Sire: Eatons White House 30018 P Ledger x Eatons Energized 9077 Balanced Numbers • Friend Cow Family Dam: Eatons Elna 6639 Polled Value x Eatons Director 8041 9 Progeny Avg: WWR: 103 YWR: 109
M870902 DOB: 3-24-15 BW: 92 lbs. AWW/R/C: 710 lbs./110/217 AYW/R/C: 1336 lbs./111/207 Adj. Yrlg. SC/R: 43.2/110
EPDs: CE: 8.2 BW: -1.1 WW: 41 YW: 82 MCE: 10.1 TM: 29 SC: 1.6 CW: 37 REA: 0.81 F: 0.028 MB: 0.02 TSI: 225.77
Birth Weight on calves—
Give us a call about your next herd sire or semen on our herd sire battery. SEMEN AVAILABLE FOR EXPORT
36 bull calves average 88 lbs. 21 heifers calves averaged 87 lbs.
Follow Us On Facebook
103 ETN Loop • Lindsay, MT 59339 Office (406) 584-7520 • Lee (406) 584-7546 • Elner (406) 485-3572
EPD -4.1 %RANK
KASEY PHILLIPS 780.656.6400
RON & DONNA ELDER 306-267-4986 | C 306-267-7693 MICHAEL & JUDY ELDER 306-267-5655 | C 306-267-7730
M A Y 2 0 1 8 1
! u o y Thank
Thank you to all the cattlemen who supported our program at our Seventh Annual Bull Sale and Satterfield & Guests Genetic Improvement Online Sale!
A special thank you to Bowen Farms of Arkansas for their purchase of SAT Patriot 6108 P ET.
Please make plans to join us for our
SEPTEMBER 22, 2018
A special thank you to Link Charolais of Texas for their purchase of SAT Gridmaker 6306 P ET.
A special thank you to Stewart Charolais of South Dakota for their purchase of SAT Patriot 6039 P.
169 Satterfield Farm Rd • Norfork, AR 72658 Mark & Nancy Loyd & Joanne (501) 944-9274 (870) 499-7151 M A Y 2 0 1 8 3
Official Publication of the American-International Charolais Association V O L . 42, N O. 3
Photo by David Hobbs at Riverdale Land & Livestock, Sunset Hills, Mo.. Cover by Molly Schoen
26 AICA Spring Meeting Minutes
Recap of meetings
31 Hall of Fame Inductee
Harlin & Sue Hecht
JOURNAL STAFF J. Neil Orth CPI President
David Hobbs
Molly Schoen
Kaitlyn Chism
Advertising Coordinator
Charolais Viewpoint by J. Neil Orth
Junior Viewpoint by Abbee Carnes
Field Representatives
Here’s an offer (we hope) you won’t refuse! Get to Know Your Director — Area 6, Matthew Owings
Refer to page 11
CHAROLAIS JOURNAL 11700 NW Plaza Circle • Kansas City, MO 64153
phone (816) 464-5977 • fax (816) 464-5759
Association Updates New Members Sales Review AICA News Notes
15 19 42 48
AIJCA News Notes Listening & Learning Calendar Advertisers’ Index
CHAROLAIS JOURNAL ADVERTISING POLICY: Advertising material for any month’s issue must be received in the offices of the Charolais Journal, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153, by the 25th of the second month preceding the month of publication, i.e., Dec. 25 for the February issue. Full camera-ready advertising copy or full-screened negatives will be accepted until the 1st of the month prior to publication provided notification of copy size, shape, color and other specifications are received by the 25th of the second month prior to the month of publication. If a proof is required, copy must be received by the 20th of the second month prior to publication, i.e., June 20 for the August issue. No copy can be altered or changed, except for typographical error, after the 1st of the month of publication. Any ad copy changes that must be made after the lst of the month will be assessed a 10% additional space charge. All dates and times are herein applicable at the office of the CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Charolais Journal (ISSN 0191-5444) is published monthly, except June and July which are combined issues, by CHAROLAIS PUBLICATIONS INC., 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153. Subscriptions: U.S. - $75; U.S. First Class - $100; Canada - $125; Foreign - $125. Single Copies - $7, including postage. For AICA members, $20 of annual dues to AICA are applicable to subscriptions for Charolais Journal. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO 64153, and additional mailing offices. Standard postage paid at Jefferson City, Mo. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CHAROLAIS JOURNAL, 11700 NW Plaza Circle, Kansas City, MO 64153.
M A Y 2018
M A Y 2 0 1 8 5
Building Genetic progress with Quality Donors.
MS 0383 MAMIE 764 P ET Wind 0383 x Silver Mark A35
EPDs: CE 10.0 BW -0.4 WW 32 YW 55 M 5 MCE 9.1 TM 20 SC 0.8 CW 19 REA 0.67 F -0.002 MB 0.13 TSI 201.38
HAMM BRAMARD 12R x M6 MS 0383 MAMIE 764 M819784 POLLED Roll of Excellence Sire 5593 Choupique Road Sulphur, LA Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 337-764-1040 cell Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell 6
M A Y 2018
Full French & Purebred Genetics P.O. Box 186, Liverpool, Texas 77577 Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 Daryl Renfrow (832) 444-5241 E-mail:
For over 26 years
Our Top Nine Performance Sires!
RBM Fargo Y111
LT Sundance 2251 PLD
MLS Painted Warrior C722 EM863600 EPDs: 3.0 2.4 51 97 7 3.6 33 1.2
EM809088 EPDs: 10.2 0.3 49 99 14 11.1 39 1.1
LT Blue Mountain 1041 PLD
ACE-ORR Efficient 972
LT Patriot 4004 PLD
M820210 EPDs: 3.3 2.2 62 103 -1 3.2 30 1.6
M805531 EPDs: -5.6 3.5 51 93 4 1.4 30 1.6
M793475 EPDs: 6.1 0.3 41 92 20 6.3 40 1.5
M852822 EPDs: 6.9 0.8 47 87 1 8.3 24 1.1
LT Long Shot 1045 PLD
WCR Polar Vortex 324 P
LT Venture 3198 PLD
M805534 EPDs: 6.8 1.1 43 91 9 4.7 30 0.5
M833698 EPDs: 7.0 -1.1 43 83 15 2.2 36 2.3
M852864 EPDs: 2.4 0.3 45 83 11 5.8 33 1.2
Rogers Bar HR Join Us for Our 42nd Annual
Cream of the Crop Charolais Female Sale
Cattle Backed by Proven Performance
Saturday, May 19, 2018
At the Ranch - Collins, MS
• 412 Females in the Breed’s Top 10% for Milk EPD • 419 Females in the Breed’s Top 10% for TM EPD • Largest Charolais Herd in the South. • Our Cattle’s Pedigrees are Stacked with Trait Leaders • Our Cow Herd is Run in the Real World on Grass • Bred, Born, and Raised in the South!
Sale Starts at 12:30 PM Catalogs Available Upon Request Selling 60 Lots
Cow/Calf Pairs Fall Splits Bred & Open Heifers
Rogers Bar HR
Doug Rogers Cell: 601-765-7751 P.O. Box 1718 - Collins, MS 39428 601-765-8848 8
M A Y 2018
J. Neil Orth, Executive Vice President
Here’s an offer (we hope) you won’t refuse!
Genomic data is important to evaluation.
rom now until the fall board of directors meeting in late October, OR until we reach 2,000 new samples, the cost of a genomic test has been reduced to $25! Have you ever worked on a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle? The outside borders are the easiest. The longer one works on a puzzle, the more tedious it becomes. All the pieces begin to look alike. Nothing seems to fit. Then, suddenly, you find one piece that fits, and hundreds of other pieces almost fall into position. Genomic data is the illusive missing puzzle piece that, once discovered, accelerated seedstock producers’ genetic selection options to previously unimagined predictability and accuracy. The larger the genetic database, the more accurate the tools and more reliable the cattle are throughout the supply chain. A few short years ago, major breeds began the process of educating seedstock producers, aligning with third party genomic companies to receive DNA samples, and returning raw genomic data to breed associations. Genomic data has rapidly become the
equally as important. Fast forward to today. Our ability as a breed association to continue to improve the accuracy of the genomic database and the selection tools through the constant infusion of new genomic data, depends on you. On March 26, the AICA board of directors agreed to subsidize the cost of genomic testing. From now until the fall board of directors meeting in late October, OR until we reach 2,000 new samples, the cost of a genomic test has been reduced to $25! The newly implemented Neogen/GeneSeek GGP BOV50K test includes parent verification. Progress made by every beef breed in America in the traits of economic importance can be attributed to the increased use of artificial insemination, embryo transfer and the implementation of genomic data into genetic evaluations. The accuracy and predictability of the data largely depends on the number of records turned in by registered seedstock producers. Every AICA member must make the best decisions for their
On March 26, the AICA board of directors agreed to subsidize the cost of genomic testing. From now until the fall board of directors meeting in late October, OR until we reach 2,000 new samples, the cost of a genomic test has been reduced to $25! The newly implemented Neogen/GeneSeek GGP BOV50K test includes parent verification. common currency for determining a value base across registered and commercial beef production. The ever-pressing need for more DNA samples, thus more genomic data, contributes to a larger, more robust database which will become even more important tomorrow than it is today. Many members will recall we began the process of genomic testing in 2015. The goal was to reach a minimum of 2,000 samples to complete the first genomically enhanced genetic evaluation. The Spring 2018 National Cattle Evaluation, released in late December, took another step by incorporating the use of single-step genomic evaluation methodology. Dr. Sally Northcutt, Method Genetics LLC, and AICA Genetic Consultant reported in the January 2018 Charolais Journal, “Single-step genetic evaluation is an exciting milestone in ensuring that Charolais breeders and their commercial customers have improved genetic selection tools that will reliably characterize Charolais genetics moving forward.” Single-step methodology is a modern, proven technology in beef, dairy, swine and poultry. Genomic data is critical to the modern evaluation toolbox. In addition, the continued practice of collecting and submitting phenotypic records and ultrasound measurements are
own individual operations. However, it is critical to the continued wide acceptance of the Charolais breed that we understand and acknowledge the value of genomic information throughout the beef production complex. Since the beginning, genetic evaluation tools were only available to registered seedstock producers. Today, genetic evaluation tools are being used by commercial cow-calf producers to determine female replacements, characterize cow herds and predict performance. Commercial producers are using genetic information to market steers and heifers. Progressive cattle feeders are aggressively seeking more genetic information. Cattle feeders and customers retaining ownership are using genomic information as a first line risk management tool. As your breed association, we encourage you to take advantage of the reduced cost and submit DNA samples on your cattle. There is no limit on the number of samples that can be submitted per member. The goal is to add genomic data on a minimum of 2,000 head of Charolais cattle. The cost to you is $25 per test! For more information, contact Marilou Wegner, (816) 464-5977, ext. 400,
M A Y 2 0 1 8 9
Baylee D Mangrum 90 Greene 419 Road Marmaduke, AR 72443
Bradley J Ripke 4841 110th Ave Rembrandt, IA 50576
Circle X Charolais 1690 Polk Rd 67 Mena, AR 71953
Maddie E Dean 797 Lakeshore Drive Cordele, GA 31015 Maelee E Dean 797 Lakeshore Drive Cordele, GA 31015
Paige Amenell 1670 210th St Denison, IA 51442
Lane J Pfannenstiel 829 210th St Hays, KS 67601
Brooke Cooper 630 Arthur Way Bardstown, KY 40004
Todd V Jeremiah 3419 County Rd Foosland, IL 61845
Matthew T Von Gruenigen 5747 Harmons Lick Road Paint Lick, KY 40461
Owen St Peters 557 Olde Cabin Rd Greenville, IL 62246
Cole J Whisman 23016 183rd Ave West Illinois City, IL 61259
Luke I Hoffman 808 Todd Lane Heltonville, IN 47436 Caleb X Michael 2335 Tellman Rd Columbus, IN 47201
Beau Parish 416 Quail Ridge Road West Point, MS 39773 Haley Parish 416 Quail Ridge Rd West Point, MS 39773
Birge Charolais Farm 3327 State Rd E Auxvasse, MO 65231
Bailey O Braun 1909 Osage Bend Road Jefferson City, MO 65101
Valinda Sullins 12150 X Road Red Rock, OK 74651
Brayden K Burd PO Box 725 Richland, MO 65556
Double D Charolais 10015 NE Hwy C Lowry City, MO 64763
Madeline E Braman PO Box 40 Refugio, TX 78377
Denney Farms 8579 FM 2419 Aumalieh J Jochim 17495 NE Ribbon Ridge Road Elkhart, TX 75839 Newberg, OR 97132 Dodd Livestock 3336 Keefer Loop South Dakota College Station, TX 77845 Devin I Untiedt
New Life Charolais Farms 9810 State Road AE New Bloomfield, MO 65063
14302 414th Ave Andover, SD 57422
Walynn Thomas Maupin 2885 Bathlehem Road Newbern, TN 38059
Chase D Henson 1306 Aztec Trail Krum, TX 76249
William Thomas Maupin 2885 Bethlehem Rd Newbern, TN 38059
Jimmy Holley PO Box 499 Saint Jo, TX 76265
Tailer Pyles 2300 Locust Grove Road Newbern, TN 38059
Noel De Jesus Lozano 307 Main St, Box 364 Texline, TX 79087
Tony Watson Farm 2467 Horn Spring Rd Lebanon, TN 37087
Alyssa L Ogles 5303 Buien Ave Friendswood, TX 77546
Marissa L Meduna 2102 County Rd 19 Colon, NE 68018 Jordan D Settles 1963 Hwy 79 North Bend, NE 68649
Kynlee C Dailey PO Box 248 Kingston, OK 73439 Michael Rose 2193 N 438th Pryor, OK 74361 Stierwalt Cattle 8501 Hwy 34 Leedey, OK 73654
Craig Hajovsky PO Box 768 El Campo, TX 77437
Jacob L Blackmon PO Box 33 Livingston, TX 77351 Jonathan W Blackmon PO Box 33 Livingston, TX 77351
indicates AIJCA membership
Female Inventories Now Due
AmericanInternational Charolais Association The AICA is the official registry for Charolais and Charbray cattle in the United States. Charolais cattle were first brought to the U.S. in 1936. In 1957, the American Charolais Breeders Association and the International Charolais Breeders Association merged forming the present AICA. Membership in the AICA is obtainable when the applicant has ownership in at least one animal, and has paid the initial membership fee of $125. AICA annual dues are $100.
WHR Inventories received between May 1st through May 31st – $20 per female; after June 1st – $32 per female. The WHR program includes a free registration and transfer for the 2018 born calf. The PPR program is available at no-charge; however, you will pay registration and transfer fees on each calf. Enrollment is available online. Click into “My Inventory” to get started. Junior National Entry Deadlines
The 2018 AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference will be held in Des Moines, Iowa, June 17-22. Early registration deadline is May 1 and late registration/ownership deadline with late fees is May 10. All entries will be completed online at New 50K Technology at a Lower Price
From now until the fall board of directors meeting in late October 2018, OR until we reach 2,000 new samples, the cost of a genomic test (GGP BOV50K) through AICA has been reduced to $25. This test includes parentage. AICA continues to offer the horned/polled test at $45. AICA Sire Selector Tool
Learn how to use the AICA Sire Selector Tool by viewing the instructional video posted on the AICA website and YouTube. Utilize the AICA Sire/Dam selector to identify genetics according to EPDs, TSI index and additional search parameters. Performance Deadline Approaching
Performance data must be submitted to the AICA office by July 15th to be included in the Fall 2018 Genetic Analysis. Please make sure calf data, weights and weigh data have been submitted online or on forms to AICA. 10
M A Y 2018
Double Check Paperwork
Spring is a busy time in the Registration Department. Please plan on at least a week turnaround time. Make sure your registration certificates are completely filled out before you send them to the office. Date of sale must be submitted on transfers. Sales of Bred Females
Females sold bred must have all breeding information included to complete the transfer. Service date and appropriate sire signatures are necessary. Year letter for 2018 is F.
Record your 2018 born calves using AICA’s online system. Add the data as the calves are born; continue to update the records as you add weaning and yearling data. Register the calves at any time by adding their name. Display a Photo of Your Herd Bull or Cow on the AICA Online Registry
For a fee of $25.00, AICA will upload the animal picture to the their page on the AICA Online Registry System. Each time someone pulls up your animal on the website, the picture of the animal will appear. To have your herd bull or cow included, you must supply a picture in JPEG format. Please contact the AICA office or send an e-mail to AICA DNA Requirements
AI Sires used “out of herd” and all Donor Dams must be DNA tested before calves can be registered. AICA recommends collecting DNA samples during the donor’s initial flush. Check the animal’s record to make sure the DNA work has been done before submitting registration papers. DNA kits are specific to the animal being tested. Contact Marilou Wegner to request a kit. AICA rules require signatures on bulls and dams you do not own. Signatures can be submitted online, fax, mail or e-mail. Link Your Herd Management Package to AICA
AICA has launched a new service that provides the framework to allow on-farm herd management computer software to exchange data with the AICA office. By using this service, breeders can avoid entering data in to both their local software and AICA’s online system. The software package would send AICA the data. If you wish to take advantage of this new service, ask your software vendor to contact AICA.
