39TH NATIONAL Charolais Sale 14A
This offering will allow the winning bidder to select any open yearling heifer, coming two-year-old heifer with calf at side this coming spring or mature cow with calf at side . Your choice from over 2,000 Charolais females!
Selling ½ interest and full possession in buyer’s choice of any 100% owned Eaton bull!
Refer to sale catalog with this issue.
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103 ETN Loop • Lindsay, MT 59339 Office (406) 584-7520 • Lee (406) 584-7546 • Elner (406) 485-3572
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 1
TCCS Saint Christopher 2017 Denver Grand
KASS/CJB Famous 6038 ET Talk of Denver Pens
SHF Absolute 1508 Extreme Style & Length
M6 The Force 511 P ET Full brother to M6 Bells & Whistles
RRC I’M YOUR HUCKLEBERRY 511 Virtual Outcross Pedigree
LT Ledger 0332 Pld Proven EPD Data
RBM TR Rhinestone Z38 Pld Sired Junior National Grand
RF Bocephus 5027 2016 American Royal Grand
WR MR ALL DAY 30B Performance Plus Look
Cedardale Abracadabra 123A Pld Top 10% BW Canada
TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET 47th National Reserve Grand
TR PZC Mr Assertion 924 ET Pld “Gunsmoke” The best kept secret!
Merit Roundup 9508W Pld Sired 2014 Breeders Classic Grand
LT Tioga 4090 Pld Homozygous Polled, Proven
OBG Captain America Power Packed
SHF Rehab 8104 P Substance with Power
BFI KKCC PZC Honky-Tonk 641C P Diablo x Sugarland
WCR Sir Thunder 417 P Ranks 1% TM; 2% YW, TSI; 4% WW
MJ NS Tiago 1432 P Look, Performance, Outcross
SAC Light’em Up 131 Pld Muscle, Performance, Maternal
LT Commander 4038 P Top 6% BW; 15% Milk
Bar S Rapid Fire 3859 P 2016 Denver Grand
PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET P The talk of Denver!
(866) 356-4565 2
D E C E M B E R 2017
ZKCC Game On 266Z Pld $25,000 Daughter, National Sale
Call for a Sire Directory or View Online
Thank You!
Thank you to those who attended and bid on the offering in our 7th Annual Female Sale. We express our sincere gratitude to all of those who have supported our program this year.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! SC MISS BARBRA 1142 P ET Half interest sold for $20,000
Thank you to Glenn Sellhorst of Nebraska!
EATONS BRUSSET 10722 POLLED Half interest sold for $20,000
Thank you to Sara Shepherd of Iowa!
Full interest sold for $16,500
Thank you to Taylor Charolais of Nebraska!
Please make plans to join us in 2018!
169 Satterfield Farm Rd • Norfork, AR 72658 Mark & Nancy Loyd & Joanne (501) 944-9274 (870) 499-7151 satterfield@centurytel.net www.satterfieldcharolais-angus.com D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 3
Official Publication of the American-International Charolais Association V O L . 41, N O. 9
Photo by Howard Rambur at Rambur Charolais, Sidney, Mont. Cover by Molly Schoen
12 Opportunities for Increased Profits Highlighted
At Listening & Learning Session
16 Miss Charolais USA 2018 Meet your new Queen 30 Penny Zimmerman
Current President of American National CattleWomen
JOURNAL STAFF J. Neil Orth CPI President
David Hobbs
Molly Schoen
Kaitlyn Chism
Advertising Coordinator
Charolais Viewpoint by J. Neil Orth
Junior Viewpoint by Abbee Carnes
Field Representatives
The American Charolais Foundation
Get to Know Your Director — At Large, Molly Smith
Refer to page 10
CHAROLAIS JOURNAL 11700 NW Plaza Circle • Kansas City, MO 64153
phone (816) 464-5977 • fax (816) 464-5759
Association Updates New Members AICA News Notes Sales Review
20 21 42 44
AIJCA News Notes Roll of Excellence Show Results Calendar Advertisers’ Index
CHAROLAIS JOURNAL ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertising material for any month’s issue must be received in the offices of the Charolais Journal, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153, by the 25th of the second month preceding the month of publication, i.e., Dec. 25 for the February issue. Full camera-ready advertising copy or full-screened negatives will be accepted until the 1st of the month prior to publication provided notification of copy size, shape, color and other specifications are received by the 25th of the second month prior to the month of publication. If a proof is required, copy must be received by the 20th of the second month prior to publication, i.e., June 20 for the August issue. No copy can be altered or changed, except for typographical error, after the 1st of the month of publication. Any ad copy changes that must be made after the lst of the month will be assessed a 10% additional space charge. All dates and times are herein applicable at the office of the CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Charolais Journal (ISSN 0191-5444) is published monthly, except June and July which are combined issues, by CHAROLAIS PUBLICATIONS INC., 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Subscriptions: U.S. - $75; U.S. First Class - $100; Canada - $125; Foreign - $125. Single Copies - $7, including postage. For AICA members, $20 of annual dues to AICA are applicable to subscriptions for Charolais Journal. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO 64153, and additional mailing offices. Standard postage paid at Jefferson City, Mo. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153.
D E C E M B E R 2017
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 5
Bidding opens at 7 AM and Begins to close at 7 PM
OFFERING : 8 Herd Bull SALE Prospects & 4 Select Show Heifers ONLINE SEEDSTOCK
JVS/BJCF BIG POP C59 PLD Watt x Cigar x Prime Cut
EPDs | CE 3.7 | BW 0.7 | WW 25 | YW 37 | M 4 | MCE 6.0 | TM 17
2016-17 AICA Show Bull of the Year
BJCF PECOS C115 PLD Watt x Fasttrack x Duke 17J
EPDs | CE 9.1 | BW -1.8 | WW 25 | YW 38 | M 4 | MCE 5.1 | TM 17
2017 Iowa State Fair Class A ROE Grand
Y66 x Cheyenne Blend x LT Maid Mary
EPDs | CE 0.6 | BW 1.5 | WW 27 | YW 40 | M -2 | MCE 4.8 | TM 11
Powerful Str ucture, Sound
BJCF SANCHEAUX D8104 MOGO U23 x Wind 0383 x 914
EPDs | CE 7.7 | BW -0.4 | WW 21 | YW 38 | M 6 | MCE 7.9 | TM 17
Dam from Original Germaine Family
I’ll Have Another x Made Right
Look them up in Denver and Fort Worth. Videos Online January 10!
EPDs | CE 2.3 | BW 0.7 | WW 26 | YW 44 | M 12 | MCE 2.8 | TM 25
Maternally traces to British French
Y66 x KC Design x Tradition
EPDs | CE -2.5 | BW 0.8 | WW 24 | YW 37 | M 4 | MCE -3.3 | TM 16
2017 Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Grand
5593 Choupique Road Sulphur, LA Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 337-764-1040 cell Titou6262@yahoo.com Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell D E C E M B E R E5rodsmith@yahoo.com 2017
Full French & Purebred Genetics
Blending French and Domestic Bloodlines
P.O. Box 186, Liverpool, Texas 77577 Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 Daryl Renfrow (832) 444-5241 E-mail: larryl@qiminc.com www.barjcharolaisfarm.com
“New Bulls, Proven Bulls and Charbray!”
BHD Zen X270 M799123 Weaning Wt, Fertility, Carcass Quality
LOF/VPI Abraham 48A EM847048 Use for Milk and Maternal Value
BJR Hank 984 P M784271 Top 15% for Seven Traits, including TSI
LT Rushmore 8060 PLD M760665 Top 8% or Better for Five Traits
EC Iron Man 2027 PLD M723378 Trait Leader - WW, YW, CW, REA
LT Landmark 5052 PLD M866771
Popular Calving Ease and Maternal
WC CCC Maverick 5117 PET EM861210 Balanced LT-WC Templeton Son
WC Monumental 5524 P M882446
Thick Made, WW, Maternal, Marbling
RFG Leona 250-3 CHY MCB335550 First Generation Purebred
AI/Palpation Clinics
3300 Longmire Drive College Station, Texas 77845 (979) 693-0388 (800) 786-4066 (979) 693-7994 (FAX) info@bovine-elite.com
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Your Prime Source for Charolais Multiple Trait Leaders!
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 7
D E C E M B E R 2017
J. Neil Orth, Executive Vice President
CHAROLAIS The American Charolais Foundation
Expanding Our Reach
couple of decades ago, Dr. Harlan Ritchie cautioned breed associations to stay relevant. In fact, Ritchie, one of the most respected educators and industry thought leaders in modern animal agriculture went so far as to predict that, barring a paradigm operational shift, breed associations risked becoming obsolete. We lost Harlan Ritchie in 2016, but the context of his often-repeated statement was spot on and still rings true today. Breed associations could no longer hang their hats on being a pedigree warehouse. Breed associations that made progress and experienced growth had to become engaged. Today, breed associations must continually prove industry relevance. The cattle will perform or not. It is our responsibility as your breed association to aggressively pursue sound science, explore new technology and
Association foundations are not new. In fact, universities have used the 501(c)(3) designation to generate billions of dollars and use for remarkable, important academic endeavors. As an example, at the close of FY16, K-State University Foundation had managed assets of $834 million and increased more than $300 million in assets in the last five years. The K-State Foundation awarded more than $14.5 million in 2016 in scholarship dollars, made $72.2 million available to the campus, received $53 million in new planned gifts to be realized in the future and averaged raising over $150 million over the past five fiscal years. The Foundation is well on the way to reaching a goal of $1.4 billion by 2025. K-State University is just one major university whose students and academic community greatly benefit from its Foundation.
AICA members have already displayed extraordinary generosity and interest in the ACF. arm members with facts about new tools, advancing genomics and marketing. Each year brings new challenges relative to finding the financial resources to invest in more research and advancing technology, but the necessity to expand our reach is directly connected to our ability to compete as one of the five major breeds in the U.S. Land-grant universities continue to be a mainstay for industry research. Yet, in the past decade, the private sector has emerged as a valuable resource for peer-reviewed research or the development of new tools and technology. Regardless of the resource, research or emerging technology requires significant financial commitment. In the June/July, Charolais Journal, pg. 27-29, AmericanInternational Charolais Association announced the creation of the American Charolais Foundation (ACF), a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization. A fund-raising vessel such as the American Charolais Foundation will be an invaluable asset to support the ongoing need to compete, support the next generation of Charolais producers and remain industry relevant. ACF funds will not be used for operational expenses. Funds like ACF are designed to function as investment opportunities and taxable offsets for donors choosing to make charitable contributions, permanently assign assets or endow a lasting legacy through a financial gift. ACF funds will be conservatively invested and earnings reinvested in the principal, directed by the ACF Board of Directors.
AICA members have already displayed extraordinary generosity and interest in the ACF. An unsolicited donation of $50,000 is a great start. Proceeds from the sale of Lots 21 and 22 in the 39th National Sale have been earmarked for the ACF. Lot 21 is a donor quality heifer and a flush consigned by Bar J, Liverpool, Texas and JVS, Sulphur, Lousiana. Lot 22 is an open heifer consigned by Hansen Farms, Turton, South Dakota. The funds from the sale of Lot 22 have been earmarked for youth and education. Your AICA is financially secure. AICA board members take their fiduciary responsibilities seriously. Their commitment to conservative and disciplined investments result in affordable fees, sound infrastructure and customer services. The American Charolais Foundation will be managed with equal fiduciary commitment. Dr. Richard Clark, American Charolais Foundation President recently said, “We have a valuable new tool that is going to become more important in the future. ACF will benefit the development of education, promotion and research. Donors can earmark contributions to a specific need. Through the generosity of Charolais breeders and others, the Association will have more ability to meet the challenges of the future.” I encourage you to read or reread the June/July Charolais Journal, “Expanding Our Reach.” Consider becoming a donor to the American Charolais Foundation.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 9
ASSOCIATION AICA and AIJCA NEW MEMBERS California Person & Son Cattle Company 2535 Dewolf Ave Clovis, CA 93619 Quinn Cattle Company 10265 Sheldon Rd Elk Grove, CA 95624 Lexi R Vanella 3381 Konning Ave Chico, CA 95928 Georgia Ethan M Ausley 6272 Tom & Brandy Trawick Rd Iron City, GA 39859 Larry Garrett 1275 Pearwood Road Royston, GA 30662 Illinois Paige L Hubner 1184 St Hwy 128 Shelbyville, IL 62565 Coehen J Kirchner 290 Wil Rt 72 Leaf River, IL 61047 Cole D Rapp 204 E Henry St Pontiac, IL 61764 Indiana Cory Batt 2970 S Dog Trot Road Salem, IN 47167 Colton Geiger 6680 E Johnson Road Columbia City, IN 46725 Goetz Family Farms 202 Rigg Rd Valparaiso, IN 46383 J&A Kopka Farms 2120 S 1000 W Francesville, IN 47946 Iowa Dolieslager Show Cattle 3190 270th St Doon, IA 51235 Breya M Nickle 1036 210th St Clearfield, IA 50840 Brynn E Nickle 1036 210th Street Clearfield, IA 50840 Nick & Ted Smith 201 2nd Ave SE Farley, IA 52046 Sugar Creek Farms 1924 Newton Ave Tipton, IA 52772 Tyson A Tucker 609 West Howard Creston, IA 50801 Nova N Wheatley 1506 Delta Ave Adair, IA 50002 Kansas Makenzee R Franklin 1154 N 110th St Hepler, KS 66746 Steven L Hargrave 10051 Senn Rd Randolph, KS 66554 Braylee B Kraisinger PO Box 171 Hugoton, KS 67951 Madison K Loschke 12671 124 Road Kingsdown, KS 67842
M&M Cattle Company 1154 N 110th St Hepler, KS 66746 Kentucky K-Bar Cattle 844 N Hwy 1709 Tyner, KY 40486 Louisiana James A Philen II 208 Rose Hill Plantation Natchez, LA 71456 Michigan Casey C Kamps 3266 46th St Hamilton, MI 49419 Bryce Ostrom 3091 144th Ave Dorr, MI 49323 Minnesota Heritage Cattle Company 105 6th Ave S Princeton, MN 55371 Missouri Jamiie Kilmer 817 SW County Rd F Chilhowee, MO 64733 Nebraska Tyler M Shaw 219 West 5th St Kimball, NE 69145 Kendra Timm 1250 Rd 165 Chappell, NE 69129 Ohio Claire A French 6484 St Rte 303 Wakeman, OH 44889 Oklahoma Abby M Bell 38860 W 231St S Bristow, OK 74010 Broken Arrow G Ranch PO Box 156 Big Cabin, OK 74332 Diller 3D Charolais PO Box 88 Nash, OK 73761 Parker Z Lockhart PO Box 595 Fort Gibson, OK 74434 Don R Mellott 9124 W 680 Road Hulbert, OK 74441 Pennsylvania Joshua R Archer 120 Buckingham Rd West Finley, PA 15377 South Dakota RJ Cattle Company 25924 407th Ave Mitchell, SD 57301 Texas Wyatt E Arldt 1196 CR 111 Giddings, TX 78942 Michelle R Guerrero 740 CR 119 Lockney, TX 79241 Virginia Tyler A Newman 8630 Mountain View Ave Marshall, VA 20115
D E C E M B E R 2017
indicates AIJCA membership
AMERICAN-INTERNATIONAL CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 11700 N.W. Plaza Circle Kansas City, MO 64153 Phone: (816) 464-5977 Fax: (816) 464-5759 E-Mail: info@charolaisusa.com Website: www.charolaisusa.com
Executive Vice President J. Neil Orth ext. 101 north@charolaisusa.com
Recording Secretary Marilou Wegner ext. 400
Director of Activities David Hobbs ext. 200
Youth Activities Coordinator Kaitlyn Chism ext. 201 kchism@charolaisusa.com
Administrative Assistant Affiliates Coordinator Judy Clements ext. 102
Lewis Meyer ext. 300 lmeyer@charolaisusa.com
Area 1 Cheryl Lux P.O. Box 348 Augusta, MT 59410 (406) 562-3670
Area 7 Marty Lewis 9411 W 56th St S Monroe, IA 50170 (515) 250-2362
Area 2 Dennis Metzger 22600 Blue Jay Ln Anderson, CA 96007 (308) 544-6445
Area 8 Mike Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334 (573) 324-2528
Area 3 Ty Eschenbaum 530 Cardinal Drive Circle Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 847-4880
Area 9 Eddy Loggains 4431 Larkin Road Violet Hill, AR 72584 (870) 368-4857
Area 4 Spencer Schrader 2118 Oxbow Rd Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-2135
Area 10 Robb Creasey 7500 E 1450th St. Macomb, IL 61455 (309) 354-3223
Area 5 Michael Sturgess 407 Breesport St. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 867-6863
Area 11 Frankie Anthony 806 Jarboe Lane Hardinsburg, KY 40143 (270) 527-8861
Area 6 Bradley Bracewell 737 Hill Rd Tioga, TX 76271 (940) 230-3265
Area 12 Jimmy Ray Parish 506 Holly Hills Rd #92 Columbus, MS 39705 (662) 312-8372
Area 13 Silas Maxwell 1120 Welcome Grove Rd Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 552-4072
Larry Lehman
Richard Clark, M.D.
Larry Ludeke P.O. Box 186 Liverpool, TX 77577 (832) 439-4666
Vice President
Mike Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334 (573) 324-2528
Eddy Loggains 4431 Larkin Road Violet Hill, AR 72584 (870) 368-4857
Robb Creasey 7500 E 1450th St. Macomb, IL 61455 (309) 354-3223
Asst. Recording Secretary Maggie Smithee ext. 401
Bill Nottke 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 843-2930
To use the extension numbers listed for the above staff, phone (816) 464-5977.
President J. Neil Orth
Board of Directors Larry Ludeke Mike Schumacher Robb Creasey Eddy Loggains
FIELD STAFF Southeast Representative
Floyd Wampler 207 Sparger Rd. Bristol, TN 37620-8846 Cell - (423) 612-2144 fwampler@charolaisusa.com
Southwest Representative Cody Beck 3910 W 6th Ave #352 Stillwater, OK 74074 Cell - (765) 719-1622 cbeck@charolaisusa.com
North Central Representative Colt Keffer 1239 Vinson St. Ft. Collins, CO 80526 Cell - (765) 376-8784 ckeffer@charolaisusa.com
West Representative
Weston Geppert 25702 406th Ave Mitchell, SD 57301 Cell - (605) 933-1387 westonjgeppert@gmail.com
Other Regions
Call the AICA office. (816) 464-5977
Chairman & Trustee Trustees
Bill Nottke Harlin Hecht J. Neil Orth Kaitlyn Chism
Fundraising Chairman
Larry Lehman
term expires 2018
term expires 2017
term expires 2018
term expires 2017
term expires 2018
term expires 2017
Vice President Bob Tibbs
Larry Ludeke
Treasurer Ray Franz
J. Neil Orth Kaitlyn Chism
term expires 2018
term expires 2017
term expires 2018
term expires 2017
term expires 2018
term expires 2017
term expires 2018
Area 14 Dotty Macy 1039 Heaps Rd Street, MD 21154 (772) 713-4061 term expires 2017
Area 15 David Webb 317 Old Vineland SCH Easley, SC 29640 (864) 246-6203 term expires 2018
Breed Improvement
Junior Council
VICE CHAIRMAN Spencer Schrader Area 4 Director
VICE CHAIRMAN Ty Eschenbaum Area 3 Director
VICE CHAIRMAN Linda Hickam 14042 Hwy FF Thompson, MO 65285 (573) 682-3470
Long Range Planning
VICE CHAIRMAN Bob Tibbs 3545 Old Level Rd. Havre de Grace, MD 21078 (410) 734-6873
VICE CHAIRMAN Michael Sturgess Area 5 Director
CHAIRMAN Richard Clark P.O. Box 9 Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-5892
CHAIRMAN Mike Schumacher Area 8 Director
CHAIRMAN Marty Lewis Area 7 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Eddy Loggains Area 9 Director
CHAIRMAN Rex Ricketts Rt. 3 14800 Tucker School Rd Hallsville, MO 65255 (573) 882-4553
CHAIRMAN Dennis Metzger Area 2 Director
CHAIRMAN Robb Creasey Area 10 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Mike Schumacher Area 8 Director
CHAIRMAN Larry Lehman
CHAIRMAN Larry Lehman P.O. Box 700 Tioga, TX 76271 (972) 529-8723
VICE CHAIRMAN Harlin Hecht 16732 283rd Ave Paynesville, MN 56362 (320) 243-4386
Rules & Ethics CHAIRMAN Bob Tibbs
VICE CHAIRMAN Silas Maxwell Area 13 Director
The Results
22 Classic Club Members from 10 States
Grand Champion: CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET Cody Cattle Co., Braymer, Mo. & Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo.
