty Patsy 1911, 11-5-19, by WC Big Move 6144 P ET. Trisha Dybdal, Newcastle, Neb.
Division II, Class 5
Calved 10-9-19 to 10-25-19, 10 shown 1. CC Girl Crush 9063 ET P, 1018-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Haley Schwecke, Gibbon, Minn. 2. RBLT Miss Coconut 92, 10-10-19, by KASS/CJB Famous 6038 ET. Braydon Reiboldt, West College Corner, Ind. 3. CC Charm 913 Pld, 10-10-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Drew Creasey, Macomb, Ill. 4. CCC Ms Sugar Belle 9520 P ET, 10-14-19, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Atley Patrick. 5. MD Sweet N Salty 1909, 10-14-19, by WC Big Move 6144 P ET. Trisha Dybdal.
Division II, Class 6
Calved 9-29-19 to 10-8-19, 9 shown 1. CAG BOY Gypsy 9851G ET, 102-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Walynn Maupin, Newbern, Tenn. 2. Schrader’s Ms Fran 9219G, 9-3019, by 4KC Harvester 601. Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan. 3. TR Ms Gwen 9765G ET, 10-2-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Lyndsey Franklin. 4. D R Monique 2369, 9-29-19, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Carly Dismukes, Checotah, Okla. 5. AML DF Cigarro 925, 10-1-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Raley Downing, Troy, Texas
Division II, Class 7
Calved 9-12-19 to 9-22-19, 9 shown 1. CAG Bubbles 9950G, 9-14-19, by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET. Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D. 2. RF Ms Duchess 9202 ET, 9-22-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Lyndsey Franklin. 3. CWC Maureen 940, 9-18-19, by SHF Absolute 1508. Haley Parish, West Point, Miss. 4. CAG BOY Gigi 9850G ET, 9-20-19, by CAG GARW Strong Side 685D TW. Jenna Tlach, Prole, Iowa 5. SHF Ms Absolutes Elvira 1958, 9-12-19, by SHF Absolute 1508. Brittany Hirsch, Thayer, Mo.
Division II, Class 8
Calved 9-5-19 to 9-11-19, 7 shown 1. 3G’s Miss Bonafide Game 943Pol, 9-6-19, by J&J Bonafide 689. Kale Cordill, Cheney, Wash. 2. PJC C&S Ms Gee Gee 990, 9-5-19, by TR Mr Rhinestone 4570B. Paton Coyle, Orient, S.D. 3. BC Miss Jane 9650 P, 9-7-19, by TR CAG Mr Rhinestone 7682E ET. Emma Hankins, Springfield, Mo. 4. JPDL T/R Ms Carbine G201, 9-9-19, by J&J Westbrook 673. Thomas Owings, Potosi, Mo. 5. JMG Miss Outsider 9909 ET, 9-11-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Addison Haase, Scotland, S.D.
Division II, Class 9
Calved 9-2-19 to 9-4-19, 8 shown 1. GHC Dixie Carbine 9568, 9-2-19, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. 2. GHC Ella 9516, 9-3-19, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Jillian Stone, Clinton, Mo. 3. GHC Randi 9551, 9-2-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Logan McGunegill, Jasper, Minn. 4. Lazy H Miss 100 Proof 9509 ET, 9-3-19, by TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET. Dalton Hamilton, Marlin, Texas 5. CMC Miss Outsider 389 Pld, 9-419, by TR Mr Outsider 7607E. Taylor Cantrell, Newbern, Tenn.
Division III, Class 10
Calved 8-2-19 to 8-21-19, 2 shown 1. LJR Ms Randi 2748G ET, 8-2-19 by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Kilby Meyer, Sylvan Grove, Kan. 2. LKR Miss Tenacious 976 P, 8-21-19, by LKR Sir Tenacious 503P. Matthew McCloud, Bowdle, S.D.
Division III, Class 11
Calved 7-1-19 to 7-27-19, 6 shown 1. Hagan Bam Bam 7328G, 7-4-19, by SSR Mr Driven Pld 6004. Lane Hagan, Yoakum, Texas 2. BCC5 Bullard Ice Queen ET, 7-2-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Shelby Pearl, DuQuoin, Ill. 3. WGB Ms Lilly 935 P, 7-20-19, by J&J Authentic 17. Ashlyn Hickey, Mt Pulaski, Ill. 4. GHC Hannah 9471, 7-25-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Faith Johnson, Fort Collins, Colo. 5. KR Lady Gunslinger 522, 7-1-19, by BOY BK Gunslinger E80. Kacy Randall, Tomball, Texas
Division III, Class 12
Calved 6-1-19 to 6-27-19, 8 shown 1. MC Ms Fargo 1904 P ET, 6-9-19, by RBM Fargo Y111. Trisha Dybdal. 2. CH Miss Hope 456G, 6-7-19, by CH Turton 208D. Tevin Groose, Olean, Mo. 3. KR Cool Lady 521, 6-1-19, by ONL AWR Cool Cub 7C. Kacy Randall. 4. CAG Ms Cookie 9816G, 6-2-19, by CAG GARW Strong Side 685D TW. Cyrus Blum, Reliance, S.D. 5. GHC Cathrin 9475, 6-27-19, by MCKY Warrior 6489. Izzy Sheridan, Timnath, Colo.
Division III, Class 13
Calved 5-11-19 to 5-24-19, 10 shown 1. LC Gabriella 999 Pld, 5-19-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Kadon Leddy. 2. BOY BUCK Gretta 991G ET, 5-1519, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Brett Benefiel. 3. MSL Ms. Charlotte 306G, 5-11-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Mason Leifeste, Cameron, Texas
4. BOY Bloom Covergirl 891 Pld, 5-20-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Avery Hunt, Longview, Texas 5. SFC Tamara 9145, 5-20-19, by WC Everest 4048 P. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa
Division III, Class 14
Calved 5-4-19 to 5-8-19, 9 shown 1. Holt OC Ms Scotti G206, 5-7-19, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Haleigh Holt, Mina, S.D. 2. CAG GARW Ms Alivia 9775G TW, 5-5-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Hollis Fawcett, Ree Heights, S.D. 3. EJD Miss Fire Water 96P, 5-5-19, TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Madyson Frederick, Chadwick, Ill. 4. HFCS Ms Gina G254, 5-6-19, by HFCS Mr Diego D131. Madelyn Caulfield, Bradley, S.D. 5. HFCS TR Ms Geneva 9934G ET, 5-6-19, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Tyler Wallace, Harris, Iowa
Division III, Class 15
Calved 5-2-19 to 5-3-19, 10 shown 1. JCS Shania 310G, 5-2-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Kashlyn Krebs, Gordon, Neb. 2. PF Ms Lillian 950 ET, 5-2-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Edward Hoopes, Letts, Iowa 3. LJR Ms Double Finish 44G ET, 5-2-19, by Sharodon Double Vision 1D. McKenna Mitchell. 4. HC Aggie 1917, 5-3-19, by WC Everest 4048 P. Allyson Downey, Boonville, Ind. 5. BOY MMM Montella 993, 5-3-19, by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET. Max McGunegill, Jasper, Minn.
Division IV, Class 16
Calved 4-15-19 to 4-29-19, 10 shown 1. CAG Ms Collins 9429G ET, 4-1819, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Weston Schrader. 2. HL BOY Danika 927G, 4-17-19, by TR Mr Outkast 6605D. Carter Hoge, Good Hope, Ill. 3. TR JAS Ms Genivieve 9938G ET, 4-24-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Alexa Montagne, Elk Point, S.D. 4. CDD Lisa 903 ET, 4-19-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Rory McClellan, Armstrong, Iowa 5. PCF Giselle 144G, 4-27-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Kenzy Beare, Estelline, S.D.
Division IV, Class 17
Calved 4-4-19 to 4-14-19, 10 shown 1. BB Miss Rachelle 914G, 4-1219, by TR Mr Outkast 6605D. Payton Farmer. 2. CAG Snow 9633G ET, 4-7-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Samuel Henderson, East Troy, Wis. 3. WC Jasmine 9152 P ET, 4-4-19, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. Riley Creasey. 4. PZC Venus 912 ET, A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 43
4-5-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Autumn Dietrich, Muleshoe, Texas 5. RF Cowgirl Xquisite 9110 ET, 4-1019, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Erin Sullivan, Woodbine, Iowa
Division IV, Class 18
Calved 4-1-19 to 4-3-19, 9 shown 1. DC Jackie 950 ET, 4-1-19, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Katie Utech, Hubbard, Neb. 2. TR Ms Grace 9905G ET, 4-3-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Jillian Stone. 3. OCR Miss Hannah, 4-1-19, by EC Done Deal 5052 Pld. Seth Smith, Hitchcock, S.D. 4. AWR Gucci 914, 4-2-19, by AWR ZKCC All In 587C. Taylor Grove, Lipan, Texas 5. Ms Marshmello 23G ET, 4-2-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Blaine Finster, Hartley, Iowa
Division V, Class 19
Calved 3-22-19 to 3-28-19, 11 shown 1. CH Ms Margie 420G ET, 3-25-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Sloane Curtin, Oxford, Iowa 2. CC BOY Gimmie That Girl 9150 E, 3-23-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Brett Benefiel. 3. J/D Charlene 3G ET, 3-23-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Landra McClellan, Armstrong, Iowa 4. BK BOY Girly Girl 940G ET, 3-24-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Kaden Garrison, Boss, Mo. 5. Miss Lacey TW, 3-24-19, by TR PZC Mr Assertion 924 ET. Ava Schoenfeld, Lakefield, Minn.
Division V, Class 20
Calved 3-17-19 to 3-21-19, 11 shown 1. CAG TR Ms Becky 9735G ET, 3-17-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Cagney Effling. 2. AWR Gypsy Soul 910, 3-20-19, by AWR ZKCC All In 587C. Belle Watje. 3. TR Ms Gwendolynne 9921G ET, 3-17-19, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Emma Caulfield, Bradley, S.D. 4. Outsider X 3557A Connie85, 3-17-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Abigail Depies, Adell, Wis. 5. DUX Lola, 3-20-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Kestlyn Willert, Aurora, S.D.
Division V, Class 21
Calved 3-12-19 to 3-16-19, 12 shown 1. BOY Marilyn Monroe, 3-15-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Jackie Sleichter, Abilene, Kan. 2. BS CC Ms Gwen 91G, 3-14-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Katie Utech. 3. PJC C&S Ms Grace 924, 3-16-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Paton Coyle. 4. OCR Ms Bonnie, 3-12-19, by EC Done Deal 5052 Pld. Lane Krueger, Groton, S.D. 5. BS CC Ms Gemma 44
A U G U S T 2020
83G, 3-13-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Paige Gaffney, Barneveld, Wis.
Division VI, Class 22
Calved 3-6-19 to 3-10-19, 9 shown 1. DCC Chics Avanti 1904, 3-9-19, by LHD Cigar E46. Camille Asmus, Houston, Texas 2. CAG TR BOY Georgette 9614G ET, 3-7-19, by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET. Max Troyer, Kalona, Iowa 3. TR Ms Glo 9715G ET, 3-8-19, by Sharodon Double Vision 1D. Jonwynn Ayres, Rogue River, Ore. 4. Holt HFCS Ms Willow, 3-7-19, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Taylor Harriman, Parker, S.D. 5. SCC Greta G-24, 3-6-19, by ONL AWR Cool Cub 7C. Molly Smith, Lockhart, Texas
Division VI, Class 23
Calved 3-3-19 to 3-5-19, 11 shown 1. SL Miss Snow Bank, 3-3-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Trevor Bergh, Florence, S.D. 2. TR Ms Gertie 9926G ET, 3-4-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Dillon Borg, Concord, Neb. 3. PF Ms Molly 932 ET, 3-4-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Abbi Pfeifer, Russell, Iowa 4. TC Lady Maura G20, 3-3-19, by TC He’s A Big Deal E80. TyAnn Tellefson, Warden, Wash. 5. SHF Ms Dancer 1912, 3-5-19, by SHF Addiction 1609. Beau Parish, West Point, Miss.
Division VI, Class 24
Calved 3-1-19 to 3-2-19, 8 shown 1. BELL Elvira 399 ET, 3-1-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Ruby Bell, Bristow, Okla. 2. CAG Randi 9638G ET, 3-2-19, by Sharodon Double Vision 1D. Cagney Effling. 3. CAG GARW Firefly 9637G ET, 3-2-19, by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET. Layton Mrnak, Bowman, N.D. 4. TR Ms Gretel 9918G ET, 3-1-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Chloe Hazel, Beresford, S.D. 5. AWR Outstanding 907, 3-1-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Raley Downing.
Division VII, Class 25
Calved 2-24-19 to 2-27-19, 10 shown 1. CAG TR BOY Georgina 9619G ET, 2-27-19, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Carter Hoge. 2. BK BOY Good & Ready 934G ET, 2-26-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Claire Hartin, Madill, Okla. 3. J&J Angelina 69, 2-27-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Justin Teets, Lost River, W.V. 4. TR Ms Wylies Vision 9704G ET, 2-24-19, by Sharodon Double Vision 1D. Maggie Holt, Mina, S.D. 5. GARW CAG Ms Outsider 9066G ET, 2-26-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Ty Bergh, Florence, S.D.
Division VII, Class 26
Calved 2-17-19 to 2-23-19, 10 shown 1. WDZ Gloria 951 P, 2-17-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Thomas Netzke, Lamberton, Minn. 2. REIB Miss Coconut 921, 2-20-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Braydon Reiboldt. 3. PF Ms Honey 920 ET, 2-20-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Ethan Evenson, Minnesota Lake, Minn. 4. PSC Sherrie’s Fire 220G ET, 2-2019, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Paul Hoopes, Letts, Iowa 5. D&D Ms Legend 1924 Pld ET, 2-23-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Jade Neagle, Fountain City, Ind.
Division VII, Class 27
Division VIII, Class 30
Calved 1-9-19 to 1-20-19, 10 shown 1. BOY CD Bomshel 002 ET, 1-18-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Sawyer Otto, Walnut Grove, Minn. 2. NC Twilight 906 P ET, 1-20-19, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Keaton Nelson, Rice, Minn. 3. WC Devon 9235 P, 1-13-19, by CCC WC GH Reputation 7227 P. Hayden Birge, Auxvasse, Mo. 4. CCC Ms Resource 9019, 1-20-19, by CCC WC Resoruce 417 P. Mason Runft. 5. SVY Starstruck 918G, 1-1719, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Mabry McGunegill, Jasper, Minn.
Division VIII, Class 31
Calved 2-10-19 to 2-16-19, 9 shown 1. BOY MMM Montella 956G, 2-10-19, by TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET. Addisyn Albers, Wisner, Neb. 2. SFC Roxanne 910, 2-10-19, by WC Bluegrass 2196 P ET. Makayla Houck. 3. WIA Ms Sally, 2-12-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Lucas Crutcher. 4. GHC Randi 9174, 2-10-19, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Hannah Siek, Blairstown, Iowa 5. RF CH Maura 9002 ET, 2-1019, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Annie Stewart, St Thomas, Mo.
Calved 1-1-19 to 1-5-19, 9 shown 1. BOY Gigi 925 ET Pld, 1-3-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Mattie Harward, Richfield, N.C. 2. JAB-EC Rumor 903 Polled, 1-2-19, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis. 3. CCC SO Ms Amy 9000 P, 1-1-19, by M6 Comfort Zone 227 P. Makayla Houck. 4. BOY Grace 923 ET Pld, 1-2-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Jonah West, Barbourville, Ky. 5. MJ Miss Polly 901, 1-2-19, by OW Maximizer 3041 Pld. Logan Ohlde, Basehor, Kan.
