un o t y C F k a r i a r P presents
Cowboy Boots & Country Roots
July 25-29, 2017 Powell, Wyoming • www.parkcountyfair.com
LONESTAR ..........
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Ole Doc EZee Magical Medicine Show FREE STAGE ACT
Park County Fair Board
Park County Commissioners
Troy Wiant, Chairman Steve Martin, Vice Chairman Tiffany Brando, Secretary Sara Skalsky, Treasurer Christy Muecke, Member
Lee Livingston, Cody –Chairman Loren Grosskopf, Cody – Vice Chairman Joseph Tilden, Cody Tim French, Powell Jake Fulkerson, Cody
Park County Events Department Staff Teecee Barrett, Park County Events Coordinator Audra Jewell, Office Manager Jamey Morlan, Grounds Foreman
University of Wyoming Extension Educators Tycee Mohler, 4-H Educator/ Youth Development Rachel Olsen, Administrative Assistant Powell Holly Baerenwald, Administrative Assistant Cody Debbie Kelly, Centsible Nutrition Bobbie Holder, Horticulture Joyce Johnston, Horticulture Jeremiah Vardiman, Agriculture/ Horticulture Educator Powell
FFA Advisors Bryce Meyer, Powell Troy Wiant, Cody Louis Abarr, Meeteetse
655 East 5th Street * Powell, WY. 82435 Phone 307-754-8855 Email fairoffice@parkcounty.us Website www.parkcountyfair.com
Table of Contents Admission and Parking Agronomy –Open Class Awards -Premium Schedule Awards –Division & Special Placing Beef Cattle –Open Class Beef Cattle –Youth Show Camping Carcass –Open Class Cat Show -4-H Code of Conduct Complaint Clover Bud Exhibits - 4-H Crafted Arts –Open Class Culinary –Open Class Dairy Cattle –Open Class Dairy Cattle –Youth Show Dairy Goat –Open Class Dairy Goat –Youth Show Dog Show -4-H Dress A Goat – Open Class Dress A Goat – Youth Show Entry Deadlines Entry Procedure Exhibits Due on Grounds Exhibits and Exhibitors Exhibits Divisions – 4-H Family and Consumer Science -4-H Fashion Revue 4-H Fabric & Fashion FFA Floriculture –Open Class Food & Nutrition 4-H Food Preservation –Open Class General Information General Information – 4-H Eggs – Open Class Horticulture Hay –Open Class Herdsmanship -4-H Herdsmanship –FFA Horse –Youth Show Horticulture –Open Class Horticulture –Preparing Vegetables for Exhibits IAFE Code of Show Ring Ethics Judging Judges Responsibilities Livestock Stall Assignment Livestock Judging – 4-H Meat Goat –Open Class Meat Goat – Youth
Pg. 11 Pg. 40 Pg. 6 Pg. 8 Pg. 42 Pg. 65 Pg. 12 Pg. 42 Pg. 51 Pg. 12 Pg. 16 Pg. 58 Pg. 21 Pg. 26 Pg. 42 Pg. 66 Pg. 43 Pg. 67 Pg. 51 Pg. 43 Pg. 66 Pg. 2 Pg. 12 Pg. 2 Pg. 13 Pg. 55 Pg. 53 Pg. 55 Pg. 52 Pg. 60 Pg. 33 Pg. 53 Pg. 28 Pg. 11 Pg. 48 Pg. 38 Pg. 39 Pg. 50 Pg. 63 Pg. 68 Pg. 37 Pg. 35 Pg. 15 Pg. 15 Pg. 16 Pg. 76 Pg. 50 Pg. 44 Pg. 66
Miniature Horse –Open Horse Expo Pg. 47 Miniature Horse –Youth Show Pg. 70 Needle Arts –Open Class Pg. 23 Pee Wee Showmanship – Open Class Pg. 42 Photography – Open Class Pg. 21 Presentation – 4-H Pg. 50 Poultry –Open Class Pg. 44 Poultry –Youth Show Pg. 71 Rabbit –Youth Show Pg. 72 Robotics Challenge – Open Class Pg. 41 Robotics Challenge – 4-H Pg. 59 Round Robin (Large Animal)-4-H/ FFA Pg. 65 Round Robin (Small Animal) -4-H Pg. 50 Rules –Fair Entries Pg. 3 Rules – Jr. Livestock Sale Pg. 64 Rules and Regulations –Livestock Pg. 17 Schedule – Entertainment Pg. 5 Schedule –Judging Pg. 4 Schedule – Weigh In Pg. 2 Sheep Lead –Open Class Pg. 47 Sheep –Open Class Pg. 45 Sheep –Youth Show Pg. 73 Shooting Sports – 4-H Pg. 58 Showmanship – 4-H Pg. 49 Swine Show – Youth Pg. 75 Superintendent Responsibilities Pg. 16 Tampering/Drugging of Livestock Pg. 18 Visual Arts – Open Class Pg. 20 What’s New Pg. 1 Wool – Open Class Pg. 46 Wool – Youth Class Pg. 74
~ What’s New 2017 ~
Entries are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 5th, except for 4-H Presentation and Open Class Floriculture & Horticulture. 4-H Presentation registration forms are due to the 4-H Office by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24th Open Class Floriculture & Horticulture entries are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 17th Open Class Floriculture exhibits are due on the grounds on Tuesday, July 25th from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fair Camping Reservations are available at www.parkcountyfair.com/camping on a first –come – first –serve basis at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 6th. Campers are NOT allowed on the fairgrounds any earlier than 9:00 a.m. Friday, July 21st All campers MUST be in place by 10:00 a.m. Monday, July 24th
All livestock exhibitors will be responsible for providing their own bedding /shavings. Straw is only allowed in pens for Dairy cattle and breeding sheep.
Several changes have been made within the fair book. It is your responsibility to read, understand and follow the Rules and Guidelines within the fair book.
CHANGE to Beef Show o Beef weigh-ins will occur 1 hour earlier this year (immediately following swine weigh-ins) o 4-H Beef Show will be held Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. o Breeding Beef Show will be held immediately following the 4-H Beef Show o Open Class Beef Show will be held immediately following the FFA Beef Showmanship on Thursday morning. o Beef classes will be split by weight not height.
All Livestock can begin arriving on the fairgrounds at noon on Tuesday, July 25th and should be stalled no later than Wednesday, July 26th at 8:00 a.m.
Youth Dairy Goat Show will be held immediately following the 4H/FFA Dairy Goat Showmanship on Friday morning. The Open Class Dairy Goat Show will follow the Youth Dairy Goat Show.
Livestock stall assignment required see page 76 for more details
CHANGE to Youth Horse Show o Youth Horse Show will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, July 21st at the Park County Fairgrounds. Check-in for the horse show will begin at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 20th. o Cattle Working Classes – Held afternoon of Friday, July 21st at Park County Fairgrounds o NEW: Performance Ranch Riding see page 68 for more details
NEW: Robotics Challenge see page 41 (Open Class) or page 59 (4-H) for more details
Shooting Sports will be held in Cody on June 2nd and 3rd (See page 58) 1
Entry Deadlines
Entries are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 5th, except for 4-H Presentation and Open Class Floriculture & Horticulture 4-H Presentation registration forms are due to the 4-H Office by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24th Open Class Floriculture and Horticulture entries are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 17th
Entries may be submitted on –line at www.parkcountyfair.com Paper entries must be submitted on an official fair entry form obtained at the Fair Office in Powell or the Extension Office in Cody. Mail entries to: Park County Fair 655 East 5th Street Powell, WY. 82435
**All mailed entries must be postmarked by entry deadline date** LATE ENTRY FEE: A late entry fee will be imposed for all entries turned in after their due date. Static Exhibit Late Fee: $10.00 per person and due NO later than noon on Monday of fair week. Animal Exhibit Late Fee: $50.00 per person and due by weigh –in/ check –in.
Weigh –In Schedule (Wednesday, July 26th) 8:00 a.m.………………………….……….………………Swine Following Swine..………Beef (All beef are weighed & measured) 10:00 a.m.………………………………….……………...Sheep Following Lambs………………………….……………….Goats 5:00 p.m. …………...…………………………………..…Rabbits
Exhibits Due on Grounds 7th
Wednesday, June Friday, July 14th Monday, July 17th
Wednesday, July 19th Thursday, July 20th
Monday, July 24th Tuesday, July 25th Wednesday, July 26th
10:00 a.m. ……………………………….……….……………………………..4-H Presentation 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.…………………………………………………………………………Hay 7:30 a.m. ………………...…………………………………...………….……..Miniature Horses 2:30 p.m.…………………………………..………………………..Open Class Miniature Horse 9:00 a.m.…………………………...………………………...………………..…..Fashion Revue 8:15 a.m. ………………………………..……………………………………………....4-H Dog 3:30 p.m.……………………...………………………………………………………......4-H Cat 6:30 p.m.…………………...……...………………………………………Public Fashion Revue 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m……………………………………………………………….Youth Horses 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.…………………………………..Open Class Static (except Floriculture) 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.……………………………………...………………………4-H and FFA 9:00 a.m...….……………......Carcass Animals DUE to one of the designated Processing Plants 11:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m……………………………………………………Open Class Floriculture Noon……………………...…………………………………....All Fair Animals Begin Arriving 8:00 a.m.………………...…………...…………………….All Youth Livestock must be stalled 6:00 p.m.………………………………..……………………………….…Open & Youth Wool All Rabbits & Poultry must be in their pens All Open Class Livestock must be in place 2
Fair Entry Rules Regular Fair Entry Deadlines: All Park County entries are due to the Park County Events & Fair Office by 5 p.m. on Wednesdays, July 5th, except for 4-H Presentation, Shooting Sports and Open Class Floriculture & Horticulture. Shooting Sports will register at the event. 4-H Presentation registration forms are due to the 4-H Office by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24th Open Class Floriculture and Horticulture entries are due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, July 17th Entries can be submitted online at www.parkcountyfair.com or on an official Park County Fair entry form. Mail entry forms to: Park County Events & Fair Office 655 East 5th Street Powell, WY. 82435
**Mailed entries must be postmarked by the entry deadline** Late Fair Entries: For all Park County Fair entries submitted after the entry deadline, but prior to the final cut–off times, the following steps shall be completed before an exhibitor will be allowed to participate in the show/ class. 1. The exhibitor seeking to enter a late entry shall complete, sign and submit all proper forms to the Park County Events & Fair Office. 2. At that time the exhibitor shall pay the late entry fee(s) in full: $10 per person for static entries $50 per person for animal entries The late entry fee is a one–time per person annual fee, payable to ‘Park County Fair’ Example: If Johnny wants to enter three late static entries and one late Rabbit entry his late fee will be $60. Funds collected from the late entry fee will be utilized for fair premiums and awards. 3. The Park County Events & Fair Office will issue the exhibitor one official receipt per exhibit which grants that exhibitor permission to enter the respective show/ class as a late entry. 4. When checking in for the show/ class the exhibitor shall present the official receipt to the Superintendent, who shall then allow the exhibitor to participate in the show/ class. 5. When submitting completed call books to the Park County Events & Fair Office the department Superintendent shall attach the official receipt to the corresponding page(s) in the call books. Premiums shall not be paid for late entries allowed by Superintendents or others that do not follow the approved procedures above and exceptions below. Exceptions: 1. In the event an exhibitor is registered in a particular department, but entered in the wrong class, the exhibitor may add, change or drop classes within that department at check –in, at the discretion of the department Superintendent. Example: In Open Class Visual Arts –Photography, Suzie has accidentally signed up for Class 3 –Flowers, she should have entered Class 4 –Portraits. The Superintendent has the discretion to change the Class 3 – Flowers entry to Class 4 –Portraits on the entry tag and call sheets when Suzie checks –in. Suzie will still receive any earned premiums. 2.
If an exhibitor and a particular animal are already registered, properly tagged and etc. the exhibitor may add, change or drop classes with that same animal until the start of the class at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Fair Entry Final Cut –Off Times: The cut off times for all static exhibits is Noon on Monday, July 24th and at weigh –in/ check –in for all animal entries.
Judging Schedule Friday, June 2nd 8:00 a.m.……………..…….……………………………………………………...………...………………………..Shooting Sports Saturday, June 3rd 8:00 a.m.……………..…….……………………………………………………...………...………………………..Shooting Sports Wednesday, June 7th 10:00 a.m.……………..…….……………………………………………………...………...……………………4-H Presentation Monday, July 17th 8:00 a.m.……………..…….……………………………………………………….…...………..........Youth Miniature Horse Show Following Youth Miniature Horse Show ….…………………………………..…………………Open Class Miniature Horse Expo Wednesday, July 19th 9:00 a.m.………………………………………...………………………………………………....…………………..Fashion Revue Thursday, July 20th 9:00 a.m.………..………………………...…………………………………………………………………………....4-H Dog Show 4:00 p.m.…………….…………………………….………………………………………………………...………….4-H Cat Show 7:00 p.m.……………………………………..…...………………………..........................Public Fashion Revue, Bicentennial Hall Friday, July 21st 5:00 p.m.………………….…………………………………..………………………………………...…...…….Youth Horse Show Saturday, July 22nd 8:00 a.m.……………………….…………….…………………………..……………………..…………………Youth Horse Show Sunday, July 23rd 8:00 a.m.…………...………………….……………………………………………..………………..…………..Youth Horse Show Monday, July 24th 10:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m.……………………….....………………………………………………………..4-H General/ Static Exhibits Tuesday, July 25th 9:00 a.m.………………..…………..………..……………………………………………..……………………….Open Class Static 4:00 p.m.………………………………………….………………………………………………………………..……….Hay Show Following Hay Show…………………………………….……………………………………………………...……………….FFA Wednesday, July 26th 4:00 p.m.….....................……………………………………….…………………………………..………..4-H Beef Showmanship Following 4-H Beef Showmanship……………………………………………………………………..Youth Breeding Beef Show 5:30 p.m.…………..……………….………………………………….………………………………...….4-H Swine Showmanship Following 4-H Swine Showmanship…………………..………….………….……………..……..Feeders & Breeding Swine Show Following Feeders & Breeding Swine Show……………………..……………….…..………….…...PeeWee Swine Showmanship Thursday, July 27th 7:30 a.m.………………………………..………………………………………………..…………………..…Poultry Showmanship Following Poultry Showmanship…………………..…………………………………………...…..….Open & Youth Poultry Show 8:00 a.m.……….………………………………………………………………………...………….Open & Youth Meat Goat Show 8:00 a.m.………………………………………...…………………………............………………...4-H/ FFA Rabbit Showmanship Following 4-H/ FFA Rabbit Showmanship………………….…………………………...……..…….PeeWee Rabbit Showmanship 9:00 a.m.………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..Youth Market Beef Show Following Youth Market Beef Show……………………………………..…………………..………..……FFA Beef Showmanship Following FFA Beef Showmanship….……………………..………..…………………………………………Open Breeding Beef 10:00 a.m.………………………..…………………….………………………………………..………..Open & Youth Wool Show 1:30 p.m.………………………………...………………….………………………..…..…………………4-H Sheep Showmanship Following 4-H Sheep Showmanship………………………….….………..………………………….…………….Best Fitted Sheep Following Best Fitted Sheep………………………………….………...Open & Youth Feeder Lambs, Pen of 3 and Orphan Lambs 5:00 p.m.………………………………………………...…………..………………..…………….....…...FFA Swine Showmanship Following FFA Showmanship………………………………….…...............................…………………Youth Market Swine Show 6:30 p.m……………………………………………………………………………………………………...Open Class Floriculture Friday, July 28th 7:30 a.m.………………………………………………………………………….………………………..FFA Sheep Showmanship Following FFA Sheep Showmanship…………………..……………………….............................................….Market Sheep Show Following Market Sheep Show……………………………..………….………………...…………..Open & Youth Breeding Sheep 8:00 a.m.……………….……………………………………………………………..…………………….…..………..Rabbit Show 8:30 a.m.…………...……………………………………..………………………………..……….………Youth Dairy Cattle Show Following Youth Dairy Cattle Show……………………………..………………………..…………….….Open Dairy Cattle Show 8:00 a.m…………………………...………………………………………………...…………..4-H/ FFA Dairy Goat Showmanship Following 4-H/ FFA Dairy Goat Showmanship………………………………….……….……………...…Youth Dairy Goat Show Following Dairy Goat Youth Show………………………………….…………….…………...………….....Open Dairy Goat Show Following Open Dairy Goat Show…………………….……………………..………….…...…..PeeWee Dairy Goat Showmanship Following PeeWee Dairy Goat Showmanship……………………………………………….……….…...…………Dress-A-Goat 1:00 p.m.………………..……………………………………….………………….……………….....PeeWee Sheep Showmanship 3:00 p.m.………………..………………………..………………………..…….……………….….4-H Small Animal Round Robin 6:00 p.m.…………………………………………………..……………………..……………….………………Sheep Lead Contest Saturday, July 29th 9:00 a.m.………………...…………………………………………………….………...…….4-H/ FFA Large Animal Round Robin 1:00 p.m.………………………………....…………………….…………………………….…...Park County Junior Livestock Sale Sunday, July 30th 6:00 a.m.……………………………...…………………………………………………………….……….…….Livestock Released 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.……………….……………………………………………………………………..………Exhibits Released 11:00 a.m.……..…………………………….…………..DOORS LOCKED – You are responsible for your exhibits after this time 4
Entertainment Schedule Monday, July 24th 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.………………………...………………………………………..…………….Box Office Open Tuesday, July 25th FREE ADMISSION ALL DAY 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.…………………………………..…………………………………………….Box Office Open Noon – Midnight……………………………………..……...………Free Stage Entertainment & Beer Garden Open 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.…………………...…………..…………………………………………………Carnival Open 6:30 p.m.………………………..………………………………………….Pig Wrestling Teams Report to the Arena 7:00 p.m.…….……………..…….Pig Wrestling, Main Grandstands -FREE ADMISSION (gates open at 6:00 p.m.) Wednesday, July 26th FREE ADMISSION UNTIL 1 PM 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.……………………………………………………...4-H Breakfast, Bicentennial Hall Kitchen 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.…………………………………………………………..…………………….Box Office Open Noon – 9:00 p.m.……………………...…………….……………………........…….Livestock Barns Open to Public Noon – Midnight……………………………………Free Stage Entertainment, Beer Garden Open & Carnival Open 1:00 p.m.……………………………….………….….………………………………Gate Admission Charges Begin 1:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m………...……………………..…...……………………………….Exhibit Halls Open to Public 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m……………………………….WY CMSA w/ WY Desperados Mounted Shooting Exhibition, FREE ADMISSION, Horse Arena 7:00 p.m.……………………….…….…………….……………..Concert, Main Grandstands (gates open at 6 p.m.) Thursday, July 27th FREE ADMISSION UNTIL 1 PM 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.……………………………………………………...4-H Breakfast, Bicentennial Hall Kitchen 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.………………………………………………………………..……………….Box Office Open 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.……………………...……..……………………….......…….Livestock Barns Open to Public 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.……………………………………………..……………..……..Exhibit Halls Open to Public 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m………………………………………………..Commercial Vendor Booths, Bicentennial Hall Noon – Midnight……………………………………Free Stage Entertainment, Beer Garden Open & Carnival Open 1:00 p.m.……………………………….…………..…………………………………Gate Admission Charges Begin 1:00 p.m………………………………………………………………...Children’s Resource Center Kids Day Races 5:00 p.m……………..…….....…………………………...……………………….…..…..Ranch Rodeo, Horse Arena Friday, July 28th 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.…………………………………………………....4-H Breakfast, Bicentennial Hall Kitchen 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.…………………………………………………………..……………….….Box Office Open 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.……………………...……..……………………….......…….Livestock Barns Open to Public 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.……………………………………………..…………………..Exhibit Halls Open to Public 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m……………………………………………….Commercial Vendor Booths, Bicentennial Hall Noon – Midnight………………………...…..…....Free Stage Entertainment, Beer Garden Open & Carnival Open 5:00 p.m………………………………………………………………………Horseshoe Pitching, Fifth Street Gate 6:00 p.m.…………....…………………………………….Arenacross, Main Grandstands (gates open at 5:00 p.m.) -For Entries & Rules contact Kyle Burkhardt 307-272-3705 8:00 p.m.………...……………………………………..………….Junior Livestock Sale Schedule Posted, Sale Barn Saturday, July 29th 6:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.……………………………………………………...4-H Breakfast, Bicentennial Hall Kitchen 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.…………………………..…………………………………………………….Box Office Open 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.……………………...………………………………......…….Livestock Barns Open to Public 10:00 a.m.…..…………………….Park County Fair Parade –Sponsored by Powell Valley Chamber of Commerce 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.………………………..……………………..…………………..Exhibit Halls Open to Public 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m……………………………………………………..Commercial Vendor Booths, Bicentennial Noon – Midnight……………………...…….………Free Stage Entertainment, Beer Garden Open & Carnival Open 1:00 p.m.…………………………...……………………….…………Park County Junior Livestock Sale, Sale Barn 5:00 p.m.………………...………………………………..……………………Horseshow Pitching, Fifth Street Gate 6:00 p.m.……….……………………………..…….Demolition Derby, Main Grandstands (gates open at 5:00 p.m.) -For Entries & Rules contact Brock Ninker 307-250-4870
Premium Payout Schedule Premium Schedule A Number of Entries 1ST 15+ $10.00 7-14 $7.50 1-6 $5.00
2ND $8.75 $5.00 $3.50
3RD $7.50 $2.50 $2.50
4TH $5.00 $2.00
5TH $3.50
6TH $2.50
7TH $2.00
Premium Schedule B** Number of Entries 1ST 15+ $12.50 7-14 $10.00 1-6 $7.50
2ND $11.25 $7.50 $6.00
3RD $10.00 $6.00 $5.00
4TH $7.50 $5.00
5TH $6.00 $4.50
6TH $5.00
7TH $4.50
3RD $12.50 $8.50 $7.50
4TH $10.00 $7.50
5TH $8.50 $7.00
6TH $7.50
7TH $7.00
Premium Schedule C* Number of Entries 1ST 15+ $15.00 7-14 $12.50 1-6 $10.00
2ND $13.75 $10.00 $8.50
Hay Beef Carcass Sheep Carcass Hog Carcass
1st $ 25 $100 $ 50 $ 50
2nd $15 $75 $40 $40
3rd $12 $50 $30 $30
4th $10 $25 $20 $20
5th $8 $15 $10 $10
6th ---$10 $ 5 $ 5
Large Livestock Number of Entries
15+ 7-14 1-6 Small Livestock Wool Sheep Lead Horse
1ST $40.00 $35.00 $30.00
2ND $35.00 $30.00 $25.00
3RD $30.00 $25.00 $20.00
4TH $25.00 $20.00
5TH $20.00 $15.00
6TH $15.00
- Premium Schedule C - Premium Schedule C - Premium Schedule B - Premium Schedule B
Premium Payout Schedule Showmanship 4-H Senior/ FFA 4-H Intermediate 4-H Junior 4-H Beginner
1st $20 $14 $8 $8
2nd $18 $12 $6 $6
3rd $16 $10 $4 $4
4th $14 $8 $2 $2
7TH $10
Premium Payout General Information Premium checks will be mailed by September 1st. Premium checks must be redeemed by December 31st to avoid forfeiture. A stop payment fee must be paid by the exhibitor prior to having a premium check re –issued. The stop payment fee is determined by the financial institution. Premium Ribbon: The exhibitor is responsible for keeping each premium ribbons attached to the respective exhibit tag until such time as they can compare the premium ribbon with their premium check. Premium Checks: Premium checks will be made payable to the exhibitor name designated on the entry form and mailed to the address provided by the exhibitor. Premium check will be paid off of the official call sheets signed by the judge. Change of Mailing Address: Exhibitors are responsible for notifying the fair office of any change to the exhibitor’s mailing address. I-9 Requirements: Exhibitors who receive premiums above the reporting limit set by the IRS will be required to complete an I-9 prior to receiving their premium check. Premium Dispute: December 1st of the current exhibiting year, is the deadline for reporting any errors in a premium check of for a check not having been received by exhibitor. After that date, no changes will be made nor checks issued. Special Awards: Park County Fair Board does not guarantee the payment of Special Premiums offered in this premium book by donors and/or private parties. These special premiums or the awarding of Special Awards are secured by Fair Management and are accepted by the Fair Management in good faith and must be contested for under these conditions.
Department/ Division Awards Department – Open Class Beef Grand Champion Female $50 Reserve Champion Female $40 Grand Champion Bull $50 Reserve Champion Bull $40 Supreme Champion Overall All Breeds Breed Female* (Open/ Youth Combined) $150 *Chosen during Open Show
Drawings & Paintings: Adults Top Exhibit, in each division Rosette People’s Choice – Rosette and $15 Special Sweepstakes Rosette for Best Single Entry in the department Photography Top Exhibit, in each division Rosette Department – Open Class Crafted Arts Top Exhibit, in each division
Department – Open Class Dairy Cattle Grand Champion Bull $50 Reserve Champion Bull $40 Grand Champion Female $50 Reserve Champion Female $40 Champion Overall Breeding Female (Open/ Youth Combined) $100
Purple Ribbon
Department – Open Class Needle Arts Top Exhibit, in each division Special Rosette Best Overall Single Entry, in the department will receive a Special Sweepstakes Rosette Best My First Quilt -Cash Prize awarded by Paintbrush Piecers Quilt Guild
Department – Open Class Dairy Goat Champion Junior & Senior Doe Rosette & $25 Reserve Champion Junior & Senior Doe Rosette & $20 Best Senior Doe of Show $15 Best Junior Doe of Show $15 Best Udder of Show $20 Champion Overall Breeding Female (Open/ Youth Combined) $75
Department – Open Class Kitchen Arts Top Exhibit, in each division Purple Rosette & Special Award Special Sweepstakes Rosette and prize for the Best Single Entry in the Culinary Department Department – Open Class Food Preservation/ Canning Grand Champion Vegetable $10 Reserve Champion Vegetable $5 Grand Champion Fruit $10 Reserve Champion Fruit $5 Grand Champion Meat $10 Reserve Champion Meat $5 Grand Champion Jelly, Jams, Preserves & etc. $10 Reserve Champion Jelly, Jams, Preserves & etc. $5 Grand Champion Pickles $10 Reserve Champion Pickles $5 Grand Champion Dried $10 Reserve Champion Dried $5 Grand Champion Display $10 Reserve Champion Display $5 Youth Award –Grand Champion Overall $10 Youth Award –Reserve Champion Overall $5 First Timers Award –PCF Canning Book People’s Choice Award –favorite creative display $15 donated by Cubbage Farms Department – Open Class Floriculture Top Exhibit, in each division Best Single Entry, in the department
Purple Rosette Gold Rosette
Department – Open Class Agronomy Best Overall Threshed Grain Sample Best Overall Sheaf (forage and seed)
$10 $10
Department – Open Class Robotics Grand Champion, in each division Reserve Champion, in each division
Rosette Rosette
$20 $18 $20 $18 $20 $18
Department – Open Class Poultry Grand Champion Standard Male Grand Champion Standard Female Grand Champion Standard Trio Grand Champion Bantam Poultry Male Grand Champion Bantam Poultry Female Grand Champion Bantam Trio Grand Champion Waterfowl Male Grand Champion Waterfowl Female Grand Champion Turkey Overall Grand Champion Turkey Trio Grand Champion Bird of Show Reserve Champion Bird of Show
Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette
Department – Open Class Sheep Champion Ram, each breed Reserve Champion Ram, each breed Champion Ewe, each breed Reserve Champion Ewe, each breed Champion Overall Ram (Open/ Youth Combined) Champion Overall Breeding Female (Open/ Youth Combined)
Department – Open Class Horticulture Howard Hurich Memorial Award $25 Based on three points for 1st place, two points for 2nd place and one point for 3rd place received in the Horticulture Department. The same person may not win this award two years in a row. Department – Hay Show Highest Relative Feed Value of the Show
Department – Open Class Meat Goat Champion Breeding Meat Goat Reserve Champion Breeding Meat Goat Champion Junior Doe Reserve Champion Junior Doe Champion Breeding Senior Doe Reserve Champion Breeding Senior Doe
$25 $20 $25 $20 $50 $100
Department – 4-H Showmanship 4-H Senior Champions will receive a belt buckle in all species All Champions will receive funding to compete in the State Contest at State Fair
Department/ Division Awards Department – Open Class Wool Champion Ram Breed Fleece $10 Reserve Champion Ram Breed Fleece $8 Champion Ewe Breed Fleece $10 Reserve Champion Ewe Breed Fleece $8 Champion Ram Commercial Fleece $10 Reserve Champion Ram Commercial Fleece $8 Champion Ewe Commercial Fleece $10 Reserve Champion Ewe Commercial Fleece $8 Champion Ewe Commercial Colored Fleece $10 Reserve Champion Ewe Commercial Colored Fleece $8 Grand Champion Fleece of the Show (Open/ Youth Combined) $15 Reserve Champion Fleece of the Show (Open/ Youth Combined) $10
Breeding Beef Grand Champion Female $40 Reserve Champion Female $25 Grand Champion Bull $40 Reserve Champion Bull $25 Supreme Overall Breeding Female (Open/ Youth Combined) $150 Market Beef Grand Champion, each frame division (small, medium and large) $40 Reserve Champion, each frame division (small, medium and large) $25 Overall Grand Champion Youth Market Beef $40 Overall Reserve Champion Youth Market Beef $25 Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Youth Market Beef jackets donated by Simplot Park County Steer Futurity privately funded through contributions from Park County Producers
Department – 4-H Small Animal Round Robin Senior & Intermediate Champions will receive a belt buckle sponsored by Park County 4-H Council Reserve Champions will receive a plaque sponsored by Park County 4-H Council Department – 4-H Cat Grand Champion Cat Type Reserve Champion Cat Type People’s Choice Award Judges Choice Award
Department – Youth Dairy Cattle Grand Champion Bull Reserve Champion Bull Grand Champion Female Reserve Champion Female Champion Overall Breeding Female (Open/ Youth Combined)
$12 $10 $12 $10
Department – Youth Dairy Goat Champion Youth Junior & Senior Doe Reserve Champion Youth Junior & Senior Doe Best Senior Doe of Youth Show Best Junior Doe of Youth Show Best Udder of Youth Show Champion Overall Dairy Goat (Open/ Youth Combined)
Department – 4-H Dog Grand Champion Obedience & Best In Show $12 Reserve Champion Obedience & Best In Show $10 Department – 4-H Exhibits Top exhibit in each division will be awarded a Best Individual Exhibit Rosette Department – 4-H Robotics Challenge Grand Champion Reserve Champion
Rosette Rosette
Department – FFA Grand Champion Ag Mechanics Reserve Champion Ag Mechanics Champion Agronomy Exhibitor Reserve Champion Agronomy Exhibitor Champion Notebook Reserve Champion Notebook Champion Record Book Reserve Champion Record Book
$50 $25 $25 $15 $25 $15 $25 $15
$40 $25 $40 $25 $100
Department – Youth Show Large Animal Round Robin Champion 4-H & FFA $25 & Rosette Reserve Champion 4-H & FFA $15 & Rosette Each Contestant $5 $35 towards a jacket for the FFA Grand Champion donated by Skalsky’s Poor Boy Feed $35 towards a jacket for the FFA Reserve Champion donated by Cody Feed Cody, WY $35 towards a jacket for the 4-H Grand Champion donated by Roger and Linda Easum $35 towards a jacket for the 4-H Reserve Champion donated by ADM Seedwest Co. Vision West is donating all of the embroidering
Breeding Meat Goat Champion Breeding Meat Goat Reserve Champion Breeding Meat Goat Champion Breeding Junior Doe Reserve Champion Breeding Junior Doe Champion Breeding Senior Doe Reserve Champion Breeding Senior Doe
$20 $18 $20 $18 $20 $18
Market Goat Champion Market Goat Reserve Champion Market Goat Champion Feeder Goat Reserve Champion Feeder Goat
$20 $18 $20 $18
$20 $18 $15 $15 $20 $75
Department – Youth Horse Grand Champion Mare Rosette & $20 Reserve Champion Mare Rosette & $18 Grand Champion Gelding Rosette & $20 Reserve Champion Gelding Rosette & $18 Overall Champion Mare Rosette & Award* Overall Champion Gelding Rosette & Award* *Sponsored by Rachel Olsen & Lisa Eaton Department – Youth Mini Horse Grand Champion Mare Rosette & $20 Reserve Champion Mare Rosette & $18 Grand Champion Gelding Rosette & $20 Reserve Champion Gelding Rosette & $18 Overall Mare $30 sponsored by Rachel Olsen Overall Gelding $30 sponsored by Rachel Olsen 9
Department/ Division Awards Department – Youth Poultry Grand Champion Standard Male Grand Champion Standard Female Grand Champion Standard Trio Grand Champion Bantam Poultry Male Grand Champion Bantam Poultry Female Grand Champion Bantam Trio Grand Champion Waterfowl Male Grand Champion Waterfowl Female Grand Champion Turkey Overall Grand Champion Turkey Trio Grand Champion Bird of Show Reserve Champion Bird of Show
Feeder Lambs Champion Feeder Lamb Reserve Champion Feeder Lamb Champion Pen Reserve Champion Pen
Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette
Breed Fleeces Champion Ram Breed Fleece Reserve Champion Ram Breed Fleece Champion Ewe Breed Fleece Reserve Champion Ewe Breed Fleece
Grand Best of Breed Six and Four –Class Breeds Rosette Reserve Best Opposite Sex Six and Four –Class Breeds Rosette Grand Best of Breed Six –Class & Crossbred $4 Reserve Best Opposite Sex Six –Class & Crossbred $2 Grand Best of Breed Four –Class & Crossbred $4 Reserve Best Opposite Sex Four –Class & Crossbred $2 Overall Best of Breed Purebred & Crossbred Rabbit $10 Overall Best Opposite Sex Purebred & Crossbred Rabbit $8 Overall Best Meat Pen and Single Frye $8 Overall Reserve Meat Pen and Single Fryer $6 Overall Best Roaster $8 Overall Reserve Roaster $6 Champion Fur Rabbit Rosette Reserve Champion Fur Rabbit Rosette
Breeding Meat Sheep Champion Breeding Ram Reserve Champion Ram Champion Breeding Ewe Reserve Champion Breeding Ewe Champion Overall Breeding Female (Open/ Youth Combined)
Breeding Swine Champion Boar Reserve Champion Boar Champion Female Reserve Champion Female
$30 $20 $30 $20
(light, medium, heavyweight and feeder)
(light, medium & heavyweight)
Champion Speckled face, (light, medium & heavyweight)
Reserve Champion Whiteface, (light, medium & heavyweight)
Champion Whiteface, (light, medium & heavyweight)
Reserve Champion Blackface,
Reserve Champion Speckled face, (light medium & heavyweight) Overall Grand Champion Youth Market Lamb Overall Reserve Champion Youth Market Lamb Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Youth Market Lamb jackets donated by Simplot
$20 $15 $30 $20
Reserve Champion Market Swine, $15 Overall Grand Champion Youth Market Swine $30 Overall Reserve Champion Youth Market Swine $20 Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Youth Market Beef jackets donated by Simplot (light, medium, heavyweight and feeder)
–Wallace McClaflin Award donated by the Park County Fair Board $50 Champion Overall Ram (Open/ Youth Combined) – Lloyd Snider Award donated by Perkins Show Lambs & Karst Family $75
(light, medium & heavyweight)
$20 $15 $20 $15
Market Swine Champion Market Swine,
Market Sheep Champion Blackface,
$10 $8 $10 $8
Commercial Farm Flock Fleeces Champion Ram Commercial Fleece $10 Reserve Champion Ram Commercial Fleece $8 Champion Ewe Commercial Fleece $10 Reserve Champion Ewe Commercial Fleece $8 Champion Ewe Commercial Colored Fleece $10 Reserve Champion Ewe Commercial Colored Fleece $8 Grand Champion Fleece of the Show (Open/ Youth Combined) $15 Reserve Champion Fleece of the Show (Open/ Youth Combined) $10
Department – Youth Rabbit
$20 $15 $20 $15
General Information
Smoking Smoking is not allowed in the barns, arenas, midway or free stage pavilion or in the concession area.
