Nc fall harvest 2013

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12 Noon • 3 1 0 2 , 7 r mbe turday, Septe orth Carolina ve, N

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Facilit Shuffler Sale

Saturday, September 7, 2013

12 Noon

Shuffler Sale Facility, Union Grove, NC

83 Simmental Lots Embryos • Open Heifers • Bred Heifers & Cows Three-in-One Packages & Herd Sire Prospects

A function of North Carolina Simmental Association

North Carolina Simmental Association Annual Meeting

Friday, September 6, 2013 • 6:00 pm at the Shuffler Sale Facility (casual attire) Raffle Items: Chance to win a Traeger Lil Tex BBQ Grill 070 with

cover ($700 value) or four second prizes of $50 Gift Cards to popular steak restaurants like Outback Steakhouse, etc. Tickets are only $2 or 3 for $5. Do not have to be present to win! Short business meeting followed by fun auction of donated items for NCSA and NCJSA. Very special items to be auctioned this time include an old Austrian Cowbell and two ornate old leather halters. These items were donated by Philippa Ingram after she retired to NC after raising Simmental cattle in Salisbury, Rhodesia.

Also the Back Cover Advertisement for the next Directory will be auctioned off. Beef Dinner – $10 per plate Children 10 & under $5 per plate

Jonathan Massey, President Charlie Thomas, Vice President Jennie Rucker, Executive Secretary (336) 468-1679 Dr. Jeff Broadaway, Treasurer Miriam Bell & Lynn Bridges, Junior Advisors Daniel Brown, NCJSA President Directors... Myra Neal Morrison, John Langdon, Dr. Eugene Shuffler, Greg Wyant, Marvin Hutchison and Ralph Blalock, Jr.

Ear Tags The ear tags for this sale have been donated by Allflex USA. Call Steve Blackburn for all your tagging needs and call him to get ahead of your animal identification and verification program.

Steve Blackburn

PO Box 179 • Waynesboro, GA 30830 • (706) 554-1993 or

Catalog Produced By:

Parke 06-8844 bie & Holli Doug, Deb Hatmaker • (423)5 li 36 ol H 40 1 Drew & Paris, KY fax on Hills • 153 Bourb 58 • (859) 987-0709 ao 57 (859) 987- 00 mobile • pleent@ 61 (859) 421-


Fall Harvest Sale Consignors. . . Belmont Steaks Farm

Larry Bullis • Gettysburg, PA 17325 (717) 334-6323

Black Ridge Simmentals Alan Belcher • Ararat, NC (336) 408-7179

Broadaway Cattle Farm

Monroe, NC • (704) 579-3514

Jeff Broadaway, DVM

Monroe, NC • (704) 221-0997

Buena Vista Simmentals

Jim & Betty Bosley • Old Fields, WV (304) 530-6636

to take this Union would like agement, I ember 7th at 12:00 in t an M s le Sa n P Sept s a excelle ion and D Saturday, tal Associat r Shuffler ha st” sale on n Grove. D le related events. ina Simmen arolina “Fall Harve io ol n U ar C in th lity sa the Nor the North C er sale faci ation was r the other n behalf of ch of you to st will be a the Shuffl and a great place fo nce 1974. The Associ e plans to invite ea si s, ak ve n s y m ar it le pe H n lp sa ll u de he h rt oppo st and ing wit lots,insi th a. The Fa out the pa time runn ena, grass th Carolin eeds in Nor Grove, Nor ith a nice auction ar ation sales have long les. Come and visit ab e of the strongest br host to p u g w ci sa on in l so ty of li ta s am sale faci mmental As ow 39 year n and make Simmen sociations will be te Carolina Si first sale in 1974, w to purchase e The North e associatio olina and Virginia As ill be a great place at the mak st d e an th 73 of w t ar 19 st C or together to in ve ll th pp ar ed or su pu H N ll rm r to ow fo ur calenda inston-Salem. The Fa encourage everyone . Lets all sh yo re tu on t fu e pu th I W for ber to ld in e have hips sale so Also, remem ional show to be he This year w e members Carolina. veral years. and this year t. This is th stern Reg se en Ea r ev fo SA is AJ ed th lv vo sale the 2014 pects for and ve been in ces to the show pros d members y which ha have a lot of new fa your future er. to invite ol eat sale s and man e r or w be gn ar si em ye n ev m co ch st e gr nge each ral new ates. Ea this the be g, members th e have seve olina and 7 other st sale offering. I challe the past re nner, annual meetin y This year w t the th Car tended in di or ou at N e s ab th e ha om s, secretar ir fr at ar qu ve th ts ye ti e in en u n st rs m ec yo pa de gn ex e An ee si e th con ew br event. Rucker, th 15 years. tended in yable sale d several n n for 14 or have not at hank You” to Jennie we have ha breeders to this enjo ttle. If you “T e associatio l ca th ia le h ec al it sa ti sp w n of a te ed , new po s. Again lid group is en involv e and the so se add it to your plan as a bee and has be ointed. mAngus. Th atmospher pp eat set of Si ogram in the plea busy sa gr s n di a io ay d be ct w an ’t al au s on is n pr w e bred and the fu l put your e come you mental. Sh open pure offered wil rams in th arolina Sim Everyone is welcome, s, several top notch e top prog bred cows d of North C th er s. if an of il s e he ta ir m de ed pa so y demand br e g an om Th of n r t fr s. ro fo se w st st r d co a be li he e a so eeds with Call ctiv North e of the br g includes t of produ ess is good part of the The offerin includes a strong se is years sale are som e Simmental busin g and be a g n Th th n ri y. ri fe in it fe d of al of e re qu th year the bryos offe are of top e and view arston, or ure. The em y to go and cattle. Com profit pict er, Andee M lls are read l influenced feeder bu rd he e rew Hatmak be a part of this D if so Al . d country. Th l bulls and Simmenta on attend an in this sale ta s involved for the sale rage you to for Simmen weekend. e consignor ll anytime. We encou e activities and stay th le of sa y a an in ll th Carol to ca free to ca e sale for ’t hesitate please feel ht before th nion Grove. Please don y assistance ber to come the nig U an in of te si be le n em e sa myself ca l event. Rem ville area and at th ta en m m positive Si you in the Hampton See Saturday.


Chase Cole Livestock

Scott Matthis Clinton, NC • (910) 592-7472

C-Cross Cattle Company

Duane Strider Asheboro, NC • (336) 964-6277

Fletcher Simmentals

Jesse Fletcher Campobello, SC • (864) 895-3670



DP Sales M

Hamptonville, NC • (336) 468-1675

Shade Tree Simmentals Katie’s Simmental

Katherine Freeman Walters • Wytheville, VA (276) 620-6762

Darrell Mitchell

Union Grove, NC • (828) 310-5327

Forrest Grove Farm

Mountain View Farm

Anthony & Kathy Lankford Decatur, TN • (423) 506-2697

Tom & Barbara Vossler Gettysburg, PA • (717) 337-1615

Heishman Cattle Company

Granite Ridge Farm

Allen Heishman Edinburg, VA • (540) 335-1174

Hunt-Hawley Simmentals

Lucama, NC • (252) 243-2378

Ingram Livestock Farm

Johnny Ingram Hattisburg, MS • (601) 408-4186


Richard Woolwine • Seminary, MS (601) 408-4186 • (601) 441-6215

Ralph Blalock, Jr • Lucama, NC (252) 289-5026

Shuffler Farms Simmentals Hamptonville, NC (704) 539-5148

Twin Oaks Simmental

Greg Wyant Newton, NC • (828) 381-1478

TX Enterprises

Charlie and Amy Thomas Winston Salem, NC • (336) 575-5461

Scott Porter Yadkinville, NC• (336) 409-3677

VA Tech Beef Center

Smith Reasor

Rural Retreat, VA • (276) 620-3123

Rocky Hollow Simmental

Tommy Cline Wytheville, VA • (276) 620-8448

Chad Joines Blacksburg, VA • (540) 557-7263

Weiser Farms

Zanesville , OH • (740) 452-0606

Donald Young

Rolling Rock Farm

Ferrell & Zack Jones • Chilhowie, VA (276) 759-5581

Rucker Family Farm 1

Sugar Grove, VA • (276) 677-3255

Sale Day Phone •

(704) 539-4161

Doug Parke, mobile • (859) 421-6100

Sale Location

The sale will be held at Shuffler Farms 444 Union Grove Rd. • Union Grove, NC 28689

Herd Health

Hotels off I-77 at Exit #82 in Jonesville:

All cattle will have proper health charts for immediate interstate shipment. An updated breeding/calving sheet will be available sale day which also will indicate cattle that are OCV and/or from certified and accredited herds. Each animal will be at the purchaser’s risk after it is sold. Sale Vet – Jeff Broadaway 704-221-0997

Best Western, Jonesville • (336) 835-6000 ask for “NC Fall Simmental Sale” rate - $89.99 + tax. Includes a HOT breakfast.


Motel Headquarters

Hampton Inn, Jonesville, NC • (336) 835-1994 Days Inn, Jonesville, NC • (336) 526-6777 Comfort Inn, Jonesville, NC • (336) 835-9400

Air Transportation

1 hour away from Union Grove, NC. – Charlotte – Douglas International Airport, Charlotte, NC

Food Service

Lunch will be served sale day by the North Carolina Junior Simmental Association.

Sale Manager Doug & Debbie Parke Drew & Holli Hatmaker • (423) 506-8844 153 Bourbon Hills • Paris, KY 40361 (859) 987-5758 • (859) 987-0709 fax (859) 421-6100 mobile •

Sale Staff

John Spiker, Auctioneer • (304) 884-7915 Steve Sellers, EDJE Technologies • (770) 546-1307 Andee Marston, ASA Field Rep. • (931) 335-0303

Sale Consultants

DP Sales Management Doug Parke • (859) 421-6100 Drew Hatmaker • (423) 506-8844 Smith Reasor • (276) 620-3123

Sale Guests

Former Governor Jim Hunt & Carolyn Hunt Bryan Blinson, NCAA Executive Director Ralph Blalock, Pres. North Carolina Cattlemens Assoc. Jim Bob Penley, President Virginia Simmental Assoc.

Insurance for your purchases will be available at the clerk’s desk through American Livestock.

Terms of Sale

All cattle will sell under the Suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Simmental Association. All purchases are to be paid for by the purchaser during or immediately after the sale and will not be released until after settlement has been made.

Sale Registration and Payment

All buyer numbers will only be issued with a valid ID and payment is due day of sale. DP Sales Management would appreciate timely settlement of receivables within 15 days of date of sale. Cattle will not be transferred until paid for in full. Visa and Mastercard accepted.

Registration Certificates

Cattle will be transferred to the buyer at the seller’s expense. All calves born before the sale are to be registered by the seller; calves born after the sale are to be registered by the purchaser. Buyers must be sure to furnish the sale clerk complete information for transferring of registration certificates.


The EPDs reported in this catalog are the Fall 2013 numbers, as reported by the American Simmental Association.


All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. Neither the owners, the sale manger nor the NCSA consignors assume liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents or loss of property. As the sale manager, DP Sales Management is only an agent for the seller and has no responsibilities other than those involved in conducting the sale.


Sam Harroun (319) 325-9389 Charlie Thomas (336) 575-5461 2


HH Hannah

9-22-11 • ASA# 2638900 Consignor: Hunt-Hawley Simmentals Purebred


Tattoo: Y08

Red Danna Family . . .

CE 5 BW 4.2 WW 76 YW 93 MCE 5 MM 12 MWW 50 Marb -0.06 REA 0.98 API 92

CNS Dream On L186 GCF Mr Amigo GCF Miss MT Zel

WHF Red Rookie 160E PVF G711 Red Danna D398 ER Red Danna D398 • BW: 72 • WW: 572 • Here is the first of three flush mate sisters and wow what a set of sisters. Red Danna was selected out of a previous Fall Harvest sale from Julianna Hodges. Danna commanded $5,000 that day however that has been a great investment. Danna has been our top foundation cow and has the best udder we have ever seen on a beef cow. We carefully selected the past Denver champion, Amigo the be the sire of the flush sisters. Hannah is deep, thick and exhibits a square feet placement and great udder placement just like her 14 year old dam. Hannah’s mating to Upgrade will get you a terrific calf in mid October. AI to Mr NLC Upgrade, ASA# 2474338 on 1-12-13.


HH Hannah

HH Rachel

Purebred • BD: 9-21-2011 • ASA# 2638899 • Tattoo: Y07 Consignor:

Hunt-Hawley Simmentals

CE 5 BW 4.2 WW 76 YW 93 MCE 5 MM 12 MWW 50 Marb -0.06 REA 0.98 API 92

CNS Dream On L186 GCF Mr Amigo GCF Miss MT Zel

WHF Red Rookie 160E PVF G711 Red Danna D398 ER Red Danna D398 • BW: 60 • WW: 535 • Rachel is just like her sister in terms of depth, volume, and udder excellence but if anything she is a little smoother. She is also safe to Upgrade for a early November calf and yes it will be black with exceptional EPDs. This line of genetics is proven for many years in our herd and the Hodges family. Ask anyone about the Amigo daughters, you will hear nothing but positive comments. Cow power at its best. AI to Mr NLC Upgrade, ASA# 2474338 on 1-30-13.


