S: BOE Epic | D: MTF Alvaro 3022
S: Valor | D: BK Discreet 6144D
MAINETAINER ~ S: Unleashed D: MTF 544C
S: BOE Epic D: MTF Cold Chills 501C
S: BOE Epic D: MTF Chill Out 502C
1:00 p.m. at the ranch, Madill, Oklahoma PB CHAROLAIS ~
S: Outsicer | D: TR Miss Turton 3680A
S: Data Bank | D: BK Xceptional 001
SELLING 100 HEAD 30 Maine, MaineAngus & MaineTainer Heifers | 30 Horned & Polled Hereford Heifers 10 Charolais & Angus Heifers | 30 Hereford Cows, Pairs & Bred Females
JIRL, BRENDA & BAILEY BUCK 580.795.4865 mobile • Madill, OK 73446 • www.buckcattle.com • jirl@buckcattle.com • Matt Scasta, 580.220.7288 All Buck cattle are fed MFM Feeds. Talk to us about their advantages.
National Champion Red Angus Heifer and Supreme Champion 2015 NILE Congratulations LeDoux Family & Rolling HIlls Simmentals
Reserve Grand Champion Red Angus Jr Nationals, 5th overall Kansas Classic, many time champion Red. Congratulations to the Gilliam, Trauernicht, and Ridder Families. FULL SISTER WILL SELL
4th Overall Steer 2019 Kansas State Fair Grand Champion Steer Northern Exposure Many time Champion across Kansas Congratulations Shive and Wiedel Family
2016 Simmental Junior National Champion Percentage Female Many time Champion % Simmental & Supreme Heifer Congratulations Nikkel & Evans Families
Champion Steer - 2019 SW Simmental Regional MCF had 3 out of the 4 Regional Steer Winners in 2019 Congratulations Lange Family and all involved.
Supreme Champion Both Rings Kansas AGR 8 Times Shown - 7 time Supreme or Reserve Supreme Congratulations Nikkel, Walker, and Walthal Families We are excited for her progeny here in the future Sired by Big Deal
Supreme Female and CH Charolais 2015 Kansas State Fair Supreme Sr. Female 2015 Kansas Beef Expo Congratulations Hodges & Evans Families
2016 Colorado State Fair Grand Champion Steer Congratulations Frye Family & Goertzen
Supreme Female Tenn. Agribition Champion % Simmental Congratulations Meier Family Sired by Big Deal
2015 AJSA National Grand Champion Steer 2 time National Champion Simmental Steers Shown by Blair Vohs! Thanks and Congratulations Vohs Family & Goertzen
Supreme Heifer Iowa Shootout. Reserve Supreme Heifer All Iowa Showdown where Makayla Houck was also Champion Show person! Congratulations to her and the Stalcup Family! Sire JSAR Territory (High selling Angus Bull two years ago by Titan)
2019 AMAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGION 1 Troy Jones P.O. Box 35, Harrod, OH 45850 M: (419) 230-8675 jonesshowcattle@hotmail.com Andy Jones 1729 Van Gundy Rd., Chapin, IL 62628 M: (815) 228-7820 ajones@mix30.com
Table of Contents
Cliff Randall 2043 Robert Gray St., Vidalia, LA 71373 M: (318) 719-0560 Maines10@aol.com Cory Thomsen 13714 Bethel Blacktop Rd., Farmington, AR 72730 M: (605) 996-2899 REGION 2 DJ Folkerts 463 30th Ave., Jasper, MN 56144 M: (507) 348-4919 evfm@frontiernet.net Beau Ebersole 1935 280th Ave., Kellerton, IA 50133 M: (515) 971-8461 ebersolecattleco@yahoo.com
Landon Nagel - President 41008 312th St., Springfield, SD 57062 M: (605) 464-1197 nagelclubcalf@hotmail.com
Photo taken at Loder Cattle Company, Scranton, N.D. Taken by Robin Kleine Focus Marketing Group
Hardy O’Hara - Director At-Large P.O. Box 991, Fort Benton, MT 59442 H: (406) 734-5252 M: (406) 899-6900 hardy@oharalandandcattle.com REGION 3 Jirl Buck - 2nd Vice President 18478 Cattle Dr., Madill, OK 73446 M: (580) 795-4865 jirl@buckcattle.com Danny Dupree - Secretary/Treasurer P.O. Box 1192, Clinton, OK 73601 M: (580) 445-7595 ddupree@bar-s.com Brian Fox - 1st Vice President 3574 County Road 22, Fort Morgan, CO 80701 M: (970) 313-7224 Brian.m.fox@hotmail.com Leon Matlock 25118 C.R. 1380, Anadarko, OK 73005 M: (405) 222-7979 lmatlock@wichitaonline.net AT-LARGE Mark Beauprez 11780 Mimosa Rd., Byers, CO 80103 M: (303) 822-9260 markb@netecin.net Wyatt DeJong 16600 W. Burmood Rd., Wood River, NE 68883 M: (605) 842-5683 Dejongranch.wyatt@gmail.com Jim Opperman 10493 290th St.. Manning, IA 51455-8604 M: (712) 210-6013 Opperman@mmctsu.com
INSIDE 6 8 14 18 22 29 30
Maine-Anjou Bulls with Commercial Acceptance
Headquarters, Blake Nelson Commercial Connection, Josh Cribbs Maine-Anjou Bulls with Commercial Acceptance, by Robin Kleine Announcements Show Reports Junior Update, Kaleb Miller Meet the 2019-2020 AJMAA Junior Board
Maine-Anjou Voice
LINDSEY BROEK, EDITOR/DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS 204 Marshall Rd., Platte City, MO 64079 - Lindsey@amaapc.com, (816) 858-9954
Miss Kitty
Z111 (WhiZard x 066 Family)
Find us on Instagram & Facebook
Whiskey x OCC Joker
Whiskey x OCC Jupiter son
Full Sister to Duff Angus!
New Edition x 745R
head sell!
D e c e m b e r 2 0 & 2 1 s t , 2 0 1 9 . S t i l l w a t e r, O K
w w w . g r i s w o l d c a t t l e . c o m
Irish Whiskey x 2/607
We are bringing you the cream! There are tried and true donors, babies that will have thier day in the show ring and walk into the profitable production circle of your program, and young cows whose story is just waiting to be told. No matter where you go you will not find this many Irish Whiskey daughters. Pens full of solid Angus cows, with pedigrees generations deep and those Simmies that are tried and true with look and eye appeal. This is one sale that better be on your bucket list. You won’t be dissapointed unless you don’t come! John Griswold: 405-780-3300 Greg Griswold: 405-780-0100 Josh Taylor: 918-605-5139 Craig Sand: 405-564-4319
H.W. McElroy Ranch the
Real Maine’s
What you’ve been Asking for. Quality. Performance. Docile.
All in Fullblood Maine-Anjou’s. Yorktown, TX 210.573.9930 hwmcelroyranch.com OCTOBER 2019
Maternal Legends Sale October 13th, 2019 | at the farm in Dunlap, Iowa
Lot 20 - January Chianina 13.08% Heifer Who Da Man x JSUL Sultry 6640
Lot 85 - Mainetainer Cow Irish Whiskey x Angus Cow Lot 40 - March Mainetainer Heifer GOET I 80 x SULL Pure Hottie 7033ET
Lot 2m - ShorthornPlus Heifer Silveiras Style x SULL Lady Crystal 434P Lot 92 - Purebred Simmental Cow TLLC One Eyed Jack x KLS Diamond W516 Bred to HPF Quantum Leap Z952 - Female; Due 1/18/2020
Lot 56 - January Polled Hereford Open Heifer C Miles McKee x MS Diana 01 Lot 80 - Shorthorn Cow SULL Traveler x WHR ET AL Lucky Charm ET Bred SULL Current Commodity 7630E; Due 10/29/2019.
Lot 5m - March Shorthorn Heifer SULL Red Knight x SULL Blooded Ruby
Selling Over
John, Dede, Sara & Sage John Elder • Josh Elder, 402.650.1380 Dunlap, Iowa 51529 • www.maternallegends.com
Lot 44 - 18.08% Chianina Bred Heifer ASHW Who da Man x SSUL Sultry 6640 Bred to Colburn Primo; Due 1/27/2020.
