Saturday,April 14,2012 1 pm • Britt Angus Farm Hartwell,Georgia
! e m o c l e W
e Parke Doug & Debbi 23) 506-8844 atmaker • (4 361 H li ol H 40 Drew & KY • Paris
Hills 153 Bourbon 0709 fax • (859) 58 57 798 ail: pleent@ao (859) m e• 00 mobile (859) 421-61
al Cattlemen’s the 12th Annu , ia rg eo G t the in ial events have come ou one of the spec genetics that to e a th ily s l m al ha fa of ce ur k and yo , just thin man’s Choi e to invite you ious s have gone by eed. The Cattle ev ar br pr l ye e ta th 12 en of at m th st m We would lik fited the Si 15 to 20 ea rd to believe ly ne ha be on is ly cs ia It ol ti rg . H ne le eo d G ge sa Choice artwell, ers Todd an how those e location at H d ith his manag oice sale and th w se Ch to ea ng ’s d cr lo en ge in d m an to le an ch tt d Ca le site being Angus. Stacey d look forwar sa m e an Si t th d Please h en . an it ay s em w lv e nd gu ey’s invo new hom sale on Su at Britt An appreciate Stac Choice and the Partisover le will be held e W sa e y. Th lit . ci te fa si sale man’s this sale both the Cattle e everyone to Alford welcom sure to take in . ns Be . io ct re ce. re tu di fu d e in th ttlemen’s Choi al details an on ti di participation ad r fo ways at the Ca al te e si y. lik it eb al w es s qu ili gu m in nsistent ite cow fa go to Britt An from many el ith all being co h loads of all categories ch division w impressive wit ea in be in ng le ill ro tt w st s ca is en of ng t op ri se e fe ith their t th w of ea s n, le gr ar ai The sa money. Ag st ever with st eleven ye er be pa e e om th th st is in cu so, l e ng el th ri w ve done make you pects here. Al This years offe rgia juniors ha or don’t over look the pros with ability to eo rs ens G . be op on m ll si fa nu vi e di in Strength nancies. Th eg d SimAngus Georgia juni a pr an e d ed ar an br u ’s re yo yo pu If e ent. ember es, embr potential in th ld be no differ lections. Rem tics from flush this year shou d make your se late the tional top gene an tu e na ra e m th ng co co so om purchases and to s, fr or National ar we want ity to select ni ye un Ju is rt e Th po th s from last s. op se or le ’s ha ve sa you ha h their purc an’s Choice ern Regional it st m w le s Ea tt e es Ca th the cc e su to th r champion at sed out of ms for thei are ready to go can buy your u ve been purcha ngle and Kieckhefer progra yo ha t s ub on pi do am No many ch families. plus the Ti and Elsa cow etzger families of the Sazerac rs Cowles and M be em m e ales wer show, Denver Junior heifer year. Both fem year. al is on th ti n Na ai to all the s, ag ke ce oi rs Sweepsta ngratulations Cattleman’s Ch emely well. Co mental Breede from tr m us Si ex e pl ne th n do ai at ag ve le embers sell ars event ha hibiting catt m ye ex ily st e la m er w fa l om u ra fr yo les. Seve Whether ttle purchased e other ten sa ’s Choice. State show ca ars sale and th the Cattlemen ye in st la or the Georgia rs de om ee fr br d d ol te d Please ca an di g de un tive programs. rong set of supporters yo d their respec or es from the st an er ili d m ak ee fa m br l at w H ta co w e en other elit ipman, Dre of the Simm Sh re d tu re s Je fu se e e, ha th bl t rc your pu cited abou If Jeremie Ru problem with no involved are ex if you have any questions. t on is rs pu it de to et ee e rg br on l fo is Al involved st this one week. Don’t rs pa le de e sa ee th ll br n on ca in e ai le to th ag sa se feel free call any of en to this e sale and assistance plea Nationals. If you haven’t be night before th e of th be od n fo ca e f el th mys ke in Junior sale facility. Ta adline for the ell at the Britt making the de tw ar H . ia in rg u eo yo . See e top in G your calendar always over th hospitality is e Th y. da le sa
DP Sales Manag
e sale day thru up to bid onlin gn si se ea pl nt attend PS... If you ca
The Cattlemen’s Choice Group
Britt Angus/SimAngus
Elrod Farms
Oleo Ranch
C & C Farms
Horseshoe Hollow Farm Mike Wheeler, Commerce, GA
Rolling Acres Farm
Stacey Britt, Hartwell, GA (770) 318-9809
Dwight Cooper, Jefferson, GA (706) 215-1251
Dillon Simmental Farm & Tyler Diffey David Dillon
Lexington, MS
(662) 955-3457, cell • (662) 834-2928
Cole Elrod, Talmo, GA (678) 410-1312
Todd & Holly Alford, Bowman, GA (706) 270-3994 • (706) 207-9454
(706) 335-6135 • (706) 614-5862, cell
Phil Page, Winder, GA (770) 616-6232
Ingram Livestock Farm
Lacoda Farm
Johnny Ingram, Hattiesburg, MS (601) 480-4186
Marty Seagraves & Family Nicholson, GA (706) 757-3959
Woodlawn Farms
Rick Wood, Clarkesville, GA (706) 754-3755
NEW!!! Scan this code with your smart phone to get email updates from DP Sales Management!
A Select Simmental Offering Sale Day Phones
Doug Parke cell (859) 421-6100 Drew Hatmaker cell (423) 506-8844
Motels Motel Headquaters... Best Western Lake Hartwell (706) 376-4700 1357 E Franklin St, Hartwell, Georgia Call early for Cattlemen’s Choice block. Jameson Inn (706) 376-7298 1091 E Franklin St, Hartwell, Georgia
Air Transportation
1 pm (EDT), Saturday, April 14, 2012
Britt Farm is a 2 hour drive from Atlanta, Georgia
Britt Angus Farm 724 E and M Dairy Rd Hartwell, Georgia 30643 The sale cattle will be on display Friday, afternoon, April 13th. Come early and look over the entire offering at Britt Angus Farm.
63 Lots Sell
Sale Staff
Jered Shipman, Auctioneer (806) 983-7226 Steve Sellers, EDJE Technologies (770) 546-1307 Todd Alford (706) 207-9454
DP Sales Management Doug Parke (859) 421-6100 Dalton Lundy (502) 727-6898
Association Representatives
Bred Females • Bulls Select Embryo Matings Open show & Brood Cow Prospects Spring & Fall Cow/Calf pairs
Jeremie Ruble, ASA Area Field Rep. (406) 581-7940 Josh White, Executive Vice President GA Cattlemen’s Assoc. (478) 474-6560
Mark Howard (865) 300-3636 Brent Williams, Bovine Bus (812) 453-7548
Sale Host:
Jame Secondino, Harding & Harding (765) 832-2697
Britt Angus Farm
Stacey Britt • (770) 318-9809 Todd and Holly Alford, managers (706) 207-9454, Todd • (706) 270-3994, Holly 724 E and M Dairy Rd., Hartwell, GA 30643 770-318-9809 • Directions:
From Atlanta: Head North on I085 N/GA-403 N towar GA-400/Greenville. Exit GA-77 S (Exite 177) toward Harwell/Elberton and to 0.3 miles. Turn right onto GA-366/GA-77. Continue to follow GA-77 from 10.5 miles. Turn left onto GA-366/GA-51/GA-77. Continue to follow GA-51/GA-77. Keep right at the fork to go on GA-77S. Turn right onto GA-172 and go 4.5 miles. Turn left onto E and M Dairy Road.
Sale Managed By: Doug & Debbie Parke Drew & Holli Hatmaker • (423) 506-8844 153 Bourbon Hills • Paris KY 40361 (859) 987-5758 • (859) 987-0709 fax (859) 421-6100 mobile • e-mail:
Sale Terms & Conditions
All buyer numbers will only be issued with a valid ID and payment is due day of sale. DP Sales Management would appreciate timely settlement of receivables within 20 days of date of sale. Any person not complying with that guideline will be pursued legally. Cattle will not be transferred until paid for in full. Cattle will sell under Suggested Sale Terms and
Conditions of the American Simmental Association.
Sexed Heifer Semen
Sexed semen is not 100% accurate, therefore the Cattlemen’s Choice group can not guarantee gender of resulting calves.
Announcements All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. Neither the owners nor any other person connected with the sale assumes liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents or loss of property. As the sale manager, DP Sales Management acts only as an agent for the sellers and has no responsibilities other than those involved in conducting the sale.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Sheza Fantasy N906 Family
Miss CCF Sheza Diamond X1
Miss CCF Sheza Diamond Purebred Cow P BD: 1-02-10 P ASA# 2533804 P Tattoo: X1
C&C Farms
SVF NJC Built Right N48 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
CNS Dream On L186 NJC Ebony Antoinette HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Lady J900
P Birth Wt. 68 lbs. P This could possibly be one of the best females ever raised
CE 9 BW 0.5 WW 28 YW 56 MCE 3 MM 4 MWW 18 Marb 0.13 REA 0.15 API 106
at C&C Farms. Period. Everyone knows what kind of cattle have walked through the sale ring across the nation out of the Sheza Fantasy cow family such as Shez Built, Sheza Looker, and Sheza Bandit. These females have all done well in the show ring claiming Grand or Reserve Grand Champion honors at the Simmental Breeders Sweepstakes, as well as Sheza Looker winning the 2009 Simmental Junior Nationals. Sheza Diamond has not been shown a lot, but she may be one of the most impressive daughters out of the Sheza Fantasy cow family. The structural soundness of the Sheza Fantasy cow family has not surpassed this one. Trying to find a hole in this female is near impossible. She ties everything together in a complete package whether on the move or looking at her on the profile. Her long hip, explosive rib shape, smooth shoulder, extended front end, and beautiful udder. What Diamond posses as a first calf heifer shows you that she is the front pasture type that will take your donor program to the next level. Watching Sheza Diamond and her natural calf walk around the fields everyday explains to us here at C&C Farms why we raise Simmental cattle. Just because Diamond has not won many shows, doesn’t take away from her producing potential. Just take a look at her natural calf on her side right now and you will see what we mean. Don’t let this one slip by you on sale day because you will regret it down the road. Heifer calf at side is by RRJS Steel Force.
