Charolais Journal June/July 2013

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IT PAYS TO USE EATON CHAROLAIS... After viewing our cattle, visitors come to agree that ETN genetics are proven to make purebred and commercial cattlemen profitable. We invite you to visit our ranch in Montana and see what we are all about— view the herd that commands attention as the leading home of AICA Diamond Dams and Dams of Distinction and home to The Largest Private Treaty Charolais Bull Sale in Nation.

Like us on

103 ETN Loop • Lindsay, MT 59339 Office (406) 584-7520 • Lee (406) 584-7546 • Elner (406) 485-3572


At Rogers Bar HR... •She does produce a calf every year. •She does give plenty of milk. •She does breed back. •She does everything a cow is supposed to do. •She does it without a lot of pampering in the real world on grass. •She has proven genetics and a stacked pedigree full of trait leaders. •And, it didn’t happen overnight. We have been building our program for 54 years which is how we have become the largest purebred producer in the Southeast.

Rogers Bar HR

Dorotheann Rogers Managing Partner: Doug Rogers Cell: 601-765-7751


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nual Bull n A t s 1 4 r u o e nds that mad anding and support ie fr d n a , s r e r bidd erst To all buyers, . Thanks also for your unde. We are Very Thankful fo Sale a success to postpone the sale twic lacing your p r fo when we had that has followed. s r e d e e r ed B the moisture ks to the following Purebr ing Program. Special Than The Thomas Ranch Breed confidence in Lot 1

Dennis Charolais, St. Jo, TX, White Charolais, Rush Springs, OK Bovine Elite, College Station, TX Cavender Ranches, Jacksonville, TX David Skeans, Gainsville, TX Jeff Jackson, Walnut Springs, TX Bracewell Charolais, Tioga, TX — Wienk Charolais, Lake Preston, SD Lot 56 —Schmidt Cattle Co., Gordon, NE Lot 50 — Sandmeier Charolais, Bowdle, SD Lot 2 —John Wilgenbush, Halbrite, SK Canada Lot 32 — Mid Continent/Scheel Livestock, Alpena, SD Lot 3 — Mike & Brad Lowry, Douglas, TX Lot 8 — Rodney & Jolene Balvitsch, Ellendale, MN Lot10 — Wagonhammer Ranch, Albion, NE Lot 79 — Schurr Brothers, Farnam, NE Lot 51

Troy, VeaBea & Cally Thomas (605) 973-2448 18441 Capri Place, Harrold, SD 57536 2  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

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Official Publication of the American-International Charolais Association V o l . 37, N o . 4

ON The Cover–

Photo by Floyd Wampler at Rogers Bar HR, Collins, Miss. Cover by Molly Schoen


24 Show Animals of the Year Year-end award winners announced.

46 Lifetime of Opportunities by Linda Eck Grow steady at Franz Ranch.

84 Vermont Organic Beef Farm Excels with Dedication to

Sustainability, Charolais Genetics by Linda Eck

Dr. Cooper, Mountain Meadows Farm makes his dream a reality.

89 AICA Membership Directory

Contact information for all current AICA and AIJCA members.

Journal Staff J. Neil Orth CPI President

David Hobbs


Molly Schoen


Kaitlyn Lewis

Advertising Coordinator

Columns 17 23 24

Field Representatives Refer to page 19

Charolais journal 11700 NW Plaza Circle • Kansas City, MO 64153

phone (816) 464-5977 • fax (816) 464-5759

Charolais Viewpoint by J. Neil Orth

Membership. Privileges versus Responsibility.

Genetic Viewpoint by Robert Williams

Performance Data Reporting

Junior Viewpoint by Haley Stalcup Take Advantage

Activities & Reference 18 18 20 21 26 28

Association Updates New Members AICA News Notes Charolais on Feed Field Day Sales Review Rocking S Ranch Field Day

29 Miss Charolais USA 2014 30 AIJCA Foundation 44 New ROE Sire 130 AIJCA News Notes 142 Calendar 144 Advertisers’ Index

CHAROLAIS JOURNAL ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertising material for any month’s issue must be received in the offices of the Charolais Journal, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153, by the 25th of the second month preceding the month of publication, i.e., Dec. 25 for the February issue. Full camera-ready advertising copy or full-screened negatives will be accepted until the 1st of the month prior to publication provided notification of copy size, shape, color and other specifications are received by the 25th of the second month prior to the month of publication. If a proof is required, copy must be received by the 20th of the second month prior to publication, i.e., June 20 for the August issue. No copy can be altered or changed, except for typographical error, after the 1st of the month of publication. Any ad copy changes that must be made after the lst of the month will be assessed a 10% additional space charge. All dates and times are herein applicable at the office of the CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Charolais Journal (ISSN 0191-5444) is published monthly, except June and July which are combined issues, by CHAROLAIS PUBLICATIONS INC., 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Subscriptions: U.S. - $75; U.S. First Class - $100; Canada - $125; Foreign - $125. Single Copies - $7, including postage. For AICA members, $20 of annual dues to AICA are applicable to subscriptions for Charolais Journal. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO 64153, and additional mailing offices. Standard postage paid at Jefferson City, Mo. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153.

4  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013


GREAT Cows come from GREAT Cow Families

VCR Miss Duchess 433 7526

One of the breeds proven



914 daughters... 6571

108 Progeny Registred with AICA


805 N. 25th • Perry, OK 73077


Kevin Wiley, Ranch Manager (580) 572-2555 Barn or Office (580) 370-1483 Cell

0011 J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   5

6  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

NEW B3R Texas Dinero Y029

TR Mr Wrangle Up 2502Z

Big Creek Game Changer 192 PET

Tremendous growth 0383 son

Top Selling Thomas Bull - Semen in Stock!

Great look – long, deep ribbed

NEW SCR Tuffy 0119

Keys 38 Special 38Y

Exciting – CE, Growth, Milk, Marbler

Attractive Ten-Acious son with plus Milk

NEW VFF Time Out 172Y

Sample this outcross pedigree – semen in stock!

NEW JDJ Resource Z365 P

WW – 925, Ratio – 116, ADG – 4.29 “Powerful”

WC Benelli 2134 P ET

Passport, great look, top growth and maternal

BHD Zen X270 P

Calving Ease Reality son

AI/Palpation Clinic Dates

July 9-12, September 10-13

3300 Longmire Drive College Station, Texas 77845 (979) 693-0388 (800) 786-4066 (979) 693-7994 (FAX)

• AI Consulting • AI/Palpation Clinics • Professional Exporting • Semen & Embryo Sales • AI & ET Equipment Sales • Semen & Embryo Warehouse

see our website for a complete listing. 4l unlimited yl06 pld ace-orr efficient 972 pld B3R Texas Dinero Y029 baldridge fasttrack 82f pld BHD Reality t3136 Pld bhd zen x270 p big creek game changer 192 pet BJR Copperhead 895 Pld BJR EASY EDGE 968 ET PLD BJR Super Silver 719 ET Pld br duke 261 pld CJC Illusion N111 Pld/S cjc mr president t122 pld CJC Trademark h45 pld/s cmf 241 rio blanco 378r pld CML Diablo 2x cooley royce 1107t39 pld da cash 132 pld et DCR Mr Solution w13 Pld Double-h kahlua 240M ET Pld double-h mahalo 749t et pld

DR STEALTH 574 eatons cross fire 10365 polled eatons leader 2233 pld eatons royal dynasty 6164 pld ec iron man 2027 pld EC No Doubt 2022 pld ec reliable 5043 pld fc turbo 756 pld Gerrard Montezuma 6T pld hbr equalizer 940 pld et Hoo Made Hoo JDJ Resource Z365 P JDJ Royal Trade N134 Pld jdj smokester j1377 pld et jdj ssr smokin Joe j1382 et pld jds he’s my king 2038 et pld JWK IMPRESSIVE D040 ET PLD kass kojack s45 pld keys 38 special 38y Keys All State 149x keys mchenry 24m pld Keys Stinger 261 Pld lc mr southpaw 7090 pld et

lc mr southpaw 7090 pld et(Sexed)

lc suspect 0109 p et lcoc polled value p063S pld LHD Cigar E46 lt bluegrass 4017 pld lt blue value 7903 pld LT BRIDGER 9191 PLD lt easy blend 5125 pld LT LEDGER 0332 PLD lt long distance 9001 pld lt polled value 9089 LT Predictable Mac 2059 Pld lt rio blanco 1234 pld LT Thundering wind 5200 pld lt unlimited ease 9108 pld lt western edge 4057 pld M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET m6 fresh air 8165 pld et M6 Full throttle 2138 Pld et

The Number One Source for Charolais Multiple Trait Leaders!

m6 function 169 pld et m6 gain & grade 927 pld m6 grid maker 104 pld et M6 new Standard 842 pld Et M6 sleep easy 734 pld mt-hls lead on 197/0 nwmsu big time 166 pld NWMSU Platinum 4108 ra big cat 9017 pld raile 2250 to77 pld rc denver 6026 pld riverdale top end h114 et pld schurrtop hcr rancher pld SCR Tuffy 0119 SKYMONT EASE 2078 PLD sparrows madrid 7m pld sr/nc field rep 2158 pld et thomas oahe wind o772 et pld thomas redneck 2609m pld three trees wind 2638 et pld tr mr fire water 5792r et pld

TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET pld TR PZC Holywater 9777 ET Pld tr red smoke pld ttr-ohf beyond the grid pld vcr sir duke 914 pld VFF Time Out 172Y VPI Free lunch 708 T wc benelli 2134 p et wc big ben 9036 pld WC-nc cash flow 8015 p wc-tnt apollo 9027 p wcr kingsbury 116 p wcr prime cut 764 pld wcr sir duke 7340 pld wcr sir impressive 8191 pld

Full French Genetics hamm charboneau 2n J UHAMM N E /MOGO J U U23 L Y 2 0 1 3   7

Bamboo/VPI Paradigm Shift 133Y DA Passport Son



d a Ro

Dam of 133Y

m a B

WCR Sir Duke 7340 M745064 Proven Herd Sire — Trait Leader

s m r a F

d 4 Pl 1 9 e Duk g Wind r i S VCR yomin ld LT W 020 P 2 P ET 4 t 50 r o p Pld Pass 2 A 3 D 3 er 0 r E46 g d e LT L D Ciga le LH Availab

o o b ires: AI S

Bulls ty a e r T e Privat


8  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

Bamboo Prodigy 1348 M815648 DA Passport son

Dam of 1348

DA Passport Daughter


F1030013 Sire: 914

ur about o d e t i c you re ex s we a lad to show 0 m r a F g d 5 over 1 oo Roa uld be t Bamb ram. We wo rogram plus g prog eding p ed. breedin s of our bre g wean lt n u i s e e b r e w th no calves embryo


LT Ledger Daughter

EC Reliable Son

2856 F974465 Sire: Cigar

914 Daughter Cigar Son

We invite all inquires and visitors. 599

F1033927 Sire: Wind J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3 î şâ€ƒ 9



Mark Your Calendar!

Dakota Standard II VCRWithFemale Production Sale Guest Consignors Jensen Charolais Ranch and Flying JRL Ranch

Saturday, November 9, 2013 At the Ranch • Lake Preston, SD

The VCR Offering — 30 Bred Heifers

VCR Seedstock stack generations of Balanced Multiple Trait selection - EPDs, Performance, Structure, Carcass, Milk - to provide our customers with predictable results - Profit and Satisfaction.

Bred to LT Long Distance 9001 Pld, SCR CE Corona Power 222 or VCR Prince 236 P

15 Spring Cow-Heifer Splits

Several top show prospects! Many rebred to VCR Sir Silverman 508P

Offering Seedstock females that stack the influence of these proven sires —

10 Fall Cow-Calf Pairs

The JCR Offering — 10 Bred Heifers Quality and Performance!

5 Cow-Heifer Calf Splits Show heifer prospects!

WCR Sir Fa Mac 2244 The Benchmark Sire

HC Rhinestone 8355 Pld

Vedvei Charolais

The Balanced Outcross

Alan & Deb Vedvei 44213 204th St. • Lake Preston, South Dakota 57249 (605) 847-4529 • 2000 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year

10  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld 22-Time Multiple Trailt Leader

Stop by this Summer! Sale Booklet will be in the October Charolais Journal and online.

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   11

Your Source For Outcross

Genetics... Powerball X51 2013 Denver & 2 time Houston Grand Champion

I’ll have another 2190 Full Sib to DA Passport

Daniel Hammond 15300 CR 2 Florence, AL 35633 (256) 766-6354

12  

Hamm mogo u23

41st National Reserve Grand Champion

Full French & Purebred Genetics 5593 Choupique Road • Sulphur, LA

P.O. Box 186, Liverpool, Texas 77577 Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 Daryl Renfrow (832) 444-5241 E-mail:

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 337-764-1040 cell Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell

z251 U23 Son

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   13

Oak Hill Farm... The Vanessa Legacy Lives On

Elite Females in Oak HIll Herd

Beyond the Grid daughter

Vanessa D029

914 daughter

AI Sires:

Dakota Wind daughter

Cigar daughter

k Than


LT Ledger 0332 P EC Reliable 5043 Pld LHD Cigar E46 VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld DA Passport 502 P ET LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld

To all buyers and interested breeders in the Oak Hill program.

Oak Hill Farm Home of Bennett Charolais

Thanks to bar j charolais and jvs cattle co. for your purchases of oak hill females in the 34th national sale and at the farm. 14  î ş

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

Wayne & Lois Bennett Barn: (770) 893-3446 Home: (770) 893-2674 Cell: (770) 826-9551

1779 Holcomb Road Dawsonville, Ga 30534

Visitors Always Welcome

M801676 New Standard x Full Throttle EPDs: CE: 5.1 BW: 1.3 WW: 38 YW: 70 M: 12 MCE: 5.2 TM: 30 SC: 1.6 REA: 0.70 MB: 0.05

Contact Us For Semen


The Power of Classic


Semen, Flushes and Embryos Available

Greg, Kelley, Tracy & Lindsey Hudspeth St. Joe, Arkansas Home: (870) 439-2285 • Greg Cell: (870) 365-8969 Lindsey Cell: (870) 391-6071 DATE!

The Gathering Sale • September 28

Rick, Blaine, Nathan & Zack Hale Louisburg, Missouri

417-752-3703 • 417-838-7251 cell

MD Ms Cigar N1772

Select Embryos & Donors Available


Little W Farm Mike and Connie Watkins Kellie, Scott, and Cliffton Porter, Kristie, Jarrod, and Brayson Buhler Lebanon, TN 37087 615-444-3114 or 615-642-0976

Cigar x Ali Ruler

EPDs: BW: -0.3 WW: 21 YW: 29 M: 5 TM: 15


Billy, Billy C., Barry & Brent

Chatham, Virginia (434) 656-2361 (434) 656-3771

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   15

Designed by


J. Neil Orth, Executive Vice President


CHAROLAIS Membership Privilege versus Responsibility

Change is evident across the entire spectrum of breed associations in America. Making change is a common thread in every board meeting and assembly of AICA members. In fact, you may grow weary of the conversation and think there’s too much focus on change. We know one thing for sure. Those who don’t change are eventually left out of any relevant beef industry conversation. The question that begs to be asked is, “Who makes the change?” Membership. Only the membership. American Express, for many years, has used “Membership has its privileges” as a branding statement for its credit card. American Express was one of the first credit card companies to attempt to “package” benefits as an enticement for consumers to use a card with a “membership” fee attached. Originally, breed associations came into existence purely to serve its members. An association’s primary responsibility was to protect and preserve breed purity. There has always been a social benefit as members,

commercial customers benefit by knowing the data is accurate. Commercial producers, your customers, represent our breed association’s perpetual field studies. Their successes or failures are important and serve as analyses to ultimately propose, develop and make improvements. For those adverse to change, the question may be, “So what?” An all too often heard comment is, “My customers don’t care about data. They sell their cattle by the pound.” Regardless of end point, that is a true statement. However, selling cattle by the pound is only one piece of the profit puzzle. Pounds plus health, nutrition, genetics, environment, market volatility, and ultimately, consumer demand, must be considerations for every beef producer today. The bottom line is someone will ultimately market your product up the food chain to the meat case. Every segment of beef production has become much more sophisticated and analytical. Progressive stocker operators now use proven health and nutrition protocols to mitigate risks. Stocker operators, working with thin

“...membership participation is an absolute key to industry relevance. Most important, however, is the fact that members represent their customers.” with similar interests, gathered across the country for shows and sales. Fast forward to the last half-century and change has been perpetual and rapid. Every membership body has a culture and is made up of diverse personalities. Some conservative. Some more progressive. Regardless of personality or political persuasion, an association’s board of directors, vis-ávis membership recommendations, are responsible for making change. Today, more than ever before, membership participation is an absolute key to industry relevance. Members still enjoy benefits through an AICA membership. Most important, however, is the fact that members represent their customers. Early on, as breed registries began to accumulate and evaluate information, commercial producers didn’t place much value in the data. The goal was to make ’em heavy and cheap corn was more important than data. The days of cheap corn are gone. The technology and science we have available, and the beef industry has embraced, provides anyone using Charolais genetics unprecedented marketing opportunities. Through AICA’s whole herd performance registry (WHR), members can manage cow herd inventories, report data and recognize strengths and weaknesses. And, your

margins, keep extensive records. Feedyards, with possibly the thinnest of margins, have accumulated volumes of performance data. Those feedyards are working harder than ever before to fill pens with cattle of known genetics and predictable end point performance. The packer is challenged with quantifying the value of pounds and responding to consumer demand. AICA, like all major beef breed associations, can take advantage of the flow of performance information from our commercial customers as well as the packers using Charolais-influenced genetics to fill a branded beef box. Beef industry progress begins with membership. The importance of membership in AICA has changed. The commercial segment has changed. The packer, long considered an adversary, is the lifeblood to our sustainability as beef producers. AICA’s role today isn’t just to protect breed purity and conduct social events throughout the year. Collecting, analyzing and quantifying data, developing new tools, marketing and communication is the responsibility of the AICA staff. However, it is every member’s responsibility to take information from their customers and create a constructive dialogue with our elected board of directors. Everyone using Charolais-influenced genetics benefits.


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CVR Cattle Co Donald P Coover 9525 70th Road Galesburg, KS 66740

G & G Charolais Michael C Griffin 4401 Co Rd 66 Section, AL 35771 Kelsey N Hockaday  479 Hwy 355 N Nashville, AR 71852 Emma E Johnson  PO Box 422 Ashflat, AR 72513 Rosario Florizel Rios  397 Old Silver Hill Road Gillham, AR 71841 Sara J Sweat  840 Hempstead 339 Mc Caskill, AR 71847 Jacie Rayann Wilkerson  444 Polk 219 Wickes, AR 71973 Dustin Zwirmann  401 Hempstead 47 Blevins, AR 71825

Iowa Austin E Edwards  28576 165th St Columbus Junction, IA 52738 Jacob A Fjeld  20403 140th St Iowa Falls, IA 50123

Three Creek Charolais Warren Vernelle Bowser 846 Hwy 18 Abilene, KS 67410


5l Ranch Larry Or Lisa Mehlhoff 97 Duncan District Sheridan, MT 59749

Maryland Katelynn R Cape  4403 Upper Beckleysville Rd Hampstead, MD 21074 Dalton J Cape  4403 Upper Beckleysville Rd Hampstead, MD 21074 Darrin L Cape  4403 Upper Beckleysville Rd Hampstead, MD 21074

Missouri Kellie J Dillner  9490 Hwy N Pilot Grove, MO 65276

Roberts Cattle Jeremy J Roberts 50 N Frontage Rd Park City, MT 59063

Nebraska Jacob R Ahlers  16270 N Macon Rd Belgrade, NE 68623


Larry Simmons Farms LLC Larry Simmons & Matthew Atha 23833 Brister Road Coolville, OH 45723


Samuel H Townsend  994 Banner Road Goodman, MO 64843 Isaac D Townsend  994 Banner Road Goodman, MO 64843

Utopia Genetics Ian A Glassman 9141 Hwy TT Grovespring, MO 65662

74-51 Cattle Co Kev Davison/Darvin Knapp 3403 South 150th St Fairmont, OK 73736 Butler Ranch Fred & Marsha Butler 30874 A W Lona Valley Road Kinta, OK 74552

Macey Carman  Rt 1 Box 10050 Warner, OK 74469 Madison L Henderson  104 E Cedar Perry, OK 73077 Mason F Henderson  104 E Cedar Perry, OK 73077 Audrey E Hill  PO Box 552 Warner, OK 74469 Rex Standridge  PO Box 746 Lindsay, OK 73052 Ryan Standridge  PO Box 746 Lindsay, OK 73052

South Dakota

Goldade Charolais Levi & Chancy Goldade HCR 64 Box 56 Timber Lake, SD 57656 Remi T Wientjes  18441 Capri Place Harrold, SD 57536

Tennessee Hanna Erin Box  342 Meacham Road Dyersburg, TN 38024

Norse Farm Dave & Kim Stenberg 899 Brushy Road Centerville, TN 37033 Kade A Reed  PO Box 278 Finley, TN 38030 Cale E Ricketts  961 Sherrilltown Road Watertown, TN 37184


4N Cattle Buffy A Nehring 421 Wildwood Trail Lorena, TX 76655 Myka L Blissard  PO Box 3672 Big Spring, TX 79720 Lexy E Cigainero  2828 South State Line Texarkana, TX 75501 Barbara D Gonzalez 29302 Road 544 Rio Hondo, TX 78583 Charity Claire Harris  850 County Rd 342 Poteet, TX 78065 Ryan A Holaway  604 Fletcher Road Weatherford, TX 76087

Chance Lunsford  PO Box 669 Garrison, TX 75946 Kennedy C Mc Farland  102 Pr 140 Blum, TX 76627 Peyton L Moore  1570 Lone Star Lane Franklin, TX 77856 Hayleigh L Moore  165 Trigg Rd Bastrop, TX 78602 Kolton J Schuler  10720 Hill Circle College Station, TX 77845 Kallie R Schuler  10720 Hill Circle College Station, TX 77845 Christopher & Beverly Schulmeier

7919 Morning Grove Converse, TX 78109

Jeb Stewart Skiles Jr  13045 Fm 807 Dalhart, TX 79022 Blane Theeck  566 Fire Station Road Franklin, TX 77856

 indicates AIJCA membership

Charolais on Feed Field Day

AmericanInternational Charolais Association The AICA is the official registry for Charolais and Charbray cattle in the United States. Charolais cattle were first brought to the U.S. in 1936. In 1957, the American Charolais Breeders Association and the International Charolais Breeders Association merged forming the present AICA. Membership in the AICA is obtainable when the applicant has ownership in at least one animal, and has paid the initial membership fee of $125. AICA annual dues are $100.

Charolais on Feed: The Genetics of Feed Efficiency Field Day will be held August 22-23, 2013 in Urbana, Illinois. A joint workshop of the AICA Breed Improvement and Commercial Committees will be held in conjunction with the field day. Full schedule and details are listed on page 21. Please RSVP to Robert Williams, Director of Breed Improvement (816) 464-5977 ext. 103 or Performance Deadline

Make sure your perfomance data is included in the Fall 2013 Sire Summary Analysis. Data must be submitted by July 15th to be included in the Fall Sire Summary. Record your 2013 born calves Record your 2013 born calves using AICA’s online system. Add the data as the calves are born and continue to update the records as you add weaning and yearling data. Register the calves at any time by just adding the name. 2013 Seedstock Tour

Pack your bags for the 2013 AICA Seedstock Tour in Oklahoma and Texas. Contact Robert Williams for more information (816) 464-5977 ext. 103 or 2013 AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference

The 2013 AIJCA Junior National will be held in Texarkana, Ark., July 14-20th. For complete schedule and updates, please visit the Junior Section of Make sure to visit to view the shows online and “like” the AIJCA Facebook page for instant updates. 18  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013


Get in Touch with AICA Staff

Quickest way to communicate with the AICA staff? Try e-mail! Find e-mail addresses on this page. AI Sires

AI Sires used “out of herd” must be DNA tested before calves can be registered. Check the bull’s record to make sure the DNA work has been done before submitting registration papers. AICA rules require signatures on bulls you do not own. Signatures can be submitted online, fax, mail or e-mail.

AMERICAN-INTERNATIONAL CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 11700 N.W. Plaza Circle  Kansas City, MO 64153  Phone: (816) 464-5977 Fax: (816) 464-5759  E-Mail:  Website:


Executive Vice President J. Neil Orth  ext. 101

Recording Secretary Marilou Wegner  ext. 400

Director of Activities David Hobbs  ext. 200



Larry Lehman P.O. Box 700 Tioga, TX 76271 (940) 437-5900

Vice President

Bill Nottke 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 843-2930

Director of Breed Improvement & Foreign Marketing Robert Williams  ext. 103


AICA statements are sent at the beginning of each month. Any activity from the previous month will be listed on your statement.

Youth Activities Coordinator Kaitlyn Lewis  ext. 201

Treasurer Advertising and Marketing Opportunities The AICA website (www.charolaisusa. com) offers a variety of online advertising opportunities. Banner ads can be linked directly to your website or sale catalog. The ads are $250 per month or $200 for two weeks for advertisers in the Charolais Journal or Charolais Edge. The general banner ad rate is $400 per month. Normally, the ads will be put on the website within 2 days after submission. Want to reach your customers directly? Email blasts are now offered to drop your advertisement straight into the inbox of thousands! Email blasts work great for upcoming sales or any ad that runs in the Charolais Journal. Email blasts can be linked directly to your website or sale catalog. Email blasts are $250 each for advertisers in the Charolais Journal or Charolais Edge. The general email blast rate is $400 each. advertising packages are available for those advertising in the Charolais Journal or Charolais Edge. Promote your sale with a 1 month banner ad and 1 email blast for $400. The Charolais Journal is now offering more services to sale booklet advertisers. Not only is the Charolais Journal an excellent spot to promote your sale, but sale booklets are now online! Easily accessible on the AICA website, check out the sales coming near you.

AICA Billing Statements

AICA using GeneSeek

The AICA is now using GeneSeek for parentage testing, contact Marilou Wegner to request a kit. The kit is specific to the animal being tested. AICA rules require AI sire and donor cows be tested if they have not been.

Administrative Assistant Affiliates Coordinator Judy Clements  ext. 102 Controller

Lewis Meyer  ext. 300 To use the extension numbers listed for the above staff, phone (816) 464-2474.

