Saturday,April 9, 2011
1 pm • Colbert, Georgia
! e m o c l e W
e Parke Doug & Debbi 23) 506-8844 atmaker • (4 361 H li ol H & w re D • Paris KY 40
Hills 153 Bourbon 7-0709 fax 58 • (859) 98 ail: pleent@ao (859) 987-57 mobile • e-m 00 61 142 ) (859
th Annual Georgia, the 11 in ts at en ev l ia the genetics th the spec st think of all mily to one of ju n, fa , ai by ur Ag yo ne d. d go ee an tal br s have e to invite you ve that 11 year netics benefited the Simmen This year the lie be to rd We would lik ha . ia e ge oice sale. It is Colbert, Georg and how thos Cattlemen’s Ch ’s Choice sale ay, April 9th in s. This year en rd ct m tu le pe tt Sa os Ca pr on e h th ow t e over Ranc g their sh is in rt in Pa have come ou ta e ob th g thanks to th bi at on a members t to give will be held an or w le ni sa ly ju al e ar at on ye rs od is th I pe mm sale. First off, earlier to acco el. men’s Choice le sale is a month r. Troy Picker tt D Ca d e an th er at el er he ev W e st ik be M e le th en’s could be rs of the sa at the Cattlem ng time founde es like always ili istent m ns fa co w g faithful and lo co in e be many elit on with all om si fr vi es di ri ch go be ea te ill in in all ca t set of cattle n, the opens w ring is strong ever with grea er money. Agai ne well st om do be st The sale offe e ve th cu ha e is s th or ng u rgia juni make yo ars offeri eo ye to G . is ty or ili Th on . si ab ce vi h ia oi di it s Ch gu rs w a Georg juni ngth in numbe l in the purebred and SimAn ent. If you are er ff di cs ti no ne be in quality. Stre ia ge ld nt p this year shou h loads of pote the national to or the purchases and impressive wit to select from r y als ei it th on un h gi rt it Re w po n s op er year , you have to the East so go Al to . , Sheza y re in the past ten ad he s re donors of Elsa e prospect opens are en th ll ov fa ok e pr lo e Th er th s. ov ie et t forg don’ pregnanc ns. Also, don’t embryo’s and e your selectio ak from flushes, m d an e m als, so co . Junior Nation toinette K205 Junior heifer e legendary An th kes, National d ta ps well. ee Sw Looker an rs ne extremely l Breede event have do the Simmenta s ral at ar ve ye le Se tt st ca la s. le ng her ten sa hased from e exhibiti ot rc er e w pu th u le d tt yo an ca er le th rs eede in Whe ate show years sa of dedicated br old from last the Georgia St t d se or an r ng g ve ro un en st D yo e , th show orters es from s to all the supp ite cow famili Congratulation ll again plus from other el rs se ms. family membe spective progra Choice. ’s en d and their re m ee w br re l D , ta an en the Cattle m m e Sim d Ship the future of th tions. If Jeremie Ruble, Jere t m ou le ab ob d pr te ci no is involved are ex volved if you have any ques Don’t forget it e All breeders rs in call sale week. this sale in th de to ee to ee br en fr e be el th t fe of n’ se y ve ea an ha pl ll u ce ca yo an se If Plea als. of assist Junior Nation myself can be adline for the de Hatmaker or e th g in ak hases m lendar. with your purc put on your ca to e on is e on past this
DP Sales Manag
The Cattlemen’s Choice Group AK/NDS Simmentals Kim Chastain/Jim Rathwell, Danielsville, GA • (706) 202-2333
C & C Farms Dwight Cooper, Jefferson, GA (706) 215-1251
Circle T Simmentals Buddy Ogles, Beechgrove, TN (615) 849-6510, cell
Dillon Simmental Farm & Tyler Diffey
Horseshoe Hollow Farm
David Dillon
(706) 335-6135 • (706) 614-5862, cell
Lexington, MS
(662) 955-3457, cell • (662) 834-2928
Elrod Farms Cole Elrod, Talmo, GA (678) 410-1312 Forest Brook Farms, LLC
Jay Juckem, Chilton, WI (920) 378-3698
Mike Wheeler, Commerce, GA
Oleo Ranch Todd & Holly Alford, Bowman, GA (706) 270-3994 • (706) 207-9454
Partisover Ranch Randy Daniel 348 Daniel Rd • Colbert, GA 30628
(706) 768-2533 • (706) 614-0496, cell
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Pickerel Farms Dr. Troy Pickerel, Athens, GA (706) 788-3466 (706) 621-2223, cell
Lacoda Farm Marty Seagraves & Family Nicholson, GA (706) 757-3959
... A Select Simmental Offering Sale Day Phones
Sale Facility (706) 788-2533 Doug Parke cell (859) 421-6100
Motels Motel Headquaters... Hampton Inn (706) 335-6161 153 Hampton Court, Commerce, Georgia Call early for Cattlemen’s Choice block. Hampton Inn (706) 548-9600 2220 West Broad Street, Athens, Georgia
Air Transportation
Partisover Ranch is a 1 1/2 hour drive from Atlanta, Georgia
Sale Staff
Jered Shipman, Auctioneer (806) 983-7226 Steve Sellers, EDJE Technologies (770) 546-1307 Todd Alford (706) 207-9454
1 pm (EDT), Saturday, April 9, 2011 Partisover Ranch, Colbert, Georgia
DP Sales Management Doug Parke (859) 421-6100 Dalton Lundy (502) 727-6898
The sale cattle will be on display Friday, afternoon, April 8 . Come early and look over the entire offering at Partisover Ranch. th
61 Lots Sell
Association Representatives
Jeremie Ruble, ASA Area Field Rep. (406) 581-7940 Josh White, Executive Vice President GA Cattlemen’s Assoc. (478) 474-6560
Mark Howard (865) 300-3636 Jason Reffitt (859) 585-4490
Bred Females • Bulls Select Embryo Matings • Pregnancies Open show & Brood Cow Prospects Spring & Fall Cow/Calf pairs
Jame Secondino, Harding & Harding (765) 832-2697
Sale Terms & Conditions
Cattle will sell under Suggested Sale Terms and Conditions of the American Simmental Association.
Sale Hosts:
Sexed Heifer Semen
Horseshoe Hollow Farm
Sexed semen is not 100% accurate, therefore the Cattlemen’s Choice group can not guarantee gender of resulting calves.
1034 Wheeler Road, Commerce, GA 30529 Mike Wheeler – (706) 335-6135
Pickerel Farms
All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. Neither the owners nor any other person connected with the sale assumes liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents or loss of property. As the sale manager, DP Sales Management acts only as an agent for the sellers and has no responsibilities other than those involved in conducting the sale.
2000 US 29 North, Athens, GA 30601 Troy Pickerel – (706) 788-3466 Sale Managed By: Doug & Debbie Parke Drew & Holli Hatmaker • (423) 506-8844
Scan this QR code with your smart phone to view the catalog online! Or type in this link cattlemanschoice/
153 Bourbon Hills • Paris KY 40361 (859) 987-5758 • (859) 987-0709 fax (859) 421-6100 mobile • e-mail: Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Miss Elsa Family
GCF Miss Elsa
GCF Miss Elsa
P Ever since we purchased Elsa out of the Denver she has been
Purebred Cow P BD: 1-02-05 P ASA# 2291326 P Tattoo: R12
C&C Farms
CNS Dream On L186 SS Miss Break
Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W GW Lucky Break 047G Zeis Maxine A231
Birth Wt. 80 lbs.
BD: 1-07-11 Sex: Bull BW: 82 Tattoo: Y11
Sire: GWS Ebonys Trademark, ASA# 2231696
CE 10 BW -0.4 WW 31 YW 54 MCE 8 MM -0.9 MWW 15 Marb 0.35 REA -0.12 API 110
able to exceed our expectations each calf crop. Several consistent progeny sold in the 2010 sale sired by SOS, Trademark, Bettis and Power Drive. In the 2008 sale Elsa produced a high seller going to 3M and went on to be a champion. This donor is packing fertility averaging 18 good embryos per flush. To our knowledge this one of the only Dream On daughters out of Miss Break that is homozygous black. If you are concerned about her producing ability look up her daughters in this sale. Selling 1/2 interest with option to double up and take all. For additional details contact Dwight Cooper or DP Sales Management. Homozygous polled and homozygous black.
