December 2014 charolais journal[1]

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s i a l aro Show &



ta ional

Eaton Charolais Ranch Offering — Lot 4



& Lot 6

Choice of Eaton Bred Herd Sires

Buyers Choice of 2 Eaton Bred Heifers

January 18, 2015 • Denver, Colo. Watch for sale booklet in this issue.



Thank you to Stalcup Farms Charolais, Prescott, Iowa and Zehnder Cattle, Stanchfield, Minn. For Selecting Choice Of Two Mature Cows From Entire Herd



i a l o har Sale

103 ETN Loop • Lindsay, MT 59339 Office (406) 584-7520 • Lee (406) 584-7546 • Elner (406) 485-3572

Follow Us On Facebook


We’d Like to Share Our Rogers Bar HR Goodies with You.

Bulls & Herd Sires

Season’s Greetings

Turn-Out Charolais Bull Sale

Saturday, February 28, 2015 Selling 65 Bulls, 150 Brangus Females


Cream of the Crop Charolais Female Sale Saturday, May 9, 2015

Rogers Bar HR

Dorotheann Rogers Managing Partner: Doug Rogers P.O. Box 1718 Collins, MS 39428

1-800-343-5051 601-765-7751

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   1

Consignments to —

Hartman Cattle Company 19th Customer Appreciation Sale

Saturday, December 13, 2014 • Tecumseh, NE

Lot 33 — TR MS MADONNA 4552B F1187282 March 26, 2014 TR PZC TURTON 0794 X TR MS WYOMING WIND 5604R

Lot 34 — TR MS BEYONCE 4579B F1187288 April 22, 2014 TR MR DIABLO 2584 X HF TWISTED SISTER 1Z

Also Offereing in the — Selling Flush packages on: TR MS WYOMING WIND 5604R F1024831 (Dam of Lot 33 in the Hartman Sale & Dam of TR Ms Montella 1572Y)

LOT 35 — TR MS KATIE 4724B EF1187290 May 16, 2014


Embryos on Snow JANUARY 16th, 2015 • 7:30 pm

Renaissance Hotel on Quebec Street in Denver!

Embryos on Snow TR MS MONTELLA 1572Y F1136470 44th National Champion Female and Maternal sister to Lot 33 in Hartman’s Sale 2  

D E C E M B E R 2014

Troy, VeaBea & Cally Thomas 605-973-2448 (home) 605-222-1258 (Troy cell) 605-222-1515 (Cally cell) 18441 Capri Place, Harrold, SD 57536

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   3

Official Publication of the American-International Charolais Association V o l . 38, N o . 9

ON The Cover–

Photo by David Hobbs at American Royal, Kansas City, Mo. Cover by Molly Schoen


20 Fall 2014 Meeting Minutes Review the latest minutes

37 46th National Show Results

Journal Staff J. Neil Orth CPI President

David Hobbs


Columns 17

Molly Schoen


Kaitlyn Lewis



Advertising Coordinator

Complete coverage from Kansas City.

Charolais Viewpoint by J. Neil Orth

Progress is never without peril.

Genetic Viewpoint by Robert Williams, Ph.D.


Junior Viewpoint by Kate Shaffer

Get to Know Your Director – Area 2, Ty Dybdal

Field Representatives Refer to page 18

Charolais journal 11700 NW Plaza Circle • Kansas City, MO 64153

phone (816) 464-5977 • fax (816) 464-5759

Activities & Reference 18 Association Updates 18 New Members 53 Sales Review

56 Roll of Excellence Show Results 66 Calendar 68 Advertisers’ Index

CHAROLAIS JOURNAL ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertising material for any month’s issue must be received in the offices of the Charolais Journal, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153, by the 25th of the second month preceding the month of publication, i.e., Dec. 25 for the February issue. Full camera-ready advertising copy or full-screened negatives will be accepted until the 1st of the month prior to publication provided notification of copy size, shape, color and other specifications are received by the 25th of the second month prior to the month of publication. If a proof is required, copy must be received by the 20th of the second month prior to publication, i.e., June 20 for the August issue. No copy can be altered or changed, except for typographical error, after the 1st of the month of publication. Any ad copy changes that must be made after the lst of the month will be assessed a 10% additional space charge. All dates and times are herein applicable at the office of the CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Charolais Journal (ISSN 0191-5444) is published monthly, except June and July which are combined issues, by CHAROLAIS PUBLICATIONS INC., 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Subscriptions: U.S. - $75; U.S. First Class - $100; Canada - $125; Foreign - $125. Single Copies - $7, including postage. For AICA members, $20 of annual dues to AICA are applicable to subscriptions for Charolais Journal. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO 64153, and additional mailing offices. Standard postage paid at Jefferson City, Mo. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153.

4  

D E C E M B E R 2014


Where Style...Meets Performance

M&M Ms Stealth 8512 ET

EF1103006 DR Stealth x Baldridge Sweetheart 444, dam of 7M

M&M Ms Slasher 8506 Pld ET EF1102689

M&M Ms Stealth 9525 ET

M&M Ms Smart Choice 7056 Pld ET EF1068971

EF1117996 DR Stealth x Wyo. Wind x Duchess 433

Hoodoo Slasher x Baldridge Sweetheart 7M

B/T Smart Choice x Duchess 433




CHOICE OF OUR HERD January 18, 2015 • Denver, Colo.

M&M Annual Bull Sale February 21, 2015

M&M Ms 8122 0011 Pld

F1127131 M&M Raptor, a Stealth x 7M out of 7056 above

805 N. 25th • Perry, OK 73077 Kevin Wiley, Ranch Manager (580) 572-2555 Barn or Office (580) 370-1483 Cell D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   5

Your Source For Outcross


WC I’ll Have Another ET

JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET x OW Miss Marion 0025 ET EPD

CE -0.8

BW 1.5

WW 33

YW 51

Milk 19

MCE 1.6

MTL 35

SC 0.9

Stop By and See Us in Denver! Full French & Purebred Genetics 5593 Choupique Road • Sulphur, LA Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 337-764-1040 cell 6  

D E C E M B E R 2014

Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell

P.O. Box 186, Liverpool, Texas 77577 Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 Daryl Renfrow (832) 444-5241 E-mail:

EC Iron Man 2027 PLD

EPDs: 7.7 -0.9 48 78 7 4.1 31 1.0

JDJ Resource Z365P

EPDs: -0.8 3.7 43 72 7 1.2 29 1.3

Leachman White Gold P002X

EPDs: 3.8 0.6 51 78 9 3.5 35 1.3

NEW LT Ledger 0332 P

EPDs: 8.8 -1.5 37 77 11 6.8 29 1.6

NWMSU Big Time 166

EPDs: 14.9 -5.3 34 66 3 4.7 20 1.7

M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET

EPDs: 3.8 0.6 51 78 9 3.5 35 1.3

WC Benelli 2134 P ET

EPDs: 4.7 0.3 37 64 15 3.5 33 1.1

M6/RC Fresh Air 1138 PLD

Fresh Air x Duke 761 daughter

WCR Polar Vortex 324 P

High Quality semen ready to Ship

The Number One Source for Charolais Multiple Trait Leaders!

3300 Longmire Drive College Station, Texas 77845 (979) 693-0388 (800) 786-4066 (979) 693-7994 (FAX)

• AI Consulting • AI/Palpation Clinics • Professional Exporting • Semen & Embryo Sales • AI & ET Equipment Sales • Semen & Embryo Warehouse

see our website for a complete listing. 4l unlimited yl06 pld ace-orr efficient 972 pld B3R Texas Dinero Y029 baldridge fasttrack 82f pld BHD Reality t3136 Pld bhd zen x270 p big creek game changer 192 pet

BJCF Watt Z36 BJR Copperhead 895 Pld BJR EASY EDGE 968 ET PLD BJR Super Silver 719 ET Pld br duke 261 pld CJC Illusion N111 Pld/S cjc mr president t122 pld CJC Trademark h45 pld/s cmf 241 rio blanco 378r pld CML Diablo 2x cooley royce 1107t39 pld DCF Relentless 8577 P DCR Mr Solution w13 Pld DCR Mr Substance A240 Double-h kahlua 240M ET Pld double-h mahalo 749t et pld

DR STEALTH 574 eatons cross fire 10365 polled eatons leader 2233 pld eatons royal dynasty 6164 pld ec iron man 2027 pld EC No Doubt 2022 pld ec reliable 5043 pld fc turbo 756 pld Gerrard Montezuma 6T pld hbr equalizer 940 pld et Hoo Made Hoo 357Y JAB Drink In My Hand 157 PLD JDJ Resource Z365 P JDJ Royal Trade N134 Pld jdj smokester j1377 pld et jds he’s my king 2038 et pld JWK IMPRESSIVE D040 ET PLD keys 38 special 38y Keys All State 149x keys mchenry 24m pld lc mr southpaw 7090 pld et

lc mr southpaw 7090 pld et(Sexed)

lc suspect 0109 p et lcoc polled value p063S pld Leachman White Gold P002X lt blue value 7903 pld LT BRIDGER 9191 PLD lt easy blend 5125 pld LT LEDGER 0332 PLD lt long distance 9001 pld lt polled value 9089 LT Predictable Mac 2059 Pld lt rio blanco 1234 pld LT Thundering wind 5200 pld lt unlimited ease 9108 pld lt western edge 4057 pld M6/RC Fresh Air 1138 PLD M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET m6 fresh air 8165 pld et M6 Full throttle 2138 Pld et m6 function 169 pld et m6 gain & grade 927 pld m6 grid maker 104 pld et M6 new Standard 842 pld Et M6 sleep easy 734 pld mt-hls lead on 197/0

The Number One Source for Charolais Multiple Trait Leaders!

nwmsu big time 166 pld NWMSU Platinum 4108 ra big cat 9017 pld raile 2250 to77 pld rc denver 6026 pld riverdale top end h114 et pld schurrtop hcr rancher pld SCR Tuffy 0119 SHF Fire Power 0080 SKYMONT EASE 2078 PLD sparrows madrid 7m pld sr/nc field rep 2158 pld et thomas oahe wind o772 et pld thomas redneck 2609m pld three trees wind 2638 et pld tr mr fire water 5792r et pld TR Mr Wrangle Up 2502Z TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET pld TR PZC Holywater 9777 ET Pld tr red smoke pld ttr-ohf beyond the grid pld vcr sir duke 914 pld VFF Time Out 172Y

VPI Free lunch 708 T wc benelli 2134 p et wc big ben 9036 pld WC I’ll Have Another ET WC-nc cash flow 8015 p wc-tnt apollo 9027 p wcr kingsbury 116 p wcr prime cut 764 pld WCR Polar Vortex 324 P wcr sir duke 7340 pld wcr sir impressive 8191 pld WH Triple Play 201 PLD wia man tracker 150 pld Winn Mans Lanza 610S PLD WR Wrangler W601 Pld

Full French Genetics hamm charboneau 2n HAMM MOGO U23 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   7

8  

D E C E M B E R 2014



Fall EPDs CE 10.0 BW -1.5 WW 25 YW 44 Milk 11 MCE 6.3 Mtnl 24 SC 0.8


Elvira 696S ET



Fall EPDs CE 7.0 BW 0.3 WW 41 YW 83 Milk 12 MCE 5.1 Mtnl 32 SC 1.7




CHOICE OF herd flush


Ms New Elvira 1134P ET


Owned with Reinhart Charolais, Paragould, Ark.

January 18, 2015 • Denver, Colo.

We are excited to offer selection of our donor program in the 2015 Charolais in the Rockies Sale. These two “Elviras” represent only a few of our elite donor cows. We invite you to take your choice of our very best!

169 Satterfield Farm Rd • Norfork, AR 72658 Loyd & Joanne Mark & Nancy Home: (870) 499-5379 Home: (870) 499-7151 Cell: (501) 944-9274 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   9

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D E C E M B E R 2014

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Dakota Standard III

A Special thank you to all who recently purchased females in the Dakota Standard III Female Sale!

VCR Female Production Sale With Guest Consignor — Jensen Charolais Ranch

Tyler Eddy, Woonsocket, SD Reppe Ranch, Conde, SD Mid Tenn Charolais, Manchester, TN John Dodge, Newton, IA HW Charolais, Mount Vernon, MO Logan Wiskur, Elkton, SD Brooks Van Dyke, Elkton, SD Lakeview Colony, Lake Andes, SD Brett Terhaar, Winterset, IA C-B Charolais, Montpelier, ND Austin Story, Altamont, MO Mike Roster, Spencer, SD Marlon Thomsen, St. Paul, NE Jacob Christensen, Morgan, MN Mark Stueven, Pipestone,MN Mark Mikkelson, Sioux Falls, SD Andrew Adam, Yankton, SD Sandmeier Charolais, Bowdle, SD Justin Dikoff, Faulkton, SD

We have an excellent set of bulls available for your selection and watch for our consignments in the upcoming sales. Sioux Empire Farm Show • Black Hills Stock Show • Watertown Winter Farm Show

Featuring the influence of ...

HC Rhinestone 8355 Pld

SCR CE Corona Power 222 Pld

Top 5% Milk, TM

Vedvei Charolais

Alan & Deb Vedvei 44213 204th St. • Lake Preston, South Dakota 57249 (605) 847-4529 • 2000 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year 12  

D E C E M B E R 2014

Top 6% BW; 4% WW; 2% YW, TM

VCR Sir Mac IV 128 Pld Top 15% Milk, TM

From all of us at Vedvei Charolais; wishing each of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


Knocks... ous g y z o Hom lled Po

M6/RC Fresh Air 1138 Pld Balanced EPDs:



















M6 Ms 761 Nancy 6100 P ET EF1061246 High selling donor in the 2012 M6 sale to Double-H Charolais Stacking great females!



THREE TREES WIND 0383 ET M6 FRESH AIR 8165 P ET EM772333 SR LADY EASE 914 ET WCR SIR DUKE 761 M6 MS 761 NANCY 6100 P ET EF1061246 M6 MS H45 NANCY 382 ET


Semen Opportunity: $20 straw/$35 signing First sons sell — March 14, 2015 Nipp Charolais 6th Annual Bull Sale, Ardmore, Okla.


EZY-B-Farms Bobby Bain

Curtiss & Brenda Nipp 25140 Oswalt Rd. Overbrook, OK 73453 (580) 668-3332 (580) 513-3555 cell


(979) 693-0388 (800) 786-4066 (979) 693-7994 (FAX)

1876 Ridgewood Dr Sparta, TN 38583 (931) 607-2259

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   13

Way out west, it’s All The Time! Central Washington State Fair A ROE

Grand Champion Bull Supreme Champion Bull

Grand Champion Bull

Northern International Livestock Exposition An anchor bull from the 2014 Denver Reserve Pen of 3 and selected from the National Sale. Sired by All State and out of the National Champion, Firegirl. See him in Denver!

NS Semen SCF AllPackages The Time 1316 ET Available

EM834521 Pld BW: 80 AWW: 818 EPDs: BW: 0.4 WW: 34 YW: 63 M: 4 TM: 21 REA: 0.50

Heifers sired by our Foundation Sire —

TR Fire On The Rocks 0329x ET Pld Fire Water x 0641 • +12 Milk

CL Miss Fire Cocoa 1412 P 2014 NILE Calf Champion Thanks to Probst LIvestock, Dillion, Mont., for selecting her as a high-seller from the 2014 NILE sale


CL Miss Fire Pixie 1410 P 2014 Central Washington State Fair A ROE Reserve Grand Champion

CL Miss Fireball 1414 P Thanks to Hang’n A Cattle Co., Wash. for selecting her from the 2014 NWCA Internet Sale

CLIFT LIVESTOCK Kerry, Brigid & Cora Clift 3231 Lyons Road, Ellensburg, WA 98926 (509) 968-3451 •




Thanks to Ian Glassman, Utopia Genetics, for selecting C804 as Choice of Herd from the National Sale. DC Ms Pomona Flash C804 P Flash x 914 x Grid Maker x Paul 109/9 14  

D E C E M B E R 2014

ola r a h c Sale



D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   15


D E C E M B E R 2014


J. Neil Orth, Executive Vice President



Progress is never without peril. Proceed with caution

This extraordinary bullish cattle market and the forecast for the next couple of years, while very exciting, can also be a bit deceiving. It’s easy to get comfortable making decisions without the ominous threat of the bottom falling out of the market the week before you plan to market your calves or pitch the tent for an annual bull sale. Analysts continue to forecast expansion. More favorable moisture has improved forage for much of the plains states. Our export market is still strong and profitable. Interest on debt is still low and manageable. Many seedstock suppliers can’t remember a time when the demand for good bulls was as strong as it has been in 2014. A comparison of Charolais spring bull sales, 2013 compared to 2014, reported in the Charolais Journal, supports the strong demand experienced nationwide. In 2013, Charolais producers averaged $4,030 on 1,301 bulls. In the spring of 2014, 1,322 Charolais bulls averaged $5,131 for a $1,101 increase. Yet, expansion is slow and almost negligible. Cattle feeders are stretching themselves to the limit to fill pen space. The good news is many cattle feeders are scouring the country for feeder cattle with more predictable upside potential and they have reliable genomic sorting

4. Interconnectedness is greater. “Your borrowers might also own the local John Deere dealership or local elevator.” 5. Trade and global risk is influenced by politics and power beyond our control. 6. Collateral is greatly impacted by 2-3 year downturn in price Kohl reminded the audience of the 1980s. His audience, most of who weren’t born yet, had a sense of the difficult times in lending during skyrocketing interest and out of control inflation. For ranchers, remembering the reality of the ’80s still fall into the nightmare category! Moving forward, its important producers recognize the positive differences in the beef industry from the 1980s until now. 1. In the 1980s, all cattle were marketed on a cash basis. The only “sorting tool” was the order buyer’s visual appraisal. 2. The bovine genome would not be sequenced for more than 20 years. 3. The first generation sire evaluation reports were being studied but not yet understood. 4. Herd improvements were based on phenotypic information.

“Kohl reminded ag lenders to prepare for tough times if the drop in farm profits continues.” tools to factor into pricing decisions. At the risk of sounding like Chicken Little “the sky is falling”, we all know progress is never without peril. At a minimum, most lifelong producers recognize the importance of proceeding cautiously. For certain, every producer’s banker does! Professor emeritus and agriculture banking consultant David Kohl recently spoke at American Bankers Association’s National Agricultural Bankers Conference. Kohl reminded ag lenders to prepare for tough times if the drop in farm profits continues. Obviously, the message was intended for those lenders with portfolios heavily weighted in commodity grains and farming. A few of Kohl’s talking points appear here only as a reminder of the high stakes business, whether we raise livestock or crops. 1. The numbers are bigger. “A 10,000 to 12,000 acre operation can go upside down $3 million to $4 million quickly.” 2. Volatility is greater 3. Concentration of debt is greater. “Much of the debt is in fewer hands. We don’t have a farm debt problem. We have a debt concentration problem.”

5. Few seedstock producers had working knowledge of the interface between seedstock production and end product. Thankfully, the problems of the ’80s are behind us. The beef industry, Charolais breeders and the breed are well equipped to avoid the past. It’s more important to realize the opportunities for the future. 1. Charolais seedstock producers have more tools and technology than ever before to make reliable breeding decisions. 2. Value based grids reward producers for more quality pounds. 3. Charolais is arguably the breed preference for Continental influence in the nation’s commercial cow herd. Possibly one of the greatest improvements made since the catastrophic ’80s is the beef industry’s focus on partners, research and collaborative efforts. Veterinarians, lenders, academia, commercial bull buyers, cattle feeders, stocker operators, order buyers and packers—everyone benefits if we work together to make the industry better. If we’re successful, the ultimate benefactor is the consumer.


D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   17




David E Burkett 4426 Starlington Road Georgiana, AL 36033 Charlie Dale Jones 3051 Hindman Road Fayette, AL 35555


JC Ranch Cattle 829 Halbert St Malvern, AR 72104

Ohio Kathy R Lehman  512 St Rte 96 E Shelby, OH 44875


Chad & Amber Atteberry PO Box 392 Tishomingo, OK 73460 Cole W Bentley  PO Box 693 Buffalo, OK 73834

Kyra B Bentley  PO Box 693 Douglas A Holmberg 13430 Hobson Simmons Rd Buffalo, OK 73834 Lithia, FL 33547 Conley Cattle 3555 Koller Road Idaho Sulphur, OK 73086 Sherri D Blevins 13690 S Cloverdale Rd Ashton P Keeter  Kuna, ID 83634-2522 Rte 1 Box 37 Walters, OK 73572



Brooke A Coffey  1597 Plummer Rd Martinsville, IN 46151 Brad J Green  8132 N 400 E Bryant, IN 47326


Kristin L Guenther  307 W Jones St Wyoming, IA 52362 Alexia M Harder  27184 Thunder Road Holy Cross, IA 52053


Travis Nipp 25894 Oswalt Road Overbrook, OK

South Dakota Lilly Blume 

17137 US Hwy 281 Redfield, SD 57469


Blayze B Bierschwale  2142 CR 3640 Copperas Cove, TX 76522 Raley S Downing  1960 Church Ave Troy, TX 76579

Allie A Johnson  18227 174th St Basehor, KS 66007

Kalli N Ellis  PO Box 157 La Ward, TX 77970

Miller Cattle 366 Road 9 Grenola, KS 67346

Christopher R Garcia  3081 FM 1462 Alvin, TX 77511

Tyler D Sale  17066 Barber Road Cherryvale, KS 67335

John P Gowin  1716 Ft Worth St Brownwood, TX 76801

Kolby R Seested  2215 235th St Fort Scott, KS 66701

Cara M Powers  302 Sunshine Trail Bells, TX 75414


Sarah E Serrano  624 CR 45300 Powderly, TX 75473

Andrew D Tobin  201 White Conkwright Rd Winchester, KY 40391


Rooster Rob Cattle Co. 107 W Phillip Ave Norfolk, NE 68701

New Mexico


Grace A Hanning  468 Ahola Rd Centerville, WA 98613

AMERICAN-INTERNATIONAL CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 11700 N.W. Plaza Circle  Kansas City, MO 64153  Phone: (816) 464-5977 Fax: (816) 464-5759  E-Mail:  Website:


Executive Vice President J. Neil Orth  ext. 101

Recording Secretary Marilou Wegner  ext. 400

Director of Activities David Hobbs  ext. 200

 indicates AIJCA membership

AmericanInternational Charolais Association

Larry Lehman P.O. Box 700 Tioga, TX 76271 (940) 437-5900

Vice President

Bill Nottke 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 843-2930

Director of Breed Improvement & Foreign Marketing Robert Williams  ext. 103


Youth Activities Coordinator Kaitlyn Lewis  ext. 201


Administrative Assistant Affiliates Coordinator Judy Clements  ext. 102

John Chism 1442 Lillie’s Ferry Road Winchester, KY 40391 (859) 744-8909 Robb Creasey 7500 E. 1450th St. Macomb, IL 61455 (309) 254-3223



Harlin Hecht 16732 283rd Ave. Paynesville, MN 56362 (320) 243-4386

Asst. Recording Secretary Maggie Smithee  ext. 401


Lewis Meyer  ext. 300

To use the extension numbers listed for the above staff, phone (816) 464-2474.

FIELD STAFF Southeast Representative

Floyd Wampler 207 Sparger Rd. Bristol, TN 37620-8846 cell - (423) 612-2144

Southwest Representative Wes Chism 3700 W 19th Ave, Apt. D 6, Stillwater, OK 74074 cell - (281) 761-5952

North Central Representative Colt Keffer 7376 N 85th Street Omaha, NE 68122 Cell - (765) 376-8784

Other Regions

John A Yates III  809 Vogle Rd Artesia, NM 88210



Call the AICA office. (816) 464-5977

President J. Neil Orth

Board of Directors Larry Lehman Bill Nottke John Chism Robb Creasey


Chairman & Trustee Larry Lehman


Alan Vedvei J. Neil Orth Pete Stamer Kaitlyn Lewis

D E C E M B E R 2014

Area 1 Bill Romans 3801 Old Stage Rd Harper, OR 97906 (541) 358-2921

Area 9 Nathan Reinhart 70 Songbird Road Pleasant Plains, AR 72568 (870) 613-3057

Area 2 Jerry Maltby Box 760 Williams, CA 95987 (530) 473-2830

Area 10 Robb Creasey 7500 E 1450th St. Macomb, IL 61455 (309) 354-3223

Area 3 Troy Thomas 18441 Capri Place Harrold, SD 57536 (605) 973-2448

Area 11 John Chism 1442 Lillie’s Ferry Road Winchester, KY 40391 (859) 744-8909

Area 4 Dave Hebbert 62075 Hebbert Ln. Hyannis, NE 69350 (308) 458-2540

Area 12 Doug Rogers P.O. Box 1718 Collins, MS 39428 (601) 765-2983

Area 5 Larry Ludeke P.O. Box 186 Liverpool, TX 77577 (832) 439-4666

Area 13 Silas Maxwell 1120 Welcome Grove Rd Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 422-7234

Area 6 Bradley Bracewell 737 Hill Rd Tioga, TX 76271 (940) 230-3265

Area 14 J. Robert Tibbs 3535 Old Level Road Havre de Grace, MD 21078 (410) 734-6873

Area 7 Marty Lewis 9411 W 56th St S Monroe, IA 50170 (515) 250-2362

Area 15 Georgeanne Webb 317 Old Vineland SCH Easley, SC 29640 (864) 246-6203

term expires 2015

term expires 2014

term expires 2015

term expires 2014

term expires 2015

term expires 2014

term expires 2015

term expires 2015

term expires 2014

term expires 2015

term expires 2014

term expires 2015

term expires 2014

term expires 2015

Area 8 Bill Nottke 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 843-2930 term expires 2014

Fundraising Chairman

Larry Lehman


Breed Improvement

Junior Council

VICE CHAIRMAN Bradley Bracewell 737 Hill Rd. Tioga, TX 76271 (940) 230-3265

VICE CHAIRMAN John Chism Area 11 Director

VICE CHAIRMAN VeaBea Thomas 18441 Capri Place Harrold, SD 57536 (605) 973-2448

CHAIRMAN Troy Thomas Area 3 Director

Advertising/Marketing CHAIRMAN Bill Nottke Area 8 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Laci Bracewell 737 Hill Rd. Tioga, TX 76271 (940) 230-3265


CHAIRMAN Nathan Reinhart Area 9 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Don Olsen 17050 Tuttle Creek Blvd. Randolph, KS 66554 (785) 363-2519

18  



CHAIRMAN Randy Perry 15194 Oak Creek Rd. Prather, CA 93651 (559) 278-4793


CHAIRMAN Jerry Maltby Area 2 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Doug Rogers Area 12 Director


CHAIRMAN Pete Stamer 47 Snover Rd. Lafayette, NJ 07848 (973) 729-9751 VICE CHAIRMAN Robb Creasey Area 10 Director

CHAIRMAN Jeff Smith 927 E. 156th St. N. Grinnell, Iowa 50112 (641) 236-7880

Long Range Planning CHAIRMAN Lee Eaton HCR 67 Box 96 Lindsay, MT 59339 (406) 584-7546 VICE CHAIRMAN Bill Nottke Area 8 Director

Rules & Ethics

CHAIRMAN Richard Clark P.O. Box 9 Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-5892 VICE CHAIRMAN Bill Romans Area 1 Director Show Heifers!