AMERICAN-INTERNATIONAL CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 11700 N.W. Plaza Circle Kansas City, MO 64153 Phone: (816) 464-5977 Fax: (816) 464-5759 E-Mail: Website:
Executive Vice President J. Neil Orth ext. 101
Recording Secretary Marilou Wegner ext. 400
Director of Activities David Hobbs ext. 200
Youth Activities Coordinator Kaitlyn Chism ext. 201
Administrative Assistant Affiliates Coordinator Judy Clements ext. 102
Lewis Meyer ext. 300
Area 1 Cheryl Lux P.O. Box 348 Augusta, MT 59410 (406) 562-3670
Area 7 Marty Lewis 9411 W 56th St S Monroe, IA 50170 (515) 250-2362
Area 2 Dennis Metzger 22600 Blue Jay Ln Anderson, CA 96007 (308) 544-6445
Area 8 Mike Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334 (573) 324-2528
Area 3 Ty Eschenbaum 530 Cardinal Drive Circle Brookings, SD 57006 (605) 847-4880
Area 9 Eddy Loggains 4431 Larkin Road Violet Hill, AR 72584 (870) 368-4857
Area 4 Spencer Schrader 2118 Oxbow Rd Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-2135
Area 10 Troy Bertsche PO Box 522 Flanagan, IL 61740 (815) 674-1244
Area 5 Michael Sturgess 407 Breesport St. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 867-6863
Area 11 Frankie Anthony 806 Jarboe Lane Hardinsburg, KY 40143 (270) 527-8861
Area 6 Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Rd Saint Jo, Texas 76265 (940) 841-2792
Area 12 Doug Rogers PO Box 1718 Collins, MS 39428 (601) 765-7751
Area 13 Silas Maxwell 1120 Welcome Grove Rd Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 552-4072
Larry Lehman
Richard Clark, M.D.
Larry Ludeke P.O. Box 186 Liverpool, TX 77577 (832) 439-4666
Vice President
Mike Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334 (573) 324-2528
Eddy Loggains 4431 Larkin Road Violet Hill, AR 72584 (870) 368-4857
Michael Sturgess 407 Breesport St. San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 867-6863
Asst. Recording Secretary Maggie Smithee ext. 401
Bill Nottke 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 843-2930
To use the extension numbers listed for the above staff, phone (816) 464-5977.
President J. Neil Orth
Board of Directors
FIELD STAFF Southeast Representative
Floyd Wampler 294 Peoples Rd. Bristol, TN 37620-8846 Cell - (423) 612-2144
Southwest Representative Cody Beck 19800 John Wayne Perry, OK 73077 Cell - (765) 719-1622
North Central Representative Colt Keffer 1239 Vinson St. Ft. Collins, CO 80526 Cell - (765) 376-8784
Larry Ludeke Mike Schumacher Michael Sturgess Eddy Loggains
Chairman & Trustee Trustees
Bill Nottke Harlin Hecht J. Neil Orth Kaitlyn Chism
Fundraising Chairman
Larry Lehman
West Representative Ty Groshans 41010 CR DD Akron, CO 80720 Cell - (970) 818-6016
Representative At-Large
Weston Geppert 25702 406th Ave Mitchell, SD 57301 Cell - (605) 933-1387
Other Regions
Call the AICA office. (816) 464-5977
term expires 2018
term expires 2020
term expires 2018
term expires 2020
term expires 2018
term expires 2020
Vice President Bob Tibbs
Larry Ludeke
Treasurer Ray Franz
J. Neil Orth Kaitlyn Chism
term expires 2018
term expires 2020
term expires 2018
term expires 2019
term expires 2018
term expires 2020
term expires 2018
Area 14 Dotty Macy 1039 Heaps Rd Street, MD 21154 (772) 713-4061 term expires 2020
Area 15 David Webb 317 Old Vineland SCH Easley, SC 29640 (864) 246-6203 term expires 2018
Breed Improvement
Junior Council
VICE CHAIRMAN Spencer Schrader Area 4 Director
VICE CHAIRMAN Ty Eschenbaum Area 3 Director
VICE CHAIRMAN Linda Hickam 14042 Hwy FF Thompson, MO 65285 (573) 682-3470
Long Range Planning
VICE CHAIRMAN Bob Tibbs 3545 Old Level Rd. Havre de Grace, MD 21078 (410) 734-6873
VICE CHAIRMAN Michael Sturgess Area 5 Director
CHAIRMAN Richard Clark P.O. Box 9 Tazewell, TN 37879 (423) 626-5892
CHAIRMAN Mike Schumacher Area 8 Director
CHAIRMAN Marty Lewis Area 7 Director VICE CHAIRMAN Eddy Loggains Area 9 Director
CHAIRMAN Rex Ricketts Rt. 3 14800 Tucker School Rd Hallsville, MO 65255 (573) 882-4553
CHAIRMAN Dennis Metzger Area 2 Director
CHAIRMAN Bob Tibbs VICE CHAIRMAN Michael Sturgess Area 5 Director
CHAIRMAN Larry Lehman
CHAIRMAN Larry Lehman P.O. Box 700 Tioga, TX 76271 (972) 529-8723
VICE CHAIRMAN Harlin Hecht 16732 283rd Ave Paynesville, MN 56362 (320) 243-4386
Rules & Ethics CHAIRMAN Eddy Loggains
VICE CHAIRMAN Silas Maxwell Area 13 Director
M A Y 2 0 1 8 11
Charolais Sale Results Sales are listed in sale date order. A list of sales in this issue is provided below. Meadows Creek Farm 3rd Annual Black & White Spring Forward Bull & Female Sale Schrader Ranch 16th Annual Bull Sale Wagner Charolais 7th Annual Bull Sale Zeisler Charolais Bull Sale Little W Farm 8th Annual Production Sale With Guests Valley View Charolais Ranch Weber Charolais & Red Angus Annual Production Sale C-B Charolais 32nd Annual Production Sale Schmidt Cattle Company Annual Bull Sale M6 Ranch Last Chance Bull Sale South Central Southern Indiana Spring Charolais Sale T&S Strnad Charolais Production Sale
Meadows Creek Farm 3rd Annual Black & White Spring Forward Bull & Female Sale Montgomery, Ala. February 24, 2018 Auctioneer: Chad “Cracker Johnson, Chiefland, Fla. Averages: 21 Two-Year-Old Bulls....................... $3,595 33 Charolais Females.......................... 1,640 54 Lots......................................... $2,400 Total Sale Gross............................. $129,605 By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $4,600 – Bull. MC Shurr Duke 551, 11-2-15, by WCR Sir Duke 7340 P. To Henry Golson, Fort Deposit, Ala. $4,500 – Bull. MC SCF 5128, 9-21-15, by CC Sir Duke 805. To Henry Golson. $4,500 – Bull. MC JRA Rio Alabama C16, 10-16-15, by Weavers Value Rep. To Lockport Cattle, Lockport, La. $4,500 – Bull. MC Legend 563, 12-3-15, by Southern Legend 38027. To George Ingalls, Ashford, Ala. Note: 33 Angus Bulls averaged $3,150, 4 Sim Angus Bulls averaged $3,338, 1 Hereford averaged $3,000, 23 Commercial Females averaged $1,423 and 6 Angus Females averaged $1,354.
Schrader Ranch 16th Annual Bull Sale Wells, Kan. March 20, 2018 Average: 21 Bulls....................................... $4,757 Total Sale Gross............................... $99,900 Note: 29 Simmental Influenced bulls averaged $3,715.
Wagner Charolais 7th Annual Bull Sale Sterling, Colo. March 21, 2018 Auctioneer: Dennis Metzger, Anderson, Calif. Average: 41 Bulls....................................... $3,242 Total Sale Gross............................. $132,922 By: Colt Keffer High-selling lots: $5,250 – 18-Month-Old. Wagner Thunder 6126, 9-18-16, by Wagner Thunder 4051. To Kenneth Everitt, Pine Bluffs, Wyo. 12
M A Y 2018
$5,250 – 18 Month-Old. Wagner Defender 6116, 9-15-16, by KASS/CJB Defender 408 ET. To Wolever Ranch, Snyder, Colo. $5,000 – 18 Month-Old. Wagner Lightning 6133, 9-23-16, by Wagner Lightning 4007. To Marth Rainey Trust, Marysville, Mo. $4,750 – 18 Month-Old. Wagner Thunder 6013, 8-14-16, by Wagner Thunder 4051. To Wolever Ranch.
Zeisler Charolais Bull Sale Butte, Neb. March 23, 2018 Auctioneer: Tracy Harl, Loup City, Neb. Average: 42 Bulls....................................... $4,410 Total Sale Gross............................. $185,220 High-selling lots: $7,750 – Bull. RZ Sir Ben E76 P, 2-22-17, by WCR Sir Bigben 372. To Kenner Inc., Wood Lake, Neb. $7,250 – Bull. RZ Sir Thunder Rider E84 P, 2-22-17, IQCR Thunder Rider X96 P. To Kenner Inc. $6,750 – Bull. RZ Sir Montana E137 P, 3-617, by RZ Sir Montana Z128 P. To Kenner Inc.
Little W Farm 8th Annual Production Sale With Guests Lebanon, Tenn. March 24, 2018 Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, N. Richland Hills, Texas Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service, College Station, Texas Sale Consultant: Brett Sayre, Purdin, Mo. Averages: 1 Two-Year-Old Bull........................... $3,100 9 Cow-Calf Pairs................................ $2,900 3 Cow-Calf Splits................................ $2,500 3 Bred Cows...................................... $1,717 6 Bred Heifers................................... $1,417 16 Open Heifers................................ $2,491 ½ Donor Cow.................................... $4,500 2 ET Heifers/Recipients..................... $3,150 40 ½ Lots..................................... $2,438 Not included in above averages: 6 Embryos............................................ $400 4 Pregnant Recipients........................ $2,000 26 Semen Units.................................... $138 Total Sale Gross............................. $112,750
By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $5,250 – Open Heifer. Bamboo Ms Ali Cigar CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
602 ET, 10-22-16, by LHD Cigar E46. From Bamboo Road Farms, Marshallville, Ga. To Bobby West, Bell Buckler, Tenn. $4,250 – Cow-Calf Pair. Double-H Eversweet 242 Z ET, 3-5-12, by CJC Mr President T122. Bull calf, 1-6-18, by LHD Legalentity Son B1747. From Little W Farm, Lebanon, Tenn. To Hudspeth Farms, St. Joe, Ark. $3,500 – Cow-Calf Pair. OHF Miss Ledger C907, 9-7-13, by LT Ledger 0332 P. Bull calf, 11-27-17, by OHF Passport 1330. From Oak Hill Farm, Dawsonville, Ga. To Bobby West. $3,500 – Open Heifer. Bamboo Ms New Standard 616, 10-27-16, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. From Bamboo Road Farms. To Herndon Farms, Lyon, Ga. $3,500 – Open Heifer. Bamboo Ms Venture Capital 7345, 2-20-17, by Bamboo Venture Capital 4515 ET. From Bamboo Road Farms. To Dove Estates Partners, Southlake, Texas. Note: Pick of 2018 ET calves was offered by Little W Farm for the T.K. Watkins Scholarship and sold to Bamboo Road Farms and Jake Huckaby, Lebanon, Tenn.
Valley View Charolais Ranch Polson, Mont. March 24, 2018 Average: 179 Bulls...................................... $5,622 Total Sale Gross.......................... $1,006,338 By: Brett Spader High-selling lot: $15,000 – Bull. VVCR Ledger Bingo 6139, 4-9-16, by LT Ledger 348. To Bar 6 Charolais, Mitchell, Ore.
Weber Charolais & Red Angus Annual Production Sale Lake Andes, S.D. March 26, 2018 Auctioneers: Dan Clark, Winner, S.D. and Brad Veurink, New Holland S.D. Averages: 56 Yearling Charolais Bulls................ $3,691 7 Open Charolais Heifers................... $1,800 63 Lots......................................... $3,481 Not included in above averages. 23 Yearling Red Angus Bulls.............. $2,575 6 Open Red Angus Heifers................. $1,650 31 Commercial Red Angus Pairs........ $1,951 13 Commercial Red Angus Heifers.... $1,615 Total Sale Gross............................. $369,900
continued on page 32
2018 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year Award
Dybdals AI most of the purebred herd and do quite a bit of embryo work with their commercial cows. He says they do a lot of embryo work to introduce new genetics faster than traditional breeding. In addition to their cattle operation, the Dybdals have been involved with the Nebraska Charolais Association and American International Charolais Association and the junior association. From Cattle Business Weekly, By Wendy Sweeter Obituary
Dybdal Charolais of Newcastle, Nebraska, got their start in the purebred Charolais business in 1989. Larry Dybdal grew up on a commercial cow/ calf operation two miles from where he currently runs his operation with his wife, Krista, and their children, Taylor, Ty and Trisha. At the 2018 Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic, Dybdal Charolais was presented the 2018 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year award. Dybdal Charolais run about 200 Charolais cows and 150 commercial black cows. They also grow about 1,500 acres of corn, soybeans and alfalfa. They recently held their seventh annual bull sale in Laurel, Nebraska where their offering ncluded 40 bulls, five show heifers and 25 bred cows. Prior to having their own bull sale, they sold bulls private treaty or attended winter shows and sales. Most of their buyers come from northeast Nebraska, with some coming from southern Nebraska and South Dakota. They also send a lot of bulls to northwest Iowa. Most of their bulls go to commercial buyers, but they do sell a handful to purebred breeders. “The things we select for are moderate frame, easy-keeping type cattle. Cattle that are going to milk, cattle that are going to put pounds on their calves,” Dybdal says. He is also selecting cattle that can handle the weather and terrain in northwest Nebraska.
Paula Camburn Hammond, 67, of Florence, passed away on March 16, 2018, at her residence, surrounded by her husband and children. Paula was born in New Albany, Mississippi, and grew up in Memphis, married and moved to Florence, Alabama in 1978. Paula attended Westminster Presbyterian Church. After marriage of 40 years, raising her sweet daughters and loving her precious grandsons brought her years of happiness. The funeral service was March 19 at Greenview Memorial Chapel. A private graveside for the family. She was preceded in death by her father, Dewey Camburn of Collierville, Tennessee. Survivors include her husband, Daniel J. Hammond of Florence, Alabama; children, Abbie Hammond of Florence, Alabama and Sarah Blaylock (Brandon) of Birmingham, Alabama; grandchildren, Soren and Ransom Blaylock both of Birmingham, Alabama; sister, Lisa Curry (John) of Germantown, Tennessee; brother, Ron Camburn of Collierville, Tennessee; niece and nephews, Ian and Aaron Curry, and Abigail Curry of Germantown, Tennessee, and mom, Virginia Camburn of Collierville, TN. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Westminster Presbyterian Church Choir Scholarship fund or to the animal rescue or shelter of your choice.
M A Y 2 0 1 8 13 Phenotype + Power RF
Bocephus 5027 48th National Reserve Grand Bull The Dale Ridder Family 1585 Little Bay Road Hermann, MO 65041 Home (573) 943-6462 Dale (573) 680-4691 Cell Derek (573) 680-4692 Cell
By Cattlemen, For Cattlemen
Semen: $50/straw; No Signing Fee
Milk Trait Leader ROE Sire
Get your at the Home of the 34th National Champion Female
New Whistle
Steve & Sandy Peterson • Jeremiah, Andrew & Joey 8767 Outer Road, Mtn. Grove, MO 65711 (417) 926-5336 • (417) 746-4410
WH Triple Play 201 Pld
Upcoming Events
Jeannine Doughty P.O. Box 523 (816) 616-8838 Harrisonville, MO 64701
L &N
CHAROLAIS Larry & Norma Julian
Crane, Missouri 417-536-6582 L&N Thundercloud 424 P Established 1999 KC Crowd Favorite!
WC Uncharted 7328 P Resource x WC Capital Gain AWW: 1,015 lbs.