Reserve Grand Champion: DCC Who’s Hoo 1709 Pld Doonan Cattle Co., Midlothian, Texas
3 Third Overall: OCR Magnum E89 Odden Charolais Ranch, Colome, S.D.
Sponsors – Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Charolais Journal
Fourth Overall: CCF Avenger EB702 Cook Charolais Farm, Jamestown, Mo.
5 Fifth Overall: JAB Around Here Buzz 657 Pld J&A Charolais, Sparta, Wis.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 11
Opportunities for Increased Profits Highlighted
at Listening & Learning Session
by Linda Eck
ew technologies and advancements that lend the opportunity for Charolais breeders to increase their profits and produce a tastier product were among highlighted topics of the American-International Charolais Association’s October Listening and Learning session held at the Noble Research Institute in Ardmore Okla. Addressing everything from new steps in genomics to innovative ways of creating more marketable beef cuts, professionals speaking to seedstock and commercial producers attending the symposium unveiled the latest tools available for adding value to beef production. Utilizing Genomics in Genetic Predictions Creating a direct path to greater profits through the use of genomics surfaced to the top of conversation as Dr. Sally Northcutt, Ph.D. and Bill Bowman addressed the group gathering for this inaugural event. “Genomics can be compared to the likes of precision agriculture,” Bowman told the crowd. “These technological advances allow us the use of data to achieve our goals and targets.” Bowman and Dr. Northcutt own Method Genetics, LLC in Saint Joseph, Mo. and serve as genetic consultants to the AICA. During their presentation, they focused on the use of genomic-enhanced Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) and encouraged producers to “hone in” on data and testing available that offers them the opportunity to make rapid progress within their herds. “One of the value pieces of the Charolais breed is your database, said Dr. Northcutt. “Phenotypic weights and measures, pedigree info and now the genomic contribution lets you compute a National Cattle Evaluation.” As the association nears the introduction of a new Single Step process that directly fits genotypes into EPDs, the duo encouraged seedstock and commercial breeders to make the most of genetic predictions to increase their profits. “Genomics are building increased accuracy for seedstock producers,” said Bowman, noting the advantages of using genomic enhanced EPDs. “It’s like having the first calf crop on that young bull.” Additionally, these advanced selection tools are providing more information to commercial cattlemen, so they can make informed decisions when selecting for traits of interest. Not only can commercial producers utilize EPDs and their rankings in bull selection, but herd technology is also becoming more readily available. “Through DNA testing we can find the genetic piece and sort out environmental nuisances,” said Dr. Northcutt. “Genomic resources can be seamlessly incorporated into the Charolais EPDs as well as the Terminal Sire Index. The AICA Terminal Sire Index (TSI) utilizes economic and management data, along with EPDs to assist in identifying profitable sires unique to individual operations. “Indexes are complicated to create, but relatively simple to
D E C E M B E R 2017
use,” said Dr. Northcutt. “The TSI gives us the opportunity to take multiple traits and boil those down into a simplified value reported in dollars. Specifically targeted to commercial bull buyers, TSI has a lot of emphasis on the post weaning feedlot growth. It is geared with the assumption that all calves go to market and females are not retained.” “As a commercial producer it’s very important to have a good understanding of EPDs and how to use them in your program,” she noted, while emphasizing the advantages percentile rankings offer when searching for a herd bull. These rankings are available on the AICA website along with search options that allow breeders to filter a search based on accuracies for the purpose of comparing animals within the population. “As a commercial bull buyer it’s important to have a multitrait approach,” she continued. “Look at your breeding program and find out what your key elements of importance are in adding profitability and your market endpoint.” “Being able to impact 80 percent of the genetic traits offers tremendous technology for commercial producers,” said Bowman, indicating that remarkable improvement can be accomplished through the use of high accuracy bulls. Bowman then addressed benefits of the new genetic opportunities to Charolais seedstock producers. “As a purebred breeder you have a head start by being able to incorporate that DNA technology into the traditional genetic evaluation - EPDs and indexes - you are used to using,” said Bowman. “You’re building increased accuracies.” Utilizing new genomic technology brings with it the opportunity for building relationships between seedstock producers and the commercial herd. “There is tremendous opportunity to tie information back to the seedstock and really prove the value of genetic benefits from the seedstock sector,” added Bowman. Both Bowman and Dr. Northcutt emphasized the AICA’s role as a leader in the development of beef cattle indexes and relayed the association’s ability to customize or put in place additional inputs detailed to individual operations. Specific to commercial cow herds, selection tools have also been developed for replacement females, using traditional benchmarks along with new genomic processes. According to Dr. Northcutt, the new genomic tools make benchmarking much more relevant. “Moving toward Single Step, you’ll see opportunities for both seedstock and commercial producers as well,” she added, noting producers will have additional tools for sorting off or “culling” the bottom end. In utilizing new genomic opportunities, Bowman cautioned the crowd not to let performance or phenotypic information fall to the wayside and encouraged breeders to send that information to help contribute to EPDs and genomic evaluation. “We’ve watched as genomic information sometimes has become a replacement for phenotypic measures and data. In
reality it’s exactly the opposite,” he said. “We still need the weights and carcass data. Phenotypic data becomes even more crucial than ever as the association progresses into single-step evaluation.” Dr. Northcutt presented a simple equation of Single-Step evaluation: Performance + SNP Genotypes + Traditional Pedigree = Genomic Enhanced EPDs. In concluding, the geneticists summarized the opportunities genomics provide both purebred and commercial producers with these four points: • Cattle genetic evaluation procedures provide selection tools for use in seedstock and commercial cattle • DNA tests are an additional piece of information to enhance genetic predictions • EPDs and selection index values are increasingly more accessible in the beef industry • Characterized genetics have the potential to capture market value. High Yielding Beef Carcasses Still Driving the Bottom Line After studying new ways of adding value to live cattle, Dr. Gretchen Mafi, meat sciences professor at Oklahoma State University turned the table to address the opportunities and new techniques that can add value to higher yielding Charolais and Charolais-influenced carcasses. Raising the question, “Why do we need to produce more pounds and why should we?” Dr. Mafi responded to the query by telling the group, “We’re still paid per hundredweight or on a price per pound basis and that’s how we operate. Another issue we’ve heard over the past 15 years is that our population will double by 2050 and we have to feed more people and provide quality protein sources.” Above and beyond those facts, efficiency at the packing house also plays a big role in the value of heavier carcass weights. “Overhead costs are the same at slaughter whether a plant slaughters carcasses that weigh 600 pounds versus 1,000 pounds” said Dr. Mafi. “It takes the same labor, the same equipment and the same utilization of time…so that’s important.” However, these truths came with some caution. “One thing I caution about when I say produce more pounds, is to make sure it’s an increase in cutability, not just weight,” she said. “Red meat yield is still driving the packers’ bottom line.” Dr. Mafi addressed areas in which industry research and discussions are turning toward ideas for change that may impact the value of higher yielding carcasses. Presenting slides that reflected the current use of skeletal ossification and thoracic buttons to determine carcass maturity as one of the determining factors of Quality Grades, she indicated the prospect of an industry move toward the use of dentition or the number of permanent incisors present at slaughter for determining maturity. “This could improve the grading system because there’s research out there that shows that dentition is a better predictor
than ossification,” she said, adding “Marbling accounts for the majority of variation for overall palatability and that’s what quality grades are trying to predict – overall eating satisfaction.” Changes have also been proposed for updating the Yield Grading system developed in the 1960s. “Obviously cattle have changed from the 60s,” said Dr. Mafi, noting changes not only in the type of cattle and use of genetics, but in efficiencies and ability to gain as well as shapes and deposition of fat and muscle. “There’s data out there showing that our Yield Grades really aren’t that great a predictor of overall carcass cutability or red meat yield and we’re probably not giving them enough credit because we’re still utilizing the same rib eye area and hot carcass weight adjustments. We should look at things that give cattle with higher red meat yields a little more advantage in the Yield Grade system.” She also noted that several packers are using instrument grading for both Quality and Yield Grades giving them the ability to do “an excellent job without that variation of a human person trying to grade a carcass in three to seven seconds.” She then told the crowd that as producers of cattle with higher cutability and higher red meat yield, they may have to go to the “next step” in order to claim premiums. Acknowledging approximately 80 retail programs that utilize the upper two-thirds of Choice, she said “most of the packers only give that premium if it’s CAB (Certified Angus Beef ). So as producers of other breed types I think we have to negotiate those types of programs and say, ‘Okay if our cattle meet those targets from a marbling standpoint, even though they might not meet hide color, how do we take advantage of those premiums?’.” Addressing a slide which showed very small premiums paid for Yield Grade 1s and 2s, she again questioned, “How does the producer get paid back for it?” We do still have packers that are willing to pay some premiums for red meat yield. But then you look at discounts for carcass weight. Why do we get hit so much at 1,050?” Noting a spread between Choice and Select that is growing smaller, Dr. Mafi looked at historical challenges the beef industry has faced, most of which focused on weight and size. She then presented progress in muscle profiling that is adding new value to carcasses through added cuts. Recognizing the Top Blade as the “second most tender beef cut”, she specifically noted its use as the source for the popular Flat Iron steak, and credited the Petite Tender as another “very good cut” coming from the Shoulder Tender. New cuts from the Chuck Roll include Country Style Beef Chuck Eye Ribs and the Delmonico, both taken from the Chuck Eye, and the Denver Cut coming from the Under Blade. A center cut Sirloin or Baseball Steak is also hitting the menus of top steakhouses, and in Dr. Mafi’s words, “is really good.” Producing more pounds of beef with better utilization of cuts gives Charolais “a real advantage over other breeds,” said Dr. Mafi. “We can still get quality from the marbling perspective and Quality Grade aspect, but we can increase muscle and yield, which is very important to the industry.”
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 13
www.missouricharolais.com Phenotype + Power
5J Charolais
Bocephus 5027 48th National Reserve Grand Bull Online Bull Sale • March 26 The Dale Ridder Family 1585 Little Bay Road Hermann, MO 65041 Home (573) 943-6462 Dale (573) 680-4691 Cell Derek (573) 680-4692 Cell Ridder-Farms@hotmail.com www.ridderfarms.com
By Cattlemen, For Cattlemen
The Johansen Family AML 5J Jackson 509 Pld
11218 County Line Road Syracuse, MO 65354 (660) 473-2945
CHAROLAIS We Collect Data. Bull Sale We Sell Bulls. Mar. 16, 2018
Mike & Brian Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334
(573) 324-2528 home (573) 324-5411 work fdrsgrn@sbcglobal.net
Milk Trait Leader ROE Sire JDJ
J1377 Pld ET
Office 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 378-3255 cell bill@riverdalecorp.com
Ranch 3287 Lick Creek Road Leasburg, MO 65535
Progeny of Fire Water, Budsmydad, Grid Maker, Slasher, Revelation, Bluegrass, Royce and Wyoming Wind
Jeannine Doughty P.O. Box 523 (816) 616-8838 Harrisonville, MO 64701 www.bigcreekcharolais.com
8 STORY FARMS Charolais Cattle Austin & Courtney Story
29143 175th St • Altamont, MO 64620 (660) 749-5834 • (660) 663-5048 cell 8StoryFarms@gmail.com • www.8storyfarms.com www.facebook.com/8storyfarms
WC Milestone 5223 P
Upcoming Events December 2 Wright Charolais Female Sale, Kearney March 3 Grace Farms Bull Sale, Lamoni, IA March 3 Mead Farms Bull Sale, Versailles March 3 Peterson Farms Bull Sale, Mtn. Grove March 10 Wright Charolais Bull Sale, Kearney
Bill & Lora Nottke
Home of the 34th National Champion Female
Big Creek Charolais
Sexed Semen Available
Riverdale Land and Livestock Semen: $50/straw; No Signing Fee
Get your at the
March 10
March 16 MBS Charolais Bull Sale, Bowling Green
11th Annual
March 17 Aschermann Charolais Bull Sale, Carthage
Bull Sale
March 26 Ridder Farms Online Bull Sale April 9 Hankins Farms Online Sale
Derry & Mary Wright 42922 Old Hwy. 10 w Richmond, MO 64085 816-776-3512 farm office 816-456-3792 cellular dwright@wrightfarms.net Chris Peuster, Managing Partner 816-529-2190 cellular
April 14 The Renaissance XXVI Sale, Strafford April 28 Windy Hill Sale, Cedar Hill
Bull Sale • March 17
• Easy Calving Larry & Peggy Our Goals Are ... Aschermann • Fast Growing 13467 Dogwood Rd. • Premium Grading Carthage, MO 64836 ... Breeding Stock (417) 358-7879 www.aschermanncharolais.com • e-mail: hayhook@gmail.com Stan & Mary Bonacker & Family Cedar Hill, MO Stan: (314) 550-2554 David: (314) 974-5230 Stan@windyhillcharolais.com
WCR Sir Thunder 417 Pld
Cell 660-670-4721 • Home 660-277-4728
Bull Sale • March 3
Brand of Quality
Owner: Alan Mead (573) 216-0210 meadangus@yahoo.com www.skally.net/mead
Power & Look TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET
Space Available Contact David Hobbs (913) 515-1215
L &N
CHAROLAIS Mike, Sara, Connor & Cannon Kisner 5805 Perkins Road • DeSoto, MO 63020 (636) 586-2299 • (636) 236-0306 cell wildindianacres@yahoo.com Tad Owings • (660) 998-2557 Herdsman
D E C E M B E R 2017
Larry & Norma Julian
L&N Majestic 703 P ET
Crane, Missouri 417-536-6582 normasinline@hotmail.com Established 1999
WH Triple Play 201 Pld April 28 Production sale
Peterson Farms Charolais
New Whistle
Bull Sale • March 3, 2018
Steve & Sandy Peterson • Jeremiah, Andrew & Joey 8767 Outer Road, Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 926-5336 • (417) 746-4410
Corman Charolais Dan Corman Pomona, Missouri (417) 252-1373 www.cormancharolais.com
“Breeding Charolais Since 1958"
Building the Breed’s Future! Proceeds benefit the ACF’s Mission. Research, Development , Education
39TH NATIONAL Charolais Sale JANUARY 14th
LOT 21 • #3 2016-17 AICA Show Heifer of the Year. • She stacks 13 Roll of Excellence Sires in her pedigree. • Due February to FF Mr Turton 6002, a calving ease son of the National Champion Turton and an Oakdale Duke 9003 daughter.
• Second high-selling lot at $15,500 in the 2014 Wienk Legacy Mature Cow Dispersal. • Dam of C107, she was the #4 2016-17 AICA Show Dam of the Year. • Sired by KC Design, balanced numbers with a +13 Milk. • Available to flush immediately after the National.
American Charolais Foundation Kaitlyn Chism (816) 464-2474 ext. 201 kchism@charolaisusa.com
5593 Choupique Road Sulphur, LA Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 337-764-1040 cell Titou6262@yahoo.com Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell E5rodsmith@yahoo.com
Full French & Purebred Genetics P.O. Box 186, Liverpool, Texas 77577 Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 Daryl Renfrow (832) 444-5241 E-mail: larryl@qiminc.com www.barjcharolaisfarm.com D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 15
Miss Charolais USA ghter of David and Mary Jane bs is the 18 year-old ,dau Annaleigh Hob rning about the beef . At a young age she began lea Hobbs of Overland Park, Kansas nation with her father visiting Charolais breeders the cattle industry traveling across CA Junior Nationals Annaleigh has attended ten AIJ es. sal and and attending shows eders Association. Missouri Junior Charolais Bre and is an active member of the Charolais-influenced has developed a small herd of With the help of her uncle, she feeder calves. At her high school, Shawnee lity cows focused on producing qua ors student and is very involved in the Student hon an is igh ident. She is a Mission South, Annale 2017-18 Student Body Vice-Pres im Team and Council, where she serves as the iety, Sw an Troupe, National Honor Soc member of her school’s Thespi and then move on to She will graduate in May 2018, Freshman Mentoring Program. munications with a sue degrees in business and com a university where she will pur a be strong advocate for the future, Annaleigh plans to pre-law emphasis. Looking to career may lead. agriculture wherever her future Farms and the d by Windy Hill Charolais Annaleigh was co-sponsore rs Association. Missouri Charolais Breede
From left: Kendra Elder- Miss Charolais USA 2017, Annaleigh Hobbs - Miss Charolais USA 2018.
Thank You 2018 Miss Charolais USA Program Sponsors: Gold Sponsors Annual Sponsors of $250+ Silver Sponsors
Annual Sponsors
American-International Charolais Association Barnard Charolais, St. Joseph, Mo. Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Charolais Dees Idaho Junior Charolais Association Shadow Springs Farm, Havre de Grace, Md. Sparks Charolais Farm, LaMonte, Mo. Windy Hill Charolais Farm, Cedar Hill, Mo.
Bronze Sponsors 2018 Contestant Sponsors Windy Hill Charolais Farm, Cedar Hill, Mo. Missouri Charolais Breeders Association
For more information, contact: Jamie Sparks Dehan • 913-544-6128 • www.miss-charolais-usa.webs.com 16
D E C E M B E R 2017
2017 AICA Environmental Stewardship Award
Each year the Breed Improvement Committee recognizes a breeder for their exemplary conservation practices with the AICA Environmental Stewardship Award. The 2017 recipient, Compton Farm of Ovid, New York was presented the Environmental Stewardship Award at the Keystone International Livestock Exposition, Harrisburg, Pa. Mr. Richard Compton and his daughter Lisa operate a sixth generation farm comprising of 1,000 acres of crops, 150 head Charolais based cow/ calf operation and backgrounding calves near the Cayuga Lake. Compton Farm’s extensive conservation practices, rotational grazing system and water system have led them to becoming the 2017 AICA Environmental Stewardship recipients. Accepting the award is Lisa Compton, her husband Jon Roorda and their son Tyler. Obituary
Mrs. Dawn “JoAnne” Moore (née Cranford) died peacefully in her home on October 1, 2017, in Alvarado, TX, at the age of 82. JoAnne is survived by her husband of 63 years M.J. “Jack” Moore, daughters Lisa Moore (husband Chris Bennem) of New York, Shelly Moore Culbertson of Alvarado, Karen Moore Larson (husband Don) of Dallas, and son Kevin Moore (wife Jessica) of Alvarado, many grandchildren, sister Terrel Lynn Osborne of Carlsbad, NM, and brother Jack Cranford (wife Susie) of Bryan, TX. She is preceded in death by mother Dorothy Colleen Hale and brothers Jerrold Ray Cranford and Monta Dale Cranford. JoAnne was born on February 26, 1935, in Grandfield, OK, to Dorothy Colleen (née Tice) and Melvin Ray Cranford. JoAnne graduated in 1955 from Amarillo College and St Anthony’s Hospital School of Nursing, receiving her
license as a Registered Nurse. That same year she married the great love of her life, Jack Moore of Mobil Oil and M6 Ranch in Alvarado. Her generosity of spirit, her capacity for caring, her deep reservoir of faith, and her commitment to the healthcare profession made her an innovator in the field of elder care in Texas. She served on the state board for the Texas Nursing Home Association for many years and pushed continually for modernization and improvements in services. Running three nursing homes in the Alvarado-Burleson-Kennedale area for over thirty years she was a three time president of the Tarrant County Nursing Home Association. A devoted mother to her children, she was a source of joy and wisdom, visiting and staying to provide extra care and support with the birth of each new grandchild. A dedicated member of the Alvarado First Baptist Church, she was an active choir member for many years and found a home there in a community that would provide constant love and support especially these last years. Funeral services were October 7, at First Baptist Church of Alvarado. Obituary
Funeral services for Dr. Jerrel David Sullivan, age 72, of Manchester, TN, was November 7, 2017 at Manchester Funeral Home Chapel. Burial in Rose Hill Memorial Gardens. Dr. Sullivan passed away at his residence on Saturday, November 4, 2017. David was born in Greenfield, TN on January 23, 1945. He was a general surgeon in Manchester for 37 years and was one of the founders of Medical Center of Manchester. David was a faithful member and elder for over 10 years at Main Street Church of Christ. He loved reading the Bible, writing bible workbooks, teaching classes for the church, and doing mission work. He loved farming and hunting, and spending time with his family. David was a devoted husband, loving father, grandfather, and brother. Preceded in death by his father, Jerrel Dean Sullivan and one brother, Chat Wayne Sullivan. He is survived by his mother, Elizabeth Ann Needham Sullivan; his loving wife of 50 years, Barbara Matney Sullivan; three sons, Trent David (Leslie) Sullivan of College Grove, TN, Paul Byron (Kim) Sullivan and Josh Dwayne (Amanda) Sullivan, both of Manchester; one daughter, Leah Ann Sullivan of Knoxville, TN; four brothers, Donald Sullivan of Counce, TN, Danny (Jeanne) Sullivan of Atoka, TN, Tim (Karen) Sullivan of Falkner, MS, and Mark (Dana) Sullivan of Middleton, TN; seven grandchildren, Caleb Sullivan, Byron Sullivan, Carlee Sullivan, Maddie Sullivan, Allie Sullivan, Miles Sullivan, and Drake Elkin.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 17
Charolais Sale Results Sales are listed in sale date order. A list of sales in this issue is provided below. BeefGene Bull Sale Fall Edition M6 Ranch Fall Bull Sale 16th Annual Thomas Charolais, Inc. Bull Sale Aschermann Charolais 25th Edition Bull Sale Doub Charolais Autumn At The Crossroads Sale Rogers Bar HR 2017 Fall Turn Out Bull Sale Southern Cattle Company Dispersal Sale Fink Beef Genetics 27th Annual Bull Sale Royal Charolais Collection Nipp Charolais Fall Bull Sale Plyler & Son Charolais Get the Brand Bull Sale Southern Connection Sale 17th Annual Virginia Herd Improvement Sale Alabama Charolais Fall Roundup
BeefGene Bull Sale Fall Edition
Aschermann Charolais 25th Edition Bull Sale
Sulphur Springs, Texas ❚ October 7, 2017
Carthage, Mo. ❚ October 21, 2017
Auctioneer: Justin Stout, Lenexa, Kan.