Interpretation of Policy & Regulations The Park County Fair Board reserves to its Board, Events Coordinator and Superintendents the final and absolute right to interpret these policies and regulations and to arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions and differences in regard thereto, otherwise arising out of or connected with or incident to the Park County Fair, and the right to amend or add to these policies as its judgment may determine. An exhibitor who violates any of the following policies and/ or regulations may forfeit all privilege, fees paid; awards and/ or premiums won and be subjected to such penalty as the Fair Board may order.
The Public The management will consider it a great favor if the visitors will report any mistreatment or extortion practiced by an employee, exhibitor or concessionaire. Do not wait until the fair is over to file a complaint; do it immediately. Complaint forms are available in the fair office. Advertising Under NO circumstances will any person or firm be allowed to place any advertising material upon buildings, trees, parked cars or any place on the ground nor will it be permitted to distribute any advertising or sell articles outside the space assigned. Distribution of buttons, bumper stickers, hats, balloons, t-shirts, novelty items, food or beverages by non-concessionaires is prohibited. Political advertising, petition solicitors, subscriptions or sheet writers, contribution solicitors, leaflets, picketing or displaying signs, posters or banners in only allowed within the purchased commercial exhibits booth.
Fair Board Liability All exhibitors and exhibits must comply with the policies and regulations of the Park County Fair. The Fair shall not be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur. Each exhibitor will be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury, or damage done to or occasioned by, or arising from, any animal or article exhibited by him/ her and for its description as given in the Fair Book, and shall indemnify the Park County Fair against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto, as well as damage or injury to any other person or property, caused by the exhibitor, or any of the animals exhibited by him/ her, or arising out of, or in way connected with, such exhibition of any of the animals so exhibited. All person who attend the Park County Fair do so at their own risk. The Events Coordinator, Fair Board and Park County assume no responsibility, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may occur.
Concessions & Privileges No person or persons shall be allowed to sell, giveaway or solicit orders for any merchandise, magazines, etc. without the permission of Fair Management. The sales of goods and services may only be conducted within the designated commercial space assigned by Fair Management. Applications for such commercial space may be obtained from the Fair Office or www.parkcountyfair.com. Management shall have complete control of all concessions or privileges and such concessions shall abide by their decisions.
The Press Members of the working press are most cordially invited to attend the Park County Fair. Press passes are available from the Park County Events & Fair office prior to the fair. Judges’ reports, daily progress, special announcements, official decision and all fair matters of interest or value to the public will be provided as soon as possible upon request.
Admission & Parking ** Free Admission for children 12 years and under **
Tuesday: FREE DAY for all ages!!! Wednesday & Thursday: FREE admission until 1 p.m. Friday – Saturday: Gate admission runs from 9 a.m. until Midnight Daily Vehicle Parking ………………….. ..$5 Daily Livestock Trailer Parking …………..$5 Daily Gate Admission ………………….....$5 Weekly Vehicle Parking ………………....$15 Weekly Livestock Trailer Parking* ……...$15 Weekly Gate Admission …………………$15
Pets 1.
2. 3.
The term “midway” used below refers to the Carnival, Concession, Free Stage Pavilion and Grandstand Area. NO PETS OF ANY KIND WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE MIDWAY, IN THE BARNS OR IN THE ARENAS AT ANY TIME. Any pets found on the Midway may be removed by the Powell Animal Control. If you bring a pet to the fair, it MUST be kept on a leash at all times and is not allowed on the midway. Owners or handlers shall be responsible for clean –up of the animal’s excrement, vomit, etc. Pet owners and handlers are responsible for the control of noise or any damages caused by the pet. Fair Management may have the pet removed from the fairground property at the complete expense of the owner or handler.
All vehicles and livestock trailers to be parked on the grounds must purchase a vehicle parking permit. *One free livestock trailer per Club Each exhibitor/ participant/ legal guardian over the age of 12 is required to purchase a daily or weekly pass for admission on the grounds. No overnight parking of unauthorized vehicles. Vehicles parked overnight or triple parked vehicles may be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense. All trailers must be parked in designated area. 11
Camper spaces will be available to purchase online at www.parkcountyfair.com or at the Box Office window beginning at 10 a.m. the first Thursday of July. Spaces are available on a first –come –first –serve basis. Spaces sell out extremely quick (less than 30 minutes), so please plan accordingly.
In order to provide a safe, secure and pleasant environment, we ask for your cooperation in complying with this Code of Conduct at all times. Violation of this Code of Conduct will constitute cause for removal of the violator from the fairgrounds for the remaining duration of the current fair. 1. All patrons should be aware that the law enforcement officers patrol the fairgrounds. Officers are authorized to respond immediately to any situation and in such a manner as to promote the safety of the patrons, the fair staff, the 4-H Educators, the UW Extension Personnel, the Superintendents, the Fair Board and the Law Enforcement personnel. Law Enforcement staff may assist in the delivery of all verbal and/ or written notice to vacate the premises for the remainder of the
Camping Permit Rates: $200 for full hookups (plus sales & lodging taxes) $150 for electrical only (plus sales & lodging taxes) $125 fro dry hookups and tents (plus sales & lodging taxes) Camping Permits Include: 1 (one) camping permit 1 (one) weekly gate admission pass (for 1 person) 1 (one) weekly vehicle parking pass (for 1 vehicle) Additional admission and gate passes can be purchased at the Box Office or online at www.parkcountyfair.com Internet access may be available, but is NOT guaranteed. Due to sanitary and fly concern, NO LIVESTOCK IS ALLOWED IN CAMPSITES!!! 1. Any camper, tent, vehicle, or horse trailer in which people sleep shall be considered a camper. 2. All campers MUST clearly display the Camping Permit in the window facing the fairgrounds road directly in front of the camper. 3. Campers will be allowed to set –up beginning at 9 a.m. on the third Friday of July. Campers CAN NOT set up prior to this time! 4. All campers must be in place by 10 a.m. on Monday the week of fair and must leave the fairgrounds on the Sunday of fair. 5. Campers must park in their assigned spot. Campers will not be moved for any reason. 6. The published rate applies to July 22 – July 30, regardless of service used or the number of days stayed. 7. Each camp space designated with electricity is allowed to use only one electrical hookup. 8. All minor aged exhibitors camping on the fairgrounds MUST have a parent or guardian in that camper to supervise the youth during the evening hours of the fair. Guardians MUST BE OF AGE!!! 9. CURFEW IS 12 a.m. MIDNIGHT… All youth must be in their campers with the radio, TV, electronics devices and etc. turned down. Guardians must be in the camper at this time. 10. Dogs are allowed in campers, but must be kept on a leash, and shall not be allowed to bark or disturb other campers, exhibitors, staff, volunteers, the public and etc. Anyone having a dog in the campground MUST clean up after the dog. Dogs are NOT allowed in or near the barns, in food areas, on the midway or in the grandstands. Dogs are the ONLY animals allowed in the campground –no other animals are allowed. See more information on Pets under the General Information.
Curfew is Midnight for all minors age 16 and under staying on the fairgrounds. 3. Open containers of alcoholic beverages are restricted to the designated beer garden, designated areas within the grandstands facility and camping area. The following activities are prohibited at the fairgrounds: Running shouting, horse play, throwing of any type of debris. Disorderly or disruptive conduct of any type. Threating, belligerent or hostile behavior of any type. Blocking any building, booth, exhibit, concession stand, performance, ticket window, gate, stage, doorway, walkway, fire exit or stairway. Bicycle riding, skate boarding, scooter or skating of any kind on fairgrounds. Possession of narcotics or any illegal substance Use of loud or obscene language or gestures or other offensive behavior that interferes with the fairground patrons’ enjoyment of activities and events at the fairgrounds. Littering. Being on fairgrounds without shoes and shirt. Interfering with the fair business or interfering with the conduct of business by fair concessionaires or exhibitors. Any activity that could result in physical harm to person or property. Any act defined by federal, state or local statue or ordinance as constituting a crime.
Entry Procedures 1.
Application of Entry: The Park County Fair does not discriminate against any applicant, volunteer, customer or patron on the basis of race, sex, color, age, disability, religion, citizenship, nationality or ethnic origin. Eligibility for Entry: The Open Class competitions are open to exhibitors of all ages. All Open Class YOUTH competitions are for exhibitors 16 years and under, ADULT competitions are for exhibitors 17 years or older. Competition in the Youth Livestock Show is restricted to Park County 4-H and FFA members.
Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible for entry, exhibitors and the exhibits must meet and adhere to the requirements of the General Rules as listed under the appropriate department and the Livestock Rules and Regulations, the IAFE Show Ring Ethic and all other rules published in the Park County fair book. If you plan to exhibit/ show in 4-H you MUST: a) b)
5. 6.
Enroll into 4-H at www.wy.4honline.com by date of tagging for livestock or July 1st of current year for static exhibits. Met the Meat Quality Assurance requirements for Market Class by June 1st of current year.
Pre –Entry: All divisions are required to pre –enter into the Park County Fair. See page 3 for entry deadlines. Entry Forms: Entries are accepted on –line and on an official fair entry form. Exhibitors may enter on-line at www.parkcountyfair.com. Exhibitors are required to create a new account each year. PLEASE ONLY CREATE ONE (1) ACCOUNT PER EXHIBITOR EACH YEAR! Entry forms are available at the Park County Event & Fair Office in Powell and the 4-H Extension Office in Cody. Exhibitors should use the same exhibitor name on all their entry forms. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT EXHIBITORS ENTER ON LINE. Late Fair Entries: For all Park County Fair entries submitted after the deadline, but prior to the final cutoff date and times (Monday the week of fair by noon for static exhibits and weigh –in/ check –in for animals) The following steps shall be completed before an exhibitor will be allowed to participate in the fair: Exhibitor seeking to enter a late fair entry shall complete and submit all proper forms to the Park County Events & Fair Office in Powell. At that time, the exhibitor shall pay the late entry fee(s) in full. $10 per person for static entries $50 per person for animal entries The late entry fee is a onetime PER PERSON annual fee, payable to ‘Park County Fair’. The Park County Events & Fair Office will issue the exhibitor an official receipt for the late exhibits, which grants that exhibitor permission to enter the respective class/ show. When checking in for the class, the exhibitor shall present the official receipt to the respective department Superintendent. If the late exhibitor does not present the official receipt before entering the class/ show, the exhibitor shall not be allowed to participate. When submitting completed call books to the Park County Event & Fair Office, the department Superintendent shall attach the official receipt to the corresponding page(s) in the call books. Premiums will NOT be paid for late entries allowed by the Superintendents or others that do not follow the approved procedure (above) and exceptions (below). Exceptions: In the event an exhibitor is registered in a particular department, but perhaps entered in the wrong class, the exhibitor may add, change or drop class within that department at check in, at the discretion of the department Superintendent. If an exhibitor and a particular animal are already registered, properly tagged, etc. the exhibitor may add, change or drop classed with that same animal until the start of the class/ show, at the discretion of the department Superintendent. Exhibitor Personal Information: Park County Fair does not give out exhibitor names, addresses or phone numbers of
12. 13.
exhibitors to anyone that is not associated with the fair. A contact phone number and an accurate mailing address are required for all fair exhibitors to trouble shoot problems and mail premium checks. Exhibit Tags: Exhibit tags are computer generated by the Fair Office. The Fair Office will have the exhibit tags ready for pick –up by the Wednesday before fair. Property Entry: Any entries which have been inadvertently or erroneously entered may, at the discretion of the department Superintendent of Judge, be transferred to the proper class prior to the judging. However, if such class has already been judged, the class shall not be reopened and the exhibits shall be disqualified. Acknowledgement: By making an entry into the Park County Fair each exhibitor (and exhibitor’s parent / legal guardian, if the exhibitor is a minor) acknowledges that he/ she understands and will abide by all requirements, rules, policies and regulations of the Park County Fair. Exhibitions: The Superintendent reserves the right to reject an unworthy entry of any nature by refusing exhibit space. Exhibit Delivery: Exhibitors are responsible for delivering their items to the fairgrounds at the specified time within the respective exhibit division. Ribbons: The exhibitor is responsible for keeping each premium ribbon attached to the respective exhibit tag until such time as they can compare the premium ribbon with their Premium Check. Exhibit Pick –Up: Exhibitors are responsible for reading the exhibit release times indicated in the respective department. The Exhibit Hall doors will be locked at 11 a.m. on the Sunday of fair. It is your responsibility to make arrangements for exhibits left after that time. Should exhibits be removed before this date without prior authorization, all premiums earned shall be forfeited. Premium Check: All premium checks will be mailed by September 1st. Premium check will be paid off of the official call sheets signed by the judge. Premium check will be made payable to the exhibitor name designated on the entry form and mailed to the address provided. Exhibitors who receive premiums above the reporting limit set by the IRS will be required to complete an I-9 Form prior to receiving their premium check. Exhibitors are responsible for notifying the Fair Office of any changes to the exhibitors mailing address. All premiums not claimed by December 31st of the exhibit year shall be deemed forfeited to the Park County Fair. December 1st of the current year is the deadline for reporting any error in a premium check or for a check not having been received. After that date no changes will be made nor will checks be issued. Questions: Contact the department Superintendent if you have any questions.
Exhibits & Exhibitor 1.
Admission: All exhibitors and guests are required to purchase daily admission via daily or weekly passes for grounds admission. Parking: Parking permits are required for on grounds access/ parking. Paid parking area on the grounds will be provided on a first-come –first-serve basis. Livestock trailer parking permits are required for on grounds access.
Cooperation: All exhibitors and exhibits are required to cooperate with the Events Coordinator, Fair Board members, security personnel and officials of the Park County Fair in all matters of policy, including behavior, grounds admission and parking. Those exhibitors not cooperating may be removed from the premises, will have their entries withdrawn from competition, forfeit all awards and premiums and arrangements must be made to safely remove their exhibit(s) from the grounds immediately. Conduct: Exhibitors will cooperate at all times to conduct the best possible Park County Fair. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated and the offending exhibitors will forfeit ALL awards and premiums due and may be immediately dismissed from the grounds. Any false representation, interference or unprofessional conduct on the part of any exhibitor(s), exhibitor(s) guardian or show bystander will be dealt with by the Superintendent, 4-H Educator, FFA Advisors, Fair Events Coordinator and/ or the Fair Board according to the equities of the case. If any exhibitor takes exception to the awards of an official judge in an unprofessional and/ or public manner, any and all awards/ premiums awarded to such exhibitor shall be forfeited. Park County Fair, 4-H Educator and FFA Advisors may bar such offending exhibitor from competing or exhibiting in the current and/ or future Park County Fairs. See also the Code of Conduct for all patrons at the Park County Fair and IAFE Code of Show Ring Ethics. Exhibits: Exhibits must be on the grounds during the designated times during the Park County Fair and are not to be removed from the fairgrounds prior to the release date, except at the discretion of the Superintendent and/ or Fair Board. Objectionable Exhibits: The Superintendents reserve the right to remove from the grounds any exhibit, animal or display that may be falsely entered or may be deemed unsuitable or objectionable without assigning a reason. Special Policies: Special policies or conditions are published in each department where necessary; if there is a conflict between the special policy of any department and the General Policy and the regulations of Park County, the special policy will govern. Erroneous Entry: Exhibits that have been erroneously entered may be transferred to their proper class, prior to judging, upon notification to the department Superintendent, who will determine the matter upon its merits. However, if such classes have already been judged, the class shall not be reopened and the exhibit will be disqualified. Stalling: Stalls/ Pens/ Cages are assigned by entering into the division in the appropriate Stall/ Pen/ Cage Assignment division under the appropriate livestock/ animal department. Exhibitors are responsible for reading the rules listed within the department. Exhibitors must enter into the Stall/ Pen/ Cage Assignment division for each animal requiring a stall/ pen/ cage. (Example: Joe Smith has 2 pigs and only needs one pen, Joe would do only one entry into the Stall/ Pen/ Cage Assignment class. Sue Smith has 2 pigs and needs a pen for each pig, Sue would do two entries into the Stall/ Pen/ Cage Assignment class.)
10. Tack Stalls/ Pens: There may be space allocated for tack or lounging stall when space is available. Exhibitors may request a tack stall/ pen by entering into the class Stall/ Pen Assignment under the appropriate livestock/ animal division. 11. Bedding: Wood shavings for bedding are available at the local supply business. Storage of large quantities of bedding and/ or feed in the barns/ buildings is prohibited. Extra bedding and/ or feed must be kept in vehicles and/ or trailers in the parking areas. Schedules for feeding, exercising and tie outs will be established and strictly enforced to minimize congestion. 12. Cleanup: All stalls, pens and exhibition places must be cleaned before 9:00 a.m. each day and refuge matter disposed of in designated areas as directed by Superintendents. For those exhibitors not disposing of animal waste and bedding in the proper designated areas or refusing to keep their area, stalls, pens and or exhibits clean and neat, Superintendents, 4-H Educator, FFA Advisors, Event Coordinator and/ or the Fair Board reserves the right to dismiss the exhibitor and/ or to have the stalls or pens properly cleaned with the cost to be charged against the exhibitor. Said cost will be deducted from the exhibitor premium check. Exhibitor may be invoiced if the cleaning fees exceed the premium check amount. Said cleanup fee shall be a flat rate of $25 per stall. 13. Equipment: Any equipment brought in to be used in assigned stalls or space must comply with and be used in compliance with all federal, state and municipal occupational safety and health regulations. 14. Postmortem Examinations: In the event an animal dies on the fairgrounds, during the Park County Fair, the Superintendent, 4-H Educator, FFA Advisors, Events Coordinator and/ or Fair Board reserves the right to require a postmortem examination of the animal be a licensed veterinarian. If a postmortem examination is ordered by the Park County Fair or by the owner/ exhibitor of the animal, the expense of the postmortem examination and any related veterinary cost are to be borne by the owner/ exhibitor. 15. Enforcement: The failure of the Superintendent, 4-H Educator, FFA Advisors Events Coordinator and/ or the Fair Board to enforce any of the provision, rules, and rights or remedies of the fair book or to exercise any options or sanctions herein provided will in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions, rules, remedies, sanctions or options. 16. Alcohol Usage: Any exhibitor involved in underage drinking of alcohol beverages will be sent home immediately and may be cited by onsite law enforcement personnel. They will not receive their premium check, special prizes or be able to sell in the Junior Livestock Sale. They will also be disqualified from participation in following years Park County Fair.
bold and/ or other sample taken from the livestock indicates the presence of forbidden drugs or medication this shall be prima facie evidence such has been administered to the animal either internally or externally. It is presumed that the sample of urine, saliva, blood and/ or other substance tested by the laboratory, to which it is sent is the one taken from the animal in question, its integrity is preserved and all procedures of said collection and preservation transfer to the laboratory and analysis of the sample are correct and accurate and the report received from the laboratory pertains to the sample taken from the animal in question and correctly reflects the condition of the animal at the time the sample was taken, with the burden on the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer or absolutely responsible person to prove otherwise. At any time after an animal arrives on the fair or livestock show premises all treatments involving the use of drugs and/ or medications for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal shall be administered by a licensed veterinarian. 5. Any surgical procedure or injection of any foreign substance or drug or the external application of any substance (irritant, counterirritant or similar substance) which could affect the animal’s performance or alter its natural contour, confirmation or appearance, except external applications of substances to the hoofs or horns of animals which affect appearance only and except for surgical procedures performed by a duly licensed veterinarian for the sole purpose of protecting the health of the animal is prohibited. 6. The use of showing and/ or handling practices or devices such as striking animals to cause swelling, using electrical contrivance or other similar practices are not acceptable and are prohibited. 7. Direct criticism or interference with the judge, fair or livestock show management, other exhibitors breed representatives or show officials before, during or after the competitive event is prohibited. In the furtherance of their official duty all judges, fair and livestock show management or other show officials should be treated with courtesy, cooperation and respect and no person shall direct abusive or threating conduct toward them. 8. No owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer or absolutely responsible person shall conspire with another person or persons to intentionally violate this code of ethics or knowingly contribute or cooperate with another person or persons either by affirmative action or inaction to violate this code of ethics. Violation of this rule shall subject such individual to disciplinary action. 9. The application of this code of ethics provides for absolute responsibility for an animal’s condition by an owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer or participant whether or not he or she was actually instrumental in or had actual knowledge of the treatment of the animal in contravention of this code of ethics. 10. The act of entering an animal is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer or absolutely responsible person to have any disciplinary action taken by the fair or livestock show against such individuals published in any publication of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions, including Fairs and Expositions and any special notices to members.
IAFE Code of Show Ring Ethics (International Assoc. of Fairs & Expositions) Please note any reference to “Fair Management” herein refers to the Events Coordinator, Superintendents, 4-H Educators, FFA Advisor, UW Employees and / or the Fair Board.
3. 4.
Exhibitors of animals at the livestock shows shall at all times deport themselves with honesty and good sportsmanship. Their Conduct in this competitive environment shall always reflect the highest standards of honor and dignity to promote the advancement of agricultural education. This codes applies to youth as well as open class exhibitors who compete in structured classes of competition. This code applies to all livestock offered in any event at a livestock show. In addition to the “IAFE Code of Show Ring Ethics” fairs and livestock show may have rules and regulations which they impose on the local, county, state, provincial and national levels. All youth leaders working with youth exhibitors are under an affirmative responsibility to do more than avoid improper conduct or questionable acts. Their moral values must be so certain and positive that those younger and more pliable will be influenced by their fine example. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers and absolutely responsible persons who violate the code of ethics will forfeit premiums, awards and auction proceeds and shall be prohibited from future exhibitions in accordance with the rules adopted by the respective fairs and livestock shows. Exhibitors who violate this code of ethics demean the integrity of all livestock exhibitors and should be prohibited from competition at all livestock shows in the United States and Canada. The following is a list of guideline for all exhibitors and all livestock in competitive events: All exhibitors must present upon request of fair and livestock show officials proof of ownership, length of ownership and age of all animals entered. Misrepresentation of ownership, age or any facts relating thereof is prohibited. Owners, exhibitors, fitters, trainers or absolutely responsible persons shall provide animal health certificates from a licensed veterinarian upon request by fair or livestock show officials. Youth exhibitors are expected to care for and groom their animals while at fairs or livestock shows. Animals shall be presented to show events where they will enter the food chain free of volatile drug residues. The act of entering an animal in a livestock show is the giving of consent by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer and/ or absolutely responsible person for show management to obtain any specimens of urine, saliva, blood and/ or other substances from the animal to be used in testing. Animals not entered in an event which culminates with the animal entering the food chain shall not be administered drugs other that in accordance with applicable federal, state and provincials statues, regulations and rules. Livestock shall not be exhibited if the drug administered in accordance with federal, state, provincial statues a, regulations and rules affect the animal’s performance or appearance at the event. If the laboratory report on the analysis of saliva, urine,
11. The act of entering an animal in a fair or livestock show is the giving of verification by the owner, exhibitor, fitter, trainer or absolutely responsible person that he or she has read the IAFE National Code of Show Ring Ethics and understands the consequences of and penalties provided for actions prohibited by the code. It is further a consent that any action which contravenes these rules and is also in violation of federal, state, or provincial statutes, regulations, or rules may be released to appropriate law enforcement authorities with jurisdiction over such infractions.
3. 4.
Judging 1.
Decision of the Judge is Final: The decision of the judges will be final in all cases, except cases of formal protest or where mistakes, fraud, misrepresentation or collusion not discovered at the time of award is proven. In such cases, the Superintendent or Events Coordinator may make the final decision. Interference with the Judge: If any exhibitor in anyway whether in person or by their representative interferes with the judge(s) or show any disrespect to them or to the show officials the Fair Board, Events Coordinator 4-H Educator, FFA Advisors or Superintendent may excuse him/ her form the show ring and exclude him/ her from further competition; exhibitor premiums or awards that may have been awarded may also be withheld for all departments. Time of Judging: Judges Schedules as published in the fair book are tentative and subject to change but will be followed as closely as possible. Exhibitors should ascertain at what time the exhibits entered will be judged. Judging will not be delayed for exhibitors entering the show area late or who entered the wrong class. Any exhibit not presented promptly at the scheduled time will be ruled out and excluded from competition in the call called to schedule. Public may attend judging as long as they do not disrupt or interfere with the judge. Method of Awarding: Poultry exhibits will be exhibited in the cage assigned by the Superintendent. All other livestock/ animal exhibits must be removed from its stall/ pen and exhibited before the judge in the show ring. Where there are fewer entries in a class than the number of premiums offered the judge may at their discretion award a prize or prizes of such grade as the exhibit merits. Unworthy Exhibits: Judges shall not award a prize to an unworthy exhibit. It is the intention of the fair that no premium or distinction of any kind shall be given to any exhibit that is not deserving. Disqualification: If an exhibit or exhibitor is disqualified after judging and/ or having won awards or premiums, there will be no automatic changes in the final placing’s. Upon investigation, the Event Coordinator and/ or Fair Board may consider a change in the final placing’s.
6. 7.
competition exist only one cash premium will be awarded according to the merits of the entry. No judge will be allowed to serve in a department in which they may be the owner or previous owner of an animal or have any interest in such exhibit or department. Judges are required to sign all call sheets containing merits. All decisions of the judge shall be considered final. In case of any conflict the decision of the Judge or Superintendent of that department shall be final. No person other than those in authority will be allowed to see the results book until after judging is closed. Copies of the completed official call sheets will be made upon request. A judge shall not judge the same class for three consecutive years. Judges shall obtain a timesheet from the Superintendent and submit the completed time back to the Superintendent prior to leaving the fairgrounds. Checks will be mailed to the judges upon approval by the Fair Board at the August board meeting. Complaint A formal protest in the Youth Show Department can only be submitted by a Youth Show exhibitor. To file a formal complaint, the offended party must obtain a Complaint/ Suggestion form from the Box Office or Fair Office. All complaints shall be submitted to the Box Office within 24 hours of the time of incident. No protest of any nature or cause whatsoever will be considered unless the Superintendent in charge of the department acknowledges such protest by signing the form. A written protest pertaining to eligibility is most acceptable when submitted prior to the day of judging. No protest, complaint or appeal that a judge overlooked an entry will be considered. A written protest must be submitted either prior to judging or immediately after the conclusion of judging. Once an exhibit/ animal reaches champion judging, NO complaint will be accepted.
Superintendent Roles & Responsibilities 1.
3. 4.
Judges Responsibilities 1.
Judges shall notify the Fair Office if they require hotel accommodations. The Fair Office will mail the judges contract, one weekly admittance pass, one weekly parking pass and accommodation information prior to fair, unless requested to do otherwise. The judges will report to the department Superintendent before performing their duties. Judges may not award prizes to unworthy exhibits. In classes where no
Submit a written report following fair reporting strengths, problem areas and outlining recommendations. Superintendents shall meet at the fair office when requested to do so by the Event Coordinator and/ or Fair Board. Superintendents shall feel free to approach the Events Coordinator and/ or Fair Board with any questions, comments or concerns. Verify accuracy of Rules and Regulations prior to the release of the fair book and be familiar with them. In order to change premiums or request rule changes in your department changes must be presented for approval no later than the February regular meeting of the Fair Board, which meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. The Superintendents shall be responsible for their respective departments and any and all decisions by them, unless otherwise specified shall be considered final. Superintendents have the authority to withhold premium money associated with their department from
7. 8. 9.
10. 11.
12. 13. 14. 15.
20. 21.
22. 23. 24.
exhibitors who frequently violates rules set forth in the fairbook. Notify the Fair staff of any special needs by the last Friday of June. Advise maintenance personnel of needs and supervise/ assist in performance of work. Shall be responsible for obtaining the judges book from the Fair Office and returning the completed official call sheets signed by the judge to the Fair Office. Shall be responsible for obtaining ribbons and returning the unused. See that exhibit area is clean and ready for exhibits and demonstrations. Post schedules, signs and decorations that have approved by the Event Coordinator. Supervise check –in to verify accuracy of entries. Arrange exhibits in a tasteful manner with all entries in the same class in the same area. Act in the capacity of official host to exhibitors, spectators and judges. Assign animal/ livestock placement within the barn and place Stall/ Pen cards. Must provide the Fair Office with an accurate map of the assigned stall/ pen arrangement. Monitor health and behavior of animals. Arrange to meet judges and make them aware of the premium schedule, division awards and special placings. Inform the judge of the policies governing awards and to remind them of department policies before judging. Arrange work schedule of available personnel in exhibit area to perform assigned duties; entry check – in and release, clerk, answer questions, maintain order and prevent damage and theft. Conduct the show: clerk assist judge as needed, supervise spectators and exhibitors, attach ribbons to winning entries in a appropriate manner. The Superintendent is to verify that the clerk has clearly indicated on the call sheets which exhibits were present for the judge. Verify clerk’s records of placing and tabulate all special awards. The Superintendent must initial every printed call sheet and verify the quantity entered in each class. The Superintendent shall verify the judge has signed all the call sheets containing merits. Deliver, or arrange for delivery a list of placings and special awards to the North Office immediately following show or as soon as possible. Verify exhibitors clean their assigned stalls/ pens and/ or cage. Deliver a list of the stall/ pens and/ or cages that were not cleaned to the Fair Office. A cleaning fee of $25 will be charged to each exhibitor who occupied a stall/ pen and /or cage and did not clean it prior to departure of the premises. Supervise the release of entries. Follow all fair Rules and Requirements. Sign and agree to the job description for respective departments/ divisions.