Division VII, Class 28
Division IX, Class 32
Division VIII, Class 29
Division IX, Class 33
Calved 2-3-19 to 2-8-19, 10 shown 1. MSL Ms. Penelope 160G Pld, 2-7-19, by FF Mr Turton 6002. Shawn Leifeste, Cameron, Texas 2. GHC Randi 9008, 2-4-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Lana Johnson, Fort Collins, Colo. 3. CCC Ms Sweetheart 9052 P, 2-7-19, by CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. Mason Runft, Scandia, Kan. 4. WGB Ms Lucy 905 P, 2-519, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Alex Barnard, Foosland, Ill. 5. CCC Ms Kendall 9058 P ET, 2-8-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Mason Runft. Calved 1-21-19 to 2-2-19, 9 shown 1. LaFraise Shakira 49A ET, 2-2-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Johnathan Ruddy, Flanagan, Ill. 2. CCC Ms Sweetheart 9042 P ET, 2-2-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Mason Runft. 3. Fancy Creek Ms Smoky Lunch 901, 2-1-19, by Harms Lunch Money 5530. Nissa Olsen, Manhattan, Kan. 4. STF Luna 43, 1-26-19, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Ashley Betker, Royalton, Minn. 5. RFC Sweet Elvira 6G, 1-28-19, by WC CCC Resolution 5650 P ET. Hayden Neagle Fountain City, Ind.
Calved 11-1-18 to 12-21-18, 9 shown 1. AML Cigarro 823, 12-3-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Hollis Fawcett. 2. Miss 4M Majestic State 1218, 1221-18, by SO Mr Cowboy 515 Pld. McKenna Mitchell. 3. BOY Smokette 888 Pld, 11-2-18, by TR Mr Outkast 6604D. Walynn Maupin. 4. FF Ms Generation 8131, 12-12-18, by FF New Generation 4040. Cayden Stein, Gause, Texas 5. GCF Fire Quenn 1868 Pld, 11-1-18, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET Cole Eubanks, Holly Pond, Ala. Calved 10-1-18 to 10-30-18, 7 shown 1. J&J Angelina 823, 10-17-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla. 2. JFS Stone’s Split 101F, 10-1-18, by WC Milestone 5223 P. Caitlyn Skiles, Stephenville, Texas 3. JFR Foxy Lady, 10-23-18, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Kix Lee, Gilliam, Ark. 4. LaFraise Yoonce 18K ET, 10-30-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Johnathan Ruddy. 5. AML Holly 813, 10-15-18, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Atley Patrick.
Division IX, Class 34
Calved 9-13-18 to 9-26-18, 8 shown 1. D R Lisa 2588, 9-13-18, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla. 2. BK BOY Free Love 8034F ET, 9-18-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Yancey Grice, League City, Texas 3. BK BOY Free Bird 8031F ET, 9-17-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Grace Hartin, Madill, Okla. 4. Starstruck Lady Luxury, 9-26-18, by Hoodoo Slasher 1144. Drew Wagner, Hickory, Miss. 5. 7HF Skittles 825 ET, 9-20-18, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Mariah Miller, Austin, Minn.
Division IX, Class 35
Calved 9-2-18 to 9-6-18, 9 shown 1. Carrs Ms Insider 1821 P, 9-3-18, by WIA-Conley Insider D9 P. Mason Leifeste. 2. D R Lisa 2268, 9-318, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Carly Dismukes. 3. PGC Ms Febe 8882F ET, 9-6-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Paislee Carlson, Harrisburg, S.D. 4. WIA-Carr Ms Diablo F62 P, 9-6-18, by TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET. Isom Marston, Canton, Kan. 5. BWB Insider Roxie,
9-5-18, by WIA-Conley Insider D9 P. Braden Booth, Fair Grove, Mo.
Division X, Class 36
Calved 1-23-18 to 4-14-18, 6 shown 1. CC BS Call Me Maybe 8906 ET P, 4-13-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Bull calf, TLAC King Phillip, 3-16-20, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Jenna Tlach. 2. TR Ms Fame 8712F ET, 2-21-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Heifer calf, Schrader’s Ms Fergi 002H, 3-6-20, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan. 3. TR HFCS Ms Freida 8716F ET, 4-14-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Bull calf, MJ Mr Yellowstone 021, 3-21-20, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Kylie Berae, Estelline, S.D. 4. TR Ms Faye 8906F ET, 3-29-18, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Heifer calf, PGC Ms Hope 0602, 2-27-20, by TR CAG Carbon Copy 7630E ET. Paislee Carlson. 5. NGC Sophie 810F ET, 1-23-18, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Heifer calf, NGC HCC Saige 11H, 1-21-20, by WR Travel Agent A602. Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn.
Division X, Class 37
Calved 1-4-14 to 12-11-16, 5 shown 1. Double-H Dream On 627D ET, 1211-16, by CML Distinction 318A. Bull calf, Double-H Special Delivery 001H, 1-14-20, by TR CC Deliverance 7974 Pld ET. Payton Hecht, Paynesville, Minn. 2. RF Sandie 560, 9-3-15, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Bull calf, TC Let Freedom Ring G62, 11-11-19, by WDZ Front Range 602 P. Tara Tellefson, Warden, Wash. 3. ELM Ms Autumn 240 P, 9-7-15, by WH Logan 233 Pld. Heifer calf, ELM Ms Aspen 140, 1-12-20, by ELM Meyer Ken 29. Matthew Meyer, Sarcoxie, Mo. 4. PZC Danika 6103 ET, 3-22-16, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Heifer calf, AJE Delilah 52, 2-25-20, by WC Milestone 5223 P. Ashley Eisenbraun, Paynesville, Minn. 5. BJCF 216’s Ella Rose B008 P, 1-4-14, by Bar S Code of the West 0216. Heifer calf, Ms Bar C Snowdrop, 2-6-20, by BJCF Mr Bar J D307. Chloe Fontenot, Lumberton, Texas
Sullivan Supply/ Stock Show University Team Fitting Contest Judges Cole Greiman, Iowa Associate: Brad Johnson, Iowa
Weaver Livestock Showmanship Contest Judges Ty Bayer & Calli Spengler, Wisconsin
Bred & Owned Female, Bull, Steer and Percentage Heifer Shows Judge Shane Bedwell, Holt, Mo.
Owned Female Show Judge Dave Allan, Schulenburg, Texas
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By: Rachel Booth
From left: Tom Engel; Nick, Kathy, Tanner, Dale and Keegan Bertsche; Steve and Julie Bertsche; Brandon, Briggston, Bevin and Sasha Bertsche; Tenley, Chris, Tallen and Jennifer Kramer; Trent Bertsche and Mariah Egerstaffer; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum and AIJCA Board Member Caitlin Jedlicka. Not pictured: Troy, Katie, Elsie and Grant Bertsche.
he farm ground is not the only place bearing roots near Flanagan, Illinois, the Bertsche family’s roots also run deep in the Charolais breed. The Bertsche family was first introduced to the Charolais breed in 1960 when Paul Bertsche bought LaFraise Farm’s first group of Charolais cattle. Since Steve Bertsche was six-years-old and those very first white cattle stepped off the trailer onto the family farm, the Bertsche family has been nothing but involved in the breed. Today, LaFraise Farms is operated by brothers Steve, Dale and Larry. The brothers grew up together on the family’s grain and cattle operation being actively involved in 4-H and junior cattle associations. When the boys were of age, they got involved with leadership conferences put on by the American- International Charolais Association. At the time, these events were only leadership conferences which eventually lead to the junior national event put on today, Steve said. Since their very first Charolais Junior National, both Steve and Dale have involved their families in the breed and raised their children up through the American International Junior Charolais Association. Both Steve and Dale have involved their families on the show road. The LaFraise Farms show crew is made up of Steve, his wife Julie and their children, Brandon, Jennifer, Troy and Trent, Dale, his wife Kathy and their children Nick, Tanner and Keegan and show barn manager Tom. 46
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“Growing up we watched how hard my dad and Uncle Steve work together,” Nick said. “That same work ethic you can tell has trickled down to the next generation of my brothers and cousins.” LaFraise Farms not only been involved in the breed, but they have also led many champions through the show ring through the years. Steve and Dale both have a keen eye for cattle, which has helped build their operation of the quality it is today. In 1993 Dale had the opportunity to judge on a three man panel with Randy Daniel an Jim Williams at 25th National Charolais Show at the American Royal in Kansas City, Missouri. When Steve and Dale were out on the road for cattle shows and sales, their brother Larry and show barn manager of 20 years Tom always picked up the slack. They play an important role as the men behind the scenes, taking care of the cattle and the farm. “My family has always made things happen and been supportive, now as a parent I have a different perspective and understanding of what my parents did for us,” Troy said. Through the years hauling cattle to participate in Junior National Charolais shows and activities the Bertsche family has put in the miles and spent many hours in the cab of a truck together as a family. “Growing up I always looked forward to our Junior National trip, it was great to make those memories of time spent with my family,” Troy said.
When the kids were younger, they were involved in sports and other activities so loading up as a family was special to the Bertsche family. The Bred & Owned division was always important to the Bertsche family, it was something they took pride in. “When the kids would pick out a heifer to show, she became theirs and they knew whatever she produced as a cow they would have as a Bred & Owned heifer.” Steve said. “This stopped the arguments on who was going to show which animal, everyone knew what they had, and they were able make their own breeding decisions.” Although the Bertsche kids have always had a competitive spirit, the true rivalry was when the Bertsche boots hit the arena dirt for showmanship, Troy said. From the Bertsche family they have had three AIJCA Board of Directors, three Gold Elite Awards recipients, two Herdsmen of the Year, a Fieldman’s Workhorse award, a Chad Clark Memorial Outstanding Senior, and were recognized as with the first Family of the Year award in 2004. “Being raised in the Charolais breed and being involved in the junior program has helped shape me into who I am today still caring the lessons I learned with me,” Nick said. Brandon, Troy and Trent all served on the AIJCA board in various roles. Through their time on the board they not only developed as individuals, but they also made lifetime connections and friendships.
Troy commented how being on the board allowed him to go to many great places, make lasting friendships and through his experiences on the board it better prepared him for his career. His involvement on the board also prepared him to serve as the recent Area 10 elect on the AICA Board of Directors. Troy is the third generation to serve on the AICA board, following the footsteps of his dad and grandpa Bertsche. As a junior board member, you not only get to learn more about what it takes to put on a Junior National show, but also have the opportunity to meet people, and form a team with the other board members, Brandon said. Older board members were credited for influencing and serving as leaders to the Bertsche kids. The older board members did a good job taking leadership roles and by being very approachable and kind they were a great example to follow. Troy commented. “I am proud of my family and the way they have developed through the junior program and through the Charolais Association,” Steve said.
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Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University Team Fitting Contest – Senior Division
Sponsor: Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University
From left: Taylor Harrison, Sullivan Supply; Brad Johnson - Associate Judge; Reserve ChampionsKenidey, Cagney and Chesney Effling, Highmore, S.D.; Champions- Brett Benefiel, Webb City, Mo.; Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo.; Molly Cooksey, Roggen, Colo.; Maddy Rohr, Elbert, Colo.; Cole Greiman - Judge
Team Sales Contest - Senior Division
Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University Team Fitting Contest – Intermediate Division
Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University Team Fitting Contest - Junior Division
From left: Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum; Taylor Harrison, Sullivan Supply; Reserve Champions- Jackie Sleichter, Abilene, Kan.; Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan.; Champions- Thomas Owings, Potosi, Mo.; Kyeler Field, Telephone, Texas; McKenna Richardson, Eureka, Kan.; Audrey Field, Telephone, Texas; Cole Greiman - Judge; Brad Johnson - Associate Judge.
From left: Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum; Taylor Harrison, Sullivan Supply; Reserve Champions- Hollis Fawcett, Ree Heights, S.D.; Teagan Scheel, Alpena, S.D.; Croix Reimann, Ree Heights, S.D.; Briggston Bertsche, Onida, S.D.; Champions- Shawn Leifeste, Cameron, Texas; Avery Hunt, Longview, Texas; Corbin Hunt, Longview,Texas; Brad Johnson - Associate Judge; Cole Greiman - Judge
Sponsor: Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University
Team Sales Contest - Intermediate Division
Team Sales Contest - Junior Division
From left: Champions - Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan.; Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan.; Reserve Champions - Emma Hankins, Springfield, Mo.; Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo.; Braden Booth, Fair Grove, Mo.; Mason Leifeste, Cameron,Texas (not pictured);Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum
From left: Champions - Katie, Shayla and Carly Dismukes, Checotah, Okla.; Reserve Champions - Ava Jo Stewart, Newcastle, Neb.; Calley Stewart, Newcastle, Neb.; Kashlyn Krebs,Gordon, Neb.; Braysen Miller, Silver Creek, Neb.; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum
Sponsor: 4KC Cattle
Sponsors: Doug Lind, In Memory of Matthew Tellefson
Weaver Livestock Showmanship Contest – Senior Division Sponsor: Weaver Livestock From left: Ty Bayer and Calli Spengler - Judges; Champion - Payton Farmer, Brownstown, Ind.; Reserve Champion: Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.; 3rd Place: Mattie Harward, Richfield, N.C.; 4th Place: Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo.; 5th Place: Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa; Brad Hurst, H&H Show Supply on behalf of Weaver Livestock; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum.
Weaver Livestock Showmanship Contest – Intermediate Division Sponsor: Weaver Livestock From left: Ty Bayer and Calli Spengler - Judges; Champion - Ruby Bell, Bristow, Okla.; Reserve Champion: Caitlyn Skiles, Stephenville, Texas; 3rd Place: Mason Leifeste, Cameron, Texas; 4th Place: Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; 5th Place: Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. Brad Hurst, H&H Show Supply on behalf of Weaver Livestock; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum
From left: Champions - Kallie Mattison, Lamberton, Minn.; Kestlyn Willert, Aurora, S.D.; Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn.; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum; Reserve Champions - (not pictured) Cagney, Chesney and Kenidey Effling of Highmore, S.D.
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Sponsor: Sullivan Supply/Stock Show University
Sponsors: Elanco, Harris Livestock Farms
Weaver Livestock Showmanship Contest – Junior Division Sponsor: Weaver Livestock From left: Ty Bayer and Calli Spengler - Judges; Champion - Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla. Reserve Champion: Lane Hagan, Yoakum, Texas; 3rd Place: Kelly Cordill, Cheney, Wash.; 4th Place: Annie Stewart, St. Thomas, Mo.; 5th Place: Carly Dismukes, Checotah, Okla; Brad Hurst, H&H Show Supply on behalf of Weaver Livestock; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum
Impromptu Speech Contest
Prepared Speech Contest
Resume & Interview Contest
From left: Junior Division: 1st - Hadlee Holt, Lake Preston, S.D.; 2nd- Kelly Cordill, Cheney, Wash.; Intermediate Division: 1st - Emma Hankins, Springfield, Mo.; 2nd- Braden Booth, Fair Grove, Mo.; Senior Division: 1st - Jonwyn Ayres, Rogue River, Ore.; 2nd - Tanner Gerdes, Cheney, Wash. Miss Charolais USA Bayee Mangrum
From left: Junior Division: 1st - Ava Jo Stewart, Newcastle, Neb.; 2nd - Kyle Phipps, Delphos, Kan.; Intermediate Division: 1st - Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan.; 2nd - Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; Senior Division: 1st - Jonwyn Ayres, Rogue River, Ore.; 2nd - Mitchell VanderWall, Brentford, S.D.; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum
From left: High School Division: 1st - Jonwyn Ayres, Rogue River, Ore.; 2nd - Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; College Division: 1st - Annaleigh Hobbs, Kansas City, Mo.; 2nd- Emily Hoelewyn, Damon, Texas; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum
Cook-Off Contest – Junior Division
Cook-Off Contest – Intermediate Division
Cook-Off Contest – Senior Division
From left: Junior Division: 1st- Elijah Dehan, LaMonte, Mo.; Katie Birge, Columbia, Mo.; Brecken Jones, LaMonte, Mo.; Emily Birge, Columbia, Mo. 2nd- : Lilly Voet, Home, Kan.; Kinsley Harris, Hepler, Kan.