Auctioneer: Jackie Moore, Mt. Vernon, Mo.
Average: 75 Bulls....................................... $3,422 Total Sale Gross ............................ $256,650
Average: 54 Long Yearling Bulls ................ $3,201 Total Sale Gross ............................ $172,850 By: David Hobbs High-selling lots: $7,000 – Long Yearling Bull. ACE-WIA Check Mate P ET, 3-12-16, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. To K Bar K Cattle, Tyner, Ky. $5,000 – Long Yearling Bull. ACE LT Me Mo Bob 631, 4-14-16, by ACE Mr Mo Bob 3809X. To Carl Propp, Adair, Okla. $4,300 – Long Yearling Bull. ACE-ORR Premier 637, 5-13-16, by LT Venture 3198 Pld. To S.E.A.N.A. Charolais, Hardensburg, Ky. $4,000 – Long Yearling Bull. ACE-WIA Passport P ET, 4-11-16, by DA Passport 502 P ET. To K Bar K Cattle.
By: Cody Beck High-selling lots: $7,250 – Bull. DCF Tuff Gold 644, 4-5-16, by IKE Tuffy 4103. From Dennis Charolais Farm, Saint Jo, Texas. To Brett Swope, Anahuac, Texas.
M6 Ranch Fall Bull Sale Alvarado, Texas ❚ October 14, 2017 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, North Richland Hills, Texas Average: 75 Bulls....................................... $4,577 Total Sale Gross ............................ $353,250 High-selling lot: $11,500 – Bull. M6 Fresh Whistle 671 P ET, 4-1-16, by M6 Bells & Whistles 258 P. To Clift Livestock, Ellensburg, Wash.
16th Annual Thomas Charolais, Inc. Bull Sale Raymondville, Texas ❚ October 18, 2017 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, North Richland Hills, Texas Average: 138 Bulls..................................... $4,004 Total Sale Gross ............................ $552,550 By: Cody Beck High-selling lots: $8,750 – Bull. BT Mr. Thomas 112/6, 3-1516, by BT Mr Thomas 117/1. To Kent Fischer, Navasota, Texas.
D E C E M B E R 2017
Doub Charolais Autumn At The Crossroads Sale Danville, Ind. ❚ October 21, 2017 Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt, Plain City, Ohio Sale Manager: Primetime Agri Marketing Network, Elmore, Ohio Averages: 17 1/2 Open Heifers ......................... $6,646 8 Bred Cows ..................................... $3,050 6 Bred Heifers .................................. $2,408 31 1/2 Lots .................................. $4,925 Not included in above averages: 7 Percentage Heifers ......................... $4,750 1 Flush ............................................. $1,750 22 Pairs of Embryos ............................ $377 22 Semen Lots ..................................... $180 Total Sale Gross ............................ $204,370
High-selling lots: $36,000 – Open Heifer. D&D Ms Kennedy 1702 Pld ET, 2-26-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton $8,000 – Bull. MT Mr. Thomas 31/6, 3-17-16, 0794 ET. To Grand Diamond Ranch, Texas by TT Mr Thomas 263-2. To Wexford Cattle Company, Goliad, Texas. $8,500 – Open Heifer. D&D Ms Kennedy 1700 Pld ET, 3-7-17, by AML Ghost Rider 210. $7,750 – Bull. MAT Mr. Thomas 2/6, 4-6-16, To J/K Red Angus, Aberdeen, N.C. (One-half by TT Mr Thomas 263-2. To Rob Thomas, interest.) Sinton, Texas. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
$7,000 – Percentage Heifer. D&D Ms Kennedy 1729 Pld ET, 5-6-16, out of D&D Miss Kennedy. To Joe Stagg, Ind.
Rogers Bar HR 2017 Fall Turn Out Bull Sale Collins, Miss. ❚ October 21, 2017 Auctioneer: Tommy Barns, Lowndesboro, Ala. Average: 73 Bulls....................................... $3,776 Not included in above average: 58 Brangus Heifers ........................... $1,716 Total Sale Gross ............................ $375,175 By: Floyd Wampler
Southern Cattle Company Dispersal Sale Marianna, Fla. ❚ October 21, 2017 Auctioneer: Rob Nord, Clinton, Ill., and Andrew Conley, Lake Park, Ga. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Services, Oakley, Kan. Averages: 11 Bulls ............................................ $5,409 28 Summer & Fall Pairs.................... $3,245 152 Bred & Open Cows ..................... $2,691 115 Bred Heifers .............................. $3,346 3 Commercial Bred Heifers .............. $1,567 28 Open Heifers ............................... $2,534 337 Lots ...................................... $3,026 Total Sale Gross ......................... $1,019,850 By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $18,000 – Bred Heifer. M6 Ms New Germaine 662 P, 2-7-16, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. Bred to LT Ledger 0332. To Legacy Ranch, Blackfoot, Idaho, and Double-H Charolais, Paynesville, Minn. $15,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. FC M5 B336, 10-2-14, by WC Capital Gain 2220 P ET. Heifer calf, 4-5-17, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Cow rebred to M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. To Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo., & Cody Cattle Company, Braymer, Mo. $12,000 – Bred Heifer. M6/ROR Jewel Bell 656 ET, 1-4-16, by M6 Bells & Whistles 258 P. Bred to LT Ledger 0332. To Shepherd Charolais, Stuart, Iowa.
$9,500 – Herd Bull. Southern R10 Bravo 35129, 9-20-13, by LT Rio Bravo 3181 P. To Shepherd Charolais and Dybdal Charolais, Newcastle, Neb. $7,500 – Herd Bull. Southern Ledger 38028, 9-5-13, by LT Ledger 0332. To CannonDeutsch Charolais, Newton, Iowa, and Hubert Charolais Ranch, Oakley, Kan. Note: 71 buyers from 20 states.
Fink Beef Genetics 27th Annual Bull Sale Randolph, Kan. ❚ October 25, 2017 Auctioneer: Matt Lowery, Burwell Neb. Average: 143 Yearling Bulls ...................... $5,578 Total Sale Gross ............................ $797,655 By: Colt Keffer High-selling lots: $12,000 – Yearling Bull. Fink 6107 of 3832 GS, 9-5-16, by Fink Gold Standard 0153. To Galen Wilson, Miller, Mo. $11,000 – Yearling Bull. Fink 6250 of 218 NS TW, 8-15-16, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. To Sonderup Charolais Ranch, Fullerton, Neb. $10,000 – Yearling Bull. Fink 6260 of 32 NS, 9-9-16, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. To Perkins Prothro Ranch, Kerrick, Texas. $9,500 – Yearling Bull. Fink 6104 of 3821 GS, 9-1-16, by Fink Gold Standard 0153. To Perkins Prothro Ranch. $8,500 – Yearling Bull. Fink 698 of 2260 GS, 9-5-16, by Fink Gold Standard 0153. To Kent Rahmeier, Sylvan Grove, Kan. $8,000 – Yearling Bull. Fink 6106 of 3821 GS, 8-25-16, by Fink Gold Standard 0153. To Shannon Ardery, Mullinville, Kan.
Royal Charolais Collection Kansas City, Mo. ❚ October 27, 2017 Auctioneer: Rob Nord, Clinton, Ill. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales, Oakley, Kan. Average: 17 Lots ........................................ $3,024 Not included in above averages: 63 Units of Semen ................................. $29 21 Embryos ......................................... $757 3 Flushes .......................................... $2,467 Total Sale Gross .............................. $76,500 By: David Hobbs High-selling lots: $6,500 – Open Heifer. 8S Totality 718 P, 2-217, by LT Ledger 0332 P. From 8 Story Farms, Altamont, Mo. To Henry Hoopes, Letts, Iowa. $5,250 – Heifer Calf Pregnancy. Choice of TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET, LT Rushmore 8060 Pld or CCC WC Resource 417 P X SULL Impressive 0641-3 Clone, due March 2018. From Grand Hills Cattle, LLC, Pierce, Colo. To Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo., Wild Indian Acres, DeSoto, Mo., and Cody Cattle Co., Braymer, Mo. $4,500 – Heifer Calf Pregnancy. Choice of TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET, LT Rushmore 8060 Pld or WC Benelli 2134 P ET X M&M Ms Stealth 9509 Pld ET, due March/April 2018. From Grand Hills Cattle. To Bailey Hinrichs, Glenvil, Neb.
Nipp Charolais Fall Bull Sale
Average: 63 Bulls....................................... $4,163 Total Sale Gross ............................ $262,270 By: Cody Beck High-selling lots: $11,000 – Bull. NBAR/NC Sundance 6158P, 3-10-16, by LT Sundance 2251 Pld. To Wild Farms, Leon, Okla. $10,500 – Bull. MLF/NC Sundance’s Vern Pld, 4-20-16, by LT Sundance 2251 Pld. To Bill Clune, Edmond, Okla. $7,750 – Bull. CCF/NC Nooga 1615 P, 3-2616, by Bamboo Sir Duke GR132 ET. To Condra Charolais, Whitwell, Tenn.
Ga. To Arlitt Ranch, Poteet, Texas, and Bill McDavid, Easley, S.C. $5,000 – Bred Cow. Reaves Ms Smokester Shell 322, 7-29-14, by JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET. Bred to MB Ledger. From Reaves Charolais, Greeneville, TN. To Arlitt Ranch. $5,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. MV 261 Presiduke 343, 11-22-13, by VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld. Heifer calf, 6-15-17, by MV 130 John 316. From Mountain View Charolais. To Rocking S Charolais, Bristow, Okla. $4,600 – Cow-Calf Pair. OHF Lady D906, 9-6-14, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Heifer calf, 9-30-17, by OHF Passport 1330. From Oak Hill Farm, Dawsonville, Ga. To Andrew Vanlith, Milbank, S.D. $3,000 – Bull. Welcome Grove Cash 1525, 11-4-15, by Welcome Grove. From Welcome Grove Charolais, Mosheim, Tenn. To Jason Hudson, Toccoa, Ga.
Plyler & Son Charolais Get the Brand Bull Sale
17th Annual Virginia Herd Improvement Sale
Magnolia Ark. ❚ October 28, 2017
Blacksburg, Va. ❚ November 4, 2017
Auctioneer: Justin B. Stout, Lenexa, Kan.
Auctioneer: Smith Reasor, Rural Retreat, Va. Sale Sponsor: Virginia Charolais Association Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Services, College Station, Texas
Wilson, Okla. ❚ October 28, 2017 Auctioneer: Lakin Oakley, Dekalb, Texas
Average: 59 Long Aged Bulls ..................... $3,194 Total Sale Gross ............................ $188,450 By: Colt Keffer High-selling lots: $8,100 – Bull. HF Max D4241, 4-18-16, by JDJ Maximo A18 P. To J&L Charolais Farm, Preston, Mo. $6,000 – Bull. PS Scholarship 5059, 11-2315, by TR Mr Turton 280. To Jay Bird Farms, Wynne, Ark. $5,500 – Bull. RG Santiago South 5021, 3-2915, by LC Mr Southpaw 7090 P ET. To Winfred Soriells, Sparkman, Ark. $5,000 Bull. WG South Link 5816, 4-22-15, by LC Mr Southpaw 7090 P ET. To Winfred Soriells. $5,000 – Bull. PS Hulk Hogan 6043, 5-1316, by M6 Bells & Whistles 258 P. To Jay Bird Farms.
Southern Connection Sale Calhoun, Ga. ❚ October 28, 2017 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, N. Richland Hills, Texas Sale Sponsor: Georgia, Florida & South Carolina Associations Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Services, College Station, Texas Sale Consultant: Brett Sayre, Purdin, Mo. Averages: 7 Bulls.............................................. $1,871 7 Cow-Calf Pairs................................ $3,407 3 Cow-Calf Splits ............................... $3,100 4 Bred Cows ..................................... $3,000 4 Bred Heifers .................................. $1,750 9 Open Heifers ................................. $1,789 34 Lots ........................................ $2,393 Not included in above averages: 15 Embryos ......................................... $410 20 Semen Units ..................................... $80 4 Recipient Pairs .............................. $2,475 Total Sale Gross .............................. $99,000 By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $5,000 – Open Heifer. MV 280 Cigar Vanessa 388, 1-29-16, by LHD Cigar E46. From Mountain View Charolais, Clarkesville,
By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $6,000 – Bull. PJ Slam Dunk 615 P, 7-1616, by M6 Slam Dunk 3115 P ET. From Paul Jeffries, Hustonville, Ky. To Richard Smith, Decaterville, Tenn. $4,600 – Bull. PJ Patriot 626 P, 7-18-16, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. From Paul Jeffries. To Happy 11 Charolais, Zapata, Texas. $4,200 – Cow-Calf Split. EZB Miss Baylee 532 Pld, 2-25-15, by M6/RC Fresh Air 1138 Pld. Heifer calf, 4-12-17, by Bamboo/NC Jackpot 3370. Rebred to EZB/NC Geronimo 541P. From EZY-B-Farms, Sparta, Tenn. Cow to Bar H Charolais, Golden, Miss., for $2,600. Heifer calf to Happy 11 Charolais for $1,600. $3,750 – Bred Heifer. RDK Lexi Delilah 615P, 12-19-15, by RDK Samson 815P. Bred to WCR Sir County Line 551 P. From Bobby Keahey, Grove Hill, Ala. To Don and Patrick Wright, Grove Hill, Ala. $3,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. VCR Miss Mac IV 076 P, 2-24-10, by WCR Sir Fa Mac 2244. Bull calf, 10-30-17, by Perfect Performer 1145. From Caney Fork Charolais, Kingston Springs, Tenn. To Bobby Keahey.
Averages: 4 Bulls.............................................. $2,444 4 Cow-Calf Pairs................................ $1,975 5 Cow-Calf Splits ............................... $3,075 11 Bred Heifers ................................ $1,889 17 Open Heifers ............................... $1,193 41 Lots ........................................ $1,807 Not included in above averages: 9 Embryos ...................................... $308.33 15 Semen Units ..................................... $67 Total Sale Gross .............................. $77,875 By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $4,100 – Bull. Jim Ledger D23J, 3-16-16, by LT Ledger 0332 P. From Miller Charolais Farm, Washington, W.Va. To Buffalo View, Hillsville, Va. $3,100 – Bull. Welcome Grove Showme, 3-21-16, by WC Capital Gain 2220 P ET. From Welcome Grove Charolais, Mosheim, Tenn. To Jenkins Farms, Richlands, N.C. $3,000 – Bred Heifer. JBC Ms Ledger 410 P ET, 9-25-14, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Bred to Bamboo Passport 1327. From Welcome Grove Charolais. To Buffalo View. $2,900 – Cow-Calf Pair. VPI Tiara 28C ET, 1-21-15, by LT Western Edge 4057 Pld. Heifer calf, 8-22-17, by BJR Hank 984P. From Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. To Larry Edwards, Mt. Ulla, N.C.
Alabama Charolais Fall Roundup Cullman, Ala. ❚ November 4, 2017 Auctioneer: Ben Phillips, Cullman, Ala. Sale Manager: Bob Morton, Wartrace, Tenn. Averages: 20 Bulls ............................................ $2,236 13 Cow-Calf Pairs.............................. $1,976 5 Cow-Calf Splits ............................... $3,550 5 Bred Cows ..................................... $2,390 8 Bred Heifers .................................. $1,775 23 Open Heifers ............................... $1,361 74 Lots ........................................ $1,968 Total Sale Gross ............................ $145,611
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 19
Nebraska State Fair Grand Island, Neb. ❚ September 2-3, 2017 4-H Judge: Scott Bayer, Ringle, Wisc.; FFA Judge: Jeff Jackson, Walnut Springs, Texas Champion 4-H Heifer: BCR Ms Pamela 637 ET, 3-5-16, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Devon Benes, Valparaiso, Neb. Champion 4-H Percentage Heifer: WR Peaches 42D, 4-2-16, by TR Mr Wrangler 3508A. Brant Benes, Albion, Neb. Reserve Champion 4-H Percentage Heifer: WFR Lola 625 P, 4-25-16, out of WFR 316 P. Ashley Dearmont, Loup City, Neb. Champion FFA Heifer: Fred Miss Franny 5901, 9-11-15, by Fred Omaha 3409. Bailey Hinrichs, Glenvil, Neb. Reserve Champion FFA Heifer: LKD Miss Daisy May 650, 4-3-16, by M6 Fresh Air 8165 P ET. Trisha Dybdal, Newcastle, Neb. Champion FFA Percentage Heifer: HINR Miss Monopoly Wrangler, 3-1-16, by WR Wrangler W601. Bailey Hinrichs. Reserve Champion FFA Percentage Heifer: TLF Goldin Girl 360, 2-10-16, by PZC Strikin Gold 430 ET. Abby Lora, Blue Hill, Neb. Reserve Overall and Champion FFA Bull: HMC Gambler 701, 1-12-17, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Haley Meduna, Colon, Neb. Reserve Champion FFA Bull: BCR El Presidente 701, 1-7-17, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Devon Benes, Valparaiso, Neb.
Kansas State Fair Hutchinson, Kan. ❚ September 9-10, 2017 Judge: Joel Cowley, Richmond, Texas Champion Heifer: Mr Diablo’s Elegance, 3-30-16, by TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET. McKenna Richardson, Eureka, Kan.
Reserve Champion Percentage Heifer: KR Blue Grass 6321, 3-10-16, by Fink 114 of 8854 BG. Kylie Rahmeier, Sylvan Grove, Kan. Champion Steer: Cooper Henson, Holcomb, Kan. Reserve Champion Steer: Jara Thorp, Burlington, Kan.
Keystone International Livestock Exposition Harrisburg, Pa. ❚ October 8, 2017 Judge: Mike McGuire, Waverly, Ala.
Third Best Percentage Heifer: SST Ashley 900D, 9-1-16, by OBG Olaf. Kamden Filippo, Rush Springs, Okla.
Junior Calf Champion: 007 Gold Skye 0917, 3-15-17, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Braxton Filippo, Rush Springs, Okla.
Champion Bred & Owned Percentage Heifer: SS Divinity 2041, 11-6-16, by Big Creek Game Changer 192 PET. Shaylee Senkel, Ada, Okla.
Reserve Junior Calf Champion: WDZ Skittles 704P ET, 1-3-17, by KC Design 4246 P. Sydney Zehnder, Stanchfield, Minn.
Champion Heifer: PZC Jewel 601 ET, 4-1-16, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio Reserve Champion Heifer: TR Ms Darla D120 ET, 2-26-16, by RBM TR Rhinestone Z38. Mattie Drew Doerstler, Greens Fork, Ind.
Northern International Livestock Exposition
Champion Best Bred & Owned: HCF Jade, 5-2-16, by SAC Light’em Up 131 Pld. Rachael Hockenbery, Woodbine, Md.