BD: 2-22-12
Sex: Heifer
Tattoo: Z30
SIRE: RRJS Steel Force
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Selling Choice of X57 or X89 Miss CCF Fantasy X57 Purebred Cow P BD: 9-06-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X57 Consignor:
C&C Farms
P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. P Bred AI on 11-22-11 to SS/PRS Gunslinger, ASA#
Miss CCF Fantasy X89 Purebred Cow P BD: 10-04-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X57
C&C Farms
Miss CCF Fantasy X57
P Birth Wt. 78 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-22-11 to SS/PRS Gunslinger, ASA# 2571741
CNS Dream On L186
SVF NJC Built Right N48
NJC Ebony Antoinette
SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Lady J900
SS/PRS Gunslinger reference sire
CE 9 BW 0.6 WW 28 YW 56 MCE 3 MM 4 MWW 18 Marb 0.13 REA 0.15 API 106
P Talk about a big time opportunity! Two full sisters to Sheza Looker, Sheza Bandit, Sheza Wonder, Shez Built, and Sheza Babe, and you get to choose which one that you want to take home sale day. The opportunities are endless with whichever choice you make. X57 is the long, extended fronted, nicely balanced, and deep bodied female. You really can’t fault her from a structure or profile standpoint. X89 is the stouter made female that has all of the qualities that her sisters have had in the past. X57 and X89 are both very good in their own rights, and both deserve close observation on sale day. Both of these high quality, baldy females are bred to the up and coming herdsire SS/PRS Gunslinger. You make your choice on sale day which one that you like more.
Miss CCF Fantasy X89
Sheza Fantasy N906 x Make It Rain 3 or 5 Embryos
Consignor: C&C Farms
K-Ler Make It Rain
Foundation 724N HCC/CSC Beyonce
HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 SVF Sheza Lady J900
CE 8 BW -0.2 WW 24 YW 50 MCE 4 MM 5 MWW 17 Marb 0.12 REA 0.25 API 92
P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy or 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies if work is done by a certified embryologist. P Fantasy has produced many champions and high sellers out of several different sires. There is no doubt that the mating to Make It Rain will hit a home run. Several progeny out of this bull are some of the crowd favorites.
SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 - reference dam
K-Ler Make It Rain reference sire
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Sheza Looker Family
Miss CCF Sheza Looker Y50
Purebred Cow P BD: 9-02-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y50
Consignor: C&C Farms
STF Fixation W155
STF Dominance T171 GCF Miss Caliente
SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Looker SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
P Birth Wt. 84 lbs. P The only direct purebred fall show prospect to sell
Miss CCF Sheza Looker Y50
CE 4 BW 3.6 WW 30 YW 55 MCE 4 MM 2 MWW 16 Marb 0.19 REA 0.13 API 94
this year in the Cattlemen’s Choice Sale out of the up and coming young donor at C&C Farms. Progeny of the Champion Simmental Female at the 2009 Simmental Junior Nationals. This female represents everything that her mother was as a show heifer and more. The explosive rib cage, stoutness and power that Y50 possess are unreal, along with also being structurally sound off her feet and legs when put in motion and from and profile standpoint.
Miss CCF Y51 Miss CCF Sheza Looker - reference dam
SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-10-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y51 Consignor: C&C Farms CE 10 Famous 7001 BW 0.1 Gambles Hot Rod WW 24 Champion Hill Lady 203 YW 56 SVF NJC Built Right N48 MCE 3 Miss CCF Sheza Looker MM 2 SVF Sheza Fantasy N9006 MWW 24 P Birth Wt. 82 lbs. Marb 0.39 P The first percentage heifer to sell out of Sheza REA -0.01 Looker, and she has definitely surpassed our API 102 expectations here at C&C Farms. The Gambles Hot Rod heifer is smooth through her shoulders, extended in her front end, while also having a picture perfect profile. The Hot Rod females have been and continue to be highly competitive in the show ring, and this one has all of the right pieces to do the same.
Miss CCF X218 Miss CCF Y51
Purebred Cow P BD: 10-20-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X218 Consignor: C&C Farms
P Birth Wt. 78 lbs. P Bred AI on 11-22-11 to HTP/SVF Duracell T52, ASA#
2392068 .
Miss CCF X106 Purebred Cow P BD: 11-05-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X106 Consignor: C&C Farms
P Birth Wt. 78 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-04-11 to SS PRS High Voltage, ASA# 2571740.
P If you are looking for a long, well balanced, baldy
female check out X106. She has the Sheza Looker family line on the bottom side and Club King on the top side. The pedigree is there. As an added bonus she is bred to SS/RS High Voltage. CE 9 HC Hummer 12M BW 0.6 RC Club King 040R RC Miss Griffey 038N WW 38 YW 70 SVF NJC Built Right N48 MCE 11 Miss CCF Sheza Looker MM -1 SVF Sheza Fantasy N9006 MWW 18 Marb 0.14 REA 0.18 API 114
Miss CCF X106 SS PRS High Voltage reference sire
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Sheza Babe Family
Miss CCF Sheza Babe - reference dam
Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 Embryos
3 or 5 Embryos Consignor: C&C Farms
CNS Dream On L186 STF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette
HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 SVF Sheza Lady J900
STF Fixation - reference sire
STF Fixation W155 Proj. EPDs CE 4 BW 3.6 WW 30 YW 55 MCE 4 MM 2 MWW 17 Marb 0.20 REA 0.11 API 94
P STF Bullseye 01W Proj. EPDs CE 7 BW 2.0 WW 27 YW 51 MCE 5 MM 2 MWW 16 Marb 0.20 REA 0.11 API 99 P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy or 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies if work is done by a certified embryologist. P Embryos out of the Babe donor owned by C&C and Forest Brooke. Babe is a baldie donor and sister to Looker, Bandit, Wonder, Sheza Right and of course the 2010 Champion at the North American SVF Right A Way. This is a great opportunity adding the Caliente family with it’s power and consistency. Wow, choosing between Fixation and Bulls-Eye, I would just take them all. Wow, Choosing between Fixation and Bullseye, I would just take them all. Selling 3 or 5 embryos by STF Fixation and 3 or 5 embryos by STF Bullseye
STF Bullseye reference sire
Miss CCF Y54 Purebred Cow P BD: 9-03-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y54
C&C Farms
STF Fixation W155
STF Dominance T171 GCF Miss Caliente
SVF NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF Sheza Babe U2 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
P Birth Wt. 82 lbs. P You don’t see a heifer with the feminine look that this
CE 4 BW 3.6 WW 30 YW 55 MCE 4 MM 2 MWW 17 Marb 0.20 REA 0.11 API 94
female processes every day, along with the Sheza cow family to back her up. This heifer may be a little greener then the others at this point but she has been catching up with the other calves each and every day. If you are a young junior looking for a show heifer for this upcoming year, take her home and watch her grow. She will not disappoint you.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Miss CCF Y54
Fantasy U18 Family Selling Choice of Y52 or Y53 Miss CCF Y52 SimAngus Cow P BD: 10-05-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y52 Consignor:
C&C Farms
Birth Wt. 78 lbs.
Miss CCF Y53 SimAngus Cow P BD: 10-07-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X53
Miss CCF Y52
C&C Farms
Birth Wt. 80 lbs.
Plainview Lutton F107
EXAR Lutton 18331 Plainview Pride C123
HTP SVF In Dew Time Miss CCF Fantasy U18 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906
P These two Plainview Lutton daughters are two of
CE 10 BW -1.1 WW 27 YW 51 MCE 8 MM 1 MWW 14 Marb 0.48 REA -0.02 API 116
our best percentage heifers that we are offering this year. The Lutton females and bulls have always proved themselves not only in the show ring but in the pasture as donors and breeding heifers as well. The up and coming U18 donor is an In Dew Time / Sheza Fantasy daughter that is impressing us each and every calf crop that she has produced. These Lutton daughters are both very good in their own right, but are completely different at the same time. Y52 is as extended as you can make one with the eye appeal to catch any judges eye. Y53 is a maternal cow in the making. The depth of rib, stoutness and structural soundness that she has will catch you eye on sale day. We are not sure which one that we like the most, so you help make our decision and take home which one you think is the best.
Miss CCF Y53
Miss CCF Fantasy U18 Embryos
3 or 5 Embryos Consignor: C&C Farms
CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF In Dew Time HTP SVF Honeydew
HC Power Drive 88H SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 SVF Sheza Lady J900
P STF Fixation W155 Proj. EPDs CE 8 BW 0.8 WW 27 YW 48 MCE 6 MM 0 MWW 14 Marb 0.21 REA 0.06 API 110 P Flying B Cut Above Proj. EPDs CE 5 BW 3.4 WW 23 YW 54 MCE 6 MM 1 MWW 14 Marb 0.26 REA 0.14 API 102
Miss CCF Fantasy U18 - reference dam STF Fixation W155 - reference sire
Flying B Cut Above reference sire
P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy or 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies if work is done by a certified embryologist. P Fantasy U18 sold two years ago in this sale to Ryan Hecksel for half interest at $7,500. This In Dew Time donor is making a name for her self here at C&C Farms. Her progeny will sell the very day that these embryos will. We feel confident that once you see the fall percentage show prospects of of Plainview Lutton, you will see what this female can do. Like most In Dew Time daughters this one is complete, super in her overall design, with a great udder. Selling 3 or 5 embryos STF Fixation W155 and 3 embryos by Flying B Cut Above.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Miss CCF Sazerac T43 x JF Milestone
5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies Consignor: C&C Farms TNT Top Gun R244 JF Milestone 999W Ms Maxie Lou M112S GLS Frontier N13 Miss CCF Sazerac T43 Myers Queen Sazerac P94
Sazerac T43 Family
CE 5 BW 0.7 WW 36 YW 69 MCE 10 MM -7 MWW 12 Marb 0.33 REA 0.08 API 105
P Selling 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies if work is done by a certified embryologist. P From the day that T43 was born we knew that she was destined to be a great one, and she has proved us right. The maternal power, depth, spring of rib, and structural soundness that this up and coming donor possesses is unreal. In her first calf crop, she produced the 2012 Reserve Grand Champion Percentage Simmental Female at the National Western Stock Show in Denver. That female was also the Senior Calf Division Champion at the 2011 North American Percentage Show. A young donor in the making, just think of the possibilities of mating her with JF Milestone. His offspring claimed several division champions and were standouts at the 2011 North American. Milestone semen sold for $200/unit, and is no longer available. These embryos could produce you the next champion in your herd. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by on April 14th. Selling 5 embryos by JF Milestone 999W.