HH Katia

9-25-11 • ASA# 2638902 Consignor: Hunt-Hawley Simmentals Purebred


CNS Dream On L186 GCF Mr Amigo GCF Miss MT Zel

HH Rachel

Tattoo: Y10

CE 5 BW 4.2 WW 76 YW 93 MCE 5 MM 12 MWW 50 Marb -0.06 REA 0.98 API 92

WHF Red Rookie 160E PVF G711 Red Danna D398 ER Red Danna D398 • BW: 74 • WW: 550 • Katia is the third great one and the only difference we can see is that she is just darker red. Katia has all the qualities of her mother and sisters and like them, should produce outstanding offspring for a decade or more. Katia is bred to a top Angus sire from the Happy Trails Farm in Saluda. S.C. and will produce a fine SimAngus calf that you will want to retain in the herd. All these sisters are proven results that you can purchase top quality genetics out of the Fall Harvest sale. We have been long time breeders and supporters of the breed however these genetics represent our proudest. PE to Yon Final Answer X03 on 2-20-13

HH Katia 3

Jokers Lady Family . . .


JBB Blackcap Lady Y21

SimAngus • BD: 10-14-11 • ASA# 2617933 • Tattoo: Y21 Consignor:

Jeff Broadaway

CE 8 BW 0.5 WW 66 YW 102 PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker MCE 5 MM 31 SS Jokers Lady L6L MWW 64 NLC D101 Deirdre • BW: 85 • WW: 671 Marb 0.63 • Look out SimAngus enthusiasts! Blackcap Lady Y21 is a homozygous REA 0.84 API 123 black bred heifer from the very top of my replacement pen. This

BCC Bushwacker 41-93 DR J Analyst M250 GAR Precision 706

female has it all! Phenotypically, she is a deep bodied, thick made, easy keeping heifer that is as gentle as a kitten. Numerically, she is sound with an adjusted weaning weight of 671 pounds and an 876 pound yearling weight. To top it off she posted over 6% Marbling and a 10.6 inch Ribeye. Most importantly, this Lady is a direct daughter of my foundation donor SS Joker’s Lady L6L and by the Angus sire Dr. J Analyst M250. Year-in and year-out this cow family produces my top calves and I wanted to share them here at the Fall Harvest sale. Blackcap Lady is a predictable female that will be productive for years to come. If you doubt, ask Allen Heishman of Virginia as he has a full sister. JBB Analytical Lady W4, serving as a donor in his herd. Rest assured she would not be leaving my herd if I did not have a full sister already in production that is at the top of her age group. She will calve shortly after the sale to TNT Tuition U238 with the next generation of money makers. Let her put that money in your pocket!

JBB Blackcap Lady Y21

AI to TNT Tuition U238, ASA# 2470582 on 12-14-12.


JBB Preferred Caryn Y22 • BD: 10-18-11 Jeff Broadaway

Purebred Consignor:



Circle S Leachman 600U LRS Preferred Stock 370C LAS Miss Princess 020Z SAC Mr MT 73G JBB MTS Caroline R4 SS Jokers Lady L6L • BW: 90 • WW: 693

Tattoo: Y22

CE 4 BW 3.6 WW 62 YW 85 MCE 4 MM 26 MWW 57 Marb 0.00 REA 0.71 API 104

• Here is a bred heifer that I should be retaining. JBB Preferred Caryn Y22 is a classy, stout boned bred heifer that has as much internal dimension as one could ask for. Not to mention the base width and muscle that she carries is impressive. Caryn also comes from my top cow family being a granddaughter of the SS Joker’s Lady L6L donor. A full sister to this bred heifer just sold the highest selling bull in the 2012 Union County Performance Tested bull sale at $7,900. As I mentioned, I really should be keeping this young Lady but I am committed to offering my best. As far as the topside of the pedigree is concerned, very few young LRS Preferred Stock daughter come up for sale these days and there is no questioning the impact that Preferred Stock himself has made to the Simmental breed. To top it off she is heavy bred to the well proven LMF Movin Forward who has been siring top calving across the country. With all that she has to offer don’t let JBB Preferred Caryn Y22 slip by you. You might just regret it!

JBB Preferred Caryn Y22

AI to LMF Movin Forward, ASA# 2429130 on 12-19-12.


JBB Heritage Lady X9

SimAngus • BD: 10-20-10 • ASA# 2578409 Consignor:

Jeff Broadaway

Tattoo: X9

CE 4 CAR Duke 104 BW 2.4 SAV Heritage 6295 SAV Blackcap May 4136 WW 69 YW 115 JF BH Choice Plus 909J MCE 8 JMM Kentucky Lady N1 MM 31 SS Jokers Lady L6L MWW 65 • BW: 79 • WW: 640 Marb -0.32 REA 0.78 • Heritage Lady X9 is a homozygous black, 3 year old, star headed API 65 SimAngus female that is bred to perform. She is smooth fronted,

JBB Heritage Lady X9

feminine yet powerful female that passes those traits onto her calves. Her sire, SAV Heritage 6295, is known for producing those high octane performance cattle that press the scales down at weaning time and this lady certainly fits that mold. Her 2012 heifer calf by TNT Tuition is being retained and is an eye catcher just like her dam. This cow family is as consistent as they come and if you are in the business of producing herd bulls that commercial producers love them pay careful attention to this young lady. She is bred to TNT Tuition U238 for another head turner in October.

AI to TNT Tuition U238, ASA# 2470582 on 1-11-13.



BV Mountain Mama Z5 • BD: 2-20-12 • ASA# 2634008 Buena Vista Simmentals

Purebred Consignor:

Headliners Blk Fancy Family . . .

Tattoo: Z5

CE 12 BW 1.6 WW 62 YW 86 MCE 12 MM 18 MWW 49 Marb 0.14 REA 0.82 API 131

Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Dream On L186 CNS Sheeza Drema K107W RCC Headliner M6051 EBS Headliners BLk Fancy EBS Darkstar 41G • BW: 78

• This Mountain Mama is bred for a spring calf that will be a 1/2 blood SimAngus. Her service sire is Hoover Dam. We have seen several calves out of him and they are wide topped. Z5 is being shown by our young grandson this summer. His November flush mate sister was named Grand Champion Female at the Western MD. Preview Show. Both Mountain Mamas are super feminine in their makeup and look to be outstanding cow prospects. Z5 was recently named Champion at the Carrett County Fair. Which one will fit in your program? AI to Hoover Dam, AAA# 16124994 on 4-25-13.


BF Mountain Mama Z5

BV Mountain Mama Y210 • BD: 9-10-11 • ASA# 2624117 Buena Vista Simmentals

Purebred Consignor:

Tattoo: Y210

CE 12 BW 1.6 WW 62 YW 86 MCE 12 RCC Headliner M6051 EBS Headliners BLk Fancy MM 18 EBS Darkstar 41G MWW 49 • BW: 75 Marb 0.14 • Choose which flush mate sister will fit best in your program. REA 0.81 Y210 is bred to calve a purebred calf in September. Her service API 130

Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Dream On L186 CNS Sheeza Drema K107W


sire, Top Grade, is a calving ease specialist with an API of 164. She was shown this summer by AJSA trustee Mollee Brown. Another of their sisters was the high selling open at the 2012 NC Sale. Y210 was Champion at the West Virginia Preview show. They will make excellent cows. AI to Top Grade, ASA# 2540315 on 11-24-12.

Headliner's Fancy Embryos

Choice 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy Consignor:

Buena Vista Simmentals

BV Mountain mama Y210

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901 RCC Headliner M6051 EBS Headliner’s Blk Fancy EBS Darkstar 41G • 9A Proj EPDs SVF Steel Force

CE 10 BW 2.1 WW 65 YW 99 Marb 0.01 REA 0.85 API 125


10 MM 19 MWW 51

• 9B Proj EPDs BC Lookout

9 BW 1.8 WW 60 YW 93 MCE 5 MM 22 MWW 52 Marb 0.34 REA 0.83 API 109 CE

• 9C Proj EPDs CNS Dream On L186 CE 12 BW 1.6 WW 62 YW 86 Marb 0.14 REA 0.82 API 131


12 MM 18 MWW 49

• Selling choice of 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. • Our donor EBS Headliner’s Fancy was Sr. Heifer Champion at the Ohio State Fair and the WV State Fair Open Shows. Over the last four flushes she has averaged 36 eggs per flush. She is an egg machine. We are offering 3 eggs each out of some of the best bulls in the beef industry, SVF Steel Force, CNS Dream On, and BC Lookout. Fancy is homo-black and polled. One of her Dream On daughters was your high selling open in last years sale. In 2009 a bred daughter out of In Dew Time was the high selling lot in this sale. Make a terrific investment in your breeding program.

EBS Headliner’s Blk Fancy - reference dam 5


Ms Preferred Family . . .

JBB Preferred Anita Y8

SimAngus • BD: 10-06-11 • ASA# 2617026


Jeff Broadaway

Tattoo: Y8

• BW: 79 • WW: 669 AI to TNT Tuition U238, ASA# 2470582 on 2-23-13.


JBB Preferred Sandy Y16

SimAngus • BD: 10-12-11 • ASA# 2617931 • Tattoo: Y16 Consignor:

Jeff Broadaway

• BW: 79 • WW: 583 • AI to TNT Tuition U238, ASA# 2470582 on 12-17-12. Paramont Ambush 2172 BCC Bushwacker 41-93 RC Anita Bando 918903 LRS Preferred Stock 370C DA Ms Preferred BOZ B358

JBB Preferred Anital Y8

CE 7 BW 1.9 WW 73 YW 109 MCE 9 MM 26 MWW 63 Marb 0.09 REA 0.58 API 97

• Preferred Anita Y8 and Preferred Sandy Y16 are two homozygous black flush sisters that were bred to be brood cows. These bred heifers are sired by the Angus sire BCC Bushwacker 41-93 who is widely known for his easy fleshing, highly maternal daughters. Their dam, DA Ms Preferred, is an own granddaughter of Big Sandy Ranch R821 sired by the performance sire LRS Preferred Stock 370C. Needless to say, these girls have been bred to grow and to make top of the line brood cows. They are capacious, sound structured, and thick made. All attributes that they will pass along to their scale busting calves. Both heifers are bred to calve his fall to the calving ease and growth sensation TNT Tuition U238. Just imagine the big strapping calves they will bring in next spring!

JBB Preferred Sandy Y16


TX Rhianna x Beef Maker

3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy Consignor:

TX Enterprises

Hooks Shear Force 38K WS Beef Maker R13 DCR Ms Ribeye N72 TX Rhianna

SVF Steel Force S701 JM Miss Olivia L36


CE 13 BW 0.9 WW 69 YW 101 MCE 12 MM 25 MWW 59 Marb 0.34 REA 1.00 API 141

• Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. • Here is sale feature for a genetic lot. Rhianna is a past champion at the North Carolina state fair. This royally bred female has developed into a super eye appealing young cow and just doing a exceptional job. Rhianna did a excellent job with her first calf and now enters our ET program at TX Enterprises. This young donor is sleek and long fronted, deep sided plus square hipped. As you can see in her photo, she is well designed and complete. In raising her first calf she was high maternal with a great udder. In many past Fall Harvest sales descendants of this well known and proven family have topped the sale for Jess A Marr, Tom Clark, Rocky Hollow and many others. The same legendary family that produced the recent champions Broker and Cottontail. On the flush we choose WS Beef Maker because of his exceptional EPDs and mostly importantly we several daughters in our herd and wow is the word. The resulting progeny will have great EPDs being in the top 10% on calving ease and ribeye, top 5% for API and top 4% for marbling. We are selling three embryos guaranteeing one pregnancy. The flush will be done around sale time and we can get the eggs shipped or delivered for implanting this fall. We proud of this donor and will be offering sons and daughters in future sales. Get involved today.

TX Rhianna



• BD: 9-07-12 • Rolling Rock

Purebred Consignor:

RRFS Purple Girl ASA#


Nichols Legacy G151 Hooks Shear Force 38K C&D Tracy JM Alice W6

Remington Red Label HR JM Miss Olivia L36

Tattoo: Z09

CE 16 BW -0.2 WW 59 YW 82 MCE 13 MM 28 MWW 57 Marb 0.29 REA 1.14 API 146

• BW: 75 • Zack named this heifer because he knew from the moment she was born she would be special and she is just that! P.G. is an embryo transfer out of our donor cow JM Alice W6 and Shear Force. Her bloodline is one of the top in the industry. P.G. is a deep bodied, feminine heifer who will catch any judges eye at the show. Zack has this heifer ready for you showman or show girls to go straight to the ring and show off your showman


RRFS Purple Girl

JM Alice x Shear Force

3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy Consignor:

Rolling Rock

Nichols Legacy G151 Hooks Shear Force 38K C&D Tracy Remington Red Label HR JM Alice W6 JM Miss Olivia L36


CE 16 BW -0.2 WW 59 YW 82 MCE 13 MM 28 MWW 57 Marb 0.29 REA 1.14 API 146

• Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. • Simple words could not do this cow justice. Cow power comes to mind when you look at her; and rightfully so, with a pedigree that includes H25, Olivia, and Dream On. This deep bodied, feminine female, combined with Sheer Force, will give you a top notch pedigree with the class and style you desire in your herd. RRF is pleased to offer 3 embryos with a guarantee of 1 out of 3, as long as the work is done by a certified embryologist. Don’t miss out on this powerful combination.


