October 2017
Jerry, June, Jay & Judd Gibson Decatur, Texas - Roxton, Texas 214-801-3000 4Jfamilypartnership.com
Family Partnership
Sire: FRT Fire Cracker Dam: Cornerstone Kambray Two-time Grand Champion Fullblood Bull Fort Worth Stock Show
Grand Champion Steer 2017 National Junior Simmental Show Congratulations Vohs Family - National Champion 3 out of the last 4 years
2016 Colorado State Fair Grand Champion Steer Congratulations Frye Family & Goertzen
2016 Simmental Junior National Champion Percentage Female Many time Champion % Simmental & Supreme Heifer Congratulations Nikkel & Evans Families
Grand Champion Steer 2017 National Junior Simmental Show Congratulations Vohs Family National Champion 3 out of the last 4 years
Grand Champion Steer Wisconsin State FULL SIB BROTHER SELLS Congratulations to Wiedel, McDaniel and May families
Supreme Female Tenn. Agribition Champion % Simmental Congratulations Meier Family Sired by Big Deal
Supreme Female and CH Charolais 2015 Kansas State Fair Supreme Sr. Female 2015 Kansas Beef Expo Congratulations Hodges & Evans Families
Grand Champion Steer - Kansas Junior Livestock Show Congratulations Ratliff Family
Supreme Champion Both Rings Kansas AGR 8 Times Shown - 7 time Supreme or Reserve Supreme Congratulations Nikkel, Walker, and Walthal Families We are excited for her progeny here in the future Sired by Big Deal
Grand Champion Steer - 2014 Kansas Junior Livestock Show Congratulations Werth Family
5th Overall Female & Champion Charolais 2016 Kansas State Fair Congratulations Nikkel Family, Brown Family, Evans Family and Lampe Family
Bred cows for sale this fall.
Owned with
RBT SPORT ILLUSTRATED 33 X BSMA HEATHER 402P │ PB Maine-Anjou CED: 13 BW: -3.0 WW: 38 YW: 50 M: 20 M&G: 39 MCE: 8 Proven low birth weight and safe for heifers. First calves dominated calf classes at the Missouri State Fair
Rick, Rosemary & Rachael Carlson 3702 S.W. 224th :: Plattsburg, MO 64477 Rick Cell - 816-560-3533│Rosemary Cell 816-589-0045 rickc014@centurytel.net www.carlsonmaineanjou.com
Semen available through Cattle Visions
12.16.17 Day in and day out we will keep working, striving, and driving the miles to bring you the best genetics we can find and raise. Our goal is for you to be successful! We are committed to the industry and people that we feel are second to none! We’ve got one heck of a set and we can’t wait to see you in Stillwater this December!
GRISWOLD CATTLE Broker x GCC Z450 (Irish Whiskey x 1829) (full sister to Cerveza)
Whizard x OCC Purpose
Irish Whiskey x 461P
Broker x 1829 (Cerveza’s dam)
First Class x Missing Link
We are redoing our mail list! If you have purchased from Griswold Cattle in the past five years you will get a catalog. If you have not purchased from us and would like a catalog let us know, we will be happy to send one your way! John Griswold: 405-780-3300 Josh Taylor: 918-605-5139 Greg Griswold: 405-780-0100 Craig Sand: 405-564-4319
75% Maine-Anjou sired by BK Xikes
Maine-Angus sired by BK Xikes X59
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2017 1:00 p.m., at the Ranch, Madill, Oklahoma
Selling Maine/MaineTainer, Horned/Polled Hereford, Charolais, Angus & Chianina.
Purebred Charolais sired by Outsider
Horned Hereford sired by Mighty out of Kool Aid Points
75% Maine-Anjou sired by BK Xikes X59
Purebred Maine-Anjou sired by All That Matters
All Buck cattle are fed MFM Feeds & Sure Champ. Talk to us about their advantages.
Madill, OK 73446 580.795.4865 mobile www.buckcattle.com jirl@buckcattle.com Matt Scasta, 580.220.7288 OCTOBER 2017
The American Maine-Anjou Association publishes the Maine-Anjou Voice. Copyright Š2007 by American Maine-Anjou Association. All rights reserved. None of the contents of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.
volume 27/number 6
SUBSCRIPTIONS Non-Member - $20 Canada - $35 First Class - $45 Foreign - $50
FULL PAGE 8.125 X 10.75 0.125 bleed
1/4 PAGE 3.2 X 3.75
Photo taken by Josh Cribbs at Nagel Cattle Co., Springfield, S.D.
INSIDE 8 10 14 16 18 21 28 37
Headquarters by Blake Nelson Commercial Connection by Josh Cribbs 2018 Bright Lights Entry Form The Cycle: Mid-Gestation by Wes Klett Announcements Junior Update by Mikala Denney Using Data and Research Studies to Make Informed Decisions Index/Dateline
Produced by Maine-Anjou Voice, Platte City, MO • 816-858-9954
January/February March/April May/June/July August/September October November/December
Deadline: December 1 Deadline: February 1 Deadline: April 1 Deadline: July 1 Deadline: September 1 Deadline: October 1
PAST DUE ACCOUNTS Payment is expected in 30 days. Accounts past due will be charged a 1.5% interest penalty per month.
Copy Changes Changes to advertising copy, if made after deadline, will be made only if time permits and will incur the appropriate charges for time and materials involved in the change.
Advertising Content The Maine-Anjou Voice reserves the right to refuse any advertising copy at its sole discretion. The Voice assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of the advertising content as submitted or approved, including pedigrees, statements regarding performance or photos from outside parties. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Voice for any claims concerning advertising content as submitted or approved. Content received after deadline will be sent to the advertiser for review as time allows. The Voice is not responsible for errors in advertisements where content is received past deadline. Lindsey Broek, Editor/Director of Communications
TESTED - TRUSTED - PROVEN Everett - Steve - Mike Forkner
9282 E. Indian Line Rd.• Richards, MO 64778 (417) 484-3306 • (877) 489-0570 • (417) 549-0666 www.trulinemaines.com • eforktlg@gmail.com
Thanksgiving weekend for our open house and to view the cattle. We’re excited to offer another STOUT set of cattle! We will have bred heifers, open heifers and bull calves available!
Cattle for sale at the farm private treaty.