June 8-10 MCA All-Breeds Junior Show, Sedalia July 28 Ozark Empire Fair Open Charolais Show, Springfield August 11 Missouri State Fair 4H & FFA Show, Sedalia August 12 Missouri State Fair A ROE Show, Sedalia September 15 Wild Indian Acres Female Sale, DeSoto
Bill & Lora Nottke
Office 11027 Chateau Chura Sunset Hills, MO 63128 (314) 378-3255 cell
Corman Charolais Dan Corman Pomona, Missouri (417) 252-1373
October 20 Aschermann Bull Sale, Carthage October 26 Royal Breeders Bull Classic, Kansas City
September 15 Female Sale Mike, Sara, Connor & Cannon Kisner 5805 Perkins Road • DeSoto, MO 63020 (636) 586-2299 • (636) 236-0306 cell Tad Owings • (660) 998-2557 Herdsman
October 27 Mead Bull Sale, Versailles
5J Charolais The Johansen Family AML 5J Jackson 509 Pld
Austin & Courtney Story
29143 175th St • Altamont, MO 64620 (660) 749-5834 • (660) 663-5048 cell •
Power & Look TR Mr Diablo 2742Z ET
December 1
November 3 Ridder Female Sale, Hermann
Charolais Cattle
• Easy Calving Larry & Peggy Our Goals Are ... Aschermann • Fast Growing 734 Belle Aire Place • Premium Grading Carthage, MO 64836 ... Breeding Stock (417) 358-7879 • e-mail:
Female Sale
October 27 American Royal National Show, Kansas City
8 STORY FARMS Bull Sale • October 20
Derry & Mary Wright 42922 Old Hwy. 10 w Richmond, MO 64085 816-776-3512 farm office 816-456-3792 cellular Chris Peuster, Managing Partner 816-529-2190 cellular
8th Annual
October 26 40th National Sale, Kansas City
“Breeding Charolais Since 1958"
M A Y 2018
Progeny of Fire Water, Budsmydad, Grid Maker, Slasher, Revelation, Bluegrass, Royce and Wyoming Wind
September 3 Autumn In The Ozarks, Strafford
J1377 Pld ET
Ranch 3287 Lick Creek Road Leasburg, MO 65535
Big Creek Charolais
Stan & Mary Bonacker & Family Cedar Hill, MO Stan: (314) 550-2554 David: (314) 974-5230
Riverdale Land and Livestock
Peterson Farms Charolais
WCR Sir Thunder 417 Pld
Cell 660-670-4721 • Home 660-277-4728
11218 County Line Road Syracuse, MO 65354 (660) 473-2945
Space Available Contact David Hobbs (913) 515-1215
CHAROLAIS We Collect Data. We Sell Bulls.
Mike & Brian Schumacher 14809 Pike 139 Bowling Green, MO 63334
(573) 324-2528 home (573) 324-5411 work
MEAD FARMS ANGUS & CHAROLAIS Barnett, MO Bull Sale • October 27
Brand of Quality
Owner: Alan Mead (573) 216-0210
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo
Reserve Grand Champion Heifer: BK BOY Eye Candy 738 ET, 2-3-17, by M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Savanna Morton, Stratford, Okla.
Houston, Texas z March 10, 2018 Breeding Heifer Judge: Chris Mullinix, Manhattan, Kan.; Market Steer Judge: Jack Ward, Plattsburg, Mo.
Grand Champion Percentage Heifer: GHC Golden Angel 6501, 11-2-16, out of TR PZC Ms Ivory Angel 0711 ET. Turner Longacre, Kellyville, Okla.
Grand Champion and Champion Junior Heifer: G4 Ms Madelyn 622, 9-9-16, by Big Creek Game Changer 192 P Et. Grace Carver, Flower Mound, Texas
Reserve Grand Champion Percentage Heifer: Six E DE Charlie’s Angel 721, 4-12-17, out of OBG Nancy 3023. Trycen King, Bluejacket, Okla.
Reserve Grand Champion and Champion Calf: LJR Ms Turton Sally 2372E ET, 4-1-17, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET. Macy Burns, Thrall, Texas Reserve Champion Calf: HKH LDF Emily 106E, 2-15-17, by SCC Pacer 79A Pld. Mason Hunter, Whitehouse, Texas Reserve Champion Junior Heifer: DCC Snow White 1610, 9-6-16, by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794. Brittnee Hamilton, Marlin, Texas Champion Senior Heifer: HF Dixie 1606, 2-2-16, by Big Creek Game Changer 192 P ET. Shawn Leifeste, Cameron, Texas Reserve Champion Senior Heifer: DCF Impressive 629D, 4-17-16, by Sydney Howell, Bowie, Texas Grand Champion Steer of Show and Champion Charolais: Cameron Conkle, Allen, Texas Reserve Champion Steer: Dakota David, Pilot Point, Texas
Oklahoma Youth Expo Oklahoma City, Okla. z March 12, 2018 Judge: Chad Breeding, Miami, Texas Grand Champion Heifer: KE Wonder Woman ET, 5-11-16, M&M Outsider 4003 Pld. Kelton Arthur, Stillwater, Okla.
Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo
Champion Heifer
Reserve Champion Heifer
Champion Steer
Reserve Champion Steer
Junior National Show & Leadership Conference Entry Deadlines The 2018 AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference will be held in Des Moines, Iowa, June 17-22. Early Registration/Ownership deadline is May 1. Late Registration/Ownership deadline is May 10. Registration forms and complete show and contest rules are online at www. Contact Kaitlyn Chism, AICA.
Area Membership Map
Interested in Becoming a Junior Board of Director? Areas 1, 3, 5 and 7 are up for election in 2018. Four At-Large positions will be selected from the pool of first, second and third alternates from all 8 Areas. Completed applications are due May 10! To be eligible to run for Area Director, your area must be up for election (Odd areas this year). Juniors must be at least 16 and not yet 21 as of January 1, 2018 and have attended at least one Junior National. Contact Kaitlyn Chism, AICA. CHAROLAIS JOURNAL
2 5
1 3
6 8
M A Y 2 0 1 8 15
Matthew Owings, Area 6 Director
Get to Know Your Director! Interviewed by Abbee Carnes, Secretary
President Hadley Schotte Marysville, KS (785) 562-6632
Treasurer Kaitlyn Davlin El Campo, TX (979) 543-0366
Vice President Teanna Simpson Thayer, MO (417) 280-1150
Ex-Officio Ty Dybdal Newcastle, NE (402) 841-0995
Secretary Abbee Carnes Richland, SC (864) 784-2562
Directors By Area
ey guys my name is Matthew Owings and I am your Area 6 Director. I come to you from the Show-Me State of Missouri and reside in the small town of Potosi. I am currently working on my bachelor’s degree at Texas Tech University. While here at Tech, I am a member of the Red Raider Livestock Judging Team. I’m ready for a great Junior National in Des Moines, Iowa and cannot wait to see all of you there!
Q: Who inspired you to become a board member? A: Growing up in the Charolais breed, I have many great
mentors and friends that have served as members of the AIJCA board. It is something that I have always wanted to be a part of from the start. Sitting in the stands at opening ceremonies year after year looking up to the older kids that were the face of the AIJCA, it became a dream of mine.
Q: How did you get involved in the Charolais breed? Q: What was your favorite show heifer and why? A: My father was working at White Wheel Charolais Ranch A: Everyone has that one show heifer from over the years
in Rankin, Illinois, when I was born and from the time I was able to walk I loved to be in the show barn and out checking cows. You could say that I was hooked on white cows from day one.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Junior National? A: My favorite thing about Junior National is getting to
see the Charolais breed grow and develop. Not only with the cattle that everyone has brought from across the United States, but to see how we have progressed our breed. Also, it’s really impressive to see how the young people of our organization have grown over the past year.
Q: Where was your first Junior National? A: I attended my first Junior National in Rochester,
that sits out in the pasture and has a special place in your heart. She may not even be a female that won the most as a show heifer. This is my case, my favorite show heifer would be a heifer that I bought from High Prairie Farms, her name was Sara. The saying “ ’Bet she’ll make a great show heifer and even better cow” would apply to her. She never won her class at a major show always standing second behind the National Champion heifer of Kassi Bauman. Sara went into production and raised the Junior National Champion Owned Female in 2009 and has become a cornerstone for my herd.
Q: What is your favorite thing about the breed? A: My favorite thing about the Charolais breed is how we
are one big family. Like all families we are not the most functional sometimes, but everyone is always willing to lend Minnesota, in 2003. Going to Junior National was something a hand when things need done or someone needs help. that I had looked forward to for a couple years at that time. So, when I was able to take my Bred and Owned Heifer and Q: If you won $20 million in the lottery, what win my class at my first Junior National that had to be my would you do with the money? favorite moment. It is one of my most prized possessions, the size and style of my belt may have changed over the A: The ongoing joke at my house is that if I ever did win the lottery that I would have it all spent before noon. So, years, but the buckle has stayed the same. if I was to spend 20 million dollars the first thing I would Q: What influences do you see Junior National do is buy a ranch of my own and build my dream show barn. Then I would buy the best five white cows I could find, having on our breed? finally I would create a A: I believe that the Charolais Junior National has a major and scholarship to give back to the impact on our breed. This is the event that brings our youth AIJCA because I know without from all across the United States under one roof. It is where this organization I would not lifelong friendships are made, and how the future breeders be the person I am today. and leaders of our breed are developed. 16
M A Y 2018
Area 1 Madison Andrade San Juan Bautista, CA (408) 888-4906
Area 2 Trisha Dybdal Newcastle, NE (402) 692-3704
At Large Cagney Effling Highmore, SD (605) 870- 0368
At Large Caitlin Jedlicka Koshkonong, MO (417) 764-3392
Area 3 Mitchell Duer Onaga, KS (785) 889-4650
At Large Teanna Simpson Thayer, MO (417) 280-1150
Area 4 Kaitlyn Davlin El Campo, TX (979) 543-0366
At Large Molly Smith Lockhart, TX (512) 995-2557
Area 5 Trent Bertsche Flanagan, IL (815) 796-4440
Area 6 Matthew Owings Potosi, MO (660) 998-2557
Area 7 Rylee Derrer Milan, IL (309) 314-1492
Area 8 Abbee Carnes Richland, SC (864) 784-2562
Committee Chairmen Fundraising Kaitlyn Davlin Programs & Activities Teanna Simpson
Membership Abbee Carnes Junior National Hadley Schotte
Aijca Membership Membership in the nationwide AmericanInternational Junior Charolais Association (AIJCA) is open to anyone 21 years of age and under as of January 1 of the present year. The initial membership fee is $30 and $25 annual dues thereafter.
We’ve Reached A Milestone In OUR Breed!! The National Charolais Sale is well established as OUR BREEDS highest averaging sale! In January 2017 in Fort Worth it averaged $11,183; in January 2018 in Denver it averaged $12,179. We now get ready for the next great National Charolais Sale to be held in Kansas City. The National Sale Committee, the sale manager and the Charolais Journal Staff would like to invite all progressive, breed leading Charolais breeders to nominate the best offering EVER! In an effort to continue improving this offering to the industry, the nomination fee has been set at $1,250. If your nomination is accepted by the National Sale Committee your fee will applied toward your full page in the October National Sale catalog at $600 and the balance will apply towards the set commission rate of 12.5%. All nominations with exceptional buyer appeal will be evaluated by the National Sale Committee and if your nomination is not accepted, your fee will be returned in full. The full color sale catalog will be printed in the October Charolais Journal.
Nomination Deadline: August 1, 2018 Catalog Deadline: August 25th
Friday, October 26th, 2018
during the American Royal in Kansas City, Missouri, in conjunction with the 50th National Charolais Show. Please contact anyone of us on the Charolais Journal Staff, the National Sale Committee or the Sale Manager to discuss your nomination today!
David Hobbs (913) 515-1215 Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2133
Sale Manager: Cody Beck (765) 719-1622 Colt Keffer (765) 376-8784
Greg Hubert P.O. Box 100 • Oakley, KS 67748 (785) 672-3195 (785) 672-7449 cell
National Sale Committee:
Mike Schumacher, Chairman (573) 470-5411 Ty Eschenbaum Derry Wright (816) 456-3792 (605) 203-1082 Lee Eaton Bob Tibbs (410) 734-6873 (406) 584-7546 M A Y 2 0 1 8 17
It takes the power of Pyramid® 5 + Presponse® SQ, the only approved combination vaccine that protects for at least 217 days against BVDV Type 1b — the most common subtype of BVDV in infected calves. Vaccination provides a protective effect against the development of post-challenge viremia and leukopenia. Choose the viral and bacterial protection of PYRAMID 5 + PRESPONSE SQ, and realize that luck has nothing to do with raising healthy, high-returning calves. Talk with your Boehringer Ingelheim representative today. Learn more at
Pyramid and Presponse are registered trademarks of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. ©2018 Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. BIVI/PYPR/151007
M A Y 2018
American-International Charolais Association
“Listening & Learning” Session July 14, 2018 Session Location:
Virginia Tech University Alphin Stuart Livestock Arena 500 Plantation Rd, Blacksburg, VA 24060
Segment 1—
Finding added value for Charolais-influenced feeder cattle in the Southeastern U.S. Austin Paul, Eugene Barber & Sons, Lexington, KY
Segment 2—
Opportunities in value-based feeder cattle marketing & beef industry trends Brian Bertelsen, Vice President Field Operations, U. S. Premium Beef, Dodge City, KS
Segment 3—
Bull Buying Selection Guide for Cow/Calf Operations Dr. Bain Wilson, Virginia Tech Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences
Segment 4—
The importance of individual performance data in a genomic world Dr. Sally Northcutt, AICA Breed Improvement Consultant, St. Joseph, MO
Segment 5—
How to collect and input performance data for Whole Herd Reporting Maggie Smithee, AICA Assistant Recording Secretary, Kansas City, MO
Segment 6—
Judging Contest VTU & AICA Staff
Hotel Information Host Hotel- Microtel Inn & Suites 135 Ponderosa Drive, Christiansburg, VA 24073 540-381-0500 Ask for the AICA Charolais Block Block closes July 1
For Additional Information & RSVP– The National Center For Beef Excllence Brett Spader • (785) 633-5512 Floyd Wampler • AICA Southeast Representative (423) 612-2144 •
No Registration Fee: Pre-Registration Required for Planning RSVP requested by July 1
M A Y 2 0 1 8 19
River Dance 4114 P TW
Available Private Treaty ▶ Semen ▶ Charolais Bulls ▶ Purebred Registered Charolais Females Semen: $25
No Signing Fee
CE 6.5
BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC -1.1 40 66 5 3.4 28 1.1
CW REA 25 0.73
FAT 0.02
MARB TSI 0.22 211.29
▶ One of the top bulls in the 2015 LT Ranch Bull Sale LT
Silver Yield 3196 P
▶Yearling Bulls For Sale
2150 Hwy 411 NE Cartersville, GA 30121 Franklin Dowell, Manager
Semen: $25
No Signing Fee
CE 7.7
BW WW YW Milk MCE Mtnl SC -1.4 29 49 5 7.1 20 1.1
CW REA 7 0.12
FAT MARB TSI 0.020 0.27 196.12
Sire of the "Distance" line at the LT Ranch in SD
Because Pounds Pay
M6 Cool Wind 1140 P ET 2018 Multiple Trait Leader Top 15% WW, YW; 1% TM; 8% TSI
678-520-0026 cell
Mr. DeBruycker— My dad and I are huge fans of your Charolais bulls.
e Trait L
We actually know a guy here in West Virginia, who has your bulls and raises some dandy calves! That’s all we used to own was Charolais!
I just wanted to compliment you all on your Charolais breeding program and the genetics in your bulls COULD NOT be better!
- Dakota White
M6 0383 Germaine 8163 P ET Top 1% TM; 3% TSI
Dave & Lori Weaver Cell: (270) 646-8955 Home: (270) 646-3614 20
M A Y 2018
High-Selling Bull 2018
Introducing the New Y-Tags™ One-Piece Tagging System from Y-Tex .
It’s high noon for old-fashioned ear tags, because the new Y-Tags one-piece tagging system is about to run them right out of town. Y-Tags feature a revolutionary new Surgi-Tip™, advanced materials and exclusive 100% PureLaser™ imprinting for superior retention, rugged durability and readability that’s guaranteed for the life of the animal. Plus, Y-Tags are a cinch to apply, no matter what brand of one-piece tagger you like to use. To learn more about the toughest tags around, visit or your nearest livestock products retailer.
Y-Tags™, Surgi-Tip™ and PureLaser™ are trademarks of Y-Tex Corporation. © 2017 Y-Tex Corporation.
M A Y 2 0 1 8 21
South Dakota Charolais Contact these seedstock breeders for herd sire prospects and herd building females.