JM Alice - reference dam

Woodlawn Scarlet

Hooks Shear Force 38K - reference sire

Purebred • BD: 2-06-04 • ASA# 2243989 • Tattoo: P176 Consignor:

Katie’s Simmentals

CE 11 Nichols Blk Destiny D12 BW -0.3 Nichols Legacy G151 WW 60 Nichols Debra D81 YW 84 MCE 11 Blk Irish Kansas MM 27 YC Miss Blk B80 MWW 57 YC Mis JB S91 Marb 0.20 • BW: 76 • WW: 620 REA 0.65 • When Dean & I traveled to the 2011 Cattlemen’s API 131 Choice it was my goal to bring Scarlet back to Katie’s

Simmentals & put her in my donor program – not once have I regretted that decision. Scarlet is living up to the famous B80 progeny – highly fertile, sound, productive females with longevity. Scarlet is deep, expressively muscled, a cow still right for the times. With 2 top notch daughters currently working in my herd, embryo calves due in the spring and embryos in the tank – she has produced greatly for me. Here is an opportunity for those that are serious about laying the foundation for a sound, predictable breeding program that will be around for years to come. Scarlet sells with a stout herd sire in the making at side – a Flying B Final Cut blazed face bull calf. • AId to SVF Allegiance, ASA# 2573743 on 7-31-2013

Woodlawn Scarlet

• 14A BD: 3-28-13 Sex: Bull BW: 95 Tattoo: A15 Sire:

Flying B Final Cut

Lot 14A



Embryos . . .

BF Vidalia x Range Boss

3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy Consignor:

Rocky Hollow Farm

Dikemans Sure Bet IR Range Boss Y623 IR Ms Vienna U073 BF Vidalia

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 Miss CCF R78


CE 11 BW 0.05 WW 62 YW 91 MCE 7 MM 22 MWW 53 Marb 0.25 REA 0.91 API 118

• Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist. • This baldie donor is super impressive and easy to find in Wytheville, Virginia at the Rocky Hollow establishment. Vidalia started out as a purchase from the Dixie National and went on to be Senior Champion at the North American. Several years have passed and she continues to excel. We have been fortunate that her genetics and embryos have sold to top programs. Many breeders such as Hudson Pines, Sanders Ranch, Anvil Acres, Gibbs Farm, Twin Oak, and Dave Simms have added genetics by Vidalia to their lineup. A daughter sold in the Head of the Class sale last year for 6500. This spring embryos sold to David Whitmire at the Va. Expo. We are offering embryos by the Accelerated Genetics bull, IR Range Boss owned by Matt Hommandburg and JRW. With this bulls phenotype, thickness and superior EPDs this mating some produce superior offspring with marketability.

BF Vidalia - reference dam IR Range Boss - reference sire


Honeydew x Chamberlain

5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies Consignor:



CE 9 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 BW 3.5 R&R Chamberlain X744 WW 81 R&R Miss Traveler T744 YW 120 MCE 10 CNS Dream On L186 MM 19 HTP/SVF Honeydew T94 MWW 59 HTP SVF Honeydew Marb 0.21 • Selling 5 embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies if work is REA 0.75 performed by a certified embryologist . • Here is your opportunity to purchase genetics from T94 and the API 114

HTP/SVF Honeydew - reference dam

Upgrade son Chamberlain. We purchased T94 from Pine Ridge and she a full sister to Dew Drop and In Dew Time. We feel this mating will produce the right kind, being powerful, sound and have the eye appeal to turn heads come sale day or show day. Tylertown in Tennessee purchased a full sib pregnancy to this mating this past spring. Get on board with rock solid proven genetics.

R&R Chamberlain - reference sire


Powerdrive Phyllis x United

5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies Consignor:

Ingram Livestock

TNT Tuition U238 W/C United 956Y Miss Werning 956W HC Power Drive 88H SS Powerdrive Phyllis NJC/TJF Joy


CE 10 BW 1.7 WW 63 YW 100 MCE 8 MM 30 MWW 62 Marb 0.15 REA 0.92 API 110

• Selling 5 embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies if work is performed by a certified embryologist . • Take this opportunity to purchase embryos from one of the most talked about SimAngus bulls in the breed W/C United, and H83P the full sister to Ebonys Joy L123. Phyllis has worked with many bulls and united should be no different. This mating will read excellent on paper and will produce sound functional cattle that will work in the pasture or the showring.

SS Powerdrive Phyllis - reference dam W/C United 956Y - reference sire 8


Polly Anna x Upgrade

5 Embryos Guaranteeing 2 Pregnancies Consignor:

Virginia Tech.

Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 MS NLC Mojo S6119 B PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker KDG Polly Anna P89 BIF H808


CE 9 BW 0.4 WW 69 YW 101 MCE 13 MM 32 MWW 67 Marb 0.03 REA 0.94 API 122

• Selling 5 embryos guaranteeing 2 pregnancies if work is performed by a certified embryologist. • We don’t have a very big Simmental herd at Virginia Tech however we have identified some leaders in our program and at the top is Polly Anna. This Joker donor has an excellent track record and her cow card seems to grow and her progeny always turn in great data. Most recently at the 2013 Virginia Beef Expo a 7 month old daughter by Upgrade sold for 5000 to Larry Hoovler in West Virginia. A maternal sister sold in the 2011 Virginia Beef Expo to Kelsye PowersBarb and won many shows including the 2012 Eastern Regional Simmental show. Another maternal sister, Y163 was the top selling open at the 2012 Virginia Beef Expo and for $3,700 to Lindsey Grove. This heifer too has been very competitive on the show circuit. This donor continues to excel and the mating to Upgrade is highly proven. The EPDs are superior being in the top 20% weaning, top 15% for yearling, top 15% maternal calving ease, top 4% milk, top 3% for maternal weaning weight, top 8 % REA, and top 20% for API. I am sure by sale time we have updates about the Upgrade daughter that sold this spring. A family backed by the VPI brand and program. VPI is selling five embryos guaranteeing two pregnancies.

VPI Polly Anna Z271- daughter of P89

18 Sheza Andrias Dream Embryos 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy Consignor:

Virginia Tech

Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Dream On L186 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W HC Power Drive 88H Triple C She’s Savannah K137 G&L Savannah 607C • 18A Proj EPDs Top Grade 018X

13 BW -1.3 WW 61 YW 95 MCE 15 MM 34 MWW 65 Marb 0.54 REA 1.06 API 152 CE

• 18B Proj EPDs TNT Axis X307

12 BW 0.4 WW 75 YW 115 MCE 12 MM 28 MWW 66 Marb 0.46 REA 1.13 API 141 CE

• Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy or three pregnancies if you take all six if work is performed by a certified embryologist on each sire • Here is another VPI donor and an own daughter of the legendary Triple C She’s Savannah. This cow needs to be flushed more however in the VPI program we work off a limited budget and don’t flush multiple times so take advantage of these limited genetics. The Savannah cow family is highly sought after even though several daughter and grand daughters are top donors in many herds across the country. This cow line always seems to produce the right type and kind no matter what the sire. Yea, that just one of the things Dr Eversole teaches in Animal Science class build on predictable cow families and always be on time plus do your home work however not much home work required here. At VPI we studied on the two young sires that looked quite intriguing and selected MCM Top Grade and TNT Axis. Study the EPDs in all areas it should hard to write a better epd proof. The numbers are breed tops. VPI is offering three embryos on each mating with a guarantee of one out three or three pregnancies if you take all six. Chad says take all six.

EBS Sheza Andrias Dream 037R - reference dam

MCM Top Grade 018X - reference sire


TNT Axis X307 - reference sire

Embryos & Pregnancies . . .

19 Miss Candy 3000C Embryos 3 Embryos Guaranteeing 1 Pregnancy Consignor:

Weiser Farms

N Bar Emulation EXT Leachman Saugahatchee Leachman BC 7100 Little Caesar Lindseys Candy Ashwood Blackcap Lady • 19A Proj EPDs CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z

9 BW 1.9 WW 64 YW 98 MCE 7 MM 15 MWW 47 Marb 0.30 REA 0.58 API 106 CE

• 19B Proj EPDs FBF1 Combustible

8 BW 1.7 WW 55 YW 85 MCE 6 MM 19 MWW 46 Marb 0.13 REA 0.55 API 91 CE

Miss Candy 3000C - reference dam

CCR Cowboy Cut - reference sire FBF1 Combustible - reference sire


• Selling 3 embryos guaranteeing 1 pregnancy if work is performed by a certified embryologist on each sire • Miss Candy 300C was a many time champion shown in the Ohio Best shows programs a very successful heifer and momma to many foundation females. She has proven ability to stamp a clean front to a great neck. Her mating to Cowboy Cut is bound to be a big hit. Cowboy Cut is the elite purebred of 2013. Tremendous phenotype and balance. Wide based and big footed. Yearly scrotal 40 cm, calm, quiet disposition. He is homozygous polled and homozygous black. Her mating to Combustible backed by Burn Baby Burn is bound to be a hit. Combustible was Reserve Champion at NAILE class winner at NWSS. Grand Champion at World Beef Expo. Wisconsin State Fair Reserve Champion 2011 and Reserve Champion Supreme 2011 and Reserve Champion Supreme at Wisconsin State fair 2012.

Ms Melody x Sharper Image

Pregnancy • Due: 9-21-13 Consignor:

Heishman Cattle co.

Dikemans Sure BetTJ Sharper Image 809U TJ Miss Bando X27 SVF/NJC Built Right N48 HPF Ms Melody X309 HPF Ms Melody M011

HPF Ms Melody X309 - reference dam


CE 7 BW 2.8 WW 74 YW 115 MCE 8 MM 22 MWW 59 Marb 0.23 REA 0.36 API 104

• After such great response to the Melody offerings in the Virginia Beef Expo, I thought I’d do it again. Here is a pregnancy by HPF Melody X309. This young donor has more than proved herself so far and has a bright future ahead of her. The calf is sired by TJ Sharper Image, who has been very successful with his off spring. Melody is a stout, deep bodied, bold sprung cow that offers a lot of eye appeal and performance. The resulting calf from this mating will be very attractive and have a balanced set of EPDs. Take this opportunity to grab some great genetics of the legendary Melody cow family that’s due in late September.

TJ Sharper Image 805U - reference sire

21 A&B

Triple Crown x Grandmaster

Pregnancy • Due: 9-21-13 Consignor:

Heishman Cattle Co.

PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker SS Ebonys Grandmaster SOSF Ebonys Joy L123 CNS Dream On L186 SVS Triple Crown TG18 SVS Black Leader

SVS Triple Crown - reference dam SS Ebonys Grandmaster - reference sire 10


CE 7 BW 2.0 WW 52 YW 71 MCE 8 MM 22 MWW 48 Marb 0.26 REA 0.78 API 132

• I am offering two pregnancies from embryos I acquired from Shenandoah Valley Simmentals. They are sired by Grandmaster and out of leading donor a SVS, Triple Crown. These pregnancies have an excellent set of EPDs with an API of 125. They are both due to calve in late September. Be sure not to pass these up.


Purebred • BD: 1-12-13 • ASA# 2744898 Consignor:

Fall Opens . . .

Twin Oaks Sparkle

Twin Oaks Simmental

Tattoo: A401

CE 9 BW 2.5 WW 64 YW 104 MCE 8 MM 23 MWW 55 Marb 0.16 REA 0.82 API 121

WLE Power Stroke HC Power Drive 88H Kappes Lady Irish F88 GW Lucky Dice 187H MMF Honey Bunch P401 HC Honeysuckle Rose

• BW: 87 • Sparkle is quite possibly the best heifer raised to date at Twin Oaks a tremendous show heifer prospect and future donor out of the legendary HC Power Drive. She is just a January baby so she can be shown at the 2014 Junior Eastern Regionals which the Virginia and North Carolina Simmental Associations are co-hosting. Doug talked me into weaning her early and getting her ready for the Fall Harvest Sale. She is clean fronted with length and has “the look”. Rarely are you able to purchase Power Drive progeny at public sales so this could possibly be a sale highlight. Thanks to Charlie Thomas for his preparation of Sparkle. Power Drive daughter are always good property plus a outcross to Dream on pedigrees.