CCF W64 Purebred Bull P BD: 9-12-09 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X64
C&C Farms
WLE Power Stroke GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N NJC Ebony Antoinette
GCF Miss Elsa
CNS Dream On L186 SS Miss Break
P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. P This bull is a full sib to our top open heifers in the
CE 9 BW 0.0 WW 32 YW 50 MCE 5 MM 0.3 MWW 16 Marb 0.24 REA 0.14 API 106
sale this year as well as being a direct son out of one of our top donors at C&C Farms that is selling for half interest in this years sale. W64 does have a white face, while also having plenty of depth of rib, as well as being sound on his feet and legs and being stout. Retaining 1/3 semen interest. Homozygous polled.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
CCF X50 Purebred Cow P BD: 9-01-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X50
C&C Farms
CE 9 BW 0.0 WW 32 CNS Dream On L186 YW 50 MCE 5 GCF Miss Elsa MM 0.3 SS Miss Break MWW 16 P Birth Wt. 82 lbs. Marb 0.24 P X50 is the very reason we have continued faith in the REA 0.14 producing ability of Elsa. We have been extremely proud API 106
WLE Power Stroke GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N NJC Ebony Antoinette
of many of our opens in the past however feel we fell this is one of the best ever at C&C. This heifer is complete as they come and puts everything together. Selling half interest, no possession of the phenomenal baldy female. This will work for any show and any level. Contact C&C Farms for future details. Homozygous polled.
CCF X40 Purebred Cow P BD: 3-02-10 P ASA# 2539717 P Tattoo: X40
C&C Farms
WLE Power Stroke GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N NJC Ebony Antoinette
GCF Miss Elsa
CNS Dream On L186 SS Miss Break
P Birth Wt. 78 lbs. P Elsa did a great job again. You want one cool and
CE 9 BW 0.0 WW 32 YW 50 MCE 5 MM 0.3 MWW 16 Marb 0.24 REA 0.14 API 106
sharp fronted, look up X40. This female is good footed, big boned and well balanced plus has excellent hair. This classy lady will be perfect for the 2011 AJSA Junior Nationals. Homozygous polled.
CCF X52 Purebred Cow P BD: 9-01-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X52
C&C Farms
WLE Power Stroke GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N NJC Ebony Antoinette
GCF Miss Elsa
CNS Dream On L186 SS Miss Break
P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. P Boy these sisters will have a bright future. Another
CE 9 BW 0.0 WW 32 YW 50 MCE 5 MM 0.3 MWW 16 Marb 0.24 REA 0.14 API 106
striking, deep flanked female with capacity and over all completeness. The SS Break (Perfection) has done well for many just ask anyone who owns one. Earning potential and staying power. Homozygous polled.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Sheza Fantasy Family
SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
Miss CCF Sheza Looker Purebred Cow P BD: 9-07-07 P ASA# 2427330 P Tattoo: T35
Circle T Simmentals
CNS Dream On L186
SVF NJC Built Right N48
NJC Ebony Antoinette
SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Lady J900
P Birth Wt. 78 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 656 lbs. P Bred AI on 1-10-11 to PV Lutton, AAA# 14819576. P If you are serious about adding a powerful donor
Miss CCF Sheza Looker
CE 7 BW 0.5 WW 31 YW 60 MCE 6 MM 5 MWW 21 Marb 0.13 REA 0.04 API 104
with a strong track record, be at the Cattleman’s Choice. Looker started out at the Cattleman’s Choice being high seller selling to Circle T. Looker always was a winner being champion at the Junior Nationals and a champion at the Sweepstakes along beside her full sister. Looker is young and productive with her first progeny hitting the sale and show ring. Looker averages 20 embryos per flush. We are selling Looker to dissolve a partnership. Selling 1/2 interest, no possession. Contact Dwight Cooper for additional details. A great opportunity here, with many years of earning power.
CCF Sheza Lover Purebred Cow P BD: 10-02-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X69
C&C Farms
RC Club King 040R
HC Hummer 12M RC Miss Griffey 038N
SVF NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Looker SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
P Birth Wt. 72 lbs. P This is a direct daughter from the many time
CCF Sheza Lover
CE 7 BW 0.6 WW 41 YW 75 MCE 8 MM 3 MWW 24 Marb 0.15 REA 0.06 API 107
champion including the 2009 Junior Nationals, Sheza Looker. X69 has many of the qualities of her mother being long hipped, extended throughout her front and sound. This fall is big boned and stout. Don’t forget her great EPDs to add to the equation.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Miss CCF W67 Purebred Cow P BD: 9-14-09 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W67 Consignor: C&C Farms and CT Farm CE 7 SRS Fortune 500 BW 0.7 NLC Fortunate Son 100N NLC G64 Galix WW 29 SVF NJC Built Right N48 YW 56 MCE 3 Miss CCF Sheza Looker SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 MM 10 MWW 24 P Birth Wt. 92 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-08-10 to BMR Explorer, ASA# 2385799. Marb 0.23 REA 0.01 P W67 is bold sprung, deep and functional. No doubt API 106 this Fortunate son daughter will be a highly productive brood cow. She will have superb udder this fall.
Miss CCF Sheza Daydream
Miss CCF Sheza Daydream
Purebred Cow P BD: 3-02-09 P ASA# 2516165 P Tattoo: W11
C&C Farms
Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Dream On L186 CNS SHeeza Dream K107W
HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 SVF Sheza Lady J900
Birth Wt. 70 lbs.
BD: 2-10-11 Sex: Bull BW: 90 Tattoo: Y23 Sire: BMR Explorer, ASA# 2385799
P W11 is a superb Fantasy daughter in production.
CE 9 BW 0.3 WW 33 YW 60 MCE 8 MM -0.3 MWW 16 Marb 0.28 REA 0.20 API 119
A sleek front eye appealing first calf heifer doing a great job. She will raise and good calf in the fine fashion. These are the kind of females anyone needs to add to their herd.
Miss CCF Redhead
Purebred Cow P BD: 1-04-09 P ASA# 2485338 P Tattoo: W4
C&C Farms
SVF NJC Built Right N48 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
CNS Dream On L186 NJC Ebony Antoinette HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Lady J900
Birth Wt. 68 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 641 lbs.
BD: 3-11-11 Sex: Heifer BW: 60 Tattoo: X32
Sire: Mr CCF Time To Shine, ASA# 2492957
P Steven has always liked “red heads” and here is his
CE 7 BW 0.5 WW 31 YW 60 MCE 6 MM 5 MWW 21 Marb 0.13 REA 0.04 API 104
Miss CCF Redhead W4
favorite. W4 was the 2010 Georgia State Champion female and now has turned into a super first calf heifer. She is complete, sharp fronted, big bodied and sound. This quality female has a heifer at side by the Time to Shine herdsire that was purchased by Dudley Jennings at Georgetown, KY. This package includes pedigree galore and earning potential all around.
Sheza Fantasy
Built Right
5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies
C&C Farms
SVF NJC Built Right N48 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
CNS Dream On L186 NJC Ebony Antoinette HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Lady J900
P Selling 5 embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies if work is done by a AETA certified embryologist.
P We all know the success that the Sheza Fantasy
Proj. EPDs CE 9 BW 0.6 WW 31 YW 60 MCE 5 MM 5 MWW 21 Marb 0.13 REA 0.04 API 104
SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
x Built Right daughter had at the Eastern Regionals, Sweepstakes and Nationals. Also, the champion Simmental bull at the 2010 NAILE was out of this mating. These embryos are just champions in the making.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
SVF NJC Built Right reference
Keystone Radience
Dream On
5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies
Proj. EPDs
C&C Farms
CNS Dream On L186
Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W
TCF/RCC Temptation GJ640 Keystone Radience 13R WAR Diva M704
P Selling 5 embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies if work is done by a AETA certified embryologist.
P C&C Farms is dedicated to offering only high quality
Keystone Radience - reference
CNS Dream On reference
CE 10 BW 0.5 WW 40 YW 70 MCE 6 MM -1 MWW 19 Marb 0.24 REA 0.09 API 109
Simmental genetics and this mating is consistent with that philosophy. Nothing can be said about Dream On that hasn’t already been said. Anyone that breeds Simmental cattle knows the impact he has had on the breed and his legacy speaks for itself. Having said that, lets talk cow family. Radience has a royal pedigree, being a direct daughter of one of the breed’s great cow families,WAR Diva going back to 107W. Radience is a maternal sib to Encourage, the 2008 Sweepstakes Champion, as well as the 2009 Ft. Worth Champion Divas Moco and, of course, the 2007 Champion from both the North American and American Royal, and the $45,000 selection by Sunset View and Pine Ridge, CLO Shania. As for Radience herself, after being purchased in the 2006 North American Sale, she went home to Canada to become the Canadian National Champion at the Agribition. Her first natural calf sold for $10,000 to Lewis Farms and full sib embryos to this lot sold in the 2008 North American Sale for $1,000 each. Radience is a complete female; powerful yet pleasing to the eye, correct in her make up and maternal. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to tap into these breed leading genetics..
Miss CCF Sheza Babe
5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies
C&C Farms
SVF NJC Built Right N40 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
CNS Dream On L186 NJC Ebony Antoinette HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Lady J900
P STF Fixation W155 Proj. EPDs CE 7 BW 1.5 WW 29 YW 54 MCE 2 MM 1 MWW 16 Marb 0.19 REA 0.06 API 101 P STF Bullseye Proj. EPDs CE 7 BW 1.5 WW 29 YW 54 MCE 2 MM 1 MWW 16 Marb 0.19 REA 0.06 API 101 P Selling 5 embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies out of STF Fixation or STF Bullseye if work is done by a AETA certified embryologist.
