January 2010
Reserve Grand Champion Female, 2009 National ChiAngus Show Reserve Grand Champion Bull, 2009 National ChiAngus Show
Ard Ridge New Barbara 842U Ard Ridge New Balance X DSCA Barbara 842J - Owned By Ard Ridge Genetics & Carmel Ranch
EVFA Tonka II 2CA Ard Ridge Tonka X HXC Aristocrat 313N - Owned By Ard Ridge Genetics & Carmel Ranch
Senior Heifer Calf Champion, 2009 National ChiAngus Show Ard Ridge Magic Barbara 9U PCC Flash Magic X Ard Ridge Barbara 9M - Owned By Taylor Graham
Late Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion, 2009 National ChiAngus Show Ard Ridge Thirty Rock Ard Ridge Wildcard X Ard Ridge Esterel 488P - Owned By Ard Ridge Genetics & Dyehouse Family Farms
Thanks to all who purchase cattle at THE LOOK.
Junior Yearling Reserve Champion Female, 2009 National ChiAngus Show EVFA Tonka II 2CA BLFM Entourage 1CA X Ard Ridge Cara 66R - Owned By Samantha Lowman
814 Ard Ridge Road • Nancy, Kentucky 42544 Neal & Rebekah Branscum - 606.872.5395 Leonard & June Branscum - 606.305.9589
OFFERING 100 LOTS • 75 FUNCTIONAL FEMALES INCLUDING: BREDS, PAIRS & 3 IN 1’S • 25 HERD SIRES - YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS! OFFERING CHIANGUS, RED ANGUS, SIMMENTAL ANGUS & COMPOSITE BRED CATTLE Sale Hosted by Ard Ridge Genetics & Guest Consignors 814 Ard Ridge Road • Nancy, Kentucky 42544 Neal & Rebekah Branscum - 606.872.5395 Leonard & June Branscum - 606.305.9589 For more information or to request a sale catalog:
Kevin Mears, 937.533.0169 or 937.839.6142 www.stockoptionsmarketing.com
• January 2010
January 2010 • Volume 37, No. 4
1302 B Platte Falls Rd. P.O. Box 890, Platte City, MO 64079 (816) 431-2808, Fax (816) 431-5381 E-mail: acjeditor@earthlink.net Web site: www.chicattle.org
Staff ACJ Production Manager/ Director of Shows & Activities Heather Counts acjeditor@earthlink.net (517) 214-0927 – direct line Director of Marketing & Performance Ed Creason acamarketing@earthlink.net (573) 823-5635 (cell)
18 44 51
ACA National Show Coverage
Accounting/Membership Dawn Jochim acaaccounting@earthlink.net
Stretching Ranch Dollars by Working Smart by James Rogers
Registrar Jennifer Roach acaregistrations@earthlink.net
ACA Board of Directors Minutes Member
Production by
4 6 8 9 42 45
Chi Commentary Chi Performance Ladies Auxiliary AJCA Update Ultrasound 101 Baxter Black
10 14 43 46 57 60 68
New Junior Members ACA Bulletin Upcoming Events New Adult Members Show Reports Production Sale Reports Advertiser Listing
ON THE COVER: 2009 ACA National Champions & NAILE Supreme Junior Heifer Cover designed by Julie White
January 2010 • ACJ
ACJ Platte City, MO ACJ (ISSN 1068-8021) is published monthly, with the exception of February, April, June, July, September, November and December at 1302 Platte Falls Rd., Suite B, Platte City, MO 64079. Subscription price is $25 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Platte City, MO and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: ACJ P.O. Box 890 Platte City, MO 64079
2010 Year Letter "X" 2009 Year Letter: “W”
BW - 75 LBS WW - 721 LBS YW - 1,485 LBS ADG - 4.33 %IMF - 5.07 REA - 15.5 FS - 6.25 BF - 0.25 MARB. - AVG. CHOICE
BW - 90 LBS WW - 739 LBS YW - 1,280 LBS ADG - 4.01 %IMF - 4.0 REA - 16.34 BF - 0.27 MARB. - AVG. CHOICE
VINDICATOR - Calving Ease
BW - 92 LBS WW - 816 LBS YW - 1,389 LBS ADG - 4.26 %IMF - 5.7 REA - 18.6 BF - 0.30 MARB. - HIGH CHOICE
BW - 65 LBS WW - 677 LBS YW - 1,360 LBS ADG - 4.90 %IMF - 3.86 REA - 14.85 BF - 0.28 MARB. - AVG. CHOICE
BLK MOUNTAIN - Calving Ease DOUBLE STAR Offering progeny out of the pictured bulls, as well as Mt. Man, Paterno, Stockman 802 & BS808R!
Willow Oak Cattle Ranch
You can view the cattle and purchase on the internet at www.superiorlivestock.com
Web site: www.willowoakranch.com E-mail: wocr@kennynachwalter.com Business Office: Richard Alan Arnold 215 W. Broadway, Ste. D President & Manager Rogersville, TN 37857 (423) 272-0225
Scott Coble Cattle Manager (423) 921-4221
John Coble • (406) 254-2548 or (406) 671-1880 (cell)
For a buyer number, call (800) 431-4452
• January 2010
Chi Commentary by Stan Comer, Acting CEO
ACA Board of Directors Chairman – Neal Branscum 814 Ard Ridge Rd. • Nancy, KY 42544 Cell: (606) 872-5395 • Office: (606) 871-9454 nealbranscum@hotmail.com At Large • Term expires 2010
Vice Chairman – Steve Melroe 8005 Hwy 32 • Gwinner, ND 58040 Home: (701) 678-2225 melroefarms@yahoo.com Northwest Region • Term expires 2011
Change Inspires Opportunity! ith the beginning of the new year 2010, we have many things to be thankful for; freedom, family and the opportunity to be involved in a way of life we love – Agriculture! As we make our resolutions for the New Year we also have anticipation of a better, more prosperous year than last. We all know that this doesn’t just happen, it takes planning and execution of thoughts, breeding programs, family values, hard work and an optimistic view of the future. I truly believe that the American Chianina Association is positioned to take advantage of new technology, innovations in promotion, marketing and the product we ultimately believe in – Chianina cattle! Chianina cattle definitely have a unique niche within the beef industry and your board of directors is working hard to expose the tremendous qualities of Chianina seedstock as well as Chianina Beef from cattlemen to the consumer. The American Chianina Association will encounter change in 2010 with the transfer of leadership in the hiring of a new Chief Executive Officer. This new opportunity can be a tremendous catalyst to take this association comprised
Secretary – Ken Culp III 1065 Durham Lane, Nicholasville, KY 40356 Home: (859) 881-9115 • Cell: (859) 227-7506 ken.culp@uky.edu Southeast Region • Term expires 2011
of great people, including our world class junior members, to the next level of beef industry as well as consumer recognition. I would personally like to congratulate everyone who attended the 2009 ACA National Event held in Louisville, Ky. in November. It was without a doubt one of the most inspirational Chianina events I have had the privilege to attend. From the Chianina heifer being named Supreme Champion over all breeds in the junior show to a great national sale on Tuesday to the ACA Banquet and one of the highest regarded national shows of any breed present at the North American, you can’t help but be inspired to be proud of our staff, volunteers, exhibitors and above all – the members of the American Chianina Association! This new year brings many possibilities for the ACA and we will do our best to make positive things happen! On behalf of the ACA staff, board of directors and myself, thank you for your continued support, business with the ACA/ACJ and belief in this great breed of cattle. Happy New Year!
Treasurer – Rob Sheets 8250 U.S. Hwy 52 W • West Lafayette, IN 47906 Home: (765) 583-4565 rsheets462@aol.com At Large • Term expires 2010
Dennis Clarahan 19425 280th Ave • Harper, IA 52231 Home: (641) 635-2105 • Cell: (319) 330-6377 dclar@iowatelecom.net Northeast Region • Term expires 2012
Don Esch 9362 Apache Rd. • Longmont, CO 80504 Home: (303) 833-6554 • Cell: (303) 709-1595 don@eschcattle.com At-Large • Term expires 2011
John Higgins 9845 Statesville Rd. • Watertown, TN 37184 Home: (615) 273-2656 • Cell: (615) 207-4555 higgmarna@aol.com At-Large • Term expires 2012
Dwight Hossle Box 98, Faulkton, SD 57438 Home: (605) 598-6751 • Cell: (605) 380-4677 dwight.hossle@dacotahbank.com At-Large • Term expires 2011
Chuck Madaris 232 Cruise Rd. • Hope Hull, AL 36043 Home: (334) 288-5049 • Cell: (334) 657-5833 cmadaris1@bellsouth.net At Large • Term expires 2010
Ed Miller 8805 Fm 818 • Big Spring, TX 79740 Home: (432) 398-5348 • Cell: (432) 816-8676 ecmiller26@hotmail.com At Large • Term expires 2012
Keith Schrick 1624 Ft. Worth Hwy, Weatherford, TX 76086 Cell: (817) 366-6435 schricks2007@dfwonline.net At-Large • Term expires 2011
Brian Sulak 1865 FM 2114 • West, TX 76691 Home: (254) 580-8194 albertsulak@sbcglobal.net Southwest Region • Term expires 2010
January 2010 • ACJ
• January 2010
Chi Performance by Ed Creason, Director of Marketing & Performance
t’s hard to believe that the end of the year is among us and the holiday season is here. I want to wish everyone happy holidays. I want to thank everyone for the help and support they give the ACA throughout the year, it means a lot to us and really makes things flow smoother here.
National Show and Sale The National Show, Sale and Banquet were exciting events. The quality of cattle was exceptional and I had many compliments on the quality of the Chi cattle from other breeds and people that are not involved with Chi cattle. The sale was tremendous. The banquet included many activities. The 2009 beef derby awards were presented, over $20,000 was awarded to the winners. Thank you to everyone that participated in the auction at the banquet. We really appreciate your support. 2009 Beef Derby The 2009 Beef Derby is under way and looks to be another spectacular event to provide the ACA with more information and data. We have 10 pens on feed with Decatur County Feed Yard. Dan Dorn at Decatur County Feed Yard said that this is the most uniform group of calves that have been on feed since the Beef Derby started. I think this is a very good compliment to the Chi breed, since those calves are sired by different bulls and come from different regions of the country. Thank you to all of the participants. • Clarahan Farms, Harper, IA • Ramsey Chiangus, Grand Island, NE • Grassland Farms, Canby, OR • Walco Farms, Stanford, KY • Willow Oak Cattle Ranch, Rogersville, TN • Danny Coward, Noxapater, MS • Doug Stephens, Ogden, UT
Promotion Campaign The promotional campaign is progressing well. Hopefully many of you saw the new booth display in Louis-
January 2010 • ACJ
ville. We have set the new booth up at a couple of places since then. The booth is available to display at trade shows or beef expos in your state if you think that we can increase Chi activity in your state by participating in that event. Please contact me at (816) 431-2808 or acamarketing@earthlink.net if you are interested in using it. We are also working on a couple of items that will hopefully be done by Denver. One thing we are working on is a program that will be available to our members to develop ads and business cards using the Hybrid Advantage logo. This will provide members the opportunity to create advertising pieces in a smaller quantity then what they might have to otherwise. Another item we are working on is to develop new promotional brochures to hand out at shows where we are present. These will be informational and help people understand more about the Chi breed. If anyone has any ideas to add to the promotional campaign, please contact myself or a board member to discuss this idea and we will try to implement into the campaign. We are continuing to video and take pictures as we are out and about. If you have any unique pictures that would add to the promotional campaign let us know and we will get them from you. We are working on developing a video project that we can hand out at events and also play at the booth at events. Everything is progressing nicely; hopefully everyone will notice the differences. If you have any comments or ideas, let us know and we will try to address them as quickly as possible. Genetic Testing Update The ACA has approved Igenity as a Laboratory to conduct genetic abnormality tests as well as parental verification. They have a comprehensive genetic analysis they can provide on animals along with the required test. They have the ability to conduct AM, NH, TH and PHA tests. You can find more information along with the submission forms at www.chicattle.org .If you have any questions please contact me at (816) 431-
Chi Performance (continued) 2808 or at acamarketing@earthlink.net. The easiest way to submit samples is to order hair cards (they are free) from Igenity at www.igenity.com or 1-877IGENITY. Let us know if you have any problems. Please read the new ACA sale policy for genetic abnormalities online at www.chicattle.org. 2010 Spring EPDs The 2010 Spring EPDs along with updated percentile tables and genetic trends should be posted online shortly after January 1, 2010. Travels I will document where I have been and where I’m headed. I first want to say that I try to visit as many people as I can when I am traveling and I’m sorry if I was close to your place and didn’t visit you. If this happens please let me know and I will try my best to schedule you in the next time I am in the area. I make every effort I can to visit as many people as possible in an area when I’m in that area. If you see that I am going to be in your area in the next few months, please give me call or email me at acamarketing@earthlink.net and let me know that you would like me to stop by. This will help me with my scheduling and travel arrangements. If anyone is interested in what I saw at a certain place or on my trip, just give me call or send me an email. Below is a list of the places I have traveled since the last journal: Ard Ridge Genetics, KY • Carlada Farms, KY • Melroe Farms, ND • Bushy Park Farm, SD • Willers Mitten Brand, NE AC Cattle Company, NE • Wayne & Barb Ohlrichs, NE • Triple J Club Calves, NE • Ark Valley Cattle Company, KS • Griswold
Cattle Company, OK • Buck Cattle Company, OK • Sooner Land & Cattle, OK • Jones Show Cattle, OH • Winegardner Show Cattle, OH • NAILE (National Chi Show), KY • Burke Show Cattle, NE • Martin Livestock, IN • Hoosier Beef Congress, IN • Kansas Beef Expo, KS • Hunt Farms, OH Below is a list of places I will be in the next couple of months: Decatur County Feedyard, KS • National Western Stock Show, CO • Fort Worth Stock Show, TX • Wayne & Barb Ohlrich’s Bull Sale, NE • Bushy Park Farms Bull Sale, SD • Iowa Beef Expo, IA • Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic, NE • Schaefer Chiangus, ND • Beckett Ranch & Melroe Farms, SD • Kentucky Beef Expo, KY • Tennessee Agribition, TN
IMPORTANT THINGS TO REMEMBER: • It is ACA policy that donor dams, AI sires and clones are to be parentally verified, tested for genetic defects (TH & PHA) and those results recorded with the ACA before progeny will be registered. It is a good idea to have these tests run before collecting semen on a bull or flushing a cow. • IGENITY is now an ACA approved laboratory to conduct AM, NH, TH & PHA tests. They also are able to conduct parental verification services. A comprehensive DNA analysis can be ordered along with any of these tests.
Hybrid Advantage Logo The ACA has submitted the Hybrid Advantage Logo to be trademarked. We are now able to use it in our publications and advertisements. This is a great new opportunity for the ACA and its membership. ACA members will be able to use the Hybrid Advantage Logo in their advertisements and sale catalogs. This logo will become a well recognized logo and this will be useful for members who use the logo in their advertisements.
The logo is available in color or black and white. Please contact Heather Counts at (517) 214-0927 or acjeditor@earthlink.net if you would like a copy of the file to utilize in your promotions.
• January 2010
ACA Ladies Auxiliary by Melissa Beckett, Auxiliary President
ACA Ladies Auxiliary DIRECTORS
Greetings from Indiana! ello, I am Jessica Comer, the newly elected President of the Ladies Auxiliary. It is an honor for me to represent this organization. Louisville was again a great success this year and the cattle exhibited in the Junior and National Shows were outstanding. Thank you to those who donated and bought at the Silent Auction. Many thanks goes to Natalie Hettmansperger for auctioning one of her puppies at the Herdsman’s Party with half of the proceeds going to the Ladies Auxiliary. Thanks to Zane Zeekdyk for making the winning bid. We also held a 50/50 raffle to help raise funds to cover our Queen’s expenses. Junior Chi members sold two decks of cards and we raised a total of $524. Thank you to all who participated. Congratulations to Debbie Woodroof, the 2009 Chi Lady of the Year. This award is presented to an outstanding Chi Lady who supports the juniors and Chi cattle. Please be on the look out for a new format for the 2010 Chi Lady of the Year. Wow, what a wonderful turn out we had at our Ladies Luncheon with over 30 ladies in attendance. Gifts were exchanged and fun was had by all. Any upcoming seniors wanting to apply for the Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship, the deadline is May 1, 2010. Please contact Sue Comer for more information at (765) 874-2228 or suecomer@yahoo.com. Thank you to our National Queen, Sloan Witherow, from Chatsworth, Ga. She has done a tremendous job this year promoting our breed. Any young lady interested in running for the National Queen should contact Marna Higgins at (615) 273-2656. The queen contest is held during the Junior Nationals. I look forward to a wonderful year and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
The ACLA would like to thank everyone who donated items or bid on them at the silent auction fundraiser in Louisville, Ky. The silent auction adds to the funds available for scholarships each year.
January 2010 • ACJ
Susan Ostrom – Vice President 3091 144th Ave • Dorr, MI 49323
(616) 896-9433 At Large Deb Geuns – Secretary/Treasurer 4995 Sleight Rd. • Bath, MI 48808 (517) 641-7152 At Large Melissa Beckett 266 McCarty Rd. • Brooksville, KY 41001 (606) 782-5006 Southeast Region Sue Comer Box 383 • Lynn, IN 47355 (765) 874-2228 Northeast Region Shawnda Foster Rt 2, Box 36 • Lockney, TX 79241 (806) 652-2383 Southwest Region Marna Higgins 9845 Statesville Rd. • Watertown, TN 37184 (615) 273-2656 Southeast Region
Thanks, Jessica Comer
Zane Zeedyk - OH Jasper Family - MI Comer Farmily - IN VKR Cattle Company – MI Sandra Culp – KY Higgins Family – TN Becky Sheets – IN Ventura Farm – MI
Jessica Comer – President 4199 S 900 W • Farmland, IN 47340 (765) 468-7405 At Large
Garrett Show Cattle – IN Woodlawn Farms – TN Beth Rupprecht – MI Phil Hutchison – MI Bonnie Johnson – NAILE Steve McHale – WV Meghan Watson – NC Jame Secondino – IL
Barb Ohlrichs 55943 US Hwy 275 • Norfolk, NE 68701 (402) 371-0695 Northwest Region Rhetta Riley 1607 Avenue G • Abernathy, TX 79311 (806) 298-2591 Southwest Region Bonnie Weber 17459 331st Ave. • Highmore, SD 57345 (605) 436-6240 Northwest Region
AJCA Update
AJCA Board & Directors Executive Committee: President • Quintin Bucher Vice President • Josh Nelson Secretary • Segayle Foster Treasurer • Shane McGlothlin Public Relations • Taylor Graham Public Relations • Reba Hicks
AJCA Directors: Quintin Bucher – At Large 23430 State Rd. 95 Marietta, IL 61459 (309) 255-0752 • Term expires 2010 Kelsey Culp – At Large 1065 Durham Ln. Nicholasville, KY 40356 (859) 576-7460 • Term expires 2011 Front Row (L to R): Katie Lehnert, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.; Segayle Foster, Lockney, Texas; Reba Hicks, Slocomb, Ala.; Megan Hunt, New Madison, Ohio; Ashley Quiggins, Horse Cave, Ky.; Kelsey Rutt, Minden, Neb.; Kelsey Culp, Nicholasville, Ky. Back Row (L to R): Taylor Graham, Crossville, Tenn.; Quintin Bucher, Marietta, Ill.; Shane McGlohtlin, Anadarko, Okla.; Josh Nelson, Valparaiso, Neb. Not pictured: Senee Foster, Lockney, Texas
Junior Perspective ello fellow Chi breeders and members. Welcome to the New Year! I hope that each and every one of you had a healthy, happy holiday and a successful 2009. Wow! Can you believe that another Louisville is under our belts and in the books?! Yes, it’s hard to believe that before long, the NWSS, Fort Worth, the spring sales and expos and the spring calving season will be upon us. It seems like only yesterday I was preparing to start my first semester of college, and now, my freshman year is already half way over. As I reflect on 2009, I would like to again give a special thank you to the Tennessee Chi Association and everyone who was involved for putting on such a successful and enjoyable Junior National. Also, thanks to our dedicated and wonderful ACA staff. 2009 brought lots of stress and decision making to them due to the building change and CEO search. Even though this process isn’t complete, they continue to maintain a confident work ethic for themselves, and everyone involved in our Association. Looking ahead to the New Year, I can only imagine that there will be tremendous success within our breed. While visiting Indiana in December, I had the opportunity to assist with the Hoosier Beef Congress and help out with the junior member registration. I was very pleased to see the turn out and the number of youth involved with our breed. In all, 152 members exhibited a Chi influenced steer or heifer. I can only hope that each state has this much interest, because after all, the youth are the future of our Association. I wish each one of you success in 2010, at whatever you do, not only in the cattle industry but in all walks of life. I look forward to seeing everyone at various Chi events; sales, shows, field days, etc.