Billings, Mont. ❚ October 21, 2017
Reserve Champion Best Bred & Owned: Tullyfergus Daisy 456, 9-3-16, by CF Pasture Pimp ET. Evie Groom, Lyons, N.Y.
Tulsa State Fair Tulsa, Okla. ❚ October 7, 2017 Judge: Cheramie Viator, Cypress, Texas Reserve Supreme and Champion Heifer: KE Wonder Woman ET, 5-11-16, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Kelton Arthur, Stillwater, Okla. Reserve Champion Heifer: Conley Carbine D8 P, 4-6-16, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Abby Bell, Bristow, Okla.
Judge: Jason Hoffman, Thedford, Neb. Senior Calf and Grand Champion Female: MJR Miss Smoky’s Ledger 658, 10-4-16, by SCC Leager 370. Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo. Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Female: RF Sandie 560, 9-3-15, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Tara Tellefson, Warden, Wash.
Champion Percentage Heifer: EC Sassy 659 Pld, 4-5-16, out of IQCR Ms Cigar’s Hope 619P. Sydnee Shive, Mount Hope, Kan.
Champion Percentage Heifer: Malys Pride ET, 5-4-16, out of Schrader’s Miss Dolly 992. Carlee Clark, Muldrow, Okla.
Senior Calf Champion: J&J Angelina 660, 10-9-16, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla. Reserve Senior Calf Champion: J&J Angelina 690, 11-28-16, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla. Reserve Junior Champion: WDZ Skittles 6037 P ET, 4-15-16, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Paige Netzke, Lamberton, Minn. Reserve Senior Champion: EC Cici 619 Pld, 3-7-16, by EC Done Deal 5052 Pld. Spencer Goettemoeller, Winchester, Ind.ET.
Northern International Livestock Exposition
American Royal Kansas City, Mo. ❚ October 28, 2017 Judge: Dustin Frank, Chappell, Neb. Junior and Grand Champion: KE Wonder Woman ET, 5-11-16, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Kelton Arthur, Stillwater, Okla.
Third Best and Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: J&J Angelina 660, 10-9-16, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla. Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: J&J Angelina 690, 11-28-16, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla.
D E C E M B E R 2017
Senior and Reserve Grand Champion: CC Deja Vu 6088 ET Pld, 3-19-16, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Kennedy Core, Pleasantville, Iowa.
Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Percentage Heifer: RG Ece 501, 5-1-17, by D R Cadillac 1973. Reece Garcia, Coalgate, Okla.
Reserve Champion Heifer: RBM Daisy D92, 2-12-16, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. James Derouchey, St Marys, Kan.
Reserve Champion Percentage Heifer: GHC Golden Angel 6501, 11-2-16, out of TR PZC Ms Ivory Angel 0711 ET. Turner Longacre, Kellyville, Okla.
Champion Heifer
American Royal
Champion Steer Champion Heifer
Reserve Champion Heifer
AICA Roll of Excellence Show Results
Northern International Livestock Exposition – Class A ROE American Royal – National ROE
Northern International Livestock Exposition — Class A ROE Show
Northern International Livestock Exposition
Billings, Mont. ❚ October 21, 2017 Judge: Jake Scott, Gordon, Neb. Total Shown – 41: Females – 32; Bulls – 9
Females Senior and Grand Champion and Supreme Champion Overall Breeds: HFCS Ms Destiny D109, 2-15-16, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Haleigh Holt, Mina, S.D.
Grand Champion Female
Reserve Grand Champion Female
Grand Champion Bull
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Junior Calf and Reserve Grand Champion: HFCS Ms Ethel E103, 1-16-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Hansen Farms, Turton, S.D. Reserve Junior Calf Champion: WGH Miss Bianca 701E, 1-28-17, by WR Wrangler W601. William Haun, Wilder, Idaho. Senior Calf Champion: MJR Miss Smoky’s Ledger 658, 10-4-16, by SCC Leager 370. Maguire Rohr, Elbert, Colo. Reserve Senior Calf Champion: EB Ms Encore 2338, 11-13-16, by Spur Encore 1A444. Erica Bianchi, Gilroy, Calif. Intermediate Champion: BC Sapphire 2324, 6-4-16, by Spur Encore 1A444. Alexis Hernandez, Colusa, Calif. Reserve Intermediate Champion: M6 Ms Cool Greta 6113 P ET, 7-24-16, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. Matthew Amos, Castle Rock, Wash.
M o r e o n t h e W e b: AICA Roll of Excellence show results are available on the AICA website at www.charolaisusa.com
Junior Champion: JEHTS Miss Bella, 3-2-16, by STRM Don Juan. Jeht Stateler, Hoskins, Neb. Reserve Junior Champion: CH Miss Maura 209D, 3-3-16, by MCF Bohannon 305A. Ty Ann Tellefson, Warden, Wash.
Champion Cow-Calf Pair: MCL Pld Carrie 514C, 3-5-15, by Grant’s Anchor 311A. Bull calf, RCC Mr McCaw, 5-18-17, by Cedardale Zeal 125Z. Roberts Cattle, Absarokee, Mont.
Class Placings Spring Heifer Calves – Calved March 2 to May 3, 2017. 6 shown. 1. Box’ N C Ranch, Prineville, Ore., on CL Miss Force’s Fire 1733 P. 2. Hansen Farms on HFLS Ms Emporess E169. 3. Brevig Charolais, Lewistown, Mont. on BCR Ms Lily E100. Junior Heifer Calves – Calved Jan. 16 to Feb. 21, 2017. 8 shown. 1. Hansen Farms on HFLS Ms Ethal E103. 2. William Haun on WGH Miss Bianca 701E. 3. University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, on UI Miss Game Changer 706.
Winter Heifer Calves – Calved Nov. 13, Reserve Senior Champion: MJR Smokys 2017. 1 shown. 1. Erica Bianchi on EB Ms Miss Wrangler, 11-28-15, by TR Mr Wrangle Encore 2338. Up 2502Z. Maguire Rohr. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
Senior Heifer Calves – Calved Sept. 3 to Oct. 4, 2016. 2 shown. 1. Maguire Rohr on MJR Miss Smoky’s Ledger 658. 2. Cora Clift, Ellensburg, Wash., on CAG GARW Ms Firefly 682D ET. Late Summer Yearling Females – Calved July 24, 2016. 1 shown. 1. Matthew Amos on M6 Ms Cool Greta 6113 P ET. Summer Yearling Females – Calved May 24 to June 4, 2016. 2 shown. 1. Alexis Hernandez on BC Sapphire 2324. 2. University of Idaho on UI Miss Prime Plus 621. Late Spring Yearling Females – Calved April 20 to April 30, 2016. 2 shown. 1. Brandon Pacheco, Paso Robles, Calif., on BC Ms Encore 2300. 2. University of Idaho on UI Miss Rhinestone 620.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 21
Early Spring Yearling Females – Calved March 1 to March 3, 2016. 3 shown. 1. Jeht Stateler on JEHTS Miss Bella. 2. Ty Ann Tellefson on CH Miss Maura 2098D. 3. Kale Cordill, Cheney, Wash., on TC Classy D45. Junior Yearling Females – Calved Jan. 20 to Feb. 15, 2016. 3 shown. 1. Haleigh Holt on HFCS Ms Destiny D 109. 2. Sydney Pike, Bend, Ore., on 4C Scarlet’s Distance M161 Pld. 3. Kelly Cordill, Cheney, Wash., on CL Miss Kylee 1610 P.
Breeders’ Herd – 2 shown. 1. Tara Tellefson. 2. Clift Livestock. Group Of Five Head – 2 shown. 1. Clift Livestock. 2. Tara Tellefson.
American Royal — National ROE Show Kansas City, Mo. ❚ October 28, 2017 Judge: Chris Effling, Highmore, S.D. Total Shown – 142: Females – 98; Bulls – 44
Senior Yearling Females – Calved Sept. 3 to Nov. 28, 2015. 3 shown. 1. Maguire Rohr on MJR Smokys Miss Wrangler. 2. Tara Tellefson, Warden, Wash., on RF Sandie 560. 3. Erica Bianchi on EB Ms Blend 2239.
Cow-Calf Pairs – Calved March 5, 2015. 1 shown. 1. Roberts Cattle on MCL Pld Carrie 514C and RCC Mr McCaw.
Senior and Reserve Grand Champion: BOY BSMT Montella 616 ET, 2-10-16, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa
Spring Calf Champion: TR Ms Tiffany 701 ET, 5-6-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Abbi Pfeifer, Russell, Iowa
Senior and Reserve Grand Champion: M6 The Force 511 P ET, 2-15-15, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. Clift Livestock, Ellensburg, Wash., and M6 Charolais, Alvarado, Texas.
Reserve Spring Calf Champion: OCR Ms. Ellissa E179 Pld, 3-15-17, by EC Done Deal 5052 Pld. Kevin Doonan, Midlothian, Texas; Odden Charolais Ranch, Colome, S.D.
Junior Calf Champion: HFCS Mr Enticer E104, 2-2-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Hansen Farms.
Junior Calf Champion: Conley LJR Wylie 125E ET, 2-27-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Stiles Patin, Thorndale, Texas
Reserve Junior Calf Champion: 4C’s Adventure M188 Pld ET, 2-21-17, by LT Venture 3198 Pld. Matthew Amos.
Reserve Junior Calf Champion: CCC Ms Upside 704 Pld, 1-9-17, by WC Up The Limit 1128 P ET. Cody Runft, Braymer, Mo.
Intermediate Champion: SC Mr Harvey 634, 6-2-16, by GVC Mr Windy 1301. Schvaneveldt Charolais, Grace, Idaho.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion: J&J Angelina 660, 10-9-16, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Sydney Johnson, Orlando, Okla.
Junior Champion: DN Crown Royal, 2-1316, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Sue Ellen Condron, Powell Butte, Ore.
Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion: AML RC Vanessa 606, 11-25-16, by AML Ghost Rider 210. Isom Marston, Canton, Kan.
Class Placings
Reserve Intermediate Champion: JAB Baby Wiley 641 Polled, 8-11-16, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wisc.
Junior Bull Calves – Calved Feb. 2 to Feb. 25, 2017. 4 shown. 1. Hansen Farms on HFCS Mr Enticer E104. 2. Matthew Amos on 4C’s Adventure M188 Pld ET. 3. Lewis Livestock, Moses Lake, Wash., on LL All That And More. Senior Bull Calves – Calved Sept. 18, 2016. 1 shown. 1. Erica Bianchi on EB Mr Encore 2148. Summer Yearling Bulls – Calved June 2, 2016. 1 shown. 1. Schvaneveldt Charolais on SC Mr Harvey 634. Junior Yearling Bulls – Calved Feb. 13, 2016. 1 shown. 1. Sue Ellen Condron on DN Crown Royal. Two-Year-Old Bulls – Calved Feb. 15, 2015. 1 shown. 1. Clift Livestock and M6 Charolais on M6 The Force 511 P ET.
Groups Produce Of Dam – 1 shown. 1. Matt Amos on BC Ms Clarice 1220 P ET. Get-Of-Sire – 1 shown. 1. Hansen Farms on M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. 22
D E C E M B E R 2017
Grand Champion Female
Reserve Grand Champion Female
Grand Champion Bull
Reserve Grand Champion Bull
Intermediate and Grand Champion: KE Wonder Woman ET, 5-11-16, by M&M Outsider 4003 P. Kelton Arthur, Stillwater, Okla.
Senior Calf and Grand Champion: EB Mr Encore 2148, 9-18-16, by Spur Encore 1A444. Erica Bianchi.
Spring Bull Calves – Calved April 3, 2017. 1 shown. 1. Clift Livestock on CL Force’s Assertion 1738 P.
American Royal
Junior Champion: TR Ms Danika 6718D ET, 3-16-16, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Carter Hoge, Good Hope, Ill. Reserve Junior Champion: CC Deja Vu 6088 ET Pld, 3-19-16, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Kennedy Core, Pleasantville, Iowa Reserve Senior Champion: WC Dream Girl 6243 P, 1-18-16, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Jaid Runft, Scandia, Kan. Champion Cow/Calf Pair: Circle K Jackie O, 4-5-15, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Bull calf, HF-Circle K JT 1724, 3-31-17, by LT Landmark 5052 Pld. Emma Hankins, Springfield, Mo.
Class Placings Spring Heifer Calves – Calved April 15 to May 17, 2017. 8 shown. 1. Abbi Pfeifer on TR Ms Tiffany 701 ET. 2. Braxton Filippo, Rush Springs, Okla., on FFF Destiny 1702. 3. Connor Kisner, De Soto, Mo., on WIA Ms Carbine Fire E26 ET. Spring Heifer Calves – Calved April 6 to April 12, 2017. 2 shown. 1. Kole Harris, Hepler, Kan., on Big Creek Peaches 741 P. 2. Kole Harris on OBG Pamela 7051.
Spring Heifer Calves – Calved March 15 to March 24, 2017. 5 shown. 1. Kevin Doonan and Odden Charolais Ranch on OCR Ms. Ellissa E179 Pld. 2. Braxton Filippo on 007 Gold Skye 0917. 3. Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo., on WC Mila 7350 P.
Late Spring Yearling Females – Calved April 1 to April 20, 2016. 10 shown. 1. Paige Netzke, Lamberton, Minn., on WDZ Skittles 6037 P ET. 2. Abby Bell, Bristow, Okla., on Conley Carbine D8 P. 3. Carson Rieck, Creston, Iowa, on CLM WDZ Katelyn 601 ET.
Spring Heifer Calves – Calved March 2 to March 14, 2017. 7 shown. 1. Hunter Riggins, Leddey, Okla., on RF Greta 7022 ET. 2. LJ D Wells, Norfolk, Neb., on BRCHE TR Sasha Fierce 7512. 3. Shaffer Cattle Co., Carthage, Mo., on SHF Ms Nancy 1712.
Early Spring Yearling Females – Calved March 16 to March 28, 2016. 6 shown. 1. Carter Hoge on TR Ms Danika 6718D ET. 2. Kennedy Core on CC Deja Vu 6088 ET Pld. 3. Kadon Leddy, Stockholm, S.D., on PZC TR Fire Fox 6742D ET.
Junior Heifer Calves – Calved Feb. 2 to Feb. 28, 2017. 9 shown. 1. Stiles Patin on Conley LJR Wylie 125E ET. 2. AM Livestock, Springfield, Mo., on AML Goin Places. 3. Wright Charolais on WC Angelina 7126 P ET.
Early Spring Yearling Females – Calved March 2 to March 12, 2016. 8 shown. 1. Spencer Goettemoeller, Winchester, Ind., on EC Cici 619 Pld. 2. Kelsie Wosepka, Waverly, Iowa, on SR Reba 6225 Pld. 3. Parker Lockhart, Fort Gibson, Okla., on MCKY Caitlin 6465 ET.
Junior Heifer Calves – Calved Jan.3 to Jan. 15, 2017. 5 shown. 1. Cody Runft, Braymer, Mo., on CCC Ms Upside 704 Pld. 2. Bertsche Cattle LLC, Onida, S.D., on BRCHE Carmella Marie 7505. 3. Sydney Zehnder, Stanchfield, Minn., on WDZ Skittles 704P ET. Winter Heifer Calves – Calved Nov. 4 to Dec. 14, 2016. 8 shown. 1. Isom Marston on AML RC Vanessa 606. 2. Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla., on J&J Angelina 690. 3. Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas, on BJCF Z36’s Ms Aiglon D182. Senior Heifer Calves – Calved Sept. 2 to Oct. 12, 2016. 11 shown. 1. Sydney Johnson on J&J Angelina 660. 2. Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo., on KBC SHF Ms Elvira 1673. 3. David & Annette Bonacker, Cedar Hill, Mo., on WH Jane 629 Pld. Late Summer Yearling Females – Calved Aug. 2 to Aug. 22, 2016. 5 shown. 1. Breeze Bunker on JAB Baby Wiley 641 Polled. 2. Fenton Farms, Stigler, Okla., on M&M Ms 9043 6503. 3. Mackinzie Moldenhauer, Valley Center, Kan., on Fink Miss Lady 6234 2691 FL. Summer Yearling Females – Calved May 2 to May 11, 2016. 4 shown. 1. Kelton Arthur on KE Wonder Woman ET. 2. Lyla Nervig, Roscoe, Texas, on KASS Ms Kitty 6138 ET. 3. Callie Meek, Cassville, Mo., on CH Miss Snow Bunny 219D.
Junior Yearling Females – Calved Jan. 4 to Feb. 26, 2016. 8 shown. 1. Sara Sullivan on BOY BSMT Montella 616 ET. 2. Jaid Runft on WC Dream Girl 6243 P. 3. Elizabeth Pfannebecker, La Salle, Colo., on CC Demi 641D ET. Senior Yearling Females – Calved Nov. 1, 2015. 1 shown. 1. Bar J Charolais and JVS Cattle Co., Sulphur, La., on BJCF / JVS Ms Design C107 PET. Cow/Calf Pairs – Calved April 5, 2015. 1 shown. 1. Emma Hankins on Circle K Jackie O and HF-Circle K JT 1724.
Bulls Junior and Grand Champion: TR Mr Outkast 6605D, 3-8-16, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Boyert Show Cattle, Seville, Ohio; Midwest Genetics, Hennepin, Ill.; Randy Schuring, Andover, S.D.; Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. Senior Calf and Reserve Grand Champion: SHF Power Up 1677, 9-10-16, by SHF Fire Power 0080. Kate Shaffer, Carthage, Mo. Spring Calf Champion: CJB Makers Mark 7138 ET, 3-14-17, by TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET. Kassi Bauman, Briggsdale, Colo.
Reserve Spring Calf Champion: CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET, 3-8-17, by CCC WC Resource 417 P. Cody Cattle Co., Braymer, Mo.; Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo. Junior Calf Champion: HPF Maximizer 721, 1-9-17, by DC-OW Maximizer 385Pld. High Prairie Farms, Fair Grove, Mo.; Shaffer Cattle Co., Carthage, Mo. Reserve Junior Calf Champion: OCR Magnum E89, 2-16-17, by Pleasant Dawn Magnum 56T. Odden Charolais Ranch, Colome, S.D. Reserve Senior Calf Champion: JAB Around Here Buzz 657 Pld, 12-11-16, by LT Rushmore 8060 Pld. Breeze Bunker, Sparta, Wisc. Intermediate Champion: GCC Mr Gun Powder, 5-1-16, by Blakes Firewater. Taylor Gearlds, Tompkinsville, Ky. Reserve Intermediate Champion: WH American Gangster 626 Pld, 8-25-16, by WH Triple Play 201 Pld. Dylan Bonacker, Cedar Hill, Mo. Reserve Junior Champion: SHF Addiction 1609, 4-3-16, by SHF Rehab 8104. Bar L, Simms, Texas; Kate Shaffer Senior Champion: BJCF Pecos C115 P, 11-5-15, by BJCF Watt Z36. Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas Reserve Senior Champion: JVS Sabinal C22, 4-2-15, by BJCF Bar J Y66. JVS Cattle Co., Sulphur, La.
Class Placings Spring Bull Calves – Calved April 2 to April 24, 2017. 3 shown. 1. Kevin Doonan, Midlothian, Texas, on DCC Who’s Hoo 1709 Pld. 2. Braxton Filippo, Rush Springs, Okla., on FFF Free Bird 1704. 3. L & N Charolais, Crane, Mo., on L&N El Vogue 707 P. Spring Bull Calves – Calved March 3 to March 14, 2017. 8 shown.1. Kassi Bauman on CJB Makers Mark 7138 ET. 2. Cody Cattle Co. and Wright Charolais on CCC WC Redemption 7143 Pld ET. 3. Kevin Doonan on DCC Chic Changer 1705 Pld. Junior Bull Calves – Calved Feb. 3 to Feb. 25, 2017. 8 shown. 1. Odden Charolais Ranch on OCR Magnum E89. 2. MDL Farms, Joy, Ill., on MDL Right Time 723 P. 3. CannonDeutsch Charolais, Newton, Iowa, on CD Reward 75 Pld. Junior Bull Calves – Calved Jan. 5 to Jan. 12, 2017. 4 shown. 1. High Prairie Farms and Shaffer Cattle Co., on HPF Maximizer 721. 2. Bertsche Cattle LLC, Onida, S.D., on BRCHE Raising Cane 7501. 3. Chad Cook, Sedalia, Mo., on CCF Limitless E112. Winter Bull Calves – Calved Nov. 3 to Dec. 11, 2016. 3 shown. 1. Breeze Bunker on JAB Around Here Buzz 657 Pld. 2. Bar J Charolais on BJCF Bradshaw D180. 3. JVS Cattle Co., on JVS Rich & Rare D54. Senior Bull Calves – Calved Nov. 9 to Nov. 24, 2016. 4 shown. 1. Kate Shaffer on SHF Power Up 1677. 2. Chet McClure, Gibson City, Ill., on MF Drummer 634 Pld. 3. Payton Foster, Rose Creek, Minn., on JKW/JFSS Django 40 66.