FGF Vavoom

5/8 Blood • BD: 1-03-13 • ASA# 2742865 Consignor:

Forrest Grove Farm

Twin Oaks Sparkle MMF Honey Bunch P401 - reference dam

Tattoo: U32A

CE 7 BW 2.1 WW 53 YW 79 MCE 4 MM 23 MWW 49 Marb 0.07 REA 0.65 API 85

GW Lucky Man 644N SVF Star Player T801 SVF Sheza Star N902 AHL Double Stuff 306 FGF Seein Double U32 Zeis Miss Drive M32

• BW: 69 • Here is an extremely unique 5/8 female, that has much to offer. Coming to you in moderate and extremely correct package this January heifer can stand some competition. Her dam traces back to a very powerful Power Drive female that did a great job for us. Combine that with her highly maternal producing sire, Star Player and you have an impressive package. This heifer is sleek necked, soft middled and hairy.


FGF Randa

Purebred • BD: 12-15-12 • ASA# 2742863 Consignor:

Forrest Grove Farm

LMF Movin Forward SVF/SS Y111 Double R Debi T11 Westfall Crossfire 639L PVFS Trisha On Fire TNT Miss Trisha F6

FGF Vavoom

Tattoo: 4140Z

CE 6 BW 4.0 WW 67 YW 100 MCE 9 MM 20 MWW 54 Marb 0.03 REA 0.61 API 103

• BW: 81 • This one has been a standout for a while now and it’s easy to see why. Randa offers loads of style, has a big middle and boasts plenty of bone and stoutness. We selected her highly productive dam several years ago from the Vehslage family and she hasn’t disappointed. Her sire too has done an impressive job, he is a Movin Forward out of the SVF donor Debbie that traces back to the great Kashmere. We think this heifer deserves her time on the tan bark, don’t miss this one.

FGF Randa 11


ST BF Perri

3/4 Blood • BD: 10-01-12 • ASA# 2750351 Consignor:

Shade Tree Simmentals

Triple C Invasion R47K LMF Movin Forward LMF Godivas Beautystroke B/R New Frontier 095 ST BF Lida Pearl 3B Zinger Pearl • BW: 92 • This heifer is out of the best half blood cow we have ever owned. This heifer was the highest performing calf of our entire calf crop in 2012. Don’t miss this one!


Tattoo: Z06

10-16-12 • Consignor: Twin Oaks Simmentals •



2744887 •

NLC Fortunate Son 100N Mr CCF Heza Fortune U48 SVF Sheza Fantasy N906 HC Hummer 12M LMF New Breath SS Breathtaker R939 • BW: 75 • WW: 526 • Nice blazed face daughter of Heza Fortune that goes back to Fantasy cow on the top side and the Breath Taker cow on the bottom side.


Tattoo: Z6U

ST Blk Zinnia

• BD: 10-02-12 • Shade Tree Simmentals


CE 7 BW 2.4 WW 61 YW 101 MCE 12 MM 23 MWW 54 Marb 0.34 REA 0.76 API 114

Twin Oaks Fresh Air





Hercules 538P DS Black Zinger 141B Leachman Blk Baldy Z229 ST Cassie’s Ivy

Triple C Invasion R47K ST Cassie

• BW: 87 • The heifer will show. She is out of a very moderate productive Invasion cow that traces back to a Dream On that is out of our best cow families.


ST Theodora

1/2 Blood • BD: 10-20-12 • ASA# 2750356 Consignor:

CE 10 BW 2.1 WW 54 YW 80 MCE 11 MM 24 MWW 51 Marb 0.14 REA 0.74 API 113

Shade Tree Simmentals

66 • BW: 84 • This heifer is actually a 3/4 blood but registered as a 1/2 blood. She will show and out of a excellent Theobald cow. The dam of this heifer is a picture perfect udder.

ST Carla

3/4 Blood • BD: 10-26-12 • ASA# 2750353 Consignor:

Shade Tree Simmentals

Tattoo: Z13

CE 8 BW 2.1 WW 57 YW 88 MCE 9 MM 24 MWW 53 Marb 0.07 REA 0.43 API 97

Lchmn Black Asphalt 7068 PPSR Nophalt 20H Miss Prickly Pear 615F


Tattoo: Z09

CE 9 BW 2.2 WW 63 YW 96 MCE 12 MM 19 MWW 51 Marb 0.00 REA 0.89 API 112

Tattoo: Z14

CE 9 BW 2.8 WW 69 YW 107 MCE 7 MM 22 MWW 57 Marb 0.15 REA 0.56 API 104

Lchmn Black Asphalt 7068 PPSR Nophalt 20H Miss Prickly Pear 615F BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 ST Cherokee Lali ST Lali • BW: 90 • Our Nophalt sired females have been good one’s. This heifer will make a cow. She is out of a really good BFCK Cherokee Cnyn 4912 cow that never misses.

30 MVS Maximus Pride & Joy • BD: 9-13-12 • Mountain View Farm

Purebred Consignor:



Tattoo: Z13

CE 9 BW 2.5 WW 61 Shoemakers Miss Emma YW 93 MCE 11 GW Lucky Break 047G MM 23 MVS Miss Blaze MWW 54 LLL Ms Red Caddy Marb 0.09 • BW: 82 • WW: 561 REA 0.52 • A typical Maximus heifer in that she is stocky and well API 107

MVS Maximus

SRS Fortune 500

developed with wide pelvic area. Partial blaze face. Joy will be a year old a week after the sale, ready to breed later this fall. Halter broken. BVD-PI tested negative. Raised under BQA standards

MVS Maximus - reference sire


31 KATS/RRFS Miss Amelia • BD: 9-07-12 • ASA# 2737964 Katie’s Simmentals/Zack Jones

Purebred Consignor:

Tattoo: Z02

CE 13 BW 1.2 Hooks Shear Force WS Beef Maker R13 WW 70 DCR Ms Ribeye N72 YW 98 MCE 8 JF Shock & Awe 6207S MM 24 KATS Awe its Martha Kate MWW 59 KATS The Legacy Begins Marb 0.34 • BW: 83 • Zack Jones showed Amelia’s mother, Martha Kate, for me REA 0.68 API 134

with much success during 2011 & 2012 and we teamed up together on her first mating and we were not disappointed with what we got! Amelia is a beauty to look at and with a wonderful disposition it would take probably no time at all to halter break this red beauty. This young female has quality written all over. She is balanced and attractive in her makeup and backed by a nice pedigree. It won’t be long and you can mate this attractive female to the calving ease bull of your choice. Be sure to check her out sale day, you won’t be disappointed!

KATS/RRFS Miss Amelia

Fall Breds . . .

32 Miss Carolina SA 0302X

SimAngus • BD: 9-04-10 • ASA# 2597953 • Tattoo: 0302X Consignor:

C Cross Cattle Company

CE 6 BW 1.9 WW 60 YW 104 MCE 6 MM 13 MWW 43 Marb 0.38 REA 0.30 API 102

STF Mr Momentum H508 SVF NJC Mo Better M217 NJC SVF Antoinette K205 Gardens Prime Time Rita 9G24 of 6EA GPT Rita 6E4 Of 4H28Rito 3B17

• BW: 75 • WW: 477 • This Mo Better Sim Angus is a long necked cow that exhibits a stout hip on a wide base. A blaze faced cow that is loaded with eye appeal and will continue to benefit any program. She will calve to the Sitz Upward son, Whitestone Black Arrow. • AId to Whitestone Black Arrrow, AAA# 16649387 on 12-13-12.

Miss Carolina SA 0302X

33 Miss Carolina SA 0323X SimAngus • BD: 9-21-10 • ASA# 2597954 Consignor:

C-Cross Cattle Company

STF Mr Momentum H508 SVF NJC Mo Better M217 NJC SVF Antoinette K205 GAR Expectation 4915 DD Expectation Sky 333N DD 176 Sky

Tattoo: 0323X

CE 8 BW 1.1 WW 56 YW 99 MCE 5 MM 15 MWW 43 Marb 0.31 REA 0.42 API 101

• BW: 70 • WW: 451 • SimAngus female out of the popular Genex sire SVF/ NJC Mo Better M217. Blazed faced female will beat the standard with added volume and depth of rib. • AId to Whitestone Black Arrow AAA# 16649387 on 12-13-12.

Miss Carolina SA 0323X 13


Spring Breds . . .

BRS Grizzly Girl Z06X

5/8 Blood • BD: 4-07-12 • ASA# 2646199 Consignor:


Black Ridge Simmentals

Tattoo: Z06X

CE 8 BW -0.8 WW 41 YW 61 MCE 6 MM 21 MWW 42 Marb 0.23 REA 0.34 API 98

B&D 700M 203/39P

LMF Total Performance S16 BRS Xtasha X06T BRS Tasha T06N

• BW: 62 • WW: 568 • With Simmental influence becoming increasingly prevalent in club calf circles, we decide to sample Grizzly, a popular ½ blood hailed for his calving ease, on a set of Total Performance heifers. The results were as advertised, with all calves coming unassisted and with a touch of added style. Z06T has 2nd generation SimAngus heterosis with a twist and the trend will continue when she delivers the first calf from a highlight of the 2012 SVF bull sale, SVF/SS Smooth Move Z308. Over the years we’ve had the good fortune of owning and leasing some pretty high profile Simmental bulls. Our first impression of Smooth Move as he stepped off the trailer was among the best and it was with intention, not clean up service, that this heifer is bred to him. We offer Z06T confident in her ability to perform for her new owner. • PE to SVF/SS Smooth Move Z308, ASA# 2659797 from 5-10-13 to 6-22-13 . Bred on 5-13-13. Safe in calf.

BRS Grizzly Girl Z06X

SVF SS Smooth Move Z308 - reference PE sire

35 BRS Mo's Tiffany Z33T Purebred • BD: 4-07-12 • ASA# 2646198 Consignor:

Black Ridge Simmentals

STF Mr Momentum H508 SVF/NJC Mo Better M217 NJC SVF Antoinette K205 Ebony Acclaim DBLR P33 BRS Tiffany T33K BRS Ms Kappa Alpha K33

Tattoo: Z33T

CE 9 BW -1.6 WW 56 YW 86 MCE 9 MM 21 MWW 49 Marb 0.14 REA 0.68 API 130

• BW: 52 • WW: 661 • I will have to contain myself to avoid writing a novel about this heifer. On the top side is the enduring Mo Better. We remain tremendously grateful to Troy Hadden for allowing us to acquire him back in 2006. At eleven years of age Mo Better is still roaming our pastures, which goes a long way in explaining this heifer’s Stay and API numbers being in the top 15% of the breed and a good indication that Z33T has the genetics to be a long time member of your herd. On the bottom side is a moderate framed, beautifully uddered, awesome cow that has never missed a beat. In fact one of her daughter’s is a former division winner at NC State Fair and serves as a donor for us and Triple H Farms. On the occasional visits Doug Parke has made to Black Ridge, he has never failed to find Z33T’s dam that was sired by a flush mate to Trademark. The extended pedigree traces through breed giants to our 1994 purchase of a 600U female one generation removed from a cornerstone of homozygous black Simmental genetics, SF Coal Miner’s Daughter. Twice in the past, bulls from this cow family have topped the Fall Harvest sale. In our 22nd year of consigning to this event we are excited to offer this flashy, functional female. Z33T sells bred to a young bull we are expecting great things from, our selection from the 2012 Sunset View Bull sale. Great calving ease and maternal traits will be continued in this high potential, homozygous black mating. Note: Z33T was exhibited as a calf and if her new owners would like to see her out at the NC shows this fall, please visit with us after the sale. • PE to SVF/SS Smooth Move Z308, ASA# 2659797 from 5-10-13 to 6-22-13 . Bred on 5-24-13.

BRS Mo’s Tiffany Z33T


36 HCCH Ms Mo Safari Z208 3/4 Blood • BD: 3-18-12 • ASA# 2698979 Consignor:

Heishman Cattle Company

SVF/NJC Mo Better M217 SC Mo Magic S47 Akers Ruby 2184 IC Safari T35

Tattoo: Z208

CE 6 BW 1.7 WW 61 YW 101 MCE 9 MM 18 MWW 48 Marb 0.09 REA 0.53 API 95

STF Mr Momentum H508 Louken Kenya 510PP

• BW: 64 • Z208 is a can’t miss heifer. She is an embryo calf that has an excellent set of EPD’s and is easy to look at. She is a heavily muscled, bold sprung, soggy made heifer. She stands on a large circumference of bone and is sound from the ground up. This blaze faced heifer is bred to JF American Pride, due to calve in mid March. This is one you have to find on sale day. • AId to JF American Pride 0987X, ASA# 2573743 on 6-04-13.