Good Luck & God Bless, Kelsey Anne Culp, At-Large Director
Segayle Foster – At Large 1231 County Road 57 Lockney, TX 79241 (806) 652-2383 • Term expires 2011 Senee Foster – Southwest Region 1231 County Road 57 Lockney, TX 79241 (806) 652-2383 • Term expires 2010 Taylor Graham – At Large (Representing Northeast Region) 2355 Peavine Firetower Rd Crossville, TN 38571 (931) 260-6666 • Term expires 2011 Reba Hicks – At Large 1196 S Co. Rd. 9 Slocomb, AL 36375 (334) 685-6325 • Term expires 2010 Megan Hunt – At Large 2505 Weavers Ft. Jefferson Rd. New Madison, OH 45346 (937) 548-3050 • Term expires 2010 Katie Lehnert – Southeast Region 330 S. Hood Rd. Lawrenceburg, TN 38464 (931) 766-0504 • Term expires 2010 Shane McGlothlin –At Large Rt. 2, Box 88 Anadarko, OK 73005 (405) 247-3523 • Term expires 2011 Josh Nelson – Northwest Region 2918 Co. Rd. C Valparaiso, NE 68065 (402) 784-2556 • Term expires 2011 Ashley Quiggins – At Large 719 Oil Field Rd. Horse Cave, KY 42749 (270) 786-3020 • Term expires 2010 Kelsey Rutt – At Large 447 W 16th Minden, NE 68959 (308) 832-1953 • Term expires 2011
• January 2010
AJCA Update (continued)
Junior Perspective ello Everyone – WOW another year over and done. Where did the time go? With the first of the year comes calving season, the Denver Stock Show, and Fort Worth. I want to take the time to congratulate all of those who exhibited in Louisville. Those who exhibited brought an outstanding set of Chimaine and Chiangus cattle. Also, a special thanks to Heather and everyone who helped out with the show to make it run as smooth as pos-
sible. I would also like to inform everyone that the junior board and the states of Illinois and Michigan are selling raffle tickets to help raise money for the upcoming junior nationals in Springfield, Illinois. First place is a Bush Hog Trail Hand Utility Vehicle, second place $250, and third place $100. The tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25. If anyone is interested in purchasing a ticket just contact a junior board member or you
can contact Heather and get names of people in Illinois and Michigan to contact. With that I hope that everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday season. Good luck to all of you for this upcoming show season and hope to see you in Springfield. Sincerely, Kelsey Rutt, AJCA At-Large Director
New Junior Members ARKANSAS Cassie Godwin 1768 US Hwy 67N Prescott, AR 71857 Whitney Rook 135 Peachtree Lane Hope, AR 71801
CALIFORNIA Clara DeLong P.O. Box 512 Corning, CA 96021 Carly Rose 11157B Reuss Rd Livermore, CA 94550
COLORADO Vada Vickland 15260 N 83rd St Longmont, CO 80503
IDAHO Jared Jones 1891 So 500 W Oakley, ID 83346
ILLINOIS Taryn Adcock 2347 E 1300 N Rd Assumption, IL 62510
January 2010 • ACJ
Tonja Egan 29666 Deer Rd Deer Grove, IL 61243
Tabitha Clifford 1835 CR 39 Waterloo, IN 46793
Cole Knebel 5807 W 200 N Winamac, IN 46996
Rebecca Elbert 10602 N 2900 East Rd Forrest, IL 61741
Payton Farmer 4955 E 600 S Plainfield, IN 46168
Jordan Kolish 436 N Monticello St Winamac, IN 46996
Marie Lock 1868 E Co 17 Avon, IL 61415
Christian Gamble 1630 West 800 South Romney, IN 47980
Kevin Kreuzman 26211 Wissel Rd Batesville, IN 47006
Renee Lock 1868 E Co 17 Avon, IL 61415
Stephen Gentry 1855 N 600 W Lebanon, IN 46052
Ivy Ostler 4550 E 400 N Michigan City, IN 46057
Savannah Speckhart 14705 W Mendell Road Princeville, IL 61559
Andrew Glasscock 4761 W 150 N Wabash, IN 46992
Matt Ostler 3158 E Michigantown Rd Frankfort, IN 46041
Sarah Hunnicutt 4862 N 825 W Andrews, IN 46702
Justin Phelps 68323 Dogwood Road Bremen, IN 46506
David Kent 1625 West Shore Drive Martinsville, IN 46151
Adam Redding 6898 E Co Rd 300 N Michigantown, IN 46057
Kallie Anne Knott 0351 CR 60 Laotto, IN 46763
Alexis Rhoades 9325 E 200 S Avilla, IN 46710
Cody Allman 2610 E Co Rd 160 N Seymour, IN 47274 Harley Blake 3777 W 500 S Atlanta, IN 46031 John Clark 631 S 350 W Princeton, IN 47670
New Junior Members (continued)
Ty Rininger 6190 W 330 S New Palestine, IN 46163
Aaron Folk 1192 Hwy 37 Dunlap, IA 51529
Taylor Janicek 1692 S Kerby Rd Corunna, MI 48817
Elisha Shelton 5842 N 1075 E Seymour, IN 47274
Brooke Gruhn 2442 Yellowwood Rd Manning, IA 51455
Cole Menck 31976 CR 669 Lawton, MI 49065
Megan Vanderbur 5325 W Co Rd 800 S Greensburg, IN 47240
Ty Johnk 24463 490th St Hancock, IA 51536
Joshua Lee White 3470 Whispering Oaks Allegan, MI 49010
Trevor Wampler 5912 N Golf Course Rd Bicknell, IN 47512
Mollie McCulloh 2178 280th Ave Dewitt, IA 52742
Joel Webb 2310 E 225 S Winamac, IN 46996
Jacob Spieler 207 So Walnut Street Marcus, IA 51035
Jacob Young 6165 E 100 N Franklin, IN 46131
Blake A Wilkins 2028 230th St Bennett, IA 52721
Brady Barner 285 Martelle Rd Martelle, IA 52305
Jody Baragary 19966 Tonganoxie Rd Tonganoxie, KS 66086
Ryan Barner 285 Martelle Rd Martelle, IA 52305
Aubrey Hilt 31550 Rockville Rd Louisburg, KS 66053
Rylee L Conrad 1385 Union Ave Bennett, IA 52721
Collin Cory 7070 Ne 46st Altoona, IA 50009 Gracie Danner 1250 Eagle Cr West Liberty, IA 52776 Chance Ferguson 40415 130th Ave Laurens, IA 50554
Carter Mobley 125 Thistle Way Georgetown, KY 40324
MICHIGAN Morgan Bolinger 10103 S Luce Rd Perrinton, MI 48871 Kelsey Casebere 6710 S Eberhart Claire, MI 48617 Cody Engelsman 4683 142nd Ave Holland, MI 49423
Lindsey Loerzel 37525 400th Ave Richville, MN 56576
NEW MEXICO Torie J Cox #15 CR 3063 Aztec, NM 87410
OHIO Emily Dahse 436 Centerpoint Rd Thurman, OH 45685 Hailee Deger 2260 N St Rt 48 Lebanon, OH 45036 Skylar Drott 6896 US 62 Russellville, OH 45168
MISSOURI Jerilynn Hoover 31509 St Hwy RA Jamesport, MO 64648
Colton Hesler 3530 Decatur Pike Winchester, OH 45697
Trenton Ishmael 26005 228th St Gallatin, MO 64640
Joseph Holmes 2640 Holmes Rd New Concord, OH 43762
Allison Williman 199 S Mill Creek Rd New Florence, MO 63363
Kyle Nickles 2522 County Rd 377 Loudonville, OH 44842
Morgan M Smith 2041 SR 555 Little Hocking, OH 45742
Beau G Bromenshenk 4715 Grand Avenue Billings, MT 59106
NEBRASKA Justin Bowers 84139 563 Ave Stanton, NE 68779 Trae Meysenburg 13066 H Blvd Osceola, NE 68651 Jamie Stevenson 48543 779th Rd Rockville, NE 68871
Derek Souder 7466 Gooselick Rd Ripley, OH 45167
OKLAHOMA Kolby Cato 4321 Bogc Rd Mcalester, OK 74501 Elizabeth Esther Clark 30683 SCR 4330 D Kinta, OK 74552 Brooke Gibson 12755 N 345th Rd Boynton, OK 74422
• January 2010
New Junior Members (continued)
Bethany Hatter 515 S Cottingham Coyle, OK 73027 Michael Hatter 515 S Cottingham Coyle, OK 73027 Ladd Landgraf Rt 3 Box 42A Madill, OK 73446 Tanner Mercer Rt 1 Box 129A King Fisher, OK 73750 Daniel Miller HC 60 Box 58 Castle, OK 74833 Chelsea Paige Richison 29170 W 321 S Bristow, OK 74010 Holden Robbins 30649 South 584 Rd Bunch, OK 74931 Blaine Travis Rt 1 Box 206-7 So. Coffeyville, OK 74072 Britton Townsend Rt 1 Box 206-7 So. Coffeyville, OK 74072
OREGON Harli Bowers 5400 NE Ochoco Hwy Prineville, OR 97754
PENNSYLVANIA Tara L Hausner 5807 W Canal Rd Thomasville, PA 17364
RHODE ISLAND Caroline Oatley 1000 Hopkins Hill Rd West Greenwich, RI 2817
January 2010 • ACJ
SOUTH DAKOTA Ethan Johnson 24980 470th Ave Baltic, SD 57003
TEXAS Josie Baker 9433 Fm 1012 Wiergate, TX 75977 Ariana Barajas 23046 Co Rd 1038 Mathis, TX 78368 Christopher Barton P.O. Box 357 Jarrell, TX 76537 Mikah Basham 107 Horseshoe Dr Cooper, TX 75432 Kendall Clark 915 Weatherby Rd Harper, TX 78631 Michaela Hornback 1026 Carpenter Rd Humble, TX 77396 Delaney Klas P.O. Box 246 Southmayd, TX 76268 Sondra Lohse 9714 Meadow Branch Converse, TX 78109 Raul Martinez Jr Rt 6, Box 548 P4 Edinburg, TX 78539 MacLane May 1700 Meander Rd Granbury, TX 76049
Mitchell May 1700 Meander Rd Granbury, TX 76049 Kolt Meeks 979 Peril Road Harper, TX 78631 Bridget Ann Obrien 1650 Desert Gold Boerne, TX 78006 Kaitlin Mae Obrien 1650 Desert Gold Boerne, TX 78006 Tifani Oliver P.O. Box 1020 Mont Belvieu, TX 77580 Julianne Royce 3848 Arroyo Seco Schertz, TX 78154 Matt Smith 4911 CR 1600 Alba, TX 75410 Anndee Young P.O. Box 648 Tulia, TX 79088
WASHINGTON Cayley Allen 23401 46th Ave NW Stanwood, WA 98292
WISCONSIN Gabriella Ivey Oleary 11939 E Cty Rd X Clinton, WI 53525 Mitchell Wedig 15482 Dublin Rd Darlington, WI 53530
Make plans to attend our
16th Annual Production Sale March 1, 2010 • 1 p.m. CST Northern Livestock Auction Market • Minot, ND
Selling: 60 Bulls • 30 Bred Female • 10 Show Heifer Prospects • Elite Donors
Featuring calves by Advantage & Momentum JSC Advantage 257T 2CA Reserve Grand Champion Chiangus Bull – 2008 ACA National Show – now deceased
JSC Momentum 74T PCA For semen, contact Schaefer Chiangus, Melroe Farms or Cattle Visions – (866) 356-4565
Be sure to look for our pen of bulls & pen of heifers at the 2010 National Western Stock Show and in Minot at the KMOT Ag Expo. We have the MOMENTUM and ADVANTAGE to take your program to the next level.
Schaefer Chiangus Bryan, John & Jerry • P.O. Box 28 • Des Lacs, ND 58733 Bryan: (701) 721-8091 John: (701) 720-7220 Jerry: (701) 720-2061 bschaefer@srt.com www.schaeferchiangus.com schaeferchiangus@srt.com
• January 2010
ACA Bulletin WORDS FROM YOUR BOARD MEMBER: Greetings Fellow ACA Members – First let me start by saying how awesome the Chi cattle were Rob Sheets at our National Show in Louisville this November. What a display of Chi genetics the breeders brought forth that were functional, sound and yet with that great "Chi only" style. Congratulations to each exhibitor and kudos to the Champions! If you missed the ACA National Sale on Tuesday afternoon in Louisville, you missed a great opportunity to not only purchase some tremendous Chi genetics offered by these dedicated Chi breeders, but also a chance to show your support for your breed and fellow members. Twenty-seven lots averaged over $3,000 with a top of $7,000 and made this one of best and certainly the most honest valued sales at Louisville. Thanks goes out to the consignors, buyers, bidders and the sale management (Dwyer Cattle Services). A special thanks to our great and hard working staff that does so much over and beyond to get things right. Secondly, Denver is fast approaching and the 2010 Peak of Performance & Style Sale will be the highlight of the Chi activities on Jan. 17. Again a lot of quality Chi genetics will be available to enhance your breeding programs. Your attendance and support of this great event and showcase for Chi cattle would be much appreciated. Lastly, I would like to say the ACA is on solid ground with continued good registration numbers, finances, great
January 2010 • ACJ
staff and dedicated board members. I wish all of you the best for 2010 and keep in touch with your ACA family and may yours be healthy and prosperous. Sincerely, Rob Sheets
ACA BOARD APPROVES NEW GENETIC TESTING POLICY The ACA requires animals consigned to ACA sponsored sales to be tested for known genetic abnormalities, as identified by the ACA Board of Directors, if they are suspect for one or more of these genetic abnormalities. A suspect animal has a sire or dam (or both) that have tested positive as a carrier of one or more known genetic abnormalities. If carrier status of one or both parents is unknown and one or more ancestors have been identified as a carrier of known genetic abnormalities, the animal in question will be considered suspect for known genetic abnormalities. Any suspect animal with unknown carrier status for the known genetic abnormalities on sale day will not be able to sell. The sales management is responsible for publishing test results in the sale catalog and/or announcing test results for carrier status for known genetic abnormalities from the auction block sale day. The ACA recognizes PHA, TH, AM and NH as known genetic abnormalities in which the ACA requires tests for.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR Fellow Cattlemen, After picking our heifer prospects for the year, we worked endlessly on getting them ready. We spent many hours working hair, practicing, and maintaining those two heifers. The work ethic and dedication cattlemen have is amazing. There are no set
hours; you have to live for the cattle. We have to juggle jobs, or school, and maintaining the show cattle we sometimes find as most important. Even so, we always thought of “fellow cattlemen” as kind and respectful. We wanted to take our best crop of calves to the North American International Livestock Exposition for our first time. My sister and I were overwhelmed with excitement. The day had finally come for us to jump in the truck for the twelve hour drive to Louisville. It wasn’t long after our arrival and we were set up and ready to show. Day after day, we would wash our heifers and get them settled into there beds, and then spend the rest of the day watching them and getting to know some of our “fellow cattlemen” stalled next to us. It’s finally Sunday and I show my two Chi heifers in the Junior Show. Two thirds and we are pretty happy knowing that one heifer was third to the Supreme Champion Heifer. Wednesday rolls around and it is our last day to show. We are anxious to see how we do today. Up before the crack of dawn, all our “fellow cattlemen”, including us, were bringing the calves up from tie outs and getting started. Walking straight to the wash rack, we tied up both of the heifers and I stood there to watch them while my sister went to go get the water hose and combs. Coming back with a puzzled, discouraged look, she told me to untie the heifers and go ahead and bring them to the beds. I walked into the barns only to find that both of our blowers, fitting mats, and a pole out of the chute had been stolen. I felt my heart drop, knowing that I had put all this time, effort and money into a dream of mine just to have it crushed on show day. I knew I wouldn’t be able to prepare my heifers properly for the
ACA Bulletin (continued) show. Thankfully, a few friends offered us all the things we needed to get ready. It was devastating, knowing that the person didn’t even think of how stealing the equipment would affect me as a junior. What happened to those traditions of kind competition and being willing to help others? I am just as competitive as any body else, and I want my livestock and operation to be the best it can be. It leaves me no reason to harm others for my personal gain. Why can’t we make the life of showing livestock like it was intended to be? ~ Jordan & Sydney Cox
LINN-BENTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE THANKS ACA FOR SPONSORSHIP Each year the ACA is a sponsor of the collegiate livestock judging contests at the North American International Livestock Exposition. Below is a letter of appreciation from the Linn-Benton Community College judging team, which won the junior college judging contest. Dear Sponsor, The Linn-Benton Livestock Judging team would like to thank you for your generous support of the North American International Livestock Judging Contest. We are extremely
excited to have recently won this competitive junior college judging contest and cannot tell you enough the role this activity has played in our lives. Livestock judging teaches much more than the intricacies of evaluating livestock but more importantly we learn life lessons in critical thinking, public speaking and develop a confidence in our own ability. If that is not enough, we have learned to be team players focused on a common goal and have built life long relationships both on our team and with industry professionals that will serve us well no matter what our end career goal. It is because of you that we are here today. We know that as a successful business you have many options to give but because of your donation to this program you have invested in the lives of hundreds of individuals with a bright future. Traveling across the country and practicing from early in the morning to late at night is all worth it to have your name or our team called in recognition at a national livestock judging contest. It is because of your support that the livestock judging program exists and many of our goals are realized. Thank you again for the part you played in our success. Kindest regards, The Linn-Benton Livestock Judging Team
The ACA also received thank you notes from the University of Nebraska Livestock Judging Team (2nd high team in cattle at the national intercollegiate livesotck judging contest); Oklahoma State University Livestock Judging Team; & the Purdue Livestock Judging Team.
ACA CREATING A CHIANINA BEEF DIRECTORY The ACA has been receiving numerous calls from restaurants and businesses that want to purchase Chianina beef. Therefore, the ACA would like to create a directory of breeders who have Chianina beef to sell. Most of these restaurants desire fullblood beef, however, there seems to be a demand for Chi beef in general. If you are interested in participating in this directory, please contact Heather at (517) 214-0927 or at acjeditor@ earthlink.net.
BULLETIN INFO NEEDED The ACJ is always looking for interesting information to print about out members. If you have ay news or activities that you have been involved in, or that you know someone else has been involved in, please send in the information to Heather Counts. We will be happy to print it.
National Western Stock Show Chi Schedule of Events THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2010 9 a.m. – Process Pen & Sale Cattle FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2010 Cattle on Display in the Yards SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2010 8:30 a.m. – ACA Board of Directors Meeting, Double Tree Hotel Noon – Lunch served in the Yards 6 p.m. - ACA Beef Derby Calcutta, Double Tree
SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2010 9 a.m. – ACA Pen Bull & Heifer Show 10 a.m. – Evaluation of Sale Cattle 12:30 p.m. - Peak of Performance & Style Sale Sale Catalog Now Online at: www.searsmarketingservices.com Click on Sales Calendar and scroll down to the ACA Peak of Performance & Style Sale to find the link.
• January 2010
March 6, 2010 • 1 p.m. Sale • Noon Lunch Miller Livestock Barn • Miller, S.D. Selling 50 Bulls & 15 Bred Heifers The Dakota Gold Sale will feature the first sons of JSC Advantage to sell!!
JSC Advantage 257T 2CA
2008 Reserve National Champion Chiangus Bull
Steve & Barb Melroe Gwinner, ND 58040 (701) 678-2225 (H) (701) 680-0622 (C) Jeremy, Bethany & Cash Lehrman – (605) 270-1067 Tyler Melroe – (605) 695-3295
Beckett Chiangus Troy, Tember & Kodee Beckett Miller, SD 57362 (605) 853-3284 (H) (605) 204-0394 (C)
EVFA TONKA II is the full sib bull to EVFA Beanie, the Reserve Grand Champion Bull at the 2009 ACA Peak of Performance & Style Sale in Denver, CO. Full sib females and embryo packages are available from Evans Farms. Contact us for more details. We would like to thank Ard Ridge Cattle Company for managing TONKA II on our behalf and a special thanks to Carmel Ranch for purchasing TONKA II.
January 2010 • ACJ
Evans Farms
Richard & Marsha Evans Paul & Aletha Evans 4778 Hawk Rd. • Mechanicsburg, OH 43044 (937) 834-3710 • (937) 605-3999
TCJF Strong Dollar 1CM Reserve National Champion Chianina Bull Owned by Woodlawn Farms & Coop Show Cattle
WLCF Zeba 1CA Early Junior Heifer Calf Champion Thanks to Lester Ward for purchasing Zeba, the high-selling female, in the 2009 ACA National Sale!
Miss Priss 126S 2CA Thanks to Jan Johnson, RiverBend Farm, for purchasing a flush on Miss Priss in the 2009 ACA National Sale!
A special thanks to all our customers this year. We appreciate your support and confidence in our programs! Woodlawn Farms
Woodhaven Farms
Coop Show Cattle
Doc, Buger, Debbie, Misty, Katie, Morgan & Cole Lehnert Lawrenceburg, Tennessee (931) 766-0504
John & Debbie Woodroof Lebanon, Tennessee (931) 766-0504
Thomas Coop Shelbyville, Tennessee (931) 695-3037
• January 2010
he 2009 ACA National Show is in the books and was recorded as another success. From the junior show on Sunday to the open show on Wednesday, the week was full of quality Chi cattle and quality Chi people. In the Junior Show on Sunday, the Champion Chi Female was named the Supreme Champion Junior Female over 13 other breeds! What a great end to a high quality junior show. The annual ACA National Banquet gave us the chance to honor an operation that gave so much to the breed. Deiter Brothers of Faulkton, S.D. was the 2009 ACA National Show honoree. The ACA National Sale was again a showing of quality cattle and breeders and spectators alike helped make the sale a success. The week ended with an outstanding open show where quality was deep throughout. Congratulations to everyone on a successful national show.