7 3.4 69 95 18 52 4
TLM Dynasty 621D
TLM Miss SI 604D
Sire: RRRC Allstar 612A Dam: TLM Miss 469B 3/4 Maine-Anjou - Polled - Black - Reg. # 471484 Reserve Division 2017 Missouri State Fair Open Show
Sire: RBT Sport Illustrated 33 Dam: TLM Miss Sooner 864U PB Maine-Anjou - Polled - Black - Reg. # 469764 Reserve Division 2017 Missouri State Fair Jr. Show
14 -2.4 39 52 27 46 8
TLM Miss SI 661D
TLM Miss 602D
Sire: RBT Sport Illustrated 33 Dam: TLM Miss M263Z 3/4 Maine-Anjou - Polled - Black - Reg. # 471583 Reserve Division 2017 Missouri State Fair Jr. Show
Sire: RBT Sport Illustrated 33 Dam: TLM Miss Sooner 864U PB Maine-Anjou - Polled - Black - Reg. # 469764
10 1.4 52 74 17 43 6
10 1.4 52 74 17 43 6
American Maine-Anjou Association (AMAA) Mission Statement The AMAA will promote Maine-Anjou genetics that provide superior, value added performance, docility and carcass excellence for the beef industry, while also providing expanded membership services for adult and junior members. by Blake Nelson, executive vice president
Current EPD Profile (Active) MaineTainer Sires MaineTainer Dams Maine-Anjou Sires Maine-Anjou Dams
CE 6.8 7.0 6.8 6.9
BW 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0
WW 42.1 43.3 45.1 46
YW 54.2 56.1 58 59.3
MCE 0.8 1.2 2.0 2.1
MM 16.4 16.8 18.7 18.6
MWW 37.3 38.3 41.1 41.5
CW 4.6 5.7 7.3 8.2
FT -0.06 -0.07 -0.05 -0.05
REA 0.35 0.38 0.31 0.30
MARB 0.00 0.00 -0.04 -0.03
%RT 0.61 0.67 0.53 0.50
by Blake Nelson, executive vice president Greetings, After a very busy but successful state fair run fall is quickly approaching. I look forward to this sale season and seeing many of you in my travels. The demand for Maine genetics continues to grow and I believe the sales will reflect this. Promotion and marketing of our breed is essential to our future and promoting our product is key. I believe that we have to educate the industry on what we have to offer today. Unfortunately, there is still a large number of the commercial sector that think of us as a show driven breed only and we have production concerns like calving ease and longevity. I think we all have to communicate to every segment that the cattle 8
have changed. Birthing issues have been addressed the cattle are more moderate and versatile than they were in the past. Some may say that many breeds can provide this and that is true, but Maine Anjou can also inject muscle, docility, efficiency and still keep frame and maturity under control. Developing your marketing program is essential to succeed in this increasingly competitive sales environment that we see today. Some things to consider and ask yourself before you get going and investing dollars: Mass vs targeted, personal vs non-personal, quick vs slow, one way interaction vs two way, cost vs expsoure? These are just a few things to get started. What are some avenues of
promotion and marketing our product? I believe that there is no replacement for personal contact. In this day and age when it feels that you have to send out a text or e-mail just to let the household know that it is “dinner time”, calling a potential customer or making a farm visit can be refreshing and very effective. In agriculture most producers appreciate eye to eye conversation. This may even have more value today than it did for past generations because direct communication has decreased in society. Some great opportunities to make these contacts can be at conventions, cattlemen’s meetings, the local stockyards or coffee shop just to name a few. Another great
thing about personal contact is you have immediate two way interaction with the potential customer, your conversation or promotional items may prompt questions and instant interest. If you believe in what your MaineAnjou cattle have to offer then get out and tell people about them, there is no replacement for your own convictions and faith in what you are producing! One avenue that we often use is print advertising. Targeted magazine ads can be extremely effective, especially when trying to market to a specific audience. Consistency within a specific magazine builds brand recognition and familiarity with your program. This can not only spark interest but also let the customer feel more acquainted with your product. The Voice and other industry magazines are great avenues to consider. Regional publications and your local newspaper can be very cost effective especially when you are marketing bulls or replacement females. Ultimately you have to honestly assess your cattle and decide if they should be promoted for a local market or if they have the attributes to attract customers from a larger audience. Social media is the hottest venue and must be seriously considered as a marketing source. The speed of communicating through social media has changed our world. Whether it is for the better or not that is for you to decide, but
without a doubt it is here and for real. Utilizing social media is extremely quick, cost effective and can reach a large population mass. Today’s society thrives on having everything at their fingertips and cattlemen are no different. E-mail blasts are a great way to send a specific message to a targeted group, our goal is to promote action by the customer. The AMAA offers these e-blast services, so please contact Lindsey and she will be glad to assist you. Utilizing search engines can expose a large mass of folks to your product through the use of analytics and key words. Just about every major search engine (ex. Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.) offers these services and they are typically user friendly in setting them up. The use of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, just to name a few, can be very potent and give you instant contact with a big group. This is one of the most cost effective venues to promote your product and it can still have a personal touch to certain generations. I would encourage you to look into this option, if you are not comfortable I bet your kids or grandkids will lend a hand. A weekly promotion of your bulls, matriarch cows or sale cattle can all be great topics to showcase in these posts. Does it reach them? Is it credible? Does it create interest? These are some of the questions
that I have heard about the use of social media, what is the answer? I don’t know, but if it increases your sales and ultimately your bottom line it is working. Ultimately, I call on you to promote our cattle. It takes all of us to tell our story and reach both current and potential customers. The AMAA will be happy to help you with any questions on any of these topics you may have so please contact us, we are here to help you. Just a reminder, when sorting your spring born calves please consider some of the AMAA sponsored options in marketing them: Maine Max Feedout Challenge, Maine Max Bull Test & Sale and the Bright Lights Sale in Denver. If you have any interest or questions regarding these programs please contact myself or Josh. Best Regards, Blake MAINE-ANJOU Vision, Vigor, Value!
by Josh Cribbs, commercial development director
ommercial Connection
Selling Maine Angus and Believing In Its Benefits
The new Maine Angus program is showcasing immediate benefits and usefulness in the showring, and it will only continue to gain traction in that area of our breed. But what does this mean for the commercial sector? How can we better suit ourselves for the commercial bull buyers? I believe, as Maine breeders, we can all see the benefit of injecting Angus cattle into our herds. Some of you have already seen these benefits and have been capitalizing on them for years. The difference is now that we can see the benefits genetically, when we look at the genetic predictors of hybrid cattle on paper; we can promote that to commercial cattlemen. We should gain an instant advantage from a marbling perspective. I think the benefits are obvious for us, but let’s not forget we are bringing advantages to the table as well! We should inject muscle and we 10 OCTOBER 2017
will be able to keep cattle quieter and more efficient at the bunk. The bigger question is how do we get commercial Angus breeders to utilize Maine bulls in their operations. How do we sell it so as to show that they aren’t just passing up on a benefit, but they are missing out on how Maine cattle can make their sellable calves better? I believe that it is important to continue to build our genetic predictors and strengthen our predictability; however, we also need to supply a product that can achieve maximum genetic value when inserted into an Angus cowherd. It is probably no surprise, to you as breeders, that heterosis or more commonly known as hybrid vigor, can be achieved when two breeds are crossed. Increased cow longevity, added milking ability, and strengthened fertility come with this type of breeding system.
We have seen all these benefits with the MaineTainer cattle that have gained popularity for our breed over the past years. And there is no question Maine Angus based MaineTainer cattle should prove to see the same benefits plus some. In order for us to have a significant impact for commercial breeders though, we must supply a product that can create a true hybrid. The impact of heterosis is only strengthened when the cattle in the cross breeding system are as different as possible. When most think of a hybrid seedstock, commercial men think of two purebred cattle of different breeds being used to make a composite calf that can maximize value and increase returns. It can lead to production advantages over and above average of the parent lines and when making Maine Angus it should keep hide color black and carcass feeder calf value
high. That being said, as Maine breeders we must focus on making more high and purebred cattle to compliment a true crossbreeding system. In a recent discussion with a commercial producer that has used Maine cattle for over 5 decades, he made the statement that Maine breeders need to be actively searching out the next performance driven high Maine bull. One that he can buy sire groups out of because he doesn’t see the return from percentage bulls that he does when using highs.
From a carcass standpoint, we can certainly understand the immediate benefits to muscle and yield grade. Maternal benefits are often overlooked though. We know that Maine cattle have a docility benefit and from a feeding perspective it will make a major difference for quieter cattle to gain weight at the bunk. It’s imperative going forward that we understand how to sell our advantages and take an active role in making sure the commercial sector looks into Maine cattle as a viable resource. We must convince them to use the cattle and bring to light the success
stories that we know already exist and are sure to continue surfacing as time progresses forward.
OCTOBER 2017 11
Find us on Facebook!
BPF Common Ground
DCC Hard Drive X TJSC Lucky Lady THF/PHAF • 449299
Reimann Firewater X Net Worth/Frosty THF/PHAC
9525 70th Rd. • Galesburg, Kan. p: (800) 443-6389 • f: (620) 763-2231 sekgenetics.com
Cowan’s Ali 4M X BPF Miley 80T THF/PHAF • 400082
Daddy’s Money
GOET I-80 X JSC Velvet 112W THF/PHAF • 427013
MINN Hard Whiskey
DCC Hard Drive 138R X JSC Katie 5S THF/PHAF • 418906
Comfort Zone
BPF Mercedes Benz X NBH Five Star 902R THF/PHAF • 426594
BPF Classic
DCC Hard Drive X JJN Sierra 129M THF/PHAF • 393928
KJSC Real Deal
Monopoly X KJSC Kyro 19M THC/PHAF • P472927
12 OCTOBER 2017
No Worries
GOET I-80 X Sarah Donor THF/PHAF • 435803
Mercedes Benz
Cowan’s Ali 4M X DCC Mercedes 701P THF/PHAF • 386737
Double Shot
Hard Whiskey X Hara’s Miss Whiskey 8T
THF/PHAF • 458465
Family Money
Daddy’s Money X Bremer 035 THF/PHAF • 471438
Ali 2
Polled Energizer X FJH Countess 115H
THF/PHAF • 416818
Remember The Name
Irish Whiskey X White Lightening
The Messenger
Cowan’s Ali X Frye Miss Sandman THF/PHAF • 384214
Dirty Harry 2
Cowan’s Ali 4M X GEF Naughty Business THF/PHAF • 414998
AUT Jupiter
Liquid Courage X Sooner X Angus PHAC
BPF Classic X BPF Princess 192T THF/PHAF • 450458
Join us on November 4th for our annual High Standards Female Sale, at 5:30 p.m. - at the place. Please contact a representative to request a catalog!