HCCH Ms Dream Z276

SimAngus • BD: 4-05-12 • ASA# 2742920 Consignor:

Heishman Cattle Company

CNS Dream On L186 CNS Pays To Dream T759 MLF BL Jessie K336 HCCH 7579

Tattoo: Z276

CE 11 BW 0.8 WW 49 YW 78 MCE 9 MM 20 MWW 44 Marb 0.49 REA 0.45 API 124

• BW: 70 • WW: 776 • Ms Dream is an extremely deep bodied, soggy made type of female. Sound from the ground up, you can miss her in the pen. She is sired by Pays to Dream and out of a tremendous Angus cow. She is 111 on her API and 10 on calving easy. Z276 is bred to K-LER Make It Rain and will produce offspring that are good in the pasture and paper. Don’t miss out. • AId to K-Ler Make It Rain, ASA# 2376230 on 6-02-13.



BV Precious

03-01-12 • ASA# 2634003 Buena Vista Simmentals

3/4 Blood


CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette EXG RS Firstrate S903 R3 Teets Precious 100X AKF Precious P13

SC Mo Magic X47 - reference sire


HCCH Ms Shock Z209

3/8 Blood •BD: 4-01-12 • ASA# 2742918 • Tattoo: Z209 Consignor:

Heishman Cattle Company

SVF Steel Force S701 CLRWTR Shock Force W94C Myers Queen Sazerac P94 HCCH 738

CE 7 BW 2.0 WW 63 YW 88 MCE 10 MM 22 MWW 53 Marb 0.08 REA 0.72 API 106

• BW: 67 • WW: 846 • Ms Shock is a stout made, big ribbed female that is very easy to look at. She is structurally sound and stands on a lot of bone. This bred female is sired by Shock Force and offers a lot of potential. She is bred to calve in mid March to K-LER Make It Rain. • AId to K-Ler Make It Rain, ASA# 2376230 on 6-02-13.

Tattoo: Z6

CE 11 BW 2.6 WW 65 YW 98 MCE 8 MM 23 MWW 56 Marb 0.23 REA 0.48 API 114

• BW: 75 • Here’s a 3/4 heifer with a perfect blaze face that has some unique Angus genetics. Her MGS, EXG RS First Rate, was a member of the Angus Champion Pen of 3 in Denver. His first son, Dameron First Class, was a Triple Crown winner in the Angus Breed. Both bulls are now deceased and these genetics are in high demand. Precious has an extended front, lots of rib shape, and has been a joy to show this summer. • AId to Flying B Cut Above, ASA# 234198 on 5-06-13.

BV Precious



Breds Cows . . .

TX Madonna

3/4 Blood • BD: 12-16-11 • ASA# 2631413 Consignor:

TX Enterprises

Tattoo: Y311

CE 9 BW 2.7 WW 62 YW 86 MCE 5 MM 21 MWW 52 Marb 0.08 REA 0.42 API 104

CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette TX Sharp Shooter TX Lori TX Cow 31

• BW: 84 • WW: 592 • A very complete female here out of one of our best cows. This red female stems from the same cow family do last years consignment. Madonna is a beautiful fronted female that is thick and free moving. The mating the “Fatt Butt” should produce an excellent calf. • AId to Flying B Cut Above, ASA# 234198 on 4-29-13.

TX Madonna


JBB Embleynette Y25

SimAngus • BD: 11-06-11 • ASA# 2617916 • Tattoo: Y25 Consignor:

Jeff Broadaway

CE 4 Mr NLC Superior S6018 BW 4.1 TNT Tanker U263 WW 82 TNT Miss S17 YW 133 MCE 11 SAF 598 Bando 5175 MM 26 HRF Emblynette P54 5175 MWW 66 SAV Emblynette 8055 Marb 0.62 • BW: 87 • WW: 720 REA 0.55 • If you are a performance breeder take a close look API 118 at this homozygous black heifer. Emblynette Y25 is a

high growth bred heifer top and bottom. Her sire is the performance sire TNT Tanker U263 that has proven his ability to sire deep bodied, high octane cattle. Her dam is by the high growth and maternal Angus legend SAF 598 Bando 5175 and out of the Emblynette tribe that have been so successful for Schaff Angus Valley. As mentioned above this bred heifer is bred to grow and grow she did weighing in at weaning at a whopping 720 pounds! Emblynette is a smooth fronted, massive middled, and wide based brood cow in the making. Just imagine what a female like this could do bred to a calving ease and growth standout……oh wait….she is. The fall calf she is carrying by TNT Tuition U238 will certainly be an exciting one to watch! • AId to TNT Tuition U238, ASA# 2470582 on 3-03-13.

TNT Tanker U263 - reference sire


SR Ms YT63

SimAngus • BD: 10-30-11 • ASA# 2634459 Consignor:

Smith Reasor

Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Emulous 8145 HC Hummer 12M SR Ms TR63 SR Roselle RN63

Tattoo: YT63

CE 15 BW -0.5 WW 73 YW 115 MCE 14 MM 24 MWW 60 Marb 0.46 REA 0.63 API 151

• BW: 82 • WW: 665 • YT63 is a another Final Answer 1/2 blood female that is polled and Homozygous black. A touch more frame, but the feminine head, thick top,and big rib are easy to recognize. Excellent EPD’s and will due to calve in October to an excellent Bismarck son (PB Angus). • PE to LL Bismarck LL05, AAA# 17162736, from 1-01-13 to 1-27-13. Bred on 1-09-13

SR Ms YT63 16


SR Ms YW70

1/4 Blood • BD: 10-29-11 • ASA# 2634418 • Tattoo: YW70 Consignor:

Smith Reasor

MAF 10J22

Quaker Hill Objective 3J15

SR Ms WT70

SAV Final Answer 0035


SR Ms TR70

CE 12 BW 0.4 WW 76 YW 119 MCE 10 MM 24 MWW 62 Marb 0.32 REA 0.65 API 130

• BW: 82 • WW: 674 • YW70 is a 1/4 blood Simmental female out of a young and really special Final Answer daughter. YW70 is really feminine with a nice clean head and neck. Moderate frame and long top with smooth lines make her very attractive. Should calve in late September to the Premium Beef bull. Homozygous black and polled. • AId to GW Premium Beef 021 TS, ASA# 2370545 on 12-19-12. • PE to LL Bismarck LL05, AAA# 17162736, from 1-01-13 to 1-27-13.


SR Ms YW70

SR Ms YS70

SimAngus • BD: 10-13-11 • ASA# 2634427 • Tattoo: YS70 Consignor:

Smith Reasor

Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Emulous 8145 CNS Dream On L186 SR Samantha SM70 SR Merideth ME70

CE 16 BW -0.9 WW 73 YW 113 MCE 12 MM 22 MWW 58 Marb 0.46 REA 0.72 API 153

• BW: 79 • WW: 620 • These Final Answer 1/2 blood females are pretty special and very uniform. YS70 is a moderate frame, smooth made female with loads of capacity and depth of rib and displays a feminine head and neck. Smooth polled and homozygous Black completes the package with excellent EPDs and a 153 API. • AId to GW Premium Beef 021 TS, ASA# 2370545 on 12-19-12. • PE to LL Bismarck LL05, AAA# 17162736, from 1-01-13 to 1-27-13.


SR Ms YS70

FGF Callie

Purebred • BD: 10-10-11 • ASA# 2742882 • Tattoo: 103Y Consignor:

Forrest Grove Farm

HC Power Drive 88H SVF U041 SVF/NJC Senerita N29 BCS Aces High J107 WHSP Oaks Digitals Deal PVF Digital Doll

CE 8 BW 2.0 WW 57 YW 87 MCE 9 MM 22 MWW 51 Marb -0.01 REA 0.74 API 108

• BW: 74 • 103Y is a female that has a rich pedigree, backed by Power Drive and Senerita and then on the bottom side Aces High plus Digital Doll. Many good ancestors that are highly predictable. This female is smooth, balanced and complete. It has been a few years since consigning to the Fall Harvest sale, so we want to come back and bring some of our best. Look us up and we can visit. • AId to Welsh Dew It Right, ASA# 2742882 on 12-31-12. • PE to Power Leader, ASA# 2659500 from 1-15-13 to 3-15-13.

FGF Callie



SFS Susanna XY64

SimAngus • BD: 10-06-11 • ASA# 2737963 • Tattoo: XY64 Consignor:

Darrell Mitchell

CE 11 BW -0.1 WW 63 YW 105 MCE 12 MM 28 MWW 59 Marb 0.47 REA 0.57 API 135

Nichols Legacy M72 Nichols Manifest T69 Nichols MCM N13 Ironwood New Level BR Susanna 376R BT Susanna 173M

• BW: 83 • WW: 548 • SFS Susanna XY64 is sired by the very popular Nichols Manifest. Her dam BT Susanna 376R was produced at the famous Bear Tooth Angus herd in Montana. Her API of 133 puts her in the top 15% of the breed. • AId to W/C Paleface 756X, ASA# 2562543 on 12-21-12.

47 JBB Miss Lucky Tanker Y6 • BD: 10-06-11 • Jeff Broadaway

Purebred Consignor:



Tattoo: Y6

CE 11 BW -1.5 WW 55 YW 83 MCE 17 MM 33 MWW 60 Marb 0.00 REA 1.03 API 118

Mr NLC Superior S6018 TNT Tanker U263 TNT Miss S17 Lchman Lucky Buck 7049C GW Miss Lucky Buck 370N GW Miss Maternal 636F

• BW: 66 • WW: 593 • If you are in need of a homozygous black calving ease female from a proven cow family then Miss Lucky Tanker Y6 is the heifer for you. One look at her EPDs will verify that this heifer is built for calving ease with over a 10 on calving ease and a negative birth weight. Another great aspect to this girl is that she is an outcross to the popular sires on the market today. She is sired by the calving ease and growth powerhouse TNT Tanker U263 and out of a direct daughter of Leachman Luck Buck 7049C from Gateway Simmental’s. Imagine the endless mating possibilities! Dr. Kim Browning bought a maternal sister to this female in last year’s Fall Harvest Sale. Miss Lucky Tanker Y6 is a capacious, heavy muscled heifer that is carrying a spring calf by the popular LMF Movin Forward. • AId to LMF Movin Forward, ASA# 2429130 on 5-14-13.

LMF Movin Forward - AI reference sire


SR Ms YP45

Purebred • BD: 9-29-11 • ASA# 2634455 Consignor:

Smith Reasor

HTP SVF In Dew Time Welshs Dew It Right 067T SVF/NJC Senerita N29 WHF Miss P45

Ellingson Black Perfector ROF Miss Black Bell

Tattoo: YP45

CE 10 BW 2.4 WW 70 YW 96 MCE 12 MM 19 MWW 54 Marb 0.03 REA 0.54 API 109

• BW: 84 • WW: 698 • YP45 is a larger frame, long bodied female with a smooth top and big hip. She is feminine about her head and has lots of depth and spring of rib. Homozygous Black, smooth polled and comes from a nice cow family. The resulting SimAngus calf from Final Answer or the Bismarck son should be exceptional. • AId to SAV Final Anser 0035, ASA# 2320695 on 12-15-12. • PE to lL Bismarck LL05, ASA# 17162736 from 1-01-13 to 1-27-13.

SR Ms YP45



SR Ms YT44

SimAngus • BD: 9-27-11 • ASA# 2634452 Consignor:

Smith Reasor

Tattoo: YT44

CE 14 BW -1.2 WW 64 YW 101 MCE 13 MM 27 MWW 59 Marb 0.42 REA 0.52 API 144

Stiz Traveler 8180 SAV Final Answer 0035 SAV Emulous 8145

SRS J914 Preferred Beef SR Mr TN44 SR Nadine NL44 • BW: 78 • WW: 649 • YT44 is a homozygous black, smooth polled female that is moderate in her frame and thick across her top and hip. Another Final Answer 1/2 blood daughter that has plenty of depth and spring of rib. Nice set of EPDs and will have a SimAngus calf. • AId to GW Premium Beef 021TS, ASA# 2370545 on 12-19-12. • PE to lL Bismarck LL05, ASA# 17162736 from 1-01-13 to 1-27-13.

SR Ms YT44



HH Rae Dew

9-26-11 • ASA# 2638895 Hunt-Hawley Simmentals



Tattoo: Y01

CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF In Dew Time HTP SVF Honeydew KenCo/MF Powerlie 204L RFF HH Jennie W7 WPH Dream Girl

CE 11 BW 1.4 WW 59 YW 82 MCE 12 MM 16 MWW 46 Marb 0.23 REA 0.81 API 121

• BW: 81 • WW: 672 • Rae Dew’s dam was purchased from the Rucker family and boy she has been a good producer. This In Dew Time female has a great disposition and you will always find her calm and easy going, one highly important trait at Hunt Hawley Simmentals. Y01 is a smooth made individual that has plenty of depth and is balanced throughout in an eye appealing package. This In Dew Time has great EPDs across the board combined with an outstanding pedigree. You won’t have to wait long on this lady she is due mid October to the Select Sires, Grandmaster. One of the best black females from the herd. • AId to Ebonys Grandmaster, ASA# 2281133 on 10-19-12.