Many Dual Registered
95 Open Heifers 80
Bred Females
Simmental, Chianina, Shorthorn, Hereford, Angus, Mainetainer For more information, contact Josh Elder at 402.650.1380 Catalog available online at Maternallegends.com. Videos online at CCI.Live & SC Online Sales October 3rd. OCTOBER 2019
MAINE-ANJOU Headquarters
M. BLAKE NELSON AMAA Executive Vice President
Greetings, After a very busy but successful state fair run fall is quickly approaching. I love this time of year and getting to see the fresh prospects, cooler weather and football! I look forward to this sale season and seeing many of you in my travels. The demand for Maine-Anjou genetics continues to be strong even in this depressed market, quality still demands a premium and I believe the sales will reflect this. Promotion and marketing of our breed is essential in our future. With our great breed association celebrating it’s 50 year anniversary we have without a doubt seen many trends come and go, but some of the major obstacles that we face have stayed the same. Some of those hurdles that we always face are environment/feed, genetic selection and then how to reap the most profit from our labor and investment (marketing). We cannot control all of these things, but we must take an educated approach to all and eliminate as much risk as possible. One of the hurdles we can have more control over is how we market our product to reap the most benefit. Below you will find a couple of paragraphs that I have taken from a previous article I had written that still are very pertinent today. Developing your marketing program is essential to succeed in this increasingly competitive sales environment that we see today. Some things to consider and ask yourself before you get going and investing dollars: Mass vs Targeted, Personal vs NonPersonal, Quick vs Slow, One way interaction OCTOBER 2019
vs two way, Cost vs Exposure? These are just a few things to get started. What are some avenues of promotion and marketing our product? I believe that there is no replacement for personal contact. In this day and age when it feels that you have to send out a text or e-mail just to let the household know that it is “Dinner Time”, calling a potential customer or making a farm visit can be refreshing and very effective. In agriculture most producers appreciate eye to eye conversation. This may even have more value today than it did for past generations because direct communication has decreased in society. Some great opportunities to make these contacts can be at conventions, cattlemen’s meetings, the local stockyards or coffee shop, just to name a few. Another great thing about personal contact is you have immediate two-way interaction with the potential customer, your conversation or promotional items may prompt questions and instant interest. If you believe in what your Maine-Anjou cattle have to offer, then get out and tell people about them, there is no replacement for your own convictions and faith in what you are producing! One avenue that we often use is print advertising. Targeted magazine ads can be extremely effective, especially when trying to market to a specific audience. Consistency within a specific magazine builds brand recognition and familiarity with your program. This can not only spark interest, but also let the customer feel more acquainted with your product. The Voice and other industry magazines are great avenues to consider. Regional publications and your local newspaper can be very cost effective, especially when you are marketing bulls or replacement females. Ultimately you have to honestly access your cattle and decide if they should be promoted for a local market or if they have the attributes to attract customers from a larger audience. Social media is the hottest venue and must be seriously considered as a marketing source. The speed of communicating through social media has changed our
world. Whether it is for the better or not, that is for you to decide, but without a doubt it is here and for real. Utilizing social media is extremely quick, cost effective and can reach a large population mass. E-mail blasts, Snapchat, search engines and social media forums. Today’s society thrives on having everything at their fingertips and cattlemen are no different. E-mail blasts are a great way to send a specific message to a targeted group, our goal is to prompt action by the customer. The AMAA offers these e-blasts services, so please contact Lindsey and she will be glad to assist you. Utilizing search engines can expose a large mass of folks to your product through the use of analytics and key words. Just about every major search engine (ex. Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.) offers these services and they are typically user friendly in setting them up. The use of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, just to name a few, can be very potent and give you instant contact with a big group. This is one of the most cost effective venues to promote your product and it can still have a personal touch to certain generations. I would encourage you to look into these options; if you are not comfortable I bet your kids or grandkids will lend a hand. A weekly promotion of your bulls, matriarch cows and sale cattle can all be great topics to showcase in these posts. Ultimately, I call on you to promote our cattle. It takes all of us to tell our story and reach both current and potential customers. The AMAA will be happy to help you with any questions on any of these topics you may have so please contact us, we are here to help you. Just a reminder, we will be celebrating our 50th anniversary in Louisville, November 1518, please join us for the annual membership meeting and National Show. If you have an elite spring born calf, keep in mind the AMAA’s Bright Lights Sale will be taking nominations. If you have any interest or questions regarding these programs, please contact myself, Josh or Lindsey. Best Regards, Blake MAINE-ANJOU- Vision, Vigor, Value!
MAINE-ANJOU Commercial Connection
JOSHUA CRIBBS AMAA Director of Commercial Development
It’s Fall! And calf weaning is quickly approaching for those who are spring breeders. Managing the multiple factors of this season can bring up many points of discussion, one in particular that I want to touch on - When is the right time to wean? This time of year, we typically see summer rainfall decrease, the grass harden and the cattle start adding weight at a rapid pace. Add those factors to the cow part of the equation, where she’s slowing down from peak lactation. All of this leads to many key questions that must be answered to maximize profit. We have most recently seen a depressed feeder calf and fat cattle market, as well as a manipulation of the market. The question running though many producers minds right now is – how do we slow the money loss to make things pencil? That leads me back to when is the right time to wean. This is probably as big a question as any because the date, relative to grass availability and resources in general, is the biggest driver of that decision. Wean too early and you’ve left free weight on the cow that could translate to heavier weights – meaning you’ve left money on the table. If you wean too late, you end up putting your cows in a lower body condition heading into the Fall. In some cases, folks face adverse cold winter conditions, where they must push their cows all winter to get them in shape to calve at the appropriate body condition score (BCS). Weaning too late will only increase input cost. We sit at a crossroads in the farm economy, where every choice matters a great deal. One thing is for sure, our breed is unique in the fact that it gives you multiple opportunities to market your cattle for added value. If there is one thing the summer state fairs have shown us is that Maine-Anjou genetics make a sizable impact in the show cattle world. That’s the true beauty of our breed. We have a multi-faceted base, where revenue can be generated many ways.
As breeders, diversifying to merchandise cattle is the long-time solution to sustaining the breed and US Beef Production as we know it. Adapting to a changing market and customer base will play a large part in how we think about producing cattle in the future. The unique part of the breed we have and promote is that it offers a cow base that can be a lot of things to many different people. We have that advantage over almost every other breed we directly market against. Not many can say that their cow base can inject muscle and efficient growth into their cull cattle, longevity and lean muscle yield into their bull progeny, and a look of quality and presence into the show cattle base. Someone once told me that the unique thing about Maine-Anjou cattle is they generate how they look. I believe those words to be extremely accurate. The Angus in Maine Angus certainly adds some marbling to that cross and a more palatable taste from a merchandising avenue. But make no mistake, the things that get people excited when buying cattle are muscle shape, bone and more look… that’s the Maine in that cross and those things are the pieces that drive people’s emotional buying. People buy things they like and it’s hard not to like rugged, shapely, good looking cattle. As we quickly head toward the Fall and soon arrive in Louisville at the North American, we will find ourselves – as a breed – celebrating 50 years of Maine-Anjou cattle in the United State Beef Industry. Like every imported breed, we have moved at a rapid pace to make impact and carve out our portion of the US Beef Sector. It’s important to note that sometimes taking stock of what you have accomplished in the last 50 years will be the answer to the next 50! I look forward to celebrating with you in the months to come!
SELLING open heifers, bred heifers Simmental, Percentage Simmental, Hereford, Maine-Anjou, MaineTainer & MaineAngus
5:30pm EST | 9656 Clum Road, Harrod OH 45850
TJSC King Of Diamonds 2019 National Western Stock Show Reserve Simmental bull
Troy (419) 230-8675 Quinton Ball (309) 582-6826 Randy (419) 230-8734 Sam Burtsfield (574) 312-9197 Nick Hulsmeyer (937) 538-7126 Jenna Von Sossan (419) 905-5581 OCTOBER 2019
Other Services IVF & CONVENTIONAL EMBRYO TRANSFER Ability to Reverse Sort Semen ∫ Export Eligible (IVF ONLY) Board your donors at our facility
2019 AI Schools November 2-3
Contact Us: Dr. Clem Neely, DVM & Dr. Don Coover, DVM
1/2 - Sired by Daddy’s Money
3/8 - Sired by No Worries
1/2 - Sired by Cowan’s Ali
3/8 - Sired by Maternal Made
3/8 - Sired by No Worries
3/4 - Sired by Daddy’s Money
PB - Sired by NAGE Ante Up
3/4 - Sired by Drivin 80
- www.SEKGENETICS.com -
Everett - Steve - Mike Forkner 9282 E. Indian Line Rd.• Richards, MO 64778
Performance cattle based off of Performance Pedigrees and Performance EPDs.
TOP 5% CED - TOP 1% BW - TOP 1% MCE
Sire: DMCC Body Builder Reg. # 296484 - Polled - Black - 3/4 Maine-Anjou
(417) 484-3306 • (877) 489-0570 • (417) 549-0666 www.trulinemaines.com • eforktlg@gmail.com
Trait Leaders
Sire: SLC Sooner 101M Reg. # 388733 - Polled - Black - PB Maine-Anjou
TOP 3% WW - TOP 2% YW - TOP 1% TM
Sire: LATH Imax 203Z Reg. # 460471 - Polled - Black - 5/8 Maine-Anjou
TOP 2% WW - TOP 1% YW
Sire: TLM Passion 141Y Sire: TLM Synergy 825U Sire: TLM Synergy 825U Reg. # 449365 - Polled - Homo. Black - PB Maine-Anjou Reg. # 449338 - Polled - Black - PB Maine-Anjou Reg. # 420881 - Homo. Polled - Black - 5/8 Maine-Anjou
MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Join us, Saturday, November 30 for our open house and fall sale. Service age bulls, open & bred heifers all for sale! OCTOBER 2019
- 1969-2019 -
e t a r b e l e C ! s U h t i W
The American Maine-Anjou Association invites you to celebrate 50 YEARS at the 2019 National Maine-Anjou Show Louisville, Ky.
2019 NAILE
204 Marshall Rd. - P.O. Box 1100 Platte City, MO 64079 (816) 431-9950 maine@amaapc.com maine-anjou.org OCTOBER 2019
Photos + Story by Robin Kleine
Bulls with Commercial Appeal “Out here, we have three strands of barbed wire and a northwest wind,” says Gene Loder. “It’s rough, there’s no fluff and puff. Here there’s cattle, there’s grass and there’s water. Together that’s their blower, that’s their showring - that section of grass.” Gene Loder and his wife Danette, along with their ten-year-old daughter Mardi, own and operate Loder Cattle Company in Scranton, North Dakota. Loder is a cowboy through and through, with his felt hat, boots and signature mustache. When you step out of your vehicle at the Loder home, you are greeted with a quick smile, a big handshake and a dog that needs petting right away. OCTOBER 2019
Everything is a team effort at Loder Cattle Company, and although Danette did not grow up on a ranch, she and Mardi jump right in. From nightly calf checks, heat detecting and raking hay to taking care of the house and the finances – Danette has learned it all since their marriage in 2000. “I absolutely couldn’t do this without her. I’m just thrilled and fortunate to have not only a partner in my wife, but to able to be two things at one time and to excel at it,” Loder says. Mardi also loves everything to do with the cattle, and began her showing career at the Bowman County Fair in July with a heifer named Daisy.