P Embryos out of the Babe donor owned by C&C and Forest Brook.
Miss CCF Sheza Babe
Babe is a baldie donor and sister to Looker, Bandit, Wonder , Sheza Right and of course the 2010 Champion at the North American SVF Right A Way. This great opportunity adding the Caliente family and it’s power and consistency. Wow, choosing between Fixation and Bullseye, I would just take them all!
Miss CCF Sheza Babe
Pregnancy P Due: 10-04-11
STF Fixation W155 - reference STF Bullseye - reference
Pickerel Farms
BMR Explorer
Westfall Voyager WW Miss My Dream 429R
SVF NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 SVf Sheza Fantasy
P Here is a really cool change to be on the front end BMR Explorer - reference
of champion genetics. Get ahead by selecting genetics out of the North American Champion. You don’t have to wait long!
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Explorer Proj. EPDs CE 8 BW -0.3 WW 25 YW 49 MCE 7 MM 7 MWW 19 Marb 0.14 REA 0.06 API 98
Miss CCF Fantasy
5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies
C&C Farms
HTP SVF In Dew Time
CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF Honey Dew
SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Lady J900
P STF Fixation W155 Proj. EPDs CE 8 BW 1.4 WW 30 YW 53 MCE 3 MM -0.9 MWW 14 Marb 0.24 REA 0.06 API 107 P Flying B Cut Above Proj. EPDs CE 9 BW 0.7 WW 32 YW 54 MCE 5 MM -0.3 MWW 16 Marb 0.21 REA -0.04 API 110 P Selling 5 embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies out of STF Fixation or Flying B Cut Above if work is done by a AETA certified embryologist.
P Fantasy U18 sold in last years sale to Ryan Hecksel for half interest
Miss CCF Fantasy
at $7,500. This In Dew Time donor is making a great young cow. Like most daughters of In Dew Time she is complete and super in her design, with a great udder. We feel good about the matings of Fixation and Cut Above, “Fat Butt”.
STF Fixation W155 reference
Flying B Cut Above reference
Purebred Bull P BD: 9-03-09 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W49
C&C Farms
P This is a very sound structurally correct bull by
Fantasy and Built Right. A very good heifer bull weighed 75 pounds a birth.
Purebred Cow P BD: 9-04-09 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W53
C&C Farms
P This one of the stoutest, good hipped, sound, while also having the spring of rib. Not to mention he is a full brother to the 2010 NAILE Champion Simmental Bull.
SVF NJC Built Right N48 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
CNS Dream On L186 NJC Ebony Antoinette HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Lady J900
CE 9 BW 0.6 WW 31 YW 60 MCE 5 MM 5 MWW 21 Marb 0.13 REA 0.04 API 104
Mr CCF W53
Sheeza Dream Family TMPF Hope
BC Marathon
3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy
Pickerel Farms
BC Marathon 7022 TMPF Hope
OCC Kirby 633K Gibbett Hill Mignonne E37 WLE Power Stroke CNS Sheeza Dream K107W
P Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is done by a AETA certified embryologist.
P Hope is the homozygous black, homozygous polled
full sister to Amazing Grace. These calves are full sibs in blood to SS Iron Horse and Rew Brenda. Proven genetics.
Proj. EPDs CE BW 0.6 WW 32 YW 65 MCE MM 2 MWW 17 Marb 0.36 REA 0.12 API 102
TMPF Amazing Grace - full sib to Hope BC Marathon reference
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Rew SS Amazing Grace
Purebred Cow P BD: 2-09-09 P ASA# 2491088 P Tattoo: 064W
Pickerel Farms
SRS Fortune 500 NLC Fortunate Son 100N NLC G64 Galix
WLE Power Stroke TMPF Amazing Grace CNS Sheeza Dream K107W
Rew SS Amazing Grace 064W CNS Sheeza Dream K107W - reference
Birth Wt. 70 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 590 lbs.
BD: 3-02-11 Sex: Heifer BW: 78 Tattoo: X32
Sire: HTP SVF In Dew Time, ASA# 2285555
P Wow, when is the last time a homozygous black,
CE 7 BW 0.5 WW 28 YW 53 MCE 0.1 MM 9 MWW 23 Marb 0.29 REA 0.08 API 110
homozygous polled, blaze faced heifer calf pair with cow families like this in the pedigree come up for auction? Serious breeders take note this is an exciting young pair with worlds of potential. Grace will be ready to go straight into your donor program with a coupon ready to market this fall. All the works been done on this one.
FBF1 Sheeza Drama Queen Purebred Cow P BD: 3-03-10 P ASA# 2569337 P Tattoo: X107
Forest Brook Farms, LLC
BMR Explorer
Westfall Voyager 721P
WW Miss My Dream 429R
SRS Franchise F601 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W Nichols Joliette 107W
FBFI Sheeza Drama Queen
P Birth Wt. 81 lbs. P This girl is just like the picture deep, wide and
functional. That means x107 will be a great efficient cow. This pedigree want let you down..
CE 5 BW 0.0 WW 26 YW 49 MCE 4 MM 7 MWW 20 Marb 0.13 REA 0.13 API 89
Purebred Cow P BD: 8-02-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W10
Pickerel Farms
Birth Wt. 80 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 670 lbs.
Purebred Cow P BD: 10-04-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W18
TMPF Hope W10
Pickerel Farms
CE 7 BW 1.2 KenCo/MF Glamour Girl 11 WW 33 YW 59 WLE Power Stroke MCE 2 TMPF Hope CNS Sheza Dream K107W MM 6 MWW 22 P W10 and W18 – These two full sibs are homozygous Marb 0.19 polled and homozygous black both with stars on the REA 0.18 forehead. Their dam is a full sib to Amazing Grace. Their API 100
HHF Pay Day
TMPF Hope W18
3C Macho M450 BZ
sire is an outcross to Dream On, Goldmine and most other popular pedigrees. W10 is the whistle fronted older one of the two. W18 is a very sound with great rib shape. You pick which one to add to your program.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
TMPF Sheeza Class Act Purebred Cow P BD: 3-02-09 P ASA# 2473971 P Tattoo: W107
Forest Brook Farms, LLC
Lchman Lucky Buck 7049C GW Lucky Charm 665K GW Miss 600U 508C
SRS Franchise F601 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W Nichols Joliette 107W
P Birth Wt. 78 lbs. P Bred AI on 8-28-10 to Ebonys Grandmaster, ASA# 2281133.
P Class Act is solid bred with a royal pedigree. A own
CE 6 BW -0.8 WW 32 YW 64 MCE 1 MM 7 MWW 23 Marb 0.26 REA 0.19 API 116
daughter of Troy Pickerel’s donor, Sheza Dream. A half sib to Dream On by Lucky Charm. A female with good EPDs.
PCC Miss Barbara
22A 22B
TMPF Sheeza Class Act
Miss Barbara Family
2 sets of 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy out of each mating Consignor: Oleo Ranch SITZ Alliance 8199 BT Alliance 528N ER Barbara G030 LCC Barbara MG100
Bon View New Design 878 LChmn Barbara J3230
P 3C Macho M450 BZ Proj. EPDs CE BW -0.5 WW 27 YW 58 MCE MM 7 MWW 21 Marb 0.32 REA -0.18 API 102 P CE
McCarney Proj. EPDs BW -2.2 WW 14 YW 39 MCE MM 4 MWW 12 Marb 0.37 REA -0.30 API 96
P Selling 2 sets of 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is done by a AETA certified embryologist P PCC Miss Barbara 132R bred by Travis and Beth Pembrook of Oklahoma has been a potent produced for Oleo Ranch. No one could ask for a cow to do more things right than this one does. She’s good tempered, will raise a calf, produces embryos, breeds back quick and makes them good. Pembrooks purchased a flush out of 132R and sold a $12,000 Upgrade heifer calf last fall. At Oleo Ranch we have average over $3,000 on the calves this female has produced no matter what mating. A Macho sired daughter purchased by Johnathan Barrett of Georgia was successful show female and a McCarney sired bull was a high seller in the Davis/Oleo bid off last year. This cow is beginning to write her own story. Get on board.