FGF Cow 301Y

BD: 9-23-11 • Forrest Grove Farm



2742877 •

SRS J914 Preferred Beef Triple C Invasion R47K Hooks Karrie 47K Lazy H Kiss This R101 FGF Digital Kiss 301T WHSP Oaks Digitals Deal

HTP SVF In Dew Time - reference sire

Tattoo: 301Y

CE 8 BW 1.9 WW 56 YW 81 MCE 9 MM 19 MWW 47 Marb 0.11 REA 0.81 API 113

• BW: 69 • Here is a stout hipped, well designed bred cow. 301Y has a great udder and continues to produce well. This 2011 model cow goes back to the Digital Doll that originated from a purchase from Whispering Oaks at the Field of Dreams sale. Many good cows in this pedigree. • AId to Welsh Dew It Right, ASA# 2742882 on 12-31-12. • PE to Power Leader, ASA# 2659500 from 1-15-13 to 3-15-13.

FGF Cow 301Y



• BD: 9-18-11 • ASA# 2653927 Scott Mathis/ Chasecole Livestock

Purebred Consignor:


Tattoo: Y16


BSF Isabell

• BD: 9-17-11 • Belmont Steaks Farm

Purebred Consignor:

CE 8 BW 1.0 KSU Venom 101M Nichols Venom T32 WW 53 Nichols Lady M137 YW 75 MCE 14 Nichols Blk Advantage H3 MM 23 Nichols M524 MWW 49 Nichols G509 Marb -0.01 • BW: 78 • Here is good producer and a faithful Nichols bred cow. REA 0.39 API 103



CE 11 BW 1.1 WW 59 YW 87 MCE 11 MM 30 MWW 59 Marb 0.09 REA 0.89 API 119

Hooks Shear Force 38K RCR Stetson T17 RCR Sadie R29 BSF Inez

Tattoo: Y10

KenCo/MF Powerline 204L WHF Iris

• BW: 67 • WW: 567 • Isabell is a model female for today’s beef industry. She has lots of rib, volume and length. She is out of what is proving to be a very productive young cow and has EPDs which indicate that she will be like her dam. Her pedigree is a “who’s who” of excellent AI bulls Her breeding to RBCG Perfect Upgrade, an Upgrade son, should guarantee a high quality calf. Isabel will be an excellent addition to any herd. • PE to BBCG Perfect Upgrade, ASA# 2645276 from 5-20-12 to 7-20-13.

This Venom cow is wide based and broad in hips and rump. A high maternal cow. A cow with balanced EPD. She was AI’d bred to TNT Dual Focus. • AId to TNT Dual Focus T249, ASA# 2421851 on 2-20-13. • PE to WHF Pacesetter 38X, ASA# 2550626, from 3-01-13 to 6-01-13.


SFS Lena XY46

SimAngus • BD: 9-11-11 • ASA# 2622981 Consignor:

Shuffler Farms Simmentals

Connealy Leadtime Connealy Lead On Eligence Plus Of Conanga SFS Lena G40

Black Irish Kansas SFS Lena E34

Tattoo: XY64

CE 10 BW -1.7 WW 52 YW 90 MCE 10 MM 30 MWW 56 Marb 0.41 REA 0.50 API 124

• BW: 63 • WW: 523 • SFS Lenz XY46 is a moderate framed deep bodied heifer. Her dam is 16 years old and still in production. She is sired by Connealy Lead On, on of the top maternal bulls in the Angus breed. Lena daughters have sold in past sales going to Eugene White, KenCo, and Wayne Cleary. • AId to RCR Stetson T17, ASA# 2396913, on 12-01-12.

SFS Lena XY46


SFS Annie XY47

SimAngus • BD: 9-11-11 • ASA# 2622992 • Tattoo: XY47 Consignor:

Shuffler Farms Simmentals

CE 9 BW 1.7 WW 67 YW 108 MCE 6 TNT Twister J6 MM 21 SFS Anne M34 MWW 54 SFS Caufi Anne D27 Marb 0.53 • BW: 83 • WW: 655 • SFS Annie XY47 is a thick deep bodied heifer. She is in REA 0.37 API 120

N Bar Prime Time D806 GT Shear Force GT Siskin 106

the top 25% of the breed for weaning, yearling, API and TI. She should mature into a very productive female. • AId to RCR Stetson T17, ASA# 2396913, on 11-30-12.

SFS Annie XY47



SFS Lynn XY36

SimAngus • BD: 9-05-11 • ASA# 2623012 • Tattoo: XY36 Consignor:

Shufler Farms Simmentals

N Bar Prime Time D806 GT Shear Force GT Siskin 106 Nichols Legacy G151 SFS Lynn M59 SFS Lynn J64

CE 10 BW 0.0 WW 58 YW 94 MCE 7 MM 23 MWW 52 Marb 0.52 REA 0.38 API 123

• BW: 83 • WW: 581 • SFS Lynn XY36 combines the carcass and growth traits of her sire GT Shear Force with the maternal traits of her Legacy dam to form a very well rounded performance package. In past Fall Harvest sales Lynn daughters have sold to Bowen Farms, Kenco, and Swain Select. • AId to RCR Stetson T17, ASA# 2396913, on 11-30-12.

SFS Lynn XY36


RFF Built Right Babe Y5 • BD: 8-25-11 • Rucker Family Farm

Purebred Consignor:



CNS Dream On L186 SVF NJC Built Right N48 NJC Ebony Antoinette TNT Twister J6 RFF Little Marcie S003 RFF Miss Marcella

Tattoo: Y5

CE 12 BW 1.7 WW 58 YW 83 MCE 9 MM 20 MWW 49 Marb 0.10 REA 0.54 API 113

• BW: 76 • WW: 518 • This blaze face heifer comes from a very productive cow family. Her dam and granddam have consistently produced cattle that work. She is a sweet natured heifer that always won her class in the show ring. She sells safe to RCR Stetson T17 and will be heavy bred and ready to calve at the end of September. Calfhood vaccinated. • AId to RCR Stetson T17, ASA# 2396913, on 12-16-12.


RFF Built Right Babe Y5

SFS Flecka XY19

SimAngus • BD: 8-24-11 • ASA# 2622985 • Tattoo: XY19 Consignor:

Shuffler Farms Simmentals

N Bar Prime Time D806 GT Shear Force GT Siskin 106 Dikemans Sure Bet SFS Flecka W49 SFS Flecka L52

CE 10 BW -0.1 WW 69 YW 111 MCE 6 MM 22 MWW 56 Marb 0.58 REA 0.54 API 130

• BW: 80 • WW: 665 • SFS Flecka XY19 is backed by multiple generations of top performing cows. Her dam’s first six calves average weaning and yearling ratio above 100 on multiple calves. Few cows in the breed have this kind of performance backing them. • AId to SAV Final Answer, ASA# 2320695, on 12-20-12.

SFS Flecka XY19



• BD: 7-12-11 • Belmont Steaks Farm

Purebred Consignor:

BSF Georgia Y7 ASA#


Tattoo: Y7


BSF Rosemary

• BD: 5-29-11 • Belmont Steaks Farm

Purebred Consignor:

CE 11 Emmons Black Hercules BW 3.0 Mr Ishee Red Henry 813H WW 62 Ishee Ms Pasque 504E YW 98 MCE 9 PPSR Nophalt 20H MM 29 BSF Gail MWW 60 BSF Holly Marb -0.01 • BW: 78 REA 0.59 • This traditional, red, white faced female will surely API 112



Tattoo: Y5

CE 4 BW 4.1 Black Irish Kansas TE Ericas Irish H18 WW 63 TE Erica E207 B YW 95 Deer Creek Sweet Joker MCE 12 MM 26 BSF Rosita MWW 57 HSF Red Missy Marb -0.01 • BW: 80 REA 0.76 • Rosemary is a moderate frame, solid black, easy API 95

keeping girl who is right for these times. Larry would not be offering her if he was going to continue farming. Rosemary’s outcross pedigree presents the opportunity to breed her to almost any bull of your choice, The calf she is carrying out of the Upgrade son, BBCG Perfect Upgrade, will be an excellent one. With her solid EPDs and her great disposition, she’s one you should not overlook. • PE to BBCG Perfect Upgrade, ASA# 2645276, from 5-20-13 to 7-20-13.

catch your eye. She is long, clean through her front and level hipped. Her outcross pedigree features a strong array of well-established AI Sires on her maternal side are three generation of excellent cows, all of which were good milkers. Her breeding to the Upgrade son, BBCG Perfect Upgrade, should produce an outstanding calf. • PE to BBCG Perfect Upgrade, ASA# 2645276, from 5-20-13 to 7-20-13.


BV Black Fire

• BD: 6-16-11 • ASA# 2583336 Buena Vista Simmentals

Purebred Consignor:

PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker SS Ebonys Grandmaster SOSF Ebonys Joy L123 Ring of Fire

CNS Dream On L186 Triple C Looking Lovely

Tattoo: Y26

CE 9 BW 1.0 WW 53 YW 72 MCE 7 MM 18 MWW 44 Marb 0.24 REA 0.88 API 137

• BW: 82 • Black Fire is the daughter of our red donor cow that was one of the top sellers in the 2012 Stars and Stripes Sale. Y26 is built just like her mother. She has a big hip, strong top, and great rib shape tied together with a feminine front end. Black Fire is a performance female with an excellent phenotype and an API of 137. • AId to LMF Movin Forward, ASA# 2429130 on 6-01-13.

BV Black Fire Ring of Fire - reference dam


• BD: 6-20-11 • Young & Young

Purebred Consignor:

Y&Y Morning Glory ASA#

2585140 •

CNS Dream On L186 Circle T Antoinette Star NJC SVF Antoinette K205 3LL Lucky Dice L37 Y&Y Sugar & Spice 3LL Ms Blk Shamrock L42

Tattoo: Y330

CE 10 BW 1.1 WW 60 YW 9 MCE 20 MM 20 MWW 49 Marb 0.30 REA 0.88 API 130

• BW: 76 • Nice fall bred heifer to Invasion PE to Hard Steel. Here is a female that will become a tremendous cow in any herd, AI to Triple C Invasion. PE to Hand Steel a Steel Force So no going back to B80 cow on bottom side. This female is ready to go, don’t miss her! • AId to Triple C Invasion, ASA# 2287392 on 1-13-13. Safe In calf. • PE to Hard Steel, ASA# 2621314, from 1-16-13 to 2-26-13.

Triple C Invasion - reference AI sire


63 VPI Black Princess W963

SimAngus • BD: 9-03-09 • ASA# 2521637 • Tattoo: W963 Consignor:

Scott Mathis/Chase Cole Livestock

OCC Legend 616L BC Lookout 7024 Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 GW Lucky Break 047G VPI Black Princess N361 SHS Miss Advantage J10

CE 9 BW 2.1 WW 67 YW 108 MCE 7 MM 20 MWW 53 Marb 0.40 REA 0.62 API 113

• BW: 88 • WW: 490 • Here is a cow with some size and stature however W963 has depth of body, bone and base width. This four year was bred by Virginia Tech and is tribute to her program. She is productive and performance oriented with a great udder. The only reason to sell this cow is we are retaining a daughter by Dual Focus. She was AI’d to the high growth bull, Sharper Image and cleaned up with our baldie herd sire we purchased from Wayward Hill, WHF Pacesetter. • AId to TJ Sharper Image ASA# 2483888 on 12-17-12. • PE to WHF Pacesetter 38X, ASA# 2550626 from 12-18-12 to 3-16-13.


VPI Black Princess W963

Mohler Cow U55

Purebred • BD: 12-01-08 • ASA# 2473742 • Tattoo: U55 Consignor:

Zack Jones

CE 5 BW 3.2 Hart Jackpot J310 BF L138 Replublic WW 59 PBF-BF BG32 Mabelle C131 YW 93 MCE 11 Hart Jackpot J310 MM 22 BBM Miss Ella R039 MWW 52 WPH Miss Irish Marb 0.13 • BW: 87 REA 0.65 • Here is a cow in the prime of her life. Fran is soggy API 108 bodied and clean fronted with an excellent udder.

Her classy style will be a great addition to your herd. Due to calve in October 13 to M2C Conan. • PE to M2C Conan, ASA# 2566028, from 1-01-13 to 3-04-13.

M2C Conan -PE Sire

65 SVF/DF Simm Angus T10 SimAngus • BD: 9-11-07 • ASA# 2453514 Consignor:

Forrest Grove Farm

SVF M700

Ellingson Black Perfector WLE Dolly


Tattoo: T10

CE 7 BW 2.0 WW 48 YW 70 MCE 4 MM 23 MWW 47 Marb 0.22 REA 0.28 API 90

• BW: 81 • WW: 583 • Looking for a solid cow to get the job done? Check out this female, she is sired by a son of Black Perfector going back to the Dolly Delight cow. This female has done a nice job for us and we are only offering her because we have retained two daughters. She is safe in calf and will make you money. • AId to HSF Better Than Ever, ASA# 2399920 on 12-30-12. • PE to FGF Power Loader ASA# 2659500, from 1-15-13 to 3-15-13.