Thomas Ranch
Troy & VeaBea Thomas, Clint & Cally Kindred 18475 Capri Place • Harrold, SD 57536 Office: 605-973-2448 Troy’s Cell: 605-222-1258 Cally’s Cell: 605-222-1515 Clint’s Cell: 605-890-0148
Featuring– M6 Rock Star 306 P ET Fresh Air x Rio Bravo
EPDs: 0.4 2.5 42 71 14 3.2 35 1.1
39120 192nd Street Wagner, South Dakota 57380 (605) 384-3300, (605) 491-0986
DAVID MASON Cell: (605) 680-0780 •
PC Missouri Bob 1227 Pld M801740 Multiple Trait Leader
Top 2% YW, TSI • 5% MCE, TM 8% CE, WW • 15% CW, REA • 20% M S.D. Charolais Breeders Association 2008 Outstanding Seedstock Producer
Purebred Charolais Private Treaty Sales
Jerod & Melanie Olson 20629 443rd Ave Lake Preston, SD 57249
Steve - Myrna - Greg - BJ 405 Samara Ave. • Volga, SD 57071 • (605) 627-5229 •
Reich Ranch Charolais Tim and Ree Reich
Calvin Sandmeier (605) 285-6179
Gary Sandmeier (605) 285-6766
13123 322nd Ave. • Bowdle, SD 57428
Vedvei Charolais
If you are looking
performance Whoa, for polled cattle, call: Colome, SD 57528
(200 miles Southwest of Lake Preston)
Brian & Janna Adam, Ethanie & Andrew (605) 842-1185 - Home (605) 203-1228 - Brian cell (605) 203-1229 - Adam cell
New Date! May 14 36th Annual Wells Charolais Ranch Bull sale 15446 419th Ave • Conde, SD 57434 Richard & Heather Wells (605) 784-3409 Jason & Nina Jo Wells (605) 784-7824 www.
M A Y 2018
Herd Sire Prospects & Embryos for Sale Private Treaty
“2000 AICA Seedstock Producer of the Year”
44213 204th St. Alan & Deb Vedvei Lake Preston, SD 57249 (605) 847-4529
TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET
Gastrointestinal Roundworms Bunostomum phlebotomum Cooperia oncophora Cooperia punctata Haemonchus placei Oesophagostomum radiatum Ostertagia lyrata Ostertagia ostertagi Trichostrongylus axei Lungworms Dictyocaulus viviparus
Grubs Hypoderma bovis
HANSEN 39804 163rdBJSt.Hansen • Turton, SD 57477 FARMS (605) 635-6346 • (605) 228-6199
Durations of Persistent Effectiveness 150 days 100 days 100 days 120 days 120 days 120 days 120 days 100 days 150 days
DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION LONGRANGE® (eprinomectin) should be given only by subcutaneous injection in front of the shoulder at the recommended dosage level of 1 mg eprinomectin per kg body weight (1 mL per 110 lb body weight). WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS
1007 Kingsbury Belle Fourche, SD 57717 (605) 892-4366
Scott & Kim Jensen 20379 441st Avenue • Lake Preston, SD 57249 (605) 847-4755 E-Mail:
Odden Charolais Ranch
Lungworms Dictyocaulus viviparus – Adults
Trichostrongylus axei – Adults and L4 Mites Trichostrongylus colubriformis – Adults Sarcoptes scabiei var. bovis Parasites
J&M Ranch (605) 860-2080
Gastrointestinal Roundworms Bunostomum phlebotomum – Adults and L4 Cooperia oncophora – Adults and L4 Cooperia punctata – Adults and L4 Cooperia surnabada – Adults and L4 Haemonchus placei – Adults Oesophagostomum radiatum – Adults Ostertagia lyrata – Adults Ostertagia ostertagi – Adults, L4, and inhibited L4
JAMIE EGGLESTON 21130 379th Ave. • Wessington, SD 57381 (605) 883-4602 • Fax: (605) 883-4924 •
Extended-Release Injectable Parasiticide 5% Sterile Solution NADA 141-327, Approved by FDA for subcutaneous injection For the Treatment and Control of Internal and External Parasites of Cattle on Pasture with Persistent Effectiveness CAUTION: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. INDICATIONS FOR USE LONGRANGE, when administered at the recommended dose volume of 1 mL per 110 lb (50 kg) body weight, is effective in the treatment and control of 20 species and stages of internal and external parasites of cattle:
Withdrawal Periods and Residue Warnings Animals intended for human consumption must not be slaughtered within 48 days of the last treatment. This drug product is not approved for use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older, including dry dairy cows. Use in these cattle may cause drug residues in milk and/or in calves born to these cows. A withdrawal period has not been established for pre-ruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal. Animal Safety Warnings and Precautions The product is likely to cause tissue damage at the site of injection, including possible granulomas and necrosis. These reactions have disappeared without treatment. Local tissue reaction may result in trim loss of edible tissue at slaughter. Observe cattle for injection site reactions. If injection site reactions are suspected, consult your veterinarian. This product is not for intravenous or intramuscular use. Protect product from light. LONGRANGE® (eprinomectin) has been developed specifically for use in cattle only.This product should not be used in other animal species. When to Treat Cattle with Grubs LONGRANGE effectively controls all stages of cattle grubs. However, proper timing of treatment is important. For the most effective results, cattle should be treated as soon as possible after the end of the heel fly (warble fly) season. Environmental Hazards Not for use in cattle managed in feedlots or under intensive rotational grazing because the environmental impact has not been evaluated for these scenarios. Other Warnings: Underdosing and/or subtherapeutic concentrations of extendedrelease anthelmintic products may encourage the development of parasite resistance. It is recommended that parasite resistance be monitored following the use of any anthelmintic with the use of a fecal egg count reduction test program. TARGET ANIMAL SAFETY Clinical studies have demonstrated the wide margin of safety of LONGRANGE® (eprinomectin). Overdosing at 3 to 5 times the recommended dose resulted in a statistically significant reduction in average weight gain when compared to the group tested at label dose. Treatment-related lesions observed in most cattle administered the product included swelling, hyperemia, or necrosis in the subcutaneous tissue of the skin. The administration of LONGRANGE at 3 times the recommended therapeutic dose had no adverse reproductive effects on beef cows at all stages of breeding or pregnancy or on their calves. Not for use in bulls, as reproductive safety testing has not been conducted in males intended for breeding or actively breeding. Not for use in calves less than 3 months of age because safety testing has not been conducted in calves less than 3 months of age. STORAGE Store at 77° F (25° C) with excursions between 59° and 86° F (15° and 30° C). Protect from light. Made in Canada. Manufactured for Merial, Inc., Duluth, GA, USA. The Cattle Head Logo and LONGRANGE are registered trademarks of Merial, Inc. ©2015 Merial, Inc. All rights reserved. 1050-2889-06, Rev. 2/2015, 8LON016C
You may only have them a short time.
B U T YOUR commitment IS
LONG-TERM. That’s Why You Need LongRange®(eprinomectin) For Up To 150 Days Of Parasite Control.1 Looking out over your herd, the sight is full of potential. But if you used a short-term dewormer like Cydectin® (moxidectin) or Dectomax® (doramectin) on your stockers, you’re not getting the most out of your pasture. That’s because cattle were probably reinfected with parasites just halfway through the grazing season.
Only LONGRANGE delivers true season-long control.1
40 lbs.
In just 104 days, LONGRANGE steers gained 40 lbs. more over those treated with CYDECTIN + SAFE-GUARD® (fenbendazole).2
Out here, there is no time for shortcuts. This year, think LONGRANGE. Caution: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.Warnings and Precautions: For use in cattle only, not for use in humans or other animal species. Keep out of reach of children. Not for use in breeding bulls, or in calves less than 3 months of age. Not for use in cattle managed in feedlots or under intensive rotational grazing. Not for use in female dairy cattle 20 months of age or older, including dry dairy cows, or in veal calves. Post injection site damage (e.g., granulomas, necrosis) can occur; these reactions have disappeared without treatment. Not for intravenous or intramuscular use. Do not underdose. Do not treat within 48 days of slaughter. Available in 500 mL, 250 mL and 100 mL bottles.
Dependent upon parasite species, as referenced in FOI summary and LONGRANGE product label. Administer subcutaneously at 1 mL/110 lbs. Results based on actual on-farm comparative demonstration. Individual herd results may vary. Data on file at Boehringer-Ingelheim. Consult with your veterinarian to discuss expectations for your operation. Merial is now part of Boehringer Ingelheim. LongRange and the Cattle Head Logo are registered trademarks of Merial. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. ©2018 Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. BOV-1129-ANTH0418 1 2
M A Y 2 0 1 8 23
Redemption represents generations of genetic predictability in the Charolais breed. You will be hard pressed find an individual that combines the power, performance and structural integrity, along with the most unique and perfect design and impeccable look in a purebred Charolais like it is in Redemption. His dam was the 2014 American Royal Junior Show Grand Champion Female and full sister to the current National Champion Female, WC Kendall 5173. Redemption is that rare find of power, look and predictable pedigree that can truly change your cowherd in ONE GENERATION. If you’re serious about the Charolais business or that discerning cattleman that appreciate the good ones, CCC WC REDEMPTION IS THE ANSWER Redemption himself in a short show career was selected as the 2017 American Royal Breeders Bull Classic Champion Bull, was the anchor Bull in the Champion Pen Of 5 Charolais Bulls at the 2018 National Western Stock Show and the National Spring Bull Calf Champion for Wright Charolais and Cody Cattle Company.
GRISWOLD CATTLE John Griswold 405-780-3300 5922 S. Brush Creek Rd. Stillwater, OK 74074 24
M A Y 2018
Steve Smith
BW: 90
AWW: 823 R:100 ET
▶ ▶ EPDs:
100 straws/100 signings $7,500 maximum 3 partners or
$50/straw, minimum 10 straws/$50 signing
For semen contact — Wright Charolais 816-776-3512 Derry Wright 816-456-3792 Kent Jaecke 405-408-2440
Owned with
Country Charolais Tontitown, Arkansas
Cody and Lindsay Runft
14251 KK Hwy • Braymer, MO 64624 316-640-0733 •
Derry & Mary Wright 42922 Old Hwy. 10 • Richmond, MO 64085 816-776-3512 farm office 816-456-3792 cellular Chris Peuster, Managing Partner 816-529-2190 cellular
the look, the numbers, the pedigree.
E108 P
EPDS: 8.8 -0.3 44 87 7 5.5 29 1.1 29 0.79 -0.016 0.03 232.72 In the 2018 DeBruycker Bull Sale, sons of Tank’s sire, Perseus, were definitely the top performance group; followed closely by sons of his sire, Zeus. Tank recorded a light birth weight (80 lbs.), a 915 lb. weaning weight, and went on to gain 5.67 lbs./day on test (1,585 lb. yearling weight.) Tank’s the Kind the Eaton Program is looking for….. Maybe you should look too!
Semen $25; signing $40 CONTACT—
Owned with—
103 ETN Loop • Lindsay, MT 59339 Office (406) 584-7520 • Lee (406) 584-7546 • Elner (406) 485-3572
M A Y 2 0 1 8 25
American-International Charolais Association Committees and Spring Board of Directors Meeting Minutes March 25-26, 2018, Harrah’s North Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo. Activities Committee
Conference Call • March 7, 2018 Chairman: Richard Clark
Chairman: Mike Schumacher
Members present: Richard Clark, Lane Grau, Troy Thomas, Alan Leifeste, Craig Stalcup, Mike Kisner, Dale Jedlicka, Frankie Anthony, Scott Carey, Adam McCall, Matt Bauerlein, Naomi Farmer AICA Staff: David Hobbs Chairman Richard Clark called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 12 members participating.
Action Taken 1. The committee reviewed nominations for the 2018-2019 AICA Approved Judges List. Adam McCall moved to accept the nomination list for consideration for the final list. Lane Grau seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Nominations were taken of individuals to judge the 50th National Charolais Show (2018 American Royal) • McCall nominated Blake Nelson. Alan Leifeste seconded. • Dale Jedlicka nominated Brady Jensen. Troy Thomas seconded. • Mike Kisner nominated Kyle Conley. Matt Bauerlein seconded. • Craig Stalcup nominated Scott Bayer. Jedlicka seconded. • Frankie Anthony nominated Brandon Callis. Leifeste seconded. • Jedlicka moved to accept the nominations and that nominations cease. McCall seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Richard Clark asked the committee for additional agenda items for the March 14 conference call. None were provided. 4. Meeting Adjourned. .
Conference Call • March 14, 2018 Chairman: Richard Clark
Members present: Mike Schumacher, Cheryl Lux, sub. Dennis Metzger, sub. Spencer Schrader, Laci Bracewell, sub. Marty Lewis, Frankie Anthony, Georgeanne Webb Chairman Mike Schumacher called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 8 members present. Review October 26, 2017 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken 1. Kaitlyn Chism updated the committee on website updates. Discussion followed. 2. Chism reviewed recent website traffic. 3. Meeting Adjourned.
Affiliate Committee Chairman: Marty Lewis Members present: Eddy Loggains (Arkansas Charolais Association); Dotty Macy (Colonial Charolais Association); Marty Lewis (Iowa Charolais Association); Frankie Anthony (Kentucky Charolais Association) and Naomi Farmer (Virginia Charolais Association). Chairman Marty Lewis called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 5 members present. Reviewed the March 27, 2017 Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken 1. David Hobbs discussed Coop Advertising, 7 Affiliates participated in 2017. 2. Meeting adjourned.
Members present: Richard Clark, Spencer Schrader, Troy Thomas, Alan Leifeste, Craig Stalcup, Mike Kisner, Dale Jedlicka, Jeff Bunker, Scott Carey, Adam McCall, Matt Bauerlein, Naomi Farmer
Chairman Richard Clark called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 12 members participating.
Action Taken 1. The committee established and approved the Final AICA Approved Judges List. 2. The committee selected the 2018 American Royal Livestock Show 50th National Show Judge. 3. The committee selected the 2018 American Royal Livestock Show 50th National Show Alternate Judge. 4. The committee selected judges for the 2018-19 National ROE Shows – North American International Livestock Show, Fort Worth Stock Show and National Western Stock Show Pen Show (and alternate.) 5. David Hobbs updated the committee on the 2018 American Royal Livestock Show 50th National Show. 6. No action taken on the use of performance information at National ROE Shows. 7. Meeting Adjourned.
M A Y 2018
Chairman: Larry Lehman Members present: Larry Lehman, Harlin Hecht, Bill Nottke, J. Neil Orth, Kaitlyn Chism
AICA Staff: David Hobbs
AIJCF Board of Trustees
Larry Lehman called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 5 members present. The March 26, 2017 minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken 1. Chairman Larry Lehman provided a review of AIJCF financials. As of December 31, 2017, the AIJCF funds total $750,065.49. The total available amount for 2018-19 scholarships is $34,303.96 2. Marty Lewis, 2018 Iowa Planning Committee Chairman, presented a request of funds from the Raymond Hicks Junior National Endowment for the 2018 Junior National Leadership Conference activities. 3. Neil Orth moved to approve $4,381.06, the interest of the Raymond Hicks Junior National Endowment, for 2018 Junior National Leadership Conference activities. Harlin Hecht seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Orth moved that the AIJCF Board of Trustees recommend Harlin Hecht to serve an AIJCF Board of Trustees 3 year term. Kaitlyn Chism seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Chism was instructed to register the American International Junior Charolais
Foundation (AIJCF) for AmazonSmile, a program where Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products when selected by its customers. 6. Meeting adjourned.
American Charolais Foundation (ACF) President: Richard Clark Members present: Richard Clark, J. Robert Tibbs, Jr., Larry Ludeke, Neil Orth, Kaitlyn Chism President Richard Clark called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 5 members present. Reviewed the October 25, 2017 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented
Action Taken 1. Dr. Richard Clark reviewed investment of funds at Commerce Trust Bank. 2. Discussion was had on future projects. 3. Discussion followed regarding the issue of restricted gifts. There were concerns that restricted gifts would present accounting challenges. 4. There was further discussion regarding limiting restricted gifts to major gifts or legacy gifts and not allowing smaller donations to be restricted to a specific purpose – no action taken. 5. It was noted that the ACF has two funds, a General Fund and a Youth and Education Fund. Discussion ensued regarding the Youth and Education Fund and the use of those funds to support the Junior National and additional youth and education activities. Concern was expressed that these funds, if not needed during a year, would not be invested or available for other purposes. Upon motion duly made by Larry Ludeke and seconded by Bob Tibbs, the ACF Board resolved to move unused funds in excess of $20,000 within the Youth and Education Fund into the General Fund at the end of the year, to maintain funds in the Youth and Education Fund in a checking account for ready access, and to invest the General Fund in a balanced portfolio with professional management. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Meeting adjourned.
for evaluation. Lee Eaton seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Ricketts reported from the Sub-Committee on the Sire Selector Tool. The Sire Selector Tool now has a direct button and a banner ad on the homepage of, and an instructional video is available on-line. Work is continuing on adding herd group and sale group sorts to the selector tool with a projected completion date of June 2018. 5. Ricketts also gave a report from the Sub-Committee on Subsidizing Future Genotype Data. Wagner moved that the committee support the recommendation of the sub-committee. The recommendation is: “AICA subsidize the genotype test by charging $25 per sample with a cap of $26,000 and evaluate the results at the 2018 Fall Board of Directors meeting.” Parish seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 6. The committee discussed removing the actual weights and measures of animals from the publicly accessible part of the website. No action taken. 7. The committee discussed the timing of adding the 4th NCE. AICA staff will bring suggestions regarding a time table for the committee to review at the 2018 Fall Board of Directors meeting. 8. Meeting adjourned.