HARROD,OHIO Troy Jones 419-230-8675 Randy Jones 419-230-8734 Tyler Humphrey 419-230-3450 Todd Herman 918-605-5137 Nick Hulsmeyer 937-538-7126
OCTOBER 2017 13
BrightMaine-Anjou Lights Sale Entry Deadline: Nov. 15, 2017 Saturday, Jan. 13, 2018, 3 p.m. MST 204 Marshall Rd. P.O. Box 1100 - Platte City, MO 64079 Blake Nelson, blake@AMAAPC.com, (816) 431-9950 Josh Cribbs, josh@amaapc.com, (813) 967-6949 14 OCTOBER 2017
2018 Bright Lights Maine-Anjou Bull & Female Sale 3 p.m. Saturday, January 13 • Entry Deadline: November 15 Rules, Regulations and PRoceduRes
• Eligibility: Active AMAA adult and junior members are eligible to consign to this sale. • Fees: An official entry form, original registration number and proper fees due at printed deadline time. $100 of the $250 entry fee will be applied to sale commission which will be on a sliding scale with a maximum of 12%. For consignments that go through the sale, the $60 NWSS yard charges will be deducted from your sale settlement. Sales commission will apply to any total “No Sale” prices. Entry fees are non-refundable. • Health Certificate: An individual health certificate must accompany every consignment, made in quadruplicate and leaving blank the consignee and destination spaces. Each animal must meet the health regulations set by the state of Colorado for interstate shipment. • Substitutions: $50 per head. • Payment: All AMAA past due accounts will be deducted from consignor prior to payment. • Data: Scrotal circumference, WDA and ultrasound data will be made available on every sale bull. • Entries: REMINDER entries no longer have to be sired by a Maine-Anjou bull as long as they still meet all other standing requirements. • Hair Samples: For purposes of parent verification. (At the discretion of AMAA) • Veterinary Service: Will aid at check-in. Consignments suspected of unethical practices will be disqualified. • Semen Test: Every bull 14 months or older at the time of the sale must have a satisfactory semen evaluation. A semen evaluation certificate must accompany the health certificate.
Noteworthy Items & Procedures • Sale order and screening process. - A three man committee will screen all bulls. - EPDs will be provided to the screening committee to be used at their discretion. - Each committee member will be evaluating structural and phenotypic design. - Accumulated points will be used in the process to determine sale order. - The following minimums must be met to be eligible for sale order: • WDA at a minimum of 2.5 lbs. • Scrotal minimum of 28 c.m. on bulls under a year of age and 30 c.m. over a year of age. • The number of bulls sold will not be set at a certain number. • Bulls that accumulate a low point total may be screened from the sale. Entry fees of screened bulls are non-refundable. • Screened bulls will be charged a $60 yard fee to be paid by consignor to the NWSS. • ONly PHA and TH FREE consignments will be sold. • Steve Bonham, Oklahoma, will be the auctioneer. **NEW THIS yEAR: Entry forms are now available online!**
The AMAA would like to encourage every consignor to get both a good picture and video. The AMAA will be posting all videos and photos on the AMAA website and social media pages.
oFFicial entRY FoRM │ entRY deadline: nov. 15, 2017 Owner: __________________________________________________________ AMAA Number: ___________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________________________
State: _____________ Zip Code: ____________
Telephone: ________________________________________________________
Social Security: ____________________________
Animal Name
Birth Wt.
If you wish to submit a short footnote for your entries, please do so on a separate page. Also, if you have a good photo, please submit. Usability will be at the discretion of the AMAA staff. I am a member of the AMAA and I certify that these consignments are in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the Bright Lights Maine-Anjou Bull and Female Sale. I will not hold the AMAA responsible for any loss or injury to any animals, persons or articles and realize that the AMAA and the National Western are acting only as sponsors for this sale and assume no liability for any accidents, which may occur. I further stipulate that I will make my cattle available for veterinary examinations to check compliance with the sale rules and will not hold the sponsors liable in any
Weaning Wt.
Date Weighed
lab# Status
lab Used
case for enforcement of the rules. Consignments consigned to the National Western AMAA Bright Lights Sale are free of liens and/or mortgages. Signature:______________________________________________________ Total entry fee ($250 per head) _____x $250 =__________________ Send forms, fees and original certificates or applications to: American Maine-Anjou Association 204 Marshall Rd.│ P.O. Box 1100 • Platte City, MO 64079-1100
OCTOBER 2017 15
Article submitted by Anipro/Xtraformance Feeds. Anipro/Xtraformance Feeds has been providing high quality supplementation in multiple forms, professionally serviced by our sales staff and dealers for 24 years.
In my continuing discussion of The Cycle, it is time to turn our attention and focus to the MidGestation Period. As mentioned in the previous articles, there are specific physiological stages a cow progresses through during the year and certain opportunities and goals we need her to navigate to ensure productivity is optimized. The previous two periods (Calving, post calving and maintaining lactation) have to do with getting the current calf born and raised to ensure this season’s profitability opportunity. This third stage called Mid-Gestation, however, is about looking to the future. While we will wean a calf during this period, thereby closing the current calf crop cycle, our focus for the cow now must be to sustain fetal development of this new calf while helping the cow catch up nutritionally to ensure successful calving sometime in the next 5-7 months for the calf which we will wean in the Fall of 2018. Additionally, ensuring proper body condition is achieved prior to 16 OCTOBER 2017
calving will give us our best chance to get this cow rebred for the calf we will wean in the Fall of 2019. I will come back to this discussion shortly. Because of reduced calf demand, we are able to utilize mature forages or crop residues (stalks, hay aftermath, etc.) to increase cow weight, flesh and body condition before entering the last stage of production which we will discuss in the next article. Adding critical body condition now is optimal because there are plenty of days between now and calving so that the daily requirements for gain are smaller. However, if we cheat the cow nutritionally and don’t take advantage of our opportunities during this period, then our average daily gains must increase as we get closer to the pre-calving period to achieve the body condition necessary for successful calving and breed back in the future. Body condition at calving has been shown through research to be critical in determining
the cow’s ability to breed back. Cows in a body condition of 4 at calving only have a 65% chance of demonstrating estrous in 90 days after calving, while a body condition of 5 results in a 92% chance. Getting the cow bred in 90 days ensures a calf every 12 months and when achieved across the herd, assures a uniform set of calves at weaning which will be more attractive to potential buyers. As I discussed in previous articles, understanding nutrient partitioning helps us understand the importance of keeping nutrition and supplementation going during this low nutrient requirement period. As a review, 60% of a cow’s daily intake goes to maintenance. Once this physiological condition is met, nutrients are allocated to weight gain and body condition development. After these 3 “buckets” are nutritionally filled, nutrition is used for lactation and reproduction. Since the calf has been, or will be weaned during this period, therefore ending
the lactation cycle, and also considering the fact that the cow is now bred, all nutrition during this Mid-Gestation phase reverts to increasing body condition and weight gain to enable us to achieve the conception rates we will desire next spring. From a nutritional standpoint, ensuring adequate supplemental protein to assist with fiber digestibility is important to allow the proper rate of passage of feed through the digestive system to be achieved. These high fiber diets of crop residue and/or over-cured forages, stress the rumen microbial population and supplemental nitrogen stimulates not only their activity but their population growth to assist in the digestibility of the high fiber feedstuffs. Macro and trace minerals also assist with digestibility, but primarily they ensure the successful balance of the diet, especially considering the low nutritional value of these types of forages. This supplementation can come from a liquid, tub or dry mineral, but the inclusion of
supplemental protein and minerals at this time is a necessity to optimize our future objectives of profitability. Getting back to my earlier comment, nutrition decisions made now which affect the cow’s body condition and ability to breed back in the Spring of 2018, will produce the calf that will be weaned and generate revenue for us in the Fall of 2019. None of us know what the price of calves will be at that time. I had these same discussions in the Fall of 2012 when we were in a similar price position as we are today. Like today, we had no idea what weaned calves would be worth in two years in the Fall of 2014. Of course, we now know that was the period of highest calf prices in history. Those producers who made a priority of good supplementation practices during the cow’s dry period in 2012 and 2013 which achieved a body condition of 5 to aid in breed back later in 2013, were the ones who capitalized on higher calf prices with more calves.
