They're going fast... Spring-Calving Commercial Bred Heifers Available Now
Taking orders now for fall delivery Solid Red and Red-white-faced heifers produced by Mushrush genetics and developed on native Flint Hill pastures. Whether you need a potload, a gooseneck load, or a handful, we can fill your order. Call or email to contract your heifers today!
Mushrush Red Angus - Online Registered Bred Heifer Sale Sale Begins - Thursday, September 14, 2017
Special Opportunity!
You can pick any female in the entire Mushrush Red Angus herd! Over 1000 females to choose from - including our Donor Dams. This pick will be auctioned at the Red Angus Foundation Auction, Wednesday, September 13th at the 2017 Red Angus Convention. Proceeds go to Red Angus Research and Development.
Accuracy Matters...
because not all EPDs are created equal! Mushrush Red Angus spends a lot of time and money ensuring that the EPDs we publish on our cattle are the most accurate possible. We do this by reporting “All the Data, All the Time”. This investment in accuracy is part of our commitment to our customers – so you can make the genetic progress you desire, without unpleasant surprises. For more than 20 years, the Red Angus Association of America (RAAA) has mandated Total Herd Reporting (THR), which requires annual reporting of each registered Red Angus cow’s production (or lack thereof). RAAA has also required weaning weights/dates as a registration requirement since 1954. That works for weaning weight (WW) and stayability EPDs (STAY). However, data specific to other traits is reported at each breeder’s option and expense. Due to pedigree relationships, most animals get EPDs printed for almost every trait – even when the seedstock provider hasn’t collected data for those traits. They still get to market animals with EPDs because principled breeders with related animals have collected data. When animals are registered to a known sire and dam, EPDs (albeit relatively low accuracy EPDs) are calculated. Breeders who go to the trouble to collect and submit phenotypic data (birthweights, calving ease scores, heifer pregnancy observations, ultrasound data, etc.) will further increase the accuracy of those animals’ EPDs. The magnitude of such increases in EPD accuracy is limited by the heritability of the trait and the quality of the data. More meaningful data comes when phenotypic observations are collected in accurately reported contemporary groups (CG) where all animals in it have an equal opportunity to perform. Further increases in accuracy of even yearling bulls are possible when breeders supplement pedigree and performance data with genomic data. Genomics impact the EPD and associated accuracy similar to additional progeny data. For many traits, genomic data will impact the EPDs and accuracy as much as the bull’s first natural service calf crop. It’s important to understand that more data doesn’t necessarily make the EPD more desirable; it does make the EPD more accurate. Meaning that as additional data is added, the published EPD gets closer to the animal’s true genetic merit. This is demonstrated in Table 1 using the examples of Calving Ease and Marbling.
One advantage of Genomic Data is that a single hair/blood sample can provide data and accuracy increases for up to 13 traits. However, genomics doesn’t eliminate the need for phenotypic data – which is needed to calibrate the genomic panels. Or, as Dr. Daniela Lourenco, UGA said at the 2017 BIF Conference, “Genotype without phenotype is like having a credit card but no money to pay it off at the end of the month.”
Table 1 Bull A Bull B Bull C
CED EPD 10 10 10
EPD Accuracy .10 .20 .40
Possible Change ±8 ±7 ±5
True Genetic Value Between 2 – 18 CED Between 3 – 17 CED Between 5 – 15 CED
Bull A Bull B Bull C
MARB EPD 0.80 0.80 0.80
EPD Accuracy .10 .20 .40
Possible Change ± 0.23 ± 0.21 ± 0.16
True Genetic Value Between 0.57 – 1.03 MARB Between 0.59 – 1.01 MARB Between 0.64 – 0.96 MARB
Bull A – represents a bull with only pedigree information plus required RAAA performance data Bull B – has everything Bull A has, plus at least a birth weight, calving ease score, and IMF scan (all taken within meaningful contemporary group) Bull C – has everything bull B has plus genomic data (RA50K)
We collect the following data that is used in the calculation of Red Angus EPDs and economic indices: + Birth weight + Calving Ease Score + Weaning Weight +ADG + Cow Weight & Body Condition Score + Heifer Pregnancy Observations + Stayability Observations + Ultrasound measure for %IMF, REA, and Fat thickness We further enhance the EPD accuracy for the above traits by investing in genomic data for every bull we sell. Our carcass EPDs are augmented by annual structured progeny tests, where we work with ranch and feedlot partners to collect actual harvest data on progeny of the same Mushrush reference sires that are represented in our bull sale. Additionally, we collect field data that is not currently used in EPD calculation but soon may be. This includes Dry Matter Intake (DMI), Feed Conversion (F:G), and Udder Scores While animals that falter in the above traits won’t have that reflected in an EPD – we will eliminate them from the herd, so our customers never have a chance to own them or their progeny.
If we seem a bit obsessive about “All the Data – All the Time”, we’ll take that as a compliment. We do it so our customers will be able to make the best-informed genetic investment decisions possible.
Pasture Proven... Profit Driven
Pasture Proven... Profit Driven
2346B N Rd • Strong City, KS 66869 Joe (620) 273-8581 Daniel (620) 340-9774
Mushrush Red Angus
In this issue: • Why Accuracy Matters - not all EPDs are created equal • Get 'em while they last - Commercial Bred Heifers available and going fast! • First Look - 2017 Progeny Test Results, Gain and Conversion Data • Registered Bred Heifer Sale starts Thursday, September 14th
67¢ cost of gain with 5.49 Dry Matter Conversion & 3.89 ADG! First Closeouts from 2017 Mushrush Progeny Test identifies... Cost of gain was 19% lower than the yard average. All EPDs are not created equal - collection of harvest data through structured progeny tests builds the highest accuracy for Marbling, REA, and Yield Grade EPDs.