Livestock Rules & Regulations ALL LIVESTOCK ENTRIES The following rules and regulations apply to ALL LIVESTOCK EXHIBITORS at the PARK COUNTY FAIR. Please read them carefully in addition to the rules listed in the specific departments. If you have any questions, call the Superintendent for clarification.
5. 6.
No animals, other than horses, dogs and cats for their respective shows will be allowed on the fairgrounds prior to Noon on Tuesday the week of fair. No more than two (2) entries per class by any one exhibitor, except in the Initial Class designated for Market Animals. Once class breaks have been established for Market Animals, no more than two (2) entries per class by one (1) exhibitor will be allowed. For times of the livestock shows check the Judges Schedule in the front of the book, times of events are subject to change. Youth exhibitors entering livestock can only enter an animal into Open Class or Youth Show, but cannot be entered into both. NO ANIMAL may be shown in both market and breeding classes. All livestock entries for Open Class Youth Show divisions are due on Wednesday, July 5th by 5 p.m. Exhibitors can submit entries online at www.parkcountyfair.com or deliver them to the Powell Fair Office or the Cody Extension Office. Late Entries: Any entry submitted after the entry deadline will be assessed a onetime late entry fee of $50 per person for animal entries. The exhibitor seeking to enter a late entry shall seek approval at the Park County Events & Fair Office and shall complete, sign and submit all proper forms and payment. If approval is granted for the late entry, the Park County Events & Fair Office shall issue the exhibitor on official receipt per exhibit, which grants the exhibitor permission to enter the respective show/ class as a late entry. The exhibitor shall then present the official receipt to the respective Superintendent who shall then allow the exhibitor to participate in show/ class. If the exhibitor does not present the official receipt when entering the show/ class, the exhibitor shall not be allowed to participate in the show/ class. Premiums shall not paid for late entries that do not follow the approved above procedure. Deadlines for late entries is at for livestock weigh –in. Exception to Late Entry Rule: If an exhibitor and a particular animal are already registered, properly tagged, etc. the exhibitor may add, change or drop classes with that same animal until the start of the class at the discretion of the Superintendent. 4-H/ FFA members from other counties will not be allowed to compete in the Youth Livestock Shows unless enrolled in a Park County 4-H club or a FFA chapter. Dogs, Cats and Horses may be released after their respective show. All other livestock will be released at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 30th. Early release is granted to exhibitors with prior approval from the Superintendent, 4-H Educator, FFA Advisors and/ or Fair Board. Feed and Bedding: It will be up to the exhibitor to furnish his/ her own bedding and hay/ feed. Wood shavings will be used for bedding in the barns –straw may only be used in the Dairy Barn or for Breeding Sheep. No bedding or hay/
13. 14. 15.
18. 19. 20.
feed will be allowed in the alleys at any time. Please dump manure in marked Manure Dump areas only. Do NOT dump trash or other waste in the manure dump areas. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to keep the alleys swept and clean for the public. The stall/ pen/ cage MUST BE clean with fresh bedding and your animal(s) MUST BE fed and watered before 9 a.m. each morning and by 9 p.m. each evening. The Park County Fair recommends animals are vaccinated according to the local veterinarian’s recommendations. We will not be responsible for any animals contracting a disease or virus during the fair. If any animals show signs of sickness or disease the exhibitor will be asked to remove them from the fairgrounds. All Sheep and Goats must have a Scrapie Tag - this includes all market and breeding animals. Sheep and Goats may be subjected to an unscheduled USDA Inspection to verify scrapies. All market classes and all breeding classes are on the American system (1st -6th). No premiums will be paid to a Champion awarded in a class with less than three (3) entries. Youth Show Grand and Reserve Champion animals will be automatically entered into the Open Class Show provided that the Open Class exist; for a Youth Show exhibitor to advance into an Open Class show the prospective class must already exist with open class entries. In the event that there is no animals in that class, the youth’s animal will be to show in the Open Class “Any Other Recognized Breed Show”, if an Open Class entry is present. All animals must be fitted, except for the Youth Beef Showmanship class. No ribbons or premiums will be awarded to unfitted animals, except for the Youth Beef Showmanship class. All animals exhibited in Open Class must be registered on the records of the various breed associations. Partnership owned animals must be entered in the name of the owner appearing on the herd books or registry. Original or copy of registration must be provided. Individual animals shown in a group class must be entered and shown in one of the classes for single animals. Nose Leads: All bulls, over yearlings, must be shown with nose leads. Tie -Out Rule: If you tie your animals outside the barn, it cannot be tied out until after 8 p.m. and must be back in the barn by 9 a.m. ALL ANIMALS TIED OUT MUST BE IN THE DESIGNATED TIE –OUT AREA. NO TIE –OUTS IN THE PARKING AREA. There will be absolutely NO TIE –OUTS or FEEDING of any animal in the grassy area. Any person using the grassy area for that purpose will void their premiums. Any animal that shows at the Park County Fair may not pass the Rules or Regulations for showing or competing at any other exhibition. Nine (9) – Thirteen (13) year old 4-Her’s and first year 4Her’s over thirteen (13) may receive parental or 4-H leader help when needed. Parental or leader help is permissible only when the 4-Her’s is actively participating in the fitting, trimming and grooming. Cleaning of stalls, sweeping of aisles, washing and feeding of animals should
be done by the 4-Her. Making it a learning situation for the 4-Her is most important. 24. Tail Docking Policy: Sheep presented for exhibit at the Park County Fair shall have no evidence of rectal prolapse, nor evidence of surgical tail removal. Following a visual examination by the Superintendent and veterinarian evidence of either of these conditions is cause for immediate disqualification without recourse. Sheep presented for exhibit at the Park County Fair that lack visible tail length may be evaluated by palpation for the presence of tail vertebrae. If no tail vertebrae are found it is cause for immediate disqualification without recourse. Disqualified sheep shall be released and removed from the exhibit area. This policy is intended to reinforce the Wyoming State Fair Tail Docking Policy that requires the presence of three full coccygeal vertebrae on sheep exhibited. The Park County Fair Board, the Wyoming State Fair and the Wyoming Department of Agriculture encourage exhibitors to practice the highest standards in animal agriculture. 25. In order to show in the Park County Youth Show and the Wyoming State Fair animals must be owned by the following dates: Breeding Beef, Breeding Sheep, Breeding Swine & Dairy Cattle, Feeder Calves born after Feb. 1st…...…..…..June 1st Dairy Goats, Poultry, Rabbits, Cats..………………June 1st Market Rabbit………………………………………July 1st Market Beef & Dairy Cattle……………………..…Feb. 1st Horse, Dogs…………………………………...……May 1st Goats, Market Sheep, Swine………………….…..May 15th
Tampering/ Drugging of Livestock Statute Wyoming State Statute, Title 11: Agriculture, Livestock & other Animals Chapter 1 –General Provisions 11-30-114: Tampering with or drugging of livestock prohibited.
No person shall tamper with or sabotage any livestock which has been registered, entered or exhibited in any exhibition in this state. B. No person shall administer, dispense, distribute, manufacture, sell or use any drug to or for livestock which has been registered, entered or exhibited in any exhibition in this state unless the drug is approved for such use by the United States Food and Drug Administration or the United States Department of Agriculture. However, nothing shall prevent any person from using a drug on livestock owned by him if either federal agency has approved an application submitted for investigational use in accordance with the federal food, drug and cosmetic Act. C. Any person who violates this section shall be punished as provided by W.S. 11-1-103. D. As used in this section: (i) “Drug” means as defined by W.S. 35-7110(a)(x); (ii) “Exhibition” means a show or sale of livestock at a Fair or elsewhere in this state that is sponsored by or under the authority of the state or any political subdivision, local government or any agricultural, horticultural or livestock society, association or corporation;
“Livestock” means any animal generally used for food or in the production of food, including but not limited to horses, mules and cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, swine, rabbits or llamas; “Sabotage” means to intentionally tamper with any livestock belonging to or owned by another person that has been registered, entered or exhibited in any exhibition or raised for the apparent purpose of being entered in an exhibition; “Tamper” shall not include any action taken or activity performed or administered by a licensed veterinarian or in accordance with instructions of a licensed veterinarian if the action or activity was undertaken for accepted medical purposes or any action taken as part of accepted grooming, commercial, or medical practices, but shall include any of the following: Treatment of livestock in such a manner that food derived from the livestock would be considered adulterated under the Wyoming Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, W.S. 35-7-109 et seq.; The injection, use or administration of any drug that is prohibited by any federal, state or local law or any drug that is used in a manner prohibited by any federal, state or local law; The injection or other internal administration of any product or material, whether gas, solid or liquid to any livestock for the purpose of deception including concealing, enhancing or transforming the true conformation, The use or administration for cosmetic purposes of steroids, illegal growth stimulants The use or administration of diuretics for cosmetic purposes; The manipulation or removal of tissue, by surgery or otherwise, so as to change, transform, or enhance the true conformation or configuration of the livestock. Nothing in this subparagraph shall prohibit generally accepted management practices including but not limited to the dehorning, castration or spaying, corrective shoeing or trimming of any livestock. Subjecting the livestock to inhumane conditions or procedures for the purpose of concealing, enhancing or transforming the true conformation, configuration, condition or age of the livestock or making the livestock appear more sound than the livestock would otherwise appear;
Substituting any different livestock for the livestock registered or entered in the exhibition without the permission of a responsible official of the exhibition.
Department – Open Class Visual Arts
Class Table: Media Type: Landscape Still Life Flowers Portraits Animals Heart Mountain
General Rules: 1. All entries must be ready for immediate display before arrival. All pieces must be framed or matted and hung with wire. Absolutely no “self-leveling” saw tooth hangers or string accepted. Glass on pictures entered at your own risk. Plastic matting sleeve is suggested to avoid scratching. 2. Any article that has received an award at a previous Park County Fair is not eligible for entry. 3. Exhibits displaying a Business Name, Price tag or for sale sign will be removed from the competition. 4. All artwork/photography must be original. No copies accepted. Entries must be solely completed by the person entering the project. 5. Artwork must be no larger than 50x50 inches including frame. Miniature class no larger than 10x10 inches including frame. 6. On the back of all mats the artist/ photographer must show his/ her name, address, division, class and title of exhibit. 7. Duplicate entries will not be allowed in different classes. 8. All Open Class YOUTH competitions are for exhibitors 18 years and under, ADULT competitions are for exhibitors 19 years or older. (Ages as of Jan. 1st of current year) a) Senior, age: 65 years or older b) Adult, ages: 19 years or older c) Junior, ages: 11 years to 18 years old d) Child, ages: 6 years to 10 years old e) Tot, ages: 1 year to 5 years old Age is required on the entry form. If age is not on the entry form exhibit will be disqualified. 9. Only two (2) entries in each class per exhibitor. Tot Division is only one (1) entry per class. 10. Based on entry quality entries may be shifted between divisions at the Superintendents discretion. 11. Classification of work will be: a) Professional: refers to those who derive significant income from art/ photography and whose work is produced primarily for the purpose of selling; or who have a diploma, certificate, degree or three or more years of school training; or teach in their visual arts media. b) Advanced Amateur: refers to those who have exhibited and won first prize in accredited or recognized shows; or who have had professional schooling but have not completed more than three years. c) Amateur: refers to those who have not won first prizes in accredited or recognized shows; or who had had little or no schooling.
Crayon, Markers, Oil or Acrylic Chalk, Colored Pencils Painting Water Color or Pastels 01 07 13 02 08 14 03 09 15 04 10 16 05 11 17 06 12 18
Charcoal, Pen & Ink, Pencil, or Scratch Board Landscape 19 Still Life 20 Flowers 21 Portraits 22 Animals 23 Heart Mountain 24 Media Type:
Any Other 25 26 27 28 29 30
Class: Other Paints 31 Mixed Media 32.1 Abstract or Non-Objective Class: Miniature Media 32 Landscape 33 Still Life 34 Flowers 35 Portraits 36 Animals 37 Heart Mountain 38 Any Other
Department – Open Class Visual Arts: Drawing and Painting: Tot Superintendent: Diane Martin 307-202-0628 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Premium Schedule: All entries will receive a participation ribbon Division 0100 –Tots Class: 01 Watercolors 02 Pen & Ink; Scratch Board; Pencils 03 Chalk; Crayons; Pastels; Markers 04 Oil; Acrylic; or Finger Painting 05 Any Other
Department – Open Class Visual Arts: Drawing and Painting: Youth
Department – Open Class Visual Arts: Drawing and Painting: Adult
Superintendent: Diane Martin 307-202-0628 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Premium Schedule: Schedule B
Superintendent: Diane Martin 307-202-0628 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Premium Schedule: Schedule B
Division 0105 –Child Division 0106 –Junior
Division Special Awards: Top exhibit in each division will receive a Rosette. Sweepstakes Rosette for Best Single Entry in this department. People Choice Award Rosette and $15
Class: 01 02 03 04 05
Division 0101 –Professional Division 0102 –Advanced Amateur Division 0103 –Amateur Division 0104 –Senior
Watercolors Pen & Ink; Scratch Board; Pencils Chalk; Crayons; Pastels; Markers Oil; Acrylic; or Finger Painting Any Other
Department – Open Class Crafted Arts
Department – Open Class Visual Arts: Photography Superintendents: Deneyce Reno 307-202-0357 Emmanuelle McCarty 307-899-1820 Premium Schedule: Schedule B Rules: 1. Photographs must be mounted or matted with at least one (1) inch border, canvas and metal prints will also be accepted. No string or wire affixed by tape is allowed. Must be able to hang from large hooks on pegboard. With the exception of Children, Juniors and The Story Telling series, all photographs must be at least 8x10 inches – cropping is allowed but at least 7.5: x 9.5” must be visible after framing / matting. Overall size must be no larger than 16x20 inches. 2. Photography is limited to no more than eight (8) prints by any one exhibitor.
Superintendent: Judy Preator 307-272-9066 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Premium Schedule: Schedule B Department/ Division Special Awards: Top exhibit in each division will receive a purple ribbon
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Division Special Award: Top exhibit in each division will receive a Rosette
Division 0107 –Professional, Color & B/ W Division 0108 –Advanced Amateur Adult, B/ W Division 0109 –Advanced Amateur Adult, Color Division 0110 –Amateur Adult, B/ W Division 0111 –Amateur Adult, Color Division 0112 –Senior, Color & B/ W
Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
13 14 15
Portrait –People or Animals, studio quality with controlled lighting and/ or backgrounds People –Casual/ Informal, no controlled lighting or backgrounds Wildlife –No Pets Pets/ Domesticated –Casual/ Informal, no controlled lighting or backgrounds Plant World –Cultivated or Wild, arranged or free growing Agricultural –Ranch Life Architectural –Industrial Sports/ Action Shots Abstract/ Sculptural Scenery Still Life Story Telling Series –Sequence of 3 -5 pictures mounted together that tell a story not just related events. These photos may not be entered in any other categories. Heart Mountain Park County Fair, photos taken at past fairs Digital Creations –Manipulated / Original Appearance Altered, a brief description of alterations made must be attached to the back of the photo.
General Rules: Only two (2) entries in each class per exhibitor. Tot Division is only one (1) entry per class. Any article that has received an award in a previous Park County Fair is not eligible for entry. Exhibits displaying a Business Name, Price tag or for sale sign will be removed from the competition. Duplicate entries will not be allowed in different classes. Entries must be solely completed by the person entering the project. All Open Class YOUTH competitions are for exhibitors 18 years and under, ADULT competitions are for exhibitors 19 years or older. (Ages as of Jan. 1st of current year) a) Adult, ages: 19 years or older b) Youth, ages: 6 years to 18 years old c) Tot, ages: 1 year to 5 years old Age is required on the entry form. If age is not on the entry form exhibit will be disqualified. Classification of work will be: a) Professional: refers to those who derive significant income from art/ photography and whose work is produced primarily for the purpose of selling; or who have a diploma, certificate, degree or three or more years of school training; or teach in their visual arts media. b) Advanced Amateur: refers to those who have exhibited and won first prize in accredited or recognized shows; or who have had professional schooling but have not completed more than three years. c) Amateur: refers to those who have not won first prizes in accredited or recognized shows; or who had had little or no schooling.
Department – Open Class Crafted Arts: Tot Premium Schedule: All entries will receive a participation ribbon
Division 0200 –Tot Craft Class: 01 02 03 04 05
Division 0113 –Child Division 0114 –Junior Class: 01 02 03 04 05
People Animals Plant World Scenes Digital Creations –Manipulated / Original Appearance Altered, a brief description of alterations made must be attached to the back of the photo.
Sculpture, any durable media that can be hand molded or sculpted Kiln –Fired, any type Toys & Games, any type to include any original toy or game and any construction from any building unit Jewelry, any type – any media Found Object, Recycle Object or Re –Created Object, reuse an object for a different purpose (collage, pressed flowers, sculpted composite, object painted artistically, pop top, glass and plastic bottle decorations) –any media Textile Art or Fabric Art, any media (braiding, weaving and etc.) Any Other Craft , not listed
Department – Open Class Crafted Arts: Leather & Woodcraft Division 0201 –Amateur Adult Division 0202 – Amateur Youth Division 0203 – Advance Adult Division 0204 –Advance Youth 21
Division 0205 –Jewelry: Adult Division 0206 –Jewelry: Youth
Leather Class: 01 Horse Gear, bridles, breast collar, whips, reins & etc. 02 Saddles 03 Picture, embossed or 3-D –Must be framed 04 Picture, carved or tooled –Must be framed 05 Personal Items, purses, handbags, billfolds, wallets, checkbook covers & etc. 06 Home Décor 07 Wearing Apparel, vests, chaps, shirts, hats, gloves, belts, leather jewelry & etc. Model Class: 08 Animals 09 Airplanes 10 Boat 11 Car 12 Any Other Models Wood Craft Class: 13 Hand Carving 14 Planters, wood 15 Shelves, wood 16 Guns, kits 17 Router Work 18 Inlay 19 Bow and Arrow 20 Doll House
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Class Table: Necklace/ Pendant Earrings Bracelet/ Rings Watch Band Set, 2 or more matching pieces
Non –Traditional 01 02 03 04 05
Fabricated 06 07 08 09 10
Cast 11 12 13 -14
Department – Open Class Crafted Arts: General Craft Kits will be permitted. No Legos.
Division 0207 –General Craft: Adult Division 0208 –General Craft: Youth Bead Work Class: 01 Bead Work
Wood Lathe Table Gun Rack Cabinet Refinished Furniture Other Furniture, not listed Any Other Wood
Book Class: 02 Photo Album 03 Scrapbook Box Class: 04 Money Bank 05 Decorative Box
Wood Carving Class: 28 Chip and Relief 29 Three Dimensional Birds, realistic 30 Three Dimensional Birds, stylized 31 Three Dimensional Aquatic, realistic 32 Three Dimensional Aquatic, stylized 33 Three Dimensional Life Forms, realistic 34 Three Dimensional Life Forms, stylized 35 Three Dimensional People 36 Three Dimensional Caricature 37 Three Dimensional Miniature Replicas, carving may not exceed 10”x10”x10” 38 Any Other Three Dimensional Forms 39 Any Other, unspecified
06 07
Jewelry Box Music Box
Garden Décor Classes: 08 Wind Chime 09 Windsock Glass/ Window Craft Classes: 10 Etchings 11 Decorative Glass 12 Stained Glass
13 14
Sun Catcher Window Stick Up
Found Art Class: 15 Found Art, plain 16 Found Art, decorated Home Décor Class: 17 Dried or Pressed Flowers 18 Centerpiece, non-floral 19 Wall Hanging, not visual art 20 Mask 21 String Art 21 Mobiles 23 Decorated Basket 24 Door Knob Hanger 25 Door Stops 26 Refrigerator Magnet 27 Tissue Box 28 Waste Basket 29 Pencil/Pen Holder
Wood Turning Class: 40 Bowl/ Natural Top Bowl, any bowl of the traditional type formed by turning on the lathe or whose top surface (rim) has not been altered in turning 41 Plate/ Platter, any turning less than two (2) inches high 42 Vase/ Vessel, any turning whose height is greater than its diameter or whose openings is less than half its inside diameter 43 Laminated/ Segmented, any turning created by using laminated, segmented or inlaid pieces of material 44 Spindle, any turning object which is formed in whole or in part by turning between centers 45 Any Other, any turned item which does not fit any of the above categories –Ex: lidded box, picture frame, & holiday item
Personal Item Class: 42 Hair Barrette 43 Key Chain 44 Billfold
Department – Open Class Crafted Arts: Jewelry Non –Traditional: Handcrafted items using polymer and water – based clays, plastics, glass and etc.
45 46
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Book Ends Lamp Lamp Shade Picture Frame Paper Weight Candle Coaster Napkin Holder Napkin Ring Place Mat Clock Vase
Check Book Cover Purse/ Tote Bag
Craft Media Class: 47 Clothespin Art 54 Plaster Craft 48 Collage 55 Plastic Canvas Craft 49 Decoupage 56 Popsicle Stick Art 50 Felting 57 Soft Craft, foam etc. 51 Foil Art 58 Styrofoam 52 Liquid Embroidery 59 Matchstick Art 53 Any Other, object formed from mixed media
Fabricated: Created by manipulating wires, sheet metal and stone using traditional fabrication techniques such as bending, forgoing sawing soldering and etc. Cast: Created using traditional casting techniques such as centrifugal, vacuum or cuttlebone. No commercial waxes or casting allowed.
Other Category Class: 60 Porcelain Doll 61 Fly Tying, set of 3 flies 62 Puppets and Marionette 63 Animal Collar
64 65 66 67
Class: 01 02 03 04
Toy Game Bookmark Any Other
Department – Open Class Crafted Arts: Pottery/ Ceramic
Recyclable Class: Entries must be made of at 75% recyclable material 68 Cans 71 Styrofoam 69 Metal 72 Wood 70 Paper 73 Any Other
All ceramic exhibits are to be the handiwork of the exhibitor.
Division 0215 –Amateur Adult Division 0216 –Amateur Youth Division 0217 –Advanced Adult Division 0218 –Advanced Youth
Recyclable 74 Plastic
Pinchpot Class: 01 Functional 02 Decorative
Sculpture Class: 75 Sculpture 76 Dough Art 77 Cast in Any Material Weaving Class: 78 Basket 79 Hoops 80 Macramé
81 82
Slab Class: 03 Functional 04 Decorative
Rope Basket Textile Craft
Ceramic, Molded/ Poured Class: 05 Functional 07 06 Decorative 08
Department – Open Class Crafted Arts: Unique Craft All artwork must be original
Wood Glass Horn Bone
05 06 07 08
Department – Open Class Crafted Arts: China Painting Division 0219 –Amateur Adult Division 0220 –Amateur Youth Division 0221 – Advanced Adult Division 0222 –Advanced Youth
Metal Rock Handmade Paper Any Other
Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06
Department – Open Class Crafted Arts: Rubber Stamp Art No envelopes please.
Division 0211 –Rubber Stamp Art: Adult Division 0212 –Rubber Stamp Art: Youth Class: 01 Rubber Stamp Cards 02 Rubber Stamped Embossed Cards Embossing 03 Stenciled Cards 04 Stenciled Embossed Cards 05 Construction Cards 06 Glitter Cards 07 Gift Bag and Coordinates 08 Photo Album/ Scrapbook 09 Monochromatic 10 Calendars
Holiday Applied Decoration
Wheel –Thrown Class: 09 Any Other
Division 0209 –Unique Craft: Adult Division 0210 –Unique Craft: Youth Class: 01 02 03 04
Bird or Fowl Fish, no longer that three (3) feet Small Animal Game Head Mount
Fruit Flowers Portraits Scenes Birds and Animals Jewelry
07 08 09 10 11 12
Figurines Penwork Bisque Dresden Enamel Any Other
Department – Open Class Needle Arts 11 12
Fabric Stamping Velvet
Superintendent: TBD Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall
13 Candles 14 Shrinky Dink 15 Wood Stamp 16 Wood Embossing 17 Liquid Applique 18 Pop –Up Cards 19 Shaker Cards 20 Any Other
Department/ Division Special Awards: Top Exhibit, in each division……………………. Special Rosette Best Overall Single Entry..…………Special Sweepstakes Rosette Best My First Quilt…………………………………….Cash Prize Awarded by Paintbrush Piecers Quilt Guild General Rules: 1. Only one (1) entry in each class per exhibitor. 2. Any article that has been shown at a previous Park County Fair is not eligible for entry. 3. All exhibits must be the work of the exhibitor (exclusions will be for the Group Quilt and the Heirloom division). 4. All crochet work, tatting and tatting should be blocked before entering. Knots and loose threads should be trimmed. 5. All entries should be clean and completed. 6. All entries in Division 0309 –quilts must be the sole work of the person who enters it, otherwise it must be entered as a group quilt. This includes commercially quilted entries. 7. All quilts should have hanging sleeves.
Department – Open Class Crafted Arts: Taxidermy Professional who earn their living by performing Taxidermy work may not enter this division. Exhibitors must provide written comments regarding the source of the mount and the date collected. Exhibitors are reminded that the Park County Fair is not responsible for lost or stolen exhibits
Division 0213 –Taxidermy: Adult Division 0214 –Taxidermy: Youth
29 30 31 32
Division 0300 –Counted Cross Stitch Premium Schedule: Schedule B Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
Division 0304 –Knitting
Bread Cloth 10 Wall Hanging Garment, waste canvas 11 Linen Item Garment, any other 12 Christmas Item Novelties, decorations etc. 13 Pillow Potholder 14 Placemats, set of two Picture 15 Any Other, not listed Towel, fingertip Towel, terry set (bath, hand or washcloth) Towel, any other
Premium Schedule: Schedule B Hand Knitted Class: 01 Afghan, over 46” 22 Socks 02 Baby Afghan, under 45” 23 Felted Hat 03 Baby Set, two (2) items 24 Felted Purse 04 Bedspread 25 Felted Slippers 05 Dishcloth 26 Felted Vest 06 Doily, 6” - 12” 27 Felted Novelty Item 07 Centerpiece or Small 28 Felted Christmas Item Table cover, 12” – 36” 29 Christmas Item 08 Garment, adult 30 Any Other Item 09 Garment, child 10 Hat or Cap 11 Mittens or Gloves 12 Novelties, bed doll etc. 13 Pillow 14 Potholder 15 Scarf 16 Shawl or Stole 17 Cardigan Sweater, one color 18 Cardigan Sweater, more than one color 19 Pullover Sweater, one color 20 Pullover Sweater, more than one color 21 Slippers
Division 0301 –Crochet Premium Schedule: Schedule B Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
Afghan, over 46” Baby Afghan, under 45” Baby Set, two items Bedspread Buffet or Dresser Scarf Dishcloth Doily, 6” – 12” Garment, adult Garment, child Edging Centerpiece or Small Table cover, 12”- 36” Table cover, over 36”
13 Hat or Cap 14 Mittens or Gloves 15
Novelties, bed dolls etc.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Pillow Placemats, set of two Potholder Scarf Shawl or Stole Slippers Christmas Item Any Other Item
Clothing Article Pillowcase Set Christmas Item Any Other, not listed
Machine Knitted Class: 31 Any Garment 32 Any Article
Division 0302 –Embroidery Premium Schedule: Schedule C
Division 0305 –Machine Sewing Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Premium Schedule: Schedule B
Centerpiece, over 46” Tablecloth, over 36” Buffet or Dresser Scarf Garment Pillowcase, pair Pillow, crewel embroidery Pillow, other embroidery Picture, crewel embroidery Picture, other embroidery Towels Candlewicking, any article Hardanger, pillow Hardanger, doily Hardanger, table cover Hardanger, picture Hardanger, clothing Machine Embroidery, any article Smocking, any article Stamped Cross Stitch, any article Ribbon Embroidery, picture Ribbon Embroidery, novelty Ribbon Embroidery, garment Mixed Technique, picture Mixed Technique, any article Christmas Item Any Other, not listed
Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Shorts Pantsuit Playsuit Recycled, any garment Robe or Housecoat Skirt Sleepwear Men’s Shirt Sportswear Suit, men’s Suit, women’s Swimwear Vest Jumper Any Other, not listed Special Occasion, wedding dress etc.
Division 0306 –Needlepoint Premium Schedule: Schedule B Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
Division 0303 –Machine Embroidery Premium Schedule: Schedule C Class: 27 28
Accessories Apron Dress, adult Dress, child Blouse Knit Shirt Ladies Shirt Casual Outerwear Coat, dressy type Formal Child’s Best Dress Boy’s Suit Jacket Jumpsuit Lingerie Pants or Slacks
Kitchen Towel Set Bath Towel Set 24
Bargello Petit Point Picture, long stitch Picture, needlepoint Pillow, long stitch Pillow, needlepoint Wall Hanging, needlepoint Christmas Item Any Other
Division 0307 –Bobbin Lace
Division 0310 –Rug Making
Premium Schedule: Schedule C
Premium Schedule: Schedule B
Class: 01 02 03 04
Class: 01 Braided, any material 02 Hooked
Bookmark 05 Coaster, single or set of four (4) Doily 06 Christmas Edging 07 Any Other, not listed Miniature Design
Division 0311 –Weaving Premium Schedule: Schedule B
Division 0308 –Tatting
Hand Loomed Weaving Class: 01 Placemats 02 Table Runner 03 Wall Hanging 04 Tapestry 05 Coverlet 06 Lap Blanket 07 Pillow 08 Specimen Material, at least one (1) yard 09 Shawl 10 Scarf 11 Handbag 12 Vest 13 Any Other Garment 14 Rag Rug 15 Yarn Rug 16 Any Other, not listed
Premium Schedule: Schedule C Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
03 Hand Woven, other than yarn 04 Any Other, not listed
Doily, 6” – 12” Doily, 12” – 36” Colored Doily, 6” – 12” Colored Doily, 12” – 36” Edging Novelties, decorations Christmas Items Any Other, not listed
Division 0309 –Quilts Premium Schedule: Schedule C Classes 1-9 Length + Width must exceed 120” 01 Pieced, hand quilt 02 Appliqued, hand quilt 03 Mixed Media, hand quilted consist of two (2) or more techniques 04 Pieced, machine quilted 05 Applique, machine quilted 06 Mixed Media, machine quilted consist of two (2) or more techniques 07 Group Quilt-, pieced 08 Group Quilt, applique 09 Group Quilt, mixed media
Handspun Yarn Class: 17 Wool 18 Silk 19 Cotton 20 Flax 21 Novelty Yarn, single ply 22 Novelty Yarn, double ply Handspun Item Class: 28 Hat 29 Scarf 30 Mittens 31 Vest 32 Sweater
Classes 10-18 Length + Width must not exceed 120” 10 Pieced, hand quilt 11 Appliqued, hand quilt 12 Mixed Media, hand quilted consist of two (2) or more techniques 13 Pieced, machine quilted 14 Applique, machine quilted 15 Mixed Media, hand quilted consist of two (2) or more techniques 16 Group Quilt, pieced 17 Group Quilt, applique 18 Group Quilt, mixed media
33 34 35 36 37
23 Llama 24 Dog 25 Mohair 26 Angora 27 Any Other
Afghan Any Other Knitted Article Any Other Crocheted Article Any Other Hand-woven Article Any Other, not listed
Handmade Felt Class: 38 Garment 39 Article 40 Any Other, not listed
Division 0312 –Senior Needle Art, age 65 and over Premium Schedule: Schedule B Class: 01 Afghan, knit 02 Afghan, crochet 03 Beadwork, made with thread 04 Buffet or Dresser Scarf 05 Chair Set, three (3) pieces 06 Doily, crochet 6” – 12” 07 Doily, tatted, 6” – 12” 08 Centerpiece, knit 12” – 36” 09 Tablecloth, crochet over 36” 10 Edging 11 Hat or Cap 12 Machine Sewn Garment 13 Knitted Garment 14 Novelties, decoration etc. 15 Pillowcase, embroider –Set of two (2) 16 Pillow, knit 17 Pillow, crochet 18 Shawl/ Stole/ Cape
Classes 19-29 Quilt of Any Size 19 Tied Quilt 20 Art Quilt, quilt designed, constructed and quilted by one (1) person 21 Whole Cloth Quilt 22 Miniature Quilt, 6”-30” –Must reflect an overall reduced scale in the pattern and block size 23 Baby Quilt, machine or hand quilt –Must be appropriately designed and sized for use by a baby 24 First Time Quilter, any technique and size –Must be made in quilter’s first year of quilting 25 Holiday Quilt, machine or hand quilted -Any technique and size 26 Pillow, any technique 27 Long Arm Quilting 28 Group Quilt, long arm quilting 29 Any Other, not listed
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Towel, embroidered –Set of two (2) Quilt, pieced –Any size Quilt, applique –Any size Quilt, mixed media –Any size Any Crewel Embroidered Article Any Hand Embroidered Article Any Needlepoint Article Any Counted Cross Stitch Item Hardanger, Picture Hardanger, any article Christmas Item Any Other, not listed
Department – Open Class Culinary Superintendents:
Department/ Division Special Awards: The Top Exhibit in each division will receive a Purple Rosette and a Special Award. Prizes will be given for each division. The Best Overall Single Entry in the Culinary Department will receive a Special Sweepstakes Rosette and a prize.