Miss CCF Sazerac T43 JF Milestone reference sire
Miss CCF Sazerac Y206
1/2 Blood Cow P BD: 1-08-11 P ASA# Pending P Consignor: C&C Farms GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N TWCC Trendsetter T71 JM 3956 GLS Frontier N13 Miss CCF Sazerac T43 Myers Queen Sazerac P94
P Birth Wt. 84 lbs. P Y206 is a full sister to the Reserve Grand Champion
Tattoo: Y206
CE 5 BW 0.3 WW 28 YW 52 MCE 6 MM -1 MWW 13 Marb 0.43 REA 0.08 API 96
Percentage Heifer at the 2012 National Western Stock Show. The maternal power that her dam shows in each one of her offspring has definitely shown through on this one. The overall completeness that Y206 has with her structural soundness and depth of rib show us why she rises to the top for C&C Farms.
Miss CCF Sazerac Y206
Miss CCF Sazerac X71 1/2 Blood Cow P BD: 10-06-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X71
Consignor: C&C Farms
GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N TWCC Trendsetter T71 JM 3956
GLS Frontier N13 Miss CCF Sazerac T43 Myers Queen Sazerac P94
Myers Queen Sazerac - reference granddam
CE 5 BW 0.3 WW 28 YW 52 MCE 6 MM -1 MWW 13 Marb 0.43 REA 0.08 API 96
P Bred AI on 12-10-11 to RRJS Steel Force, ASA# 2486766. P Sazerac X71is a full sister to the Reserve Grand Champion Percentage female at the 2012 National Western. Her sister owned by Cowles Family also won her divisions in Louisville and has dominated the Percentage shows in Kentucky this past year as just a September yearling heifer. The stoutness through this cow family is astonishing. Sazerac X71 is good in her own right and also posses the same extended front end, structural soundness, depth of rib and the long, and extended hip that her mother possess and passes on to each of her offspring no matter heifers, or bulls. X71 had definitely won her share of shows in Georgia this past show season for Cindy Cooper and she just continues to get better every day. The sky is the limit for not only what this female can do this summer in the show ring but in the donor line up for her new owners as well. Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Miss CCF Sazerac X71
Mr CCF X208
Purebred Bull P BD: 10-16-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X208 Consignor: C&C Farms
Birth Wt. 68 lbs.
Mr CCF X207
Purebred Bull P BD: 10-18-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X207 Consignor: C&C Farms
Birth Wt. 82 lbs.
CE 8 BW -0.9 WW Miss My Dream 429R WW 18 GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N YW 33 MCE 8 Miss CCF Sazerac T58 MM 2 Myers Queen Sazerac P94 MWW 11 P This is one of the best bulls that has walked the Marb 0.16 grounds of C&C Farms in awhile. The muscle expression REA 0.14 that this bull possesses along with the extension of the API 99
Westfall Voyager 721P
BMR Explorer
Mr CCF X208
front one third all tie together what could be the next great breeding piece. The Sazerac cow family has hit the Simmental industry with a bang. With the excitement surrounding Myers Queen Sazerac, take the opportunity to latch onto a great line of genetics. The deceased Explorer on the top side, this should be no problem studying him for your program on sale day.
Mr CCF X111 3/4 Blood Bull P BD: 11-09-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X111
Consignor: C&C Farms & Joe Fife
Birth Wt. 90 lbs.
P X111 is a stout hipped ž blood bull with a deep
middle and an attractive front end. He exhibits the power and style you would expect from the Star Power X Sazerac P94 mating. Anyone familiar with the Simmental breed is familiar with these genetics, and we believe X111 will live up to that legacy. He is a loose structured, free moving herd bull prospect that we believe will excel in a variety of programs. X111 is a worry free choice for a seedstock operation, or a profit maker for the commercial cattleman. Buy with confidence.
Miss CCF X111
Mr CCF X112
3/4 Blood Bull P BD: 11-12-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X112 Consignor: C&C Farms & Joe Fife
Birth Wt. 87 lbs.
P X112 is another good example of the Star Power
X P94 mating. This baldie bull is long sided and loose structured with good muscle definition. He is an excellent herd bull prospect, particularly for the commercial cattleman looking to make black baldie cattle with an extra shot of quality and pounds. Take a good look at this one.
CNS Dream On L186 SVF Star Power S802 SVF Sheza Star N902
Meyer Ranch 734 Myers Queen Sazerac P94 Myers Traveling Queen M212
Mr CCF X112
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
CE 1 BW 1.0 WW 25 YW 52 MCE 4 MM -2 MWW 10 Marb 0.22 REA 0.29 API 77
Sweet Kisses Family Miss CCF Kisses Y231
Purebred Cow P BD: 9-20-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y231 Consignor: C&C Farms
P Birth Wt. 74 lbs. P This baldy fall born heifer is a brood cow in the
making. Y231 is super soft made, wide based, and travels like a dream. When you factor in this one’s pedigree you’ll get excited. This Explorer daughter stems from a donor dam that is surely been a factor at C and C. Sweet Kisses is best known as the dam of CCF Sweet Kisses W55 the $9750 female from the 2010 Cattlemen’s Choice Sale. Y231 is a granddaughter of Kandy Kisses, a female that has certainly left an impact on the Simmental breed.
Miss CCF Kisses Y231
Miss CCF Kisses Y230 Purebred Cow P BD: 9-24-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y230
Consignor: C&C Farms
P Birth Wt. 98 lbs. P Bred AI on 11-21-11 to N Bar Primetime (Angus), ASA#
P Kisses Y230 is another female with power in the
blood. She is the combination of Sweet Kisses and Explorer. This September heifer calf is well constructed from the ground up. She is sound on her feet and legs is wide chested big ribbed and thick ended. Y230 is a full sister to another sale highlight Y231. Both of these heifer calves are projected to have superior low birth weight and high maternal capabilities. Genetics that will last are at the table.
BMR Explorer
Westfall Voyager 721P WW Miss My Dream 429R
HC Hummer 12M DS-SS K217 Sweet Kisses LF Kandy Kisses
CE 11 BW -0.8 WW 21 YW 43 MCE 12 MM 6 MWW 17 Marb 0.18 REA 0.22 API 111
BMR Explorer - reference sire
Miss CCF Kisses Y204 Purebred Cow P BD: 1-14-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y204
Consignor: C&C Farms
Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Dream On L186 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W
HC Hummer 12M DS-SS K217 Sweet Kisses LF Kandy Kisses
P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. P Take advantage of the opportunity to own a daughter
CE 12 BW -0.7 WW 29 YW 55 MCE 14 MM -0.1 MWW 15 Marb 0.38 REA 0.31 API 131
of Sweet Kisses sired by the breed’s all-time leader for registrations Dream On. Y204 is a yearling female that is super correct. This bald faced beauty is long bodied, square hipped and has an awesome hind leg set. Take this pedigree to the bank. The 2010 Cattlemen’s Choice sale was highlighted by a couple of full sisters to Y204. Those heifers went on to be successful for their new owners in the show arena. Tie into a mating that works.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Miss CCF Kisses Y204
Mr CCF X110
Purebred Bull P BD: 11-10-11 P ASA# Pending P Consignor: C&C Farms CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force SVF Sheza Beuaty L901 HC Hummer 12M DS-SS K217 Sweet Kisses LF Kandy Kisses
P Birth Wt. 84 lbs. P Here is a son of Sweet Kisses and with progeny
Tattoo: Y110
CE 10 BW -0.4 WW 31 YW 59 MCE 12 MM 0.8 MWW 17 Marb 0.21 REA 0.39 API 122
like this you can see why this family has been so popular. X110 is a baldie herd sire that will produce highly marketable calves. This herd sire prospect is soft middled and functional plus is well balanced. He will be a great breeding bull. If you calve in the fall just buy him and he will ready to go this fall.
Mr CCF X110
DS SS K217 Sweet Kisses Embryos
19A 19B
5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies on each bull Consignor: C&C Farms WLE Power Stroke HC Hummer 12M LBR Destinys Dream K830 LF Kandy Kisses
HC Power Drive 88H NJC TJF Hollye Hunter
SAV Final Answer Proj. EPDs CE 15 BW -3.2 WW 33 YW 70 MCE 13 MM 4 MWW 20 Marb 0.50 REA 0.19 API 145
P MCM Top Grade Proj. EPDs CE 11 BW -1.2 WW 34 YW 70 MCE 15 MM 7 MWW 24 Marb 0.41 REA 0.51 API 136
DS SS K217 Sweet Kisses - reference SAV Final Answer reference sire
MCM Top Grade reference sire
P Selling 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies if work is done by a certified embryologist. P We decided to mate Sweet Kisses to Final Answer because of the proven ability of this cow to make functional cattle. SAV Final Answer 0035 is the all- time semen seller to ever stand at Genex AI stud. He is a bull that sires females that are great mothers, breed back quickly, and are calf raising machines. On the other hand, Final Answer sons have been a commodity every commercial and seedstock producer dream of owning. Cross this with the ability of Sweet Kisses to raise a high dollar show female and rugged performance oriented sons is a combination to get us fired up. C and C is offering embryos by the powerful young superstar Top Grade and from the proven Sweet Kisses. Creating this mating was a no brainer for us. Sweet Kisses is a cow that can produce cattle with a ton of performance and look. We feel the ¾ blood son of Upgrade at Genex called Top Grade can do the same. Look for these cattle to make an impact on the performance world.
Dillons K217 Dew Kandy
Purebred Cow P BD: 4-10-11 P ASA# 2609684 P Consignor: Dillon Simmental & Tyler Diffey HTP SVF In Dew Time Welshs Dew It Right 067T SVF/NJC Senerita N29 LF Kandy Kisses
HC Power Drive 88H NJC TJF Hollye Hunter
P Birth Wt. 78 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 625 lbs. P Y111 is a own daughter of the donor of Dillon and
Dillons K217 Dew Kandy LF Kandy Kisses reference dam
Tattoo: Y111
CE 10 BW -0.7 WW 25 YW 49 MCE 12 MM 3 MWW 16 Marb 0.22 REA 0.06 API 122
Ingram, LF Kandy Kisses. This April born is thick behind plus has a killer profile. Many sons and daughters have sold well in past Cattleman’s Choice sale. A In Dew Time x Kandy Kisses son, Dillons In Time is working well in the Hart program and was purchased out of this sale. She make a breeding piece.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Dillons K217 Star X025
SimAngus Cow P BD: 12-04-10 P ASA# 2591338 P Tattoo: X025 Consignor: Dillon Simmental & Tyler Diffey
P Birth Wt. 68 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 534 lbs. P Bred AI on 3-17-12 to KNH Added Value, ASA# 2503672
Dillons K217 Star X028
SimAngus Cow P BD: 12-06-10 P ASA# 2591340 P Tattoo: X028 Consignor: Dillon Simmental & Tyler Diffey
P Birth Wt. 69 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 559 lbs. P Bred AI on 3-18-12 to KNH Added Value, ASA# 2503672. Sitz Traveler 8180
SAV Final Answer 0035
LF Kandy Kisses
SAV Emulous 8145 HC Power Drive 88H NJC TJF Hollye Hunter
P One of the smart things to do sale day would be to
Dillons K217 Star X025
CE 14 BW -3.4 WW 30 YW 65 MCE 11 MM 4 MWW 19 Marb 0.46 REA 0.12 API 137
sweep the ring on these two sisters. These females are deep, bold sprung, broody with the capacity and rib to be efficient cows for many years. Take them home and breed them to the bull of your choice, and the results will be profitable. Also, the breed leading EPDs you could produce a great herd bull.