Charolais Publications, Inc. President: J. Neil Orth Members present: Neil Orth, Larry Ludeke, Mike Schumacher, Eddy Loggains, Robb Creasey President J. Neil Orth called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 5 members present. Reviewed the October 25, 2017 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken 1. David Hobbs gave the CPI report. No action taken. 2. Meeting adjourned
Breed Improvement Committee
Commercial Committee
Chairman: Rex Ricketts
Chairman: Dennis Metzger
Members present: Rex Ricketts, Ty Eschenbaum, Lee Eaton, Bob Wagner, Spencer Schrader, Dr. Gary Cooper, Marty Lewis, Jim Husz, Frankie Anthony, Jimmy Ray Parish, Richard Clark, Dotty Macy, and David Webb. Chairman Rex Ricketts called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 13 members present. Reviewed the October 25, 2017 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented
Members present: Dennis Metzger, Cheryl Lux, Ty Eschenbaum, Spencer Schraeder Larry Ludeke, Marty Lewis, Dotty Macy and Naomi Farmer. Chairman Dennis Metzger called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 8 members present. Reviewed the October 26, 2017 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken
Action Taken 1. Sally Northcutt updated the committee on the successful implementation of the one step evaluation. Discussion followed. Ty Eschenbaum moved that AICA run the NCE four times a year. Jimmy Ray Parish seconded. MOTION CARRIED. Parish moved that AICA staff develop an educational piece explaining the value of genomics and how they impact the single step NCE and the value of using the data. Bob Wagner seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Northcutt updated the committee on the University of Missouri’s sequencing project. No action taken. 3. Northcutt also informed the committee of the addition of docility scoring on the weaning entry screen on-line. She also updated the committee on the trait development of teat and udder scores. She recommended doing a research report on this trait. Dr. Clark moved that Method Genetics do a research report on the teat and udder score EPD and bring the results back to the committee
1. Brett Spader, NCBE, gave a report on the first Listening & Learning Industry Session with impressive online results, creating a long term value in messaging for AICA. 2. Spader gave an update on the Grouping Sale Animals using Sire Selector Tool. Discussion followed. 3. The next Listening & Learning Industry Session will target AICA breeders and Cow-Calf Producers in the Southeast it is scheduled for July 14 at Virgina Tech University, Blacksburg, Va. 4. Meeting adjorned.
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Executive Committee President: Larry Ludeke Members present: Larry Ludeke, Bill Nottke, Mike Schumacher, Eddy Loggains, Robb Creasey, and J. Neil Orth President Larry Ludeke called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 5 members present. Reviewed the October 25, 2017 Committee Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken 1. Larry Ludeke asked the committee to consider Lee and Connie Eaton and Dave and Mickie Hebbert for induction into the AICA Hall of Fame. Bill Nottke moved that the committee recommend to the Board of Directors that both Lee and Connie Eaton and Dave and Mickie Hebbert to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. Mike Schumacher seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Ludeke brought up the possibility of having the 2019 Spring Membership meeting in Houston in conjunction with the Houston Livestock Show. Schumacker moved that AICA staff research the possibility of having the 2019 Membership meeting in Houston. Eddy Loggains seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Meeting adjourned.
Action Taken 1. Marty Lewis provided a 2018 Junior National update. The Iowa Junior Charolais Association will host in Des Moines, Iowa, June 17-22, 2018. 2. Kaitlyn Chism provided a 2019 Junior National update. The Texas Junior Charolais Association will host in Fort Worth, Texas, June 16-21, 2019. 3. Kaitlyn Chism updated the committee on fundraising for youth and education activities of the ACF. 4. Meeting adjourned.
Long Range Planning Committee Chairman: Larry Lehman Members present: Larry Lehman, Harlin Hecht, Larry Ludeke, Bill Nottke, Lee Eaton, Ty Eschenbaum, and J. Neil Orth. Alternate- Rex Ricketts and Marty Lewis. Chairman Larry Lehman called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 9 members present. October 25, 2017. Committee minutes were reviewed. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken 1. Lehman reviewed the new and updated AICA Long Range Plan and Long Range Operational Plan. 2. Meeting adjourned.
Finance Committee Chairman: Robb Creasey Members present: Robb Creasey, Mike Schumacher, Cheryl Lux, Bob Wagner, Ty Eschenbaum, Spencer Schrader, Michael Sturgess, Dr. Gary Cooper, Marty Lewis, Richard Clark, Bob Tibbs, and Larry Ludeke Chairman Robb Creasey called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 12 members present. October 26, 2017 Committee Minutes were reviewed. Minutes were approved as presented.
Rules & Ethics Committee Chairman: Bob Tibbs Members present: Bob Tibbs, Larry Lehman, Eddy Loggains, James Hayden, Naomi Farmer Chairman Bob Tibbs called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 5 members present. Reviewed March 27, 2017 Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented.
Action Taken 1. Neil Orth reviewed the CPI and AICA 2018 budgets. Bob Wagner moved to amend the budget to reflect the actual revenue and expense associated with the subsidy program for genomic tests. Cheryl Lux seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 2. Creasey reviewed the investment accounts. He informed the committee of a CD that matured and needs to be re-invested. Discussion followed regarding AICA’s investment policy. Lux moved that the chair name a sub committee to review the investments and financial plan. Spencer Schrader seconded. Discussion followed. Motion was withdrawn. Mike Schumacher moved to rollover the CD coming due. Marty Lewis seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Spencer moved to approve the amended budget. Lux seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Meeting adjourned.
Junior Council Committee Chairman: Larry Lehman Members present: Larry Lehman, Linda Hickam, sub. Spencer Schrader, Laci Bracewell, sub. Marty Lewis, Eddy Loggains, Steve Bertsche, sub. David Webb Junior President. Hadley Schotte Larry Lehman called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken with 8 members present. Reviewed the October 26, 2017 Minutes. Minutes were approved as presented. 28
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Action Taken 1. The committee had a general discussion regarding signature requirements. 2. Meeting adjourned.
Annual Meeting President: Larry Ludeke Larry Ludeke called the meeting to order. Minutes from the last meeting were approved.
Action Taken 1 Harlin and Sue Hecht addressed the membership and thanked the group for the Hall of Fame honor. 2. Ludeke gave the Report of the President. 3. Neil Orth gave the annual Executive Vice President’s report. 4. The Secretaries’ report was given by Eddy Loggains. 4. Rob Creasey gave the Treasurer’s report. 5. Larry Ludeke gave the President’s Award to Past President Bill Nottke. 6. Ludeke also presented the Seedstock Producer of the Year Award to Dybdal Charolais. 7. The Tops in Registration awards were presented by Recording Secretary Marilou Wegner. 8. Meeting Adjourned.
2016 Spring Board Meeting President: Bill Nottke Members present: Larry Ludeke, Mike Schumacher, Eddy Loggains, Rob Creasey, Cheryl Lux, Dennis Metzger, Ty Eschenbaum, Spencer Schrader, Michael Sturgess, Bradley Bracewell, Marty Lewis, Frankie Anthony, Dotty Macy President Larry Ludeke called the meeting to order. Minutes from the last meeting were approved as presented. Neil Orth called the roll with 13 members present.
Action Taken 1. Hadley Schotte gave the AIJCA report. 2. Neil Orth gave the CPI report. Spencer Schrader moved to accept the report. Mike Schumacher seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 3. The Executive Committee report was given by Larry Ludeke. Michael Sturgess moved to accept the report. Marti Lewis seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 4. AIJCF report was given by Larry Lehman. Schumacher moved to accept the report. Schrader seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 5. Richard Clark gave the Activities Committee report. Schrader moved to accept the report. Dennis Metzger seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 6. The Advertising and Marketing Committee report was given by Schumacher. Sturgess moved to accept the report. David Webb seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Lewis gave the Affiliate report. Metzger moved to accept the report. Schrader seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 8. American Charolais Foundation report was given by Richard Clark. Lewis moved to accept the report. Sturgess seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Rex Ricketts gave the Breed Improvement Committee report. Sturgess moved to accept the report. Schrader seconded. Discussion followed regarding a 4th National Cattle Evaluation and the timing of the evaluations. MOTION CARRIED. 10. Metzger gave the Commercial Committee report. Sturgess moved to accept the report. Schrader seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 11. Larry Lehman gave the Jr. Council report. Schrader moved to accept the report. Webb seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 12. The Long Range Planning report was given by Lehman. Schrader moved to accept the report. Sturgess seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 13. The Finance Committee report was given by Rob Creasey. Metzger moved to accept the report. Loggains seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 14. Bob Tibbs gave the Rules and Ethics report. Webb moved to accept the report. Loggains seconded. MOTION CARRIED. 15. Ludeke reviewed the 2018 Fall Board meeting schedule. No action taken. 16. No old business. 17. New Business – the chair will appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to review the investment policy. Bruce Mitchell will provide a template. 18. Meeting adjourned to closed session.
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2018 AICA Annual Awards Presentations 2017 Tops in Registration Awards
President’s Award
Tops in Registrations Awards were presented to, (from left): Doug Rogers, Rogers Bar HR, Mississippi; Miss Charolais USA, Annaleigh Hobbs, Brooke Polzin, Darwin, Minn.; Bob Tibbs, Shadow Springs Farm, Havre de Grace, Md. ; Larry Ludeke.
2017 Tops in Registration By Area From left: Bill Nottke, receives 2017 President’s Award from Larry Ludeke (right). Miss Charolais USA, Annaleigh Hobbs (center).
DeBruycker Charolais............. Area 1 Dutton, Mont. Bill King ................................... Area 2 Moriarty, N.M. Sandmeier Charolais............... Area 3 Bowdle, S.D. Hebbert Charolais....................... Area 4 Hyannis, Neb. Thomas Charolais, Inc............. Area 5 Raymondville, Texas Robert Collier.......................... Area 6 Energy, Texas Cannon-Deutsch Charolais...... Area 7 Newton, Iowa Wright Charolais...................... Area 8 Richmond, Mo. Oakwater Ranch...................... Area 9 Shreveport, La.
Foglesong Charolais............... Area 10 Ipava, Ill. Amburgey Charolais Farm.... Area 11 Mt. Sterling, Ky. Rogers Bar HR....................... Area 12 Collins, Miss. Harlan Charolais Farms......... Area 13 Loretto, Tenn. Shadow Springs Farm............ Area 14 Havre de Grace, Md. Clay Ford Ranch Charolais ... Area 15 Patrick, S.C. Brooke Polzin............................ Junior Darwin, Minn. DeBruycker Charolais..........Bull Reg. Dutton, Mont.
2018-19 AICA Board of Directors, back from left: Cheryl Lux, Augusta, Mont.; Dennis Metzger, Anderson, Calif.; Ty Eschenbaum, Brookings, S.D.; Spencer Schrader, Wells, Kan.; Eric Dennis, Saint Jo, Texas; Marty Lewis, Monroe, Iowa; Troy Bertsche, Flanagan, Ill.; Frankie Anthony, Hardinsburg, Ky.; Doug Rogers, Collins, Miss.; Dotty Macy, Street, Md.; David Webb, Easley, S.C.; front from left: Larry Ludeke, Liverpool, Texas–– President; Mike Schumacher, Bowling Green, Mo. — Vice President; Eddy Loggains, Violet Hill, Ark. — Treasurer; Bill Nottke, Sunset Hills, Mo. –– Ex-Officio. and J. Neil Orth, Kansas City, Mo.–– Executive Vice President. 30
M A Y 2018
2017 AICA Hall of Fame Inductee — Harlan & Sue Hecht.
From left: Miss Charolais USA, Annaleigh Hobbs; Harlan & Sue Hecht, Larry Ludeke, AICA President. The Hecht Family
he Hecht’s Charolais story began in the late 1950’s when Harlin was reading The Farmer magazine and saw an article on this new breed, Charolais, that had entered the United States. He was impressed with what he saw. Then in 1960, his father, Herbert, purchased three ¾ and 7/8 Charolais cows and Harlin observed how fast their calves grew compared to the Angus cows he had. His thought at the time, “This is the Breed of the Future.” A few years later, Herbert purchased a Charolais bull, Flores who traced back to original Mexican bulls such as El Jefe, Titano and Wee 58. Harlin and Sue were married in August 1967 and lived in an apartment in Evansville, Minnesota, where Harlin was a vocational agriculture instructor and Sue worked as an extension economist. One day Harlin saw a newspaper ad for a Charolais dispersal sale – the Hecht’s purchased what they thought was the best cow there, D E Lora and bull calf. Thus, the foundation for their Double-H Charolais program. Lora’s first calf for the Hechts, Double-H Laura, a 1969 daughter of Ali Baba Bramard, is historically significant becoming the first AICA Sterling Dam of Distinction – her mounted head hangs in the AICA office today next to Miss Linn No. 33, Number 1 in the AICA Registry. The Double-H program has produced 7 AICA Sterling Dams in its history. Later in the year, Harlin and Sue purchased additional females including a purebred heifer that they showed at the Minnesota State Fair – 2017 marked the 50th consecutive year they have shown Charolais at the fair. In 1969, Harlin took a job with Land O’ Lakes which continued for 39 years. Late in 1970, they purchased their current farm near Paynesville, Minnesota, from William and Julia Zimmerman, one of Minnesota’s original Charolais breeders. That acquisition allowed Harlin and Sue to gradually increase the size of their herd and raise their family. Interestingly, the Minnesota Charolais Association was organized in their kitchen. The first few years in Charolais were a struggle financially, but the Hecht’s persevered and started showing cattle around
the nation. They had good days and bad, but always enjoyed the Charolais people. In 1979, a bull named Double-H Polled Showman was born and achieved many Grand Champion honors across the United States and Canada. The Hecht’s sold 8 syndicated interests in him, later selling him to American Breeders Service. In the breed’s first Sire Summary (1987) Showman and 3 sons were Progeny Proven Sires. Over the past 50 years, Harlin and Sue and their sons, Howard, Mark and Dale have been actively involved with the Charolais breed. Harlin served as the AICA President 2011-2012; he was an Area Director beginning in 1983 when the AICA headquarters was relocated to Kansas City. Today he remains active serving on AICA committees. In 2006, Harlin was recognized as the AICA Herdsman of the Year at the 37th National Show in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of the National Western. Harlin was the first Charolais breeder to be inducted into the Minnesota Livestock Hall of Fame in 1996. Sue has been active in Charolais Dees serving as President and being a member of AICA committees and planning past AIJCA Junior Nationals hosted by Minnesota. Sons Howard and Mark are past Presidents of AIJCA and Dale was a Director and honored as Junior Herdsman of the Year. During their AIJCA careers, the sons exhibited countless class winners and a Bred & Owned Champion Heifer. Today, the Hecht grandchildren have continued the Double-H tradition of competing at Junior National. Today the Double-H Charolais program is heavily involved with embryo transfer and was the first AICA member to utilize the new technology. Harlin and Sue were honored as the 40th National Show Dedicatees at the 2009 Fort Worth Livestock Show recognizing their achievements in and for the Charolais breed. Since founding the Double-H program on February 6, 1968, they have strived to produce quality performance Charolais cattle with the right look. They have maintained an active leadership role in guiding the breed into the next generation.
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Sales Review continued from page 12 High-selling lots: $9,750 – Yearling Bull. WCF Mr T Rock 72, 12-26-16, by WCF Mr T 53. To Domek Charolais, Wibaux, Mont. $7,250 – Yearling Bull. WCF Mr Rock Star 7103, 3-17-17, by M6 Rock Star 306 P ET. To Vedvei Charolais Ranch, Lake Preston, S.D. $7,000 – Yearling Bull. WCF Mr Casanova 710, 1-14-17, by DCR Mr Casanova C42. To Nipp Charolais, Wilson, Okla. $6,000 – Yearling Bull. WCF Mr T Rock 711, 1017017, by WCF Mr T 53. To Jared Soulek, Armour, S.D.