Premium Schedule: Schedule B 07 08 09 10 11
General Rules: 1. All exhibitors will abide by all applicable rules and regulations of the Park County Fair. 2. All exhibits must be products of the “Home Kitchen”. Exhibitors offering borrowed or purchased items as their own work will forfeit all rights to participate in premium awards. 3. No class may have more than one (1) entry per household except the “Any Other” classes. Exhibitor will have to contact the Fair Office to enter more than one (1) entry in the “Any Other” classes. 4. Exhibitor must submit recipes or formulas to the Superintendent of the division when so requested. 5. When entering the “Any Other” classes the exhibitor must state what the product is named and list the principal ingredients. 6. After cakes and pies are judged the remainder may be taken home. 7. Please note on your entry any unusual ingredients in the recipe or higher baking temperatures because of elevation. 8. If the exhibitor is unsure what class their entry should be in, please refer to a Superintendent. 9. All entries must be completely made by the exhibitor and not to be shared with any other exhibitor for a separate entry. 10. Any and all questions should be addressed to the Superintendents listed above. 11. Competition in this department is open mainly for Non – Professionals. The only Professional classes are in the Professional Decorated Cake division. A Professional is one who is an instructor in his/ her field or who has sold his/ her product.
Latchhook Woven Quilting Christmas Item Any Other, not listed
Division 0314 –Youth Needle Art Premium Schedule: Schedule B Class - Under Age of 12: 01 Crochet 02 Knitting 03 Machine Sewing 04 Needlepoint 05 Counted Cross Stitch 06 Embroidery
07 08 09 10 11 12
Latchhook Woven Quilting Pillow, any technique Christmas Item Any Other, not listed
Class –Age 12 – 16: 13 Crochet 14 Knitting 15 Machine Sewing 16 Needlepoint 17 Counted Cross Stitch 18 Embroidery
19 20 21 22 23 24
Latchhook Woven Quilting Pillow, any technique Christmas Item Any Other, not listed
Division 0315 –Original Design Premium Schedule: Schedule C Class: 01 Crochet 02 Knitting 03 Machine Sewing 04 Needlepoint 05 Counted Cross Stitch 06 Embroidery 07 Latch hook 08 Woven
307-754-2687 307-754-5483
Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Exhibits due Monday July 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Division 0313 –Men’s Class: 01 Crochet 02 Knitting 03 Machine Sewing 04 Needlepoint 05 Counted Cross Stitch 06 Embroidery
Joyce Ostrom Betty Skalsky
Division 0400 –Bread (No Mini Loaves) 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
Quilting Hardanger Bobbin Lace Christmas Item Youth Men Any Other, not listed
Premium Schedule: Schedule A Judging Criteria: Flavor, odor, texture, moister, tenderness, lightness, size, and shape. Color: crust characteristic for ingredients used, inside free from streaks. Yeast Bread Class: 01 White, 1/3 loaf 02 Whole Wheat or Graham, 1/3 loaf 03 Rye (can be baked in a round pan), 1/3 loaf 04 Raisin, 1/3 loaf 05 Artisan, 1/3 loaf 06 Any Other Yeast Bread, 1/3 loaf –Specify kind 07 Coffee Ring, 1/3 loaf 08 White Yeast Rolls three (3), typical roll form 09 Whole Wheat Rolls three (3), typical roll form 10 Any Other Yeast Roll three (3), not listed 11 Cinnamon Rolls three (3) 12 Raised Doughnuts three (3)
Division 0316 –Heirloom Display **Fairgoers** Vote before 4 p.m. on Friday, July 28th Class: 01 Needlework of special value that has been or will be handed down from one generation to the next. Exhibitor will need to provide a brief history of the article on a 3’x5’ card.
Quick Bread Class: 13 Banana Bread, 1/3 loaf 14 Carrot Bread, 1/3 loaf 15 Date Bread, 1/3 loaf
16 17 18 19 20 21
Nut Bread, 1/3 loaf Squash Bread, 1/3 loaf –Any squash Pumpkin Bread, 1/3 loaf Gingerbread, 1/3 loaf Muffins three (3), remove paper Any Other Quick Bread, 1/3 loaf
Decorative Cookies: These cookies do not qualify for State 13 Roll Cookies 14 Bar Cookies 15 Drop Cookies
Division 0404 –Pies Accepting Cream, Custard and Pumpkin Pies Custard Pies do not qualify for State Premium Schedule: Schedule A
Division 0401 –Cakes Premium Schedule: Schedule A
Judging Criteria: Crust: golden brown color, blistery surface; uniform, attractive edges; fits pan well. Cuts easily but holds shape. Flakes layered throughout crust, crisp eating. Pleasant bland flavor. Filling: well cooked, neither too dry nor too juicy; flavor characteristics of the kind, free form excessive wetness or flavor of uncooked starch. Aluminum pie plates only, no glass containers. Pies should be four (4) inches in size to avoid waste.
Judging Criteria: Flavor, odor, shape, volume, surface, texture, grain and color. Wrap exhibit in clear plastic food wrap to prevent drying. Put cakes on covered cardboard about one (1) inch larger that cake. (No glass plates) Class: 01 Angel Food, not iced 1/3 cake 02 Yellow Sponge Cake, not iced 1/3 cake 03 Chiffon, not iced 1/3 cake 04 Layer Cake, white iced 1/3 cake 05 Layer Cake, yellow iced 1/3 cake 06 Layer Cake, devil’s food iced 1/3 cake 07 Layer Cake, chocolate iced 1/3 cake 08 German Chocolate Layer Cake, iced 1/3 cake 09 Sheetcake, chocolate not iced 1/3 cake 10 Sheetcake, white not iced 1/3 cake 11 Sheetcake, yellow not iced 1/3 cake 12 Loaf Cake, spiced iced 1/3 cake 13 Loaf Cake, applesauce 1/3 cake 14 Cupcakes, not iced three (3) 15 Cake Pops three (3) 16 Any Other Cake, not listed
Class: 01 02 03 04
05 06 07 08
Fruit, other than listed Any Other Pie, not listed Cream/ Custard Unfilled Pie Shell
Division 0405 –Candy Each exhibit consist of three (3) pieces of candy Premium Schedule: Schedule A Judging Criteria: Flavor, appearance, texture and consistency characteristic of type of candy. Class: 01
Division 0402 –Decorated Cakes
02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
Premium Schedule: Schedule B Cake decorated, any shape; cake dummy or styrofoam may be used. Icing and artistic skill only to be judged. This cake cannot be entered in any other class or special display. Professional Class: 01 Wedding Cake 02 Cupcakes, Decorated, three (3) 03 Any Other Type of Cake Amateur Class: 04 Wedding Cake 05 Cupcakes, Decorated, three (3) 06 Any Other Type of Cake Junior Class: 07 Any Other Type of Cake 08 Fair Themed Cake 09 Cupcakes, Decorated, three (3)
Fudge, chocolate (no prepared mix or Million Dollar recipe allowed). Divinity Nut Brittle Caramels Hard Candy Penuche or Brown Sugar Mint Wafers Dipped Candies Any Other Candy, not listed
Division 0406 –Junior Culinary (No Mini Loaves) Juniors must not have reached their 16th birthday before July 1st of the current year. Juniors may enter the other classes also, but it must be a different kind of food. Platform for cakes must be sturdy and approximate size for cake. Age is required on entry tag. Premiums Schedule: Schedule A Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Division 0403 –Cookies Each exhibit consists of three (3) cookies Premium Schedule: Schedule A Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
Apple Cherry Berry, any kind Raisin
Sugar Cookies, frosted or unfrosted Oatmeal, any style Icebox Date or Fruit Bars Chocolate Brownies or Fudge Squares Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Ginger Cookies Filled Cookies Pressed Cookies No Bake Cookies Any Other, not listed
Yeast Bread, 1/3 loaf Yeast Bread, other than loaf Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns Quick Bread, 1/3 loaf –List kind Muffins, three (3) Cake, iced –Must be a whole cake Cake, not iced –Must be a whole cake Drop Cookies, three (3) Rolled Cookies, three (3) Bar Cookies, three (3) –Not brownies Brownies, three (3) Unbaked Cookies, three (3) Pie, any fruit Candy three (3), any kind Foreign Food –Bread, 1/3 loaf Foreign Food –Cake Foreign Food –Cookies, three (3) Foreign Food –Any Other Children under 5 –No bake recipes
20 21 22 23
Division 0413 –Dietetic or Low Cholesterol Cooking
Decorated Cake, formal Decorated Cake, novelty Decorated Cake, fondant icing Any Other, not listed
Must Include Any or All: Low Fat, Low Sugar or Low Cholesterol Recipe is required. Premium Schedule: Schedule A
Division 0407 –Adult Apiary (Honey)
Class: 01 02 03
Premium Schedule: Schedule A Class: 01 02
Yeast Bread Baked with Honey, 1/3 loaf Quick Bread Baked with Honey, 1/3 loaf
Yeast Rolls and Specialty Bread with Honey, 1/3 loaf
04 05 06
Rolled Cookies Baked with Honey, three (3) Dropped Cookies Baked with Honey, three (3) Bar Cookies Baked with Honey, three (3)
Child must be a minimum of 2 years old and under 6 years of age. May enter any item but not pre –packaged mix Have the child tell how it was mixed and what is in it. Premium Schedule: Schedule A Class: 01 02 03
Cross cut view including both top and bottom. Premium Schedule: Schedule A
Kelly Emery 307-272-2524 Toni French 307-272-9194 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Premium Schedule: Schedule A
Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion Vegetable $10 Reserve Champion Vegetable $5 Grand Champion Fruit $10 Reserve Champion Fruit $5 Grand Champion Meat $10 Reserve Champion Meat $5 Grand Champion Jelly, Jams, Preserves & etc. $10 Reserve Champion Jelly, Jams, Preserves & etc. $5 Grand Champion Pickles $10 Reserve Champion Pickles $5 Grand Champion Dried $10 Reserve Champion Dried $5 Grand Champion Display $10 Reserve Champion Display $5 Youth Award –Grand Champion Overall $10 Youth Award –Reserve Champion Overall $5 First Timers Award –PCF Canning Book People’s Choice Award –favorite creative display $15 donated by Cubbage Farms
Pies Any Other, not listed
Division 0410 –Men’s Culinary (16 years or older) Premium Schedule: Schedule A Class: 01 02 03 04
Bread, 1/3 loaf Quick Bread Cake Cookies, three (3)
05 06 07
Candy Pies Any Other, not listed
Division 0411 –Seniors (over 65) Premium Schedule: Schedule A Class: 01 02 03 04
Bread, 1/3 loaf Cakes Candy Cookies, three (3)
05 06 07
Note: Youth 16 years & under must enter canning products in Division 0524.
Cookies Pies Any Other, not listed
General Rules: 1. All exhibitors will abide by all applicable rules and regulations of the Park County Fair. 2. Exhibitors can only enter one (1) entry in each class, unless specified. A jar can be entered only in one (1) class, unless specified. 3. All exhibits must be products of the “Home Kitchen”. Exhibitors offering borrowed or purchased items as their own work will forfeit all rights to participate in premium awards. 4. No artificial coloring, including Jell-O and Kool –aid may be used in canned vegetables, fruit or pickles, except Red Hots for color and flavor. 5. All canned products must be packed in standard clean, clear, untinted glass jars. No mayonnaise jars, etc., with manufactures label on the side of the jar, perfectly sealed with new clean seals. Jellies may be in ½ pint
Division 0412 –Adult Foreign All entries in this division are required to provide the recipe. The Country, origin and name must be provide with the recipe. Premium Schedule: Schedule A Class: 01 02 03 04
Pies Any Other, not listed
Recipe is required. Premium Schedule: Schedule A
Bread 04 Cakes 05 Cookies, three (3)
Bread 04 Cakes 05 Cookies, three (3)
Department – Open Class Food Preservation
White, 1/3 loaf Whole Wheat or Graham, 1/3 loaf Rye, 1/3 loaf –Can be baked in a round pan Raisin, 1/3 loaf Coffee Ring, 1/3 loaf Any Other, not listed, 1/3 loaf
Division 0409 –Gluten Free Products
Class: 01 02 03
Pies Any Other, not listed
Division 0414 –Mommy & Me
Division 0408 –Bread Machine Makers
Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06
Bread 04 Cakes 05 Cookies, three (3)
Foreign Bread, 1/3 loaf Foreign Food Cake Foreign Food Cookies, three (3) Any Other Foreign Food
7. 8.
regulation jelly glasses or ½ or one (1) pint regulation canning jars. Judges will open jellies, preserves, pickles and relishes. Other jars may be opened if placings are close. All canned exhibits must be products of July of previous year to July of current year not previously exhibited. Lids of exhibit jars will be scratched therefore, may not be entered again. Same batch products will be disqualified. No labels on the lid. A jar should be completely clean, even under the screw band. Screw band must be on the jars. All dried items and herbs must be labeled with a tag attached to project prior to judging. Please tag at home… Items that do not have a label will be disqualified and removed from the self.
03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
Juice Class: Not Opened. No Sugar Added. 15 Apple Juice 16 Chokeberry Juice 17 Cherry Juice 18 Grape Juice 19 Plum Juice 20 Tomato Juice 21 Mixed Vegetable Juice 22 Any Nectar, not listed –Label the jar 23 Any Other Vegetable Juice, not listed –Label the jar 24 Any Other Fruit Juice, not listed –Label the jar 25 Ready to Drink Juice, sugar added –Label the jar sugar or sugar free. (Will be opened and tasted)
Canned Exhibit Guidelines: 1. All canned entries are required to have a label stating the processing method that was used (waterbath or pressure); if pressure was used, the pounds of pressure and the processing time must be included. Please attach label to the back or bottom of the jar. In order to increase awareness of canning safety principles, it is required that every entry be accompanied by a label which includes the following information: a) Processing Method (Waterbath, Pressure, Hot Pack or Raw Park) b) Processing Time c) Pressure adjusted for altitude d) If Pressure was used, provide the number of pounds
Division 0502 –Canned Meat Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Judges Criteria for Canned Exhibits: 1. Safety of the Product –worth 60% a) Cleanness of the jar –no stains b) Outside neck free from food deposits c) Standard jar used d) Complete seal achieved e) Standard seal used f) Headspace appropriate for the produce g) Absence of air bubbles h) Natural color appropriate for the process time and method i) Arrangement in jar allows proper heat penetration j) Correct processing method and time 2. Quality of the Product –worth 40% a) Firm, ripe product used –none overripe b) Correct proportion of product of liquid –if appropriate c) Color of liquid appropriate for the product d) Shape and size uniform e) All product is beneath the liquid f) Pieces well arranged to space advantage but the jar is not overpacked
08 09 10 11 12
Judging Criteria: Condition of the vegetables; uniformity in size and shape; color, proportion of vegetables to liquid; clearness of liquid. Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Creative Gift Display –Any creative gift display using a minimum of at least three (3) home canned products.
Division 0501 –Canned Fruit Judging Criteria: Condition of fruit (shape and consistency) color, proportion of fruit to syrup, syrup density and clearness. Class: 01 02
Beef Mutton/ Lamb Pork Chicken or Turkey Fish Mincemeat –List ingredients on entry tag Wild Game, Deer, Antelope, Elk and etc. –Label the jar Chili Meat Vegetable Soup with Meat Stew Meat and Vegetables Any Other Meat, not listed –Label the jar Emergency Meal, to consist of one (1) vegetable, one (1) fruit and one (1) meat –Label the jar
Division 0503 –Canned Vegetables
Division 0500 –Creative Gift Display Class: 01
Applesauce Apricot Cherries sweet, pitted or unpitted –Label the jar Cherry Pie Filling, pitted or unpitted – Label the jar Any Other Pie Filling Peaches Pears Plums Raspberries Rhubarb Fruit Mincemeat –List ingredients on entry tag Any Other Fruit, not listed –Label the jar
Apples Apple Pie Filling 29
Asparagus, whole Asparagus, cut Beans, green cut Beans, green full length Beans, shelled Beans, wax cut Beans, wax full length Beets, whole Beets, cut Carrots, cut Carrots, whole Corn, whole kernel Corn, cream style Greens Peas Tomatoes, whole packed in water Tomatoes, packed raw w /o added liquid Tomatoes, sectioned Tomatoes, stewed
20 21 22 23
Squash, winter –List type of squash Vegetable Combination Mixed Vegetable Soup Any Other Vegetable, not listed – Label the jar
05 06 07 08 09 10 11
Division 0504 –Adult Apiary (Honey) Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Fruit Canned with Honey Vegetable Canned with Honey Pickles Canned with Honey Jelly/ Jam made with Honey Creamed Honey Liquid Honey Honey Comb
Division 0509 –Marmalade Marmalades are usually made from fruits which have some jelly making properties, tough sliced oranges or lemons may be added. Exhibitor may enter more than one (1) entry; need at least three (3) items for display. Judging Criteria: Flavor and color characteristic of fruit used. Consistency, size and shape of fruit pieces and distribution throughout mixture; characteristic of liquid or juice.
Division 0505 –Butter Judging Criteria: Flavor and color characteristics of fruit used and consistency. Exhibitor may enter more than one (1) entry; need at least three (3) items for display. Class: 01 02
Class: 01 02
Apple Any Other Butter, not listed –Label the jar
Orange Marmalade Any Other Marmalade, not listed –Label the jar
Division 0511 –Preserve Preserves are fruit in which the tissues of fruit have absorbed heavy sugar syrup until they are filled with syrup instead of water and are whole or large pieces. Use regulation jelly glasses or small standard canning jars.
Division 0506 –Conserve Conserve differs from marmalades in that several fruits may be combined and nuts may be added. Judging Criteria: Flavor and color characteristic of fruit used. Consistency, size and shape of fruit pieces and distribution throughout mixture; characteristic of liquid or juice. Class: 01
Chokecherry Crabapple Grape Peach Plum Raspberry Any Other Jelly, not listed –Label the jar
Class: 01 02 03 04
Any Conserve –Label the jar
Division 0507 –Jam
Blackberry Preserve Cherry Preserve Peach Preserve Plum Preserve Raspberry Preserve
Class: 01
Judging Criteria: Flavor and color characteristic of fruit used. Consistency, size and shape of fruit pieces and distribution throughout mixture; characteristics of liquid or juice
10 11
Any Syrup –Label the jar
Division 0513 –Fruit Topping Class: 01
Apricot Curds, any –Label the jar Raspberry Peach Plum Strawberry Chokeberry Rhubarb Freezer Jam, in jar judged unfrozen (will be kept in cooler) Any Other Jam, not listed –Label the jar Savory Jam, list ingredients
Any Topping –Label the jar
Division 0514 –Pickles Judging Criteria: Flavor: uniform size, color and shape; plump not shrunken; clear liquid. Pickle Fruit: tender, unbroken skin. Pickle Cucumbers: uniformity crisp and firm; no artificial coloring. Attractive economical pack of solids and liquid; full without crowding; liquid over the top of the food in the jar, ½ inch head space. Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
Division 0508 –Jelly **More than one (1) entry allowed in the “Any Other” class** Judges Criteria: Flavor, color, clearness, consistency (firm yet tender and quivery). Use regulation jelly glasses or small standard canning jars. Please Note type of juice used: Commercial, canned juice or homemade. Class: 01 02 03 04
Strawberry Preserve Tomato Preserve Watermelon Preserve Any Other Preserve, not listed –Label the jar
Division 0512 –Syrup
**More than one (1) entry allowed in the “Any Other” class** Jam is any mashed fruit preserved in sugar.
Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
06 07 08 09
Apple Apricot Blueberry Cherry 30
Any Fruit Pickles –Label the jar Cucumber, sweet –Whole Cucumber, sweet –Chunk Cucumber, sour –Whole Cucumber, sour –Sliced Cucumber, dill –Plain, Onion or Garlic Bean Pickle Mustard Pickle Bread and Butter Pickle Beet Pickle Hot Peppers Mixed Pickles, more than one (1) vegetable Sweet Dill Pickles Asparagus Pickles Any Other Pickles, not listed –Label the jar
Division 0515 –Relish
Division 0520 –Dried Meat
Judging Criteria: Mixture of evenly chopped vegetables, uniform in size, shape and color; clear liquid color: bright and fairly clear, characteristic of kind; attractive economical pack of solids not liquid; full without crowding; liquid over the top of the food in the jar, ½ inch headspace.
Exhibit dried items in a glass jar, ¼ cup of product
Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Chow Chow Relish Corn Relish Ripe Tomato Relish Sauerkraut Cucumber Relish Any Other Fruit Relish, not listed –Label the jar Any Other Vegetable Relish, not listed –Label the jar Chutney, any fruit –Label the jar Chutney, any vegetable –Label the jar
Division 0521 –Dried Vegetable Exhibit dried items in a glass jar, ¼ cup of product. A label should be attached that specifies what pre –treatment was done to dried fruits and vegetables. Ex: soaked in sugar solution or sprinkled with seasoning salt, etc.
Division 0516 –Sauce Judging Criteria: Attractive economical pack of solids and liquid: full without crowding liquid over the top of the food in the jar, ½ inch head space. Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06
Chili Sauce Taco Sauce Spaghetti Sauce Tomato Catsup Tomato Sauce Barbecue Sauce
07 08 09 10 11
Jerky, (whole muscle or ground) –six (6) pieces Beef Chicken Fish Pork Wild Game Chili, with Meat Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Horseradish Salsa, tomato Salsa, fruit Mustard –Name type Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Asparagus Green Bean Beet Broccoli Cabbage Carrot Celery Corn Eggplant Onion
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Division 0517 –Dried Fruit Exhibit dried items in a glass jars, ¼ cup of product Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
Division 0522 –Homemade Pasta Exhibit dried items in a pint or quart jar
Apple Apricot Banana Cherry, pie pitted –Label use Cherry, sweet pitted Grape Melon Nectarine Peach Pear Plum
12 13 14 15 16
Pineapple Raspberry Rhubarb Strawberry Dried Citrus Peel (label jar) Any Other (label as treated or not treated)
Class: 01 02 03
All jars in a display must be the same size. Label all the jars as to what kind. All displays must consist of three (3) jars or glasses and be three (3) different kinds. Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06
Exhibit dried items in a glass jar, ¼ cup of product
Caraway Celery Leaves Chives Oregano Parsley Mint –Label jar as to kind
07 08 09 10 11 12
Sage Summer Savory Sweet Basil Thyme Dill Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Canned Fruit Class: 01 Applesauce 02 Peaches
06 07 08 09 10
Preserve Display Butter Display Jam Display Pickle Display Relish Display Syrup Display
03 04
Pears Any Other, not listed Label the jar
Exhibit three (3) pieces of dried item in a glass jar Apple Apricot Cherry Grape Peach
Vegetable Display 07 Fruit Display 08 Meat Display 09 Jelly Display 10 Conserve Display 11 Marmalade Display 12
Division 0524 –Junior Food Preservation
Division 0519 –Dried Leathers Class: 01 02 03 04 05
Noodles, plain 04 Spaghetti Noodles, flavored –Label jar 05 Any Other, Macaroni not listed –Label the Jar
Division 0523 –Best Display
Division 0518 –Dried Herb Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06
Pea Pepper, hot Pepper, sweet Potato Summer Squash Tomato Vegetable Combination Vegetable Soup Mushroom Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Fruit Juice Class: 05 Apple Juice 06 Chokeberry Juice
Plum Raspberry Strawberry Pear Any Other, not listed
07 08
Tomato Juice Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Canned Meat Class: 09
-Label the jar
Emergency Meal, Emergency Meal, to consist of one vegetable, one fruit and one meat –Label the jar
Canned Vegetable Class: Judging Criteria: Condition of vegetables: uniformity in size and shape; color, proportion of vegetables to liquid; clearness of liquid. 10 11
Green Bean, cut Corn, whole kernel
12 13
Pickle Class: Judging Criteria; clear liquid. Pickle Fruit: tender, unbroken skin. Pickle Cucumbers: uniformity crisp and firm; no artificial coloring. Attractive economical pack of solids and liquid; full without crowding; liquid over the top of the food in the jar, ½ inch head space. 30 Cucumber, sweet –Whole or chunks 31 Cucumber, dill –Onion, garlic or plain 32 Bread and Butter Pickles 33 Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Tomatoes, sectioned Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Butter Class: Judging Criteria: Flavor and color: characteristics of fruit used and consistency. 14
Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Relish Class: Judging Criteria: Mixture of evenly chopped vegetables, uniform in size, shape and color; clear liquid color: bright and fairly clear, characteristic of kind; attractive economical pack of solids not liquid; full without crowding; liquid over the top of the food in the jar, ½ inch headspace. 34 Any Vegetable Relish –Label the jar
Conserve Class: Conserve differs from marmalades in that several fruits may be combined and nuts may be added. Judging Criteria Flavor and color characteristic of fruit used; Consistency, size and shape of fruit pieces and distribution throughout mixture; characteristic of liquid or juice. 16
Sauce Class: Judging Criteria: Attractive economical pack of solids and liquid: full without crowding liquid over the top of the food in the jar, ½ inch head space 35 Taco Sauce 37 Salsa 36 Tomato Sauce 38 Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Any Conserve –Label the jar
Jam Class: **More than one (1) entry allowed in the “Any Other” class** (Contact the Fair Office 754-8855) Jam is any mashed fruit preserved in sugar. Judging Criteria Flavor and color characteristic of fruit used. Consistency, size and shape of fruit pieces and distribution throughout mixture; characteristics of liquid or juice 17 Raspberry 18 Peach
19 20
Dried Produce: Exhibit dried items in a glass jar, ¼ cup. A label should be attached that specifies what pre –treatment was done to dried fruits and vegetables pre –soaked in sugar solution or sprinkled with Season Salt, etc.
Strawberry Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Jelly Class: Judging Criteria: Flavor, color, clearness, consistency (firm yet tender and quivery). Use regulation jelly glasses or small standard canning jars. 21 22 23
Apple Chokeberry Grape
24 25
Peach Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Marmalade Class: Marmalades are usually made from fruits which have some jelly making properties, tough sliced oranges or lemons may be added.
Dried Herb Class: 45 Chives 46 Peppermint
47 48
Dill Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Dried Leathers Class: 49 Apple 51 50 Peach 52
Strawberry Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Onion Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Homemade Pasta Class: 59 Any Homemade Pasta –Label jar Best Display Class: All jars in a display must be the same size. Label all the jars as to what kind. All displays must consist of three (3) jars or glasses and be three (3) different kinds. 60 Vegetable Display 63 Jam Display 61 Fruit Display 64 Pickle Display 62 Jelly
Judging Criteria: Flavor and color characteristic of fruit used; Consistency, size and shape of fruit pieces and distribution throughout mixture; characteristics of liquid or juice.
Syrup Class: 28
Pineapple Strawberry Any Other, not listed –Label the jar
Dried Vegetable Class: 54 Green Beans 57 55 Carrots 58 56 Celery
Any Marmalade –Label the jar
Preserve Class: Preserves are fruit in which the tissues of fruit have absorbed heavy sugar syrup until they are filled with syrup instead of water and are whole or large pieces. Use regulation jelly glasses or small standard canning jars.
42 43 44
Dried Meat Class: 53 Any Dried Meat –Label jar
Judging Criteria: Flavor and color characteristic of fruit used; Consistency, size and shape of fruit pieces and distribution throughout mixture; characteristic of liquid or juice. 26
Dried Fruit Class: 39 Apple 40 Banana 41 Grape
Any Preserves –Label the jar Any Syrup –Label the jar
Cookies In A Jar Class: 65 Cookies In A Jar, mixed any type –Label ingredients and instructions
Fruit Topping Class: 29 Any Topping –Label the jar 32
Department – Open Class Floriculture
Division 0525 –Savory Seasonings All mixtures must contain more than two (2) seasonings, ¼ cup of product –Include ingredients. *Must be processed per Ball Book. Class: 01 02 03
Superintendent: Andi Pierson 307-271-2365 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Premium Schedule: Schedule A Exhibits due Tuesday, July 25th 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Dry Rub Mixture Flavored Vinegar, fruit infused* Flavor Vinegar, herb infused*
Department/ Division Special Awards: Top exhibitor in each division will receive a Purple Rosette. Best Single Entry in each department will receive a Gold Rosette.
Division 0526 –Men’s Judging Criteria: Will follow criteria in Vegetable, Fruit, Meat, Jelly, Pickles and Dried Vegetables; these criteria’s are located in the appropriate divisions. Class: 01 02 03 04 05
General Rules: 1. Exhibitors may enter two (2) entries in each class. 2. Vases not to be considered in judging, except in the Artistic Arrangement. 3. Gladiolus must be in large heavy containers. 4. Make stems in proportion to flowers and containers. 5. Please do not bring valuable containers as we cannot be responsible for theft or breakage. 6. No Styrofoam or plastic cups allowed as vases. 7. Please do not bring anything that has been raised in a commercial green house, it will be disqualified. This does not include spring bedding plants. 8. The same potted plants can only be entered every other year.
Vegetables –Label the jar Fruit –Label the jar Jelly, Jams, Preserves, Conserves, Marmalade, Syrup, Butter or Toppings –Label the jar Pickles, Relish or Sauce –Label the jar Dried Vegetables, Fruits, Leathers, Herbs or Pasta –Label the jar
Division 0527 –Mommy & Me Please indicate who did what. Indicate the cook time. Label all jars. Kids –gather, wash, cut and dried. Adults –pressure /hot water bath, cut and cooked Mommy & Me can include grandmother or other related adult or guardian. Canned Fruit Class: 01 Applesauce
02 Peaches
03 Any Other
Vegetable Class: 04 Green Beans, cut
05 Carrots, cut
06 Any Other
Butter Class: 07 Apple
Any Other
Jam Class: 09 Strawberry/ Raspberry
Any Other
Jelly Class: 11 Apple
Any Other
Pickle Class: 14 Cucumber, dill
Bean, dill
Any Other
Dried Vegetable Class: 17 Mushroom 18 Tomatoes 19 Zucchini 20 Celery 21 Rhubarb Dried Fruit Class: 27 Apples 28 Bananas 29 Strawberries 30 Kiwi 31 Peaches
22 23 24 25 26
Carrot Corn Turnips Cabbage Any Other
32 33 34 35
Pears Blueberries Raspberries Any Other
Division 0601 –Cut Flowers: Adult Division 0602 –Cut Flowers: Youth Class: 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038
Asters, three (3) stems, one color Asters, three (3) stems, different colors Bachelor Buttons, six (6) stems, one color Bachelor Buttons, six (6) stems, different colors Balsam, three (3) stems Begonias, one (1) flower, single tuberous Begonias, one (1) flower, double tuberous Ball Dahlia, one (1) flower 2” or under Bell Flower, three (3) stems Bells of Ireland, one (1) stem, untrimmed Calendula, six (6) stems Candytuft, six (6) stems Carnations, six (6) stems Clematis, three (3) stems Clarkia, three (3) stems Celosia –Cockscomb, three (3) stems Cone Flower, three (3) stems Coreopsis, six (6) stems Cosmos, six (6) stems –Orange or yellow Cosmos, six (6) stems –Shades of pink or white Dahlia, one (1) flower –Flat petal 8” or over Dahlia, one (1) flower –Flat petal under 8” Dahlia, one (1) flower –Shaggy 8” or over Dahlia, one (1) flower –Shaggy under 8” Daisy –African, six (6) stems Daisy - Gerber, three (3) stems Daisy –Gloriosa, three (3) stems Daisy –Shasta, six (6) stems Daisy –Painted, Six (6) stems Delphinium –Perennial, three (3) stems one color Delphinium –Perennial, three (3) stems different colors Dianthus –Pink, six (6) stems Everlastings –Strawflowers, three (3) stems one or more colors Everlastings –Honesty or Money Plant, three (3) stems Everlastings –Statice, one (1) stem Everlasting –Any Other Variety, three (3) stems Gailardia, three (3) stems Gladiolus –Miniature -Best Single, one (1) stem
039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 061 062 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 098 099 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Gladiolus –Miniature, three (3) stems different colors Gladiolus –Miniature, three (3) stems one color Gladiolus –Best Single, one (1) stem Gladiolus, three (3) stems different colors Gladiolus –Ruffled, three (3) stems Golden Glow, three (3) stems Heliotrope, one (1) spray Hollyhock, one (1) stem with at least three (3) open flowers Larkspur –Annual, six (6) stems Lilies –Tiger, one (1) stem Lilies –Day, one (1) stem Lilies –Nodding, one (1) stem Lilies –Upright, one (1) stem Lilies –Any other not listed, one (1) stem Lizianthus, three (3) stems Marigolds –Single Dwarf, six (6) stems Marigolds –Double Dwarf, six (6) stems Marigolds –Large Double, three (3) stems Mums –Single, three (3) stalks Nasturtiums –Single, six (6) stems Nicotiana, three (3) stems one color Nicotiana, three (3) stems different colors Pansy, six (6) stems Penstemon, three (3) stems Petunia –Single, three (3) sprays one color Petunia –Single, three (3) sprays different colors Petunia –Double, three (3) sprays one color Petunia –Double, three (3) sprays different colors Phlox –Perennial, three (3) stems Phlox -Annual, three (3) stems Poppy –Single, five (5) stems Poppy –Double, three (3) stems Roses, three (3) flowers one color in a vase Roses, three (3) flowers different colors in a vase Roses, one (1) flower peace open bowl Roses, one (1) flower bud in vase Roses, one (1) flower in vase Roses, one (1) flower open bowl Roses –Floribunda, one (1) spray Roses, three (3) miniatures same color in a vase Roses, three (3) miniatures different colors in a vase Roses, one (1) best single miniature in a vase Russian Sage, one (1) stem Salpiglossis, three (3) sprays Scabiosa, three (3) stems Salvia –Annual, three (3) stems Salvia –Perennial, three (3) stems Snapdragons, three (3) stems one color Snapdragons, three (3) stems different colors Stocks, three (3) stems Sweetpeas –Annual, six (6) stems one color Sweetpeas –Annual, six (6) stems different colors Sweetpeas –Perennials, six (6) stems Sunflowers-Garden Variety Only, three (3) stems Verbenas –Annual, three (3) stems Verbenas –Perennials, three (3) stems Veronica, three (3) stems Viola, six (6) stems Yarrow, three (3) stems Zinnias, three (3) stems large one color Zinnias, three (3) stems large different colors Zinnias, three (3) stems large shaggy one color Zinnias, three (3) stems large shaggy different colors Zinnias, three (3) stems dwarf one color Zinnias, three (3) stems dwarf different colors Zinnias –Old Mexico or Persian Carpet, three (3) stems Wildflower-Any type not listed, one (1) stem Hydrangeas –White Hydrangeas –Any other color but white Best Flower not listed above –Name of flower must be tag
Division 0603 –Potted Plants: Adult Division 0604 –Potted Plants: Youth Class: 01 African Violet, in bloom –Single 02 African Violet, in bloom –Double 03 Begonia 04 Cactus –Large Single 05 Cactus –Small Single 06 Cactus –Christmas, Thanksgiving or Easter 07 Cactus –Dish Garden 08 Coleus 09 Dish Garden 10 Fern 11 Flowering Plant other than listed, in bloom 12 Foliage Plant other than listed 13 Geranium 14 Ivy 15 Philodendron -Small Leaf 16 Philodendron -Large Leaf 17 Succulent -Large Single 18 Succulent -Small Single 19 Succulent -Dish Garden 20 Terrariums 21 Hanging Baskets, flowering 22 Hanging Baskets, foliage 23 Fairy Garden 24 Bonsai 25 Any Other, not listed
Division 0605 –Artistic Arrangement: Adult Division 0606 –Artistic Arrangement: Youth Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Holidays: Fresh Flowers and Foliage with other objects Extreme: Over 30 inches in height, depth or width Centerpiece: 12 inches or less in height Fair Theme: Flowers and/ or other plant material Miniature Arrangement: Not over 4 inches including container Dry Arrangement: Natural growth only, spray color permitted Any Other, not listed
Chard -well-developed plants or individual leaves if specified in premium list -remove roots neatly -stalks may be red or green depending on variety -rinse thoroughly but carefully -perishable
Suggestions for Selecting Exhibit Vegetables The following are suggestions to help you select vegetables for an exhibit or competition. These recommendations should supplement the specific rules listed in the fair book.