Oleo Up To No Good
PCC Miss Barbara Oleo Marrisa 17X is a Upgrade heifer that is a $12,000 full sister to our open heifer selling and is a daughter of 132R
Oleo Unspoken 804 is a purebred Angus female out of 132R
SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-06-10 P ASA# 2569750 P Tattoo: 007X
Oleo Ranch
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 PCC Miss Barbara 132R
Ellingson Legacy M229 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B BR Alliance 528N LCC Barbara MG100
P Birth Wt. 68 lbs. P This September Upgrade daughter could quite
CE BW -1.8 WW 40 YW 81 MCE MM 1 MWW 21 Marb 0.38 REA -0.08 API 121
possibly be the best heifer to ever leave Oleo Ranch. If you want to show her that would be great but we believer he true value will be as a brood cow. Her dam is a wonderful cow and is on her way to becoming the highest income produce to reside at Oleo. A full sister to 007X was a highlight of the Black Friday sale last fall and sold for $12,000. Up to No Good is big bodied, wide based, easy doing and easy going. Tie into this one and you’ll be days ahead.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Oleo Up To No Good
Antoinette K205 Family
NJC SVF Antoinette
Circle T Simmentals
HC Power Drive 88H NJC TJF Hollye Hunter
NJC SVF Antoinette K205
Purebred Cow P BD: 9-01-00 P ASA# 2095184 P Tattoo: K205 WLE Power Stroke Kappes Lady Irish F88 PRL Cutting Edge D209 NJC Ebony Antoinette
CE 6 BW 0.0 WW 24 YW 54 MCE 4 MM 3 MWW 14 Marb 0.26 REA 0.27 API 120
P Antoinette K205 is a donor with high regard. Over the last ten years she has had a great success story. It is hard to express in a short footnote. She speaks for herself just study her extended cow card. Champions and sale toppers have been in all major shows across the country. Circle T along with many others have sold daughters and grand daughters that are working in many programs. With the success of embryo transfer K205 and the Ebony Antoinette extended family has exploded over last ten years. The Power Drives have value especially the ones out of the great cows. K205 sells open and ready to flush. Homozygous black.
NJC SVF Antoinette
2 Embryos
Circle T Simmentals
STF Dominique R170 STF Dominance T171 MMP Kiss This 37L
HC Power Drive 88H NJC SVF Antoinette K205 NJC TFJ Holly Hunter
P Selling 2 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is done by a AETA certified embryologist.
Miss CCF Antoinette
Proj. EPDs CE 7 BW 1.9 WW 28 YW 56 MCE 3 MM -0.9 MWW 13 Marb 0.26 REA 0.05 API 107
Purebred Cow P BD: 2-04-09 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W15
C&C Farms
HTP SVF In Dew Time NJC SVF Antoinette K205
Miss CCF Antoinette W15
CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF Honeydew HC Power Drive 88H NJC TJF Holly Hunter
P Birth Wt. 75 lbs. P PE on 5-15-10 to 7-15-10 to Mr CCF Saz Trade Up, ASA#
P This direct daughter of the legendary K205 donor
CE 10 BW -0.4 WW 27 YW 54 MCE 9 MM 0.2 MWW 14 Marb 0.32 REA 0.09 API 122
owned by Circle T Farms that is extremely deep while being structurally sound. She is due to calve to our new herdsire Mr CCF Saz Trade Up who is a Sazerac x Trademark baldy bull. Homozygous black.
Miss CCF Southern Star
Purebred Cow P BD: 11-04-09 P ASA# 2539687 P Consignor: Steven Cooper/Robert Tayor CNS Dream On L186 SVF Star Power S802 SVF Sheza Star N902 Miss CCF Southern Jewel
KSU Venom 101M NJC Black Jewel
P Birth Wt. 72 lbs. P Bred AI on 2-02-11 to PV Lutton, AAA# 14819576. P You have the opportunity to purchase the 2011 Miss CCF Southern Star
Tattoo: W100
CE 3 BW 1.1 WW 30 YW 57 MCE 8 MM 4 MWW 19 Marb 0.03 REA 0.31 API 101
Georgia State fair Grand Champion female. This female is wide based, thick, and broody. Don’t never discount Star Power this females will make their mark being performance oriented cows. Southern Star will grow on you and will e profitable for years to come. A grand daughter of NJC Black Jewell donor. Homozygous polled.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Dillons She’s Not Out SimAngus Cow P BD: 2-18-10 P ASA# 2539134 P Tattoo: X007 Consignor: Dillon Simmentals & Tyler Diffey CE OCC Legend 616L BW -2.0 BC Lookout 7024 Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 WW 27 YW 55 CNS Dream On L186 MCE Welshs She’s The One 3S MM 2 SVF/NJC Senerita N29 MWW 16 P Birth Wt. 70 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 559 lbs. Marb 0.41 P The best of SimAngus genetics in this Lookout REA 0.12 sired female. A female with a nice look and balanced API 119 throughout her total makeup. A female with good stats and a great future. Homozygous polled and homozygous black.
Dillons She’s Not Out
Miss CCF Southern Jewel Embryos 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies
C&C Farms
KSU Venom 101M NJC Black Jewell
WLE Power Stroke Miss Kansas K11G ER Black Cisco 532C NJC Ebony Antoinette
P SVF Star Power S802 Proj. EPDs CE 4 BW 1.1 WW 30 YW 57 MCE 8 MM 4 MWW 19 Marb 0.04 REA 0.31 API 101 P Triple C Bettis S72J Proj. EPDs CE 12 BW -0.2 WW 28 YW 48 MCE 6 MM 7 MWW 21 Marb 0.15 REA 0.05 API 118 P Selling 5 embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies out of SVF
Star Power or Triple C Bettis if work is done by a AETA certified embryologist. P A daughter of Southern Jewell, Southern Star was the 2011 Georgia State Fair champion. The resulting calves will be homozygous polled.
Miss CCF Southern Star - daughter of Southern Jewel
SVF Star Power reference
Triple C Bettis reference
Pregnancy Sheesa Rose
Pregnancy P Due: 10-04-11
Pickerel Farms
Meyer Ranch 734
Mr Black GX 6W Miss GX 728R
CNS Dream On L186 TMPF/HHF Sheeza Rose S14 CL11K
P This pregnancy is from our SimAngus donor Rose and the immortal 734.
Proj. EPDs CE BW 0.2 WW 24 YW 47 MCE MM -0.9 MWW 11 Marb 0.35 REA 0.06 API 106
TMPF/HHF Sheeza Rose S14 - reference dam Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Dew the Stroke Family
HTP SVF Dew the Stroke - reference dam
Steel Force
2- Sets of 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy with each set
Proj. EPDs CE 11 BW 0.1 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901 WW 35 YW 63 WLE Power Stroke MCE 6 HTP SVF Dew The Stroke MM 0 HTP SVF Honeydew MWW 18 P Selling 2 sets of 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 Marb 0.26 pregnancy if work is done by a AETA certified REA 0.15 embryologist API 121
30A 30B
C&C Farms
CNS Dream On L186
P Please view the progeny out of Dew the Stroke
in this years sale. I would think these embryos should be on each breeders short list sale day.
Red Caesar
WLE Power Stroke HTP SVF Dew The Stroke HTP SVF Honeydew
P Previous calves of this crossing have sold in our
32 Ankonian Red Caesar-
Pregnancy P Due: 9-01-11 Consignor: Horseshoe Hollow Farm 3C Macho M450 BZ HHF Payday U12 KenCo/MF Glamour Girl II WLE Power Stroke HTP SVF Dew The Stroke HTP SVF Honeydew
SVF Steel Force -
P The first Payday calves are on the ground and we
HHF Payday - reference
Proj. EPDs CE 9 BW 1.8 WW 39 YW 73 MCE 7 MM 5 MWW 24 Marb 0.15 REA 0.18 API 110
sales, and the new owners have been very happy. Whether bull or heifer, this calf should fit in anyone’s program. As stated before, Dew the Stroke’s calves are all impressive. Adding Red Caeser to the mix, can only be a plus. The recipient dam is 5 years old and an outstanding cow in her own right. She is a purebred black,blaze face cow. Her ASA# is 2406394. Her EPDs are 4.5 1.6 31 55 3 10 25. Buy with confidence. The resulting calves will be homozygous polled.
Pregnancy P Due: 9-01-11 Consignor: Horseshoe Hollow Farm BOZ Redcoat Ankonian Red Caesar GFI Candace G51
Proj. EPDs CE 8 BW 1.0 WW 33 YW 61 MCE 4 MM 4 MWW 20 Marb 0.22 REA 0.15 API 108
are excited. You only have to look as far as Lacoda Farms entry in the Cattleman’s Choice sale to see the quality of his calves. Dew the Stroke/Payday should make an excellent cross for the new owners whether in the show ring or pasture. This animal will excel. The recipient cow is almost 4 years old. She is a commercial Simmental, black baldy. She has done an excellent job of raising her first calf. This calf will have great EPDs. Homozygous black.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Miss HHF Dixie Dew
Purebred Cow P BD: 1-05-10 P ASA# 2535472 P Consignor: Horseshoe Hollow Farm CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette HTP SVF Dew The Stroke
Tattoo: X52
WLE Power Stroke HTP SVF Honeydew
P Birth Wt. 82 lbs. P Dixie Dew had a very successful show season.
CE 9 BW -0.1 WW 31 YW 59 MCE 5 MM 3 MWW 18 Marb 0.21 REA 0.01 API 110
Macie Seagraves did the honors and did a very good job as she always does. This animal’s pedigree needs no introduction being one of the most elite in the Simmental breed. Her dam, Dew the Stroke has exceeded all our expectations. Our partnership with C&C farm has been a great success bringing benefits to both our farms. Dew the Stroke has produced outstanding bulls and great heifers, a testament and proof of that is this female and C&C’s lots in this sale. Dixie Dew will make an outstanding donor for her new owners. This solid black, blazed face female is clean fronted,structurally correct and powerful in her make up. We are proud to offer her for your approval. Homozygous polled.