C-B Charolais 32nd Annual Production Sale Montpelier, N.D. March 27, 2018 Auctioneer: Seith Weishaar, Belle Fourche, S.D. Averages: 8 Fall Bulls........................................ $3,938 34 Yearling Bulls............................... $3,459 3 Open Heifers.................................. $1,900 45 Lots......................................... $3,440 Note not in the above averages: 40 Commercial Pairs......................... $2,536 Total Sale Gross............................. $256,250 High-selling lots: $7,000 – Yearling Bull. TB Mr Fulload 721 P, 2-13-17, by EC Full Load 5054 Pld. To Cody Gentzkow, LaMoure, N.D. $6,500 – Yearling Bull. C-B Mr Flash 7116 P, 3-28-17, JCR Flash 501 P. To Mark Rau, Napoleon, N.D. $6,250 – Yearling Bull. C-B Mr Flash 726 P, 2-14-17, by JCR Flash 501 P. To Brandon Cavett, Enderlin, N.D.
$5,500 – Yearling Bull. C-B Mr Kingsbury 765 P, 2-26-17, by WCR Sr Kingsbury 451 P. To Cody Gentzkow. $5,500 – Yearling Bull. C-B Mr Fulload 794 P, 3-9-17, by EC Full Load 5054 Pld. To Taylor Jenner, Aberdeen, S.D.
Schmidt Cattle Company Annual Bull Sale Rushville, Neb. March 28, 2018 Auctioneer: Doug Jaggers, Sheridan, Neb. Average: 73 Yearling Bulls......................... $4,822 Total Sale Gross............................. $352,000 By: Colt Keffer High-selling lots: $11,500 – Yearling Bull. SCC Credit 20E, 2-22-17, by HCR Credit 416 Pld. To J.H. Minor Co, Hyannis, Neb. $11,000 – Yearling Bull. SCC Net Return 195E, 4-4-17, by WC Net Return 5221 P. To Adam Johnson, Cody, Neb. $11,000 – Yearling Bull. SCC Dave 39E Pld, 2-23-17, by WCR Kingsbury 412 P. To Todd O’Connor, Philip, S.D. $9,500 – Yearling Bull. SCC Credit 118E Pld, 3-12—17, by HCR Credit 416 Pld. To Soreide Charolais, Bowman, N.D.
M6 Ranch Last Chance Bull Sale March 31, 2018 Alvarado, Texas Auctioneer: Greg Clifton, North Richland Hills, Texas Average: 64 1/3 Bulls................................. $5,511
Total Sale Gross............................. $354,357 By: Cody Beck High-selling lots: $18,000 – Bull. M6 Pinnacle 712 Pld ET, 2-4-17, by M6 New Standard 842 P ET. To 007 Charolais, Rush Springs, Okla., Steve Jones, Rush Springs, Okla., and Joe Garcia, Donaldsonville, Ga. (full possession and 2/3 interest). $15,000 – Bull. M6 Cool & New 5110 P ET, 9-3-15, by M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET. To Triple C Cattle, Texas. $11,000 – Bull. M6 Bells 7117 ET, 2-12-17, by M6 Bells & Whistles 258 P. To Charles Gibson, Jakin, Ga. $10,500 – Bull. M6 Patriot 704 P, 2-13-17, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. To Cordell Dartez, Abbeville, La. $10,000 – Bull. M6 Cool Dance 734E P, 3-417, by LT Sundance 2251 Pld. To Bradley 3 Ranch, Estelline, Texas (full possession and 2/3 interest).
South Central Southern Indiana Spring Charolais Sale Little York, Ind. March 31, 2018 Auctioneer: Roger Robinson, Indiana Sale Mangagers: Jr. Sullivan, Pekin, Ind., and Andrew Doub, Danville, Ind. Sale Consultants: Russel Clark and Ryan Batt. Averages: 8 Bulls............................................... $2,281 6 Cow-Calf Pairs................................ $2,100 18 Bred Cows.................................... $1,021 22 Open Heifers................................ $1,034 54 Lots......................................... $1,333
Not included in above averages: 20 Char Cross Bred Heifers............... $1,100 Total Sale Gross............................... $93,975 By: Floyd Wampler High-selling lots: $3,900 – Bull. RRC RA Nick C691, 11-2216, by AML Ghost Rider 210. From Rolling Acre Farm, Walkerton, Ind. To Chris Baker, Cambellsburg, Ind.
T&S Strnad Charolais Production Sale Formoso, Kan. March 31, 2018 Auctioneer: Matt Lowery, Burwell, Neb. Averages: 50 Yearling Bulls............................... $3,845 4 Cow-Calf Pairs................................ $3,812 3 Open Heifers.................................. $2,666 57 Lots......................................... $3,781 Total Sale Gross............................. $215,500 By: Colt Keffer High-selling lots: $5,250 – Bull. GS Mr Camel 7005, 2-14-17, by JDJ Smokester J1377 P ET. To John Baugher, Parsons, Kan. $5,250 – Bull. RCR Resource Value ET E419, 3-5-17, by JDJ Maximo A18 P. Jay Holste, Norton, Kan. $5,250 – Bull. TS Patriot E706, 2-3-17, by LT Patriot 4004 Pld. To Kenneth Kelly, Ada, Kan. $5,250 Bull. DSL Mr Impressive 728, 3-1117, by RCR Impressive Ledger B110. To Jerry Voboril, Esbon, Kan.
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M A Y 2018
Akin Charolais Jim Akin 6700 County Road 71, Lexington, AL 35648 (256) 229-5395 Res. (256) 710-4897 Cell Home of the Super Grazer 168
Home of JWK Vanessa D029 ET Donor: 2244 x 934
JERRY & SHERRY MALTBY Mobile: (530) 681-5046 P.O. Box 760 Office: (530) 473-2830 Williams, CA 95987 Fax: (530) 473-3278 e-mail:
OFakHill arm “Focus on the Family”
BJR Summerford Charolais
OakHill Farm Home of Bennett Charolais Wayne & Lois Bennett Barn: (770) 893-3446 Home: (770) 893-2674 Cell: (770) 826-9551
1779 Holcomb Road Dawsonville, Ga 30534
Cattle For Sale Private Treaty
Robert A. Summerford II 4087 Hwy. 31 SW Falkville, AL 35622 Located 12 miles north of Cullman (256) 784-5275 Bus. (256) 784-5888 Res. Alan Summerford • (256) 758-0652 E-Mail: BJR Easy Edge 968 ET P
Quality and Performance Charolais in North Alabama
MV Limestone
Your Herd Bull Source
Keahey Charolais K
Quality Charolais Since 1987 Bobby & Pam Keahey H 251-275-8137 P.O. Box 207 C 334-456-2547 Grove Hill, AL 36451 E-mail:
McCary & Son Charolais Farm Levi & Brian McCary 334-872-9060 334-505-6338 334-419-0538
Bred For
Performance~Carcass Quality~Disposition Pat Gebauer & Luan August (970) 847-3345
WCR Sir Duke 7340 P
Road Farms LLC
Stephen Cummings
Mena, Arkansas 479.243.6562 Gravette, Arkansas 479.409.4091
Phone: (706) 754-8462 Cell: (706) 200-6655
15493 Co. Rd. 57 Hillrose, CO 80733
635 Valleyview Drive Valley Grande, AL 36701
Mountain View Charolais
Scott Tipton 1001 Preacher Campbell Rd. Clarksville, GA 30523
2509 Old Perry Road Marshallville, GA 31057
(478) 396-5832
Curfman Farms Rt. 2, Griggsville, IL 62340
60 years of quality seedstock production Rick Curfman (217) 285-5213
Roger Curfman (217) 491-1923 Ryan Curfman (217) 248-7711 M A Y 2 0 1 8 33
Bull Sale March 24
“Charolais Since 1960”
Producing quality breeding stock for 58 years. Paul Bertsche & Sons 4540 E. 1700 N. Rd. • Flanagan, IL 61740
Bulls & Females Available Private Treaty SF Paydirt 3055 P LT Bridger x Cigar x HBR Lady GI
Marty, Joyce, Kaitlyn and Mason Lewis 9411 W. 56th St. S. • Monroe, IA 50170 Marty (515) 250-2362 • Mason (515) 205-9161
Hanover, Kansas 66945
Lester Laue (785) 337-2600 Brant Laue (913) 488-3896
Dale (815) 796-2950 cell (815) 674-4419 Steve (815) 796-4440 cell (815) 674-2395 Larry (815) 842-1849 cell (815) 674-2397
“We don’t keep our cows, they keep us.”
Keith Farms
Marion Keith 6719 State Rt. 154, Tamaroa, IL 62888 (618) 967-0291 • (618) 201-6261
BAR S Ranch
InnovativeSince Beef1945Production Paradise, Kansas 67658 David Dickerson Ken Stielow (785) 998-4386 (785) 998-4335
Fancy Creek Charolais Raising Charolais Since 1962 Ron & Diane Nord & Family 2104 Charolais Lane Bloomington, IL 61704 (309) 828-1448 or (309) 827-0457 (309) 275-0409 Ron cell
Cliff (785) 332-2794 William (785) 332-2498
Don & Charlotte Olsen and family
Females for Sale Private Treaty
Beef Genetics
15523 Tuttle Creek Blvd. Randolph, Ks 66554 Phone/Fax: (785) 293-5106 Bull Sale • October 31, 2018
Hubert Charolais Ranch
BC BEAVERS CHAROLAIS ...building a program around proven genetics
Private treaty bull sale middle of March
Brett, Tina, Madison & Austin Beavers
28378 710th Ave • Collins, IA 50055 515-460-3074 •
M A Y 2018
Spencer & Laci Schrader Weston & Josi 2118 Oxbow Rd., Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-2135 home (785) 488-7204 Spencer cell (785) 488-7227 Laci cell
Females and bulls for sale private treaty
Charolais • SimAngus • Composites
Andrew & Christa Doub 8614 W. 100 N. • Danville, IN 46122 (317) 539-6718 home • (317) 440-0525 cell •
Slasher x Cigarro 924 Power Look! Autumn At The Crossroads Sale Oct. 20
Raile Charolais Farm
17050 Tuttle Creek Blvd. • Randolph, KS 66554 Home: 785-363-2519 • Cell: 785-313-2099
AML Ghost Rider 210
1460 Penn Road Belleville, KS 66935 Home (785) 527-5047 Cell (785) 527-1269
Rt. 1, Box 389 St. Francis, KS 67756
Breeding Charolais since 1956
Purebred Charolais Since 1968
Megan, Lori & Galen Fink
WC Over Time 3015 P
510 Maple Ave. Oakley, KS 67748 David & Shelby Hubert (785) 672-3528
Terrill & Sarah Strnad 1716 280th Road Formoso, Kansas
On Facebook:
T&S Strnad Charolais
785-794-2471 home 785-243-8600 mobile
PUREBRED CHAROLAIS – ANGUS Corey Vaughan – (316) 213-5484
Merle Schlehuber 620-381-1712
VAUGHAN FAMILY RANCH 14630 E. 44th St. S. – Derby, KS 67037
557 190th Road = Hillsboro, KS 67063
Franz Ranch 45 Years in the Purebred Charolais Business
Ray, Jon & David Franz
ENDSLEY’S CHAROLAIS FARMS 5590 E State Rd, Hastings ,MI 49058 269-945-5531 or Breeding Quality Performance Cattle for the Commercial and Purebred Cattleman.
1194 Smith Ridge Rd. Campbellsville, KY 42718 Mitchel Cox - Owner/Gen. Mgr. (270) 465-7584
BREEDING Quality...
M I N N E S O T A Breeding Quality Charolais Seedstock Since 1962 1/2 Owner of Baldridge Fasttrack
Wakefield Farms
James, Cathy and Brooke Hayden 4430 Bloomfield Road Bardstown, KY 40004 (502) 349-0005
Rambur Charolais
Howard Rambur d 406-489-3255 (cell) Production Sale 2nd Saturday in April
RC Denver
RC Feedlot d RC Cattle Phone: 406-482-3255 • Fax: 406-482-3802 34790 CR 118 • Sidney, MT 59270 Email: website:
N E B R A S K A Dybdal Charolais 88361 575th Ave • Newcastle, NE 68757 Home: 402-692-3704 • Cell: 402-841-9784
Jamie & Kay Fred • Rose, NE
Registered Bull Sale • 3rd Saturday in March Females, Embryos, Semen Private Treaty
Crosby Farms
Stacking Power Cow Families
Larry & Krista Dybdal
Larry, Kyle & Dan Wakefield 20701 150th St. • New Richland, MN 56072 (507) 317-3086 • (507) 475-1749
13221 CR 339 • Sidney, Montana 59270 Ray (406) 798-3675 Jon (406) 798-7740
402-273-4236 •
Cheryle & Greg Crosby 443 Hwy 590 • Seminary, MS 39479 601-466-7377 CROSBY FARMS on Facebook
WC Passport 3127 PET
Member of JDJ Maximo A18 P Syndicate
47th National Grand Champion 2015-16 AICA Show Bull of the Year 5593 Choupique Rd y Sulphur, LA Evelyn Gay Duhon 337-583-2242 y 337-764-1040 cell Rod Smith 337-274-0552 cell
Home of White Squall Bob & Judy Tibbs (410) 734-6873
3545 Old Level Road Havre de Grace, MD 21078
M O N T A N A Clark & Gail Brevig 676 Quarry View Lane • Lewistown, MT 59457 (406) 538-5579 phone • (406) 538-6479 fax •
Ranch Phone (308) 458-2540 Matt Hebbert (308) 458-8812 Lacy Hebbert (308) 458-8823 M A Y 2 0 1 8 35
Dean Churchill HC 37, Box 54 Valentine, NE 69201 (402) 376-2314
Headquarters Ranch
Mansfield, Missouri Butch Alsup • (417) 926-8416
Schurrtop Angus & Charolais Sure Performance Cattle
40842 Farnam Road Farnam, NE 69029 John (308) 569-2520 Ryan (308) 320-4067 Marty (308) 362-4941
Rick & Lisa Wilson Hart Box 865 Chickasha, OK 73023 Office (405) 224-0645 Home (405) 224-0694
Private Treaty Year Round PO Box 2670 • Moriarty, NM 87035 Bill King (505) 220-9909 • Tom Spindle–Foreman (505) 321-8808
Total Outcross Performance Genetics
Hilltop C Polled Charolais Pasture Proven Charolais Since 1962
Wagonhammer Ranches Box 548 Albion, NE 68620 (402) 395-2178 or 395-6962
Kirk & Peggy Castleberry
Rt. 2, Box 8 Ninnekah, OK 73067
(405) 224-1116 Cell (405) 574-2685
CHAROLAIS RANCH Since 1965 Grady, New Mexico
The Total Performance Brand
Wagon Wheel Charolais
T. Lane Grau 575-760-6336 |
Colten Grau 575-760-4510
November 3 • Bull & Female Sale
Ray D. Winz & Sons
72354 Q Rd. • Holdrege, NE 68949 Ray (308) 995-5515, Doug (308) 991-6941 Steve (308) 567-2286 Contact us for Semen on our Trait Leading Sires.
Breeding Registered Charolais Since 1959
West Fork Ranch Roseann Wilson (308) 745-1764 RR 1, Box 19 • Loup City, NE 68853
Zeisler Charolais Richard L. Zeisler
90445 476th Ave. • Butte, NE 68722 (402) 775-2569
M A Y 2018
Curtiss & Brenda Nipp P.O. Box 239 Wilson, OK 73463 (580) 668-3332
Gerald and Loretta Effertz and Family PO Box 640 • Velva, ND 58790-0640 (701) 720-1156Roger (701) 720-1363 Kevin (701) 338-2980 Office
Neil (701) 223-5202 Bryan (701) 624-5104
P E N N SY LVA N I A DAREN STATLER, DVM 6651 Valley Camp Rd. Greencastle, PA 17225 (717) 729-6453 darenstatler@
SOUTH CAROLINA Nubbin Ridge Farm
Mike King, Farm Manager Quality Seedstock available with a focus on 914 and Cigar genetics! Home of: NRF Mr Donald Trump 716 P M863369 - Smokester x Full Sister 914 NRF Sir Ledger 736 P M876349 - Ledger x Smokester x Rich Lady 6198 West Oak Hwy Westminster, SC 29693 (864) 958-1343 cell
Roy R. & Sammye L. Dees
Full French & Purebred Genetics WC VULCAIN 422 P ET Sired by LT Ledger 0332 P
Watt x Z363
CE: 1.3 BW: 2.2 WW: 46 YW: 81 M: 5 MCE: 4.3 TM: 28 SC:1.5
Houston Offices: (713) 724-9574 (281) 443-3074
We Raise Females, Too.