Oleo Steelin Kisses 109Y
SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-09-11 P ASA# 2625347 P Consignor: Oleo Ranch CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901 BT Alliance 528N PCC Miss Barbara 132R LCC Barbara MG100
P Birth Wt. 68 lbs. P Steelin Kisses is the best we have to offer from the
Tattoo: 109Y
CE 11 BW -2.5 WW 25 YW 58 MCE 9 MM 4 MWW 16 Marb 0.31 REA 0.08 API 114
Dillons K217 Star X028
Miss Barbara Family
fall calves. This attractive baldy heifer is a product of mating the sensational Steel Force to our Miss Barbara 132R donor. This cow family has accounted for more income than any we have ever owned. The potential this heifer has in the show ring and pasture should excite the most discriminating stockman. Sweet fronted, big bellied and a killer profile; 109Y excites us. Seller retains the right to a successful flush of at least six transferable embryos at the seller expenses and buyer’s convenience after calving.
Oleo Steelin Kisses 109Y
PCC Miss Barbara x Upgrade
3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancies Consignor: Oleo Ranch Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119
CE 11 BW -2.3 WW 40 YW 82 BR Alliance 528N MCE 11 PCC Miss Barbara 132R MM 1 LCC Barbara MG100 MWW 22 P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy if work Marb 0.41 is done by a certified embryologist. REA 0.27 P Miss Barbara 132R has kept Oleo Ranch in API 127
business. This cow has accounted for more income than any cow we’ve ever owned. She does so many things right. She makes the kind that are cool to stare at on Sunday afternoon no matter what way you mate her. Check out her daughter by Steel Force in this sale. Two Upgrade daughters out of 132R sold last year for an average of $8,400. One daughter was our high selling open heifer in the 2011 Cattlemen’s Choice to Callie Akins. The homework has been done for you. Tie into these proven genetics for performance and look.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
PCC Miss Barbara - reference dam
PCC Miss Barbara x Upgrade Daughter - reference
Dew the Stroke Family
HHF Dew Dominance Y12
Purebred Cow P BD: 1-06-11 P ASA# 2623691 P Tattoo: Y12
Horseshow Hollow Farm
STF Dominique R170
STF Dominance T171
MMP Kiss This 37L
HTP SVF Dew The Stroke
WLE Power Stroke HTP SVF Honeydew
P Birth Wt. 78 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 680 lbs. P Y12 is a superb daughter of the donor Dew The
HTP SVF Dew The Stroke - reference dam
CE 7 BW 1.3 WW 29 YW 55 MCE 13 MM 0.2 MWW 15 Marb 0.30 REA -0.05 API 105
Stroke and a full sib to Jay Junkem’s Reserve Grand Bull at the North American which was purchased as a embryo out of a past Cattleman’s Choice sale. With the success of his bull Jay priced half interest in the superb producing donor, Dew the Stroke. After much deliberation and hesitation we came to terms and now she is owned by C and C and Forest Brooke. We wish Jay and Dwight much continued success however they will keep repeating the benefits because she is truly superior in her production. This daughter is young and has the style and balance all the daughters have known to possess. The Power Stroke influence in Dew The Stroke produces that long sleek front and that soundness that stays with them for a life time. Come see this one and never under estimate the family.
IL Dew U Remember W135
Purebred Cow P BD: 3-05-09 P ASA# 2493718 P Consignor: Dillon Simmentals & Tyler Diffey CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette HTP SVF Dew The Stroke
WLE Power Stroke HTP SVF Honeydew
P Birth Wt. 81 lbs. P Here is a smooth and well balanced female that is
IL Dew U Remember W135
Tattoo: W135
CE 11 BW -0.3 WW 29 YW 56 MCE 9 MM 0.9 MWW 15 Marb 0.24 REA 0.05 API 114
young and ready to continue the process of producing the right kind and being money maker along the way. This Built Right cow has a bull at side and is doing a great job. Remember the udders on the Dew The Stroke progeny are super and W135 is near perfect. She will have no trouble raising this Star Player. With Star Players performance this could be the heaviest at weaning. A baldie cow with potential.
BD: 2-23-12
Sex: Bull
SIRE: SVF Star Player
Miss CCF X302
Purebred Cow P BD: 1-05-10 P ASA# Pending P Consignor: C&C Farms CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette HTP SVF Dew The Stroke
WLE Power Stroke HTP SVF Honeydew
P Birth Wt. 84 lbs. P We couldn’t be more pleased by the way that X302
Tattoo: X302
CE 11 BW -0.3 WW 29 YW 56 MCE 9 MM 0.9 MWW 15 Marb 0.24 REA 0.05 API 114
has turned out in her maternal makeup as a first calf heifer. The long bodied, structurally sound female is almost perfect at whatever point of view you are studying her. We lost her full sister this past January right before entering her in the young donor line up at C&C Farms. She has a perfect udder, and a very nice RRJS Steel Force bull calf at side.
Miss CCF X302
BD: 2-18-12
SIRE: RRJS Steel Force
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Sex: Bull
BW: 82
Tattoo: Z29
HTP SVF Dew The Stroke Embryos
27A 27B
3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancies Consignor: C&C Farms Burns Bull X339U WLE Power Stroke Nichols Joliette C75 HTP SVF Honeydew
GW Lucky One 187H HC Honeysuckle Rose
Ankonian Red Caesar Proj. EPDs CE 8 BW 1.9 WW 40 YW 73 MCE 9 MM 6 MWW 26 Marb 0.16 REA 0.27 API 110
P Flying B Cut Above Proj. EPDs CE 8 BW 0.7 WW 28 YW 51 MCE 8 MM 0.2 MWW 14 Marb 0.23 REA 0.02 API 110
Dew The Stroke x Payday - reference
P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy by Ankonian Red Caesar or
Flying B Cut Above if work is done by a certified embryologist. P C&C Farms is dedicated to offering only high quality Simmental Genetics and this mating is consistent with that philosophy. Ankonian Red Caesar is one of the breeds legendary Simmental bulls. Anyone that breeds Simmental cattle knows the impact that he has had and continues to have on this breed. Between Dew The Stroke and Ankonian Red Caesar this mating should be a win,win! Forest Brook Farms purchased embryos two years ago and had Reserve Champion Simmental bull at the 2011 North American with a Dew The Stroke x Dominance. Mike Hartman purchased a Pay Day x Dew The Stroke privately out of our string at the Sweepstakes, who won the senior calf division the next day. With two strong cow families like these you can’t go wrong. Offering 3 embryos by Ankonian Red Caesar or Flying B Cut Above.
Miss CCF Elsa X224
Ankonian Red Caesar - reference sire
Flying B Cut Above - reference sire
GCF Miss Elsa Family
SimAngus Cow P BD: 10-14-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X224
Consignor: C&C Farms
P Birth Wt. 62 lbs. P Bred AI on 1-12-12 to HTP/SVF Duracell T52, ASA#
2392068 .
P The Elsa progeny were a big hit in the 2011 Cattlemen’s Choice
Sale. Here is an opportunity to purchase a pair of half-blood daughters sired by the Conley bred Angus phenomenon BC Lookout. Lookout has sired as many show winners as any Angus bull that has been used in recent times. X224 is super stylish, elegant fronted and well designed from the side. A maternal sister to X224 sired by Trademark was a division winner for the Tingles at the 2012 National Western. Take this Elsa and breed quality Simmental cattle the genes are there. X224 is due to cave in the fall to HTP SVF Duracell, the calving ease sensation known for producing a superior phenotype.
Miss CCF Elsa X225
SimAngus Cow P BD: 10-14-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X225 Consignor: C&C Farms
Miss CCF Elsa X224
P Birth Wt. 62 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-04-11 to HTP/SVF Duracell T52, ASA#
2392068 .
P Miss Elsa X225 is another BC Lookout Elsa combination that
is designed to be a producer. X225 is extremely feminine, smooth shouldered and broody appearing. These genetics are proven and potent. C and C Farms believes in bringing high quality bred heifers to the Cattlemen’s Choice Sale. There is a long list of Elsa offspring that working for outstanding breeders across the country. Partisover Ranch, Davis Farms, Britt Angus and the Tingle Family are just a few that come to mind. X225 is due to have a 3/4 blood baby by HTP SVF Duracell.
BC Lookout 7024 GCF Miss Elsa
OCC Legend 616L Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 CNS Dream On L186 SS Miss Break
CE 12 BW -0.6 WW 28 YW 56 MCE 7 MM -3 MWW 11 Marb 0.55 REA 0.21 API 124
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Miss CCF Elsa X225
Miss CCF Looker X226
Purebred Cow P BD: 10-19-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X226 Consignor: C&C Farms
P Birth Wt. 70 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-11-11 to HTP/SVF Duracell T52, ASA#
2392068 .
Miss CCF Elsa X40 Purebred Cow P BD: 3-02-10 P ASA# 2539717 P Tattoo: X40 Consignor: C&C Farms
29B 29C P
Birth Wt. 70 lbs.
BD: 2-10-12 Sex: Heifer SIRE: STF Shocking Dream
BW: 82
Tattoo: Z26
CE 8 BW 0.5 WW 29 YW 47 CNS Dream On L186 MCE 8 GCF Miss Elsa MM -0.9 SS Miss Break MWW 14 P X40 is a powerful, structural sound female that deserves Marb 0.27 your observance on sale day. The Elsa daughter is one of REA 0.21 the nicest balanced cow calf pairs we have offered in the API 107 sale in sometime. The white faced female carries herself
WLE Power Stroke GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N NJC Ebony Antoinette
Miss CCF Elsa X40
in a phenomenal way that any cattlemen would have to look at. Her sister shown by Tingle Simmental Farm won her Division in the open Simmental show at the 2012 National Western. Each of the Trademark daughters have a lot cow potential in them and this one is no different. The Shocking Dream heifer calf at side expresses the power and stoutness that she should pass on to her cattle.