Finally, we should not forget the nutrition of the calf we are about to wean or just have weaned. Many will choose to wean and sell straight off the cow. In this scenario, it is important that this calf has had good supplementation alongside the cow to ensure they are in a plane of nutrition where the purchaser of the calf has his chance at profitability. This will keep them coming back to buy your calves again in the future. Others will choose to wean and background the calf for 30-60 days. If you possess the facilities to do this, there are great opportunities to achieve additional profitability. Video sales from this past summer in the Western US revealed an approximate premium of $8/cwt for calves that had been vaccinated and straightened out. In the next issue, we will discuss the lead-up to calving and winter supplementation.
OCTOBER 2017 17
online registering
In order to register online you must have a member number and password. If you have forgotten your login information or need access to Digital Beef, please contact AMAA staff via e-mail or by phone. Registrations are completed and mailed in the order they are received. If you wish to place a rush on your registration work you must contact the AMAA to request a rush or Fed Ex.
Helpful tips when registering
To avoid delays in your registration work during our busy season, please follow the tips below: Double check that all blanks and information are correct and complete before mailing or submitting online. Things most commonly missed are: o Missing herd prefix and herd ID o Birthdates o Date of sale o Name of animal o Payment Make sure the person that is registering owns the dam with exception of ET calves. If ET, make sure the donor dam has been DNA, PHA & TH tested and that we have the results on file. When registering please know that when validate is selected to check your registration for errors it is sent to AMAA staff as well. If you do not wish to register the animal you are entering please make sure to let us know, otherwise the work will be completed and charged for. If you are checking on work please e-mail us at maine@kc.rr.com. When calling or e-mailing please have the name and breeder number of the person submitting the work. When registering annual active dams for performance only animals please submit them online if you have the capabilities. This will help the registrar processing tremendously. Rush work is processed ahead of regular work that is received in our office and mailed by regular mail so please do not procrastinate to avoid extra charges and to assure buyers that they are purchasing from a reputable business person. As always, we appreciate you and your business and want to make sure that the registration process runs as smooth as possible. Thank you in advance for your extra time in making sure all work is correct, complete and received in a timely manner.
18 OCTOBER 2017
American Maine-Anjou Association P.O. Box 1100 - 204 Marshall Rd. Platte City, MO 64079-1100 AMAA (816) 431-9950 Fax (816) 431-9951 Voice (816) 858-9954 - Fax (816) 858-9953 maine-anjou.org - maine@kc.rr.com
Staff M. Blake Nelson, executive vice president Marcena Fulton, registrar Robin Marston, director of member services Lindsey Broek, Voice editor/director of youth, communications and shows Rhonda Boddicker, administrative assistant Donna Grame, office assistant Denise Bent, office assistant Executive Committee: Brett Carter, president Jim Hett, 1st vice president Jirl Buck, 2nd vice president Alicia Rigdon, secretary/treasurer Dennis Moore, director at-large Region I Troy Jones - (419) 230-8675 P.O. Box 35 - Harrod, OH 45850 Dennis Moore - (618) 410-3325 30992 State Hwy. 16 - Jerseyville, IL 62052 Cliff Randall - (318) 719-0560 5563 Hwy. 129 - Monterey, LA 71354 Eric Walker - (479) 601-3567 14844 Walker Rd. - Prairie Grove, AR 72753 Region II Hardy O’Hara - (406) 899-6903 Box 991 - Fort Benton, MT 59442 Alicia Rigdon - (417) 540-3986 19591 187th Ave. - New London, IA 52645 Landon Nagel - (605) 464-1197 41008 312th St. - Springfield, SD 57062 Marty Van Vliet - (641) 780-0631 372 90th Ave. - Otley, IA 50214 Region III Leon Matlock - (641) 628-9639 25118 C.R. 1380 - Anadarko, OK 73005 Brett Carter - (918) 914-3085 11690 N. C.R. 3340 - Stratford, OK 74872 Jirl Buck - (580) 795-4865 18478 Cattle Dr. - Madill, OK 73446 Jim Hett - (303) 435-1271 P.O. Box 175 - Roggen, CO 80652 At-Large Cody Tebbenkamp - (660) 641-2671 23 N. Cedar Lake Dr. W Apt. 205 - Columbia, MO 65203 Jim Opperman - (712) 210-6013 10493 290th St. - Manning, IA 51455 Steve Robinson - (301) 854-0547 2651 N. Harwood St. Ste. 200 - Dallas, TX 75201
If you are selling an animal, we ask that you register and transfer the animal in a timely manner to avoid extra charges and to assure buyers they are purchasing from a reputable business person. Rushes will be done in the order received; a rush fee is currently $50 (covers eight head). If rush work is faxed, it will be considered a rush unless otherwise specified. It is the breeder’s responsibility to give us a follow-up phone call to make sure the work is legible and to cover all fees. It is not our office staff ’s responsibility to call breeders that fax in registration work. No work will be released until payment is complete. Rush work is processed ahead of the regular work that is received in our office and mailed by regular mail within one to two business days. We will do our best to complete rush work that is received in our office by 2 p.m. (Monday – Friday). There is no same-day turnaround. If requiring a registration number only, it will still be considered a rush as we still have to process the work to obtain the number. If you need to have registrations sent out by overnight delivery, there is an additional fee (in addition to the rush fee) for sending overnight. We normally use Federal Express (Fed Ex) and the charges are based on Fed Ex fees at that given time. Again, let us emphasize, it is your responsibility to contact our office to make arrangements for overnight delivery so that we have the correct shipping address and payment before sending. Fed Ex WILL NOT deliver to a post office box. For big weekend events, such as state expos, we reserve the right to require work to be in our office no later than 2 p.m. on the Wednesday prior to that weekend’s show.
TATTOO YEAR LETTERS Tattoo year letter for 2015: C Tattoo year letter for 2016: d Tattoo year letter for 2017: e Tattoo year letter for 2018: f Tattoo year letter for 2019: G Tattoo year letter for 2020: h dna, th and pha requirements
Prior to registering any ET calves, all donor dams (including commercial or non-registered dams) must have DNA, TH and PHA on file in our office. Also, all AI sires are required to have the same on file. Therefore, our office will hold any ET registrations submitted out of dams without testing on file as well as all registrations out of AI sires that do not have complete testing on file. The DNA, TH and PHA testing can be done at GeneSeek. A submission form is found on our Web site, maine-anjou.org, under Genetics. Maine-Anjou samples are put into testing at GeneSeek on Wednesdays, please plan accordingly when submitting. Testing is typically taking threefour weeks after beginning processing. We would like to start sending the test results by e-mail only, please make sure we have an up-to-date e-mail address for you, if applicable.
new self billing worksheet
Please dispose of any old selfbilling worksheets and registration forms you may have to avoid work being held for price differences.
new members
All new members must choose a program when submitting a new membership. The two programs that are offered are MAPP and Breeders Choice. You may read
about these two programs by visiting maine-anjou.org and clicking on “Member Services” and then choose the “MAPP or Breeders Choice” option. If a membership is submitted without choosing a program, the new member will be placed in the Breeders Choice program.
Foundation animals
Non-registered bulls and females must be entered as a foundation animal prior to MaineTainer progeny being registered. All current “P” (performance only) cattle will be grand-fathered into the program. If the sire is an AI sire and registered at another breed association, the pedigree and testing must be on file with the AMAA. The charge to add a sire pedigree will be a one-time charge of $40. If the AMAA finds that the pedigree has already been paid for by another breeder, the $40 charge will not be applied. Dams registered at another breed association may also be added for a one-time charge of $25. See the new self-billing sheet for foundation fees.
bull calf registration
If registering a bull calf born after Jan. 1, 2014, it must be TH/PHA free by parentage or have testing completed prior to registering and on file with the AMAA. Carriers will no longer be registered, but may be entered as a foundation animal. All progeny out of a Foundation carrier bull needs to be tested free of that defect prior to registration. If registrations are submitted before testing has been completed, the animal will not be registered. Instead, the animal will be given a performance number at a nonrefundable penalty charge of $10. Once the animal has been tested the registration may be completed at the regular rate. Please plan accordingly as testing can take up OCTOBER 2017 19
to three-four weeks.