From left: Intermediate Division: 1st- Cody Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo.; Colton Grass, Bonne Terre, Mo.; Jaden Schweigert, Park Hills, Mo.; 2nd- Brooke Polzin, Darwin, Minn.; Ava Schoenfeld, Lakefield, Minn.; Jillian Schoenfeld, Lakefield, Minn.; Samantha Gerlach, Finlayson, Minn.;
From left: Senior Division: 1st- Madison Voet, Home, Kan.; Caitlin Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo.; Baylee Mangrum, Marmaduke, Ark.; 2nd- Brett Benefiel, Webb City, Mo.; Christian Hirsch, Thayer, Mo.; Brittany Hirsch, Thayer, Mo.; Annaleigh Hobbs, Kansas City, Mo.
Sponsors: Wienk Charolais, Watje Cattle Co., Eggleston Sponsors: Wienk Charolais, Odden Cattle Company, Rowan Ranch, Marla Schnitzler Todd, Purina Charolais, Franz Ranch, Rowan Ranch, Vytelle
Sponsor: Harris Livestock Farms
Cook-Off Contest - Adult Division
Sponsor: South Dakota Charolais Breeders Assn
From left: 1st - Stacey and Bruce Runft, Bryan and Amy Rickard of Kansas; 2nd - Jed Watje, Roger Smith and John Downing of Texas.
Sponsors: Dybdal Charolais, Purina
Sponsors: P5 Charolais, Watje Cattle Co., 4KC Cattle, South Dakota Charolais Breeders Association
Sponsor: Jeff & Karen Bonacker
Art Contest
Poster Contest
From left: Junior Division: 1st - Katie Birge, Columbia, Mo.; 2nd - Anabelle Groom, Rio Vista, Texas; Intermediate Division: 1st - Madison Borg, Concord, Neb.; 2nd - Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; Senior Division: 1st - Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn.; 2nd - Trisha Dybdal, Newcastle, Neb.; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum
From left: Junior Division – Breed/Association Promotion 1st - Anabelle Groom, Rio Vista, Texas; 2nd - Cole Eubanks, Holly Pond, Ala.; Herd Advertisement: 1st - Shayla Dismukes, Checotah, Okla.; 2nd - Carly Dismukes, Checotah, Okla.; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum
Sponsors: Harris Livestock Farms, F Bar 5, 4KC Cattle, Vytelle, ReproLogix, Sure Champ
Sponsors: 4M Land & Cattle, Coyle Family, Harris Livestock Farms, Franz Ranch
Photo Contest
Sponsors: Vedvei Charolais,Triple C Farm, ReproLogix, 4M Land & Cattle, North Dakota Junior Charolais Assn, Doug Lind, South Dakota Charolais Assn, 4KC Cattle, JWC Marketing
From left: Junior: Black & White 1st - Jack Stein, Elkton, S.D. (not pictured); 2nd Huck Plyler, Hope, Ark.; Color 1st - Kash Harris, Lawton, Okla. (not pictured); Color 2nd - Ava Jo Stewart, Newcastle, Neb.; Intermediate: Color 1st - Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; Black & White 2nd - Samantha Gerlach, Finlayson, Minn. Color 2nd Lyndsey Franklin, Ladonia, Texas; Black & White 1st: Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; Senior: Black & White 1st - Kallie Mattison, Lamberton, Minn.; 2nd - Jade Neagle, Fountain City, Ind. Color 1st - Trisha Dybdal, Newcastle, Neb.; 2nd - Christian Hirsch, Thayer, Mo.; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
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Intermediate Division Graphic Design Contest Senior Division Graphic Design Contest
Quiz Bowl Contest
Sponsors: Dybdal Charolais, Cattle Business Weekly Sponsors: 4KC Cattle, Sure Champ, JWC Marketing Sponsor: Sandmeier Charolais, One Penny Ranch
From left: Breed/Assn Promotion 1st - Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis. 2nd - Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. Herd Advertisement: 1st Baylee Butler, State Center, Iowa; 2nd - Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan.; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum.
Breed/Assn Promotion 1st and Herd Advertisement 2nd - Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; Breed/Assn Promtion 2nd - Mattie Harward, Richfield, N.C.; Herd Advertisement 1st - Christian Hirsch, Thayer, Mo.; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum.
Talent Contest
Kage Harris, Lawton, Okla. Sponsors: Karen Nesvold, First National Best Comedy Skit
From left: Champions - Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn.;Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; Samantha Gerlach, Finlayson, Minn.; Ava Schoenfeld, Lakefield, Minn.; Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; Reserve Champions - Elijah Dehan, LaMonte, Mo.; Austin Doerhoff, Henley, Mo.; Tevin Groose, Olean, Mo.; Thomas Owings, Potosi, Mo.
Indiana Junior Charolais Association State Herdsmanship – 10 or Less Head
Tennessee Junior Charolais Association State Participation - 10 or Less Participants
Bank of Sioux Falls
From left: 1st - Belle Watje, Weatherford, Texas; 2nd - Ayva Bohr, Swisher, Iowa
Texas Junior Charolais Association Most Creative Skit
Kansas Junior Charolais Association State Herdsmanship - 11 or More Head, Best Dressed Skit State/Affiliate Scrapbook - 2nd Sponsor: Show-Rite
Missouri Junior Charolais Association State/Affiliate Scrapbook - 1st Sponsor: Harris Livestock Farms
South Dakota Junior Charolais Association State Participation - 11 or More Participants
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Outstanding Junior Member Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum and 2019 award winner Emma Hankins, Springfield, Mo. (left) present the 2020 award to Cody Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo.
Chad Clark Memorial Outstanding Senior Member Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum and AIJCA Board Member Molly Smith (center) present the 2020 award to Annaleigh Hobbs, Kansas City, Mo.
2019 Gold Elite Award
AIJCA Premier Challenge
Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum and AIJCA Board Member Trisha Dybdal (left) present, Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. with the 2019 Gold Elite award and scholarship.
From right: Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum, Champion - Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn.; Reserve Champion - Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; 3rd Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.; 4th - Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; 5th - Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan.; AIJCA Board Member Kylie Rahmeier
$250 Scholarship sponsored by the Gibson Family of Clear Creek Farm
AICA Fieldman's Workhorse Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum and AICA Fieldman Colt Keffer (left) present the 2020 award to Tara Tellefson, Warden, Wash.
$500 Champion Scholarship sponsored by ZehnderWaage Partnership
2019 National Junior Merit Awards From right: AIJCA Board Member Sydney Howell and Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum present the awards to Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. (Gold); Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn. (Gold); Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo. (Gold); Blaine Finster, Hartley, Iowa (Bronze)
Advisor of the Year Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum and AIJCA Board Member Kimmi Doran (left) present the 2020 award to Brandon Bertsche of the South Dakota Junior Charolais Association.
Family of the Year From left: Effling Family, Highmore, South Dakota – Cagney, Kenidey, Chris, Kristi and Chesney Effling.
2020 Planning Committee From left: Katherine Haler, Lake Preston, S.D.; Donnie, Kiera and Krecia Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.; Colt Keffer, AICA; Kristi and Chris Effling, Highmore, S.D. Sasha & Brandon Bertsche, Onida, S.D.; Audra Scheel, Alpena, S.D.; Susi Odden, Ree Heights, S.D., Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum. not pictured: Ty Eschenbaum, Arlington, S.D.; Troy and VeaBea Thomas, Harrold, S.D.; Cally Thomas Kindred, Harrold, S.D.; Renee Mack, Estelline, S.D.; Stephanie Beare, Estelline, S.D.; Jenae and Caroline Hansen, Turton, S.D.; Kim Bergh, Florence, S.D. A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 51 CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
Front row, from left: Baylee Mangrum, Kadon Leddy, Haley Schwecke, Devin Benes, Kylie Rahmeier, Sydney Howell, Paige Gaffney, Madison Voet, Eli Meyer. Back row, from left: Maddy Rohr,; Maguire Rohr, Tara Tellefson, Katelynn Cape, Devon Benes, Caitlin Jedlicka, Cagney Effling, Molly Smith, Annaleigh Hobbs, Katie Moller, Rachel Kort, Trisha Dybdal, Kallie Mattison, Kaitlyn Chism, AIJCF Board of Trustee.
$3,000 Charlie and Jean Smith Caitlin Jedlicka, Koshkonong, Mo.; Molly Smith, Lockhart, Texas
Texas.; Madison Henderson,Perry Okla.; Kallie Mattison, Lamberton, Minn. Madison Voet, Home, Kan.;
$3,000 Walker/Phillips— Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.
$1,000 Missouri Junior Charolais Association— Elisha Meyer, Sarcoxie, Mo
$2,000 American International Junior CharolaisFoundation— Kallie Knott, LaOtto, Ind.; Haley Schwecke,Gibbon, Minn.; Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.
$1,000 Joe and Carolynne Garrett— Tara Tellefson, Warden, Wash.
$2,000 Walker/Phillips— Annaleigh Hobbs, Kansas City, Mo. $1,500 Wesson Memorial— Kylie Rahmeier, Sylvan Grove, Kan. $1,500 Chance Clifton Live Big Foundation— Will Meadows, Columbia, Ala.; Maddy Rohr, Elbert, Colo.
$1,000 Taylor Thomas Memorial— Paige Gaffney, Barneveld, Wis. $1,000 Pete and Wendy Stamer— Katelynn Cape, Hampstead, Md. $1,000 Cross Family— Emily Hanson, Bowie, Texas $1,000 Riverdale Land & Livestock, Champion Owned Female– Jackie Sleichter, Abilene, Kan.
$1,500 Parnell Moo Madness— Rachel Kort, Ayr, Neb.
$1,000 Larry and Robbie Lehman, Champion Percentage Heifer– Croix Reimann, Ree Heights, S.D.
$1,500 American International Junior Charolais Foundation— Trisha Dybdal, Newcastle, Neb.
$500 Carol Doughty Memorial, Big Creek Charolais,Champion Bred and Owned Female— Ruby Bell, Bristow, Okla.
$1,000 Chance Clifton Live Big Foundation— Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo.; Devon Benes, Valparaiso, Neb.
Sponsored by: Gibson Family of Clear Creek Farm—
$250 Gold Elite National Junior Merit Award Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D.
$500 AIJCA Premier Challenge Champion
$1,000 Walker/Phillips— Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn.
Sponsored by: Zehnder-Waage Partnership—
$1,000 Claude Canada Memorial— Jacob Harrod, Frankfort, Ky.
$400 2nd Place AIJCA Premier Challenge— Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wis.
$1,000 Stauffer Memorial— Abigail Spindle, Moriarty, N.M.
$300 3rd Place AIJCA Premier Challenge— Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wis.
$1,000 American International Junior Charolais Foundation— Devin Koester, Elizabeth, Ill.; Baylee Mangrum, Marmaduke, Ark.; Sydney Howell, Forestburg, 52
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Katie Moller, Princeton, Minn.
$200 4th Place AIJCA Premier Challenge— Korbin Leddy, Stockholm, S.D. $100 5th Place AIJCA Premier Challenge— Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
Chance Clifton Live Big Foundation Scholarships
From left: Recipients - Devon Benes, Valparaiso, Neb.; Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo.; Maddy Rohr, Elbert, Colo.; (not pictured) Will Meadows, Columbia, Ala.; Shane and Diana Ferguson, Chance Clifton Live Big Foundation; Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum
Proceeds provided the 2nd-5th Place Overall AIJCA Premier Challenge Scholarships.
Fundraising Devon Benes - Chair Programs & Activities Molly Smith - Chair Membership Emily Hoewelyn - Chair Junior National Caitlyn Jedlicka - Chair Executive Caitlyn Jedlicka - Chair Molly Smith Emily Hoewelyn Devon Benes Kaitlyn Davlin
From left: Caitlin Jedlicka, Molly Smith, Emily Hoelewyn, Devon Benes, Maguire Rohr, Madison Voet, Sydney Howell, Shade Bunker, Weston Schrader, Katelynn Cape, Gracie Weiberg, Tara Tellefson, Taylor Behrends, Kaitlyn Davlin
Caitlin Jedlicka............ President
Maguire Rohr.....................Area 1
Katelynn Cape....................Area 7
Molly Smith..........Vice President
Devon Benes......................Area 2
Gracie Weiberg..................Area 8
Emily Hoewelyn........... Secretary
Madison Voet.....................Area 3
Taylor Behrends............At Large
Devon Benes................ Treasurer
Sydney Howell...................Area 4
Emily Hoelewyn.............At Large
Kaitlyn Davlin...............Ex-Officio
Shade Bunker....................Area 5
Molly Smith....................At Large
Weston Schrader...............Area 6
Tara Tellefson.................At Large
Koshkonong, Mo. Lockhart, Texas Damon, Texas
Valparaiso, Neb.
El Campo, Texas
Elbert, Co.
Valparaiso, Neb. Home, Kan.
Bowie, Texas Sparta, Wis. Wells, Kan.
Hampstead, Md. Gray, Tenn.
State Center, Iowa Bowie, Texas
Lockhart, Texas Warden, Wash.
AIJCA SENIOR SEND-OFF Sponsored by: Myron Runft Charolais
From left: Ty Ann Tellefson, Warden, Wash.; Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.; Ashley Eisenbraun, Paynesville, Minn.; Kimmi Doran, Whiteford, Md.; Karlie Wosepka, Waverly, Iowa; Matthew Meyer, Sarcoxie, Mo.; Kendra Elder, Blum, Texas; Landra McClellan, Armstrong, Iowa; Miss Charolais USA Baylee Mangrum (not pictured: Molley Cooksey, Roggen, Colo.; Chloe Fontenot, Lumberton, Texas; Taylor Goering, McPherson, Kan.; Alexa Montagne, Elk Point, S.D.; Eli Pieper, Gary, S.D.; Jonah West, Barbourville, Ky.) CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
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2020 AIJCA JUNIOR NATIONAL SHOW & LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Aces Wild Ranch LLC Bar J Charolais Boyert Show Cattle Bulls-Eye Partners CharAuctions CHS Inc. City View Farms - Barry & Amy Tlach CK Cattle Custom Genetic Solutions Dismukes Ranch Double-H Charolais Dubas Cattle Co./Silencer Dybdal Charolais EDJE Technologies F Bar 5 PLATINUM $5,000+ Farm Credit Services of America ReproLogix Fink Beef Genetics Signature Designs First National Bank in Sioux Falls South Dakota Charolais Breeders Assn Hang’n A Cattle Company Thomas Ranch Harris Livestock Farms Kirby Holen GOLD $2,500+ Innovation AgMarketing 605 Sires JWC Marketing BioZyme - Sure Champ & VitaFerm Lehman Charolais Davlin Cattle Co. Lucky Strike Show Cattle Full Circle Cattle Co. Martin-Trudeau Insurance Gallagher Animal Management Midwest Ag Lindskov Ranch Partnership Nutrien Ag Solutions Lindskov-Thiel Ranch Matthew Odden South Dakota Planning Committee Melvin Pieper Raymond Hicks Leadership Fund Polzin Cattle Sandmeier Charolais Ranch Garrett Post Show-Rite Prairie Valley Farm, Inc. Swiftel Center & Visit Brookings Purina Animal Nutrition The Cattle Business Weekly R Lazy B Ranch Inc Vytelle Riverdale Land & Livestock Schrader Ranch SILVER $1,000+ SDSU Department of Animal Science 4KC Cattle Shepherd Charolais ABS Global Simpson Family
Southern Pride Openings Billy & Miranda Stein Texas Junior Charolais Association Trans Ova Genetics Tri-State Livestock News Wagner Charolais Wagonhammer Ranches White Rose Charolais Wienk Charolais Ranch Wright Charolais
3G Farms 4 Groom Ranch 7 Hills Farm Bertsche Cattle Big Creek Charolais Big Gain Inc Bovine Elite Boviteq Brent Charolais Bullard Cattle Company Callender Printing Chance Clifton Live Big Foundation Clear Water Cattle Coudron Charolais Dicken Charolais Farm Doonan Cattle Co. Doris Show Cattle Eggleston Charolais Elder Cattle Company First Dakota National Bank Focus Marketing Group H3 Charolais Highview Charolais Farm Hubert Cattle Sales J & A Charolais Justin B. Stout Auction Service JVS Cattle Co.