Late Summer Yearling Bulls – Calved Aug. 25, 2016. 1 shown. 1. Dylan Bonacker on WH American Gangster 626 Pld. Summer Yearling Bulls – Calved May 1, 2016. 1 shown. 1. Taylor Gearlds on GCC Mr Gun Powder. Spring Yearling Bulls – Calved March 8 to April 28, 2016. 5 shown. 1. Boyert Show Cattle, Midwest Genetics, Randy Schuring and Thomas Ranch on TR Mr Outkast 6605D. 2. Bar L and Kate Shaffer on SHF Addiction 1609. 3. Bar J Charolais and Nielson Brothers, Newtown, Mo., on M&M Cool Rep 6054 ET.
DEBRUYCKER CHAROLAIS Save the Date! 600 Bulls Sell— Saturday, April 7, 2018 with a NEW time of 11am!
Junior Yearling Bulls – Calved Jan. 6 to Feb. 1, 2016. 2 shown. 1. Bar J Charolais on BJCF Sancheaux D8104. 2. Ronnie Gearlds, Tompkinsville, Ky.; Garrett Charolais, Crossville, Tenn.; Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo., on WC Up The Ante 6277 P. Senior Yearling Bulls – Calved Nov. 4 to Nov. 5, 2015. 2 shown. 1. Bar J Charolais on BJCF Pecos C115 P. 2. Bar J Charolais and JVS Cattle Co., on BJCF / JVS San Angelo C203 PET. Summer Senior Yearling Bulls – Calved Aug. 30, 2015. 1 shown. 1. Callie Meek, Cassville, Mo., on RS The Bodyguard. Two Year Old Bulls – Calved Feb. 1 to April 2, 2015. 2 shown. 1. JVS Cattle Co., on JVS Sabinal C22. 2. Dismukes Ranch, Checotah, Okla., on D R Monsoon 45.
Groups Produce of Dam – 3 shown. 1. Charley Johnson on 3R’s Angelina 343A ET. 2. Bar J Charolais on WCR Ms Design 9139. 3. Connors State College, Warner, Okla., on OW Miss Marion 0025.
Lloyd, Jane and our entire family welcome you and look forward to answering any questions you have.
Junior Get-of-Sire – 2 shown. 1. McClure Farms, Gibson City, Ill., on LF Drummer 213. 2. Connors State College, Warner, Okla., on WC Big Ben 9036 P. Get-of-Sire – 1 shown. 1. Windy Hill Charolais Farm, Cedar Hill, Mo., on Big Creek Game Changer 192 PET. Breeders’ Herd – 1 shown. 1. Windy Hill Charolais Farm. Group of Five Head – 1 shown. 1. Windy Hill Charolais Farm.
National Roll of Excellence Shows National Western Stock Show Pen Show & 49th National Show January 13-15 Denver, Colorado www.nationalwestern.com Fort Worth Stock Show January 27 Fort Worth, Texas www.fwssr.com
“Wishing a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all of our Charolais friends and customers” Dave & Lori Weaver Cell: (270) 646-8955 Home: (270) 646-3614 ldweaver@scrtc.com D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 23
Molly Smith, At Large Director
Get to Know Your Director! Interviewed by Abbee Carnes, Secretary
President Hadley Schotte Marysville, KS (785) 562-6632
Treasurer Kaitlyn Davlin El Campo, TX (979) 543-0366
Vice President Teanna Simpson Thayer, MO (417) 280-1150
Ex-Officio Ty Dybdal Newcastle, NE (402) 841-0995
Secretary Abbee Carnes Richland, SC (864) 784-2562 abbeecarnes@gmail.com
Directors By Area
owdy y’all! My name is Molly Smith, and I am the 18 year old daughter of Doris and Roger Smith. I currently attend Texas A&M University – Kingsville where I am majoring in Animal Science. I have known for years that my future will be in agriculture. My introduction to agriculture came from my father, who taught me, at a young age, that land and animals were valuable resources that should be cultivated to enhance our livelihood. Since then, I have taken advantage of opportunities that provided me with the tools to create the future that I see for myself. I have made an effort to immerse myself into all things agricultural so that I can achieve my dream of obtaining a Ph.D. in Animal Physiology. To further expand my knowledge of animals, I have received my Veterinary Technician Certification, and work at the Chisholm Trail Veterinary Clinic in Luling, Texas.
Who has been the biggest help to you throughout your show career, and who is somebody you looked up to?
A: My biggest supporter when I am showing is my dad.
Normally, it’s just the two of us when we go to shows and we like to bring a big string of cattle. I am involved with a lot of different associations and a lot of the time he is left alone to take care of the cattle, and he does a great job of doing it. He’s always there for me, whether I forgot something at the house or were dealing with the loss of a calf.
Q: If you could be any person in the world for a day who would you be and why?
A: If I could be anyone for a day I would choose to be Mother Theresa. She devoted her life to servitude and she loved Q: What are some traits that help you to be a good unconditionally in extraordinarily difficult circumstances. board member? She was an example of human love triumphing over all the A: I believe one trait that makes me a good board member sadness the world can give. is my ability to take charge in situations and ask the hard questions that allow us to think outside the box. Another Q: Why did you choose to get involved in the trait is that I am very passionate about the breed. It’s that Charolais breed over other breeds? passion that allows our board to be successful in recruiting A: Getting involved in the Charolais breed wasn’t really junior members into the AIJCA. a choice for me. My dad started out showing Charolais and passed his passion on to me. My very first show Q: What advice would you give new members on cattle heifer was a Charolais and now that I have transitioned onto how to become more involved? showing other breeds I still have a soft spot for Charolais. A: I remember when I was a new member; I was scared and intimidated by all the older members and the junior Q: If you were on a desolate island and could only board. If you are a new member, my advice is to get involved bring three things, what would they be and why? with every contest, leadership event and attend all the A: I would make sure I would have a knife handy while meetings! You may not like all the contests but the best way on the island. It has, after all, many uses. You can use it to get better at them is to practice, practice, practice. Get to to open coconuts, make spears for fishing, and crack crab know all the members in your state and don’t forget to have legs. And if the knife’s big enough, you can even use it to fun during the week. cut wood for your shelter and camp fires. I would also bring flashlight, not just any flashlight, but one of those that Q: What is your favorite thing about Christmas? aruns when you wind it up so you don’t need batteries. You A: My favorite thing about Christmas is the supper we can use it to see in the middle of the night when you’re all have every year. Our whole family gets together and eats alone. Finally, I would bring an inflatable raft with oars so I traditional Mexican food. I love eating all the good food, but can row, row, row my boat, merrily to freedom. it’s also the time when our family gets to be together and give thanks for another year well spent. 24
D E C E M B E R 2017
Area 1 Madison Andrade San Juan Bautista, CA (408) 888-4906 madison_andrade@yahoo.com
Area 2 Trisha Dybdal Newcastle, NE (402) 692-3704
At Large Cagney Effling Highmore, SD (605) 870- 0368 cageffling@gmail.com
At Large Caitlin Jedlicka Koshkonong, MO (417) 764-3392
Area 3 Mitchell Duer Onaga, KS (785) 889-4650
At Large Teanna Simpson Thayer, MO (417) 280-1150
Area 4 Kaitlyn Davlin El Campo, TX (979) 543-0366
At Large Molly Smith Lockhart, TX (512) 995-2557
Area 5 Trent Bertsche Flanagan, IL (815) 796-4440 trentbert_29@hotmail.com
Area 6 Matthew Owings Potosi, MO (660) 998-2557 matthew.p.owings19@gmail.com
Area 7 Rylee Derrer Milan, IL (309) 314-1492 derrer.rylee@gmail.com
Area 8 Abbee Carnes Richland, SC (864) 784-2562 abbeecarnes@gmail.com
Committee Chairmen Fundraising Kaitlyn Davlin Programs & Activities Teanna Simpson
Membership Abbee Carnes Junior National Hadley Schotte
Aijca Membership Membership in the nationwide AmericanInternational Junior Charolais Association (AIJCA) is open to anyone 21 years of age and under as of January 1 of the present year. The initial membership fee is $30 and $25 annual dues thereafter.
American-International Charolais Association Committees and Fall Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 25-26, 2017 –– Kansas City, Mo.
Activities Committee
Advertising/Marketing Committee Chairman: Mike Schumacher
Chairman: Richard Clark Members present: Richard Clark, Spencer Schrader, Cody Lacy (Sub. Area 1), Alan Leifeste, Craig Stalcup, Dale Jedlicka, Jeff Bunker, Frankie Anthony, Adam McCall, and Naomi Farmer.
Members present: Mike Schumacher, Bob Tibbs, Cheryl Lux, Ty Eschenbaum, Melvin Allen, Sara Shepherd, David Johansen, Steve Smith, Frankie Anthony, Silas Maxwell (sub) and Naomi Farmer (Sub).
Chairman Richard Clark called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 10 members present. Minutes from previous meetings were approved as presented.
Chairman Mike Schumacher called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 11 members present. Review March 27, 2017 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
1. 2.
3. 4. 5.
Action Taken David Hobbs reviewed the 2017-2018 Charolais Shows. Locations were set for 2018-2019 Class A ROE Shows; Missouri State Fair; Iowa State Fair; Keystone International Charolais Exposition; Northern International Livestock Exposition; Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo (permanent A). Lee and Connie Eaton and family, Lindsay, Montana, were selected as the 2018 National Western Stock Show 49th National Show Dedicatee. Selection procedure for 2018-2019 National ROE Show Judges/Approved Judges List was reviewed. Meeting Adjourned
Advertising/Marketing Committee
Breed Improvement Committee
Conference Call – October 12, 2017 Members present: Mike Schumacher, Bob Tibbs, Cheryl Lux, Ty Eschenbaum, Melvin Allen, David Johansen, Georgeanne Webb. AICA Staff: J. Neil Orth, Kaitlyn Chism, David Hobbs Chairman Mike Schumacher called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 7 members participating. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Action Taken 1. Kaitlyn Chism provided an update on traffic to the website and social media platforms. 2. Chism presented the 2018-19 Ad Campaign proposal. Frankie Anthony moved to approve the 2018-19 Ad Campaign proposal. Bob Tibbs seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Schumacher presented the proposed 2018 Media Budget. Silas Maxwell moved to approve the proposed media budget. Tibbs seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Discussion followed about reaching commercial cattlemen and providing data in Charolais promotions. 5. Meeting Adjourned.
Action Taken Committee reviewed the proposed 2018-2019 national ad campaign. Popular discussion was had. Bob Tibbs discussed adding a Charolais bull. Ty Eschenbaum discussed including additional data if available. Tibbs moved to adopt the ad campaign concept proposed. Eschenbaum seconded. MOTION CARRIED. A revised ad campaign will be proposed to committee members. Kaitlyn Chism reviewed Facebook statistics from the current video posts from the Listening & Learning session. Full report will be provided at the fall meeting. Meeting adjourned.
Chairman: Rex Ricketts Members present: Rex Ricketts, Ty Eschenbaum, Lee Eaton, Bob Wagner, Don Olsen, Bradley Bracewell, Marty Lewis, Jim Husz, Ron Nord, Frankie Anthony, Jimmy Ray Parish, Richard Clark, Dotty Macy, and Naomi Farmer (Sub). Chairman Rex Ricketts called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 13 members present. Reviewed the March 26, 2017 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented with one correction. Richard Clark moved to move item 7 on the agenda to item 1. Dotty Macy seconded. MOTION CARRIED. Action Taken 1. AICA legal-council Bruce Mitchell reviewed the Data Policy Document developed by the sub-committee. Lee Eaton moved that the policy be recommended to the board as policy. Clark seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 2. David Hobbs updated the committee on generating trait leaders with each genetic analysis. No action taken. 3. Sally Northcutt updated the committee on the single step technology. AGI is currently working on a prototype. No action taken.
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4. She also updated the committee on the University of Missouri sequencing project. No action taken. 5. Northcutt informed the committee that Docility scores will be collected beginning in 2018. She also updated the committee on research she has done on using AICA’s udder/teat size scores to develop an EPD. 6. Ty Eschenbaum demonstrated AICA’s Sire Selector web interface enhancement and use of percentiles for sorting. Jimmy Ray Parish moved that AICA move forward with educating the membership on using the Sire Selector, and that Chairman Ricketts named a sub-committee of Eschenbaum, Parish, and Bob Wagner to look into the possibility of grouping animals as sale or management groups using this tool. Don Olsen seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Randall Raymond from Simplot gave a presentation on Charolais Terminal Sire program at Simplot. Discussion followed regarding Simplot’s genomic data. No action taken. 8. The committee selected Dybdal Charolais as the 2018 Seedstock Producer Of The Year. 9. Meeting Adjourned.
Charolais Publications, Inc.
Executive Committee President: Bill Nottke Members present: Larry Ludeke, Bill Nottke, Mike Schumacher, Eddy Loggains, Rob Creasey, and J. Neil Orth. President Larry Ludeke called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 6 members present. Reviewed the March 26, 2017 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented. Action Taken 1. Neil Orth reviewed the proposed 2018 budget. 2. Marty Lewis presented Harlin and Sue Hecht as possible Hall of Fame Nominees. Bill Nottke moved to Nominate the Hechts for AICA’s Hall of Fame. Rob Creasey seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Orth discussed the field staff policy and management overview. Mike Schumacher moved to accept the policy. Eddy Loggains seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Nottke moved to go to closed session, Loggains seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Meeting adjourned.
President: J. Neil Orth Members present:Neil Orth, Larry Ludeke, Mike Schumacher, Eddy Loggains, Rob Creasey President J. Neil Orth called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 5 members present. Reviewed the March 25, 2017 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented. Action Taken 1. David Hobbs reviewed CPI activity for 2017. 2. Hobbs presented information on assembling a United States Charolais history. 3. Neil Orth reviewed the 2018 CPI proposed budget. 4. Meeting adjourned.
Commercial Committee Chairman: Dennis Metzger Members present:Dennis Metzger, Michael Sturgess, Cheryl Lux, Lane Grau, Ty Eschenbaum, Bradley Bracewell, Chad Zehnder, Jimmy Ray Parish (sub), Dotty Macy (sub) and Rob Farmer (sub). Chairman Dennis Metzger called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 10 members present. Reviewed the March 26, 2017 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented. Action Taken 1. Brian Bertelsen, Vice President of U.S. Premium Beef, - VP Field Operations, presented “How seedstock producers can utilize U.S. Premium Beef to provide more value to commercial cow-calf producers.” 2. Brett Spader, NCBE, reported on the Segments, Social Media Promotion and Benefits of the Listening & Learning Industry Sessions held September 13 at the Noble Research Institute, Ardmore, Oklahoma. 3. Meeting adjourned. 26
D E C E M B E R 2017
Finance Committee Chairman: Rob Creasey Members present: Robb Creasey, Mike Schumacher, Cheryl Lux, Bob Wagner, Spencer Schrader, Michael Sturgess, Marty Lewis, Richard Clark, Bob Tibbs, Ty Eschenbaum, Bradley Bracewell, Frankie Anthony and Larry Ludeke. Chairman Robb Creasey called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 13 members present. March 27, 2017 Committee Minutes were reviewed. Minutes were approved as presented. Action Taken 1. Neil Orth reviewed the year end projections and the 2018 proposed budget. Michael Sturgess moved to accept the 2018 budget. Marty Lewis seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Jeremy Rooney from Commerce Trust Company updated the committee on AICA investments. Creasey reviewed the Merrill Lynch investments. Discussion followed. Bob Tibbs moved to moved $200,000 from the operating fund into the revocable trust, Larry Ludeke seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Discussion followed regarding subsiding future genotype data. 4. Meeting adjourned.
Long-Range Planning Committee Chairman: Larry Lehman Members present: Larry Lehman, Larry Ludeke, Bill Nottke, Ty Eschenbaum, Spencer Schrader, Lee Eaton, Harlin Hecht and J. Neil Orth. Alternate- Rex Ricketts and Marty Lewis. Chairman Larry Lehman called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 10 members present. March 26, 2017 Committee minutes were reviewed. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken 1. Lehman reviewed the purpose of the Long-Range Planning committee in accordance to AICA’s constitution. He then guided the committee through a Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat analysis. The committee reviewed the current Long Range Plan and the AICA Operational Plan and updated both documents. 2. Meeting adjourned.
Junior Council Committee Chairman: Larry Lehman Members present: Larry Lehman, Cody Lacy (sub), Spencer Schrader (sub), Marty Lewis (Sub.), Eddy Loggains, Robb Creasey (sub), Richard Ross, Dotty Macy, Naomi Farmer (sub). Chairman Larry Lehman called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 9 members present. Reviewed the March 27, 2017 Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented. Action Taken 1. Kaitlyn Chism reviewed the 2017 Profit-Loss statement for the 2017 AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference. 2. Marty Lewis provided a 2018 Junior National update. The Iowa Junior Charolais Association will host June 17-22, 2018 in Des Moines, Iowa. 3. Larry Lehman discussed the proposed Junior Fund within the America Charolais Foundation. Spencer Schrader moved to approve the proposed Junior Fund with the name change to the Youth & Education Fund of the American Charolais Foundation. Eddy Loggains seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Chism provided the 2019 Junior National update. The California Junior Charolais Association is confirming a location. 5. Meeting adjourned.
American Charolais Foundation (ACF) Chairman: Richard Clark Members present: Richard Clark, J. Robert Tibbs, Jr., Larry Ludeke, Ray Franz, Neil Orth, Kaitlyn Chism President Richard Clark called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 6 members present. Reviewed the March 26, 2017 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented. Action Taken 1. Dr. Clark recognized the initial donation to the American Charolais Foundation. The ACF established an account at The Commerce Trust Company in Kansas City, Missouri. Ludeke moved to continue the investment of ACF funds at The Commerce Trust Company. Franz seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
2. Dr. Clark discussed procedures for donor recognition and appreciation. 3. Dr. Clark led discussion on producing promotional material and mailing invitations to support the ACF. 4. Meeting adjourned.