ONLINE transfers
When transferring an animal on line make sure there is not a member number already created for the buyer. Creating more than one number for an individual creates registration problems later. If you find the buyer in the system at a different address please notify the buyer first to confirm the address and then notify the Maine office to update the account. It is always a good idea to always search for the buyer using the search tools before doing the work that way if they have a different address it is caught before entering the registration and transfer. When creating a new profile for a buyer please make sure to never give a junior a farm name. Please enter the junior’s name on the farm line and also as the contact.
online registration discounts
A 10 percent discount on registration fees will be given to all active members registering online (discount does not apply to annual dues, new memberships, MAPP fees or foundation animals). If you have not created an online account, you may do so by visiting maine-anjou.org, select the green tab that says “Login”, select “Create Account”, enter your current breeder number, enter your e-mail address, verify your e-mail address and enter a password of your choice. You will then be automatically logged in to your account. You may view your current inventory, cancelled animals you no longer have, register and transfer animals and enroll your MAPP online if you are a current MAPP member.
Purchase registration blocks You may purchase registration 20 OCTOBER 2017
blocks of 15, 25, 50, 75 and 100 at a discounted rate. These blocks are prepaid registrations and may only be used for animals under 13 months of age. Any unused blocks expire December 31 of each year. See the new self-billing worksheet for pricing. Multiple discounts will not be allowed. If you register online, the block discount (the greater discount) will be applied at checkout.
2018 MAPP enrollment
The 2018 MAPP (Maine-Anjou Performance Program) will be open starting September 1, 2017 and will be due no later than December 15, 2017. All members that are in the program will need to log into Digital Beef and select “MAPP Inventory” on the left side tool bar. Only enroll the animals that are bred to calve for 2018. If inventories are not completed by December 15, 2017 Maine-Anjou will bill for all active (breed able) dams within your inventory. Once the bill has been generated there will be no invoice adjustments so it is very important to maintain your inventory each year. If you would rather submit your inventory by mail please call Donna Grame and she will mail the inventory to you in September.
other amaa updates
The AMAA recently switched to a new credit card system so any credit cards on file will no longer be assessable.Please make sure to always check out online or contact AMAA to place a new credit card on file. Checking out online does not place your card on file. You must contact us with the card number if you wish for us to use your credit card for future work. After registering click on the “View
Account” tab on the left side tool bar. You will see your total and an option to pay on the right side of your screen. The 2018 AMAA Membership renewal cards will be mailed the first week of October. If you have recently moved, please make sure to contact AMAA with your new address. You may also log into your online account to make any phone or address changes.
maine/angus papers
If you wish to obtain a Maine/ Angus registration select the MA/ Angus box when registering on line. You will receive an error that AMAA staff must check the testing and percentage requirements so please make sure to validate your entry to save it so that that AMAA can check the entry. If you submit a registration on paper, please put Maine/Angus in the comment section of the application. If the animal does not qualify as a Maine/Angus it will be recoded as a regular Mainetainer. A Maine/Angus paper will be blue in color, have Maine/Angus under the Maine Logo, and will have Mainetainer across the center of the paper. The animal can be shown as a Mainetainer or Maine Angus. Requirements: *Off spring must be 3/8 or higher to qualify *Bulls and Heifers must be TH/ PHA free by parents or by test *Bulls must be NH, CA and AM free by parents or free by test. Angus pedigrees will not be assumed free of these defects. Bulls must be clean of DS if out of a Red Angus. *Angus percentages will only be counted from actual registered Angus. Commercial Angus percentages will not be used in the Maine/Angus equation.
AmericAn Junior mAine-AnJou AssociAtion
• Taylor Dorsey, President - Region 3 Colorado • Kassi Rice, Vice President - At-Large Iowa • Stephanie Kersten, Secretary/Treasurer - Region 2 Nebraska
Region 1
• Whitney Walker Arkansas • Mikala Denney Illinois
Region 2
• Stephanie Kersten Nebraska • Kaleb Miller Iowa
Region 3
• Ladd Landgraf Oklahoma • Taylor Dorsey Colorado
• Kassi Rice Iowa • Adison Niese Ohio • Madison Loschke Kansas • Hannah Topmiller Ohio • Adelyda Ebersole Iowa
1 y, Region
Hello! I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer as fast as it flew by! My name is Mikala Denney, and I am serving as one of your Region 1 directors for the American Junior Maine-Anjou Association (AJMAA). I hope you all had as much fun in Hutchinson this year as I did, and I can’t go without thanking all of our sponsors and supporters once more for their faith in our association and members. Unfortunately, summer can’t last forever and I wish the best to everyone this school year, those who are in the midst of sale season and those who are fall calving! For those of you who are in the search for your next breeding piece or show heifer, remember to reap the benefits of the Maine Angus collaboration! The association worked tremendously hard to put together the Futurity show this past June and without a doubt I believe that this partnership will produce an abundance of numbers for the future to come. Those cool early mornings this summer seem warm to the mornings in the Midwest now! Crops are changing, sweatshirts are a morning chore essential and it is a great reminder that fall is officially almost here, which also mean fall majors are as well! I can’t wait to see everyone this upcoming show season. Catching up with old friends and meeting new ones is always one of my favorite things to do, so make sure to say hi! If you haven’t already been contacted, the junior board is selling calendar ads and if anyone is interested please contact any of the board members! Wishing you all the best, Mikala Denney
Denne by Mikala
mAine-AnJou roYALtY
• Queen
Jolene Ebersole, Iowa
• Princess
McKenna Striegel, Iowa Kelsey Wall, Oklahoma
OCTOBER 2017 21
r o i n u J SHOW REPORTS OHIO STATE FAIR Columbus, Ohio • Judge: Parker Henley, Illinois
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Caitlyn Schaub, Wapakoneta, Ohio
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Abbie Collins, New Paris, Ohio
Champion MaineTainer Female Erin Lawrence, Hebron, Ohio
Reserve MaineTainer Female Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio
INDIANA STATE FAIR Indianapolis, Ind. • Judge: Chris Cassaday, Iowa & Johnnie Johnson, Nebraska
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Becca Chamberlin, Winchester, Ind.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Ashtyn Harvey, Straughn, Ind.
Champion MaineTainer Female Maci Chamberlin, Winchester, Ind.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Karly Kirkpatrick, Avilla, Ind.
IOWA STATE FAIR Des Moines, Iowa • Judge: Matt Claeys, Indiana
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Kassi Rice, Parkersburg, Iowa
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female AJ Grimm, Deep River, Iowa
Champion MaineTainer Female Cole Neil, Fairbank, Iowa
Reserve MaineTainer Female Jenna Tlach, Prole, Iowa
ILLINOIS STATE FAIR Springfield, Ill. • Judge: John Rayfield, Texas
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Natalie Dearwester, Camp Point, Ill. 22 OCTOBER 2017
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Caitlyn Meyer, Manteno, Ill.
Champion MaineTainer Female Jakob Setchell, Ottawa, Ill.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Derek Humphrey, Dixon, Ill.
ior REPORTS JunSHOW NEBRASKA STATE FAIR Grand Island, Neb. • Judge: Scott Bayer, Wisconsin
Champion MaineTainer Female
Courtney Bockman, Weeping Water, .Neb.
w o h S n e Op
Reserve MaineTainer Female Isabelle Schultz, Cairo, Neb.
OHIO STATE FAIR Columbus, Ohio • Judge: Patrick Gunn, Indiana
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Abbie Collins, New Paris, Ohio
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Ali Muir, Wapakoneta, Ohio
Champion MaineTainer Female Shane Jackson, Casstown, Ohio
Champion Maine-Anjou Bull Ali Muir, Wapakoneta, Ohio
Champion MaineTainer Bull Ali Muir, Wapakoneta, Ohio
Reserve MaineTainer Bull Burroughs & Frazier Farm, Jackson, Ohio
Reserve MaineTainer Female Abbie Collins, New Paris, Ohio
INDIANA STATE FAIR Indianapolis, Ind. • Judge: Doug Satree, Texas
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Isaac Carter, Trafalgar, Ind.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Martin Livestock, Bargersville, Ind.
Champion MaineTainer Female Taylor Pinkerton, Liberty, Ind.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Brooke Hayden, Lowell, Ind. OCTOBER 2017 23
Champion Maine-Anjou Bull H & B Cattle Co., Cloverdale, Ind.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Bull McKenzie Huffman, Warren, Ind.
Champion MaineTainer Bull Brandywine Farms Cattle Co., Carthage, Ind.
Reserve MaineTainer Bull Randy Mason, Logansport, Ind.
ILLINOIS STATE FAIR Springfield, Ill. • Judge: Brandon Callis, Oklahoma
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Jamie Moore, Piasa, Ill.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Jones Cattle Co., Pontiac, Ill.
Champion MaineTainer Female Jakob Setchell, Ottawa, Ill.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Ashley Seegmiller, Arthur, Ill.