Keppen Charolais Lacey Kreft LaFraise Farms Doug Lind Minnehaha County Farm Bureau Myron Runft Charolais Mark Nebeker Dan Nelson New Generation Outfront Cattle Service Premier Equipment Ridder Farms Rio Ranch RJB Cattle Rob Nord, Auctioneer Runnings of Brookings Select Sires Smith Cattle South Dakota Beef Breeds Council STgenetics Eric Thomsen Tracer Minerals Triple S Farms Weber Charolais & Red Angus Western Sire Services Inc Wild Indian Acres Zehnder Waage Partnership
4M Land & Cattle Beavers Charolais Benes Cattle Co. Bill King Ranch Bina Charolais Caprock Cattle Company Clayford Ranch Charolais Creasey Charolais Cross-5 Cattle Coolers Doub Charolais Scott & Cindy Franklin Family
Donated by Barnard Farms & Crop Copter
Thank you to all who participated! From left: Drawing winners Kilby and Tyra Meyer, Sylvan Grove, Kan. and winning ticket seller, AIJCA Board Member Kylie Rahmeier. 54
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2020 AIJCA JUNIOR NATIONAL SHOW & LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE G4 Charolais Genex Gibson Family of Clear Creek Farm Grand Hills Cattle LLC Harrod Farms Hayden Farm J & S Ranch Jeff & Karen Bonacker Family Jeffries Charolais Jordan Mack Memorial Calf Show Kansas Junior Charolais Assn Carmen Liebelt Lindstrom Cattle Long Hall Cattle ML Lewis Charolais MOGO Charolais Nebraska Junior Charolais Assn Nord Farms O’Campo Cattle Company Odden Charolais Ranch P5 Charolais Lane & Emily Peterson Pfeifer Farms RBM Livestock Sandusky Farms Schnuelle Charolais Shaffer Cattle Co. Skeans Cattle Co. Kris Simmons Stalcup Farms Charolais Stewart Charolais TC Cattle Company TC Cattle Service Tennessee Charolais Association The Resource Group Thomas Charolais Inc Triple M Cattle VanDyke Charolais Aaron VanLangen Vedvei Charolais Ranch
In Memory of Dan Haler In Memory of Matthew Tellefson Initial Cattle Company Iowa Junior Charolais Association FRIENDS UP TO $250 J & J Beef Genetics Jensen Charolais Ranch Inc 2H Cattle Co. Keahey Charolais 5J Charolais Joy & Zachery Kinsey 8 Story Farms Leifeste Cattle Services ABC Cattle Little W Farm AH Cattle Long Hall Cattle Denver Alsup Mangrum Family Alta Genetics Mark Rickabaugh Billy Bob’s Texas Matthew K Tellefson Estate C.K. Sonny & Mary Booth Meadows Creek Farms Bradley 3 Ranch Kolton Meyer Broberg Charolais Missouri Junior Charolais Assn C & S Cattle Mountain Empire Charolais Assn Cannon Charolais Castleberry Hilltop C Polled Charolais Thomas Mouser North Dakota Junior Charolais Assn Cobb Charolais Ranch North Grove Charolais Coyle Family Karen Nesvold Doll Charolais Ranch Oakwater Ranch Chris Dunn Odden Cattle Company Ty Eschenbaum One Penny Ranch Faraway Cattle Co. Owings Cattle Company Franz Ranch Raasch Family Cattle Geyer Cattle Company Rahmeier Family Taylor Goering Rennert Ranch Grau Charolais Ranch Hansen Farms/PEMF Pulse Advantage Rogers Bar HR Romans Ranches Harris Cattle Rowan Ranch Kathryn Harris Marla Schnitzler Todd Hassebrook Charolais Farms Shepherd’s Hill Charolais Hawkeye Breeders Showtimes Magazine Hebbert Charolais Sioux Nation Highview Farms Smoky Hill Charolais Hoopes Charolais Soreide Charolais Ranch Hubert Charolais Ranch South Dakota Jr Charolais Assn Hudspeth Farms Sparks Charolais Farm Illinois Junior Charolais Assn Julio Villasenor Elly Jo Wagner Watje Cattle Company
Stockmen’s Livestock Inc. Sturgess Double S Cattle Sweigy Farms T&S Strnad Charolais TC Cattle Co. Tellefson Ranches Trinity Valley Community College Leann Turner Triple C Farms Vaughan Family Ranch Voet Family Wal-Mar Charolais & Engraving Webb Charolais Farm Windy Hill Charolais Farms Wooden Cross Cattle Company as of 7-16-2020
AIJCA 9-HOLE GOLF SCRAMBLE Rockwood Park Golf Course • Volga, S.D.
Champion Team Awards Sponsored by: Gallagher Animal Management & Zoetis From left: Trey Vargas, Pryor, Okla.; Tim Butler, State Center, Iowa; Henry Hoopes, Letts, Iowa; Mark Sullivan, Woodbine, Iowa.
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Thank you to Elanco for providing our 2020 seniors with an experience they will never forget. These seniors have had many things taken from them this school year, this ceremony gave them the opportunity to experience one more moment of their senior year!
HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Camille Asmus, Houston, Texas Devon Benes, Valparaiso, Neb. Raley Downing, Troy, Texas Brook Dunsmore, Mora, Minn. Chesney Effling, Highmore, S.D. Tanner Gerdes, Cheney Wash. Tevin Groose, Olean, Mo. Taylor Grove, Lipan, Texas Emily Hanson, Bowie, Texas
Taylor Hecht, Paynesville, Minn. Levi Hinshaw, Secor, Ill. Brittany Hirsch, Thayer, Mo. Mattie Harward, Richfield, N.C. Will Meadows, Columbia, Ala. Sawyer Otto, Walnut Grove, Minn. Maddy Rohr, Elbert, Colo. Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo. Kestlyn Willert, Aurora, S.D.
COLLEGE GRADUATES Molly Cooksey, Roggen, Colo. Kimmi Doran, Whiteford, M.D. Ashley Eisenbraun, Paynesville, Minn. Chloe Fontenot, Lumberton, Texas Christian Hirsch, Thayer, Mo. Emily Hoewelyn, Damon, Texas Mackenzie Riley, Washington Court House, Ohio
Thank you to Dr. Brett Terhaar and the South Dakota Planning Committee for providing words of wisdom and well wishes on behalf of Elanco.
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hat a summer! It’s crazy to think my time with the American-International Charolais Association has come and gone just like that! In the spring, I was just like every other college student looking for an internship. When applying, I told myself that I would only apply to those that I was interested in and not just any ole internship. Considering I had already interned through extension and had experience with association work, I was interested in the idea of working for an association planning and executing a Junior National. Through the AICA I found that and much more! I had my first interview with Kaitlyn and the Iowan in both of us was apparent, I felt like her and I had known each other our entire lives! Soon after our interview, Kaitlyn called and offered me the position making it feel like the perfect fit! I was ecstatic to not only spend the summer in Kansas City but to spend it working for an amazing breed association. When it was time to start, I was very nervous, as anyone is their first day, but soon felt right at home in the office. I got to be as involved in any aspect as I chose to be leading up to Junior National. Between writing and preparing Junior National materials, to social media and everything in between, I was always working on a project! I enjoyed getting to be a part of all the behind the scenes action, even seeing first-hand what it takes to put together the Charolais Journal! It was fun to work with everyone in the office getting to prep for Junior National by ordering awards, adhering to new guidelines, and prepping materials for contests. Before I knew it, it was time to make the trip to Brookings, S.D. for the AIJCA Junior National. Growing up showing horses and cattle, I had an idea of what a Junior National was like, but I had never experienced one myself, and how great was it that my first experience was as the intern? I have always been one to note that there is no one on this earth that has as much passion as the youth involved in agriculture, and yet again I was proven right. There were many early mornings and late nights and you never once saw a sour face; every junior was smiling ear to ear and in the best spirits to be in that environment. The week was very busy and even in a jam-packed week, I learned so much. I met so many people and can honestly say I have never received more Facebook friend requests in my entire life - between the Junior Board, Planning Committee, state representatives, numerous families and of course the junior members. I became a pro at remembering names quick! Throughout the week I got to realize just how much it takes to put together the great AIJCA Junior National and how passionate everyone in attendance was about the next generation of Charolais breeders. Reflecting on that week has been a great time, remembering the countless smiling faces, white cattle, pictures taken and number of times I heard #charBOOM. The number of times you can work #charBOOM into a conversation is still astonishing to me! Thank you for this opportunity and a chance to get to know the breed! If you are a college student looking for an internship that will give you hands-on experience as well as a summer you’ll never forget, I highly suggest applying for this internship!
Miranda Hoag is from Illinois City, Ill. She is currently a senior at Kansas State University majoring in Agricultural Communications and Journalism as well as Animal Sciences with a minor in Mass Communications.
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fter a great week at #charBOOM in Brookings, South Dakota, the dust settles as the gavel has been passed down from Kaitlyn Davlin to the next as she retires her time spent as the American-International Junior Charolais Association Junior Board President. Kaitlyn not only has been a member of the AIJCA, but she has gone above and beyond in serving in numerous leadership roles in both the Texas Junior Charolais Association and the AIJCA. Kaitlyn grew up in El Campo, Texas, on her families diversified agricultural operation where they farm corn and cotton, run a commercial cow-calf program and raise purebred Charolais cattle. In 2012, Kaitlyn purchased her first Charolais show heifer named Princess Cherry from Larry Ludeke of Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas. She went on to attend her first Junior National the summer of 2013 in Texarkana where she was taken under the wing of Alan and Samantha Leifeste and the rest is history, Kaitlyn said. “At that first Charolais Junior National, I can remember sitting at the stalls on my phone, headphones in and not engaging with the other junior members - I was just there to take care of my cattle,” Kaitlyn said. “That all changed when a handful of the AIJCA junior board members encouraged me to participate in the mentor/mentee program and my eyes were opened to how great the people and the kids of the breed were.” The mentor/mentee program is one of Kaitlyn’s favorite events facilitated by the AIJCA Junior Board. It gives juniors an opportunity to meet new people and build relationships with like-minded individuals. She encourages kids involved with the 60
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mentor/mentee program to keep those friendships even after their time spent at Junior National. “When you grow up and enter the real world, it is important to have people you can reach out to for advice and the mentor/ mentee program is a great way to learn how to foster those types of relationships,” Kaitlyn said. One of the first things Kaitlyn noticed at her first Charolais Junior National was the AIJCA Junior Board and from that point forward she knew she wanted to be one of them someday. “I noticed how hard they worked to make junior national a great event and how other juniors looked up to their leadership,” Kaitlin said. “You could tell there was a rich tradition with the junior board.” Fast forward a few years later and Kaitlyn made those dreams a reality as she was elected to the AIJCA Junior Board where she has served as an At Large Director, Area 4 Director, President and now recently Ex-Officio. The most rewarding thing about serving as on the AIJCA Junior Board is watching the kids of the breed grow and develop and be successful in and out of the show ring, Kaitlyn said. Although her time as AIJCA Junior Board President has come to a close, Kaitlyn still looks forward to her time as Ex-Officio and later on transitioning into the role of an Adult American Charolais Association member. “A quote I will always remember from one of my great mentors Mr. Carlos Guerra of La Muneca Cattle Company, ‘If it is to be, it is up to me.’ The most important 10 words to hear in your life,” Kaitlyn said.
It’s a wild world out there.
t the 2016 AIJCA Junior National in Springfield, Missouri, a teenage Mason Runft of Scandia, Kansas stood next to Landen Mack of Watertown, South Dakota and waited for the annual presentation of the Jordan Mack Memorial Herdsman Award. Runft stood enraptured by an award he coveted. Mack waited as the brother of the award’s namesake. “I was there next to Landen when his name was announced as the award winner,” Runft recalls. “Talk about the most humbling experience! To see Landen receive recognition his big brother also earned, to feel the emotion in it all even five years after Jordan was killed was something I will never forget. At the
time, I didn’t think it was something that could be matched.”them Yet, that moment four for it.years ago was topped for Runft during the 2020 AIJCA Junior National in Brookings, South Dakota. The Fort Hays State University senior, who hasn’t missed a Charolais Junior National since he was born thanks to his parents Bruce & Stacey, earned recognition as the Jordan Mack Memorial Herdsman of the Year. “Next year is my last year as a junior member, so I’m headed to Georgia. But, I can’t imagine any way to top the herdsman award,” Runft shares. “I can name every herdsman from the past eight years, but I couldn’t tell you who won the shows. Banners and ribbons get forgotten, but moments like these stay forever.” Runft comes from a long line of Charolais showmen, including his dad Bruce, brother Cody, and sisters Jaid, and Payton. According to the family’s youngest, his siblings have all pushed him
to work hard, and they set the bar high with their example. “Our fun as kids was working together in the barn, especially for Jaid, Payton, and I since we’re the closest in age,” Runft says. “I am really blessed to have my family pushing me in and out of the show ring and for instilling the values and work ethic that I have today.” Part of being pushed in the Charolais breed and outside of the showring comes from working for Cody Cattle Company, which is owned by brother Cody and his wife Lindsay. When the couple relocated their herd to the Runft Family Ranch in Kansas, Mason went to work helping on weekends and college breaks. He helps calve from January through mid-March and helps on the hay crew in the summer. “Working with Cody has been a great opportunity for me,” Runft says. “He’s teaching me a lot and been a great mentor in the Charolais business.” As Runft looks ahead, he hopes younger Charolais members see the value in staying involved with the junior association’s activities. “I’m not one of the kids who has won any big show banner,” he says. “But, I keep a good attitude and stay positive. I try to make sure I’m interacting with kids up and down the aisles at shows. If they can learn anything from me, I hope they learn there’s really nothing a smile and good attitude can’t get you through.”
“The Jordan Mack Memorial Herdsman Award is an award that most kids dream about
Once a calf leaves the chute, they’re sent off into growing upthe butreal don’tworld expecttotoface win.the I vaguely remember Relentless Jordan growing Protection up because I was a real elements. Alone. Exposed. Vulnerable. You’d better make sure they’re younger member, but I do remember him always having a smile on his face. From everyone ® Because thetoreal world is kind of person he was, all have the same answers: protected. Enter Pyramid® 5 + Presponse thatSQ. I’ve asked trying figure out the relentless. So you’d better have relentless respiratory protection to match. No one outworked Jordan. He was driven to be the best and had a passion for the cattle Visit to get started.
industry, and the list goes on. For that many people to say such great things about one man, it is truly an honor to have my name even in the same sentence as his. I join a list of people that I have great respect for, and I can’t put into words how thankful and blessed I am. Pyramid and Presponse are registered trademarks of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. ©2018 Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Banners and ribbons get forgotten, but moments like these don’t.” ~ Mason Runft BOV-1491-RESP0818 CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
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Family of the Year From left: Effling Family, Highmore, South Dakota – Chris, Kenidey, Chesney, Cagney and Kristi Effling.