John Chism 1442 Lillie’s Ferry Road Winchester, KY 40391 (859) 744-8909 Robb Creasey 7500 E. 1450th St. Macomb, IL 61455 (309) 254-3223


Harlin Hecht 16732 283rd Ave. Paynesville, MN 56362 (320) 243-4386

CPI BOARD President J. Neil Orth

Board of Directors Larry Lehman Bill Nottke John Chism Robb Creasey

FIELD STAFF Southeast Representative

Floyd Wampler 207 Sparger Rd. Bristol, TN 37620-8846 cell - (423) 612-2144

Southwest Representative Wes Chism 3700 W 19th Ave, Apt. D 6, Stillwater, OK 74074 cell - (281) 761-5952

North Central Representative Colt Keffer 7376 N 85th Street Omaha, NE 68122 Cell - (765) 376-8784

Other Regions

Call the AICA office. (816) 464-5977


Chairman & Trustee Larry Lehman


Alan Vedvei J. Neil Orth Pete Stamer Kaitlyn Lewis

AICA DIRECTORS BY AREA Area 1 Bill Romans 2200 6th Ave West Vale, OR 97918 (541) 473-3365

Area 9 Nathan Reinhart 70 Songbird Road Pleasant Plains, AR 72568 (870) 613-3057

Area 2 Jerry Maltby Box 760 Williams, CA 95987 (530) 473-2830

Area 10 Robb Creasey 7500 E 1450th St. Macomb, IL 61455 (309) 354-3223

Area 3 Troy Thomas 18441 Capri Place Harrold, SD 57536 (605) 973-2448

Area 11 John Chism 1442 Lillie’s Ferry Road Winchester, KY 40391 (859) 744-8909

Area 4 Dave Hebbert 62075 Hebbert Ln. Hyannis, NE 69350 (308) 458-2540

Area 12 Doug Rogers P.O. Box 1718 Collins, MS 39428 (601) 765-2983

Area 5 Jimmy Albert 4635 FM 743 Kenedy, TX 78119 (830) 583-2062

Area 13 Silas Maxwell 1120 Welcome Grove Rd Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 422-7234

Area 6 Sue McCoy 321 HCR 1201 Blum, TX 76627 (254) 874-5573

Area 14 J. Robert Tibbs 3535 Old Level Road Havre de Grace, MD 21078 (410) 734-6873

Area 7 Everett Shepherd 1308 Quebec Ave. Stuart, IA 50250 (515) 321-4270

Area 15 Georgeanne Webb 317 Old Vineland SCH Easley, SC 29640 (864) 246-6203

term expires 2015

term expires 2014

term expires 2015

term expires 2014

term expires 2015

term expires 2014

term expires 2015

term expires 2014

term expires 2015

term expires 2015

term expires 2014

term expires 2014

term expires 2015

term expires 2015

Area 8 Bill Nottke 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 843-2930 term expires 2014

Fundraising Chairman

Larry Lehman


Breed Improvement

Junior Council

VICE CHAIRMAN Bradley Bracewell 737 Hill Rd. Tioga, TX 76271 (940) 230-3265

VICE CHAIRMAN John Chism Area 11 Director

VICE CHAIRMAN VeaBea Thomas 18441 Capri Place Harrold, SD 57536 (605) 973-2448

CHAIRMAN Troy Thomas Area 3 Director

Advertising/Marketing CHAIRMAN Bill Nottke Area 8 Director VICE CHAIRMAN J. Robert Tibbs Area 14 Director


CHAIRMAN Nathan Reinhart Area 9 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Don Olsen 17050 Tuttle Creek Blvd. Randolph, KS 66554 (785) 363-2519


CHAIRMAN Randy Perry 15194 Oak Creek Rd. Prather, CA 93651 (559) 278-4793


CHAIRMAN Bill Pendergrass P.O. Box 348 Gause, TX 77857 (979) 203-6800 VICE CHAIRMAN Doug Rogers Area 12 Director


CHAIRMAN Pete Stamer 47 Snover Rd. Lafayette, NJ 07848 (973) 729-9751 VICE CHAIRMAN Robb Creasey Area 10 Director

CHAIRMAN Jeff Smith 927 E. 156th St. N. Grinnell, Iowa 50112 (641) 236-7880

Long Range Planning CHAIRMAN Lee Eaton HCR 67 Box 96 Lindsay, MT 59339 (406) 584-7546 VICE CHAIRMAN Bill Nottke Area 8 Director

Rules & Ethics

CHAIRMAN Richard Clark P.O. Box 9 Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-5892 VICE CHAIRMAN Bill Romans Area 1 Director

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   19




Everett Oddell Shepherd, 62, of Stuart, Iowa passed away on Sunday, May 12, 2013. His early childhood years were spent on the farm where he especially loved working with cattle and could always be found playing a sport. He created many memories showing cattle at the Adair County Fair, Iowa State Fair and Ak-Sar-Ben. As he grew, his love of sports and natural leadership ability became apparent. Everett graduated from Stuart High School in 1968 where he was active in student senate, athletics and other activities. Everett attended Clarinda Junior College where he played baseball (team captain) and was Vice President of the Student Senate. While playing for a semi-pro team in Clarinda he was asked to try out for the pros. He opted to continue his education accepting a baseball scholarship to Wayne State College in Nebraska. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education. Everett met his first wife, Claudia at Wayne State refereeing one of her basketball games. They married in 1973 and returned to Stuart to start farming in 1974. Claudia passed away in 1999. Everett built his farming operation from the ground up. At its largest, he had a farrow to finish 1,000 head hog operation, 200 head commercial cow-calf herd and farmed 2,000 acres of corn, soybeans and hay. Everett also operated a Northup King Seed Dealership during the eighties and nineties. Everett stayed active in his Methodist church, basketball and softball playing and coaching his children. He was also involved in the real estate business operating Shepherd Reality. Everett initially started his Charolais herd around 1989 when his children began showing cattle. The Iowa State Fair became the family’s summer vacation. Everett phased out his cattle operation in the early 2000s, but his passion didn’t keep him out for long. After he and Julie married in 2003, they established EJ Shepherd Charolais. The operation was chosen as the 2012 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year and the 2013 Iowa Beef Breeds Council Seedstock Producer of the Year. This past October because of Everett’s health, the herd was dispersed and ranked as the nation’s number 6 female sale of the year. Through his adult life, Everett was active in Stuart and Adair counties serving in numerous boards including the Adair County Hospital where as president, lead the group in expansion efforts. Everett was preceded in death by his parents, George and Betty Shepherd, his wife Claudia and sister, Nancy Allen. Surviving are his wife Julie; daughter Sara Shepherd of Stuart; and son Greg (Aimee) and grandchildren Caleb, Silas and baby due in July of Mount Pleasant; and numerous family members.

Ralph Harlan, 69, of Pflugerville received his award after a four year battle with cancer May 21, 2013 in Round Rock, Texas. He was born August 15, 1943 in Jourdanton, Texas to Bendell Bayles and Daisy Qualls Harlan. Ralph graduated from Charlotte High School, near Jourdanton, in 1961. He married Norma Jo Crider on November 6, 1970 in Austin. He attended Southwestern Assembly of God University in Waxahachie, Texas and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Ministry. He later received a Master’s Degree in Divinity from Central Bible College in Springfield, Missouri. He served Southern Bible College in Houston as Dean of Students and as a Professor. As an Ordained Minister for the Assembly of God Church, he served The Church of Glad Tidings in Austin in the 1970’s as the Associate Pastor. He also pastored churches in College Station and Houston. He retired after more than 30 years of ministry and returned to the Austin area in 1983. In his later years, he worked with his two brothers in the Harlan Charolais cattle business. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ben and Daisy Harlan, and his son, Justin Scott Harlan. He is survived by his wife of 42 years, Norma Harlan of Pflugerville, Texas; a daughter, Kristie Beene, (Loy Beene) of Hutto, Texas; his grandson, Justin Beene, of Hutto, Texas; sisters, Sarah DeSpain (Oran DeSpain) of Beeville, Texas, and Loretta Sue Masters (Richard Masters) of Taylor, Texas; brothers, Benny Harlan (Brenda Harlan) of Jourdanton, Texas and Ed Harlan (Rose Harlan) of Austin, Texas. He has numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. In lieu of flowers and customary remembrances, the family request donations be made to Justin Beene College Fund, 1928 Oak Vista Drive, Pflugerville, TX 78660 Funeral services were on Saturday, the 25th of May 2013, at The Church of Glad Tidings, Austin, Texas. Interment followed in Cook-Walden Capital Parks, Pflugerville, Texas, under the direction of Cook-Walden Funeral Home. Rocking S Ranch Field Day, Bristol, Oklahoma Rocking S Ranch is hosting a field day Saturday, August 10. The day begins with a judging contest for junior and senior teams, individuals and adults. Judging awards will be given and the top junior or senior judge will receive a $2,000 certificate towards purchase of any heifer from the ranch. Take this opportunity to visit with breeders and friends. Everyone is welcome! More details on page 28.

Bull Test Station Final Reports

2012-2013 Florida Bull Test University of Florida, North Florida Research & Education Center, Marianna, Fla. High Indexing Bull Overall Breeds: HBR Big Mack 983 P, 9-25-11, sired by HBR Big Mack 408 P ET, consigned by Rogers Bar HR, Collins, Miss. Final Report: Wt: 1,598; ADG: 5.42; WDA: 3.60; Index: 9.01; Index Ratio: 136. 20  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

(Recorded highest final ADG of any bull representing 7 breeds.) High Ranking Feed Efficiency Charolais Bull: HBR Profit 993 P, 10-11-11, sired by HBR Profit 672 P, consigned by Rogers Bar HR. Report: F:G: 5.06. Note: Charolais bulls lead the test with a final ADG: 4.40.

Fall 2012-2013 Hinds Bull Test Fall 2012 Genetic Development Hinds Community College, Raymond, Center Miss.

High Indexing Bull Overall Breeds: HBR Auto Pilot 7 P, 10-27-11, sired by HBR Auto Pilot 702 P, consigned by Rogers Bar HR, Collins, Miss. Final Report: Wt: 1,413; ADG/R: 4.46/135: WDA/R: 3.03/112; REA: 17.47; %IMF: 3.43; Overall Index: 120 Note: 5 breeds tested.


Bull Feed Intake and Gain Test, Navasota, Texas High Feedlot Profitability Indexing Bull Overall Breeds: RS Captain Reality 4212, 2-16-12, sired by BHD Reality T3136, consigned by Rocking S Ranch, Jenks, Okla. Final Report: FPI: 136.09; RFI: 4.35 to 1 (top of all breeds.)

Charolais on Feed:

The Genetics of Feed Efficiency Field Day August 22-23 • Urbana, Ill.

Schedule of Events Thursday, August 22

Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center, Urbana, Illinois

9:00 AM Board Bus to Beef and Sheep Field Research Laboratory, University of Illinois Tour Feed Efficiency Intake Facilities View Charolais Sired Calves on Feed 12:00 PM Complimentary Lunch 1:00 PM Presentations at Holiday Inn Speakers: Genetics/Genomics: The Basics Dr. Jonathan Beever, Department of Animal Sciences University of Illinois The Weight Traits Project: What We’ve Learned Dr. Matt Spangler, Animal Science Department University of Nebraska Genomic-Enhanced EPDs and Selection Indexes Dr. Bob Weaber, Animal Sciences and Industry Kansas State University Feed Efficiency Projects at the University of Illinois Dr. Dan Shike, Department of Animal Sciences University of Illinois The National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle Dr. Jerry Taylor, Animal Sciences University of Missouri

Friday, August 23

Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center, Urbana, Illinois

8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Joint Workshop of the AICA Breed Improvement and Commercial Committees

Headquarters Hotel: Holiday Inn Hotel & Conference Center 1001 Killarney Street Urbana, IL 61801 Phone: (217) 328-7900 ext. 2104 Fax: (217) 328-7941

Your RSVP is appreciated. For additional information, visit the AICA website or contact: Dr. Robert Williams, Director of Breed Improvement Phone: (816) 464-5977 ext. 103 E-mail: Fax: (816) 464-5759

Co-Sponsored by: American-International Charolais Association University of Illinois Department of Animal Science The National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   21

Visit the web site –

Your Source for Performance Charolais Genetics

Mark Your Calendar! July 26 August 29 November 9 November 16

South Dakota Summer Spotlight Show, Huron South Dakota State Fair Charolais Show, Huron Vedvei Dakota Standard II, Lake Preston South Dakota Classic VI, Mitchell

Contact these seedstock breeders for herd sire prospects and herd building females. Selling Bulls & Females Private Treaty

JAMIE EGGLESTON 21130 379th Ave. • Wessington, SD 57381 (605) 883-4602 • Fax: (605) 883-4924 •

Steffensen Charolais

Platte, South Dakota DAVID MASON Phone & Fax: (605) 337-2521 Cell: (605) 680-0780

CLARENCE E. MASON Phone: (605) 337-3545

JS Sir Platinum 6204

Travis & Deb Steffensen & Family 21269 US Hwy. 81 Arlington, S.D. 57212 Home: (605) 983-5497

PF El Duke 9021 P ET Impressed 620 x Duchess 351

Space Available

EPDs: 7.4 -1.2 21 25 1 -0.4 11 0.5

Semen: $15/straw; $25 signing fee

S.D. Charolais Breeders Association 2008 Outstanding Seedstock Producer

Contact Colt Keffer 765-376-8784


Steve - Myrna - Greg - BJ 405 Samara Ave. • Volga, SD 57071 • (605) 627-5229 •

Space Available Contact Colt Keffer 765-376-8784

Reich Ranch Charolais Range-Raised Performance Tested Since 1957 Quality Females For Sale Private Treaty

Tim and Ree Reich


Colome, SD 57528

(200 miles Southwest of Lake Preston)

Brian & Janna Adam, Ethanie & Andrew (605) 842-1185 - Home (605) 203-1228 - Brian cell (605) 203-1229 - Adam cell

Bull Sale April 5, 2014

Wells Charolais Ranch 15446 419th Ave • Conde, SD 57434 Richard & Heather Wells (605) 784-3409 Jason & Nina Jo Wells (605) 784-7824 www.

22  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

Featuring– M6 Grid Plus 713 Pld

BW WW YW TM REA MB EPDs 1.1 23 35 23 0.57 -0.08

Space Available

Space Available

Contact Colt Keffer

Contact Colt Keffer



Vedvei Charolais

The Dakota Standard II Nov. 9

Herd Sire Prospects & Embryos for Sale Private Treaty

“2000 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year”

44213 204th St. Lake Preston, SD 57249 Alan & Deb Vedvei (605) 847-4529 Fax (605)847-4810 E-mail:




39120 192nd Street Wagner, South Dakota 57380 (605) 384-3300, (605) 491-0986

SVY Rush 715 T Pld


Contact Colt Keffer

1007 Kingsbury Belle Fourche, SD 57717  (605) 892-4366

Scott & Kim Jensen 20379 441st Avenue • Lake Preston, SD 57249 (605) 847-4755 E-Mail:

If you are looking for polled performance cattle, call: Odden Charolais Ranch

Space Available


HANSEN 39804 163rdBJSt.Hansen • Turton, SD 57477 FARMS (605) 635-6346 • (605) 228-6199

Calvin Sandmeier (605) 285-6179

Gary Sandmeier (605) 285-6766

13123 322nd Ave. • Bowdle, SD 57428


GENETIC Robert Williams,

Director of Breed Improvement Director of Foreign Marketing

Performance Data Reporting Follow proper data collection techniques

It won’t be long before it is time to weigh and

record weaning weights for spring born calves. Expected progeny differences (EPD) are calculated using performance and pedigree information submitted by producers. Accuracy and reliability of EPD rely on the accuracy and reliability of data reported. The best data sets are those where the breeder has taken proper steps to insure proper data collection techniques where used. Furthermore, proper designation of contemporary groups as well as collection and reporting of performance from all animals in the herd is critical. Producers should follow proper data collection techniques. Make sure scales are working properly, kept clean and balanced as more cattle are weighed. Also be sure to verify the identification of each individual calf as he is weighed, this helps insure that each animal receives credit for its own performance. Contemporary groups are often one of the most misunderstood concepts of genetic evaluation. It is however the cornerstone on which genetic evaluations are based and therefore great care should be taken to insure that groups are properly reported and that all calves are weighed and reported as a group. A contemporary group is a group of animals that have been exposed to the same environment and have been given equal opportunity to express their genetic potential. Breeders should report accurate weigh dates, pasture and management codes. Management codes are available on the performance sheet while the breeder designates the pasture codes; pasture codes may be designated as either pasture A, B or C for example. The accuracy of genetic predictions and future genomic enhanced evaluations begin with accurate reporting of data. Properly collected and reported data produces the most accurate genetic predictions giving producers access to genetic values for economically important traits.

Two-Year-Old polled daugher of IMPAIR. Making a cow on grass TWJ Charolais Farm

Breeding Charolais Since 1963 Tom Jernigan 4415 Lindenwood Rd. • Union City, TN 38261 (731) 885-1586 • Fax (731) 884-2570

CHAROLAIS Facts: Great Bulls Make a Great Program! LHD Ali Mark T214

LHD Mr Perfect Y416

LHD Cigar E46

CJC Trademark H45

JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET

CJC Illusion N111

JDJ Royal Trade N134

LHD Bosque S1195 BHD Cobalt S553

JDJ Curlin S3012 P JDJ True Mark T39 P CJC Mr President T122

BHD Reality T3136 P BHD Zen X270 P

CJC CEO X620 P BHD Zeus X3041 JDJ Equity Z370 P

JDJ Resource Z365

Look us up online — For more information:

DeBruycker Charolais CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

“Creating Greater Rancher Returns” 1690 6th Lane N.E. Dutton, MT 59433 Lloyd & Jane (406) 476-3427 Joe & Cathy (406) 466-5821 Mark & Belva (406) 469-2371 Brett & Kay (406) 476-3214

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   23

*Ownership indicated by AICA records Top 10 Bulls

Top 10 Sires

1 LT-WC Templeton 1483 Pld ET•EM809046•3-15-11 116

1 TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET•M704588•3-17-05 1,259

Sire: LT Cheyenne Blend 7142 P; Dam: LT Wyoming Breeze 7188 P Breeder: Lindskov-Thiel Ranch, Isabel, S.D. Owners: Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo.; Lindskov-Thiel Ranch; Cody Cattle Co, Richmond, Mo. 2 BJCF Powerball X51 • FFM787142 • 4-2-10


3 CML Encore 4Y •M806872 • 2-5-11


Sire: HAMM Bramard 12R; Dam: MS Sylvia Wego RR 216 Breeder: Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas Owner: Bar J Charolais

Sire: Sparrows Sanchez 715T; Dam: CML Pld Wilma 3S Breeder: Mc Leod Livestock, Balzac, AB Owner: Silver Spur Land and Cattle LLC, Saratoga, Wyo.

4 BJCF Permanent Mark X85 • M794010 • 9-19-10 73

Sire: HAMM Mogo U23; Dam: M6 Ms 0383 Germaine 8104 P ET Breeder: Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas Owner: Bar J Charolais 5 3G Young Gun 192Y •M813136 • 11-8-11


6 Bar S Stay Thirsty • M805309 • 5-12-11


7 HAMM MOGO Y47 • FFM807393 • 8-30-11


Sire:WDZ Northern Wind 8022 Pld ET; Dam: SFC Babe 304 Breeder: Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind. Owners: Emily Griffiths; Eric Ott, Columbia City, Ind.

Sire: Swegle Creek Ko Jo 514ET; Dam: LC Ms Cigar 8004 P ET Breeder: Grady Dickerson, Paradise, Kan. Owner: Grady Dickerson Sire: HAMM Mogo U1; Dam: MOGO 19R Breeder: MOGO Charolais, Florence, Ala. Owner: MOGO Charolais

8 5J PCR Freedom’s Impressed•M814961•1-17-12 54

Sire: 5J Freedom’s Night Train; Dam: GP Miss Oakbar D040 Pld Breeder: Phelps Charolais Ranch, Holden, Mo. Owners: Phelps Charolais Ranch; 5J Charolais, Syracuse, Mo.

9 Summit HDF Supreme X01 • EM801547•11-6-10 52

Sire: TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET; Dam: HooDoo Ms George Z0116 Breeder: Summit Farms, Alden, Iowa Owners: Summit Farms; Silver Spur Land and Cattle LLC, Saratoga, Wyo.

10 GPC Mountainwater 0641 ET•EM809117•4-20-11 49 Sire: TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET; Dam:Thomas Ms Impressive 0641

Breeder: Polzin Cattle, Darwin, Minn. Owners: Presley Farms LLC, Crossville, Tenn.; Garrett Charolais, Crossville, Tenn.

Top 10 Females

Sire: Thomas Oahe Wind 0772ET P; Dam: Thomas Swisser Sweet 1764 ET Breeder: Cally Thomas, Harrold, S.D. Owners: Dykes Charolais, Bloomfield, Iowa; Coudron Charolais, Monticello, Minn.; Hansen Farms, Turton, S.D.; Jim & Audra Scheel, Belvidere, S.D.; Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. 2 HAMM MOGO U23 • FFM754943 • 5-1-08 Sire: HAMM Charboneau 2N; Dam: MOGO 2003 0094


Breeder: MOGO Charolais, Florence, Ala. Owners: MOGO Charolais; Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas; Hale Farms, Louisburg, Mo.; Baney Charolais, Mountain Grove, Mo.; Wild Indian Acres, House Springs, Mo.; KM Charolais, Farmington, Mo. 3 Gerrard Montezuma 6T • M782900 • 1-2-07 162 Sire: SVY Freedom Pld 307N; Dam: Gerrard Roxanne 18P Breeder: Gerrard Cattle Company, Innisfail, AB Owners: Glen Pittman, Milk River, AB; Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.; Polzin Cattle, Darwin, Minn. 4 WDZ Northern Wind 8022 Pld ET•EM759838•4-1-08 155 Sire: LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld; Dam: D&D Miss Covergirl Breeder: Kassidy Bremer, Red Field, Iowa Owners: Flying JRL, Finlayson, Minn.; Eric Ott, Columbia City, Ind.; Josh Buuck, Fort Wayne, Ind.; Zehnder Cattle & Christopher Eklund, Stanchfield, Minn. 5 HAMM Bramard 12R • FFM712706 • 4-6-05

Sire: Ali Baba Bramard; Dam: ZH Energette 516E Breeder: Almy Charolais, Baldur, MB Owner: Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas


6 D R Revelation 467 • EM755482 • 9-7-07 146 Sire: HooDoo Slasher 1144; Dam: DR WC Forevery Lucy 372ET

Breeder: Gary Wilmore, Rigby, Ida. Owner: Dismukes Ranch, Checotah, Okla.

7 TR PZC Rapid Fire 9775 ET•EM776309•4-13-09 128

Sire: TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET; Dam: Thomas Ms Impressive 0641 Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. Owners: Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo.; David & Stephanie Dickerson, Paradise, Kan.; Baney Charolais, Mountain Grove, Mo.; Wild Indian Acres, House Springs, Mo.; MBS Charolais, Bowling Green, Mo.; Garrett Charolais, Cookville, Tenn. 8 KEYS Ten-Acious 166S • M724532 • 3-10-06

Sire: KEYS McTender 279P; Dam: Miss Key Maybell 73N Breeder: Effertz Key Ranch, Velva, N.D. Owner: Effertz Key Ranch


9 LT Cheyenne Blend 7142 P • M742067 • 3-9-07 116

Sire: LT Easy Blend 5125 Pld; Dam: LT Alli 3221 Pld Breeder: Lindskov-Thiel Ranch, Isabel, S.D. Owners: Harris Morgan, Camilla, Ga.; Lindskov-Thiel Ranch; Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo.

10 SVY Freedom Pld 307N • M756920 • 4-5-03 Sire: HFCC Pld Evolution 5L; Dam: SVY Purrfect 184L


Breeder: Voegeli Bros, Maymont, SK Owners: Voegeli/D&L S/Bo-Jan/SDC Char/Sparrow/N Cnt, Maymont, SK

1 OBG Nancy 028 • F1133354 • 11-22-10

Sire: TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET; Dam:OBG Nancy 6970 Breeder: William Jackson, Miami, Okla. Owner: Keaton McConathy, Angleton, Texas


2 Bar S Pistol Annie 1542 ET•EF1136436•3-23-11 102

Sire: TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET; Dam:Thomas Ms Impressive 0641 Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. Owner: Grady Dickerson, Paradise, Kan. 3 TR PZC NC Fire Fly 1746 ET•EF1136055•4-15-11


4 EOTT Ms Pearly Momma 4Y• F1134547•2-2-11


5 TR Ms Montella 1572Y • F1136470 • 5-4-11


6 SHF Annie Oakley 1106 • F1144469 • 5-5-11


7 SCC Timeless 469Y • F1147012 • 12-24-11


Sire:TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET;Dam: Thomas Ms Impressive 0641 Breeder: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. Owner: Cagney Effling, Highmore, S.D.

Sire: TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET; Dam: 3G String of Pearls 651S Breeder: Eric Ott, Columbia City, Ind. Owner: Kallie Ann Knott, Garrett, Ind.

Sire: Gerrard Montezuma 6T; Dam: TR Ms Wyoming Wind 5604R Breeder: Cally Thomas, Harrold, S.D. Owner: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.

Sire: EJS Perfect Wind 3010 ET; Dam: ACE-SHF Ms Mac S5224 Breeder: Will Shaffer, Carthage, Mo. Owner: Will Shaffer Sire: SCC Time Bandit 290W; Dam: RCS Mystic 304N TW Breeder: Samsel Cattle Company, Cloverdale, Ind. Owner: Craig Greeson, Coatesville, Ind.

8 WIA Ms Mogo’s Preview 522•EF1137789•5-22-11 44

(tie) Sire: HAMM Mogo U23; Dam: Bar5 Ms Preview 418 P ET Breeder: Wild Indian Acres, House Springs, Mo. Owners: Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas; MOGO Charolais, Florence, Ala. 8 RF Ms Stealth 27515 P • F1151977 • 1-2-12


(tie) Sire: Mead-RF X-Factor G584 P; Dam: M&M Ms Stealth 7515 Pld ET Breeder: Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo. Owner: Ty Dybdal, Newcastle, Neb.

8 Faraway Magic Doll 39X Pld•F1118018•3-6-10 44

(tie) Sire: D R Revelation 467; Dam: SMR U Bet 139U Breeder: Cliff & Lynn Orley, Lebanon, Pa. Owner: Faraway Cattle Co LLC, Vale, N.C. Calf: Faraway Magic Doll 39Z • F1149520 • 5-6-12 Sire: SMR Waldorf 83W Pld 9 WC Eva 2244 P ET • EF1152347 • 3-8-12


9 2TM Ms Tenacious 125 • F1149208 • 11-2-11


9 WDZ Aces N1BS 132 P • F1147574 • 10-7-11


10 EOTT Ms Wyndy 10Z • F1148947 • 2-17-12


(tie) Sire: TR PZC Rapid Fire 9775 ET; Dam: LT Lace Maker 6085 P Breeder: Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo. Owner: Nickolas Williams, Bremen, Ala. (tie) Sire: KEYS Tenacious 73W; Dam: 2TM Ms Unlimited 1001-714 Breeder: Ted & Terri Morgan, Allen, Colo. Owner: Ted & Terri Morgan

(tie) Sire: WDZ Northern Wind 8022 Pld ET; Dam: WDZ KF Twizzler 937 P Breeder: Sydney Zehnder, Stanchfield, Minn. Owner: Sydney Zehnder Sire: LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld; Dam: 3G String of Pearls 651S Breeder: Eric Ott, Columbia City, Ind. Owner: Kallie Ann Knott, Garrett, Ind.

24  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013


Top 10 Dams 1 Thomas Ms Impressive 0641•F873178•3-18-00 335

Sire: JWK Impressive D040 ET; Dam: BCI Miss Very Limit 6033P Breeder: Batey Charolais Inc., Forsyth, Mont. Owners: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D.; Polzin Cattle, Darwin, Minn.

2 3G String of Pearls 651S•F1035671•2-15-06


3 CC Katelyn 8107 Pld•EF1086337•3-1-08


Sire: LT Rio Bravo 3181 P; Dam: SFC Babe 304 Breeder: Emily Griffiths, Kendallville, Ind. Owner: Eric Ott, Columbia City, Ind.

LT-WC Templeton 1483 Pld ET

Sire: TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET; Dam: ALC Kate T07K Breeder: Sydney Zehnder, Stanchfield, Minn. Owners: Sydney Zehnder; Coudron Charolais, Monticello, Minn.