Fall Board of Directors Meeting President: Bill Nottke Members present: Larry Ludeke, Mike Schumacher, Eddy Loggains, Robb Creasey, Bill Nottke, Cheryl Lux, Dennis Metzger, Ty Eschenbaum, Spencer Schrader, Michael Sturgess, Marty Lewis, Bradley Bracewell, Frankie Anthony, Jimmy Ray Parish, Silas Maxwell, Dotty Macy, Naomi Farmer President Larry Ludeke called the meeting to order. Minutes from the last meeting were approved as presented. Neil Orth called the roll with 17 members present. Action Taken 1. Teanna Simpson gave the AIJCA report. Junior National 2018 will be held in Des Moines, Iowa. June 17th through the 22nd. 2. Orth gave the CPI report. Orth moved to accept the report. Marty Lewis seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 3. The Executive Committee report was given by Larry Ludeke. He moved to accept the report. Eddy Loggains seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Richard Clark gave the Activities Committee report. Spencer Schrader moved to accept the report. Robb Creasey seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Mike Schumacher gave the Advertising and Marketing report. He moved to accept the report, Schrader seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 6. ACF Foundation report was given by Richard Clark. Schrader moved to accept the report. Schumacher seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Rex Ricketts gave the Breed Improvement Committee report. Dotty Macy moved to accept the report. Schrader seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 8. Dennis Metzger gave the Commercial Committee report. Michael Sturgess moved to accept the report, Cheryl Lux seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Larry Lehman gave the Junior Council report. Eddy Loggains moved to accept the report. Schrader seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 10. Larry Lehman gave the Long Range Planning report. Schrader moved to accept the report. Schumacher seconded. Discussion followed. MOTION CARRIED with one nay vote by Silas Maxwell. 11. The Finance Committee report was given by Robb Creasey. Lewis moved to accept the report. Lux seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 12. Ludeke reviewed the 2018 Spring Board meeting schedule. No action taken. 13. No old business. 14. New Business: the board discussed the proposed Data Policy. Metzger moved to accept the policy. Schrader seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 15. Meeting adjourned to closed session.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 27
River Dance 4114 P TW
ROLLINS RANCHES Available at our Florida Blue Cypress Ranch Dispersal sale of Charolais Bulls Acclimated and Grown out in Florida
▶ 66 Mature Purebred Registered ▶ 21 Yearling Purebred Registered
For information contact: Carl Blount 772-567-9001 Main Office 863-697-8611 Cell Franklin Dowell 770-386-4464 678-520-0026 cell
Semen: $25
No Signing Fee
CE 3.3
BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC -0.2 44 71 6 1.5 28 1.1
CW REA 28 0.43
FAT MARB TSI 0.024 0.18 211.60
▶ One of the top bulls in the 2015 LT Ranch Bull Sale LT
Silver Yield 3196 P
Available at our Georgia Ranch
▶ Quality Purebred Registered Charolais Females
For information contact: Franklin Dowell
770-386-4464 678-520-0026 cell Semen: $25
No Signing Fee
CE 6.8
BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC -1.2 29 51 5 5.8 19 1.2
CW REA 6 -0.34
FAT MARB TSI 0.020 0.29 195.85
▶ Sire of the "Distance" line at the LT Ranch in SD
Rollins Ranch LLC ▶ 2150 Hwy 411 NE ▶ Cartersville, GA 30121 ▶ Franklin Dowell, Manager
2017 Multiple Trait Leader
EXPECT ▲ ▲ ▲▲
▲ %
Calving Ease Plus Performance Carcass Quality Maternal Value
PC Missouri Bob 1227 M801740
SEMEN: $25/straw; $35 signing
Get yourself Christmas Gift! Bred & Open Females available Private Treaty www.KeppenCharolais.com South Dakota Charolais Breeders Association 2008 Outstanding Seedstock Producer
D E C E M B E R 2017
Steve - Myrna - Greg - BJ 405 Samara Ave. • Volga, SD 57071 (605) 627-5229 • (605) 690-3218 cell keppencharolais@mchsi.com
JUNIOR MERIT PROGRAM The AIJCA Junior Merit Program is an opportunity for young Charolais breeders to be nationally recognized for continued achievement in leadership and competition activities as well as merchandising Charolais cattle. There are three levels of the Junior Merit Program: Bronze, Silver and Gold. An Elite Gold member is selected by an interview process each year and awarded a $250 scholarship. The 2017 application postmark deadline is December 31, 2017. Contact: Kaitlyn Chism, Director of Junior Activities 816-464-2474 ext. 201 kchism@charolaisusa.com
Youth & Education Donation Heifer
Ember E160
| Born: 4-10-17
Sire: TR HF Mr Wrangle On 5785 ET | Dam: TR Ms Wrangler 5532C The dam of HFCS Ms Ember E160 was purchased as the American Charolais Foundation Youth & Education Fund Donation lot in the famous Thomas Ranch Dispersal in 2015. When B.J. Hansen purchased that heifer calf he told me that, “I said the first good heifer calf she has I’ll donate back to the Foundation; turns out her first calf was a good one! The AIJCA Junior National and this breed changed my life and it’s my belief that if we don’t invest in our future, we’ll have no future.” The dam of HFCS Ms Ember is a moderate framed, beautiful uddered first calf heifer. Ember’s sire is one of B.J.’s favorite HF Mustang Sally sons to date. This is his first calf crop and the quality runs deep. He’ll be a must use herd sire for many years to come at Hansen Farms. Ember herself is moderate, sound and easy on the eyes. Females like this is what he loves to keep for mama cows. This pedigree is loaded up with breed greats from WR Wrangler W601, TR Ms Wylie Fire 0761X ET, Fire Water, TR Mr Prime Plus and HF Mustang Sally. This young heifer calf has all the qualities to be a tremendous brood cow with a pedigree heritage second to none and what a great cause all the money goes to starting with the generosity of the Thomas family to B.J. Hansen and on to you!
Thank you B.J., Katie, Hudson, Gage & Remi Hansen of Hansen Farms, Turton, South Dakota!
Kaitlyn Chism
o: 816-464-2474 ext. 201 c: 515-205-9704 kchism@charolaisusa.com
B.J. Hansen 605-228-6199
Youth & Education Fund Within the American Charolais Foundation, this Fund is created to support the AIJCA Junior National Show and Leadership Conference and AIJCA youth in educational activities. These funds will be raised with the purpose of aiding the Junior National Host States and benefiting AIJCA members in educational activities.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 29
Penny Zimmerman,
current President of American National CattleWomen by Cole Simmons
rom the Mid-West to the Wild West Penny Zimmerman, current President of American National CattleWomen (ANCW), has woven a passion for education into promoting the beef industry. Zimmerman’s early exposure to cattle was limited to summer visits at her grandparent’s dairy farm near Hinckley, Minnesota. She grew up just outside of Minneapolis/St. Paul and upon graduation adventured to Arizona State University to become an elementary educator. While in Tempe she met her husband Bill who had a deep connection to cattle, specifically a rich history with the Charolais breed. Bill was raised in the Midwest, and his grandparents, from Paynesville, MN, started their Charolais herd in 1969 using Litton Charolais genetics from Missouri. The two even had a few Charolais steers on rented, irrigated pasture in Arizona. “Those first few steers were quite interesting and a real learning experience for me,” Zimmerman said proudly. “It’s our heritage to always have Charolais cattle. We still raise Charolais seedstock today.” The Zimmerman’s diverse experiences in producing beef cattle have taken them from Arizona to Utah to Idaho and then back to Penny’s home state of Minnesota. They have experienced rented irrigated grass, gathering off of the mountain, harsh winters and extreme heat. “The common thread of cattlemen and cattlewomen across the country is that we all work hard, maybe too hard,” she explained. “We all love the cattle or we wouldn’t be doing it just for the fun of it. Whatever the circumstances are we take care of the cattle to the best of our knowledge and adapt to different regional challenges. It’s a small world and when we meet each other we can understand each other’s experiences.” Zimmerman’s involvement in American National
CattleWomen began in 2000. She was encouraged by Bill to become involved, as he was actively involved with Minnesota State Cattlemen’s Association and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. The first couple of meetings were like learning a new language, but as she became more fluent in beef she also became more involved. An elementary teacher for 28 years, it was only natural for her to include curriculum about beef into her daily lesson plans. During her prep hours she would volunteer to teach beef information in other classrooms. Later, as an ANCW regional director for three years, she was more than once asked when she was going to run for President. It took her more than once to make it through the nominating committee, but she persevered and it paid off as she was elected this past January. “The ANCW is for women who have a passion for the beef industry and want to be a part of a community with great camaraderie,” she said. “We have three focus areas: education for youth and consumers, promoting retail beef product and legislative lobbying.” Another benefit that came up often was networking and Zimmerman’s focus to improve networking opportunities in ANCW. Through affiliations with American Agri-Women, Animal Agriculture Alliance and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association partnerships have been formed to work together to benefit the beef and agriculture industries. Zimmerman’s main focus as ANCW President is to be a cheerleader to local, state, and regional chapters within the organization. That focus helped grow membership and expand outreach efforts. She said. “My goal was to visit as many affiliate states as possible. I will have been to over 20 states by the end of my
“The ANCW is for women who have a passion for the beef industry and want to be a part of a community with great camaraderie”
D E C E M B E R 2017
term to talk about what we are here for and let members know how we as a national organization can support them.” Two new programs within ANCW that Zimmerman is proud of are the Women’s Leadership Certificate Program and Collegiate Beef Advocacy. “For the Leadership Certificate Program women take three classes in the area of ANCW bylaws and history, parliamentary procedure and meeting conduct, and promotional materials and strategy. They also take the Master of Beef Advocacy classes through NCBA and are encouraged to take Beef Quality Assurance. These are things that help women in any organization not just ANCW.” The Collegiate Beef Advocacy program started last year with a 3-person team from different universities across the country. The team has participated in educational opportunities throughout the past year and completed a project promoting beef to their peers on campus. “We took them to Washington D.C. to a legislative conference and they learned about lobbying and how we can be an influence by meeting their congressmen and congresswomen,” Zimmerman said. “They attended a meat science conference in College Station, Texas and other conferences throughout the year. We train them and give them knowledge to return to their campus and organize events that promote beef to their peers.” After a successful first year in the program there were many qualified applicants this year for a 5-person team. The application deadline has passed and the 2018 team has been selected, but Zimmerman encourages you to begin preparation now for next year’s application. Zimmerman listed several influential women that have helped her this past year, with several highlights that stand out for her. “Seeing different cultures has always been an interest of mine,” she said. “As I travelled from the southeast states to western states and across the Midwest I got to see different cultures. I love to find different kinds of food unique to each region. Overall the kind people and great hospitality will forever be remembered.”
After her term is up in 2018, Zimmerman plans to take a deep breath and enjoy retirement. She retired right before her term as President began and looks forward to getting things organized and neat at home. Penny and Bill are also planning a mission trip through their church in the next few years. That is fitting, that same passion for education has brought Penny to her next chapter. If you’re interested in learning more about the ANCW classes or programs, visit, www.ANCW.org.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 31
South Dakota Charolais Contact these seedstock breeders for herd sire prospects and herd building females. Featuring– M6 Rock Star 306 P ET Fresh Air x Rio Bravo
Visit the web site –
EPDs: -0.1 1.8 43 72 14 0.8 36 1.2 Bull Sale • March 26
39120 192nd Street Wagner, South Dakota 57380 (605) 384-3300, (605) 491-0986
33rd Annual Bull Sale April 9, 2018
21130 379th Ave. • Wessington, SD 57381 (605) 883-4602 • Fax: (605) 883-4924 egglchar@santel.net • www.egglestoncharolais.com
DAVID MASON Cell: (605) 680-0780 • pvfcharolais78@gmail.com www.pvfcharolais.com
ACE-ORR Makers Mark 689 M738574 Milk Trait Leader
Top 1% CW • 3% MCE, TM, REA, TSI 4% Milk • 6% YW • 15% MB S.D. Charolais Breeders Association 2008 Outstanding Seedstock Producer
Purebred Charolais Private Treaty Sales
Call to the Herd – Summer Scene
Jerod & Melanie Olson 20629 443rd Ave Lake Preston, SD 57249
The perfect Christmas gift for Charolais enthusiasts!
Annual Bull Sale April 14, 2018
J&M Ranch jrolson2664@gmail.com (605) 860-2080
Seasons of Charolais
Steve - Myrna - Greg - BJ 405 Samara Ave. • Volga, SD 57071 • (605) 627-5229 keppencharolais@mchsi.com • www.keppencharolais.com
Reich Ranch Charolais 37th Bull Sale • March 2, 2018 Calvin Sandmeier Gary Sandmeier (605) 285-6179 (605) 285-6766 13123 322nd Ave. • Bowdle, SD 57428 www.sandmeiercharolais.com
Tim and Ree Reich
1007 Kingsbury Belle Fourche, SD 57717 (605) 892-4366
Maternal Pride – Spring Scene
Scott & Kim Jensen 20379 441st Avenue • Lake Preston, SD 57249 (605) 847-4755 E-Mail: jcr.ranch@hotmail.com
If you are looking for polled performance cattle, call: Odden Charolais Ranch
Vedvei Charolais
Colome, SD 57528
(200 miles Southwest of Lake Preston)
Brian & Janna Adam, Ethanie & Andrew (605) 842-1185 - Home (605) 203-1228 - Brian cell (605) 203-1229 - Adam cell
Wells Charolais Ranch
April 22 36th Annual Bull Sale
15446 419th Ave • Conde, SD 57434 Richard & Heather Wells (605) 784-3409 Jason & Nina Jo Wells (605) 784-7824 www. wellscharolaisranch.com
D E C E M B E R 2017
44213 204th St. Alan & Deb Vedvei www.vedveicharolais.com Lake Preston, SD 57249 (605) 847-4529 E-mail: vedveicharolais@gmail.com
“2000 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year”
TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET
Herd Sire Prospects & Embryos for Sale Private Treaty
HANSEN 39804 163rdBJSt.Hansen • Turton, SD 57477 FARMS (605) 635-6346 • (605) 228-6199
Winter Scene released at 39th National Sale – Denver, Colo. Limited edition of 100 prints available! $150/print Proceeds benefit the American Charolais Foundation Youth & Education Fund Contact: Kaitlyn Chism 816-464-2474 ext. 201 kchism@charolaisusa.com
Akin Charolais Jim Akin 6700 County Road 71, Lexington, AL 35648 (256) 229-5395 Res. (256) 710-4897 Cell Home of the Super Grazer 168
Home of JWK Vanessa D029 ET Donor: 2244 x 934
JERRY & SHERRY MALTBY Mobile: (530) 681-5046 P.O. Box 760 Office: (530) 473-2830 Williams, CA 95987 Fax: (530) 473-3278 e-mail: bbr@citlink.net www.brokenboxranch.com
OFakHill arm “Focus on the Family”
BJR Summerford Charolais
OakHill Farm Home of Bennett Charolais Wayne & Lois Bennett Barn: (770) 893-3446 Home: (770) 893-2674 Cell: (770) 826-9551
1779 Holcomb Road Dawsonville, Ga 30534 oakhillfarmga@tds.net www.oakhillfarmga.com
Cattle For Sale Private Treaty
Robert A. Summerford II 4087 Hwy. 31 SW Falkville, AL 35622 Located 12 miles north of Cullman (256) 784-5275 Bus. (256) 784-5888 Res. Alan Summerford • (256) 758-0652 E-Mail: bjrsummerford@charter.net www.bjrsummerford.com
MV Limestone
Mountain View Charolais
Scott Tipton 1001 Preacher Campbell Rd. Clarksville, GA 30523
Phone: (706) 754-8462 Cell: (706) 200-6655
BJR Easy Edge 968 ET P Quality and Performance Charolais in North Alabama
Your Herd Bull Source
Keahey Charolais K
Quality Charolais Since 1987 Bobby & Pam Keahey H 251-275-8137 P.O. Box 207 C 334-456-2547 Grove Hill, AL 36451 E-mail: bobby@williamskeahey.com
McCary & Son Charolais Farm
15493 Co. Rd. 57 Hillrose, CO 80733 Bred For
Performance~Carcass Quality~Disposition Bull Sale • April 13, 2018
Pat Gebauer & Luan August (970) 847-3345 prewittranch@gmail.com
Levi & Brian McCary 334-872-9060 334-505-6338 334-419-0538
635 Valleyview Drive Valley Grande, AL 36701 WCR Sir Duke 7340 P
MOGO Full French CHAROLAIS Daniel Hammond 15300 Co. Rd. 2 • Florence, AL 35633 (256) 766-6354 • mogo1950@comcast.net
Road Farms LLC
Stephen Cummings
2509 Old Perry Road Marshallville, GA 31057 bambooroadfarms@gmail.com
(478) 396-5832
Curfman Farms Rt. 2, Griggsville, IL 62340
59 years of quality seedstock production Rick Curfman (217) 285-5213
Roger Curfman (217) 236-5761 Ryan Curfman (217) 248-7711
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 33
“Charolais Since 1960”
Producing quality breeding stock for 57 years. Paul Bertsche & Sons 4540 E. 1700 N. Rd. • Flanagan, IL 61740 Dale (815) 796-2950 cell (815) 674-4419 Steve (815) 796-4440 cell (815) 674-2395 Larry (815) 842-1849 cell (815) 674-2397
14630 E. 44th St. S. – Derby, KS 67037 Corey@3Ncattle.com Bull Sale vaughanfamilyranch.com April 7, 2018
...building a program around proven genetics
Private treaty bull sale middle of March
Brett, Tina, Madison & Austin Beavers
28378 710th Ave • Collins, IA 50055 515-460-3074 • www.beaverscharolais.com
WC Over Time 3015 P
“We don’t keep our cows, they keep us.” Hanover, Kansas 66945
ML LEWIS Keith Farms
Marion Keith 6719 State Rt. 154, Tamaroa, IL 62888 (618) 967-0291 • (618) 201-6261 keithinsurance@gmail.com
Lester Laue (785) 337-2600 Brant Laue (913) 488-3896
Bulls & Females Available Private Treaty SF Paydirt 3055 P LT Bridger x Cigar x HBR Lady GI
Marty, Joyce, Kaitlyn and Mason Lewis 9411 W. 56th St. S. • Monroe, IA 50170 Marty (515) 250-2362 • Mason (515) 205-9161 martylewis81@gmail.com
MYRON RUNFT CHAROLAIS Breeding Charolais since 1956
Raising Charolais Since 1962 Ron & Diane Nord & Family 2104 Charolais Lane Bloomington, IL 61704 (309) 828-1448 or (309) 827-0457 (309) 275-0409 Ron cell
BAR S Ranch
InnovativeSince Beef1945Production
bars@gorhamtel.com Paradise, Kansas 67658 David Dickerson Ken Stielow (785) 998-4386 (785) 998-4335
Purebred Charolais Since 1968
Don & Charlotte Olsen and family 17050 Tuttle Creek Blvd. • Randolph, KS 66554 Home: 785-363-2519 • Cell: 785-313-2099 fancycreek@kansas.net www.fancycreekcharolais.com
AML Ghost Rider 210
Megan, Lori & Galen Fink
Slasher x Cigarro 924 Power Look!
Andrew & Christa Doub 8614 W. 100 N. • Danville, IN 46122 (317) 539-6718 home • (317) 440-0525 cell ajcharolais40@aol.com • www.doubcharolais.com
Raile Charolais Farm Rt. 1, Box 389 St. Francis, KS 67756
Fancy Creek Charolais I N D I A N A
1460 Penn Road Bull Sale • March 31 Belleville, KS 66935 Home (785) 527-5047 Cell (785) 527-1269
Beef Genetics
15523 Tuttle Creek Blvd. Randolph, Ks 66554 Phone/Fax: (785) 293-5106 finkbull1@twinvalley.net www.finkbeefgenetics.com Bull Sale • October 31, 2018
Annual Production Sale • April 2 Cliff (785) 332-2794 William (785) 332-2498 cdr@railecharolais.com www.railebeef.com
Females for Sale Private Treaty
39th Annual Sale 510 Maple Ave. April 3, 2018 Oakley, KS 67748 David & Shelby Hubert (785) 672-3528
D E C E M B E R 2017
Females and bulls for sale private treaty
Charolais • SimAngus • Composites
Hubert Charolais Ranch
Spencer & Laci Schrader Weston & Josi 2118 Oxbow Rd., Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-2135 home (785) 488-7204 Spencer cell (785) 488-7227 Laci cell
Terrill & Sarah Strnad 1716 280th Road Formoso, Kansas
785-794-2471 home
On Facebook:
T&S Strnad Charolais
Bull Sale 785-243-8600 mobile March 31 tsstrnad@nckcn.com www.tsstrnadcharolais.com
Clark & Gail Brevig
Merle Schlehuber 620-381-1712 557 190th Road = Hillsboro, KS 67063 woodencross@fhrd.net www.WoodenCrossCattleCo.com
676 Quarry View Lane • Lewistown, MT 59457 (406) 538-5579 phone • (406) 538-6479 fax brevig@3riversdbs.net • www.brevigcharolais.com
Home of White Squall Bob & Judy Tibbs (410) 734-6873
3545 Old Level Road Havre de Grace, MD 21078 shadowspringsfarm@comcast.net
ENDSLEY’S CHAROLAIS FARMS 5590 E State Rd, Hastings ,MI 49058 269-945-5531 or
endsleyscharolaisfarms.com 1194 Smith Ridge Rd. Campbellsville, KY 42718 Mitchel Cox - Owner/Gen. Mgr. (270) 465-7584
Breeding Quality Performance Cattle for the Commercial and Purebred Cattleman.
Rambur Charolais
Howard Rambur d 406-489-3255 (cell) Production Sale 2nd Saturday in April
RC Denver
RC Feedlot d RC Cattle Phone: 406-482-3255 • Fax: 406-482-3802 34790 CR 118 • Sidney, MT 59270 Email: rc1@midrivers.com website: www.ramburchar.com
Dybdal Charolais Larry & Krista Dybdal
BREEDING Quality...