A U G U S T 2020
By Amy Blum
oogle© “Effling Family”, and you quickly discover pages of articles, videos, and photos showcasing the result of—as Kristi puts it—“a show jock marrying a sheep girl.” What the newlyweds began as a club calf and club lamb business in 1997 morphed into a nationally recognized purebred cattle business spanning three breeds. “We started breeding Simmental for the maternal side of our club calf project but liked them so well that they have remained the foundation of our operation,” Kristi says. Today, the Effling name is synonymous with high quality, high performance Charolais, Hereford, and Simmental genetics. The greatest changes and accomplishments for the couple, however, came with the addition of each daughter, Cagney (21), Chesney (18), and Kenidey (14). “Cagney got hooked on Charolais cattle when she went to our family’s first junior national event in 2010, and Chesney’s been a Hereford girl since she was a toddler. It’s hard to believe all that has happened in only a decade! Each girl having her own breed started as a way for them not to compete against each other, but it has grown into something so much more than showing for our family.”
In a 2014 profile piece produced by Sullivan Supply, John Sullivan said, “Raising livestock at the highest level takes great knowledge, perseverance, work ethic, and humility. Mold that all together, and you get the Effling Family.” Six years later his words remain true as the family was chosen as the AIJCA’s 2020 Family of the Year. People who have seen behind the curtains and banners know the family’s long hours spent rinsing, brushing, researching, and building. However, both Chris and Kristi attribute the bulk of their success and joy for the cattle industry to the people in it. “A lot of the what and how we do things has changed, but our passion for good livestock and our desire to be surrounded by great people doesn’t waver,” Kristi says. “We have an amazing group of supportive, helpful friends and family.” Chris adds, “When Kristi and I stumbled into our dream place a few years after getting married, we found ourselves living in cattle country of South Dakota with neighbors who help without hesitation. Those two things remain keys to our success.” The 2020 AIJCA Junior National marked Cagney’s final junior national.
Each of the Efflings invested many hours planning, working, and helping prepare for the South Dakota event. To then find themselves not only at the backdrop several times but also honored at the banquet left the team humbled in a way they couldn’t have imagined according to Chris. “We just stood out there and saw some of the best cattle in the country, not just some of the best Charolais. Realizing how far this breed has come is humbling enough alone. Then, to be recognized
as part of it all in even the smallest ways and to know how many friendships we’ve found over the years, I tell ya; humbling might not be a strong enough description,” Chris shares. Though Cagney hung up her junior national harness, Charolais cattle aren’t going anywhere for the Highmore, South Dakota family. They remain excited for where the breed, their business, and the next generation of junior showkids are headed.
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We invite everyone to join us next year at the 2021 AIJCA Junior National Show and Leadership Conference in Perry, Georgia, June 20-25. At ‘It’s a Southern Tradition’, we look forward to seeing many new faces, high quality cattle and enjoying the creativity and many talents our junior members have to showcase! 64
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Contact these seedstock breeders for herd sire prospects and herd building females.
Thomas Ranch Private Treaty Steer & Heifer Sale September 23
Troy & VeaBea Thomas, Clint & Cally Kindred 18475 Capri Place • Harrold, SD 57536 Office: 605-973-2448 Troy’s Cell: 605-222-1258 Cally’s Cell: 605-222-1515 Clint’s Cell: 605-890-0148
Featuring– M6 Rock Star 306 P ET Fresh Air x Rio Bravo
EPDs: 3.7 3.2 44 74 11 8.1 33 1.0
39120 192nd Street Wagner, South Dakota 57380 (605) 384-3300, (605) 491-0986
JAMIE EGGLESTON 21130 379th Ave. • Wessington, SD 57381 (605) 883-4602 • Fax: (605) 883-4924 •
DAVID MASON Cell: (605) 680-0780 •
J&M Ranch
PC Missouri Bob 1227 Pld M801740 Multiple Trait Leader
Top 5% CE, WW, MCE • 7% YW 3% TM • 4% TSI S.D. Charolais Breeders Association 2008 Outstanding Seedstock Producer
Purebred Charolais Private Treaty Sales
Jerod & Melanie Olson (605) 860-2080
20629 443rd Ave Lake Preston, SD 57249
Steve - Myrna - Greg - BJ 405 Samara Ave. • Volga, SD 57071 • (605) 627-5229 •
Reich Ranch Charolais Tim and Ree Reich
Calvin Sandmeier (605) 285-6179
Gary Sandmeier (605) 285-6766
13123 322nd Ave. • Bowdle, SD 57428
1007 Kingsbury Belle Fourche, SD 57717 (605) 892-4366
Sam & Connie Geyer De Smet, SD 605-860-2081
Vedvei Charolais
Brian Odden & Family Ranch 605-842-1185 Brian 605-203-1228 Andrew 605-203-1775 A dam 605-203-1229
Wells Charolais Ranch 15446 419th Ave • Conde, SD 57434 Richard & Heather Wells (605) 784-3409 Jason & Nina Jo Wells (605) 784-7824 www.
Herd Sire Prospects & Embryos for Sale Private Treaty
“2000 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year”
44213 204th St. Alan & Deb Vedvei Lake Preston, SD 57249 (605) 847-4529 E-mail: TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET
Thomas James Knicker, 63, of Cross Roads, TX, passed away Tuesday, June 30, 2020 in Denton, TX. Thomas was born April 7, 1957 in Park Ridge, IL to Robert Knicker Sr. and Pearle Worachek. He married Sharon Marie Shedbar on August 4, 1984 in Chicago, IL. Thomas is survived by his mother, Pearle Knicker; son, James Knicker of Cross Roads, TX; daughter, Angela Varga and husband Tyler of Lubbock, TX; granddaughter, Taitum Marie Varga; brothers, Robert (Bob) Knicker Jr. and wife Ann of Plano, TX, and John Knicker and wife Holly of Wisconsin; sister, Susan Knicker of Florida; and multiple nieces and nephews. He leaves behind 40 head of cattle, green tractors, and his love for his farm. Thomas was preceded in death by his wife, Sharon Marie; father, Robert Knicker Sr.; and brother, Jeffrey Knicker. Obituary James Cranston Webb, 78 , died July 20th 2020, surrounded by his loving family at home. He embodied the co-op motto, Faith, Family and Farming. Early in the seventies he was instrumental in forming the FFA Charolais program at Dyer County High School in coordination with Richard Ross. He continued to be deeply involved in the FFA program. He was committed to the Charolais cattle breed. He served as director and president of the Tennessee Charolais Association. He was an active lifelong member of Center United Methodist Church in Newbern.
Geyer Cattle Co.
32358 301st Street Colome, South Dakota 57528
South Dakota Charolais
HANSEN 39804 163rdBJSt.Hansen • Turton, SD 57477 FARMS (605) 635-6346 • (605) 228-6199
His family was loved and was the joy of his life. He was married to his loving wife for 59 years and 11 months, Erma Jean who survives. He was preceded in death by daughter Rita Webb Smith and his parents, Milford and Martha Lee Webb and a brother Billy Webb. Survivors are his wife Erma Jean; a daughter Robin Webb Robinson (Tim) of Watertown, TN; a son Ryan Webb (Ashley) of Newbern, TN; Seven grandchildren Kacee Ward (Matt) of Lebanon, TN; Taylor Smith (Ali) of Newbern, TN; Tyler Webb (Sarah) of Arlington, TN; Kyle Robinson (Jamie) of Shelbyville, TN; Tana Webb of Troy, TN; McKenna and Connor Robertson of Newbern, TN. In lieu of flowers, the family aske that memorial contributions be directed to Reelfoot Rural Ministry or Dyer County High School FFA Alumni A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 65 Family Values BOY OUTLIER 812 ET PLD
Bonacker Family Cedar Hill, MO David: (314) 974-5230
Get your at the Home of the 34th National Champion Female
Big Creek Charolais
WH Triple Play 201 Pld
Online Sale September 15
The Dale Ridder Family 1585 Little Bay Road Hermann, MO 65041 Home (573) 943-6462 Dale (573) 680-4691 Cell Derek (573) 680-4692 Cell
By Cattlemen, For Cattlemen EC
Bruce & Janna Bradley Marshfield, MO • 417-848-3457 BRUCEMBRADLEY@HOTMAIL.COM
Bred Heifer & Bull Sale • October 17
Upcoming Events
Corman Charolais Dan Corman Pomona, Missouri (417) 252-1373
“Breeding Charolais Since 1958" WC Inferno 6561 P
August 1 Wright Fall Calving Dispersal, Kearney
August 27 “Listening & Learning” Session, Joplin
Jeannine Doughty P.O. Box 523 (816) 616-8838 Harrisonville, MO 64701
August 1 Ozark Empire Fair Open Show, Springfield August 14 Missouri State Fair 4H/FFA Shows, Sedalia
Calving Ease.
Progeny of Fire Water, Budsmydad, Grid Maker, Slasher, Revelation, Bluegrass, Royce and Wyoming Wind
Top 3% WW, TM Top 5% YW Top 7% TSI
September 15 Ridder Farms Online Sale, Hermann September 19 Wild Indian Acres Female Sale, DeSoto October 5 Hankins Online Sale, Springfield
WIA Female Sale September 19
October 10 L&V Cattle Female Sale, Mtn. Grove October 13 AM Livestock Online Sale
Mike, Sara, Connor & Cannon Kisner 5805 Perkins Road • DeSoto, MO 63020 (636) 586-2299 • (636) 236-0306 cell
October 17 Aschermann Bull Sale, Carthage October 17 Bradley Bred Heifer & Bull Sale, Springfield October 23 Royal Breeders Classic, Kansas City October 23 Royal Collection Sale, Kansas City
ANGUS & CHAROLAIS Barnett, MO Bull Sale • Oct. 24
October 17 Angell-Thomas Sale, Paris
Derry & Mary Wright 42922 Old Hwy. 10 w Richmond, MO 64085 816-776-3512 farm office 816-456-3792 cellular Chris Peuster, Managing Partner 816-529-2190 cellular
10th Annual Female Sale Dec. 5
Brand of Quality
October 24 American Royal National ROE Show, Kansas City
Owner: Alan Mead (573) 216-0210
Space Available Conctact David Hobbs 913.515.1215
WCR Sir Thunder 417 Pld
Cell 660-670-4721 • Home 660-277-4728
Semen: $50/straw; No Signing Fee
Milk Trait Leader ROE Sire
(573) 324-2528 home (573) 324-5411 work
Charolais Cattle
Bull Sale • October 17
• Easy Calving Larry & Peggy Our Goals Are ... Aschermann • Fast Growing 734 Belle Aire Place • Premium Grading Carthage, MO 64836 ... Breeding Stock (417) 358-7879 • e-mail:
5J Charolais
Bill Nottke
A U G U S T 2020
Mike & Brian Schumacher
J1377 Pld ET
Office 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 378-3255 cell
Ranch 3287 Lick Creek Road Leasburg, MO 65535
We Collect Data. Sale We Sell Bulls. AprilBull 3, 2021
14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334
Riverdale Land and Livestock
The Johansen Family AML 5J Jackson 509 Pld
Charolais for 32 Years
11218 County Line Road Syracuse, MO 65354 (660) 473-2945
3rd Annual Production Sale • Mar. 27, 2021
Austin & Courtney Story
29143 175th St • Altamont, MO 64620 (660) 749-5834 • (660) 663-5048 cell •
Peterson Farms Charolais
New Whistle
Bull Sale • Mar. 6, 2021
Steve & Sandy Peterson • Jeremiah, Andrew & Joey 8767 Outer Road, Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 926-5336 • (417) 746-4410
River Dance 4114 P TW
Available Private Treaty ▶ Semen ▶ Charolais Bulls ▶ Purebred Registered Charolais Females Semen: $25
No Signing Fee
CE 3.6
BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC 0.7 47 72 4 -1.4 27 1.6
CW REA 30 0.49
FAT MARB TSI 0.030 0.25 212.55
▶ One of the top bulls in the 2015 LT Ranch Bull Sale LT
Silver Yield 3196 P
▶Yearling Bulls For Sale
No Signing Fee
CE 8.7
BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC -1.1 29 50 7 7.0 22 1.1
CW REA 8 0.17
FAT MARB TSI 0.016 0.22 196.65
Sire of the "Distance" line at the LT Ranch in SD
2150 Hwy 411 NE Cartersville, GA 30121 Franklin Dowell, Manager 770-386-4464
678-520-0026 cell
AIJCA MEMBERSHIP Iowa Junior Charolais Field Day Indianola, Iowa z June 7, 2020 Judge: Ashley Warren, Rose Hill, Iowa Champion Heifer: SFC Roxanne 910, 2-10-19, by WC Bluegrass 2196 P ET. Makayla Houck, Prescott, Iowa Reserve Heifer: J/D Charlene 3G ET, 3-23-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Landra McClellan, Armstrong, Iowa Champion Percentage Heifer: Star, 4-16-19, out of CFL Miss Midnight 67. Logan Tibken, Wiota, Iowa Reserve Champion Percentage Heifer: Annabelle Chantel 10G ET, 4-7-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Will Hoopes, Letts, Iowa Champion Steer: Abigail Findley, Lovilia, Iowa Reserve Champion Steer: Ayva Bohr, Swisher, Iowa
Showmanship: Junior Champion - Abigail Findley; Junior Reserve - Hannah Siek, Blairstown, Iowa; Senior Champion Makyala Houck; Senior Reserve - Landra McClellan.
37th Missouri Cattlemen’s Association All Breeds Junior Cattle Show
Champion Bull: HF Chavez 1915 P, 6-17-19, by TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET. Emma Hankins, Springfield, Mo. Reserve Champion Bull: BWB Fair Game B320, 8-23-19, by Big Creek Game Changer 192 PET. Braden Booth, Fair Grove, Mo. Champion Percentage Heifer: CRFT Gabi 516G, 5-16-19, out of CRFT Stella 447E. Frank Hazelrigg, Columbia, Mo.
Judges: Ty Bayer, Ringle, Wisc. And Scott Bayer, Ringle, Wisc.
Reserve Champion Percentage Heifer: Crutcher Hot Sauce 911, 11-12-19, out of DA Ms Marion 328 P ET. Ryanne Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo.
Champion Heifer and 3rd Overall Breeds: CC BOY Gimmie That Girl 9150 E, 3-23-19, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Brett Benefiel,, Webb City, Mo.
Champion Steer and Reserve Grand Champion Overall Breeds : Carrs Willie 1942 P, 3-16-19, by Carrs Mr Ledger 1625 P. Brett Benefiel.
Reserve Champion Heifer: Crutcher Big Creek Jolie 914, 11-5-19, by Big Creek New Look 2104 P ET. Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo.
Reserve Champion Steer: Dial Me Up Denver, 2-2-19, by DICC Turbo 6B. Samantha Bain, Lee’s Summit, Mo.
Sedalia, Mo. z June 13–14, 2020
Champion Composite Steer and 3rd Overall Breeds : WLFF All Day 17, 4-17-19, by WR Mr All Day 30B. Grady Woodcock, Macon, Mo. Reserve Champion Composite Steer: JORG We Trust 918, 3-2-19, out of RR Miss Red Rock A38. Dalton Hoover, Bogard, Mo.
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Charolais Sale Results Sales are listed in sale date order. A list of sales in this issue is provided below.