5J Charolais

The Johansen Family 5J Cigarro 924 Pld

11218 County Line Road Syracuse, MO 65354 (660) 473-2945

8 STORY FARMS Charolais Cattle Austin & Courtney Story

29143 175th St • Altamont, MO 64620 (660) 749-5834 • (660) 663-5048 cell •

Peterson Farms Charolais

Upcoming Events December 6 Wright 4th Female Sale, Kearney December 13 Ridder The Showgirls Sale, Hermann March 2 Baney Spring Sale, Norwood March 6 Windy Hill Production Sale, Cedar Hill March 7 Peterson Bull Sale, Mtn. Grove March 7 Mead Bull Sale, Versailles March 14 Wright Bull Sale, Kearney March 21 Aschermann Bull Sale, Carthage April 9 Wright Online Embryo Sale April 11 The Renaissance Sale, Strafford

Bull Sale • March 7


Larry & Norma Julian

TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET


Crane, Missouri 417-536-6582 Established 1999

Riverdale Land and Livestock Semen: $40/straw; No Signing Fee

Milk Trait Leader ROE Sire JDJ


Office 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 378-3255 cell

— Bob Barnard —

7470 SE Riverside Terrace, St. Joseph, MO 64507 (816) 253-9360,

Stop by our Denver Pens! Bull Sale • March 21

• Easy Calving Larry & Peggy Our Goals Are ... Aschermann • Fast Growing 13467 Dogwood Rd. • Premium Grading Carthage, MO 64836 ... Breeding Stock (417) 358-7879 • e-mail:


Derry & Mary Wright 42922 Old Hwy. 10 w Richmond, MO 64085 816-776-3512 farm office 816-456-3792 cellular Chris Peuster, Managing Partner 816-529-2190 cellular


Mike, Sara, Connor & Cannon Kisner 6382 Dulin Creek Road • House Springs, MO 63051 (636) 274-9515 • (636) 236-0306 cell Stan & Mary Bonacker & Family Cedar Hill, MO Stan: (314) 550-2554 David: (314) 974-5230 Production Sale March 6, 2015



MEAD FARMS ANGUS & CHAROLAIS Barnett, MO Spring Bull Sale • March 7

Brand of Quality

Owner: Alan Mead (573) 216-0210 Manager: David Innes (573) 280-6855

Corman Charolais

BANEY RANCH March 14 8th Annual Bull Sale

Show Heifers Available

Bill & Lora Nottke

Ranch 3287 Lick Creek Road Leasburg, MO 65535

Herd Sires: Rancher, HCR Wind, Hams Ranger Progeny for sale at all times. Bred for carcass values and maternal traits.

Ledger x J139

46th National Senior Champion

J1377 Pld ET

Barnard Charolais

WC Paramount 4120 P ET

Jeannine Doughty P.O. Box 523 (816) 616-8838 Harrisonville, MO 64701


December 13

By Cattlemen, For Cattlemen

Progeny of Fire Water, Budsmydad, Grid Maker, Slasher, Revelation, Bluegrass, Royce and Wyoming Wind

L &N

Time Bandit x Cigar x Hoodoo

The Dale Ridder Family 2289 Brown Shanty Road Hermann, MO 65041 Home (573) 943-6462 Dale (573) 680-4691 Cell Derek (573) 680-4692 Cell

Home of the 34th National Champion Female

Big Creek Charolais



Steve & Sandy Peterson • Jeremiah, Andrew & Joey 8767 Outer Road, Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 926-5336 • (417) 746-4410

Get your            at the

March 2 Norwood, Mo.

Dam of M6 Bells & Whistles

Larry R. Baney, PhD Mtn. Grove, MO 65211 (417) 349-1360 cell

Dan Corman Pomona, Missouri (417)469-3936

“Breeding Charolais Since 1958"


CHAROLAIS We Collect Data. We Sell Bulls.

Mike & Brian Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334

(573) 324-2528 home (573) 324-5411 work

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   19

American-International Charolais Association Committees and Fall Board of Directors Meeting Minutes October 29-30, 2014 –– Kansas City, Mo. Activities Committee Chairman: Troy Thomas Members present: Troy Thomas, Bradley Bracewell, Leslie Alexander, Lane Grau, BJ Hansen, Spencer Schrader, Alan Leifeste, Marty Lewis (sub), Derek Ridder, Dale Jedlicka and Jeff Bunker. Chairman Troy Thomas called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 11 members present. Minutes from the March 24, 2014 Conference Call were approved as presented. Action Taken 1. The committee reviewed the 2014-2015 show season. 2. The committee selected locations for rotating Class A ROE Shows: Missouri State Fair; South Dakota State Fair; Central Washington State Fair; Keystone International Livestock Exposition; Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo (permanent.) 3. The committee reviewed selection procedure for 2015-16 National ROE show judges. 4. Meeting adjourned.

Advertising/Marketing Committee Chairman: Bill Nottke

Members present: Bill Nottke, Laci Bracewell, Bill Romans, Troy Thomas, Kevin Wiley, Larry Ludeke, Marty Lewis (sub.), Mike Schumacher, Nathan Reinhart, Diane Nord, Silas Maxwell, Bob Tibbs and Georgeanne Webb. Chairman Bill Nottke called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 13 members present. Review March 24, 2014 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented. Action Taken 1. Deb Norton, Graphic Arts of Topeka, presented the 2015 Media Budget. Discussion followed. 2. Larry Lehman provided recommendation from the Marketing Task Force. 3. Kaitlyn Lewis discussed the website redesign. Discussion followed. 4. Neil Orth discussed developing funds necessary to increase the advertising budget. 20  

D E C E M B E R 2014

5. Nathan Reinhart moved for the chairmen to appoint a sub-committee to explore using up to $4,000 of co-op ad funds towards video production with Graphic Arts of Topeka. Laci Bracewell seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Meeting Adjourned

Breed Improvement Committee Chairman: John Chism Members present: Jerry Maltby, John Chism, Lee Eaton, Bill Zimmerman, Troy Thomas, John Schurr, Marty Lewis, Rex Ricketts, Nathan Reinhart, Ron Nord, Doug Rogers, Richard Clark, Dotty Macy and David Webb Chairman John Chism called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 14 members present. Reviewed the March 23, 2014 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented. Action Taken 1. Dan Moser spoke to the committee about the Genomic Enhanced EPD project. Discussion followed. Rex Rickets moved that we move ahead with genomically enhanced EPDs (GE-EPD) and use all traits Moser presented, except fat. Nathan Reinhart seconded. MOTION CARRIED. Robert Williams discussed with the committee different ways of presenting the new EPD numbers. Discussion followed. 2. Ricketts moved that we move forward with presenting the genomically enhanced EPD in a format similar to what we currently have on the website. This format will include a logo designating those animals with genotypes in the GE-EPD and publish accuracy values rather than “BKS” for the non-parents. Zimmerman seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Nathan Reinhart moved that we proceed with interim calculation for GEEPDs and continue to do the BLUP run twice a year. Ricketts seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Doug Blair from CCA discussed with the committee the possibility of joint Canadian and American genomically enhanced genetic evaluation. Zimmerman moved to recommended to the board that AICA participate in a joint genomically enhanced EPD trial run with the Canadian Association and share the expense. Jerry Maltby seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 3 opposed.


5. Luis Lopez from the Charolais Herd Book of Mexico told the committee about ongoing genetic improvement programs in Mexico. 6. Williams updated the committee on the National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle. 7. Williams updated the committee on recent MARC data. 8. Rex gave update on the National Center for Beef Excellence. 9. Williams reviewed the proposed agenda for the Charolais/Charbray International Conference to be held in conjunction with the 2015 Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. 10. The committee discussed other options for outsourcing our genetic analysis. No action taken. 11. Broken Box Ranch, Williams, CA, received the AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year Award. Hayden Farm, Bardstown, KY, received the Environmental Stewardship Award. 12. Meeting adjourned.

Charolais Publications, Inc. President: J. Neil Orth Members present: Neil Orth, Larry Lehman, Bill Nottke, John Chism, Robb Creasey President J. Neil Orth called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 5 members present. Reviewed the March 23, 2014 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented. Action Taken 1. Orth reviewed the current budget year end projections along with the proposed budget. 2. David Hobbs updated the committee on the Cattlemen’s Source and Charolais Edge, the frequency and circulation of both. He recommends discontinuing the September issue of the Edge, having just two issues of the Edge and enhanced circulation of the Cattleman’s Source. 3. Hobbs discussed CPI’s touch-up photo policy. 4. No further business. 5. Meeting adjourned.

Action Taken 1. The committee chose Ferguson Brothers, Inc., Jon Ferguson, Kensington, Kan., as the 2015 Commercial Producer of the Year. 2. Discussion followed on marketing Charolais feeder calves. 3. Meeting adjourned.

Executive Committee President: Larry Lehman Members present: Larry Lehman, Bill Nottke, John Chism, Robb Creasey and J. Neil Orth President Larry Lehman called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 5 members present. Minutes were approved as presented. Action Taken 1. Orth reviewed the 2015 proposed budget and the projected 2014 year end. 2. Kaitlyn Lewis updated the committee on the website redesign, including making it friendly for mobile users. 3. Robb Creasey moved to approve the 2015 proposed budget as changed. Nottke seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Richard Clark updated the committee on the status of The American International Charolais Foundation. 5. Orth addressed a rule change in the by-laws regarding the recordation of black cattle. Nottke moved to recommend to the board to make the adjustment to the rules regarding recording black cattle. ARTICLE VIII: REGISTRATIONS AND RECORDATION A.2. b. (4) Animals shall not be disqualified for color with the exception of black. Black cattle will not be recorded. John Chism seconded. MOTION CARRIED 6. Meeting adjourned.

Finance Committee Chairman: Robb Creasey

Commercial Committee Chairman: Jerry Maltby Members present: Jerry Maltby, Arnold Wienk, John Schurr, Bradley Bracewell (sub.), Chad Zehnder, Ron Nord (sub.), Jerry Maupin and David Webb. Chairman Jerry Maltby called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 8 members present. Minutes were approved as presented.

Members present: Robb Creasey, Lee Eaton, Arnold Weink, Mickie Hebbert, Larry Ludeke, Bradley Bracewell, Marty Lewis, Stanley Bonacker, John Chism, Doug Rogers, Richard Clark, Bob Tibbs, Jerry Maltby and Larry Lehman. Vice Chairman Robb Creasey called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 14 members present. Minutes were approved as presented. Action Taken


D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   21

1. Neil Orth reviewed the 2014 budget projections and the 2015 proposed budget. Bill Romans from the gallery asked about adding an additional field staff in for Areas 1 and 2. Discussion followed. Stan Bonacker moved to accept the proposed budget. John Chism seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Creasey reviewed the investments. Doug Rogers moved that the CD coming due be invested in a fixed income asset. Lee Eaton seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Meeting adjourned.

Long-Range Planning Committee Chairman: Lee Eaton Members present: Larry Lehman, Lee Eaton, John Chism, Bill Nottke, Arnold Wienk and J. Neil Orth. Alternate, Rex Ricketts. Chairman Lee Eaton called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 8 members present. Minutes were approved as presented. Action Taken 1. Eaton reviewed the Long Range Plan. Rex Ricketts updated the committee on the progress being made with the Beef Center. 2. The committee reviewed the operational plan. 3. The committee will schedule a workshop prior to the Spring 2015 meetings to update Long-Range and Operational Plans. 4. Meeting adjourned.

Fall Board of Directors Meeting President: Larry Lehman Members present: Larry Lehman, Bill Nottke, John Chism, Robb Creasey, Bill Romans, Jerry Maltby, Troy Thomas, Dave Hebbert, Larry Ludeke, Bradley Bracewell, Marty Lewis, Nathan Reinhart, Doug Rogers, Silas Maxwell, Robert Tibbs, Georgeanne Webb President Larry Lehman called the meeting to order. Minutes from the last meeting were approved as presented. Neil Orth called the roll with 16 members present.

3. Neil Orth gave the Executive Vice President’s report. 4. Orth gave the CPI report. Jerry Maltby moved to accept the report. Bill Romans seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 5. The Executive Committee report was given by Larry Lehman. Bill Nottke moved to accept the report. Larry Ludeke seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Thomas gave the Activities Committee report. Dave Hebbert moved to accept the report. Silas Maxwell seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Nottke gave the Advertising and Marketing report. He moved to accept the report. Georgeanne Webb seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 8. John Chism gave the Breed Improvement Committee report. He moved to accept the report. Maltby seconded. Discussion followed. Dave Hebbert moved to table item 4. Doug Rogers seconded. MOTION FAILED. Bob Tibbs moved to amend item 4 to show $3,750 expenditure limit for test run with CCA. Ludeke seconded. MOTION CARRIED. Main MOTION CARRIED. 9. Maltby gave the Commercial Committee report. He moved to accept the report. Marty Lewis seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 10. The Long Range Committee report was given by Lee Eaton. Nathan Reinhart moved to accept the report. Robb Creasey seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 11. The Finance Committee report was given by Creasey. He moved to accept the report. Ludeke seconded. Rogers moved to amend the report to include the $3,750 expenditure for the AICA/CCA joint test run. Chism seconded. MOTION CAREIED. Main motion CARREID 12. Lehman reviewed the 2015 Spring Board meeting schedule. No action taken. 13. Old Business: Maltby inquired about the progress of the Illinois Feed Efficiency trial and the reporting of results. No action taken. 14. New Business: Bill Romans moved to reimburse the chairperson of each standing committee for travel expenses to the fall board and membership meetings. The maximum reimbursement is $750. Maltby seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 15. Romans moved AICA hire a full or part time fieldman for areas 1 & 2 with a goal of hiring by March 1st of 2015. The board would adjust the 2015 budget at the Spring Membership meeting. He amended the motion to be subject to Executive Committee approval. Maltby seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 16. Meeting adjourned to closed session.

Action Taken 1. Haley Stalcup gave the AIJCA report. 2. Larry Lehman gave the President’s report. 22  

D E C E M B E R 2014


Robert Williams,

Director of Breed Improvement Director of Foreign Marketing

DNA Much more cost effective As I discussed in my last column in the October issue of the Charolais Journal, genetic evaluation continues to improve as technology advances. For example, the cost of using DNA has become much more cost effective to the point now that we have commercial uses available to producers. This will continue to expand through competition of companies who offer the technology and as research groups take advantage of lower costs. In fact we’ve gone from a point in 2001 where sequencing the human genome came at a cost of $100M to less than $10,000 today! These improvements in genetic evaluation will come in the form of improved accuracy, especially for younger animals with low numbers of progeny or no progeny at all. Research at multiple universities over a period of many years has shown selection by using current methodology is an improvement in selection over selection based solely on phenotypic data. In fact research has shown that selection based on non-parental EPD can be as much as nine times more accurate than selection based on a with-in herd ratio or weight. Incorporation of genomic data into current genetic evaluations stands to improve this accuracy of selection. At the base of this improvement in selection accuracy though is the need for phenotypic data. Genetic evaluations, rather genomic enhanced or not, rely on producers reporting performance data on complete contemporary groups. Complete data reporting is necessary because selection can only occur when variation exists, in other words, if no variation exists then differences between animals cannot be evaluated. Additionally, reporting bias or not reporting all of the data leads to a bias in the EPD that is a reflection of the bias of the data reported. Now that weaning data has been reported this past fall we look forward to the reporting of yearling data this coming winter and spring. The trademark for Charolais genetics has always been growth, muscle and increased carcass weights. Reporting yearling growth and ultrasound data gives Charolais breeders the best opportunity to continue the tradition as the breed of choice to improve growth and efficiency.

Christmas!... "This is Charolais Country" A book chronicling the start and history of the 56 year old Wienk Charolais Ranch through the stories and life experiences of Arnold & Carol Wienk. Their account covers everything from their first visit to the famed Litton Ranch all the way through their AICA Hall of Fame induction. All copies are numbered and signed by Arnold & Carol and the author, Sierra Blachford. $19.95 + Shipping *All proceeds to benefit the new Cow-Calf Teaching & Research Unit at SD State University.

To Order Online, visit: Or Contact: Arnold - 605.860.1111



Happy Holidays from DeBruycker Charolais! Be sure to mark your calendars for

April 4, 2015! For your next herd sire.

DeBruycker Charolais

1690 6th Lane N.E. Dutton, MT 59433


Lloyd & Jane Joe & Cathy Mark & Belva Brett & Kay

(406) 476-3427 (406) 466-5821 (406) 469-2371 (406) 476-3214



Just in time for

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   23


Ty Dybdal, Area 2 Director



Get to Know Your Director! Interviewed by Kate Shaffer, Secretary

Officers President Haley Stalcup Prescott, IA (641) 344-6692

Treasurer Macie Wagstaff Henderson, TX (903) 646-5220

Vice President Megan Johnson Beaver, OK (580) 552-1915

Ex-Officio Matt Loggains Violet Hill, AR (870) 373-0646

Secretary Kate Shaffer Carthage, MO (417) 793-4315

Hey guys, my name is Ty Dybdal and I am excited to be your

Area 2 Director for the AIJCA. I am a freshman in college at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a major in Agricultural Business. I grew up near Newcastle, Nebraska and attended Hartington Public School. My parents are Larry and Krista, and I have two sisters Taylor and Trisha. My family and I have a Charolais herd of around 300 head. I have always been very active in our herd. I have been showing Charolais cattle now for 12 years and have always loved the breed.

Q: What is it like to be a Nebraska Cornhusker? A: As the school song says, “There’s no place like Nebraska.”

I was raised following Cornhusker football and attending football camp in Lincoln each summer. It is a special tradition, with and excellent academic program. I am proud to say that I attend the University of Nebraska Lincoln.

Q: What are some of your hobbies outside of Charolais? A: Besides showing cattle, I love to go fishing in the summer.

I have a blast at the river when the cats are really biting and you cannot keep your line in the water. I love the rush of deer season when does are running and the bucks are chasing, and it cannot get any better than just going out on the horse and checking the cattle. I love to get on the horse and ride anywhere.

Q: How did you get introduced to the Charolais breed

and showing cattle, tell us about your family operation?

A: I have always been involved with the Charolais breed. Our operation started in 1982 when dad bought his first Charolais cows. He fell in love with the breed and has grown the herd to around 300 registered Charolais cattle. We also run about 50 head of commercial cows alongside. I started showing cattle when I was about six years old traveling to shows with my parents. My dad and mom have played an influential role getting me started in showing. We also run a row crop operation. We annually host a bull and female sale. Q:

Last year you received the Gold Elite Merit Award, the highest merit award only given to one junior. Tell us about some of your activities and your operation that allowed you to receive the Gold Elite Award.

A: I have been very involved in the Nebraska Junior Charolais

Association serving in each office and as President for 3 years. I have participated in many cattle shows in Nebraska and have been named Champion in many different occasions in 4-H, FFA or open shows. I attended my first Junior National 24  

D E C E M B E R 2014

Directors By Area

in Hutchinson, KS in 2005. I, along with my family, was hooked after attending just one Junior National. We have made this our ‘family vacation’ each summer (with the exception of one). The first Junior National I was involved in almost everything possible, even singing “I’m Proud To Be An American.” I still remain involved in nearly each competition each summer. I can make some ‘mean’ beef meals as a result of the Cook-off Contest! I was also able to assist with organizing the 2012 Junior National that were held in Nebraska. It was a great learning experience. As far as my own operation, my herd has grown to 35 head over the years.


Who has been the biggest help to you throughout your show career, and who is somebody you looked up to?

A: Showing cattle is not particularly something easy to do. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be able to get an animal to look good in supreme condition. As a kid, it is hard to hang onto a calf that is not completely tame. I was lucky enough to have a dad who stood behind me and assisted me with everything it took to have a successful show career. My dad has taken so much time out of his day where he could be working on his own stuff to take me to cattle sales, help out with washing calves and feeding the calves. I am blessed to have someone like this in my life. I have always looked up to him, I remember as a kid digging through all of his champion rodeo belt buckles and hoping for my own someday. He always has been and always will be an inspiration to me on the farm and as a role model. Q: What is your favorite aspect of the breed? A: The Charolais breed has always been a breed that

impresses me. I believe that this breed is the most productive breed in the feedlot and in the pasture. I love the aspect that Charolais has held true to the fact that cattle must be 100% purebred to be registered. I think that this is something that allows our breed to have a distinct advantage over other breeds.


What are you looking forward to about the Christmas season?

A: I am looking forward to getting together with all of the family and seeing everyone again. This is the most exciting part of the year because of all the winter sales and shows. Also it is the beginning of the new calf crop for 2015! It is exciting to watch the calves grow and see how they can influence the Charolais industry. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

Area 1 Casey Bradshaw Twin Falls, ID (208) 320-8266

At Large Dillon Elder Blum, Texas (817) 229-3360

Area 2 Ty Dybdal Newcastle, NE (402) 841-0995

At Large Megan Johnson Beaver, OK (580) 552-1915

Area 3 Hadley Schotte Marysville, KS (785) 562-6632

At Large Josie Woodcock Clovis, CA (559) 765-1093

Area 4 Macie Wagstaff Henderson, TX (903) 646-5220

Area 5 Payton Creasey Macomb, IL (309) 333-3125

Area 6 Kate Shaffer Carthage, MO (417) 793-4315

Area 7 Rachael Hockenberry Woodbine, MD (301) 802-0050

Area 8 Nick Williams Bremen, AL (256) 339-3870

Committee Chairmen Fundraising Macie Wagstaff Programs & Activities Megan Johnson

Membership Kate Shaffer Junior National Haley Stalcup

Aijca Membership Membership in the nationwide AmericanInternational Junior Charolais Association (AIJCA) is open to anyone 21 years of age and under as of January 1 of the present year. The initial membership fee is $30 and $25 annual dues thereafter.


ROCKIES Sunday, January 18, 2015  2:30 p.m. (MST) Beef Palace Auction Arena National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colorado

Schedule of Events:

Saturday, Jan. 17 – Charolais Pen Shows, 9 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 18 – Junior Charolais Heifer Show, 8 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 18 – Charolais in the Rockies Sale, 2:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 19 – National ROE Charolais Show, 8 a.m.

Charolais Journal Representatives: Colt Keffer: (765) 376-8784 (cell) David Hobbs: (913) 515-1215 (cell) Wes Chism: (281) 761-5952 (cell)

Sale Manager:

Greg Hubert P.O. Box 100 Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-3195 (785) 672-7449 (cell)


Dennis Metzger (816) 519-8208 (cell)

Motel Headquarters:

Renaissance Denver Hotel 3801 Quebec St. (I-70 exit 278) 303-399-7500 • (888) 238-6762

Sale Sponsor:

American-International Charolais Association

Katie Colyer 208-599-2962 or

Herd Sire Prospects


Choice of the Ridder Farms Pen-Of-Bulls

n Yes, they

are bringing to Denver for the first time their best herd sire prospects for your evaluation! n We only pictured one, but he was a National Class winner at the recent National Charolais Show during the American Royal in Kansas City. n Three more half-brothers sired by the Show Bull of the Year X-Factor and one son of the $105,000 LT Ledger round out the pen. n Selling 2/3 interest and full possession.

Mead-RF X-Factor G594


RF Exceed 413

Sire: Mead-RF X-Factor G584


RF Exclusive 415

Dam: ABC Leader

Reg #: M849523 DOB: 1-22-14 BW: 94 lbs.

ADJ.WW/R: 762 lbs./103

Sire: Mead-RF X-Factor G584

Dam: Prime Cut x Clarice J139

RF Exceptional 423 Reg #: M849537 DOB: 1-29-14 BW: 98 lbs.