Loder also credits their ranch’s success to the great friends and neighbors they have in their area. Many of them are customers too, but the genuineness and helpfulness doesn’t go unnoticed he says. Since his family settled in the area, there has been cattle on the Loder Ranch and the first Maine-Anjou cattle were registered to Loder Cattle Company in 1992 or 1993. Prior to starting the registered herd, the Loders used Maine-Anjou bulls on a strictly commercial basis for about a decade. Today, they run 115 registered cows and 25 bred heifers. Each year, they sell a few heifers private treaty and 15 – 20 registered Maine-Anjou bulls in the spring.
Gene and Danette Loder walk through their registered Maine-Anjou cows. 95% of the land is dedicated to grass and grazing, and for the first time in 2019, Loder planted corn and millet as additional feed sources. Their area of North Dakota can experience cold, harsh winters and hot, dry summers and the cattle have to endure both extremes. “The climate and environment dictate what can survive and again what can thrive, and there’s a difference. We’ve got to have cattle that can basically live on a foragebased diet and excel at it,” Loder says. He remembers in 2017, the area was extremely dry. “We were horrifically dry from the first of April until the tenth of September. We had 85 - 90 days of 90 degree weather,” Loder says. “You find out which are your really good cows in a big hurry. Mother nature sorts it for you. It gave us insight even more into selection, from a fertility and production standpoint. When we have drought and adverse conditions like that, the cream rises to the top.” DJ Folkerts, a fellow Maine-Anjou breeder and owner of Eastview Maines in Minnesota, has known the Loders since 1999 when they stalled next to each other at the Black Hills Stock Show in Rapid City, South Dakota. “We quickly discovered our passion for Maine cattle was identical! That’s how our friendship started and continues today. Our passion for the breed has continued and our conversation has never stopped about cattle
and life,” Folkerts says. When selecting females for his herd, Loder likes a frame score 6 female that is easy fleshing, milks well and is fertile. He says those are the most important qualities for a female to thrive in an environment like his, where it takes 15 -20 acres per cow/calf pair. “She’s got to wean a high percentage of her body weight and breed back. That’s the key factors for anybody, whether they’re a registered or a commercial breeder,” says Loder. The sires he chooses for his herd must be clean, both TH and PHA free. Over the years, he has liked using Draft Pick or Wide Track derivatives. “We’ve tried to evolve that line by breeding to Angus genetics over the years for high percentage Maine-Anjou cattle. You’re trying to enhance all of these traits together, and the goal is to have the muscle shape and the phenotype of a Maine,” Loder says. Over the span of their twenty-year friendship, Folkerts and Loder have bought and sold cattle between the two operations on several occasions. “Gene has bought cattle from me for a long time and I can tell you he has not changed one bit in what he is looking for in seedstock,” says Folkerts. “He tells me all the time, ‘In my country, the cattle have to flesh and milk.’ He starts with that statement, then he wants performance, good structure and a good phenotype.”
Why Maine-Anjou?
Located in the southwest corner of North Dakota, Loder calls his Bowman County, North Dakota home “cowboy country.” According to the 2012 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Census of Agriculture, there was nearly 44,000 head of cattle living in the hills and buttes of Bowman County. Most of the surrounding ranches raise British based cattle -- either Angus or a true F1 Angus/Hereford cross. He liked the idea of introducing a black hided continental breed to compliment the British based cow herd. “These Maine-Anjou cattle can give them additional weaning weights, higher press weights and keep the frame score in line. Additionally, this gives breeders a different gene pool for heterosis. That’s the biggest advantage,” Loder says. There is also a myriad of seedstock producers in the area. According to Loder, there are more than 3,500 bulls sold each year within a 100-mile radius of his home, so the competition is stiff. “Perception is reality, especially where we live here. It’s very traditional, and you don’t want to color too far out of the lines. The only way to break through that is to physically show them how they could function and be profitable in this environment with our genetics,” Loder says. “You have to prove the OCTOBER 2019
Calves with the hook L brand at Loder Cattle Company. genetics being successful on a commercial end in order for there to be any reward or any growth.” When selling bulls, Loder often has to break through the stigma of raising MaineAnjou cattle for his customers. “I have people tell me every year that I can’t sell MaineAnjou bulls, but they’re wrong. You have to have the right kind of bulls,” Loder says. “The bulls have to have the right quality from the right genetics, and you have to have the right data to back them up.”
Maine-Anjou in the Seedstock Marketplace
Raising cattle is a customer service business and Loder enjoys catching up with his bull buyers and hearing about the results of their purchases. He visits with each customer several times throughout the year, and especially before breeding season. “My hair goes up on the back of my neck when I hear them say they’ve never seen cattle perform like that,” Loder says. “Often it’s their first exposure to Maine-Anjou genetics and after they get their calves on the ground and they’re a month or 6 weeks old, they are over-the-moon excited. How happy they are makes me happy, and it’s my OCTOBER 2019
favorite part of what I can do for them.” He adds that the biggest selling point for bulls is to have people come at branding time at Loder Cattle Company. Everything is branded with the hook L brand on their left hip during the second week of May, processed, given shots and de-wormed. Then the cows are turned out to summer grass, sorted by sire groups and cow families. Every year, the Loders’ friends from neighboring ranches come to help. A majority of Loder’s bull buyers sell their calves at weaning. So to him, weaning weight is king, but balancing all traits is the most important. “Yes, the customer wants high weaning weights. But on the backside, you have to factor in the milk part of it if they wanted to retain females. As a breeder, you have to be conscious enough to make sure that there are genetics to compliment them on the carcass end. When your customers get a premium when they sell calves, and later on when they’re fed and harvested the carcass data ends up favorable … those kind of people come back year after year. And we forge a good relationship, so it’s a win-win for both sides,” Loder says. Loder has been able to follow several loads of feeder calves sired by Loder Cattle Company bulls throughout their lives after
being sold at the Belle Fourche Livestock Market in Belle Fourche, South Dakota. In June 2016, he received carcass data from the 2015 calf crop on one load of 70 calves. These calves were out of British based commercial cows. That load of calves was harvested at the JBS Beef facility in Grand Island, Nebraska in June 2016. On that day, 97% of the carcasses graded USDA Choice or USDA Prime and 54% qualified for the Certified Angus Beef program. The average yield grade was 2.46. Year after year, similar carcass data comes back. And with predictability like that, the interest from potential bull buyers increases. “I’m more intent on being focused on expanding and replicating the gene base that I’ve got now. I’m very happy just to sell bulls to commercial people. To me that’s the roots, that’s the backbone of the beef industry.” “It’s probably not very sexy, compared to the banners and the backdrops and everything else that goes with it. I think that part of the industry is great, and those people put a lot of work into getting there. But I like meeting people that I’ve never met before and talking cattle with them and exposing them to Maine-Anjou genetics like they’ve never seen before. That to me is the
Loder Cattle Company Maine-Anjou sired calves out of British cross cows. big win,” Loder says. Folkerts shares his experience buying cattle from Loder Cattle Company. “When working with Gene, he will treat you with honesty and respect. Plus, he will listen to the customer to see how he can help them in any situation. When working with him, there is no gray area, all the information will be at the customer’s hands -- pedigrees, EPDs, data, weights. Gene will give you the whole picture,” says Folkerts.
Proving Maine-Anjou Genetics Work
When selecting cattle, Loder uses all available tools including actual weights, phenotype and genotype. Specifically, Loder studies the Weaning Weight and Yearling Weight EPDs with accuracies, and the Milk EPD. He watches the Birth Weight EPD, but uses a visual survey to look for the right kind of shoulder, head and neck along with meat-animal shape before using a bull for AI or natural service within his herd. “My grandpa always used to say that there’s people who have cattle and raise cattle and then there’s cattlemen. You have to have ‘the eye,’ which to me is sometimes a lost art. A true cattleman can tell you if
he’s going to be calving ease or if he’s going to be a good performance bull in terms of the right foot and the right kind of structure and soundness,” Loder says. “That’s always stuck with me over the years, differentiating between what ‘the eye’ says and what good cattle look like and yet still take into the account science and technology to somehow combine the two.” Eventually, Loder would like to expand Loder Cattle Company and offer 50-75 bulls per year. He would like to sell those bulls for a reasonable price, $3,500 - $4,000 each as opposed to one $50,000 bull. “If I’m selling 50-75 bulls/year, we have that much more Maine-Anjou influence entering the mainstream market and the commercial gene pool, instead of one bull that brings good money. The clientele where bulls like that are used, as opposed to the commercial breeder’s bulls, is a night and day difference,” Loder says. Most of Loder’s customers do not follow what happens in the showring. Who wins Denver or Louisville or Kansas City isn’t a concern of theirs, Loder says. They want to know their calves will be six-weights in October, they want them to be healthy and have a lot of growth and vigor. The practicality of the Maine-Anjou sired calf is
the most important thing to them. MaineAnjou cattle are a great asset for all sectors of the beef industry -- cow-calf producers, feeders, packers and the consumers. “That is probably the biggest connection that needs to be made from my standpoint in the Maine breed. The correlation between identifying Maine-influenced genetics and recognition on the rail. That’s the biggest connection and a business relationship between the gentlemen supplying the bulls, the person buying the calves and the commercial cattlemen to where everybody can be on the same page for profit,” Loder says. “To me, that’s got to happen in order to grow in the Maine-breed. Once we identify those calves that do well, we can begin to replicate those genetics.” More information can be found about Loder Cattle Company at the website – https://lodercattlecompany.com
MAINE-ANJOU Announcements, News & Events
2020 DUES Junior and adult dues run from January 1 – December 31 of each year. Dues must be paid in order to register or transfer animals. Dues reminders were mailed in September. Please make sure to send the card back with payment so that we know where to apply payment. Dues may also be renewed by logging into your online account. If you do not remember your log in information, please email us at maine@amaapc. com to obtain that information. Account information will only be provided to those authorized on the account no matter the age of the account holder.