January 2010 • ACJ
Grand Champion Chianina Female JWKC Mara 2CM Exhibited by Skyler Miller, Torrington, Wyo. Bred by Kelle Club Calves, Braman, Okla. Sire: CLNG Alias 1CM
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Female Henney Wonder Woman 2CM Exhibited by Andrew Glasscock, Wabash, Ind. Bred by Mark Henney, Angola, Ind. Sire: HF Get It Done 1CM
Grand Champion Chianina Bull WCC Gunsmoke 365T 1CM Exhibited by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. Bred by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. Sire: WCC Valentino P133
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Bull TCJF Strong Dollar 1CM Exhibited by Woodlawn Farms, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. & Thomas Coop, Shelbyville, Tenn. Bred by Thomas Coop, Shelbyville, Tenn. Sire: DLX Jameson 51R 1CM
• January 2010
Grand Champion Chiangus Female DRFF Mary 1CA Exhibited by Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, Ill. Bred by Daniel Rhoades & Family, Avilla, Ind. Sire: Plainview Lutton E102
Reserve Grand Champion Chiangus Female Ard Ridge New Barbara 842U PCA Exhibited by Ard Ridge Genetics LLC, Nancy, Ky. & Carmel Ranch, Corbin, Ky. Bred by Ard Ridge Genetics LLC, Nancy, Ky. Sire: Ard Ridge New Balance 2CA
Grand Champion Chiangus Bull Four Roses Destination 15T 2CA Exhibited by Four Roses Cattle LLC, Logansport, Ind. Bred by Amanda Rose, Logansport, Ind. Sire: RDD New Direction 123N 1CA
Reserve Grand Champion Chiangus Bull EVFA Tonka II 2CA Exhibited by Carmel Ranch, Corbin, Ky. Bred by Shane Boysel, Zanesfield, Ohio Sire: Ard Ridge Tonka 2CA
January 2010 • ACJ
Late Junior Heifer Calf Champion MRH Whos Hot Salley 2CM
Senior Heifer Calf Champion JWKC Mara 2CM
Junior Yearling Champion Henney Wonder woman 2CM
Exhibited by Megan Hunt, New Madison, Ohio Sire: Who Made Who 411F 1CM
Exhibited by Skyler Miller, Torrington, Wyo. Sire: CLNG Alias 1CM
Exhibited by Andrew Glasscock, Wabash, Ind. Sire: HF Get It Done 1CM
Reserve Late Junior Heifer Calf Champion
CFCC Lady Gaga 18W 1CM
Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion BK Unforseen 8031 1CM
Reserve JuniorYearling Champion JSUL Dreams Come True 846U 1CM
Exhibited by Circle F Cattle Co., Plainfield, Ind. Sire: Who Made Who 411F 1CM
Exhibited by Jacob Moore, Madill, Okla. Sire: BPJV Hotline
Exhibited by Isaiah Bridwell, Covington, Ind. Sire: ASHW Who Da Man
Early Junior Heifer Calf Champion PARR Miss Honey 1CM
Summer Yearling Champion MCKY Niko 2CM
Cow/Calf Champion WEBC Shalome 602S 2CM
Exhibited by Spencer Goettemoeller,Winchester, Ind. Sire: FL Home Brew 1CM
Exhibited by Paul D Miller III, Torrington, Wyo. Sire: Heat Wave 1CM
Exhibited by Kelsey Culp, Nicholasville, Ky. Sire: LMJ Almost Famous 183 1CM
No Photo Available
DAJS Hoda 518 1CM
Reserve Summer Yearling Champion Mocha Latte 1CM
Reserve Cow/Calf Champion MF Missa 16T 2CM
Exhibited by Katy Satree, Montague, Texas Sire: WNT Carcac 88P 1CM
Exhibited by Conner Cross, Markleville, Ind. Sire: CLNG Alias 1CM
Exhibited by Brody Blake, Atlanta, Ind. Sire: Who Made Who 411F 1CM
Reserve Early Junior Heifer Calf Champion
• January 2010
Late Junior Bull Calf Champion MSC Ring Leader 1CM
Senior Bull Calf Champion WCC Fog Advisory 380U 1CM
Senior Yearling Champion WCC Gunsmoke 365T 1CM
Exhibited by Myers Show Cattle, Taylorville, Ill. Sire: PCR Jigsaw 689 1CM
Exhibited byWilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. Sire: WCC Midland P109
Exhibited by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. Sire: WCC Valentino P133
Junior Show Judge Kevin Jensen
Reserve Late Junior Bull Calf Champion MSC Deeds 2CM Exhibited by Myers Show Cattle, Taylorville, Ind. Sire: Heat Wave 1CM
Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion Pilgrim 1CM Exhibited by Quintin Bucher, Marietta, Ill. Sire: HB Balancer 4834
Open Show Judge Lydell Meier
Early Junior Bull Calf Champion GF Doctor Dan 23W 1CM Exhibited by Gehrke Farms, Hartsburg, Ill. Sire: Doctor Who 1CM
Reserve Early Junior Bull Calf Champion LMJ SD Johnson O 1CM Exhibited by Jeff Miller, Cutler, Ind. Sire: Friction
January 2010 • ACJ
Junior Yearling Champion TCJF Strong Dollar 1CM Exhibited by Woodlawn Farms, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. & Thomas Coop, Shelbyville, Tenn. Sire: DLX Jameson 51R 1CM
Reserve Junior Yearling Champion WCC Easy Rider 350U 1CM Exhibited by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. & Four Roses Cattle LLC, Logansport, Ind. Sire: Hannibal
A special thank you to our judges at the 2009 NAILE. Kevin Jensen & Lydell Meier both did a nice job sorting the cattle and were very complementary of our great breed.
Late Junior Heifer Calf Champion WCC Mignonne 362W 1CA
Senior Heifer Calf Champion Ard Ridge Magic Barbara 9U PCA
Junior Yearling Champion DRFF Mary 1CA
Exhibited by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. & Four Roses Cattle LLC, Logansport, Ind.
Exhibited by Taylor Graham, Crossville, Tenn. Sire: PCC Flash Magic PCA
Exhibited by Lucas Wisnefki, Wyoming, Ill. Sire: Plainview Lutton E102
Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion HIGG Kylie PCA
Reserve Junior Yearling Champion Ard Ridge Cara 66U 2CA
Exhibited by Allison Higgins, Watertown, Tenn. Sire: VOL Cara's Boy 31J 2CA
Exhibited by Samantha Lowman, Lincoln, Ill. Sire: BLFM Entourage 1CA
Early Junior Heifer Calf Champion WLCF Zeba 1CA
Summer Yearling Champion Ard Ridge New Barbara 842U PCA
Senior Yearling Champion WCC Miss Rattle 377T 1CA
Exhibited by MarLes Acres, Versailles, Ohio Sire: SAV Bismark 5682
Exhibited by Ard Ridge Genetics LLC, Nancy, Ky. & Carmel Ranch, Corbin, Ky. Sire: Ard Ridge New Balance 2CA
Exhibited by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. Sire: KF Precision 361
Reserve Early Junior Heifer Calf Champion
Reserve Summer Yearling Champion CARD Lady Lillie 432U 2CA
Reserve Senior Yearling Champion JMCB Mimi 063T 2CA
Exhibited by Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, Ill. Sire: HXC Hammer 46P 2CA
Exhibited by Courtney Tarvin, M. Olivet, Ky. Sire: WEDF Country Ladd 858P 1CA
Sire: RDD Tracer 2CA
Reserve Late Junior Heifer Calf Champion
YR Miranda 216W 1CA Exhibited by Megan Hunt, New Madison, Ohio Sire: OCC Linebacker 870L
CARD Aristocrat 313W 1CA Exhibited by Cardinal Cattle Co., Wyoming, Ill. & Buckeye Chiangus, Convoy, Ohio Sire: SAV 5175 Bando 1024
• January 2010
Late Junior Bull Calf Champion WCC Mr Special 369W 1CA
Senior Bull Calf Champion WCC Freightliner 382U 1CA
Senior Yearling Champion Four Roses Destination 15T 2CA
Exhibited byWilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. Sire: WYR Impulse 1CA
Exhibited by Wilson Cattle Co., Cloverdale, Ind. Sire: WRL Tracken Norman PCA
Exhibited by Four Roses Cattle LLC, Logansport, Ind. Sire: RDD New Direction 123N 1CA
Reserve Late Junior Bull Calf Champion Ard Ridge Thirty Rock 2CA
Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion WCC Black Sabbath 395U 1CA
Exhibited by Ard Ridge Genetics LLC, Nancy, Ky. & Dyehouse Family Farms, Brodhead, Ky. Sire: Ard Ridge Wildcard 2CA
Exhibited by Colton Ogburn, Ghent, Ky. & Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. Sire: EXAR Lutton 1831
Reserve Senior Yearling Champion HIGG Remedy 732T 2CA Exhibited by Higgins Farm, Watertown, Tenn. Sire: MEFC Addicted 23N 2CA
Chiangus Female Results Cont.
Early Junior Bull Calf Champion EVFA Tonka II 2CA
Junior Yearling Champion BFW Letters From Home 2CA
Exhibited by Carmel Ranch, Corbin, Ky. Sire: Ard Ridge Tonka 2CA
Exhibited by Bushy Park Farm Cattle Company, Mitchell, S.D. Sire: WYR Impulse 1CA
Reserve Early Junior Bull Calf Champion YR Linebacker 4W 1CA
Reserve Junior Yearling Champion GOP TACK Kendall Martin 1CA
Exhibited byWinegardner Show Cattle, Lima, Ohio Sire: OCC Linebacker 870L
January 2010 • ACJ
Exhibited by Grand 'Ole Place Farms, Nicholasville, Ky. & Andy Tackett, Falmouth, Ky. Sire: Rito 9FB3 of 5H11 Fullbk
Cow/Calf Champion HBSC/RHSC Fancy 457T PCA Exhibited by Samantha Lowman, Lincoln, Ill. Sire: TBAR Power Ball 10P 2CA
Reserve Cow/Calf Champion HXC Blackbird 890N 1CA Exhibited by Wyld Eyed Dream Farm, Paris, Ky. Sire: Eagle Scout 2CA
OPEN SHOW RESULTS CHIANINA BULL SHOW Class 1 1) MSC Deeds 2CM, exhibited by Myers Show Cattle, Taylorville, Ill.; 2) RP Bull Rush 1CM, exhibited by Myers Show Cattle, Taylorville, Ill. Class 2 1) MSC Ring Leader 1CM, exhibited by Myers Show Cattle, Taylorville, Ill.; 2) MSFC Deeno 902W 2CM, exhibited by Shawna Smith, Lynn, Ind.; 3) VBS Doc Mira 21W 1CM, exhibited by VBS Farms, Falmouth, Ky.; 4) SC Party Time, exhibited by John & Eric Swafford, Pikeville, Tenn. Class 5 1) GF Doctor Dan 23W 1CM, exhibited by Gehrke Farms, Hartsburg, Ill.; 2) LMJ SD Johnson O 1CM, exhibited by Jeff Miller, Cutler, Ind.; 3) LW Heat 26W 2CM, exhibited by Marles Acres, Versailles, Ohio; 4) SLD That’s A Man 1CM, exhibited by Ty Sexton, Ainsworth, Iowa Class 9 1) Pilgrim 1CM, exhibited by Quintin Bucher, Marietta, Ill. Class 10 1) GCT Pale Face 1CM, exhibited by Taylor Graham, Crossville, Tenn. Class 11 1) WCC Fog Advisory 380U 1CM, exhibited by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. Class 14 1) TCJF Strong Dollar 1CM, exhibited by Woodlawn Farms, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. & Thomas Coop, Shelbyville, Tenn.; 2) WCC Easy Rider 350U 1CM, exhibited by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. & Four Roses Cattle LLC, Logansport, Ind. Class 17 1) WCC Gunsmoke 365T 1CM, exhibited by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind.
CHIANINA FEMALE SHOW Class 22 1) CFCC Lad Gaga 18W 1CM, exhibited by Circle F Cattle Company, Plainfield, Ind.; 2) COD Angel 24W 1CM, exhibited by Myers Show Cattle, Taylorville, Ill.; 3) WCC Super Dixie 377W 1CM, exhibited by Hunter Hamilton, Heltonville, Ind.; 4) LMJ Rosie 95 2CM , exhibited by Brooke Rutherford, Pleasanton, Texas; 5) CKG Franjelica 920 2CM, exhibited by Brooke
Rupprecht, Vassar, Mich.; 6) LCSC Misty 1CM, exhibited by Will Coor, Selma, N.C.; 7) KL Miss Jane J19W 1CM, exhibited by Kristen Schmitt, Owensville, Ind.; 8) KVO Sasha 2CM, exhibited by KVO Chiangus, Hamilton, Mich.; 9) Everharts Annie 1CM, exhitibed by Everhart Cattle, Carlisle, Ind.; 10) LBG Matty 1CM, exhibited by Garrett Show Cattle, Richmond, Ind.; 11) KN Eventress Pearl 2CM, exhibited by Natalie Hettmansperger, Science Hill, Ky.
Walker, Hillsboro, Ohio; 4) KLEM Bella 1CM, exhibited by Christine Kleman, Ottawa, Ohio; 5) GF Ms New Direction 33W 1CM, exhibited by Gehrke Farms, Hartsburg, Ill.; 6) LMJ Miss Alias 2390 2CM, exhibited by Jeff Miller, Cutler, Ind.; 7) IMB Blue Bell 1CM, exhibited by Jordan Cox, Trenton, N.C.; 8) MJ Miss Dream Seeker 4W 2CM, exhibited by Harley Blake, Atlanta, Ind.; 9) PVCF Ms Sophie 1CM, exhibited by Gabrielle Hutchison, Onondaga, Mich.
Class 23 1) MRH Whos Hot Salley 2CM, exhibited by Megan Hunt, New Madison, Ohio; 2) HANE Tangie 2CM, exhibited by Lane Manning, Union City, Ohio; 3) Miss Mark It 2CM, exhibited by Quintin Bucher, Marietta, Ill.; 4) VBS Ms Holley 11W 1CM, exhibited by VBS Farms, Falmouth, Ky.; 5) KVO Lexus 2CM, exhibited by Kendra VanOrder, Hamilton, Mich.; 6) KVO Tasha 2CM, exhibited by Kendra VanOrder, Hamilton, Mich.; 7) SC Melena, exhibited by Zachary Swafford, Pikeville, Tenn.
Class 29 1) MRH Sadie 1CM, exhibited by Megan Hunt, New Madison, Ohio; 2) STRM Flirtatious 502W 2CM, exhibited by Stream Cattle Co., Chariton, Iowa; 3) MCCF Nikelle 1CM, exhibited by Shelby Manning, Union City, Ohio; 4) JMCB Sasha W563 1CM, exhibited by Beckett Cattle, Brooksville, Ky.; 5) KCLC J-Lo 2CM, exhibited by Blythe Graham, Crossville, Tenn.; 6) SLAS Ms Jessica 06W 1CM, exhibited Gehrke Farms, Hartsburg, Ill.; 7) PVCF Ms Bianca 1CM, exhibited by Gabrielle Hutchison, Onondaga, Mich.
Class 24 1) MJKK Brandi 1CM, exhibited by Myers Show Cattle, Taylorville, Ill.; 2) LMJ Miss HWI Alice 841040 1CM, exhibited by Cameron Guernsey, Jamestown, Ind.; 3) SLAS Ms Absaroka 46W 1CM, exhibited by Gehrke Farms, Hartsburg, Ill.; 4) HBI Abes Girl 1CM, exhibited by Garrett Show Cattle, Richmond, Ind.; 5) JLPC Miss Shania Wave 0404W 2CM, exhibited by Darcy McCoin, Eaton, Ind.; 6) Rockin C Savvy Girl 1CM, exhibited by Rockin C Show Cattle, Oregonia, Ohio; 7) MLD Play Breaker 1CM, exhibited by Mark & Liz DeHaven, Lynn, Ind.
Class 30 1) PARR Miss Honey 1CM, exhibited by Spencer Goettemoeller, Winchester, Ind.; 2) DAJS Hoda 518 1CM, exhibited by Katy Satree, Montague, Texas; 3) MM Allie 1CM, exhibited by Mallorie Blankenship, Nolensville, Tenn.
Class 27 1) MSC Sophi 1CM, exhibited by Myers Show Cattle, Taylorville, Ill.; 2) Whos The One 1CM, exhibited by Megan Hunt, New Madison, Ohio; 3) SRR Miss J2 Carnac 18W 1CM, exhibited by Gretchen Michel, Fort Branch, Ind.; 4) LMJ Miss HWI Check 40039 1CM, exhibited by Vanessa Rutherford, Pleasanton, Texas; 5) CKG Dream Anna 907 1CM, exhibited by Ventura Farm, Bath, Mich.; 6) TASC Bella 1CM, exhibited by Tyler Carter, Oregonia, Ohio; 7) LMJ Miss Immortal 519212 2CM, exhibited by Jeff Miller, Cutler, Ind.; 8) Four Roses Sugar Baby 1CM, exhibited by Four Roses Cattle LLC, Logansport, Ind.; 9) Goon Miss Q Dog 12W 1CM, exhibited by Begoon Farms, Grottoes, Va. Class 28 1) Harriet 1CM, exhibited by Janel Gilbert, Greenville, Ohio; 2) GOFG Payton 1CM, exhibited by Abigail Collins, Germantown, Ohio; 3) EWCC Chance 409W 1CM, exhibited by Erin
Class 33 1) TDR Im Bubblicious U54 1CM, exhibited by Taylor Ray, Campbellsburg, Ky. Class 34 1) BK Unforseen 8031 1CM, exhibited by Jacob Moore, Madill, Okla. Class 35 1) JWKC Mara 2CM, exhibited by Skyler Miller, Torrington, Wyo. Class 38 1) MRH Foxys Fancy 1CM, exhibited by Lane Manning, Union City, Ohio; 2) WLCF Ms Vendetta 840U 1CM, exhibited by Morgan Lehnert, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Class 39 1) MCKY Niko 2CM, exhibited by Paul D Miller III, Torrington, Wyo.; 2) Mocha Latte 1CM, exhibited by Conner Cross, Markleville, Ind.; 3) EWCC Fancy 1CM, exhibited by Erin Walker, Hillsboro, Ohio; 4) KBIC Anderson Calypso 15U 1CM, exhibited by Garrett Knebel, Winamac, Ind.; 5) GF Admirals Angel 20U 1Cm, exhibited by Samantha Lowman, Lincoln, Ill.; 6) SRR Naughty Nancy 17U 1CM, exhibited by Natalie Hettmansperger, Science Hill, Ky.; 7) CFCC Kat
• January 2010
OPEN SHOW RESULTS 951U 1CM, exhibited by Taylor Graham, Crossville, Tenn.; 8) GC Lifeline 473U 1CM, exhibited by Zachary Swafford, Pikeville, Tenn. Class 42 1) JSUL Dreams Come True 846U 1CM, exhibited by Isaiah Bridwell, Covington, Ind.; 2) SFCA Patty 2CM, exhibited by Bailey Buck, Madill, Okla.; 3) JSUL Miss Whos Sassy 8250U 1CM, exhibited by Nick Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa; 4) MSC Jenna 1CM, exhibited by Jordan Cox, Trenton, N.C.; 5) WAG Miss Lois 90U 1CM, exhibited by Kristen Schmitt, Owensville, Ind.; 6) RJ Ms Bella 1CM, exhibited by Dan Heindel, Columbus Junction, Iowa; 7) DCRF Miss Sadie 1CM, exhibited by Brooke Rupprecht, Vassar, Mich.; 8) Miss Beverly J 1CM, exhibited by Carol Jeffries, Rockville, Ind. Class 43 1) Henney Wonder Woman 2CM, exhibited by Andrew Glasscock, Wabash, Ind.; 2) GCC Doutzen 108U 1CM, exhibited by William Hasenbeck, Elgin, Okla.; 3) FL Naomi 620U 1CM, exhibited by Gretchen Michel, Fort Branch, Ind.; 4) COX Big Bodied Girl 1U 1CM, exhibited by Quintin Bucher, Marietta, Ill.; 5) CKG Reanne 811 1CM, exhibited by Ventura Farm, Bath, Mich.; 6) TR Ms Urit 1CF, exhibited by VBS Farms & Derossett, Falmouth, Ky.; 7) SLC Terri 64U 1CM, exhibited by Schrick Land & Cattle, Ltd., Weatherford, Texas Class 44 1) MRH Paige 1CM, exhibited by Megan Hunt, New Madison, Ohio; 2) LCSC Ms Sunburst 2CM, exhibited by Little Creek Farms, Micro, N.C.; 3) KLEM Claire 2CM, exhibited by Christine Kleman, Ottawa, Ohio
head, Ky.; 3) RSRS Salvatori 2CA, exhibited by Sheets Chiangus, West Lafayette, Ind.; 4) GOON Mr Rockn Ace 2CA, exhibited by Begoon Farms, Grottoes, Va.; 5) VBS Mr Sleeper 427W 2CA, exhibited by VBS Farms, Falmouth, Ky.
Class 121 1) Four Roses Destination 15T 2CA, exhibited by Four Roses Cattle LLC, Logansport, Ind.; 2) SC Ole Willie PCA, exhibited by John & Eric Swafford, Pikeville, Tenn.
Class 105 1) WEDF Quartermaster 890W 2CA, exhibited by Wyld Eyed Dream Farm, Paris, Ky.