SVF/DF Simm Angus T10



JF Camelot 7049T

3/4 Blood • BD: 1-30-07 • ASA# 2427051 • Tattoo: 7049T Consignor:

Katie’s Simmentals

WSJ Encore

CE 5 BW 2.6 WW 60 YW 79 MCE 9 MM 13 MWW 43 Marb 0.15 REA 0.71 API 93

CNS Dream On L186 TC Bandeva 0118

WLE CSA Black Galvanizer SS/LF Miss Camelot L90 Circle A Miss Cammy

• BW: 81 • WW: 845 • Camelot is a powerful Encore daughter out of the former Janssen donor SS/LF Miss Camelot. She is safe in calf and due soon after sale day to the Genex popular sire Mr. NLC Upgrade U8676 – who’s calves are extremely marketable and sale toppers. She is a gentle gem and only in this sale because I need to reduce my cattle numbers. AId to Mr. NLC Upgrade U8676 ASA#2474338 on 12/10/12.

JF Camelot 7049T


Nichols S5022

Purebred • BD: 9-24-06 • ASA# 2390493 Consignor:

Chase Cole Livestock

Tattoo: S5022

CE 9 BW 2.0 WW 54 YW 78 MCE 15 MM 18 MWW 45 Marb 0.07 REA 0.64 API 103

Nichols Legacy G151 Nichols Legacy M72 Nichols Gal G42 Nichols Shannigan F5 Nichols J511 S&J E007

• BW: 87 • WW: 588 • S5022 always does a near perfect job. We are retaining three daughters in our herd, the 2012 arrival is a impressive daughter of Upgrade. This cow is a good producer and seems to do it with ease. This Legacy cow is huge bodied with loads of rib and capacity. A easy keeper and yes a baldie to boot. • AId to LCC New Standard, ASA# 2402213 on 11-19-12. • PE to Nichols Manifest Y43, ASA# 2603059, from 11-28-13 to 3-16-13.

Nichols S5022

Cow/Calf Pairs . . .



HSH Sheza Fine

BD: 2-02-07 • ASA# 2385136 Twin Oaks Simmentals


WLE Power Stroke GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N NJC Ebony Antoinette CNS Power Source 070K White Star Black Glow 195N MLF Bk Cherry

Tattoo: T2

CE 12 BW 1.5 WW 53 YW 67 MCE 5 MM 23 MWW 49 Marb 0.07 REA 0.88 API 109

• BW: 75 • WW: 692 • Here is a proven cow that just had a bull calf born and he seems to be a nice one. We are retaining T2’s last year heifer calf. This cow is deep and functional. She has small teats and is doing is nice job as usual. Take the pair home and breed to bull of your choice. Sells with 5 units of semen on junior herdsire Fully Loaded.

HSH Sheza Fine

68A Sire:


BD: 8-13-13 Sex: Bull SVF Star Player



Tattoo: A2T


BGS Grand Gabby 18X • BD: 10-05-10 • Fletcher Simmentals

Purebred Consignor:



Tattoo: 18X

CE 9 BW 0.7 WW 50 YW 73 MCE 8 MM 23 MWW 48 Marb 0.28 REA 0.95 API 131

PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker SS Ebonys Grandmaster SOSF Ebonys Joy L123 HC Hummer 12M BGS Dixie Delight KSU Miss Pureblack 106M

• BW: 79 • WW: 623 • A first calf heifer bred to ET son of Red Label for a 1121-13 calf. Gabby’s pedigree is as pure as it gets. She is very soft made, moderate and thick while being attractive in her design. Being homozygous polled and homozygous black. She offers a sound package that will make her a big money maker for any buyer. • PE to NDS AK Ricochet ASA# 2488559, on 2-10-12.


WHF Addie 512X

Purebred • BD: 9-01-10 • ASA# 2581326 Consignor:

Fletcher Simmentals

BMR Explorer

Tattoo: X512

CE 7 BW 1.7 WW 56 YW 78 MCE 9 MM 22 MWW 50 Marb -0.06 REA 0.62 API 102

Westfall Voyager 721P WW Miss My Dream 429R

WHF All In 350R WHF Addie 512U WHF Lizzy 512J

• BW: 77 • WW: 618 • B152X is a first calf heifer, bred to ET son of Red Label for a 8-27-13 calf. She is black, polled, moderate, framed, with a nice udder. Gentle and easy keeping she should make a nice addition to any herd. • PE to NDS AK Ricochet ASA# 2488559, on 11-05-12.


• BD: 9-05-10 • Fletcher Simmentals

Purebred Consignor:

FS 130

BMR Explorer


2582437 •

Westfall Voyager 721P WW Miss My Dream 429R

CNS Dream On L186 AK/NDS Makin A Wish KSU Miss Pureblack 64P

Tattoo: X130

CE 9 BW 1.3 WW 55 YW 73 MCE 11 MM 19 MWW 46 Marb 0.06 REA 0.70 API 115

• BW: 79 • X130 is a first calf heifer, bred to ET son of Red Label for a 8-30-13 calf. She is black, polled and moderate framed, with a growth attitude with cattle like Voyager, Explorer, Dream On, Legacy Joker and Miss KSU Pureblack in her pedigree you can’t go wrong. A good buy. • PE to NDS/AK Ricochet, ASA# 2488559 from 11-19-12.


Rocking Aubree 069X • BD: 9-01-10 • Fletcher Simmentals

1/2 Blood Consignor:

JS Sure Bet 4T T073


2590654 •

SVF/NJC Mo Town M216 JS Black Magic Woman 13P

Tattoo: 069X

CE 7 BW -0.2 WW 47 YW 65 MCE 6 MM 20 MWW 43 Marb -0.03 REA 0.61 API 84

• BW: 68 • 069X is a first calf heifer, bred to ET son of Red Label for a 9-06-13 calf. Built like a tank, she is at the top of the pack because of her mass and performance. This moderate frame SimAngus will produce very stout progeny and be very efficient for her new owner. • PE to NDS AK Ricochet ASA# 2488559, on 11-25-12.

73 VPI Black Princess Y159 • BD: 2-03-11 • Virginia Tech

Purebred Consignor:



STF Mr Momentum H508 SVF NJC Mo Better M217 NJC SVF Antoinette K205 KSU Venom 101M VPI Black Princess R570 VPI Black Princess N361

Tattoo: Y159

CE 3 BW 4.5 WW 69 YW 112 MCE 7 MM 12 MWW 47 Marb 0.20 REA 0.63 API 119

• BW: 89 • WW: 580 • Here is a tremendous two-year-old female from the heart of the VA Tech herd. This young female has the makings to be a leading cow in the Simmental breed with her superior genetic make-up and attractive phenotype. Y159 ranks in the upper 5% for Doc, top 10% for YW, top 15% for Stay, and top 25% for Marb and API. This Mo Better female is deep ribbed, long sided, and has a beautiful udder. • AId to Mr NLC Upgrade, ASA# 2474338 on 4-10-13.







VPI Black Princess Y159

Dikeman Sure Bet



PVF-J 6S27 HY Rab MS5E07

SimAngus • BD: 9-22-06 • ASA# 2391761 Consignor:

Granite Ridge Farm

OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Legend 616L OCC Blackbird 632J ER Cayenne 554B PVF-JMH 5E07 Rab Ms 742 RAB Ms 8742

Tattoo: 6S27

75 Gibbs 7198T Hotline L104

SimAngus • BD: 9-24-07 • ASA# 2462899 • Tattoo: 7198T Consignor:

CE 12 BW 1.2 WW 60 YW 86 MCE 7 MM 17 MWW 47 Marb 0.31 REA 0.44 API 118







TJ 57J The Gambler BF L104 BSD Hotline 910J CCR Hotline 910J

• BW: 81 • WW: 625 • A six year old in her prime. You could use a field full of these OCC Legend cows and this one has Gambler on the bottom side plus add in Herks Edge and Full Figures. This cow is nice to look at with loads of eye appeal. 7198T is raising a stout bull calf with excellent udder. You need to add cows like this especially when grass is green and plentiful. A cow with strong EPDs being in the top 15% for calving ease and the top 35 for ribeye. Take this pair home and breed her for a fall calver.

Gibbs S252 First


A BD: 7-02-13 First & Ten

Bulls . . .

CE 14 BW 2.0 WW 64 YW 96 MCE 4 MM 15 MWW 47 Marb 0.34 REA 0.95 API 120

OCC Emblazon 854E OCC Legend 616L OCC Blackbird 632J

• BW: 86 • WW: 595 • 6S27 is a outstanding daughter of OCC Legend back to a good RAB cow. This cow is doing what she is suppose to do, raising a nice heifer calf. Take this productive pair home and breed for a fall calver. A great testimonial for SimAngus genetics. Her heifer calf is sired by the Joker son, Gibbs First and Ten.

& Ten

Granite Ridge Farm






Gibbs S252

FGF Power Leader

• BD: 9-13-11 • Forrest Grove Farm

Purebred Bull





Tattoo: 13Y

CE 8 BW 2.1 WW 55 YW 82 MCE 9 MM 27 MWW 54 Marb 0.05 REA 0.87 API 108

GW Lucky Man 644N SVF Star Player T801 SVF Sheza Star N902 Triple C Invasion R47K FGF Missy L13U Mohlers Ms Dimension

• BW: 79 • Here is a really stout complete coming two year old that is ready for heavy service. This son of the widely popular Star Player bull has covered cows for us and is ready to go to work for you. His first calves have hit the ground and were born unassisted. We don’t want to forget to mention his grand dam Ms. Dimension was a tremendous female that we purchased from Kenny Mohler that went back to the Preference 008G cow. With his balanced numbers and pleasant disposition let Power Leader add value to your next calf crop.

FGF Power Leader


SR Mr YU21

SimAngus • BD: 9-30-11 • ASA# 2634436 Consignor:

Smith Reasor

Sitz Traveler 8180 SAV Final Answer SAV Emulous 8145 SR Ms UR21

SVF NJC Built Right N48 SR Rosey RL21

Tattoo: YU21

CE 16 BW -1.3 WW 60 YW 93 MCE 12 MM 21 MWW 51 Marb 0.41 REA 0.52 API 144

• BW: 80 • WW: 675 • A super nice solid Black, Homozygous Black, and polled SimAngus bull. Final Answer has done an excellent job for me and makes the 1/2 blood cattle just the way I like. Moderate frame, deep body, thick topped, with a big square hip and good feet and legs. YU21 has a nicely balanced set of EPDs and indexes. I think you will like him, I’ll be proud for you to see him.

SR Mr YU 21


78 MVS Maximus Dream Y14 • BD: 10-03-11 • Mountain View Farm

Purebred Consignor:

MVS Maximus



Tattoo: Y14

CE 11 BW 1.5 WW 66 YW 97 MCE 12 MM 22 MWW 55 Marb 0.22 REA 0.70 API 132

SRS Fortune 500 Shoemakers Miss Emma

CNS Dream On L186 Figgins Double Dream Figgins Dream On Colton

• BW: 81 • WW: 765 • A mature, nearly two year old bull combining his maternal grand sires exceptional calving ease and low birth weight EPD’s with his sire’s exceptional growth rate EPD’s. Senior Calf Champion at 2012 Keystone International Livestock Expo. 365 day of age data: Weight = 1,371, Hip Height = 51 inches; Frame Score = 6.0 Rugged and well muscled. Calm demeanor. Halter broken to lead. BVDPI tested negative. Semen tested and ready now to breed your cows and heifers.


Twin Oaks Major

Purebred • BD: 10-31-11 • ASA# 2638563


Twin Oaks Simmental

MVS Maximus Dream Y14

Tattoo: Y804

• BW: 84 • WW: 698


Twin Oaks Commander

Purebred • BD: 12-19-11 • ASA# 2638568 • Tattoo: Y805


Twin Oaks Simmental

• BW: 82 • WW: 814 SRS J914 Preferred Beef Triple C Invasion R47K Hooks Karrie 47K DS Six Shooter 3H MMF Sheza Sweetie U80 SVF Sheza Unforgettable

MMF Sheza Sweetie U80 - reference dam

CE 10 BW 1.9 WW 59 YW 87 MCE 6 MM 19 MWW 48 Marb 0.12 REA 0.79 API 123

• Y804 and Y805 are flush mate brothers out of out Sweetie donor that goes back to Misty Meadows lead donor Unforgettable. They are both homozygous black and homozygous polled and half brothers to last years high sellers and old enough to cover many cows. These bulls were destined for the fall Harvest sale at a young age.


Twin Oaks Commander

TX Man of Steel

3/4 Blood • BD: 3-03-12 • ASA# 2646816 • Tattoo: Z100 Consignor:

TX Enterprises

CE 13 BW 0.1 WW 61 YW 93 MCE 9 DCC New Look 101 MM 16 DLS Good Timing U806 MWW 47 Circle T Antoinettes Edge Marb 0.20 • BW: 82 • WW: 509 • Here is a black bull that is heavy muscled, athletic and REA 0.82 API 122

CNS Dream On L186 SVF Steel Force S701 SVF Sheza Beauty L901

big testicles Man of Steal should sire the performance in his calf crop. He is also very long fronted to make those beautiful females. Man of Steel is a full sib to the bull (7X Cold Steel) that we sold last year.