FALL EPD EVALUATION The EPD data (Expected Progeny Differences) will be pulled in November of 2019 for evaluation. If you have any pedigrees that you wish to include in that run, they must be entered by November 1, 2019. Any data entered after that date will not be assessed until the spring run in 2020. Pedigrees of another association must go through evaluation in order to obtain EPDs. Please email Marcena Fulton at marcena@amaapc.com a copy of the papered pedigrees you wish to have added. There is a one-time fee of $25 to add a pedigree. MAPP ENROLLMENT MAPP (Maine-Anjou Performance Program) Enrollment is now open for the 2020 year. All inventories must be completed by December 15, 2019. Any inventories not returned by the deadline will be billed for their entire herd and 2020 dues. Reminders OCTOBER 2019
have been mailed with instructions. If for any reason you no longer wish to participate in this program, you must call or email our office prior to the deadline. Invoices created after the deadline will not be adjusted, please make sure to complete your inventories in a timely manner. Remember to pay your dues for 2020 when completing your enrollment. If you wish to obtain a mailed copy of your inventory, please contact Donna Grame at 816-431-9951 ext. 303 or email her at donna@amaapc.com. REGISTRATIONS: Please dispose of any old registration and self-billing worksheets. The AMAA will no longer offer a 10% online discount for registration work that is completed through Digital Beef. The AMAA will assess a $5 fee for any registration work received by fax, e-mail or by mail. To avoid this fee, please log into your online Digital Beef account to complete all registration work. New forms are included in this issue and can also be downloaded from our main webpage under Digital Beef/ Registrations – Printable Forms. If you need assistance logging into your online account please contact us at maine@amaapc.com. If work is faxed or e-mailed it is the responsibility of the breeder to give us a follow up phone call to make sure that the work is legible and to cover all fees. BLOCK REGISTRATION DISCOUNTS: Want to save on registration costs? Consider pre-paying for a block of
registrations. The cost savings are as follows: • 15 head - 12% • 25 head - 15% • 50 head - 20% • 75 head - 25% • 100 head - 30% Blocks may only be used on animals under 13 months of age and may not be used on steers or foundation animals. Blocks will only be valid from January 1 - December 31 of each year. Any unused block registration numbers will expire. If you are interested in learning more about block purchases, please contact us at 816-431-9950. RUSH ORDERS: If you are selling an animal, we ask that you register and transfer the animal in a timely manner to avoid extra charges and to assure buyers they are purchasing from a reputable business person. Rushes will be done in the order received; a rush fee is currently $50 (covers eight head). No work will be released until payment is complete. Rush work is processed ahead of the regular work that is received in our office and mailed by regular mail within one to two business days. We will do our best to complete rush work that is received in our office by 2 p.m. (Monday – Friday). There is no same-day turnaround. If requiring a registration number only, it will still be considered a rush as we still have to process the work to obtain the number.
HELPFUL TIPS WHEN REGISTERING: To avoid delays in your registration work during our busy season follow the tips below. Double check that all blanks and information are correct and complete before mailing or submitting online. Things most commonly missed are: o Missing herd prefix and herd ID o Birthdates o Date of sale o Name of animal o Payment Make sure the person that is registering the animal owns the dam with the exception of ET calves. If an ET calf, make sure the donor dam has been DNA, PHA & TH tested and that we have the results on file. If you are checking on work please e-mail us at paige@amaapc.com. When calling or e-mailing please have the name and breeder number of the person submitting the work. When registering annual active dams for performance only animals please submit them online if you have the capabilities. This will help the registrar processing tremendously. We appreciate you and your business and want to make sure that the registration process runs as smooth as possible. Thank you in advance for your extra time in making sure all work is correct, complete and received in a timely manner. BULL CALF REGISTRATION: If registering a bull calf born after Jan. 1, 2014, it must be TH/PHA free by parentage or have testing completed prior to registering and
on file with the AMAA. Carriers will no longer be registered, but may be entered as a foundation animal. All progeny out of a Foundation carrier bull needs to be tested free of that defect prior to registration. If registrations are submitted before testing has been completed, the animal will not be registered. Instead the animal will be given a performance number at a nonrefundable penalty charge of $10. Once the animal has been tested the registration may be completed at the regular rate. Please plan accordingly as testing can take up to three or four weeks. FOUNDATION ANIMALS: Non-registered bulls and females must be entered as a foundation animal prior to MaineTainer progeny being registered. All current “P” (performance only) cattle will be grand-fathered into the program. If the sire is an AI sire and registered at another breed association, the pedigree and testing must be on file with the AMAA. The charge to add a sire pedigree will be a onetime charge of $40. If the AMAA finds that the pedigree has already been paid for by another breeder, the $40 charge will not be applied. Dams registered at another breed association may also be added for a one-time charge of $25. See the new self-billing sheet for foundation fees. ONLINE TRANSFERS: When transferring an animal on line make sure there is not a member number already created for the buyer. Creating more than one number for an individual creates
registration problems later. If you find the buyer in the system at a different address please notify the buyer first to confirm the address and then notify the Maine office to update the account. It is always a good idea to always search for the buyer using the search tools before doing the work that way if they have a different address it is caught before entering the registration and transfer. When creating a new profile for a buyer please make sure to never give a junior a farm name. Please enter the junior’s name on the farm line and also as the contact. DNA, TH AND PHA REQUIREMENTS: Prior to registering any ET calves, all donor dams (including commercial or non-registered dams) must have DNA, TH and PHA on file in our office. Also, all AI sires are required to have the same on file. Therefore, our office will hold any ET registrations submitted out of dams without testing on file as well as all registrations out of AI sires that do not have complete testing on file. If the donor dam is deceased and not tested, we do require that the ET(s) have the tests done, in the absence of the donor’s records. The DNA, TH and PHA testing can be done at GeneSeek. A submission form is found on our Web site, maine-anjou.org. Maine-Anjou samples are put into testing at GeneSeek on Wednesdays, please plan accordingly when submitting. DNA results will be back in the AMAA office late the next week after the testing begins; TH and OCTOBER 2019
MAINE-ANJOU Announcements, News & Events
PHA results will be in our office two weeks later, usually on a Thursday. We would like to start sending the test results by e-mail only, please make sure we have an up-to-date e-mail address for you, if applicable.
MAINE/ANGUS PAPERS: If you wish to obtain a Maine Angus registration select the MA/ Angus box when registering online. You will receive an error that AMAA staff must check the testing and percentage requirements, please make sure to validate your entry to save it so that AMAA staff can check the entry. If you submit a registration on paper, please put Maine Angus in the comment section of the application. If the animal does not qualify as a Maine Angus it will be recoded as a Mainetainer. A Maine Angus paper will be blue in color, have Maine Angus under the Maine logo, and will have MaineTainer across the center of the paper. The animal can be shown as a MaineTainer or Maine Angus. MAINE/ANGUS REQUIREMENTS • Maine Angus refers to cattle with the following characteristics: • The animal will have between 3/8 Maine-Anjou to 5/8 Maine- Anjou blood and have between 3/8 registered Angus to 5/8registered Angus and/or registered Red Angus blood. • The standard is both parents must be registered at the AMAA, American Angus Association (AAA) or Red Angus Association of America (RAAA) will provide validated lineage.
• Qualifying cattle can have no more than 1/8 of non-registered blood or other breeds. • A registered Maine Angus bull must be proven free of genetic defects PHA and TH. Depending on the Maine Angus bull’s genetic makeup, the individual must also be proven free of known Angus lethal genetic defects (Ex. AM, NH and CA) and/or known lethal Red Angus genetic defects (Ex. AM, NH, CA and OS) whether determined by pedigree or test. • A registered Maine Angus female must be proven free of PHA and TH, whether identified by pedigree or test. MAINE/ANGUS COLOR REQUIREMENTS: • All qualifying individuals will be predominately solid black or red in color. White markings are only allowed on the underline and switch of the tail. • Starting Jan. 1, 2019 all animals that have qualified and registered as Maine Angus prior to Jan. 1, 2019 will retain their Maine Angus papers but will not be able to exhibit/show in the Maine Angus division, however, these animals are eligible to show as MaineTainers..
NEW MEMBERS: All new members must choose a program when submitting a new membership. The two programs that are offered are MAPP and Breeders Choice. More information on these two programs is available by visiting maine-anjou.org and
clicking on “Member Services” “MAPP Agreement.” If a membership is submitted without choosing a program, the new member will be placed in the Breeders Choice program. OTHER AMAA UPDATES: Please make sure to update any change in address, phone numbers or e-mails with the AMAA by e-mailing us at maine@amaapc. com, or by logging into your online account. If you have a credit card on file and have received a new card, please make sure to call us to replace the new card on file. Credit cards are not automically saved when paying online. MAINE-ANJOU CATTLE FOR SALE: Looking for cattle to purchase or consign? Do not forget to check out our consignment sale list located at the top of the Digital Beef Cattle search screen called “Maine-Anjou Cattle for Sale”. Active Breeders may use this tool at any time to consign animals as long as you have a login for Digital Beef. REMINDERS: Anyone that is not authorized on an account will not be provided passwords or invoice information no matter the age or relation to the account holder. The account holder is the only one that can call or e-mail the AMAA directly to remove or add any person(s) to/from their account. Any authorized person on the account can register, transfer, obtain or change passwords once they are on the account.
8-9:30 a.m. - Check-in, Maine-Anjou Booth
10:30 - American Royal Junior & Open Maine-Anjou Show, Hale Arena
New show time!