Miss CCF X230
SimAngus Cow P BD: 10-11-10 P ASA# Pending P Consignor: C&C Farms B/R New Design 036 Perry Power Design 715 HP Maximum Lady 221
Tattoo: X230
CE 12 BW -1.6 WW 25 YW 56 CNS Dream On L186 MCE 7 GCF Miss Elsa MM 2 SS Miss Break MWW 14 P Birth Wt. 72 lbs. Marb 0.7 P X230 is a SimAngus out of a 036 son, Power Design. REA -0.05 Here is female that offers versatility and efficiency. A API 131
female with built in calving ease and low birth weight.
GCF Miss Elsa Embryos
31A 31B
GCF Miss Elsa - reference dam
Selling 3 or 5 embryos out of Triple C El Ponderoso Rey &Trademark. Consignor: C&C Farms Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Dream On L186 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W SS Miss Break
GW Lucky Break 047G Zeis Maxine A231
P Triple C El Poderoso Rey Proj. EPDs CE 8 BW -0.2 WW 32 YW 67 MCE 13 MM 1 MWW 17 Marb 0.26 REA 0.28 API 116 P GWS Ebonys Trademark Proj. EPDs CE 8 BW 0.4 WW 29 YW 47 MCE 8 MM -0.9 MWW 14 Marb 0.27 REA 0.21 API 107
Triple C El Poderoso Rey – reference sire
GWS Ebonys Trademark – reference sire
P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy or 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies out of Poderoso Rey or Ebonys Trademark if work is done by a certified embryologist. P Ever since we purchased Elsa out of Denver she has been able to exceed our expectations each calf crop. Several consistent progeny sold in the 2010 sale sired by S.O.S, Trademark, Bettis, and Power Drive. In the 2008 sale Elsa produced a high seller going to 3M Simmentals and went on to be a champion. This donor is packing fertility averaging 18 good embryos per flush. To our knowledge this is one the only Homozygous Black Dream On daughters out of Mrs. Break. Selling 3 or 5 embryos out of Triple C El Ponderoso Rey and Trademark.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Miss CCF P06 Family Miss CCF Queen Y202 Purebred Cow P BD: 1-16-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y202
Consignor: C&C Farms
Birth Wt. 72 lbs.
P This yearling female is a product of one of the most
proven matings at C and C Farms. Queen Y202 is sired by the Genex calving ease specialist In Dew Time and from a dam that never misses. This female is a full sister to a long list of cattle that have had an impact where ever they call home. Y202 is long bodied, level made and loose structured. Proven genetics wrapped into a practical package.
Miss CCF Queen X221
Miss CCF Queen Y202
Purebred Cow P BD: 11-02-10 P ASA# 2585278 P Tattoo: X221
Consignor: C&C Farms
P Birth Wt. 70 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-10-11 to SS/PRS Gunslinger, ASA#
P As you analyze X221 on sale day make sure to
take notice at her over stoutness and power that she possess. There are not many females that can get out and go when put on the move, and sit her feet down as correct as she does for as stout as she is. The depth of rib this female has makes her almost the complete package to make the next great herd sire. Bred safe in calf to Gunslinger.
Mr CCF X209 Purebred Bull P BD: 10-13-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X209 Consignor: C&C Farms
Birth Wt. 64 lbs.
Miss CCF P06 - reference dam
P This In Dew Time is the best made bull in the sale
offering this year from C&C Farms. X209 has a long extended front end, stoutness, structurally soundness, while also having plenty of spring of rib. There have been full sisters to this bull run through the sale ring for the past few years and have all went on to make great brood cows for their new owners. Yes, this bull is solid black but the way that X209 is built from the ground up, we feel that he can run with the best of the baldies. The way this bull is put together and the style and balance that he possess, you can not go wrong with purchasing a bull like this to run in your cow herd.
CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF In Dew Time HTP SVF Honeydew
Miss CCF P06
SS Goldmine L42 HF GFI Queen of Denial C42
CE 13 BW -0.8 WW 25 YW 42 MCE 13 MM -0.5 MWW 12 Marb 0.31 REA 0.17 API 126
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Mr CCF X209
Miss CCF Queen W83
Purebred Cow P BD: 9-12-09 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W83 Consignor: C&C Farms
P Birth Wt. 84 lbs. P Bred AI on 3-18-12 to Mr NLC Upgrade, ASA# 2474338 .
BD: 2-03-12 Sex: Heifer BW: 80 SIRE: Oleo Bringing Rain 8008, AAA# 16095175
Tattoo: Z27
P This blazed faced cow calf pair is one that you
can analyze from any angle and its hard to fault this one. Just as her sisters from the P06 cow they are all sleek fronted, structurally sound, and just overall nicely balanced female. W83 has a heifer calf at side by Bringing Rain, and already has the killer look to be a good show heifer
Miss CCF Queen W83
Miss CCF W79 Purebred Cow P BD: 9-10-09 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: W79 Consignor: C&C Farms
33C 33D P
Birth Wt. 82 lbs.
BD: 2-18-12 Sex: Bull BW: 80 SIRE: Oleo Bringing Rain 8008, AAA# 16095175
Tattoo: Z31
P This Built Right daughter is extremely feminine
fronted, perfect uttered, and moves like a dream. This nicely balanced red cow is definitely one of the best pairs from C&C Farms, with black bull calf by Bringing Rain.
CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette
Miss CCF P06
SS Goldmine L42 HF GFI Queen of Denial C42
Miss CCF W79
Antoinette W62 Embryos
CE 11 BW -0.5 WW 25 YW 45 MCE 9 MM 5 MWW 17 Marb 0.19 REA 0.12 API 110
Miss CCF Antoinette W62 Embryos
34A 34B
3 or 5 Embryos Consignor: C&C Farms
CNS Dream On L186 Kappes Trailblazer S516 Kappes Sadie M166
HC Power Drive 88H NJC SVF Antoinette K205 NJC TJF Hollye Hunter
P SS/PRS High Voltage Proj. EPDs CE 9 BW 0.3 WW 33 YW 61 MCE 10 MM 0.4 MWW 17 Marb 0.25 REA 0.28 API 118 P SAV Final Answer Proj. EPDs CE 14 BW 3.3 WW 36 YW 72 MCE 11 MM 1 MWW 19 Marb 0.48 REA 0.16 API 139
Miss CCF Antoinette W62 - reference dam SS/PRS High Voltage - reference sire
SAV Final Answer reference sire
P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy or 5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies on each set if work is done by a certified embryologist. P A direct daughter out of Kappes Trailblazer and the legendary K205 Cow. Everyone knows what great impact that Antoinette K205 has had on the Simmental Breed. W62 in her own right we feel could be one of the best daughters out of the legend herself to date. The overall structurally soundness, depth of rib and feminine front one/ third. Steven showed her successfully all through Georgia and won Reserve Grand Champion Simmental Female at the 2011 Georgia State Show. Coming from the same bloodlines of Mo Better, Mo Town, and Expectation you cant go wrong with adding genetics like these into your program. Selling 3 or 5 embryos by SAV Final Answer and 3 or 5 embryos by SS/PRS High Voltage.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
CCF Southern Jewel Family Miss CCF Paying Jewels Purebred Cow P BD: 1-11-10 P ASA# 2533844 P Tattoo: X9
Consignor: C&C Farms
35A 35B P
Birth Wt. 74 lbs.
BD: 2-01-12 SIRE: RRJS Steel Force
Sex: Bull
BW: 78
Tattoo: Z25
P The quality that X9 offers makes her a have to
look for on sale day. X9 is a female with a dependable pedigree backed by the Glamour cow family on the top side and the Ebony Antoinette cow family on the bottom side. Putting pedigrees like these into your cow herd and the effect that it will have is a no brainer. She has a RRJS Steel Force bull calf at side and is doing a superb job raising him.
Miss CCF Paying Jewels
Miss CCF Jewel Y209
Purebred Cow P BD: 1-09-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y209 Consignor: C&C Farms
Birth Wt. 77 lbs.
P This Pay Day open female is one that you have to
admire from a structural stand point, while also having plenty of shape in her rib and just an overall feminine look from the side. Think of this one as a bred or even as a cow calf pair one day. You may like her on sale day, but take her home and you will love her as with a calf walking at her side around this time next year.
HHF Pay Day
3C Macho M450 BZ KenCo/MF Glamour Girl 11
KSU Venom 101M Miss CCF Southern Jewel NJC Black Jewel
CE 6 BW -0.4 WW 22 YW 41 MCE 11 MM 6 MWW 17 Marb 0.04 REA 0.10 API 97
Miss CCF Jewel Y209
Powerdrive Phyllis Embryos Powerdrive Phyllis x JF Milestone 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy
Consignor: Ingram Livestock
CE 6 BW 0.9 WW 33 YW 62 HC Power Drive 88H MCE 9 SS Powerdrive Phyllis H83P MM 3 NJC/TJF Joy MWW 20 P Selling 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy if work Marb 0.08 is done by a certified embryologist. REA 0.18 P Phyliss progeny is doing well. At the past Hudson API 111 TNT Top Gun R244
JF Milestone 999W MS Maxie Lou M112S
SS Powerdrive Phyllis H83P - reference dam
Pines sale a daughter was among the high sellers. If you didn’t get involved in Milestone early or purchase a semen package this is a excellent way to get involved. Strong and dependable genetics on both sides of the pedigree.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
JF Milestone 999W - reference sire
Fall Open Heifers Woodlawn Splendor 189Y
Purebred Cow P BD: 9-02-11 P ASA# 2623719 P Consignor: Woodlawn Farms HC Hummer 12M RC Club King 040R RC Miss Griffey 038N PSR Force U809
Hooks Shear Force 38K Miss Pelton S682
P Birth Wt. 68 lbs P This heifer is a growth machine in a fancy enough
Woodlawn Splendor 189Y
Tattoo: 189Y
CE 11 BW -0.1 WW 43 YW 74 MCE 16 MM 0.5 MWW 22 Marb 0.28 REA 0.27 API 131
package. I would like to have several like her to offer. This quality is hard to come by. She is broke to lead and very easy going in case you buy her to add to your show string. This is predictable genetics that we guarantee will make a awesome brood cow. Stout EPDs in all areas.