ADJ.WW/R: 804 lbs./109

Sire: LT Ledger 0332 P RF Excel 427

1d 1e

LT Ledger 0332P

Reg #: M849522 DOB: 1-19-14 BW: 93 lbs.

ADJ.WW/R: 817 lbs./110

Dam: Hoodoo Slasher x Wyo. Wind

Reg #: M846021 DOB: 2-5-14

BW: 94 lbs.

ADJ.WW/: 824 lbs./111

Sire: Mead-RF X-Factor G584

Dam: Fire Water x Grid Maker

RF Expectation 429 Reg #: M849835 DOB: 2-15-14

BW: 96 lbs.

ADJ.WW/: 766 lbs./103

Sire: Mead-RF X-Factor G584

Dam: Grid Maker x Duke 914

Presented by:

RF Excel 427

Ridder Farms, Derek Ridder, Hermann, Missouri 573-680-4692


Choice of Bar S Pen-Of-Bulls









CCF Knob Creek 0808 Pld

Talk about a program mating, this pen-of-bulls are all full brothers sired by CCF Knob Creek 0808 and out of 19 & Crazy, who is a full sister to greats like Bomshell, Rapid Fire, Firegirl, Pistol Annie, Ivory Angel and Turton-and 19 & Crazy is no slouch herself! n 19 & Crazy was the $17,500 top seller at the 2010 Northern Exposure Sale that went on to be crowned Reserve Supreme Champion Female at the 2012 Kansas State Fair. n CCF Knob Creek 0808 was named the Champion Bull at the 2008 Royal Breeder’s Classic in Kansas City, a division Champion at the National Charolais Show in Fort Worth in 2009 and was the Reserve Grand Champion at Louisville; all as a calf. n One of his sons ROR Ignition 1023, out of a Fire Water daughter, was the Reserve Grand Bull at the 2011 American Royal and then sold a one-half interest for $18,000 in the Charolais in the Rockies sale in Denver. n A daughter of Knob Creek, Bar S Ms Priority 0607, won six Grand Championships at State Fairs over two show seasons. Another daughter, Bar S Megan 2744 was crowned the 2013 Reserve Grand Female at the American Royal. And the 2011 & 2012 Champion Denver Pen-of-Three Heifers were sired by Knob Creek as well. n Bar S Ranch has gathered up 8 Championship Banners in the Denver Pen Shows in the last 5 years, more than any other breeder! So step up and help yourself to genetics that win in the most commercially oriented show in the world! n Bar S Ranch will retain a 1/3 semen interest in any bull sold out of this pen. Contact the Dickerson’s for a list of the bulls coming to Denver closer to sale date. n

Bar S Ms Priority 0607

Lot 2X- Four (4) frozen embryos-Full sibs to these bulls. (2 guaranteed pregnancies if embryo work performed by Cross Country Genetics.)

PZC TR 19 and Crazy 011

Presented by: Bar S Ranch, David Dickerson, Paradise, Kansas 785-483-1454

Herd Sire Prospects


MDL PROPHET 421 PLD 2/17/2014 M846379 POLLED

Herd Sire Prospect









BW: 89 lbs ADJ.WW: 853 lbs R: 111 EPDs: -1.3 -0.9 26 48


-2.8 23 0.7

n When

Charolais Journal fieldman Colt Keffer, saw this bull in August, he told Matt Lafever that he brought a unique set of qualities to the Charolais breed. n MDL Prophet has a beautiful head and front end, is clean jointed, soggy middle with the right type of rear quarter and a temperament second to none! He’s loose structured and soft spined and he moves easy and tracks straight. n Plus he graduated at the top of his weaning class with a 853 lbs. adjusted weaning weight and a ratio of 111. n His sire is really good footed, adds calving ease, with a lot of look and a great disposition. n Both his dam and grand dam have excellent teats, udder suspension, look and power. n The look you love, the disposition you want and the performance you need. MDL Farms, Matt Lafever, Joy, Illinois 309-537-3677

Lot 3

Presented by:

Sire of Lot 3

Maternal grand dam of Lot 3



Choice of Eaton Bred Herd Sires or Prospects

n Only

once a year, in Denver does the Eaton family make this tremendous offering to go into their herd sire prospect pen and make this selection. n After weaning over 1,800 Charolais sired purebred calves, you know there are great genetic giants lurking in these herd sire propects. n Many visitors to Eaton Charolais have come agree that ETN genetics are proven to make purebred and commercial cattleman profitable. n You will want to go to the Eaton website for a complete list of the herd sire prospects that are available. n Selling 2/3 interest and full possession in any fully owned Eaton Charolais proven herd sire, any two year old herd sire that has already been pre-selected for use by the Eaton’s, or any young weaned bull calf from the largest group of Charolais bull calves in the United States. n There are over 600 to 700 bulls to sort through, good luck finding that special herd sire!

Presented by: Eaton Charolais,The Eaton Family, Lindsay, MT

406-584-7520 Eaton Big Bud

Eaton Royal Dynasty

Bred Heifers


CJC MS PRACTICAL A735 4/6/2013

F1176440 POLLED

Bred Heifer









BW: 84 lbs ADJ.WW: 719 lbs R: 104 ADJ.YW: 999 lbs R: 115 EPDs: 2.0 2.9 33 58 9 1.0 25 0.8

This is indeed a rare OPPORTUNITY! This is one of only a few “hand selected” heifers ever selected out of the vast DeBruycker Charolais herd to be shown! n This was the Robert’s choice of the entire set of heifers, and that door is seldom opened at DeBruyckers. n The CJC prefix, Cathy & Joe Campbell (Cathy the DeBruycker daughter) is known throughout the Charolais kingdom. n She represents some of the most sought after Charolais genetics in the industry, from the largest seedstock producer in the country. n Ms Practical A735 only went out to show once and came away as the Grand Champion Female at the 2014 NILE. She is as outstanding on paper as she is on foot! n She sells bred A.I. on 5-2-14 to CJC Trademark H45 and pasture exposed to multiple DeBruycker herd bulls thereafter, if bred to pasture sires, DeBruyckers will cover the DNA costs. n The sellers reserve the rights to two successful flushes at the sellers cost and at the buyers convenience. DeBruycker Charolais, Choteau, Montana & Roberts Cattle Co., Jermy Roberts, Park City, Montana 406-850-4056 n

Lot 5

Presented by:

Lot 5 — Grand Champion at NILE



Selling Buyers Choice of 2 Eaton Bred Heifers

What an opportunity and an offering that always creates quite a stir in Denver when the Eaton’s open up their entire set of bred heifers for this selection. n We will sell the first choice and then the buyer will have the option to double the bid and take both bred heifers, or we will open the bidding again, if the first buyer only wants one heifer. n In 2012 when the Eaton family offered this bred heifer choice four heifers were chosen for $7,000, $7,000, $6,600 and $6,600. In 2013 two bred heifers brought $6,500 and $6,500. In 2014, the two lots sold for $11,000 and $10,500! n There are over 500 head of these bred heifers from which to select, you may need to set a day or two aside when you go to make the selection. Most of these heifers have been A.I.’d to these sires LT Ledger 0332 P, Eatons White Throttle 30094(a son of Ledger) and to Eatons Bullseye 4145. n These females have EPD’s that rank in the top percentages of the breed, they are just what you’d expect; easy fleshing, linebred uniformity, heavy milking and branded with that respected ETN reputation. n You can wait until these heifers calve out in the spring of 2015. You get to select the best milking heifers, the ones with bull or heifer calves, sired by the A.I. sires or pasture sires, from the cow family you wish, it’s all there! But they would like this selection to be completed by May 1 turn out time. n Opportunity is knocking, will you answer? n

Presented by: Eaton Charolais,The Eaton Family,

Lindsay, Montana 406-584-7520

Choice of Bred Heifers & Cows


CHOICE OF BRED HEIFERS Selling Buyers Choice of Cobb Charolais Ranch Bred Heifers

n For

50-plus years Cobb Charolais has constantly been refining and improving the economically important traits of Charolais cattle in this reputation herd. This is a “closed herd” all “one-brand”! n They only let us make this offering occasionally and we are glad to have this “choice of the herd” this year. In 2012, this choice lot sold for $7,100 to Riverdale Land & Livestock in Missouri in this sale, in 2013 during the Charolais in the Rockies Sale, it sold for $7,750 to Moore Land & Cattle in Illinois. Last year they decided not to offer any choice. n Cobb Charolais is the 4th largest registered Charolais herd in the United States with over 650 registered females. The Cobb breeding has provided solid foundation performance cattle with outstanding outcross genetics for some of North Americas best know Charolais breeders. n There are over 100 of these bred heifers born in 2013 from which to select. This will not be a lot in which we can offer a second or third choice! n The Cobb’s would like this selection to be completed by May 15, 2015, so you will get to select from pairs! Cobb Charolais Ranch, Inc., Mike Cobb, Augusta, Montana 406-562-3652

Pictured in November 2014 pasture.

Presented by:



Selling Buyers Choice of One Bred Cow and One Bred Heifer

n Once

a year, only in Denver do the Hebbert’s allow this selection from their entire herd! n Some of the breed’s most astute breeder’s have made this offering a “go to” offering, with some competitive bidding coming from across the country. n Buyers of this lot in the past few years have been Lindskov-Thiel Charolais, 8 Story Farms, Eaton Charolais, Silver Spur Ranches, Dan Peterson, Wright Charolais, Hassebrook Charolais Schurrtop Charolais and Sandmeier Charolais. n The last three years these two selections have sold for $4,750, $6,750, $7,500, $7,750, $8,000 and $8,000. I wouldn’t put a ceiling on it, but you can see the increasing pattern. Over 300 mature cows comprise this first choice of the bred cows. There are daughters of LT Unlimited Ease 9108, M6 Grid Maker, RC Montana, LT Easy Blend, LT Silver Distance and LT Long Distance. You get the idea don’t you? These cows will have calves sired by LT Blue Rock (a ¾ brother to LT Ledger 0332), M6 Grid Maker 104, LT Long Distance 9001, Box P Pendleton (LT Bluegrass son), SCR Bronco 9026 and HC Long Range 1395(LT Long Distance son out of Oakdale Duke 9003 daughter). 125 head of 1st-calf-heifers. Many daughters of LT Long Distance, LT Blue Rock, Pendleton and WC Rocket 0021(Rocketfuel son out of LT Bluegrass daughter). These heifers will have calves sired by Oakdale Duke 9003, LT Long Distance 9001, HC Long Range 1395 and HCR Equity 3123(HCR Network son out of a Schurrtop HCR Rancher daughter). n Wait until these females have calved out this spring and make your selections from pairs, this is an outstanding offering! The Hebbert’s would like these selections to be made by May 1, 2015. Hebbert Charolais, Dave & Micki Hebbert, Hyannis, Nebraska 308-458-2540

8a 8b

Presented by:



FARAWAY MARY 106X 3/9/2010

EF1144450 POLLED










EPDs: 4.2 0.7 31 56 9 0.8 25 0.9

This outstanding donor dam was quietly and quickly taking her place as one of the most powerful E.T. donor dams at Southern Cattle Company when Drew Foglesong purchased the entire herd this past summer. n As you will remember in the Southern Cattle Company ads, when it was to be a dispersal, Mr. John Downs was going to keep 20 head out of 40 head placed in the ring together with the buyer selecting one of the two head in the ring. That concept was kept intact when the whole herd was sold privately. When paired up with another donor dam, Drew selected this donor, yet during the pairing up of the open heifer calves, Mr. Downs selected 5 daughters of 106X to build his herd back with! Drew kept ten of her daughters. 13 of her sons are some of the most powerful in the bull pen. n Those E.T. progeny were sired by LT Ledger 0332, M6 Hybrid 0171 and M6 Next Step 164. n Her sire was a highly successful show bull in 2008 and ’09. His dam was the great donor for Macy Meadows. The dam of this donor was a donor for Spring Ridge and Double-H Charolais. n The dam of 106X is a full sister to SR Lady Ease 914, the great dam of popular Field Rep, M6 Cool Rep 8108 (the 2014 #1 Multiple Trait Leader) and M6 Fresh Air 8165 (the #15 Weaning Weight Trait Leader). n As Drew has many daughters of this donor to carry on her influence, he will offer full interest and full possession in Faraway Mary 106X. She has a heifer calf at side born October 16, 2014 sired by WC Benelli 2134 ET, the $50,000 DA Passport 502 son out of JWK Clarice J139. n Faraway Mary 106X sells open and ready to flush again. Note again, she has produced 25 registered E.T. progeny in only three flushes. Foglesong Charolais, Andrew Foglesong, Ipava, Illinois 309-221-1439 n

Lot 9

Faraway Chico 4T Pld ET

Presented by:

SR Lady Ease 914 Full sister to Lot 9’s dam


RLL RIVERDALE L206 PET 2/10/2010

EF1119584 POLLED










EPDs: -2.3 1.5 26 44 17 -1.2 30 0.6

This tremendously heavy milking, deep-bodied, young brood cow is only beginning to be recognized as potentially one of the breed’s dependable donor dams. n She brings an awesome set of EPD power numbers to the table. n Her first calf by JWK Elixir was born May 1, 2012 and she went into embryo production. n She has only been flushed twice and has produced outstanding E.T. progeny sired by LT Ledger 0332 and LT Rio Bravo 3181. n Her dam has produced numerous progeny for Riverdale Land & Livestock. n Her sire Smokester has been an AICA Sire Summary Trait Leader for Milk for many years. n This is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor with a young donor with worlds of potential. n L206 sells open and ready to flush to the sire of your choice. Foglesong Charolais, Andrew Foglesong, Ipava, Illinois 309-221-1439 n

Lot 10

Presented by:

JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET

Choice of Cow Herd & Pen-of-Heifers


Selling Buyers Choice of M&M Charolais Cow Herd

M&M Ms Smart Choice 7056 Pld ET, EF1068971 (B/T Smart Choice x Duchess 433)

n During

the National Sale in Kansas City this past October, the M & M Charolais consignment created so much interest and bidders, that I have talked manager Kevin Wiley into selling the second choice of their entire cow herd! n That first selection after very competitive bidding ended at $20,000 with Polzin Cattle and RJB Cattle both from Minnesota winning the war. They chose M&M Ms Stealth 9509 Pld ET, a 2009 female. n There are still over 300 head of great females from which to make this choice, including many of the donors that are pictured here. n There are over 100 spring calving females, 90 plus fall bred cows which will have weaning age calves that don’t go with the cow, there are more than 60 open and bred heifers from which to keep a kean eye on also. n As stated many times in the past, this herd is anchored by one of the greatest daughters of Duke 914 ever,VCR Miss Duchess 433. She has multitudes of daughters, grand daughters and great grand daughters from which to sort through. n The great Baldridge Sweetheart 7M and 444 was also propagated at M & M Charolais and many similar bloodlines abound. n Take some time and research this herd, try to go visit prior to the sale and look through this cattle, there is profit to be made and advancement of many programs with an elite female from this herd. M & M Charolais, Kevin Wiley, Perry, Oklahoma 580-370-1483

M&M Ms Slasher 8506 Pld ET, EF1102689 (Hoodoo Slasher x Baldridge Sweetheart 7M)

Presented by:

M&M Ms Stealth 8512 ET, EF1103006 (DR Stealth x Baldridge Sweetheart 444, dam of 7M)


Selling Buyers Choice of Summit Farms PenOf-Heifers

This will be our only young show heifer and brood cow prospects selling in the Charolais in the Rockies, but what a set of heifers to pick from. n The Summit crew always brings out good ones to Denver and this set of heifers will be no exception. Here is the list that will come to Denver. Summit Ms Big Cat B03 (F1184228) BD: 1-21-14; She is sired by Summit HDF Supreme X01 the top selling bull in the Fort Worth National Sale at $20,000 for a syndicated interest. She is maternal sister to the 2012 Summit Farms Denver Grand Champion Pen-Of-Bulls sired by Fire Water, so a ¾ sister to those bulls. Summit Ms Vanna B18 (F1190503) BD: 2-16-14; This heifer is sired by BHD Zen X270, the popular Debruycker bred BHD Reality son. The dam of this heifer is Summit Ms Vanna 8118, a daughter of Wyoming Wind out of a Cigar daughter out of JWK Vanessa D029-one of the breed’s greats. Her first heifer, born on 1-27-13, sold at $12,500 in the 2013 Northern Exposure Sale to Kaitlyn Davlin in Texas. Summit Ms Hoodoo B19 (EF1190298) BD: 2-17-14; This E.T. heifer sired by B3R Right Choice W003 is a full sister to the two $12,000 heifers that Lauren Holly Thomas purchased from Summit Farms. One of them Summit Ms Hoodoo 56B was selected the National Reserve Spring Heifer Calf Champion at the recent Kansas City National event. Another maternal sister Summit Britannia A32 sold in the 2013 Northern Exposure Sale for $8,750 to Stager Cattle Co. in Ohio. Their dam is Summit Farms HDF Ms Hoodoo X02, a Fire Water daughter out of the famous Hoodoo Ms George Z0116! Summit Ms Echo B22 (F1190502) BD: 2-19-14; Another Zen daughter and this one out of Summit Echo 8016, a daughter of Thomas Oahe Wind 0772, the sire of Fire Water. This heifer is a maternal sister to Summit Venali A20, a 1-28-13 daughter of M6 New Standard and currently being shown by Madison Shuey. n Look for these heifers down in “the yards” and during the Pen Show on Saturday morning and then be on the seats to bid on your favorite Sunday afternoon during the Charolais in the Rockies. Summit Farms, Roy Miller & Cheramie Viator, Alden, Iowa 979777-9419 n

12a Summits Denver Grand Pen

National Reserve Spring Calf Champion for Summit

12b 12c


Presented by:

National Res. Sr. Calf Champion for Summit



WC ROLLS ROYCE 3177 P ET 2/4/2013

EF1170895 POLLED

Selling a Guaranteed Successful Flush









EPDs: 5.0 -0.2 26 52 9 4.5 22 0.9

This young heifer has captured many a heart when she has been paraded in front of breeders from all breeds. n She is fresh off her victory at the 2014 American Royal Junior Heifer show, judged by Curt Rincker, Shelbyville, Illinois. What made that victory even better was that during that Jr. Show Miss Rolls Royce defeated both the two heifers that later that day were named the National and Reserve National Champions! n WC Rolls Royce 3177 was also the Division 4 Champion at the 2014 Junior Nationals in Kansas this past summer. Her show winning days are also not behind her, there is more purple to come! n Her sire was the very popular TR PZC Rapid Fire 9775 ET Reserve National Champion Bull in Kansas City in 2010. That was the same day that his two full sisters Firegirl and Bomshell were also the National and Reserve National Champions. The following fall in Louisville, two more full sibs Ivory Angel and Turton were the National Champions! n Her dam Miss Alliance 428 has and always will be one of the great donors in the Wright Charolais embryo program. Three of her sons are working in purebred herds for an average yearling auction price of $12,340. Three weaning age heifer calves have sold for an average price of $13, 267! n WC Rolls Royce 3177 is due to calve this late spring and will be ready to flush at that time. Lindsey Behrends & Shady Oak Farms, Clark & Amy Behrends, Fredericksburg, Texas 830-456-3693 n

Lot 13

Presented by: WCCC Miss Alliance 428


WC PRAISE 0058 P 2/17/2010 F1118993 POLLED

Selling a Guaranteed Successful Flush









BW: 83 lbs ADJ.WW: 746 lbs R: 121 EPDs: 3.1 1.7 36 67 18 7.3 36 0.7

This super female has been on Derry and Chris’s radar scope since she was born, and has made her way into the donor program at Wright Charolais. n Her first calf born well before her second birthday on January 27, 2012 was WC Doubletree 2009. He sold in the 2013 WC Bull Sale for $23,000 for 2/3 interest selling to Pro Charolais & Johnson Charolais, both from Alberta, Canada. Both owners report 2014 calf crops that will be showing at Agribition in November in Canada along with Doubletree in the show string! n WC Praise’s next calf was born on February 2, 2013, WC Desert Storm 3027 P and was a feature in the 2014 WC Bull Sale going to Hale Farms for $9,000. Both bulls went to Denver for the Pen Shows and Championship banners. n Here is another interesting fact and one that should be paid attention to; WC Doubletree had a 73 lbs. BW, an 833 lbs. WW, Ratio: 117, a 17.06 REA, Ratio: 113, a 3.84 IMF, Ratio: 106. WC Desert Storm had a 79 lbs. BW, a 904 lbs. WW, Ratio: 129, a 16.48 REA, Ratio: 108, a 3.87 IMF, Ratio: 116! Both sired by two totally different pedigrees. There is carcass, performance, calving ease heritage built into this donor! n Also note her maternal grand dam #7188 is the dam of National Champion Templeton. n WC Praise 0058 is ready to flush immediately at Yackley’s Embryo Center in South Dakota. Wright Charolais, Derry Wright, Richmond, Missouri 816-4563792 n

Lot 14

WC Desert Storm 3027

WC Doubletree

Presented by:



RRC-RA DAISY C311 1/21/2013 F1167437 POLLED

Selling a Guaranteed Successful Flush









EPDs: 6.5 -0.4 16 25 0 7.9 8 0.2

It’s been a long time since I had heifer like this create this much excitement from the time she first showed up at the National Show in Denver last January. n The questions from the guru’s of the business were all over the place and several tried to buy her and good for Russell Clark he held on as long as he could! n At Denver she went out a won her National Class of ten head and was named National Reserve Junior Calf Champion. She won more shows throughout the spring and summer and came back to Kansas City in October and scare the blank out of them again winning her National Class with some powerful heifers there and then was tabbed the National Senior Champion Female. In the National Championship drive, many onlookers thought she was going to take the crown. n It didn’t happen, but what a female she is! There is a bright future ahead for this power female. She won’t be in Denver as she is close to calving at that time. n This flush sells with a guarantee for 8 transferable embryos with no cap on any above that. All flush work must be done where she will be housed at either Dr. Hortsman or at Donor Solutions. Simmons Cattle Co., Trae Simmons, Tipton, Indiana; R&R Charolais, Russell Clark, Fowler, Indiana and Stan Clamme, Hartford, Indiana 765-438-2312 (Trae) n

Lot 15

Presented by: Lot 15A Presented by:

-Three frozen embryos that are full sibs to RRC-RA Daisy C311 D & D Outlaw x RRC Ms Storm R&R Charolais, Russell Clark, Fowler, Indiana Lot 15


LC MS CIGAR 8004 P ET 2/22/2008

EF1084911 POLLED

Selling a Guaranteed Successful Flush









BW: 74 lbs EPDs: 1.5 1.8 27 42 -1 7.2 12 0.6

“Cigarette” is a Cigar daughter out of a full sister to LC Suspect 0109. She was our pick of the heifer calf crop at Lehman Charolais in Texas, fall of 2008, but was never shown until this past summer at the AIJCA Jr. Nationals, where she was named the Reserve Cow/calf Pair as the only aged female in a lethal set of twoyear-olds. n Cigarette went on to be named the Champion Cow/calf Pair at the Missouri and Iowa State Fairs that summer, both Class A ROE shows. She was also the Champion Pair and Reserve Grand overall Female at the Kansas State Fair ROE show. n She is jet-necked, monster ribbed, good uddered, super sound structured with a huge foot. n She produced Bar S Stay Thirsty 1688, a member of the 2012 NWSS Champion Pen-Of-Five Charolais Bulls who then went on to be named the Reserve Grand Bull at the Missouri State Fair and at the NAILE in Louisville. He currently resides at Goering Farms in Kansas as a herd sire in their club calf program. Bar S Ranch (Grady Dickerson), Paradise, Kansas 785-483-1454 (David) and Lehman Cattle Co., Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, Jerry Lehman 573999-4759 n n

Lot 16

Co-owned by: Lot 16 at the 2014 Jr. Nationals with calf at side

Bar S Stay Thirsty 1688



HF MS SOUTHERN BELLE 302 2/25/2013

EF1169732 POLLED

Selling a Guaranteed Successful Flush









BW: 83 lbs EPDs: 0.6 0.8 27 49 7 0.1 21 0.7

This heifer has turned heads since selling in the Thomas Ranch pasture sale in the fall of 2013 to young junior member Kristen Roe. n This past summer she start on a roll at the AIJCA Jr. Nationals in Kansas when she was selected a Jr. National Class Winner. n She went on to be the Reserve Grand Charolais Female at the always tough South Dakota Spotlight Show. n Four full sisters to this heifer have averaged $19,500 at public auction! n At the National Charolais, many had her in mind when it came to division championship where she ended up as the National Reserve Senior Champion Female. Several top breeders thought she should have won the entire show! n HF Ms Southern Belle 302 is coming to Denver and will be hard to get around the day after this sale. Maybe you should plan on staying to see her standing in the backdrop of the NWSS! n Southern Belle 302 is due to calve in late February or early March and will be ready to flush shortly after. Start thinking about which sire you will use for this successful flush. Kristen J. Roe, Florence, South Dakota 605-758-2150 n

Lot 17

SCC Ms Bud 418-1128 Polled

Presented by:




Selling a Guaranteed Successful Flush from Choice of the Satterfield Charolais Herd

That’s right, you can select any wholely owned Satterfield Charolais donor and flush her to the sire of your choice, or select two donors and Mark & Nancy will split those two flushes with you. n If you haven’t seen the Satterfield Charolais “Donor Showcase” brochure, you need to pull it up on the Charolais website or on the Satterfields website and let your mouth water. n Thirteen proven donor dams are featured in that promotion piece and you will be impressed with not only the quality of the pictures and the diverse pedigree power, but the EPD’s and future promotion of all these females. n This is a guaranteed successful flush opportunity, consisting of at least 7 transferable embryos, but no ceiling placed on more than seven. If she produces 25 embryos, they all belong to you. n The last time this flush choice opportunity presented itself at public auction, it sold for $10,250 selling to Steve Smith Country Charolais. Several other top breeders were bidding when it sold. n Mark & Nancy Satterfield are two of the finest people you have ever had the opportunity to meet, give them a call, visit with Mark about these donors, visit the ranch and enjoy their hospitality, you will be please with yourself that you did. Satterfield Charolais, Mark & Nancy Satterfield, Norfork, Arkansas 501-944-9274 n

SCC Miss Barbra 1254 P ET LT Bridger x Alliance

Presented by:

SF Miss Sweetheart 0939 P LT Pro-Line x Duke 914

SC Miss Barbra 1144 P ET LT Bridger x Swan Barbra

Southern Elvira 696S ET Duke 914 x Baldridge x Elvira

Frozen Embryos


Three Frozen Embryos (IVF) — One Guaranteed Pregnancy


Three Frozen Embryos —

One Guaranteed Pregnancy if put in by a Certified Embryologist.