Watch maine-anjou.org/shows-event.php for more details! OCTOBER 2019
Columbus, Ohio • Judge: Jeff Dameron, Illinois
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Austin Hunker, Bellevue, Ohio
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Hanna Schroeder, Columbus Grove, Ohio
Champion MaineTainer Female Austin Hunker, Bellevue, Ohio
Reserve MaineTainer Female Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio
Indianapolis, Ind. • Judge: Lydell Meier, Tennessee & Garret Lampe, Illinois
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Payton Farmer, Brownstown, Ind.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Robert Rogers, Kendalville, Ind.
Champion MaineTainer Female Bailey Tomson, Westport, Ind.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Brooke Hayden, Lowell, Ind.
Belton, Texas • Judge: Brent Cromwell, Texas
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Ruthie Wright, Seymour, Texas
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Addison Sopchak, Liberty, Texas
Champion B&O Maine-Anjou Female Reserve B&O Maine-Anjou Female Miladie Pohorelsky, Giddings, Texas Reese Schwab, Seguin, Texas OCTOBER 2019
Champion MaineTainer Female (B&O) Reserve MaineTainer Female Reese Schwab, Seguin, Texas Hayden Sopchak, Liberty, Texas
Reserve B&O MaineTainer Female Randon Schwab, Seguin, Texas
Champion MaineTainer Bull Jenna Hoffmann, Vidor, Texas
Springfield, Ill. • Judge: Ryan Rathman, Texas
Champion MaineTainer Female Tyler Miller, Armington, Ill.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Max Eaton, Mount Carroll, Ill.
Des Moines, Iowa. • Judge: Dan Shike, Illinois
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Madison McCullough, Allerton, Iowa
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Derek Weisskopf, Victor, Iowa
Champion MaineTainer Female Kennidey Eskildsen, Northwood, Iowa
Champion Maine Angus Female Sayler Jauer, Hinton, Iowa
Reserve Maine Angus Female Whitney Reever, Glidden, Iowa
Reserve MaineTainer Female Brenna Wilkins, Bennett, Iowa
Sedalia, Missouri • Judge: Katy Satree, Missouri
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Beau Ann Graves, Chillicothe, Mo.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Adrienne Bryant, Fulton, Mo.
Champion MaineTainer Female Mallorie Yokley, Moundville, Mo.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Hailey Eads, Trenton, Mo. OCTOBER 2019
Columbus, Ohio • Judge: Wes Hudson, Arkansas
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Austin Hunker, Bellevue, Ohio
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Rylee Closser, Hebron, Ohio
Champion MaineTainer Female Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio
Reserve MaineTainer Female Austin Hunker, Bellevue, Ohio
Champion MaineTainer Bull Ali Muir & MidWay Farms, Mt. Victory, Ohio
Indianapolis, Indiana • Judge: Dean Janssen, Illinois
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Carter Pruet, Danville, Ind.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Clayton Kessler, Crawfordsville, Ind.
Champion MaineTainer Female Nathan Hayden, Lowell, Ind.
No Photo Champion Maine-Anjou Bull Clampeechen Farm, Martinsville, Ind. OCTOBER 2019
Champion MaineTainer Bull Pettigrew Farms, Columbia City, Ind.
Reserve MaineTainer Bull Brooke Hayden, Lowell, Ind.
Springfield, Illinois • Judge: Jake Scott, Nebraska
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Avery Seys, Coal Valley, Ill.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Kyndall Burns, Oxford, Iowa & Jones Cattle Co., Chapin, Ill.
Champion MaineTainer Female McKlay Gensini, Hennepin, Ill.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Kelly Jones, Colfax, Ill.
Champion MaineTainer Bull Jones Cattle Company, Chapin, Ill.
Reserve MaineTainer Bull Jones Cattle Company, Chapin, Ill.
No Photo Champion Maine-Anjou Bull Fancy Creek Farm of the Prairie Cross, Springfield, Ill.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Bull Jones Cattle Company, Chapin, Ill.
Des Moines, Iowa • Judge: Brian Fox, Colorado
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Ashtyn Danker, Avoca, Iowa
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Trevor Bormann, Algona, Iowa
Champion MaineTainer Female Monte West Black Cattle, Masonville, Iowa
Reserve MaineTainer Female Braun Show Cattle, Northwood, Iowa
Champion Maine-Anjou Bull Trevor Bormann, Algona, Iowa
Reserve Maine-Anjou Bull Koo’s Kattle Kompany, Audubon, Iowa
Champion MaineTainer Bull Maine Aim Ranch, Allerton, Iowa
Reserve MaineTainer Bull Trevor Bormann, Algona, Iowa OCTOBER 2019
Sedalia, Missouri • Judge: Jeff Gooden, Missouri
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Beau Graves, Chillicothe, Mo.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Adrienne Bryant, Fulton, Mo.
Champion MaineTainer Female Mallorie Yokley, Moundville, Mo.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Carlson Maine-Anjou, Plattsburg, Mo.
Champion Maine-Anjou Bull James Farms, Paris, Mo.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Bull Maggie Middleton, Paris, Mo.
Champion MaineTainer Bull Hailey Eads, Trenton, Mo.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Landon Dieball, Hermann, Mo.
Grand Island, Nebraska • Judge: Randy Daniel, Georgia
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Ryen Carlson, Julesburg, Colo.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Gateway Genetics, Pierce, Neb.
Champion MaineTainer Female Paxton Cattle, Stapleton, Neb.
Champion Maine-Anjou Bull Wyatt DeJong, Ravenna, Neb.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Bull Caleb Smith, Aurora, Neb.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Berren Strope, O’Neill, Neb.
Huron, South Dakota • Judge: Bill Widerman, Maryland
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Sammi Schrag, Marion, S.D.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Bailey DeJong, Kennebec, S.D.
Champion MaineTainer Female Ryan Dolieslager, Doon, Iowa
Reserve MaineTainer Female Kylie Beare, Estelline, S.D.
Champion Maine-Anjou Bull DeJong Ranch, Kennebec, S.D.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Bull Tyra Sinkie, Gann Valley, S.D.
Champion MaineTainer Bull Tyra Sinkie, Gann Valley, S.D.
Reserve MaineTainer Bull DJ Folkerts, Jasper, Minn.
FLORIDA MAINE-ANJOU ASSOCIATION The American Maine-Anjou Association (AMAA) is delighted to welcome a newly formed state association to our family of state representation. The Florida Maine-Anjou Association (FMAA) was formed August 1, 2019. We look forward to working with them in the future.
Bright LIGHTS Maine-Anjou Sale
ENTRY FORM AVAILBLE ONLINE OCTOBER 1 AT MAINE-ANJOU.ORG 204 Marshall Rd. P.O. Box 1100 - Platte City, MO 64079 Blake Nelson, blake@AMAAPC.com, (816) 431-9950 Josh Cribbs, josh@amaapc.com, (813) 967-6949 OCTOBER 2019
MAINE-ANJOU Junior Update
My name is Kaleb Miller and I am a Region 2 Director as well as Vice President for the American Junior Maine-Anjou Association (AJMAA). I live in south central Iowa and am from the small town of Lacona. I come from a diversified row crop and livestock family farm. My parents are Randy and Sheila Miller, I have one older sister, Kaylee Miller. We run roughly 300 head of cattle, with 60 of those being Maine-Anjou influenced. I am currently a junior at Iowa State University majoring in Agricultural Studies with a minor in Agronomy. I am also a member of Alpha Gamma Rho at Iowa State. Through my fraternity I have been involved in helping run the Spring Showdown jackpot show in March. After college I hope to find a career as an Agronomist in south central Iowa for 5 to 10 years and still be able to work on our family farm part time. After those 5 to 10 years I hope to return to our family farm fulltime as a partner with my father. I have been showing Maine-Anjou cattle since I was 10 years old. I attended my first junior national that year in Murfreesboro, Tenn., and I have attended every junior national since then. The Core family, who are very close family friends, helped us get
into the Maine-Anjou breed. Ever since my first junior national my passion for the breed has continued to grow. Junior national has become our family vacation every summer, and, in my opinion, there isn’t a better way to spend our time as a family. I have made lifelong friends within this industry from all over the country. After watching the older board members when I was younger, I always knew that I wanted to be on the junior board. It is truly an honor to wear the blue jacket and represent this awesome breed. On September 21 and 22 the junior board will have had our board retreat in Platte City. At our retreat we will discuss the upcoming year’s events and starting to plan for the 2020 junior national. We will work on team building and parliamentary procedure and just hangout as a board. Last year we went to Top Golf and an escape room. Throughout the whole retreat we all bonded and became much closer as a board and friends. We are selling calendar card ads and days again this year. The card ads are $100 dollars and days are $50. To purchase one of those you can contact any junior board member. We are also doing the hotel fundraiser again this year for a chance to win a hotel room at junior nationals in Lima, Ohio this upcoming summer. We will be selling 50 tickets for $100 each, so be sure to get them while they last so you can be ‘Livin On Lima Time’. As a junior board we will be attending Kansas City, Louisville, Denver, and Fort Worth to help work the show. This year is our 50th anniversary in Louisville. This will be our national show as a breed and we will attend the adult board meeting, as well as have our own meeting to continue planning for the upcoming year.