Class 106 1) YR Linebacker 4W 1CA, exhibited by Brad Winegardner, Lima, Ohio; 2) GF New Look 11W 1CA, exhibited by Gehrke Farms, Hartsburg, Ill.; 3) DCL Mr Royal One 902W 2CA, exhibited by Clarahan Farms, Harper, Iowa; 4) VKR Crush Woody 30W 1CA, exhibited by VKR Cattle Company, Dorr, Mich.; 5) MSFC Uno 901W 1CA, exhibited by Marion Smith & Family, Lynn, Ind.; 6) SLC Mr Cool 541W PCA, exhibited by Schrick Land & Cattle Ltd., Weatherford, Texas Class 107 1) EVFA Tonka II 2CA, exhibited by Carmel Ranch, Corbin, Ky.; 2) WLCF Poker Face 2CA, exhibited by Katie Lehnert, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.; 3) TR W PCA, exhibited by Talmo Ranch, Talmo, Ga. & Lane Land & Cattle, Gainesville, Ga.; 4) ZMZ First Edition 1CA, exhibited by Zeedyk’s Chiangus, Hicksville, Ohio Class 110 1) WCC Black Sabbath 395U 1CA, exhibited by Colton Ogburn, Ghent, Ky. & Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. Class 111 1) SC Battle Scar 1CA, exhibited by RV Chiangus, Rio Grande City, Texas
Class 45 1) SLC Miss Queen 74U 1CM, exhibited by Schrick Land & Cattle, Ltd., Weatherford, Texas
Class 112 1) WCC Freightliner 382U 1CA, exhibited by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind.
Class 50 1) WEBC Shalome 602S 2CM, exhibited by Kelsey Culp, Nicholasville, Ky.; 2) MF Missa 16T 2CM, exhibited by Brody Blake, Atlanta, Ind.
Class 115 1) BFW Letters From Home 2CA, exhibited by Bushy Park Farm Cattle Co., Mitchell, S.D.; 2) WEDF Entourage 890U 1CA, exhibited by Wyld Eyed Dream Farm, Paris, Ky.
CHIANGUS BULL SHOW Class 101 1) VBS Star Norman 315W PCA, exhibited by VBS Farms, Falmouth, Ky. Class 102 1) WCC Mr Special 369W 1CA, exhibited by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind.; 2) Ard Ridge Thirty Rock 2CA, Ard Ridge Genetics LLC, Nancy, Ky. & Dyehouse Family Farms, Brod-
January 2010 • ACJ
Class 116 1) GOP TACK Kendall Martin 1CA, exhibited by Grand ‘Ole Place Farms, Nicholasville, Ky. & Andy Tackett, Falmouth, Ky. Class 120 1) HIGG Remedy 732T 2CA, exhibited by Higgins Farm, Watertown, Tenn.; 2) JMCB Ironman 525T 2CA, exhibited by Beckett Cattle, Brooksville, Ky.
Class 126 1) YR Miranda 216W 1CA, exhibited by Megan Hunt, New Madison, Ohio; 2) RSRS Cassie 1CA, exhibited by Sheets Chiangus, West Lafayette, Ind.; 3) Crushers Sunshine PCA, exhibited by Darcy McCoin, Eaton, Ohio; 4) ARCC Desperate Housewife 964W PCA, exhibited by Ard Ridge Genetics LLC, Nancy, Ky.; 5) VBS Cara 30W PCA, exhibited by VBS Farms, Falmouth, Ky.; 6) SC Candy 1CA, exhibited by Zachary Swafford, Pikeville, Tenn.; 7) RP New Casey PCA, exhibited by Reba Prather, Nancy, Ky. Class 127 1) WCC Mignonne 362W 1CA, exhibited by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. & Four Roses Cattle LLC, Logansport, Ind.; 2) DCL Ms Queen of Aces 901W 2CA, exhibited by Ty Sexton, Ainsworth, Iowa; 3) CARD Erroline 936W 1CA, exhibited by Cardinal Cattle Co., Wyoming, Ill. & Buckeye Chiangus, Convoy, Ohio; 4) TR Willa PCA, exhibited by Carolina Chiangus, Huntersville, N.C.; 5) GF Ms Encore 80W 1CA, exhibited by Gehrke Farms, Hartsburg, Ill.; 6) VKR Nemo Whitney 62W PCA, exhibited by VKR Cattle Company, Dorr, Mich.: 7) TR Whitney PCA, exhibited by Josh Waters, Talmo, Ga.; 8) Ard Ridge KTR New Marie 96W 2CA, exhibited by Ard Ridge Genetics LLC, Nancy, Ky. Class 130 1) CARD Aristocrat 313W 1CA, exhibited by Cardinal Cattle Co., Wyoming, Ill. & Buckeye Chiangus, Convoy, Ohio; 2) VKR Nemo Winnie 51W PCA, exhibited by VKR Cattle Company, Dorr, Mich.; 3) Ard Ridge Jasmine 954W PCA, exhibited by Ard Ridge Genetics LLC, Nancy, Ky.; 4) HETT Chocolate Syrup 2CA, exhibited by Natalie Hettmansperger, Science Hill, Ky.; 5) WEDF Sweetie Pi 891W 1CA, exhibited by Wyld Eyed Dream Farm, Paris, Ky. Class 131 1) DCL Ms Shes New 903W 2CA, exhibited by Clarahan Farms, Harper, Iowa; 2) Ard Ridge Cara 66W PCA, exhibited by Ard Ridge Genetics LLC, Nancy, Ky.; 3) VKR Advantage Whos Watchin 12W 1CA, exhibited by VKR Cattle Company, Dorr, Mich.; 4) HIGG Windchime 2CA, exhibited by Andy Higgins, Watertown, Tenn.; 5) Ard Ridge New Lady PCA, exhibited by Ard Ridge Genetics LLC, Nancy, Ky.
OPEN SHOW RESULTS Class 132 1) WLCF Zeba 1CA, exhibited by Marles Acres, Versailles, Ohio; 2) EVFA Ruby 2CA, exhibited by Evans Farms, Mechanicsburg, Ohio; 3) YR Hot Pepper 237W 1CA, exhibited by Shelby Manning, Union City, Ohio; 4) GF Ms Power Ball 07W PCA, exhibited by Gehrke Farms, Hartsburg, Ill.; 5) LSB Special Edition 935W 1CA, exhibited by Lazy SB, West, Texas; 6) SLC Blackcap 107W 2CA, exhibited by Schrick Land & Cattle, Ltd, Weatherford, Texas
Class 142 1) SC Iris 2CA, exhibited by Zachary Swafford, Pikeville, Tenn.
Class 135 1) MM Val 12U 1CA, exhibited by Mallorie Blankenship, Nolensville, Tenn.
Class 146 1) Ms Rockn Ace 36U 2CA, exhibited by Hannah Winegardner, Lima, Ohio; 2) HXC Erroline 936U 1CA, exhibited by Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, Ill.; 3) Ms Country Lassie 2CA, exhibited by Morgan Lehnert, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.
Class 136 1) Ard Ridge Magic Barbara 9U PCA, exhibited by Taylor Graham, Crossville, Tenn.; 2) TR Uprising Star PCA, exhibited by Sloan Witherow, Chatsworth, Ga.; 3) TR U Know It PCA, exhibited by Kelsey Culp, Nicholasville, Ky. Class 137 1) HIGG Kylie PCA, exhibited by Allison Higgins, Watertown, Tenn.; 2) RMCF Sweet Thing 2CA, exhibited by Keiffer Sexton, Ainsworth, Iowa; 3) FBF Uniqua 665U 2CA, exhibited by Ramsey Johnson, Winchester, Ky,; 4) TR U Shirley Can 2CA, exhibited by Laurel Culp, Nicholasville, Ky. Class 138 1) LSB Rebel Queen 8857U 2CA, exhibited by Lazy SB, West, Texas Class 141 1) CARD Lady Lillie 432U 2CA, exhibited by Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, Ill.
Class 143 1) Ard Ridge New Barbara 842U PCA, exhibited by Ard Ridge Genetics LLC, Nancy, Ky. & Carmel Ranch, Corbin, Ky.; 2) RSRS Trendy Ransom 2CA, exhibited by Kelsey Culp, Nicholasville, Ky.; 3) WLCF Ms Extra Lady 837U 1CA, exhibited by Joe Daniel Cruz, Rio Grande City, Texas
Class 147 1) DRFF Mary 1CA, exhibited by Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, Ill.; 2) RDD Hot New Wiggle 71U PCA, exhibited by Ty Sexton, Ainsworth, Iowa; 3) RSRS Cherokee 1CA, exhibited by Garrett Show Cattle, Richmond, Ind.; 4) VKR Poison Unique 46U PCA, exhibited by VKR Cattle Company, Dorr, Mich.; 5) RDD Ms Image 15U 2CA, exhibited by Gehrke Farms, Hartsburg, Ill. Class 148 1) Ard Ridge Cara 66U 2CA, exhibited by Samantha Lowman, Lincoln, Ill.; 2) VKR Forum Unbelievable 22UET 1CA, exhibited by VKR Cattle Company, Dorr, Mich.; 3) SLC Lace 273U 1CA, exhibited by Amelia Higgins, Watertown, Tenn.; 4) RSRS Whisper 2CA, exhibited by Ventura Farm, Bath, Mich.; 5) TR Ms Ulma PCA,
exhibited by Corinn Rathbun, Independence, Iowa Class 149 1) TR Ms U R Correct 2CA, exhibited by Laurel Culp, Nicholasville, Ky.; 2) VBS TR U R A Shining Star 315U PCA, exhibited by VBS Farms, Falmouth, Ky. Class 152 1) WCC Miss Rattle 377 1CA, exhibited by Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. Class 153 1) JMCB Mimi 063T 2CA, exhibited by Courtney Tarvin, Mt. Olivet, Ky.; 2) TR/WRL Tyra 2CA, exhibited by Talmo Ranch, Talmo, Ga.; Woodhaven Farms, Lebanon, Tenn.; Clarahan Farms, Harper, Iowa; John Higgins, Watertown, Tenn.; & Dale & Glenda Overstreet, Lexington, Ga. Class 156 1) HBSC/RHSC Fancy 457T PCA, exhibited by Samantha Lowman, Lincoln, Ill.; 2) HXC Blackbird 890N 1CA, exhibited by Wyld Eyed Dream Farm, Paris, Ky. Produce of Dam 1) Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind.; 2) Ty Sexton, Ainsworth, Iowa; 3) VBS Farms, Falmouth, Ky.; 4) VBS Farms, Falmouth, Ky. Best Six Head 1) Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind.; 2) Gehrke Farms, Hartsburg, Ill.; 3) VBS Farms, Falmouth, Ky.
AJCA Benefit Auction Thank You Thank you to everyone who donated, purchased and bid on items at the AJCA Benefit Auction at the National Banquet. Almost $10,000 was raised. Your generous support is greatly appreciated and will help fund the 2010 National Junior Heifer Show in Springfield, Ill. Four Roses Cattle LLC Gehrke Farms Clarahan Farms Sheets Chiangus Schrick Land & Cattle Ltd Grand 'Ole Place Farms Foster Brothers Farms Jennifer Roach Yellow Rose Cattle Company Diamond H Cattle Company Schaefer Chiangus
EDJE Technologies Ard Ridge Genetics Pete & Debra Graham Dawn Jochim Tesch & Sons Chiangus Higgins Farms KVO Chiangus Tom & Ann Looney Alan Sears Glen Klippenstein Lori Guthals
Jessica Comer Woodhaven Farms Steve Melroe Ed Miller Woodlawn Farms Bucher Cattle Company Beckett Cattle Wilstem Inc. Kevin Deiter TransOva Genetics Danny Coward
Horsley Brothers Cardinal Cattle Company Lucas & Sydney Wisnefski VKR Cattle Company RiverBend Farms Winegardner Show Cattle Lyle & Stephanie Sexton Chuck Madaris Lazy SB Talmo Ranch ACA/ACJ
• January 2010
Grand Champion Chianina Heifer Supreme Champion Junior Female
Grand Champion Chiangus Heifer
JSUL Dreams Come True 846U 1CM
Exhibited by Hannah Winegardner, Lima, Ohio Bred by Rocking J Ranch, Cody, Neb. Sire: RDD Destinys Ace 1CA
Exhibited by Isaiah Bridwell, Covington, Ind. Bred by John Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa Sire: ASHW Who Da Man
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Heifer
Ms Rockn Ace 36U 2CA
Reserve Grand Champion Chiangus Heifer
GCC Doutzen 108U 1CM
Exhibited by William Hasenbeck, Elgin, Okla. Bred by Griswold Cattle Company, Stillwater, Okla. Sire: Irish Whiskey
Exhibited by Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, Ill. Bred by Daniel Rhoades & Family, Avilla, Ind. Sire: Plainview Lutton E102
Champion Bred & Owned Chianina Heifer
Champion Bred & Owned Chiangus Heifer
KBIC Anderson Calypso 15U 1CM
CFBC Kiara 1CA
Exhibited & Bred by Garrett Knebel, Winamac, Ind. Sire: KBIC Golden Encore 2CM
Exhibited & Bred by Brittany Conkey, Hicksville, Ohio Sire: WRL Tracken Norman PCA
January 2010 • ACJ
JUNIOR HEIFER SHOW RESULTS CHIANINA DIVISION CHAMPIONS Late Junior Heifer Calf Champion TJK Stormy Knipe 6W 1CM, exhbiited by Austin Trueblood, Sardinia, Ohio Late Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion HANE Tangie 2CM, exhibited by Lane Manning, Union City, Ohio Early Junior Heifer Calf Champion KALA Miss Sail Away 1CM, exhibited by Kayla Campbell, Cedarville, Ohio Early Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion DAJS Hoda 518 1CM, exhibited by Katy Satree, Montague, Texas Senior Heifer Calf Champion JWKC Mara 2CM, exhibited by Skyler Miller, Torrington, Wyo. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion BK Unforseen 8031 1CM, exhibited by Bailey Buck, Madill, Okla. Summer Yearling Champion TFR Lucy Lou 1CM, exhibited by Shayne Pinyan, Holly Pond, Ala. Summer Yearling Reserve Champion KBIC Anderson Calypso 15U 1CM, exhibited by Garrett Knebel, Winamac, Ind. Junior Yearling Champion JSUL Dreams Come True 846U 1CM, exhibited by Isaiah Bridwell, Covington, Ind. Junior Yearling Reserve Champion GCC Doutzen 108U 1CM, exhibited by William Hasenbeck, Elgin, Okla. Cow/Calf Champion MF Missa 16T 2CM, exhibited by Brody Blake, Atlanta, Ind. Cow/Calf Reserve Champion WEBC Shalome 602S 2CM, exhibited by Kelsey Culp, Nicholasville, Ky. Class 1 1) GORS DW 1CM, exhibited by Dwight Hamilton, Hillsboro, Ohio; 2) CKG Franjelica 920 2CM, exhibited by Brooke Rupprecht, Vassar, Mich.; 3) LCSC Misty 1CM, exhibited by Will Coor, Selma, N.C.; 4) KSSC Chanel 1CM, exhibited by Kinzie Selke Frankfort, Ind.; 5) AHIL Lady Luck 1CM, exhibited by Steven Gentry, Lebanon, Ind.; 6) Magic 11W 1CM, exhibited by Ivy Ostler, Michigan City, Ind.; 7) GCT Baby Face 1CM, exhibited by Taylor Graham, Crossville, Tenn.; Class 2 1) HBI Miss Ellie 1CM, exhibited by Shayne Pinyan, Holly Pond, Ala.; 2) KN Eventress Pearl 2CM, exhibited by Natalie Hettmansperger, Science Hill, Ky.; 3) KSSC Queen 1CM, exhibited by Kinzie Selke, Frankfort, Ind.; 4) KL Miss Jane J19W 1CM, exhibited by Kristen Schmitt, Owensville, Ind.; 5) KJD Forget Me Not 20W 1CM, exhibited by Blake Morehead, Alexandria, Ind.; 6) ACLM Sabra 1CM, exhibited by Ali Muir, Waynesfield, Ohio Class 3 1) HANE Tangie 2CM, exhibited by Lane Manning, Union City, Ohio; 2) KVO Lexus 2CM, exhibited by Kendra VanOrder, Hamilton, Mich.; 3) Miss Mark It 2CM, exhibited by Quintin Bucher, Marietta, Ill.; 4) KVO Tasha 2CM, exhibited by Kendra VanOrder, Hamilton, Mich.; 5) Dustys Leah 1CM, exhibited by Adam Redding, Michigantown, Ind.; 6) MM Miss Fancy 1CM, exhibited by Trenton Meyers, Peru, Ind. Class 4 1) TJK Stormy Knipe 6W 1CM, exhibited by Austin Trueblood, Sardinia, Ohio; 2) LMJ Miss HWI Alice 841040 1CM, exhibited by Cameron Guernsey, Jamestown, Ind.; 3) JFC Miss Zoey 1CM, exhibited by Madison Jones, Winchester, Ohio; 4) Miss Showtime 911 1CM, exhibited by Shiana Meyer, Hughesville, Mo.; 5) JLPC Miss Shania Wave 0404W 2CM, exhibited by Darcy McCoin, Eaton, Ind.; 6) KDJ Kat N Mouse 55W 2CM, exhibited by Blake Morehead, Alexandria, Ind.; 7) ANBB Jodie 1CM, exhibited by Ashley Buell, Pataskala, Ohio; 8) MM Miss Lucy 1CM, exhibited by Kerrigan Bartrum, Kokomo, Ind.
Class 7 1) SRR Miss J2 Carnac 18W 1CM, exhibited by Gretchen Michel, Fort Branch, Ind.; 2) TASC Bella 1CM, exhibited by Tyler Carter, Oregonia, Ohio; 3) IMB Blue Bell 1CM, exhibited by Jordan Cox, Trenton, N.C.; 4) FSF Sunny Babe 2CM, exhibited by Bailey Farrer, Royal Center, Ind.; 5) BEVE Jessie 2CM, exhibited by Megan Bever, Charlottesville, Ind. Class 8 1) GOFG Payton 1CM, exhibited by Abigail Collins, Germantown, Ohio; 2) CFC Miss Stella 090W 1CM, exhibited by Colton Fallon, Patriot, Ohio; 3) KLEM Bella 1CM, exhibited by Christine Kleman, Ottawa, Ohio; 4) CGMC Raisin 13W 1CM, exhibited by Christina Green, Mason, Mich.; 5) Dustys Lara 1CM, exhibited by Adam Redding, Michigantown, Inc.; 6) MJ Miss Dream Seeker 4W 2CM, exhibited by Harley Blake, Atlanta, Ind.; 7) Miss V 1CM, exhibited by Quintin Bucher, Marietta, Ill.; 8) MJ Rhianna 9W 2CM, exhibited by Mark Blake, Earl Park, Ind.; 9) PVCF Ms Sophie 1CM, exhibited by Gabrielle Hutchison, Onondaga, Mich. Class 9 1) Dr Claire 1CM, exhibited by Ashley Buell, Pataskala, Ohio; 2) MCCF Nikelle 1CM, exhibited by Shelby Manning, Union City, Ohio; 3) CFC Miss I Am Legend 1CM, exhibited by Colton Fallon, Patriot, Ohio; 4) KCLC JLo 2CM, exhibited by Blythe Graham, Crossville, Tenn.; 5) JNRS 8T Lucy 2W 1CM, exhibited by Christina Green, Mason, Mich.; 6) PVCF Bianca 1CM, exhibited by Gabrielle Hutchison, Onondaga, Mich. Class 10 1) KALA Miss Sail Away 1CM, exhibited by Kayla Campbell, Cedarville, Ohio; 2) DAJS Hoda 518 1CM, exhibited by Katy Satree, Montague, Texas; 3) MM Allie 1CM, exhibited by Matthew Blankenship, Nolensville, Tenn. Class 13 1) BK Unforseen 8031 1CM, exbhited by Jacob Moore, Madill, Okla.; 2) TDR Im Bubblicious U54 1CM, exhibited by Taylor Ray, Campbellsburg, Ky. Class 14 1) JWKC Mara 2CM, exhibited by Skyler Miller, Torrington, Wyo.; 2) Wolfridge Babe-ilicious 491U 1CM, exhibited by Cooper Canada, Morehead, Ky.; 3) EVAS Rayann 1CM, exhibited by Kaylee Clmpton, Vince Grove, Ky. Class 17 1) TFR Lucy Lou 1CM, exhibited by Shayne Pinyan, Holly Pond, Ala. Class 18 1) MRH Foxys Fancy 1CM, exhibited by Lane Manning, Union City, Ohio; 2) FMG Ms Special Gal 1CM, exhibited by Brooke Gruhn, Manning, Iowa; 3) WLCF Ms Vendetta 840U 1CM, exhibited by Morgan Lehnert, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Class 19 1) KBIC Anderson Calypso 15U 1CM, exhibited by Garrett Knebel, Winamac, Ind.; 2) MKCY Niko 2CM, exhibited by Paul D Miller III, Torrington, Wyo.; 3) Mocha Latte 1CM, exhibited by Cooner Cross, Markleville, Ind.; 4) SRR Naughty Nancy 17U 1CM, exhibited by Natalie Hettmansperger, Science Hill, Ky.; 5) CHAM Miss Bessie 1CM, exhibited by Autumn Brown, Pendleton, Ind.; 6) GC Lifeline 473U 1CM, exhibited by Zachary Swafford, Pikeville, Tenn.; 7) JSUL Miss Bad Medicine 8219U 1CM, exhibited by Joshua Tebbe, Pocahontas, Ill.; 8) CFCC Kat 951U 1CM, exhibited by Taylor Graham, Crossville, Tenn.