M I N N E S O T A Breeding Quality Charolais Seedstock Since 1962 1/2 Owner of Baldridge Fasttrack
HAYDEN FARM BeefGene Bull Sale Feb. 3, 2018
James, Cathy and Brooke Hayden
4430 Bloomfield Road Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 349-0005 (502) 507-4984 cell
Wakefield Farms
Larry, Kyle & Dan Wakefield 20701 150th St. • New Richland, MN 56072 (507) 317-3086 • (507) 475-1749
88361 575th Ave • Newcastle, NE 68757 Home: 402-692-3704 • Cell: 402-841-9784 kldybdal@nntc.net 7th Annual Bull & Heifer Sale • April 11, 2018
Jamie & Kay Fred • Rose, NE
Registered Bull Sale • 3rd Saturday in March Females, Embryos, Semen Private Treaty 402-273-4236 • jkfred@sscg.net
Crosby Farms
Cheryle & Greg Crosby 443 Hwy 590 • Seminary, MS 39479 601-466-7377 crosbyfarms.ms@gmail.com CROSBY FARMS on Facebook
Sabinal C22 PLD Y66 x Cheyenne Blend x LT Maid Mary
Powerful Structure, Sound 5593 Choupique Rd y Sulphur, LA Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 y 337-764-1040 cell Titou6262@yahoo.com Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell E5rodsmith@yahoo.com
WC Passport 3127 PET
Member of JDJ Maximo A18 P Syndicate
Franz Ranch 44 Years in the Purebred Charolais Business
36th Annual Bull Sale • April 14, 2018 Matt Hebbert (308) 458-8812
Ray, Jon & David Franz
13221 CR 339 • Sidney, Montana 59270 Ray (406) 798-3675 Jon (406) 798-7740
Visitors always welcome D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 35
Dean Churchill HC 37, Box 54 Valentine, NE 69201 (402) 376-2314 deanchurch1@gmail.com
Headquarters Ranch
Mansfield, Missouri Butch Alsup • (417) 926-8416
Schurrtop Angus & Charolais
Bull Sale • Nov. 17, 2017 40842 Farnam Road Farnam, NE 69029 John (308) 569-2520 Sure Performance Cattle Ryan (308) 320-4067 www.schurrtop.com Marty (308) 362-4941
Rick & Lisa Wilson Hart Box 865 Chickasha, OK 73023 Office (405) 224-0645 Home (405) 224-0694
Private Treaty Year Round PO Box 2670 • Moriarty, NM 87035 Bill King (505) 220-9909 • bill@billkingranch.com Tom Spindle–Foreman (505) 321-8808
Total Outcross Performance Genetics
Hilltop C Polled Charolais Pasture Proven Charolais Since 1962
Wagonhammer Ranches Box 548 Albion, NE 68620 (402) 395-2178 or 395-6962
Kirk & Peggy Castleberry
Rt. 2, Box 8 Ninnekah, OK 73067
(405) 224-1116 Cell (405) 574-2685
CHAROLAIS RANCH Since 1965 Grady, New Mexico
The Total Performance Brand www.wagonhammer.com
Wagon Wheel Charolais
T. Lane Grau 575-760-6336 | tlgrau@hotmail.com
Colten Grau 575-760-4510
Ray D. Winz & Sons
72354 Q Rd. • Holdrege, NE 68949 Ray (308) 995-5515, Doug (308) 991-6941 Steve (308) 567-2286 Contact us for Semen on our Trait Leading Sires.
West Fork Ranch Roseann Wilson (308) 745-1764 RR 1, Box 19 • Loup City, NE 68853
Zeisler Charolais Richard L. Zeisler
90445 476th Ave. • Butte, NE 68722 (402) 775-2569
D E C E M B E R 2017
Breeding Registered Charolais Since 1959 40th Annual Bull Sale • March 8
Curtiss & Brenda Nipp HC 66, Box 76 Overbrook, OK 73453 (580) 668-3332 nippcharolais@yahoo.com
Gerald and Loretta Effertz and Family PO Box 640 • Velva, ND 58790-0640
(701) 720-1156Roger (701) 720-1363 Kevin (701) 338-2980 Office
Neil (701) 223-5202 Bryan (701) 624-5104 ekrinc@srt.com
DAREN STATLER, DVM 6651 Valley Camp Rd. Greencastle, PA 17225 (717) 729-6453 darenstatler@centurylink.net www.descocharolaisfarm.com
SOUTH CAROLINA Nubbin Ridge Farm
Mike King, Farm Manager Quality Seedstock available with a focus on 914 and Cigar genetics! Home of: NRF Looking Good 644 P M833888 - Duke 538 x Full Sister Cigar NRF Mr Smokester 600 P M827341 - Smokester x $20Cigar 155 Nubbin Ridge Circle (864) 972-9203 home Westminster, SC 29693 (864) 958-1343 cell
Roy R. & Sammye L. Dees
Full French & Purebred Genetics WC VULCAIN 422 P ET
Watt x Fasttrack x Duke 17J
Sired by LT Ledger 0332 P
EPDs: CE: 9.1 BW: -1.8
CE: 4.0 BW: 2.4 WW: 37 YW: 71 M: 5 MCE: 2.5 TM: 23 SC:1.7
Houston Offices: (713) 724-9574 (281) 443-3074
PECOS C115 Pld
Visitors Welcome
1168 CR 236, Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 (936) 560-0794
David & Georgeanne Webb David Webb Jr. 317 Old Vinland School Road Easley, SC 29640 H: (864) 246-6203 C: (864) 640-7756
Liverpool, Texas Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 E-mail: larryl@qiminc.com www.barjcharolaisfarm.com
Email: webbcharolais@gmail.com
Quality Charolais Raised in the Rocks at Cherokee, San Saba County, Texas
Bruner Polled Charolais
Tommy & Sherrille Wilks P.O. Box 118 Patrick, SC 29584 (843) 307-0323
E.E. “Gene” & Glenda Bruner 4 miles east of Grandview 12320 FM 916 Grandview, TX 76050 Home: (817) 866-2839 Cell: (817) 202-7680
Roy W. Hann Jr., Owner • (979) 255-5709 Tyson Hann, Owner • (979) 324-6659
K&K Charolais Ranch
Herd Sires Bamboo Passport 147 ET LT Distance 2054 Pld
Hann Family • 9995 CR 353 Gause, TX 77857
Focused on Genetics
Kenneth Kuykendall (325) 622-4227 • FAX (325) 622-4673
Brian Bruner Austin, Texas Cell: (512) 797-3711 brian.bruner@viagen.com
(972) 529-8723
Spring Bull & Female Sale March 24, 2018
info@charolaisassociation.com (940) 453-5391
President- Norberto Lopez
Office Manager- Erin Metzler
Clay Boscamp 1360 CR 460 Waelder, TX 78959 (830) 857-5130
Dennis Charolais
...easy calving... ...explosive growth... DCF Pure Gold 802 P EPDs: 1.0 28 48 14 27 1.0 Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Road Saint Jo, TX 76265 • (940) 995-2161
Bull Sale • Feb.3 40th National Reserve Grand Champion Female
Kevin & Jessica Moore Bull Sale • Mar. 31 “When You Depend On Beef For Your Bottom Line...”
2929 Oak Hill Road • Alvarado, TX 76009 Kevin cell (817) 822-7109 Jessica cell (817) 822-7402 www.m6ranch.com • m6ranch@att.net
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 37
TriniTy Valley CommuniTy College
R A N C H regisTered Charolais CaTTle 100 Cardinal Drive . Athens, TX 75751 Marc Robinson 903.675.6285 www.tvcc.edu/agriculture
atman harolais Steve Patman
453 FM 55 Waxahachie, TX 75165 (972) 742-9684
TC Cattle Company A Complete Source for Quality
Myles and Lisa Tellefson 20427 Rd 1 SE Warden, WA 98857 (509) 750-4384 • (509) 760-6651 e-mail: tccattlecompany@gmail.com
“Since 1936”
P.O. Box 595 • Raymondville, TX 78580 (956) 689-5162 • Fax (956) 689-3693 E-mail: thomasra@gte.net Web: www.thomascharolais.com
Lamont, Alberta
Mitch & Linda........................(956) 689-6379 Mitch Mobile..........................(956) 535-0936
PC Mr Stonecold P862
Full French Charolais Bulls For Sale Private Treaty Bulls and Heifers Cuero/Victoria, Texas area (713) 253-4804 ramro@comcast.net
Rafael Ortega • Owner Scott Milligan • Manager 39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 (806) 683-6435
S CATTLE CO. SKEAN Registered Charolais
Ms May Classic Bell 158 ET Pld Billy, Billy C., Barry & Brent Full sister to ‘Cigar!’
Chatham, Virginia (434) 656-2361 - (434) 656-3771
4C Amos Charolais Matt Amos 360-751-2791 mattamos44@hotmail.com
Castle Rock, WA
Time Proven Genetics
Luke Amos 360-749-3330 oldtimer828@q.com Facebook: 4C Amos Charolais
Larry Skeans • David Skeans • Katie Skeans
1138 C.R.162 Gainesville, TX 76240 David_Skeans@hotmail.com www.skeanscattle.com
Hang’n A Cattle Company Alan & Leslie Alexander Pasco, WA 99301 509-727-9151
Don & Mary Jane Schill 465 FCR 781 Donie, TX 75838 (903) 388-1342
Kyle & Shay Schill (254) 230-5527 Debby Smith (281) 351-1500
D E C E M B E R 2017
On the web at www.hangnacattle.com Bull Sale • February 24
Your Northwest Source for Quality Charolais Cattle
Reach Potential Customers Advertise your breeding program in the Charolais Breeders section each month! 1 inch- 11x rate: $30/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $313 2 inch - 11x rate: $60/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $627
• Each additional inch: $30/issue • 5% discount for 1 year (11 issues) prepaid ads
A Quality Program
Performance • Pedigree • Polled
M6 Law & Order 577 P
(M875914) M6 Cool Rep 8108 x New Standard x Nancy 6100 Welcome Grove Impressive
BHD Reality T3136 P x MR Ms Impressive 405 2015 Grand Champion Tennessee State Show
JBC Ms Ledger 410 PET
Your Source for Seedstock Since 1971
Ledger x CF Lady Cigar 812 Pld 2016 Grand Champion Tennessee State Show
e– erd Sir Bamboo Fresh Air 4397 ET M6 Fresh Air 8165 x OHF Duke’s Ruby F216
New H
CE BW WW YW 4.5 -0.6 36 62
JDS Profit Maker 037 P
EPDs: -1.2 23 42 15 27
Silas Maxwell
1120 Welcome Grove Rd. Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 552-4072
First 7 sons avg. $7,964 in the Nipp Bull Sale
EZY-B-Farms Bobby Bain
1876 Ridgewood Dr Sparta, TN 38583 (931) 607-2259
REA Marb 0.80 0.11
M6 Cool Rep 8108 x 0383 x 914 cow CE 5.2
BW -0.1
YW 75
Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 444-3114 or (615) 642-0976 Come check out our bulls, females and ET Program!
TM 43
MCF Lady GI Duke 5003 PET
16 Larkspur Lane Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 620-8333
Mike & Connie Watkins Kellie & Scott Porter and Kristie & Jarrod Buhler
M 23
Our Choice to head up our ET Program.
(F1022001) VCR 914 x HBR Lady GI 207 P ET Donor Cow at Reaves Charolais
CE 2.0
BW 0.9
WW 32
YW 58
M 26
TM 42
es Charolais ReavKyle Reaves
5840 West Allens Bridge Greenville, TN 37743
(423) 237-3042
Production Sale • March 24, 2018
WW 40
The Result of a brother/sister mating and Pick of the Flush.
Advertise Your Program! Contact: Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144
Where the Customer Comes First!
Semen: $20/straw; $35 signing
TM 40
High-selling Bull at 2016 Fall M6 Sale!
Bloodlines from 2244, 914, Cigar, Wyoming Wind and D040
EPDs: CE: 1.5 BW: 1.1 WW: 39 YW: 67 M: 13 MCE: -2.6 TM: 33 SC: 1.0 REA: 0.42 MB: 0.08 TSI: 208.10
M 19
Lynn Hankins
EPDs: 1.6 30 53 11 26
March 9 & 10 – 2018 Tennessee Agribition Charolais Show & Sale, Lebanon
Fresh Air 8165 x M6 Nancy 6100
YW 80
TM REA MARB TSI 34 0.59 -0.03 202.33
LWF Cookie Cutter Pld
Visit our website—
2016 Spring Multiple Trait Leader
M 17
Little W Farm
David & Barbara Sullivan Family 123 Sullivan Dr. • Manchester, TN 37355 Mobile: (931) 607-1580 • E-mail: jdsoo77@gmail.com
FRESH AIR 1138 Pld
WW 43
(423) 626-0899 cell • volunteer1971@yahoo.com Randell Meyers Jr. • (423) 626-0917 cell
BW -0.5
M6 Cool Germaine 1145 P ET
Richard Clark Box 9 • Tazewell, TN 37879
“Mid Tenn Charolais where Tenn is quality and not quantity for perfection.”
CE 4.7
Selling Heifer Bulls featuring our Herd Sires — M6 New Standard 335 M826229 CR Showbull 2020 M829851 and most recently M6 Lone Star 649
Cooley Royce 1107T39 Pld Clarice & Ricky Smith
203 Harpo Rd • Manchester, TN 37355
615-885-7004 • 931-273-0187
Advertise Your Program! Contact: Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144
M745957 2-19-07 BW: 86 lbs.
Adj. WW/R: 749 lbs./115 Adj. YW/R: 1,395 lbs./120 Adj Yrlg. REA/R: 16.25 sq. in./119.3 CE BW WW -1.5 1.7 26
YW 65
M MCE TM 24 0.4 37
SC 1.3
CW REA F MB TSI 26 0.51 0.028 0.21 213.75
Semen: $20/Straw; $30 Signing
Roy May & Son
2760 Renfro Rd. • Jefferson City, TN 37760 (865) 475-8266 • (865) 599-5075 cell D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 39
Bovine Hi Res
8:48 AM
Page 1
* Semen & Embryo Sales * A.I. & ET Equipment Sales * MVE & Taylor Wharton Tanks * A.I./Palpation Clinics * TruTest Scales * Professional Exporting & Importing * Semen & Embryo Warehousing * A.I. Consultation
120 Shadylane Coppell, Texas 75019 (972) 471-1233 • Mobile (972) 839-6485
Robert T. Nord Auctioneer
Nord Livestock Sales 9515 Texas Church Rd, Clinton, IL 61727 (217) 935-3245 or (217) 519-0375
Bovine Elite, LLC 3300 Longmire Drive • College Station, Texas 77845 800-786-4066 • 979-693-0388 • 979-693-7994 Fax carl@bovine-elite.com • www.bovine-elite.com
Tommy Barnes
189 River Road Lowndesboro, AL 36752 Mobile (334) 462-4004
Sullivan Supply South Sullivan Supply Inc. Hillsboro, TX 76645 Dunlap, IA 51529 Phone: (800) 588-7096 Phone: (800) 475-5902 FAX: (254) 582-7114 FAX: (712) 643-5154 www.sullivansupply.com
Livestock Grooming Products
Justin B. Stout
23724 W. 87th Terrace Lenexa, KS 66227
Offering System Solutions for Charolais Producers www.gallagherusa.com 1-800-531-5908
(913) 645-5136 jbs5356@hotmail.com Making your program stronger, one sale at a time.
Download Linde’s App!
Request Special Photos, Earn Loyalty Points View Promotions & Much More!
Order Photos www.lindeslivestockphotos.com
Ben Meriwether
Livestock Photography
www.meriwetherphoto.com 40
D E C E M B E R 2017
Video Production & Editing Photography Editing Fair Grove, Missouri • (417) 766-3278 • crutchercattleco@gmail.com
will give you insight into the total cattle industry - all the breeds, issues, ideas and innovations. The Cattleman will tell you where the industry has been and where it is going so you won’t be left behind!
Greg & Brenda Hubert
P.O. Box 100 • Oakley, Kansas 67748 • (785) 672-3195 FAX: (785) 672-4902 • greghubert@st-tel.net Professional Charolais Sales Management
SUBSCRIBE TODAY! $25 per year ($40 foreign)
1301 W. Seventh St. Fort Worth, TX 76102-2660 (817) 332-7155 Ask for Circulation Dept.
Have you planned your advertising?
CATTLE SALES – Registered and Commercial Auctions, consultations and semen sales FARM SALES – Land and equipment ORDER BUYING –“If you need it, I’ll find it”
Home: (931) 389-6865
123 Earl Warren Rd Cell: Beechgrove, TN 37018 (931) 842-1234 E-mail: bob@bob-morton.com
February 2018
Deadline: December 22
“Over 40 years of proven, practical experience”
Charolais Edge
Koshkonong, MO Clifford Mitchell (405) 246-6324 ccmosu@msn.com
Spring Issue
Deadline: January 25 Contact Your Area Field Representative Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144 Colt Keffer (765) 376-8784 Weston Geppert (605) 933-1387 Cody Beck (765) 719-1622 Charolais Journal office (816) 464-2474 ext. 104
Call or Write for Sale Catalogs or Information on these Sales: December 2 26th Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale..................Nixon, Texas January 26 CAT Cowtown Cattle Drive Sale..................Ft. Worth, Texas February 10 Charolais For Profit Bull Sale..................Columbus, Texas March 24 Little W Charolais Production Sale..................Lebanon, Tenn. April 7 DeBruycker Charolais 34th Annual Bull Sale...Great Falls, Mont. April 14 Carolina Sensation Sale.................................Williamston, S.C. Ask how we can help with your breeding program and sales. D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 41
AICA Events January 13 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Pen Show Denver, Colo. January 14 — 39th National Charolais Sale National Western Stock Show Denver, Colo. January 15 — 49th National Charolais Show National Western Stock Show Denver, Colo.
December 2017 December 1 — Meadows Creek Farm 12th Annual It’s All Black & White Bull Sale, Montgomery Stockyards, Montgomery, Ala. Contact: Richard Meadows. December 1 — Wienk Charolais Ranch Fall Bull Sale, Arcadia Stockyard, Arcadia, Fla. Contact: Jeff, Sterling or Ty Eschenbaum. December 1–3 — Mississippi Beef Expo, Mississippi State Fairgrounds, Jackson, Miss. December 2 — 26th Annual Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Nixon Livestock Commission Company, Nixon, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
February 12 — Dixie National Livestock Show & Rodeo Open Charolais Show, Jackson, Miss.
December 5 — Integrity Beef Alliance Value Added Calf Sale, OKC West Livestock Market, El Reno, Okla.
January 14 — National Western Stock Show Junior Charolais & Percentage Heifer Shows & Open Percentage Charolais Heifer Show, Denver, Colo.
March 25 – 26 — AICA Annual Membership Meeting, Committee Meetings and Spring Board of Directors Meeting North Kansas City, Mo.
January 15 — 49th National Charolais Show, 8 a.m., National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colo.
January 2018 January 13 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Pen Show, Denver, Colo.
January 14 — 39th National Charolais Sale, 1 p.m., National Western Stock Beef Palace, Denver, Colo. Contact: Hubert Cattle Sales.
January 25 — Sioux Empire Farm Show Charolais Show & Sale, Show: 8 a.m.; Sale: 12:30 p.m., W.H. Lyons Fairgrounds, Sioux Falls, S.D. Contact: Dean Odden or Brian Driscoll. January 26 — Cowtown Cattle Drive Sale, Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, West Arena, Fort Worth, Texas. Sale Sponsor: Charolais Association of Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. January 26 — Soreide Charolais Ranch 35th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Bowman, N.D. Contact: Jay Soreide. January 27 — Bar J Charolais/JVS Cattle Co. Texas Elite Athletes Online Seedstock Sale, opens 7 a.m.; closes 7 p.m., CharAuctions.com. Contact: Larry Ludeke or Rod Smith. January 27 — Fort Worth Stock Show National ROE Show, Fort Worth, Texas. January 30 — Black Hills Stock Show Charolais Show & Sale, Show: 10 a.m.; Sale 1 p.m., Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, S.D. Contact: Donnie Leddy or Jim Scheel.
February 2018
www.charolaisusa.com/calendar.html 42
D E C E M B E R 2017
February 10 — Stewart Charolais & Red Angus 11th Annual Bull Sale, Noon, Madison Sale Barn, Madison, S.D. Contact: Jeff Stewart.
December 3 –—Oklahoma Bovine Genetics Generations of Excellence Sale, 1 p.m., Bruce Brooks Sale Facility, Marietta, Okla. Contact: Bill Jackson.
February 28 — Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Class A ROE Show Houston, Texas
M o r e o n t h e W e b:
February 10 — Charolais For Profit Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Columbus Livestock Auction, Columbus, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service
February 12 — 54th Annual Iowa Beef Expo Charolais Sale, 1:30 p.m., Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
December 9 — Southern Cattle Company Bull Sale, Noon, at the ranch, Marianna, Fla. Sale Manager: Allied Genetic Resources.
Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext 200, dhobbs@charolaisusa.com with affiliate event dates.
February 9 — Rennert Ranch Charolais & Friends Performance on the Platte Charolais Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Darr, Neb. Contact: Kristian Rennert.