2019 AJMAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS President - Dalton Line, Illinois Vice President - Kaleb Miller, Iowa Secretary/Treasurer Adelyda Ebersole, Iowa REGION 1 Whitney Walker, Arkansas Dalton Line, Illinois REGION 2 Kaleb Miller, Iowa Tejlor Strope, Nebraska REGION 3 Cameron Luedtke, Texas Blakelee Hayes, Oklahoma AT-LARGE Madison Loschke, Kansas Adelyda Ebersole, Iowa Cade Van Vliet, Iowa Cade Austin, Wisconsin Cassidy Barker, Missouri
2019 ROYALTY QUEEN Mattison Beattie, Nebraska PRINCESS Emma Yochum, Ohio Jacie Wolfinger, Nebraska AMAA YOUTH COMMITTEE Jirl Buck, Oklahoma Brian Fox, Colorado Cliff Randall, Louisiana Andy Jones, Illinois
2019 Meet
2019-2020 AJMAA NATIONAL JUNIOR BOARD From left: Tejlor Strope, Nebraska, Madison Loschke, Kansas, Whitney Walker, Arkansas, Kaleb Miller, Iowa, Dalton Line, Illinois, Cade Austin, Wisconsin, Cade Van Vliet, Iowa, Blakelee Hayes, Oklahoma, Adelyda Ebersole, Iowa, Cameron Luedtke, Texas & Cassidy Barker, Missouri.
FAVORITE MAINE-ANJOU JUNIOR NATIONAL YOU ATTENDED AND WHY? Kansas City in 2011 has always been my answer to this question. If you want to hear the long version, come find me in person and I’ll tell you the story, but it was my first junior nationals and that year, and that board of maroon jacket mentors are what got me hooked for life.
Whitney Walker
School: Oklahoma State University Region 1 FAVORITE QUOTE: “Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody.” WHO IS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION? There are a lot of people that I look up to for advice and guidance, but my grandparents have always inspired me so much with their work ethic and drive to build a life that they love and are proud of, and even in retirement, they are still conquering new goals and I find that really motivating to always do my absolute best and to work hard for what I want to achieve in life. FAVORITE BOOK I’m a sucker for anything Nicholas Sparks. IF YOU COULD PICK THE LOCATION OF JUNIOR NATIONAL, WHERE WOULD IT BE? Branching out, I think that Oklahoma City would be a fun place to go, even though it seems to always be booked. The fairgrounds are really nice (and air-conditioned), there is just so much to eat, see, and do in Oklahoma City and I think that it would expand our reach of juniors in the south and the west even more!
WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR AFTER COLLEGE? After I graduate, I really want to stay in the junior livestock industry, along with raising my own cow/calf operation. Whether that looks like working for a junior breed association, a feed/supplement company, or branching out on my own and developing an innovative idea, I want to put my efforts back into the programs that encouraged me from a young age. WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUNG MAINE-ANJOU EXHIBITORS: Get involved. I made the mistake of only doing showmanship or fitting for a very long time at junior nationals, and I wish I would have done more. The friends that you meet, the skills that you develop, and even the prizes that you can win are all really great and I don’t think that you will walk away regretting that you tried something out of your comfort zone. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? I love showmanship. I love the novice program. I love the fun nights. I honestly don’t think that I can pinpoint my favorite activity because the whole week is so much fun for me and I get to interact with so many different kids at different contests and activities!
Dalton Line
School: Iowa State University Region 1 FAVORITE QUOTE: “Don’t wish for it… Work for it!” - Unknown WHO IS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION? My biggest inspiration would have to be my mother and father. They both are driven to do what is best for their family by giving each one of us the opportunity to succeed in any aspect of life. I am beyond grateful for how my parents have supported their children within sports, school and definitely the livestock industry. FAVORITE BOOK The Hunger Games Trilogy IF YOU COULD PICK THE LOCATION OF JUNIOR NATIONAL, WHERE WOULD IT BE? The new American Royal Complex in Wyandotte County, Kansas. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? I have a true passion to work with the youth of our industry. By this I am able to provide them with opportunities to help them become better for their future and the industry’s future. OCTOBER 2019
FAVORITE MAINE-ANJOU JUNIOR NATIONAL YOU ATTENDED AND WHY? My favorite Maine-Anjou Junior National was in 2015 because of two reasons. One reason is that it was held in my home state in Springfield, Ill. The other reason is because I was 5th overall in the owned Maine-Anjou show with my heifer Big Sexy and that was an amazing accomplishment that I will never forget. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR AFTER COLLEGE? Ever since I was a little kid I had a weird interest in taking care of animals. From that the drive to be a large animal embryologist came to mind when I got older. Now that I am in college, I am double majoring in Animal Science/Pre-Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Business with a minor in Nutrition and Genetics. After getting my undergraduate degree I plan to attend veterinary school out west or down south. After attending veterinary school I plan to attend graduate school and get my doctorate in Animal Science. With this I plan to open my own veterinary operation servicing large and small animals, but mainly practicing large animal embryology. WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUNG MAINE-ANJOU EXHIBITORS: I would tell young Maine-Anjou exhibitors to do what your heart desires. No matter what it is, if you follow your hopes and dreams and never give up on them, you will forever be happy and create an amazing life within this industry. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? I have a true passion to work with the youth of our industry. By this I am able to provide them with opportunities to help them become better for their future and the industry’s future.
WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR AFTER COLLEGE? After I graduate from Iowa State University, I plan on finding a job as either an agronomist or a seed dealer relatively close to home. My long term plan is to come back to the family farm to work alongside my dad as a partner in the operation.
Kaleb Miller School: Iowa State University Region 2 FAVORITE QUOTE: “Don’t be afraid of the competition, be prepared for it.” - Deb Core WHO IS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION? My biggest inspiration is my dad, Randy Miller. No matter how bad something may seem, he can always see the good in it, and find a way to fix the problem. He has taught me nearly everything I know about the agricultural industry and is always pushing me to be the best that I can be.
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUNG MAINE-ANJOU EXHIBITORS: One piece of advice I have for young MaineAnjou exhibitors is to never be afraid to participate in contests. We all start somewhere. The contests are a great way to improve a wide variety of your skills. They may seem like a lot of work to practice or prepare, but it all pays off at junior nationals. The contests are also a great way to meet new people and network within the breed. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? My favorite activity at junior national is the fitting contest.
FAVORITE BOOK The Victors IF YOU COULD PICK THE LOCATION OF JUNIOR NATIONAL, WHERE WOULD IT BE? Iowa, Texas, or Oklahoma. FAVORITE MAINE-ANJOU JUNIOR NATIONAL YOU ATTENDED AND WHY? The 2011 Maine-Anjou Junior National held in Spencer, Iowa was by far my favorite. We were able to camp with friends from our state which made it feel more relaxed and no one was stressed. Another reason 2011 was my favorite is because I exhibited the Grand Champion progress steer that year.
Tejlor Strope
School: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Region 2 FAVORITE QUOTE: “We are never defeated unless we give up on God.” – Ronald Regan
national that my dad was able to attend with our family. I will always treasure that week in Grand Island.
WHO IS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION? My grandpa is my biggest inspiration. He has a wealth of knowledge about cattle and life in general. He can outwork most anyone half his age. Best of all, I can always count on him being on the sidelines cheering me on.
WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR AFTER COLLEGE? I wish I had a great answer for this, but I don’t know. I am still trying to find my degree fit. I know I want to work in and support the agricultural industry. I just haven’t figured out in what capacity.
FAVORITE BOOK Ask me my favorite song instead? Anything Luke Bryan! IF YOU COULD PICK THE LOCATION OF JUNIOR NATIONAL, WHERE WOULD IT BE? Grand Island, Nebraska, of course! FAVORITE MAINE-ANJOU JUNIOR NATIONAL YOU ATTENDED AND WHY? Kansas City, Missouri in 2008 because all of my favorite breeds were together (Maine, Chi, and Shorthorn). I spent time with old friends from all three breeds and made new friends. Most memorably the Hill Family, who are now “old” friends from whom we bought my favorite Maine-Anjou heifer, Charlie. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR AFTER COLLEGE? I hope to get a job involving youth in agriculture. WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUNG MAINE-ANJOU EXHIBITORS: Do one thing outside of your comfort zone each day at junior national or any show. You may just discover something new you love or find a new best friend. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? Easy, the Novice Activity is so much fun. It’s great to see how excited the kids are to be there and help them build their interest in the Maine-Anjou breed.
Blakelee Hayes
School: Oklahoma State University Region 3 FAVORITE QUOTE: “Live like you were dying.” - Tim McGraw WHO IS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION? My biggest inspiration is my dad. He passed away in December 2018 after a two and half year battle with cancer. Even on his worst days he did everything he could to support my brother and I. He gave cancer his best fight and never gave up. FAVORITE BOOK My favorite book is The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares. IF YOU COULD PICK THE LOCATION OF JUNIOR NATIONAL, WHERE WOULD IT BE? If I could pick a location for the junior national it would be Grand Island, Neb. I have attended several junior nationals at this location and I like the layout of the facility as well as its proximity to various dining locations. It’s always very easy to travel about and get to where you’re going. FAVORITE MAINE-ANJOU JUNIOR NATIONAL YOU ATTENDED AND WHY? Grand Island, Neb., in 2018 is my favorite junior national. This was the last junior
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUNG MAINE-ANJOU EXHIBITORS: Don’t let fear keep you from doing great things. I spent several years being afraid to try new things and meet new friends. There is a sense of security when you stay in your box, but there is a bigger sense of freedom when you make yourself do the hard things. If I hadn’t stepped out my comfort zone, I would have never run for the junior board. Being part of the junior board has been one of the most rewarding decisions I have ever made. So, don’t be afraid to give that speech, meet a new friend or run for the board. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? My favorite activity of the junior national is showmanship. Regardless of the outcome, I really enjoy the fierce competition.
Cameron Luedtke
School: Midlothian High School Region 3 OCTOBER 2019
her division in both the owned and bred and owned shows. We also advanced from our heat in showmanship, which was her first time in any showring. My family and I were very proud of how she did, as she is the fourth generation from one of our cow families.