21st Annual Sale of Excellence
21st Annual Excellence
Bryan, Texas. . June 20, 2020 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, North Richland Hills, Texas. Average: 4 Cow-Calf Pairs................................ $3,625 1 Cow- Bull Calf Pair......................... $3,600 6 Cow- Heifer Calf Splits .................. $4,433 4 ET Bull Calves................................ $2,663 6 Bred Cows .................................... $3,500 30 Bred Heifers ............................... $2,940 22 Open Heifers .............................. $2,139 1 Donor ......................................... $20,000 74 Live Lots ................................ $3,130 Not included in above averages 5 Pregnant Recipients ...................... $2,300 31 Embryos ........................................ $252 139 Units of Semen .............................. $16 Total Sale Gross ............................ $253,115
Because Pounds Pay
The Perfect Picture of Happiness at DeBruycker Charolais
$5,500 – Cow-Heifer Calf Split. LCC Texas White Squaw 2748, 3-2-18, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Bred to M6 Grid Maker 104 PET. Heifer calf, 1-5-20, by WR Foreman D602. From Lehmann Cattle Co., Lathrop, Mo. To Myron Runft, Belleville, Kan. $5,500 – Cow-Heifer Calf Split. RE Ms Braxton 980, 12/8/19, by Sparrows Braxton 519C. Purebred pregnant recipient carrying Sparrow Braxton 519C embryo. From Evans Charolais, Brownwood, TX. Heifer calf to Double-H Charolais, Paynesville, MN for $4,000. Recipient to Taylor Charolais, Lawson, MO for $1,500. 68
A U G U S T 2020
Lance & Dixie Smith Po Box 233 Danbury, TX, 77534 Caitlyn Belle Skiles 1825 Cr 467 Stephenville, TX, 76401
Loretta Y Massie 13320 Lee Hwy Washington, VA, 22747 Oslin Creek Livestock Co 2845 Oslin Creek Road Goode, VA, 24556 Washington Kosters Charolais Ranch 1604 W Muse Rd Othello, WA, 99344 Wisconsin Taylor L Belfeuil N3483 Swamp Rd Wautoma, WI, 54982
$9,500 – Bred Cow. M6 Ms New Nancy 274 P ET, 8-27-12, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. Bred to M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. From RE3 Ranch, Midlothian, Texas. To Whiskey River Cattle Colo., Buhler, Kan.
$7,000 – Cow-Heifer Calf Split. HF WB Ms Grid Maker C331, 3-19-15, by M6 Grid Maker 104 PET. Heifer calf, 1-6-20, by RE3 Crizmo 605. From RE3 Ranch, Midlothian, Texas. Cow to Hudspeth Farms, St Joe, Ark, for $5,000. Heifer calf to Ken Glazer, Kingfisher, Okla. for $2,000.
Rockin J Cattle 111 Cross Timbers Lake Gatesville, TX, 76528
Virginia Nathan A Franchebois 2224 Carolina Road Chesapeake, VA, 23322
High-selling lots: $20,000 - Donor. BHD Ms Cobalt Z767, 3-2212, by BHD Cobalt S553. From DeBruycker Charolais, Dutton, Mont. To Arlitt Ranch, Poteet, Texas, Bella Angel Farms, Yantis, Texas, Little W Farms, Lebanon, Tenn., Evans Charolais, Brownwood, Texas, and Timmber Charolais, Wiggins, Miss.
$7,250 – Open Heifer. RE3 Cool Nancy 820, 11-22-18, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. From RE3 Ranch, Midlothian, Texas. To Kyle Reaves, Greeneville, Tenn.
Jake R Weil 330 Hcr 3449 Irene, TX, 76650
By: Colt Keffer
$9,000 – Bred Heifer. RE Ms B2011 Maxie 896 P ET, 11-4-18, by JDJ Maximo A18 P. Bred to Sparrows Braxton 519C. From Evans Charolais, Brownwood, Texas. To Frankie Holloway, Topeka, Kan.
continued from page 18
Abigail E Depies N 1240 Cranberry Road Adell, WI, 53001
We at DeBruycker Charolais like to make sure our Charolais cattle are always happy – and it doesn't get much better than this, which is surely the definition
happiness: blue sky, green grass, delicious milk, belly full!
Madisyn J Henderson 4607 152nd Ave Kenosha, WI, 53144 Kyle J Lois 4001 328th Ave Burlington, WI, 53105 Owen J Rozeboom 1141 Us Hwy 12 Roberts, WI, 54023
Akin Charolais Jim Akin 6700 County Road 71, Lexington, AL 35648 (256) 229-5395 Res. (256) 710-4897 Cell Home of the Super Grazer 168
JERRY & SHERRY MALTBY Mobile: (530) 681-5046 P.O. Box 760 Office: (530) 473-2830 Williams, CA 95987 Fax: (530) 473-3278 e-mail:
BJR Summerford Charolais
Robert A. Summerford II 4087 Hwy. 31 SW Falkville, AL 35622 Located 12 miles north of Cullman (256) 784-5275 Bus. (256) 784-5888 Res. Alan Summerford • (256) 758-0652 E-Mail: ABJR New Hank 595 P Quality and Performance Charolais in North Alabama
Your Herd Bull Source
15493 Co. Rd. 57 Hillrose, CO 80733 Bred For
Performance~Carcass Quality~Disposition Pat Gebauer & Luan August (970) 847-3345
G E O R G I A MV Limestone
Keahey Charolais
Bull Sale • Nov. 7, 2020 Quality Charolais Since 1987 Letehatchee, Ala. Bobby & Pam Keahey H 251-275-8137 P.O. Box 207 C 334-456-2547 Grove Hill, AL 36451 E-mail:
Road Farms LLC
Stephen Cummings
2509 Old Perry Road Marshallville, GA 31057
Levi & Brian McCary
(478) 396-5832
635 Valleyview Drive Valley Grande, AL 36701
A R K A N S A S Home of JWK Vanessa D029 ET Donor: 2244 x 934
OFakHill arm CHAROLAIS • BULLS • HEIFERS Mena, Arkansas 479.243.6562 Gravette, Arkansas 479.409.4091
Phone: (706) 754-8462 Cell: (706) 200-6655
WCR Sir Duke 7340 P
McCary & Son Charolais Farm 334-872-9060 334-505-6338 334-419-0538
Mountain View Charolais
Scott Tipton 1001 Preacher Campbell Rd. Clarksville, GA 30523
“Focus on the Family”
OakHill Farm Home of Bennett Charolais Wayne & Lois Bennett Barn: (770) 893-3446 Home: (770) 893-2674 Cell: (770) 826-9551
1779 Holcomb Road Dawsonville, Ga 30534
Cattle For Sale Private Treaty
Curfman Farms Rt. 2, Griggsville, IL 62340
62 years of quality seedstock production Rick Curfman (217) 285-5213
Roger Curfman (217) 491-1923 Ryan Curfman (217) 248-7711
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 69
Bulls & Females Available Private Treaty
“Charolais Since 1960”
Producing quality breeding stock for 60 years.
SF Paydirt 3055 P LT Bridger x Cigar x HBR Lady GI
Marty, Joyce, Kaitlyn and Mason Lewis 9411 W. 56th St. S. • Monroe, IA 50170 Marty (515) 250-2362 • Mason (641) 990-3065
Paul Bertsche & Sons 4540 E. 1700 N. Rd. • Flanagan, IL 61740
Hanover, Kansas 66945
LeAnna Laue (785) 337-2600 Brant Laue (913) 488-3896
Dale (815) 796-2950 cell (815) 674-4419 Steve (815) 796-4440 cell (815) 674-2395 Larry (815) 842-1849 cell (815) 674-2397
“We don’t keep our cows, they keep us.”
Keith Farms
Marion Keith 6719 State Rt. 154, Tamaroa, IL 62888 (618) 967-0291 • (618) 201-6261
BAR S Ranch
Innovative Beef Production Since 1945 Paradise, Kansas 67658 David Dickerson Ken Stielow (785) 998-4386 (785) 998-4335
MYRON RUNFT CHAROLAIS Breeding Charolais since 1956 1460 Penn Road Belleville, KS 66935 Home (785) 527-5047 Cell (785) 527-1269
Fancy Creek Charolais Raising Charolais Since 1962 Ron & Diane Nord & Family 2104 Charolais Lane Bloomington, IL 61704 (309) 828-1448 or (309) 827-0457 (309) 275-0409 Ron cell
Purebred Charolais Since 1968
The Don Olsen Family
17050 Tuttle Creek Blvd. • Randolph, KS 66554 Home: 785-363-2519 • Cell: 785-313-2099
Megan, Lori & Galen Fink
Beef Genetics
15523 Tuttle Creek Blvd. Randolph, Ks 66554 Phone/Fax: (785) 293-5106 Bull Sale • October 28
AML Ghost Rider 210 Slasher x Cigarro 924 Power Look!
Hubert Charolais Ranch
BC BEAVERS CHAROLAIS ...building a program around proven genetics
Brett, Tina, Madison & Austin Beavers BC Ms Clarice 1220 P ET 28378 710th Ave • Collins, IA 50055 515-460-3074 •
A U G U S T 2020
Spencer & Laci Schrader Weston & Josi 2118 Oxbow Rd., Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-2135 home (785) 488-7204 Spencer cell (785) 488-7227 Laci cell
Females and bulls for sale private treaty
Charolais • SimAngus • Composites
Andrew & Christa Doub 8614 W. 100 N. • Danville, IN 46122 (317) 539-6718 home • (317) 440-0525 cell •
42nd Annual 510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 Bull Sale April 6 David & Shelby Hubert (785) 672-2540
Terrill & Sarah Strnad 1716 280th Road Formoso, Kansas
On Facebook:
T&S Strnad Charolais
785-794-2471 home 785-243-8600 mobile
PUREBRED CHAROLAIS – ANGUS Corey Vaughan – (316) 213-5484
Merle Schlehuber 620-381-1712
VAUGHAN FAMILY RANCH 14630 E. 44th St. S. – Derby, KS 67037 Bull Sale April 3
557 190th Road = Hillsboro, KS 67063
JVS Long Snapper F39 Pld
ENDSLEY’S CHAROLAIS FARMS 5590 E State Rd, Hastings ,MI 49058 269-945-5531 or Breeding Quality Performance Cattle for the Commercial and Purebred Cattleman.
5593 Choupique Rd y Sulphur, LA Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 y 337-764-1040 cell Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell
M I N N E S O T A Breeding Quality Charolais Seedstock Since 1962 Family Farming Since 1937
Wakefield Farms
Dybdal Charolais
Bob & Judy Tibbs (410) 734-6873
Larry, Kyle & Dan Wakefield • (507) 402-4640 20701 150th St. • New Richland, MN 56072
88361 575th Ave • Newcastle, NE 68757 Home: 402-692-3704 • Cell: 402-841-9784 10th Annual Bull Sale • April 14
Larry & Krista Dybdal
Home of White Squall 3545 Old Level Road Havre de Grace, MD 21078
14806 National Pike Clear Spring, MD 21722 301.331.7300
Performance data must be submitted to the AICA office by October 1 to be included in the November 2020 Genetic Analysis. Please make sure calf data, weights and weigh data have been submitted online or on forms to AICA.
Jamie & Kay Fred • Rose, NE
Registered Bull Sale • 3rd Saturday in March Females, Embryos, Semen Private Treaty 402-273-4236 •
Bernie & Cheryl Hart PO Box 1 Bassett, Nebraska 68714 402-684-2254
Franz Ranch 47 Years in the Purebred Charolais Business
Ray, Jon & David Franz 13221 CR 339 • Sidney, Montana 59270 Ray (406) 798-3675 Jon (406) 798-7740
Rambur Charolais
Howard Rambur d 406-489-3255 (cell) Production Sale 2nd Saturday in April
RC Feedlot d RC Cattle Phone: 406-482-3255 • Fax: 406-482-3802 34790 CR 118 • Sidney, MT 59270 Email: website:
RC Denver
Ranch Phone (308) 458-2540 Matt Hebbert (308) 458-8812 Lacy Hebbert (308) 458-8823 A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 71
Dean Churchill HC 37, Box 54 Valentine, NE 69201 (402) 376-2314
Headquarters Ranch
Mansfield, Missouri Butch Alsup • (417) 926-8416
Riley and Stephanie Seda Anselmo, NE 68813 308-749-2553-Ranch 308-880-0828-Riley 308-880-0681- Steph
Rick & Lisa Wilson Hart Box 865 Chickasha, OK 73023 Office (405) 224-0645 Home (405) 224-0694
Private Treaty Year Round PO Box 2670 • Moriarty, NM 87035 Bill King (505) 220-9909 • Tom Spindle–Foreman (505) 321-8808
bull Sale • February 13, 2021
Total Outcross Performance Genetics
Schurrtop Angus & Charolais Sure Performance Cattle
40842 Farnam Road Farnam, NE 69029 Ryan (308) 320-4067 Marty (308) 362-4941 Jerry (308) 530-9652
Hilltop C Polled Charolais Pasture Proven Charolais Since 1962 Kirk & Peggy Castleberry
Rt. 2, Box 8 Ninnekah, OK 73067
(405) 224-1116 Cell (405) 574-2685
CHAROLAIS RANCH Since 1965 Grady, New Mexico
T. Lane Grau 575-760-6336 |
Colten Grau 575-760-4510
Wagonhammer Ranches Box 548 Albion, NE 68620 (402) 395-2178
Total Performance Brand
Wagon Wheel Charolais
Ray D. Winz & Sons
72354 Q Rd. • Holdrege, NE 68949 Ray (308) 995-5515, Doug (308) 991-6941 Steve (308) 567-2286 Contact us for Semen on our Trait Leading Sires.
Production Sale • October 31
Breeding Registered Charolais Since 1959
Curtiss & Brenda Nipp P.O. Box 239 Wilson, OK 73463 (580) 668-3332
Bull Sale • Oct. 31
Gerald and Loretta Effertz and Family PO Box 640 • Velva, ND 58790-0640
West Fork Ranch Roseann Wilson (308) 745-1764 RR 1, Box 19 • Loup City, NE 68853
(701) 720-1156Roger (701) 720-1363 Kevin (701) 338-2980 Office
Neil (701) 223-5202 Bryan (701) 624-5104
Zeisler Charolais Richard L. Zeisler
90445 476th Ave. • Butte, NE 68722 (402) 775-2569 72
A U G U S T 2020
6651 Valley Camp Rd. Greencastle, PA 17225 (717) 729-6453
BLOODLINES: Fargo, Venture, Outkast, Cigar, Slam Dunk, Free Lunch, Efficient, Duke 914, Polar Vortex and Resource
Caleb Boscamp (830) 857-5189
Julie Boscamp 1360 CR 460 Waelder, TX 78959
(830) 857-5129
Polled Performing Charolais
Sammye Dees Reed Dees
2649 Highway 161 z York, SC 29745 ABC Charolais BRYAN KILLIAN z 803-242-7293
2020 CR 236, Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 (936) 560-0794
Nubbin Ridge Farm
Mike King, Farm Manager Quality Seedstock available with a focus on 914 and Cigar genetics! Home of: NRF Mr Donald Trump 716 P M863369 - Smokester x Full Sister 914 NRF Sir Ledger 736 P M876349 - Ledger x Smokester x Rich Lady 6198 West Oak Hwy Westminster, SC 29693 (864) 958-1343 cell
WC VULCAIN 422 P ET Hann Family • 9995 CR 353 Gause, TX 77857 Tyson Hann • (979) 324-6659• Roy W. Hann Jr. • (979) 255-5709 Striving towards excellence in Charolais since 1996
Full French & Purebred Genetics
Sired by LT Ledger 0332 P
Bulls Ready to Work on the Gulf Coast!
CE: 2.6 BW: 1.6 WW: 44 YW: 81 M: 4 MCE: 5.0 TM: 26 TSI:222
Visitors Welcome
Sammye (936) 439-0270 Reed (281) 889-2626
David & Georgeanne Webb David Webb Jr. 317 Old Vinland School Road Easley, SC 29640 H: (864) 246-6203 C: (864) 640-7756 Email:
K&K Charolais Ranch Quality Charolais Raised in the Rocks at Cherokee, San Saba County, Texas
Kenneth Kuykendall (325) 622-4227 • FAX (325) 622-4673 Liverpool, Texas Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 E-mail:
Herd Sires Bamboo Passport 147 ET LT Distance 2054 Pld (972) 529-8723
Tommy & Sherrille Wilks P.O. Box 118 Patrick, SC 29584 (843) 307-0323
Registered Charolais
Michael & Lauren Sturgess Ranch located near LaRue, TX 407 Breesport St • San Antonio, TX 78216 Mob: 210-867-6863 Email: Jay Sturgess – 903286-3316 Ranch located 12 miles Southeast of Athens, TX on US Hwy 175, then 1 mile South on FM 2588.