Chinese Cabbage -firm, fully developed heads -remove loose outer leaves to first tightly wrapped green leaves -remove roots below base of leaf petioles -perishable
Asparagus -Straight, dark green spears with tight scales -free of rust, insect injury or other blemishes -spears trimmed to 7 or 8 inches -clean by wiping with soft cloth -extremely perishable
Collards -leave 4 to 5 wrapper leaves to protect plant -dark green color -remove all dead or damaged leaves -perishable
Bean, Snap and Other (Romano, green, French Horticultural, Wax, Yellow and Purple) -pods tender, stringless, brittle, with seeds in immature stage -free of dirt, rust blemishes or other imperfections -trim stems to ¼ inch -clean by wiping with soft dry cloth; do not wash
Corn, Sweet -ears fresh and well-filled from the tips to butt ends -kernels in milk stage and arranged in closely spaced rows -remove “flag” leaves but do not remove husks unless premium list specifies; if husking, do so carefully and remove all silk -trim stem evenly -clean by wiping with dry cloth -extremely perishable if husked
Beet -smooth, free of side roots and blemishes -medium to small-sized beets preferred (1 ½ to 2 inches in diameter for small, whole beets and 2 ½ to 3 inches for slicing or dicing beets) -when cut, flesh should be firm, crisp and fine-grained -can be displayed with top leaves, cut down to ½ to 1 ½ inch; tap roots should be left on -clean by wiping dirt off roots
Cucumber -straight, deep green, firm, with blunt ends -do not wax -clean by wiping with a soft cloth or moist cloth if necessary Dill (seed heads or seeds; for leaves see herbs) -for pickling – umbels in full bloom -large plant with symmetrical umbels -trim stem 3 inches below the spot where umbels connect
Broccoli -stalk and head at least 6 inches long; firm, tender and crisp with good color -buds tightly closed -center head at least 4 inches in diameter or group of 4 side shoots tied neatly together -leaves removed below head
Eggplant -specimens firm, shiny, with uniform, deep color -small blossom scar and a fresh green calyx -trim stem to 1 inch -clean by wiping with a soft, dry cloth or moist cloth
Cabbage -head solid and heavy for size -free of blemishes and insect damage -stem evenly trimmed at base of the last leaves left on the head -trim all but 2 or 3 outer leaves -clean by wiping with dry or moist cloth (if necessary)
Endive -specimen stout, crisp, tender -well-blanched heart -remove older, tougher outer leaves and roots -perishable
Carrot -specimen’s straight, deep orange color, smooth skin, -free of cracks, greening or side roots -tops trimmed to ½ to 1 inch unless premium list specifies carrots with tops; do not remove tap root -clean by brushing off dirt
Herbs -leaves fresh and tender; free of blemishes, bruises, insect and disease damage -trim stems evenly -perishable
Cauliflower -heads pure white, solid, uniform -protective leaves trimmed to 1 inch above the head to expose curd -curd should be compact, deep, firm and at least 4 inches in diameter -stem cut off ½ to 1 inch below bottom leaf -clean by wiping with dry cloth or brushing if necessary
Kale -plant with heavy, large, dark green, closely set, well curled foliage; or, if specified, individual leaves 8 – 10 inches long -remove roots -perishable Kohlrabi - tender with good color -leave 4 to 6 crown leaves, trim to ½ inch -cut off tap root ½ inch below the enlarged stem -clean by brushing or wiping with dry cloth
Celery -large plant with many crisp stalks -remove small outside stalks, suckers or leaves; trim stem neatly -wash thoroughly but gently 35
Leek -long, thick and firm, with pure white well-balanced stems -trim tops and roots evenly -clean by wiping with damp cloth Leaf Lettuce -Entire plant – do not cut leaves -Remove older discolored leaves -Perishable Lettuce (Butterhead and Cos) -well developed compact plants with firm crisp, medium-sized heads -remove older, loose, discolored outer leaves -cut stem squarely at base of head -perishable
Pepper (other than Bell) -length, shape and color should be typical of the variety -trim stems to ½ to ¾ inch -clean by wiping with soft, dry cloth
Muskmelon -evenly netted and free of decay spots, defects or cracks -smooth stem, indicating harvest at the “full-slip” stage -clean by brushing off soil when dry
Potato -fully mature clean, free of insect or disease damage injury, cracks, sunburn or greening -after tubers have dried, clean by brushing lightly to remove soil -do not mix varieties
Okra -small, straight pods that are fresh, bright green and less than 3 inches long -harvest before pods become woody and fibrous, and seeds harden -leave ½ inch stem -clean by wiping with dry or moist cloth, or by brushing
Pumpkin -good color, thick-fleshed and heavy in weight for size of specimen -free of blemishes and dirt -trim stem to 2 inches -clean by wiping and polishing with a dry cloth Radish -smooth, firm, medium-sized -remove tops to ½ to 1 inch -trim stem to 2 inches
Onion, Dry -firm, mature, well-shaped bulbs, at least 2 inches in diameter. Trim top to 1 inch; trim roots at base of bulb -avoid double and split bulbs, and those with soft necks -remove loose outer scales to first tight, dry, fully colored scale - clean by brushing specimens while dry; do not wash
Rhubarb -stalks at least 10 inches long and at least 1 inch across at the middle of the stalk -skin smooth and well-colored -trim leaves to 1 or 2 inches; trim base evenly -clean by wiping with dry cloth -do not mix red and green varieties
Onion, Green Bunching -select straight plants -remove older outer leaves -trim tops to 7 to 8 inches, roots to ½ inch Parsnip -roots solid, smooth, well-shaped and 2 to 2 ½ inches in diameter -tapered evenly with no side roots -skin a light, creamy yellow color -trim tops to 1 inch; leave tap root on
Spinach -leaves large, broad, thick and fresh -exhibit 6 to 8 leaves or as specified in premium list -cut squarely at base of petiole -perishable
Pea Regular cultivars -well-developed green pods; leave in pod or shell as a specific in premium list -pods should have ½ inch stems -do not wash Edible-pod cultivars -well-developed green pods; leave in pod -pods should have ½ inch stems -do not wash -do not mix cultivars
Squash, Summer -soft rind (immature) and at prime eating stage -avoid immature, cracked or split specimens -leave 1 to 2 inches of stem attached -clean by wiping with soft, dry cloth Squash, Winter -outer rind hard and firm, full of color -avoid immature, cracked or split specimens -leave 1 to 2 inches of stem attached -clean by wiping with soft, dry cloth
Chinese or snow cultivars -pods tender, green, seeds in immature stage; leave in pod -pods should have ½ inch stems -do not wash -do not mix cultivars
Tomato -firm, and free of cracks blossom-end rot, insect, disease or mechanical damage -ripe tomatoes should be in prime condition for slicing; avoid over ripe fruit -deep characteristic color, shape and size -green tomatoes should be entirely green with no red visible -do not exhibit red and green tomatoes on the same plate -display with or without stems -clean by wiping with moist cloth
Pepper, Bell -firm, thick-fleshed with deep color -all should have the same number of lobes -trim stems to ¼ to ½ inch -clean by wiping with soft cloth
Department – Open Class Horticulture
Turnip -roots at least 1 ½ to 2 ½ inches in diameter -trim tops to 1 inch; leave tap root 2 to 3 inches long
Gale Heny 307-202-0272 Ida Bessler 307-754-2397 Kim Edgell 307-351-1073 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Premium Schedule: Schedule A
Watermelon -typical of variety in shape and color -mature but not overripe; bright or velvety appearance -ground spot should be yellowish in color and not white or pale green -stem 1 inch long -clean by wiping with moist cloth
Department/ Division Special Awards: Harold Hurich Memorial Award $25 Based on; three points for 1st place; two points for 2nd place; one rd point for 3 place. The same person may not win this award two years in a row. General Rules: 1. All fruit exhibits to be judged on the basis of soundness, maturity, color and trueness of type. 2. Agricultural exhibits must be products of 2017. 3. Do not polish fruit and leave stems on fruit. 4. Only one (1) entry in each class is allowed per person, except in the “Any Other” class where a person may enter four (4) exhibits as long as they are different varieties. Contact the Fair Office 754-8855 to enter more than one (1) entry into the “Any Other” class. 5. Entries due July 24, 2017 11:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
These are a few things that you should make sure that you do not do when you exhibit vegetables. Here’s a checklist.
Judges Criteria: The following points shall be considered: Shape Color Size Uniformity Condition
Don’t show vegetables that are injured or dirty. Don’t show vegetables that are not uniform in size, shape, color, or maturity and type. Don’t exhibit overripe vegetables. Don’t exhibit more than one kind of large vegetable in a box if possible. Don’t exhibit leafy vegetables unless it is absolutely necessary. Don’t use filler material. Don’t peel onions. Harvest the bulbs 2 to 3 weeks before showing so they will be well ripened and dirty outer scales will be dry and easily removed-this makes the peeling unnecessary. Don’t cut windows in the husks of sweet corn. Don’t exhibit mature summer squash. Don’t exhibit the biggest vegetables you have, because unusual size frequently indicates poor quality due to over maturity. Don’t include gourds, peanuts, Indian corn and ornamentals in vegetable exhibit. Don’t exhibit specimens of ‘Turks Turbin’- it is a gourd. Don’t count different varieties of one vegetable as different kinds of vegetables. Don’t forget to attractively arrange your vegetable display
Division 0700 –Apples: Adults Division 0701 – Apples: Youth Class: 01 Haralson 02 Jonathan 03 McIntosh 04 Red Delicious 05 Wealthy Due to large number of entries there will be two first, two second and one third in classes 06 and 07 06 Yellow Transparent 07 Any Other Variety –Named
Division 0702 –Crab Apples: Adults Division 0703 –Crab Apples: Youth Six specimens required with stems on. Class: 01 02 03 04
Whitney Dolga Virginia Any Other Variety –Named
Division 0704 –Plums: Adults Division 0705 –Plums: Youth
Division 0709 –Stock, Root & Field Crops: Adults Division 0710 –Stock, Root & Field Crops: Youth
Six specimens required with stems on. Class: 01 02
Class: 01 Tecumsch 02 Apricot Plum 03 Blue Plum 04 Burbank 05 Green Gage 06 Wolf 07 Any Other Variety -Named Plum Hybrid Class: 08 Hanska 09 Kaga 10 Kahinta 11 Omaha 12 Superior 13 Underwood 14 Wanesta 15 Compass 16 Oka 17 Opata 18 Sapa 19 Any Other Variety -Named
03 04 05 06 07
Division 0711 –Eggs: Adults Division 0712 –Eggs: Youth Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06
Judging Criteria: Variety –type true to variety 10 % Uniformity –individuals in each sample should be similar 10% Quality –size, texture and etc. 60 % Condition –marketable 20%
Two bunches required for each exhibit with stems on.
Beta Concord Seedless Concord White Niagara Any Other Seedless –Named Any Other Variety –Named
Class: 001 Asparagus, six (6) stalks commercially prepared 002 Beans, green pod varieties (6) 003 Beans, wax pod varieties (6) 004 Beans, green flat variety (6) 005 Beans, other variety (6) 006 Beets, table (3) 007 Beets, pickling (6) 008 Broccoli, two (2) stems commercially prepared 009 Brussel Sprouts, six (6) heads 010 Cabbage, early one (1) head 011 Cabbage, late one (1) head 012 Cauliflower, one (1) head commercially prepared 013 Carrots, table long (6) 014 Carrots, table half long (6) 015 Any Other Carrot Variety (6) 016 Celery, one (1) commercially prepared 017 Corn, green sweet three (3) ears husked 018 Cucumbers, slicing (3) 019 Cucumbers, pickling (6 under 4 inches) 020 Cucumbers, burpless (3) 021 Cucumbers, gerkin (1cup) 022 Eggplant, long (1) 023 Eggplant, (1) 024 Endive, (1) plant w/ root 025 Kale, (1) plant w/ root 026 Kohlrabi, white (3 heads) 027 Kohlrabi, purple (3 heads) 028 Kohlrabi, green (3 heads) 029 Lettuce, (1 head) 030 Leaf Lettuce, (1 head) 031 Muskmelons, any variety (1 cantaloupe) 032 Honey Dew Melon (1) 033 Walla Walla Onions (3) 034 Onions, globe white (3) 035 Onions, globe red (3) 036 Onions, globe yellow (3)
Division 0708 –Miscellaneous: Adults Division 0709 –Miscellaneous: Youth One –Half pint required for each exhibit unless otherwise stated. Fruits should not be in clusters. Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Six (6) Brown Eggs Six (6) White Eggs Six (6) Eggs of an unusual color when laid Six (6) Brown Pullet Eggs Six (6) White Pullet Eggs Six (6) Unusual Color Pullet Eggs
Division 0713 –Vegetables: Adults Division 0714 –Vegetables: Youth
Division 0706 –Grapes: Adults Division 0707 –Grapes: Youth Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06
Carrots (3) Stock Pumpkins or Squash, single largest specimen Rutabagas (3) Turnips (2) Mangel Wertzels, white (3) Mangel Wertzels, red (3) Radishes (3)
Apricot, six (6) no stems Blueberries Boysenberries Bushberry Nanking Cherries Cherries, sweet with stems Cherries, sour with stems Choke Cherries, no stems –Due to the large number of entries there will be two (2) firsts, two (2) seconds and one (1) third Currants, yellow Currants, red Currants, black Currants, white Gooseberries Pears –Bartlett (4) Pears –Any Other Standard (4) Peaches (4) Strawberries Black Raspberries Red Raspberries Any Other Tree, vine or bush fruit –Named
037 Onions, globe brown (3) 038 Onions, flat white (3) 039 Onions, flat red (3) 040 Onions, flat yellow (3) 041 Onions, flat brown (3) 042 Onions, green table (3) 043 Okra, gumbo (3) 044 Parsnips, table (3) 045 Peas, green snap shell peas (6) 046 Peas, edible flat (6) 047 Peas, edible sugar snap (6) 048 Peppers, sweet bell (3) 049 Peppers, sweet -Green yellow or red other than bell (3) 050 Peppers, hot cayenne (3) 051 Peppers, hot jalapeno (3) 052 Peppers, serrano (3) 053 Peppers, hot any other (3) 054 Potato, red (4) 055 Potato, white (4) 056 Potato, Yukon Gold (4) 057 Any Other Potato (4) 058 Pumpkin (1) 059 Radishes, table (3) 060 Radishes, white (3) 061 Rhubarb, four (4) commercially prepared stalks with root on and 1”of leaf/ split red 062 Rhubarb, four (4) commercially prepared stalks with root on and 1” of leaf/ split green 063 Rutabagas, table (3) 064 Spinach (6) 065 Squash, butternut (2) 066 Squash, buttercup (2) 067 Squash, Hubbard green or golden (1) 068 Squash, Hubbard grey sidley (1) 069 Squash, table queen Des Moines (3) 070 Squash, any other winter (2) 071 Squash, crookneck (3) 072 Squash, summer scallop (3) 073 Squash, summer zucchini green (3) 074 Squash, summer zucchini yellow (3) 075 Squash, any other summer (3) 076 Swiss Chard, two (2) commercially prepared and tied 077 Swiss Chard Green, two (2) commercially prepared and tied 078 Swiss Chard Red, two (2) commercially prepared and tied 079 Tomatoes, Pickling or Preserving, green small (6) ½ inch in diameter 080 Tomatoes, Pickling or Preserving, pear (6 stems removed) 081 Tomatoes, Pickling or Preserving, red small (6 stems removed) 082 Tomatoes, red (3 stems removed) 083 Tomatoes, cherry (6) 084 Tomatoes, any other (3) 085 Turnips, table (3) 086 Watermelon (1) 087 Any Other Vegetable (3) 088 Plate of Five (5) Vegetables –Different types
094 Chives, garlic 095 Chocolate, mint 096 Cilantro 097 Dill Head, four (4) mature heads with stems that are no more than 6” in length 098 Garlic, music (3 buds) 099 Garlic, Montana Giant (3 buds) 100 Garlic, any other (3 buds) 101 Lavender 102 Lemon Balm 103 Lovage 104 Horseradish (3 roots) 105 Oregano 106 Parsley, curly 107 Parsley, flat leaf 108 Peppermint 109 Rosemary 110 Sage 111 Schallot 112 Thyme 113 Italian Thyme 114 Spearmint 115 Stevia 116 Summer Savory 117 Tarragon 118 Any Other Mint, not listed –Named 119 Any Other Herb, not listed -Named
Department – Open Class Hay Show Superintendent: Trent Reed 307-202-0884 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall **Drop off bales at the South overhead doors** Premium Schedule: Hay Schedule Department/ Division Special Awards: Highest Relative Feed Value of the Show
General Rules: 1. Agriculture exhibits must be grown in Park County and be the product of 2016 or 2017. 2. Each baled hay entry will include one (1) bale with entry tag. Each cubed hay entry will include half (1/2) bushel of hay cubes along with entry tag. A composite sample for a chemical analysis will be taken. 3. All entries will be judged as individual exhibits. Only one (1) entry per family in each lot may be made. 4. Each bale of hay must have an exhibit tag and should be attached prior to dropping off. 5. Factors considered by the judges for cubed hay will include crude protein, relative feed value, color, size, form, durability and bulk density.
Division 0800 –Hay Baled Hay Class: One (1) Bales Required 01 Alfalfa Hay, baled -1st Cutting 02 Alfalfa Hay, baled -2nd Cutting 03 Alfalfa Hay, baled -3rd Cutting 04 Grass Hay –Preferable that grass hay not contain legumes, but up to 10% will be permissible 05 Mixed Hay, baled –Considered to be 50-50 grasslegume, but will accept 40-60 or 60-40 mixture
Fresh Herbs: Any herbs used for seasoning, cooking or for food preparation. Not for medicinal use only. Small herbs are shown on the stock in a bunch ½ inch in diameter at the base. If over ½ inch diameter, exhibit three stems tie ends of herbs. Class: 089 Green Basil 090 Any Other Basil 091 Lemon Basil 092 Purple Basil 093 Chives
Cubed Hay Class: One –Half (1/2) Bushel 06 Alfalfa Hay, cubed -1st Cutting 07 Alfalfa Hay, cubed -2nd Cutting 08 Alfalfa Hay, cubed -3rd Cutting
free from disease and injured kernels Uniformity -25% shall be uniformed in size, floor, texture and condition
Department – Open Class Agronomy Superintendents:
Teena Murdock 307-254-3654 Joyce Johnston 307-272-5784 Justin Johnson 307-254-3654 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Premium Schedule: Schedule B
Department/ Division Special Awards: Best Overall Threshed Grain Sample Best Overall Sheaf (forage and seed)
Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
$10 $10
Division 0904 –Threshed Forage: Adult Division 0905 –Threshed Forage: Youth
General Rules: 1. Agriculture exhibits must be grown in Park County and be the product of 2016 except in the case of corn, forage and threshed grain, beans and peas, which may be the product of 2016 or 2017; but must not have been shown at any fair before. No product shall be retreated. 2. Two (2) entries per class per person unless otherwise stated, must be two (2) different varieties. Exhibitor’s age must be on all entries or entry will be disqualified. 3. Premiums may not be awarded to inferior specimens or collections even if there is no competition. 4. All threshed grain samples shall measure two (2) quarts; grass clover and alfalfa seed, two (2) quart; beans and peas, tow (2) quarts. All corn samples shall consist of four (4) ears. All potato samples shall consist of six (6) potatoes. 5. Sheaf forage for seed “leaves should be stripped”, exhibit measured and sheaf should be two and a half (2.5) inches in diameter at the base of the head, except alfalfa and sweet clover should measure three (3) at the butt of the sheaf. Sheaf forage for hay shall measure four (4) except millets, sudan and sorghums shall measure five (5) inches minimum and eight (8) inches maximum. Oats must be clipped. Sheaves not meeting dimension requirements will be disqualified. 6. Sugar beets should be topped, all greens removed. Most desirable should be long wedged shaped beets 3 ½ to 4 pounds. All beets should be thoroughly cleaned and free of mud/ debris. 7. Use one –half (1/2) inch cotton twill white tape for tying all sheaves.
Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Judging Criteria: Sheaf Forage Score Card: Uniformity -40% in variety, length of head, color and condition Quality and Adaptability -30% shall be well cured, good quality grain and stray leaves stripped off and adapted locality in which grown Arrangements -30% sheaves shall be made up neatly, bound compact and attractive bundles Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Judging Criteria: Corn Score Card: Variety, Type -50% true variety in size, shape and color of grain and corn Maturity and Condition -30% each ear shall be mature and free form disease and injured kernels Uniformity -20% each ear shall conform to every other ear in the sample in length, circumference, shape of kernels, color and indentation
Alfalfa, any named variety Bromegrass Garrison Foxtail Indian Rice Grass Orchard Grass Red Top Timothy Wheatgrass, Crested Wheatgrass, Intermediate or Pubescent Wheatgrass, Slender Wheatgrass, Tall Wheatgrass, Western Wheatgrass, any other Lutana Cicer Milkvetch Crown Vetch Any Other Named Variety
Division 0906 –Sheaf Forage for Seed: Adult Division 0907 –Sheaf Forage for Seed: Youth
Division 0900 –Corn: Adult Division 0901 –Corn: Youth
Class: 01 02 03 04
Barley, six row variety Barley, two row variety Oats Any Other Threshed Grain Wheat, any named variety of Hard Red Spring Wheat, and named variety of Hard Red Winter Radish Seed
Corn, yellow dent Corn, ripe sweet yellow Corn, yellow dent –Shelled two (2) quarts Corn, for silage –Green, six (6) stalks based on volume and grain content Any Other Shelled Corn
Division 0902 –Threshed Grain: Adult Division 0903 –Threshed Grain: Youth Judging Criteria: Threshed Grain Score Card: Variety, Type -25% true variety, characteristics and free from mixture with other varieties Purity -25% free from other grain, weeds and inert materials Quality and Condition -25% shall be plump of good texture and 40
Alfalfa Smooth Bromegrass Regar Bromegrass Any Other Bromegrass Clover, alsike Clover, red Clover, sweet yellow or white Fescue Grass Garrison Meadow Foxtail Indian Rice Grass Orchard Grass Reed Canary Grass Timothy Wheatgrass, Crested Wheatgrass, Intermediate or Pubescent Wheatgrass, Slender Wheatgrass, Tall Wheatgrass, Western Wheatgrass, any other Crown Vetch Any Other
Division 0908 –Sheaf Grain for Seed: Adult Division 0909 –Sheaf Grain for Seed: Youth
Division 0914 –Sugar Beets: Adult Division 0915 –Sugar Beets: Youth
Judging Criteria: Sheaf Forage for Seed Score Card: Uniformity -40% in variety, length of head, color and condition Quality and Adaptability -30% shall be well cured, good quality grain and stray leaves stripped off and adapted locality in which grown Arrangements -30% sheaves shall be made of neatly bound compact and attractive bundles
Class: 01 02 03 04
Class: 01 02 03
Barley, six rows Barley, two rows Oats
04 05 06
Division 0916 –Seed Beans & Peas (Adult) Division 0917 –Seed Beans & Peas (Youth)
Wheat, spring Wheat, winter Any Other
Seed Peas Class: 01 Seed Peas, smooth or wrinkled
Division 0910 –Sheaf Forage for Hay: Adult Division 0911 –Sheaf Forage for Hay: Youth
Edible Dry Beans –Commercial Class: 02 Great Northern Field Beans 03 Pinto Field Beans 04 Cranberry Beans 05 Small Navy Field Beans 06 Other Commercial Variety 07 Black Turtle Bean 08 Kidney Bean
Judging Criteria: Sheaf Forage for Hay Score Card: Uniformity -40% fineness of stems, bright green color and condition Quality and Adaptability -30% shall be well cured, good quality leaves retained and adapted locality in which grown Arrangement -30% sheaves shall be made up neatly bound at least two or three places Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Department – Open Class Robotics Alfalfa, any cutting Blue Grass Regar Bromegrass Smooth Bromegrass Any Other Bromegrass Clover, Alsike Clover, Red Clover, Sweet Yellow Clover, Sweet White Fescue Grass Garrison Meadow Foxtail Indian Rice Grass Oats, cut for hay Orchard Grass Reed Canary Grass Timothy Wheatgrass, Crested Wheatgrass, Intermediate or Pubescent Wheatgrass, Slender Wheatgrass, Tall Wheatgrass, Western Wheatgrass, any other Mixed Legume and Grass Hay Lutana Cicer Milkvetch Crown Vetch Any Other
Superintendents: Kim Barhaug 307-899-3758 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Premium Schedule: Schedule B Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand and Reserve Champions in each division will receive a Rosette. General Rules: 1. All exhibitors will abide by all applicable rules and regulations of the Park County Fair. 2. Exhibitors can only enter one (1) entry in each class. Robot Construction Rules: 1. Members will select a task for the robot to perform and then design, build and demonstrate that the robot can perform the selected task. All design and programming work must be done prior to the contest and exhibitor must be prepared to demonstrate the robot performing the task for the judges. Members must bring all materials and props for their demonstration with them and be able to set up and demonstrate the action of their robot within 5 minutes. 2. The actual robot must be built by the contestant from Lego pieces. (i.e. robot needs to be built by member from individual kit components such as Lego Mind storms NXT or EV3 kit). 3. Commercially available components or specially constructed components are acceptable for use in the building of the robot. 4. The set up and demonstration of the robot's capabilities cannot exceed 5 minutes, with an extra 5 minutes for questions from the judges. 5. The robot and its components must fit and function within an 8’ x 8’ footprint. 6. Scoring is based upon uniqueness of the task, quality of the design, functionality of the task, operation of the robot, workmanship, and the interview with the judge. 7. Members must be prepared to verbally present to the judge(s) the following: a. A statement of the purpose or function of the robot – what task it will be doing.
Division 0912 –Potatoes: Adult Division 0913 –Potatoes: Youth Judging Criteria: Potato Score Card: Variety and Type -30% should show variety characteristics Quality -20% Size -25% commercial size 8-12 ounces preferable, overgrown tubers should not be exhibited Uniformity -15% each individual in the sample should conform to all others in sample Smoothness -10% Table Stock -8 -12 ounces, 2 -3 ½ inch tuber preferred Class: 01 02 03 04
Single Largest Sugar Beet Three (3) Largest Sugar Beets Single Most Perfect Sugar Beet Three (3) Most Perfect Sugar Beets
Pontiac Kennebec Lasoda Norgold
05 06 07
Norland Red, any other White, any other
A statement of the process used to design the robot and the troubleshooting involved c. A description of how the programming was done Decisions of the judges are final
Class: 01 02 03 04
Division 0950 –Robot Construction Class: 01
04 05
Rabbit Sheep Swine Cat
Premium Schedule: Large Livestock Schedule Rules: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. 2. All exhibitors must enter into Division 3000 to reserve a stall. Refer to page 14 rule #9 in the Generals Rules: Exhibits & Exhibitor. 3. No cow calf pairs in the Champion Drive. 4. With the consent of all current dairy exhibitors and superintendents any lactating production cow, under stress due to changes in food, water and/ or other conditions shall be released if the exhibitor so wishes, for the benefit of the animals health, at the close of the dairy show on Friday afternoon. (As long as she has been on exhibit from Wednesday through the day of the dairy show.) This applies to lactating production animals only, including any diary animal freshing during the fair. All other exhibits must stay in place until Sunday morning.
Superintendent: Cory Pendley 307-254-0456 Exhibit Location: Carcass Shed Northwest of Events Center Premium Schedule: Carcass Schedule Rules: 1. Limit two (2) entries per species. 2. Each exhibitor is responsible to contact and make their own appointments with one of the meat processing plants listed below: Roger’s Meat in Powell 307-754-2577 Zero Box Quality Meat in Cody 307-587-4662 3. Live weights are no longer required. 4. Carcass Weight Requirements: Min Max Beef 600lbs 1000lbs Lamb 60lbs 85lbs Swine 150lbs 190lbs 5. All exhibitors are responsible for all transportation, slaughter and fabrication cost of their carcass animal. All animals must be delivered by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 to be eligible for the Carcass Contest. All animals must meet the carcass weight requirements to be eligible for the contest.
Breeding Beef Divisions: Superintendents:
Keith Murray 307-754-3842 Kenton Murray 208-660-5358 Exhibit Location: Beef Show ring
Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion Female $50 Reserve Champion Female $40 Grand Champion Bull $50 Reserve Champion Bull $40 Supreme Champion Overall All Breeds Breed Female* (Open/ Youth Combined) $150 *Chosen during Open Show
Division 1000 –Carcass Contest
Division 3001 –Angus Division 3002 –Charolais Division 3003 –Hereford Division 3004 –Limousin Division 3005 –Shorthorn
Carcass Class: 01 Beef 02 Lamb 03 Swine
Division 3006 – Any Other Recognized Breed
Department – Open Class PeeWee Showmanship
Premium Schedule: Non -Premium All contestants will receive a ribbon.
Female Class: 01 Junior Heifer Calves, on or after Jan. 1st of current year 02 Late Senior Claves, Nov. 1st and Dec. 31st of previous year 03 Early Senior Calves, Sept. 1st and Oct. 31st of previous year 04 Late Summer Yearlings, July1st and Aug. 31st of previous year 05 Early Summer Yearling, May 1st and June 30th of
Division 2100 –PeeWee Showmanship
2. 3.