FAVORITE QUOTE: “No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” - Robin Williams WHO IS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION? Greg Allan Pruitt (My Ag Teacher) FAVORITE BOOK The Bible. IF YOU COULD PICK THE LOCATION OF JUNIOR NATIONAL, WHERE WOULD IT BE? Grand Island, Nebraska FAVORITE MAINE-ANJOU JUNIOR NATIONAL YOU ATTENDED AND WHY? Grand Island, because that was the location of my very first junior national and I have a lot of great memories from there. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR AFTER COLLEGE? The dream is to work for the Texas FFA Association, but also pursue a career as an insurance agent. WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUNG MAINE-ANJOU EXHIBITORS: Take advantage of every opportunity to get involved that you can. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? The novice activities because I love seeing the little ones get involved.
Adelyda Ebersole
School: Des Moines Area Community College Region: At-Large FAVORITE QUOTE: “Our words have power, but our actions shape our lives.” - Rachel Hollis, “Girl, Wash Your Face” WHO IS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION? I don’t tell them this enough, but my parents are the driving force behind everything I do. Everytime I have wanted to give up on something, they are the ones who remind me why I started. I would not be who I am today if they would not have pushed me to be my best. FAVORITE BOOK Girl, Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis. IF YOU COULD PICK THE LOCATION OF JUNIOR NATIONAL, WHERE WOULD IT BE? I would love to have a junior national at the new facility in Kansas City once it is finished or at the new facility in Denver. FAVORITE MAINE-ANJOU JUNIOR NATIONAL YOU ATTENDED AND WHY? To pick one junior national would be really difficult as I have made many memories throughout the nine years I have attended, although this past year was very special to me. My heifer (#BonnieTheShowCow) won
WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR AFTER COLLEGE? That is a very good question, and the answer is I don’t know yet. I will be earning a degree an Ag Education from Iowa State, so teaching Ag Ed is absolutely an option. With that being said, I think my degree will allow me to go anywhere. I am very passionate about teaching consumers and kids about the importance of agriculture and would love to find a career within that space. WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUNG MAINE-ANJOU EXHIBITORS: My advice is to stop overthinking. If there’s something you want to do, do it. The only one who can hold you back is yourself. Get involved with everything you can because it will go by faster than you thought, I promise. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? While I love getting to help with other contests and with the novice program, my personal favorite is Showmanship. Every year my goal is to do better than I did the year before.
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUNG MAINE-ANJOU EXHIBITORS: One piece of advice that I would give to young Maine-Anjou members is to try new things. Try to become a part of the board because it will teach you new things and let you meet new people you would have never met if you weren’t part of the board.
Cade Austin
School: Milton High School Region: At-Large
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? My favorite activity at junior national is helping the novice learn new things and do different activities everyday.
FAVORITE MAINE-ANJOU JUNIOR NATIONAL YOU ATTENDED AND WHY? Double Down is Des Moines because it was my first show being a member of the board. I learned a lot of new things and met many great people. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR AFTER COLLEGE? I plan to to major in Ag Business at Iowa State. It is hard to say what my plans are after college because I still have a couple years left in high school.
FAVORITE MAINE-ANJOU JUNIOR NATIONAL YOU ATTENDED AND WHY? My favorite junior national was in Grand Island, Nebraska in 2018. This was my favorite junior national because this was the year that I ran for the National Maine Board and it was a very eye opening experience due to finding out what it’s like to be on the board and meeting all of my fellow board members. I wouldn’t change that experience for anything. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR AFTER COLLEGE? I plan to get a degree in Agronomy from Iowa State University and become a seed dealer and salesman for a large company close to Pella, as well as manage our cattle/ crop operation at home.
FAVORITE QUOTE: “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
IF YOU COULD PICK THE LOCATION OF JUNIOR NATIONAL, WHERE WOULD IT BE? Madison, Wisconsin at Alliant Energy Center. It would be very close to home and it is a brand new facility.
Cade Van Vliet
School: Iowa State University Region: At-Large FAVORITE QUOTE: “The preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” - H. Jackson Brown WHO IS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION? My dad is my biggest inspiration because of everything he has taught me, in the cattle industry and in life. He has been my role model since I was little and I am so grateful to have him in my life.
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUNG MAINE-ANJOU EXHIBITORS: No matter your age or experience as an exhibitor, if you are interested in something whether that is a contest or wanting to be on the board, go for it. There is always room for improvement if you feel it didn’t go as well as you would have liked but it is always better to try something than wish you could go back and do it. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? My favorite activity is helping with the novice activities each day because no matter how hot it is and how physically drained everyone is, the kids will always put a smile on my face.
FAVORITE BOOK Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz
WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR AFTER COLLEGE? I am currently searching for a job focused in Ag Advocacy where I can hopefully work remotely part time from my family’s ranch in Southwest Kansas. As the fifth generation I plan to continue our cow/calf operation and carry on the family operation as well.
Madison Loschke
School: Kansas State University Region: At-Large FAVORITE QUOTE: “Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyways.” - John Wayne
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUNG MAINE-ANJOU EXHIBITORS: Don’t let fear hinder you from achieving your goals, always ask lots of questions, and never stop learning from others. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? Showmanship.
WHO IS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION? My biggest inspiration comes from my surroundings. The livestock I care for every day rely on me for their survival and thus inspire me to be the greatest caretaker of the land I can be.
FAVORITE MAINE-ANJOU JUNIOR NATIONAL YOU ATTENDED AND WHY? The 2017 junior national because it was in my home state of Kansas.
Cassidy Barker
School: Oklahoma State University Region: At-Large FAVORITE QUOTE: “Passion is what makes life interesting, what ignites our soul, fuels our love and carries our friendships, simulates our intellect, and pushes our limits.” – Pat Tillman WHO IS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION? My dad! His work ethic, positivity, and love for cattle have always been inspiring to me.
IF YOU COULD PICK THE LOCATION OF JUNIOR NATIONAL, WHERE WOULD IT BE? Grand Island. I’m not sure what it is I just always really enjoy junior nationals there. FAVORITE MAINE-ANJOU JUNIOR NATIONAL YOU ATTENDED AND WHY? This is hard because each one of my now ten junior nationals were a lot of fun and special for their own reasons. If I had to pick a favorite it would be 2013 in Grand Island because that is the year my cousin, who I also consider a best friend, Brooke Hayden had Reserve Grand MaineTainer and Grand Champion Chianina. Lots of memories were made that year! WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR AFTER COLLEGE? I am majoring in Agricultural Business with a minor in Animal Science so I hope to find a career within those degrees and hopefully involving the cattle industry. I plan to be always involved in the Maine-Anjou breed and to continue to attend junior nationals and other national shows.
FAVORITE BOOK Gone With The Wind IF YOU COULD PICK THE LOCATION OF JUNIOR NATIONAL, WHERE WOULD IT BE? Fort Worth, Texas, because I love the historic atmosphere.
FAVORITE BOOK Probably The Notebook. I really don’t know the last time I read a book though!
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUNG MAINE-ANJOU EXHIBITORS: Be involved in everything and talk to everyone! You never know what you might have a talent for or the impact the people around you could have on you!! WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? Quiz Bowl! It is one of the few activities where you can make a team with friends and compete together.
FAVORITE BOOK Heaven is for Real IF YOU COULD PICK THE LOCATION OF JUNIOR NATIONAL, WHERE WOULD IT BE? Grand Island, because there is no place like Nebraska!
Mattison Beattie School: SEM Public Schools AJMAA National Queen
FAVORITE QUOTE: “Dreams don’t work unless you do.” - John C. Maxwell WHO IS YOUR BIGGEST INSPIRATION? My biggest inspiration is my older sister Mekenzie Beattie. She has always been a great role model and I aspire to be as driven and successful as she is someday.
FAVORITE MAINE-ANJOU JUNIOR NATIONAL YOU ATTENDED AND WHY? My favorite Maine-Anjou junior national was this year in Des Moines because I met so many great people from all over and made relationships that will last a lifetime. I was also crowned the 2019 AJMAA Queen which was a huge accomplishment for me.
WHAT IS ONE PIECE OF ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE TO YOUNG MAINE-ANJOU EXHIBITORS: One thing I would advise the young MaineAnjou exhibitors is in order to be successful you must work for it and if you truly give it your all, something good will come out of it. AS QUEEN WHAT ARE YOURGOALS DURING YOUR TERM? My goal this year is to get the youth involved in activities that will allow them to interact with one another and also help educate them more about the Maine-Anjou breed and association.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ACTIVITY OF THE JUNIOR NATIONAL? My favorite activities of junior nationals are WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR showmanship and the fitting contest. AFTER COLLEGE? My goal after college is to become a veterinarian or an animal nutritionist.