Champion Maine-Anjou Bull Jones Cattle Co., Pontiac, Ill.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Bull Jones Cattle Co., Pontiac, Ill.
Champion MaineTainer Bull Jones Cattle Co., Pontiac, Ill.
Reserve MaineTainer Bull Theo Graff, Middletown, Ill.
IOWA STATE FAIR Des Moines, Iowa • Judge: Tyler Stutsman, Iowa
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Kassi Rice, Parkersburg, Iowa
24 OCTOBER 2017
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Logan Schroeder, Pella, Iowa
Champion MaineTainer Female Kassi Rice, Parkersburg, Iowa
Reserve MaineTainer Female Chloe Van Vliet, Otley, Iowa
Champion Maine-Anjou Bull K&A Farm, Blakesburg, Iowa
Champion MaineTainer Bull Bormann Show Cattle, Algona, Iowa
Reserve MaineTainer Bull Koo’s Kattle Ko., Audubon, Iowa
Reserve MaineTainer Bull Koo’s Kattle Ko., Audubon, Iowa
NEBRASKA STATE FAIR Grand Island, Neb. • Judge: Dave Allen, Texas
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Gateway Genetics, Pierce, Neb.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Stephanie Kersten, Gretna, Neb.
Champion MaineTainer Female Peterson Bros., Nebraska City, Neb.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Kendra Schultz, Pierce, Neb.
Champion Maine-Anjou Bull Ward Bakenhus, Columbus, Neb.
Grimm Claims Supreme Champion Honors at Iowa State Fair Des Moines, Iowa - Kourtney Grimm, American Junior Maine-Anjou Association (AJMAA) member and Iowa State Fair exhibitor earned top honors in this year’s FFA Bull Show. KKKG Road Warrior 602D was named the Supreme Champion Bull. KKKG Road Warrior is sired by GOET I-80. In addition to his success at the state fair, Road Warrior also recently captured Reserve Grand Champion honors at this year’s junior national in Hutchinson, Kan.
OCTOBER 2017 25
n e p OSHOW REPORTS SOUTH DAKOTA STATE FAIR Columbus, Ohio • Judge: Brent Murphy, Missouri
Champion Maine-Anjou Female Caffee Ranch, Wessington, S.D.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Female Talen Hazel, Beresford, S.D.
Champion Maine-Anjou Bull DeJong Ranch, Kennebec, S.D.
Reserve Maine-Anjou Bull Par V Cattle Co., Lake City, S.D.
Champion MaineTainer Female Hilary Albrecht, Howard, S.D.
Reserve MaineTainer Female Mitchell Schmidt, Willow Lake, S.D.
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OCTOBER 2017 27
Contributed by VRCS
Using Data and Research Studies to Make Informed Decisions Research studies are used to compare products or management strategies to determine which are best to implement into production systems. The ultimate goal of research studies is to increase knowledge to make more informed decisions. Products frequently evaluated in research studies include vaccines, antimicrobials, implants, and parasiticides. Management strategies evaluated may include environmental impact, feeding programs, and timing of product administration. Newer products are often evaluated through research trials to demonstrate efficacy. It is noteworthy that products or management strategies undergoing appropriate research scrutiny may not always prove effective. Research trials help sort out the effective products and ideas from the ineffective. The objective of 28 OCTOBER 2017
this article outlines how to use production data and research to make informed decisions. Clinical Observations Clinical observations rely on our senses of seeing, touching, or hearing to make health determinations. Clinical observations are important to help guide decisions, but may not be the most objective to make informed decisions. Appropriately designed research studies typically have a comparison (or control) group housed in the same environmental conditions. The comparison group allows for measurement of how much improvement (or setback) exists due to a particular treatment. With clinical observation based trials, the only information available are the outcomes in the existing management setting. Perception determines if the current program is
successful or not, but does not provide a control group to compare with. Programs may be changed based upon perception, which can be inaccurate due to the biases of the people making the observations. Using historical data for comparisons may not provide valid information either. Environmental conditions and time of the year may significant impact animal health and performance outcomes. Bovine respiratory disease occurs most frequently in the fall of the year in the feedlot, and decreases in frequency in the winter and spring. Changing management programs after the fall of the year and attributing all of the improvement due to the new programs implemented may not be appropriate as the improvement may be largely due to the natural disease cycle. Comparing to the same time
period in previous years may not be appropriate either as the environment (e.g. extreme drought, rain, temperature), type of animals (bawling calves versus yearlings), or feeding programs may be different from one year to another. Knowledge of the history of the production system is needed for appropriate conclusions to be made. Evaluation of observational data can be useful to establish a baseline and identify areas for improvement. Knowledge of how the data were collected is necessary for appropriate interpretation and application of results. Data must be evaluated for quality with appropriate analyses to make informed decisions. Data may need to be partitioned by body weight, sex, and/or production systems to make appropriate comparisons. Applying and Interpreting Research Results to Production Systems Research trials conducted in the same production system and environment are easiest to adapt because of the increased confidence in the potential change in outcomes. Unfortunately, not all research studies are conducted in the same conditions. Number of animals in housing unit, feeding strategies, environmental conditions, and practical implementation of products evaluated are examples of different conditions. Knowledge and interpretation of how these differences may affect the direction and magnitude of the treatment effect due to the differences in biological systems is needed to evaluate if the research is relevant. Statistics are frequently
performed in research studies and can identify if the differences observed in outcomes are due to treatments or by chance. There are wide natural differences in the health and performance of cattle, so there will be numerical differences observed due to biological systems. Statistical analyses determine if numerical differences are due to normal biology fluctuation (or chance) compared to products evaluated (the treatment). Statistical outcomes identified do not always translate into meaningful differences. Appropriate statistical analyses are important to make appropriate conclusions. Some studies may detect small statistical differences with little biological meaning. There may be other examples where products evaluated may demonstrate an improvement, but the cost is too high to implement. Consideration of the current level of production, potential impact, and economic benefit may all need to be taken into consideration before adapting new technologies evaluated through research studies. Conclusions Research trials allow the agriculture industry to remain on the cutting edge of technology. Research studies can allow more optimal use of resources necessary to produce safe wholesome food supply for the general consumer. Research trials can be conducted on your own operation to evaluate products and technologies in real world settings. Consultation with your local veterinarian to identify potential areas for improvement for your operation
and research available to assist in making informed decisions is recommended prior to changing current practices. Veterinary Research and Consulting Services, LLC would be available to assist in identifying a local veterinarian or further discussing research study results, and we can be contacted by email at maine@amaapc. com. References
Babcock, A.H. 2013. A multivariable assessment quantifying effects of cohort-level factors associated with combined mortality and culling risk in cohorts of U.S. commercial feedlot cattle. Prev Vet Med. Greenland, S. 2016. Statistical tests, P-values, confidence intervals, and power: a guide to misinterpretations. Eur J Epidemiol. Perino, L.J. 1998. Clinical trial design in feedlots. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract. Theurer, M.E. 2015. Using feedlot operational data to make valid conclusions for improving health management. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract. White, B.J. 2015. Systematic evaluation of scientific research for appropriateness of data analysis to improve clinical decision making. J Am Vet Med Assoc. White, B.J. 2015. Systematic evaluation of scientific research for clinical relevance and control of bias to improve clinical decision making. J Am Vet Med Assoc. White, B.J. 2016. Interpreting statistics from published research to answer clinical and management questions. J Anim Sci.
OCTOBER 2017 29
128 Rockin LV LN Fort Benton, MT 59442 Mike O’Hara — (406) 734-5434 Heath O’Hara — (406) 734-5443 Hardy O’Hara — (406) 734-5252 www.oharalandandcattle.com
CLAY KNOLL FARMS The Simpkins Family clayknollfarms@yahoo.com
LAND & CATTLE Mark, Lisa, Nick & Megan Beauprez Mark (303) 378-0718 Nick (303) 880-7827
Duane, Lisa & Sons 989-329-6141 989-578-0328
Gary & Janette h: 989-426-8185 c: 989-329-4668
cattle co.
Maines, MaineTainers, Semen & Embryos Available!
Sires Represented: DLDJ Ceelo Z41, GVC Scooby B53, GVC Upward, BPF Premium 1001Y, Hard Whiskey, I-80, Predator, Suh, Daddy’s Money, Comfort Zone, Total Perfection, Liberator and Dubai.