December 2 — Wright Charolais 7th Annual Female Sale, 1 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
January 27 — Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo National ROE Show Fort Worth, Texas
Affiliate Events
February 7 — South Dakota Showplace Charolais Show & Sale, Show: 8 a.m.; Sale: Noon, Watertown Winter Farm Show, Watertown, S.D. Contact: Alan Vedvei or Scott Jensen.
February 2 — Severance Diamond Charolais & Angus Bull & Female Sale, 1:30 p.m., Kist Livestock Auction, Mandan, N.D. Auctioneer: Joe Goggins. Contact: Jan L. Severance. February 3 — Dennis Charolais Farm & Guests BeefGene Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Sulphur Springs Livestock Commission, Sulphur Springs, Texas. Contact: Eric Dennis.
February 12 — Florida State Fair Open Charolais Show, Tampa, Fla. February 14 — 27th Annual San Antonio Livestock Show All Breeds Bull & Commercial Female Sale, 10 a.m., San Antonio, Texas. Contact: Michael Sturgess. February 14 — Broberg Charolais Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Tilden, Neb. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. February 16 — Clift Livestock Charolais & Rockin R/Hajny Livestock Angus Alliance Bull Sale, Eltopia, Wash. Contact: Kerry Clift. February 16 — R Lazy B Ranch Charolais Production Sale, 1 p.m., Hub City Livestock, Aberdeen, S.D. Contact: Robert Birklid. February 20 — Bina Charolais 23rd Powerhouse Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Jamestown Livestock, Jamestown, N.D. Contact: Lane Bina or Denae Stern. February 20 — Dykes Charolais 6th Annual Online Bull Sale, Breeders World. Contact: Darvin Dykes. February 24 — Cannon-Deutsch Charolais 5th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, Newton, Iowa. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
March 3 — Mead Farms Performance Tested Bull Sale, noon, Mead Sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead. March 3 — Peterson Farms 25th Annual Top Pick Bull Sale, PF Sale Facility, Mtn. Grove, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management. March 3 — Satterfield Charolais & Angus 7th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, Evening Shade, Ark. Auctioneer: Dustin Carter. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. March 6 — Doll Charolais & Simmental Ranch 38th Annual Production Sale, 1:30 p.m., Kist Livestock, Mandan, N.D. Auctioneer: Lynn Weishaar. Contact: Charles, Harlan or David Doll. March 8 — Effertz Key Ranch 40th Annual Bull Sale, Rugby Livestock, Rugby, N.D. Contact: Kevin, Roger or Neil Effertz or Bryan Dean. March 10 — Tennessee Beef Agribition Charolais Sale, 2 p.m. (Show: March 9, 3 p.m.), James E. Ward Agricultural Center, Lebanon, Tenn. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management. March 10 — Wright Charolais 11th Annual Bull Sale, 6 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. March 11 — RBM Livestock Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Florence, S.D. Contact: Ryan or Mike Bergh. March 13 — Lazy-ZZZzzz Acres 2nd Annual Online Production Sale, CharAuctions.com. Contact: Randy Sheffield. March 13 — Romans Ranches Charolais Bull Sale, Westfall, Ore. Contact: Bill or Jeff Romans. March 16 — MBS Charolais 3rd Annual Quality + Performance Bull Sale/EMCC Special Cow Sale, 12:30 p.m., Eastern Missouri Commission Compancy, Bowling Green, Mo. Contact: Mike or Brian Schumacher. March 17— Aschermann Charolais 26th Edition Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Carthage, Mo. Auctioneer: Jackie Moore. Contact: Larry or Peggy Aschermann. March 17 — Fred Ranch Bull Sale, Burwell Livestock Market, Burwell, Neb. Contact: Jamie Fred. March 19 — Brent Charolais 1st Annual Online Bull Sale, opens 7 a.m.; closes 7 p.m., CharAuctions. Contact: Matthew Brent.
February 24 — Hang’n A Cattle Company 15th Annual Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale, Eltopia, Wash. Contact: Alan or Leslie Alexander.
March 21 — Wagner Charolais 7th Annual Bull Sale, 11 a.m., Sterling Livestock Commission, Sterling, Colo. Contact: Bob Wagner.
February 24 — Meadows Creek Farm 3rd Annual Black & White Spring Forward Bull & Purebred Female Sale, Montgomery Stockyard, Montgomery, Ala. Contact: Richard Meadows.
March 24 — Geyer Cattle Company Annual Bull Sale, Magness Livestock, Huron, S.D. Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar. Contact: Sam or Connie Geyer.
February 28 — Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Class A ROE Show, Houston, Texas
March 2018 March 2 — Double-H Charolais Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Stockman’s Livestock, Yankton, S.D. Contact: Harlin Hecht. March 2 — Sandmeier Charolais 37th Anniversary Bull Sale, at the ranch, Bowdle, S.D. Contact: Calvin, Gary or Matthew Sandmeier. March 3 — Grace Farms Feedlot & Ranch Bull Sale, Noon, Lamoni Livestock Auction, Lamoni, Iowa. Contact: Rick Baxter. March 3 — Kentucky Farm Bureau Beef Expo Charolais Show & Sale, Kentucky Fair & Exposition Center, Louisville, Ky. Contact: Jeff Harrod, Chuck Druin or Jacob Miller.
March 24 — Little W Charolais Production Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, Lebanon, Tenn. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. March 24 — Sturgess Double S Spring Bull & Female Sale, location TBA. Contact: Jerry, Jay or Michael Sturgess. March 25–26 — American-International Charolais Association Annual Membership Meeting, Committee Meetings and Spring Board of Directors Meeting, Harrah’s North Kansas City, North Kansas City, Mo. March 26— Ridder Farms Online Performance Bull Sale, Breeders World Online Sales. Contact: Derek or Dale Ridder. March 26 — Weber Charolais & Red Angus Annual Meat & Muscle Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Weber Satellite Ranch, Lake Andes, S.D. Auctioneer: Brad Veurink. Contact: Dean, Tim, Todd or Jason Weber.
Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE WITH THE JAN. 2006 ISSUE
The following terms and conditions govern all advertising in the Charolais Journal, which is used without separate or additional contract terms.
March 31 — M6 Charolais Spring Bull Sale, at the ranch, Alvarado, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Contact: Kevin Moore. March 31 — South Central Indiana Charolais Sale, United Producers Stockyard, Little York, Ind. Contact: Junior Sullivan or Andrew Doub. March 31 — T & S Strnad/ Myron Runft Charolais Production Sale, 12:30 p.m., at T & S Strnad Ranch, Formoso, Kan. Contact: Terrill Strnad. March 31 — Zehnder-Waage Partnership Annual Bull Sale, Greenbush, Minn. Contact: Chad Zehnder or Ryan or Ross Waage.
April 2018 April 2 — Raile Charolais Ranch 28th Annual Charolais & Red Angus Production Sale, 1 p.m., St. Francis Auction Market, St. Francis, Kan. Contact: Cliff Raile. April 3 — Hubert Charolais Ranch 39th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Monument, Kan. Auctioneer: James Birdwell. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. April 7 — DeBruycker Charolais 34th Annual Bull Sale, 11 a.m., Western Livestock Auction, Great Falls, Mont. Contact: Lloyd, Mark or Brett DeBruycker or Joe Campbell. April 7 — Vaughan Family Ranch Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Farmer & Ranchers Livestock, Salina, Kan. Auctioneer: Justin Stout. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. April 8 — Hassebrook Charolais Farms Production Sale, 2 p.m., at the farm, Genoa, Neb. Auctioneer: Justin Stout. Contact: Bruce Hassebrook. April 9—– Eggleston Charolais 33rdAnnual Bull Sale, Huron Continental Marketing, Huron, S.D. Contact: Jamie or Dennis Eggleston. April 9 — Hankins Farms The Fusion Volume III Online Sale, SC Online Sales. Contact: Jason Hankins. April 10 — Thomas Ranch 46th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Harrold, S.D. Contact: Troy Thomas. April 11 — Dybdal Charolais 7th Annual Bull & Show Heifer Sale, 1 p.m., Laurel Livestock Sales Company, Laurel, Neb. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. April 12 — Sonderup Charolais Ranch, Inc. 36th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Fullerton, Neb. Contact: Tom Sonderup. April 13 — Cardinal Charolais Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Hillrose, Colo. Contact: Pat Gebauer or Luan August. April 14 — Carolina Sensation Sale, 1 p.m., Upstate Livestock Auction, Williamston, S.C. Sale Sponsors: South Carolina Charolais Association and GeorgiaFlorida Charolais Association. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. April 14 — Charolais Association of Texas Innovation Spring Sale, Cooke County Fairgrounds, Gainesville, Texas. Contact: Erin Metzler.
April 14 — Prairie Valley Farm Charolais Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Platte Livestock Auction, Platte, S.D. Contact: David Mason.
April 20 — Cross Mountain Cattle Company Quest For Excellence Bull Sale, 3 p.m., Virginia Beef Expo, Rockingham County Fairgrounds, Harrisonburg, Va. Auctioneer: Dale Stith. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. April 21 — Lindskov-Thiel Ranch 37th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Isabel, S.D. Contact: Brent Thiel.
December 2 – Wright Charolais Seventh Annual Female Sale, Kearney, Mo.
April 22 — Wells Charolais 36th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Hub City Livestock, Aberdeen, S.D. Contact: Jason or Richard Wells.
December 3 – Oklahoma Bovine Genetics Generations of Excellence Sale, Marietta, Okla.
April 28 — Windy Hill Charolais Farms 21st Annual Gateway Getaway Sale, 1 p.m., Arrowhead Sale Facility, Cedar Hill, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
January 27 – Bar J / JVS Texas Elite Athletes Online Seedstock Sale
April 28 — Wienk Charolais Ranch 49th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Lake Preston, S.D. Contact: Jeff, Sterling or Ty Eschenbaum.
May 2018
Contact: Colt Keffer
ckeffer@charolaisusa.com (765) 376-8784
May 5 — 19th Annual Sale of Excellence, 1 p.m., O.D. Butler Texas A&M Research Center, College Station, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
Difficult ads requiring substantional extra production time will be charged a minimum $50/ hour rate. If you prefer no extra charges, request that the Journal staff simplify the ad if necessary at their discretion.
June 2018 June 1–3 — Texas Junior Charolais Association State Show, Brazos County Expo, Bryan, Texas. Contact: Kevin Doonan, Danni Lunsford Amos or Haley Dennis.
CANCELLATION POLICY Charges dependent upon stage of production will be invoiced to advertisers who cancel previously submitted advertising.
June 2 — Appalachian Classic Sale, 1 p.m., Knoxville Livestock Market, Knoxville, Tenn. Sale Sponsor: Appalachian Classic Sale. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
DISCOUNTS A 5% discount for all advertising will be given if prepaid for one year. No agency commissions allowed on breeder rates.
June 17–22 —2018 AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference, Des Moines, Iowa.
CLOSING DATES All advertising copy (including photos) must be in the Charolais Journal office by the 25th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 25 for the March issue or the first working day thereafter. A $100 late fee will be applied to all late advertisements. Proof deadline: 20th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 20 for March issue.
September 2018 September 3 — 25th Annual Autumn In The Ozarks Sale, noon, Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management. September 15 — Wild Indian Acres & Friends Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, DeSoto, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. September 22 — Satterfield Charolais & Angus 7th Annual Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, Evening Shade, Ark. Auctioneer: Eddie Burks. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
October 2018 October 6 — Dennis Charolais Farm/007 Charolais Fall Edition BeefGene Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Sulphur Springs Livestock Commission, Sulphur Springs, Texas. Contact: Eric Dennis or Cody White. October 20 – Alabama Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, Noon, Letohatchee, Ala. Contact: Bobby Keahey. October 31 — Fink Beef Genetics Annual Bull Sale, Fink Beef Genetics Sale Facility, Randolph, Kan. Contact: Galen or Lori Fink or Megan or Chad Larson.
April 14 — Hebbert Charolais Ranch 36th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Hyannis, Neb. Contact: Matt or Mose Hebbert.
April 20 — The Shannondoah Classic Charolais Sale, 3 p.m., Virginia Beef Expo, Rockingham County Fairgrounds, Harrisonburg, Va. Sale Sponsor: Virginia Charolais Association. Auctioneer: Dale Stith. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
April 14 — Rambur Charolais 40th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Sidney, Mont. Contact: Howard Rambur. April 14 — The Renaissance XXVI Sale, 1 p.m., Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.
BREEDER ADVERTISING SPACE Black & White 1x 11x 1 page $700 $600 2/3 page 510 450 1/2 page (h) 395 340 1/2 page (v) 450 370 1/3 page 270 220 1/4 page 215 180 1/6 page 155 130 1 inch 35 30 Position pgs (1-7) 1,150 Inside Covers 1,200 Back Cover 1,300 CLASSIFIEDS Prepaid. Rate: $1 per word, $25 min., paid in advance. Deadline 25th of the 2nd month preceding publication COLOR 1 standard additional color $175 - red or blue (availability basis) 1 non-standard color 275 - (availability basis) 4-color 475 Special color 475 Metallic color 600 ADDITIONAL CHARGES B/W photo (each) $15 Color photo (each) 50 4-Color page correction after approval (per page) 150 B/W or 2-Color page corrections after approval (per page) 100 After deadline charge 100
Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext. 200, or dhobbs@charolaisusa.com with your Classified Advertising. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
ADVERTISING CONTENT The Charolais Journal reserves the right to refuse any advertising or copy at its sole discretion. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance. The Charolais Journal accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any photographs supplied by other than its own staff. Advertisers shall imdemnify and hold harmless the Charolais Journal for any claims concerning advertising content as submitted. REPRINTS, CATALOGS AND BROCHURES Advertising and editorial reprints available. Sale catalogs and brochures are produced at special rates. Contact office for prices. Notice to advertisers: Advertising for sales scheduled prior to the 20th of the month of publication accepted at the advertiser’s risk. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for distribution.
D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7 43
21 Ranch............................................. 36 39th National Sale................. Supplement 4C Amos Charolais............................... 38 8 Story Farms....................................... 14 5J Charolais......................................... 14 Akin Charolais...................................... 33 Arlitt Ranch............................................ 5 Aschermann Charolais......................... 14 Bamboo Road Farms LLC.................... 33 Barnes, Tommy.................................... 40 Bar J Charolais................................. 6, 37 Bar S Ranch......................................... 34 Beavers Charolais................................ 34 Ben Meriwether Livestock Photography.... 40 Big Creek Charolais.............................. 14 Bill King Ranch.................................... 36 Boscamp’s Arrowhead Ranch.............. 37 Bovine Elite, LLC........................7, 40, BC Bracewell Cattle Co.............................. 37 Brevig Charolais................................... 35 Broken Box Ranch............................... 33 Bruner Polled Charolais....................... 37 Buddy’s Charolais.................................. 5 C&R Charolais...................................... 39 Cardinal Charolais............................... 33 Castleberry’s Hilltop C Charolais......... 36 Cattle Visions.......................................... 2 Cattleman, The.................................... 41 Charolais Association of Texas.............. 37 Charolais Banner ................................ 41 Circle Cee Charolais Farms.................. 38 Clayford Ranch Charolais..................... 37 Clifton, Greg......................................... 40 Conover, Al........................................... 40 Corman Charolais ............................... 14 Cox Charolais....................................... 35 Crews Farms........................................ 38 Crosby Farms....................................... 35 Crutcher, Matt...................................... 40 Curfman Farms................................... 33 DeBruycker Charolais............................ 23 Dennis Charolais Farm........................ 37 DESCO Charolais Farm........................ 36 44
D E C E M B E R 2017
Doub Charolais.................................... 34 Double R Dees .................................... 37 Dybdal Charolais.................................. 35 Eaton Charolais.......................Inside Front Effertz Key Ranch ................................ 36 Eggleston Charolais.............................. 32 Endsley’s Charolais Farm.................... 35 Evans Charolais..................................... 5 Ezy-B-Farms........................................ 39 Fancy Creek Charolais.......................... 34 Fink Beef Genetics............................... 34 Fox Hollow Farms................................ 36 Franz Ranch ........................................ 35 Fred Ranch.......................................... 35 Gallagher.............................................. 40 Gay Livestock Insurance, Jerry............. 41 Grau Charolais Ranch.......................... 36 Hang’n A Cattle Co............................... 38 Hankins, Lynn...................................... 39 Hansen Farms...................................... 32 Hart Charolais...................................... 35 Hayden Farm....................................... 35 Heath Hyde Cattle Co............................. 5 Hebbert Charolais................................ 35 Hubert Cattle Sales............................... 41 Hubert Charolais Ranch ..................... 34 J & J Trust Charolais................Back Cover J & M Ranch......................................... 32 James F. Bessler Inc............................. 41 Jensen Charolais Ranch....................... 32 Jorgensen Charolais............................. 33 Justin B. Stout Auction Service............. 40 JVS Cattle Co..................................... 6, 35 JWC Marketing..................................... 41 K & K Charolais Ranch......................... 37 Keahey Charolais.................................. 33 Keith Farms......................................... 34 Keppen Charolais........................... 28, 32 L & N Charolais.................................... 14 LaFraise Farms.................................... 34 Lambert, Doak..................................... 40 Laue Charolais Ranch.......................... 34 Lehman Charolais................................. 37
Linde’s Livestock Photography............. 40 Lindskov-Thiel Ranch.............Back Cover Little W Farm....................................... 39 Los Pinos Cattle Co............................. 37 M6 Ranch............................................ 37 MBS Charolais..................................... 14 May, Roy & Son.................................... 39 McCary & Son Charolais Farm............. 33 McDowell Charolais..... Inside Back Cover McNickle Charolais Ranch................... 34 Mead Farms......................................... 14 MidTenn Charolais .............................. 39 Missouri Charolais Breeders.......... 11, 14 Mitchell Management ......................... 41 ML Lewis Charolais.............................. 34 MOGO Full French Charolais............... 33 Morton, Bob......................................... 41 Mountain View Charolais..................... 33 Nipp Charolais..................................... 36 Nord Farms.......................................... 34 Nord, Robert ....................................... 40 Nubbin Ridge Farm.............................. 37 Oak Hill Farm...................................... 33 Oakwater Ranch................................... 36 Odden Charolais Ranch....................... 32 Outfront Cattle Service ........................ 41 Patman Charolais................................. 38 Pearls Pics............................................ 40 Peterson Farms Charolais.................... 14 Prairie Valley Farms, lnc...................... 32 Raile Charolais Farm........................... 34 Rambur Charolais, Ltd........................ 35 Ramro LLC........................................... 38 Rathmourne Charolais...........Back Cover Reaves Charolais.................................. 39 Reich Charolais Ranch ........................ 32 Ridder Farms....................................... 14 Rio Ranch............................................ 38 Riverdale Land & Livestock.................. 14 Rollins Ranches................................... 28 Runft Charolais Ranch, Myron............. 34 SW&S Cattle Co.................................... 38 Sandmeier Charolais............................ 32
Satterfield Charolais............3, Back Cover Sayre Cattle Service.............................. 41 Schrader Ranch................................... 34 Schurrtop Angus & Charolais............... 36 Shadow Springs Farm.......................... 35 ShowChampions.................................. 40 Skeans Cattle Co................................... 38 South Dakota Charolais Breeders........ 32 Southern Cattle Company...................IBC Spring Valley Ranches.......................... 37 Stewart’s Charolais............................... 32 Sturgess Double S Cattle...................... 37 Sullivan Charolais.................................. 8 Sullivan Supply.................................... 40 Summerford Charolais, BJR................ 33 T and S Strnad Charolais...................... 34 TC Cattle Co.......................................... 38 Taylor, Jess..............................Back Cover Tennessee Charolais Breeders............. 39 Thomas Charolais, Inc. (TX)................ 38 Tiger Country Charolais....................... 14 Trinity Valley Community College Rch.....38 Vaughan Family Ranch........................ 34 Vedvei Charolais Ranch........................ 32 Volunteer Charolais ............................. 39 Wagonhammer Ranches...................... 36 Wagon Wheel Charolais Ranch ............ 36 Wakefield Farms................................... 35 Weaver Charolais.................................. 23 Webb Charolais Farm........................... 37 Weber Charolais Farm.......................... 32 Welcome Grove Charolais ................... 39 Wells Charolais Ranch......................... 32 West Fork Ranch.................................. 36 Wienk Charolais Ranch.......................... 1 Wild Indian Acres................................. 14 Windy Hill Charolais Farms.................. 14 Wooden Cross Cattle Co....................... 35 Wright Charolais...........................14, IBC Zeisler Charolais.................................. 36 ZOE Charolais...................................... 14
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