E/T Yvonne 141Y
SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-18-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: 141Y Consignor: Elrod Farms and Tolbert EPDs CNS Dream On L186 Available SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette Sale Day. GCC Miss Trailblazer 739S
P Birth Wt. 81 lbs. P Here’s a great business opportunity to purchase
E/T Yvonne 141Y
a solid female that has money maker written all over her. High quality heifer with flawless fundamentals; a loose structured female that effortlessly fills her track, she’s big ribbed and stout hipped. A female with all the credentials do well in February. A Built Right daughter out of a model Angus female purchased from Partisover that’s stout made, deep flanked and easy fleshing. Tremendous amout of potential in this gentle mamma maker.
GCC Miss Trailblazer 739S - reference dam
Miss CCF Y232 SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-23-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: Y232
Consignor: C&C Farms
Nichols Legacy G151 SVF Steel Force S701 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W
EPDs Available Sale Day.
Bon View New Design 1407 GAR 1407 New Design 1094 GAR 044 Traveler 2328
P Birth Wt. 92 lbs. P What do you expect out of a Steel Force Sim Angus
Miss CCF Y232
female? Many breeders and ASA personnel would answer the question several different ways however the end result and objective would be the same. To add value, add genetic merit plus add positive genetics for years to come. Y232 is a female some people would consider a show heifer, but whatever your program, this one will benefit. A nice complete individual that will just keep getting better. They all have to be young sometime.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
E/T Yvette 019Y 1/4 Blood Cow P BD: 10-03-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: 019Y
Consignor: Elrod Farms
Oleo Withstand 932W
3C Macho M450 BZ KAF Blackcap 112
High Valley 9R34 of 3D22 Irvingnton 3602 9R34 4017 Irvington 1695 7D7 3602
P Birth Wt. 70 lbs. P An exciting opportunity to purchase one of the first
CE 9 BW -2.1 WW 14 YW 42 MCE 6 MM 3 MWW 10 Marb 0.42 REA -0.04 API 101
daughters out of our herdsire purchased from 2010 Bull Power sale, Oleo Withstand (Macho x 878). A 1/4 blood heifer that exudes female character; well balanced, attractive fronted, big ribbed, easy striding. A cowmans kind with a profile that pays. Out of a hard working, moderate framed Angus female that never misses. Truly excited about this inaugural offering from “Stan”.
E/T Yvette 019Y
Britt Rita 1170Y SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-14-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: 1170Y
Consignor: Britt Angus Farm
Flying B Cut Above Stephens Rita S7001
FB Prime Cut 456L Dillons Ms Pretty Woman SAV 8180 Traveler 004 GAR 616 Rito 262
P This powerful open heifer is built to be a super
CE 10 BW -0.5 WW 24 YW 55 MCE 7 MM 2 MWW 14 Marb 0.41 REA -0.12 API 109
percentage female. Cowy, deep bodied, bold sprung and super wide based. Rita 1170Y is backed by legendary pathfinder sires in the Angus breed like Traveler 004 and Rito 6i6. A maternal brother is this female is working for Robin and Beth Reed in AL. A super well - made heifer with a pedigree flexible for any Dream On mating.
Britt Rita 1170Y
Britt Rita 1188Y 1/4 Blood Cow P BD: 10-05-11 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: 1188Y
Consignor: Britt Angus Farm
Meyer Ranch 734 Cabe Bros Cheap Sunglass Circle G Miss Dividend 7080
EPDs Available Sale Day.
BR Midland Ogeechee Pride 7100 Finks Pride 0266 6249 RT
P This bald faced beauty is cool. Sired by the Britt
senior herdsire Cheap Sunglasses, this heifer would be a tremendous show prospect and even better percentage mama cow. The Meyer 734 granddaughters are in high demand in the show industry. Whether you want to raise percentage Simmentals or club calves this female will leave a mark on your program when she exits the show ring.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
1 pm (EDT), Saturday, April 14, 2012 Britt Farm 724 E and M Dairy Rd Hartwell, Georgia 30643
Spring Open Heifers Miss CCF Pay Day Y9
1/2 Blood Cow P BD: 1-06-11 P ASA# 2583049 P Consignor: Lacoda Farms 3C Macho M450 BZ HHF Pay Day KenCo/MF Glamour Girl 11
Tattoo: Y9
P Birth Wt. 68 lbs. P The baldie heifer is a HHF Pay Day x 1/2 AN 1/2 CA
Miss CCF Pay Day Y9
CE 3 BW -0.7 WW 11 YW 19 MCE 4 MM 0.3 MWW 6 Marb 0.16 REA -0.06 API 70
Cow 155. Pay day again has done an excellent job. This halfblood is stout boned, wide based, thick topped and is well balanced. Our girls love to show however we want to offer our best for other juniors as well. A baldie in a complete package.
VER Princess 1148Y
1/4 Blood Cow P BD: 1-12-11 P ASA# 2589387 P Consignor: Oleo Ranch SVF/NJC Mo Better M217 SC Mo Magic S47 Akers Ruby 2184 Leachman Saugahatchee BF Greenlee Rose 116 Jarrell Princess 1056
P Birth Wt. 71 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 521 lbs. P Bred AI on TBD to American Dream, ASA# 2522170. P This January quarter blood Simmental heifer
VER Princess 1148Y
Tattoo: 1148Y
CE 8 BW -0.5 WW 22 YW 57 MCE 7 MM -3 MWW 8 Marb 0.25 REA -0.08 API 88
would be a great foundation female. 1148Y is built on a strong skeleton and is big bodied and stout made. Use this ultra broody female to build a high percentage animal. She stems from one of the greatest Angus cows in Georgia for producing and awesome phenotype. Maternal sisters to 1148Y have won all across the state in the Angus shows. Ask anyone who remembes the Gracie cow and they will tell you she could walked on water.
BF Greenlee Rose 116 - reference dam
Miss CCF Y205
SimAngus Cow P BD: 1-20-11 P ASA# Pending P Consignor: C&C Farms CNS Dream On L186 SVF Star Power S802 SVF Sheza Star N902 J&J Queen 585
BR Midland J&J Queenie 9206
P Birth Wt. 85 lbs. P Here is a half-blood SimAngus female that will suite
Miss CCF Y205
Tattoo: Y205
CE 7 BW 0.2 WW 30 YW 69 MCE 5 MM -3 MWW 12 Marb 0.5 REA 0.27 API 102
the most critical stockman. Y205 is super complete. She is ideal in her skeletal structure and stout in her make up. Dwight and Steven may have missed putting this one in the show barn. She could be competitive. Tie into a female here that is backed by a super powerful deep bodied dam by BR Midland. Power and balance a combination for success. .
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Bred Heifers
Dillons 103 Whatacow
SimAngus Cow P BD: 10-20-10 P ASA# 2591883 P Tattoo: X023 Consignor: Dillon Simmental & Tyler Diffey Ellingson Legacy M229 CE 11 BW -1.9 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B WW 39 OCC Emblazon 854E YW 77 MCE 8 Jauer Emblazon 685 103 Jauer Granit 685 039 MM -7 MWW 12 P Birth Wt. 68 lbs. • Weaning Wt.656 lbs. Marb 0.38 P Bred AI on 1-07-12 to GWS Ebony Trademark, ASA# REA 0.41 2231696. API 121 P This one is named right, What a cow! Being in Mississippi we need more cows like this Upgrade daughter. She can stand the heat being loose made and deep bodied plus she can maintain on grass in a highly efficient manner. This girl is easy to like and as I get older I seem to want more cows like this in my small herd. Her dam is a superior Emblazon cow. Tyler likes her even though she is not a show cow, however she is Whatacow!
Dillons 103 Whatacow
Miss HHF X40
Miss X41
Purebred Cow P BD: 1-03-10 P ASA# 2535476 P Tattoo: X40
Horseshoe Hollow Farm
CNS Dream On L186 Ankonian Watchman S012 407D
Miss HHF Edge
PTL Cutting Edge D209 ET Miss Bmiz 24A
P Birth Wt. 82 lbs. P PE from 3-01-11 to 7-01-11 to HHFX44, ASA#
CE 9 BW 0.2 WW 25 YW 42 MCE 13 MM -0.2 MWW 12 Marb 0.28 REA 0.11 API 117
2535471. P X40’s Dam has been one of our most profitable and dependable cows. You will appreciate the soundness, volume, and quality of this baldy 2 year old! She is a daughter of Ankonian Watchman that we purchased from Ankonian Farms and his daughters have proven to be moderate framed, excellent uddered females.X40 will calve before the sale to X44, a Built Right x Dew The Stroke. These are great genetics so buy with confidence!
Purebred Cow P BD: 1-05-10 P ASA# 2535475 P Tattoo: X41
Horseshoe Hollow Farm
CNS Dream On L186 Ankonian Watchman S012 407D
Miss HHF M30
BS Mr Corrector 9111J 3LL Ms Triple Preferred G5
P Birth Wt. 76 lbs. P PE from 3-01-11 to 7-01-11 to HHFX44, ASA#
2535471 . P X41 is a very nice Watchman daughter out of a Corrector Cow that we purchased from Brenig Simmental a few years back. She has proven to be a very productive cow in our herd. X41 will be just as productive and profitable to her new owners as she was for us! Will calve prior to the sale to X44, the ET bull by Built Right and Dew The Stroke. Solid black moderate framed young cow with many years of production in her future!
Miss LF Reach X03
SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-05-10 P ASA# 2567620 P Consignor: Lacoda Farms OCC Jupitor 671J Limestone Jupitor U449 Limestone Everelda R187 SVF NJC Built Right N48 Miss LF Rose Petal U04 Miss HHF Petal P09
P Birth Wt. 79 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-2011 to Encore, ASA# 2284476. P This one is good as her picture. If you need a older
CE 10 BW -0.9 WW 24 YW 40 MCE 12 MM -3 MWW 9 Marb 0.26 REA 0.17 API 114
Tattoo: X03
CE 6 BW -1.3 WW 30 YW 61 MCE 4 MM 6 MWW 21 Marb 0.17 REA 0.12 API 86
heifer to take to the AJSA nationals in Lima then look up this Jupiter bred. A sharp fronted female that is just plain complete. Remember is past sales and Georgia state shows many progeny have excelled from the Horseshoe Hollow Petal line. This could be another champion. Due in September.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Miss LF Reach X03
E/T Esteem 082X SimAngus Cow P BD: 11-16-10 P ASA# 2571417 P Tattoo: 082X Consignor: Elrod Farms and Tolbert CE 10 CNS Dream On L186 BW -0.2 SVF NJC Built Right NJC Ebony Antoinette WW 23 YW 54 MCCO 338 Right Time 302 MCE 7 MCCO 302 Esteem 547 MCCO Lucys Boy Esteem 217 MM 0.3 MWW 12 P Birth Wt. 83 lbs. Marb 0.41 P Bred AI on 2-04-12 to Mo Magic ASA# 2385230. REA -0.14 P PE to Oleo Withstand ASA# 2536214 . API 108
P Wow! A female that hits you hard on the profile in terms E/T Esteem 082X
of genuine eye appeal and balance. Tremendously long bodied, sure footed and she’s enjoyed her share of success for Abigail Allen in the show ring as the Reserve Champion % Simmental at the Georgia National Fair. Produced from a core group of females purchased from Mike McGuire, she has truly lived out our ultimate goal of customer success. A heifer of this caliber bred back to Mo Magic and pasture exposed to our herd bull “Stan” is hard to part with. A sure bet!