The Proceeds of these embryos is being donated to the benefit of the Floyd Wampler family!

MCF Bohannon 305A

DCF Relentless 8577 P

SCC TIME BANDIT 290W MCF Bohannon 305A EM835382 SS MISS RAIN 305 PLD VCR SIR DUKE 914 PLD OW Ashlee 0063 P ET

EJS PERFECT WIND 3010 ET DCF Relentless 8577 P M756210 SR EASE GERMAINE 577ET TR MR FIRE WATER 5792RET Double-H Miss Firecracker 021X

Three (3) Frozen Embryos F917316

Three (3) Frozen Embryos F1118326




These embryos are sired by our newly crowned National Champion Bull MCF Bohannon! The dam of these embryos is OW Ashlee 0063 the dam of the Show Bull of the Year Mead-RF X-Factor G584 P and Ashlee was the Show Dam of the Year. Check out those genetics in the Lot 1 Choice of Bulls. Ridder Farms, Derek Ridder, Hermann, Missouri 573-680-4692

Presented by:



Three embryos sired by Relentless, a Perfect Wind son who was out of a beautifully bred Budsmydad x Duke 914 x Germaine cow family member. Relentless sired the high-selling lot in last May’s Sale of Excellence for $16,000. The donor dam is tremendous milking Fire Water daughter with a +22 Milk EPD! All the money from this offering is being donated by Reed Brasher to the benefit of the Floyd Wampler family. Reed Brasher, Huntington, Utah 435-609-9356

Presented by:

Six Frozen Embryos (IVF) — Two Guaranteed Pregnancies 



Six (6) Frozen Embryos




These six IVF embryos are sired by the National Reserve Grand Champion Turton and out of “Kate” the 2011 National Show Reserve Senior Calf Champion Female. She is also a maternal sister to Dream Girl, the current Kansas City National Reserve Senior Calf Champion for Wolfridge & Kelly Long. M.A.C. Cattle Co. & Premier Cattle Co., Mac Smith, Horse Cave, Kentucky 859-707-7150

Hayden ET23

Presented by:


Six Frozen Embryos — Two Guaranteed Pregnancies 

Ms Dream Girl


Six (6) Frozen Embryos




These six embryos sired by Rapid Fire, the full brother to these other National Champions; Firegirl, Ivory Angel, Turton and Bomshell. The dam of these embryos is “Char” the well-known Mac Smith club calf donor, that sold for $13,500 in 2007! M.A.C. Cattle Co. & Premier Cattle Co., Mac Smith, Horse Cave, Kentucky 859-707-7150

Presented by:

OCR Miss Peugeot R04

Sexed Pregnancy & Embryos


A Sexed Heifer Pregnancy, due in 2016.


Sired: KC Design 4246 P (M679384) Choice of dams, either:Thomas Ms Impressive 0641 or PZC Brooklyn 939P ET n The buyer has the opportunity to select a heifer calf pregnancy out of Thomas Ms Impressive 0641, the living legend herself, or PZC Brooklyn who is proving to be one of her leading daughters. Chris Polzin really appreciates the phenotype and maternal ability of the KC Design daughters, a deceased sire that was a long time milk trait leader. Keep in mind that a Fire Water heifer out of a KC Design daughter was the $115,000 breed high seller last year! The Brooklyn mating will be the same genetics in reverse order. Simply let us know which donor you prefer and what calving date you would like. A unique genetic opportunity here. 25% down will be required sale day, with the balance due before shipping recipient.

Thomas Ms Impressive 0641

Two sets of Three (3) Frozen Embryos.


Sire: Monopoly Dam: PZC Brooklyn 939P ET (EF1116169) n Monopoly x Fire Water x Thomas Ms Impressive 0641 has produced some of the most popular cattle in the industry. The 2014 Ohio State Fair Grand Champion steer, the 2014 Nebraska State Fair Supreme Champion Female and a $51,000 sale feature at the 2014 Maternal Legends Sale are just a few. Selling 2 sets of 3 embryos with a guarantee of one pregnancy each or purchase both sets and they will guarantee 3 pregnancies! Just remember to send the Polzin’s the pictures in the winners circle!

PZC Brooklyn 939P ET

Four (4) Sexed heifer calf embryos, two guaranteed pregnancies.


2014 Ohio State Fair Grand Champion Steer

Sire:Turton Choice of dams: SCC Ms Bud 418-1128 ET (F945574) or ACE Ms Bud 2419 ET (F969404) or Thomas Ms Prime Time 3610N (F979109) n Turton has become the Charolais breed’s most exciting young sire. This lot will be the buyers choice of 4 sexed heifer calf IVF embryos out of three of our most productive donors. The buyer can choose any combination of these donors and Polzin Cattle will guarantee 2 pregnancies. n Canadian breeders, these IVF embryos can now be made exportable!

Presented by: Polzin Cattle, Chris Polzin, Darwin, Minnesota 612-916-0105

24 Monopoly

Dam of Lot 24a

Two Frozen Embryos


Sire: Hoodoo Sand 8094 (M496816) Dam: Hoodoo Georgie Z1054 (F932681) n The pictured dam of these straight-bred Hoodoo embryos topped the 2013 Charolais in the Rockies Sale at $13,500 selling to Standridge Cattle Co., Lindsay, Oklahoma.

Dam of Lot 24b

Two Frozen Embryos


Two Frozen Embryos


Dam of Lot 24c

Sire: Monopoly Dam: MCC Miss Hoodoo 802 ET (EF1134760) Dam’s sire: Hoodoo Sandcreek 0078

Two Frozen Embryos


Dam of Lot 24d

Sire: Monopoly Dam: MCC Miss Hoodoo 801ET (EF1134757) Dam’s sire: Hoodoo Sandcreek 0078

Sire: Monopoly Dam: MCC Miss Hoodoo 102 ET (EF1134769) Dam’s sire: Hoodoo Slasher 1144

Presented by: Metzger Cattle Company, Dennis Metzger, Anderson, California 816-519-8208


ational N h

r a ch

s i a l o Show

Perfect weather and quality Charolais cattle welcomed Charolais breeders from across the United States, Canada and Mexico to the 115th American Royal Livestock Show for the 46th National Show and 36th National Sale. The Charolais weekend kicked off with The National Shindig in the American Royal Governors Room on October 30. Presentations and the ticket draw-down built excitement for the upcoming show and sale. The following day, an active crowd saw a record setting average for the 36th National Sale. The day concluded with a highly competitive Royal Breeders Bull Classic. Saturday morning, November 1, began with the Junior Charolais Heifer Show with exhibitors from 11 states leading out 53 heifers. The largest National show in recent years – 156 head shown representing 122 owners from 22 states – was viewed by one of the largest crowds in memory. Excitement, strong activity and quality during a great Kansas City National.


D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   37





s i a l aro



Grand Champion Female

Reserve Grand Champion Female

3R’s Angelina 343A ET Junior Champion First Early Spring Yearling Females – Class 18 Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla.

Grand Champion Bull

TR Ms Allie 3606A Intermediate Champion First Summer Yearling Females – Class 16 Audrey Field, Celina, Texas.

MCF Bohannon 305A Intermediate Champion First Summer Yearling Bulls – Class 27 Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.; C & H Farms, Eugene, Mo.; Dismukes Ranch, Checotah, Okla.; Mid-Continent Farms, Washington, Kan. 38  

D E C E M B E R 2014

Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Summit Bojangles B09 Junior Calf Champion First Junior Bull Calves – Class 23B Summit Farms, Alden, Iowa; M6 Ranch, Alvarado, Texas; Cavender Ranches, Jacksonville, Texas



Division Champions

TR Ms Berkly 4711B ET Spring Calf Champion Female First Spring Heifer Calves – Class 11B Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.

Summit Ms Hoodoo 56B Reserve Spring Calf Champion Female Second Spring Heifer Calves – Class 11B Lauren Holly Thomas, Gatesville, Texas.

WDZ CC Katelyn 4013 P ET Junior Calf Champion Female First Junior Heifer Calves – Class 12A Sydney Zehnder, Stanchfield, Minn.

RF Southern Spice 402 Reserve Junior Calf Champion Female First Junior Heifer Calves – Class 12B Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo.

KBC SHF Ms Hoo 1356 Senior Calf Champion Female First Senior Heifer Calves – Class 14 Kate Shaffer, Carthage, Mo.

PCC Ms Dream Girl 906A Reserve Senior Calf Champion Female Second Senior Heifer Calves – Class 14 Wolfridge/Kelly Long Show Cattle, Hillsboro, Ohio.

PC Ms Glory P1316 Reserve Intermediate Champion Female Second Summer Yearling Females – Class 16 Amanda Tinkle, Tomball, Texas

RRC-RA Daisy C311 Senior Champion Female First Junior Yearling Females – Class 19 Jessica Janssen, Fowler, Ind.

HF Ms Southern Belle 302 Reserve Senior Champion Female Second Junior Yearling Females – Class 19 Kristen Roe, Florence, S.D.

Wal-Mar Caught On Fire 205 P Miss Tandy Wrangler Cow-Calf Champion Female First Cow-Calf – Class 21 Taylor Goering, McPherson, Kan.

Wal-Mar Hoo’s She 104 Pld Wal-Mar Cowgirl Up 410 Pld Reserve Cow-Calf Champion Female Second Cow-Calf – Class 21 Augusta Marston, Canton, Kan. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   39


Division Champions

White Rose Country Pride 413 Spring Calf Champion Bull First Spring Bull Calves – Class 22A White Rose Charolais, Clearwater, Minn.

JAB Ricky Skaggs 406 Polled Reserve Spring Calf Champion Bull First Spring Bull Calves – Class 22B J & A Charolais, Sparta, Wisc.

AWR Ace of Diamonds 422B Reserve Junior Calf Champion Bull Second Junior Bull Calves – Class 23B Aces Wild Ranch, LLC., Weatherford, Texas

SHF BJCF Benefit 1350 Senior Calf Champion Bull First Senior Bull Calves – Class 25 Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas; Kate Shaffer.

MJ Samacus 310 Reserve Senior Calf Champion Bull Second Senior Bull Calves – Class 25 Megan Johnson, Beaver, Okla.

GJL Ruidoso 3082 Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull Second Summer Yearling Bulls – Class 27 JVS Cattle Co., Sulphur, La.

TR PZC Power Cat 3785A ET Junior Champion Bull First Spring Yearling Bulls – Class 28 Thomas Ranch; Coudron Charolais, Monticello, Minn.; Troy Balhoun & Adam Odden, Highmore, S.D.; Hansen Farms, Turton, S.D.; Mid Continent Farms; Polzin Cattle, Darwin, Minn.; Schrader Ranch, Wells, Kan.

Summit Andes A50 Reserve Junior Champion Bull Second Spring Yearling Bulls – Class 28 Summit Farms; Bianchi Ranches, Gilroy, Calif.; Shepherd Hill Land & Cattle, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; Silver Spur Ranch, Encampment, Wyo.; Kaitlyn Davliln, El Campo, Texas

TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET Senior Champion Bull First Summer Senior Yearling Bulls – Class 31 Thomas Ranch; Mark Rickabaugh, Greeley, Kan.; Foglesong Charolais, Ipava, Ill.; Wild Indian Acres, House Springs, Mo.; Hansen Farms, Turton, S.D.

AML Ghost Rider 210 Reserve Senior Champion Bull First Senior Yearling Bulls – Class 30 AM Livestock Springfield, Mo.; Oliver Livestock, Union City, Tenn. 40   D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4

Associate Judge: Charlie Boyd II, Mayslick, Ky. Judge: Chan Phillips, Maysville, Ky.



female classes

Spring Heifer Calves – Class 11A

906A, 9-6-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Wolfridge/Kelly Long Show Cattle, Hillsboro, Ohio. 3. SHF Perfect Marley 1352,

Calved April 2 to May 29, 2014 – 8 shown

1. TR Ms Baracuda 4730 ET, 4-5-14, by WR Wrangler W601. Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. 2. UG Stacee 4003, 5-3-14, by LT Renew 0005 P. Utopia Genetics, Grovesping, Mo. 3. KASS/CJB Lady Jett 422, 4-17-14, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Bauman

9-7-13, by EJS Perfect Wind 3010 ET. Will Shaffer.

Late Summer Yearling Females – Class 15 Calved July 12 to August 5, 2013 – 3 shown

Calved March 17 to March 26, 2014 – 11 shown

1. NH Edith 3931 GM, 8-4-13, by M6 Grid Maker 104 PET. Tara Fountain, Thompson, Mo. 2. Fink Perfection 3822 7742 SIL, 8-5-13, by MF Silverado 9880 BG. Hadley Schotte, Marysville, Kan. 3. TCF Minnie 330, 7-12-13, by TCF Domino 808. Kayleigh

1. TR Ms Berkly 4711B ET, 3-17-14, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Thomas Ranch. 2. Summit Ms Hoodoo 56B, 3-21-14, by

Summer Yearlings – Class 16

Cattle Co. Falcon, Mo.

Spring Heifer Calves – Class 11B

B3R Right Choice W003. Lauren Holly Thomas, Gatesville, Texas. 3. AMD Rapid Infinity 13B, 3-26-14, by TR PZC Rapid Fire 9775 ET. Alan McDaniel, Indianola, Iowa.

Crane, Fishers, Ind.

Calved May 2 to June 19, 2013 – 5 shown

Calved March 1 to March 16, 2014 – 8 shown

1. TR Ms Allie 3606A, 5-2-13, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Audrey Field, Celina, Texas. 2. PC Ms Glory P1316, 5-18-13, by PC Mr Stonecold P862. Amanda Tinkle, Tomball, Texas. 3. EB Beach Babe 1264, 6-2-13, by HC Blend 7242. Erica Bianchi,

1. SHF Ms Perfect Fire 1406, 3-14-14, by SHF Fire Power 0080. Will Shaffer, Carthage, Mo. 2. WC Ariana 4165 P ET, 3-7-14, by

Late Spring Yearling Females – Class 17

Spring Heifer Calves – Class 11C

Gilroy, Calif.

LT-WC Templeton 1483 Pld ET. Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo. 3. KASS/CJB Lady Secret 433, 3-15-14, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Bauman Cattle Co.

Calved April 4 to April 21, 2014 – 5 shown

Junior Heifer Calves – Class 12A

4-4-13, by SVY Freedom Pld 307N. Atley Kleinman, Wentworth, Mo. 3. M&M Ms Lacey 3046 Pld ET, 4-4-13, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Dylan Bonacker, Cedar Hill, Mo.

Calved February 3 to February 27, 2014 – 12 shown

1. WDZ CC Katelyn 4013 P ET, 2-23-14, by CML Diablo 2X. Sydney Zehnder, Stanchfield, Minn. 2. SC Sophie 141, 2-15-14, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Emory Geye, Rising Star, Texas. 3. WC Desire 4272 P, 2-15-14 by LT-WC Templeton 1483 Pld ET. Wright Charolais.

Junior Heifer Calves – Class 12B Calved January 1 to January 24, 2014 – 12 shown

1. RF Southern Spice 402, 1-6-14, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo. 2. AWR Girl On Fire 407B, 1-8-14, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Berkley Bird, Lubbock, Texas. 3. JAB Elsa 401 Pld, 1-1-14, by Sparrows Sanchez 715T. Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wisc. Winter Heifer Calves – Class 13 Calved November 3 to December 21, 2013 – 4 shown

1. LaFraise Demi 393, 11-26-13, by CML Diablo 2X. Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill. 2. KBC Annie Oakley 6017 ET, 11-3-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Gatlin Goodson, Shattack, Okla. 3. LJR Ms Fireball 972A, 12-21-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET.

Alex Creasey, Macomb, Ill.

Senior Heifer Calves – Class 14

1. TR Ms Kay 30A ET, 4-10-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Andrew Hodges, Lebo, Kan. 2. Corks ARK Nancy 61021355,

Early Spring Yearling Females – Class 18 Calved March 2 to March 30, 2013 – 9 shown

1. 3R’s Angelina 343A ET, 3-28-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla. 2. Derrer Farms Ms Pearl, 3-27-13, by Gerrard Montezuma 6T. Rylee Derrer, Milan, Ill. 3. M&M Ms Royce 3031 Pld ET, 3-30-13, by Cooley Royce 1107T39. Lyndon Youngblood, Ashdown, Ark. Junior Yearling Females – Class 19 Calved January 7 to February 25, 2013 – 10 shown

1. RRC-RA Daisy C311, 1-21-13, by D&D Outlaw. Jessica Janssen, Fowler, Ind. 2. HF Ms Southern Belle 302, 2-25-13, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Kristen Roe, Florence, S.D. 3. JAB Miss Elegance 304 Pld, 2-2-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET.

Shade Bunker.

Senior Yearling Females – Class 20 Calved December 15 to December 28, 2012 – 2 shown

1. JASR Ms Kinsley 96Z, 12-28-12, by Hoodoo Slasher 1144. Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo. 2. Crutcher Honey Boo Boo 134Z, 12-15-12, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Lucas Crutcher, Fair Grove, Mo.

Calved September 2 to October 12, 2013 – 12 shown

1. KBC SHF Ms Hoo 1356, 10-12-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Kate Shaffer, Carthage, Mo. 2. PCC Ms Dream Girl CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

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female classes Additional Female Class Winners

Cow-Calf – Class 21 Calved January 28, 2011 to March 16, 2012 – 2 shown

1. Wal-Mar Caught On Fire 205 P, 3-16-12, by TR Mr Fire

Water 5792RET. Heifer calf, Miss Tandy Wrangler, 4-12-14, by WR Wrangler W601. Taylor Goering, McPherson, Kan. 2. Wal-Mar Hoo’s She 104 Pld, 1-28-11, by M6 Grid Maker 104 PET. Heifer calf, Wal-Mar Cowgirl Up 410 Pld, 7-3-14, by TR Mr Wrangle Up 2502Z. Augusta Marston, Canton, Kan. TR Ms Baracuda 4730 ET First Spring Heifer Calves – Class 11A Thomas Ranch

SHF Ms Perfect Fire 1406 First Spring Heifer Calves – Class 11C Will Shaffer, Carthage, Mo.

LaFraise Demi 393 First Winter Heifer Calves – Class 13 Trent Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill.

NH Edith 3931 GM First Late Summer Yearling Females – Class 15 Tara Fountain, Thompson, Mo.

JASR Ms Kinsley 96Z First Senior Yearling Females – Class 20 Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo.

Additional Bull Classes

RF Excel 427 First Junior Bull Calves – Class 23A Ridder Farms.

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JASR Merger 82A Pld First Winter Bull Calves – Class 24 Teanna Simpson; Dismukes Ranch, Checotah, Okla.; J & S Ranch, Koshkonong, Mo.

WC Land Shark 3118 P First Junior Yearling Bulls – Class 29 Wild Indian Acres, John Gibson Family, St. James, Mo.; Hale Farms, Louisburg, Mo.; Wright Charolais.

46TH Spring Bull Calves – Class 22A Calved March 14 to May 3, 2014 – 4 shown

1. White Rose Country Pride 413, 5-3-14, by Merit Roundup 9508W. White Rose Charolais, Clearwater, Minn. 2. SCF Cliffhanger, 3-21-14, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Sparks Charolais Farms, LaMonte, Mo. 3. TCCS Rebel Without A Cause, 3-14-14, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. TC Cattle Services, Vandalia, Ill.

Spring Bull Calves – Class 22B Calved March 8 to March 12, 2014 – 4 shown

1. JAB Ricky Skaggs 406 Polled, 3-11-14, by LT Bluegrass 4017 P. J & A Charolais, Sparta, Wisc. 2. KASS/CJB Mr Power Up 470, 3-12-14, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Bauman Cattle Co. 3. WC Wicked Strong 4166 P ET, 3-8-14, by LT-WC Templeton 1483 Pld ET. Wright Charolais.

Junior Bull Calves – Class 23A Calved February 5 to February 27, 2014 – 5 shown

1. RF Excel 427, 2-5-14, by Mead-RF X-Factor G584 P. Ridder Farms. 2. WIA-WDZ Gambler 406 P ET, 2-16-14, by TR Mr

Fire Water 5792RET. Wild Indian Acres, House Springs, Mo.; Sydney Zehnder. 3. HF Game On 1403 P, 2-24-14, by Hankins Farms, Willard, Mo.; Rockin M Farms, Worthington, Ind.

Junior Bull Calves –Class 23B Calved January 3 to January 28, 2014 – 6 shown

1. Summit Bojangles B09, 1-28-14, by WR Wrangler W601.

Summit Farms, Alden, Iowa; M6 Ranch, Alvarado, Texas; Cavender Ranches, Jacksonville, Texas. 2. AWR Ace Of Diamonds 422B, 1-22-14, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Aces Wild Ranch, LLC, Weatherford, Texas. 3. ART Denim 1366 ET, 1-9-14, by WR Wrangler W601. Amanda Tinkle.

Winter Bull Calves – Class 24

bull classes Ridder Farms; C & H Farms, Eugene, Mo.; Dismukes Ranch; Mid Continent Farms, Washington, Kan. 2. GJL Ruidoso 3082, 5-513, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. JVS Cattle Co., Sulphur, La. 3. 5J Ten High 1305 TW, 5-9-13, by CCR Willie 54. 5J Charolais, Syracuse, Mo.; Harvey Gracas, Lyford, Texas.

Spring Yearling Bulls – Class 28 Calved March 18 to April 26, 2013 – 5 shown

1. TR PZC Power Cat 3785A ET, 4-6-13, by CML Diablo 2X. Thomas Ranch; Coudron Charolais, Monticello, Minn.; Troy Balhoun, Highmore, S.D.; Adam Odden, Colome, S.D.; Hansen Farms, Turton, S.D.; Mid Continent Farms; Polzin Cattle, Darwin, Minn.; Schrader Ranch, Wells, Kan. 2. Summit Andes A50, 4-26-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Summit Farms; Bianchi Ranches, Gilroy, Calif.; Shepherd Hill Land & Cattle, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa; Silver Spur Ranch, Encampment, Wyo.; Kaitlyn Davlin, El Campo, Texas. 3. NS SCF RLL All American 1310 ET, 3-2213, by Keys All State 149X. Riverdale Land & Livestock, Sunset Hills, Mo.; Nathan Suttles, Hanna City, Ill. Junior Yearling Bulls – Class 29 Calved January 3 to February 19, 2013 – 5 shown

1. WC Land Shark 3118 P, 1-13-13, by WC CCC Bud Heavy 903 Pld ET. Wild Indian Acres, John Gibson Family, St. James, Mo.; Hale Farms, Louisburg, Mo.; Wright Charolais. 2. SAC Light’em Up 131 Pld, 2-19-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Rachael Hockenbery, Woodbine, Md.; Matthew Bauerlein, Hampstead, Md.; Evan Yost, Morgantown, W.V.; Lisa Dunaway, Dover, Del. 3. WC CCC Jameson 3449 P ET, 2-16-13, by LT-WC Templeton 1483 Pld ET. Bar J Charolais; JVS Cattle Co.; Wright Charolais. Senior Yearling Bulls – Class 30 Calved September 27, 2012 – 1 shown

1. AML Ghost Rider 210, 9-27-12, by Hoodoo Slasher 1144. AM Livestock Springfield, Mo.; Oliver Livestock, Union City, Tenn.

Summer Senior Yearling Bulls – Class 31

Calved November 3 to November 19, 2013 – 5 shown

1. JASR Merger 82A Pld, 11-10-13, by LT Ledger 0332 P.

Teanna Simpson; Dismukes Ranch, Checotah, Okla.; J & S Ranch, Koshkonong, Mo. 2. Wal-Mar Mr Ignite 319 Pld, 11-3-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Augusta Marston. 3. ART Boot Cut 1365 ET, 11-7-13, by WR Wrangler W601. Amanda Tinkle.