Visitors Welcome
1168 CR 236, Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 (936) 560-0794
David & Georgeanne Webb David Webb Jr. 317 Old Vinland School Road Easley, SC 29640 H: (864) 246-6203 C: (864) 640-7756
Liverpool, Texas Larry Ludeke (832) 439-4666 E-mail:
Quality Charolais Raised in the Rocks at Cherokee, San Saba County, Texas
Bruner Polled Charolais
Tommy & Sherrille Wilks P.O. Box 118 Patrick, SC 29584 (843) 307-0323
E.E. “Gene” & Glenda Bruner 4 miles east of Grandview 12320 FM 916 Grandview, TX 76050 Home: (817) 866-2839 Cell: (817) 202-7680
Roy W. Hann Jr., Owner • (979) 255-5709 Tyson Hann, Owner • (979) 324-6659
K&K Charolais Ranch
Herd Sires Bamboo Passport 147 ET LT Distance 2054 Pld
Hann Family • 9995 CR 353 Gause, TX 77857
Focused on Genetics
Kenneth Kuykendall (325) 622-4227 • FAX (325) 622-4673
Brian Bruner Austin, Texas Cell: (512) 797-3711
(972) 529-8723 P.O. Box 64336 Lubbock, TX 79464 (940) 453-5391
President- Norberto Lopez
Office Manager- Erin Metzler
Clay Boscamp 1360 CR 460 Waelder, TX 78959 (830) 857-5130
Dennis Charolais
...easy calving... ...explosive growth... DCF Pure Gold 802 P EPDs: 0.9 29 49 13 28 1.0 Eric Dennis 170 Rock Bluff Road Saint Jo, TX 76265 • (940) 995-2161
Bull Sale • Oct. 6 40th National Reserve Grand Champion Female
Kevin & Jessica Moore “When You Depend On Beef For Your Bottom Line...”
2929 Oak Hill Road • Alvarado, TX 76009 Kevin cell (817) 822-7109 Jessica cell (817) 822-7402 •
M A Y 2 0 1 8 37
TriniTy Valley CommuniTy College
R A N C H regisTered Charolais CaTTle 100 Cardinal Drive . Athens, TX 75751 Marc Robinson 903.675.6285
atman harolais Steve Patman
453 FM 55 Waxahachie, TX 75165 (972) 742-9684
TC Cattle Company A Complete Source for Quality
Myles and Lisa Tellefson 20427 Rd 1 SE Warden, WA 98857 (509) 750-4384 • (509) 760-6651 e-mail:
“Since 1936”
P.O. Box 595 • Raymondville, TX 78580 (956) 689-5162 • Fax (956) 689-3693 E-mail: Web:
Lamont, Alberta
Mitch & Linda........................(956) 689-6379 Mitch Mobile..........................(956) 535-0936
PC Mr Stonecold P862
Private Treaty Bulls and Heifers Cuero/Victoria, Texas area (361) 461-1869 • (713) 444-5708 •
Rafael Ortega • Owner Scott Milligan • Manager 39606 FM 1736 West Hempstead, TX 77445 (806) 683-6435
S CATTLE CO. SKEAN Registered Charolais
Billy, Billy C., Barry & Brent
CF Ms Duke 996 Duke K09 x Ali Mark
Chatham, Virginia (434) 656-2361 - (434) 656-3771
4C Amos Charolais Matt Amos 360-751-2791
Castle Rock, WA
Full French Charolais Bulls For Sale
Time Proven Genetics
Luke Amos 360-749-3330 Facebook: 4C Amos Charolais
Larry Skeans • David Skeans • Katie Skeans
1138 C.R.162 Gainesville, TX 76240
Hang’n A Cattle Company Alan & Leslie Alexander
Don & Kathy Schill (903) 388-1342
Kyle Schill (254) 230-5527
465 FCR 781 • Donie, TX 75838 38
M A Y 2018
Advertise your breeding program in the Charolais Breeders section each month! 1 inch- 11x rate: $30/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $313
Pasco, WA 99301 509-727-9151
On the web at
Reach Potential Customers
WC Formula 5014 P ET
Rancher’s Choice Sale | February 2019 Your Northwest Source for Quality Charolais Cattle
2 inch - 11x rate: $60/issue Prepaid 1 year (11 issues): $627
• Each additional inch: $30/issue • 5% discount for 1 year (11 issues) prepaid ads
A Quality Program
Performance • Pedigree • Polled
M6 Law & Order 577 P
(M875914) M6 Cool Rep 8108 x New Standard x Nancy 6100 Welcome Grove Impressive
BHD Reality T3136 P x MR Ms Impressive 405 2015 Grand Champion Tennessee State Show
CE 6.3
BW -0.2
WW 42
YW 77
M 18
TM 39
REA Marb 1.01 0.16
High-selling Bull at 2016 Fall M6 Sale!
M6 Cool Germaine 1145 P ET
Richard Clark Box 9 • Tazewell, TN 37879
(423) 626-0899 cell • Randell Meyers Jr. • (423) 626-0917 cell
M6 Cool Rep 8108 x 0383 x 914 cow
JBC Ms Ledger 410 PET
Your Source for Seedstock Since 1971
Ledger x CF Lady Cigar 812 Pld 2016 Grand Champion Tennessee State Show
e– erd Sir Bamboo Fresh Air 4397 ET M6 Fresh Air 8165 x OHF Duke’s Ruby F216
New H
CE BW WW YW 8.5 -1.2 37 59
Visit our website—
Silas Maxwell
1120 Welcome Grove Rd. Mosheim, TN 37818 (423) 552-4072
May 18-19 – Tennessee Charolais Associaiton Field Day, Dyersburg, Tenn.
M 14
September 15 May & Son and Guests Production Sale Knoxville
BW 0.0
WW 40
YW 73
M 23
Our Choice to head up our ET Program.
MCF Lady GI Duke 5003 PET
Lynn Hankins 16 Larkspur Lane Greeneville, TN 37745 (423) 620-8333
(F1022001) VCR 914 x HBR Lady GI 207 P ET Donor Cow at Reaves Charolais
CE 3.8
BW 0.7
WW 33
YW 59
M 25
TM 41
es Charolais ReavKyle Reaves
M6 Full Speed 109 P EPDs: 0.6 35 58 14 31
TM 43
The Result of a brother/sister mating and Pick of the Flush.
TM REA MARB TSI 32 0.87 -0.02 201.35
Little W Farm
June 2 Appalachian Classic Sale, Knoxville
CE 6.4
5840 West Allens Bridge Greenville, TN 37743
(423) 237-3042
FRESH AIR 1138 Pld
2016 Spring Multiple Trait Leader
Mike & Connie Watkins Kellie & Scott Porter and Kristie & Jarrod Buhler
Advertise Your Program!
Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 444-3114 or (615) 642-0976 Come check out our bulls, females and ET Program!
Contact: Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144
Bloodlines from 2244, 914, Cigar, Wyoming Wind and D040
Where the Customer Comes First!
Fresh Air 8165 x M6 Nancy 6100 EPDs: CE: 3.7 BW: 1.2 WW: 31 YW: 56 M: 13 MCE: 0.5 TM: 28 SC: 0.7 REA: 0.56 MB: 0.13 TSI: 200.58 Semen: $20/straw; $35 signing
First 7 sons avg. $7,964 in the Nipp Bull Sale
EZY-B-Farms Bobby Bain
1876 Ridgewood Dr Sparta, TN 38583 (931) 607-2259
Selling Heifer Bulls featuring our Herd Sires — M6 New Standard 335 M826229 CR Showbull 2020 M829851 and most recently M6 Lone Star 649
Cooley Royce 1107T39 Pld M745957 2-19-07 BW: 86 lbs.
Clarice & Ricky Smith
Adj. WW/R: 749 lbs./115 Adj. YW/R: 1,395 lbs./120 Adj Yrlg. REA/R: 16.25 sq. in./119.3
203 Harpo Rd • Manchester, TN 37355
615-885-7004 • 931-273-0187
Advertise Your Program! Contact: Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144
CE 0.6
BW WW 1.7 28
YW 66
M MCE TM 19 3.7 33
SC 1.2
CW REA F MB TSI 25 0.75 0.025 0.25 217.08
Special Semen Sale: $15/Straw; No Signing September 15 Production Sale
Roy May & Son
2760 Renfro Rd. • Jefferson City, TN 37760 (865) 475-8266 • (865) 599-5075 cell M A Y 2 0 1 8 39
Bovine Hi Res
8:48 AM
Page 1
* Semen & Embryo Sales * A.I. & ET Equipment Sales * MVE & Taylor Wharton Tanks * A.I./Palpation Clinics * TruTest Scales * Professional Exporting & Importing * Semen & Embryo Warehousing * A.I. Consultation
120 Shadylane Coppell, Texas 75019 (972) 471-1233 • Mobile (972) 839-6485
Robert T. Nord Auctioneer
Nord Livestock Sales 9515 Texas Church Rd, Clinton, IL 61727 (217) 935-3245 or (217) 519-0375
Bovine Elite, LLC 3300 Longmire Drive • College Station, Texas 77845 800-786-4066 • 979-693-0388 • 979-693-7994 Fax •
Tommy Barnes
189 River Road Lowndesboro, AL 36752 Mobile (334) 462-4004
Sullivan Supply South Sullivan Supply Inc. Hillsboro, TX 76645 Dunlap, IA 51529 Phone: (800) 588-7096 Phone: (800) 475-5902 FAX: (254) 582-7114 FAX: (712) 643-5154
Livestock Grooming Products
Justin B. Stout
23724 W. 87th Terrace Lenexa, KS 66227
Offering System Solutions for Charolais Producers 1-800-531-5908
(913) 645-5136 Making your program stronger, one sale at a time.
Download Linde’s App!
Request Special Photos, Earn Loyalty Points View Promotions & Much More!
Order Photos
Ben Meriwether
Livestock Photography 40
M A Y 2018
Video Production & Editing Photography Editing Fair Grove, Missouri • (417) 766-3278 •
will give you insight into the total cattle industry - all the breeds, issues, ideas and innovations. The Cattleman will tell you where the industry has been and where it is going so you won’t be left behind!
Greg & Brenda Hubert
P.O. Box 100 • Oakley, Kansas 67748 • (785) 672-3195 FAX: (785) 672-4902 • Professional Charolais Sales Management
SUBSCRIBE TODAY! $25 per year ($40 foreign)
1301 W. Seventh St. Fort Worth, TX 76102-2660 (817) 332-7155 Ask for Circulation Dept.
Have you planned your advertising?
CATTLE SALES – Registered and Commercial Auctions, consultations and semen sales FARM SALES – Land and equipment ORDER BUYING –“If you need it, I’ll find it”
Home: (931) 389-6865
June/July 2018
“Over 40 years of proven, practical experience”
Deadline: May 10
Koshkonong, MO Clifford Mitchell (405) 246-6324
AICA Directory Issue
Contact Your Area Field Representative Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144 Colt Keffer (765) 376-8784 Cody Beck (765) 719-1622 Weston Geppert (605) 933-1387 Ty Groshans (970) 818-6016 Charolais Journal office (816) 464-2474 ext. 104
123 Earl Warren Rd Cell: Beechgrove, TN 37018 (931) 842-1234 E-mail:
Call or Write for Sale Catalogs or Information on these Sales: May 5 19th Annual Sale of Excellence..............College Station, Texas May 19 Lone Star Spring Classic Sale...........Mt. Pleasant, Texas June 2 Appalachian Classic Sale..................Knoxville, Tenn. September 22 Hudspeth Farms & Guests Gathering Sale.....Harrison, Ark. October 6 Sullivan Charolais Spirit of Bluegrass Sale...........Lexington, Ky. Ask how we can help with your breeding program and sales. M A Y 2 0 1 8 41
AICA Events May 1 — AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference Entry Deadline May 10 — AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference Late Entry Deadline / Ownership Deadline June 17–22 — AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference Des Moines, Iowa June 29 – July 7 — World Charolais Congress Sweden July 14 — AICA Listening & Learning Industry Session Blacksburg, Va. July 15 — Performance Deadline 2018 Mid-Year Genetic Analysis
Affiliate Events May 18–19 — Tennessee Charolais Association Field Day Dyersburg, Tenn. May 26–27 — Kansas Junior Charolais Association State Show Hutchinson, Kan.
May 1 — AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference Entry Deadline. Contact: Kaitlyn Chism, AICA.
August 18 — Iowa State Fair Class A ROE Show, Des Moines, Iowa.
May 10 — AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference Late Entry Deadline & Ownership Deadline. Contact: Kaitlyn Chism, AICA.
August 25 — New York State Fair Open Charolais Show, Syracuse, N.Y.
May 12 — Kentucky Spring Showcase Sale, 1 p.m., Blue Grass South Stockyards, Stanford, Ky. Sale Sponsor: Kentucky Charolais Association. Contact: Chuck Druin, Jacob Miller or Jeff Harrod. May 14 — Wells Charolais 36th Annual Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Hub City Livestock, Aberdeen, S.D. Contact: Jason or Richard Wells. May 18–19 — Tennessee Charolais Association Field Day, Dyersburg, Tenn. May 19 — Lone Star Spring Classic Sale, 1 p.m., Titus County Fairgrounds, Mt. Pleasant, Texas. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. May 19 — Rogers Bar HR 42nd Annual Cream of the Crop Female Sale, 12:30 p.m., at the ranch, Collins, Miss. Contact: Doug Rogers. May 26–27 — Kansas Junior Charolais Association State Show, Kansas State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson, Kan.
June 2018 June 1–3 — Texas Junior Charolais Association State Show, Brazos County Expo, Bryan, Texas. Contact: Kevin Doonan, Danni Lunsford Amos or Haley Dennis. June 2 — Appalachian Classic Sale, 1 p.m., Knoxville Livestock Market, Knoxville, Tenn. Sale Sponsor: Appalachian Classic Sale. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. June 10 — Iowa Junior Charolais Association Field Day, Indianola, Iowa. June 17–22 —2018 AIJCA Junior National Show & Leadership Conference, Des Moines, Iowa. June 20–23 — 2018 Beef Improvement Federation Annual Meeting & Research Symposium, Loveland, Colo. June 29 – July 7 — World Charolais Congress 2018, Sweden. Contact: AICA.
July 2018 July 14 — AICA Listening & Learning Industry Session, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. Contact: AICA.
June 10 — Iowa Junior Charolais Association Field Day Indianola, Iowa
July 20–22 — Summer Sizzle All Breeds Junior Show, Grant County Fairgrounds, Moses Lake, Wash. Coordinated by: Washington Junior Charolais Assn. Contact: Brigid Clift or Cody Lacy.
July 15 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for 2018 Mid-Year Genetic Analysis.
July 22 — North Dakota State Fair Open Charolais Show, Minot, N.D. July 28 — Ozark Empire Fair Open Charolais Show, Springfield, Mo. July 31 — Miss Charolais USA 2019 Application Deadline. Contact: Jamie Dehan, Program Coordinator.
August 2018 M o r e o n t h e W e b:
August 8 — Indiana State Fair Open Charolais Show, Indianapolis, Ind.
August 10 — Illinois State Fair Open Charolais Show, Springfield, Ill.
M A Y 2018
August 15 — State Fair of West Virginia Open Charolais Show, Lewisburg, W.Va.
May 5 — 19th Annual Sale of Excellence, 1 p.m., O.D. Butler Texas A&M Research Center, College Station, Texas. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
June 1–3 — Texas Junior Charolais Association State show Bryan, Texas
Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext 200, with affiliate event dates.
August 12 — Missouri State Fair Class A ROE Show & Open Percentage Show, Sedalia, Mo.
August 25 — Kentucky State Fair Open Charolais Show, Louisville, Ky.
August 26 — Maryland State Fair Open Charolais Show, Timonium, Md. August 29 — Nebraska State Fair Open Charolais Show, Grand Island, Neb. August 30 — South Dakota State Fair Open Charolais Show, Huron, S.D.
September 2018 September 1 — Minnesota State Fair Open Charolais Show, St. Paul, Minn. September 3 — 25th Annual Autumn In The Ozarks Sale, noon, Chappell’s Sale Arena, Strafford, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management. September 15 — Kansas State Fair Open Charolais Show, Hutchinson, Kan. September 15 — May & Son & Guests Annual Production Sale, 1 p.m., Knoxville Livestock Center, Knoxville, Tenn. Contact: Bill May. September 15 — Wild Indian Acres & Friends Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, DeSoto, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. September 17 — Summit Farms Online Sale, Alden, Iowa. Contact: Roy Miller. September 19 — Thomas Ranch Private Treaty Steer & Heifer Sale, at the ranch, Harrold, S.D. Contact: Troy Thomas or Cally Kindred. September 22 — Hudspeth Farms & Guests The Gathering Sale, 1 p.m., Cattleman’s Livestock Auction, Harrison, Ark. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. September 22 — Satterfield Charolais & Angus 7th Annual Female Sale, 1 p.m., at the farm, Evening Shade, Ark. Auctioneer: Eddie Burks. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales.