RAF Forever Lady X100
SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-19-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X100 Consignor: Rolling Acres Farm EPDs GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N Available Mr CCF SAZ Trade Up T60 Myers Queen Sazerac P94 Sale Day. Rockn D Ambush 1531 Greenwood Forever Lady M136 Waldeck Ef Forever Lady 9407
RAF Forever Lady X100
P Birth Wt. 63 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-11-11 to SAV Final Answer, ASA# 2320695. P X100 is a Simmy influenced female by the Trade Up
bull. You need to contact Dwight and get some semen on this bull, he is doing a great job just ask Tim. This girl is out of a good Rockin D Ambush cow and will calve in the fall to Final Answer. You just need more of this kind.
RAF Jewel X130
SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-21-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X130
Consignor: Rolling Acres Farm
GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N Mr CCF SAZ Trade Up T60 Myers Queen Sazerac P94
EPDs Available Sale Day.
Commercial Angus
P Birth Wt. 67 lbs. P Bred AI on 12-30-11 to HTP/SVF Duracell, ASA#
RAF Jewel X130
2392068 . P X130 is product of the Trade Up bull the Trademark out of Sazerac. There is only a few however you could handle a truck load of these girls. She will calve in the fall to HTP SVF Duracell.
Britt Rita 5243
SimAngus Cow P BD: 9-16-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X243 Consignor: Britt Angus Farm CE 2 Mr Black GX 6W BW -0.05 Meyer Ranch 734 Miss GX 728R WW 24 YW 53 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 MCE 5 SBP Rita 7616 MM 2 DTA Rita 348 MWW 14 P Bred AI on 11-27-11 to STF Shocking Dream, ASA# 2335795. Marb 0.51 P Britt Angus Farm has decided to breed SimAngus REA 0.03 using the best Angus females we have as a foundation. API 92 This direct daughter of legendary Meyer 734 would work in a variety of scenarios. She is a long bodied, sweet fronted, correctly made female with an abundance of style. Sells bred to Shocking Dream for a 3/4 blood calf. Popularity and predictability equals profit.
Britt Rita 5243
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Bred Cows and Cow/calf Pairs Woodlawn Classy Lady 48X Purebred Cow P BD: 9-17-09 P ASA# 2543933 P Tattoo: 48X
Consignor: Woodlawn Farms
HTP SVF In Dew Time Welshs Dew It Right 067T SVF NJC Senerita N29
OCC Emblazon 854E GW Miss Emblazon 1179N GW Miss Tailor Made 648F
P Birth Wt. 67 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 584 lbs. P Study this pedigree and you won’t find any flaws.
There is no doubt that this pair will not turn out to be profitable. If you are one to buy great looking cattle with predictable proven bloodlines then this deal is for you.
BD: 3-19-12 Sex: Heifer
BW: 62
Tattoo: 214Z
CE 10 BW -0.6 WW 28 YW 51 MCE 10 MM 1 MWW 15 Marb 0.19 REA -0.03 API 113
Sire: RC Club King
Woodlawn Classy Lady 48X
Ds CCF 8205 Georgeanna SimAngus Cow P BD: 12-10-07 P ASA# 2474268 P Tattoo: T77
Consignor: C&C Farms/Dillon Simmentals
CNS Dream On L186
Nichols legacy G151
CNS Sheeza Dream K107W
Sitz Traveler 8180 Thomas Miss Lucy 8205 Thomas Miss Lucy 6347
P Birth Wt. 82 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 677 lbs. P Bred AI on 11-18-11 to Mr NLC Upgrade, ASA# 2474338 .
P This is a solid Sim Angus cow that C and C owns
CE 14 BW -0.2 WW 25 YW 58 MCE 12 MM -0.3 MWW 12 Marb 0.47 REA -0.06 API 129
with Dillion Simmental. She continues to be a solid producer and has produced many top notch progeny. She is proven and problem free. She will have a calf this fall by the high growth bull Upgrade.
DS CCF 8205 Georgeanna
Woodlawn Leah 90W Purebred Cow P BD: 9-17-09 P ASA# 25230836 P Tattoo: 90W
Consignor: Woodlawn Farms
HC Hummer 12M TNT Ever Ready R232 RC Miss Legacy 058N
Woodlawn Elowyn
SVF NJC Built Right N48 Triple C Shesavannah K137
P Birth Wt. 75 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 634 lbs. P This long spined female sells bred to dual focus for
CE 9 BW 1.8 WW 36 YW 64 MCE 11 MM 2 MWW 20 Marb 0.27 REA 0.40 API 116
a 3/4 fall calf. Be sure to look at her fall heifer calf. I can only imagine how this female can enhance any program. She has a lot to offer her new owner. She has done a great job with this first calf. We offer this female to you as great money making opportunity.
Name: Woodlawn Sweetness Tattoo: 93Y
BD: 9-10-11 Sex: Heifer
Sire: Duff Standout
BW: 62
P We trust you will like this one as much as we do. A female that
Woodlawn Sweetness - Lot 56A
is backed by the Shesavannah cow family that has had many good ones and are working in top programs. We feel this one has loads of potential and will be profitable where ever she ends up.
Woodlawn Leah 90W
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Miss CCF X304 Purebred Cow P BD: 1-06-10 P ASA# Pending P Consignor: C&C Farms CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF In Dew Time HTP SVF Honeydew
Msis CCF Estella
BF K065 Talladega RF Funny Face 11G
P Birth Wt. 74 lbs. P X304 has hit us extremely hard as a cow/calf pair
with her overall feminine look, style and balance, and great udder. You couldn’t ask for one to get out and go off her feet and legs like she does but still carry the
Tattoo: X304
CE 10 BW -0.2 WW 28 YW 45 MCE 10 MM -5 MWW 9 Marb -.27 REA -0.01 API 112
spring of rib that she does. Not to mention the bonus of her having a beautiful white face. X304 has a RRJS Steel Force bull calf at side that is looking very promising.
Miss CCF X304
BD: 2-12-12 Sex: Bull SIRE: RRJS Steel Force
BW: 85
Tattoo: Z28
Dillons Queen Star 9100W SimAngus Cow P BD: 1-22-09 P ASA# 2579041 P Tattoo: 9100W Consignor: Woodlawn Farms CE 8 CNS Dream On L186 BW -0.5 SVF Star Power S802 SVF Sheza Star N902 WW 23 YW 55 OCC Loadstar 849L MCE 5 CRCC Queen Mother 5279 E&B Queen Mother 296 MM 0.5 MWW 12 P Birth Wt. 66 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 570 lbs. Marb 0.27 P PE on 2-07-12 to Woodlawn Kinkaid, ASA# 2585977. REA 0.22 P This is a good feminine female. Perfect udder and API 92 great profile. The Bull calf is extremely growthy. This is one of the nicer females that we had to pick to sell from our herd. You can’t go wrong with this 3 in 1 package.
Dillons Queen Star 9100W
BD: 12-24-11 Sex: Bull Sire: Welshs Dew it Right
BW: 75
Tattoo: 910Y
KenCo Ms Kashmere 300W Purebred Cow P BD: 3-15-09 P ASA# 2517526 P Tattoo: 330W
Consignor: Dillon Simmental & Tyler Diffey
HTP SVF In Dew Time
CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF Honeydew
STF Mr Momentum H508 MF Miss Kashmere S330 HWF Kashmere
P Birth Wt. 84 lbs. • Weaning Wt. 602 lbs. P If you want to add profit minded genetics then this
MF Miss Kashmere S330 - reference dam
CE 11 BW 0.0 WW 29 YW 55 MCE 12 MM -5 MWW 10 Marb 0.29 REA 0.05 API 122
pair is one to add to your list. This In Dew Time is raising a good calf by the ABS bull, Added Value. If you want all live calves at birth then consider using Added Value. This complete package is backed by Kashmere with a calving ease pedigree.
59A Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
BD: 2-23-12
Sex: Bull
Sire: KNH Added Value
HHF Miss Eve 1/2 Blood Cow P BD: 1-06-09 P ASA# 2475174 P Tattoo: W34
Horseshoe Hollow Simmentals
CNS Dream On L186 Ankonian Watchman 407D
W120 Angus
P Birth Wt. 74 lbs. P W34 is a very stout young 1/2 Simmental, 1/2 Angus
CE 12 BW -2.0 WW 14 YW 25 MCE 8 MM -3 MWW 4 Marb 0.36 REA -0.07 API 114
cow. At her side is a nice 3/4 blood bull calf sired by X44, who was sired by Built Right and Dew The Stroke. He was our choice of bulls to use on several of our cows. We have 15 calves by X44 and all are very promising. Front pasture cow sired by Ankonian Watchman S012. Calf birth weight was 82 lbs and was born on 2-6-12.
BD: 2-6-12 Sex: Bull BW: 82 Sire: HHF X44 Calf Projected EPDs: (CE) 10 (BW) -.55 (WW) 26 (YW) 48 (MCE) 10 (MM) -1 (MWW) 12 (MARB) .25
Miss CCF Funny Face T36
Purebred Cow P BD: 9-26-07 P ASA# 2525690 P Consignor: C&C Farms CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF In Dew Time HTP SVF Honeydew
Tattoo: T36
CE 10 BW 0.2 WW 26 YW 44 Burns Bull C339U MCE 9 RF Funny Face 11G MM -3 Lazy J 090J MWW 10 P Birth Wt. 80 lbs. Marb 0.29 P T36 is has a flashy heifer calf at side and is a product REA -0.04 of Trademark full brother, No Risk. The Funny Face cows API 109
milk and will definitely raise one. This one will work hard along the way.