Ward, Shay, Jacob, Levi & Macy
21223 310th St. - Columbus, NE 68601 h: (402) 563-3473 or c: (402) 910-1397
since 1971
Ken, Audrey and Kendall Bremer 23384 Ridge Rd., Blakesburg, IA 52536 (641) 938-2163 kafarm@iowatelecom.net • www.kafarm.net
MISSOURI RBT Sport Illustrated 33 A building block to the future! Proven Performance, Production & Power! TH/PHA Free
Denison Acres Breeders of Quality Registered Maine-Anjou & MaineTainers
Black, Polled, Purebred & Percentage Maine-Anjou
Gene & Danette Loder 13408 90th St. S.W. • Scranton, ND 58653 (701) 275-6227 — home • (701) 206-0721 — cell lodercc@ndsupernet.com
Foundational • Commercial • Show Quality Cattle Everett - Mike - Steve Forkner 9282 E. Indian Line Rd. • Richards, MO 64778 www.trulinemaines.com • (877) 489-0570 • eforktlg@gmail.com
Denny and Donna Denison P.O. Box 86 Keatchie, LA 71046 o: (318) 747-1400 c: (318) 453-6093 Breeding, Show Cattle & sEMEN AVAILABLE
Lakeside Farms The Randalls
NEW HERD SIRE! BPF Common Ground 504B
Cliff Randall 318-386-5358
Garlen, Jamie & Hunter 318-386-2919
c: 318-719-0560 Private Treaty Sales
30 OCTOBER 2017
Kahl Cattle Co.
Quality Maines in Southwest Missouri
Hard Drive X Lucky Lady - Purebred Maine-Anjou Semen available thru SEK and owners! Bulls & Females for sale!
Ron & Amy Kahl - 2651 Lincold Rd. • Reeds, MO 64859 h (417) 246-5329 • c (417) 850-0705 OR e-mail: kahl4hay@yahoo.com
Al Conover Auctioneer
P.O. Box 9 Baxter, IA 50028 (641) 227-3537 Office (641) 227-3686 Home (641) 227-3792 Fax (515) 491-8078 Cell
conover@conoverauction.com www.conoverauction.com
Ron Kreis Auctioneer
(740) 683-3235 • RTKREIS93@GMAIL.COM 2005 World Champion Livestock Auctioneer Specializing in purebred and general livestock auctions
Miles & Kim DeJong 31842 DeJong Rd. Kennebec, SD 57544 (605) 869-2329 (605) 222-1292 - Miles cell www.dejongranch.com Visitors welcome! Please no Sunday business
Fred & Joan DeRouchey
1001 Hurst Ave. • Mitchell, SD 57301 Phone: (605) 990-6488 Fax: (605) 990-6489 Mobile: (605) 530-6488 or (605) 530-6489 derouchey@mitchelltelecom.net www.deroucheycattle.com
Bill Sheridan Auctioneer (517) 676-9800 740 S. Cedar St. Mason, MI 48854
Worthy of Your Confidence Blane & Cindy Landon, Shayna, Chesney, Cheylee & Shalayne 31164 E. R.S. Rd. - Springfield, SD 57062 Blane 605.464.1187 (c) 605.369.2628 (h) nagelcattle@excite.com - www.nagelcattle.com
Cell | 405.823.2972 Res. | 405.387.3236 Fax | 405.387.2965 1748 South Portland Newcastle, OK 73065 “Your sale is my main concern”
518 Brownstone Dr. OCTOBER 2017 31
AMAA ANNOUNCES MORATORIUM FOR AGED COWS The American Maine-Anjou Association will be holding a moratorium from Aug.1 - Jan. 15, 2018. This means that any animal that is over 13 months of age can be registered at the under 13 months of age price. All moratorium bulls born after Jan. 1, 2014 must be TH/PHA tested or free by parents in order to register. There will also be moratorium rates for female pedigrees and commercial animals so please take advantage of these savings. MORATORIUM SELF-BILLING WORK SHEET NAME: _____________________________________________ MEMBER NUMBER_________________________________ DATE: ________________________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $_______________ CK#____________
The Maine-Anjou Association will be holding a Moratorium from August 1, 2017 to January 15, 2018. This means that any animal that is over 13 months of age can be registered at the under 13 months of age price.
Cows and Bulls 13-24
Regular rate: Moratorium rate: Regular rate: Moratorium rate:
$50.00 $25.00 Quantity: _________x $25=___________ Breeders Choice Member Prices: $60.00 $35.00 Quantity: _________x $35=___________
Savings of:
$25.00 each
Cows and Bulls over 24 months
Regular rate: Moratorium rate: Regular rate: Moratorium rate:
$100.00 $25.00 Quantity: _________x $25=___________ Breeders Choice Member Prices: $110.00 $35.00 Quantity: _________x $35=___________
Saving of:
$75.00 each
Add Female Pedigree for MAPP & Breeders Choice members
Regular Rate: Moratorium rate:
$25.00 $15.00
Quantity: _________x$15=___________
Commercial Animals
Regular rate: Moratorium rate:
$10.00 $ 8.00
Regular rate: Moratorium rate:
Breeders Choice Member Prices: $20.00 $12.00 Quantity: _________x $12=___________
Quantity: _________x $8 =___________
CREDIT CARD (Visa, Amex, Discover, MasterCard) NAME ON CC: _______________________________________________________________ BILLING ADDRESS TO CREDIT CARD _____________________________________________________________________________ CARD #______ - ______ - ______ - ______ CVV: ______ EXP DATE: _____/_____
32 OCTOBER 2017
PO BOX 1100, PLATTE CITY, MO 64079 PHONE: 816-431-9950 FAX: 816-431-9951 EMAIL: MAINE@KC.RR.COM
4-Season Nutrition for Optimal Cattle Performance
Calving The right supplements, at the right time, for the right reasons
Third Trimester
BreedBack MidGestation
WeatherPro Minerals Liquid Supplements Low-Moisture Tubs
Now is the time to prepare dry cows for winter and the critical third trimester Once the cow is dry, use of Anipro liquid or tubs allows the cow to maintain and increase body condition prior to winter, fosters conversion of forages, and maintains body condition in advance of the last 90 days of gestation where 75% of fetal development occurs.
Optimum performance and herd health requires nutrition planning throughout the year. Your Anipro dealer can help you develop a convenient, custom solution that analyzes and optimizes available feed, protein, cow health and herd profitability.
Call your local Anipro dealer, 1-844-313-3337 or visit Anipro.com
OCTOBER 2017 33
sale date: Wednesday, February 14 Offering Maine-Anjou, MaineTainer & Maine Angus Bulls, Females & Embryos CONSIGN TODAY!
The Iowa Maine-Anjou Sale is now accepting entries for the 2018 sale. This sale will be an open consignment with all states being invited to consign. Contact Brian Worden or Beau Ebersole for entry information. All entries will be due Nov. 25, 2017. ANNUAL BANQUET, MEETING & FUNDRAISER AUCTION Tuesday, February 13, 6:30 p.m. Diamond Jacks All proceeds benefit the IJMAA juniors.
SALE CONTACTS: Brian Worden, 515-571-2218 Beau Ebersole, 515-971-8461 NO TH OR PHA CARRIERS WILL BE ALLOWED TO SELL.
The American Junior Maine-Anjou Association would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to the Iowa Maine-Anjou Association for their continued support of the juniors and junior national. Again this year, the IMAA generously donated $7,500 to the National Junior Heifer Show. THANK YOU IOWA! 34 OCTOBER 2017
Honeys of the
– Selling Maine/Mainetainer Bred Heifers & Heifer Calves – Females Sired by... Maternal Made, Comfort Zone, Middle Man, I-67 & All That Matters
Private Treaty Bid-Off
Monday, November 6, 2017 Bids Close at 6:00 pm
Maternal Sisters to these High Sellers will WILL Sell! SELL! R ly x 591 ussen o p o n o M asm Tyson R y b d e s rcha
Suh x 76X P
urchased by
Loder Cattle
All Cattle available for Viewing at
Maine Anjou
or view them in person anytime!
DJ & Amy Folkerts | 507.215.1909 | 463 30th Ave – Jasper, MN | eastviewmaines.com
Calving ease outcross to I80/Ali lines!