4 LT Wyoming Breeze 7188 P•F793036• 4-4-97 116

Sire: LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld; Dam: LT Airey 4055 P Breeder: Lindskov-Thiel Ranch, Isabel, S.D. Owners: Lindskov-Thiel Ranch; Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo.

5 OBG Nancy 6970 • F1061975 • 11-10-06

Sire: OBG Stan 4502 P/S; Dam: ACE Ms Nancy 1935 PET Breeder: William Jackson, Miami, Okla. Owner: Oklahoma Bovine Genetics, Miami, Okla.


6 Ms Sylvia Wego RR 216•FFF958937•10-12-01 86 Sire: Wego De Replica RR 818; Dam: Ms RR Sylvia Abe-Rep 847

Breeder: Jernigan’s Double R Ranch, Tyler, Texas Owner: Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas

7 EXL Mia 230M • F1151227 • 1-11-02

Sire: Sparrows Alliance 513G; Dam: EXL Kacee 57K Breeder: EXL Charolais, Stettler, AB Owner: Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, SK


TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET

8 TR Ms Wyoming Wind 5604R•F1024831•3-17-05 78

Sire: LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld; Dam: JES Ms Hi Yield K31 Breeder: Cally Thomas, Harrold, S.D. Owner: Thomas Ranch, Harrold, S.D. 9 M6 Ms 0383 Germaine 8104 P ET•EF1101292•9-8-08


Sire: Three Trees Wind 0383 ET; Dam: SR Lady Ease 914 ET Breeder: Kevin Moore, Alvarado, Texas Owner: Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, Texas

10 WDZ TR Tamara 7028 P ET•EF1070204•3-1-07 69

Sire: TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET; Dam:Thomas Ms Impressive 0641 Breeder: Polzin-Zehnder Cattle, Stanchfield, Minn. Owners: Haley Stalcup, Prescott, Iowa

OBG Nancy 028

The AICA Show Animal of the Year program recognizes the top Charolais show dam, female, sire and bull and was started with the 1984-85 show season. The program is based on accumulating points at the National Charolais Show, Regional National Shows, designated Class A Roll of Excellence Shows and Class B Roll of Excellence Shows.

Thomas Ms Impressive 0641 CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   25


SALES Charolais Sale Results

Smoky Hill Charolais Farm Annual Bull Sale Hays, Kan.  March 3, 2013 Auctioneer: Jim Birdwell, Fletcher, Okla.

Sales are listed in sale date order. A list of sales in this issue is provided below.

Average: 22 Bulls........................................ $4,557 Total Sale Gross.............................. $100,250

Smoky Hill Charolais Farm Annual Bull Sale Thomas Ranch 41st Annual Bull Sale Summit Farms Charolais Bull Sale Oakwater Ranch/ Rocking Arrow 30th Annual Bull Sale 35th Annual Rambur Charolais Bull Sale 2013 Virginia Beef Expo 8th Annual Central Kentucky Charolais Classic Lindskov-Thiel Ranch 32nd Annual Bull Sale 48th Annual Missouri Charolais Breeders Association State Sale Wienk Charolais Ranch 44th Annual Bull Sale 14th Annual Sale of Excellence 38th Annual Cream of Crop Rogers Bar HR Charolais Female Sale 2013 C.A.T. Spring Spectacular Sale

High-selling lots: $6,500 – Fall Yearling Bull. MJR Smoky International 162, 9-11-11, by MJR Smoky International. To Benner Farms, Ness City, Kan. $6,500 – Fall Yearling Bull. MJR Smoky Bluegrass 161, 9-10-11, by LT Bluegrass 4017 P. To Benner Farms. $6,000 – 2 Year-Old Bull. MJR Smoky International, 2-18-11, by MJR Smoky International. To Benner Farms. $6,000 – 2 Year-Old Bull. MJR Smoky’s Identity 120, 3-21-11, by LT Silver Identity 9041 Pld. To L&T Farms, Ellis, Kan.

Thomas Ranch Annual Bull Sale


Harrold, S.D.  April 9, 2013 Auctioneer: Lynn Weishaar, Reva, S.D. Average: 75 Yearling Bulls.......................... $4,376 Total Sale Gross.............................. $328,200 By: Colt Keffer High-selling lots: $40,000 – Yearling Bull. TR Mr Wrangle Up 2502Z, 2-21-12, by WR Wrangler W601. To Dennis Charolais, Saint Jo, Texas; White Charolais, Rush Springs, Okla.; Bovine Elite, College Station, Texas; Cavender Ranches, Jacksonville, Texas; David Skeans, Gainsville, Texas; Jeff Jackson, Walnut Springs, Texas, and Bracewell Charolais, Tioga, Texas. $17,000 – Yearling Bull. TR Mr Wrangle Up 2510Z, 3-1-12, by WR Wrangler W601. To Wienk Charolais, Lake Preston, S.D. $15,000 – Yearling Bull. TR Mr Wrangle Up 2516Z, 3-5-12, by WR Wrangler W601. To Sandmeier Charolais, Bowdle, S.D. $12,500 – Yearling Bull. TR Mr Do It All 2705Z ET, 3-17-12, by JWK Impressive D040 ET. To John Wilgenbush, Halbrite, SK, Canada. $11,000 – Yearling Bull. TR Mr Diablo 2584Z, 4-1-12, by CML Diablo 2X. To Scheel Livestock, Alpena, S.D., and Mid-Continent Farms, Washington, Kan.

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$10,500 – Yearling Bull. TR Mr Firewater 2798 ET, 3-16-12, by TR Mr Firewater 5792RET. To Mike and Brad Lowry, Douglas, Texas.

Summit Farms Charolais Bull Sale Hubbard, Iowa  April 12, 2013 Auctioneer: Rob Nord, Clinton Ill. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales, Oakley, Kan. Average: 41 Bulls........................................ $2,633 Total Sale Gross.............................. $107,950 By: Wes Chism High-selling lots: $7,000 – Bull. Summit Polled Value Z10, 2-14-12, by LCOC Polled Value P063S P. To Hubert Charolais, Oakley, Kan. (2/3 interest and full possession) $5,100 – Bull. Summit Crossfire Z48, 3-2612, by EC No Doubt 2022 P. To Brian Krause, Alden, Iowa.

1-29-12, by OW Maximizer S013. To Opplinger Ranch, Clovis, N.M. $7,750 – Bull. OW Maximizer S013-2096 Pld, 2-3-12, by OW Maximizer S013. To Rod Roady, Thurston, Neb. $7,500 – Bull. OW Design S519-2182 Pld, 2-24-12, by OW Design S519. To Bill and Allan White, Carman, Ill. $7,250 – Bull. OW Maximizer S013-2077 Pld, 1-29-12, by OW Maximizer S013. Ryan and Brian Sellers, North Platte, Neb. $7,250 – Bull. OW Impressive 2140 Pld, 2-1912, by OW Impressive U502 Pld ET. To Allan Crow, Arnold, Neb. $6,800 – Bull. OW Sandcreek 2022 Pld, 1-12-12, by MC-OW Sandcreek 375. To Richard Meadows, Columbia, Ala.

35th Annual Rambur Charolais Bull Sale Sidney, Mont.  April 13, 2013

$4,500 – Bull. Summit Polled Value Z09, 2-12-12, by LCOC Polled Value P063S P. To Marvin Brown, Hopkins, Mo. (2/3 interest and full possession)

Auctioneer: Lynn Weishaar, Reva, S.D.

$4,500 – Bull. Summit Polled Value Z05, 1-2512, by LCOC Polled Value P063S P. To Darvin Dykes, Bloomfield, Iowa.

High-selling lots: $23,500 – Yearling Bull. RC Zadar 243 Polled, 3-3-12, by LT Ledger 0332 P. To Christensen Charolais, Morgan, Minn.

$4,250 – Bull. Summit Rio Bravo Z85, 4-2-12, by LT Rio Bravo 3181 P. To Darvin Dykes. $3,750 – Bull. Summit Polled Value Z03, 1-2212, by LCOC Polled Value P063S P. To Neilson Brothers, Guilford, Mo. $3,500 – Bull. Summit Fireman Y118, 3-22-11, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. To Roger Calvert, Manvel, Texas. $3,500 – Bull. Summit Silver Wind Z47, 3-8-12, by NWMSU Doc Silver 362 Pld. To Moe Sinclair, Melrose, Iowa. (2/3 interest and full possession)

Average: 76 Yearling Bulls................................ $3,911 Total Sale Gross.............................. $297,250

$8,250 – Yearling Bull. RC Zip Code 2104 Polled, 3-15-12, by KCM Sanchez 7X. To Christensen Charolais. $8,250 – Yearling Bull. RC Zafar 2139 Polled, 3-21-12, by KCM Sanchez 7X. To Stewart Charolais, Lake Preston, S.D. $7,000 – Yearling Bull. RC Zorrow 2176 Polled, 3-29-12, by KCM Sanchez 7X. To Roster Charolais, Spencer, S.D. Note: 21 yearling Angus bulls averaged $3,747.

Oakwat e r R a n c h / 2013 Virginia Beef Expo Rocking Arrow 30th Harrisonburg, Va.  April 19, 2013 Annual Bull Sale Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, Hurst, Texas Sale Valentine, Neb.  April 12, 2013

Auctioneer: Matt Lowery, Burwell, Neb. Average: 97 Yearling Bulls.......................... $3,786 Total Sale Gross.............................. $367,242 High-selling lots: $11,000 – Bull. OW Maximizer S013-2077 Pld,


Manager: Outfront Cattle Service, College Station, Texas Sale Consultant: Brett Sayre, Purdin, Mo. Sale Sponsor: Virginia Charolais Association Averages: 2 Bulls................................................ $2,800 11 Cow-Calf Pairs............................... $2,414 3 Bred Cows....................................... $2,100

5 Bred Heifers.................................... $2,680 3 Open Heifers................................... $2,050 24 Lots.......................................... $2,414 Not included in above averages: 19 Units of Semen................................... $57 Total Sale Gross................................ $59,080 By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $3,300 – Bred Heifer. CF Ms Reality 1200 Pld ET, 3-13-11, by BHD Reality T 3136. Bred to Cooley Royce 1107 T39. From Crews Farm, Chatham, Va. To Aultman Charolais, Cleveland, Texas. $3,000 – Bull. Macy Meadows Miranda’s Grass, 9-11-11, by LT Bluegrass 4017 P. From Macy Meadows, Street, Md. To Mountain Meadows Farm, South Newfane, Vt. $3000 – Cow-Calf Pair. IQCR Ms Blossom’s Wind Y6, 2-12-11, by LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld. Heifer calf, 2-20-13, by EC No Doubt 2022. From Desco Charolais, Greencastle, Pa. To Glenmary Farms, Rapidan, Va. $3,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. M6 Ms Big Top 527 Pld ET, 1-1-05, by M6 Big Top 268 Pld ET. Bull calf, 3-24-13, by CMC Smoke Signal 812 ET. From David Clark, Denton, Md. To Darrel Newton, Benton, Ky. $3,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. CMC Ms White Squall 001P, 2-4-10, by SSF Corks 5J White Squall ET. Bull calf, 3-11-13, by a composite bull (RC Denver son). From Cross Mountain Cattle Co., Catlett, Va. To Glenmary Farms. $3,000 – Bred Heifer. VPI Tiara 126Y, 8-26-11, by SR/NC Field Rep 2158 P ET. Bred to VPI Free Lunch 708T. From Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. To Mazeppa Charolais Farm, Mt Ulla, N.C. $2,900 – Open Heifer. VPI Tiara 220Z, 8-2512, by VPI Free Lunch 708T. From Virginia Tech. To Lone Oak Farm, Bedford, Va.

8th Annual Central Kentucky Charolais Classic Bowling Green, Ky.  April 20, 2013 Auctioneer: Lakin Oakley Sale Manager: Bob Morton, Wartrace, Tenn. Sale Consultants: Joe Garcia, Donalsonville, Ga., and Andrew Doub, Danville, Ill. Sale Sponsor: Central Kentucky Group Average: 157 Lots........................................ $2,107 Not included in above average: Semen and Embryos Total Sale Gross.............................. $335,206 By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $5,900 – Cow-Calf Pair. PJ Miss Morgan 5011P, 3-1-05, by JDJ Smokester J1377 PET. Heifer calf, 2-4-13, by M6 Gid-R-Done 9201 P ET. From Paul Jeffries, Hustonville, Ky. To Joe Garcia, Donalsonville, Ga. $5,500 – Bull. FF About Time Y07, 6-18-11, by Cooley Royce 1107T39. From Friendship Farms, Greenville, Ky. To Skyline Charolais, Zanesville, Ohio. $5,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. VCR-KC Ms Kiana, 4-8-10, by WCR Sir FA Mac 2244. Bull calf, 4-17-13, by Hales Assertion 8050. From Vedvei Charolais Ranch, Lake Preston, S.D. To Mac Coleman, Morgantown, Ky. $4,300 – Cow-Calf Split. Dry Lake Miss Wind 956 Polled, 3-25-09, by PI Wind Tree. Bull calf, 10-15-12, by Hales 8058. Cow rebred to M6

New Standard 106P. From S.E.A.N.A. Charolais, Hardensburg, Ky. Cow to Jr. Sullivan, Pekin, Ind., for $2,500. Bull calf to Phil Neal, Lebanon, Tenn., for $1,800. $3,850 – Cow-Calf Split. PCC Ms Blue Nancy 112XPolled, 11-2-10, by LT Bluegrass 4017 P. Heifer calf, 8-25-12, by LT Long Distance 9001 Pld. Cow rebred to SRC Kentake S02. From Friendship Farms. Cow to Willie Sykes, Toxey, Ala., for $2,450. Heifer calf to Doub Charolais, Danville, Ind., for $1,400.

Lindskov-Thiel Ranch 32nd Annual Bull Sale Isabel, S.D.  April 20, 2013 Auctioneer: Lynn Weishaar, Reva, S.D. Average: 115 Bulls....................................... $9,913 Total Sale Gross........................... $1,139,995 By: Colt Keffer High-selling lots: $82,000 – Yearling Bull. LT Sundance 2251, 3-15-12, by LT Ledger 0332 P. To Satterfield Charolais, Norfork, Ark. $52,000 – Yearling Bull. LT Asset 2353 Pld, 3-27-12, by LT Ledger 0332 P. To Eaton Charolais, Lindsay, Mont. $35,000 – Yearling Bull. LT Investment 2292 Pld/S, 3-18-12, by LT Ledger 0332 P. To Utopia Genetics, Grovespring, Mo., and Ridder Farms, Hermann, Mo. $25,000 – Yearling Bull. LT Enterprise 2250 Pld, 3-15-12, by LT Stagecoach 8068 Pld. To Sturgis Charolais, Larue, Texas, and Ledbetter Charolais, Lockhart, Texas. $27,000 – Yearling Bull. LT Silver Arrow 2049 Pld, 2-16-12, by LT Silver Distance 5342 P. To Prairie Valley Charolais Ranch, Platte, S.D. $25,000 – Yearling Bull. LT Reward 2348 Pld, 3-26-12, by LT Ledger 0332 P. To Link Charolais, Center, Texas, Bracewell Charolais, Tioga, Texas, Sparkman Cattle Co, Ennis, Texas, and Thomas Levens, Dallas, Texas. $18,000 – Yearling Bull. LT Advance 2204 Pld, 3-11-12, by LT Ledger 0332 P. To Wakefield Farms, New Richland, Minn. $18,000 – Yearling Bull. LT Revenue 2298 Pld, 3-20-12, by LT Ledger 0332 P. To Johnson Charolais, Bruce, S.D.

48th Annual Missouri Charolais Breeders Association State Sale Columbia, Mo.  April 27, 2013 Auctioneer: Rob Nord, Clinton, Ill. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales, Oakley, Kan. Averages: 11 Open Heifers................................. $3,000 4 Bred Heifers.................................... $3,725 15 Spring Cow-Calf Pairs..................... $3,037 2 Bred Cows....................................... $2,500 1 Fall Cow-Calf Split............................ $2,300 1 Bull................................................. $2,000 34 Lots.......................................... $3,022 Not included in above averages: 3 Flushes............................................ $2,917 23 Embryos........................................... $594 Total Sale Gross:............................. $125,150 By: David Hobbs High-selling lots: $7,000 – Spring Cow-Calf Pair. DC Smokin

Lady 42, 9-28-09, by JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET. ET heifer calf, 2-20-13, CML Razr 7Y Pld ET x DC Ms Cigar. From A&L Davis Charolais, DeSoto, Mo. To JVS Cattle Co., Sulphur, La. $6,400 – Bred Heifer. Mead Miss Marion L268 P ET, 3-3-12, by JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET. Bred to LT Long Distance 9001 Pld. From Mead Farms, Barnett, Mo. To Baney Charolais, Mtn. Grove, Mo. $5,600 – Open Heifer. Big Creek HF Ms Nancy 1246 ET, 10-24-12, by B3 Wyoming Cowboy T752. From Big Creek Charolais, Harrisonville, Mo., and Hankins Farms, Willard, Mo. To JVS Cattle Co. $5,600 – Open Heifer. Big Creek HF Ms Nancy 1247 ET, 10-25-12, by B3 Wyoming Cowboy T752. From Big Creek Charolais and Hankins Farms. To JVS Cattle Co. $5,200 – Open Heifer. WIA Miss Wild Fire Pld, 9-9-12, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. From Wild Indian Acres, House Springs, Mo. To JVS Cattle Co. $3,800 – Spring Cow-Calf Pair. NWMSU Heather 670, 2-18-06, by NWMSU Wind Power 398 Pld. Bull calf, 2-24-13, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. From Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Mo. To James Glasgow, Edina, Mo. $3,700 – Open Heifer. WIA Miss Josie Pld, 9-8-12, by DR Revelation 467. From Wild Indian Acres. To Foglesong Charolais, Ipava, Ill.

Wienk Charolais Ranch 44th Annual Bull Sale Lake Preston, S.D.  April 27, 2013 Auctioneer: Jim Birdwell, Fletcher, Okla. Average: 90 Bulls........................................ $4,505 Total Sale Gross.............................. $405,450 By: Colt Keffer High-selling lots: $20,000 – Yearling Bull. WCR Bandit 2164 P, 3-17-12, by WC Big Ben 9036 P. To Dean Carstens, Adair, Iowa, and Genex, Shawano, Wis. $13,000 – Yearling Bull. WCR War Creek 206 TW P, 2-5-12, by WC Big Ben 9036 P. To Weber Charolais, Wagner, S.D. $11,500 – Yearling Bull. WCR Heavy Duty 237 P, 2-14-12, by Eatons Visionary 2044 P. To R Lazy B Ranch, Nome, N.D. $9,000 – Yearling Bull. WCR Sir Big Ben 283 P, 3-2-12, by WC Big Ben 9036P. To Leroy Dubray, Eagle Butte, S.D. $8,000 – Yearling Bull. WCR Tundra 221 P, 2-11-12, by WCR Sir Duke 17J ET P. To Zeisler Charolais, Butte, Neb. $7,500 – Yearling Bull. WCR Gunslinger 2148 P, 3-13-12, by JCR Impressive 626 TW P. To Sandmeier Charolais, Bowdle, S.D. $7,500 – Yearling Bull. WCR White Frost 218 P, 2-10-12, by TR Mr Firewater 8600U. To Dave Cunningham, Wausa, Neb. $7,500 – Yearling Bull. WCR Sir Paul 245 P, 2-17-12, by WCR Sir Paul 9803 ET P. To Dallas Knobloch, Hills, Minn.

14th Annual Sale of Excellence College Station, Texas  May 4, 2013 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, North Richland Hills, Texas Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service, College Station, Texas


Averages: 2 Picks of the Female Herd............... $11,500 17 Pairs.............................................. $3,488 4 Cow/Bull Calf Splits......................... $3,925 7 Cow/Heifer Calf Splits...................... $4,785 3 Bred Cows....................................... $3,000 2 Open Cows...................................... $7,500 9 Bred Heifers.................................... $2,877 19 Open Heifers................................. $2,776 63 Lots......................................... $3,717 Not included in the above averages: 3 Pregnant Recipients......................... $1,934 8 Embryo Lots....................................... $485 10 Semen Lots....................................... $150 1 Semen Interest................................ $2,500 Total Sale Gross.............................. $247,825 By: Wes Chism High-selling lots: $12,000 – Pick of the DeBruycker Female Herd. From DeBruycker Charolais, Dutton, Mont. To H&M Cattle Co., Sulphur Springs, Texas. $11,000 – Second Pick of the DeBruycker Female Herd. From DeBruycker Charolais. To Siddoway Ranch, Brogan, Ore. $11,000 – Donor Cow. BHD Ms Grid N1749, 8-22-03, by M6 Gridmaker 104 PET. From DeBruycker Charolais. To Arlitt Ranch, Poteet, Texas,; Evans Charolais, Brownwood, Texas,; Charles Smith, Jenks, Okla.,; and Darrel Newton, Benton, Ky. $11,000 – Cow-Calf Split. BHD Cigar S235, 3-1-06, by LHD Cigar E46. Heifer calf, 10-812, by Cooley Royce 1107T39. From Evans Charolais. Cow to Charles Smith for $9,000. Calf to Hudspeth Farms, St Joe, Ark., for $2,000. $6,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. SRC Ms Evidence, 4-2-09, by MD Evidence P1188. Heifer calf, 3-18-13, by CJC Mr President T122. From Buddy’s Charolais, Godley, Texas. To Little W Farm, Lebanon, Tenn. $5,700 – Cow-Calf Split. HF Sprinkle U02E ET, 2-20-08, by LHD Cigar E46. Bull, 9-18-12, by BHD Reality T3136. From Arlitt Ranch. Cow to Sparkman Cattle Co., Ennis, Texas, for $4,500. Calf to Dennis Charolais Farm, Saint Jo, Texas, for $1,200. $5,300 – Bred Heifer. HF Ms Hi Def YM7551, 2-22-11, by HF Hi Definition U08 ET. Bred to LT Ledger 0332 P. From Evans Charolais. To Charles Smith. $5,000 – Bred Cow. HF Ms Illusion WL739, 4-2-09, by CJC Illusion N111. Bred to CJC Mr President T122. From Buddy’s Charolais. To Hudspeth Farms. $5,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. HC Ms Cool Rep 1132, 2-9-11, by SR/NC Field Rep 2158 P ET. Bull calf, 2-17-13, by Cooley Royce 1107T39. From Happy 11 Charolais, Zapata, Texas. To Rancho Los Pinos, Houston, Texas.

38th Annual Cream of Crop Rogers Bar HR Charolais Female Sale Collings, Miss.  May 11, 2013 Auctioneer: Tommy Barnes, Lowndesboro, Ala. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales, Oakley, Kan. Averages: 3 Yearling Bulls................................... $3,733 46 Cow-Calf Pairs............................... $3,151 12 Bred Heifers.................................. $2,067 61 Lots.......................................... $2,966 Total Sale Gross.............................. $180,950 By: Floyd Wampler J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   27

2013 C.A.T. Spring Spectacular Sale Henderson, Texas  May 18, 2013 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, North Richland Hills, Texas Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service, College Station, Texas Sale Consultant: Brett Sayre, Purdin, Mo. Averages: 5 Bulls................................................ $1,950 11 Pairs.............................................. $2,509 4 Cow-Bull Calf Splits......................... $3,163 6 Cow-Heifer Calf Splits...................... $3,958 5 Bred Cows....................................... $2,380 2 Open Cows...................................... $1,250 9 Bred Heifers.................................... $2,456 8 Open Heifers................................... $1,463 50 Lots.......................................... $2,439 Not included in the above averages: 17 Semen Lots......................................... $19 5 Embryo Lots...................................... $350 Total Sale Gross.............................. $124,023 By: Wes Chism High-selling lots: $6,000 – Cow-Calf Split. BHD Ms Illusion S1760, 2-15-06, by CJC Illusion N111. Heifer calf, 11-11-12, by CJC Mr President T122. From Arlitt Ranch, Poteet, Texas. Cow to Rocking S Ranch, Jenks, Okla., for $3,500. Calf to Cody Dean, Early, Texas, for $2,500.

$4,600 – Cow-Calf Split. Bara Ms Illusion 56T, 10-21-07, by CJC Illusion N111. Heifer calf, 9-2212, by Cooley Royce1107T39. From Rocking S Ranch. Cow to Todd Hollenshead, Benton, La., for $2,500. Calf to Arlitt Ranch for $2,100. $4,250 – Cow-Calf Pair. SR Lady Ease 530, 2-15-05, by LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld. Bull calf, 4-21-13, by DS Commander in Chief 103. From Tom Levens, Dallas, Texas. To Cavender Ranch, Jacksonville, Texas. $4,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. Link Ms L839 Ser Buiss 4030 P, 10-18-08, by Oakdale Ser Bus 2106 P. Bull calf, 3-20-13, by WC Cheyenne 0076 P. From Clint Miller, Nacogdoches, Texas. To Arlitt Ranch and Melvin and Kathy Allen, San Antonio, Texas. $4,050- Cow – Calf Split. Link Ms 726 Ser Bus D287 P, 9-9-07, by Oakdale Ser Bus 2106 P. Heifer calf, 9-12-12, by M6 Shock & Awe 9104 Pld. From Chris Link, Center, Texas. Cow to Stephen Clinch, Douglas, Texas, for $2,750. Calf to Stephen Clinch for $1,300.

Rocking S Ranch Field Day Saturday, August 10, 2013 • Bristol, Okla. Tentative Schedule of Events

Registration: Doughnuts & Coffee Judging Contest Begins- Juniors, Seniors, Adults Official Placings and Reasons Lunch- Courtesy of Rocking S Ranch Judging Awards- Junior & Senior Teams, Junior & Senior Individuals, Adults Lloyd DeBruycker, DeBruycker Ranch, Dutton, Mont. Tour of Ranch Headquarters Oklahoma Charolais Association Meeting

Rocking S Ranch is awarding a $2,000 certificate to the top Junior or Senior Judge towards a purchase of any heifer from the ranch! Location: 32101 W. 256th St. S. • Bristol, OK 74010 Directions: From intersection of Hwy 48 and 16, (Bristol), go 2 1/2 miles south on Hwy 48. Turn left (east) on 256th Street for 1 1/2 miles. Dead ends into Ranch Entrance. Contact: Dennis Adams, (979) 229-4472 or or Charles Smith, (918) 633-9594 28  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013


Contact Marilou to get signed up –– (816) 464-2474 Or visit and sign up on the homepage!

9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:15 AM Noon 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM

Everyone is welcome!

Stay connected with the Charolais community at the comfort of your inbox!

High-selling lots: $4,700 – Cow-Calf Split. HBR Lady Program 967 ET, 12-12-09, HBR Program 297 P. Bull calf, 11-15-12, by HBR Profit 639 P. Cow rebred to HBR Equalizer 941 P ET. Cow to Mark Daigle, Sulphur La., for $3,000. Bull calf to Van Windham, Bay Springs, Miss., for $1,700. $4,700 – Cow-Calf Split. HR Lady Magnum 809 P, 2-1-09, by HBR Magnum 118 P. Bull calf, 11-17-12, by HBR Auto Pilot 714 P. Cow rebred to HBR Equalizer 941 P ET. Cow to Philip Plaisance, Lockport, La., for $2,500. Bull calf to Van Windham for $2,200. $3,700 – Bull. HBR Auto Pilot 7 P, 10-2711, by HBR Auto Pilot 702 P. To Bucky Smith, Philadelphia, Miss. $3,400 – Cow-Calf Pair. HBR Lady Program 965 ET, 12-03-09, by HBR Program 297 P. Heifer calf, 1-20-13, by HBR Auto Pilot 702 P. Cow rebred to HBR Equalizer 941 P ET. To Jay Buzhardt, Batesburg, S.C. $3,000 – Cow-Calf Pair. HBR Lady Profit 058P, 11-5-10, by SC Shadowbrook 416 ET. Heifer calf, 12-30-12, by Baldridge Fasttrack 82F. Cow rebred to HBR Equalizer 941 P ET. To Roland Campbell, Winnesbora, La. Fieldman’s Notes: Volume buyer of females was Philip Plaisance, Lockport, La. Volume buyer of bull calf splits was James Greer, Center, Texas.