05 06 07 08
Department – Open Class Cattle
Preset LEGO Robot Construction – Robot construction using LEGO Mindstorms kits or predesigned, commercial programming/instructions LEGO Robot Construction – Robot construction using LEGO Mindstorms kits and programming software of own design LEGO Power Functions Construction – The selfdesigned vehicle must be constructed with and controlled by LEGO Power Functions elements Recycled Robots – Robots constructed from recycled materials RC Vehicles/Robots – Built from any materials using own design
Department – Open Class Carcass Contest
Rules: 1.
Dairy Goat Meat Goat Poultry Miniature Horse
PeeWee Showmanship is for youth 4 years -8 years of age including 4-H Clover Buds. Exhibitor may only enter one (1) exhibit per species. No parent is allowed in the show ring unless there are special needs. 42
06 07 08 09 10 11
previous year Junior Yearling, Mar. 1st and April 30th of previous year Early Junior Yearling, Jan. 1st and Feb. 28th of previous Year Senior Yearling, Sept. 1st and Dec 31st of previous biennium Summer Senior Yearling, May 1st and Aug. 31st of previous biennium Cow and Calf Pair, of current year calf only Best Two Females, two females bred and owned by exhibitor
10 11 12 13
Bull Class: 12 Junior Bull Calves, on or after Jan. 1st of current year 13 Late Senior Claves, Nov. 1st and Dec. 31st of previous year 14 Early Senior Calves, Sept. 1st and Oct. 31st of previous year 15 Late Summer Yearlings, July 1st and Aug. 31st of previous year 16 Early Summer Yearling, May 1st and June 30th of previous year 17 Junior Yearling, Mar. 1st and April 30th of previous year 18 Early Junior Yearling, Jan. 1st and Feb. 28th of previous year 19 Senior Yearling, Sept. 1st and Dec 31st of previous biennium 20 Summer Senior Yearling, May 1st and Aug. 31st of previous biennium 21 2 –Year Old Bulls, Jan.1st and April 30th of previous biennium 22 Best Two Bulls, two bulls bred and owned by exhibitor
Department – Open Class Goats Premium Schedule: Small Livestock Schedule Rules: 1.
Feeder Steer calved in current year Feeder Heifer calved in current year
Dairy Cattle Division: Superintendents:
Lynn George
Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion Bull Reserve Champion Bull Grand Champion Female Reserve Champion Female Champion Overall Breeding Female (Open/ Youth Combined)
307-899-9389 3. 4. 5. 6.
$50 $40 $50 $40
7. $100
Division 3008 –Brown Swiss Division 3009 –Guernsey Division 3010 –Holstein Division 3011 –Jersey Division 3012 –Any Other Recognized Breed
yet fresh (If fresh must show in 2 year old class) Junior Get –of –Sire, group consists of four (4) animals under 2 years of age, none of which has freshened; either sex, the get of one (1) sire; not more than two (2) bulls. Sire must be named and each exhibitor is limited to one (1) entry sired by the same bull. At least three (3) animals must have been bred by exhibitor. Animals may be owned by one (1) or more exhibitors. Two –Year Old Cow, springing or milking 25 -36 months old Three –Year Old Cow, 37-48 months old Four –Year Old Cow, 49-60 months old Aged Cow, 5 years and over; still in show condition Best Three Females, any age; all bred and owned by exhibitor. Each exhibitor limited to one (1) group entry. Breeder Get –of –Sire, group to consist of four (4) animals, either sex; not more than two (2) bulls any age, the get of one (1) sire, at least three (3) to have been bred by exhibitor. Sire to be named. Produce of Dam, group to consist of two (2) animals, any age, either sex, the product of one (1) cow. The dam must be named. Each exhibitor is limited to one (1) group entry from the same dam. All animals owned by the exhibitor.
Junior Bull Calf, 3-6 months old Senior Bull Calf, 7-12 months old Yearling Bull, 1 year or older (up to 2 years) Any Age –Breeder Bull Junior Heifer Calf, 3-6 months old Senior Heifer Calf, 7-12 months old Junior Yearling Heifer, 13-18 months old Senior Yearling Heifer, 19-24 months old, but not
Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. All exhibitors must enter into Division 4000 (Dairy Goat) or Division 4500 (Meat Goat) to reserve a pen. Refer to page 14 rule #9 in the Generals Rules: Exhibits & Exhibitor. Do not change pens without speaking to the Superintendent(s). These pens have been assigned to you. You must have permission from the Superintendent and this change must be made with the Fair Office. Does only will be shown. All breeds will be shown together by age. Horned animals will not be allowed to show. Mandatory Milk Out –all does must be milked at 9:00 p.m. the night before the show. All dairy goat exhibitors are expected to wear white clothing when showing.
Scrapies: Goat exhibitors at Wyoming Jackpots, County Fairs and State Fair are reminded of the Wyoming livestock Board’s requirement that all sheep and goats exhibited in Wyoming must be individually identified with a USDA – APHIS approved scrapie identification. The only exception to the tag requirement is that registered animals may be identified with a registration tattoo and must be accompanied with a photo copy of their current registration papers listing the exhibitor as owner. All goats must be scrapie tagged regardless of registration status. Goats not meeting these requirements will not be allowed to enter/ check –in.
Division 4001 –Dairy Goat (All Breeds but Nigerian Dwarf/Minis and Pygmy)
Division 4004 –Breeding Meat Goat Superintendents:
Sara Skalsky 307-899-1742 Vicki Hogen 541-417-0429 Exhibit Location: Sheep Show Ring
Division 4002 –Dairy Goat (Nigerian Dwarf/Minis and Pygmy Breeds)
Department/ Division Special Awards: Champion Breeding Meat Goat Reserve Champion Breeding Meat Goat Champion Junior Doe Reserve Champion Junior Doe Champion Breeding Senior Doe Reserve Champion Breeding Senior Doe
Jolyn Kawano 307-254-0245 Helen Carter 307-202-2466 Exhibit Location: Sheep Show Ring
Department/ Division Special Awards: Champion Junior & Senior Doe Reserve Champion Junior & Senior Doe Best Senior Doe of Show Best Junior Doe of Show Best Udder of Show Champion Overall Dairy Goat (Open/ Youth Combined)
Rosette and $25 Rosette and $20 $15 $15 $20
ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER INTO DIVISION 4500 TO RESERVE A PEN Junior Doe Class: 01 Doe Kid, born after April 1st of current year 02 Doe Kid, born January 1st to March 31st of current year 03 Doe Kid, born September 1st to December 31st of previous year
ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER INTO DIVISION 4000 TO RESERVE A PEN Junior Doe Class: 01 Junior Kids, under 4 months old 02 Intermediate Kids, 4 months and under 6 months old 03 Senior Kids, 6 months and under 12 months old 04 Junior Yearlings, 12 months under 18 months old 05 Senior Yearlings, 18 months and under 24 months old
Senior Doe Class: 04 Yearling Doe -1 to under 2 years, born September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2016 05 Two Year Old Doe -2 to under 3 years, born September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2015 06 Three Year Old Doe -3 years and older, born before September 1, 2014 07 Best Pair of Does, any age –Shown by a single exhibitor 08 Breeders Get –of –Sire, group to consist of three (3) does, any age, the get of one (1) sire and bred by exhibitor –Sire to be named
Senior Milking Doe Class: 06 Under 2 years 07 2 years and under 3 years 08 3 years and under 5 years 09 5 years and over
Department – Open Class Poultry
Group Entry Class: 10 Dam & Daughter, consists of one (1) senior doe and her own milking daughter 11 Junior Get –of –Sire, consists of three (3) does from the Junior Doe Class, the get of one (1) sire, with at least one (1) doe in milk. Sire must be named. Judged by breed. 12 Senior Get –of –Sire, consists of three (3) does from the Senior Doe Class, the get of one (1) sire, with at least one (1) doe in milk. Sire must be named. Judged by breed. 13 Produce of Dam, to consist of two (2) does, the product of same dam. Dam must be named. 14 Dairy Herd, to consist of four (4) does in milk. All must be owned by the exhibitor.
Caroline Butters 307-754-3037 Chelsea Moger 307-250-5404 Exhibit Location: Poultry Barn Premium Schedule: Small Animal Schedule
Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion Standard Male will receive a Rosette Grand Champion Standard Female will receive a Rosette Grand Champion Standard Trio will receive a Rosette Grand Champion Bantam Poultry Male will receive a Rosette Grand Champion Bantam Poultry Female will receive a Rosette Grand Champion Bantam Trio will receive a Rosette Grand Champion Waterfowl Male will receive a Rosette Grand Champion Waterfowl Female will receive a Rosette Grand Champion Turkey Overall will receive a Rosette Grand Champion Turkey Trio will receive a Rosette Grand Champion Bird of Show will receive a Rosette Reserve Champion Bird of Show will receive a Rosette
Division 4003 –Dress A Goat Premiums: 1st $10.00 2nd $5.00 3rd $2.50
Rules: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. 2. All exhibitors must enter into Division 5000 to reserve a cage. Refer to page 14 rule #9 in the Generals Rules: Exhibits & Exhibitor. Do not change pens without speaking to the Superintendent(s). These pens have been assigned to you. You must have permission from the Superintendent and this change must be made with the Fair Office. 3. One (1) entry per class per exhibitor. 4. No fowl will be allowed to compete for more than one (1) prize. 5. Chicks must be at least two (2) months of age. 6. All single entries (see exception below at #8) must be brought to the table to be judged.
General Rules: 1. Each exhibitor is allowed one (1) entry. 2. Exhibitor does not have to own the animal being shown. 3. Exhibitor may not enter the Open and Youth Divisions. 4. Open to all ages. Class: 01 02
$20 $18 $20 $18 $20 $18
Most Original Most Humorous
Young and mature Trio; Pens of Three (3) and Geese will be judged in their cages. 8. Exhibitors must furnish their own containers for feed and water. 9. Exhibitors must feed, water and clean under their poultry cages by 9:00 a.m. each day or will forfeit their premiums. 10. Poultry entered to Open Class Show are not eligible to enter the Youth Show, 11. Classes will be judged per American Standards of Perfection 12. Clean –Up: Remove containers form cage and dispose of them. Remove wood shavings from under the cage and place in the designated area.
Class: All Standard Varieties
Division 5003 –Ducks ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER INTO DIVISION 5000 TO RESRVE A CAGE Gender and Age: A Drake; male 1 year and older B Young Drake; male less than 1 year old C Hen; female 1 year or older D Young Hen; female less than 1 year old
Class: Heavy Weight Ducks
Division 5001 –Chickens
(Saxony; Rouen; Perkin; Muscovey; Aylesbury)
Medium Weight Duck
Bantam Poultry Class: Game Breed 037 Single Comb Clean Legged (Non -Game) 043 Rose Comb Clean Legged 049 All Other Combs Clean Legged 055 Feather Legged Breeds 061 Fryer Class: Fryer Pens
B 002 008 014 020 026 032
C 003 009 015 021 027 033
D 004 010 016 022 028 034
E 005 011 017 023 029 035
F 006 012 018 024 030 036
Light Weight Duck
C 03
D 04
(Runner; Magpie; Campbell)
Duck Bantam Weight
(Call; Caroline Wood; East Indie; Mallard; Mandarin; Spotted Australian)
Division 5004 –Geese ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER INTO DIVISION 5000 TO RESRVE A CAGE Gender and Age: E Gander; male 1 year or older F Young Gander; male under 1 year old G Goose; female 1 year old or older H Young Goose; female under 1 year old Class: Heavy Weight
E 01
F 02
G 03
H 04
(Toulouse; Emden; African)
Medium Weight
(Sevastapol; Pilgrim; Am. Buff; Saddleback Pomeranian)
Light Weight
B 02
(Buff; Cayuga; Crested; Swedish)
Gender/ Pen: A Cock; male fowl 1 year and older B Cockerel; male fowl less than 1 year old C Hen; female fowl 1 year and older D Pullet: female fowl less than 1 year E Mature Trio; one (1) cock and two (2) hens of the same breed/ variety over one (1) year of age F Young Trio; one (1) cockerel and two (2) pullets of the breed/ variety under 1 year of age G Fryer Pen of Cockerels H Fryer Pen of Pullets Standard Poultry Class: Breeds A American 001 Asiatic 007 Continental 013 English 019 Mediterranean 025 Other Breeds 031
A 01
(Tufted Roman; Egyptian; Chinese; Bar Head)
Department – Open Class Sheep Superintendents:
Dicksie Michael 307-272-3236 Jasi Eskeli 307-899-8064 Regan Smith 307-754-3130 Exhibit Location: Sheep Show Ring Premium Schedule: Small Livestock Schedule
Department/ Division Special Awards: Champion Ram, each breed Reserve Champion Ram, each breed Champion Ewe, each breed Reserve Champion Ewe, each breed Champion Overall Ram (Open/ Youth Combined) Champion Overall Breeding Female (Open/ Youth Combined)
Division 5002 –Turkeys ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER INTO DIVISION 5000 TO RESRVE A CAGE Gender and Age: A Tom; male 1 year or older B Young Tom; less than 1 year old C Hem; female 1 year or older D Young Hens; less than 1 year old E Mature Trio; one (1) tom and two (2) hens over 1 year old of the same breed/ variety F Young Trio; one (1) tom and two (2) hens under 1 year old of the same breed/ variety
Rules: 1.
$25 $20 $25 $20 $50 $100
Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. All exhibitors must enter into Division 6000 to reserve a cage. Refer to page 14 rule #9 in the Generals Rules: Exhibits & Exhibitor. Do not change pens without speaking to the Superintendent(s). These pens have been assigned to you. You must have permission from
the Superintendent and this change must be made with the Fair Office. The Park County Fair will not condone bracing of lambs during any Park County Fair Contests. No lifting, slapping or use of abusive force to stimulate bracing of lambs will be tolerated! All Lamb is to be uniformly slick shorn 3/8 inch or less. Legs may have hair up to the hock and knee only. All Market Lambs must have been shorn within seven (7) days of fair.
Class: 01
Department – Open Class Wool Superintendent: Wendy Smith 307-202-0972 Exhibit Location: Wool Room (Poultry Barn) Premium Schedule: Wool Schedule Department/ Division Special Awards: Champion Ram Commercial Fleece Reserve Champion Ram Commercial Fleece Champion Ewe Commercial Fleece Reserve Champion Ewe Commercial Fleece Champion Ewe Commercial Colored Fleece Reserve Champion Ewe Commercial Colored Fleece Grand Champion Fleece of the Show (Open/ Youth Combined) Reserve Champion Fleece of the Show (Open/ Youth Combined)
Breeding Sheep Divisions: Wool Breeds: Division 6001 –Columbia Division 6002 –Rambouillet Division 6003 –Targhee Meat Breeds: Division 6004 –Dorset Division 6005 –Hampshire Division 6006 –Suffolk
04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
$10 $8 $10 $8 $10 $8 $15 $10
Rules: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. 2. Eligibility of Fleece: Each fleece must represent not more than twelve (12) months growth, except that in the case of yearling fleeces, sixteen (16) months growth will be allowed. 3. Qualifications: Any fleece entered in competition shall be discriminated against if: a) Showing any paint or tar brands (soluble branding fluids permissible) b) Showing excessive dung locks or tags c) Discolored by excessive moisture d) Cotted e) Showing a weak staple or break in fiber f) Containing excess burns or other vegetable matter g) Fleece may be shown no more than once in a fair 4. Preparation of Fleece: Spread out the fleece on a clean table or floor, skin side down, taking care not to pull or open fleece as it is handled. The fleece will look like a pelt or hide. At this stage, before rolling or tying, remove all heavy tags, stained wool, any foreign matter. Rolling the fleece takes four easy steps: 1) Begin at one side and loosely fold eight (8) to ten (10) inches of the edge toward the center of the fleece. 2) Do the same on the other side, but fold toward the center two (2) times –until the twice folded portion lies on top of the first fold. 3) Fold in the head wool. 4) Roll the entire fleece from the breach toward the shoulder and long side wool. Fleece is now ready to be tied. Using paper fleece twine, wrap it in two directions and tie as you would a package. There should be no loose ends hanging from the fleece. It should be loose enough to make judging easy, yet compact enough to prevent it from falling apart when handled.
Additional Breeds: Division 6007 –Natural Colored Sheep Division 6008 –Wether Sires Division 6009 –Any Other Recognized Breed Division 6010 –Any Crossbreed Class: 01 02 03
Initial Weight Class, classes will be established using natural/ logical weight breaks
Ram, 2 years old or older Ram, 1 year old and under 2 Fall Ram Lamb, born Sept. 1st to Dec. 31st of previous year Winter Ram Lamb, born Jan. 1st to Feb. 15th of current year Spring Ram Lamb, born after Feb. 16th to June 1st of current year Pair of Ram Lambs Ewe, 2 years old or older Ewe, 1 year old and under 2 Fall Ewe Lamb, born Sept. 1st to Dec. 31st of previous year Winter Ewe Lamb, born Jan. 1st to Feb. 15th of current year Spring Ewe Lamb, born after Feb. 16th to June 1st of current year Pair of Ewe Lambs Best Four (4) Head of Lambs, from one (1) exhibitor –Both sexes represented Breeding Flock, owned by one (1) individual – Flock shall consist of one (1) ram any age and four (4) ewes any age
Division 6011 –Orphan Lambs
Division 7000 –Breed Fleece
ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER INTO DIVISION 6000 TO RESERVE A PEN Class: 01 Pen of Three Orphan Lambs, initial class 02 Single Orphan Lamb, initial class
Fleeces shown from purebred sheep Class: 01 Rambouillet, ram fleece 02 Rambouillet, ewe fleece 03 Targhee, ram fleece 04 Targhee, ewe fleece
05 06 07 08
Corriedale, ram fleece Corriedale, ewe fleece Columbia, ram fleece Columbia, exe fleece
Division 7001 –Commercial Farm Flock Fleece Division 8000 –Sheep Lead Contest Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Ram Fleece, 64’s -80’s -Fine Ewe Fleece, 64’s -80’s -Fine Ram Fleece, 62’s -60’s -1/2 blood Ewe Fleece, 62’s -60’s -1/2 blood Ram Fleece, 58’s -56’s -3/8 blood Ewe Fleece, 58’s -56’s -3/8 blood Ram Fleece, 54’s -50’s -1/4 blood Ewe Fleece, 54’s -50’s -1/4 blood
Sheep Lead Class: 01 Adult (19 years and over) 02 Senior (16 years through 18 years) 03 Intermediate (13 years through 15 years) 04 Junior (10 years through 12 years) 05 Pre –Junior (7 years through 9 years) 06 Tots (under 7 years) Breeders Award Class: 07 Adult (19 years and over) 08 Senior (16 years through 18 years) 09 Intermediate (13 years through 15 years) 10 Junior (10 years through 12 years) 11 Pre –Junior (7 years through 9 years) 12 Tots (under 7 years)
Division 7002 –Commercial Colored Fleece Class: 01 02 03 04 05
Ewe Fleece, 64’s -80’s -Fine Ewe Fleece, 62’s -60’s -1/2 blood Ewe Fleece, 58’s -56’s -3/8 blood Ewe Fleece, 54’s -50’s -1/4 blood
Department – Open Class Miniature Horse Expo
Department – Open Class Sheep Lead
Rhonda Borcher 307-754-3691 Judy Jones 307-754-2378 Exhibit Location: Show Quad Premium Schedule: Sheep Lead Schedule
Tami Lloyd Christy Muecke
307-679-8901 307-254-0390
Exhibit Location: Horse Arena Premium Schedule: Non –Premium Rules: 1. Exhibitors can enter online or at check-in time 2. Miniature Horses are classified by height. They shall measure 38 inches or less at the withers. 3. No Stallions
Sheep Lead is designed to use wool clothing and a unique presentation of sheep to add a touch of glamour and style to the Park County Fair Sheep Show while promoting the various breeders, sheep and wool business. This contest also gives the spectators an opportunity to view the products of the sheep industry while improving the sheep image. Contestants will enter one (1) of six age divisions –as of their age on January 1st of the current year.
Division 9000 –Miniature Horse Expo Division 7500 –Stall Assignment (Mini Horse Barn) ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER THIS CLASS TO RESERVE A PEN
Rules: 1. Contestants must submit a typewritten script (double spaced) on a sheet of paper (8 ½ x 11) to one of the above Superintendents preferably at the time of entry, but no later than 1:00 p.m. on the day of the contest. The script should not be longer than one (1) page. The following information will be listed in the right hand top corner of the paper: Name Hometown Class (Ex. –Class 02, Senior) Date of Birth Phone Number Script should include a description of garment (i.e. design, style, colors, percent of wool, how constructed and by whom, or where purchased), breed of sheep being led and owners/ fitters. Script may include hobbies, interests, special awards and honors of the contestant. 2. Judges will consider the following areas when judging: general appearance, fitting and leading ability of the sheep; general appearance, selection and fit of the outfit, and fashion consciousness of the contestant; and the function of the sheep and contestant, control of the sheep and overall effect. 3. Contestants participating in this contest should have a sheep and wool interest and desire to promote the industry. 4. Contestants must provide their own outfits which must be at least 50% wool but can be either handmade or purchased. 5. Ewes or wethers of any breed may be used for Sheep Lead. No rams will be permitted in the contest. Sheep must be conditioned, fitted and trained to show at halter. Contestants may lead their own sheep or arrange to use a sheep belonging to any sheep exhibitor at the fair. Sheep must have been entered and exhibited during the fair and follow all applicable rules.
Showmanship Class: 01 Adults 02 Youth, ages 8 years –18 years Halter Class: A Miniature Horse under 34” B Miniature Horse 35” – 38” Class: Any Pattern 03 A –Mare 04 B –Mare 05 A –Gelding 06 B –Gelding Performance Class: 07 Jumping 08 Obstacle 09 Obstacle Drive 10 Country Pleasure Drive 11 Driving Reinsmanship 12 D’ Elegance Driving 13 Costume
low –cut, see through). The shirt must cover the stomach, chest and bare back. Shirt/ Blouse which is expose any portion of hips or midriffs are not allowed. Shorts/ Skirts: Shorts/ Skirts must meet or exceed the students extended finger tips when the arm is extended at the side. Short shorts are prohibited. Hat & Clothing: Apparel that promotes tobacco, inappropriate gestures, drugs, alcohol, violence, weapons or are gang related are considered inappropriate. Underclothing: No underclothing to be visible or worn as outerwear. Openings in Apparel: Clothing which has holes cut or torn that may expose the seat or parts of the body unique to the male or female is prohibited.
Park County 4-H General Information All 4-H contestants and activities will be under the direction of Wyoming 4-H and executed by UW Extension Employees, 4-H Leaders and the 4-H Council.
Exhibit Information 1.
For all rules covering exhibits and eligibility refer to the Wyoming 4-H Policies. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to know and understand all rules and regulations. Unless specified, all exhibits must conform to the same rules and regulations that apply to all other departments at the Park County Fair. In June, 1982, the 1940 agreement between Wyoming State Department of Vocational Education and the Wyoming Agricultural Extension Service involving 4-H and FFA youth was reviewed and amended to read as follows: “ If a boy or girl is enrolled in both 4-H and Vocational Agriculture or Home Economics, work done must be different in each. For Example: 4-H or FFA members may carry the same type of supervised occupational experience program in vocational agriculture or as a 4-H project, but the exhibit must come from a supervised FFA program and the 4-H exhibit must come from a 4-H project.” A project done in school is eligible for display through one, but only one organization. The member should be enrolled in this project during the current year. The organization should be chosen by the youth member. Only Wyoming 4-H members are eligible to compete for prizes offered in the 4-H Divisions at County Fair. A member must be enrolled in the project in which he/ she exhibits and the exhibit must be the result of the 4-H member’s project during the current 4-H year. 4-H members entered in the youth horse or youth miniature horse events must have current safety endorsements completed on or before July 15, 2017 for each horse for the events you plan to participate. (For example: Trail, Roping, Cattle Working, Speed, Project, etc.)
Failing to abide by the dress code may result in actions that will cause the representative(s) to lose rights and privilege at the event; be sent home at his /her own expense prior to the conclusion of the activity, and/ or forfeit the right to awards or premiums, and/ or future participation at in –state and out –of –state 4-H events.
Standard Code of Conduct The following behavior guidelines and expectations are designed to make everyone’s experience at 4-H events positive and safe. This means that all participants, members, adult volunteers and 4-H staff, shall adhere to the core values of the University of Wyoming 4-H Youth Development Program, respect the individual rights, safety and property of others. Everyone involved is expected to demonstrate the character traits of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. The 4-H Code of Conduct for youth outlined below is in effect for all activities involving the University of Wyoming’s Extension 4-H Program. Participants who fail to adhere to the 4-H Code of Conduct may be subject to a range of disciplinary actions. Immediate corrective action will be taken to ensure the safety and welfare of all participants at the event. Additional disciplinary action may be taken upon further investigation of the infraction or incident. While attending 4-H meetings, projects, programs and events as a 4-H member, I will: 1. Obey all rules established by the Wyoming 4-H program, the local club/ program and all local, state and federal laws. 2. Be honest and accept responsibility for personal choices. 3. Conduct myself in a courteous manner and be respectful to the authority of adult volunteers, youth leaders and 4-H staff, and others in leadership roles. 4. Not use, accept or carry alcohol, drugs or tobacco, nor associate with or remain in the presence of others using the substance. 5. Not carry a weapon or threaten another person with a weapon, bodily force or language. 6. Not be overly affectionate or have sexual contact with another. 7. Not gamble for real money. 8. Not use computers or cell phones maliciously or access inappropriate websites. 9. Acknowledge that searches of personal property may take place when there is reasonable suspicion of violations of law or policies. 10. Be courteous and respectful to others as well as leaving sites and public places neat and clean. 11. Use appropriate language and wear acceptable clothing. 12. Show kindness to others and give assistance when needed. 13. Honor my commitments including fully participating in any program or event. 14. While attending overnight events as a 4-H member, I will also: a. Not leave the activity or event unless permission is secured from the adult in charge.
Age Divisions Junior: Intermediate: Senior:
Age 8-10 as of Jan. 1 of the current year Age 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of the current year Age 14-18 as of Jan 1st of the current year
4-H Typical Class Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 01 First and second year in project 02 Three years in project Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 03 First and second year in project 04 Three years or more in project Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 05 First and second year in project 06 Three years or more in project
Dress Code for Members, Adults & Representatives It is necessary that Park County 4-H Representatives (4-H Members and Adult 4-H Volunteers) promote a positive, clean, healthy and safe environment to the public. Park County 4-H representatives represent a program that has a positive image. Adults are role models for all of the youth and the older youth (Junior Leaders) are role models for the younger members. MODESTY IS OUR PRIORITY Shirts/ Blouse: Top of shoulder is covered by at least 1” width and is fitted under the arm (no halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps,
b. c.
Be in my sleeping area and honor established curfews. Not enter the sleeping areas of members of the opposite gender nor will I invite non 4-H participants to the sleeping areas. d. Be responsible for any damage caused by, or as a result of, my actions. If I do not live up to the Code of Conduct, I know that consequences may include any or all of the following: Notification of my parents and appropriate staff members. Dismissed from the 4-H event at my own expense and without any refund. Not allowed to participate in future 4-H events. Pay for the financial cost of damages and repairs for damage or destruction of property. Released to the nearest law enforcement agency and/ or proper authorities. Terminate my 4-H membership in club programming.
Swine Class: 12 13 14 15
Dog Class: 16 17 18 19
Department -4-H Showmanship
4. 5.
6. 7. 8.
Senior: 14 and older as of Jan. 1st of current year Intermediate: 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of current year Junior: 8-10 as of Jan. 1st of current year Beginner: first or second year 4-Hers under 10 -This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience, one time entry only
Beef Cattle Class: Cattle are not required to be fitted to show. It is requested the cattle are washed and blown out. 20 Senior: 14 and older as of Jan. 1st of current year 21 Intermediate: 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of current year 22 Junior: 8-10 as of Jan. 1st of current year 23 Beginner: first or second year 4-Hers under 10 -This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience, one time entry only Sheep Class: 24 Senior: 14 and older as of Jan. 1st of current year 25 Intermediate: 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of current year 26 Junior: 8-10 as of Jan. 1st of current year 27 Beginner: first or second year 4-Hers under 10 -This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience, one time entry only
Park County 4-H Rules Information updated by Park County 4-H in 2013
Rules: 1. 2.
Senior: 14 and older as of Jan. 1st of current year Intermediate: 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of current year Junior: 8-10 as of Jan. 1st of current year Beginner: first or second year 4-Hers under 10 -This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience, one time entry only
See 4-H General Rules. Showmanship contestants must own and show their own animal. Judging is based on the exhibitors’ ability to present their animal for evaluation including the movement and position of the animal, as well as the condition and cleanliness of the animal. Mannerisms, conduct of the contestant, and industry knowledge may also be considered by the judges’ placing. No boars, dairy bulls, beef bulls, or billies will be allowed in any 4-H Showmanship event. Intermediate and Senior contestants must fit their own animal. They are entitled to seek the aid of another 4-H or FFA member for help. Intermediate and Junior Champion will a special award donated by the 4-H Council. The 4-H Senior Champion will receive a belt buckle in all species. All Champions will receive funding to compete in the State Contest at the Wyoming State Fair.
Rabbit Class: 28 Senior: 14 and older as of Jan. 1st of current year 29 Intermediate: 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of current year 30 Junior: 8-10 as of Jan. 1st of current year 31 Beginner: first or second year 4-Hers under 10 -This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience, one time entry only Poultry Class: 32 33 34 35
Senior: 14 and older as of Jan. 1st of current year Intermediate: 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of current year Junior: 8-10 as of Jan. 1st of current year Beginner: first or second year 4-Hers under 10 -This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience, one time entry only Meat Goat Class: 36 Senior: 14 and older as of Jan. 1st of current year 37 Intermediate: 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of current year 38 Junior: 8-10 as of Jan. 1st of current year 39 Beginner: first or second year 4-Hers under 10 -This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience, one time entry only Cat Class: 40 Senior: 14 and older as of Jan. 1st of current year 41 Intermediate: 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of current year 42 Junior: 8-10 as of Jan. 1st of current year 43 Beginner: first or second year 4-Hers under 10 -This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience, one time entry only Dairy Cattle Class: 44 Senior: 14 and older as of Jan. 1st of current year 45 Intermediate: 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of current year 46 Junior: 8-10 as of Jan. 1st of current year 47 Beginner: first or second year 4-Hers under 10 -This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience, one time entry only
Division 1879 –4-H Showmanship Dairy Goat Class: 01 Senior: 14 and older as of Jan. 1st of current year 02 Intermediate: 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of current year 03 Junior: 8-10 as of Jan. 1st of current year 04 Beginner: first or second year 4-Hers under 10 -This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience, one time entry only Horse Class: Pattern is at judge’s discretion 05 Senior: 14 and older as of Jan. 1st of current year 06 Intermediate: 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of current year 07 Junior: 8-10 as of Jan. 1st of current year 08 Beginner: first or second year 4-Hers under 10 -This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience, one time entry only 09 Project I 10 Project II 11 Project III
Miniature Horse Class: 48 Senior: 14 and older as of Jan. 1st of current year 49 Intermediate: 11-13 as of Jan. 1st of current year 50 Junior: 8-10 as of Jan. 1st of current year 51 Beginner: first or second year 4-Hers under 10 -This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience, one time entry only
Department -4-H Small Animal Round Robin Superintendents: Kim Barhaug 307-899-3758 Exhibit Location: Sheep Show Ring Premium Schedule: Schedule C Department/ Division Special Awards: Senior & Intermediate Champions will receive a belt buckle sponsored by Park County 4-H Council Reserve Champions will receive a plaque sponsored by Park County 4-H Council Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules. 2. The first place Senior and Intermediate 4-H Showmanship winners in the areas of Dog, Cat, Miniature Horse, Rabbit and Poultry will compete in the Small Animal Round Robin Contest. In case of a tie, the winner will be selected by the fitting score then followed by the showing scores beginning with 1 –rabbit, 2 –poultry, 3 –miniature horse. 3. If for any reason the first place showman cannot participate, then the second place individual will be invited through sixth place at the discretion of the species Superintendent. 4. After each showmanship contest, the Superintendent of their species will notify the winner of their right to participate in the Small Animal Round Robin Contest. 5. Members must show the animal in which they won with in showmanship. Exceptions must be in written form from the species Superintendent and 4-H Educator. 6. An adult volunteer will supervise each species during the contest. 7. There will be one (1) judge per specie. The judges’ decisions are final. 8. The Champion Small Animal Round Robin winner will not be eligible to compete the following year in the same species. Two years after winning the Small Animal Round Robin they will be able to compete with the same species again. 9. Anyone associated with the Small Animal Round Robin Contest will not be liable for any injuries to participants or animals.