2234 State Hwy 7 East Center, TX 75935 (903) 754-0764
Dennis Charolais
...easy calving... ...explosive growth... DCF Pure Gold 802 P EPDs: 1.3 30 52 12 27 1.0
President- Chris Link
Office Manager- Caroline Link
Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Road Saint Jo, TX 76265 • (940) 841-2792
40th National Reserve Grand Champion Female
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 73
atman harolais
TriniTy Valley CommuniTy College
R A N C H regisTered Charolais CaTTle 100 Cardinal Drive . Athens, TX 75751 Marc Robinson 903.675.6285
Steve Patman
453 FM 55 Waxahachie, TX 75165 (972) 742-9684
PC Mr Stonecold P862
Full French Charolais Bulls For Sale Private Treaty Bulls and Heifers
Cuero/Victoria, Texas area (361) 461-1869 • (713) 444-5708 • (713) 204-4903
Alan & Leslie Alexander Pasco, WA 99301 509-727-9151 - Alan 509-727-0718 - Leslie Follow us on Facebook
Hang’n A Cattle Company
CCC Resurrection 840 P
Rancher’s Choice Bull & Female Sale 4th Saturday in February Your Northwest Source for Quality Charolais Cattle
“Since 1936”
19th Annual Fall Bull Sale • Oct. 21 P.O. Box 595 • Raymondville, TX 78580 (956) 689-5162 • Fax (956) 689-3693 E-mail: Web: Mitch & Linda........................(956) 689-6379 Mitch Mobile..........................(956) 535-0936
Rafael Ortega • Owner
Raul Montez • Manager
Agricola Knoll Farm
39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 (832) 331-6800
S CATTLE CO. SKEAN Registered Charolais
Registered Charolais Cattle Mike & Terri Suchodolski 3676 Elon Road Monroe, VA 24574 434.384.5832 home 434.660.2793 cell
Larry Skeans • David Skeans • Katie Skeans
Time Proven Genetics
1138 C.R.162 Gainesville, TX 76240
Billy, Billy C., Barry & Brent
CF Ms Duke 996 Duke K09 x Ali Mark
Don & Kathy Schill (903) 388-1342
Kyle Schill (254) 230-5527
465 FCR 781 • Donie, TX 75838
Chatham, Virginia (434) 656-2361 - (434) 656-3771
434-906-2043 Bnkidd79@gmail
A U G U S T 2020
Advertise your breeding program in the Charolais Breeders section each month! 1 inch- 11x rate: $30/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $313
4C Amos Charolais Matt Amos 360-751-2791
Castle Rock, WA
Reach Potential Customers
Luke Amos 360-749-3330 Facebook: 4C Amos Charolais
2 inch - 11x rate: $60/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $627
• Each additional inch: $30/issue • 5% discount for 1 year (11 issues) prepaid ads
Performance • Pedigree • Polled
Performance data must be submitted to the AICA office by—
Richard Clark Box 9 • Tazewell, TN 37879
(423) 626-0899 cell • Randell Meyers Jr. • (423) 626-0917 cell
Welcome Grove Impressive (1321)
BHD Reality T3136 P x MR Ms Impressive 405 Donor Female
Your Source for Seedstock Since 1971
August 1 for September 2020 Genetic Analysis. October 1 for November 2020 Genetic Analysis. December 1 for January 2021 Genetic Analysis.
Where the Customer Comes First!
Selling Heifer Bulls featuring our Herd Sires — M6 New Standard 335 M826229 CR Showbull 2020 M829851 and most recently M6 Lone Star 649
M6 Ms New Fire 3105 P
M6 New Phelps 1104 P x M6 Nancy Water 1168 Genetics Include: Rio Bravo; New Standard; Gain & Grade; Fire Water; 0383, Nancy 6100. Welcome Grove choice from M6 Dispersal - Donor Female
Silas Maxwell
1120 Welcome Grove Rd. Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 552-4072
Clarice & Ricky Smith
203 Harpo Rd • Manchester, TN 37355
615-885-7004 • 931-273-0187
Little W Farm
A Quality Program M6 Law & Order 577 P
BC E46 Duke B01 P ET Cigar x Duke 914
EPDs: 8.5 1.0 35 53 6 10.2 23 1.0
Please make sure calf data, weights and weigh data have been submitted online or on forms to AICA.
Mike & Connie Watkins Kellie & Scott Porter and Kristie & Jarrod Buhler
Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 444-3114 or (615) 642-0976 Come check out our bulls, females and ET Program! Bloodlines from 2244, 914, Cigar, Wyoming Wind and D040
M6 Cool Rep 8108 x New Standard x Nancy 6100
CE 6.7
BW 0.7
WW 38
YW 74
M 18
TM 37
REA Marb 0.88 0.19
High-selling Bull at 2016 Fall M6 Sale!
M6 Cool Germaine 1145 P ET (EF1149859) M6 Cool Rep 8108 x 0383 x 914 cow CE 8.9
BW 1.7
WW 39
YW 69
M 24
TM 43
The Result of a brother/sister mating and Pick of the Flush.
Our Choice to head up our ET Program.
MCF Lady GI Duke 5003 PET (F1022001)
CCF/Bamboo Smokin Joe 5334 ET
VCR 914 x HBR Lady GI 207 P ET
Donor Cow at Reaves Charolais
CE 2.9
BW 1.6
WW 35
YW 60
M 22
TM 39
es Charolais ReavKyle Reaves
5840 West Allens Bridge Greenville, TN 37743 (423) 723-9245 A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 75
SERVICES 120 Shadylane Coppell, Texas 75019 (972) 471-1233 • Mobile (972) 839-6485
Robert T. Nord Auctioneer
Nord Livestock Sales 9515 Texas Church Rd, Clinton, IL 61727 (217) 935-3245 or (217) 519-0375
Tommy Barnes
189 River Road Lowndesboro, AL 36752 Mobile (334) 462-4004
Sullivan Supply South Sullivan Supply Inc. Hillsboro, TX 76645 Dunlap, IA 51529 Phone: (800) 588-7096 Phone: (800) 475-5902 FAX: (254) 582-7114 FAX: (712) 643-5154
Livestock Grooming Products
ELECTRIC FENCING • MIRACO WATERERS • WEIGHING & EID Offering System Solutions for Charolais Producers 1-800-531-5908
Justin B. Stout
AUCTION SERVICE Video Production & Editing Photography Editing
15508 Woodward St. Overland Park, KS 66223
Fair Grove, Missouri • (417) 766-3278 •
(913) 645-5136 Making your program stronger, one sale at a time.
Download Linde’s App!
Request Special Photos, Earn Loyalty Points View Promotions & Much More!
Order Photos
Ben Meriwether
Livestock Photography 76
A U G U S T 2020
will give you insight into the total cattle industry - all the breeds, issues, ideas and innovations. The Cattleman will tell you where the industry has been and where it is going so you won’t be left behind!
Greg & Brenda Hubert
P.O. Box 100 • Oakley, Kansas 67748 • (785) 672-3195 FAX: (785) 672-4902 • Professional Charolais Sales Management
SUBSCRIBE TODAY! $25 per year ($40 foreign)
1301 W. Seventh St. Fort Worth, TX 76102-2660 (817) 332-7155 Ask for Circulation Dept.
Have you planned your advertising?
CATTLE SALES – Registered and Commercial Auctions, consultations and semen sales FARM SALES – Land and equipment ORDER BUYING –“If you need it, I’ll find it”
Home: (931) 389-6865
2020-2021 The Cattleman’s Source Deadline: August 1
123 Earl Warren Rd Cell: Beechgrove, TN 37018 (931) 842-1234 E-mail:
“Over 40 years of proven, practical experience”
October 2020
Koshkonong, MO Clifford Mitchell (405) 246-6324
Deadline: August 25 Contact Your Area Field Representative Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144 Colt Keffer (765) 376-8784 Cody Beck (765) 719-1622 Weston Geppert (605) 933-1387 Ty Groshans (970) 818-6016 Charolais Journal office (816) 464-2474 ext. 104
Mark Your Calender!
September 19 The One Sale • Henderson, Texas October 17 3rd Spirit of the Bluegrass Sale • Lexington, Ky. October 24 Southern Connection Sale • Calhoun, Ga. November 7 Hudspeth Farms The Gathering Sale • Harrison, Ark. November 14 Oklahoma Bull Sale • McAlester, Okla. December 5 28th Annual Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale • Nixon, Texas
Charolais Since 1962!
Give me a call....Let’s talk Charolais!
Ask how we can help with your breeding program and sales. A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 77
AICA Events August 27 — AICA “Listening & Learning” Industry Session Joplin, Mo. October 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information for November 2020 Genetic Analysis October 21–22 — AICA Committee Meetings and Fall Board of Directors Meetings Kansas City, Mo. October 24 — American Royal Livestock Show National ROE Show Kansas City, Mo.
August 2020
October 1 — Collier Charolais Dispersal, Meridian Livestock, Meridian, Texas. Auctioneer: Dustin Layton. Sale Manager: Layton Auction Services, LLC.
October 24 — Mead Farms Fall Performance Tested Bull Sale, Mead Sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead.
August 1 — Ozark Empire Fair Open Charolais Show, Springfield, Mo.
October 3 — Alabama Charolais Fall Roundup Sale, Cullman Livestock, Cullman, Ala. Sale Sponsor: Alabama Charolais Association. Sale Manager: Bob Morton.
August 1 — Wright Charolais Mature Fall Calving Dispersal, 1 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Greg Goggins. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
October 3 — Grand Hills Charolais Dispersal, Noon, at the ranch, Eaton, Colo. Auctioneer: James Birdwell and Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
October 24 — Southern Connection Sale, 1 p.m., Northwest Georgia Livestock Pavilion, Calhoun, Ga. Sale Sponsor: Georgia-Florida Charolais Association and South Carolina Charolais Association. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
August 3–5 — Virtual Texas A&M Short Course, College Station, Texas
October 5 — Hankins Farms Fall Colors Online Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Jason Hankins.
August 22 — Char-Nation Summer Edition Online Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Kerry Clift.
October 10 — C.A.T. Texas Proud Fall Female Sale, 1 p.m., Cooke County Fairgrounds, Gainesville, Texas. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing.
August 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for September 2020 Genetic Analysis.
August 27 — AICA “Listening & Learning” Industry Session, Registration: 2:30 p.m., Segments: 3:30 p.m., Joplin Regional Stockyards, Joplin, Mo. Contact: AICA.
September 2020 September 1–2 — 2020 Hemphill County Texas A&M Agrilife Beef Cattle Conference, Jones Pavilion, Canadian, Texas. Contact: Andy Holloway or Christa Perry. September 2 — Nebraska State Fair Open Charolais Show, Grand Island, Neb. September 3 — South Dakota State Fair Open Charolais Show & Open Composite Charolais Heifer Show, Huron, S.D. September 7 — 27th Annual Autumn In The Ozarks, Noon, Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management. September 15 — Ridder Farms Online Spring Heifer Calf & Genetics Sale, Breeders World Online Sales. Contact: Derek or Dustin Ridder. September 18 — Kansas State Fair Open Charolais Show, Hutchinson, Kan. September 19 — Kentucky Fall Showcase Sale, 1 p.m., Reality Farms Sale Facility, Campbellsburg, Ky. Sale Sponsor: Kentucky Charolais Association. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing.
Affiliate Events
September 19 — The One Sale, 1 p.m., Rusk County Expo Center, Henderson, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. September 19 — Wild Indian Acres & Friends Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, DeSoto, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext 200, with affiliate event dates.
M o r e o n t h e W e b: 78
A U G U S T 2020
September 22 — CK Cattle Pasture Bid-Off, Highmore, S.D. Contact: Chris or Kristi Effling. September 23 — Thomas Ranch 19th Annual Private Treaty Steer & Heifer Sale, Harrold, S.D. Contact: Cally Thomas Kindred.
October 28 — Fink Beef Genetics Fall Bull Sale, Fink Beef Genetics Sale Facility, Randolph, Kan. Contact: Galen or Lori Fink or Megan or Chad Larson. October 31 — Fox Hollow Farms Fall Production Sale Volume 1, at the ranch, Hulbert, Okla. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Contact: Stephen Mellott. October 31 — Nipp Charolais Annual Fall Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Wilson, Okla. Auctioneer: Lakin Oakley. Contact: Curtiss, Justin or Travis Nipp.
October 10 — L&V Cattle Company The Girls of Fall Sale, Peterson Farms Sale Facility, Mtn. Grove, Mo. Contact: Luke or Victoria Peterson.
October 31 — Plyler & Son Get the Brand Volume 5 Charolais Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Location TBA. Contact: Justin B. Stout. Contact: Caleb Plyler.
October 12 — Zehnder Waage Partnership Pearls of Fall Online Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Chad Zehnder or Ryan or Ross Waage.
November 2020
October 13 — AM Livestock Pasture Promises Online Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Adam or Hannah McCall.
November 7 — Hudspeth Farms & Guests The Gathering Sale, 1 p.m., Cattleman’s Livestock Auction, Harrison, Ark. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
October 16 — Alabama National Fair & Agricultural Exposition Inc Open Charolais Show, Montgomery, Ala.
November 7 – The Fall Bull Sale, Mid-State Stockyard, Letohatchee, Ala. Contact: Bobby Keahey.
October 17 — Angell-Thomas Charolais Bull & Heifer Sale, 12:30 p.m., at the farm, Paris, Mo. Contact: Russ or Sally Thomas.
November 12 — Southern Source Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Polk County Agricultural Center, Bartow, Fla. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.
October 17 — Aschermann Charolais/Akaushi 31st Edition Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Carthage, Mo. Auctioneer: Jackie Moore. Contact: Larry or Peggy Aschermann.
November 14 — Leachman Cattle of Colorado Fall Harvest Sale, 1 p.m., Leachman Bull Barn, Fort Collins, Colo. Auctioneer: Trent Stewart. Contact: Lee Leachman.
October 17 — Bradley Cattle Bred Heifer & Bull Sale, 4 p.m., Springfield Livestock Marketing Center, Springfield, Mo. Auctioneer: C.K. Sonny Booth. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. October 17 — JMAR Genetics and Guests Quality Over Quantity Online Sale, CharAuctions. Contact: Jim Johnson. October 17 — Sullivan Charolais Spirit of the Bluegrass Sale, 1 p.m., Bluegrass Stockyards, Lexington, Ky. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. October 21 — Thomas Charolais, Inc. 19th Annual Fall Bull Sale, at the ranch, Raymondville, Texas. Contact: Mitch Thomas or Tonnyre Thomas Joe. October 21–22 — American-International Charolais Association Committee Meetings & Fall Board of Directors Meeting, Argosy Casino Hotel & Spa, Riverside, Mo. (Kansas City). Contact: AICA.
November 14 — North American International Livestock Exposition Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Louisville, Ky. November 14 — Oklahoma Charolais Bull Sale, McAlester Union Stockyards, McAlester, Okla. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. November 18 — North American International Livestock Exposition National ROE Show, Louisville, Ky. November 20 — Wienk Charolais Ranch Legends of Fall Bull Sale, Arcadia Stockyard, Arcadia, Fla. Contact: Jeff, Sterling or Ty Eschenbaum. November 20–22 — Texas Junior Charolais Association State Show, Bryan, Texas. Contact: Kevin Doonan or Danni Lunsford Amos.
December 2020
October 22 — Charolais Shindig, AICA Headquarters Building, Kansas City, Mo. Contact: AICA.
December 1 – Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for January 2021 Genetic Analysis.
September 26 — Bruce Roy Dispersal, Noon, Cullman Stockyard, Cullman, Ala. Sale Manager: Bob Morton and Frankie Anthony.
October 23 — Royal Breeders Bull Classic, 10:30 a.m., American Royal Livestock Show Hale Arena, Kansas City, Mo. Contact: Jeannine Doughty or David Hobbs.