Want to become

Miss Charolais USA 2014?


POSTMARK DEADLINE JULY 30, 2013! Miss Charolais USA 2014 contest to be held at the 2013 American Royal. Applications must be postmarked by July 30 of the current year! Please download an application from the website. AWARDS: — A $1,000 scholarship to Miss Charolais USA. — A $500 scholarship to the first runner-up. — Up to $2,000 in travel expenses paid for Miss Charolais USA. Call Jamie Sparks-Dehan at 913-544-6128 with questions or for more information. NOTE: The “Miss Charolais USA” contest will be open to female AIJCA members who are at least 16 years of age or older as of January 1 of the year of the contest and who are sponsored by either a state breed association or individual Charolais Breeder.

Please help keep Jerry Litton’s original vision alive and invest in our Charolais youth. Donate to the Miss Charolais USA program by contacting Jamie Sparks-Dehan at or by calling 913-544-6128.

Thank you 2013 sponsors!

Gold Sponsors

American International Charolais Association Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Sparks Charolais, LaMonte, Mo. Windy Hill Charolais, Cedar Hill, Mo.

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors Barnard Charolais, St. Joseph, Mo. Brown Family, Strathmore, Calif. Charolais Dees Shadow Springs Farm, Havre de Grace, Md. Cody Cattle Company, Richmond, Mo. Shaffer Cattle Co., Carthage, Mo. Wright Charolais, Richmond, Mo. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

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Charolais, Charlangus, Cow-Calf Splits, Pairs, Heifer & Bull Sale 1:00 p.m. • Saturday, August 3, 2013 • at the Ranch • 1961 Hwy 3043, Opelousas, LA 70570 Calves born before 4-1-2013 will be split from cows, others sold as pairs with cows Service Sires on some lots were changed 3-27-2013 from Angus to M6 Charolais Bulls Cows will sell exposed and registered with the AICA, EPDs will be listed if available Offering 53 Lots: 10 Purebred Charolais Cows, 4 Purebred Charolais Calves, 6 Purebred Charolais Bulls, R R 15 Charlangus Cows (6 pairs), 6 Female Charlangus Calves, 12 Open Heifers C & CxA For Sale Catalogs Contact: Dr. Fred Rodosta • Office (337) 948-6511 • Cell (337) 331-3151




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Fort Payne, AL Ph: 256-845-2530

Baton Rouge, LA Ph: 225-578-3292

Mitchell, SD Ph: 605-996-9100

Billings, MT Ph: 406-656-9034

Strafford, MO Ph: 417-736-2125 ©2013 CRI


J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   31


Haley Stalcup, Treasurer



Take Advantage

New opportunities await

Officers President Megan Fink Randolph, KS (785) 410-5559

Treasurer Haley Stalcup Prescott, IA (641) 344-6692

Vice President Matt Loggains Violet Hill, AR (870) 373-0646

Ex-Officio Kaitlyn Lewis Kansas City, MO

Hello all! My name is Haley Stalcup and I am currently serving as the Area 7 Director, as well as, Treasurer on the AIJCA board. I am from Prescott, Iowa and attend college as a sophomore at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa majoring in Animal Science. It’s summertime and I hope you are all enjoying soaking up some vitamin D, as well as counting down until the Junior National! As for me, I accepted to spend my summer as an intern in the animal science pharmaceutical field. After going through many interviews for different internships, I began to think about what kind of experiences helped me to receive a position in my field. The answer that came most important to my mind is my involvement. At any age, involvement is important. Being involved builds off of previous experiences and interests. My first

Premier Challenge Scholarship for being involved and doing well in the contests, thanks to the Zehnder Family! I can’t stress enough how important it is to have good communication skills and be able to talk to different kinds of people. Communication skills can outweigh almost any GPA on a résumé. This brings me to my next point, besides for building your communication skills and gaining countless experiences, you can put these on your résumé! A great résumé is a way to get your foot in the door when applying for a job. It’s your first impression before meeting your interviewer! Not only have I gained many great experiences through the AIJCA, but other organizations and opportunities as well. My best advice to anyone seeking any kind of career in their future would be to get involved and take

“I cannot stress enough how important it is to have good communication skills and to be able to talk to different kinds of people. Communication skills can outweigh almost any GPA on a résumé.” Junior National was in Hutchinson, Kansas in 2005. After attending, I was hooked! I have since been to seven Junior Nationals, and can proudly say that I have taken many great opportunities away from each and every one. The first few years, my siblings and I were pretty shy about participating in the contests, but of course our parents always had to sign us up! Now, I definitely thank them for it. Because I participated in these contests such as impromptu speech, job interview, quiz bowl, team fitting, etc., I gained countless experiences to communicate with others. Not to mention, now you can win the AIJCA

advantage of the opportunities in front of you. I promise, if you take advantage of the opportunities that await you, you won’t regret it. You will have taken something away from all your experiences, even if you learn that that kind of experience isn’t your cup of tea! My challenge for you is to participate in one more contest this year at the Junior National. It could be one that you have never participated in before, or a new one such as the Team Sales contest. Just add one more contest to your plate, and see what great experience you get out of it!

2013 AIJCA Junior National

Texarkana • July 14-20th

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

Directors By Area Area 1 Kade Beck Declo, ID (208) 650-9462

At Large Lauryn Brown Strathmore, CA (559) 789-7928

Area 2 Abbey Thiel Isabel, SD (605) 848-0712

At Large Megan Johnson Beaver, OK (580) 552-1915

Area 3 Kurtis Clawson Satanta, KS (620) 649-7388

At Large Matt Loggains Violet Hill, AR (870) 373-0646

Area 4 Macie Wagstaff Price, TX (903) 646-5220

At Large Chelsea Woodcock Clovis, CA (559) 765-1092

Area 5 Mason Lewis Monroe, IA (515) 205-9161

Area 6 Tara Fountain Thompson, MO (573) 682-7339

Area 7 Haley Stalcup Prescott, IA (641) 344-6692

Area 8 Nicholas Chism Winchester, KY (859) 771-2452

Committee Chairmen Fundraising Haley Stalcup Programs & Activities Matt Loggains

Membership Chelsea Woodcock Junior National Megan Fink

Aijca Membership Membership in the nationwide AmericanInternational Junior Charolais Association (AIJCA) is open to anyone 21 years of age and under as of January 1 of the present year. The initial membership fee is $30 and $25 annual dues thereafter.

View Shows Online at 32  

Secretary Chelsea Woodcock Clovis, CA (559) 765-1092


Semen: $20/straw; $35 signing

CE: 7.3 (15) BW: -1.1 (20) WW: 37 (7) YW: 64 (9) M: 10 (30) MCE: 4.2 (50) TM: 29 (8) REA: 0.46 (10) MB: 0.16 (10)

EPDs (%Rank):

M821734 LT Ledger x Rancher x 9108 BW: 88 lbs. AWW/R: 814 lbs./113 AYW/R: 1,331 lbs./108 Yrlg. SC: 43 cm. REA Ratio: 108.8 %IMF Ratio: 109.4

2042 Pld

Allison, Allison Charolais and David Carter, Farm Manager for your purchase of HCR Answer!

Thank you to John

$42,000 Top Selling Bull



52 years in the Charolais Business

510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 David & Shelby Hubert (785) 672-3528 (785) 672-2540 cell

Dean Cramer, KS Mark Saucedo, TX John Allison, KY 3MC Charolais, IA Shawn Jacobs, KS Winz Wagon Wheel Ranch, NE John Linden, KS Malcolm Lamb, OK Dennis Frick, KS Steve Van Eaton, KS Mike Augstine, KS Jeff Bethel, KS Elmer Gerstberger, KS Roger Anderson, SD Jerry Vaughan, KS Bruce Kershner, KS Michael Booth, WY Brian Ingram, MI Anthony Peoples, MO Tara Fountain, MO Russ Lewis, KS

Hubert Charolais Ranch

Elmer Maddux, OK Kenneth Gerstberger, KS Dallas Volk, NE Lonnie Wilson, KS Selensky Farms, KS Ron Siruta, KS Drake Clark, KS RK Charolais, KS KD Ranch, KS Dan Mills, CO Eldon Meckfessel, KS Robert Haflinger, KS Junior Gerstberger, TX Tom Ridder, KS Kim Batman, KS Ruthannis Paxson, KS Brian Stewart, KS Fred Haflinger, KS Cody & Danielle Forsberg, KS F&DD Farms, CO Chad Van Eaton, KS Craig Renner, KS

HCR Bull Sale!

Thanks for a great 34th Annual

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   33


Consigning To:

KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS COUNTRY’S FINEST SALE September 28, 2013 SR Coquette D049 4200 ET Wyoming Wind x 2244 x Performer Pld

AICA member enrolled in the Whole Herd Rewards program.

HAYDEN FARM 4430 Bloomfield Road I Bardstown, KY 40004 James & Cathy Hayden & Family (502) 507-4984 Cell

Since 1938, Gallagher has brought experience and technology together to create quality animal and pasture management solutions for Charolais producers. E L E C T R I C F E N C I N G � M I R AC O WAT E R E R S � W E I G H I N G & E I D

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J U N E / J U L Y 2013

Brian and Patrick followed a RAINBOW all the way to North Dakota …

And have discovered GOLD that is…

d n e l B d l o LT G 315 Polled

0 • a herd sire that is athletic and can more than hold

his own in the pasture

a herd sire that can compete with A.I. Sires presently being used

a herd sire whose progeny have been accepted by real cattlemen making a go of it on real grass

a herd sire with superior individual performance BW: 89 WW/Ratio: 896/119 YW/Ratio: 1430/107

a herd sire that has balanced EPDs BW: -0.2 WW: 31 YW: 50 MILK: 6

Gold Blend is the son of LT Easy Blend 5125 Pld, a proven meat performance sire and out of a ‘milk wagon’ dam LT Marla 4904 ET Polled who has produced 6 natural calves, all bulls, who have averaged 842 lbs. at weaning.

• a herd sire that is a proven easy calver

Ryan Honeyman has been using Gold Blend on heifers and says,

“We have used Gold Blend on a select group of heifers the past 2 years, all bred naturally, and he has proven his calving ease to us. Eleven bull calves had an average birth weight of 78.7 lbs. and 11 heifer calves averaged 75.4 lbs., all out of first calf heifers. We have also used Gold Blend on a good number of cows the past 2 years and he has done a great job. He is the type of herd sire we like because he has enough calving ease to use on heifers and enough performance to justify his use on cows. Our second high-selling bull this past year, at our annual bull sale, was a Gold Blend son out of a first calf heifer. He had a 79 lb. birth weight, 810 lb. weaning weight to index 103, a 1,453 lb. yearling weight to index 107, and he had a 36 cm. scrotal on Feb. 8 and commanded $11,000 at the sale.”

Gold Blend is now walking Michigan’s turf in the paddocks of White Charolais in Allegan and Rathmourne Charolais in Port Hope where he will help them transform green grass into Gold Blend calves. For Gold Blend semen inquiries – contact either owner.

MOURN Brian J. & Sarah Ingram RATH E CHAROLAIS

4877 Moeller Rd Port Hope, MI 48468 989-553-1091


Yrlg. Ultrasound: REA: 15.28; %IMF/R: 3.93/160

LT Marla 4904 ET Pld Duke 0267 x Unlimited YL06

Milk EPD: +23 • Top 1% Now residing at Rathmourne Charolais.


White Charolais G. Patrick & Cheryl White 3362 113th Avenue • Allegan, MI 49010 269-673-1634/2329

2 Solid Breeding Programs

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   35

Southern Cattle Company...

Herd Bull Alley! NEW

M6 Fresh Air 8165 P ET EM772333 Semen: $20/ Signing $30 Contact: Kevin Moore • (817) 822-7109

M6 New Standard 842 P ET EM756753 Semen: $30/ Signing: $40 Contact: Bovine Elite • (800) 786-4066

WC Benelli 2134 P ET

EM819733 Semen: $25/ Signing $35 Contact: Bovine Elite • (800) 786-4066

NEW M6 Sleep Easy 734 PLD M739763 Semen: $20/ Signing $30 Contact: Kevin Moore • (817) 822-7109

LT Ledger 0332 P

M791626 Semen: $25/ Signing $35 Contact: Lindskov-Thiel • (605) 466-2392

WC Capital Gain 2220 P ET EM815504 Semen: $20/ Signing $35 Contact: Derry Wright • (816) 456-3792

NEW M6 Hybrid 0171 P ET

EM802025 Semen: $20/ Signing $30 Contact: Kevin Moore • (817) 822-7109

LT Blue Mountain 1041 PLD M805531 Semen: $20/ Signing $35 Contact: Derry Wright • (816) 456-3792

M6 New Wind 1214 Pld

M821096 Growth Bull ­— 107 YW EPD Contact: Southern Cattle Co. • (850) 352-2020

m o c . y n a p m o c e l t t a c n r e h t u o s . www


John E. Downs, Owner 4226 N Highway 231, Marianna, Florida 32446 Office: 850-352-2020 Lamont Ennis, Manager

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J U N E / J U L Y 2013


984 P

Top 3% WW & YW, 2% Milk, 1% TM, 5% REA CE 0.7

Sire: Dam:

BW WW YW Milk MCE MTNL REA 0.1 44 81 22 3.7 44 0.53

MARB 0.15









Curtiss & Brenda Nipp


(979) 693-0388 • (800) 786-4066 (979) 693-7994 (FAX)

25140 Oswalt Rd. Overbrook, OK 73453 (580) 668-3332 (580) 513-3555 cell J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   37

Join the

Royal Breeders Group Today!

and be part of these exciting events!

in conjuction with the American Royal National ROE Show in Kansas City. Only “Royal Breeders Group” members are eligible to consign in the sale and show bulls in the Bull Classic. $500 Membership Fee

T en randHeifer G


0 ,00 or 0 1 $ gin s n d Co cte e To l Se ! of ifer e H

12:00 p.m. Friday, November 1, 2013

Purchase the winning Ten Grand Drawing Ticket and select the female of your choice. Consign the selected heifer and receive $10,000! All remaining heifers sell. Tickets 2 thru 5 recieve an additional $2,500 in cash. Eligible Heifers born after Sept. 1, 2012. Also seeking additional lots of donor dams, bred heifers, cow-calf pairs, pregnant recipients and embryos. In the 2011 and 2012 sales, the lots averaged $3,830. Deadline for entry: August 15th - Booklet in the October Charolais Journal


2013 Royal Breeders Bull Classic Bulls born after Sept. 1, 2013

$10,000 Prize Money – Guaranteed! BULL CLASSIc 8:00 a.m. Saturday, November 2, 2013

Grand Champion Bull - $5,000 Reserve Grand Champion Bull - $2,500 Third Place Bull - $1,500 Remaining two Top 5 Finalists receive $500 each. All bulls eligible for ROE Show.

All “Group” members receive 10 units of semen & signings from Grand or Reserve Deadline for entry: September 10th - All bulls must be entered in American Royal

Event Sponsors – Missouri Charolais Breeders Associaiton Charolais Journal

Committee Members – Derek Ridder Jeannine Doughty Jim Husz 38  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

For Membership and Entry information –

David Hobbs

Charolais Journal (913) 515-1215 cell (816) 464-2474 ext. 200

Greg Hubert

P.O. Box 100 Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-3195 • (785) 672-7449 cell



Innovative Power &

Thanks to Sandmeier Charolais, Bowdle, S.D., for selecting our power Denver lead bull, Hard As a Rock, the high-seller at $16,000 from our 31st Annual Bull Sale.

Wells Hard as a rock 2596 p

A full bro er on the gro watch forth und— him!

Tried & True x BHD Amplifie

BW: 87 lbs. AWW: 916 lbs. AYW: 1,732 lbs. Top 6% WW • 7% YW

The next step in our red factor program...

The high-selling Red Factor Bull in Canada, Spring 2013! DOB: 3-1-12 BW: 99 lbs. 10-1-12 WW: 975 lbs. 1-6-13 Wt: 1,391 lbs.

CCA EPDS: Top 10% Milk & TM

Exceptional thickness, length of body and eye appeal.

• Full Possession Available, Call for details! Semen Available

Owned with — • G&H Charolais, Gib Zahren, Lake Park, Iowa • Tri-N Charolais Farms Lenore, MB, Canada

tri-n chatahoochie 1692 p

Captain Morgan x Hopewell Sasfire 729T Homozygous Red



15446 419th Ave. • Conde, SD 57434 Richard & Heather Wells (605) 784-3409 Jason & Nina Jo Wells (605) 784-7824 (605) 881-7824 • (605) 881-5324 •

“Of ficial Home of the Bling Tags”


32nd Annual Bull Sale • April 5, 2014

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   39


Wrangle UP



Dennis Charolais, St. Jo, TX, White Charolais, Rush Springs, OK Bovine Elite, College Station, TX Cavender Ranches, Jacksonville, TX David Skeans, Gainsville, TX Jeff Jackson, Walnut Springs, TX Bracewell Charolais, Tioga, TX Thomas Ranch, Harrold, SD

Excellent semen in stock, ready to ship!

SEMEN/ $20 SIGNING/ $35 (979) 693-0388 (800) 786-4066 (979) 693-7994 (FAX) 40  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013


BW: 72 lbs. Adj 205/R: 940 lbs./142 Adj 365/R: 1337 lbs./110 REA: 15.77 SC: 40 cm


EPDs: CE BW WW YW MTNL 7.5 -0.4 59 76 30 1%



EC Iron Man 2027 Pld EPDs: CE: 8.8 BW: -0.7 WW: 46 YW: 79 M: 12 MCE: 6.9 TM: 35 SC: 0.9 CW: 42 REA: 0.45 Stout, outcross herd sire that can add explosive performance. Progeny exhibit a combination of balance and style with breed leading EPDs. Rarely do you find this combination of calving ease and growth. Use Iron Man to add a little more frame to ultra moderate cattle. Owned with Dennis Charolais Farm. Contact Bovine Elite for your semen needs.

M6 Ms 104 QualITy 481 P ET Top 15%WW • 6% YW • +11 Milk 481 is a herd sire producer. Sons walk the pastures for Peterson Farms Charolais and Hudspeth Farms. The lead donor at Fox Hollow was the high selling lot in the Sublette Dispersal and has over 30 registered progeny. This prolific female has been mated to Field Rep and has a natural calf by Iron Man. She will be entering transplant this spring with many exciting matings to come. Call for details. Owned with Kinney Charolais.

FH MIss MarIon 213 P ET WOW...We’re excited for the Fogelsong family and their recent purchase of this awesome prospect. A product of our embryo program, she exemplifies the combination of balance, eye-appeal and easy disposition we’re striving for. Good luck.

Thanks To all our cuTomers for 2013. We have an exciTing crop of eT maTings and naTural calves by iron man on The ground. Give us a call and stop by.

stephen and Michal Mellott (918) 409-6068 PO Box 56 Catoosa, Oklahoma 74105 Consultant: clifford mitchell, 405-246-6324 J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   41

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J U N E / J U L Y 2013

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   43


AICA was one of the first breed registries to establish a show program, Roll of Excellence (ROE) that provides national level competition on a regional basis across the United States. The AICA ROE Sire program recognizes sires for the achievement of progeny in National ROE Shows, Class A ROE Shows and Class B ROE Shows. A sire qualifies as a ROE Sire when progeny have accumulated a minimum total of 400 ROE points. A minimum of 200 points must be class A ROE points. For an outline of the ROE program, contact the AICA Director of Activities.



mber Septe 2013

Seedstock Tour

Oklahoma & Texas For registration and more information contact: Robert Williams 816-464-2474 ext. 103

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J U N E / J U L Y 2013


JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET M509419

JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET earned the AICA Roll of Excellence distinction at the American Royal Livestock Show National ROE Show, November 3, 2012. Smokester is a February 25, 1999, son of LHD Cigar E46 and JD Ms Commander B309. He was bred by Jacque DeBruycker, Dutton, Mont. He is currently owned by Jacque DeBruycker, Rambur Charolais, Sidney, Mont., and Riverdale Land & Livestock, Sunset Hills, Mo.

Meet our


A sampling of our Foundation Maternal Genetics

Ms Cooley Orig 8046N13 CE BW WW YW Milk MCE -5.3 3.6 26 53 13 -6.1


SC 0.6

CW 14

REA 0.01

FAT 0.012

MARB -0.09

Progeny - Oakdale Duke 9003, NWMSU Doc Silver 329P, and EC No Doubt 2022P

Ms Cooley s Duke 5131N2

CE 6.7

BW WW YW Milk MCE -2.1 18 45 5 0.7


SC 0.7

CW 17

REA 0.06

FAT 0.011

MARB 0.10

Progeny - EC No Doubt 2022P and M6 New Standard 842

Like our namesake, the Brazos River, our cowherd is a deep, strong current of proven genetics. founded on the breeds most proven cow families, we invite you to follow us as we build our program.

Ms Cooley Suspect 3472S6 CE 2.3

BW WW YW Milk MCE 1.7 25 41 -3 1.8


SC 0.0

CW 13

REA 0.35

FAT -0.017

MARB 0.21

Progeny - BJR Hank 984, JDJ Smokester J377

Rafael Ortega • Owner Bill Pendergrass • Manager 39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 (979) 203-6800 J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   45

LIFETIME OF OPPORTUNITIES Grow Steady at Franz Ranch By Linda Eck


aking a firm and steady approach to a lifetime of opportunities, Ray and Ann Franz have weathered adversity and built upon relationships to grow the family ranches and a heritage for future generations. As owners of a ranch in northeastern Montana that sits above the Bakken Formation, a large contiguous deposit of oil and natural gas that covers parts of Montana, North Dakota, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, the Franz’ have learned to protect their rights while treating others the way they themselves would like to be treated. While the magnitude of the Bakken Formation has been unlocked through new and innovative practices, the harvest of oil and gas from Richland County Montana has been an ongoing issue for ranchers since the 1950s when oil leases were primitive and the understanding ranchers had of them was minimal. After serving four years in the Navy during the Korean War, a young Ray Franz, who had grown up on the family farm in Montana, ended up in Florida. It was there that he met his wife of 57 years. It was also there in Polk County Florida that he attained his first experience with mineral rights…at the end of a shovel working in the phosphate fields. It was his job, working on a prospecting crew, to prospect across the county and collect core samples. Moving back to the family ranch in 1958, Ray and his brother bought the 1500-acre home place from their parents. It was a commercial cattle and farming operation and they made the conversion to grass and hay. Ray later purchased his brother’s share of the ranch and he and Ann eventually grew it into a 4000 acre purebred Charolais operation. And, while the land was an integral part of the operation, the Franz’ quickly realized the importance of mineral leases. Those primitive leases of the 1950s caught many unaware of their leasing privileges with oil companies hardly acknowledging any rights of surface landowners. Damaging crops and cropland, oblivious to the value of any agricultural practices, farmers and ranchers were plagued with years of issues. It was not until 1971, when Ray and other land owners united and made their way to the state legislature, that laws were passed to protect farmers, ranchers and the land that provided their livelihood. The awareness brought about by

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J U N E / J U L Y 2013

their effort has been credited for helping mineral owners throughout Montana and other states as well. But there were still some issues. “When the old leases expired in 1976, oil companies came back, leasing in pieces,” said Franz. The oil was being produced under them and not being paid for. Instilling the interest and

Jon, Ray & Ann Franz help of a petroleum engineer who was part owner of a Texas oil company and familiar with the northeastern Montana landscape and its people, Franz poured through “a lot of legal work” and found the right people to have the leases terminated in 1997. “Initially our concern was in vertical drilling,” said Franz, who also noted that as the years passed and new horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracking emerged to increase production, additional issues have also come into play. But, with greater awareness for surface owner property rights and laws in place, landowners are better protected. “They wrote some awfully good leases,” said Franz of the lease contracts in the Bakken. The “boom” in the Bakken began in 2006. In addition to surface use agreements, the percent of royalties has also risen dramatically.


“Working with good people is important,” said Franz of his success in bringing about change and awareness to the problems with mineral leases. “It’s a learning process, learning how to protect what we have. We’re very lucky.” He also noted they were fortunate to have a good attorney. Reflecting back on earlier times, when the cash values of life insurance policies were used to purchase another ranch and their Charolais herd was dispersed to cover a loan, Ray and Ann put strong emphasis on the value of family partnerships, good neighbors and the land. Drawing bids from across the United States for the quality genetics offered in their dispersal, they think back on the $20,000 sale of half interest in a bull as part of that event and fondly remember, “we bought back in with commercial heifer calves purchased for 54-cents a pound that were put on spring grass and sold in the fall as yearlings for 84-cents a pound.” “There are so many opportunities,” said Franz smiling at his wife and thinking of the trials and triumphs they have encountered over nearly six decades. His encouragement for young people is to grab hold of those opportunities and keep trying. “Don’t look for a free ride, there’s all kinds of opportunity,” he said. “There can be boom or risk of bust in any situation.”

“It’s a learning process, learning how to protect what we have. We’re very lucky.” – Ray Franz

Charolais offers Sustainability

To Franz Ranch Operations After converting much of their Montana ranch into grass and hay, cattle became the heartbeat of daily operations on the Franz Ranch, but it was in 1973 that Ray and Ann Franz turned to Charolais when opting to develop a purebred operation that could sustain their family’s livelihood. Introducing Charolais to the ranch was just one of a long list of opportunities that presented itself to the Franz’ and not only resulted in improvement and expansion of their overall ranch operation but helped to secure long term success and sustainability. Today, Ray and Ann are joined by sons, Jon and David, in the daily operations. “We’ve always been partial to Charolais,” said Ann, noting that after 40 years in the purebred Charolais business they continue to promote the breed , consistently using high quality Charolais bulls on their current herd of commercial Red Angus females.


J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   47

Keys to Reaching the Winner’s Circle Brought to You by Weaver Leather Livestock The Keys to

Gently & Effectively Washing Your Animal in Under Five Minutes: eZall® Starter Bathing Kit and Total Body Wash


You’ll save time, money and effort with eZall®, the leader in spray on, rinse off bio-based grooming products.

Fill eZall® Foamer with desired amount of Total Body Wash.

the included spray 2 Attach nozzle to your hose then snap it on the foamer.

body wash on DRY 3 Spray animal. Pre-wetting

animal affects the foaming action and reduces shampoo’s effectiveness.


Rinse thoroughly for sparkling clean results in record time.