Senior Bull Calves – Class 25

Calved August 13 to August 31, 2012 – 2 shown

1. TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET, 8-31-12, by CML Diablo 2X. Thomas Ranch; Mark Rickabaugh, Greeley, Kan.; Foglesong Charolais, Ipava, Ill.; Wild Indian Acres; Hansen Farms. 2. D R Gunslinger 1272, 8-13-12, by Hoodoo Slasher 1144. Dismukes Ranch. Two-Year Old Bulls – Class 32

Calved September 9 to October 9, 2013 – 6 shown

1. SHF BJCF Benefit 1350, 9-9-13, by SHF Fire Power 0080. Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas; Kate Shaffer. 2. MJ Samacus 310, 9-27-13, by Samacus 6131 Pld. Megan Johnson, Beaver, Okla. 3. SO Cowboy Up 321 Pld, 10-3-13, by Keys All State 149X. Caleb Behrends, Fredericksburg, Texas.

Summer Yearling Bulls – Class 27 Calved May 2 to June 30, 2013 – 5 shown

Calved February 2 to February 16, 2012 – 3 shown

1. WC I’ll Have Another ET, 2-14-12, by JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET. Bar J Charolais; JVS Cattle Co.; Wright Charolais. 2. WC Bluegrass 2196 P ET, 2-16-12, by LT Bluegrass 4017 P. Stalcup Farms Charolais, Prescott, Iowa. 3. EOTT Mr Bullistic 4Z Pld, 2-2-12, by WDZ Northern Wind 8022 Pld ET. LeRoy & Heather Schaefer, Reisterstown, Md.

1. MCF Bohannon 305A, 5-2-13, by SCC Time Bandit 290W. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

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group classes

Group Class Winners Produce of Dam • 5 Shown

1. TR Ms Montella 1572Y, Thomas Ranch. 2. HF Mustang Sally 904 Pld, Thomas Ranch. 3. CCF Ms Bud 0915. J & A


Junior Get-Of-Sire • 12Shown

1. TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET, Thomas Ranch. 2. Creek Cut Goin Far 16P, Cole Harris, Hepler, Kan.

First Produce of Dam Thomas Ranch

First Junior Get-Of-Sire Thomas Ranch

First Get-Of-Sire Thomas Ranch

First Breeder’s Herd Thomas Ranch

Get-Of-Sire • 2 Shown

1. CML Diablo 2X, Thomas Ranch. 2. Hoodoo Slasher 1144, Dismukes Ranch.

Breeder’s Herd • 3 Shown

1. Thomas Ranch. 2. Will & Kate Shaffer, Carthage, Mo. 3. Harris Livestock Farm, Hepler, Kan.

Group of Five Head • 3 Shown

1. Thomas Ranch. 2. Will & Kate Shaffer. 3. Harris Livestock Farm.

First Group of Five Head Thomas Ranch


challenge trophy Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. 44  

D E C E M B E R 2014



show dedicatee Stan & Mary Bonacker & Family

Larry Lehman, AICA Board of Directors President, Celina, Texas, presented the 46th National Show Dedicatee to Stan & Mary Bonacker & Family, Windy Hill Charolais Farms, Cedar Hill, Mo. From left: Jeff, Karen, Luann, Rachael & Daniel Bonacker; Marsha & Joey Patrickus; Mary & Stan Bonacker; Larry Lehman (behind); David, Annette and Dylan Boncaker

Family, Charolais, Involvement. Words that only partially describe Stan and Mary Bonacker and family, Windy Hills Charolais Farms, Cedar Hill, Missouri. Windy Hill evolved into the Charolais business when Mary first became interested in the breed in early 1965. She had raised a Holstein x Angus heifer that she bred to a Charolais bull, resulting in a heifer calf. That lead Mary and Stan to Laughlin Brothers, Linn, Missouri, where they purchased a Charolais cow and heifer calf. As their interest in the breed grew, in 1966, they visited Chester Franz, Bayvue Farms, Bay, Missouri, who convinced them to join the American-International Charolais Association and gave them their first subscription to the Charolais Banner – from there they became serious Charolais breeders. In 1967, as they built the Windy Hill Charolais cowherd, they purchased their first herd bull, Mr. Prewitt 93, from LeFerme Prewitt, Clarksville, Missouri. The Prewitt family sponsored the Bonackers to join the Missouri Charolais Breeders Association in 1968, where they have been very active ever since. In 1970, Stan divided his family’s dairy partnership to devote fulltime to breeding “quality polled performance tested” Charolais cattle. In those early years of building the breeding program they used sons of Royal Amigo, Bramard and Abraham. Today, the Bonacker family runs 140 plus registered Charolais cows along with commercial heifers. Since 1974 complete performance records including feed conversion and ultrasound are collected and utilized. The breed’s leading genetics are utilized in the breeding program with emphasis on performance and carcass. The family is proud of the fact that they have not sold a replacement quality Charolais animal without transferring the registration paper. Windy Hill is indeed a family operation. Son David, manages the cowherd; son Jeff manages the farming operation; daughter Marsha returns home to help with the annual production sale. Along with the Charolais herd, the Bonackers farm 1,000 acres raising corn, soybeans and hay and operate a farm supply store not only serving local and part and full time farmers and cattlemen, but the ever increasing sprawl of urban St. Louis.

Following are just a few of the accomplishments of the Bonacker family. • 1974 Missouri Farm Bureau Farm Family • 2014 Missouri State Fair Family of the Year • Represented beef cattlemen with the St. Louis Cardinals “Safe At The Plate” campaign • Mary is treasurer of the Charolais Dees and for many years she was the cochairman of the Miss Charolais USA activities and American Royal Charolais banquet. For many years she served as the MCBA Secretary-Treasurer. • Stan served two terms on the AICA Board of Directors and was an officer. He is currently on the AICA Finance Committee. Stan is also a past president of the MCBA. • Windy Hill has hosted Charolais field days and the AICA Seedstock Tour. • Stan and Mary have attended the World Charolais Congress several times. • AIJCA Family of the year in 2009 • Today, the Bonacker grandchildren are active participants in the AIJCA Junior National. The family has been involved with MCBA committees that have hosted 4 AIJCA Junior Nationals and are part of the MCBA efforts in hosting the 2016 Junior Nationals in Springfield, MO. • 1992 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year • Have shown Charolais cattle at the Missouri state fair since 1974. A highlight includes raising and exhibiting the Grand Champion Carcass in the Carcass Show competition. • David has been a past MCBA Board member. His wife Annette is the long time treasurer and very active in the MCBA role at the American Royal. She is also a cochairman of the annual Sho-Me-Classic Junior Charolais Show. • The family has hosted 17 annual production sales providing a marketing outlet for small Charolais breeders from across Arkansas, Missouri and Illinois. Their 18th sale is scheduled for March 2015. • The Windy Hill cowherd is enrolled in the AICA WHR Program. The Bonacker family represents the foundation of Charolais activities across Missouri. They have always promoted Charolais first and the Windy Hill program second.


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Junior show Judge: Curt Rincker, Shelbyville, Ill.

Grand Champion Heifer

Reserve Grand Champion Heifer

WC Rolls Royce 3177 P ET 2-4-13 • by TR PZC Rapid Fire 9775 ET Senior Champion Female Lindsey Behrends, Fredericksburg, Texas

3R’s Angelina 343A ET 3-28-13 • by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET Reserve Senior Champion Female Charley Johnson, Orlando, Okla.

Division Winners Calf Champion

SC Sophie 141, 2-15-14, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Emory Geye, Rising Star, Texas.

Reserve Senior Calf Champion MF Chexie 31 SIL, 9-22-13, by MF Silverado 9880 BG. Hadley Schotte, Marysville, Kan.

Reserve Calf Champion

Junior Champion

JAB Elsa 401 Pld, 1-1-14, by Sparrows Sanchez 715T. Shade Bunker, Sparta, Wisc.

TR Ms Kay 30A ET, 4-10-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Andrew Hodges, Lebo, Kan.

Senior Calf Champion

Reserve Junior Champion

KBC SHF Ms Hoo 1356, 10-12-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Kate Shaffer, Carthage, Mo.

TR Ms Ariel 3617A, 5-7-13, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Kal Swanson, Peterson, Iowa.

Grand Champion AOB Heifer Kesha 6-15-13 • out of Miss Madrid Carlee Clark, Romance, Ark. 46  

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Reserve Grand AOB Heifer SULL Ivory Angel 3203 1-27-13 • out of TR PZC Ms Ivory Angel 0711 ET Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb.

Herdsman of the year Craig stalcup, prescott, iowa

Craig Stalcup, Prescott, Iowa (left) with 45th National Herdsmen of the Year Derek Ridder, Hermann, Mo.

Family, friends and growing great cattle. Stalcup named 46th National Herdsman of the Year At the ripe age of 18, Craig Stalcup wasn’t your average high school senior. He grew up as a busy farm boy in Iowa with high aspirations for everything he was about to do and quickly found a passion in Charolais cattle. “My parents started looking for an investment to prompt some additional income outside of our crops,” Craig Stalcup said. “For them, it was a fairly easy decision to move their commercial herd to Charolais, raise bulls and stay really focused when we weren’t as busy farming.” Over the years their herd grew large and reputable in the industry. With Craig’s watchful eye, along with the help of his father James and brother Alan, the Stalcup family had created quite a name for themselves. “After college, I was able to focus full-time and start making changes to improve the cattle and grow the herd,” Stalcup continued. “When my kids were old enough to get involved, that is when things got really fun and exciting for our whole family.” From humble beginnings comes happy endings. At the 46th National Charolais Show in Kansas City, Mo., Stalcup was joined with his family when he was announced as the recipient of the Herdsman of the Year award. One that came of little surprise to anyone, except for Craig. “I have a lot of respect for the past herdsmen that have won this award and it’s a big honor to join the ranks with them,” Stalcup said. “Not sure that I’ve had any other lifetime achievement awards so that made this really special. It’s a very humbling award to have the respect of the people that we’ve shown with for so long.” Stalcup knows the tireless daily work is what has continually improved his

herd. And like many other great cattlemen, he’s more than willing to put in the time that it takes knowing that each project that comes through his pasture could be the next best one. “Staying involved and working hard is what makes me so proud of my kids, Haley, Garrett, and Makayla,” Stalcup said. “They’ve worked hard, don’t slack on the barn work, and have seen sizeable success from their work.” The entire family’s hard work has brought on a consistent set of calves that is enough to make any producer proud. The constant strive for improvement and growing calves that will perform in the feedlot is what their cattle are built upon. Not only are they aiming to better their personal cattle, but it’s also about keeping up and improving the breed. “You can’t ever build the perfect cow or bull, but we can sure try,” Stalcup said. “We want feedlot-driven calves that yield lower birth weights and higher weaning weights. We’ve found a mix of EPDs that fit our high performance calves very well.” With the cattle business now being a staple in the Stalcup family, they find themselves working hard in the barn and using their vacation time traveling to shows together. And because all of the things they do together they are a very tight family, he says. The American-International Charolais Association (AICA) congratulates Craig Stalcup on his achievement as the 46th National Show Herdsman of the Year.


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miss charolais usa Shad and Thea Marston

is the 21-year-old daughter of n sto ar M i) dd (A ta judging the Kansas us ug A she was born while her dad was

Kan. From the day Addi exhibited and of Wal-Mar Charolais in Canton, g cattle has been in her blood. win sho ., Kan , hita Wic in w Sho prospered with Junior Livestock Since then her show career has ee. thr of age the at fer hei is Reserve showed her first Charola of her show career was raising the ht hlig hig The s. ion mp cha n the Grand Champion many class winners and divisio ior National in Kansas as well as Jun CA AIJ 5 200 the at er Ste her younger years Grand Champion National in South Dakota. Over ior Jun CA AIJ 0 201 the at ale d while still Bred and Owned Fem nality and performance of her her ctio fun the e anc enh to ved stri in FFA and 4-H, Addi always only enhanced her purebred the show ring. She has also not for ded nee lity qua w sho ra ext of 2014, Addi adding the commercial cattleman. In May the to ful use as just tle cat her ging team operation but made was a member of the livestock jud She e. leg Col nity mu Com nty graduated from Allen Cou ics. Addi is very involved in majoring in Agriculture Econom sity ver Uni te Sta sas Kan ng ndi Phi Theta Kappa and many and is atte sadors, Collegiate Farm Bureau, bas Am t den Stu ude incl to ies community as a collegiate activit her small family farm and local to ties ng stro ins inta ma she e t and more. Even at a distanc herson County Beef Superintenden McP the , rch Chu dist tho Me ted by Hubert Cattle Sales, firm member of the Canton Uni rdinator. Addi is sponsored Coo in Rob nd Rou r Fai nty Cou the McPherson Oakley, Kan.


Thank you to our sponsors Gold Sponsors ...

AICA Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Sparks Charolais, LaMonte, Mo. Windy Hill Charolais, Cedar Hill, Mo.

Silver Sponsors Husz- Miss nd Runner-Up, Taylor co Se er rr De e d le Ry From left: Charolais USA 2015 an iss M nsto ar M di Ad , Charolais USA 2014 nner-Up. Kelley Koester- First Ru

Barnard Charolais, St. Joseph, Mo. Charolais Dees Shadow Springs Farm, Havre de Grace, Md.

Bronze Sponsors

Hubert Cattle Sales, Oakley, Kan. Illinois Charolais Association

For Jamie SparksC HDehan • 48 more  D Einformation, C E M B E R 2 0 1contact: 4 A R O L A• I S913-544-6128 JOURNAL




la o r a ch




Charolais breeders from coast to coast, Canada and Mexico were on hand October 31st for the record breaking 36th National Charolais Sale. The sale held in the American Royal Sale Center saw 35 buyers from 14 states and Canada make selections. The results established a record National Sale average exceeding that set at the 35th National Sale in Denver. Hubert Cattle Sales, Greg and Brenda Hubert, Oakley, Kan., managed the sale. The sale was sponsored by the American-International Charolais Association and co-hosted by the Missouri Charolais Breeders Association. The 36th National Sale Committee was chaired by Derry Wright, Richmond, Mo. Committee members included Lee Eaton, Lindsay, Mont.; John Chism, Winchester, Ky.; Larry Ludeke, Liverpool, Texas; and Bob Tibbs, Havre de Grace, Md.

36th National Charolais Sale Averages

11 Open Heifers..................................................................... $12,777 6 Bred Cows........................................................................... $17,167 1 Bred Heifer........................................................................... $9,000 2 Bulls................................................................................... $18,500 20 Lots................................................................. $14,478 Not included in above averages: 4 Flushes.................................................................................. $7,063 2 Pregnant Recipients............................................................... $6,250 Total Sale Gross $330,300 (Refer to sale booklet, October 2014 Charolais Journal)

High-Selling Lots:

Lot 14 – $31,500 – Open Heifer. Choice of 2014-born Heifer Replacements. From Lindskov-Thiel Ranch, Isabel, S.D. To Bracewell Cattle, Tioga, Texas, Sparkman Cattle Co., Ennis Texas, and John Gerner, Ennis, Texas. Lot 13 – $25,000 – Choice of Female Herd. From Wal-Mar Charolais, Canton, Kan. To Summit Farms, Alden, Iowa, and Lauren Holley Thomas, Gatesville, Texas. Lot 17 – $24,000 – Open Heifer. WIA-WDZ Bella 4032 P ET, 3-18-14, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. From Wild Indian Acres, House Springs, Mo., and Zehnder Cattle, Stanfield, Minn. To JVS Cattle Co., Sulphur, La. Lot 12 – $22,000 – Choice of Female Herd. From Oakwater Ranch, Mansfield, Mo. To Bell Cattle Company, Valentine, Neb. Lot 2 – $20,000 – Bull. Summit Bojangles B09, 1-28-14, by WR Wrangler W601. From Summit Farms. To M6 Ranch, Alvarado, Texas, and Cavender Ranches, Jacksonville, Texas. (3/4 interest, full possession.) Lot 8 – $20,000 – Choice of Female Herd. From M&M Charolais, Perry, Okla. To Polzin Cattle, Darwin, Minn., and RJB Cattle, Ellendale, Minn.

Lot 15 – $20,000 – Bred Cow. Double-H TLC Marion 0429 ET, 2-22-10, by M6 Grid Maker 104 PET. Bred to WC Capital Gain 2220 P. From Foglesong Charolais, Ipava, Ill. To Southern Cattle Co., Marianna, Fla. Lot 22 – $18,000 – Open Heifer. WC CCC Sweetheart 4274 P, 2-16-14, by LT Blue Mountain 1041 Pld. From Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo., and Cody Cattle Company, Richmond, Mo. To J&J Trust Charolais, Parkston, S.D. Lot 10 – $14,000 – Choice of Herd Heifer Calf Pairs. From Hubert Charolais Ranch, Oakley, Kan. To Lindskov-Thiel Ranch. Lot 4 – $10,250 – Choice of Herd Flush. From Satterfield Charolais, Norfork, Ark. To Steve Smith Country Charolais, Springdale, Ark. Lot 1 – $10,000 – Bull. JGS Ledger Thunder 2306, 12-10-12, by LT Ledger 0332 P. From Sturgess Double S Cattle, Larue, Texas. To Foglesong Charolais. Lot 9A – $9,500 – Choice of Mature Cow Herd. From Eaton Charolais, Lindsay, Mont. To Stalcup Farms Charolais, Prescott, Iowa, and Zehnder Cattle. Lot 9B – $9,500 – Choice of Mature Cow Herd. From Eaton Charolais. To Stalcup Farms Charolais and Zehnder Cattle. Lot 16 – $9,000 – Bred Heifer. MBS Ms Ledger 307, 12-10-12, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Bred to WC Big Ben 9036 P. From MBS Charolais, Bowling Green, Mo. To Harvie Ranching, Olds, Alberta. Lot 20 – $8,750 – Open Heifer. WDZ CC Katelyn 4012 P ET, 2-22-14, by CML Diablo 2X. From Zehnder Cattle and Coudron Charolais, Monticello, Minn. To Triple C Charolais, Bremen, Ala. Lot 6 – $8,000 – Flush. M6 Ms E46 Quality 4241 PET, 9-8-04, by LHD Cigar E46. From Hudspeth Farms, St. Joe, Ark., and Doub Charolais, Danville, Ind. To Satterfield Charolais and Link Charolais, Center, Texas. Lot 11 – $8,000 – Choice of Female Herd. From Corman Charolais, Pomona, Mo. To Utopia Genetics, Grovespring, Mo. Lot 18 – $7,500 – Open Heifer. WIA Ms Perfect Timing Pld, 3-11-14, by Cooley Royce 1107T39. From Wild Indian Acres. To Kimberly Becker, Bryan, Texas. Lot 24 – $7,500 – Open Heifer. Macy Meadows Little Luscious, 9-7-13, by WDZ Firemaker 6062 P ET. From Macy Meadows, Street, Md. To Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas.

Donation Lots:

Lot 28 - $2,500 – Galen Struve Original Painting. Donated by Thousand Oaks Charolais, Dick and Jeanne Fanning, Carthage, Mo. Proceeds to benefit the AmericanInternational Junior Charolais Foundation Raymond Hicks Fund and Missouri Junior Charolais Breeders Association Junior Scholarship. To Aces Wild Ranch, Jed Watje, Weatherford, Texas. Lot 29 - $2,300 – Thomas Ranch Pheasant Hunt. Donated by Thomas Ranch, Troy, Veabea and Cally Thomas, Harrold, S.D. Proceeds to benefit the 2015 AIJCA Junior National. To G4 Charolais Ranch, Ronnie and Terry Grass, Bonne Terre, Mo., and Wild Indian Aces, Mike and Sara Kisner, House Springs, Mo.


D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   49

g i d n i h S The National

50  

D E C E M B E R 2014


bull classic Grand Champion Bull White Rose Counry Pride 413

Nominated by: White Rose Charolais, Clearwater, Minn.

Reserve Grand Champion Bull Summit Bojangles B09

Nominated by: Summit Farms, Alden, Iowa

Third Overall Bull

Fourth Overall Bull

Fifth Overall Bull

Nominated by: Wild Indian Acres, House Springs, Mo. and Zehnder Cattle, Stanchfield, Minn.

Nominated by: J&A Charolais, Sparta, Wis.

Nominated by: Teanna Simpson, Thayer, Mo. and J&S Ranch, Koshkongong, Mo.

WIA-WDZ Gambler 406 P ET

JAB Ricky Skaggs 406 Polled


JASR Merger 82A Pld

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   51




thank you —


i a l o har



Award & Social Sponsors 2H Cattle Co. 4D Charolais 5J Charolais 8 Story Farms AM Livestock Bar J Charolais Big Creek Charolais Bovine Elite C&H Farms Cannon-Deutsch Charolais Clear Creek Farm Cody Cattle Co. Cook Charolais Farm Creasey Charolais Crutcher Cattle Co. Dismukes Ranch Double I Cattle Co. Foglesong Charolais Fox Hollow Farms G4 Charolais Ranch Gast-Thompson Charolais Hankins Farms Hayden Farm Hubert Cattle Sales Hubert Charolais Ranch 52  

D E C E M B E R 2014

J&A Charolais J&S Ranch JVS Cattle Co. Leifeste Show Cattle Lindskov-Thiel Ranch M&M Charolais Macy Meadows MBS Charolais Pleasant Valley Charolais Polzin Cattle/Embryo Center Reinhart Charolais Riverdale Land & Livestock SAC Show Cattle Satterfield Charolais Shadow Springs Farm Shaffer Cattle Co. Sparks Charolais Summit Farms Suttles Charolais TC Cattle Services Thomas Ranch Utopia Genetics Volunteer Charolais Wild Indian Acres Windy Hill Charolais Farms Zehnder Cattle CHAROLAIS JOURNAL


SALES Charolais Sale Results Sales are listed in sale date order. A list of sales in this issue is provided below. 2014 Pride of Dixie Charolais Sale M6 The Fall Event Fall Bull Sale M6 The Fall Event Fall Female Sale MidTenn Charolais Fall Fling Sale Compton Charolais A Day In Nanafalia Bull & Female Sale The ONE Sale Aschermann Charolais 19th Edition Charolais Bull Sale Southern Connection Sale Fink Beef Genetics 24th Annual Bull Sale 2014 Central Kentucky Fall Roundup Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Fall Bull & Female Sale

2014 Pride of Dixie M6 The Fall Event Fall Charolais Sale Bull Sale Raymond, Miss.  October 4, 2014

Alvarado, Texas  October 11, 2014.

Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, Hurst, Texas Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service, College Station, Texas

Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, Hurst, Texas

Averages: 4 Bulls................................................ $2,725 3 Cow-Calf Pairs................................. $3,833 2 Cow-Bull Calf Splits......................... $7,450 3 Cow-Heifer Calf Splits...................... $4,017 9 Bred Cows....................................... $4,006 5 Bred Heifers.................................... $3,740 16 Open Heifers................................. $2,000 42 Lots.......................................... $3,241 Not included in the above averages: 2 Recipients........................................ $9,350 1 Percentage Heifer............................ $3,000 14 Embryo Lots.................................. $8,300 Total Sale Gross.............................. $156,750 By: Wes Chism

Average: 99 2/3 Bulls.................................. $7,212 Total Sale Gross.............................. $718,750 By: Wes Chism High-selling lots: $22,000 – Bull. M6 New & Improved 353 P ET, 8-18-13, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. To Weaver Charolais, Glasgow, Ky. (2/3 interest and full possession.) $21,000 – Bull. M6 Cool Bachelor 383 ET, 8-24-13, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. To Southern Cattle Company, Marianna, Fla. (2/3 interest and full possession.) $14,000 – Bull. M6 Fresh & Cool 323, 2-22-13, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. To Nielson Brothers, Newtown, Mo.

High-selling lots: $8,200- Cow-Embryo Bull Calf Split. RS Ms Lorenzo 37A, 2-23-11, by Mr San Lorenzo 7816. Bull calf, 2-26-14, by LT Ledger 0332 P. From Rocking S Ranch, Bristow, Okla. Cow to Arlitt Ranch, Poteet, Texas, for $6,000. Calf to Houston Snyder, Cascilla, Miss., for $2,200.

$13,000 – Bull. M6 New Rep 333 ET, 3-22-13, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. To Southern Cattle Company. (2/3 interest and full possession.)

$7,000 – Bred Cow. MD Ms Tradeline S3017, 8-20-06, by LHD Tradeline N1145. Bred to JDJ Resource Z365 P. From Evans Charolais, Brownwood, Texas. To Bill and Raye Arlitt.

$10,500 – Bull. M6 New Royce 372 P ET, 8-19-13, by Cooley Royce 1107T39. To Paul Jefferies, Hustonville, Ky. (2/3 interest and full possession.)

$6,700- Cow-Bull Calf Split. BC Ms 914 Mark X22 PET, 8-26-10, by VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld. Bull calf, 4-13-14, by M6 Gravity 9126. From Evans Charolais and Bill and Raye Arlitt. Cow to Roy Northen, Belton, Texas, for $5,000. Calf to John Bankhead, Madisonville, Texas, for $1,700.

$10,500 – Bull. M6 Beef Standard 395 P ET, 9-5-13, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. To Robert Don Collier, Dallas, Texas. (2/3 interest and full possession.)

$5,500 – Bred Cow. BC Ms 9108 Duke X19 PET, 5-13-10, by LT Unlimited Ease 9108. Bred to BC Reality Z09. From Gary Biggs, Godley, Texas. To Hale Farms, Louisburg, Mo.

Alvarado, Texas  October 11, 2014.

$5,250 – Bred Cow. RE Leading Lady Cigar 883, 11-25-08, by ABC Leader. Implanted with embryo by VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld. From Evans Charolais. To Spurlock Charolais, Judsonia, Ark. $5,200 – Bred Heifer. CCC Kymera 524A, 5-24-13, by WR Wrangler W601. Bred to Ledger 0332 P. From Triple C Charolais, Breman, Ala. To John Bankhead.