Miss CCF
Miss HHF Dixie Dew X52
Purebred Cow P BD: 10-07-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X61
C&C Farms
Birth Wt. 78 lbs.
Miss CCF
Miss CCF X61
Purebred Cow P BD: 10-05-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X63
C&C Farms
Birth Wt. 76 lbs.
CE 11 BW 0.1 SVF Sheza Beauty L901 WW 35 YW 63 WLE Power Stroke MCE 6 HTP SVF Dew The Stroke MM 0 HTP SVF Honeydew MWW 18 P Selling Choice of X61 or X63 - Have you ever heard Marb 0.26 about the great producing Power Stroke females over REA 0.15 the years well add, Dew the Stroke to the list. These fall API 121
SVF Steel Force S701
CNS Dream On L186
heifers exhibit the style, balance and soundness to be highly competitive in the state of Georgia and across the country.
Miss CCF X63
CCF Dillon W50 SimAngus Bull P BD: 9-03-09 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W50
Consignor: C&C Farms & Dillon Simmentals
Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Dream On L186 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W
Sitz Traveler 8180 Thomas Miss Lucy 8205 Thomas Miss Lucy 6347
P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. P W50 is one of the stoutest 2 year old bulls that
CE BW -1.4 WW 24 YW 57 MCE MM 2 MWW 14 Marb 0.42 REA -0.20 API 108
has ever been raised here at C&C Farms. This bull has muscle to boot. His big boned, while also being structurally sound with plenty of spring of rib. Buy with confidence. Homozygous polled.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
CCF Dillon W50
Meyers Queen Sazerac Family
Meyers Queen Sazerac - reference dam
Miss CCF
Purebred Cow P BD: 10-01-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X80
C&C Farms
HHF Pay Day
3C Macho M450 BZ KenCo/MF Glamour Girl II
GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N Miss CCF Sazerac T62 Myers Queen Sazerac P94 Miss CCF X80
Miss CCF Sazerac T62 - reference dam
P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. P X80 is a grand daughter of the well known Sazerac
donor of HTP Simmentals and Sunset View Farms. This female has carried on the white face, with the extended front end. This is a great heifer for junior showman.
Miss CCF Sassy
CE 5 BW 0.6 WW 27 YW 49 MCE 3 MM 2 MWW 16 Marb 0.20 REA 0.13 API 100
SimAngus Cow P BD: 10-13-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X200
C&C Farms
P Birth Wt. 72 lbs. P This heifer comes from generations of champions,
on the top and bottom side of her pedigree. X200 is a big bodied good footed structurally sound heifer with a lot of potential in the show ring.
Miss CCF Sassy Miss CCF Sassy X200
Miss CCF Sazerac T43 - reference dam
SimAngus Cow P BD: 10-09-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X201
C&C Farms
P Birth Wt. 70 lbs. P Talk about a good October show prospect for a junior
to take to AJSA Eastern Regionals and Nationals this year. She is thick, big bodied,and sound with great hair. Not to mention she has a great personality.
GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N CE BW -0.5 TWCC Trendsetter T71 JM 3956 WW 25 YW 50 GLS Frontier N13 MCE Miss CCF Sazerac T43 Myers Queen Sazerac P94 MM 1 MWW 14 Marb 0.46 REA -0.02 API 108
Miss CCF Sassy X201
TWCC Trendsetter - reference
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Miss HHF Petal
Miss HHF Petal Family
Shocking Dream
3 Embryo Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy Consignor: Macy Seagraves CNS Dream On L186 STF Shocking Dream SJ14 STF Miss J0114 Miss HHF Petal P09
BF L112 Trailblazer PF Ringos Black Star
Proj. EPDs
CE 7 BW 1.1 WW 31 YW 57 MCE 5 MM 5 MWW 21 Marb 0.15 REA -0.03 API 98
P Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is done by a AETA certified embryologist P It is a good thing to be a champion, but it is a great thing when a champion can produce champions! That is the resume of Miss HHF Petal, 2006 Georgia State Champion Simmental, and producer of multiple champions across the US. Including the Woodard’s In Dew Time heifer purchased at last year’s sale, who went on to be GA Junior Beef Futurity Champion. The Built Right heifer I showed last year who was champion at almost every show including GA Junior Simmental Overall Champion. Also, the Built Right heifer sold to The Greg Drebes Family who was Reserve Champion at Illinois State Fair and 2011 Reserve Champion cow/calf pair at the National Western Stock Show in Denver! So what should we do now? Well, it seemed obvious: flush Petal to one of the hottest show producing Simmental bulls in the industry Shocking Dream. Purchase today...Profit tomorrow!
Miss LF Top Model
Miss HHF Petal P09 - daughter STF Shocking Dream reference
Purebred Cow P BD: 12-04-09 P ASA# 2528441 P Tattoo: W04
Consignor: Macy Seagraves
3C Macho M450 BZ
HHF Pay Day
KenCo/MF Glamour Girl II
Miss LF Venoms Petal
KSU Venom 101M Miss HHF Petal P09
P Birth Wt. 78 lbs. P After a very successful show career, this heifer is
CE 7 BW 1.9 WW 31 YW 55 MCE 4 MM 5 MWW 20 Marb 0.04 REA 0.04 API 95
ready to make you a “front pasture” donor cow. She has a tremendous depth of body and spring of rib. If you want a “real” cow look no further. Macy has filled her room with blue ribbons, banners, and belt buckles this past year with Miss LF Top Model, but daddy said we must pay the bills, so she sells! Sorry Macy!
Miss LF Top Model W04
Embryos SVF NJC Majestic Lady Embryos 2 Embryos out of Fixation and 3 Embryos out of Pays to Dream
40A 40B
Consignor: Circle T Simmentals
GFI Magnum K52 NJC Ebony Antoinette
Ellingson Black Perfector RIV BLK Josie 43B 755G Black Irish Kansas NJC Betsy Ross SVF NJC Majestic Lady daughter
40A P
STF Fixation W155 Proj. EPDs - 2 embryos CE 5 BW 1.2 WW 30 YW 50 MCE 0.2 MM 6 MWW 21 Marb 0.15 REA -0.02 API 94
40B P
CNS Pays to Dream Proj. EPDs - 3 embryos CE 8 BW 0.0 WW 30 YW 54 MCE 5 MM 6 MWW 22 Marb 0.18 REA 0.01 API 104
STF Fixationreference
P Selling 2 embryos out of STF Fixation . P Selling 3 embryos out of CNS Pays to Dream.
CNS Pays to Dream reference
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Fall Opens Selling Choice of Lot 41A, 41B or 41C TMPF/CCF Kaity
Purebred Cow P BD: 10-06-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W22 Consignor:
Pickerel Farms
Birth Wt. 76 lbs.
TMPF/CCF Kaity W22
Purebred Cow P BD: 10-08-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W27 Consignor:
Pickerel Farms
Birth Wt. 77 lbs.
Purebred Cow P BD: 10-08-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W24
Pickerel Farms
Birth Wt. 78 lbs.
Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Dream On L186 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W
TMPF/CCF Kaity W27
PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker SS Ms Coity SCC Caity 333G P W22, W27 and W24 – Selling choice of these three full sibs. These sisters are what Dream On daughters are all about, easy fleshing, big ribbed, big footed females that can walk in the show ring and be profitable for their new owners.
Partisover Burgess
TMPF/CCF Kaity W24
CE 9 BW 0.9 WW 35 YW 61 MCE 7 MM 1 MWW 19 Marb 0.14 REA 0.26 API 109
SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-09-10 P ASA# 2571303 P Tattoo: 151X
Partisover Ranch
Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Partisover Burgess 440
Ellingson Legacy M229 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 N Bar Emulation EXT Partisover Burgess 2898
P Birth Wt. 79 lbs. P We are convinced that Upgrade is the real deal.
CE BW -0.7 WW 43 YW 83 MCE MM -1 MWW 20 Marb 0.40 REA -0.03 API 118
We are selling two of our best in Cattlemen’s Choice this year, 151X is good enough to go anywhere. These Upgrades came easy and just get stouter by the day. At Partisover we believe that the Angus side of the pedigree is just as important as the top side. This one has a great dam that is easy on the eye as well as great numbered. Check out the EPDs on this one.
Partisover Burgess 151W
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
AK/NDS Steelin Ur Breath
Purebred Cow P BD: 11-05-10 P ASA# Pending P Consignor: AK/NDS Simmentals CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901 SS Babys Breath P035
SS Goldmine L42 SVF Breath Taker J130
P Birth Wt. 74 lbs. P Steelin’ Ur Breath is a clean fronted, square hipped,
Tattoo: XW19
CE 9 BW 0.4 WW 34 YW 60 MCE 5 MM 4 MWW 21 Marb 0.20 REA 0.18 API 121
big topped female with the extra shape and dimension to be a competitive show heifer. Sired by Steel Force and out of Babys Breath the pedigree leaves no guess work. She will competitive in the late fall class and them make a tremendous cow. Here full sister was well received at the Tennessee Agribition sale and sold to Tristan Hope.