• January 2010
JUNIOR HEIFER SHOW RESULTS Class 22 1) Miss Krista 1CM, exhibited by Christian Bridwell, Covington, Ind.; 2) SFCA Patty 2CM, exhibited by Bailey Buck, Madill, Okla.; 3) BNWZ Chloe 1009U 2CM, exhibited by Madison Jones, Winchester, Ohio; 4) CFCC American Girl 9U 2CM, exhibited by Cody Allman, Seymour, Ind.; 5) MCF Miss Hoo Bear 103LNU 1CM, exhibited by Bradley Bennett, Weyers Cave, Va.; 6) DCRF Miss Sadie 1CM, exhibited by Brooke Rupprecht, Vassar, Mich.; 7) Kittys Hot Cat 1CM, exhibited by Garrett Hill, Bloomington, Ind. Class 23 1) JSUL Dreams Come True 846U 1CM, exhibited by Isaiah Bridwell, Covington, Ind.; 2) JSUL Miss Whos Sassy 8250U 1CM, exhibited by Nick Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa; 3) MSC Jenna 1CM, exhibited by Jordan Cox, Trenton, N.C.; 4) VSC Alia 803U 1CM, exhibited by Addison Tomson, Westport, Ind.; 5) Tree Lane Miss Hairetta 17 1CM, exhibited by Kalee Bedel, Chillicothe, Ill.; 6) Miss Cho 50U 1CM, exhibited by Shiana Meyer, Hughesville, Mo.; 7) Miss Beverly J 1CM, exhibited by Carol Jeffries, Rockville, Ind.; 8) WAG Miss Lois 90U 1CM, exhibited by Kristen Schmitt, Owensville, Ind.; 9) WRG Sophisticated Lady 2CM, exhibited by Kaylee Compton, Vine Grove, Ky.; 10) Miss Dallie 2CM, exhibited by Kerrigan Bartrum, Kokomo, Ind. Class 24 1) GCC Doutzen 108U 1CM, exhibited by William Hasenbeck, Elgin, Okla.; 2) McFarlands 803U 1CM, exhibited by Bryce Hayden, Lowell, Ind.; 3) FL Naomi 620U 1CM, exhibited by Gretchen Michel, Fort Branch, Ind.; 4) Henney Wonder Woman 2CM, exhibited by Andrew Glasscock, Wabash, Ind.; 5) Cox Big Bodied Girl 1U 1CM, exhibited by Quintin Bucher, Marietta, Ill.; 6) LMJ Miss Alias 42584 2CM, exhibited by Allison Manchester, Brook, Ind.; 7) JSUL Raggedy Ann 8257U 1CM, exhibited by Kale Hensley, Markleville, Ind.; 8) MFF Alli 1CM, exhibited by Kerrigan Bartrum, Kokomo, Ind.; 9) LMJ Miss Rose 77 2CM, exhibited by Matt Ostler, Frankfort, Ind.; 10) HB Ms Patty 6 1CM, exhibited by Meghan Watson, Kenly, N.C. Class 25 1) RBS Whos Tana 94U 1CM, exhibited by Tanner Hoffman, Culver, Ind.; 2) MRH Paige 1CM, exhibited by Megan Hunt, New Madison, Ohio; 3) Foleys Alexa 1CM, exhibited by Patrick Foley, Pearl City, Ind.; 4) KLEM Claire 2CM, exhibited by Christine Kleman, Ottawa, Ohio; 5) RNB Personal Finance 1CM, exhibited by Dustin Cunningham, Coolville, Ohio Cattleman Class 26 1) JSC My Girl 130 1CM, exhibited by Kayla Campbell, Cedarville, Ohio Cattleman Class 31 1) MF Missa 16T 2CM, exhibited by Brody Blake, Atlanta, Ind.; 2) WEBC Shalome 602S 2CM, exhibited by Kelsey Culp, Nicholasville, Ky.
CHIANGUS DIVISION CHAMPIONS Late Junior Heifer Calf Champion DCL Ms Queen of Aces 901W 2CA, exhibited by Ty Sexton, Ainsworth, Iowa Late Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion Crushers Sunshine PCA, exhibited by Darcy McCoin, Eaton, Ohio Early Junior Heifer Calf Champion YR Hot Pepper 237W 1CA, exhibited by Shelby Manning, Union City, Ohio Early Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion CFBC Kiara 1CA, exhibited by Brittany Conkey, Hicksville, Ohio Senior Heifer Calf Champion Ard Ridge Magic Barbara 9U PCA, exhibited by Taylor Graham, Crossville, Tenn. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion FBF Uniqua 665U 2CA, exhibited by Ramsey Johnson, Winchester, Ky. Summer Yearling Champion CARD Lady Lillie 432U 2CA, exhibited by Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, Ill. Summer Yearling Reserve Champion RSRS Trendy Ransom 2CA, exhibited by Kelsey Culp, Nicholasville, Ky. Junior Yearling Champion Ms Rockn Ace 36U 2CA, exhibited by Hannah Winegardner, Lima, Ohio Junior Yearling Reserve Champion DRFF Mary 1CA, exhibited by Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, Ill. Senior Yearling Champion JMCB Mimi 063T 2CA, exhibited by Courtney Tarvin, Mt. Olivet, Ky. Class 1 1) Crushers Sunshine PCA, exhibited by Darcy McCoin, Eaton, Ind.; 2) SC Candy 1CA, exhibited by Zachary Swafford, Pikeville, Tenn.; 3) RP New Casey PCA, exhibited by Reba Prather, Nancy, Ky. Class 2 1) DCL Ms Queen of Aces 901W 2CA, exhibited by Ty Sexton, Ainsworth, Iowa Class 5 1) CFBC Kiara 1CA, exhibited by Brittany Conkey, Hicksville, Ohio; 2) HETT Chocolate Syrup 2CA, exhibited by Natalie Hettmansperger, Science Hill, Ky. Class 6 1) YR Hot Pepper 237W 1CA, exhibited by Shelby Manning, Union City, Ohio Class 9 1) MM Val 12U 1CA, exhibited by Mallorie Blankenship, Nolensville, Tenn. Class 10 1) Ard Ridge Magic Barbara 9U PCA, exhibited Taylor Graham, Crossville, Tenn.; 2) TR Uprising Star PCA, exhibited by Sloan Witherow, Chatsworth, Ga.; 3) TR U Know It PCA, exhibited by Kelsey Culp, Nicholasville, Ky. Class 11 1) FBF Uniqua 665U 2CA, exhibited by Ramsey Johnson, Winchester, Ky.; 2) RMCF Sweet Thing 2CA, exhibited by Keiffer Sexton, Ainsworth, Iowa; 3) HIGG Kylie PCA, exhibited by Allison Higgins, Watertown, Tenn.; 4) TR U Shirley Can 2CA, exhibited by Laurel Culp, Nicholasville, Ky.
January 2010 • ACJ
JUNIOR HEIFER SHOW RESULTS Class 14 1) CARD Lady Lillie 432U 2CA, exhibited by Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, Ill.
Class 19 1) DRFF Mary 1CA, exhibited by Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, Ill.; 2) RDD Hot New Wiggle 71U PCA, exhibited by Ty Sexton, Ainsworth, Iowa
Class 15 1) RSRS Trendy Ransom 2CA, exhibited by Kelsey Culp, Nicholasville, Ky.; 2) SC Iris 2CA, exhibited by Zachary Swafford, Pikeville, Tenn.
Class 20 1) SLC Lace 273U 1CA, exhibited by Amelia Higgins, Watertown, Tenn.; 2) Tr Ms Ulma PCA, exhibited by Corinn Rathbun, Independence, Iowa
Class 18 1) Ms Rockn Ace 36U 2CA, exhibited by Hannah Winegardner, Lima, Ohio; 2) HXC Erroline 936U 1CA, exhibited by Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, Ill.; 3) Ms Country Lassie 2CA, exhibited by Morgan Lehnert, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.
Class 21 1) TR Ms U R Correct 2CA, exhibited by Laurel Culp, Nicholsville, Ky. Class 24 1) JMCB Mimi 063T 2CA, exhibited by Courtney Tarvin, Mt. Olivet, Ky.
ACA THANK YOUS A special thank you to the following people who so generously donated and purchased embryo packages: Myron Danner • Schaefer Chiangus • Melroe Farms • Troy Beckett • KVO Chiangus • Clarahan Farms • Wilstem, Inc. • Bushy Park Farm Cattle Co. • VKR Cattle Company • Stoppel Cattle Company • Ard Ridge Genetics LLC • Zeedyk's Chiangus • Lazy SB Cattle LLC • Guyer Cattle Company • Woodlawn Farms • Diamond H Cattle Company • Sheets Chiangus • Mark & Marianne Blankenship • Grand 'Ole Place Farms • Cody Rucker • Talmo Ranch • Woodhaven Farms • Taylor Graham • Foster Brothers Farms • T Bar T • Yellow Rose Cattle Company • Jay Hettmansperger • Tim Prather • VBS Farms • Schrick Land & Cattle Ltd. • Little Creek Farms • Four Roses Cattle LLC • Pleasant View Chianina Farm • HIggins Farm • CK Cattle
he 2009 ACA Embryo & Semen Fundraiser was once again an overwhelming success for the ACA and its membership. More than $6,000 was raised to benefit the ACA. This fundraiser capped off a fun evening at the North American following the ACA Herdsman party which drew a large crowd from throughout the barn. ACA breeders donated an excellent group of embryos and semen from some of the most sought after genetics in the business. Thanks to everyone who participated in this great event and a special thanks to Stan Comer & Steve Melroe for working hard to secure the genetics offered in the auction.
A TRIBUTE TO OUTGOING ACA BOARD MEMBERS Three valuable ACA board members completed their tenure at the 2009 ACA National Show in Louisville. Stan Comer, Lene Hitz and Tom Looney all devoted an enormous amount of time to the ACA and the board of directors, helping to ensure the ACA is moving in the right direction. Stan served as Chairman for the last two years and did a great job leading this association. Lene's service as secretary for the last two years was invaluable. Tom's knowledge of the breed and other matters was a great positive for the board and the breed as well. The ACA thanks these three individuals for their selfless service Stan Comer, Lene Hitz & Tom Looney received to the association and wish them all success in their operations. their retiring board bronzes at the 2009 ACA National Banquet.
• January 2010
he 2009 Annual ACA Banquet was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Louisville. It was another classy event and those who attended had a great time talking with fellow members and friends and enjoying a nice meal. The highlight of the evening was honoring the 2009 ACA National Show Honorees – Deiter Brothers. Roger & Beth, Doug & Sandy and Kevin & Carrie were on hand for the presentation. Their devotion and commitment to the ACA over the years is greatly appreciated and they will be missed, but we wish them the best in their new endeavors. Dwight Hossle did an excellent job of recounting their operation and their impact on the breed and the people involved. Deiter Brothers were also presented with the Breeder of the Year award for registering the most cattle during the last fiscal year. We also honored three retiring board members – Stan Comer, Lene Hitz and Tom Looney, and welcomed aboard John Higgins, Ed Miller and Don Esch. Ed Creason presented the winners of the 2009 Beef Derby with their awards and discussed this valuable event offered to Chi breeders. The evening ended with the annual junior benefit auction which was again supported by numerous people and we thank each and every one of you for your support and devotion to the junior association. It was a wonderful evening that allowed fellow cattlemen and friends to get together and enjoy each others company.
Deiter Brothers Roger, Doug & Kevin Deiter
Kevin, Carrie, Beth, Roger, Sandy & Doug were on hand to receive the portrait for being named the 2009 ACA National Show Honoree. They were also honored as the 2009 ACA Breeder of the Year, registering the most cattle in the last fiscal year.
2009-2010 ACA Board of Directors
Front row (l to r): Dennis Clarahan, Harper, Iowa; Ed Miller, Big Spring, Texas; Rob Sheets, West Lafayette, Ind.; Ken Culp III, Nicholasville, Ky.; Dwight Hossle, Faulkton, S.D.; Brian Sulak, West, Texas. Back row (l to r): John Higgins, Watertown, Tenn.; Steve Melroe, Gwinner, N.C.; Keith Schrick, Millsap, Texas; Neal Branscum, Nancy, Ky.; Chuck Madaris, Hope Hull, Ala. Not pictured: Don Esch, Longmont, Colo.
2008-2009 All-Americans
The 2008-2009 ACA All-Americans were presented their plaques during the
2009 ACA National Show Honoree
January 2010 • ACJ
Debbie Woodroof was presented a crystal bowl by Jessica Comer, Ladies Auxiliary president.
Debbie Woodroof, Lebanon, Tenn., was selected as the 2009 Chi Lady of the Year. Debbie and her husband John are very involved in the breed, and she was very instrumental in hosting the successful 2009 National Junior Heifer Show in Murfreesboro, Tenn., this past summer. Congratulations Debbie and thank you for all you do for the breed and the juniors!
Alan Shelton
Alan Shelton was presented the 2009 Herdsman of the Year Award by 2008 Herdsman Tyler Minish.
Alan Shelton was selected by his peers as the 2009 ACA Herdsman of the Year. Shelton works for Gehrke Farms in Hartsburg, Ill., and is no stranger to the Chi breed. During the national show, he could be seen each day preparing the Gehrke show string. Selected each year by their peers, the Herdsman of the Year receives a plaque commemorating the memorial award for Keith Dusenberry, as well as a directors chair. Congratulations Alan!
PREMIER BREEDER & EXHIBITOR Wilson Cattle Company Cloverdale, Indiana Wilson Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind., swept the premier contest this year, claiming both Premier Exhibitor and Premier Breeder honors. Congratulations to Bill, Chad and the entire Wilson Cattle Company crew! Great Job!
• January 2010
he 2009 ACA Parade of Excellence Sale was held Nov. 17, 2009 at the NAILE. At this year's National Chi Sale, over 100 buyer numbers were handed out and a crowd of approximately 200 people were on hand to evaluate the 23 lots entered in the sale. The quality of the cattle in the sale was excellent and thanks to all those who consigned to the sale and also to those who made purchases. Top Lots: Lot 3 – $ 7,000 – WLCF Zeba 1CA – A Jan. 19, 2009 daughter of SAV Bismark out of a Destinys Ace daughter, Miss Priss 126S, was consigned by Woodlawn Farms, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. & Woodhaven Farms, Lebanon, Tenn., and purchased by Lester Ward, Versailles, Ohio. Lot 9 – $5,400 – Flush on Ard Ridge Cara 66U 2CA – Ard Ridge Genetics LLC, Nancy, Ky. and Gehrke Farms, Hartsburg, Ill., teamed up to offer this amazing flush opportunity and when the gavel dropped, Debra Helms, Hollansburg,
Ohio, took this lot home. Lot 16 – $5,000 – Four Roses Sugar Baby 1CM–This March 24, 2009 daughter of BLFM Entourage and out of Ard Ridge Sweet Whiskey 4T was consiged by Four Roses Cattle LLC, Logansport, Ind. and purchased by Ross Helms, Galveston, Ind. Lot 22 – $4,500 – Who Made Who 411F 1CM x THMT Hot Sauce Pregnancy – This outstanding genetic lot was consigned by Tom Hunt, New Madison, Ohio and Brian Goettemoeller, Winchester, Ind. and was purchased by Green Oak Farms, Farmersville, Ohio. Sale Averages Total Sale - 23 Lots – $70,200 ...............................$3,052 9 Open Heifers ......................................................$3,050 2 Bred Heifers.......................................................$3,750 11 Genetic Lots ....................................................$3,095 1 Bull ....................................................................$1,200
he 2009 ACA General Membership Meeting was on Nov. 17, 2009 in Louisville, Ky., during the NAILE. ACA Board Chairman Stan Comer called the meeting to order at 10:30 am EST. All current and new board directors as well as all ACA staff and approximately 25 ACA breeders were in attendance. Chairman Comer gave a brief overview for the year. The ACA is in “good shape”. We’ve been in business for 36 years, which is young by breed association standards. Change and technology are on our side. DNA and feed efficiency data show a positive gain by utilizing Chianina genetics. ACA committee’s are in place and are being used to research and direct ACA board and staff for future direction in all matters. The ACA real estate matters were reviewed and the process is still ongoing. Steve Melroe gave a treasurer's summary. The ACA is stable. The “Extravaganza” benefit sale still reflects positively and adult and Jr memberships remain strong. Registrations and transfers have been steady despite a depressed economy and the finances are very manageable due to improved basic business practices and the A/R collection policy being enforced. Melroe continued with an ACA Promotions Commit-
January 2010 • ACJ
tee report. EDJE Technologies programs and campaigns were highlighted and will soon be available for breeder use. Also the “Hybrid Advantage” logo is in use with the hopes of developing it as an ACA trademark. Ken Culp gave an update on the open and ongoing ACA CEO search. The next candidate interviews will be held at the Denver board meeting in January 2010. Chuck Madaris spoke on the ACA Genetic Abnormality and Performance committees’ progress. He explained their research and direction to be proactive in developing a very sound genetic testing policy for the ACA. The March 2010 board meeting should complete that policy. The Advanced Beef Registry Service LLC (ABRS LLC) topic was opened. Chairman Comer explained its purpose and answered various questions that breeders had on the subject. Voting ballots were handed out to all ACA members present for the approval of the formation of the ABRS LLC. The ACA staff collected and tallied the ballots and the final vote was unanimous in favor of the formation of the ABRS LLC. There were positive and upbeat comments on the ACA by many of the breeders, once again confirming our association consists of good cattle and good people. Meeting adjourned 11:15 am EST.
• January 2010
FBF True Luck ‘09 Reserve Grand Champion Female The dam of this many-time champion, sells in her entirety.
Rollin in Daisies Destiny's Ace X FBF Daisy 21K This ‘05 Donor Sells In Her Entirety
FBF Trigger
Service sire to many Chi-Angus females FBF Prodigal Son X Angel Rose 511L
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January 2010 • ACJ
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• January 2010
Livestock Center Auction Arena at the National Western Stock Show Denver, Colorado
He Sells! GF Doctor Dan 23W 1CM Early Junior Bull Calf Champion, ’09 NAILE
Selling 56 Lots -
Featuring the “Hybrid Advantage” Chi Influence Genetics • ChiAngus • ChiMaine 31 Bulls • 22 Heifers • 2 Flushes • 1 Embryo Package 9:00 a.m. ACA Pen Show, Bulls & Females 10:00 a.m. ACA Pen Show, Bulls & Females 12:30 p.m. Peak of Performance Style Sale
A Flush Sells! Ard Ridge Barbara 842U PCA Reserve National Champion ChiAngus Female, ’09 NAILE
Sale Headquarters: Double Tree Hotel 3203 Quebec Street, Denver, CO 80207 • 303.321.3333
He Sells! HBSC Ace 3W 2CA
Sired by ’02 National Champion Ace out of ’06 National Champion RDD Danica.
Ed Creason P.O. Box 890, Platte City, MO 64079 cell: 573.823.5635 • 816.431.2808
SEARS Marketing Services, LLC Alan K. Sears, home/office: 970.454.3986 • aksears8@msn.com Colorado cell: 970.396.7521 • Nebraska cell: 308.660.3866 61 Westward Way, Eaton, CO 80615
He Sells!
HBSC Doctor Ray 2W Sired by Doctor Who out of an Ace dam
Watch us live at
Elite Genetics You Know and Trust, Quality & Performance you expect...
Bridgett - DRFF Mary ale - NAILE National Champion Chi Angus Fem for breeding Co. Congratulations Rhoades Cattle ale! fem lity qua such a high
Olivia - CARD Aristocrat 313W Reserve Division - National Chi Ang us - NAILE Congratulations Buckeye ChiAngu s!
Plainview Lutton X B&J Balance (Reg. Angus)
y/VRD (Reg. Angus)
Plainview Lutton X Special Deliver
Something Different X 1024 Angus
(Chi Maine)
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January 2010 • ACJ
EDJE Technologies
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• January 2010
Carcass Ultrasound 101
Vol. 14
written by The National CUP Lab
Ultrasound as a Feedlot Marketing Tool sing ultrasound to measure carcass quality and establish EPDs in the purebred beef industry has long been accepted practice. Every cattleman knows that quality beef starts with quality genetics. And centralized processing labs like the CUP Lab™ have made ultrasound data accurate and reliable. But using ultrasound technology in the feedlot side of the business is just beginning to catch on. The reason is simple: Show me the money. Certainly, in theory, using ultrasound to identify outliers and group cattle for targeted marketing makes sense. But in a world where every movement a calf makes can cost dollars and cents, and input costs can pile up faster than manure, producers need to see a financial advantage to investing in expensive equipment or hiring technicians, and increasing calf handling. There are currently a variety of ultrasound software products on the market that measure live carcass traits and calculate an animal’s chances of scoring well on the grid. Ultrasound measurements can be very accurate predictors of carcass yield, and reasonable predictors of carcass quality, as A.R. Williams determined in a 2002 study. In fact, many studies have been conducted that show a strong correlation between ultrasound measurements taken at re-implant time (approximately 7080 days before slaughter) and actual carcass data. In a 2000 study, J.R. Brethour concluded that ultrasound estimates of marbling and backfat during the feeding period could be used to predict carcass merit. His data show the increase in backfat thickness over time is positively correlated to initial backfat thickness. Williams concurred that subcutaneous fat on a live carcass is directly related to carcass yield grade. Backfat thickness is one of the most accurate ultrasound measurements. One study by T.L. Perkins et al. showed a correlation between the ultrasound and actual backfat measurements of 0.76-0.93. Likewise, Williams also determined rump fat can be a fairly accurate indication of an animal’s total carcass fat and thus its yield grade.