$10,500 – Bull. M6 Cool Standard 367 ET, 8-16-13, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. To Joe Cuffman, Dallas, Texas. (2/3 interest and full possession.)

Heifer calf, 3-7-14, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. From M6 Ranch, Alvarado, Texas. Cow to Baney Charolais, Mountain Grove, Mo., for $36,000. (½ interest.) Heifer calf to Satterfield Charolais, Norfork, Ark., and Reinhart Charolais, Paragould, Ark., for $19,000. $49,000 – Donor. M6 Ms Gain & Grade 552 P, 9-8-05, by M6 Grid Maker 104 PET. Bull calf, 3-10-14, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. From M6 Ranch. Cow to Baney Charolais for $34,000. (½ interest.) Bull calf to Charles Gibson, Jakin, Ga., for $15,000. $28,500 – Donor. M6 Ms 5078 Mark 635 Pld ET, 2-12-06, by M6 Mark 7136 Pld. Heifer calf, 3-7-14, by M6 New Phelps 1104 P. From M6 Ranch. To River Oaks Ranch, Donalsonville, Ga. $18,250 – Cow/Bull Calf Split. M6 Ms Duke 645 Pld ET, 11-30-06, by WCR Sir Duke 761. Bull calf, 2-24-14, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. From M6 Ranch. Cow to Testerman Charolais, True, W.Va., for $10,000. Bull calf to Nielson Brothers, Newtown, Mo., for $8,250. $12,500 – Donor. M6 Ms New Quality 232 P, 3-8-12, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. Heifer calf, 3-7-14, by M6 Fresh Air 8165 P ET. From M6 Ranch. Cow to Baney Charolais for $8,500. Heifer calf to Les Bridges, Lampasas, Texas, for $4,000. $11,750 – Cow-Heifer Calf Split. M6 Fresh Nancy 130 P ET, 1-19-11, by M6 Fresh Air 8165 P ET. Heifer calf, 11-10-13, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. From M6 Ranch. Cow to McNickle Charolais, Cherryvale, Kan., for $8,500. Heifer calf to Bobby Waitman, Burkburnett, Texas, for $3,250.

MidTenn Charolais Fall M6 The Fall Event Fall Fling Sale Manchester, Tenn.  October 11, 2014 Female Sale Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, Hurst, Texas Averages: 8 Donor Cows................................... $21,875 15 Cow-Calf Splits............................... $9,600 13 Bred Heifers.................................. $3,365 8 Cow-Calf Pairs................................. $6,000 5 Open Heifers................................... $4,250 49 Lots.......................................... $8,816 Total Sale Gross.............................. $432,000 By: Wes Chism High-selling lots: $55,000 – Donor. M6 Ms New Jewel 0155 Pld, 11-7-10, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET.


Auctioneer: Terry Baxter, Newport, Tenn. Sale Manager: Ray Campbell, Hillsboro, Tenn. Averages: 24 Bred Heifers.................................. $2,058 6 Bred Cows....................................... $3,100 3 Fall Cow-Calf Pairs........................... $2,566 46 Cow-Calf Splits............................... $3,654 79 Lots.......................................... $3,086 Total Sale Gross.............................. $243,825 High-selling lots: $5,200 – Cow-Calf Split. JDS Courtney 809 P, 2-15-08, by M6 Profit Maker 3095 P ET. Heifer calf, 3-9-14, by WCR Sir Prince 9187 P. Cow to Vedvei Charolais Ranch, Lake Preston, S.D., for $3,300. Calf to William Patrick Tipton, Houston, Texas, for $1,900. D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   53

$4,500 – Cow-Calf Split. JDS Amanda 801 P, 1-1-08, by M6 Profit Maker 3095 P ET. Bull calf, 2-17-14, by WCR Sir Prince 9187 P. Cow to Fryman Brothers, Ewing, Ky., for $3,000. Calf to Roy’s Charolais Ranch, Mansura, La., for $1,500. $4,400 – Cow-Calf Split. WCR Ms Tradition 9377 P, 2-23-09, by WCR Sir Tradition 5056ETP. Heifer calf, 9-11-13, by WCR Sir Prince 9187 P. Cow to William Patrick Tipton for $3,000. Calf to William Patrick Tipton for $1,400. Notes: Not included in the sale average and gross were 7 commercial Charolais females that averaged $2,493 and semen/embryos that were met with solid demand.

Compton Charolais A Day In Nanafalia Bull & Female Sale

$6,500 – Open Heifer. RE Ms Smokester 144, 12-8-13, by JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET. From Rick and Cindy Evans. To Sullivan Charolais. $6,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. MD Ms Illusion X003, 4-10-10, by CJC Illusion N111. Heifer calf, 9-14-14, by CJC Mr President T122. From Heath Hyde, Sulphur Springs, Texas. To Taconey Plantation, Viadalia, La. $5,750 – Cow-Heifer Calf Split. DCF Lady Rep 03X P, 3-15-10, by DCF Gold Club 7253 P. Heifer calf, 3-25-14, by DCF Relentless 8577 P. From Dennis Charolais Farm, Saint Jo, Texas. Cow to Mark Tomlinson, Rosharon, Texas, for $2,750. Heifer calf to Joe Mac Weil, Irene, Texas, for $3,000.

Aschermann Charolais 19th Edition Bull Sale

Nanafalia, Ala.  October 17, 2014

Carthage, Mo.  October 25, 2014

Auctioneer: Doak Lambert, Coppell, Texas

Auctioneer: Jackie Moore, Mount Vernon, Mo.

Averages: 34 Bulls.............................................. $4,522 19 Bred Heifers ................................. $2,600 10 Open Heifers................................. $1,640 63 Lots.......................................... $3,485 Total Sale Gross.............................. $219,550

Average: 46 Bulls........................................ $5,379 Not included in the above average: 7 Percentage Charolais Bulls.............. $4,571 Total Sale Gross.............................. $279,450 By: David Hobbs High-selling lots: $16,000 – Bull. ACE-ORR Beau Jangles 322P, 3-15-13, by LT Ledger 0332 P. To Sandmeier Charolais, Bowdle, S.D. $8,500 – Bull. ACE-ORR Fat Tony 309P, 3-213, by L Ledger 0332 P. To Mountain Meadows Farm, South Newfane, Vt. $8,000 – Bull. ACE-ORR Royce 304, 3-7-13, by Cooley Royce 1107T39. To Ralph Kestin, Aurora, Mo. $7,500 – Bull. ACE-ORR Quick Fire 313, 3-7-13, by LT Ledger 0332 P. To Massa Cattle Co., Mulberry, Kan. $7,500 – Bull. ACE-ORR Efficient 321, 4-613, by ACE-ORR Efficient 972. To Steve Bruce, Welch, Okla. $7,000 – Bull. ACE-ORR Spanky 324P, 3-1813, by LT Ledger 0332 P. To Pat Ryan, Decorah, Iowa.

High-selling lots: $6,500 – Bull. CC Sir Profit 306, 10-31-12, by HBR Profit 554 P. To Frank Hall, Gallian, Ala. $6,400 – Bull. CC Sir Profit 310 P, 11-4-12, by HBR Profit 554 P. To Frank Hall.

The ONE Sale Sulphur Springs, Texas  October 18, 2014 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, Hurst, Texas Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service, College Station, Texas Averages: 3 Cow-Bull Calf Splits......................... $7,383 4 Cow-Heifer Calf Splits...................... $6,938 9 Cow-Calf Pairs................................. $5,306 7 Bred Heifers.................................... $3,821 9 Bred Cows....................................... $3,556 7 Open Heifers................................... $3,350 2 Bulls................................................ $2,375 1 Open Cow........................................ $2,000 42 Lots.......................................... $4,443 Not included in the above averages: 6 Pregnant Recipients......................... $4,292 7 Embryo Lots....................................... $629 Total Sale Gross:............................. $216,750 By: Wes Chism High-selling lots: $13,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. RE Ms Dynasty 170 ET, 9-8-11, by LHD Cigar E46. Bull calf, 6-6-14, by Whitecap Laredo 232T. From Rick and Cindy Evans, Brownwood, Texas. To Bill and Raye Arlitt, Poteet, Texas, and Rocking S Ranch, Bristow, Okla. $12,500 – Cow-Bull Calf Split. MD Ms Illusion XS980, 9-23-11, by CJC Illusion N111. Bull calf, 3-11-14, by LT Ledger 0332 P. From Sullivan Charolais, Paris, Ky. Cow to Timmber Farms, Hattiesburg, Miss., and Billy Blackwell, Lumberton, Miss., for $7,000. Bull calf to DeBruycker Charolais, Dutton, MT, for $5,500. $10,500 – Cow-Heifer Calf Split. LC Ms Trademark 7163 P ET, 11-1-07, by CJC Trademark H45. Heifer calf, 2-25-14, by WC Benelli 2134 P ET. From Tom Levens, Dallas, Texas. Cow to Kade Kimball, Celina, Texas, for $5,250. Heifer calf to Kade Kimball for $5,250. 54  

D E C E M B E R 2014

Southern Connection Sale Calhoun, Ga.  October 25, 2014 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, Hurst, Texas Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service, College Station, Texas Sale Sponsor: Georgia-Florida Charolais Association; South Carolina Charolais Association Averages: 9 Bulls................................................ $3,300 5 Cow-Calf Pairs................................. $4,160 8 Cow-Calf Splits................................. $4,837 6 Bred Cows....................................... $3,950 2 Bred Heifers.................................... $5,025 14 Open Heifers................................. $2,175 44 Lots.......................................... $3,486 Not included in the above averages: 2 Percentage Heifers........................... $2,450 1 Flush............................................... $2,000 22 Embryos........................................... $564 Total Sale Gross.............................. $172,700

$6,250 – Cow-Calf Split. RRCA Ms More Silver Sky W 1885, 1-30-09, by LT Silver Yield 3196 P. Rebred to LT Ledger 0332 P. Heifer calf, 12-27-13, by LT Ledger 0332 P. From Rollins Ranch, Cartersville, Ga. Cow to Roy Northen, Belton, Texas, for $3,500. Calf to Gary Biggs, Godley, Texas, for $2,750. $6,250 – Cow-Calf Split. NHF Lisser Mac 2335, 8-31-09, by CJP Rio Blanco Mac 71. Rebred to CJC Mr President T122. Heifer calf, 3-27-14, by OHF Passport. From Southern Comfort Cattle Co. LLC, Hartwell Ga. Cow to Mike Foster, Smithville, Tenn., for $3,250. Calf to Edward Salter, Louisville, GA., for $3,000. $6,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. JBC Ms Duke 808 P ET, 4-5-08, by VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld. Bull calf, 8-28-14, by JDJ Smokester J1377PET. From Keith Stocum, Vass, N.C. To Roy’s Charolais Ranch, Mansura, La. $5,500 – Cow-Calf Split. KTR Miss Maureen 277, 3-29-10, by WCR Sir Fa Mac 2244. Rebred to JDJ Ali Command W1760 PET. Bull calf, 1-18-14, by JDJ Ali Command W1760 PET. From Kyle Reaves, Greeneville, Tenn. Cow to Jewel Spurlock for $3,500. Calf to Winston Williams, Calhoun, Ga., for $2,000.

Fink Beef Genetics 24th Annual Bull Sale Randolph, Kan.  October 29, 2014 Auctioneer: Matt Lowery, Burwell, Neb. Average: 141 Bulls....................................... $7,526 Total Sale Gross........................... $1,061,166 By: Colt Keffer High-selling lots: $13,000 – Yearling Bull. Fink 3784 of 9725 GS, 8-4-13, by Fink Gold Standard 0153. To Wheatcraft Farms, Brookfield, Mo. $12,000 – Yearling Bull. Fink 3712 of 0292 NS, 8-12-13, by M6 New Standard 842 P. To D&S Cattle, Barnes, Kan. $11,500 – Yearling Bull. Fink 3783 of 9725 GS, 8-10-13, by Fink Gold Standard 0153. To Mike McCraken, Watonga, Okla. $11,000 – Yearling Bull. Fink 3715 of 0358 NS, 8-9-13, by M6 New Standard 842 P. To Stephenson Charolais, Rockport, Mo. $11,000 – Yearling Bull. Fink 3936 of 0406 NS, 9-3-13, by M6 New Standard 842 P. To D&S Cattle. $11,000 – Yearling Bull. Fink 3646 of 2550 FL EM, 8-20-13, by VPI Free Lunch 708T. To Perkins Ranch, Kerrick, Texas. $11,000 – Yearling Bull. Fink 3644 of 2550 FL EM, 8-16-13, by VPI Free Lunch 708T. To Perkins Ranch.

2014 Central Kentucky Fall Roundup Glasgow, Ky.  November 8, 2014 Auctioneer: Joe McKee, Lebanon, Tenn. Averages: 12 Bred Cows..................................... $3,054 10 Bred Heifers.................................. $2,805 8 Bulls................................................ $2,294 8 Cow- Calf Splits................................ $3,831 6 Cow-Calf Pairs.................................. $3,792 17 Open Heifers................................. $2,029 61 Lots.......................................... $2,802 Total Sale Gross.............................. $171,660

High-selling lots: $7,250 – Bred Heifer. MV 2070 Duke-Cigar 331, 10-28-12, by VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld. Bred to M6 Grid Maker 104 PET. From Mountain View Farms, Clarkesville, Ga. To Hudspeth Farms, St. Joe, Ark., and Jewel Spurlock, Judsonia, Ark. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

High-selling lots: $7,950 – Cow-Calf Split. VCC Melody 213, 4-27-12, by HBR Shadowbrook 725P. Heifer calf, 4-27-14, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Cow rebred to TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. From Vollborn Cattle Co., Bidwell, Ohio. Cow to Wild Indian Acres, House Springs, Mo., for $3,400. Heifer calf to Geralds Charolais, Tompkinsville, Ky., for $4,550. $5,200 – Cow-Calf Pair. Weavers Miss Dot 1182, 9-2-11, by M6 Grid Maker 104PET. Bull calf, 7-26-14, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. From Weaver Charolais, Glasgow, Ky. To Geralds Charolais. $4,350 – Bred Cow. Weavers Cheri 0805, 9-3-08, by JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET. Cow bred to M6 Gridmaker 010. From Weaver Charolais. To Wild Indian Acres. $4,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. FF Miss Windy 1104 Pld, 3-18-11, by M6 Wyoming Wind 4298 Pld. Heifer calf, 11-6-14, by 5K Hammerin’ Hank 205. From Friendship Farms, Greenville, Ky. To Albert Stone, Atwood, Tenn. $4,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. Weavers Miss Nancy 1183, 1-30-11, by M6 Profit 8190 P ET. Bull calf, 9-1-14, by M6 Bells & Whistles 258 P. From Weaver Charolais. To Rick Hale, Louisburg, Mo.

Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Fall Bull & Female Sale Springfield, Mo.  November 8, 2014 Auctioneer: Joel Birdwell, Kingfisher, Okla. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales, Oakley, Kan. Averages: 45 Bulls.............................................. $3,778 73 Females......................................... $2,553 118 Lots........................................ $3,020 Total Sale Gross.............................. $356,300 By: David Hobbs High-selling lots: $5,900 – Bull. RCR Lunch Time 3011, 9-2413, by VPI Free Lunch 708T. From Ricketts Charolais Ranch, Hallsville, Mo. To Lost Creek Cattle Co., Grove, Okla. $5,500 – Bull. CH Rage 075A, 3-2-13, by KASS/CJB Quiet Riot ET. From C&H Farms, Eugene, Mo. To Charles Chrislaw, Fayette, Mo. $5,400 – Bull. WLA Mr Kojack’s Cannon, 3-20-13, by WLA Mr Cannon’s 1087. From Abbott Charolais, Poplar Bluff, Mo. To Warren Blosser, Halfway, Mo. $5,300 – Bull. Sir Lee 315, 5-19-13, by LT Ledger 0332 P. From Campbell Charolais, Hartsburg, Mo. To Farron Lakey, Halfway, Mo. $5,000 – Bull. HF Free Bird A617 ET, 3-3-13, by Cooley Royce 1107T39. From Hudspeth Farms, St. Joe, Ark. To Frandsen Cattle Farm, Alhambra, Ill. $5,000 – Bull. PC New Kicks, 11-4-13, by JASR Marathon 15Y Pld. From Peoples Charolais, Leonard, Mo. To Morris Rhode, Prairie Home, Mo. $5,000 – Bull. WLA Mr Oakdale Wind 73, 3-9-13, by Oakdale Duke 9003P. From Abbot Charolais. To Rosetta F. Keen Trust, Lamar, Mo.

Visit the web site –

Your Source for Performance Charolais Genetics

Contact these seedstock breeders for herd sire prospects and herd building females.

Bull Sale April 13

JAMIE EGGLESTON 21130 379th Ave. • Wessington, SD 57381 (605) 883-4602 • Fax: (605) 883-4924 •

Platte, South Dakota DAVID MASON Phone & Fax: (605) 337-2521 Cell: (605) 680-0780

Impressed 620 x Duchess 351

Space Available Contact Colt Keffer 765-376-8784

Steve - Myrna - Greg - BJ 405 Samara Ave. • Volga, SD 57071 • (605) 627-5229 •

Reich Ranch Charolais 58th Annual Bull Sale • April 9, 2015 Range-Raised Performance Tested Since 1957 Quality Females For Sale Private Treaty

Tim and Ree Reich


33rd Annual Bull Sale Wells Charolais Ranch April 4 15446 419th Ave • Conde, SD 57434 Richard & Heather Wells (605) 784-3409 Jason & Nina Jo Wells (605) 784-7824 www.

Featuring– M6 Rock Star 306 P ET Fresh Air x Rio Bravo

EPDs: 8.7 -0.1 40 74 15 5.1 36 1.4 Bull Sale March 23

39120 192nd Street Wagner, South Dakota 57380 (605) 384-3300, (605) 491-0986

Space Available

Contact Colt Keffer

Contact Colt Keffer



Vedvei Charolais

Herd Sire Prospects & Embryos for Sale Private Treaty

“2000 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year”

44213 204th St. Alan & Deb Vedvei Lake Preston, SD 57249 (605) 847-4529 E-mail:

Bull Sale • March 6, 2015 Calvin Sandmeier Gary Sandmeier (605) 285-6179 (605) 285-6766 13123 322nd Ave. • Bowdle, SD 57428

SVY Rush 715 T Pld



JS Sir Platinum 6204

Space Available

If you are looking

Brian & Janna Adam, Ethanie & Andrew (605) 842-1185 - Home (605) 203-1228 - Brian cell (605) 203-1229 - Adam cell

8th Annual Bull Sale • Feb. 14 Travis & Deb Steffensen & Family 21269 US Hwy. 81 Arlington, S.D. 57212 Home: (605) 983-5497


performance Whoa, for polled cattle, call: Colome, SD 57528

Steffensen Charolais

S.D. Charolais Breeders Association 2008 Outstanding Seedstock Producer

Scott & Kim Jensen 20379 441st Avenue • Lake Preston, SD 57249 (605) 847-4755 E-Mail:

(200 miles Southwest of Lake Preston)

Selling Bulls & Females Private Treaty

Semen: $15/straw; $25 signing fee

1007 Kingsbury Belle Fourche, SD 57717  (605) 892-4366

Odden Charolais Ranch

Thomas Bull Sale, Sioux Falls Sioux Empire Charolais Sale, Sioux Falls Black Hills Stock Show, Rapid City Watertown Farm Show, Watertown Stewart/Steffensen Bull Sale, Madison Sandmeier Bull Sale, Bowdle Weber Bull Sale, Corsica Roster Bull Sale, Mitchell Wells Bull Sale, Aberdeen Reich Bull Sale, Belle Fourche Eggleston Bull Sale, Huron Thomas Bull Sale, Harrold Lindskov-Thiel Bull Sale, Isabel Wienk Bull Sale, Lake Preston

EPDs: 8.1 -1.2 21 26 2 0.8 13 0.5

Contact Colt Keffer 765-376-8784

January 23 January 29 February 2 February 11 February 14 March 6 March 23 April 3 April 4 April 9 April 13 April 14 April 18 April 25

CLARENCE E. MASON Phone: (605) 337-3545

PF El Duke 9021 P ET

Space Available

Mark Your Calendar!


HANSEN 39804 163rdBJSt.Hansen • Turton, SD 57477 FARMS (605) 635-6346 • (605) 228-6199

8th Annual Bull Sale • February 14, 2015

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   55

Keystone International Livestock Exposition — Class A ROE Show Harrisburg, Pa. z October 4, 2014 Judge: Terri Barber, Austin, Texas Total Shown – 35: Females – 23; Bulls – 12

Females Senior and Grand Champion: HCF Chanel, 12-2-12, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Rachael Hockenbery, Woodbine, Md. Senior Calf and Reserve Grand Champion: Macy Meadows Little Luscious, 9-7-13, by WDZ Firemaker 6062 P ET. Macy Meadows, Street, Md. Junior Calf Champion: HLSL Legacy, 4-1414, by EOTT Mr Bullistic 42 Pld. Leroy & Heather Schefer, Boring, Md. Reserve Junior Calf Champion: SAC Diamond 141, 1-2-14, by Hoodoo Diamond 1142. Matthew Bauerlein, Hampstead, Md. Reserve Senior Calf Champion: SWF Carolines Fire 324, 9-25-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Rachel Clark, Mercersburg, Pa. Intermediate Champion: CF Miss Wranglers, 5-14-13, by WR Wrangler W601. Compton Farms, Ovid, NY. Junior Champion: 3G Cowgirl Amy 367A, 3-17-13, by LT Silver Distance 5342P. Leroy & Heather Schaefer. Reserve Junior Champion: SSF Miss Breeze Doubt 1323, 3-4-13, by SSF Corks 5J White Squall ET. Timothy Hopkins, Pylesville, Md. Reserve Senior Champion: HCF Eleanor, 2-19-13, by SAC Wyoming Wind 905 Pld. Rachael Hockenbery.

Junior Heifer Calves – Calved Jan. 2 to Feb. 2, 2014. 2 Shown. 1. Matthew Bauerlein on SAC Diamond 141. 2. Jennifer Brown, White Hall, Md., on SSF Miss Signal Breeze 1404.

Senior Heifer Calves – Calved Sept. 7 to Sept. 25, 2013. 3 Shown. 1. Macy Meadows on Macy Meadows Little Luscious. 2. Rachel Clark on SWF Carolines Fire 324. 3. Shadow Springs Farm, Havre de Grace, Md., on SSF Miss Sig Breeze 1349.

Late Spring Yearling Females – Calved April 4, 2013. 1 Shown. 1. Samantha Heston, Street, Md., on Macy Meadows Annie. Early Spring Yearling Females – Calved March 1 to March 17, 2013. 3 Shown. 1. Leroy & Heather Schaefer on 3G Cowgirl Amy 367A. 2. Timothy Hopkins on SSF Miss Breeze Doubt 1323. 3. Rachael Leiss, Bel Air, Md., on SSF Miss Smoke Breeze 1319. Junior Yearling Females – Calved Jan. 22 to Feb. 26, 2013. 4 Shown. 1. Rachael Hockenbery on HCF Eleanor. 2. Larry & Linda Thompson, New Windsor, Md., on SAC HLS PTL Lady Fire. 3. Evan Yost, Morgantown, W.Va., on SAC Madison 132 Pld. Senior Yearling Females – Calved Sept. 4 to Dec. 4, 2012. 4 Shown. 1. Rachael Hockenbery on HCF Chanel. 2. Shadow Springs Farm on SSF Miss Squall’s Meg 1237. 3. Zachary Doran, Whiteford, Md., on SSF Miss Fire Marv 1257.

Reserve Champion Cow-Calf Pair: SSF Miss Breeze Doubt 1168, 11-25-11, by EC No Doubt 2022 P. Bull calf, SSF Kojacks Twisted Doubt, 3-8-14, by Baldridge Kojack 29K. Timothy Hopkins.

Senior and Reserve Grand Champion: EOTT Mr Bullistic 4Z Pld, 2-2-12, by WDZ Northern Wind 8022 Pld ET. Leroy & Heather Schaefer.

56  

D E C E M B E R 2014

Grand Champion Female

Reserve Grand Champion Female

Grand Champion Bull

Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Summer Yearling Females – Calved May 14, 2014. 1 Shown. 1. Compton Farm on CF Miss Wranglers.


Spring Heifer Calves – Calved March 14 to April 14, 2014. 2 Shown. 1. Leroy & Heather Schaefer on HLSL Legacy. 2. Timothy Van Reenen, Hillsboro, W.Va., on HC Cotton’s Legacy B602.

Keystone International Livestock Exposition

Winter Heifer Calves – Calved Dec. 5, 2013. 1 Shown. 1. Lisa Dunaway, Dover, Del., on PCF Zoe 305.

Champion Cow-Calf Pair: SAC Rumor Has It, 3-28-12, by SAC Wyoming Wind 905 Pld. Heifer calf, SAC Lexie 144 Pld, 5-3-14, by WR Wrangler W601. Matthew Bauerlein and Rachael Hockenbery.

Class Placings



Junior and Grand Champion: SAC Light’em Up 131 Pld. 2-19-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Matthew Bauerlein, Rachael Hockenbery, Lisa Dunaway and Evan Yost.

Junior Calf Champion: SAC Blue Storm 145, 4-10-14, by Macy Meadows Miranda’s Grass. Rachael Hockenbery. Reserve Junior Calf Champion: Stipp’s Premeir Rambler, 3-28-14, by F&F HH Rambler 2111 ET. Courtney Stipp, Mullica Hill, N.J.