48  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

Convenient travel size simply attaches to hose

Formulated to be tough on dirt yet gentle on your animal and the environment, these products are effective without the harsh, drying effects of traditional cleansers. You’ll find our Starter Bathing Kit and Total Body Wash deliver consistent results on even the toughest grooming jobs. thewinnersbrand




2013-2014 Membership Directory

Missouri Charolais Breeders Association





Your Bull Source Selling 100+ Bulls Annually n Quality performance bulls in volume

with ultrasound data

Bulls available private treaty in the fall Feedlot data from our commercial herd Proven Bloodlines Show heifer prospects and female packages available private treaty n Customer Satisfaction n n n n

200+ Head Mature Cowherd Herd Sires Include— ACE-ORR Efficient 972 Pld

Top 3% WW, 2% YW, 15% M, 8% REA

M6 Makes It Easy 723 P ET

Top 4% WW, 3% YW, 15% TM, 10% MB

21st Annual Top Pick Bull Sale

Saturday, March 15, 2014 AI Sires –

M6 New Standard 842 P ET SR/NC Field Rep 2158 P ET Keys All State 149X LT Ledger 0332 P Three Trees Wind 0383 ET VCR Sir Duke 2141 ET Pld

Peterson Farms Charolais Registered Charolais Breeders

Steve & Sandy Peterson • Jeremiah, Andrew & Joey 8767 Outer Road • Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 926-5336 • (417) 746-4410

Visit our website –


PEDIGREE • PERFORMANCE • GRASS DEVELOPED Bred Heifers - Daughters of Smokester, Easy Blend and EC Easy Choice due to LT Ledger.

RLL PERFECT BUD E247 PLD Budsmydad x 0119 (dam of Goin’ Places)

Your call or visit is always welcome!

Riverdale Land and Livestock PROVEN PRODUCTIVE ON GRASS

Bill & Lora Nottke Office Ranch 11027 Chateau Chura 3287 Lick Creek Road Sunset Hills, MO 63128 Leasburg, MO 65535 (314) 298-8980 Fax (314) 298-2492 Evenings (314) 843-2930

See him in Kansas City & Denver!

SF Journeyman 1239 Pld

EPDs: BW:-0.6 WW: 23 YW: 50 M: 8 TM: 20 REA: 0.33 MB: 0.01

Sire LT Stagecoach 8068 Pld LT Journeyman 0123 LT Kali 3017 Pld Dam LT Western Edge 4057 Pld SF Miss Tanya 0820 P SF Miss Sensation 0621 P

BW: 96 lbs. AWW: 723 lbs. AYW: 1,353 lbs. EPDs: BW: 1.0 WW: 35 YW: 67 M: 10 REA: 0.12 MB: 0.24 Our first calves in September! Semen: $25/straw $35 signing Contact: Bovine Elite

Eatons Cross Fire 10365

Herd Bulls For The Bottom Line

BW: 83 lbs. AWW: 724 lbs. AYW: 1,308 lbs.

e Your Sourchow S For Qualitypects. Heifer Pros

Sire Eatons Ambush 4009 Eatons Ambush 6176 Eatons Miss Elna 3871 Dam Eatons Dominant 1315 Eatons Franz 6570 Eatons Miss Franz 4966

JS &


Rt. 1, Box 57 • Koshkonong, MO 65692 (417) 331-5139 Mike Jedlicka (417) 331-5140 Dale & Tonya Jedlicka (417) 331-1410 Melody Simpson Contact us for your show and sale cattle needs.


GP Miss Oakbar D040 Pld

EPDs: 7.7 -0.6 15 24 4 7.1 11 Sired by JWK Impressive D040 and maternally stemming from breed greats Cujo, Royal Ranger, Miss Duke 8742 and Paul. She traces 5 times to the historical Miss Lin No 33 AICA 1!

5J PCR Freedom’s Impressed Pld Sire: 5J Freedom’s Night Train SVY Freedom X Wyoming Wind Dam: GP Miss Oakbar D040 Pld EPDs : 5.5 0.6 17 30 1 6.1 9 2013 #8 AICA Show Bull of the Year See him at ROE Shows!

Your Show

National Reserve Junior Calf

Heifer Source

Visit our website or give us a call for information on available embryos from our proven donors. Sires include Quiet Riot, Freedom and Ledger.

Watch for our consignments!

Hoodoo Slasher X Cigar X 914 Quality Prospects Like Her!

MCBA Sales The Showgirls Sale

5J Charolais David and Eileen Johansen 660-473-2945 11218 County Line Rd. Syracuse, MO 65354 Kevin and Jamie Johansen 573-289-1061 Dustin, Christie, Logan and Connor Johansen David and Sara Harms

Let Us

Put You In The Purple Give us a call for your next Charolais or Percentage Char show prospect.



LT Bridger x Ivory

WDZ Northern Wind X WDZ LPC Precision

No Limits No Limits x Char Cross

Monopoly Monopoly x Char

Jamie S0048

X Factor X-Factor x Prime Cut x Jamie Jo

Stop By When You’re In Sedalia!



WCR Prime Cut x Three Trees Jamie Jo

Gordon, Kay & James Sparks Jamie Sparks Dehan

19125 Jones Road, LaMonte, MO 65337 (660) 347-5520 • (660) 287-4149 cell


Introductory Semen: $20/straw; $35/signing


192 PET


Available from: Bovine Elite, LLC and SEK Genetics

Mark Your Calendar!

FALL COLORS Online Sale October 14, 2013

5038 Budsmydad x 9108

Addison 911 Pld JH wind x alliance

Big Creek Charolais Springfield, Mo. Jason Hankins (417) 861-2316 Don Hankins (417) 830-5378

Jeannine Doughty Harrisonville, Mo. 816.616.8838 •

2012 National Reserve


In Our Pastures WDZ Bud 434 x RCR Ms Bess G532 BW: 83 • AWW: 789 • AYW: 1,338 • EPDs: BW: -0.3 • WW: 29 • YW: 55 Added Dimension Plus Calving Ease • Semen: $20/Straw; $35 Signing Owned with Wright Charolais, Broberg Charolais & Rocky Meadow Farm

LT-WC Templeton 1483 Pld ET


LT Cheyenne Blend x LT Wyoming Breeze 7188 P AWW: 836 • AYW: 1,478 • EPDs: BW: 0.8 • WW: 26 • YW: 40 First Calf Crop - Sensational! • Semen: $25/Straw; $35 Signing Owned with Wright Charolais & Lindskov Thiel Ranch

2011 Royal Breeders Grand

2013 National Grand

WC CCC Bud Heavy 903 Pld ET

CODY CATTLE COMPANY Cody Runft 608 Crispin Street • Richmond, MO 64085 316.640.0733 •

WC CCC Full Metal Jacket 1127 PET

WC-WCCC Rocketfuel 7109 x Baldridge Sweetheart 7M BW: 88 • AWW: 795 • AYW: 1,501 • EPDs: BW: -0.4 • WW: 27 • YW: 41 Added Growth - Great Dam! • Semen: $20/Straw; $35 Signing Owned with Wright Charolais & Nate Suttles

What’s Going to Put You...

...In The Spotlight?

134Z FireWater x 4307

143Z HooDoo Slasher x 4307


4307 Powerful PrimeTime Daughter Genetic Opportunities Available

BudsMyDad x 4307

Crutcher cattle co.

Matt, Amanda, Lucas & Ryanne Fair Grove, MO (417) 766-3278

We Stand For What Our Bull Customers Want

Calving Ease •Added Performance • Maternal Value • Do-Ability NWMSU BIG TIME 166 PLD BW: 84 lbs. AWW: 757 lbs. AYW: 1,275 lbs. EPDs: CE: 12.4 BW: -5.0 WW: 26 YW: 45 M: 3 MCE: 2.8 TM: 16 SC:1.1 CW: 13 REA: 0.09 F: -0.001 MB: 0.09 Sire: WC Big Ben 9036-BW Trait Leader Dam: Ease 9108 X D040 X 066 Your AI Choice For Calving Ease! Semen: $25/Straw; $35 Signing Exportable Available

RIVERDALE TOP END H114 ET PLD Duke 914 X Cigar X Ms Bud 418 Top 15% WW • 20% YW • 25% Milk Great Daughters • Proven Performance Semen: $20/Straw; $25 Signing Exportable Available

WDZ KF Here And Now 210 ET Raile 2250 T077 x Precision x D040 See him at the major shows!

CLEAR CREEK FARM Maggie Gibson John Gibson Family 18371 County Road 1210 • St. James, MO 65559 (573) 265-8687 • Cell: (573) 263-4259

Bar 5 Ms Preview 418 D040 x Ms Bud 418 Proven Donor-Flushed to Big Time and All State

Watch for MEG prefix… Stop by and take a look! • Cowherd influenced by proven AI Sires • Breeding age bulls available • Watch for our sale consignments

BW -0.6

WW 30

YW 47

%IMF 3.72

MCE 7.21


REA MB 0.15 0.05

14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334

(573) 324-5411 work

Mike & Brian Schumacher (573) 324-2528 home


CE: 4.0 BW: 0.2 WW: 27 YW: 48 M: 10 MCE: 3.9 TM: 23 REA: 0.13 MB: 0.03

Cowherd Avg. EPDs

LT Ledger 0332 P

AI Sire

WC Edge 1525 P ET Western Edge x Wind x Vanessa D029 BW: 78 lbs. AWW: 673 lbs.

Raile 2250 T077 x Eatons Assert Yrlg. Ultrasound: REA/R: 16.48 sq. in; /101.9 %IMF/R: 4.11/118.8

EC Charger 696 Pld

Herd Sires

We Collect Data. TM 23

We Sell Bulls.

Top 9% CE • 25% BW, WW • 15% MCE

CE 8.76


REA 15.64 sq. in.

M 8

AWW AYW ADG 616 lbs. 1,268 lbs. 4.05 lbs.


BW 86 lbs.


2012–Born Bull Calf Averages

Missouri Charolais Breeders Association Membership 2013-14 Officers and Directors Refer to membership listing for contact information. President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Past President:

Directors: AICA Vice President & Area 8 Director: Bill Nottke Abbott, Willard Abbott Charolais 2147 Sunset Drive Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 (573) 785-2789 Aschermann, Larry & Peggy Aschermann Charolais 13467 Dogwood Rd. Carthage, MO 64836 (417) 358-7879 (417) 793-2855 Baldwin, David & Jan Bar 5 Ranch HCR 73, Box 66 Drury, MO 65638 (417) 261-2454 Baney, Larry Baney Charolais 2978 Hwy. MM Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 926-3471 Barnard, Bob Barnard Charolais 7470 S.E. Riverside Ter. St. Joseph, MO 64507 (816) 253-9360 Bebout, Tom Bebout Charolais HC 4, Box 4610 Theodosia, MO 65761 (417) 273-4279 Birge, Aaron & Heather Birge Charolais Farm 1651 Co. Rd. 1013 Auxvasse, MO 65231 (573) 386-2336 Bonacker, Stan, Mary & Family Windy Hill Charolais Farms 7095 Burgess Ford Rd. Cedar Hill, MO 63016 (800) 810-9432

Derry Wright Jeannine Doughty Judy Shaffer Annette Bonacker Matt Crutcher

Bonacker, David & Annette Windy Hill Charolais 6975 Cedar Hill Rd. Cedar Hill, MO 63016 (636) 285-1656 Bricker, Jay & Linda J & L Charolais Rt. 1, Box 98A Preston, MO 65732 (417) 722-4564 Brown, Bobby & Barbara Browns Valley Charolais 2205 Glendale Springfield, MO 65804 (417)883-1394 Campbell, Wallace & Scott Campbell Charolais Farms 10905 County Road 397 Hartsburg, MO 65039 (573) 635-5703 Chrislaw, Charles Chrislaw Farms Charolais 461 CC Hwy. Fayette, MO 65248 (660) 248-2004 Connell & Henley C & H Farm 10107 Old Hwy. 54 Eugene, MO 65032 (573) 498-6166 Cook, Nelson, Gail & Brandon Cook Charolais Farms 18562 Hwy Y Jamestown, MO 65046 (573) 796-2998 Corman, Dan Corman Charolais 5303 C R 2320 Pomona, MO 65789 (417) 469-3936

Gail Cook Nick Curtis Dale Jedlicka David Johansen Mike Kisner Dale Ridder

Crutcher, Matthew & Amanda Crutcher Cattle Company 8808 N. Gramercy Lane Fair Grove, MO 65648 (417) 766-3278 Curtis, Steve & Kathy Tiger Country Charolais 15101 Hwy D Mexico, MO 65265 (573) 581-8964 Curtis, Nick, Callie & Stetson Tiger Country Charolais West RR 92 Box 324 Archie, MO 64725 (573) 999-3887 Darby, Carl & Ruth Ann Darby Charolais 16950 Woodland Rd. Hughesville, MO 65334 (660) 826-7383 Davis, Alan and Julie Davis Charolais 2911 Stonehouse Road De Soto, MO 63020 (636) 586-8759 Dicken, Curtis & Bobby Dicken Charolais Farm 380 CR 323 Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 (573) 785-0352 Doughty, Jeannine Big Creek Charolais P.O. Box 523 Harrisonville, MO 64701 (816) 616-8838 Eldred, Bill & Rosemary Eldred Charolais Rt. 4 Box 420 Butler, MO 64730 (660) 679-4372

Fohn, Jim Fohn Charolais P.O. Box 250 Cassville, MO 65625 (417) 847-2141 Fountain, David & Linda Fountain Charolais 14042 Hwy FF Thompson, MO 65285 (573) 682-3470 (573) 819-9469 Gast, Don Gast Charolais Rt. 1, Box 105 Nevada, MO 64772 (417) 321-2184 Gibson, John & Family Clear Creek Farm 18371 County Road 1210 St. James, MO 65559 (573) 265-8687 (573)263-4259 Glassman, Karl & Cathi Creek Cut Ranch 9732 Early Lane Carthage, MO 64836 (417) 358-1956 Glassman, Ian Utopia Genetics 9141 Hwy TT Grovespring, MO 65662 (417) 462-0150 Hale, Rick Hale Farms 54 Hosier Lane Louisburg, MO 65685 (417) 838-7251

Continued on next page

Haley, Mike & Carol Snowy River Charolais RR 2, Box 2320 Sedgewickville, MO 63781 (573) 866-3231 Hankins, Don & Karen Hankins Farms 7824 N. Beef Ln. Willard, MO 65781 (417) 833-0186 Hankins, Jason Hankins Farms 8802 W. Farm Rd. 146 Springfield, MO 65802 (417) 861-2316 Haslag, Donald Sr. Haslag Farms 2421 Highway W Bonnots Mill, MO 65016 (573) 897-2664 Husz, Jim Chateau Cattle Company 22790 Icon Road Maryville, MO 64468 (660) 582-9151 Jedlicka, Mike & Dale J & S Ranch Rt. 1 Box 113 Koshkonong, MO 65692 (417) 3315139 (417) 331-5140 Johansen, David & Eileen 5J Charolais 11218 County Line Rd. Syracuse, MO 65354 (660) 298-3471 Jones, John F S & J Charolais 6735 Lawrence 1010 LaRussell, MO 64848 (417) 246-1116 Julian, Larry L&N Charolais Rt. 1, Box 246 C Crane, MO 65633 (417) 723-9261 Kinney, Jim & Karen Kinney Charolais 324 NE 20th Road Lamar, MO 64759 (417) 682-6103 Kisner, Mike & Sara Wild Indian Acres 6382 Dulin Creek Rd. House Springs, MO 63051 (636) 274-9515 Kleinman, Kevin & Neysa Cork Cattle Company 3979 Lawrence 2145 Wentworth, MO 64873 (417) 285-9242

Mallet, Gary RR1 Box 19 Baring, Mo 63531 (660) 892-4532 Matthews, Edsel Matthews Charolais 3721 E. St. Hwy KK Fair Grove, MO 65648 (417) 833-2331 McElrath, Kirk KM Charolais P.O. Box 8 Irondale, MO 63468 McMillin, Lyle & Jill McMillin Charolais 22862 McMillin Lane Cole Camp, MO 65325 (660) 668-2230 (660) 553-0007 Mead, Alan Mead Farms 21658 Quarry Ln. Barnett, MO 65011 (573) 392-2161 Meyer, Eugene Sar-Mey Charolais 25649 Newton Rd. Sarcoxie, MO 64862 (417) 548-7360 Morrison, Wayne & Karleen Morrison Ranch 3443 S. 90th Rd. Flemington, MO 65650 (417) 326-5112 Mueller, Tim Tim Mueller Charolais 1051 Main St. Altenburg, MO 63732 (573) 824-5428 Northwest Missouri State University Department of Agriculture 800 University Drive Maryville, MO 64468-6001 (660) 562-1155 Nottke, Bill & Lora Riverdale Land & Livestock 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (573) 885-3534 Parrish, Bob & Pat Parrish Charolais 3568 West Farm Road 68 Springfield, MO 65803 (417) 833-3132 Penny, Dwayne & Marsha Four Penny’s Farm 45564 E. 192nd Richmond, MO 64085 (660) 484-3263

Peoples, Anthony & Steve 113 E. Hwy 151 Leonard, MO 63451 (660) 762-4491 Peterson, Steve & Sandy Peterson Farms Charolais 8767 Outer Road Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 746-4410 (417) 926-5336 Plank, Curtis & Mary Ann Zoe Charolais 1410 County Road 2110 Huntsville, MO 65259 (660) 227-4728 Rhea, Barry & Teresa Rhea Charolais 4237 W. Arborhill Lane Springfield, MO 65803 (417) 773-6095 Ricketts, Rex Ricketts Charolais 14800 Tucker School Rd. Hallsville, MO 65255 (573) 696-3088 Ridder, Dale & Derek Ridder Farms 2289 Brown Shanty Road Hermann, MO 65041 (573) 943-6462 Rotgers, Dennis & Karla D & K Rocking R Ranch 4500 State Highway 125 N Sparta, MO 65753 (417) 581-8160 Runft, Cody Cody Cattle Company 608 Crispen Richmond, MO 64085 (316) 640-0733 Schuknecht, Brad & Cindy Lakeview Charolais 19555 Donley Lane Lincoln, MO 65338 (660) 547-3077 Schumacher, Michael & Lois MBS Charolais 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334 (573) 324-2528 Shaffer, Doug & Judy Shaffer Cattle Company 9668 State Hwy 96 Carthage, MO 64836 (417) 825-4067

Sparks, Gordon, Kay, James Jamie Sparks-Dehan Sparks Charolais 19125 Jones Road LaMonte, MO 65337 (660) 347-5520 (660) 287-4149 Stephenson, Dennis Stephenson Charolais 1854 N. Route J Rocheport, MO 65279 (573) 445-3321 Story, Austin & Courtney 8 Story Farms 29143 175th St Altamont, MO 64620 (660) 663-5048 Teter, Fred & Nancy Stacy Ann Charolais 31372 State Hwy. PP Macon, MO 63552 (660) 385-4023 Thomas, Sally Angell Charolais Farms 16901 N. Route Z Centralia, MO 65240 (573) 682-5348 Thompson, Lendell Thompson Charolais 19847 State Rt. N. St. Mary, MO 63673 (573) 543-2350 Wheatcraft, Scott Wheatcraft Ranch 27845 Itaska Rd. Browning, MO 64630 (660) 375-5136 Wheatcraft, Tom & Karen Wheatcraft Farms 1205 Sunset Hill Rd. Brookfield, MO 64628 (660) 258-2715 Wimsatt, Paul & Janet Double W Charolais 22357 Hwy. W Verona, MO 65769 (417) 235-4371 Wright, Carl Wright Charolais 9668 Highway N Mt. Vernon, MO 65712 (417) 466-3560 Wright, Derry & Mary Wright Charolais 42922 Old Hwy. 10 Richmond, MO 64085 (816) 776-3512 (816) 456-3792

Missouri Junior Charolais Breeders Association 2013-14 Junior Officers and Directors Refer to membership listing for contact information.

President: Tara Fountain; Vice President: Chad Cook; Secretary: Rachael Bonacker; Treasurer: Teanna Simpson North Reporters: Taylor Husz, Matthew Owings South Reporters: Dylan Bonacker, Caitlin Jedlicka Advisors: Annette Bonacker, Linda Hickam, Melody Simpson Angell, Savannah, Selestia, & Schylar 16901 N. Route Z Centralia, MO 65240 (573) 682-5348 Bonacker, Dylan 6975 Cedar Hill Road Cedar Hill, MO 63016 (636) 285-1656 Bonacker, Daniel, Rachael & LuAnn 7130 Burgess Ford Road Cedar Hill, MO 63016 (636) 285-3101 Byergo, Jamie 23610 St. Rt. 371 Dearborn, MO 64439 (816) 992-8887 Connell, Gregory 10109 Hwy. BB Eugene, MO 65032 (573) 498-6152 Cook, Chad 18562 Hwy Y Jamestown, MO 65046 (660) 849-2560 Crutcher, Lucas 8808 N. Gramercy Fair Grove, MO 65648 (417) 766-3278 Dicken, Mallory 1781 CR 323 Harviell, MO 63945 (573) 778-3814

Dickinson, Jacob P.O. Box 398 Lonedell, MO 63060 (636) 629-3474 Dillner, Kellie 9490 Hwy N Pilot Grove, MO 65276 (660) 621-1972 Fountain, Tara 14042 Hwy FF Thompson, MO 65285 (573) 682-3470 Gerke, Adam 33789 Bluhm Rd Smithton, MO 65350 (660) 343-5733 Gibson, Maggie 18371 Co. Rd. 1210 St. James, MO 65559 (573) 265-8687 Grass, Colton 7617 Hwy D Bonne Terre, MO 63628 (314) 486-7155 Haley, Michaela RR 2 Box 2320 Sedgewickville, MO 63781 (573) 866-3231 Hankins, Emma 8802 West Farm Rd 146 Springfield, MO 65802 (417) 861-2316

Henley, Parker 10107 Old Hwy 54 Eugene, MO 65032 (573) 498-6166 Hobbs, Annaleigh 10018 Mackey Circle Overland Park, KS 66212 (913) 648-4535 Husz, Taylor 22790 Icon Road Maryville, MO 64468 (660) 582-2949 Jedlicka, Caitlin & Cody Rt 1 Box 113 Koshkonog, MO 65692 (417) 764-3392 Kinkade, Mariah 705 Cottonwood Lane Liberty, MO 64068 Kleinman, Aiden & Atley 3975 Lawrence 2145 Wentworth, MO 64873 (417) 850-5676 Klise, Bailey 17723 Hwy 19 New London, MO 63459 (573) 248-4056 Mallett, Rebecca RR1, Box 19 Baring, MO 63531 (660) 892-4532

Meyer, Eli, Emily & Matthew Clemons, Anastasia 25649 Newton Road Sarcoxie, MO 64862 (417) 548-7360 Owings, Matthew & Thomas 2877 Hwy A Huntsville, MO 65259 (660) 263-2906 Penny, Mary & Emma 45564 E. 192nd St. Richmond, MO 64085 Raithel, Ciera 14 Manning School Road Eldon, MO 65026 (573) 253-1664 Shaffer, Kate & Will 9668 State Hwy 96 Carthage, MO 64836 (417) 825-4067 Simpson, Teanna Rt 2 Box 2286A Thayer, MO 65791 (417) 264-2035

Producing Seedstock Genetics With Performance, Milk and Eye Appeal

CCR Hams Ranger S220P Eatons Leader x 914 x Dominion Top 8% CE • 2% MCE

AI Sires –

BC Gena U26 Pld

BC Ellen 3 Pld

Assertion x Ease 9108 EPDs: 0.6 31 51 4 20

Western Edge x Wind EPDs: 0.5 34 59 11 28

Also Walking -

HCR Rancher 7055 Pld

LT Blue Value 7903 ET LT Long Distance 9001 Pld LT Unlimited Ease 9108

Bulls and Females Available Private Treaty Watch for our consignments in Missouri Seedstock Sales

TR Mr Fire’s OK 1705Y ET

Fire Water x YL13 x Advantage EPDs: 0.4 22 41 12 23 0.8 Rancher x Wyoming Wind EPDs: 0.9 28 54 10 24 0.9

Barnard Charolais — Bob Barnard —

7470 SE Riverside Terrace, St. Joseph, MO 64507 (816) 253-9360 •

Genex Strafford

CUSTOM COLLECTION Trust the group collecting more units of bull semen than any other organization.

Genex •

Domestic and exportable semen collection services

Semen marketing programs

are a top priority Cooperative, Inc. •

High quality facilities where bull care, health and safety

Custom storage and shipping of semen and embryos

On-ranch collection services available

A Subsidiary of Cooperative Resources International

Shawano, WI • Phone 888/333-1783 GENEX STRAFFORD

8134 East State Hwy C, Strafford, MO 65737 5 miles east of Springfield on I-44, Exit # 88, 1 mile north Phone: 417-736-2125 Fax: 417-736-3312

STEVE TRANTHAM, Manager GREG SHORT, Custom Services Coordinator ©2013 CRI


BO 7003 PLD SCR MS TUOR utcross Donor Power

N 044 ET HPF MS MAxRMIO arion 0025 Smokester


P SANCHEZ 715T SPARROWSProv s os cr ut O en









Mike & Sara Kisner


Exciting! See hi

Full sib


ET AND NOW 210 WDZ KF HERE m at major shows.

32 PLD ET DA CASH 7 to Passport


Connor & Cannon

6382 Dulin Creek Road • House Springs, MO 63051 (636) 274-9515 • (636) 236-0306 cell

OUR FUTURE Connor & Cannon

Tried andProven! 2141 Daughters and Granddaughters M646071 DOB: 2-4-2002 Pictured May 2013 EPDs/Rank: CE: 8.4(15) BW: -2.6(8) WW: 26(55) YW: 44(55) Milk: 19(4) MCE: 3.1(65) TM: 32(8) SC: 0.4(75) REA: 0.07(65) MB: 0.12(20) Sire: VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld Dam: Monte Carlo x Mac 2244

Semen: $35/straw; $35 signing

VCR Sire Duke 2141 ET P

“When we can’t decide on a AI sire, we use 2141, he works!”

Steve Peterson, Peterson Farms

AI Sires:

Cooley Royce New Standard Visionary 4246 HC Rhinestone

2241 son out of a Tradtion 4402 daughter

Also walking in our pastures —

MCM Duke’s Sky 1020P

M798138 BW: 87 lbs. AWW/R: 761 lbs./119 Duke 2141 x JF Penelope 329 Top 15% WW • 20% YW • 25% Milk

AROLAIS I LLLyleI N& JillCH c M McMillin M 22862 McMillin Lane Cole Camp, MO 65325 (660) 668-2230 • (660) 553-0007 cell

Located 15 minutes south of Missouri State Fairgrounds on US Hwy 65 Bulls Available Private Treaty Complete Herd Health • Regisitered

Breeding Charolais Since 1965

Using Leading AI Sires!

Records, Records, Records! • • • •

Performance Tested Gentle, Easy Calving Top Carcass EPDs AI Sires

Avg. Ultrasound Data from our last run — REA %IMF Fat Heifers 12.02 Bulls 14.85

3.85 3.14

.24 .21

Proven sires such as CJC Mr President T122, M6 Grid Maker 104 and CJC Trademark H45.


Mark your calendar & plan to bring the family!

Stan & Mary Bonacker& Family David & Annette Bonacker & Family 7095 Burgess Ford Road Cedar Hill, MO 63016 Stan: (314) 550-2554 David: (314) 974-5230 Fax: (636) 285-6073 Evenings: (636) 285-8825 E-Mail: E-Mail:

Check out our website:

d Registered Pollells Bu ce an Perform Available Private Treaty

March 7, 2014

17th Annual GatewayGetaway Production Sale with Guest Consignors

75+ Lots

Improve Any Herd: BANEYRANCH.COM

B/T MS HOO DOO-6020-306 ET

BT/MS HOO DOO 6017‑ 460 ET

Embryo Sires Prime Cut • Grid Maker • Rapid Fire • Mogo U23 • Sanchez • Diablo • Razr

Doo Z6017 x HooDoo 8083. 3 Also: Donor Hoo Superb Progeny.