January 2010 • ACJ
Measuring the ribeye area, or longissimus dorsi muscle area, may also be a clue as to the animal’s potential yield grade. Correlations between ultrasound estimates and actual measurements range from 0.43 (M.T. Smith et al.) to 0.95 (Perkins). Correlations between ultrasound intramuscular fat and actual carcass marbling scores range from 0.69 (Perkins) to 0.85 (Brethour), making it another potentially important data source. OK, so studies have proven the correlation, but what about the economics? Can using this data to sort cattle into marketing pens be useful and economically beneficial? In a 2000 study, S.R. Koontz et al. made the case for precision marketing individual animals. According to his published work, “There is an optimal slaughter date (days on feed) for each animal that maximizes profit, and there is an average loss in return of approximately $1 for each day that actual slaughter differs from the optimum.” The study evaluated the advantage of sorting cattle to different fed-cattle markets using ultrasound technology and growth curves and concluded that the returns on sorting are between $11 and $25 per head. An experienced ultrasound technician can scan 80100 head per hour at a cost of about $4-$8 per head. Depending on the Choice-Select spread, that may very well seem like a good investment. Then, again, depending on the Choice-Select spread, it may not. But it’s not just about working the spread. One of the best uses of ultrasound in the feedlot is identifying animals that will not produce no matter how they are handled. Just as ultrasound can help to eliminate inferior animals through breeding, feedlot software models can help to identify animals that are likely to produce Yield Grade 4+ carcasses before money is wasted on feeding them out. As Maro Ibarburu and John Lawrence said in the published account of their 2005 study, “Most feedlots use ultrasound to predict how long to feed an individual steer or heifer. Perhaps “no longer” should be a choice.” The study measured the benefit of individual animal
Carcass Ultrasound 101 (continued) predictions based on varying levels of information, with results ranging from $15-$35 per head additional gross profits. Specifically, results showed there is profitability in using individual animal data, including ultrasound, to accurately eliminate those that are likely to drain feed resources with little chance of producing dollars on the market. But, once purchased and on the lot, an animal cannot be eliminated without cost. In their study, Ibraburu and Lawrence included an assessment of cost to eliminate vs. cost to keep. They included factors such as trucking, sale barn commission, cattle owner overhead fee, feed, health treatments, insurance, less than optimum pen utilization, as well as the cost of carcass data collection, and calculated a “re-selling advantage,” or
RSA, of nearly $5 per head based on the assumption that the feedlot re-sells the animal in an auction market. As the health-conscious consumer continues to demand leaner beef and as overhead and feed costs rise, cattle that are too fat will continue to lose favor, making early assessment of an animal’s carcass even more crucial for the feedlot that wants to see a return on every dollar invested. There are issues that limit ultrasound’s effectiveness as a market grade/feedlot profitability prediction and sorting tool. As yet, there is no reliable ultrasound measurement for tenderness, the Holy Grail of beef production. And measurements on young calves can lead to questionable predictions, as the animal has yet to realize its genetic potential. But ultrasound is still the best tool
around to guide a breeding program that will produce quality animals likely to do well in any feedlot setting and meet consumer expectations. No matter how they are sorted, cattle will only grade as well as their genetic potential allows. Using ultrasound to identify superior genetics guarantees an edge on profit. As the evidence shows, chute-side ultrasound measurements in the feedlot can enhance that innate value, by grouping calves into marketing pens and eliminating the animals that will ultimately cost more than they garner. The bottom line is the bottom line. Feed costs continue to rise. Ultrasound continues to evolve into an increasingly userfriendly and less costly technology. Do the math. Count the dollars. Ultrasound scanning in a breeding program and in the feedlot makes sense (and cents).
Upcoming Events JAN. 14
Process Peak of Performance & Style Show & Sale Entries, NWSS, 9 a.m. JAN. 16 ACA Board of Directors Meeting, Double Tree Hotel, Denver, Colo., 8:30 a.m. Beef Derby Calcutta Auction, Double Tree JAN. 16 Hotel, Denver, Colo., 6 p.m. JAN. 17 NWSS Bull & Female Pen Show, NWSS, LCAA, 9 a.m. JAN. 17 ACA Peak of Performance & Style Sale, LCAA, 12:30 p.m. JAN. 29 Ft. Worth Stock Show Chi Show, Junior & Open, Ft. Worth, Texas, 10 a.m. FEB. 1 Ad/Copy Deadline: 2010 AI Sire Directory FEB. 5 Ad/Copy Deadline: March ACJ FEB. 6 Horsley Brothers Eastern Xposure Sale 10, Green Oak Farm, New Paris, Ohio, 1 p.m. EST Iowa Beef Expo Chianina Show & Sale, Iowa FEB. 18 State Fairgrounds Pavilion, Des Moines, Iowa, Show: 11:30 a.m.; Sale: 5 p.m. FEB. 20-21 Iowa Beef Expo Junior Shows, Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa FEB. 20 Willow Oak Best Black Bulls In America Sale, Willow Oak Sale Barn, Rogersville, Tenn., 1 p.m. EST
FEB. 20
Nebraska Cattlemen's Classic Chimaine/ Chiangus Show & Sale, Buffalo County Fairgrounds, Kearney, Neb., Show: 10 a.m.; Sale: 2 p.m. Schaefer Chiangus Production Sale, Northern MARCH 1 Livestock Auction Barn, Minot, N.D., 1 p.m CST MARCH 5 Kentucky Beef Expo Chi Show, Louisville, Ky., 1 p.m. MARCH 6 Kentucky Beef Expo Chi Sale, Louisville, Ky., 3:30 p.m. MARCH 6 Dakota Gold Bull & Female Sale, Miller Livestock Barn, Miller, S.D., 1 p.m. MARCH 12 Tennessee Beef Agribition, Murfreesboro, Tenn., Show: 4:30 p.m.; Sale: 6 p.m. MARCH 13 Ard Ridge Genetics Cattlemen's Choice Sale, Nancy, Ky., 1 p.m. EST MARCH 27 Talmo Ranch Customer Appreciation & Preview, Talmo, Ga. MARCH 28 Lazy SB Maternal Revolution Sale, West, Texas APRIL 1 Ad/Copy Deadline: 2010 ACJ Herdbook JUNE 27-JULY 2 AJCA National Junior Heifer Show, Springfield, Ill.
• January 2010
Ranch Dollar$
by Working Smart By James Rogers, Samual Roberts Noble Foundation Reprinted with permission from BEEF Magazine
etting more out of less is an attractive concept in tough economic times. In 2008, average cow costs ran around $534 per head including depreciation. Averages can be deceiving; I heard an economist describe what an average is by saying, “If you stick your head in the freezer and your rear end in a fire, on average you should feel comfortable.” To get a $534 average, we can assume that some producers had cow costs around $260 per head while others were approaching $800 per head. Here are some pasture and range dollar stretching tips to help you get cow costs down without sacrificing animal performance. Fertilizer - Fertilizer response is not equal across varieties, species, soil types, rainfall zones, etc. In similar environments, some varieties will statistically out-yield others with the same inputs. Look at a replicated bermudagrass variety trial to get a better idea of this concept. Knowing what introduced forages you have and applying fertilizer accordingly can save you money. Soil test - Eddie Funderburg, Noble Foundation soils and crops specialist, describes applying fertilizer without a soil test this way: “Three things can happen: the first is you might apply a nutrient you don’t need and waste your money by applying it. Second, you might not apply a nutrient you do need and not get the production you expect; and third, you might accidentally get it right.” Enough said. Soils - Variation exists in soils’ water holding capacity, water availability, fertility and other soil properties. Developing a soil map of your property can help you identify and categorize soils on your property by productivity that will then allow you to manage them accordingly. The Web Soil Survey (http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/) is an excellent tool to use for this. If you don’t have Internet access, contact your local National Resources Conservation Service office.
January 2010 • ACJ
Carrying capacity - Matching forage production to forage demand is a simple management tool that can help you trim the cost of supplementing forage deficits. Setting a moderate stocking rate for the long term provides you with a good combination of animal performance, plant persistence and sustainability. A summary of 25 studies on the effects of grazing intensity on native vegetation and livestock production in North America by Holechek in 1999 found net returns per acre highest for moderate grazing intensity, followed by light and then heavy. Grazing management - Developing some type of a grazing management program gives you more control as a manager. It will not grow more grass, but it can help you utilize more of what you do grow and accumulate grass growth for use during times of the year when deficits may occur. Fencing - Fencing is a tool to get you where you want to go with grazing management. Fencing can help separate high production areas from low production areas, which you can then manage accordingly. Interior cross fencing does not have to be five-strand barbed wire. Electric fencing (either permanent or temporary) is certainly a way to improve your grazing management without the expense of building five-strand barbed wire. Hay - Purchase your hay needs if entirely possible. By doing this, you are bringing nutrients onto your property rather than either depleting or redistributing yours. If this is not an option for you, then at least figure out your hay production costs; you might find some ways to trim back costs if you measure them first. Put up a quality hay product that you will not have to supplement or at least only have a minimal amount of supplementation. Finally, do a hay test. Feeding hay without a hay test is like applying fertilizer without a soil test.
On The Edge Of Common Sense by Baxter Black, DVM
Christmas Gift Exchange on the Farm he week before Christmas the farmer announced to the animals that he would not be giving them the traditional cheese and sausage box. The pig was relieved. The farmers suggested instead, they should pool their names in a black rubber bucket and draw names. “Does that include non-domesticated animals, too?” asked the armadillo. “Yes, But only warm-blooded,” was the answer. Since not everyone had prehensile lips, the farmer offered to do the drawing in the giant name swap. On Christmas morn the gifts were exchanged. The buzzard had drawn the possum. He gave him a can of fluorescent paint and a back pack made of reflector tape. “That way,” the buzzard explained, “The cars might see you crossing in time to swerve and miss you. And…” he continued, “if it doesn’t, you’ll be a lot easier for me to spot when you’re flat on the highway..!” The dog presented the cat with a coffee can full of sand and a gift certificate to be spayed. She reciprocated by giving the dog a toy flea circus. “I hope you like it” she snarled, “I bought them off a skunk!” By some coincidence the sheep had all drawn each other, and each gave the other a picture of a sheep. Some thought it was a mirror. The rooster thought it would be a great joke to give
the mouse a piece of cheese in a trap camouflaged as a box of DeCon. Anticipating the rooster’s subterfuge, the mouse had already arranged for the rooster to visit the famous poultry genealogy facility adjacent to the Campbell Chicken Noodle Soup Museum. It included a room with a stew. There was great excitement between the goat and the mare. The goat had always envied the mare’s magnificent tail, so she had the farmer clip it and the birds wove it into a beautiful hairpiece. Not sure how to wear it, the goat put it high on his poll between the horns. It made him look like a 1969 debutante at her cotillion party in Lubbock, Texas. The cow offered to rub the coyote’s back. He’d been helping himself to the fermented punch and had lost his ability to judge weight and distance, so he accepted. He did okay till he said, “a little more to the right!” She broke his tail! It healed crooked and now when he wags it he looks like the flagman on an aircraft carrier! At the end of the evening the farmer and his wife were given a rousing Christmas toast from their barnyard employees. They had chipped in (pardon the pun) and bought him a book autographed by all their cloven hoofed and feathered edible animal friends entitled, “The Vegetarian Cookbook, or how to get the Most out of a Tuber during the holidays!”
• January 2010
New Adult Members CALIFORNIA Steve Boneso Boneso Livestock 5995 Martingale Circle San Miguel, CA 93451 Shelly Erickson 29435 W Sanches Rd Newman, CA 95360 Martin Machado 8171 N Buhach Rd Winton, CA 95388 Mike Rivas M2 Cattle Co 21468 Avenue 332 Woodlake, CA 93286
David & Doug Peine Peine Brothers Show Cattle 31443 N Hwy 59 Garnett, KS 66032
Ellyn (Christy) Campbell RC Show Cattle 7878 Dixon Rd Eaton, OH 45320
Ryan Rexing Double R Cattle Co 9323 South 400 West Ft Branch, IN 47648
Aaron & Tracey Murray Murray Farms P.O. Box 486 Waverly, OH 45690
Mark Richardson Richardson Angus 4746 N 250 W Connersville, IN 47331
Barbara Masket Seven Hills Cattle Co 2651 E 350N Marshall, IN 47859
Kevin E Swaim & Family Swaim Show Cattle 7318 N Marshall Rd Marshall, IN 47859
Layne & Faris Simon Simon Cattle P.O. Box 186 Catheys Valley, CA 95306
Keith Swanson 12752 S 600 West Hanna, IN 46340
Justin Hartman 37000 South Road Pueblo, CO 81006
Jane Hornung 22618 M Ave Eldora, IA 50627
Brad Otto 3811 S Ave Manning, IA 51455
Fred Butts 11583 S US Hwy 41 Terre Haute, IN 47802 Dare Family Show Cattle 2025 E Kitchel Rd Liberty, IN 47353 Chuck & Chase Fleece 2463 N 625 W North Salem, IN 46165 David & Lisa Markley 14101 N Hollowell Rd Albany, IN 47320
January 2010 • ACJ
Klint Schulte Schulte Cattle Co 2925 Dean Ave Odebolt, IA 51458 Justin Struck Lightning Struck Cattle Co 1331 210th St Schleswig, IA 51461 Nathan & Jennifer Studer 3014 130th Street Creston, IA 50801
Kyle Thom 5580 White Creek Rd Marlette, MI 48453
Janice & Rhonda Nelson Nelson Farms 90637 480th Ave Windom, MN 56101 Gerald Putzier 19621 25th St SE St Charles, MN 55972
MISSOURI Sabetha Davis 13175 SW 430 Rd Schell City, MO 64783
NEBRASKA Ryan Dunklau Dunk Cattle Co 57215 858 Rd Wayne, NE 68787 Miller Hoblyn Cattle Co 945 Parkridge Ct York, NE 68467 Evan, Alec & Emily Ibach Eleven Milliron Ranch 44670 Rd 767 Sumner, NE 68878 Parrott Walbrecht Cattle 2050 Arbor Rd Lincoln, NE 68531
Amanda Liffiton 17473 Pusheta Rd Wapakoneta, OH 45895 Mark Hoorman Hoorman Family Cattle 10230 Rd P Columbus Grove, OH 45830 Ronald E Kleinhans 11640 W Genzman Rd Oak Harbor, OH 43449
OKLAHOMA Bart Herndon 708 DP Newman Circle Kiefer, OK 74041 Cody Lott 19001 S 369th W Ave Bristow, OK 74010 Michelle L Vinka 21923 Industrial Rd Wellston, OK 74881
SOUTH DAKOTA Mel Buchheim 18320 335 Ave Highmore, SD 57345 Mike & Deanne Dockter Dockter Farms 47576 145th St Milbank, SD 57252
New Adults (continued) Garrett Hartwell 12650 377th Ave Aberdeen, SD 57401
Eric Olsen 413 Forrest Lane Corsicana, TX 75170
Terry Phifer TCBR Farm 12235 County Road Blue Ridge, TX 75424
Ronnie Beck Beck Ranch P.O. Box 175 Paluxy, TX 76467 Thomas Braddock Colonial Ranch 3187 Agnes Circle Springtown, TX 76082 Joe Daniel Cruz 114 Deer Run Rio Grande City, TX 78582
Bruce, Deb & Kendal Bauman B3 Livestock 51 Rd 156 Carpenter, WY 82054 Kent Haun 167 Haymaker Road Riverton, WY 82501
National Western Stock Show Chi Schedule of Events THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2010 9 a.m. – Process Pen & Sale Cattle FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2010 Cattle on Display in the Yards SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2010 8:30 a.m. – ACA Board of Directors Meeting, Double Tree Hotel Noon – Lunch served in the Yards 6 p.m. - ACA Beef Derby Calcutta, Double Tree SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2010 9 a.m. – ACA Pen Bull & Heifer Show 10 a.m. – Evaluation of Sale Cattle 12:30 p.m. - Peak of Performance & Style Sale
OFFERING • Top quality bred females • Fancy open heifers • Top notch herd sires • Special genetic packages Featuring the finest Chiangus & Chi Influenced cattle!
SCHEDULE • Show - Friday, March 5th at 1:00 p.m. EST • Sale - Saturday, March 6th at 3:30 p.m. EST Consignment deadline is January 22nd. Consignment forms are avaliable on-line at www.kychiangus.com or through Stock Options. For more information or to request a sale catalog:
Kevin Mears, 937.533.0169 or 937.839.6142 www.stockoptionsmarketing.com
• January 2010
FRIDAY, MARCH 12TH, 2010 • SHOW: 4:30 P.M. EST • SALE: 6:00 P.M. EST
Bred Females • Show Heifers • Herd Building Replacement Heifers Stout Herd Sire Prospects • Embryos • Flush Opportunities Plus, view & bid live with EDJE Cast!
For more information on consigning or to request a sale catalog:
Kevin Mears, 937.533.0169 or 937.839.6142 www.stockoptionsmarketing.com
Save this Date March 27, 2010 Talmo Ranch Customer Appreciation and Preview Check our web page for updates www.talmoranch.com Wayne and Jill Miller 706-693-4133
January 2010 • ACJ
You demand more. IGENITY® delivers. When you want the most comprehensive genetic profile available today, there’s only one choice. From a single DNA sample, IGENITY provides inside information for all of these economically important analyses: s NEW! Residual feed intake —
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Nothing turns science to success like the comprehensive IGENITY profile. We’ve developed the most powerful and broadest range of extensively researched analyses in the industry — giving you access to inside information that allows you to make more confident breeding, management and marketing decisions. Contact an IGENITY representative today to start using this powerful, practical tool. Or call 1-877-IGENITY.
*For the most up-to-date list of traits and complete list of genetic abnormalities, visit www.igenity.com or call 1-877-IGENITY. ®IGENITY and the IGENITY Logo are registered trademarks of Merial. ©2009 Merial Limited. Duluth, GA. All rights reserved. MEGLIGEN9062-A (06/09)
• January 2010
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c/o Heather Counts, Publications Manager 228 NE E Hwy Warrensburg, MO 64093 (517) 214-0927 • (660) 747-7612 (Fax) E-mail: acjeditor@earthlink.net
Board Minutes
ACA Board of Directors Meeting Murfreesboro, Tenn. June 18, 2009 Chairman Comer called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m. CST. Roll call was taken and all directors are present. Stan Comer Brian Sulak Chuck Madaris Neal Branscum Dennis Clarahan Tom Looney Steve Melroe Keith Schrick Dwight Hossle Lene Hitz Ken Culp Rob Sheets Staff present: Ed Creason The minutes from the March 21, 2009 meeting were presented. After corrections were made, Culp moved to accept the minutes with the noted changes. Hossle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The minutes from the June 4, 2009 telephone conference board meeting were reviewed. Schrick moved to accept the minutes as presented. Branscum seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Reports At 8:15 a.m. Alan Sears from Sears Marketing Service was introduced and briefed us on the sale strategy and guidelines he intends to use for the 2010 ACA National Western Sale. He’ll check to see if the “Pepsi” ring is available for the show and his plans are to keep the sale in the Livestock Center Auction Arena. He will keep the board informed on this and promotional media options. He left at 8:35 am. At 8:36 a.m. Nick Dwyer from Dwyer Cattle Services was introduced and
briefed us on his business policies and promotional and recruiting plans for the NAILE ACA National Sale. Sonny Booth will be the auctioneer and Newmarket Hall is confirmed. He asked the board to provide him with genetic testing requirements for this event. The sale committee will handle that. He left at 8:50 a.m. Treasurers Report shows the ACA membership and registration finances remaining steady. A decline is expected due to the anticipated costs of the ACA headquarter building issues. The ACJ shows a decline due to a slow down in advertising and subscription revenue. Discussed were many factors associated with these problems and some potential solutions. Branscum moved to accept the report. Schrick seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Proposed 09-10 Budget was reviewed. Chairman Comer emphasized that due to all we are facing with the building problems and hiring a new CEO that the presented budget plan is an estimate. The projected figures were kept on the high side. He also recommended adding a Budget Committee to improve future financial planning efforts. Melroe moved to accept the presented budget plan. Clarahan seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The executive committee (Comer, Branscum, Melroe, Clarahan) will review this plan with the ACA staff. AJCA membership fee. The current membership due is a single $25 fee that expires January 1 after the members 21st birthday. This fee hasn’t changed for many years and is low compared to many other jr. breed associations. After much discussion Melroe moved to raise the AJCA membership dues to a single $50 fee that expires January 1st after the members 21st birthday
and this will become effective July 1, 2009. Culp seconded. Opposed Sheets. All other members in favor. Motion passed. Genetic Abnormality update Creason informed us that Igenity is now licensed to do AM, TH, NH, DL, IE, OS and PHA genetic testing. They (Igenity) are currently working on fees, forms and procedures for their services. Creason will keep the board updated on this. The board instructed Creason to keep a complete ongoing account of all required ACA genetic testing policies and procedures for staff and board accessibility. Beef Derby update – Thirty head have been harvested so far and the rest will go next week. The contest data should be completed shortly thereafter. Chairman Comer announced a break at 10:05 a.m. Meeting resumed at 10:15a.m. NJHS 09 is running very well. The TN host’s are doing an excellent job of accommodating all exhibitors. The board truly appreciates all their (TN host’s) efforts to make this a very enjoyable and successful event. Heather Counts reports 183 AJCA members will be showing 252 ACA head. ACA Promotions committee reports EDJE Technologies will redesign the ACA booth for NAILE. They are also able to incorporate video clips and interviews directly onto our website. Creason was appointed to purchase the appropriate video equipment and start recording ACA sales and events. The board discussed information and direction for the ACA promotional campaign. Continental Breed Congress has stalled due to organizational problems.
• January 2010
Board Minutes (continued)
No timeline for future restart.
the board via email with a schedule.