September 26 —NextGen Cattle Co. 3rd Annual Flint Hills Classic Bull Sale, 10 a.m., at the ranch, Paxico, Kan.
October 23 — Royal Collection Sale, 1:30 p.m., American Royal Livestock Show Wagstaff Sale Center, Kansas City, Mo. Sale Sponsor: Missouri Charolais Breeders Association. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing.
December 5 — 28th Annual Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Nixon Livestock Commission Company, Nixon, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
September 26 — Satterfield Charolais & Angus Ninth Annual Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, Evening Shade, Ark. Auctioneer: Eddie Burks. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
October 2020 October 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for November 2020 Genetic Analysis.
October 24 — American Royal Livestock Show Junior Charolais Heifer Show & National ROE Show, Kansas City, Mo. October 24 — L.G. Herndon, Jr. Farms Inc. Best of the South 2nd Production Brangus & Charolais Sale, at the farm, Lyons, Ga. Contact: L.G. Herndon, Jr. or Sky Herndon.
December 5 — Wright Charolais 10th Annual Female Sale, 1 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Greg Goggins. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
January 2021 January 16 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Pen Show, Denver, Colo. January 17 — National Western Stock Show Junior Charolais Heifer Show & Junior Percentage Charolais Heifer Show, Denver, Colo.
Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE WITH THE JAN. 2006 ISSUE
The following terms and conditions govern all advertising in the Charolais Journal, which is used without separate or additional contract terms.
January 17 — 42nd National Charolais Sale, 1 p.m., National Western Stock Show Beef Palace Auction Arena, Denver, Colo. Auctioneer: James Birdwell. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales/AICA.
April 2021
January 18 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Show, Denver, Colo.
April 1–2 — Midland Bull Test Final Sort Sales, Midland Bull Test Facility, Columbus, Mont.
January 29 — Charolais Association of Texas Cowtown Cattle Drive Sale, 3 p.m., Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo West Arena, Fort Worth, Texas. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing.
April 3 — Ridder Farms/MBS Charolais Quality + Performance Bull Sale and Family Values Female Sale, Ridder Farms Sale Facility, Hermann, Mo. Sale Manager: JWC Marketing.
January 30 — 52nd National Charolais Show, Fort Worth Stock Show, Fort Worth, Texas
April 3 — Vaughan Family Ranch Bull Sale, 1 p.m., El Dorado Livestock Auction, El Dorado, Kan. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
January 30 — Dennis Charolais Farms & Guests BeefGene Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Sulphur Springs Livestock Commission, Sulphur Springs, Texas. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Contact: Eric Dennis.
February 2021 February 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for March 2020 Genetic Analysis. February 10 –— Broberg Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Tilden, Neb. Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. February 13 — Rifle Creek Cattle Co. Bull Sale, at the ranch, Anselmo, Neb. Contact: Riley or Stephanie Seda. February 15 — 57th Annual Iowa Beef Expo Charolais Sale, 1:30 p.m., Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout Sale Manager: JWC Marketing. February 20 — Domek Charolais Bull Sale, at the ranch, Wibaux, Mont. Contact: Duane or Seth Domek. February 27 — Cannon Charolais Ranch 8th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Newton, Iowa. Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
March 2021 March 6 — Mead Farms Spring Performance Tested Bull Sale, Mead Sales Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead. March 6 — Peterson Farms 28th Annual Top Pick Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Peterson Farms Sale Facility, Mtn. Grove, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management. March 6 — Satterfield Charolais & Angus 10th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, Evening Shade, Ark. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. March 13 — Wright Charolais 14th Annual Bull Sale, 5 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Greg Goggins. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. March 17 — Wagonhammer Ranches Total Performance Production Sale, at the ranch, Bartlett, Neb. Contact: Joe Epperly.
BREEDER ADVERTISING SPACE Black & White 1x 11x 1 page $700 $600 2/3 page 510 450 1/2 page (h) 395 340 1/2 page (v) 450 370 1/3 page 270 220 1/4 page 215 180 1/6 page 155 130 1 inch 35 30 Position pgs (1-7) 1,150 Inside Covers 1,200 Back Cover 1,300 CLASSIFIEDS Prepaid. Rate: $1 per word, $25 min., paid in advance. Deadline 25th of the 2nd month preceding publication COLOR 1 standard additional color $175 - red or blue (availability basis) 1 non-standard color 275 - (availability basis) 4-color 475 Special color 475 Metallic color 600 ADDITIONAL CHARGES B/W photo (each) $15 Color photo (each) 50 4-Color page correction after approval (per page) 150 B/W or 2-Color page corrections after approval (per page) 100 After deadline charge 100
April 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for May 2020 Genetic Analysis.
April 5 — Ridder Farms Online Fall Heifer Calf & Genetics Sale, Breeders World Online Sales. Contact: Derek or Dustin Ridder. April 6 — Hubert Charolais Ranch 42nd Annual Bull & Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Monument, Kan. Auctioneer: James Birdwell. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. April 10 — Rambur Charolais 43rd Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Sidney, Mont. Contact: Howard Rambur. April 10 — The Renaissance 29th Anniversary Edition Sale, 1 p.m., Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management. April 14 — Dybdal Charolais 10th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 1 p.m., Laurel Livestock Sales Company, Laurel, Neb. Auctioneer: Matt Printz. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. April 17 — Lindskov-Thiel Ranch 40th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Isabel, S.D. Contact: Brent Thiel. April 24 — Wienk Charolais Ranch 52nd Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Lake Preston, S.D. Contact: Jeff, Sterling or Ty Eschenbaum.
May 2021 May 1 — 22nd Annual The Sale of Excellence, 1 p.m., O.D. Butler Texas A&M Research Center, College Station, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. May 8 — Mead Farms Female Sale, Mead Sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead.
Difficult ads requiring substantional extra production time will be charged a minimum $50/ hour rate. If you prefer no extra charges, request that the Journal staff simplify the ad if necessary at their discretion.
CANCELLATION POLICY Charges dependent upon stage of production will be invoiced to advertisers who cancel previously submitted advertising.
DISCOUNTS A 5% discount for all advertising will be given if prepaid for one year. No agency commissions allowed on breeder rates.
October 17 — JMAR Genetics and Guests Quality Over Quantity Online Sale
CLOSING DATES All advertising copy (including photos) must be in the Charolais Journal office by the 25th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 25 for the March issue or the first working day thereafter. A $100 late fee will be applied to all late advertisements. Proof deadline: 20th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 20 for March issue.
Contact: Colt Keffer (765) 376-8784
June 2021
ADVERTISING CONTENT The Charolais Journal reserves the right to refuse any advertising or copy at its sole discretion. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance. The Charolais Journal accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any photographs supplied by other than its own staff. Advertisers shall imdemnify and hold harmless the Charolais Journal for any claims concerning advertising content as submitted.
June 1 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for July 2021 Genetic Analysis. June 20–26 — AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference, Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter, Perry, Ga.
March 20 — Aschermann Charolais/Akaushi 32nd Edition Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Carthage, Mo. Auctioneer: Jackie Moore. Contact: Larry or Peggy Aschermann.
March 27 — 8 Story Farms 3rd Annual Production Sale, 1 p.m., Daviess County Livestock Market, Gallatin, Mo. Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
March 20 — Fred Ranch Bull & Heifer Sale, Burwell Livestock Market, Burwell, Neb. Contact: Jamie or Kay Fred.
Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext. 200, or with your Classified Advertising. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
REPRINTS, CATALOGS AND BROCHURES Advertising and editorial reprints available. Sale catalogs and brochures are produced at special rates. Contact office for prices. Notice to advertisers: Advertising for sales scheduled prior to the 20th of the month of publication accepted at the advertiser’s risk. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for distribution.
A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 79
21 Ranch............................................. 72 2H Cattle Company.............................. 11 42nd National Charolais Sale............... 27 4C Amos Charolais............................... 74 8 Story Farms....................................... 66 5J Charolais......................................... 66 ABC Cattle............................................ 73 Agricola Knoll Farm.............................. 74 Akin Charolais...................................... 69 Allison Charolais.................................. 25 Arlitt Ranch............................................ 5 Aschermann Charolais/Akaushi........... 66 Autumn In The Ozarks........................ 12 Bamboo Road Farms LLC.................... 69 Barnes, Tommy.................................... 76 Bar J Charolais................................. 6, 73 Bar S Ranch......................................... 70 Beavers Charolais................................ 70 Ben Meriwether Livestock Photography...... 76 Big Creek Charolais.............................. 66 Bill King Ranch.................................... 72 Boscamp’s Arrowhead Ranch.............. 73 Bovine Elite, LLC.............................. 7, 76 Bowen Farms......................................... 69 Bracewell Cattle Co.............................. 73 Bradley Cattle....................................... 66 Broken Box Ranch............................... 69 Bruce Roy Dispersal............................ 10 Buddy’s Charolais.................................. 5 C&R Charolais...................................... 75 Cardinal Charolais............................... 69 Castleberry’s Hilltop C Charolais......... 72 Cattleman, The.................................... 77 Charolais Association of Texas.............. 73 Charolais Banner ................................ 77 Clayford Ranch Charolais..................... 73 Clifton, Greg......................................... 76 Condra Charolais Farms...................... 75 Corman Charolais ............................... 66 Cox Charolais....................................... 25 Crews Farms........................................ 74 Crutcher, Matt...................................... 76 Curfman Farm..................................... 69 DeBruycker Charolais.......................... 68 Dennis Charolais Farm........................ 73 DESCO Charolais Farm........................ 72 80
A U G U S T 2020
Domek Charolais................................. 71 Doub Charolais.................................... 70 Double R Dees .................................... 73 Dubas Cattle Co.................................... 76 Dybdal Charolais.................................. 71 Eaton Charolais..................... Inside Front Effertz Key Ranch ................................ 72 Eggleston Charolais........................ 13, 65 Endsley’s Charolais Farm.................... 71 Evans Charolais..................................... 5 Fancy Creek Charolais.......................... 70 Fink Beef Genetics............................... 70 Fox Hollow Farms................................ 72 Franz Ranch ........................................ 71 Fred Ranch.......................................... 71 Gallagher.............................................. 76 Gay Livestock Insurance, Jerry............. 77 Geyer Cattle Co..................................... 65 Grand Hills Cattle............................... 8, 9 Grau Charolais Ranch.......................... 72 Hang’n A Cattle Co......................... 11, 74 Hansen Farms...................................... 65 Harrod Farms...................................... 25 Hart Charolais...................................... 71 Hat Creek Cattle Company................... 74 Hayden Farm....................................... 25 Hebbert Charolais................................ 71 Hubert Cattle Sales............................... 77 Hubert Charolais Ranch ..................... 70 J & M Ranch......................................... 65 James F. Bessler Inc............................. 77 Joplin Regional Stockyards................... 20 Jorgensen Charolais............................. 69 Justin B. Stout Auction Service............. 76 JVS Cattle Co..................................... 6, 71 JWC Marketing..................................... 77 K & K Charolais Ranch......................... 73 Keahey Charolais.................................. 69 Keith Farms......................................... 70 Kentucky Charolais Association........... 25 Kentucky Fall Showcase ...................... 25 Keppen Charolais................................. 65 L.G. Herndon Jr. Farms Inc.................. 69 LaFraise Farms.................................... 70 Lambert, Doak..................................... 76 Laue Charolais Ranch.......................... 70
Lehman Charolais................................. 73 Linde’s Livestock Photography............. 76 Lindskov-Thiel Ranch.............Back Cover Link Charolais.........................Back Cover Little W Farm....................................... 75 Long Hall Cattle.................................... 25 Los Pinos Cattle Co............................. 73 MBS Charolais..................................... 66 McCary & Son Charolais Farm............. 69 McNickle Charolais Ranch................... 70 Mead Farms......................................... 66 Missouri Charolais Breeders.... 14, 15, 66 Missouri Juniors............................ 14, 15 Mitchell Management ......................... 77 ML Lewis Charolais.............................. 70 Montgomery Charolais......................... 25 Morton, Bob......................................... 77 Mountain View Charolais..................... 69 Myers Charolais................................... 71 Nipp Charolais..................................... 72 Nord Farms.......................................... 70 Nord, Robert ....................................... 76 Nubbin Ridge Farm.............................. 73 Oak Hill Farm...................................... 69 Oakwater Ranch................................... 72 Odden Charolais Ranch....................... 65 Outfront Cattle Service .................. 24, 77 Patman Charolais................................. 74 Patriot Partners.......................Back Cover Pearls Pics............................................ 76 Peterson Farms Charolais.................... 66 Prairie Valley Farms, lnc...................... 65 R Lazy B Ranch.......................Back Cover Rambur Charolais, Ltd........................ 71 Ramro LLC........................................... 74 Reaves Charolais.................................. 75 Reich Charolais Ranch......................... 65 ReproLogix........................................... 26 Ridder Farms...................................... 66 Rifle Creek Cattle Co............................ 72 Rio Ranch............................................ 74 Riverdale Land & Livestock.................. 66 Rocking S Ranch.................................... 5 Rolling Hills Charolais......................... 25 Rollins Ranches................................... 67 Runft Charolais Ranch, Myron..................70
SW&S Cattle Co.................................... 74 Sandmeier Charolais............................ 65 Sandusky Farms.................................. 25 Satterfield Charolais & Angus...3, Back Cover Sayre Cattle Service.............................. 77 Schrader Ranch................................... 70 Schurrtop Angus & Charolais............... 72 S.E.A.N.A. Charolais............................. 25 Shadow Springs Farm.......................... 71 ShowChampions.................................. 76 Skeans Cattle Co................................... 74 South Dakota Charolais Breeders.........65 Spring Valley Ranches.......................... 73 Stewart’s Charolais............................... 65 STgenetics...............................Back Cover Sturgess Double S Cattle...................... 73 Sturgess, Jerry.........................Back Cover Sullivan Charolais ............................... 25 Sullivan Supply.................................... 76 Summerford Charolais, BJR................ 69 T and S Strnad Charolais...................... 70 Taylor, Jess..............................Back Cover Tennessee Charolais Breeders............. 75 Thomas Charolais, Inc. (TX)................ 74 Thomas Ranch (SD)...................... 16, 65 Tiger Country Charolais....................... 66 Trinity Valley Community College Rch.....74 Vaughan Family Ranch........................ 70 Vedvei Charolais Ranch........................ 65 Volunteer Charolais ............................. 75 Wagonhammer Ranches...................... 72 Wagon Wheel Charolais Ranch ............ 72 Wakefield Farms................................... 71 Webb Charolais Farm........................... 73 Weber Charolais Farm.......................... 65 Weishaar, Seth...................................... 76 Welcome Grove Charolais ................... 75 Wells Charolais Ranch......................... 65 West Fork Ranch.................................. 72 Wienk Charolais Ranch.......................... 1 Wild Indian Acres............................. 2, 66 Windy Hill Charolais Farms.................. 66 Wooden Cross Cattle Co....................... 70 Wright Charolais...........................66, IBC Zeisler Charolais.................................. 72 ZOE Charolais...................................... 66
WC Inferno 6561 P He will light a fire into your herd!
His Dam‑ WC Asta 0505P
WC INFERNO 6561 P M897949 P
BW: 82 EPDs:
AWW: 885 R:117 CE
Inferno sold in the 2018 Wright Charolais Bull Sale when One-Half Interest sold for $47,500 to 5L Ranch in Montana. His first Daughter to Sell! WC Candice 9354 P $16,000 to J&J Trust, South Dakota National Class Winner
Semen: $30/straw; $35/signing fee
Derry & Mary Wright 42922 Old Hwy. 10 • Richmond, MO 64085 816-776-3512 farm office 816-456-3792 cellular Chris & Kelsi Peuster, Managing Partners 816-529-2190 cellular