Honesty, Integrity, Experience

Pictures soon @ BANEYRANCH.COM

3 Semen 3 Embryos 3 Recips BANEY CHAROLAIS U




Bulls Available Year Round

Dr. Larry Baney 2978 Hwy. MM • Mtn. Grove, MO 65711

(417)349-1360 Cell (417) 926-3471 Ranch

As Simple As Black & White...

Performance • Fertility • Efficiency Angus • Charolais Red Angus • Hereford

Charolais AI Sires LT Long Distance • LT Ledger LT Blue Value • Fire Water


CE 2.5, BW 1.9, WW 25, YW 43, MILK 11, MCE 1.5, TM 23, SC 0.7, REA 0.39

Gridmaker x 9108 x Gridmaker x Budsmydad

MEAD FINAL CHOICE L239 Final Answer x Predestined Top 1% $W, 3% WW, 5% YW, 10% MB, $F

BULL SALES October 26, 2013 March 1, 2014


MF bred black female with MF white sired heifer calf – weaned at 750 lbs., no creep!

Since 1942

21658 Quarry Lane • Barnett, MO 65011 Office (573) 302-7011 • Fax (573) 348-8325 E-mail: Alan Mead, Owner (573) 216-0210 Bub Raithel, Manager (573) 253-1664

Proven, Predictable Genetics with added Value

Proven Foundation Donors

M6 Ms 104 Quality 481 P ET Grid Maker x Duke 761 EPDs: 1.5 0.6 34 64 11 2.7 28 0.8 • Proven Herd Bull Producer Owned with Fox Hollow, Oklahoma

Creek Cut Greta 576 P ET

Grid Maker x Goin’ Places EPDs: 7.7 -1.4 23 52 12 3.9 24 0.5 • Daughter was the 44th National Junior Calf Champion.

Kinney Charolais

Jim & Karen Kinney

324 NE 20th Road (417)682-6103 Lamar, MO 64759

The New Blue One

M822478 Bull Sales: October 26, 2013 March 22, 2014

Larry and Peggy Aschermann Carthage, MO. 64836 Larry 417-793-2855 cell • 417-358-7879


VaI is DA Charol


Rapid Fire x Vanessa 3849

All State x Firegirl



s C h aro






Exciting Year For Heifers...Ledger x Kantake • RAZR x Cigar • Cash x Marion

h vis C

See us at the Ozark Empire and Missouri State Fair.

Davis Charolais

Allen & Julie Davis • Tyson, Jaclyn & Katey 2911 Stonehouse Road • DeSoto, MO 63020-4774 (636) 586-8759 • (636) 208-4509 cell

• To Presley Farms for selecting a group of RAZR ET heifers • JVS Cattle Co. for selecting our high selling lot in the MCBA State Sale.

BULLS GC Kristy Lou 1351-834 Hoodoo Crook Daughter

Sentinal Ruler x 1351 Powerful Look

Give us a call when you’re looking for solid performance based bulls.

• Charolais • Range Fire

Charolais x Red Angus

Gast Charolais

Fire Water x 1351 Ultra Feminine

Fire Water x 1351 He’ll Show!

Donald Gast P.O. Box 181 Nevada, MO 64772 (417) 321-2184

Chrislaw Farms Charolais Performing Bulls

Performing Cows

MEG Romeo 907 Pld

CE BW WW YW Milk 8.9 -2.0 24 43 8

MCE Mtnl 4.6 20

SC 0.5

Stop by and take a look

2013 calves sired by: TR Mr Firewater 5792 R ET • LT Bridger 9191 Pld SCR Bronco 9026 Pld • Eatons Royal Dynasty 6164 Pld Skymont Flash 5030 Pld • LCOC White Gold P002X Pld • Plus 10 other proven herd sires…

Charles & Lynne, Logan, Lucas Chrislaw 461 State Route CC Fayette, MO 65248

Home: (660) 248-2004 Cell: (660) 202-0024

Proven Results!

Cattle on Feed Summer 2012 Mid-America Feed Yard, Ohiowa, NE 59 Steers & Heifers 4.45 ADG 5.78 lbs. feed/ lb gain Weight in: 732 lbs. Weight out: 1462 lbs. 56 Steers 4.17 ADG 6.01 lbs. feed/ lb gain Weight in: 835 lbs. Weight out: 1505 lbs.




L&N Red Thunder 212 Pld QM200447 BD: 6-12-12 BW: 82 lbs. AWW: 896 lbs. EPDs: WW: 20 YW: 31 M: 2 TM: 12 Sire: KBK Rally 24T Dam: L&N Red Ruby 022 P Im’A Jammin x Tradition 066

4 Added Performance 4 Solid Color 4 Sound, Stout made! Look him up in Sedalia and Kansas City!

To Compliment our traditional Charolais herds, we’ve teamed together to introduce this exciting Red outcross!

L&N AI Sires — All State • Templeton • New Standard • Impressed Rally • Clyde • Im’ A Jammin

CCF Herd Sire — Keys Good Time 14Y Pld Duke 118M x Keys Uno

CCF AI Sire — KBK Rally 79T

L&N Red Ruby 022 Pld She has a Pro-Char Clyde 79T heifer calf at side! Look for our bulls in the Connors State College Tested Bull Sales

L &N

Jamestown, Missouri Nelson, Gail & Brandon Cook • Chad, Junior Member Gail (573) 338-2560 • Nelsons (573) 291-4582


Larry & Norma Julian Established 1999 • Crane, Mo. 417-536-6582


Annual Bull Sales— • Saturday, October 19, 2013 • Saturday, October 18, 2014 Bulls available for the 2013 sale will be sired by:

LT Western Edge 4057 Pld TR Mr Firewater 5792 RET TR Mr Firewater 8600U Pld Angell’s 6-116 (son of LT Rio Blanco 1234P)


Russ & Sally Thomas 17445 Monroe County Road 817 • Paris, MO 65275 (573) 682-7348 cell

for 50 years of Missouri Charolais history

Wing Man x Assertion/Rancher

Wing Man x Fassttrack x Paul

JASR Wing Man 46X Pld


BW: 80 AWW: 794 AYW: 1,429 Top 25% WW • 30% YW Semen: $25/straw


Prospects With Potential!!


David & Annette Bonacker Cedar Hill, Missouri (314) 974-5230 cell • (636) 285-1656 Wing Man x Prime Time x Cigar

Check out our website:

Performance • Milk • Carcass Value

2971 Free Lunch x Fasttrack Top 1% CE, BW, MCE Full brother selected by Leachman of Colorado!

Plus Calving Ease!

AI Sires — RCR Traditions Ned • LT Easy Blend VPI Free Lunch • LT Ledger • LT Long Distance

Look for our consignments at Charolais sales and performance tested bull sales across Missouri.

We raise quality Smokes! Free Lunch x BC Lookout x Ned 2013 Sho Me Classic Grand

– Come See Us –

Ricketts Charolais Ranch Rex & Sondra Ricketts

14800 Tucker School Road • Hallsville, MO 65255 (573) 696-3088 •

Your A.I. Choice For Calving Ease! • Top 1% BW • 2% CE • Eye Appeal • Proven Dam • Solid Growth & Carcass NWMSU Big

Time 166 Pld Department of Agriculture Sciences 800 University Drive Maryville, MO 64468-6001 Office: (660) 562-1155 Jim Husz: (660) 582-9151

Semen: $25/Straw; $35 Signing Fee Contact: Bovine Elite

Your visit or call is always welcome.

Quality Charolais LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld Our breeding program is influenced heavily by Wyoming Wind. Other influencing sires include Duke 914, Grid Maker, President and Fire Water.

Herd Sires Include — PF Impressed Henry 8239 Keys-O-Henry x Impressed

EPDs: 1.5 20 37 4 14

At the Gateway to the Ozarks!

Congratulations to the Juniors receiving Leadership Recognition at the 50th Anniversary MCBA Banquet in memory of Kyle Curtis Dicken

Charolais Far kens c i D Curtis & Bobby Dicken m 380 County Road 323 Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 (573) 785-0352 (573) 788-7428 Curtis cell

Contact us for Private Treaty Sales and our consignments at sales.

Stop by and walk thru our Pastures! Function x 764 x 2244 Top 2% milk

All State x Firegirl Herd Sire Potential Grid Maker x Cigar x 2244 Nancy Cow Family

9108 x Schurrshot x 2244 Vanessa Cow Family Smokester x ABC Latora Lazodoble Royce Heifer Calf Royce x Cigar Show Potential

AI and ET Sires Include — Full Speed • Ledger • Royce Duke 914 • Red Lion New Standard • Larado All State • Efficient Royce x Rancher x Wind Top 2% Milk

Rick, Blaine, Nathan & Zack Hale Louisburg, Missouri


9668 St. Hwy. 96, Carthage, Mo. 64836 Doug’s Cell: (417) 825-4252

Doug, Judy, Kate & Will Shaffer

0080 Pld

Fire Power



• First calf crop Avg. BW: 79 lbs.

Lifetime WWR: 109.8

Sire: Fire Water Dam: SCR Frenchy x Morrison 717

M: 6 TM: 20 SC: 0.8

BW: 80 lbs. M798884 AWW: 670 lbs. AYW: 1,321 lbs. EPDs: BW: 0.7 WW: 28 YW: 47

Semen: $20/straw;

Foundation Female Sire


$20/straw $35/signing Blue Value daughters are very productive, easy fleshing, great uddered and generate outstanding progeny. In the 2013 Wright Charolais bull sale, the sons of LT Blue Value daughters averaged $10,350. Lindskov-Thiel Ranch purchased 2 Blue Value Bred Heifers in the first WC Female Sale, the resulting bull calves averaged $10,000 in their 2013 bull sale. Blue Value also sired the highselling bull for Severance Diamond Charolais, ND at $20,000.



















Derry & Mary Wright 42922 Old Hwy. 10 • Richmond, MO 64085 816-776-3512 farm office 816-456-3792 cellular Chris Peuster, Managing Partner 816-529-2190 cellular

Annual Bull Sale — Second Saturday in March

Building The Next Generation Performance: BW: 86 AWW/R: 881/111 AYW/R: 1,427/107 EPD Rank: %IMF R: 118.6 BW: 15% WW: 5% YW: 4% MB: 7%

Interest Shares Available

t n e m t s e v n LT I LT Ledger x Grid Maker x Prime Cut 2292 Owned with Utopia Genetics

RF Greta 96Z P

National Junior Calf Champion Selected from the 2012 Showgirls by Parker Henley.

Dec. 14, 2013 • at the Farm A select offereing of females including Show Heifer Prospects, Bred Heifers, Fall Pairs, Herd Sire Prospects and Flushes.

RF Ms Stealth 27515 P

The Dale Ridder Family 2289 Brown Shanty Road Hermann, MO 65041 Home (573) 943-6462 Dale (573) 680-4691 Cell Derek (573) 680-4692 Cell

National Reserve Junior Calf Selected from the 2012 Showgirls by Ty Dybdal

By Cattlemen, For Cattlemen

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   81

Lost, with no direction for your breeding program? Grab two sticks...make FIRE!

Use CMC Smoke Signal 812 to find your way. Smokester x Leader 2233 x 914 EPDs: BW: 1.0 WW: 25 YW: 41 M: 14 TM: 26 SC: 0.8 REA: 0.43 Top 20% Milk • 25% TM • 10%REA

Cross Mountain Cattle Robert & Naomi Farmer

Gerry Scott (540) 379-1975 8030 Greenwich Road • Catlett, VA 20119 (540) 270-3886 •

82  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013


HILLCREST FARM The VanReenen’s HC 64 Box 102 Hillsboro, WV 24946 (304) 653-4897

Quality Charolais • Enrolled in WHR • Leading AI Sires • Private Treaty Sales Bulls • Females • Show Prospects

White Squall Pld

40th National Reserve Grand

Semen: $25/Straw; $25 Signing Fee

Bob & Judy Tibbs (410) 734-6873

3545 Old Level Road • Havre de Grace, MD 21078

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   83

Vermont Organic Beef Farm EXCELS with Dedication to Sustainability,

Charolais Genetics


large beef production operation in the heart of Vermont is far from typical, but then again so is the way in which Mountain Meadows Farm got its start. “It really started in the mind and dreams, not with property, family or generations of farmers,” says Dr. Amiel Cooper, owner of the 350-cow organic beef farm who credits superior Charolais genetics for a large portion of the farm’s success. Combining his experience in the medical field and love of the outof-doors, Dr. Cooper began the process of developing Mountain Meadows Farm. Growing World War II era victory gardens back in West Virginia and enjoying remote family fishing trips instilled an appreciation of the outdoors, but it was while duck and goose hunting with a friend on his family’s North Dakota farm that the pathologist found an appreciation for heartland farm values and agriculture. “I think I like it more than medicine and I certainly find it more challenging,” touted Dr. Cooper, who retired from Chief of Pathology at New England’s Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital in 2010.

84  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

By Linda Eck

Those hunting trips also allowed the West Virginia native to gain a better understanding of farm values by allowing him the opportunity to realize that sometimes baking a good apple pie brings more respect and love than a shiny new car. “These are the things that made me want to have a farm, even though I knew nothing about it,” he noted. Now, 18 years after he, along with his wife, Dr. Lori Adcock and their young daughter, Thea, located their initial acreage, a beautiful old (1787) 214-acre hill farm near Brattleboro Vt., Dr. Cooper is living his dream of owning a beef farm and enjoying the challenges that have been far greater than he could have ever imagined. Deeply rooted with a mission to raise and produce the finest quality, healthiest beef in a way that is humane and respectful of the animals in their care, while simultaneously protecting and improving their land and the greater environment, Mountain Meadows Farm has come a long way since 1996 when the first registered open Charolais heifers arrived at the farm. Purchased from Mary Howe diZerega, former president of the


“It really started in the mind and dreams, not with property, family or generations of farmers,” says Dr. Amiel Cooper

American International Charolais Association, those 20 Oakdale Farm heifers from Upperville, Va. and a registered black Angus bull from Wehrmann Angus ignited the Charolais x Angus crossbreeding program that quickly blazed past Dr. Cooper’s original “small farm concept” into a growing herd that utilizes nearly 3,000 acres of pasture, hay and farmland in mid-Vermont’s majestic Champlain Valley. In recent years, Charolais females have been selected from DeBruycker Charolais, Montana, Macy Meadows, Maryland, and Sleepy Valley Farm, New Jersey. Now, setting his goal at 450 momma cows, Dr. Cooper is quick to praise the efforts of Farm Manager Brian Kemp. “I’m the dreamer…he’s the person on the ground that knows every cow, every blade of grass,” explained Dr. Cooper. “The idea of sustainability and organic practices was there right from the beginning. The primary goal was never financial and Brian has understood, appreciated and upheld these practices.” Likening himself to the “Godfather”, the doctor who was accustomed to spending hours of his time at the microscope and researching cancer cells, was more than willing to put a lot of

resources into a farm to build up something he could be proud of and that would hopefully allow him to someday recoup a portion of his investment. “Brian’s coming on board in 2006 was a major event and we’ve made enormous progress. We set out from day one to have a terminal crossbreeding program with retained ownership all the way to the final certified organic beef product, said Dr. Cooper. “There are many people in this region interested in organic foods.” Mountain Meadows Farm provides a constant supply of certified organic beef to Whole Foods Market, the world’s leading natural and organic foods supermarket retailer, which in turn distributes the beef to 20 stores scattered from New York to southern New England. “Selling to Whole Foods Market has enabled us to concentrate on the production and wholesale marketing of our organic beef,” Dr. Cooper added. “We don’t have to worry about advertising and sales in the regards that most beef producers do, and we have an enthusiastic market. A vast amount of our time and resources are put into enlarging, perfecting and improving our operation.”


J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   85

While 95 percent of the feed source at Mountain Meadows is pasture, haylage, baled hay and corn silage, calves are started on a small amount of mixed organic grain at weaning and receive increasing amounts until they reach optimum slaughter weight. The mix of grass legume haylage and certified organic grain from Canada is working well. “We are currently feeding a mixed grain ration of field peas, wheat and barley or oats which gives us a more affordable blend of feed,” said Kemp, noting the cost for organic corn and wheat has more than doubled over the past year. While most of the cropland is in high quality grass-clover-alfalfa which performs well in the clay soil with Vermont’s high rainfall average, Kemp has planted 25 acres of summer wheat this year, hoping to cut back on organic grain expenses. Corn silage, or in a really good year, corn snaplage is harvested from 140-150 acres of corn planted annually for feeder calves and to supplement fall calving cows when extra energy is needed. “Currently our finished group is eating 14 pounds of grain per day along with silage/haylage,” added Kemp, noting that winter months require the amount of grain to be increased. The calves “finish with good marbling and good fat cover that we would not be able to get with 100% grass fed beef.” “We average a 750-pound hot carcass weight,” Kemp said of the beef harvest which usually comes at 18 to 24 months of age. “Calves are finished and then transported about 45 miles to slaughter. Amiel takes care of where the product goes, whether it is boxed primal or quartered and it is then delivered to the Whole Foods Market Distribution Center in Cheshire, Conn.” While following organic growing practices that withstand stringent inspections across all areas of production, Dr. Cooper and Kemp agree that utilizing quality genetics is one of the single most important factors in their success. “Genetics have been as much a concern as all of our other production techniques,” expressed Dr. Cooper. “We chose to have crossbreeding, using Angus bulls on Charolais females and viceversa. We like this cross very much and the vast majority of our female breeding stock is registered. We pay great attention to our selection of Charolais and Angus bulls based on enhanced EPDs, fertility indications and structural features required for working longevity. We are very proud of the group of bulls we purchased from the National Western (selected a bull from King Ranch, N.M. in 2013, and other national auctions (selected a bull from Macy Meadows, at the Virginia Superior Sale). and private treaty sales. It’s not cheap, but we feel genetics are terribly important 86  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

and pay for themselves through excellent mothering, growth and carcass quality.” Dr. Cooper knew the Charolais breed very well from visiting France, so choosing to start his beef herd with Charolais was easy. However, he also credits the luck of finding Mary diZerega as one of the most influential factors leading to the emerging success of Mountain Meadows Farm. Mrs. diZerega, who passed away in 2002, was prominent within the Charolais breed and the Virginia Cattlemen’s Association, having been named AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year in 1995, Virginia Cattleman of the Year in 1996 and inducted posthumously into the AICA Hall of Fame in 2003. “She was instrumental in teaching me,” Dr. Cooper quickly injected. “She would supply me with Charolais females and we would get excellent Angus bulls. This article should be dedicated to her memory because 17 years ago I don’t think I knew a steer from a heifer.” “The Charolais x Angus are very durable and prolific animals,” chided Kemp. “They hold up a little longer in the breeding program and are phenomenal animals themselves. Heterosis is very important in an organic program where antibiotics and many other medications cannot be used and we rely on natural hardiness and an excellent immune system, often enhanced in crossbred calves.” Noting the cross results in cattle that feature a good balance of frame, great temperament and high producing mothers with rich colostrum, Kemp and Dr. Cooper are looking at retaining F-1 females with the goal of producing more of their own replacements. “Some of the nicest calves we wean each year are from these F-1s,” said Kemp. Mountain Meadows is living testament to the commitment Dr. Cooper has toward stewardship, the environment and healthy living. Always looking forward to learning from others and sharing their own experiences, he and Brian are quick to bid a warm-hearted welcomed to their little portion of Vermont near Lake Champlain where Mountain Meadows and a robust herd of Charolais-based cattle thrives, doing its part daily to ensure the future of agriculture. “We’ve steadily become better and better,” exclaimed Dr. Cooper. However, noting a long “wish list” of things to do, “We’re certainly not going to rest on our laurels.” Increasing the cow herd to 450 tops the list of farm goals along with the possibility of branding their beef. But one thing is for sure, all will be done with the ultimate concern and care for the land and those that partake of its bounties.


Mountain Meadows

Receives 2012 AICA Environmental Stewardship Award

Brian Kemp, Manager, has been responsible for extensive improvements and environmental awards since joining Mountain Meadows Farm 7 years ago.

Under a USDA-CREP program, 100 acres bordering the extensive “Lemon Fair” waterway, which flows into Lake Champlain, have been fenced off and trees planted to provide a protective buffer zone.

To replace water from the Lemon Fair, a 700 ft deep artesian well, powered by solar panels, was placed on central high ground and gravity feeds drinking troughs in the surrounding rotated pastures.

Named recipient of the 2012 AICA Environmental Stewardship Award, Mountain Meadows Farms goes above and beyond when it comes to protecting the environment. While being chosen for the award was based largely on their extreme environmental efforts to protect the extensive Lemon Fair waterway that passes through the farm and empties into Lake Champlain, Dr. Amiel Cooper and Manager Brian Kemp dedicate their daily farm work to ensuring long-term viability not only for the farming operation, but for all those who are affected in any way by their practices. From its inception in 1996, Mountain Meadows has been certified organic by the National Organic Farmers Association of Vermont, completing detailed annual applications and undergoing rigorous on-farm inspections. A key emphasis of sustainable farming is meticulous care for the environment. Working closely with local agencies such as the USDANRCS, University of Vermont Extension, the EPA, Fish and Wildlife and the Vermont Department of Agriculture, the farm not only maintains awareness, but carries out stringent practices to secure the quality and sustainability of the land, water and air. A major environmental project included creating buffer zones for the Lemon Fair waterway, fencing cattle away from the streams that trickle into Otter Creek, which in turn flows directly into Lake Champlain. Buffering nearly 100 acres with 10 miles of fencing now helps to secure the future of one of Vermont’s most treasured natural resources. To replace this source of water, Mountain Meadows cattle grazing multiple pastures along the Lemon Fair are watered from a deep Artesian well powered by solar panels. As farm manager at Mountain Meadows, Brian Kemp has been recognized by many local, regional and state organizations for excellent management practices and his extensive experience with a variety of environmentallyfriendly practices make him a favored consultant for many groups. “In some ways we’re one of Vermont’s model farms to show what can be achieved,” said Dr. Cooper of their continuing efforts. Mountain Meadows was also awarded the Otter Creek Natural Resource Conservation Farmer of the Year Award in 2011 and as recipients of the AICA award, have been nominated for the 2013 National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Environmental Stewardship Award for Region 1.

A large twin structured winter shelter with central feed lane and abundant open air free space for 350 mother cows and 100 Fall calves was environmentally designed with NRCS consultation. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   87

Select Seedstock Genetics “Juniors, inquire about our Heifer Projects — a way to add to your show string and add top genetics to your herd!”

WDZ KF Here And Now 210 ET

Macy Meadows Mead Easy Pro

Raile 2250 T077 x WDZ Skittles 2012 Black Hills High-Selling Bull See him at the major shows!

Easy Pro x Elixir x Impressed 2012 Maryland State Fair Grand Champion Top 2% Milk • Walking in the pasture!

Macy Meadows Dotty Macy 1039 Heaps Road, Street, MD 21154 (772) 713-4061 •

Got Numbers? EPDs (Rank): CE: 5.4 (35) BW: -0.2 (35) WW: 34 (25) YW: 55 (30) Milk: 24 (1) MCE: 3.1 (65) TM: 41 (1) • Keystone is Homozygous Polled • First 18 calves born unassisted (5 first calf heifers) and are growing fast. • 850 cow records 107.8 WWI on 8 bull calves.

Semen: $25/Straw; $25/Signing Fee

HBR Harlan’s Keystone 016 P

Embryos for sale from our 3 donors from JC Maggie, ICQR Blossom and MCF Dandy cow families sired by Ledger and Passport.

Owned with Cole Rogers, Stacy Holifield, Rogers Bar HR


Sire: Baldridge Kojack 29K — Trait Leader — 4 Traits Dam: HBR Lady Cannon 847 P — Cannon 2250 x 850, Top 1% Milk, TM

daren statler, dvm

Embryo Transfer / Recipient Services available with calf buy back program.

Colonial Charolais Association Timothy VanReenen, President (301) 653-4897 COLONIAL

6651 Valley Camp Rd. Greencastle, PA 17225 (717) 729-6453

More on the Way! Circle K Juliette

Fire Water x Infinite Justice

Virginia Charolais Association Bill Thompson, President (540) 968-1987

Sold in the 34th National Sale for $11,000. Full brother on the ground! 2013 Houston Reserve Grand Champion

EBEN & EILEEN KENNEDY & FAMILY Canandaigua, New York (585) 398-3002 • 88  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

A Quality Program

Bulls, Semen, Embryos For Sale

C H A R O L A I S B R E E D E R S QUALITY plus PERFORMANCE Richard Clark Box 9 • Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-5892 • Randell Meyers Jr. • (423) 626-6257 Your Source for Seedstock Since 1971

“Mid Tenn Charolais where Tenn is quality and not quantity for perfection.” JDS Profit Maker 037 P

Ms Jackie Sue 4065 CCR Jackpot 1410K5PET x JWK Chloe E225ET

• A proven donor at M&R Cattle • 2005 Tennessee State Show Grand Champion Female • Dam of the Grand Champion Female – 2007 Tennessee State Charolais Show

MCF Lady GI Duke 5003 PET (F1022001) CE 3.0

BW 0.7

WW 33

YW 58

M 25

TM 41

914 x HBR Lady GI 207 P ET



1131 Nance Road New Market, TN 37820 Rodney King (865) 850-7016 Max King (865) 850-4411

EPDs: 1.1 22 44 15 26

Little W Farm

LWF Cookie Cutter Pld

David & Barbara Sullivan 123 Sullivan Dr. • Manchester, TN 37355 (931) 728-5878 • (931) 728-5879 • Fax: (931) 728-5881 Mobile: (931) 607-1580 • e-mail:


M6 Led Weight 609 (M732626) CE 7.9

BW 1.0

WW 36

YW 75

M 6

TM 24

REA Marb 0.58 0.08

M6 Trademark 344 P x M6 Ms Mark 9485 Semen$20/ no signing

EPDs: 1.7 32 55 9 25 0.6

h a C r s o la i s e v a e R Kyle Reaves

Mike & Connie Watkins Kellie & Scott Porter and Kristie & Jarrod Buhler

5840 West Allens Bridge Greenville, TN 37743 (423) 237-3042

Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 444-3114 or (615) 642-0976 Come check out our bulls, females and ET Program! Bloodlines from 2244, 914, Cigar, Wyoming Wind and D040

Performance • Pedigree • Polled

Three Trees Vanessa 3849 Wind x Vanessa D029


Cooley Royce 1107T39 Pld BGC Ms Windy Cigar 832 ET Wind x Cigar x Montana Rocky

CMF 241 Rio Blanco 378R Maternal Brother to Gridiron

CMF 159 Windy 241 Dam of Gridiron

Presley Farms LLC 630 Houston Rd. Crossville, TN 38555

Email: Home: (931) 484-2000 John: (931) 261-6396 Johnathan: (931) 200-1304

Garrett Charolais Bill Garrett

5295 Hwy. 70 E • Crossville, TN 38555 (931)-456-5236 • (931) 265-3151 cell

CE 1.8

: Semen / aw $20 Str g nin ig S o N

Silas Maxwell

1120 Welcome Grove Rd. Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 422-7234

BW 1.5

WW 26

YW 65

M 21

MCE 2.3

TM 34

SC 1.2

CW REA F MB 25 0.31 0.002 0.20

Semen: $20/Straw; $30 Signing Contact: Bovine Elite, LLC.