6. 7.
Division 1878 –4-H Herdsmanship
Department -4-H Livestock Judging
Superintendents: Dicksie Michael
Senior Intermediate
Division 1876 –4-H Livestock Judging
Department -4-H Presentation
Department -4-H Herdsmanship Superintendents: Dicksie Michael
Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules. 2. Contestant Classes and Judging –eight (8) to twelve (12) may consist of the following: Beef –Market and Breeding Swine –Market and Breeding Sheep –Market and Breeding Goats –Market Performance date may be provided for some of the classes. Contestants will be allowed twelve (12) minutes per class. The Wyoming Judging card will be used for all classes. 3. Contestants will give reasons and/ or answer questions on specific classes based on their age category. Junior –three (3) questions Intermediates –two (2) questions with the use of notes Senior –three (3) sets of oral questions
Division 1890 –4-H Small Animal Round Robin Class: 01 02
noon and will conclude on Sunday at 6:00 a.m. Displays must be ready for inspection between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Official fair stall cards must be displayed the entire time of prescribed judging. If during judging, a stall card is not displayed, the member is disqualified from the contest. Factors to be considered in judging will be: Cleanliness of alley, stalls and/ or pens –general appearance of bedding, manure and alleys. Feed and water buckets secure and safe. Water buckets full. Arrangement of Exhibit –attractive, neat equipment stored. Alleys or walkways cleaned, raked and / or swept. Appearance of Animals –animals clean, brushed, tied or penned properly and county scope (species, breeding, market & etc.). Use of Stall Cards and/ or Use of Educational Signs or Posters –large lettering, neat, clean and complete. Overall –conduct, cooperation, public relations (members conduct -cooperation with Superintendents, Leaders, Committees and other members). In case of a tie, the Superintendent will determine a tie breaker. Herdmanship Awards will be presented at the 4-H Achievement Night Banquet.
307-272-3236 Superintendents: Joyce Ostrom 307-754-2687 Exhibit Location: Bicentennial Hall Premium Schedule: Schedule B
Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules 2. You do NOT need to enter into the 4-H Herdmanship. All 4H Youth Exhibitors are part of the competition. The following species will be judged: Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Meat Goat, Dairy Goat, Poultry, Rabbits, Sheep, Swine and Horse. 3. The Herdmanship contest for Horses will begin on Friday, July 21st at 5:00 p.m., Saturday, July 22nd at 8:00 a.m. and Sunday, July 23rd at 8:00 a.m. at the Horse Arenas. For all other species the contest will start on Wednesday of fair at
4-H Presentation Registration: All presentation registrations are due to the 4-H Office by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 31, 2017. Registration forms are available at www.wyoming4h.org/Park4h or at the Extension Office. Make sure to fill out an Exhibitor Information form at the event to insure you receive your premiums. Rules: 50
1. 2.
4. 5.
See 4-H General Rules. The 4-H Presentation Contest is not limited by subject matter, i.e. topics can include but are not limited to established 4-H projects. The Presentation Contest emphasizes development of verbal communication skills. Presentation delivery may include, but is not limited to demonstrations, interactive exhibits, skits, dramas, public speaking, visual aids, video and/ or multimedia displays. If the presenter cannot attend Showcase Showdown, a video presentation may be submitted. The video will be judged on its ability to demonstrate effective communication skills. Please see the contest rules and regulations at www.wyoming4h.org. Awards are sponsored by the 4-H Council and funding is provided to the champions to attend Showcase Showdown and represent Park County at the State Presentation Contest. Participants may be enrolled in any 4-H project. A presenter cannot compete in the State Fair contest for two (2) years in succession without a change in subject matter. Proper food handling techniques are the responsibility of the individual. 4-H judging card will be used for all classes.
10. 11.
12. 13. 14.
Division 1814 –4-H Cat Show Kitten Class: 4-8 months 01 Long Haired Female 02 Long Haired Male
Prepared – Clover Buds Prepared – Junior Prepared – Intermediate Prepared Senior Impromptu -Junior Impromptu -Intermediate Impromptu -Seniors Speak Out Military -Junior Speak Out Military -Intermediate Speak Out Military -Seniors
Judy Preator
Exhibit Location: Sale Barn Premium Schedule: Small Animal Schedule Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion Cat Type Reserve Champion Cat Type People Choice Award Judges Choice Award
Short Haired Female Short Haired Male
Fun Class: Ribbons only will be awarded 13 Oldest Cat 14 Longest Tail 15 Longest Whiskers 16 Shortest Tail 17 Best Groomed Cat 18 Most Colorful Cat 19 Best Trick 20 Best Costume, cat –decorated cage 21 Costume Class –pictures only 22 Best Photo Display –more than one (1) picture 23 Best Decorated Cage 24 Most Unusual Cat 25 Youngest Cat
Department -4-H Cat Show Superintendent:
03 04
Adult Class: more than 9 months of age 05 Purebred, long haired male 06 Purebred, long haired female 07 Purebred, short haired male 08 Purebred, short haired female 09 Household Pet, long haired male 10 Household Pet, long haired female 11 Household Pet, short haired male 12 Household Pet, short haired female
Division 1880 –4-H Presentation Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
All cats and kittens must have their claws clipped. Declawed cats may enter the show and will not be counted down for declawing. The “Household Pet” cat is of mixed breed or unknown descent. A purebred cat is one belonging to a recognized breed with characteristics maintained through generations of unmixed descent; may be registered with a recognized registry. Exhibitors must furnish their own carpet square during judging. Exhibitors must bring their own litter and litter box. All exhibitors should wear long sleeve shirts or blouses with trousers or skirts. No shorts.
Department -4-H Dog Show
$12 $10 $10 $12
Emily Kahl 307-254-3931 Liz Feller 307-202-2617 Ashli Koster 307-250-2939 Exhibit Location: Sale Barn Premium Schedule: Small Animal Schedule
Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules 2. Cats must arrive in a cage and are not to be released until presented to the judge at show time. Violators will be disqualified. 3. Current shot records must be presented at the time of check – in; 4 –way shot, rabies, distemper and leukemia. 4. Any cat that appears to be sick or have parasites will be disqualified at the discretion of the judge. 5. No viscous cats. 6. All cats must remain in their cage when not being shown. Cats must be in a harness and leash at all times. 7. A limit of two (2) cats per member. 8. If kittens are to be shown, they must be at least four (4) months old and not older than eight (8) months. Adult cats are older than eight (8) months of age. Because of susceptibility to disease, no kitten under four (4) months of age will be accepted for competition.
Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion Obedience & Best In Show $12 Reserve Champion Obedience & Best In Show $10 Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules 2. 4-H members qualify to enter the State 4-H Dog Show by competing in their county 4-H dog show AND: 3. Showmanship - youth won showmanship at county fair or the county 4-H Educator designates the youth - Champion Junior, Intermediate or Senior. 4. Obedience - received a Wyoming 4-H qualifying score of (170) or above. 5. Conformation - youth placed in the top 4 at county fair. 6. Agility and Rally- must compete at the same level at the State Show that they qualified for at the county level 51
A dog receiving a qualifying score of at least 75 points at the county 4-H show may advance the following year to the next higher class but must advance after receiving 3 qualifying scores from the designated county 4-H show. Once the higher level in agility is selected for the dog, the member may not drop back to the lower level with the same dog. 4. Youth, with a dog shown in previous years by another 4-H member, or a dog that has a standard agility title from another organization, or has received three qualifying scores from the designated annual county 4-H show, must show the dog under these guidelines: a. Junior and Intermediate aged 4-H youth may move back/down one level. b. Senior aged 4-H youth must show the dog at the highest level the dog has achieved. 5. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on leash. 6. Level 1 dogs will run on a leash. Level 2 dogs must run off leash or with a tab no longer than 6 inches. Collars must be of a flat, buckle variety with nothing hanging from it such as tags. 7. Bait is not allowed in agility competition. 8. Dogs in season will run at the end of each class. 9. A time for all handlers (only) to familiarize themselves with the course they are competing in will be established and announced. 10. Fastest times will be used to break ties on scores at all levels.
Obedience Rules: 1. A 4-H member may compete in only one obedience class per Dog, with a total maximum of two entries (dogs). Their first dog is referred to as the “A” dog. The other is referred to as the “B” dog for class entries. 2. The first-year beginner novice class is for members who are in their first year of the dog project, not the first year with a new dog. It is designed as a training class for members who do not feel competent to start in the On Leash class. Members may compete in the first year beginner novice class only once. 3. A 4-H exhibitor with a dog shown previously in obedience classes by another 4-H member, or a dog that has a title from another organization or has three qualifying scores from the designated annual county 4-H show, must show the dog by these guidelines: a. Junior and Intermediate age exhibitors may move back or down one level b. Senior age exhibitors must show the dog at the highest level the dog has achieved 4. A dog receiving a qualifying score of at least 170 points at the designated annual county 4-H show may advance the following year to the next higher class but must advance after receiving 3 qualifying scores from the designated annual county 4-H show. Once the higher level of obedience is selected for the dog, the member may not drop back/down to the lower level with the same dog. 5. High in trial will be calculated on the basis of the raw qualifying score plus five additional points with each increase in level of difficulty. 6. Score Sheets: The Wyoming 4-H dog score sheets were designed for the benefit of 4-H members. They are intended as guides for judges. Judges use their discretion in deciding the seriousness of errors. 7. All dogs must enter/leave the show the ring and compete with a leash. 8. Bait and/or toys are not allowed in obedience competition 9. Dogs soiling or urinating in the ring during judging will be disqualified and receive no score. 10. Males and females will be shown in the same class. Females in heat will be shown last in the class and must be kept away from the obedience ring until call time.
Dog Height at whither Under 10” 10” to under 15” 15” to under 20” 20”and over
Jump 4” 8”
Tire Jump 4” 4”
Pause Table 8” 8”
Broad Jump 1 board 2 boards
3 boards
3 boards
Rally Rules: 1. Eligible entries are identified and entered by each county 4-H Educator. 2. A dog can be entered in only one rally class. 3. Entries must achieve qualifying scores at their county level before competing in the State 4-H Dog Show. The level at which a member qualifies at the county level is the level in which they will compete at the State 4-H Dog Show. 4. A dog must advance levels after receiving 3 qualifying scores except for the (RAE). Once a level is selected for the dog, the member may not drop to a lower level to compete with that dog. RAE class is indefinitely. 5. Dogs soiling in the ring will be disqualified. 6. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on leash. Those competing in On Leash classes should do so with a 6-foot leash. 7. Collars may be flat buckle (leather or nylon) or choke chains. 8. No bait (dog treats or toys) is allowed in the ring. 9. Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) Class only- Participation ribbons will be given in the Advanced and Excellent classes regardless of qualifying score. If qualifying scores are received in both classes, then placement ribbons will be given.
Conformation Rules: 1. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on leash. 2. Classes will be subdivided by breeds within a class, if numbers warrant. First place winners in classes 12-21 will compete for the Best in Show trophy in conformation. 3. Exhibitors entering more than one dog in any class may be assisted only by another 4-H member (from the same county, if possible), if the dogs must be shown at the same time. 4. Classes 12-19 will be judged according to AKC standards, but it is not necessary that dogs be registered; they must be purebred - both animal parents of the same breed. 5. Classes 20 and 21 are for cross-bred dogs –parents of different breeds- and will be judged according to the predominant breed characteristics and/or soundness, gait, condition, and grooming. 6. Before entering your dog, check the list of breeds that are eligible for each group. It can be found online at http://Wyoming4H.org under the dog link of the projects tab.
Junior, Intermediate, Senior is the 4-H age of the youth. Rookie Youth: A youth which is competing for the first time. Veteran Youth: A youth which has competed before and this is his/her second or more year competing. Novice Dog: A dog which is competing for the first time or which has not obtained a qualifying score to achieve Advanced status. Advanced Dog: A dog which has been used for competition before and received a score of at least 70 points in a Novice class.
Agility Rules: 1. Dogs must be at least one year of age by May 1st. 2. State entrants must achieve qualifying scores at their county level before competing in the State 4-H Dog Show. The level at which a member qualifies at the county level is the level in which they will compete at the State 4-H Dog Show
Excellent Dog: A dog which has been used for competition before and received a score of at least 70 points in an Advanced class.
69 70
Division 1815 –4-H Dog Show
Department -4-H Family & Consumer Science
Obedience Class: 01 FIRST YEAR BEGINNER NOVICE 02 ON LEASH A 03 NOVICE A (on and off leash) - For dogs that have not received a first level obedience title from another organization. 04 GRADUATE NOVICE A - For dogs that have received a first level obedience title from another organization but have not received a second level obedience title. 05 OPEN A (off leash) - For dogs that have received a first level obedience title from another organization but have not received a second level obedience title. 06 UTILITY A (off leash) - For dogs that have received a second level obedience title from another organization. 07 ON LEASH B 08 NOVICE B (on and off leash) -For dogs that have not receive a first level obedience title from another organization. 09 GRADUATE NOVICE B - For dogs that have received a first level obedience title from another organization but have not received a second level obedience title. 10 OPEN B (off leash) - For dogs that have received a first level obedience title from another organization but have not received a second level obedience title. 11 UTILITY B (off leash) - For dogs that have received a second level obedience title from another organization.
Clothing Superintendents: Starla Craig Kalee Goolsbey
10” to less than 15” 15” to less than 20”
20” and over
307-754-9722 307-254-0378
Food Superintendents: Joyce Ostrom 307-754-2687 Lillian Brazelton 307-754-2758 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Premium Schedule: Juniors (8-10 years old): Schedule A Intermediate (11-13 years old): Schedule B Seniors (14-18 years old): Schedule C
4-H Typical Classes Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 01 First and second year in project 02 Three years in project Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 03 First and second year in project 04 Three years or more in project Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 05 First and second year in project 06 Three years or more in project
Division 1824 –4-H Crocheting Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules. 2. Each exhibit may include his/ her historical information about skill exhibited. (Information can be placed on an index card and should be one or more paragraphs in length.) 3. Member should report person(s) other than member who was involved in project.
Conformation Class: 12 Sporting group 13 Hound group 14 Working group 15 Terrier group 16 Toy group 17 Non-sporting group 18 Herding group 19 Any other purebred dogs not listed elsewhere 20 Any other crossbred dog, over 14” group 21 Any other crossbred dog, under 14” group Agility Class: Levels Dog Heights Under 10”
Senior Veteran with Excellent Dog Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) (combined Advanced and Excellent classes)
4-H Typical
Division 1829 –4-H Fabric and Fashion
22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29
30 31 32 33
34 35 36 37
38 39 40 41
42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49
Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules 2. Each exhibit must be labeled with the correct county exhibit tag. 3. Members may enter multiple entries as long as every item is different in techniques or pattern. 4. Exhibit must be exclusive work of the 4-H member and a product of the current year. 5. Posters and board displays should have all necessary materials included to be displayed by being hung. 6. Buymanship projects require the same set of forms as Ready –to –Wear. 7. Youth competing in the Fashion Revue should enter in Division 1875.
Rally Class: 52 Junior Rookie with Novice Dog 53 Junior Veteran with Novice Dog 54 Junior Rookie with Advanced Dog 55 Junior Veteran with Advanced Dog 56 Junior Rookie with Excellent Dog 57 Junior Veteran with Excellent Dog 58 Intermediate Rookie with Novice Dog 59 Intermediate Veteran with Novice Dog 60 Intermediate Rookie with Advanced Dog 61 Intermediate Veteran with Advanced Dog 62 Intermediate Rookie with Excellent Dog 63 Intermediate Veteran with Excellent Dog 64 Senior Rookie with Novice Dog 65 Senior Veteran with Novice Dog 66 Senior Rookie with Advanced Dog 67 Senior Veteran with Advanced Dog 68 Senior Rookie with Excellent Dog
Construction Class: Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 01 First and second year in project 02 Three years in project Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 03 First and second year in project 04 Three years or more in project Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 05 First and second year in project 06 Three years or more in project
Buymanship Class: Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 07 First and second year in project 08 Three years in project
Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 09 First and second year in project 10 Three years or more in project
Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 11 First and second year in project 12 Three years or more in project Embellished or Recycled Class: Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 13 First and second year in project 14 Three years in project
Exhibit food on six (6) inch or smaller plastic coated plate or Styrofoam plate when possible. Recipes are required on all items. Recipes will not be returned and become the property of 4-H. Recipes must include the member’s name, age and county they are representing. Only enter foods that can be safely stored at room temperature. Foods entered must be suitable for freezing prior to State Fair. Foods determined to be unsafe at room temperature will be disqualified with the decision of the judge being final. Do not enter cream pie, casseroles or items with cream cheese frosting & etc.
Preserved Rules: 1. Open to members enrolled in Food Preservation or other food project. All exhibits must have attached the 4-H Food Preservation label in some fashion (obtain from the Extension Office). 2. All canned goods should be exhibited without rings. Leave rings on canned goods until arrival at Fair –remove for judging. The preservation label should be securely attached to the jar with the entry form and rubber band to the jar. 3. Due to potential hazards of food –borne illness, judges may or may not choose to open, taste, unseal, handle & etc. any entry. 4. All canned fruits, vegetables, meats and pickle products must be prepared following the procedures reference below, including appropriate altitude adjustments. Jelly products (jellies, jams, conserves, marmalade, butter) must meet minimum processing times including appropriate altitude adjustments. Specific procedures, altitude adjustments and processing times that must be followed can be found in the December 2009 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) “ Complete Guide to Home Canning” (available at the UW Cooperative Extension Service) or at:
Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 15 First and second year in project 16 Three years or more in project Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 17 First and second year in project 18 Three years or more in project
Division 1819 –4-H Cake Decorating Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules Icing Based Class: Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 01 First and second year in project 02 Three years in project Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 03 First and second year in project 04 Three years or more in project
Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 05 First and second year in project 06 Three years or more in project 07 Fondant Based Class: Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 08 First and second year in project 09 Three years in project
For food preservation material: http://www.uwyo.edu/foods/educationalresources/food-preservation.html For high altitude conversions: http://www.wyomingextension.org/agpubs/pubs/B734.pdf
http://www.uwyo.edu/foods/educationalresources/baking-altitude-adjusters.html For food safety material: http://www.uwyo.edu/foods/educationalresources/food-safety.html 5. Canned goods must be exhibited in regulation canning jars (half-pint, pint or quart). All jelly products (jellies, jams, conserves, marmalades, butters) must be processed in a boiling water bath to be judged. Paraffin sealed jars will not be judged. Jelly products can be exhibited in one –half (1/2) cup regulation jars. For instructions check with your local Extension Office or University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service (UWE) web –site: http://www.uwyo.edu/foods/educational-resources/foodpreservation.html Prepared Class: Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 01 First and second year in project 02 Three years in project
Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 10 First and second year in project 11 Three years or more in project Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 12 First and second year in project 13 Three years or more in project
Division 1830 –4-H Food and Nutrition See 4-H General Rules Prepared Rules: 1. More than one (1) entry may be entered per class, as long as the entries displayed are different techniques. For example a 4-H member could enter a sponge cake, coffee cake and an angel food cake. 2. When single items are exhibited (roll, cookies, biscuits & etc.) enter three (3) items for each class. 3. When whole items are exhibited (cakes, loaves & etc.) enter ¼ of the item. All Breads: take an end cut of a loaf, cut top crust to bottom crust. Bread Machine Bread: mixes are not allowed.
Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 03 First and second year in project 04 Three years or more in project Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 05 First and second year in project 06 Three years or more in project
Preserved Class: Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 07 First and second year in project 08 Three years in project
10. Eligible seniors will receive a trip to the State Fair. 11. Funding for state representative depends on funds available through the 4-H Council.
Division 1875 –4-H Fashion Revue
Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 09 First and second year in project 10 Three years or more in project
See 4-H General Rules Construction Class: 01 Junior (8-10 years old) 02 Intermediates (11-13 years old) 03 Senior 14-18 years old)
Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 11 First and second year in project 12 Three years or more in project
Ready –to -Wear Class: 04 Junior (8-10 years old) 05 Intermediates (11-13 years old) 06 Senior 14-18 years old)
Division 1839 –4-H Knitting Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules. 2. Each exhibit may include his/ her historical information about the skill exhibited. Information can be placed on a index card and should be one or more paragraphs in length. 3. Members should report person(s) other than member who was involved in project. Class:
Department -4-H Exhibit Divisions –No Live Animals Superintendents:
4-H Typical
Division 1847 –4-H Quilting
307-202-1127 619-454-7382
Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Premium Schedule: Juniors (8-10 years old): Schedule A Intermediate (11-13 years old): Schedule B Seniors (14-18 years old): Schedule C
Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules 2. Each exhibit may include his/ her historical information about the skill exhibited. Information can be placed on a index card and should be one or more paragraphs in length. 3. Members should report person(s) other than member who was involved in project. 4. All quilts must include statement of work done by the 4-H member and work completed by others. Class:
Jolene Sweet Crystal Reed
Department/ Division Special Awards: Top exhibit in each division will be awarded a Best Individual Exhibit Rosette. Rules: No Live Animals in this department 1. All 4-H General will be judged using the interview system. Parents and leaders are encouraged to attend with the child during the interview judging process, however the 4-Her is responsible for answering the judge’s questions. Each 4-H member is limited to ten (10) minutes of interview time. 2. Pictures, posters or display boards not appropriately prepared for hanging will not be displayed. Oversized exhibits will be displayed as space permit. 3. Exhibitors must have an entry tag attached to their project prior to judging. 4. Skill summary cards are not required for County competition; however they are required for State competition. 5. All projects must be from the current 4-H year. 6. All posters, photographs and artwork must be able to be hung. Duct tape and string does not hold most items. Items without hangers or inadequate hangers will not be displayed. 7. Items of similar nature should be grouped together as a single entry. It is up to the Superintendent discretion to group items of similar nature if necessary. 8. Decorating must be done on an artificial cake form, such as Styrofoam or inverted cake pan. Do not exhibit real cakes. 9. Exhibits should be placed on disposable plates or boards covered with foil, plastic or decorative covering and allow one (1) inch minimum of free space between cake and outer edges of plate or board. 10. Do not bring exhibits on glass plates or valued trays. Park County Fair is not responsible for breakage. 11. Frosting should make a good base for the decorations. 12. Design should be suitable for the size and shape of cake. It should show good use of color and a pleasing combination of decorations. 13. Posters should be limited to a maximum of 22”x28”. Put a small hole in upper center of poster for hanging. Display boards should not exceed 2’x3’.
4-H Typical
Department -4-H Fashion Revue Superintendent: Starla Craig 307-754-9722 Exhibit Location: Bicentennial Hall Premium Schedule: Juniors (8-10 years old): Schedule A Intermediate (11-13 years old): Schedule B Seniors (14-18 years old): Schedule C Fashion Revue is sponsored by Monie’s Boutique of Cody, WY. Rules (Both Construction & Ready-to-Wear): 1. All contestants must participate in the public show in order to receive ribbons. In order to collect prize money, projects must be turned in on Monday, July 24th and be on exhibit throughout the fair. 2. Outfits must be entered in Division 1830 to receive all premiums. 3. A description of every garment to be modeled must be brought with you on judging day. Description will be read as it is written. No description will be rewritten. 4. A separate entry must be made for each outfit, i.e. a Junior member has two constructed outfits –he/ she must enter in twice. 5. Exhibitors must be at the Bicentennial Hall by 6:30 p.m. on July 20th dressed and ready to style. 6. Fashion Revue contestants will be judged by two (2) judges. 7. 4-H members will be interviewed. 8. Score sheets are available online at www.uwyo.edu/4h/projects/fabricfashion.org 9. Special awards are provided by the 4-H Council.
14. All exhibits with frosting that are not picked up by release of exhibits may be disposed of by the Superintendent(s). 15. See 4-H General Rules.
2. 3. 4.
4-H Typical Classes Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 01 First and second year in project 02 Three years in project
Judging Criteria: Shape Color Size Uniformity Condition –free from blemish and disease
Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 03 First and second year in project 04 Three years or more in project
Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 05 First and second year in project 06 Three years or more in project
No live rockets engines will be allowed in any display.
4-H Typical
All live animals should be entered in Division 1814.
4-H Typical
Division 1836 –4-H Horse (NO LIVE ANIMALS)
Division 1820 –4-H Cat (NO LIVE ANIMALS) 1.
4-H Typical
Division 1835 –4-H Health
All live animals should be entered in the Youth Show.
All live animals should be entered in the Youth Show.
4-H Typical
Division 1818 –4-H Beef (NO LIVE ANIMALS) 1.
4-H Typical
Division 1834 –4-H Goat (NO LIVE ANIMALS)
No live ammunition
Use display board or box suitable for vertical display. Attach specimens with wire to the board or box so there is no possibility of their coming loose.
4-H Typical
Division 1817 –4-H Archery 1.
4-H Typical
Division 1832 –4-H Geology
Division 1816 –4-H Aerospace 1.
Superintendents will have the authority to dispose of entries which have begun to spoil prior to the end of the fair. Exhibitors will still receive their ribbons and awards. Some vegetables may be removed after judging for use in the vegetable contest.
All live animals should be entered in the Youth Show.
4-H Typical
4-H Typical
Division 1822 –4-H Citizenship
Division 1837 –4-H Llamas and Alpacas (NO LIVE ANIMALS)
4-H Typical
Division 1823 –4-H Computer 1.
Division 1838 –4-H Interior Design
Exhibit may be accompanied with an explanation of operation and directions for use or operation.
Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules 2. Each article should have a securely attached entry tag and skills summary statements. Any additional information (type of material, finishes & etc.) is helpful. 3. More than one (1) item may be entered.
4-H Typical
Division 1826 –4-H Dog (NO LIVE ANIMALS) 1.
All live animals should be entered in Division 1815.
4-H Typical
Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules 2. Do not send buckles with belts, bulbs with lamps, wooden legs with camp stools or clock movements with clocks. 3. Dyeing will be considered in the judging of leather articles.
Exhibits will be judged on general appearance, electrical integrity, safe construction and technical accuracy.
4-H Typical
Division 1828 –4-H Entomology 1. 2.
Insect collections must be displayed collection (specimens must be visible without opening a box). All live insects or toxic substances allowed.
4-H Typical
Division 1840 –4-H Leathercraft
Division 1827 –4-H Electricity 1.
4-H Typical
4-H Typical
Division 1841 –4-H Muzzleloading 1. No live ammunition Class: 4-H Typical
4-H Typical
Division 1842 –4-H Nature and Ecology Division 1831 –4-H Gardening and Horticulture 1.
Exhibit trays will be provided.
4-H Typical
Division 1843 –4-H Photography 56
Division 1850 –4-H Recreation
Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules. 2. Only five (5) photography entries per exhibitor. 3. Exhibits shall be mounted securely on a stiff mounting board of any color and is the appropriate size for the photo. 4. Photography exhibits must come with a method for hanging from hooks on pegboard. No breakable glass is allowed. No string or wires affixed by tap is allowed. String or yarn thru holes on mounting board is acceptable. 5. Digital Creations - Exhibits created from an existing photograph that have been digitally altered to change the original contest resulting in a new and unique piece. 6. This category is not intended for enhanced photographs such as removing red-eye, adding a border, adjusting color or shading, etc.
Division 1851 –4-H Rifle See 4-H General Rules No live ammunition Class:
Rules: 1. Boards for mounting ropecraft should not exceed 2’x2’ and should be light plywood or Masonite. A hole should be made in the top center of the display board. The hole should be ½” down form the top of the board and be at least ¼” in diameter. Board without adequate holes will not be displayed. Class:
1. 2.
Digital Creations Class: Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 07 First and second year in project 08 Three years in project
Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 11 First and second year in project 12 Three years or more in project
Division 1844 –4-H Pistol
No live ammunition Class:
4-H Typical
4-H Typical
Division 1857 –4-H Sports Fishing
Division 1846 –4-H Poultry (NO LIVE ANIMALS)
See 4-H General Rules
All live animals should be entered in the Youth Show.
4-H Typical
4-H Typical
Division 1858 –4-H Swine (NO LIVE ANIMALS)
Division 1848 –4-H Rabbit (NO LIVE ANIMALS)
All live animals should be entered in the Youth Show.
All live animals should be entered in the Youth Show.
4-H Typical
4-H Typical
Division 1859 –4-H Veterinary Science
Division 1849 –4-H Range Management
See 4-H General Rules Specimens of noxious weeds or trees are not permitted Class:
4-H Typical
Division 1856 –4-H Shotgun
All live animals should be entered in the Youth Show.
All live animals should be entered in the Youth Show.
4-H Typical
Division 1845 –4-H Pocket Pet (NO LIVE ANIMALS)
4-H Typical
Division 1855 –4-H Sheep (NO LIVE ANIMALS)
See 4-H General Rules No live ammunition
All Self Determined projects must have a completed approval form on file at the County 4-H Extension Office. Each exhibit in the Self Determined area should be accompanied by an “Information Sheet” indicating: a) Topic selected b) Goals to be achieved c) How the project was carried out d) Accomplishment
Judging Criteria: a) How well the goals are met or an explanation of how they were not met. b) Suitability of methods or procedures c) Clarity of explanation of exhibit d) Achievement or accomplishment in project area
Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 09 First and second year in project 10 Three years or more in project
4-H Typical
Division 1854 –4-H Self -Determined
Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 05 First and second year in project 06 Three years or more in project
4-H Typical
Division 1853 –4-H Ropecraft
Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 03 First and second year in project 04 Three years or more in project
4-H Typical
Division 1852 –4-H Robotics
Class: Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 01 First and second year in project 02 Three years in project
4-H Typical
4-H Typical
No dead or parts of a dead animal are allowed unless they are properly preserved. Superintendent reserves the right to disqualify and dispose of any project considered a potential health hazard.
4-H Typical
Division 1860 –4-H Visual Arts
Division 1865 –4-H Club Exhibits
Rules: 1. See 4-H General Rules. 2. A project done in school is eligible for display and shown through one (1), but only one (1) organization. The organization should be chosen by the youth member –be that school or 4-H. 3. Exhibits in this division must have been created in one (1) of the visual arts project areas during the current 4-H year. 4. Posters, pictures and artwork exhibits must come with a method for hanging from hooks on pegboard.
Exhibits may consist of tri-fold posters or small displays of your club project. 2. At least two (2) members must present the exhibit during the interview process. Class: 01 Any Project completed by any 4-H Club/ Group
Department -4-H Clover Bud Superintendents:
Craft Class: Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 01 First and second year in project 02 Three years in project
Division 1861 –4-H Clover Bud Exhibits Rules: 1. Open to youth ages 5-7 as of January 1, 2017 2. Youth must be enrolled in a 4-H Clover Bud Club in order to exhibit. 3. There will not be a Grand or Reserve Champion selected in this division. 4. Clover Buds do not have to do interview judging.
Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 05 First and second year in project 06 Three years in project Ceramic & Sculpture Class Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 07 First and second year in project 08 Three years in project
Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 09 First and second year in project 10 Three years in project Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 11 First and second year in project 12 Three years in project Painting & Drawing Class Junior Class: (8-10 year old) 13 First and second year in project 14 Three years in project
Premium Schedule: Schedule C Rules: 1. The top four (4) team members in each discipline will receive a trip to the State Shooting Sports Match. 2. Shooting will be in accordance with 4-H Shooting Sports procedure and will include all basic positions. 3. Classes for competitive shooting are eligible for Shooting Sports Match.
Division 1862 –4-H Wildlife and Hunting See 4-H General Rules No dead or parts of dead animal are allowed unless they are properly preserved. The Superintendent reserves the right to disqualify and dispose of any project considered a potential health hazard.
Division 1885 –4-H Shooting Sports
4-H Typical
Classes are defined by the following age groups: Beginners -Age 8 Junior –Ages 9-10 Intermediate –Ages 11-13 Senior –Ages 14-18
Division 1863 –4-H Woodworking. 4-H Typical
Air Rifle Class: 01 Beginner Sporter Air Rifle 02 Junior Sporter Air Rifle 03 Intermediate Sporter Air Rifle 04 Senior Sporter Air Rifle 05 Beginner Light Target Air Rifle 06 Junior Light Target Air Rifle 07 Intermediate Light Target Air Rifle 08 Senior Light Target Air Rifle
Division 1864 –4-H Youth Leadership Leadership exhibits may be any item that will tell a story of your project for the year –product, scrapbook, poster & etc.
Starla Craig
Contest Location: Cody Shooting Complex Contact Starla Craig to reserve shooting time.