Senior Calf Champion: SMR Accord 430A Pld, 9-1-13, by Keys All State 149X. Cliff & Lynn Orley, Lebanon, Pa.

Two Year Old Bulls – Calved Feb. 2, 2012. 1 Shown. 1. Leroy & Heather Schaefer on EOTT Mr Bullistic 4Z Pld.

Reserve Senior Calf Champion: SSF Mr Sigking Breeze 1356, 10-26-13, by SSF Corks 5J White Squall ET. Shadow Springs Farm.


Intermediate Champion: CF Pasture Pimp ET, 5-18-13, by EC No Doubt 2022 P. Compton Farm and Tullyfergus Farm, Lyons, N.Y.

Class Placings Spring Bull Calves – Calved March 4 to April 10, 2014. 6 Shown. 1. Rachael Hockenbery on SAC Blue Storm 145. 2. Courtney Stipp on Stipp’s Premier Rambler. 3. Evan Yost and Lisa Dunaway on SAC Liv’en The Dream 142 Pld. Junior Bull Calves – Calved Jan. 10, 2014. 1 Shown. 1. Leroy & Heather Schaefer on HLSL Instant Addiction. Senior Bull Calves – Calved Sept. 1 to Oct. 26, 2013. 2 Shown. 1. Cliff & Lynn Orley on SMR Accord 430A Pld. 2. Shadow Springs Farm on SSF Mr Sigking Breeze 1356. Summer Yearling Bulls – Calved May 18, 2013. 1 Shown. 1. Compton Farm and Tullyfergus Farm on CF Pasture Pimp ET. Junior Yearling Bulls – Calved Feb. 19, 2013. 1 Shown. 1. Matthew Bauerlein, Rachael Hockenbery, Lisa Dunaway and Evan Yost on SAC Light’em Up 131 Pld.


Produce Of Dam – 2 Shown. 1. Rachael Hockenbery on PCK Ms Amber 2904. 2. Matt Bauerlein on Ms Cooley HD8119 9047 PET. Junior Get-Of-Sire – 2 Shown. 1. Leroy & Heather Schaefer on EOTT Mr Bullistic 4Z Pld. 2. Shadow Springs Farm on SSF Corks 5J White Squall ET. Get-Of-Sire – 1 Shown. 1. Shadow Springs Farm on SSF Corks 5J White Squall ET. Breeders Herd – 1 Shown. 1. Shadow Springs Farm. Group Of Five Head – 1 Shown. 1. Leroy & Heather Schaefer.




Akin Charolais Jim Akin 6700 County Road 71, Lexington, AL 35648 (256) 229-5395 Res. (256) 710-4897 Cell Home of the Super Grazer 168


Home of JWK Vanessa D029 ET Donor: 2244 x 934


JERRY & SHERRY MALTBY Mobile: (530) 681-5046 P.O. Box 760 Office: (530) 473-2830 Williams, CA 95987 Fax: (530) 473-3278 e-mail:

OFakHill arm “Focus on the Family”

BJR Summerford Charolais

OakHill Farm Home of Bennett Charolais Wayne & Lois Bennett Barn: (770) 893-3446 Home: (770) 893-2674 Cell: (770) 826-9551

1779 Holcomb Road Dawsonville, Ga 30534

Cattle For Sale Private Treaty

Robert A. Summerford II 4087 Hwy. 31 SW Falkville, AL 35622 Located 12 miles north of Cullman (256) 784-5275 Bus. (256) 784-5888 Res. Alan Summerford • (256) 758-0652 E-Mail:

MV Limestone

Mountain View Charolais

Scott Tipton 1001 Preacher Campbell Rd. Clarksville, GA 30523

Phone: (706) 754-8462 Cell: (706) 200-6655


BJR Easy Edge 968 ET P Quality and Performance Charolais in North Alabama

Your Herd Bull Source


A.W. “Buck” Compton Box 160 Nanafalia, AL 36764 home: (334) 736-4349

C O L O R A D O 15493 Co. Rd. 57 Hillrose, CO 80733 Bred For

Performance~Carcass Quality~Disposition Pat Gebauer & Luan August (970) 847-3345

office: (334) 736-4221


Curfman Farms Rt. 2, Griggsville, IL 62340

56 years of quality seedstock production Rick Curfman (217) 285-5213

McCary & Son Charolais Farm


WC Go Long 1193 P

Levi & Brian McCary 334-872-9060 334-505-6338 334-419-0538

Roger Curfman (217) 236-5761 Ryan Curfman (217) 248-7711

635 Valleyview Drive Valley Grande, AL 36701 WCR Sir Duke 7340 P

MOGO Full French CHAROLAIS Daniel Hammond 15300 Co. Rd. 2 • Florence, AL 35633 (256) 766-6354 •

Bamboo Road Farms LLC Stephen Cummings

2509 Old Perry Road Marshallville, GA 31057

(478) 396-5832

Foglesong Charolais

Andrew & Rebecca Foglesong 10830 N. Camp Ellis Road, Ipava, Illinois 61441 309.221.1439 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   57





“Charolais Since 1960”

Producing quality breeding stock for 54 years.

Bulls and Females For Sale Private Treaty Marty, Joyce, Kaitlyn & Mason Lewis 9411 W. 56th St. S. • Monroe, IA 50170 Marty (515) 250-2362 • Mason (515) 205-9161

Paul Bertsche & Sons 4540 E. 1700 N. Rd. • Flanagan, IL 61740 Dale (815) 796-2950 cell (815) 674-4419 Steve (815) 796-4440 cell (815) 674-2395 Larry (815) 842-1849 cell (815) 674-2397

Hanover, Kansas 66945

Lester Laue (785) 337-2600 Brant Laue (913) 541-8982

Stalcup Farms Charolais

“We don’t keep our cows, they keep us.”

“Quality Polled Charolais”

Craig Stalcup Jim Stalcup (641) 322-4946 1407 Poplar Avenue 2014 Iowa State Fair Grand Prescott, Iowa 50859 (641) 340-1128 cell (641) 335-2351

WC Bluegrass 2196

Keith Farms

Marion Keith 6719 State Rt. 154, Tamaroa, IL 62888 (618) 967-0291 • (618) 201-6261







BAR S Ranch

InnovativeSince Beef1945Production

March 13 25th Annual Bull Sale Paradise, Kansas 67658 David Dickerson Ken Stielow (785) 998-4386 (785) 998-4335

MYRON RUNFT CHAROLAIS Breeding Charolais since 1956 1460 Penn Road Bull Sale • March 23 Belleville, KS 66935 Home (785) 527-5047 Cell (785) 527-1269

#1 Milk Trait Leader

Oakdale Duke 9003 Pld

Duke 135 x Mac 2244 x Tradition 066

EPDs: 8.4 -3.9 27 59 28 6.0 41 1.4

Raising Charolais Since 1962

Ron & Diane Nord & Family 2104 Charolais Lane Bloomington, IL 61704 (309) 828-1448 or (309) 827-0457 (309) 275-0409 Ron cell

Fancy Creek Charolais Purebred Charolais Since 1968

Raile Charolais Farm

17050 Tuttle Creek Blvd. • Randolph, KS 66554 Home: 785-363-2519 • Cell: 785-313-2099

Rt. 1, Box 389 St. Francis, KS 67756

Don & Charlotte Olsen and family

I N D I A N A D&D Frazier 2818 Pld

Beef Genetics

Outcross +9 Milk Semen: $50/straw



Joe, Marlene & Andrew Doub 8614 W. 100 N. • Danville, IN 46122 (317) 539-6718 home • (317) 440-0525 cell




...building a program around proven genetics

Private treaty bull sale middle of March

28378 710th Ave • Collins, IA 50055 515-460-3074 •

58  

D E C E M B E R 2014

15523 Tuttle Creek Blvd. Randolph, Ks 66554 Phone/Fax: (785) 293-5106

Hubert Charolais Ranch 36th Annual

BC BEAVERS CHAROLAIS Brett, Tina, Madison & Austin Beavers

Megan, Lori & Galen Fink

WC Over Time 3015 P

Bull Sale 510 Maple Ave. April 7 Oakley, KS 67748 David & Shelby Hubert (785) 672-3528


VAUGHAN FAMILY RANCH PUREBRED CHAROLAIS ­– ANGUS Corey Vaughan, Ranch Mgr. 14630 E. 44th St. S. Derby, KS 67037 (316) 213-5484

Cliff (785) 332-2794 William (785) 332-2498

Females for Sale Private Treaty




Charolais • SimAngus • Composites

Spencer & Laci Schrader Weston & Josi 2118 Oxbow Rd., Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-2135 home (785) 488-7204 Spencer cell (785) 488-7227 Laci cell

Females and bulls for sale private treaty

WOODEN CROSS CATTLE CO. Merle Schlehuber 620-381-1712 557 190th Road = Hillsboro, KS 67063




Rambur Charolais

Howard Rambur d 406-489-3255 (cell) Production Sale 2nd Saturday in April

ENDSLEY’S CHAROLAIS FARMS 5590 E State Rd, Hastings ,MI 49058 269-945-5531 or ENDSLEY’S DUKE STONE 257 M641625

BREEDING Quality...

RC Feedlot d RC Cattle Phone: 406-482-3255 • Fax: 406-482-3802 34790 CR 118 • Sidney, MT 59270 Email: website:


AICA Multiple Trait Leader Semen: $20/ Straw; $20 Signing Fee

1194 Smith Ridge Rd. Campbellsville, KY 42718 Mitchel Cox - Owner/Gen. Mgr. (270) 465-7584

RC Denver

The Complete Bull FC Turbo 756 P


EPDs: 0.9 43 54 3 25 0.7 Semen: $25/straw; $30 signing fee Bull Sale • April 8th 88361 575th Ave • Newcastle, NE 68757 Home: 402-692-3704 • Cell: 402-841-9784 Larry & Krista Dybdal

Dybdal Charolais

Breeding Quality Charolais Seedstock Since 1962 1/2 Owner of Baldridge Fasttrack


James, Cathy and Brooke Hayden 4430 Bloomfield Road Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 349-0005


Wakefield Farms

Larry, Kyle & Dan Wakefield 20701 150th St. • New Richland, MN 56072 (507) 317-3086 • (507) 475-1749


• Performance Tested Charolais • For Sale - Bulls, Heifers, Cows, Pairs • Great Pedigree, EPDs, Disposition • A.I. with Best Sires in Breed Cordell & Linda Dartez 8533 Cordell Road Abbeville, LA 70510

Office: (337) 898-1616 Ranch: (337) 893-7593

Crosby Farms

Cheryle & Greg Crosby 443 Hwy 590 • Seminary, MS 39479 601-466-7377 CROSBY FARMS on Facebook

WC Passport 3127 PET


Member of JDJ Maximo A18 P Syndicate

33rd Annual Bull Sale • April 11, 2015

Dave Hebbert (308) 458-2540 Mose Hebbert (308) 458-2329

M O N T A N A Roy Charolais Bruce Roy

PO Box 191 • Mansura, LA 71350 Cell: (318) 359-1548 • Home: (318) 964-5129

Franz Ranch 41 Years in the Purebred Charolais Business

Ray, Jon & David Franz


Home of White Squall Bob & Judy Tibbs (410) 734-6873

3545 Old Level Road Havre de Grace, MD 21078

13221 CR 339 • Sidney, Montana 59270 Ray (406) 798-3675 Jon (406) 798-7740

Clark & Gail Brevig 676 Quarry View Lane • Lewistown, MT 59457 (406) 538-5579 phone • (406) 538-6479 fax •

Visitors always welcome


Quarter Circle Ranch Karen Ibach 46060 Rd. 793 • Ansley, NE 68814 (308) 732-3370

Dean Churchill Bull Sale HC 37, Box 54 April 14, Valentine, NE 69201 2015 (402) 376-2314 Headquarters Ranch

Mansfield, Missouri Butch Alsup • (417) 926-8416 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   59

Schurrtop Angus & Charolais Sure Performance Cattle




40842 Farnam Road Farnam, NE 69029 John (308) 569-2520 Ryan (308) 320-4067 Marty (308) 362-4941

Rick & Lisa Wilson Hart Box 865 Chickasha, OK 73023 Office (405) 224-0645 Home (405) 224-0694

LT Easy Ride 1153 Pld

Bill B. King • PO Box 2670, Moriarty, NM

87035 Day (505)220-9909 • Home (505)832-4330

Wagonhammer Ranches Box 548 Albion, NE 68620 (402) 395-2178 or 395-6962

The Total Performance Brand



Hilltop C Polled Charolais Pasture Proven Charolais Since 1962 Kirk & Peggy Castleberry

Wagon Wheel Charolais

Rt. 2, Box 8 Ninnekah, OK 73067

Ray D. Winz & Sons

(405) 224-1116 Cell (405) 574-2685

72354 Q Rd. • Holdrege, NE 68949 Ray (308) 995-5515, Doug (308) 991-6941 Steve (308) 567-2286 Contact us for Semen on our Trait Leading Sires.

West Fork Ranch Roseann Wilson (308) 745-1764 RR 1, Box 19 • Loup City, NE 68853

NORTH DAKOTA Bull Sale • February 21

Zeisler Charolais

DR Stealth 574

27th Annual Bull Sale • March 20

Richard L. Zeisler

Breeding Registered Charolais Since 1959

90445 476th Ave. • Butte, NE 68722 (402) 775-2569

Gerald and Loretta Effertz and Family PO Box 640 • Velva, ND 58790-0640 (701) 720-1156Roger (701) 720-1363 Kevin (701) 338-2980 Office

Neil (701) 223-5202 Bryan (701) 624-5104


Introducing —

HCR Solution 1107 Pld Solution x Western Edge EPDs: 4.9 -1.6 34 63 11 3.9 28 1.0


S te’s kyli hi


60  

D E C E M B E R 2014


NIPP CHAROLAIS Curtiss & Brenda Nipp HC 66, Box 76 Bull Sale 5 Overbrook, OK 73453 4, 201 a M rch 1 (580) 668-3332


Since 1970

Peter Stamer, owner (973) 729-9751 47 Snover Road, Lafayette, NJ 07848



“46 years of Breeding Charolais”

Kevin Wiley Ranch Manager Perry, OK (580) 336-9241 (580) 572-2555

a ro l a i s

R. David White

4690 Darlington Road Zanesville, OH 43701 740-453-8908 Docile cattle with meat, EPDs & Do-Ability!

daren statler, dvm 6651 Valley Camp Rd. Greencastle, PA 17225 (717) 729-6453


Clay Boscamp 1360 CR 460 Waelder, TX 78959 (830) 857-5130



Black Mingo Ranch

Double O Charolais 525 Daniels Road • Marshall, TX 75670 David & Linda Oney • (903) 930-0236

“Registered Polled Charolais Since 1969”

M.E. & Sandra Clemons

15211 Browns Ferry Road • Georgetown, SC 29440 (843) 448-3031 • (843) 527-4336


Nubbin Ridge Farm

Mike King, Farm Manager Quality Seedstock available with a focus on 914 and Cigar genetics! Home of: NRF Sir Duke 538 P M799771- 914 x L02 NRF Mr Smokester 600 P M827341 - Smokester x Cigar x 914 155 Nubbin Ridge Circle (864) 972-9203 home Westminster, SC 29693 (864) 958-1343 cell

Full French & Purebred Genetics BJCF Watt Z36 45th National Denver Grand Champion

WC Lady GaGa 031P –

F1120982 Sired by BHD Sly Illusion T3132 Pld

Visitors Welcome

David & Georgeanne Webb David Webb Jr. 317 Old Vinland School Road Easley, SC 29640 H: (864) 246-6203 C: (864) 640-7756 Email:

Liverpool, Texas Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 E-mail:


Roy R. & Sammye L. Dees

1168 CR 236, Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 (936) 560-0794

Houston Offices: (713) 724-9574 (281) 443-3074

HANN FAMILY SPRING VALLEY RANCHES 9995 CR 353 Gause, TX 77857 Roy W. Hann Jr., Owner Bryce Renfro, Manager (979) 255-5709 (512) 466-4009

Bruner Polled Charolais Focused on Genetics

Herd Sires Bamboo Passport 147 ET LT Distance 2054 Pld

E.E. “Gene” & Glenda Bruner 4 miles east of Grandview 12320 FM 916 Grandview, TX 76050 Home: (817) 866-2839 Cell: (817) 202-7680

Brian Bruner Austin, Texas Cell: (512) 797-3711

Tommy & Sherrille Wilks P.O. Box 118 Patrick, SC 29584 (843) 307-0323





Quality Charolais Raised in the Rocks at Cherokee, San Saba County, Texas

Kenneth Kuykendall (325) 622-4227 • FAX (325) 622-4673


Dennis Charolais

...easy calving...    ...explosive growth... DCF Pure Gold 802 P EPDs: 1.4 30 52 16 31 0.9

President- Eric Dennis

K&K Charolais Ranch

Office Manager- Katelyn Ebrom

Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Road Saint Jo, TX 76265 • (940) 995-2161

40th National Reserve Grand Champion Female


Kevin & Jessica Moore Bull Sale • March 21

“When You Depend On Beef For Your Bottom Line...”

2929 Oak Hill Road • Alvarado, TX 76009 Kevin cell (817) 822-7109 Jessica cell (817) 822-7402 •

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   61

arti Charolais 67 Years of Selective Breeding Full French Charolais

TriniTy Valley CommuniTy College

R A N C H regisTered Charolais CaTTle 100 Cardinal Drive . Athens, TX 75751 Marc Robinson 903.675.6285

Wes Marti 1701 CR 310 Cleburne, Texas 76031 Ranch (817) 645-0239 Cell (817) 517-4196



atman harolais

W i s c o n s i n

“Since 1936”

April 4 • Club Calf Steer & Heifer Sale October 21 • Annual Bull Sale

P.O. Box 595 • Raymondville, TX 78580 (956) 689-5162 • Fax (956) 689-3693 E-mail: Web:

W R I G H T C HAR O LAI S FAR M Quality  Polled   Performance Since 1973

Stop by and visit.

Richard & Jo Ann Wright 205 29th Street New Auburn, WI 54757 (715) 237-2880 Fax: (715) 237-2887

C a n a d a

Claudette................................(956) 689-5162 Mitch & Linda........................(956) 689-6379 Mitch Mobile..........................(956) 535-0936 Lamont, Alberta

Steve Patman

453 FM 55 Waxahachie, TX 75165 (972) 937-5628 PC Mr Stonecold P862



Open Charolais Heifers For Sale

Exposed to bull. Hand raised and well handled.

Cuero/Victoria, Texas area (361) 318-8638




Dean Barton Manti, Utah

(435) 835-7263 (435) 340-1396 Don Barton AICA Hall of Fame

Rafael Ortega • Owner Scott Milligan • Manager 39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 (806) 683-6435

S CATTLE CO. SKEAN Registered Charolais

Larry Skeans • David Skeans • Katie Skeans


1138 C.R.162 Gainesville, TX 76240

W a s h i n g t o n

Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale • February 28 “The Brand You Can Count On”

Registered Breeder Since 1969

Alan & Leslie Alexander 5412 Birch Road • Pasco, Wash. 99301 • (509) 545-8816 •

A Complete Source for Quality

62  

Kyle & Shay Schill (254) 230-5527 Steve & Debby Smith (281) 351-1500

D E C E M B E R 2014

Advertise your breeding program in the Charolais Breeders section each month! 1 inch- 11x rate: $30/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $313

TC Cattle Company Don & Mary Jane Schill 465 FCR 781 Donie, TX 75838 (903) 388-1342

Reach Potential Customers

Myles and Lisa Tellefson 20427 Rd 1 SE Warden, WA 98857 (509) 750-4384 • (509) 760-6651 e-mail:

2 inch - 11x rate: $60/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $627

• Each additional inch: $30/issue • 5% discount for 1 year (11 issues) prepaid ads

A Quality Program

Bulls, Semen, Embryos For Sale

C H A R O L A I S B R E E D E R S QUALITY plus PERFORMANCE Richard Clark Box 9 • Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-5892 • Randell Meyers Jr. • (423) 626-6257 Your Source for Seedstock Since 1971

“Mid Tenn Charolais where Tenn is quality and not quantity for perfection.” JDS Profit Maker 037 P

EPDs: 0.6 22 40 16 27

Ms Jackie Sue 4065 Pld CCR Jackpot 1410K5PET x JWK Chloe E225ET

• A proven donor at M & R Cattle • 2005 Tennessee State Show Grand Champion Female • Dam of the Grand Champion Female – 2007 Tennessee State Charolais Show

CE 3.1

BW 0.7

WW 33

YW 57

M 26

TM 42

914 x HBR Lady GI 207 P ET



1131 Nance Road New Market, TN 37820 Rodney King (865) 850-7016 Max King (865) 850-4411

Little W Farm LWF Cookie Cutter Pld

David & Barbara Sullivan 123 Sullivan Dr. • Manchester, TN 37355 Mobile: (931) 607-1580 • E-mail:


MCF Lady GI Duke 5003 PET (F1022001)

EPDs: 1.7 32 56 10 25

Mike & Connie Watkins Kellie & Scott Porter and Kristie & Jarrod Buhler

Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 444-3114 or (615) 642-0976 Come check out our bulls, females and ET Program!

M6 Led Weight 609 (M732626) CE 7.3

BW 1.1

WW 38

YW 83

M 10

TM 30

REA Marb 0.65 0.06

M6 Trademark 344 P x M6 Ms Mark 9485 Semen $20/ no signing

es Charolais ReavKyle Reaves 5840 West Allens Bridge Greenville, TN 37743 (423) 237-3042

Bloodlines from 2244, 914, Cigar, Wyoming Wind and D040

Performance • Pedigree • Polled

Bamboo Passport 1327 Passport x 914 x D029


EJ Impressive Smoke 881 P Smokester x D040

M745957 2-19-07 BW: 86 lbs.

CMF 241 Rio Blanco 378R Maternal Brother to Gridiron

Adj. WW/R: 749 lbs./115 Adj. YW/R: 1,395 lbs./120 Adj Yrlg. REA/R: 16.25 sq. in./119.3

CMF 159 Windy 241 Dam of Gridiron CE -3.1

BGC Ms Windy Cigar 832 ET Wind x Cigar x Montana Rocky

Garrett Charolais Bill Garrett

5295 Hwy. 70 E • Crossville, TN 38555 (931)-456-5236 • (931) 265-3151 cell

1120 Welcome Grove Rd. Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 422-7234

YW 73

M 22

MCE -2.8

TM 37

SC 1.2

CW REA F MB 23 0.25 0.003 0.18

Semen: $20/Straw; $30 Signing Contact: Bovine Elite, LLC.

2760 Renfro Rd. • Jefferson City, TN 37760 (865) 475-8266 • (865) 599-5075 cell

CMF 241 Gridiron 437W – M788653 Grid Maker x Wind

Silas Maxwell

WW 30

Roy May & Son

: Semen / aw $20 Str g nin ig S o N

BW WW YW -1.1 24 48

BW 2.1

M 10

TM REA MARB 22 0.37 0.04

Lynn Hankins 16 Larkspur Lane Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 620-8333

Space Available Contact Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   63



Bovine Hi Res


8:48 AM

Page 1

* Semen & Embryo Sales * A.I. & ET Equipment Sales * MVE & Taylor Wharton Tanks * A.I./Palpation Clinics * TruTest Scales * Professional Exporting & Importing * Semen & Embryo Warehousing * A.I. Consultation

120 Shadylane Coppell, Texas 75019 (972) 471-1233 • Mobile (972) 839-6485

Robert T. Nord Auctioneer 

Nord Livestock Sales 9515 Texas Church Rd, Clinton, IL 61727 (217) 935-3245 or (217) 519-0375

Bovine Elite, LLC 3300 Longmire Drive • College Station, Texas 77845 800-786-4066 • 979-693-0388 • 979-693-7994 Fax •

Tommy Barnes

Sullivan Supply

189 River Road Lowndesboro, AL 36752 Mobile (334) 462-4004

Sullivan Supply South Sullivan Supply Inc. Hillsboro, TX 76645 Dunlap, IA 51529 Phone: (800) 588-7096 Phone: (800) 475-5902 FAX: (254) 582-7114 FAX: (712) 643-5154


Livestock Grooming Products


“Bringing more to your sale”


Auctioneer Rick Curfman

RR. 2, Pittsfield, IL 62363 (217) 285-5213

Justin B. Stout


ELECTRIC FENCING • MIRACO WATERERS • WEIGHING & EID Offering System Solutions for Charolais Producers 1-800-531-5908

23724 W. 87th Terrace Lenexa, KS 66227

(913) 645-5136 Making your program stronger, one sale at a time.

dENNIS METZGER Auctioneer 816-519-8208 64  

D E C E M B E R 2014

Ben Meriwether

Livestock Photography

We find the marbling outliers! The CUP Lab™, LLC 2610 Northridge Parkway Suite 105 Ames, IA 50010 515-232-9442 Ultrasound Equipment Sales

Video Production & Editing Photography Editing Fair Grove, Missouri • (417) 766-3278 •

will give you insight into the total cattle industry - all the breeds, issues, ideas and innovations. The Cattleman will tell you where the industry has been and where it is going so you won’t be left behind!