Roy May & Son

CMF 241 Gridiron 437W – M788653 Grid Maker x Wind BW WW YW -2.8 20 42

M745957 2-19-07 BW: 86 lbs. Adj. WW/R: 749 lbs./115 Adj. YW/R: 1,395 lbs./120 Adj Yrlg. REA/R: 16.25 sq. in./119.3

M 11

TM REA MARB 21 0.42 0.07

Lynn Hankins 16 Larkspur Lane Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 620-8333

2760 Renfro Rd. • Jefferson City, TN 37760 (865) 475-8266 • (865) 599-5075 cell Production Sale • Sept. 21


430 Petty Rd. • Manchester, TN 37355 (931) 728-6301 • (931) 334-8657 cell

Your Sources for Cooley Royce Genetics Progeny Available at Private Treaty J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   129


AIJCA MEMBERSHIP Charolais Juniors Recognized as BEST Winners

2013 Kansas Junior Charolais Association State Show

The 2012-2013 Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) BEST (Beef Exhibitor Show Total) Program wrapped up on May 11 with its annual awards banquet held at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus.

Hutchinson, Kan.  May 26, 2013

This year’s BEST program featured 16 sanctioned shows that weaved its way across the state. More than 525 head of market animals and heifers were shown and 355 youth participated.

Judge: Chris Mullinix, Manhattan, Kan. Champion Owned Heifer: MF Kisses 1138 ND, 9-4-11, by EC No Doubt 2022 P. Hadley Schotte, Marysville, Kan. Reserve Champion Owned Heifer: WalMar Caught On Fire 205 P, 3-16-12, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Taylor Goering, McPherson, Kan.

Champion AOB Heifer honors went to Kady Davis of Carrollton, Ohio, with her April 2012 Charolais-Cross heifer, ADW Lady 1Z .

Champion Bull: Shep 2310 of 7804 GM, 8-812, by M6 Grid Maker 104 P ET. Eli Sheppard, Olsburg, Kan.

Champion AOB Steer, a Percentage Charolais, OLY Sam 49Z, was exhibited by Lindsey Pugh, Louisville, Ohio.

Reserve Champion Bull: Wal-Mar Mr. Ardor 214 Pld, 5-5-12, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Addi Marston, Canton, Kan.

Reserve Champion AOB Steer, a Percentage Charolais, Smoker, was exhibited by Breanne Gabriel, Stoutsville, Ohio.

Champion Steer: MO Werewolf 15, 3-15-12, by KBC Werewolf 93. Barrett Simon, Leon, Kan.

Note: BEST is a youth program of the OCA that recognizes Ohio’s junior beef exhibitors through a series of shows. Juniors who participate in these sanctioned shows earn points for their placing at each show. The OCA BEST program promotes educating Ohio’s juniors about the beef industry’s issues and rewards the successful accomplishments and hard work of those junior beef producers.

Reserve Champion Steer: Bar S RF 2499, 3-3-12, by TR PZC Rapid Fire 9775 ET. Nikki Harris, Hepler, Kan.

Ohio Cattlemen’s Association BEST AOB Winners

2013 Sullivan Supply/ Stock Show University Charolais Junior Scholarship Winners Olivia Foster of Green Forest, Ark.; Kyndal Reitzenstein of Kersey, Colo.; Willie Weis of McIntire, Iowa; Erica Bianchi of Gilroy, Calif. are all were recipients of a $1,000 Scholarship from the Sullivan Supply’s Youth Scholarship Program. 130  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

Champion Owned Heifer

Champion Bred & Owned Heifer

Champion Bull

Champion Percentage Heifer

Champion Steer

Showmanship Winners

Champion Bred and Owned Heifer: WalMar Ms Kindle Fire 211 Pld,4-14-12, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Addi Marston. Reserve Champion Bred and Owned: OC Ms Colada 1201 FW, 1-7-12, by TR Mr Fire Water 5792RET. Caleb Obermeyer, Marysville, Kan. Champion Percentage Heifer: Schrader’s Electra 2108Z ET, 3-4-12, by Monopoly. Elizabeth Forsyth, Abilene, Kan. Reserve Champion Percentage Heifer: Schrader’s Glimmer 2972 ET, 2-29-12, by Monopoly. Weston Schrader, Wells, Kan.

Front row, from left: Kady Davis, Carrollton, Ohio, Champion AOB Heifer; Sarah Johnson, Williamsport, Ohio, Reserve Champion AOB Heifer; Lindsey Pugh, Louisville, Champion AOB Steer and Breanne Gabriel, Stoutsville, Reserve Champion AOB Steer

Kansas Junior State Show

Showmanship: Champion Senior: Nikki Harris. Reserve Champion Senior: Addi Marston. Champion Intermediate: Hadley Schotte. Reserve Champion Intermediate: Casey Craver. Champion Junior: Weston Schrader. Reserve Champion Junior: Riley Krehbiel, Kingman, Kan. Champion Pee-Wees: Maddy Kruger. Reserve Champion Pee-Wees: Josi Schrader, Wells, Kan.

SAVE THE DATE! 2014 Junior National Show & Leadership Conference:

July 6-11, 2014

2013-14 Kansas Junior Charolais Association Officers: President: Eli Sheppard, Olsburg, Kan. VicePresident:Hadley Schotte, Marysville, Kan. Secretary: Katy Clawson, Satanta, Kan. Treasurer: Addi Marston, Canton, Kan. Historian: Taylor Ohlde, Easton, Kan. Reporter: Jaid Runft, Scandia, Kan. North Director: Mitchell Duer, Onaga, Kan. South Director: Nikki Harris, Hepler, Kan. At-Large Director: Payden Barrett, Grantville, Kan. At-Large Director: Wyatt Krehbiel, Hutchinson, Kan.

Hutchinson, Kan.

Watch for updates at


Reaching 20,000 Commerical Cattleman

Deadline: August 1 Contact the Charolais Journal office or your area Field Representative CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   131

American -International Charolais Association

American International Junior Charolais Association

132  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013





Akin Charolais Jim Akin 6700 County Road 71, Lexington, AL 35648 (256) 229-5395 Res. (256) 710-4897 Cell Home of the Super Grazer 168


Home of JWK Vanessa D029 ET Donor: 2244 x 934


JERRY & SHERRY MALTBY Mobile: (530) 681-5046 P.O. Box 760 Office: (530) 473-2830 Williams, CA 95987 Fax: (530) 473-3278 e-mail:

OFakHill arm “Focus on the Family”

BJR Summerford Charolais

OakHill Farm Home of Bennett Charolais Wayne & Lois Bennett Barn: (770) 893-3446 Home: (770) 893-2674 Cell: (770) 826-9551

1779 Holcomb Road Dawsonville, Ga 30534

Cattle For Sale Private Treaty

Robert A. Summerford II 4087 Hwy. 31 SW Falkville, AL 35622 Located 12 miles north of Cullman (256) 784-5275 Bus. (256) 784-5888 Res. Alan Summerford • (256) 758-0652 E-Mail:

MV Limestone

Mountain View Charolais

Scott Tipton 1001 Preacher Campbell Rd. Clarksville, GA 30523

Phone: (706) 754-8462 Cell: (706) 200-6655


BJR Easy Edge 968 ET P Quality and Performance Charolais in North Alabama

Your Herd Bull Source


A.W. “Buck” Compton Box 160 Nanafalia, AL 36764 Production Sale October 18, 2013

home: (334) 736-4349

C O L O R A D O 15493 Co. Rd. 57 Hillrose, CO 80733 Bred For

Performance~Carcass Quality~Disposition Pat Gebauer & Luan August (970) 847-3345

office: (334) 736-4221

Rt. 2, Griggsville, IL 62340

55 years of quality seedstock production Rick Curfman (217) 285-5213

McCary & Son Charolais Farm


Roger Curfman (217) 236-5761 Ryan Curfman (217) 248-7711

WDZ CC Kade 1107 Pld

Levi & Brian McCary 334-872-9060 334-505-6338 334-419-0538


Curfman Farms

635 Valleyview Drive Valley Grande, AL 36701 WCR Sir Duke 7340 P

MOGO Full French CHAROLAIS Daniel Hammond 15300 Co. Rd. 2 • Florence, AL 35633 (256) 766-6354 •

Bamboo Road Farms LLC Stephen Cummings

2509 Old Perry Road Marshallville, GA 31057

(478) 396-5832

Foglesong Charolais

Andrew & Rebecca Foglesong 10830 N. Camp Ellis Road, Ipava, Illinois 61441 309.221.1439 J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   133





“Charolais Since 1960”

Producing quality breeding stock for 53 years.

Bulls and Females For Sale Private Treaty Marty, Joyce, Kaitlyn & Mason Lewis 9411 W. 56th St. S. • Monroe, IA 50170 Marty (515) 250-2362 • Mason (515) 205-9161

Paul Bertsche & Sons 4540 E. 1700 N. Rd. • Flanagan, IL 61740 Dale (815) 796-2950 cell (815) 674-4419 Steve (815) 796-4440 cell (815) 674-2395 Larry (815) 842-1849 cell (815) 674-2397

Hanover, Kansas 66945

Lester Laue (785) 337-2600 Brant Laue (913) 541-8982

Stalcup Farms Charolais

“We don’t keep our cows, they keep us.”

“Quality Polled Charolais”

Craig Stalcup (641) 322-4946 1407 Poplar Avenue Prescott, Iowa 50859 (641) 340-1128 cell (641) 335-2351

Thomas Redneck 2609M Jim Stalcup 36th National Champion

Keith Farms

Marion Keith 6719 State Rt. 154, Tamaroa, IL 62888 (618) 967-0291 • (618) 201-6261







BAR S Ranch

InnovativeSince Beef1945Production Paradise, Kansas 67658 David Dickerson Ken Stielow (785) 998-4386 (785) 998-4335

Oakdale Duke 9003 Pld

Duke 135 x Mac 2244 x Tradition 066

EPDs: 5.7 -3.6 29 62 30 6 44 0.9

Raising Charolais Since 1962

Ron & Diane Nord & Family 2104 Charolais Lane Bloomington, IL 61704 (309) 828-1448 or (309) 827-0457 (309) 275-0409 Ron cell

Fancy Creek Charolais Purebred Charolais Since 1968

Don & Charlotte Olsen and family 17050 Tuttle Creek Blvd. • Randolph, KS 66554 Home: 785-363-2519 • Cell: 785-313-2099


Beef Genetics

National Grand Champion Semen: $20/straw; $35 signing Fall Sale October 26



Joe, Marlene & Andrew Doub 8614 W. 100 N. • Danville, IN 46122 (317) 539-6718 home • (317) 440-0525 cell




Private treaty bull sale middle of march

134  

Brett, Tina and Madison Beavers 28378 710th Ave • Collins, IA 50055 515-460-3074

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

15523 Tuttle Creek Blvd. Randolph, Ks 66554 Phone/Fax: (785) 293-5106

Hubert Charolais Ranch

...building a program around proven genetics


Megan, Lori & Galen Fink

MYRON RUNFT CHAROLAIS Breeding Charolais since 1956 1460 Penn Road Belleville, KS 66935 Home (785) 527-5047 Cell (785) 527-1269

Raile Charolais Farm Rt. 1, Box 389 St. Francis, KS 67756 Cliff (785) 332-2794 William (785) 332-2498

Females for Sale Private Treaty




Charolais • SimAngus • Composites

Spencer & Laci Schrader Weston & Josi 2118 Oxbow Rd., Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-2135 home (785) 488-7204 Spencer cell (785) 488-7227 Laci cell

Females and bulls for sale private treaty


510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 David & Shelby Hubert (785) 672-3528


VAUGHAN FAMILY RANCH PUREBRED CHAROLAIS ­– ANGUS Corey Vaughan, Ranch Mgr. 14630 E. 44th St. S. Derby, KS 67037 (316) 213-5484

Kentucky Bluegrass Country’s Finest Sale September 28, 2013 1194 Smith Ridge Rd. Campbellsville, KY 42718 Mitchel Cox - Owner/Gen. Mgr. (270) 465-7584



5590 E State Rd, Hastings ,MI 49058 269-945-5531 or

The Complete Bull

DWC Mr. Performer 1055 P ET - EM805950 2244 x Lady Performer 934 Full brother to JWK Vanessa D029

FC Turbo 756 P


Mac Coleman

AICA Multiple Trait Leader Semen: $20/ Straw; $20 Signing Fee

1942 Mooretown Rd. Morgantown, KY 42164 270-526-3930 cell: 270-999-1482

EPDs: 1.1 45 62 -5 18 0.7 Semen: $25/straw; $30 signing fee

Dybdal Charolais

Larry & Krista Dybdal

88361 575th Ave • Newcastle, NE 68757 Home: 402-692-3704 • Cell: 402-841-9784


COMMITTED TO BREED IMPROVEMENT Hayden ET23 43rd National Reserve Senior Calf Champion Heifer

Hayden Farm Kentucky Bluegrass Country’s Finest Sale Sept. 28, 2013

James, Cathy and Brooke Hayden 4430 Bloomfield Road Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 349-0005

Breeding Quality Charolais Seedstock Since 1962 1/2 Owner of Baldridge Fasttrack

Wakefield Farms

Larry, Kyle & Dan Wakefield 20701 150th St. • New Richland, MN 56072 (507) 317-3086 • (507) 475-1749


Franz Ranch

Dave Hebbert (308) 458-2540 Mose Hebbert (308) 458-2329

40 Years in the Purebred Charolais Business

Ray, Jon, & David Franz


Clark & Gail Brevig

Home of White Squall Bob & Judy Tibbs (410) 734-6873

3545 Old Level Road Havre de Grace, MD 21078

676 Quarry View Lane • Lewistown, MT 59457 (406) 538-5579 phone • (406) 538-6479 fax •



Visitors always welcome

13221 CR 339 • Sidney, Montana 59270 Ray (406) 798-3675 Jon (406) 798-7740

Rambur Charolais

Howard Rambur d 406-489-3255 (cell) Production Sale 2nd Saturday in April

RC Feedlot d RC Cattle Phone: 406-482-3255 • Fax: 406-482-3802 34790 CR 118 • Sidney, MT 59270 Email: website:

RC Denver


Quarter Circle Ranch Karen Ibach 46060 Rd. 793 • Ansley, NE 68814 (308) 732-3370

Dean Churchill HC 37, Box 54 Valentine, NE 69201 (402) 376-2314 Headquarters Ranch

Mansfield, Missouri Butch Alsup • (417) 926-8416

MICHIGAN CHAROLAIS BREEDERS Pat Endsley Sec./Treas. 5590 E State Road Hastings, MI 49058-9456 269-945-5531 or

Schurrtop Angus & Charolais Sure Performance Cattle

40842 Farnam Road Farnam, NE 69029 John (308) 569-2520 Ryan (308) 320-4067 Marty (308) 362-4941

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   135

Wagonhammer Ranches Box 548 Albion, NE 68620 (402) 395-2178 or 395-6962



Hilltop C Polled Charolais Pasture Proven Charolais Since 1962

Kirk & Peggy Castleberry

The Total Performance Brand

Rt. 2, Box 8 Ninnekah, OK 73067

(405) 224-1116 Cell (405) 574-2685

Wagon Wheel Charolais Ray D. Winz & Sons

72354 Q Rd. • Holdrege, NE 68949 Ray (308) 995-5515, Doug (308) 991-6941 Steve (308) 567-2286 Contact us for Semen on our Trait Leading Sires.

West Fork Ranch Roseann Wilson (308) 745-1764 RR 1, Box 19 • Loup City, NE 68853


Kevin Wiley Ranch Manager Perry, OK (580) 336-9241 (580) 572-2555

DR Stealth 574

Zeisler Charolais Richard L. Zeisler


90445 476th Ave. • Butte, NE 68722 (402) 775-2569


Breeding Registered Charolais Since 1959

Gerald and Loretta Effertz and Family PO Box 640 • Velva, ND 58790-0640 (701) 720-1156Roger (701) 720-1363 Kevin (701) 338-2980 Office

Neil (701) 223-5202 Bryan (701) 624-5104

Introducing —


HCR Solution 1107 Pld Solution x Western Edge EPDs: 8.3 -1.5 32 63 12 6.4 27




O daren statler, dvm



LT Easy Ride 1153 Pld

Bill B. King • Box 5, Stanley, NM

87056 Day (505)220-9909 • Home (505)832-4330

136  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

S te’s kyli hi



“45 years of Breeding Charolais”

Peter Stamer, owner (973) 729-9751 47 Snover Road, Lafayette, NJ 07848

Curtiss & Brenda Nipp HC 66, Box 76 Bull Sale Overbrook, OK 73453 2014 Mar. 15, (580) 668-3332

Since 1970


a ro l a i s

R. David White

4690 Darlington Road Zanesville, OH 43701 740-453-8908

6651 Valley Camp Rd. Greencastle, PA 17225 (717) 729-6453

Docile cattle with meat, EPDs & Do-Ability!

O K L A H O M A Rick & Lisa Wilson Hart Box 865 Chickasha, OK 73023 Office (405) 224-0645 Home (405) 224-0694



Black Mingo Ranch “Registered Polled Charolais Since 1969”

M.E. & Sandra Clemons

15211 Browns Ferry Road • Georgetown, SC 29440 (843) 448-3031 • (843) 527-4336


Nubbin Ridge Farm

Mike King, Farm Manager Quality Seedstock available with a focus on 914 and Cigar genetics! Home of: NRF Sir Duke 538 P M799771- 914 x L02 TLD Mr Cigar 628 P M719706 - Cigar x 8121 155 Nubbin Ridge Circle (864) 972-9203 home Westminster, SC 29693 (864) 958-1343 cell


Full French & Purebred Genetics Z251

Roy R. & Sammye L. Dees

1168 CR 236, Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 (936) 560-0794

Houston Offices: (713) 724-9574 (281) 443-3074

U23 Son Watch for him!

WC Lady GaGa 031P –

F1120982 Sired by BHD Sly Illusion T3132 Pld

Visitors Welcome

David & Georgeanne Webb David Webb Jr. 317 Old Vinland School Road Easley, SC 29640 H: (864) 246-6203 C: (864) 640-7756

Liverpool, Texas Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 E-mail:


Herd Sires HCR Supreme 6021 P CFR Power House 304 P ET HBR Auto Pilot 685 P Tommy & Sherrille Wilks P.O. Box 118 Patrick, SC 29584

Bruner Polled Charolais Focused on Genetics

E.E. “Gene” & Glenda Bruner 4 miles east of Grandview 12320 FM 916 Grandview, TX 76050 Home: (817) 866-2839 Cell: (817) 202-7680

Brian Bruner Austin, Texas Cell: (512) 797-3711

Happy 11 Charolais Noberto Lopez 302 Fresno St. Zapata, TX 78076

O (956) 765-5979 C (956) 286-3724

HANN FAMILY SPRING VALLEY RANCHES Roy Hann 1300 Walton Dr. College Station, TX 77840

Office: (979) 696-7414 Ranch: (979) 279-2587 Fax: (979) 696-9245

K&K Charolais Ranch





Quality Charolais Raised in the Rocks at Cherokee, San Saba County, Texas


Kenneth Kuykendall (325) 622-4227 • FAX (325) 622-4673 903/343-9009

Dennis Charolais

...easy calving...    ...explosive growth... DCF Pure Gold 802 P EPDs: 1.5 33 55 13 29 1.0 Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Road Saint Jo, TX 76265 • (940) 995-2161

Clay Boscamp 1360 CR 460 Waelder, TX 78959 (830) 857-5130

40th National Reserve Grand Champion Female

Double O Charolais


Kevin & Jessica Moore Bull Sale • October 12

“When You Depend On Beef For Your Bottom Line...”

525 Daniels Road • Marshall, TX 75670 David & Linda Oney • (903) 930-0236

2929 Oak Hill Road • Alvarado, TX 76009 Kevin cell (817) 822-7109 Jessica cell (817) 822-7402 •

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   137



atman harolais

“Since 1936”

Steve Patman

453 FM 55 Waxahachie, TX 75165 (972) 937-5628 PC Mr Stonecold P862

Rafael Ortega • Owner

Bull Sale • October 16, 2013 P.O. Box 595 • Raymondville, TX 78580 (956) 689-5162 • Fax (956) 689-3693 E-mail: Web: Claudette................................(956) 689-5162 Mitch & Linda........................(956) 689-6379 Mitch Mobile..........................(956) 535-0936




W y o m i n g HLB Charolais Harold L. Brethour Shirley A. Brethour 111 West 22nd Ave. • P.O. Box Y Torrington, Wyoming 82240 Home (307) 532-3604 Office (307) 532-2110 Fax (307) 532-2106 E-mail:


Bill Pendergrass • Manager

C a n a d a

39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 (979) 203-6800

Dean Barton Manti, Utah

(435) 835-7263 (435) 340-1396 Don Barton AICA Hall of Fame

Lamont, Alberta

S CATTLE CO. SKEAN Registered Charolais Larry Skeans • David Skeans • Katie Skeans


1138 C.R.162 Gainesville, TX 76240

Don & Mary Jane Schill 465 FCR 781 Donie, TX 75838 (254) 359-4387

Kyle & Shay Schill (254) 230-5527 Steve & Debby Smith (281) 351-1500

TriniTy Valley CommuniTy College

R A N C H regisTered Charolais CaTTle 100 Cardinal Drive . Athens, TX 75751

W a s h i n g t o n

“The Brand You Can Count On”

Registered Breeder Since 1969

Alan & Leslie Alexander 5412 Birch Road • Pasco, Wash. 99301 • (509) 545-8816 •

TC Cattle Company A Complete Source for Quality

Myles and Lisa Tellefson 20427 Rd 1 SE Warden, WA 98857 (509) 750-4384 • (509) 760-6651 e-mail:

Marc Robinson 903.675.6285

W i s c o n s i n

Reach Potential Customers Advertise your breeding program in the Charolais Breeders section each month! 1 inch- 11x rate: $30/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $330

W R I G H T C HAR O LAI S FAR M Quality  Polled   Performance Since 1973

138  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

Stop by and visit.

Richard & Jo Ann Wright 205 29th Street New Auburn, WI 54757 (715) 237-2880 Fax: (715) 237-2887

2 inch - 11x rate: $60/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $627

• Each additional inch: $30/issue • 5% discount for 1 year (11 issues) prepaid ads Stan & Mary Bonacker & Family Cedar Hill, MO Stan: (314) 550-2554 David: (314) 974-5230 17th Annual Sale March 7, 2014



Peterson Farms Charolais


July 27 Ozark Empire Open Show, Springfield August 10 Missouri State Fair Junior Show, Sedalia August 11 Missouri State Fair A ROE Show, Sedalia September 2 Autumn In The Ozarks, Strafford October 26 Aschermann Bull Sale, Carthage

WC Doubletree 2009 P

Steve & Sandy Peterson • Jeremiah, Andrew & Joey, 8767 Outer Road, Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 926-5336 • (417) 746-4410


Long Distance x Blue Value x Western Edge



Mike & Brian Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334

Home of the 34th National Champion Female

Big Creek Charolais

Progeny of Fire Water, Budsmydad, Grid Maker, Slasher, Revelation, Bluegrass, Royce and Wyoming Wind

Jeannine Doughty P.O. Box 523 (816) 616-8838 Harrisonville, MO 64701


Bull Sale • March 15, 2014

Wind Tour

Get your            at the

Upcoming Events

Bull Sale • Oct. 26, 2013

• Easy Calving Larry & Peggy Our Goals Are ... Aschermann • Fast Growing 13467 Dogwood Rd. • Premium Grading Carthage, MO 64836 ... Breeding Stock (417) 358-7879 • e-mail:

Riverdale Land and Livestock Semen: $40/straw; No Signing Fee

Female Sale December 7

(573) 324-2528 home (573) 324-5411 work



Put Your Program At Full Speed Full Speed 109 P

2009-2010 AICA

New Standard x Full Throttle Power Numbers!


Bull of the Year

The Dale Ridder Family 2289 Brown Shanty Road Hermann, MO 65041 Home (573) 943-6462 Dale (573) 680-4691 Cell Derek (573) 680-4692 Cell

By Cattlemen, For Cattlemen


Recipt • Embryos • Flushes Show Heifers Dr. Larry R. Baney Mtn. Grove, MO (417) 259-6161 cell (417) 926-3471

#1 Milk Trait Leader ROE Sire

Rick, Blaine, Nathan & Zack Hale 54 Hosier Lane • Louisburg, MO 65685 (417) 838-7251



Bill & Lora Nottke Office Ranch 11027 Chateau Chura 3287 Lick Creek Road Sunset Hills, MO 63128 Leasburg, MO 65535 (314) 298-8980 (573) 885-3534 Evenings (314) 843-2930 Fax (314) 298-2492

Barnard Charolais

Herd Sires: Rancher, HCR Wind, Hams Ranger Progeny for sale at all times. Bred for carcass values and maternal traits. — Bob Barnard —

7470 SE Riverside Terrace, St. Joseph, MO 64507 (816) 253-9360,


Brand of Quality Owner: Alan Mead (573) 216-0210 Manager: Bub Raithel (573) 253-1664

Steve, Kathy, Michael & Emily Curtis

15101 Hwy. D • Mexico, MO 65265 (573) 581-8964 • (573) 721-2122 cell 39th National Reserve Champion

HC Miss Jewel 20S

DA Cash 732 Pld ET

L &N


Milk +20

Larry & Norma Julian

Limited Semen Available

Show Heifers Available

Semen: $40/Straw $25 Signing

Mike, Sara & Connor Kisner 6382 Dulin Creek Road • House Springs, MO 63051 (636) 274-9515 • (636) 236-0306 cell

J1377 Pld ET

L&N Red Ruby 022 P

Corman Charolais Dan Corman Pomona, Missouri (417)469-3936

“Breeding Charolais Since 1958"

Crane, Missouri 417-536-6582 Established 1999

Show Heifers!

5J Charolais

The Johansen Family Slasher x Cigar Heifer Calf

11218 County Line Road Syracuse, MO 65354 (660) 473-2945

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   139



Bovine Hi Res


8:48 AM

Page 1

* Semen & Embryo Sales * A.I. & ET Equipment Sales * MVE & Taylor Wharton Tanks * A.I./Palpation Clinics * TruTest Scales * Professional Exporting & Importing * Semen & Embryo Warehousing * A.I. Consultation

120 Shadylane Coppell, Texas 75019 (972) 471-1233 • Mobile (972) 839-6485

2701 Fox Glenn Ct. Hurst, TX 76054

Robert T. Nord Auctioneer 

Nord Livestock Sales R.R. 2, Clinton, IL 61727 (217) 935-3245 or (217) 519-0375

Tommy Barnes Auctioneer

189 River Road Lowndesboro, AL 36752 Mobile (334) 462-4004

Bovine Elite, LLC 3300 Longmire Drive • College Station, Texas 77845 800-786-4066 • 979-693-0388 • 979-693-7994 Fax •

Sullivan Supply Livestock Grooming Products

Sullivan Supply South Sullivan Supply Inc. Hillsboro, TX 76645 Dunlap, IA 51529 Phone: (800) 588-7096 Phone: (800) 475-5902 FAX: (254) 582-7114 FAX: (712) 643-5154


ELECTRIC FENCING • MIRACO WATERERS • WEIGHING & EID Offering System Solutions for Charolais Producers 1-800-531-5908

“Bringing more to your sale”

Auctioneer Auctioneer Rick Curfman

RR. 2, Pittsfield, IL 62363 (217) 285-5213

Ben Meriwether

Livestock Photography


“Your sale matters” DENNIS

205 E. Hill • Whitman, NE 69366


Auctioneer 140  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

WVM Rep.

For the best ultrasound data contact… The National CUP LabTM & Technology Center P.O. Box 627 • Ames, IA 50010 (515) 232-9442 Ultrasound Equipment Sales & Service

will give you insight into the total cattle industry - all the breeds, issues, ideas and innovations. The Cattleman will tell you where the industry has been and where it is going so you won’t be left behind!