Partisover Delight
AK/NDS Steelin Ur Breath SS Babys Breath P035 - reference
1/4 Blood Cow P BD: 11-07-10 P ASA# 2571642 P Consignor: Partisover Ranch SVF NJC Mo Better M217 SC Mo Magic S47 Akers Ruby 2184 Leachman Right Time Partisover Burgess 258 Partisover Burgess 654
P Birth Wt. 74 lbs. P Partisover Delight 1108X is the absolute pick of our
Tattoo: 1108X
CE BW -1.1 WW 25 YW 66 MCE MM 2 MWW 15 Marb 0.48 REA -0.25 API 100
November calves. This beautiful blaze faced heifer calf will be a sale day favorite. 1108X is out of the same cow that Partisover Real Deal is out of. Real Deal was the pick of the Partisover calf crop and sold thru Cattleman’s Choice to Tuell Cattle Co. in Colorado. This Mo Magic not only will make a show heifer but an awesome cow.
E/T Ester
Partisover Delight 1108X
Purebred Cow P BD: 9-29-10 P AAA# Pending P Tattoo: 020
Elrod and Tolbert
Connealy Power One Thomas Ester 6445
CRA Bestor 872 5205 608 Britney of Conanga SAV 8180 Traveler 004 Thomas Ester 3579
P A true sale highlight from the heart of the Elrod and
CE 0 BW 1.3 WW 47 YW 86 MCE 0 MM 29 MWW 0
Tolbert partnership. A matron in the making, 020 offers an impeccable phenotype with genetics proponent for maternal excellence. Much like her model dam by 004, she’s an impressive profiling, well balanced long striding heifer with width of chest, depth of body and correct rib shape. A member of the timeless Ester family made famous by the Thomas program in Oregon, this female is sure to move heads in the showring and bred to be a real producer. An exciting consignment with honest earning potential.
FBF1 Sweet
E/T Ester 020 Thomas Ester 6445 - reference
Purebred Cow P BD: 3-01-10 P ASA# 2537215 P Tattoo: X2
Forest Brook Farms, LLC
PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker CE 11 BW -2.7 SS Ebonys Grandmaster SOSF Ebonys Joy L123 WW 21 YW 41 CNS Dream On L186 MCE 2 RWA Charise Lazy H Touch of Spice S2 MM 7 MWW 18 P Birth Wt. 67 lbs. Marb 0.07 P From the P36D cow family. Grandam is a full sister REA 0.10 to Spice Girl. This female is striking with loads of eye API 117 appeal. X2 has capacity and internal dimension. She will be a plus to any program.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
FBFI Sweet and Spicy
E/T Esteem
S imAngus Cow P BD: 10-14-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: 071
Elrod and Tolbert
CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette
OCC Anchor 771A MCCO 771A Esteem 521 MCCO 41-93 Esteem 228
P Birth Wt. 70 lbs. P Cole Elrod’s personal favorite among her SimAngus
CE BW -2.5 WW 21 YW 48 MCE MM 1 MWW 12
contemporaries. A correct made female abounding with flexibility 071 combines the balance and structural integrity of her sire, with the body, rib shape and fleshing ability that the Elrod and Tolbert program is gaining recognition for. Sired by Built Right and out of a moderate, big bodied, low maintenance daughter of OCC Anchor back to BCC Bushwacker this female is sure to catch the attention of genuine cattlemen. An easy candidate for the halter, look out when she enters the ring!
E/T Esteem 071
E/T Esteem
S imAngus Cow P BD: 11-06-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: 082
Elrod and Tolbert
CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette
OCC Anchor 771A MCCO 771A Esteem 521 MCCO 41-93 Esteem 228
P Birth Wt. 85 lbs. P Another exciting consignment from the Elrod and
E/T Esteem 082
Tolbert operation, 082 is a real eye catcher. An early favorite with genuine showring potential, she is an attractive profiling, elegant fronted, bold sprung female, thats strong topped and parallel in her lines. A white marked daughter of Built Right, produced from a moderate framed, deep ribbed easy fleshing dam purchased from Mike McGuire’s herd in Alabama, this lady’s best days are yet to come!
Partisover Barbie
SimAngus Cow P BD: 12-04-09 P ASA# 2544555 P Tattoo: 0162W Consignor: Partisover Ranch CE CNS Dream On L186 BW -2.9 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901 WW 25 Circle G Right Time 0138 YW 54 MCE Star Barbie 3243 Star Venture Barbie 9122 MM 6 MWW 18 P Birth Wt. 78 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 505 lbs. Marb 0.39 P Bred AI on 12-20-10 to FB Cut Above, ASA# 2341498. REA -0.31 Safe in calf. API 116 P Partisover Barbie 0162W is a full sister to the heifer that was so popular in last years sale that sold Vigil’s in Oklahoma for $15,250. Another full sister was 2010 Champion % Female at Georgia’s state heifer show. This December bred heifer is absolutely beautiful. We cut her out of our replacements, cleaned her up and shot this picture the same day. She’s got that same stunning look her sisters had and puppy dog gentle. These Barbie have that special winning look and do they ever make cows.
Partisover Barbie 0162W
CE BW -0.6 WW 25 YW 58 MCE MM 3 MWW 15
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Shoal Creeks NV’s Legend SimAngus Cow P BD: 2-05-09 P ASA# 2489317 P Tattoo: W10
Consignor: C&C Farms and Circle T Simmentals OCC Emblazon 854E CE BW -2.8 OCC Legend 616L OCC Blackbird 632J WW 15 YW 35 KSU Venom 101M MCE SC Glamours NV R55 MM -3 SAFN Glamour 11J MWW 5 P Birth Wt. 76 lbs. Marb 0.34 P PE on 5-15-10 to 7-15-10 to Mr CCF Saz Trade Up, REA 0.02 ASA# 2433198 API 112
P Here is a stout female with bone power and
internal dimension. With the market up, cull some older cows and add predictable females like this Glamour grand daughter.
Gazda Kathleen
Shoal Creeks NV’s Legend
SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-09-09 P ASA# 2538629 P Tattoo: W908 Consignor: Tylor Gazda and Partisover Ranch CE Meyer Ranch 734 BW 0.8 3C Macho M450 BZ 3C Crocus H112 B WW 29 YW 60 GAR Integrity MCE Springfiled Pride 5033 Springfield Pride 2613 MM 6 MWW 20 P Weaning Wt. 650 lbs. Marb 0.35 P Bred AI on 12-19-10 to SC Mo Magic S47, ASA# REA -0.05 2385230 . API 100 P Square hipped and deep ribbed this solid black Mach daughter will make a solid addition to any breeding program. Halter broke, this females full brother will bone one of our consignments to the Bull Power test this fall.
Gazda Katlin
Gazda Kathleen W908
SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-09-09 P ASA# 2538629 P Tattoo: W929
Consignor: Tylor Gazda and Partisover Ranch CE Meyer Ranch 734 BW -0.7 3C Macho M450 BZ 3C Crocus H112 B WW 24 YW 54 GAR Integrity MCE Springfield Pride 5033 Springfield Pride 2613 MM 7 MWW 19 P Birth Wt. 83 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 609 lbs. Marb 0.57 P Bred AI on 1-31-11 to OCC Piper 762P, AAA# REA -0.05 14940742. API 116
P Smooth made and sharp fronted this solid black
Macho daughter stacks the Angus breeds top maternal sires in her pedigree with PAPA Durabull, Leachman Right Time and AAR New Trend. Halter broke and with a super disposition, her full sister as a 2 year old is nursing one of our top heifer calves. Bred to OCC Piper 762P a full brother to OCC Homer,
SS Parti Girl
Gazda Katlin W929
SimAngus Cow P BD: 2-10-08 P ASA# 2444736 P Tattoo: 92U
Consignor: Dillon Simmentals and Tyler Diffey CE Meyer Ranch 734 BW 0.1 Party Parti Time 530P Partisover Burgess 9292 WW 19 YW 45 WLE Bandwagon MCE MF Miss Playgirl 92P MM 0.3 WF Miss Traveler 92 MWW 10 P Weaning Wt. 641 lbs. Marb 0.35 P Bred AI on 2-09-11 to Welshs Dew It Right, ASA# REA -0.09 2403649. API 98
P Here is a SimAngus sired by the high selling bull
calf from Partisover at a past Cattlemans’ Choice sale. Being at the Cattleman’s Choice makes you money!