October 20 — Doub Charolais Autumn At The Crossroads Sale, at the farm, Danville, Ind. Contact: Andrew Doub. October 20 — Northern International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Show, Billings, Mont. October 20 — Rogers Bar HR Fall Turn-Out Bull & Brangus Female Sale, 12:30 p.m., at the ranch, Collins, Miss. Contact: Doug Rogers. October 20 — The ONE Sale, 1 p.m., Sulphur Springs Livestock Auction, Sulphur Springs, Texas. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. October 24–25 — AICA Fall Committee & Board of Directors Meeting, Kansas City, Mo. October 25 — Charolais Shindig, AICA Office, Kansas City, Mo. October 26 — Royal Breeders Bull Classic, 10:30 a.m., American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Mo. October 26 — 40th National Charolais Sale, American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Mo. October 27 — 50th National Charolais Show, American Royal Livestock Show, Kansas City, Mo. October 27 — Mead Farms Fall Performance Tested Bull Sale, Mead Sale Headquarters, Versailles, Mo. Contact: Alan Mead. October 27 — Southern Connection Sale, 1 p.m., Northwest Georgia Livestock Pavilion, Calhoun, Ga. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Sponsors: GeorgiaFlorida and South Carolina Charolais Associations. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. October 31 — Fink Beef Genetics Annual Bull Sale, Fink Beef Genetics Sale Facility, Randolph, Kan. Contact: Galen or Lori Fink or Megan or Chad Larson.
November 2018 November 3 — 19th Annual Virginia Herd Improvement Sale, 1 p.m., Virginia Tech Judging Pavilion, Blacksburg, Va. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. November 3 – Alabama Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, Noon, Letohatchee, Ala. Contact: Bobby Keahey. November 3 — Fox Hollow Farms & Guests Inaugural Bull & Female Sale, Noon, H2 Ranch Sale Facility, Perkins, Okla. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management. November 3 — Ridder Farms Female Sale, at the farm, Hermann, Mo. Contact: Derek Ridder.
September 22 — Southern Belles Sale, 5:30 p.m., Aces Wild Sale Facility, Weatherford, Texas. Auctioneer: Dustin Layton. Sale Manager: Mitchell Management.
November 10 — Oklahoma Charolais Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Cross Livestock Auction, Checotah, Okla. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
September 29 — Tulsa State Fair Open Charolais Show, Tulsa, Okla.
November 15 — Deadline for submitting performance information to AICA for 2019 Winter Genetic Analysis.
October 2018 October 6 — Dennis Charolais Farm/007 Charolais Fall Edition BeefGene Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Sulphur Springs Livestock Commission, Sulphur Springs, Texas. Contact: Eric Dennis or Cody White. October 6 — Keystone International Livestock Exposition Class A ROE Show, Harrisburg, Pa. October 6 — Sullivan Charolais 2nd Annual Spirit of the Bluegrass Sale, 1 p.m., Bluegrass Stockyards, Lexington, Ky. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. October 7 — Polzin Cattle Leading Ladies Online Sale, Darwin, Minn. Contact: Chris or Leslie Polzin. October 15 — Summit Farms Online Sale, Alden, Iowa. Contact: Roy Miller. October 20 — Angell-Thomas Charolais 7th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 12:30 p.m., at the farm, Paris, Mo. Contact: Russ or Sally Thomas. October 20 — Aschermann Charolais 27th Edition Bull Sale, 1 p.m., at the ranch, Carthage, Mo. Auctioneer: Jackie Moore. Contact: Larry or Peggy Aschermann.
November 15 — North Grove Charolais 3rd Annual Northern Gals Online Sale, CharAuctions. Contact: Dennis, Brandon or Dustin Fischer. November 17 — Mississippi Pride of Dixie Sale, 1 p.m., Hinds County Junior College, Raymond, Miss. Auctioneer: Greg Clifton. Sale Sponsor: Mississippi Charolais Association. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service.
December 2018 December 1 — 27th Annual Rancher’s Choice Bull Sale, 1 p.m., Nixon Livestock Commission Company, Nixon, Texas. Sale Manager: Outfront Cattle Service. December 1 — Wright Charolais 8th Annual Female Sale, 1 p.m., Wright Charolais Sale Facility, Kearney, Mo. Auctioneer: Rob Nord. Sale Manager: Hubert Cattle Sales. December 31 — AIJCA National Junior Merit Application Deadline. Contact: Kaitlyn Chism, AICA.
Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE WITH THE JAN. 2006 ISSUE
The following terms and conditions govern all advertising in the Charolais Journal, which is used without separate or additional contract terms.
The Commercial Cowman’s annual directory on where to buy Charolais bulls. UNIQUE BULL BUYERS LIST • 15,000+ distributed by mail and at Cattleman’s events across the country. Also included with AICA commercial mailings. • Reader friendly 5.5 in. x 8.5 in. size • Posted on the AICA website
BREEDER ADVERTISING SPACE Black & White 1x 11x 1 page $700 $600 2/3 page 510 450 1/2 page (h) 395 340 1/2 page (v) 450 370 1/3 page 270 220 1/4 page 215 180 1/6 page 155 130 1 inch 35 30 Position pgs (1-7) 1,150 Inside Covers 1,200 Back Cover 1,300 CLASSIFIEDS Prepaid. Rate: $1 per word, $25 min., paid in advance. Deadline 25th of the 2nd month preceding publication COLOR 1 standard additional color $175 - red or blue (availability basis) 1 non-standard color 275 - (availability basis) 4-color 475 Special color 475 Metallic color 600 ADDITIONAL CHARGES B/W photo (each) $15 Color photo (each) 50 4-Color page correction after approval (per page) 150 Upcoming Online Sale Dates — B/W or 2-Color page corrections after approval (per page) 100 May 14 – Wells Charolais 36th Annual Bull After deadline charge 100 Sale, Aberdeen, S.D.
Difficult ads requiring substantional extra production time will be charged a minimum $50/ hour rate. If you prefer no extra charges, request that the Journal staff simplify the ad if necessary at their discretion.
Contact: Colt Keffer
• ADVERTISING DEADLINE: August 1 (765) 376-8784
• Target Mailing: September 1
CANCELLATION POLICY Charges dependent upon stage of production will be invoiced to advertisers who cancel previously submitted advertising.
Source Rates — Including Photos
DISCOUNTS A 5% discount for all advertising will be given if prepaid for one year. No agency commissions allowed on breeder rates.
1 page, 4-color — $1,000 BONUS - Includes 30 day AICA website banner 1 page, B/W — $600 1 page, 2-color — $775 (B/W Photos) 1/2 page, 4-color — $600 1/2 page, B/W — $400 1/2 page, 2-color — $500 (B/W photos) Above rates include a free state listing. State Listing only — $100
Contact Your Field Representative Today — Cody Beck (765) 719-1622
Floyd Wampler (423) 612-2144
Colt Keffer (765) 376-8784
Weston Geppert (605) 933-1387
Ty Groshans (970) 818-6016
Charolais Journal Office (816) 464-2474 ext. 200
HERD REDUCTION SALE: Fifty-three years in the business and time to cut back. Polled, purebred pairs, reasonably priced. Top bloodlines. Numerous show, gain test and carcass accomplishments. Devon Dells Charolais, Pleasant Dale, NE 68423, 402-450-8752.
Contact David Hobbs (816) 464-2474, ext. 200, or with your Classified Advertising.
CLOSING DATES All advertising copy (including photos) must be in the Charolais Journal office by the 25th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 25 for the March issue or the first working day thereafter. A $100 late fee will be applied to all late advertisements. Proof deadline: 20th of the second month preceding publication, i.e. Jan. 20 for March issue. ADVERTISING CONTENT The Charolais Journal reserves the right to refuse any advertising or copy at its sole discretion. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance. The Charolais Journal accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any photographs supplied by other than its own staff. Advertisers shall imdemnify and hold harmless the Charolais Journal for any claims concerning advertising content as submitted. REPRINTS, CATALOGS AND BROCHURES Advertising and editorial reprints available. Sale catalogs and brochures are produced at special rates. Contact office for prices. Notice to advertisers: Advertising for sales scheduled prior to the 20th of the month of publication accepted at the advertiser’s risk. The Charolais Journal assumes no responsibility for distribution.
M A Y 2 0 1 8 43
Ky Stierwalt C linic
Daily Care How & Why
Monday, June 18, 2 018
y a D aver
20, e n u J ,
Stop by ProFit Show Supply to apply for a Passport to Success. Participants must travel the 2018 Charolais Junior National and network with industry professionals while completing character based activities for passport stamps. Once all character stamps are collected, the participant must return to customs at ProFit Show Supply with their completed pass-
r e t c a r a h C Activity
June 18 - 20, 2018
Details will be announced at the clinic
port to select a duty-free souvenir.
Two opportunities for a chance to win a one-on-one with ProStaffer Ky Stierwalt. 44  î ş M A Y 2018 18-1369-LV-LCF
M A Y 2 0 1 8 45
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Call for a Sire Directory or View Online
M A Y 2 0 1 8 47
21 Ranch............................................36 4C Amos Charolais..............................38 40th National Charolais Sale...............17 8 Story Farms......................................14 5J Charolais........................................14 Aces Wild Ranch....................................2 AgriLabs..............................................32 Akin Charolais.....................................33 Appalachian Classic Sale.....................45 Arlitt Ranch...........................................5 Aschermann Charolais........................14 Bamboo Road Farms LLC...................33 Barnes, Tommy...................................40 Bar J Charolais................................6, 37 Bar S Ranch........................................34 Beavers Charolais...............................34 Ben Meriwether Livestock Photography...40 Big Creek Charolais.............................14 Bill King Ranch...................................36 Birdwell, James...................................40 Boehringer Ingelheim.............18, 22, 23 Boscamp’s Arrowhead Ranch.............37 Bovine Elite, LLC..................................7, 40 Bowen Farms........................................33 Bracewell Cattle Co.............................37 Brevig Charolais..................................35 Broken Box Ranch..............................33 Bruner Polled Charolais......................37 Buddy’s Charolais.................................5 C&R Charolais.....................................39 Cardinal Charolais..............................33 Castleberry’s Hilltop C Charolais........36 Cattle Visions.......................................47 Cattleman, The...................................41 Charolais Association of Texas...............37 Charolais Banner ...............................41 Circle Cee Charolais Farms.................38 Clayford Ranch Charolais....................37 Clifton, Greg........................................40 Cody Cattle Co.....................................24 Conover, Al..........................................40 Corman Charolais ..............................14 Cox Charolais......................................35 Crews Farms.......................................38 Crosby Farms......................................35 Crutcher, Matt.....................................40 48
M A Y 2018
Curfman Farms..................................33 DeBruycker Charolais.....................20, 25 Dennis Charolais Farm.......................37 DESCO Charolais Farm.......................36 Domek Charolais................................35 Doub Charolais...................................34 Double R Dees ...................................37 Dybdal Charolais.................................35 Eaton Charolais...............Inside Front, 25 Effertz Key Ranch ...............................36 Eggleston Charolais.............................22 Endsley’s Charolais Farm...................35 Evans Charolais....................................5 Ezy-B-Farms.......................................39 Fancy Creek Charolais.........................34 Fink Beef Genetics..............................34 Fox Hollow Farms...............................36 Franz Ranch .......................................35 Fred Ranch.........................................35 Gallagher.............................................40 Gay Livestock Insurance, Jerry............41 Grau Charolais Ranch.........................36 Griswold Cattle....................................24 Hang’n A Cattle Co..............................38 Hankins, Lynn.....................................39 Hansen Farms.....................................22 Hart Charolais.....................................35 Hayden Farm......................................35 Heath Hyde Cattle Co............................5 Hebbert Charolais...............................35 Hubert Cattle Sales..............................41 Hubert Charolais Ranch ....................34 J & M Ranch........................................22 James F. Bessler Inc............................41 Jensen Charolais Ranch......................22 Jorgensen Charolais............................33 Justin B. Stout Auction Service............40 JVS Cattle Co....................................6, 35 JWC Marketing....................................41 K & K Charolais Ranch........................37 Keahey Charolais.................................33 Keith Farms........................................34 Keppen Charolais................................22 L & N Charolais...................................14 L.G. Herndon Farms...........................33 LaFraise Farms...................................34
Lambert, Doak....................................40 Laue Charolais Ranch.........................34 Lehman Charolais................................37 Linde’s Livestock Photography............40 Lindskov-Thiel Ranch...............Back Cover Little W Farm......................................39 Lone Star Classic.............................5, 46 LongRange By Merial....................22, 23 Los Pinos Cattle Co............................ 37 M6 Ranch...........................................37 MBS Charolais................................... 14 May, Roy & Son...................................39 McCary & Son Charolais Farm............33 McNickle Charolais Ranch..................34 Mead Farms........................................14 Missouri Charolais Breeders...............14 Mitchell Management ........................41 ML Lewis Charolais.............................34 Morton, Bob........................................41 Mountain Empire Charolais Assn.......45 Mountain View Charolais....................33 Nipp Charolais....................................36 Nord Farms.........................................34 Nord, Robert ......................................40 Nubbin Ridge Farm.............................37 Oak Hill Farm.....................................33 Oakwater Ranch..................................36 Odden Charolais Ranch..................... 22 Outfront Cattle Service .......................41 Patman Charolais................................38 Pearls Pics...........................................40 Peterson Farms Charolais...................14 Prairie Valley Farms, lnc.....................22 Pyramid 5+ Presponce SQ.................18 Raile Charolais Farm..........................34 Rambur Charolais, Ltd.......................35 Ramro LLC..........................................38 Reaves Charolais.................................39 Reich Charolais Ranch .......................22 Ridder Farms..................................... 14 Rio Ranch...........................................38 Riverdale Land & Livestock.................14 Rogers Bar HR......................................8 Rollins Ranches..................................20 Runft Charolais Ranch, Myron............34 SW&S Cattle Co...................................38
Sandmeier Charolais...........................22 Satterfield Charolais..............................3 Sayre Cattle Service.............................41 Schrader Ranch..................................34 Schurrtop Angus & Charolais..............36 Shadow Springs Farm.........................35 ShowChampions.................................40 Skeans Cattle Co..................................38 South Dakota Charolais Breeders.........22 Spring Valley Ranches.........................37 Steve Smith Country Charolais............24 Stewart’s Charolais..............................22 Sturgess Double S Cattle........................ 37 Sullivan Supply...................................40 Summerford Charolais, BJR...............33 T and S Strnad Charolais.....................34 TC Cattle Co.........................................38 Tennessee Charolais Breeders............39 Thomas Charolais, Inc. (TX)...............38 Thomas Ranch (SD)...........................22 Tiger Country Charolais......................14 Trinity Valley Community College Rch... 38 Vaughan Family Ranch.......................34 Vedvei Charolais Ranch.......................22 VetGun................................................32 Volunteer Charolais ............................39 Wagonhammer Ranches.....................36 Wagon Wheel Charolais Ranch ...........36 Wakefield Farms..................................35 Weaver Charolais.................................20 Weaver Leather Livestock....................44 Webb Charolais Farm..........................37 Weber Charolais Farm.........................22 Welcome Grove Charolais ..................39 Wells Charolais Ranch........................22 West Fork Ranch.................................36 Wienk Charolais Ranch.........................1 Wild Indian Acres................................14 Windy Hill Charolais Farms.................14 Wooden Cross Cattle Co......................34 Wright Charolais................... 14, 24, IBC Y•Tags................................................21 Y-Tex Corporation................................21 Zeisler Charolais.................................36 ZOE Charolais.....................................14
BE RESOURCEFUL These three sons of CCC WC Resource 417 captured the attention of breeders from across the country and abroad during our 11th Annual Bull Sale on March 10, 2018. Our thanks to the buyers of these herd sires and our partnerships with them!
M898749 Resource x WC Capital Gain BW: 69 lbs. AWW: 1,015 lbs. 11.2 -1.2 56 93 17 7.5 45 1.1 236.68 Sold a 1/2 interest for $157,500 to The Executive Group & 007 Charolais
EM893465 Resource x Rapid Fire BW: 90 lbs. AWW: 823 lbs. 7.5 -0.2 36 64 10 6.8 29 1.2 210.71 Sold a 1/2 interest for $85,000 to Steve Smith Charolais, Broberg Charolais & Griswold Cattle Co-Owned with Cody Cattle Company
M897101 Resource x Impressed 620 (Dam of National Champion WC Everest 4048 P) BW: 88 lbs. AWW: 846 lbs. 7.2 1.7 44 72 14 6.5 36 1.4 213.85 Sold a 1/2 interest for $29,000 to Sandmeier Charolais
Derry & Mary Wright 42922 Old Hwy. 10 • Richmond, MO 64085 816-776-3512 farm office 816-456-3792 cellular Chris Peuster, Managing Partner 816-529-2190 cellular