Greg & Brenda Hubert

P.O. Box 100 • Oakley, Kansas 67748 • (785) 672-3195 FAX: (785) 672-4902 • Professional Charolais Sales Management

SUBSCRIBE TODAY! $25 per year ($40 foreign)

CATTLE SALES – Registered and Commercial Auctions, consultations and semen sales FARM SALES – Land and equipment ORDER BUYING –“If you need it, I’ll find it”

1301 W. Seventh St. Fort Worth, TX 76102-2660 (817) 332-7155 Ask for Circulation Dept.

Home: 522 Higgins Road Cell: (931) 389-6865 Wartrace, TN 37183 (931) 842-1234 E-mail:

Have you planned your advertising? August 2013 Deadline: June 25

September 2013

“Over 40 years of proven, practical experience”

Junior National Issue

P.O. Box 308 Koshkonong, MO 65692 John: (417) 867-5526 Cell: (870) 897-5037

Deadline: July 25

Contact Your Area Field Representative

Wes Chism (281) 761-5952 Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144 Colt Keffer (765) 376-8784 Charolais Journal office (816) 464-2474 ext. 104


Call or Write for Sale Catalogs or Information on these Sales: September 28 Hudspeth & Guests The Gathering Sale.............Harrison, Ark. October 19 President & Reality Sale.................Sulphur Springs, Texas October 26 Southern Connection Sale..............................Calhoun, Ga. November 9 Oklahoma Charolais Bull & Female Sale...........Checotah, Okla. Ask how we can help with your breeding program and sales. J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   141

AICA Events


CALENDAR July 2013

July 12-13 — Texas Junior Charolais Association State Show, Four States Fairgrounds, Texarkana, Ark. Contact: Jimmy or Cherrie Curtis.

July 14-20 — AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference Texarkana, Ark.

July 14-20 — AIJCA Junior National Shows & Leadership Conference, Four States Fairgrounds, Texarkana, Ark.

August 11 — Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Show Sedalia, Mo.

July 26 — South Dakota Summer Spotlight Charolais Show, South Dakota State Fairgrounds, Huron, S.D.

August 17 — Iowa State Fair Class A ROE Show Des Moines, Iowa August 22-23 — Charolais on Feed: The Genetics of Feed Efficiency Field Day AICA Breed Improvement Commitee Meeting AICA Commercial Committee Meeting Urbana, Ill.

July 21 — North Dakota State Fair Open Charolais Show, Minot, N.D.

July 27 — Ozark Empire Fair Open Charolais Show, Springfield, Mo.

August 2013 August 3 — Rolling R Ranch Summer Charolais & Charlangus Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Opelousas, La. Contact: Fred Rodosta. August 3-4 — Washington Junior Charolais Association The Summer Sizzle All Breed Junior Steer & Heifer Show, Connell, Wash. August 5-7 — Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course, College Station, Texas August 8 — Indiana State Fair Open Charolais Show, Indianapolis, Ind. August 9 — Illinois State Fair Open Charolais Show, Springfield, Ill. August 10 — Rocking S Ranch Field Day, Jenks, Okla. Contact: Charles Smith or Outfront Cattle Service. August 11 — Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Show, Sedalia, Mo. August 14 — State Fair of West Virginia Open Charolais Show, Lewisburg, W.Va. August 17 — Iowa State Fair Class A ROE Show, Des Moines, Iowa.

Affiliate Events July 12-13 — Texas Junior Charolais Association State Show Texarkana, Ark. August 3-4 — Washington Junior Charolais Association The Summer Sizzle All Breed Junior Show Connell, Wash. Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext 200, with affiliate event dates.

August 22-23 — Charolais on Feed: The Genetics of Feed Efficiency Field Day/AICA Breed Improvement Committee Meeting/AICA Commercial Committee Meeting, Urbana, Ill. Sponsors: AmericanInternational Charolais Association and University of Illinois Department of Animal Sciences. Contact: Robert Williams, AICA.

September 21 — Northwest Charolais Association Jackpot Heifer Sale & Show, Central Washington State Fair, Yakima, Wash.

November 2 — American Royal Livestock Show National ROE Show, Kansas City, Mo.

September 21 — Central Washington State Fair Class A ROE Show, Yakima, Wash. September 21 — May & Son Annual Production Sale, 1 p.m., Knoxville Livestock Center, Knoxville, Tenn. Contact: Bill May. September 28 — Hudspeth Farms & Guests The Gathering Sale, Cattleman’s Livestock Auction, Harrison, Ark. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. September 28 — Kentucky Bluegrass Country’s Finest Sale, 1 p.m., location to be announced. Auctioneer: Eddie Burks. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

October 5 — Northern Exposure 2013, 1 p.m., Summit Farms, Hubbard, Iowa. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. October 12 — M6 Ranch Charolais & Hereford Fall Bull & Heifer Sale, at the ranch, Alvarado, Texas. Contact: Kevin Moore.

December 2013 December 3-5 — Range Beef Cow Symposium XXIII, Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, S.D. December 7 — 22nd Annual Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Nixon Livestock Commission Company, Nixon, Texas. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

October 18 — Arkansas State Fair Open Charolais Show, Little Rock, Ark.

December 7 — Wright Charolais Third Annual Female Sale, 1 p.m., Jenkins Expo Center, Livingston County Fairgrounds, Chillicothe, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

October 18 — Compton Charolais 26th Annual Production Sale, 12:30 p.m., at the farm, Nanafalia, Ala. Contact: A.W. Buck Compton October 18 — South Carolina State Fair Open Charolais Show, Columbia, S.C. October 19 — The 2013 CJC Mr President & BHD Reality Sale, 1 p.m., Hopkins County Regional Civic Center, Sulphur Springs, Texas. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

October 26 — Doub Charolais & Guests Autumn At The Crossroads Sale, 6 p.m., at the farm, Danville, Ind. Contact: Andrew Doub.

September 2013

October 26 — Mead Farms Bull Sale, At the farm, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead or Bub Raithel.

September 2 — 20th Annual Autumn in the Ozarks Sale, Noon,Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.

October 26 — Southern Connection Sale, 1 p.m., Northwest Georgia Livestock Pavilion, Calhoun, Ga. Sale Sponsors: Georgia-Florida and South Carolina Charolais Associations. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

November 23 — Mississippi Charolais Association The Pride of Dixie Charolais Sale, Hinds County Community College, Raymond, Miss. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

October 16 — 12th Annual Thomas Charolais Inc. Bull Sale, Noon, at the ranch, Raymondville, Texas. Contact: Mitch Thomas.

October 26 — Aschermann Charolais Fall Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Carthage, Mo. Auctioneer: Jackie Moore. Contact: Larry or Peggy Aschermann.

September 12 — 18th Annual Black Gold Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Colusa Fairgrounds, Colusa, Calif. Auctioneer: Rick Machado. Contact: Jerry Maltby or Matt Macfarlane.

November 16 — North American International Livestock Exposition Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Louisville, Ky.

November 20 — North American International Livestock Exposition National ROE Show, Louisville, Ky.

October 5 — Keystone International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Show, Harrisburg, Pa.

August 29 — Nebraska State Fair Open Charolais Show, Grand Island, Neb.

M o r e o n t h e W e b:

November 9 — Vedvei Charolais Ranch The Dakota Standard II, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Lake Preston, S.D. Auctioneer: Lynn Weishaar. Contact: Alan Vedvei.

October 2013

October 23 — North Carolina State Fair Open Charolais Show, Raleigh, N.C.

August 31 — Minnesota State Fair Open Charolais Show, St. Paul, Minn.

November 9 — Oklahoma Charolais Bull & Female Sale, 1 p.m., Cross Livestock Auction, Checotah, Okla. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

November 16 — South Dakota Charolais Classic VI, 1 p.m., Mitchell Livestock, Mitchell, S.D. Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar. Contact: Donnie Leddy.

August 25 — New York State Fair Open Charolais Show, Syracuse, N.Y.

August 29 — South Dakota State Fair Open Charolais Show, Huron, S.D.

November 2 — Royal Breeders Bull Classic, 8 a.m., American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Mo.

September 28 — Tulsa State Fair Open Charolais Show, Tulsa, Okla.

August 24 — Kentucky State Fair Open Charolais Show, Louisville, Ky.

September 11 — Tennessee Valley Fair Open Charolais Show, Knoxville, Tenn.

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

November 2 — American Royal Livestock Show Junior Charolais Heifer Show, Kansas City, Mo.

October 19 — Walden Farms Fall Charolais Bull Sale, Walden Farms Sale Barn, Brantley, Ala. Contact: Tony Walden.

September 9 — West Texas Fair & Rodeo Open Charolais Show, Abilene, Texas

142  

September 13 — Kansas State Fair Open Charolais Show, Hutchinson, Kan.

October 30 — Fink Beef Genetics Annual Bull Sale, Fink Beef Genetics Sale Facility, Randolph, Kan. Contact: Galen, Lori or Megan Fink.

November 2013 November 1 — Ten Grand Sale, Noon, Wagstaff Sale Center, American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.


December 14 — Ridder Farms 3rd Annual The Showgirls Sale, at the farm, Hermann, Mo. Auctioneer: Eddie Burks. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.

January 2014 January 18 — National Western Stock Show National ROE Pens of Bulls & Females Show, 9 a.m., Denver, Colo. January 19 — 35th National Charolais Sale, 2:30 p.m., National Western Stock Show Beef Palace Auction Arena, Denver, Colo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. January 20 — National Western Stock Show Junior Charolais and Percentage Charolais Heifer Show, 8 a.m., Denver, Colo. January 20 — 45th National Charolais Show, National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colo. January 31 — Charolais Association of Texas Cowtown Cattle Drive Sale, 3 p.m., Ft. Worth Livestock Show, Fort Worth, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

February 2014 February 1 — Fort Worth Stock Show National ROE Show, Fort Worth, Texas Feburary 8 — Charolais For Profit, 1 p.m., Columbus Livestock Market, Columbus, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.

March 2014 March 7 — Windy Hill Charolais Farms & Guests 17th Annual Gateway-Getaway Production Sale, 6 p.m., Arrowhead Sale Facility, Cedar Hill, Mo. Contact: Stanley or David Bonacker.

Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE WITH THE JAN. 2006 ISSUE

The following terms and conditions govern all advertising in the Charolais Journal, which is used without separate or additional contract terms.

BREEDER ADVERTISING SPACE Black & White  1x   11x April 2011 1 page $700 $600 Aprilpage 1 — AICA WHR and 510 PPR Herd Enrollments 2/3 450 Due. Contact AICA, Marilou Wegner. 1/2 page (h) 395 340 April 2 — DeBruycker Charolais 27th Annual 1/2 page (v) 450 370 Bull Sale, Western Livestock Auction, Great Falls, 1/3 page 270 220 Mont. Salepage Consultant: Outfront 215 Cattle Service. Contact: 1/4 180 Lloyd, Brett or Mark DeBruycker 1/6 page 155 or Joe Campbell. 130 1April inch2 — Nipp Charolais 35 30Annual & Guests 2nd Position (1-7) Productionpgs Sale, 1.p.m., Red River1,150 Livestock, Inside Covers 1,200 Ardmore, Okla. Sale Manager: Sayre Cattle Service. Back April 2Cover — Wells Charolais 29th Annual1,300 Bull Sale, Hub City Livestock, Aberdeen, S.D. Contact: Richard CLASSIFIEDS or Jason Wells. Prepaid. Rate: per Wword, $25Annual min.,Production paid in Sale, April 2 $1 — Little Farm First advance. Deadline 25thTenn. of the 1 p.m., at the farm, Lebanon, Sale2nd Manager: month preceding publication Bob Morton. COLOR 5 — Hubert Charolaiscolor Ranch 32nd Annual 1April standard additional $175 Polled Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Monument, -Kan. red Auctioneer: or blue (availability basis) James Birdwell. Sale Manager: 1Hubert non-standard 275 Cattle Sales. color - (availability basis) April 5 — Cardinal Charolais Bull Sale, at the 4-color 475ranch, Hillrose, Colo. Contact: Special colorAuctioneer: Dennis Metzger.475 Pat Gebauer or Luan August. Metallic color 600 April 6 — Ibach Quarter Circle Ranch 14th Annual ADDITIONAL CHARGES Purebred Charolais Central B/W photo (each)Bull Sale, 1 p.m.,$15 Nebraska Commission Co., Broken Bow, Neb.50 Contact: Color photo (each) Karen Ibach. 4-Color page correction April 6approval — Kansas (per Bull Test #70 Annual 150 Bull Sale, after page) 11:30 a.m. Beloit, Kan. Contact: Harley Edge. B/W or 2-Color page corrections after page) 100 April 8approval — Brevig(per Charolais Annual Cattlemen’s After deadline charge Mont. Contact: 100Clark Value Bull Sale. Lewistown,

March 15 — Nipp Charolais 5th Annual Bull Sale, Red River Livestock, Ardmore, Okla. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Bob Morton. March 15 — Peterson Farms Charolais 21st Annual Top Pick Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Mountain Grove, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.

April 2014 April 12 — The Renaissance XXII Sale, 1 p.m., Chappell’s Sales Arena, Strafford, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.



Difficult ads requiring substantional extra proor Gail Brevig. duction time will be charged a minimum $50/ Aprilrate. 9 —If you Carolina noon, Upstate hour preferSensation no extra Sale, charges, request Livestock Exchange, S.C.if necessary Auctioneer: that the Journal staff Williamston, simplify the ad Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. atGreg theirClifton. discretion.



Contact: David Hobbs (816) 464-2474 ext. 200


Herd Reduction — Selling 25 bred cows, pairs, heifers and recipients. Double-H Charolais (320) 760-0359 or (320) 243-4386

Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext. 200, or with your Classified Advertising. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL

April 9 — Hebbert Charolais 29th Annual Bull CANCELLATION POLICY Sale, at the ranch, Hyannis, Neb. Contact: David or Charges dependent upon stage of production Mose will beHebbert. invoiced to advertisers who cancel previously advertising. April 9 —submitted Prairie Valley Farms Annual Bull Sale, Platte Livestock, Platte, S.D. Contact: Clarence or DISCOUNTS Mason. for all advertising will be ADavid 5% discount given for one year. 33rd No agency April 9if prepaid — Rambur Charolais Annual Bull commissions allowed on breeder rates. Sale,1 p.m. at the ranch, Sidney, Mont. Contact: CLOSING DATES Howard Rambur. All advertising (including April 9 — Thecopy Renaissance XVIXphotos) Sale, 1 p.m., must be inSales the Arena, Charolais Journal office by Chappell’s Strafford, Mo. Sale Manager: th the 25 of the second month preceding Mitchell, Managment. publication, i.e. Jan. 25 for the March issue or the9first working day thereafter. A $100 April — Thomas Charolais & Friends 2nd Annual late beatapplied to all late advertiseClubfee Calfwill Sale, the ranch, Raymondville, Texas. th of the second ments. Contact:Proof Mitchdeadline: Thomas or 20 Tonnyre Thomas Joe. month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 20 April 11 —issue. Eggleston’s Charolais 26th Annual Bull for March Sale, 1 p.m., Bales Co. C.C., Huron, S.D. Auctioneer: ADVERTISING CONTENT Seth Weishaar. Contact: jamie Eggleston. The Charolais Journal reserves the right to April 12 — Thomas Ranchor39th Annual refuse any advertising copy at itsBull soleSale, 1 p.m. at the ranch, Harrold, S.D.Journal Contact:assumes Troy Thomas. discretion. The Charolais no responsibility for the accuracy and April 12 — Oakwater Ranch 28th Annual Bull Sale, truthfulness of submitted advertising con1 p.m., Valentine Livestock, Valentine,regarding Neb. Contact: taining pedigrees or statements Dean Churchill The or Butch Alsup. Journal accepts performance. Charolais no responsibility forCharolais the accuracy any April 14 — Sonderup Ranch of 29th Annual photographs byFullerton, other than Bull Sale, 1 p.m.,supplied at the ranch, Neb.its Contact: own Advertisers shall imdemnify and Tom staff. Sonderup. hold harmless the Charolais Journal for any April 14concerning — Reich Charolais Ranch Annual BullasSale, claims advertising content submitted. Belle Fourche Livestock Exchange, Belle Fourche, S.D. Contact CATALOGS Tim Reich AND BROCHURES REPRINTS, Advertising and editorial reprints available. April 15 — South Central Kentucky Group Meeting Sale catalogs and brochures are produced Dinner. 6rates. p.m. at Barren River Livestock at& special Contact officeRegional for prices. Center, Bowling Green, Ky. Notice to advertisers: Advertising for sales April 15 — Virginia Charolais Association/Colonial scheduled prior toSuperior the 20thCharolais of the month Charolais Association Genetics of publication accepted at Rockingham the advertiser’s Sale, 1 p.m., Virginia Beef Expo, County risk. The Charolais Journal assumes no Fairgrounds, Harrisburg,forVa.distribution. Contact: Gerry Scott responsibility or David Clark.

J U N E / J U L Y 2 0 1 3   143


ADVERTISERS’ 21 Ranch........................................... 136 5J Charolais....................................... 139 Akin Charolais.................................... 133 Arlitt Ranch............................................ 3 Aschermann Charolais ...................... 139 Bamboo Run Farms LLC............ 8, 9, 133 Baney Charolais................................. 139 Barnard Charolais.............................. 139 Barnes, Tommy.................................. 140 Bar J Charolais............................. 12, 137 Bar S Ranch....................................... 134 Barton Charolais Ranch .................... 138 Beavers Charolais.............................. 134 Ben Meriwether Livestock Photography.... 140 Big Creek Charolais............................ 139 Birdwell, James.................................. 140 Black Mingo Ranch............................ 136 Boscamp’s Arrowhead Ranch............ 137 Bovine Elite, LLC................ 7, 37, 40, 140 Bracewell Cattle Co................ 40, 43, 137 Brevig Charolais................................. 135 Bridges Charolais............................... 129 Broken Box Ranch............................. 133 Browarny Photographics, Inc............. 140 Bruner Polled Charolais..................... 137 Buddy’s Charolais.................................. 3 Caddo Hills Ranch............................. 137 Cardinal Charolais............................. 133 Castleberry’s Hilltop C Charolais....... 136 Cattleman, The.................................. 141 CattleMax........................................... 140 Cavender Ranches............................... 40 Charolais Association of Texas ............ 137 Charolais Banner .............................. 141 Charolais Charbray Herd Book of Mexico... 42 Circle Cee Charolais Farms................ 138 Circle K Cattle Company....................... 88 Clayford Ranch Charolais................... 137 Clifton Management Co..................... 140 Coleman, Mac.................................... 135 Colonial Charolais Association............. 88 Compton Charolais............................ 133 Conover, Al......................................... 140 Corman Charolais ............................. 139 Cox Charolais..................................... 134 Crews Farms........................................ 15 Cross Mountain Cattle.......................... 82 Curfman Farms................................. 133 Curfman, Rick .................................. 140 DeBruycker Charolais...................... 13, 23 Dennis Charolais Farm................ 40, 137 144  

J U N E / J U L Y 2013

DESCO Charolais Farm................ 88, 136 Doub Charolais.................................. 134 Double O Charolais............................ 137 Double R Dees .................................. 137 Dybdal Charolais................................ 135 Eaton Charolais.......................Inside Front Effertz Key Ranch .............................. 136 Eggleston’s Charolais........................... 22 Endsley’s Charolais Farm.................. 135 Evans Charolais..................................... 3 Fancy Creek Charolais........................ 134 Fink Beef Genetics............................. 134 Foglesong Charolais........................... 133 Fox Hollow................................... 41, 136 Franz Ranch ...................................... 135 Gallagher...................................... 34, 140 Garrett Charolais................................ 129 Gay Livestock Insurance, Jerry ..........141 Genex Custom Collection..................... 31 HLB Charolais....................................138 Hale Farms.................................. 15, 139 Hang’n A Cattle Co............................. 138 Hankins, Lynn.................................... 129 Hann Family Spring Valley Ranches ..... 137 Hansen Farms...................................... 22 Happy 11 Charolais............................ 137 Hart Charolais.................................... 135 Hayden Farm............................... 34, 135 Heath Hyde Cattle Co............................. 3 Hebbert Charolais.............................. 135 Hillcrest Farm...................................... 82 Hubert Cattle Sales....................... 38, 141 Hubert Charolais Ranch ............. 33, 134 Hudspeth Farms.................................. 15 Ibach Quarter Circle Ranch .............. 135 James F. Bessler Inc........................... 141 Jackson, Jeff......................................... 40 Jensen Charolais Ranch....................... 22 Jorgensen Charolais........................... 133 JVS Cattle Co......................................... 12 K & K Charolais Ranch....................... 137 Keith Farms....................................... 134 Keppen Charolais................................. 22 King Charolais.................................... 136 L&N Charolais.................................... 139 LaFraise Farms ................................. 134 Lambert, Doak .................................. 140 Laue Charolais Ranch........................ 134 Lehman Charolais............................... 137 Lindskov-Thiel Ranch........ 43, Back Cover Link Charolais.............................................. 43

Little W Farm............................... 15, 129 Lone Oak Farm.................................... 82 M6 Charolais...................................... 137 MBS Charolais................................... 139 M & M Charolais............................ 5, 136 M & R Cattle....................................... 129 Macy Meadows..................................... 88 May, Roy & Son.................................. 129 McCary & Son Charolais Farm........... 133 McNickle Charolais Ranch................. 134 Mead Farms....................................... 139 Metzger Marketing............................. 140 Michigan Charolais Breeders............. 135 MidTenn Charolais ............................ 129 Missouri Charolais Breeders .. 38, 49-80, 139 Mitchell Management ....................... 141 ML Lewis Charolais............................ 134 MOGO Charolais.......................... 12, 133 Morton, Bob....................................... 141 Mountain View Charolais................... 133 National CUP Lab............................... 140 New Hope Farm................................. 136 Nipp Charolais............................. 37, 136 Nord Farms........................................ 134 Nord, Robert ..................................... 140 Nubbin Ridge Farm............................ 137 Oak Hill Farm.............................. 14, 133 Oakwater Ranch................................. 135 Odden Charolais Ranch....................... 22 Outfront Cattle Service ...................... 141 Patman Charolais............................... 138 Pearls Pics.......................................... 140 Peterson Farms Charolais.................. 139 Pleasant Valley Charolais...................... 83 Prairie Valley Farms, lnc...................... 22 Presley Farms LLC............................. 129 Raile Charolais Farm......................... 134 Rambur Charolais, Ltd...................... 135 Rathmourne Charolais........................ 35 Reaves Charolais................................ 129 Reich Charolais Ranch ........................ 22 Ridder Farms..................................... 139 Rio Ranch.................................... 45, 138 Riverdale Land & Livestock................ 139 Rogers Bar HR ...................................... 1 Rolling R Ranch................................... 31 Royal Breeders Bull Classic.................. 38 Runft Charolais Ranch, Myron........... 134 SW&S Cattle Co.................................. 138 Sandmeier Charolais............................ 22 Satterfield Charolais............................... 6


Sayre Cattle Service............................ 141 Schrader Ranch................................. 134 Schurrtop Angus & Charolais............. 135 Shadow Springs Farm.................. 83, 135 Skeans Cattle Co........................... 40, 138 Sleepy Valley Farm Charolais ............. 136 South Dakota Charolais Breeders.............. 22 Southern Cattle Company.................... 36 Sparkman Cattle Company.................. 43 Sparrow Farms................................... 138 Stalcup Farms Charolais.................... 134 Steffensen Charolais............................ 22 Stewart’s Charolais............................... 22 Sullivan Supply.................................. 140 Summerford Charolais, BJR.............. 133 Summit Farms..................................... 11 TC Cattle Co........................................ 138 Ten Grand Heifer Sale.......................... 38 Tennessee Charolais Breeders........... 129 Testerman Charolais............................ 81 Thomas Charolais, Inc. (TX).............. 138 Thomas Ranch (SD)........................ 2, 40 Tiger Country Charolais..................... 139 TML Charolais...................................... 43 Trinity Valley Community College Rch... 138 Tru-Test................................................ 44 TWJ Charolais Farm............................. 23 Vaughan Family Ranch...................... 134 Vedvei Charolais Ranch.................. 10, 22 Virginia Charolais Association.............. 88 Volunteer Charolais ........................... 129 Wagonhammer Ranches.................... 136 Wagon Wheel Charolais Ranch .......... 136 Wakefield Farms................................. 135 Weaver Leather Livestock..................... 48 Webb Charolais Farm......................... 137 Weber Charolais Farm ......................... 22 Welcome Grove Charolais ................. 129 Wells Charolais Ranch................... 22, 39 West Fork Ranch ............................... 136 White Charolais (MI)........................... 35 White Charolais (OK)........................... 40 White’s Skyline Charolais (OH)......... 136 Wienk Charolais Ranch........................ 16 Wild Indian Acres............................... 139 Windy Hill Charolais Farms................ 139 Wright Charolais.........................139, IBC Wright Charolais Farm (WI)............... 138 Zeisler Charolais................................ 136 ZOE Charolais.................................... 139


WC Benelli 2134 P ET

EM819733 DA Passport x JWK Clarice J139 EPDs: CE: 0.6 BW: 1.6 WW: 40 YW: 69 M: 16 MCE: 1.9 TM: 36 High-Selling bull in the 2013 WC Bull Sale. Thank you to Southern Cattle Co., Testerman Charolais & Bovine Elite.

WC Doubletree 2009 P M814185

LT Long Distance x LT Blue Value x LT Western Edge EPDs: CE: 4.0 BW: -1.0 WW: 44 YW: 70 M: 8 MCE: 5.6 TM: 30 Member of our 2013 Denver Grand Pen of 3 Thank you to Pro-Char Charolais and Johnson Charolais, Canada

2013 Bull and Female Buyers

For your confidence in our program JVS Charolais, LA Bar J Charolais, TX Hoppe Charolais, MO Grace Farms, MO Southern Cattle CO, FL Bovine Elite, TX Testerman Charolais, WV Broberg Charolais, NE SW&S Cattle Co., TX Valley View Ranch, MT Stalcup Farms, IA Obermeyer Charolais, KS Danzer Charolais, IA AB Lewis, TX ProChar Charolais, Canada Johnson Charolais, Canada ML Lewis Charolais, IA Sheldon Ackerson, ND Dybdal Charolais, NE Ford Charolais, IA Schumacher Trust, KS Harold Good Ranches, KS

John Orton, UT Triple T Charolais, IA MBS Charolais, MO J-Bar-S Charolais, KS J&J Trust, SD Mitch Thomas, TX Brian Ingram, MI Tiger Country Charolais, MO Triple C Charolais, AL Nick Williams, AL Michael Armstrong, NC LT Ranch, SD Wild Indian Acres, MO 4R Charolais, IA Troy Strnad, KS Eickhoff Farm, NE Cavender Ranch, TX McDaniels 3M Charolais, IA Mazeppa Charolais, NC Link Charolais, TX Glenn Sellhorst, NE Steve Smith Family, TX

March 9, 2013, 6th Annual Bull Sale

105 Bulls averaged $5,840

December 1, 2012 2nd Annual FemaleSale

WC Eva 2244 P ET

High-selling female in the WC 2nd Annual Female Sale Reserve Spring Calf Champion 44th National Show Thank you to Triple C Charolais, Bremen, Ala.

47 Females averaged $3,965

Derry & Mary Wright 42922 Old Hwy. 10 • Richmond, MO 64085 816-776-3512 farm office 816-456-3792 cellular Chris Peuster, Managing Partner 816-529-2190 cellular

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