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
SS Parti Girl 92U
SVF Emblazon
3/4 Blood Cow P BD: 2-14-08 P ASA# 2449696 P Tattoo: U120A
Pickerel Farms
CE BW 0.3 WW 28 YW 55 OCC Emblazon 854E MCE GW Miss Emblazon 1179N GW Miss Tailor Made 648F MM 0 MWW 14 P Birth Wt. 83 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 621 lbs. Marb 0.23 P Bred AI on 11-18-10 to HTP SVF In Dew Time (sexed REA -0.01 heifer semen), ASA# 2285555. API 103
CNS Dream On L186 Circle T Antoinette Drama NJC SVF Antionette K205
P This is a super neat young blaze faced female. She is safe in calf to sexed In Dew Time semen.
SVF Emblazon U120A
Partisover Linnie
3/4 Blood Cow P BD: 9-02-09 P ASA# 2528110 P Tattoo: 004W
Consignor: Partisover Ranch
CNS Dream On L186 Parti Girl 6110S
Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W Meyer Ranch 734 Partisover Burgess 9292
P Birth Wt. 75 lbs. P Bred AI on 1-02-11 to Kesslers Frontman R001, ASA# 2528110.
P Partisover Linnie was the winningest percentage
Partisover Linnie 004W
CE 8 BW -1.4 WW 25 YW 48 MCE 7 MM -1 MWW 11 Marb 0.43 REA 0.08 API 121
heifer in Georgia throughout the 2010-2011 show season. Will Bias from Bainbridge will be a senior next year and we sure hate to see him graduate. Will purchased his first heifer from us and one every year since and has had Champion heifer at our state show every year but two. Linnie is a 3/4 Dream on x Meyer that is a cowmans kind. Huge body, hug feet and destined to be a fabulous cow. Frontman is ABS’s calving ease specialist.
Circle T Navigator Gal SimAngus Cow P BD: 12-06-08 P ASA# 2476548 P Tattoo: U041
Circle T Navigator Gal
Consignor: C&C Farms & Circle T Simmentals TCF/RCC Temptaion GJ640 CE BW -1.3 SHS Navigator N2B Rocky Hills Jo WW 29 YW 66 CA Future Direction 5321 MCE Camp Black Cap 301N MM 6 VNAR Blackcap 30G MWW 20 P Birth Wt. 87 lbs. Marb 0.39 P Bred AI on 6-10-10 to CCF Time To Shine, ASA# REA -0.17 2492957. API 113
CCF Time To Shine - reference
daughter is good from the ground up being big footed, structurally correct and well designed. She is good on paper too. She will calve to the champion, Time to Shine.
P Here is a big stout SimAngus female. This Navigator
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
JS Burning Daylight
Purebred Cow P BD: 2-20-08 P ASA# 2435617 P Tattoo: 17U Consignor: C&C Farms & Circle T Simmentals CNS Dream On L186 CE 9 HTP SVF In Dew Time BW 2.7 HTP SVF Honeydew WW 33 Triple C Cash YW 53 Triple C Burning Power L3 MCE 7 Burns Cow F187A MM 5 P Birth Wt. 82 lbs. MWW 21 Marb 0.17 P Bred AI on 12-31-10 to STF Shocking Dream, ASA# REA 0.12 2335795. P Here is a female that you don’t need to over look on API 106 sale day. A own daughter of the JS/Steenhoek donor, Burning Power. She is young with potential galore,
JS Burning Daylight
Built Right
2 sets of 6 Embryos
56A 56B
Triple C Burning Power - reference dam & granddam
Proj. EPDs
Circle T Simmentals
CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette
HTP SVF In Dew Time JS Burning Daylight 17U Triple C Burning Power L3
P Selling 2 sets of 6 embryos.
CRCC Queen Mother
CE 10 BW 1.0 WW 31 YW 54 MCE 9 MM 5 MWW 21 Marb 0.16 REA 0.01 API 102
Cow calf Pairs
Purebred Cow P BD: 3-19-05 P ASA# 2358055 P Tattoo: 5279 Consignor: Dillon Simmentals & Tyler Diffey CE OCC Echelon 857E BW -4.7 OCC Loadstar 849L OCC Dixie Erica 929F WW 8 YW 43 DHD Traveler 6807 MCE E&B Queen Mother 296 E&D 7040 Lady Stacker 671 MM 4 MWW 8 P Bred AI on 2-22-11 to Welsh’s Dew It Right, ASA# Marb 0.36 2403649. REA -0.44 P 57A BD: 10-20-10 Sex: Heifer BW: 68 Tattoo: X022 API 103 Sire: WAGR Dream Catcher ASA# 2289346 P Queen Mother is a Ideal Angus to be mated to Dream Catcher. That is proven as evident by the fancy heifer calf at side. A moderate sharp made well balanced Loadstar/6807 cow.
Woodlawn Scarlet
Black Irish Kansas YC Miss JB S91
P Bred AI on 2-22-11 to Welsh’s Dew It Right, ASA# 2403649. P
Purebred Cow P BD: 2-06-04 P ASA# 2243989 P Consignor: AK/NDS Simmentals Nichols Blk Destiny D12 Nichols Legacy G151 Nichols Debra D81 YC Miss Blk B80
BD: 1-05-11 Sex: Heifer BW: 79 Tattoo: YW31 Sire: BMR Explorer, ASA# 2385799
CRCC Queen Mother 5279
Tattoo: P176
CE 8 BW -3.3 WW 30 YW 53 MCE 5 MM 10 MWW 25 Marb 0.24 REA 0.16 API 128
P Here is a maternal sister to the famed H25 donor for Jess-A-Mar
Farms, dam of Steel My Heart and Broker. The last few years H25 has left her mark on the breed. P176 is no let down for this tremendous cow family. She has a beautiful udder with excellent milk flow and a solid heifer calf at side that has a bright future ahead.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Woodlawn Scarlet P176
Chokee Burgess
Purebred Cow P BD: 11-28-03 P AAA# 14655976 P Tattoo: 3123 Consignor: C&C Farms & Circle T Simmentals CED 4 GAR Precision 1680 BW 3.9 Twin Valley Precision E161 WCC Blackcap C9 WW 40 YW 86 DHD Traveler 6807 CEM 8 Partisover Burgess 739 Partisover Burgess 048 M 16 MW 71 P PE on 5-15-10 to 7-15-10 to Mr CCF Saz Trade Up, Marb 0.32 ASA# 2433198 REA 0.40 P 3123 is a cow that we purchased from C Bar Ranch. This E161 daughter is a whale of a cow and from the dependable line of the Burgess family. A model of efficiency.
Three Trees Miss
Chokee Burgess 3123
Purebred Angus P BD: 11-18-01 P ASA# 2508115 P Tattoo: 1886 Consignor: Partisover Ranch CE GAR Precision 1680 BW -2.4 JLB Exacto 416 Brost Burgess 041 WW 13 YW 50 Finks 5522 6148 MCE Finks Miss 8237 4168 6148 Finks Miss 4168 8130 5204 MM 14 MWW 20 P Bred AI on 12-2-10 to Mr NLC Upgrade U8676, ASA# Marb 0.60 2474338. REA -0.09 P Three Trees Miss 1886 has been a phenomenal cow API 105 at Partisover. Her heifer calf by Upgrade is a standout. When Doug was here he locked on to this heifer calf and when I told him how good this cow was but a little too old for this sale, he disagreed after seeing her. She is bred again for a September calf. I purchased this cow from my friend Ray Parsons and she has been a favorite here by nearly everyone that visits Partisover Ranch. 2403649.
ASA#: 2571302 BD: 9-09-10 Sex: Heifer BW: 76 Tattoo: 150X Sire: Mr NLC Upgrade U8676, ASA# 2474338
P Parisover Daisy 150W is one stout September calf. She and her Partisover Daisey 150W - Lot 60A
Angus dam will knock your socks off. These Upgrades are something, Especially these out of cows like 1886. We feel kids that buy and show heifers from us that we are one of the few places where your show heifer may be worth more at the end of her show career than she was the day they bought her. Josh Whitworth and Tyler Cobb both sold as breds for $14,000 each. Daniel Sills sold last year for $15,250. Pretty good college start.
STF Bullseye Semen
61A 61B 61C
Purebred Semen P ASA# 2534888 Consignor: C&C Farms STF Dominique R170 STF Dominance T171 MMP Kiss This 37L GCF Miss Caliente
SAC Mr MT 73G SS Me Too L06
P Selling 3 - 10 unit packages P Selling 30 units total of semen on the high selling
STF Bullseye 01W - reference
bull at the Silver Towne Farms sale. Full brother to STF Fixation and the two time North American Champion female, STF Onyx.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
CE 6 BW 2.3 WW 28 YW 48 MCE -2 MM -3 MWW 11 Marb 0.24 REA 0.07 API 101
Congratulations to Harley Sargent and the Sargent Family with their many time Grand Champion, Miss CCF Kisses W51, purchased out of the 10th Annual Cattlemen’s Choice sale.
Congratulations to Anna Krieger and the Krieger Family with their many time Champion, Miss CCF Sheza Wonder, purchased out of the 10th Annual Cattlemen’s Choice sale.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
ASA Sale Terms & Conditions ...
2. Withholding information on the existence of frozen embryos at the time of sale would be considered an unethical practice.