HAA Target − Purebred TH/PHA Free
All That Matters
MINN Hard Whiskey − PB Maine-Anjou TH/PHA Free
I Deliver
GOET I-80 − 3/4 Maine-Anjou TH/PHA Free
Monopoly − 50% Maine-Anjou THC/PHA Free
Daddy’s Money
Maternal Made
BPF Mercedes Benz − 50% Maine-Anjou TH/PHA Free
No Worries
GOET I-80 − 3/4 Maine-Anjou TH/PHA Free
Summit − 3/8 Maine-Anjou TH Free/PHA Free
WAC Loco
MCF Chaos − MaineTainer TH/PHA Free
TLM Edge
GVC Statesman 4R ET − Purebred TH/PHA Free
BBR Cowboy
BBR Rumor Mill − 50% Maine-Anjou TH/PHA Free
MINN Hard Whiskey
DCC Hard Drive 138R − Purebred TH/PHA Free
Family Money
Daddy’s Money − 3/4 Maine-Anjou TH/PHA Free
NAGE Ante Up
DCC Hard Drive 138R CMAC Hard Core − Purebred TH/PHA Free
BPF Comfort Zone Mercedes Benz − Purebred TH/PHA Free
DMCC Limited Edition − Purebred TH/PHA Free
BPF Beast
Irish Whiskey − MaineTainer PHAC
Rum Chatta
BOE Garth
MINN Hard Whiskey 591Y − Purebred TH/PHA Free
Bourbon Street No Worries − Purebred TH/PHA Free
I-80 − 50% Maine-Anjou TH/PHA Free
Poker Face
Triple D Brooks − 3/4 Maine-Anjou TH/PHA Free
BFJV Margin
I-80 − 3/4 Maine-Anjou TH/PHA Free
TLM Passion − Purebred TH/PHA Free
GVC Suh − Purebred TH/PHA Free
Irishman − MaineTainer TH Free/PHAC
Irish Whiskey − MaineTainer TH/PHA Free
Colburn Primo
Circle M Tejas
Musgrave Sky High
The shiroettsesatre here! 36 OCTOBER 2017
(866) 356-4565 call for a free directory or view online at www.cattlevisions.com
INDEX of advertisers 4J Family Partnership Anipro Bakenhus, Ward Beauprez Land & Cattle Bessler, James Blind Badger Ranch Bonham, Steve Buck, Jirl Carlson Maine-Anjou Cattle Visions Conover Auction Services DeJong Ranch Denison Acres DeRouchey, Fred Eastview Maines EDJE Technologies Fort Worth Stock Show Goettemoeller Show Cattle Green Oak Cattle Griswold, John Iowa Beef Expo Jones Show Cattle Kahl, Ron & Amy Kreis, Ron Loder Cattle Co. McElroy, H.W. Mid-Continent Farms National Western Stock Show O’Hara Land & Cattle Randall, Cliff Redgate Cattle Co. Secondino, Jami SEK Sheridan, Bill Sullivan Farms Truline Maines Wendt, Kevin Willow Springs Cattle Co. Winegardner Show Cattle
SALES of advertisers IFC 33 30 30 30 IBC 31 5 2 36 31 30 30 30 31, 35 27 26 38 38 3 34 13 30 31 30 4 1 11 30 30 30 31 12 31 40 7, 30 31 BC 39
Tulsa State Fair Jr. Show Ak-Sar-Ben Willow Springs Cattle Co. Private Treaty Sale MCF 32nd Annual Steer Sale Buck Cattle Company Fall Premier American Royal Jr. & Open Show Jones Show Cattle Winegardner Show Cattle Blind Badger Ranch A League of Their Own Eastview Maines Honeys of the Harvest NAILE Jr. Maine-Anjou Show NAILE Jr. MaineTainer Show NAILE Open Maine-Anjou Show MCF Top Cut Female Sale Willow Springs Cattle Co. The Investment Sale Griswold Cattle Company NWSS Pen-of-Three Bull Show NWSS Bright Lights Maine-Anjou Sale NWSS Jr. & Open Maine-Anjou Show Fort Worth Stock Show MCF Top Cut Angus Sale NJHS Online Entry & Ownership Deadline NJHS Late Entry Deadline National Junior Heifer Show
October 7, Tulsa, Okla. October 1, Grand Island, Neb. October 14, Prairie Grove, Ark. October 14, Washington, Kan. October 21, Madill, Okla. October 27, Kansas City, Mo. November 4, Lima, Ohio November 4, Lima, Ohio November 5, Fort Morgan, Colo. November 5, New Paris, Ohio November 6, Jasper, Minn. November 11, Louisville, Ky. November 12, Louisville, Ky. November 15, Louisville, Ky. November 25. Washington, Kan. December 2, Prairie Grove, Ark. December 16, Stillwater, Okla. January 12, Denver, Colo. January 13, Denver, Colo. January 14, Denver, Colo. January 28, Fort Worth, Texas April 2018 May 1, 2018 May 10, 2018 June 17-23, Grand Island, Neb.
OCTOBER 2017 37
Selling 50 Heifer Calves from World-Class Cow Families Spring Heifer Calves in Multiple Breeds - Excellence Abounds Brad Johnson and Lot 6 from our 2016 sale 2017 Indiana State Jr. Fair Reserve Champion Commercial Purdue AGR Preview Reserve Champion Commercial Champion Chi Cass Co (IN) Jackpot
Kate Mize and Lot 32 in our 2016 sale 22x Champion SimSolution / 10x Top 5 Overall 2017 Indiana State Jr. Fair Reserve Champion Sim-Solution 2017 Cass Co (IN) Jackpot Supreme Female
Kendra Folkerts and Lot 10 in our 2016 sale 2017 Minnesota State Jr. Fair Reserve Champion Chi Abbie Collins and Lot 1 from our 2016 sale 2017 Ohio State Jr. Fair Res. Champion AOB 2016 Ohio AGR Holiday Classic Supreme Champion Multiple breed championships and Top 5's
GOETTEMOELLER SHOW CATTLE Winchester, IN 937.459.0209
Jakob Setchell and Lot 31 in our 2016 sale 2017 Illinois State Jr. Fair Champion MaineTainer
GREEN OAK FARMS New Paris, OH 765.546.0395
SCHAEFFER SHOW CATTLE Hagerstown, IN 765.541.0738
Reserve your catalog now at www.primetime.marketing or by calling 1.877.800.9230
See the offering anytime - Give us a call!
38 OCTOBER 2017
See many more big winners from our VERY FIRST SALE on our Facebook page now @lotoheifersale
OCTOBER 2017 39
Maternal Legends Sale October 15th, 2017 | at the farm in dunlap, iowa
May Shorthorn SULL RGLC Legacy x RFC-KOLT Franny 923 ET March Angus Plum Creek Paradox x Cherry Knoll Erica 1315 January ShorthornPlus Colburn Primo x SULL Lady Crystal 434P
March Horned Hereford CRR Catapult 719 x TCC Ms Diana 01 January Chianina/Mainetainer I-80 x SSUL Who Dat Ginger March Chianina Colburn Primo x SSUL Who Dat Darling
April ShorthornPlus/Mainetainer I-80 x SULL Lady Crystal 434P February Horned Hereford CRR About Time x TCC Miss Shelby 82T
John, Dede, Sara & Sage • James • Nick John Elder, 402.650.1385 • Josh Elder, 402.650.1380 Dunlap, Iowa 51529 • www.maternallegends.com
40 OCTOBER 2017
• 38 • 25 • 15 • 13 • 6 •5
16o HEAD
Shorthorn Open Heifers ShorthornPlus Open Heifers Hereford Open Heifers Chianina/Mainetainer Open Heifers % Simmental Open Heifers Angus Open Heifers
Many Dual Registered • 46
Shorthorn, ShorthornPlus, Charolais, Simmental and Who Da Man Bred Heifers • 10 Cows • 50 Semen and Embryos Lots (All Breeds)
Contact Josh Elder for More Info. 402.650.1380 Catalog Online. Videos Posted October 10th.
maternal sibs sell! grand champion simmental female, 2016 naile
maternal sibs sell! supreme champion heifer, 2017 kansas classic, both rings res. supreme champion heifer, 2017 blackout
high quality maine-angus females sell! res. champion maine-angus female, 2017 jr nationals
OCTOBER 14 PRIVATE TREATY SALE At the Ranch Prairie Grove, Arkansas Offering 25 - 30 head of maternal show heifer prospects
DECEMBER 2 THE INVESTMENT PRODUCTION SALE At the Ranch Prairie Grove, Arkansas - 2:00 PM MULTI-BREED EVENT Offering 30 head of show heifer prospects, 60 bred heifers and 10 -12 donor cow prospects
full and maternal sibs sell! grand champion chiangus heifer, 2017 jr nationals
national champion caliber females sell! grand champion mainetainer heifer, 2017 ft worth