BD: 2-15-12 Sex: Heifer BW: 78 SIRE: Mr CCF Ebonys No Risk
Miss CCF Funny Face T36
Tattoo: Z32
RF Funny Face 11Greference dam
Britt 6128 Commercial Cow P BD: 8-21-06 P Tattoo: 6128
Consignor: Britt Angus Farm
GDAR Traveler 71 SAV 8180 Traveler 004 Sitz Everelda Entense 1137
Commercial Angus
New Design
P Bred AI on 11-17-11 to ZKCC Chopper 844U, ASA# 2453413. P This big bodied, wide based commercial Angus cow is a great
representation of Traveler 004 daughters. 6128 is extra stout, level designed and plants her feet correctly every time she steps. Take this female and make foundation SimAngus cattle or composite show cattle. She sells carrying a heifer baby for early Sepetember; you’ll be in the money real soon.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Britt 6128
Bulls Mr CCF X211
Purebred Bull P BD: 10-11-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X211 Consignor: C&C Farms
Birth Wt. 74 lbs.
Mr CCF X216 Purebred Bull P BD: 10-14-10 P ASA# Pending P Tattoo: X216
Mr CCF X211
Consignor: C&C Farms
Birth Wt. 60 lbs.
HHF Pay Day
3C Macho M450 BZ KenCo/MF Glamour Girl 11
CNS Dream On L186 Miss CCF Images Special NJC/SVF Ebonys Image N43
P Both of these bulls are backed by some of the
CE 6 BW 0.6 WW 29 YW 52 MCE 11 MM 4 MWW 19 Marb 0.26 REA 0.23 API 107
breed’s finest genetics. X211 is a deep bodied, bold ribbed, masculine bull that is ready to see some cows and cover some ground. The pedigree of X211 and X216 reads with greats like Macho and Glamour Girl from the paternal side and Dream On, Power Stroke and Ebony Antoinette from a maternal lineage. One can’t go wrong with these genes. Simmental bulls are a hot commodity so take advantage of the times. Simmental influenced feeder cattle are bringing a premium.
Mr CCF X216
1 pm (EDT), Saturday, April 14, 2012 Britt Farm 724 E and M Dairy Rd Hartwell, Georgia 30643
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Purchase your show heifer for the following upcoming shows ... AJSA Eastern Regional Classic Hattiesburg, MS June 26th - June 30th
AJSA National Classic Lima, Ohio July 7th - July 13th
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Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
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ASA Sale Terms & Conditions ...
2. Withholding information on the existence of frozen embryos at the time of sale would be considered an unethical practice.
BIDDING AND APPLICABLE LAW: All cattle listed in this offering comply with prevailing sale terms and conditions as set forth by the laws of the state wherein the sale is conducted. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, by either the auctioneer or consignor, except as set forth herein, as to the merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose of any animal offered in this sale. The right to bid or the right to reject the final bid, if done before the hammer falls, is reserved for all sellers unless otherwise announced from the sale block or as prohibited by law in the state wherein the sale is being conducted.
HORNED-SCURRED-POLLED: DEFINITIONS: 1. HORNED — An animal with a horn growth affixed to the skull that has or has not been removed. 2. POLLED/SCURRED — An animal with rudimentary horn growth that will not develop into a horn. The rudimentary horn growth may or may not become affixed to the skull at an older age. 3. POLLED — An animal with absence of horn growth. (An animal can have scurs and still be genetically polled.) 4. SMOOTH POLLED — A smooth-polled individual has no scurs and does not develop scurs later in life.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Any change of information other than in the catalog will be announced from the auction block and such announcements shall take precedence over printed material. All statements made from the auction block or those made by the seller (in private treaty) must be documented by seller if requested by the buyer at time of sale. TERMS: Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with the seller previous to the sale of any animal so affected. PURCHASER’S RISK: Each animal becomes the property of and therefore is also the risk of the purchaser as soon as it is sold; except it shall be the obligation of the seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to purchaser, until loaded for shipment or until the expiration of twenty-four (24) hours after the sale, whichever occurs first. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: 1. All cattle entered for sale must meet the health regulations of the state in which they are sold. All other agreements regarding the health of the animal will be between the buyer and seller and should be documented in writing. 2. If sale cattle are returned to the seller for an adjustment, they must meet the health requirements of the state they are returned to. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: Each animal which is catalogued, offered and sold as a registered animal shall have a certificate of registry available at time of sale. When an animal is sold as “eligible for registry” or “registry applied for”, the seller shall be responsible for obtaining the certificate of registry and for the proper transfer of the certificate to the purchaser including full payment of transfer fees. IDENTIFICATION: Each animal at time of sale must have a readable tattoo or brand corresponding to that shown on the certificate of registration. AUTHENTICITY OF PEDIGREE: When an animal, through parental validation, is determined to have an ancestry other than that reported on the registration certificate, the buyer shall be entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. The animal in question, at the buyer’s option, may be exchanged for another animal of equal value, or if agreeable with the buyer, the seller may have the certificate returned to the buyer. Any adjustment provided herein, if selected, shall absolve the seller from further liability for authenticity of pedigree to the buyer. BREEDING GUARANTEES AND DEFINITIONS: 1. Females are guaranteed to be breeders, with the exception of: a) Female calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Females used in ovum transplant after time of sale e) Cows sold with calf at side or a female that calves after sale to a breeding prior to the date of sale 2. Bulls are guaranteed to be breeders (definition as the ability to settle healthy cows by the time the bull is 18 months of age) with the exception of: a) Bull calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Bulls shown competitively after sale 3. Any guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen shall be made by separate agreement between buyer and seller. 4. Safe in calf females are females that have been diagnosed pregnant by a competent veterinarian, and are pregnant at time of sale. 5. A bred female is a female known to have been served by a bull either by natural breeding or artificial insemination, but it does not necessarily mean that the female is safe in calf to that service. 6. A pasture bred female is a female that has been pastured with a designated bull and has been exposed for the time stated, but it does not necessarily mean that this female is safe in calf to that bull. 7. An open female is a non-pregnant animal. 8. Calves sold off their dams (split pairs) shall carry the full breeding guarantee. PRIVILEGE OF PURCHASER TO EXAMINE: The purchaser of a female animal may have her examined within twenty-four (24) hours after the fall of the hammer and prior to removal from sale premises. The pregnancy status of breeding status of an female so examined, when found not to be as represented at the time of sale, is cause for the female to be returned to the seller as unsold. EMBRYO TRANSFER: 1. Sellers should provide upon request a complete history of embryo transfer activity for any female offered for sale.
GUARANTEES: 1. If an animal is sold as polled or polled/scurred and proves to be horned, the seller shall be obligated to refund the purchase price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or may be exchanged for a polled animal of equal value whichever is acceptable to the buyer. The buyer has thirty (30) days from date of sale to notify the seller that an adjustment is in order. 2. If an animal is sold as smooth-polled and proves to be scurred, the seller shall be obligated to refund the price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or at the buyer’s option shall be exchanged for a smooth-polled animal of equal value. 3. If an animal is sold as polled and develops scurs, the seller will not be obligated to make any adjustment as a scurred animal is considered polled. 4. If an animal is sold as polled and has scurs, it shall be so announced at the time of sale that the animal has scurs. If it is not announced and the buyer finds before the animal leaves the sale premises that the animal has scurs, the buyer must notify the seller of the findings. The seller shall then be obligated to refund the purchase price. OPTIONS AND PRIVILEGES OF RETURN OR ADJUSTMENT: The following adjustments do not preclude the right of the buyer and seller to mutually agree upon other terms and conditions for settlement of any dispute. 1. All claims for adjustment or refund must be made in writing either six (6) months from the date of sale or no later than when the animal reaches 24 months of age whichever occurs later, with the exception of claims involving misrepresentation of service sire or as otherwise provided herein. 2. In the event an animal is claimed to be a nonbreeder, the animal may be returned to the farm of the seller, at the buyer’s expense, if in good physical condition, and the return is in compliance with the health requirements of the seller’s state. The seller shall be entitled to a six (6) month trial period following the return of the animal in which to prove the animal is a breeder. If at the end of six (6) months the seller is unable to prove the animal is a breeder, the seller shall, at the option of buyer, replace the animal with another equal value or refund the purchase price. Either option shall be deemed full satisfaction and settlement. 3. If a female is sold as “safe in calf” to a given sire or sires on a specified date or dates and proves not to be as represented, the buyer is entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal and resulting progeny thereof to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. 4. If a female is sold as “open” and proves to be with calf at time of sale and examined pregnant within sixty (60) days after sale, the buyer may return the animal to the farm of the seller prior to calving for a refund of the full purchase price or for another animal of equal value, whichever acceptable to the buyer. It shall be the obligation of the seller to bear any expenses incurred for transportation of the animal in question to the farm of the seller. GENETIC TESTING AND TraitTrac STATUS: Sellers must identify the TraitTrac status and the results of any qualitative genetic testing performed on any animals or genetic material offered for sale. The ASA considers it an unethical practice to misrepresent or fail to disclose the TraitTrac status or qualitative genetic test results of any animal or genetic material. DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL INFORMATION: Sellers must disclose all material information concerning any animal or genetic material offered for sale. For the purposes of these Sale Terms and Conditions, “Material Information” is defined as any information which would be likely to affect the value of the animal or genetic material if the information were known to the public. Material Information includes, but is not limited to, information related to genetic tests, blood tests, ultrasound pregnancy results, disease tests, pregnancy and fertility test results, information related to the sex and age of in utero calves or embryos, and information related to the fertilization status of in utero calves, including whether the calf was conceived via artificial insemination or natural service. The ASA considers it an unethical practice to misrepresent or fail to disclose any Material Information concerning an animal or genetic material offered for sale. LIMITATIONS OF OBLIGATIONS: These sale terms and conditions constitute a binding legal obligation between the buyer and seller of any animal or genetic material sold under these terms and conditions. However, the ASA, its directors, officers, employees and agents do not assume any obligation, legal or otherwise, to enforce the sale terms and conditions agreed to between buyer and seller.
Cattlemen’s Choice Sale
Make it a Georgia Weekend... Make plans to attend the Cattlemans Choice on Saturday at 1:00 and then the Partisover sale on Sunday. Sales are only 20 minutes apart. Doors prizes for buyers in attendance and purchasers on the edjecast.
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asant Hill Farm, the Cowl Congraluations to the Ple and the Metzger famlies.
gle Farm and Kieckhefer
Many time winner for Tin
Dew the Stroke daughter,
many time Champion.
oke. Dominance x Dew The Str ns Choice. ma ttle Ca Purchased as a embryo at oke. Bro Congratulations to Forest
Saturday,April 14,2012 1 pm • Britt Angus Farm • Hartwell,Georgia