BIDDING AND APPLICABLE LAW: All cattle listed in this offering comply with prevailing sale terms and conditions as set forth by the laws of the state wherein the sale is conducted. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, by either the auctioneer or consignor, except as set forth herein, as to the merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose of any animal offered in this sale. The right to bid or the right to reject the final bid, if done before the hammer falls, is reserved for all sellers unless otherwise announced from the sale block or as prohibited by law in the state wherein the sale is being conducted.
HORNED-SCURRED-POLLED: DEFINITIONS: 1. HORNED — An animal with a horn growth affixed to the skull that has or has not been removed. 2. POLLED/SCURRED — An animal with rudimentary horn growth that will not develop into a horn. The rudimentary horn growth may or may not become affixed to the skull at an older age. 3. POLLED — An animal with absence of horn growth. (An animal can have scurs and still be genetically polled.) 4. SMOOTH POLLED — A smooth-polled individual has no scurs and does not develop scurs later in life.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Any change of information other than in the catalog will be announced from the auction block and such announcements shall take precedence over printed material. All statements made from the auction block or those made by the seller (in private treaty) must be documented by seller if requested by the buyer at time of sale. TERMS: Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with the seller previous to the sale of any animal so affected. PURCHASER’S RISK: Each animal becomes the property of and therefore is also the risk of the purchaser as soon as it is sold; except it shall be the obligation of the seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to purchaser, until loaded for shipment or until the expiration of twenty-four (24) hours after the sale, whichever occurs first. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: 1. All cattle entered for sale must meet the health regulations of the state in which they are sold. All other agreements regarding the health of the animal will be between the buyer and seller and should be documented in writing. 2. If sale cattle are returned to the seller for an adjustment, they must meet the health requirements of the state they are returned to. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: Each animal which is catalogued, offered and sold as a registered animal shall have a certificate of registry available at time of sale. When an animal is sold as “eligible for registry” or “registry applied for”, the seller shall be responsible for obtaining the certificate of registry and for the proper transfer of the certificate to the purchaser including full payment of transfer fees. IDENTIFICATION: Each animal at time of sale must have a readable tattoo or brand corresponding to that shown on the certificate of registration. AUTHENTICITY OF PEDIGREE: When an animal, through parental validation, is determined to have an ancestry other than that reported on the registration certificate, the buyer shall be entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. The animal in question, at the buyer’s option, may be exchanged for another animal of equal value, or if agreeable with the buyer, the seller may have the certificate returned to the buyer. Any adjustment provided herein, if selected, shall absolve the seller from further liability for authenticity of pedigree to the buyer. BREEDING GUARANTEES AND DEFINITIONS: 1. Females are guaranteed to be breeders, with the exception of: a) Female calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Females used in ovum transplant after time of sale e) Cows sold with calf at side or a female that calves after sale to a breeding prior to the date of sale 2. Bulls are guaranteed to be breeders (definition as the ability to settle healthy cows by the time the bull is 18 months of age) with the exception of: a) Bull calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Bulls shown competitively after sale 3. Any guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen shall be made by separate agreement between buyer and seller. 4. Safe in calf females are females that have been diagnosed pregnant by a competent veterinarian, and are pregnant at time of sale. 5. A bred female is a female known to have been served by a bull either by natural breeding or artificial insemination, but it does not necessarily mean that the female is safe in calf to that service. 6. A pasture bred female is a female that has been pastured with a designated bull and has been exposed for the time stated, but it does not necessarily mean that this female is safe in calf to that bull. 7. An open female is a non-pregnant animal. 8. Calves sold off their dams (split pairs) shall carry the full breeding guarantee. PRIVILEGE OF PURCHASER TO EXAMINE: The purchaser of a female animal may have her examined within twenty-four (24) hours after the fall of the hammer and prior to removal from sale premises. The pregnancy status of breeding status of an female so examined, when found not to be as represented at the time of sale, is cause for the female to be returned to the seller as unsold. EMBRYO TRANSFER: 1. Sellers should provide upon request a complete history of embryo transfer activity for any female offered for sale.
GUARANTEES: 1. If an animal is sold as polled or polled/scurred and proves to be horned, the seller shall be obligated to refund the purchase price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or may be exchanged for a polled animal of equal value whichever is acceptable to the buyer. The buyer has thirty (30) days from date of sale to notify the seller that an adjustment is in order. 2. If an animal is sold as smooth-polled and proves to be scurred, the seller shall be obligated to refund the price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or at the buyer’s option shall be exchanged for a smooth-polled animal of equal value. 3. If an animal is sold as polled and develops scurs, the seller will not be obligated to make any adjustment as a scurred animal is considered polled. 4. If an animal is sold as polled and has scurs, it shall be so announced at the time of sale that the animal has scurs. If it is not announced and the buyer finds before the animal leaves the sale premises that the animal has scurs, the buyer must notify the seller of the findings. The seller shall then be obligated to refund the purchase price. OPTIONS AND PRIVILEGES OF RETURN OR ADJUSTMENT: The following adjustments do not preclude the right of the buyer and seller to mutually agree upon other terms and conditions for settlement of any dispute. 1. All claims for adjustment or refund must be made in writing either six (6) months from the date of sale or no later than when the animal reaches 24 months of age whichever occurs later, with the exception of claims involving misrepresentation of service sire or as otherwise provided herein. 2. In the event an animal is claimed to be a nonbreeder, the animal may be returned to the farm of the seller, at the buyer’s expense, if in good physical condition, and the return is in compliance with the health requirements of the seller’s state. The seller shall be entitled to a six (6) month trial period following the return of the animal in which to prove the animal is a breeder. If at the end of six (6) months the seller is unable to prove the animal is a breeder, the seller shall, at the option of buyer, replace the animal with another equal value or refund the purchase price. Either option shall be deemed full satisfaction and settlement. 3. If a female is sold as “safe in calf” to a given sire or sires on a specified date or dates and proves not to be as represented, the buyer is entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal and resulting progeny thereof to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. 4. If a female is sold as “open” and proves to be with calf at time of sale and examined pregnant within sixty (60) days after sale, the buyer may return the animal to the farm of the seller prior to calving for a refund of the full purchase price or for another animal of equal value, whichever acceptable to the buyer. It shall be the obligation of the seller to bear any expenses incurred for transportation of the animal in question to the farm of the seller. GENETIC TESTING AND TraitTrac STATUS: Sellers must identify the TraitTrac status and the results of any qualitative genetic testing performed on any animals or genetic material offered for sale. The ASA considers it an unethical practice to misrepresent or fail to disclose the TraitTrac status or qualitative genetic test results of any animal or genetic material. DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL INFORMATION: Sellers must disclose all material information concerning any animal or genetic material offered for sale. For the purposes of these Sale Terms and Conditions, “Material Information” is defined as any information which would be likely to affect the value of the animal or genetic material if the information were known to the public. Material Information includes, but is not limited to, information related to genetic tests, blood tests, ultrasound pregnancy results, disease tests, pregnancy and fertility test results, information related to the sex and age of in utero calves or embryos, and information related to the fertilization status of in utero calves, including whether the calf was conceived via artificial insemination or natural service. The ASA considers it an unethical practice to misrepresent or fail to disclose any Material Information concerning an animal or genetic material offered for sale. LIMITATIONS OF OBLIGATIONS: These sale terms and conditions constitute a binding legal obligation between the buyer and seller of any animal or genetic material sold under these terms and conditions. However, the ASA, its directors, officers, employees and agents do not assume any obligation, legal or otherwise, to enforce the sale terms and conditions agreed to between buyer and seller.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Purchase your next show heifer for AJSA Eastern Regionals in Kentucky or the Junior Nationals in Missouri! Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
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Doug & Debbie Parke
153 Bourbon Hills • Paris KY 40361 (859) 987-5758 • (859) 987-0709 fax (859) 421-6100 mobile e-mail:
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Time Dated Material
Please bring catalog
with you on sale day!
Join us for the 11th Annual “Cattlemen’s Choice Simmental Sale ... 1 pm Saturday, April 9th at Partisover Ranch!
Greenville, SC
Hwy 129N
Selling 61 Lots
Hwy 441N
Colbert stoplight
Hwy 29N
Hwy 316
Athens Tech
Hwy 78W
Hwy 72E
Hwy 78E
Partisover 15 miles northeast of RancH Athens) Washington
(Broad Street) Held at Partisover Ranch 348 Daniel Rd Colbert, Georgia 30628
Hwy 4415
Loop 10 By-Pass
E Watkinsville
Directions To Partisover Ranch: Follow signs to Hwys. 29 and 72 North (toward Danielsville and Elberton). At Athens Tech water tower, turn right on Hwy. 72 to Colbert. In Colbert, turn right at stoplight and go 3 miles to Partisover Ranch sign.
To reach the Hampton Inn in Athens: Take the Broad Street/Georgia Mall exit off Loop 10 and go west to intersection of Broad Street and Hawthorne Street (2220 West Broad Street).