Denison Acres Breeders of Quality Registered Maine-Anjou & MaineTainers Denny and Donna Denison P.O. Box 86 Keatchie, LA 71046 o: (318) 747-1400 c: (318) 453-6093 BREEDING, SHOW CATTLE & SEMEN AVAILABLE
Lakeside Farms The Randalls
Cliff Randall 318-386-5358
Purebred | MaineTainer | Maine Angus Black Bulls & Females For Sale Doug and Katie Roxburgh Ph: 403.350.2568 E: info@dunritestockandstables.com
Garlen, Jamie & Hunter 318-386-2919
c: 318-719-0560
CLAY KNOLL FARMS The Simpkins Family clayknollfarms@yahoo.com
Duane, Lisa & Sons 989-329-6141 989-578-0328
A building block to the future! Proven Performance, Production & Power! TH/PHA Free
Foundational • Commercial • Show Quality Cattle Everett - Mike - Steve Forkner 9282 E. Indian Line Rd. • Richards, MO 64778 www.trulinemaines.com • (877) 489-0570 • eforktlg@gmail.com
LAND & CATTLE Mark, Lisa, Nick & Megan Beauprez
TLM Depth Charge 675D
Private Treaty Sales
BEAUPREZ Mark (303) 378-0718 Nick (303) 880-7827
Gary & Janette h: 989-426-8185 c: 989-329-4668
128 Rockin LV LN Fort Benton, MT 59442 Mike O’Hara — (406) 734-5434 Heath O’Hara — (406) 734-5443 Hardy O’Hara — (406) 734-5252 www.oharalandandcattle.com
N. DAKOTA Black, Polled, Purebred & Percentage Maine-Anjou
Gene & Danette Loder 13408 90th St. S.W. • Scranton, ND 58653 (701) 275-6227 — home • (701) 206-0721 — cell lodercc@ndsupernet.com
Cell | 405.823.2972 Res. | 405.387.3236 Fax | 405.387.2965 1748 South Portland Newcastle, OK 73065 “Your sale is my main concern”
RON KREIS Auctioneer
(740) 683-3235 • RTKREIS93@GMAIL.COM 2005 World Champion Livestock Auctioneer Specializing in purebred and general livestock auctions
BILL SHERIDAN Auctioneer (517) 676-9800 740 S. Cedar St. Mason, MI 48854
Worthy of Your Confidence Miles & Kim DeJong 31842 DeJong Rd. Kennebec, SD 57544 (605) 869-2329 (605) 222-1292 - Miles cell www.dejongranch.com Visitors welcome! Please no Sunday business
518 Brownstone Dr.
Blane & Cindy Landon, Shayna, Chesney, Cheylee & Shalayne 31164 E. R.S. Rd. - Springfield, SD 57062 Blane 605.464.1187 (c) 605.369.2628 (h) nagelcattle@excite.com - www.nagelcattle.com
JAN. 17 - FEB. 8
NOVEMBER 15, 2019
Call or click for official entry applications, premium lists, rodeo tickets and other information.
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BEST OF THE WEST RANCH RODEO JAN. 17 & 18, 7:30 pm A part of Ranching Heritage Weekend presented by Western Horseman ®
BEST OF MEXICO CELEBRACIÓN JAN. 19, 7:30 pm presented by Telemundo 39 & La Grande 107.5
COWBOYS OF COLOR INVITATIONAL RODEO JAN. 20, 2 pm presented by Telemundo 39
BULLS’ NIGHT OUT PRCA EXTREME BULL RIDING JAN. 21 & 22, 7:30 pm presented by PlainsCapital Bank®
FEB. 2
maine-anjou show
Open Purebred, Fullblood & Mainetainer Divisions
HOTEL FUNDRAISER The AJMAA is selling raffle tickets for a week’s stay at the 2020 National Junior Heifer Show in Lima, Ohio. The GRAND PRIZE winner will receive: - 7 night hotel stay (at the hotel headquarters) - $100 CASH - 1 Animal entry for the show
Tickets are $100 and only 50 TICKETS will be sold!!! Contact any junior board member or the AMAA office to buy your tickets today! Winner will be announced via Facebook live in December of 2019!
QUESTIONS? Lindsey (605) 351-6669 Lindsey@amaapc.com
EMBRYO TRANSFER • IN VITRO FERTILIZATION • SEXED SEMEN • RECIPIENT OPTIONS • FRESH SHIP PROGRAM • CLONING & GENETIC PRESERVATION • WEANED CALF PROGRAM With our toolbox of reproductive technologies, exceptional team of professionals, and more than 30 years of experience, it’s no wonder we’ve become the industry leader. Our real job however - is creating future leaders in cattle operations across the United States. Whether it’s advancing and extending superior genetics or empowering the next generation of livestock producers, we’re here to help you Multiply Success. OCTOBER 2019
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Voice Editor/DIrectof of Shows, Communications & Youth P: 816.868.9954 | E: lindsey@amaapc.com
We know technology and we know Maine Anjou cattle.
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INDEX/DATELINE INDEX of ADVERTISERS Beauprez Land & Cattle Bessler, James Blind Badger Ranch Bonham, Steve Buck, Jirl Cattle Visions Clay Knoll Farm DeJong Ranch Denison Acres Eastview Maines EDJE Technologies Fort Worth Stock Show Griswold, John Jones Show Cattle Kreis, Ron Loder Cattle Company McElroy, H.W. Mid-Continent Farm National Western Stock Show O’Hara Land & Cattle Par V Cattle Company Randall, Cliff Redgate Cattle Co. Secondino, Jami SEK Genetics Sheridan, Bill Sullivan Farm The Maine Exchange Truline Maines Walton, Darby Wendt, Kevin Willow Springs Cattle Co. Wilson, Shawn Winegardner Show Cattle
38 39 IBC 39 IFC 47 38 38 38 38 44 40 3 9 38 38 4 1 40 38 46 38 39 39 10 39 5 7 11 39 39 BC 38 48
DATELINE Mid Continent Farms Steer Sale October 12, Washington, Kan. Sullivan Farms, Maternal Legends Sale October 13, Dunlap, Iowa Buck Cattle Company 25 Fall Premier October 19, Madill, Okla American Royal October 25, Kansas City, Mo. Jones Show Cattle High Standards Female Sale November 2, Harrod, Ohio Winegardner Harvest of Excellence November 2, Harrod, Ohio FWSS Entry Deadline November 15, Fort Worth, Texas Bright Lights Entry Deadline November 15, Platte City, Mo. NAILE Junior Show November 16, Louisville, Ky. NAILE Annual Meeting & Social November 17, Louisville, Ky. NAILE National Maine-Anjou Show November 18, Louisville, Ky. NWSS Entry Deadline November 20, Denver, Colo. Truline Maines Private Treaty Sale November 29, Richards, Mo. Mid Continent Farms Female Sale November 30, Washington, Kan. Griswold Cattle Company NWSS Pen-of-Three Evaluation January 15, Denver, Colo. NWSS Pen-of-Three Show January 17, Denver, Colo. NWSS Bright Lights Sale January 18, Denver, Colo. NWSS Hill Show January 19, Denver, Colo. Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo February 2, Fort Worth, Texas Junior National Entry Deadline May 1, Platte City, Mo. National Junior Heifer Show June 28 - July 4, Lima, Ohio
IMPORTANT DNA/TESTING INFORMATION AgriGenomics, Inc., a genetic testing lab in Mansfield, Ill., will be closing its doors on September 30, 2019. Results from testing completed with AgriGenomics will still be accepted. However, we will no longer have access to the samples. If you would like any samples at AgriGenomics sent to the AMAA to be stored for future testing, please contact Paige Jones at 816-431-9950 or paige@amaapc.com. Please include the barcode/case number of the sample and the registration number of the animal when requesting via e-mail. OCTOBER 2019
Bids due by 5 p.m., Saturday, October 12, 2019 Cattle available for viewing anytime!
Offering Maine-Anjou, MaineTainer, Chianina and several Dual Registered MaineTainer and Chi heifers.
PRV MS STAR 2085Z - I 80 X 902R - Several Daughters Sell -
CHAMPION MAINE-ANJOU SIOUX EMPIRE FARM SHOW & SD STATE FAIR 4-H SHOW 2019 Sired by PRV Middle Management & Shown by Cody Larson Sold in 2018 sale
PAR 5 Cattle Co., Chuck Ringkob 43225 115th Street, Lake City, SD (605) 470-0010
2019 GRAND CHAMPION CHIANINA BULL - NJHS PRV Double Down 6240D x BPF Princess 300A (Monopoly x 701P) Full sib, dual registered MaineTainer & Chi heifer sells!
PRV MS EVENING STAR 7295E NAGE Ante Up 95C x PRV Ms Star 205Z Division Champion 2019 American Royal Full sisters selling!
While in the area be sure to check out the Becking Farms and Skoglund Cattle Company sales.
BNWZ Jose HAA Target − Purebred
Maternal Made BPF Mercedes Benz − 50% Maine-Anjou
BK Ferris 35F BOE Epic - 3/4 Maine-Anjou
Memphis Mafia I-80 - 3/4 Maine-Anjou
May We All Daddy’s Money - 1/2 Maine-Anjou
All That Matters MINN Hard Whiskey − PB Maine-Anjou
No Worries GOET I-80 − 3/4 Maine-Anjou
MINN Hybrid Silveiras Style − 3/8 Maine-Anjou
BPF Comfort Zone Mercedes Benz − Purebred
Bourbon Street No Worries − Purebred
Summit − 3/8 Maine-Anjou
DCC Hard Drive 138R − Purebred
GOET I-80 − 3/4 Maine-Anjou
Daddy’s Money − PB
I-67 I-80 − 50% Maine-Anjou
Simplify BSC Simplicity − PB Maine-Anjou
RRRC SPORTY MONEY 402B RBT Sport Illustrated 33 − Purebred
Family Money Daddy’s Money − 3/4 Maine-Anjou
BBR Denver BBBN X - PB Maine-Anjou
Black Power Play I Believe - 1/2 Maine-Anjou
ML MVP 23E Maternal Made − 5/8 Maine-Anjou
TLM Edge TLM Passion − Purebred
NAGE Ante Up GVC Suh − Purebred
Rum Chatta Irishman − MaineTainer
BFJV Margin - Irish Whiskey X Broker
SAK Burwell 181e SAK Summit - 3/8 Maine-Anjou
Cowan’s Kingmaker I-80 - PB Maine-Anjou
Class On Class Daddy’s Money - 3/4 Maine-Anjou
State of Mind Comfort Zone - 1/2 Maine-Anjou
EVFM Night Train HAA Wisdom - Purebred
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Blind Badger Ranch 3584 Road 22 Fort Morgan, Colorado 80701 Owners Bud Gamel and Jim, Taylor, and Tori Hett
Barn Phone: (970) 483-5126 Ranch Manager: Brian Fox (970) 313-7224 Farm Manager: Mike Hansen (970) 768-2992
We welcome you and your family to our Ranch on October 12, 2019 for our open house for “The Investment” sale.
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THE INVESTMENT online production sale
Bring your family & friends and inspect the cattle. We look forward to visiting with you and making the show season a memorable one.