Greg & Brenda Hubert

P.O. Box 100 • Oakley, Kansas 67748 • (785) 672-3195 FAX: (785) 672-4902 • Professional Charolais Sales Management

SUBSCRIBE TODAY! $25 per year ($40 foreign)

CATTLE SALES – Registered and Commercial Auctions, consultations and semen sales FARM SALES – Land and equipment ORDER BUYING –“If you need it, I’ll find it”

1301 W. Seventh St. Fort Worth, TX 76102-2660 (817) 332-7155 Ask for Circulation Dept.

Home: (931) 389-6865

522 Higgins Road Cell: Wartrace, TN 37183 (931) 842-1234 E-mail:

Have you planned your advertising? February 2015 Deadline: December 23 “Over 40 years of proven, practical experience”

March 2015

Koshkonong, MO Clifford: (405) 246-6324

Deadline: January 25

Contact Your Area Field Representative

Wes Chism (281) 761-5952 Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144 Colt Keffer (765) 376-8784 Charolais Journal office (816) 464-2474 ext. 104


Call or Write for Sale Catalogs or Information on these Sales: December 6 Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale.......................Nixon, Texas January 30 CAT Cowtown Cattle Drive Sale................Ft. Worth, Texas February 14 Charolais For Profit Bull Sale....................Columbus, Texas March 6 Windy Hill Gateway-Getaway Sale..............Cedar Hill, Mo. April 4 DeBruycker Charolais 31st Annual Bull Sale.....Great Falls, Mont. Ask how we can help with your breeding program and sales. D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   65

AICA Events December 31 — AIJCA Junior Merit Awards Application Deadline January 17 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Pen Show Denver, Colo. January 19 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Show Denver, Colo. January 31 — Fort Worth Stock Show National ROE Show Fort Worth, Texas March 2-4 — Charolais-Charbray of the Americas Conference Houston, Texas March 3 — Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Class A ROE Show Houston, Texas March 22-23 — AICA Annual Membership Meeting, Committee Meetings & Spring Board of Directors Meeting Kansas City, Mo.



December 2014 December 5 — Meadows Creek Farm It’s All Black & White Bull Sale, Montgomery Stockyards, Montgomery, Ala. Contact: Richard Meadows. December 6 — Wright Charolais 4th Annual Female Sale, 1 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. December 6 — 23rd Annual Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Nixon Livestock Commission Company, Nixon, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. December 13 — Hartman Cattle Company 19th Annual Customer Appreciation Sale, 2 p.m., Tecumseh, Neb. Auctioneer: Steve Dorran. Sale Manager: Continental Livestock Services. December 13 — Ridder Farms 4th Annual The Showgirls Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, Hermann, Mo. Auctioneer: Eddie Burks. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. December 15 — SanDan Charolais Spring Calving Dispersal, at the farm, Erskine, AB. Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. December 31 — AIJCA Junior Merit Awards Application Deadline. Contact: Kaitlyn Lewis, AICA.

January 2015 January 17 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Pen Show, Denver, Colo. January 18 — National Western Stock Show Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Denver, Colo. January 18 — Charolais In the Rockies Sale, 2:30 p.m., National Western Stock Show Beef Palace Auction Arena. Auctioneer: Dennis Metzger. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. January 19 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Show, Denver, Colo. January 23 — Thomas Ranch Annual Fall Bull Sale, Sioux Falls Regional Stockyards, Sioux Falls, S.D. Contact: Troy Thomas. January 30 — Charolais Association of Texas Cowtown Cattle Drive Sale, 3 p.m., Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo West Arena, Fort Worth, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. January 30 — Soreide Charolais Ranch 32nd Annual Production Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Bowman, N.D. Contact: Jay Soreide. January 31 — Fort Worth Stock Show National ROE Show, 3 p.m., Fort Worth, Texas.

Affiliate Events

Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext 200, with affiliate event dates. M o r e o n t h e W e b: 66  

D E C E M B E R 2014

February 2015 February 8-9 — 51st Annual Iowa Beef Expo Charolais Sale, Parade & Judging: Sunday, 2 p.m.; Sale: Monday: 1:30 p.m., Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. February 13 — Honeyman Charolais 36th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Bowman Auction Market, Bowman, N.D. Contact: Ryan Honeyman. February 14 — Bradley 3 Ranch The Widebody Bull Sale, at the ranch, Estelline, Texas. Contact: James Henderson. February 14 — Charolais For Profit Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Columbus, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. February 14 — ­­ Stewart’s Charolais & Steffensen Charolais 8th Annual Bull Sale, Madison Sale Barn, Madison, S.D. Contact: Jeff Stewart or Travis Steffensen.

February 17 — Bina Charolais 20th Annual Powerhouse Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Jamestown Livestock, Jamestown, N.D. Contact: Lane Bina. February 21 — M&M Charolais Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Perry, Okla. Auctioneer: Joel Birdwell. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. February 28 — Hang’n A Cattle Company 12th Annual Rancher’s Choice Sale, 12:30 p.m., Eltopia, Wash. Contact: Alan Alexander. February 28 — Rogers Bar HR Turn-Out Charolais Bull Sale & Brangus Female Sale, 12:30 p.m., at the ranch, Collins, Miss. Contact: Doug Rogers.

March 2015 March 1 — Smoky Hill Charolais/Lazy H Ranch Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Hays, Kan. Contact: Maurice or Mark Rohr. March 2-4 — Charolais-Charbray of the Americas Conference, Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, Houston, Texas. Contact: Robert Williams, AICA. March 2 — Baney Ranch Spring Event Sale, Producers Auction Yards, Norwood, Mo. Contact: Larry Baney. March 3 — Doll Charolais & Simmental Ranch 35th Annual Production Sale, Kist Livestock, Mandan, N.D. Auctioneer: Lynn Weishaar. Contact: Charles, Harlan or David Doll. March 3 — Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo Class A ROE Show, Houston, Texas. March 4-5 — International Livestock Congress – USA, Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, Houston, Texas.

March 22-23 — American-International Charolais Association Annual Membership Meeting, Committee Meetings and Spring Board of Directors Meeting, Argosy Hotel & Casino, Kansas City, Mo. Contact: Judy Clements, AICA. March 23 — Myron Runft Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 12:30 p.m., Belleville 81 Livestock Market, Belleville, Kan. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Contact: Myron Runft. March 23 — Weber Charolais & Red Angus Meat & Muscle Bull Sale, Corsica Sale Barn, Corsica, SD. Contact: Dean, Todd, Tim or Jason Weber. March 28 — Cannon-Deutsch Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, Newton, Iowa. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

April 2015 April 1 — AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference Entry Information Available Online. April 1 — Bracewell Cattle Spring Bull Buyout, 1 p.m., Cattlemen’s Livestock Commission, Paris, Texas. Contact: Bradley Bracewell. April 3 — Roster Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Mitchell Livestock, Mitchell, S.D. Contact: Mike Roster. April 4 — DeBruycker Charolais 31st Annual Bull Sale, Noon, Western Livestock Auction, Great Falls, Mont. Sale Consultant: Outfront Cattle Service. April 4 — Satterfield Charolais & Angus 4th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, Evening Shade, Ark. Auctioneer: Tommy Barnes. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

March 6 — Double-H Charolais Bull Sale, Yankton Livestock Market, Yankton, S.D. Contact: Harlin Hecht.

April 4 — Thomas Charolais & Friends 6th Annual Club Calf Sale, at the ranch, Raymondville, Texas. Contact: Mitch Thomas.

March 6 — Sandmeier Charolais 34th Anniversary Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Bowdle, S.D. Contact: Calvin or Gary Sandmeier.

April 4 — Wells Charolais 33rd Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Hub City Livestock, Aberdeen, S.D. Contact: Richard or Jason Wells.

March 6 — Windy Hill Charolais Farms & Guests 18th Annual Gateway-Getaway Production Sale, 6:30 p.m., Arrowhead Sale Facility, Cedar Hill, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Contact: Stan or David Bonacker.

April 7 — Hubert Charolais Ranch 36th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Monument, Kan. Auctioneer: James Birdwell. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

March 7 — Mead Farms Performance Tested Bull Sale, at the farm, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead.

April 8 — Dybdal Charolais 4th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 1 p.m., Laurel Livestock Sales Co., Laurel, Neb. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

March 7 — Peterson Farms Charolais 22nd Annual Top Pick Bull Sale, at the farm, Mtn. Grove, Mo. March 10 — Romans Ranches Charolais Production Sale, Vale, Ore. Contact: Bill or Jeff Romans. March 13 — Bar S Ranch 25th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Paradise, Kan. Contact: Ken Stielow or David Dickerson. March 14 — Nipp Charolais 6th Annual Bull Sale, Red River Livestock, Ardmore, Okla. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Contact: Curtiss Nipp. March 14 — Wright Charolais 8th Annual Bull Sale, 6 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. March 17 — Wagner Charolais 4th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Sterling Livestock Commission, Sterling, Colo. Auctioneer: Dennis Metzger. Contact: Bob Wagner.

April 9 — Reich Ranch Charolais Bull Sale, Belle Fourche, S.D. Contact: Tim Reich. April 9 — Sonderup Charolais Ranch 33rd Annual Bull Sale, noon, at the ranch, Fullerton, Neb. Contact: Tom Sonderup. April 9 — Wright Charolais Annual Online Embryo Sale. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. April 11 — Carolina Sensation Sale, 1 p.m., Upstate Livestock Exchange, Williamston, S.C. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. April 11 — Hebbert Charolais Ranch 33rd Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Hyannis, Neb. Contact: David or Mose Hebbert. April 11 — Rambur Charolais 37th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Sidney, Mont. Contact: Howard Rambur.

March 20 — Zeisler Charolais 27th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Butte, Neb. Contact: Richard Zeisler.

April 11 — The Renaissance XXIII Sale, 1 p.m., Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.

March 21 — Aschermann Charolais 20th Edition Charolais Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Carthage, Mo. Auctioneer: Jackie Moore. Contact: Larry or Peggy Aschermann.

April 13 — Eggleston Charolais 30th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 1 p.m., Bales CCC, Huron, S.D. Contact: Jamie or Dennis Eggleston.

March 21 — M6 Ranch Spring Event Sale, at the ranch, Alvarado, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Contact: Kevin or Jessica Moore.


April 14 — Thomas Ranch 43rd Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Harrold, S.D. Contact: Troy Thomas.

Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE WITH THE JAN. 2006 ISSUE

The following terms and conditions govern all advertising in the Charolais Journal, which is used without separate or additional contract terms.

BREEDER ADVERTISING SPACE Black & White  1x   11x 1 page $700 $600 2/3 page 510 450 1/2 page (h) 395 340 1/2 page (v) 450 370 1/3 page 270 220 1/4 page 215 180 1/6 page 155 130 1 inch 35 30 Position pgs (1-7) 1,150 Inside Covers 1,200 Back Cover 1,300 CLASSIFIEDS Prepaid. Rate: $1 per word, $25 min., paid in advance. Deadline 25th of the 2nd month preceding publication COLOR 1 standard additional color $175 - red or blue (availability basis) 1 non-standard color 275 - (availability basis) 4-color 475 Special color 475 Metallic color 600 ADDITIONAL CHARGES B/W photo (each) $15 Color photo (each) 50 4-Color page correction after approval (per page) 150 B/W or 2-Color page corrections after approval (per page) 100 After deadline charge 100

April 14 — Oakwater Ranch 31st Annual Bull Sale, 1 September 23 — Thomas Ranch 13th Annual Private p.m., Valentine Livestock, Valentine, Neb. Auctioneer: Treaty Steer & Heifer Sale, at the ranch, Harrold, S.D. James Birdwell. Contact: Dean Churchill or Butch Alsup. Contact: Troy, VeaBea or Cally Thomas. April 15-16 — Dismukes Ranch Spring Online Sale, October 2015 at the ranch, Checotah, Okla. Contact: Jim Dismukes. October 10 — M6 Ranch Fall Event Sale, at the ranch, April 17 — Cross Mountain Quest For Excellence Sale, Alvarado, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Contact: Harrisonburg, Va. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. Kevin Moore. April 17 — Virginia Beef Expo Charolais Sale, October 17 — The ONE Sale, 1 p.m., Hopkins Harrisonburg, Va. Sale Sponsor: Virginia Charolais County Regional Civic Center, Sulphur Springs, Texas. Association. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront April 18 — Lindskov-Thiel Ranch 34th Annual Bull Sale, Cattle Service. 1 p.m., at the ranch, Isabel, S.D. Contact: Brent Thiel. October 21-22 — Dismukes Ranch Fall Online Sale, April 20 — Polzin Cattle Spring Thaw Online Embryo at the ranch, Checotah, Okla. Contact: Jim Dismukes. Sale, Breeders’ World. Contact: Chris or Leslie Polzin.

November 2015

April 24 — Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Annual Membership Banquet & Meeting, Columbia, Mo. November 22 — Polzin Cattle Leading Ladies Online Heifer and Embryo Sale, Darwin, Minn. Contact: Chris April 25 — Missouri Charolais Breeders Association or Leslie Polzin. 50th Annual State Sale, 1 p.m., Show-Me Shorthorn Sale Facility, Columbia, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale December 2015 Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. December 5 — Wright Charolais 5th Annual Female April 25 — Wienk Charolais 46th Annual Bull Sale, Sale, Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Sale 1 p.m., at the ranch, Lake Preston, S.D. Contact: Jeff, Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. Sterling or Ty Eschenbaum. December 12 — Ridder Farms 5th Annual The April 30 — AIJCF Scholarship Application Deadline. Showgirls Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, Hermann, Mo. Contact: Kaitlyn Lewis, AICA. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

May 2015 May 2 — 16th Annual The Sale of Excellence, 1 p.m., O.D. Butler Texas A&M Research Center, College Station, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

December 31 — AIJCA Junior Merit Awards Application Deadline. Contact: Kaitlyn Lewis, AICA.

Difficult ads requiring substantional extra production time will be charged a minimum $50/ hour rate. If you prefer no extra charges, request that the Journal staff simplify the ad if necessary at their discretion. CANCELLATION POLICY Charges dependent upon stage of production will be invoiced to advertisers who cancel previously submitted advertising.

May 9 — Rogers Bar HR 40th Annual Cream of the Crop Charolais Female Sale, 12:30 p.m., at the ranch, Collins, Miss. Contact: Doug Rogers. May 10 — AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference Entry Deadline. Contact: Kaitlyn Lewis, AICA.

DISCOUNTS A 5% discount for all advertising will be given if prepaid for one year. No agency commissions allowed on breeder rates.

May 16 — Charolais Association of Texas Spring Spectacular Sale, 1 p.m., Tommy McDaniel Ag Expo Center, Henderson, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

CLOSING DATES All advertising copy (including photos) must be in the Charolais Journal office by the 25th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 25 for the March issue or the first working day thereafter. A $100 late fee will be applied to all late advertisements. Proof deadline: 20th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 20 for March issue.

May 20 — AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference Late Entry & Ownership Deadline. Contact: Kaitlyn Lewis, AICA. May 30 — Appalachian Classic Sale, Knoxville Livestock Market, Knoxville, Tenn. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Sponsor: Mountain Empire Charolais Association. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

June 2015 June 9-12 – Beef Improvement Federation Annual Convention, Biloxi, Miss. July 5-10 – American-International Junior Charolais Association Junior National Show & Leadership Conference, Minnesota State Fairgrounds, St. Paul, Minn.


July 2015


July 31 — Miss Charolais USA 2016 Application Deadline. Contact: Jamie Dehan.

September 2015

REPRINTS, CATALOGS AND BROCHURES Advertising and editorial reprints available. Sale catalogs and brochures are produced at special rates. Contact office for prices.

September 7 — 22nd Annual Autumn In The Ozarks Sale, Noon, Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management. September 20 — Polzin Cattle Fall Freeze Online Embryo Sale, Breeders’ World. Contact: Chris or Leslie Polzin.

ADVERTISING CONTENT The Charolais Journal reserves the right to refuse any advertising or copy at its sole discretion. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance. The Charolais Journal accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any photographs supplied by other than its own staff. Advertisers shall imdemnify and hold harmless the Charolais Journal for any claims concerning advertising content as submitted.

Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext. 200, or with your Classified Advertising. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

Notice to advertisers: Advertising for sales scheduled prior to the 20th of the month of publication accepted at the advertiser’s risk. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for distribution.

D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 4   67



21 Ranch..................................................... 60 8 Story Farms............................................... 19 5J Charolais................................................. 19 Akin Charolais.............................................. 57 Arlitt Ranch.................................................... 3 Aschermann Charolais ................................ 19 B3 Livestock................................................. 15 Bamboo Road Farms LLC............................ 57 Baney Ranch................................................ 19 Barnard Charolais........................................ 19 Barnes, Tommy............................................ 64 Bar J Charolais......................................... 6, 61 Bar S Ranch................................................. 58 Barton Charolais Ranch .............................. 62 Bauman Cattle............................................. 15 Beavers Charolais........................................ 58 Ben Meriwether Livestock Photography.............. 64 Big Creek Charolais...................................... 19 Black Mingo Ranch...................................... 61 Bohannon Proprietors................................. 11 Boscamp’s Arrowhead Ranch...................... 61 Bovine Elite, LLC................................ 7, 13, 64 Bracewell Cattle Co...................................... 61 Brevig Charolais........................................... 59 Broken Box Ranch....................................... 57 Browarny Photographics, Inc....................... 64 Bruner Polled Charolais............................... 61 Buddy’s Charolais.......................................... 3 C & H Farms................................................ 11 Cardinal Charolais....................................... 57 Castleberry’s Hilltop C Charolais................. 60 Cattleman, The............................................ 65 CattleMax..................................................... 64 Charolais Association of Texas...................... 61 Charolais Banner ........................................ 65 Charolais In The Rockies........................ 25-36 Chez Dartez Ranch...................................... 59 Circle Cee Charolais Farms.......................... 62 Clayford Ranch Charolais............................. 61 Clift Livestock............................................... 14 Clifton, Greg................................................. 64 Cody Cattle Company..................................IBC Compton Charolais...................................... 57 Conover, Al................................................... 64 Corman Charolais ................................. 14, 19 Cox Charolais............................................... 59 Crosby Farms............................................... 59 Crutcher, Matt.............................................. 64 68  

D E C E M B E R 2014

Curfman Farms........................................... 57 Curfman, Rick ............................................ 64 DeBruycker Charolais.................................... 23 Dennis Charolais Farm................................ 61 DESCO Charolais Farm................................ 60 Dismukes Ranch......................................... 11 Doub Charolais............................................ 58 Double O Charolais...................................... 61 Double R Dees ............................................ 61 Dybdal Charolais.......................................... 59 Eaton Charolais...............................Inside Front Effertz Key Ranch ........................................ 60 Eggleston’s Charolais................................... 55 Endsley’s Charolais Farm............................ 59 Evans Charolais............................................. 3 EZY-B Farms................................................ 13 Fancy Creek Charolais.................................. 58 Fink Beef Genetics....................................... 58 Foglesong Charolais..................................... 57 Fox Hollow................................................... 60 Franz Ranch ................................................ 59 Gallagher...................................................... 64 Garrett Charolais.......................................... 63 Gay Livestock Insurance, Jerry .................... 65 Hang’n A Cattle Co....................................... 62 Hankins, Lynn.............................................. 63 Hann Family Spring Valley Ranches ............... 61 Hansen Farms.............................................. 55 Hart Charolais.............................................. 59 Hayden Farm............................................... 59 Heath Hyde Cattle Co..................................... 3 Hebbert Charolais........................................ 59 Hubert Cattle Sales....................................... 65 Hubert Charolais Ranch ............................. 58 Ibach Quarter Circle Ranch......................... 59 James F. Bessler Inc..................................... 65 Jensen Charolais Ranch............................... 55 Jorgensen Charolais..................................... 57 Justin B. Stout Auction Service..................... 64 JVS Cattle Co................................................... 6 K & K Charolais Ranch................................. 61 Kansas City Stars.......................................... 15 Keith Farms................................................. 58 Keppen Charolais......................................... 55 King Charolais.............................................. 60 L&N Charolais.............................................. 19 LaFraise Farms ........................................... 58 Lambert, Doak ............................................ 64

Laue Charolais Ranch.................................. 58 Lehman Charolais......................................... 61 Lindskov-Thiel Ranch...................... Back Cover Little W Farm............................................... 63 Lone Oak Farm............................................ 10 M6 Charolais................................................ 61 MBS Charolais............................................. 19 M & M Charolais...................................... 5, 60 M & R Cattle................................................. 63 Marti Charolais Farm................................... 62 May, Roy & Son............................................ 63 McCary & Son Charolais Farm..................... 57 McNickle Charolais Ranch........................... 58 Mead Farms................................................. 19 Metzger, Dennis........................................... 64 Mid Continent Farms................................... 11 MidTenn Charolais ...................................... 63 Missouri Charolais Breeders........................ 19 Mitchell Management ................................. 65 ML Lewis Charolais...................................... 58 MOGO Charolais.......................................... 57 Morton, Bob................................................. 65 Mountain View Charolais............................. 57 New Hope Farm........................................... 60 Nipp Charolais....................................... 13, 60 Nord Farms.................................................. 58 Nord, Robert ............................................... 64 Nubbin Ridge Farm...................................... 61 Oak Hill Farm.............................................. 57 Oakwater Ranch........................................... 59 Odden Charolais Ranch............................... 55 Outfront Cattle Service .......................... 10, 65 Patman Charolais......................................... 62 Pearls Pics.................................................... 64 Peterson Farms Charolais............................ 19 Prairie Valley Farms, lnc.............................. 55 Raile Charolais Farm................................... 58 Rambur Charolais, Ltd................................ 59 Ramro LLC................................................... 62 Reaves Charolais.......................................... 63 Reich Charolais Ranch ................................ 55 Ridder Farms......................................... 11, 19 Rio Ranch.................................................... 62 Riverdale Land & Livestock.......................... 19 Rocking S Ranch, LLC.................................... 8 Rogers Bar HR .............................................. 1 Roy Charolais............................................... 59 Runft Charolais Ranch, Myron..................... 58


SW&S Cattle Co............................................ 62 Sandmeier Charolais.................................... 55 Satterfield Charolais....................................... 9 Sayre Cattle Service...................................... 65 Schrader Ranch........................................... 58 Schurrtop Angus & Charolais....................... 60 Shadow Springs Farm.................................. 59 Skeans Cattle Co........................................... 62 Sleepy Valley Farm Charolais........................ 60 South Dakota Charolais Breeders.................. 55 Sparrow Farms............................................. 62 Stalcup Farms Charolais.............................. 58 Steffensen Charolais.................................... 55 Stewart’s Charolais....................................... 55 Sturgess Double S Cattle.............................. 61 Sullivan Supply............................................ 64 Summerford Charolais, BJR........................ 57 TC Cattle Co.................................................. 62 Tennessee Charolais Breeders..................... 63 The CUP Lab LLC......................................... 64 Thomas Charolais, Inc. (TX)........................ 62 Thomas Ranch (SD)...................................... 2 Tiger Country Charolais............................... 19 Trinity Valley Community College Rch.......... 62 Utopia Genetics............................................ 15 Vaughan Family Ranch................................ 58 Vedvei Charolais Ranch.......................... 12, 55 Volunteer Charolais ..................................... 63 Wagonhammer Ranches.............................. 60 Wagon Wheel Charolais Ranch .................... 60 Wakefield Farms........................................... 59 Webb Charolais Farm................................... 61 Weber Charolais Farm ................................. 55 Welcome Grove Charolais ........................... 63 Wells Charolais Ranch................................. 55 West Fork Ranch.......................................... 60 White’s Skyline Charolais (OH)................... 60 Wienk Charolais Ranch.......................... 16, 23 Wild Indian Acres......................................... 19 Windy Hill Charolais Farms.......................... 19 Wooden Cross Cattle Co............................... 58 Wright Charolais...................................19, IBC Wright Charolais Farm (WI)......................... 62 Zeisler Charolais.......................................... 60 ZOE Charolais.............................................. 19

LOOK for these Wright Charolais Herd Sire Prospects

“InatThe Yards” Denver

& Wright Charolais Bull Sale as features in our Annual

March 14, 2015

WC CCC Blue October 4119 P ET

WC Paramount 4120 P ET

DOB: 1-6-14 BW: 78 lbs. AWW: 810 lbs. LT Blue Value 7903 ET x Baldridge Sweetheart 7M EPDs: 8.1 -1.5 28 45 14 8.3 28 0.9

DOB: 1-4-14 BW: 86 lbs. AWW: 802 lbs. LT Ledger 0332 P x JWK Clarice J139 ET EPDs: 7.7 -1.1 34 69 13 5.5 30 1.3

WC Double Up 4128 P ET

WC Legendary 4122 P ET

DOB: 1-20-14 BW: 82 lbs. AWW: 835 lbs. WC Double Tree 2009 P x JWK Clarice J139 ET EPDs: 6.6 -0.7 33 59 16 3.3 33 0.7

DOB: 1-6-14 BW: 86 lbs. AWW: 752 lbs. LT Ledger 0332 P x SCC Miss 3027 ET EPDs: 6.3 0.6 34 63 7 4.1 25 1.5

For more information & catalogs call or email — Sale Manager: Greg Hubert P.O. Box 100 Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-3195 (785) 672-7449 (cell)


CODY CATTLE COMPANY Cody Runft 608 Crispin Street • Richmond, MO 64085 316.640.0733 •

Derry & Mary Wright 42922 Old Hwy. 10 • Richmond, MO 64085 816-776-3512 farm office 816-456-3792 cellular Chris Peuster, Managing Partner 816-529-2190 cellular

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