TX Man of Steel



• BD: 4-23-12 • Rucker Family Farm

Purebred Consignor:

RFF Clover Bud Z4 ASA#


Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Dream On L186 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W F Nichols Black Advantage RFF Miss Marcella RFF Bobbie Sox

RFF Clover Bud Z4

Tattoo: Z4

CE 10 BW 2.6 WW 66 YW 93 MCE 14 MM 19 MWW 52 Marb 0.19 REA 0.63 API 124

• BW: 87 • WW: 737 • Bud is long sided bull loaded with muscle and mass. He is fluid in his stride and attractive in his phenotype. He has the style and presence to catch your eye and the performance and structure to keep your attention. He is out of one of our most productive cows.


JBB Solid Worth Z1

SimAngus • BD: 2-26-12 • ASA# 2649734 Consignor:

Jeff Broadaway

SAV 8180 Traveler 004 SAV Net Worth 4200 SAV May 2410 TNT Gunner N208 TNT Miss R143 TNT Miss Zadie M30

Tattoo: Z1

CE 9 BW 3.3 WW 72 YW 122 MCE 7 MM 28 MWW 64 Marb 0.42 REA 0.59 API 114

• BW: 85 • WW: 791 • If you are looking to add pounds to your next calf crop and replacement heifers to the herd then take a close look at this powerful, deep bodied, heavy muscled SimAngus herd sire prospect. He is bred to perform being sired by the growth specialist of the Angus breed SAV Net Worth 4200 and backed by TNT Gunner, GW Lucky Dice 187H, and Mr Beef on the dam’s side. Solid Worth hit the ground at a sound 87 lbs and grew to over 800 lbs at weaning with no creep feed and then went on to become a powerhouse yearling that scanned a whopping 17 inch Ribeye on Ultrasound. As mentioned above, this bull is bred to sire those fast growing, scale busting feeder calves we all want while also being maternally strong enough to keep all his daughters in the herd to advance to the next level. He will certainly do as his name implies and add Solid Worth to your herd.

JBB Solid Worth Z1

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83A Broadway Commercial 1 83B Broadway Commercial 2 83C Broadway Commercial 3 83D Broadway Commercial 4 83E Broadway Commercial 5 83F Broadway Commercial 6 83G Broadway Commercial 7 83H Broadway Commercial 8 • Sire: Broadway Benchmark Broadway Cattle Farm, LLC

Commercial Consignor:

• Sire: Broadway Benchmark Broadway Cattle Farm, LLC

Commercial Consignor:

• Sire: Broadway Benchmark Broadway Cattle Farm, LLC

Commercial Consignor:

• Sire: Broadway Benchmark Broadway Cattle Farm, LLC

Commercial Consignor:

• Sire: Broadway Benchmark Broadway Cattle Farm, LLC

Commercial Consignor:

• Sire: Broadway Benchmark Broadway Cattle Farm, LLC

Commercial Consignor:

Broadway Benchmark Consignor: Broadway Cattle Farm, LLC Commercial


• Sire: Broadway Benchmark Broadway Cattle Farm, LLC

Commercial Consignor:

June 19 – 21, 2014 AJSA Eastern Regional Virginia – North Carolina Simmental Connection

"Connecting States & Connecting Friends”

• If you’re in the market for SimAngus commercial females then take a look at this consistent group of deep bodied, thick, smooth made SimAngus females. All females are open and ready to bred to the bull of your choice. They are sired by a purebred Simmental son of WLE BS Benchmark. The ladies are bred to be functional, hard working brood cows.


Twin Oaks Wanda

Purebred • BD: 9-12-12 • ASA# Pending • Tattoo: Z11WT Donated by:

Twin Oaks Simmental

Ellingson Legacy M229 SVF NJC Fully Loaded X113 NJC Black Jewell HTP SVF In Dew Time Twin Oaks Dew It Merry NJB Merry 11T

CE 10 BW 1.7 WW 63 YW 87 MCE 12 MM 20 MWW 51 Marb 0.10 REA 0.66 API 113

• BW: 67 • Blazed faced heifer out of our Fully Loaded bull and out of a really good In Dew Time dam that goes back to Macho brood cow in the making here with nice EPDs. Proceeds go to the North Carolina and Virginia Simmental Associations to help with the costs of hosting the 2014 Eastern Junior Regionals.

SVF NJC Fully Loaded X113 - reference sire

Twin Oaks Wanda 29

Donations . . . This year we have some unique auction items donated by a former Simmental breeder in Salisbury, Rhodesia. Roy and Phillippa Ingram of Ballyrhodown Purebred Pedigree Simmental Stud. Phillippa Ingram now lives in Wilmington , North Carolina. We appreciate her tracking down our Association and her great unique donation.

Sells Friday, September 6 at the North Carolina Annual Meeting & Auction!


The Austrian cow bell is very old.

Also, she donated two ornate leather halters. The pictures of the cows were bred by the Ingram’s in Rhodesia currently it is in the country of Zimbabwe. The cow is Alena at the age of 4 in 1976 where she was sold at auction for the highest price paid for a cow in South Africa at the time. The bull Curt at 18 months in 1974. He had just won the Champion bull of all breeds at the annual agricultural show in Salisbury, Rhodesia.

ASA Sale Terms & Conditions ...

2. Withholding information on the existence of frozen embryos at the time of sale would be considered an unethical practice.

BIDDING AND APPLICABLE LAW: All cattle listed in this offering comply with prevailing sale terms and conditions as set forth by the laws of the state wherein the sale is conducted. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, by either the auctioneer or consignor, except as set forth herein, as to the merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose of any animal offered in this sale. The right to bid or the right to reject the final bid, if done before the hammer falls, is reserved for all sellers unless otherwise announced from the sale block or as prohibited by law in the state wherein the sale is being conducted.

HORNED-SCURRED-POLLED: DEFINITIONS: 1. HORNED — An animal with a horn growth affixed to the skull that has or has not been removed. 2. POLLED/SCURRED — An animal with rudimentary horn growth that will not develop into a horn. The rudimentary horn growth may or may not become affixed to the skull at an older age. 3. POLLED — An animal with absence of horn growth. (An animal can have scurs and still be genetically polled.) 4. SMOOTH POLLED — A smooth-polled individual has no scurs and does not develop scurs later in life.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Any change of information other than in the catalog will be announced from the auction block and such announcements shall take precedence over printed material. All statements made from the auction block or those made by the seller (in private treaty) must be documented by seller if requested by the buyer at time of sale. TERMS: Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with the seller previous to the sale of any animal so affected. PURCHASER’S RISK: Each animal becomes the property of and therefore is also the risk of the purchaser as soon as it is sold; except it shall be the obligation of the seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to purchaser, until loaded for shipment or until the expiration of twenty-four (24) hours after the sale, whichever occurs first. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: 1. All cattle entered for sale must meet the health regulations of the state in which they are sold. All other agreements regarding the health of the animal will be between the buyer and seller and should be documented in writing. 2. If sale cattle are returned to the seller for an adjustment, they must meet the health requirements of the state they are returned to. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: Each animal which is catalogued, offered and sold as a registered animal shall have a certificate of registry available at time of sale. When an animal is sold as “eligible for registry” or “registry applied for”, the seller shall be responsible for obtaining the certificate of registry and for the proper transfer of the certificate to the purchaser including full payment of transfer fees. IDENTIFICATION: Each animal at time of sale must have a readable tattoo or brand corresponding to that shown on the certificate of registration. AUTHENTICITY OF PEDIGREE: When an animal, through parental validation, is determined to have an ancestry other than that reported on the registration certificate, the buyer shall be entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. The animal in question, at the buyer’s option, may be exchanged for another animal of equal value, or if agreeable with the buyer, the seller may have the certificate returned to the buyer. Any adjustment provided herein, if selected, shall absolve the seller from further liability for authenticity of pedigree to the buyer. BREEDING GUARANTEES AND DEFINITIONS: 1. Females are guaranteed to be breeders, with the exception of: a) Female calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Females used in ovum transplant after time of sale e) Cows sold with calf at side or a female that calves after sale to a breeding prior to the date of sale 2. Bulls are guaranteed to be breeders (definition as the ability to settle healthy cows by the time the bull is 18 months of age) with the exception of: a) Bull calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Bulls shown competitively after sale 3. Any guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen shall be made by separate agreement between buyer and seller. 4. Safe in calf females are females that have been diagnosed pregnant by a competent veterinarian, and are pregnant at time of sale. 5. A bred female is a female known to have been served by a bull either by natural breeding or artificial insemination, but it does not necessarily mean that the female is safe in calf to that service. 6. A pasture bred female is a female that has been pastured with a designated bull and has been exposed for the time stated, but it does not necessarily mean that this female is safe in calf to that bull. 7. An open female is a non-pregnant animal. 8. Calves sold off their dams (split pairs) shall carry the full breeding guarantee. PRIVILEGE OF PURCHASER TO EXAMINE: The purchaser of a female animal may have her examined within twenty-four (24) hours after the fall of the hammer and prior to removal from sale premises. The pregnancy status of breeding status of an female so examined, when found not to be as represented at the time of sale, is cause for the female to be returned to the seller as unsold. EMBRYO TRANSFER: 1. Sellers should provide upon request a complete history of embryo transfer activity for any female offered for sale.

GUARANTEES: 1. If an animal is sold as polled or polled/scurred and proves to be horned, the seller shall be obligated to refund the purchase price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or may be exchanged for a polled animal of equal value whichever is acceptable to the buyer. The buyer has thirty (30) days from date of sale to notify the seller that an adjustment is in order. 2. If an animal is sold as smooth-polled and proves to be scurred, the seller shall be obligated to refund the price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or at the buyer’s option shall be exchanged for a smooth-polled animal of equal value. 3. If an animal is sold as polled and develops scurs, the seller will not be obligated to make any adjustment as a scurred animal is considered polled. 4. If an animal is sold as polled and has scurs, it shall be so announced at the time of sale that the animal has scurs. If it is not announced and the buyer finds before the animal leaves the sale premises that the animal has scurs, the buyer must notify the seller of the findings. The seller shall then be obligated to refund the purchase price. OPTIONS AND PRIVILEGES OF RETURN OR ADJUSTMENT: The following adjustments do not preclude the right of the buyer and seller to mutually agree upon other terms and conditions for settlement of any dispute. 1. All claims for adjustment or refund must be made in writing either six (6) months from the date of sale or no later than when the animal reaches 24 months of age whichever occurs later, with the exception of claims involving misrepresentation of service sire or as otherwise provided herein. 2. In the event an animal is claimed to be a nonbreeder, the animal may be returned to the farm of the seller, at the buyer’s expense, if in good physical condition, and the return is in compliance with the health requirements of the seller’s state. The seller shall be entitled to a six (6) month trial period following the return of the animal in which to prove the animal is a breeder. If at the end of six (6) months the seller is unable to prove the animal is a breeder, the seller shall, at the option of buyer, replace the animal with another equal value or refund the purchase price. Either option shall be deemed full satisfaction and settlement. 3. If a female is sold as “safe in calf” to a given sire or sires on a specified date or dates and proves not to be as represented, the buyer is entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal and resulting progeny thereof to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. 4. If a female is sold as “open” and proves to be with calf at time of sale and examined pregnant within sixty (60) days after sale, the buyer may return the animal to the farm of the seller prior to calving for a refund of the full purchase price or for another animal of equal value, whichever acceptable to the buyer. It shall be the obligation of the seller to bear any expenses incurred for transportation of the animal in question to the farm of the seller. GENETIC TESTING AND TraitTrac STATUS: Sellers must identify the TraitTrac status and the results of any qualitative genetic testing performed on any animals or genetic material offered for sale. The ASA considers it an unethical practice to misrepresent or fail to disclose the TraitTrac status or qualitative genetic test results of any animal or genetic material. DISCLOSURE OF MATERIAL INFORMATION: Sellers must disclose all material information concerning any animal or genetic material offered for sale. For the purposes of these Sale Terms and Conditions, “Material Information” is defined as any information which would be likely to affect the value of the animal or genetic material if the information were known to the public. Material Information includes, but is not limited to, information related to genetic tests, blood tests, ultrasound pregnancy results, disease tests, pregnancy and fertility test results, information related to the sex and age of in utero calves or embryos, and information related to the fertilization status of in utero calves, including whether the calf was conceived via artificial insemination or natural service. The ASA considers it an unethical practice to misrepresent or fail to disclose any Material Information concerning an animal or genetic material offered for sale. LIMITATIONS OF OBLIGATIONS: These sale terms and conditions constitute a binding legal obligation between the buyer and seller of any animal or genetic material sold under these terms and conditions. However, the ASA, its directors, officers, employees and agents do not assume any obligation, legal or otherwise, to enforce the sale terms and conditions agreed to between buyer and seller.


Notes . . .

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