New Business Committee Appointments – After discussion on needed financial management improvements, Chairman Comer appointed a new “Budget Committee” that should always include the ACA CEO, and Accountant (Dawn Jochim) as well as the current board Treasurer (Steve Melroe) and at least one director (Dwight Hossle). Also after reflecting on the current building degradation a new “ACA Building and Grounds Committee” was appointed and should always include the ACA CEO, the standing board Vice Chairman (Neal Branscum) as well as a current board member (Brian Sulak). The ACA Long Range Planning Committee was reviewed and Ken Geuns was appointed as Chairman. ACA members added to the present committee (LRPC) list are Matt Michel, John Woodroof, Jody Foster, Myron Danner and two AJCA Board appointees. Members expired from the present committee are Dick Baker, Dwight Hossle, Roger Deiter, Ralph Danner and Ken Culp III. A revised “ACA Performance and Genetic Abnormality Committee” is to meet quarterly and will include Chuck Madaris – Chairman, Jim Gibb (Igenity), Ed Miller, Tom Looney, Dr Bob Weaber(MU), as well as the ACA CEO and ACA Marketing and Performance director (Ed Creason). Creason exited the meeting at 11:03 a.m. to fulfill NJHS duties. Melroe moved for an executive session at 11:05 a.m. Madaris seconded. Chairman Comer called the regular board meeting to order at 12:35 p.m. All board members present. CEO Search Committee has received over 20 qualified applicants for the ACA CEO position. The committee (Comer, Culp, Hossle) will set up interviews for selected candidates and report back to
ACA Building Property – The engineer that was hired to evaluate costs of the damage and repairs needed to fix the ACA headquarters estimates that the total cost to bring the building up to an acceptable condition will be approximately $468,000. After an informative discussion on options presented on the June 4, 2009 conference call meeting it was decided that marketing the property is the sensible way to solve this issue. Looney moved the ACA Executive Board (Chairman Comer, Branscum, Melroe, Clarahan) begin the process of marketing the ACA Headquarters property with the options of a trade or sell based on the report received from the structural engineer who evaluated the building damage. The said report should be published in the next ACJ to update all ACA members. Schrick seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Chairman Comer informed the board that while he and the executive committee was at ACA Headquarters on June 4 they were informed by the staff that it was “time” for the annual employee pay review. Upon review they discovered that the past raises given to the employees exceeded the upper industry standard comparisons. We value our staff but the fact remains that the ACA relies heavily on membership donations for its survival and most board directors felt that we should be more prudent with that money. It was decided that in the future the CEO should first present proposed employee compensation adjustments to the board for approval. Chairman Comer said this years raises were based on cost of living increases. Looney moved to approve the bonuses given to the employees by the executive board. Sheets seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The staff and necessary equipment will be moved into the temporary office
January 2010 • ACJ
facility the week of June 29. Jochim has done an excellent job of making all that happen. The board appreciates the extra efforts of all ACA staff members in dealing with this situation. Pending scheduling CEO interviews and building matters, a date for the next meeting will be announced. Looney moved to adjourn this meeting. Madaris seconded. Meeting closed at 1:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Stan Comer, Chairman Lene Hitz, Secretary ACA Board of Directors Meeting Teleconference • July 27, 2009 Chairman Comer called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m. CST. Roll call was taken. Directors present: Stan Comer Neal Branscum Ken Culp*(checked out at 1:15) Rob Sheets Lene Hitz Steve Melroe*(checked in at 2:00) Chuck Madaris Tom Looney Keith Schrick Dwight Hossle*(checked out at 1:25) *Due to prior business commitments Members absent: Brian Sulak Dennis Clarahan ACA/CEO INTERVIEWS Prior to this scheduled meeting selected candidates were interviewed for the ACA/CEO position on July 22nd and 23rd in Platte City, Mo. Directors present for the interview process were: Stan Comer, Neal Branscum, Steve Melroe, Lene Hitz, Ken Culp, Rob Sheets, Dennis Clarahan, and Dwight Hossle. All applicants were thoroughly researched, reviewed and discussed at that time. Chairman Comer informed all the ACA directors who couldn’t
Board Minutes (continued) make that meeting of the results of the process. Sheets moved for an executive session at 12:05 pm. Schrick seconded. At 1:55 p.m. Madaris moved to end the executive session. Schrick seconded. Hitz moved to accept the recommendations of the eight board members that were present at the interview process in Platte City on July 22nd and 23rd 2009, and to proceed with offering Mike Paul the position of ACA/CEO. Voting will be held until 9:00 p.m. CST today by calling both the chairman (Comer) and the secretary (Hitz) with their decision, in order to give all board directors an opportunity to vote on this issue. Sheets seconded. Results of the voting are: Comer, Branscum, Melroe, Hitz, Culp, Sheets, Schrick, Clarahan, Sulak, and Hossle in favor. Looney and Madaris abstained. Motion passed. Chairman Comer will contact Mr. Paul tomorrow. GENETIC TESTING FOR ACA SALES The genetic abnormality committee gave an update on current testing policies for ACA sales. After discussion Madaris moved that the ACA require animals consigned to ACA sponsored sales to be tested for known genetic abnormalities, as identified by the ACA Board of Directors, if they are suspected of being a carrier of one or more known genetic abnormalities. A suspect animal has a sire or dam (or both) that have tested positive as a carrier of one or more known genetic abnormalities. If carrier status of one or both parents is unknown and one or more ancestors have been identified as a carrier of known genetic abnormalities, the animal in question will be considered suspect for known genetic abnormalities. Any suspect animal with unknown carrier status for the known genetic abnormalities on sale day will not be able to sell. The sales management is responsible for publishing
test results in the sale catalog and/or announcing test results for carrier status for known genetic abnormalities from the auction block sale day. Melroe seconded. In favor: Branscum, Melroe, Looney, Madaris, Schrick, and Sheets. Opposed Hitz. Motion passed. Madaris moved the ACA recognizes PHA, TH, AM, and NH as known genetic abnormalities in which we test for. Looney seconded. All members voted in favor. Motion passed. Looney moved the meeting go into recess pending the votes of remaining board members regarding the hiring of a CEO, and that the meeting be adjourned effective at 9:00 p.m. CST July 27, 2009. Seconded Madaris. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Stan Comer, Chairman Lene Hitz, Secretary ACA Board of Directors Meeting Teleconference • Aug. 7, 2009 Chairman Comer called the meeting to order at 9:05 am CST. Roll call was taken and all directors are present. Stan Comer Neal Branscum Dennis Clarahan Tom Looney Steve Melroe Keith Schrick Rob Sheets Lene Hitz Brian Sulak Dwight Hossle Ken Culp Chuck Madaris Next ACA board meeting will be held in Platte City and the dates selected are October 31st starting at 9 a.m. CST, and November 1, 2009. Chairman Comer discussed the ongoing ACA building and CEO issues that we are currently facing. Mike Paul has declined our CEO offer (for personal reasons) and the search committee continues to look for the ideal candidate for that position. The
building and real estate issues are moving slowly. Leadership is needed to resolve these, as well as other matters and move forward with business. He offered to provide the time and direction to the ACA on an interim basis or until a new CEO is found. At 9:30 a.m. he excused himself from the meeting so we can consider his offer. All remaining board members admire and respect Comer’s dedication and knowledge of the ACA’s business and his willingness to go above and beyond regular chairmanship services. Culp moved to retain Stan Comer as an independent consultant to the ACA until November 30, 2009 with consultative compensation and reimbursement for travel expenses related there to. Sulak seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Culp moved for an executive session at 9:44 a.m. Seconded by Schrick. Executive session ended at 10:05 a.m. Looney moved to adjourn this meeting at 10:05 am CST. Melroe seconded. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Neal Branscum, Vice Chairman Lene Hitz, Secretary ACA Board of Directors Meeting Platte City, Mo. • Oct. 31, 2009 Chairman Comer called the meeting to order at 9:05 am CST. Roll call taken and all directors are present. Stan Comer Brian Sulak Chuck Madaris Neal Branscum Dennis Clarahan Tom Looney Steve Melroe Keith Schrick Dwight Hossle Lene Hitz Ken Culp Rob Sheets Staff present: Ed Creason Staff present for reports only: Heather
• January 2010
Board Minutes (continued) Counts, Dawn Jochim The minutes from the June 18, July 27 and Aug. 7, 2009 meetings were reviewed. Culp moved to accept the minutes of all three meetings as presented. Sheets seconded. Motion passed unanimously. REPORTS Treasurer Reports the current financials reviewed show that despite the burden of the ongoing ACA real estate issues, due largely to increased registrations, new memberships, and internal business improvements the finances are similar in comparison, of the same period, to the last few years. Culp moved to accept the treasurer’s report. Schrick seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Show and Sale Committee reports Dwyer Cattle Service is doing an excellent job. They have 14 live, 6 flush option, 3 embryo and 1 pregnant recip lots. The catalogs have been mailed out and many breeders have given favorable comments on the sale management and quality of the lots entered. The ACA National Western Sale handled by Sears Marketing is progressing with many good consignments and new buyer interest. The sale committee will contact Sears to plan how the pen of 3 heifers will sell and report this at the next board meeting. NAILE ACA Show. Counts reports there are 201 Jr and 377 open entries. Chianina show first followed by Chiangus in the open event. Discussed were advantages of having the bulls show before the females. She (Counts) will check to see if that plan is ok with NAILE and proceed accordingly. The event schedules are listed in the ACJ and ACA website. Enforcing advertising and sale entry deadlines have resulted in the ACJ and National Sale catalog to be sent out more timely to the show. Hopefully next year the sale catalog will be attached to the ACJ to improve overall efficiency.
January 2010 • ACJ
ACA Audit was done and cleared. Jochim reports the auditor (Kramer & Associates CPAs) recommended that more staff and board members be included in monitoring and handling the finances as a business safety measure for the association. This is advised protocol for businesses such as ours. After discussion, Chairman Comer moved the “Budget Committee” (appointed at the June 18, 2009 board meeting) will now be the ”Budget/Audit Committee”. Schrick seconded. Motion passed unanimously. They are directed to regularly monitor the ACA finances as well as formulate a biannual budget. Also, Missouri did a 2008 workman compensation audit. The ACA books have cleared that review. ACA Articles of Incorporation regarding the formation of the Advanced Beef Registry Services (ABRS), LLC had to be revised. The amendment has been included the on the LLC ballot that will be voted on at the ACA general membership meeting at NAILE. After the votes are tabulated, Jochim will submit the required information to the proper Missouri authorities. ABRS LLC business procedures were discussed. Staff was directed to do a cost analysis on all current ACA registry transactions and develop a program for help in planning what to charge future customers for those services. ACA Employee Handbook needs updated. Staff feels there are several areas that should be reviewed and clarified. After discussion Chairman Comer appointed a committee of Branscom, Hossle and Jochim to study the handbook and present suggested changes to the board by the March meeting. OLD BUSINESS The ACA board executive committee met weeks prior to this meeting in regards to the auditors address error on the ballots for new board candidates. Action taken was to alert all ACA members by immediately mailing a
post card and sending two email blasts via the ACA website with the corrected information and voting instructions. They also discussed and recommended (via telephone) to the board the ACA Show and Sale Committees request to lift the ET Donor Dam policy for this years ACA National Sale. Schrick moved to accept the executive committees actions and recommendations on these matters. Culp seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The ACA Honoree Committee recommends Deiter Brothers for the 2009 ACA Nat’l Show Honorees. Sheets moved to accept that recommendation. Hossle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. ACA Performance and Genetic Abnormality Committee met yesterday. They presented a rough draft for an ACA Genetic Abnormality Testing Policy. After review, discussion ensued on breeder and association responsibilities with the goal of improving the ACA’s genetics by using the science of testing. A final draft with suggested changes will be presented at the next board meeting. Creason briefed us on the MARC (Meat Animal Research Center) progress. Currently there are 24 ACA bulls represented with 5 calf crops and they (MARC) are keeping some females for breeding. It will be 4 to 5 more years before the ACA gets any accurate information from their research due largely to the ongoing use of Chianina fullblood data gathered at that center many years ago. AI Sire Directory for 2010 was discussed. There’s been good feedback on past directory’s and interest in having a new one. Melroe moved to publish an ACA AI Sire Directory on an annual basis with a February 1st deadline. Sulak seconded. Motion passed unanimously. ACA Absentee Buyer Policy was reviewed. The board confirmed both the CEO and Marketing and Perfor-
Board Minutes (continued) mance Director (Creason) are allowed to bid for pre-approved (by the sale host) absentee buyers. Protocol for future sale events were discussed and the ACA Show and Sale Committee was asked to form a policy for board approval by the March 2010 meeting. Break for lunch at 12:40 p.m. Meeting resumed 1:17pm. ACA Real Estate issues – Chairman Comer has found 3 possible options. 1 Mann Construction has made an offer to trade a lot and construction of a new facility in a nearby business development, for the existing ACA property. 2 Rock Reality has a desirable 5-acre listing. 3 A 3 acre privately owned lot available in Hoover. The details and pros and cons of each option were discussed. Several board directors want to see these properties and will do so this evening. This matter is tabled until tomorrow. Promotions Committee reports that EDJE has updated the ACA booth and website. The new, approved “Hybrid Advantage” logo is used on both. Staff has developed new video clips and pamphlets for promotional use also. An official ACA ear tag was presented. It has ACA on the front side above select numbers and the Hybrid Advantage logo on the back. Everyone agreed these should be used on all cattle in ACA sales and made available to all breeders for purchase. Creason was directed to order some. NAILE ACA Benefit Semen and Embryo committee reports 12 generous donations have been pledged so far and will be sold “as is” with no genetic or pregnancy stipulations. A few selected artifacts from the ACA closets will be offered as well. ACA Beef Derby 2010 – Creason reports 10 pens entered for the next competition. Chairman Comer appointed a “Beef Derby Committee” of Myron Danner, Dennis Clarahan and Ed Creason to monitor this event and make recommendations for future direction
in regards to increasing entries and protocol for publishing data gained from the trial. NEW BUSINESS Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) will be holding its annual event in MO this year. Its programs are well attended and draw producers from all breeds. Board directors discussed the advertising potential for the ACA at this event. Madaris moved the ACA become a silver sponsor/advertiser and donate one thousand dollars ($1000.00) to the BIF event scheduled for 6/28 thru 7/1/10. Branscum seconded. Motion passed unanimously. ACA CEO Search is still ongoing. Chairman Comer has submitted his application for that position so he excused himself from this meeting. Madaris moved for an executive session at 3:40 p.m. Melroe seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Regular meeting resumed at 4:48 p.m. At 4:51 p.m. Looney moved to recess until tomorrow. Sheets seconded. All members were excused. ACA Board of Directors Board Meeting Platte City, Mo. • Nov. 1, 2009 Chairman Comer called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. All board members present. Guest: Ken Geuns The ACA Long Range Planning Committee met on Friday, Oct. 30, 2009. Committee chairman Ken Geuns gave an overview of the wellattended, productive meeting. The LRPC summary is attached to these minutes. Recommendations were made on requiring minimum Chianina percentages, advertising, communications, ACJ articles, ACA building issues, utilizing committees and the beef derby. After a lively discussion on how to proceed with these recommenda-
tions, staff and directors will research appointed topics and report information at future directors meetings. The LRPC plans to meet again same time next year. The board appreciates the contribution of all those people. Geuns left at 9:20 a.m. ACA Board Director election will leave one “at large” position open. It accordance to the ACA By Laws, that director will be appointed by the board after this election. ACA AI Sire Certificates were discussed. This program hasn’t generated the anticipated income or participation due largely to the fact that it complicates the whole registration process. Creason was directed to research industry AI certificate agreements and the costs of providing this service as it may be requested in future ABRS LLC programs. He will present this information at the next ACA board meeting. 2010 ACA National Show Judge candidates are: Brandon Callis, Dan Hoge, Tyler Melroe, Steve Reimer and Chris Skaggs. Melroe moved to cease nominations for 2010 ACA National Show Judge candidates. Branscum seconded. Madaris moved to accept said judges ballot for the 2010 ACA National Show. Hossle seconded. Motion passed unanimously. This list will be voted on by ACA exhibitors at the upcoming NAILE. Regional ACA meetings at NAILE. With the hopes of increasing participation a sheet with 3 topics for discussion will be included in all exhibitor entry packs. Topics are ACA promotional campaign, building alternatives and a fall calf beef derby. ACA Members in Good Standing/Committee Appointments – There are a few members who have large, constant, long term (years) unpaid debts. Enforcement of the existing A/R collection policy has eliminated most of these problems but there are still a few breeders who knowingly abuse
• January 2010
Board Minutes (continued)
the ACA. Safeguards for preventing this activity in the future were set. Also the ACA By Law policy regarding members in good standing, applies to ACA committee appointments as well as association services. ACA members with unresolved past due accounts may not participate on ACA standing committees. ACA Real Estate topic was reopened. All three options have potential. Comer will meet with Mann tomorrow and get details on his proposal and check options with local brokers for review at the next meeting. Future ACA Board Meeting schedule. NAILE November 16, 2009, 12 p.m. lunch in the Saddle & Sirloin Club followed by a 1 p.m. board meeting in the conference room.
Denver, NWSS ACA board meeting will be Jan. 16, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. in the Doubletree Hotel conference room. Hossle moved to adjourn this meeting. Sulak seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned 11:35 a.m. CST. Respectfully Submitted, Stan Comer, Chairman Lene Hitz, Secretary
“Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.” ~King Whitney Jr.
January 2010 • ACJ
ACA Show Reports Tennessee State Fair Junior Show Nashville, Tenn. • Sept. 12, 2009 Judge: Greg McCurry
Grand Champion Chianina Heifer Champion Bred & Owned Chianina Heifer DAJS Hoda 518 1CM Exhibited by Katy Satree, Montague, Texas
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Heifer Reserve Bred & Owned Chianina Female WLCF Ms Vendetta 840U 1CM Exhibited by Morgan Lehnert, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.
Please submit all show results to Heather Counts, ACA Director of Shows & Activities, for AllAmerican points recording and for inclusion in the ACJ. You may submit results via email at acjeditor@earthlink. net or by fax at (660) 747-7612.
Tennessee State Fair Nashville, Tenn. Sept. 12, 2009 Judge: Jerry Morehead
Georgia National Fair Perry, Ga. Oct. 13, 2009 Judge: Dan Shike
Grand Champion Chianina Heifer Ms Country Lassie 2CA Exhibited by Morgan Lehnert, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.
Grand Champion Chianina Heifer TR/WRL Tyra 2CA Exhibited by Talmo Ranch, Talmo, Ga.
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Heifer TR Ms Ulma PCA Exhibited by Talmo Ranch, Talmo, Ga.
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Heifer RSE Miss Callie 95U 1CM Exhibited by RSE Farms, Stephens, Ga.
Grand Champion Chianina Bull TR W PCA Exhibited by Talmo Ranch, Talmo, Ga.
Grand Champion Chianina Bull TR W PCA Exhibited by Talmo Ranch, Talmo, Ga.
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Bull WLCF Poker Face 2CA Exhibited by Katie Lehnert, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Bull SC Battle Scar 1CA Exhibited by Swafford Chiangus, Pikeville, Tenn.
• January 2010
ACA Show Reports Heart of It All BEST Show
Hoosier Beef Congress
Lima, Ohio Nov. 28-29, 2009 Judges: Jirl Buck & Tyler Cates
Indianapolis, Ind. • Dec. 5-6, 2009 Judges: Brandon Callis, Gregg Stewart & Brigham Stewart
5th Overall Heifer – Ring A Grand Champion Chianina Heifer – Ring A Exhibited by Megan Hunt, New Madison, Ohio
Reserve Supreme Market Animal – Ring A Grand Champion Chianina Steer – Ring A Exhibited by Ryan McIntosh
Reserve Supreme Heifer Grand Champion Chianina Heifer Exhibited by Chadsey Matlock
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Heifer – Ring A Exhibited by Curtis Harsh
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Steer – Ring A Exhibited by Brandon Wyatt
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Heifer Exhibited by Gretchen Michel, Fort Branch, Ind.
5th Overall Heifer – Ring B Grand Champion Chianina Heifer – Ring B Exhibited by Megan Hunt, New Madison, Ohio
Reserve Supreme Market Animal – Ring B Grand Champion Chianina Steer – Ring B Exhibited by Ryan McIntosh
Reserve Supreme Market Animal Grand Champion Chianina Steer Exhibited by Ross House
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Heifer – Ring B Exhibited by Madison Jones
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Steer – Ring B Exhibited by Elizabeth Heintz
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Steer Exhibited by Derek Thwaits
January 2010 • ACJ
ACA Show Reports Ohio AGR Holiday Classic Columbus, Ohio Dec. 12-13, 2009 Judges: Doug Satree & Steve Reimer
Grand Champion Chianina Steer – Ring A Exhibited by Ryan McIntosh
Supreme Champion Heifer – Ring A Grand Champion Chianina Heifer – Ring A Exhibited by Janel Gilbert
5th Overall Heifer – Ring B Grand Champion Chianina Heifer – Ring B Exhibited by Janel Gilbert
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Steer – Ring A Exhibited by Lindsey Pugh
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Heifer – Ring A Exhibited by Curtis Harsh
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Heifer – Ring B Exhibited by Curtis Harsh
Grand Champion Chianina Steer – Ring B Exhibited by Brittanie Poole
Reserve Grand Champion Chianina Steer – Ring B Exhibited by Elizabeth Heintz
• January 2010
ACA Production Sale Reports Ard Ridge "The Look" Vol. 1
Mark you calendar for March 13, 2010 for the Cattlemen’s Choice at the ridge.
Martin Livestock Dream Girls Sale
Ard Ridge Marketing Center held a barrage of good stockmen on the 10th of October. Leonard & Neal Branscum were great hosts with a rib eye steak diner and cocktails the evening before, and a “Taste of Elegance” BBQ lunch sale day. As one would expect the two time ACA premier breeder would have a powerful offering of some of the best Chiangus cattle offered for sale this year. A class act event with cattle auctioned off of pre-recorded video.
2009 Alabama BCIA Fall Round Up Sale
November 29th a dream came true for the Martin Family of Bargersville, Ind. as they held their first production female sale. They are a real family operation with over 5,000 acres of Midwest farm ground in corn and soybean production and over 200 head of cows with a extensive donor program.
Sale Manager: Kevin Mears, Stock Options Marketing ACA Rep: Ed Creason
The Chiangus bulls in this sale out averaged all other breeds and the entire sale, proving that Chi genetics are in high demand.
Oct. 10, 2009 Nancy, Ky.
Sale Averages: 55 Lots – $187,050 ...................$3,400 Highlights Lot 50 – $25,0000 - Ard Ridge Cara 66W a late February daughter of Wildcard topped the event at $25,000 to repeat customers Gerhke Farms of Illinois. Lot 40 – $10,100 – Bidding was fierce on lot 40 selling at $10,100 with 4A Cattle winning the final bid on Jasmine 954W, an Ard Ridge New Balance out of a powerful Ard Ridge Black Mail daughter. Lot 1 – $5,000 – Gary Edwards and Mike Walters teamed up to buy Lot 1, the 88 donor, for $5,000 and you can bet she will continue to be heard from. Col. Ron Kries did his professional job of bid calling and at the end of the day said “sold on 55 lots for a total of $187,050, all having the Ard Ridge Advantage and THE LOOK!
January 2010 • ACJ
November 13, 2009 Sale Averages: 86 Bulls .....................................$1,964 19 Chiangus Bulls......................$2,968 43 Angus Bulls ..........................$1,570 9 Charolais Bulls........................$1,633 3 Limousin Bulls........................$1,200 6 Simmental Bulls .....................$1,967 6 SimAngus Bulls ......................$2,483
High Selling Chiangus Bulls: Lot 78 – $4,100 – This CK Chiangus bull topped the sale as the high-selling bull of all breeds and sold to Rick Schober. Lot 70 – $3,800 – This CK Chiangus bull was the second high-seling bull of the entire sale and sold to Diamond G Farms, Chunchula, Ala. Lot 80 - $3,800 – This CK Chiangus bull tied for the second high-selling bull of the entire sale and was purchased by 3C CAttle Compay, Greensoro, Ala. Lot 79 – $3,500 – This CK Chiangus bull sold to George Hammonds, Hayneville, Ala.
November 29, 2009
Sale Manager: Kevin Mears, Stock Options Marketing ACA Rep: Ed Creason Sale Averages: 87 Lots – $259,800 ...................$2,986 Sale Highlights Lot 28 – $17,750 – Lot 28 topped the sale at $17,750 to Matt Hulsedus and Jurgem Ehler of Iowa. This beautiful built Macho x Midland Daughter will headline their new donor program. Lot 2 – $8,250 – A great looking smokey show heifer prospect sired by Alias, sold to Texas rancher, Brandon Bird, at $8,250. Lot 42 – $8,000 – When the dust settled, Brandon Bird loaded the great Yellow Jacket bred heifer as well. Lot 63 – $7,000 – Lot 63, a Doctor Who x 734 daughter sold to Brad Sinclair. Others topping $5,000 plus were Lot 1 to Tim Burke, Lot 6 to Steve Duke, Lot 36 to Jon Simmermon and Lot 32 to good cowman Mike Huston. When the chutes cleared and the dust settled, the Colonel Steve Bonham dropped the gavel on 87 lots at a gross of $259,800.
Chiangus bulls for sale at the farm. Ned Ellis Home (334) 227-4446
Chuck Madaris Cell: (334) 657-5833
Office: (334) 288-5049 232 Cruise Rd. Hope Hull, AL 36043
GEORGIA CHIANGUS Tim & Judy Gilstrap 1355 Wright’s Mill Rd. Commerce, GA 30530 (706) 335-7448 Home (706) 336-8258 Barn
Brian Orth, Herdsman (309) 464-5240
Terry Johnson, Owner R.R. 1 • N. Henderson, IL 61466 (309) 464-5386
Gehrke Farms
Gehrke Farms Beef ( 877) LEANBEEF • gehrke.farms@yahoo.com Freezer Beef & Beef Snack Sticks Troy Gehrke, Manager Delavan, Illinois (309) 244-7819 • Barn (309) 846-1614 • Cell
Garland & Kathie Gehrke Hartsburg, Illinois (217) 642-5862
INDIANA Gettinger ChiAngus Farm
Home of RDD
Troy Boy 2CA
Heifers, Bulls & Steers for sale.
Farms, Inc.
P.O. Box 330 Stephens, GA 30667
Dan & Barb Gettinger 3464 S. 325 E. • Rushville, IN 46173 (765) 938-1971 • (765) 561-4434 (cell)
Roddy Sturdivant
Rob Postin
mobile (770) 372–0400 office (770) 921–3207
home (706) 759–2220 barn (706) 759–2209
Jeff & Lisa Gettinger 4858 E. 200 S. • Rushville, IN 46173 (765) 932-2763 • (765) 561-4434 (cell)
Jeff Miller 6863 S. 200 E. Cutler, IN 46920 (765) 268-2409 (765) 414-4547 – cell
Chiangus & Chiford Cattle
Wayne & Jill Miller, Owners P.O. Box 68 • Talmo, GA 30575 Phone: (706) 693-4133 or Fax: (706) 693-4359 Email: talmoranch@aol.com
Web site: www.talmoranch.com
Sale Labor Day Weekend
Upcoming Advertising Deadlines: • AI Sire Directory: Feb. 1 • March Issue: Feb. 5 • May/June/July Herdbook Issue: April 1 ACJ
• January 2010
IOWA Mark L. & Caralee Rogers
Chiangus Chimaine Club Calves
R.R. 1 • Douds, IA 52551 (641) 936-4682
Chis Made Right Today
Chi-Maine Breeding Stock Quality Alfalfa for Sale
Larry and Barb Garrett
4496 N. Round Barn Rd., Richmond, IN 47374 (765) 935-7384 Email: bgarrett@globalsite.net
Clarahan Farms Dennis • Ryan • Neil Breeders of Chiangus Cattle
Scott Trennepohl
Jeff Trennepohl
6591 W 625 N • Middletown, IN 47356 5487 N 525 W • Middletown, IN 47356
(765) 620-1700 • cell (765) 779-4528 • home sttrennepohl@yahoo.com
19425 280th Avenue • Harper, IA 52231 (641) 635-2454 – office Dennis: (319) 330-6377 • Ryan: (641) 660-2713 Neil: (641) 660-2257
(765) 620-0733 • cell (765) 533-4644 • home
Johnny & Jane Mounce (606) 871-7922 (H) (606) 305-7880 (C) E-mail: jmounce@dishmail.net
591 Warner Rd. Nancy, KY 42544
John & Sue Mounce (606) 871-7505 Visitors Always Welcome
Mike & Teresa Rose • Gary & Beverly Rose
Upcoming Advertising Deadlines: • March Issue: Feb. 5 • Herdbook Issue: April 1
Don’t miss out on the chance to promote your program.
January 2010 • ACJ
814 Ard Ridge Rd. Nancy, KY 42544 Office & Fax: (606) 871-9454 Owners: Leonard & June Branscum: (606) 871-7859 Neal & Rebekah Branscum: (606) 872-5395
Home of Quality Chiangus Cattle Val B. & Vicky B. Shields 837 Dahms Rd. Falmouth, KY 41040 (859) 654-4440 or (859) 391-0758 Web site: www.VBSFarms.com
Danny Coward Home of WOCR Ozzie 67M, sire of the winning Beef Derby Calves
For Sale: Semen on RDD Mr VRD 105N
Home of FBF Nevada Nights 2CA
The Vander Kolks
Utilizing genetics from Willow Oak Ranch, Deiter Brothers & Circle E Farms
Carl, Gail, Craig, Kim & Susan (616) 896-9190 (office) • (616) 896-9433 (Carl & Gail) (616) 896-1637 (Brady & Susan Ostrom)
501 Russell Rd.• Noxapater, MS 39346 (662) 724-2685 (home) • (662) 325-2675 (work) • coward@cvm.msstate.edu
Ventura Farm
Dorr, Michigan
Chiangus, Chimaine & Angus Bulls Available by Private Treaty Ken, Deb & Christina Geuns 4995 Sleight Rd. Bath, MI 48808 (517) 641-7152
Harlan & Leah Ritchie 4537 Comanche Dr. Okemos, MI 48864 (517) 333-0649
VF New Edition 201 1CM 2003 ACA National Champion Chi Bull
KVO Chiangus & Embroidery Chiangus & Chimaine Cattle Awards: Champion Banners Bags Bag Chairs Directors Chairs
Show Animal Embroidery: Steers Heifers Lambs Pigs & Horses
Steers, Heifers & Bulls
Lorren & Ann Van Order Karrie & Kristina 3095 53rd St. • Hamilton, MI 49419
Home: (269) 751-5527 Cell: (616) 886-7087
NEBRASKA Wayne & Barb Ohlrichs 55943 U.S. Hwy. 275 Norfolk, NE 68701 (402) 371-0695 Cell (402) 649-5804
Chi's, Maines & Angus
Club Calves & Breeding Stock the brand of quality
Visitors Always Welcome! E-mail: ohl@conpoint.com Mark & Michelle Halls Allan & Marlene Halls 30523 St. Hwy. 104 (320) 278-3285 • (320) 278-3229 Show Lambs
Breeding Stock Available
Chi-Angus Cattle
Make plans to include YOUR AI Sire in the 2010 ACA AI Sire Directory. Deadline to have information submitted is Feb. 1.
Jerry and DelorisAdamson HC 74, Box 10 Cody, NE 69211 (402) 823-4350 • (402) 823-4338
• January 2010
Breeding Heifers, Breeding Bulls and Club Calves Now Available For Viewing and Sale Private Treaty • Call for Directions Bill & Linda Ramsey 4002 Kay Ave • Grand Island, NE 68803 Toll Free Office: (877) 384-4527 • Cell: (308) 380-1549 • Fax: (308) 384-7379 www.ramseychiangus.com
★ Breeding Chiangus Since 1977 ★
P.O. Box 626 Logan, NM 88426
Myron & Kathy Danner Burwell, NE • (308) 346-5266 Best of luck to all Beef Derby participants! Any Derby prize money won by Danner Chiangus will be donated to the ACA for promotion!
Bryan, John & Jerry Schaefer P.O. Box 28 • Des Lacs, ND 58733 Bryan: (701) 721-8091 bschaefer@srt.com John: (701) 720-7220 Jerry: (701) 720-2061 2009 NWSS Champion Chianina Pen schaeferchiangus@srt.com
Visit us at www.schaeferchiangus.com
Steve, Barb, Tyler & Bethany 8005 Hwy. 32 • Gwinner, ND 58040 (701) 678-2225 Tyler (Cell) (605) 695-3295
FULL BLOOD CHIANINA NOW AVAILABLE: Bulls & Cows Cow/Calf Pairs Open & Bred Heifers Bull Calves
Adam F. Ambielli
412 Trimmer Road Califon, New Jersey 07830 (908) 832-2526 ambielli@earthlink.net
Upcoming Advertising Deadlines: • March Issue: Feb. 5 • Herdbook Issue: April 1
January 2010 • ACJ
Form to Function JSC Momentum 74T PCA
Home Phone (937) 548-3050
Tom, Deanna and Megan 2505 Weavers Station – Ft. Jefferson Rd. New Madison, OH 45346
Ron Kreis, Auctioneer 2005 World Champion Livestock Auctioneer Specializing in Purebred & General Livestock Auctions Ron Kreis Adamsville, OH (740) 796-5242 (740) 683-3235 rtkreis@hughes.net
White Cattle Company Your West Coast Chi Connection Mary Lee & Doris White 74138 Turnout Road • Burns, OR 97720 (541) 589-1476 – Mary Lee (541) 573-6566 – Doris www.whitecattleco.com • maryleewhite@centurytel.net
Sky Meadows
ROWE FARMS CHIMAINE Gene Rowe & Family 10578 Gettysburg-Darke Rd. New Paris, OH 45347 (937) 678-9015 – office (937) 533-1529 – mobile
Stan Comer P.O. Box 705 • Ardmore, OK 73402 • (580) 504-4477
Purebred Chiangus We breed for OPTIMUMS. Not extremes. Performance tested bulls and females • Show prospects
Lee & Elene Hitz 100 Harrison Drive Annville, PA 17003 hitzannville@aol.com (717) 867-1266
High Percentage Chiangus Seedstock
Jan, Jeff & Brandon Johnson P.O. Box 337 Dunlap, TN 37327 Office (423) 949-2434 Home (423) 949-3559 email: janbj@bledsoe.net
“Come visit us in the beautiful Sequatchie Valley” John Coble, Consultant • (406) 254-2548 Scott Coble, Herd Manager • (423) 921-4221 Business Office: Old Mills Square • 215W. Broadway St., Ste. D, Rogersville, TN 37857 (423) 272- 0225 RichardAlanArnold, President & Manager
Willow Oak Chiangus Ranch Bottom Line Genetics For Profit Minded Cattlemen
• January 2010
Woodhaven Farms Tennessee Chianina Steer & Heifer Futurity
Sponsor of
John & Debbie Woodroof 1264 Young Rd. Lebanon, TN 37090 (615) 444-3519
Cattle for sale by Mr. Beef, Paycheck and Waco, full brother to Moonshine. HB MR BEEF 20D 2CA
Winfred B. Brown
1995 Chiangus Classic Division Champion 1994 ACA National Division Champion
408 W. Simmons Weatherford, TX 76086 Phone: (817) 594-3292
Tom Gunn & Family R.R. 3, Box 120 Decherd, TN 37324 (615) 467-3254
GRAHAM CHIANGUS Breeders of Quality Chi Cattle Pete, Debra, Taylor & Blythe Graham
David & Dar Lee HCR 4, Box 93 Lockney, TX 79241 (806) 652-3824 (806) 983-7221 cell
Jody & Shawnda Rt. 2, Box 36 Lockney, TX 79241 (806) 652-2383 (806) 983-7225 cell
Jered Shipman • Herdsman/Consultant • (806) 983-7226 www.fosterbrosfarms.com Fax: (806) 652-3738 fosterbros@att.net
2355 Peavine Firetower Rd. Crossville, TN 38571 (931) 484-4666
CHIANGUS Winnie & Danny Lane Box 98 Santa Anna, TX 76878 325-348-9105
TEXAS Al Anthony Ranches Headquarters:
Al or Shirley Anthony 1403 Prairie Wind Stephenville, TX 76401
Available now… • Bulls • Heifers (open and bred) • Show prospects (steers and heifers) • Cows (3-7 years old)
(254) 968-2765 HQ (254) 796-4635 Ranch
Dr. B. Ward Lane 6162 Northaven Dallas, TX 75230 214-369-4017
Fullblood Chianina bulls and females always available. Charles McDonald Ranch Manager/Herdsman Hwy. 281 North Hico, TX 76457 (254) 796-4070 • Fax (254) 796-2330
Keith & Dana Schrick Business: (817) 613-0724 Cell: (817) 366-6435
Call for video.
Jason Schrick Ranch Managers Business: (817) 596-0799 Chad Hudgins (817) 374-2252 Cell: (817) 366-8511 Cody Rucker (817) 597-8970
Certified Brucellosis & TB Free Herd ID #20020090310
January 2010 • ACJ
ACA Regions/States NORTHWEST REGION Colorado • Idaho • Montana • Nebraska • North Dakota Oregon • South Dakota • Washington • Wyoming
NORTHEAST REGION Connecticut • Illinois • Indiana • Iowa • Maine • Maryland Massachusetts • Michigan • Minnesota • New Hampshire • New Jersey New York • Ohio • Pennsylvania • Rhode Island • Vermont • Wisconsin
SOUTHWEST REGION Arizona • California • Kansas • New Mexico Nevada • Oklahoma • Texas • Utah
SOUTHEAST REGION Alabama • Arkansas • Florida • Georgia • Kentucky • Louisiana Mississippi • Missouri • North Carolina • South Carolina Tennessee • Virginia • West Virginia
Contact Heather for all your advertising needs at (517) 2140927 or acjeditor@earthlink.net
McHale Farms Lewisburg & Union, West Virginia Land & Cattle Club Calf & Chiangus Steve McHale P.O. Box 302 • Union, WV 24983 (304) 772-3389 • (304) 667-1962 whomadewho1@verizon.net
This spot could be yours! Contact Heather today for information on running a state page ad. (517) 214-0297 or acjeditor@earthlink.net
Don’t Miss The Chance to Promote Your Program. Upcoming Advertising Deadlines: March Issue: Feb. 5 May/June Herdbook Issue: April 1
• January 2010
Ad Index
Jame Secondino
H a r d i n g
& 19214 E. Terre Haute Rd. Paris, IL 61944 (217) 275-3569 • (765) 832-2697
H a r d i n g
C.K. SONNY BOOTH AUCTIONEER P.O. Box 1172 Miami, OK 74355 918/542-1587 918/533-5587 cell
Livestock Services, Inc. P.O. BOX 368 • HAMILTON, MO 64644 BUD SLOAN • (816) 583-2104
Professional Sales Service
SULLIVAN SUPPLY LIVESTOCK GROOMING PRODUCTS Sullivan Supply South Hillsboro, Texas (800) 588-7096 Fax (254) 582-7114
Sullivan Supply Inc. Dunlap, Iowa (800) 475-5902 Fax (712) 643-5154
Call Today For Free Mail Order Catalog
ALABAMA Circle E Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
MINNESOTA Halls Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
COLORADO Ahlberg Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Esch Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
MISSISSIPPI Coward, Danny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
GEORGIA Chi-G Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 RSE Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Talmo Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48, 61 ILLINOIS Cardinal Cattle Company. . . . . . . . 39 Gehrke Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Horsley Brothers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBC JCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Secondino, Jame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 INDIANA Four Roses Cattle LLC . . . . . . .62, BC Garrett’s Show Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Gettinger ChiAngus Farm . . . . . . . 62 Miller, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Trennepohl Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 IOWA Clarahan Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 CMRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 EDJE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Sullivan Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 KENTUCKY Ard Ridge Genetics. . . . . . . IFC, 1, 62 Carlada Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Kentucky Beef Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 VBS Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 MICHIGAN KVO Chiangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 VKR Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Ventura Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
MISSOURI ACA Peak of Performance & Style Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Continental Livestock Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Gallagher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 MONTANA Gergen Chiangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 NEBRASKA Danner Chiangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Igenity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 49 Nebraska Cattlemen's Classic . . . . . 5 Ohlrichs, Wayne & Barb. . . . . . . . . 63 Ramsey Chiangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Rocking J Ranch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 NEW JERSEY Riverview Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 NEW MEXICO John & Janet Griffiths. . . . . . . . . . . 64 NORTH DAKOTA Melroe Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 64 Schaefer Chiangus . . . . . . . . . . 13, 64
OREGON Grassland Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 White Cattle Company . . . . . . . . . . 65 PENNSYLVANIA Sky Meadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 SOUTH DAKOTA Beckett Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 TENNESSEE Graham Chiangus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Looney, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 RiverBend Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Tennessee Agribition . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Willow Oak Chiangus Ranch . . . . . 3, 65
Woodhaven Farms . . . . . . . . . . 17, 66 Woodlawn Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 TEXAS AB’s Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Al Anthony Ranches . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Foster Bros. Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Lazy SB Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Liberty Lanes Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Schrick Land & Cattle. Ltd.. . . . . . . 66 Sullivan Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Walter G. Mizes Ranches . . . . . . . . 66 W.B. Brown & Sons . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Whitten, Earl & Bret . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 WEST VIRGINIA McHale Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
OHIO Evans Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Hunt Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50, 64 Kreis, Ron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Rowe Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Wendt, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 OKLAHOMA Booth, C.K. Sonny . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Yellow Rose Cattle Co. . . . . . . . . . . 65
Don’t Miss The Chance to Promote Your Program. Upcoming Advertising Deadlines: AI Sire Directory: Feb. 1 March Issue: Feb. 5 Herdbook Issue: April 1 August Issue: July 1
January 2010 • ACJ
Sat., February 6, 2010 • 1:00 p.m. EST • Green Oak Farm • New Paris, Ohio
The 10th Sale of Winning Genetics! 25 Performance Rich Yearling Bulls 10 Proven Cows 65 Exciting Bred Heifers
The Cowman’s Kind! DRFF Mary 1CA - 2009 ACA National Champion Chiangus Female Bred by Rhoades Cattle Company, IN - Produced from a bred heifer that sold in the Eastern Xposure Sale Congratulations to everyone involved!
Chiangus Bull - Lut x Balance x Eagle Scout
Registered Chiangus, Chimaine, and Angus Backed by A Time-Tested Program!
Chiangus Bull - Sequel x TC Dividend
Angus Bull - Balance x Wagonhammer
Chi Bull - S.O.S. x Balance
Angus Bull - Lut x Bando 5175
The cattle are on display every day at the farm. Stop by or call today!
27804 Saxon Road - Galva, IL 61434 Bob: 309.883.1223 - Jim: 309.854.3524
HB Cattle . . . The Program Makes the Difference! Come and see why!
For your FREE copy of the sale reference catalog log on to primetimeagrimarketing.com or contact the marketing agent at: Craig M. Reiter & Associates P.O. Box 85 - Elmore, OH 43416 419.862.0117 (office) 419.350.9159 (sale days) 419.862.0119 (fax) primetimeagrimarketing.com
Four Roses Destination 15T 2CA • REG: 328966 Sire: RDD New Direction 123N 1CA MGS: RDD Aces High 6N 1CA EPDs: BW: -2.0; WW: 44.6; YW: 75.1; Milk: 12.5 Tested free of all genetic defects. Semen Available Through:
Gary & Bev Rose • Mike & Teresa Rose 3395 W South River Rd • Logansport, IN 574-753- 4652