Senior Class: (14-18 years old) 17 First and second year in project 18 Three years in project
Science and Technology Healthy Lifestyles Environmental Earth Science Personal Development Citizenship & Civic Education Consumer and Family Science Plants and Animals Communication Expressive Arts
Department -4-H Shooting Sports
Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 15 First and second year in project 16 Three years in project
307-202-1127 619-454-7382
Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Non-premium division
Intermediate Class: (11-13 years old) 03 First and second year in project 04 Three years in project
Jolene Sweet Crystal Reed
4-H Typical
09 10
Intermediate Precision Air Rifle Senior Precision Air Rifle
Department -4-H Robotics Challenge Superintendents: Kim Barhaug 307-899-3758 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Premium Schedule: Schedule C
Air Pistol Class: 11 Beginner Air Pistol 12 Junior Air Pistol 13 Intermediate Air Pistol 14 Senior Air Pistol
Archery Class: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand and Reserve Champions in each division will receive a Rosette.
Beginner Class A –Archery Junior Class A –Archery Intermediate Class A –Archery Senior Class A –Archery Beginner Class B –Archery Junior Class B –Archery Intermediate Class B –Archery Senior Class B –Archery Beginner Class C –Archery Junior Class C –Archery Intermediate Class C –Archery Senior Class C –Archery Beginner Class D –Archery Junior Class D –Archery Intermediate Class D –Archery Senior Class D –Archery
General Rules: 1. All exhibitors will abide by all applicable rules and regulations of the Park County Fair 2. Exhibitors can only enter one (1) entry in each class. 3. 4-H youth entries due into 4-H office by April 1st 4. Judging will take place at the Park County Robotics Challenge on April 22nd. 5. 1st place entries qualify for State Robotics Contest in June at Showcase Showdown. 1st place Construction Robot entries qualify for Open Class competition at Park County Fair and 4-H Divisions at State Fair with all entries being resubmitted for each Fair respectively and according to deadlines. 6. Decisions of the judges are final
Division 1900 –Robotics Challenge
.22 Pistol Class: 31 Junior .22 Pistol 32 Intermediate .22 Pistol 33 Senior .22 Pistol .22 Rifle Class: 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Beginner Sporter .22 Rifle Junior Sporter .22 Rifle Intermediate Sporter .22 Rifle Senior Sporter .22 Rifle Beginner Light Target .22 Rifle Junior Light Target .22 Rifle Intermediate Light Target .22 Rifle Senior Light Target .22 Rifle Intermediate Precision .22 Rifle Senior Precision .22 Rifle
Shotgun Class: 44 45 46 47
Beginner Shotgun Junior Shotgun Intermediate Shotgun Senior Shotgun
Beginner Class: 01 Jr. Challenge 02 Construction Robot 03 Mini Sumo Junior Class: 04 Jr. Challenge 05 Construction Robot 06 Mini Sumo Intermediate Class: 07 Construction Robot 08 Mini Sumo 09 Maze Race Senior Class: 10 Construction Robot 11 Mini Sumo 12 Maze Race
Muzzleloading: 48 Beginner Muzzleloading 49 Junior Muzzleloading 50 Intermediate Muzzleloading 51 Senior Muzzleloading
13. All FFA students having livestock for show are required to keep alleys clean and stalls orderly at all times. Failure to do so will mean forfeiture of premiums and/ or awards. 14. There will be no double entries by an individual or chapter.
Park County FFA All entries in this department must be certified FFA projects
Division 1701 –FFA Agriculture Mechanics
Superintendents: Cody –Troy Wiant 307-899-6804 Powell –Bryce Meyer 208-431-6131 Meeteetse –Louis Abarr 307-899-1282 Exhibit Location: Events Center Hall Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion Ag Mechanics Reserve Champion Ag Mechanics Champion Agronomy Exhibitor Reserve Champion Agronomy Exhibitor Champion Notebook Reserve Champion Notebook Champion Record Book Reserve Champion Record Book
Rules: 1.
2. $50 $25 $25 $15 $25 $15 $25 $15
3. 4. 5.
General Rules: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. 2. Unless the exhibit is considered worthy of a prize by the judge, no award will be given. In the case that there is no competition, the judge shall decide whether the exhibit shall be placed in the first, second or third place. The decision of the judges is final. 3. All exhibits must belong to members who are in good standings in the Local Chapter and State Association. 4. FFA students can only exhibit in the county where they are enrolled in school. It is the responsibility of the Ag teacher to supervise students and their projects. 5. No out of county students will be allowed to participate in the FFA Department, but are allowed and encouraged to enter / show in the Open Class. 6. Animals using behavioral modifications and diuretic drugs will be disqualified from showing and all premiums will be withheld. 7. Animals must be owned by the following minimum days prior to fair: Breeding Beef June 1st of current year Market Beef February 1st of current year Market & Breeding Swine June 1st of current year Market & Breeding Sheep June 1 st of current year Verification must be made. Bill of sale or proof by student, parents or Ag Instructor is required. 8. FFA members must be carrying the project(s) and have records up to date. 9. No market animal will be allowed to nurse sixty (60) days prior to fair. 10. All first and second place winners are eligible to enter in the Open Classes, providing there is already competition from an Open Class exhibitor on the call sheets the member wishes to enter, and provided that if in Open Class there is Champion judged, the FFA can bring up Champions and Reserve Champions only to be judged for Overall Champion. The same animal may not be entered in more than one department. 11. FFA members should exhibit their own livestock personally, but in the case they need help they may have another FFA member show their animal(s). While in the show ring, the person showing the animal must do so without aid, and all adults except those designated to be in the show ring must remain at least ten (10) feet from the animal(s) while they are being shown. 12. While at the fair no FFA member or instructor may have an adult prepare or fit the animal for exhibit or showmanship.
Entries will be judged on the basis of workmanship, evidence of sound planning, number and degree of skills involved, practicality and agricultural usefulness of the entry. All entries must be student’s work and results from the training program in agriculture mechanics. The judges reserve the right to re-enter entries in classes in order to make up more judgeable group of entries. Judges shall give greater consideration to an item built entirely by the student rather than a prefabricated item. Entries in classes 1 through 6 must be mounted on display boards that may be any size less than two (2) feet by four (4) feet. Display boards may represent several student’s work. Points from these classes will have equal value with other similar classes in judging sweepstakes. Individual items not mounted will not be judged. Boards not meeting the specifications will be placed below those boards that do. All entries can be removed from equipment and placed in proper class area to be judged. EX: Pick –Up bumpers and Stock Racks All projects not of quality will not be judged. This will be left to the discretion of the Agriculture Mechanic Committee. These items must be removed from the display area. Only major agriculture mechanic projects pertaining to the handling or producing of crops or livestock or major shop equipment shall be considered for Champion or Reserve Champion Agriculture Mechanic Project. Any entries in the Agriculture Mechanic Classes that are found to have been shown in previous years will disqualify that chapter from all premiums for that year from the Agriculture Mechanic Show. The Agriculture Mechanic Committee shall have the responsibility for making this decision.
Score Card for selecting the Grand & Reserve Champion Agriculture Mechanic Project: Workmanship: 50% -Quality of all student’s work; cutting, bending, welding, painting and etc. Construction: 50% -Proper design and use of materials to perform the jobs for which the project was intended Class: Premium Schedule: Schedule A 01 Display of posters showing phases of agriculture safety, mounted on display board 02 Exhibit of reconditioned tools for home use, mounted on display board 03 Skill Board –Arc Welding, minimum of four (4) different skills 04 Skill Board –Oxygen –Acetylene Welding, minimum of four (4) different skills 05 Skill Board –Electricity, minimum of four (4) different skills 06 Skill Board –Any Four Skills: forge, rope, mechanical, drawing & etc. Premium Schedule: Schedule B 07 Wood Construction –Projects for use in the home: cutting board, cabinets, tables 08 Wood –Cabinet and Box type projects: show box, feed storage boxes 09 Wood –Items used in a Farm or Ranchstead: sawhorse, saddle rack, gun rack 60
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Wood –Farm & Ranchstead Conveniences: picnic tables, benches, lawn chairs Metal –Small hand tools Metal –Handcrafted hardware Wood/ Metal–Farm & Ranchstead Conveniences: picnic tables, benches, lawn chairs Metal –Small Shop Equipment: light stand, rack, bolt bin Metal –Medium Shop Equipment: acetylene cart, welding table, car ramp Metal –Large Shop Equipment: hoist, engine stand Wood –Small service utility equipment: nail box, pack saddle Metal –Small service utility equipment: branding irons saddle rack, ladder Wood/ Metal –Small service utility equipment: sign Metal –Box type project: tool chest, fuel tank Metal –Pick –Up conveniences: hitches, bumper Metal /Wood –Pick –Up flat bed Metal –Pick –Up conveniences: grill guard, tail gates Metal –Pick-Up conveniences: headache racks Wood /Metal –Equipment utilizing electrical power: drop cord holder, shop light stand
51 52 53 54 55 56 57
Metal –Recreational equipment: barbecue, fireplace set, hunting stoves, roping dummies Small platform and utility trailer Large platform and utility trailer One (1) and two (2) horse trailers Four horse or larger tandem or triple tandem axle livestock trailer Gooseneck –Livestock trailer Gooseneck –Flatbed trailer
Division 1702 –FFA Agronomy Premium Schedule: Schedule A Rules: 1. All samples of threshed grain and sheaf samples must confirm in size and specification listed below. All sheaf samples must be attractively tied in three (3) places with blue and gold (yellow) ties. Sheaf grain and forage for seed, leaves, should be stripped. 2. All agronomy exhibits may be gathered from areas outside the supervised farming projects. 3. All crop entries prepared and exhibited for competition must have been prepared by the student. 4. Any entries in the Agronomy Division that found to have been shown in previous years will disqualify that individual for all premiums for that year. The Agronomy Committee shall have responsibility for making this decision.
Premium Schedule: Schedule C 26 Wood/ Metal –Equipment utilizing electrical power, must contain a moving part: air compressor, power hacksaw 27 Wood –Small feeding structures: feed boxes and bunks 28 Wood –Large feeding structure: feed bunks and hay feeders 29 Implement attachments –Small 30 Implement attachments –Large 31 Metal –Small feeding structure: feed boxes and bunks 32 Metal –Large feeding structure: feed bunks and hay feeders 33 Livestock handling equipment -Large 34 Livestock handling equipment –Small 35 Plasma cut (hand) -Large 36 Plasma cut (hand) –Small 37 Wood/ Metal –Small feeding structures: feed boxes and bunks 38 Wood/ Metal –Large feeding structures: feed bunks and hay feeders 39 Metal –Stockracks 40 Wood –Stockracks 41 Wood/ Metal –Stockracks 42 Wood –Any other structure used in productive farm or ranch enterprises: trimming chute, headgate, AI chute 43 Wood/ Metal –Any other structure used in productive farm or ranch enterprises: trimming chute, headgate, AI chute 44 Metal –Any other structure used in productive farm or ranch enterprises: wool sacker, branding iron stove 45 Metal –Any power driven equipment: wood splitter tractor blade, dump box 46 Metal –Gates 47 Metal –Portable panels: minimum of three (3) panels 48 Plasma cut (computer) –Large 49 Plasma cut (computer) –Small 50 Metal –Fencing equipment: post drivers, tamping bars, post pullers
Class: Best exhibits of six (6) Wyoming plants gathered, mounted and named by students. 01 Common Weeds 04 Noxious Weeds 02 Grasses 05 Poisonous Plants 03 Legumes Sheaf Small Grain (two and one half (2.5) inches in diameter at the butt) 06 Barley (2 Row) 09 Rye 07 Barley (6 Row) 10 Wheat (Spring) 09 Oats 11 Wheat (Winter) Sheaf Forage or Grass for Hay (3inches in diameter butt) 12 Alfalfa 13 Brome Grass 14 Clover, Alsike 15 Clover, Red 16 Clover, Sweet 17 Crested Wheat Grass 18 Fescue Grass 19 Meadow Foxtail 20 Mixed Grass, Legume 21 Mixed Grass, 3 or more 22 Oats for Hay 23 Orchard Grass 24 Red Top 25 Reed Canary Grass 26 Rye for Hay 27 Sanfoin 28 Timothy 29 Vetch 30 Intermediate Wheat Grass 31 Slender Wheat Grass 32 Tall Wheat Grass 33 Western Wheat Grass 34 Wheat for Hay
Sheaf Forage or Grass for Seed
Division 1703 –FFA Classroom
(two and one half (2.5) inches in diameter at the butt)
Premium Schedule: Schedule A
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49
Alfalfa Brome Grass Clover, Alsike Clover, Red Crested Wheat Grass Fescue Grass Meadow Foxtail Orchard Grass Reed Canary Grass Timothy Vetch Intermediate Wheat Grass Slender Wheat Grass Tall Wheat Grass Western Wheat Grass
Rules: 1. A student can show only one (1) notebook and one (1) record book in any one (1) year with the current year’s notes being the last entry. Second, third and fourth year notebooks shall contain only the material from that respective year or category, not from the previous year. 2. The notebooks should be selected and evaluated by the Vocational Agriculture Instructor to ensure only the top quality notebooks being shown at the Park County Fair. 3. The notebooks should be classroom notes from classes that are related to Production Agriculture/ Agribusiness classes. Score Card for Judging Notebooks: Content 40 points Organization of Material 30 points Neatness 20 points Special Effort 10 points Total 100 points Class: 01 Ag 1 Notebook, typed 02 Ag 1 Notebook, written 03 Ag 2 Notebook, typed 04 Ag 2 Notebook, written 05 Ag 3 Notebook, typed 06 Ag 3 Notebook, written 07 Ag 4 Notebook, typed 08 Ag 4 Notebook, written 09 Ag Business Notebook 10 Any Other, horticulture –aquaculture –ag science & etc. 11 Ag 1 Record Book 12 Ag 2 Record Book 13 Ag 3 Record Book 14 Ag 4 Record Book 15 Chapter Scrapbook 16 Chapter Display Board 17 Secretary Book 18 Treasurer Book 19 Video presentation of a single FFA activity 20 Video presentation of a single Ag Ed unit 21 Video presentation of a complete Ag Ed program 22 Video presentation of a complete FFA program 23 Any other video presentation by students 24 Web pages designed by FFA members 25 Agriculture learning labs , any discipline 26 Career Development Events, educational material compiled by students 27 Classroom Project in Production 28 Classroom Project in Business 29 Classroom Project in Aquaculture 30 Classroom Project in Horticulture 31 Classroom Project in Natural Resources 32 Any other Classroom Project 33 Computerized project in classroom instruction
Threshed Forage or Grass Seed 50 Alfalfa 51 Brome Grass 52 Clover, Alsike 53 Clover, Red 54 Crested Wheat Grass 55 Fescue Grass 56 Meadow Foxtail 57 Orchard Grass 58 Reed Canary Grass 59 Timothy 60 Vetch 61 Intermediate Wheat Grass 62 Slender Wheat Grass 63 Tall Wheat Grass 64 Western Wheat Grass Corn 65 66 67
Corn for Silage, six (6) stalks Shelled Yellow Dent, two (2) quarts Yellow Dent, ten (10) ear
Threshed Small Grains (two (2) quarts) 68 Barley -2 row 71 69 Barley -6 row 72 70 Oats 73
Rye Wheat, Spring Wheat, Winter
Potatoes: twelve (12) 74 Red, Market 75 Red, Seed
White, Market White, Seed
76 77
Sugar Beets 78 79
Single Most Perfect 3 Most Perfect
80 81
Single Largest 3 Largest
Beans 82
Great Northern
Hay (twelve (12) inch slice tied) 84 First or Second Cutting –Alfalfa 85 Legume –Grass Hay 86 Mixed Grass Hay 87 Cube Hay –One Half (1/2 bushel basket) Special Beans 88 Black Turtle
Division 1704 –FFA Showmanship Premium Schedule: Showmanship Schedule Rules: 1. This is contest is open to all Park County FFA livestock exhibitors. All exhibitors must show in official dress. 2. A showmanship contest will be held preceding the judging of each department of the show. Each exhibitor is expected to compete in the showmanship contest. Beef Showmanship will follow the Market Beef Show. 3. Students may show in any Showmanship class regardless of prior year placing.
Contestants will be judged on their skills as showmen and on the appearance their animals make before the judges. The breed or individual conformation of the animals shown will not be considered.
Class: 01 02 03 04
Judging Criteria: A.) Preparation: 1) Conditioning and trimming of hoofs and horns 2) Washing curling and cleanliness a) Freedom from dirt b) Conditioning of coat, including clipping and condition of hair B.) Appearance of Showman C.) Showing of animal 1) Control of animal by exhibitor 2) Poise, neatness and coolness of exhibitor 3) Skills in showing including: a) Continuous attention b) Keeping animal standing to advantage c) Being on the job 4) Ability to stand or move the animals as requested by judge Class: 01 02 03 04 05
Horse Dairy Goat Market Goat Swine Sheep
06 07 08 09
1st $50
2nd $35
05 06 07
Dairy Herdsman Goat Herdsman Horse Herdsman
Division 1706 –FFA Sweepstakes Award Premium Schedule: Class: 01 02 03 04
Beef Rabbits Poultry Dairy Cattle
Division 1705 –FFA Herdsmanship Premium Schedule:
Beef Herdsman Sheep Herdsman Swine Herdsman Rabbit Herdsman
3rd $20
Factors to be considered in judging will be: 1. You do NOT have to enter into the FFA Herdmanship. All Chapters are part of the competition. Herdsmanhip will be judged on a Chapter basis. 2. Attractiveness of chapter display. Signs identifying chapter and individual animals and their exhibitors are encouraged. Distinctive decorations that enhance the appearance of the display are also encouraged. 3. Personal appearance and attitude of chapter members. 4. Participation in showmanship contest and all its aspects, including preparation and grooming of the animals and the showing of the animal. 5. Cooperation with Superintendents, including sportsmanship. 6. Proper care of animals including disposal of waste materials and manure. Dumping areas for waste materials are provide at the end of the barns. 7. Neatness and cleanliness of feed and watering utensils and prompt removal of same when not in use. Pitchforks will not be allowed in alleys while feeding. 8. All cattle exhibitors will be required to use neck rope ties at least one – half inch in diameter in addition to halter in the stalls. 9. Only FFA members will be allowed to fit and show their animals. No professional fitters allowed! FFA members allowing an adult or professional will be disqualified and action will be taken against the chapter. 10. The Herdsmanship contest will start on Thursday at 8:00 a.m. and conclude at noon on Saturday. Displays must be ready for inspection at any time between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. during the time the contest is in progress.
1st $30
Ag Mechanics Agronomy Classroom Livestock
2nd $25
3rd $20
2017 Junior Livestock Sale Rules Chairman –Joe Bridges Treasurer –June Ann Nelson Secretary –Jennifer Triplett 1.
2. 3. 4.
9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14.
307-754-4833/ 272-2324 307-899-9009 307-254-3489
Sale in for Park County 4-H and FFA exhibitors only. If a consignor sells at the Park County Fair they will not be allowed to sell at any other Wyoming County Fair. No member may sell if he /she has graduated from high school over one (1) year from the sale. Members may sell one (1) animal only. One (1) steer, or one (1) lamb, or one (1) hog, or one (1) rabbit, or one (1) goat. An animal may only be listed under one (1) name on only one (1) consignment sheet; i.e. lamb #121 cannot be listed on both John and Jill Smith’s consignment sheets. To be eligible for the sale the animal must meet the following standards: Beef: Must weigh at least 1,050 pounds. For animals over 1,400 pounds – weight over 1,400 pounds will be given to the buyer. i.e. if animal weighs 1,425 the seller will only be paid for 1,400 pounds. Lambs: Must weigh at least 110 pounds. For animals over 165 pounds – weight over 165 pounds will be given to the buyer. Hogs: Must weigh at least 210 pounds. For animals over 285 pounds – weight over 285 pounds will be given to the buyer. Goats: Must weigh at least 55 pounds. For animals over 120 pounds –weight over 120 pounds will be given to the buyer. Must be shown in the Youth Market Goat class at the Park County Fair and meet the market perimeters as set by the fair rules. Rabbits: Must be designated and shown as a roaster, weighing over 5 pounds and less than 8 pounds at the county fair. It is mandatory that all animals be tagged at one of the designated tagging locations. If the animal is not tagged at a central tagging, it will not be eligible to sell. Each town (or designated location) will have a time and location for the centralized tagging for all livestock projects. Project members will be notified of the times and dates at each locations. Member or parents will be responsible for getting their animals hauled to any one of the locations. The committee members, 4-H Leaders or FFA Advisors will no longer be responsible for tagging projects at individual homes. The animal you put through the sale is the animal that is expected to be the one that is delivered to the buyer’s requested location. If special circumstances arise that require delivering a different animal from the animal sold at the sale, it must be approved by the executive sale committee and fully agreed upon by the buyer. All animals sold will be delivered by the consignor to the place designate by the buyer. (125 miles one way or 250 miles maximum). Animals must be delivered to the specifications of the buyer in a reasonable and timely manner and when the animals are delivered they shall be of the quality as when bought. Sale charge will 3.5 % of the selling price. Animals will be sold with no shrinkage. All animals will be weighed at fair during their scheduled time. No wet animals will be weighed. Each animal will be weighed only once. Payment for animals will be to the consignors when the money is received from the buyers and when animals have been delivered to the packing plant or resold. Consignor must notify chairman that animal has resold. Payment for animals going to State Fair will not be made to consignor until animals have been delivered as stated above and the committee treasurer has been notified. No checks will be mailed before September 1st. Consignors must have all proper documentation required by the Wyoming Livestock Brand Inspection Laws in order to sell. You are required to present all documentation to the brand inspector prior to entering the sale ring. Please contact your local brand inspector if you have questions regarding proper documentation needed. Consignors must obtain a yellow purchase slip from the sale clerk within 30 minutes following the sale of their animal. The slip must be presented to the packing plant or sale barn when the animal is delivered.
17. Consignors must have their pictures taken with their animal at the sale. 18. All Lambs are to be uniformly slick shorn 3/8 inch or less. Legs may have hair up to the hock and knee only. All Market Lambs must have been shorn within seven (7) days of fair. 19. All blankets must be removed before the animal enters the scale. 20. All animals entered in the sale must be owned by the consignor, shown in the market class at the Park County Fair and sold by the consignor. Animals must be owned, ear tagged or tattooed and consignment sheets postmarked to the committee by the following dates: Beef: owned by February 1st of the current year and tagged with consignment sheets postmarked by February 10th. Hogs, Lambs and Goats: owned by May 15th of the current year and tagged with consignment sheets postmarked by May 25th. Rabbits: owned by June 15th of the current year and tattooed with consignment sheets postmarked by June 25th. Consignment sheets postmarked after these dates will not be accepted and the consignor will not be allowed to sell their animal at the sale. Please note the mailing address is: Park County Jr. Livestock Sale P.O. Box 425 Cody, WY. 82414 21. Seller must present their animal through the sale as they were presented at the market show. (See Code of Ethics) Awards won at the fair may be displayed during the sale. 22. Every consigner that has more than one (1) animal consigned must notify the chairman, treasurer or secretary by 1:00 p.m. on Friday as to which animal they will sell. If they do not the committee will pick for them. Grand and Reserve Champions of each species followed by Grand and Reserve Showmen will automatically sell first. 23. All 4-H members wishing to donate a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of their animals to the Park County 4-H Foundation must indicate this interest at weigh –in time of the animal. 24. The responsibility of the sale animal belongs to the consignor until the animal is butchered or resold. Insurance is recommended. 25. To be eligible to sell in the Park County Fair Junior Livestock Sale you must have passed your eighth (8th) birthday before January 1st of the current year. 26. Consignor and parents must sign consignment sheet indication that they have read all the Jr. Livestock rules. 27. Violators of any of the above rules will be forever banned from selling in the Park County Fair Junior Livestock Sale. The Junior Livestock Sale Committee will enforce this. 28. Each family can designate one (1) animal per species, as a family animal. Only family members that have an animal(s) of that same species tagged in their name are eligible to use that animal. i.e. a hog for a hog, but not a rabbit for a hog. The animal must be tagged and a consignment sheet with all the children’s names on it must be turned in by the designated date. The family animal is only eligible to be used as the sale animal if the child’s original consignment is ineligible due to sickness, injury, death or not making the minimum weight. If a child’s designated animal makes weight the family animal cannot be used by that child. At weigh –in time the family must designate which child that animal is to be assigned to permanently. All other rules still apply to the family animal (i.e. tagging dates, weights, ownership & etc.). 29. Park County Fair entries are required for all market animals. Please refer to fair book as to entry deadlines and other information regarding your market animal. All animal(s) have to meet Junior Livestock Sale consignment deadlines and requirements along with Park County Fair deadlines and requirements.
If you have any questions, please contact a committee member listed above. : Mailing Address: Approved December 2016 by Park County Jr. Livestock Sale Park County Junior Livestock Sale Committee PO Box 425 Cody WY 82414
Department –Youth Cattle Show 4-H/ FFA
Department –Youth Show 4-H/ FFA Large Animal Round Robin Superintendents:
Travis Mehling Troy Koster
Beef Cattle Superintendents: Shawn Wiant 307-250-3004 June Ann Nelson 307-899-9009 Keith Nelson Dairy Cattle Superintendents: Lynn George 307-899- 9389
307-202-1436 307-250-2936
Department/ Division Special Awards: Champion 4-H & FFA $25 & Rosette Reserve Champion 4-H & FFA $15 & Rosette Each Contestant $5 $35 towards a jacket for the FFA Grand Champion donated by Skalsky’s Poor Boy Feed $35 towards a jacket for the FFA Reserve Champion donated by Cody Feed, Cody, WY $35 towards a jacket for the 4-H Grand Champion donated by Roger and Linda Easum $35 towards a jacket for the 4-H Reserve Champion donated by ADM Seedwest Co. Vision West is donating all of the embroidering
Premium Schedule: Large Livestock Schedule Rules: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. 2. All exhibitors must enter the Stall/ Pen/ Cage Division 2000 to reserve a stall/ pen/ cage. Refer to page 14 rule #9 in the Generals Rules: Exhibits & Exhibitor. Do not change pens without speaking to the Superintendent(s). These pens have been assigned to you. You must have permission from the Superintendent and this change must be made with the Fair Office. 3. No cow calf pairs in the Champion Drive. 4. Heifers need not be spayed to exhibit in the Youth Market beef Show; however they will be judged as terminal. 5. With the consent of all current dairy exhibitors and superintendents any lactating production cow, under stress due to changes in food, water and/ or other conditions shall be released if the exhibitor so wishes, for the benefit of the animals health, at the close of the dairy show on Friday afternoon. (As long as she has been on exhibit from Wednesday through the day of the dairy show.) This applies to lactating production animals only, including any dairy animal freshing during the fair. All other exhibits must stay in place until Sunday morning.
Rules: 1. The First and Second place senior showmanship winners in the areas of sheep, swine, dairy goat, dairy cattle, market beef, market goat and horse will compete in the Large Animal Round Robin Showmanship Contest. It case of a tie it will be broken first by fitting score then followed by the showing score beginning with: 1) Dairy Cattle 5) Horse 2) Market Goat 6) Swine 3) Dairy Cattle 7) Sheep 4) Market Beef 2. If for any reason the first and second place cannot participate then the third place winner will be invited through sixth place at the discretion of the species Superintendent. 3. After each Showmanship contest the Superintendents of their species will notify the winner of their right to participate in the Round Robin Contest. 4. 4-H animals will be shown by 4-H members and FFA animals will be shown by FFA members. This will be supervised by an adult at each species. 5. Members must show the animal in which they won with in Showmanship and trade with other year contestants at the direction of the judges. Exceptions must be in written form by a vet and/ or species Superintendent. 6. The first and second place winners in each division will compete in the Large Animal Round Robin Showmanship contest. Any contestant winning first or second premiums in more than one (1) of the showmanship classes will elect which species of animal he/ she will show in the Round Robin Showmanship contest. The next contestant will represent that species in the Large Animal Round Robin Showmanship contest. The Large Animal Round Robin can only be won every other year. (Example: If you won in 2016 you can’t win again until 2018) 7. No boars, stallions, dairy bulls, beef bulls or bucks (dairy goats) will be allowed in any showmanship event. Rams (sheep) can be shown. 8. Anyone associated with the Large Animal Round Robin will not be liable for any injuries to participants or livestock.
Breeding Beef Divisions: Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion Female $40 Reserve Champion Female $25 Grand Champion Bull $40 Reserve Champion Bull $25 Supreme Overall Breeding Female* (Open/ Youth Combined) $150 *Chosen during Open Show
Division 8001 –Angus Division 8002 –Charolais Division 8003 –Hereford Division 8004 –Limousin Division 8005 –Shorthorn Division 8006 –Any Other Recognized Breed Division 2000 – Stall Assignment (Beef Barn) ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER THIS DIVISION TO RESERVE A STALL/ PEN/ CAGE Female Class: 01 Junior Heifer Calves, on or after Jan. 1st of current year 02 Late Senior Claves, Nov. 1st and Dec. 31st of previous year 03 Early Senior Calves, Sept. 1st and Oct. 31st of previous Year 04 Late Summer Yearlings, July1st and Aug. 31st of previous year 05 Early Summer Yearling, May 1st and June 30th of previous year 06 Junior Yearling, Mar. 1st and April 30th of previous year 07 Early Junior Yearling, Jan. 1st and Feb. 28th of previous Year 08 Senior Yearling, Sept. 1st and Dec 31st of previous biennium 09 Summer Senior Yearling, May 1st and Aug. 31st of
Division 8000 –Youth Show Large Animal Round Robin Class: 01 02
10 11
previous biennium Cow and Calf Pair, of current year calf only Best Two Females, two females bred and owned by exhibitor
Dairy Cattle Divisions: Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion Bull Reserve Champion Bull Grand Champion Female Reserve Champion Female Champion Overall Breeding Female (Open/ Youth Combined)
Bull Class: 12 Junior Bull Calves, on or after Jan. 1st of current year 13 Late Senior Calves, Nov. 1st and Dec. 31st of previous year 14 Early Senior Calves, Sept. 1st and Oct. 31st of previous year 15 Late Summer Yearlings, July 1st and Aug. 31st of previous year 16 Early Summer Yearling, May 1st and June 30th of previous year 17 Junior Yearling, Mar. 1st and April 30th of previous year 18 Early Junior Yearling, Jan. 1st and Feb. 28th of previous year 19 Senior Yearling, Sept. 1st and Dec 31st of previous biennium 20 Summer Senior Yearling, May 1st and Aug. 31st of previous biennium 21 2 –Year Old Bulls, Jan.1st and April 30th of current year 22 Best Two Bulls, two bulls bred and owned by exhibitor
Division 3000 – Stall Assignment (Dairy Cattle Barn) ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER THIS DIVISION TO RESERVE A STALL/ PEN/ CAGE Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion, each weight division (small, medium and large) $40 Reserve Champion, each weight division (small, medium and large) $25 Overall Grand Champion Youth Market Beef $40 Overall Reserve Champion Youth Market Beef $25 Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Youth Market Beef jackets donated by Simplot Park County Steer Futurity privately funded through contributions from Park County Producers
Division 2000 – Stall Assignment (Beef Barn)
11 12 13
Initial Weight Class Pen of Three Steers from the same 4-H Club or FFA Chapter. No more than one (1) steer per exhibitor. No more than two (2) pens per 4-H Club or FFA Chapter. Pens of Three Steers premium will be written to the 4-H Club or FFA Chapter.
Division 8008 –Feeders Calves
Any Market Beef Weighing less than 1050 pounds.
Division 3000 – Stall Assignment (Dairy Cattle Barn) ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER THIS DIVISION TO RESERVE A STALL/ PEN/ CAGE Class: 01 02 03
Division 8009 –Brown Swiss Division 8010 –Guernsey Division 8011 –Holstein Division 8012 –Jersey Division 8013 –Any Other Recognized Breed
Division –8007 Market Beef (Any breed or crossbreed)
Class: 01 02
$40 $25 $40 $25
Junior Bull Calf, 3-6 months old Senior Bull Calf, 7-12 months old Yearling Bull, 1 year or older (up to 2 years) Any Age –Breeder Bull Junior Heifer Calf, 3-6 months old Senior Heifer Calf, 7-12 months old Junior Yearling Heifer, 13-18 months old Senior Yearling Heifer, 19-24 months old, but not yet fresh, if fresh must show in 2 year old class Junior Get –of –Sire, group consists of four animals under 2 years of age, none of which has freshened; either sex, the get of one sire; not more than two bulls. Sire must be named and each exhibitor is limited to one entry sired by the same bull. At least three animals must have been bred by exhibitor. Animals may be owned by one or more exhibitors. Two –Year Old Cow, springing or milking 25 -36 months old Three –Year Old Cow, 37-48 months old Four –Year Old Cow, 49-60 months old Aged Cow, 5 years and over, still in show condition Best Three Females, any age, all bred and owned by exhibitor. Each exhibitor limited to one group entry. Breeder Get –of –Sire, group to consist of four animals, either sex; not more than two bulls any age, the get of one sire, at least three to have been bred by exhibitor. Sire to be named. Produce of Dam, group to consist of two animals, any age, either sex, the product of one cow. The dam must be named. Each exhibitor is limited to one group entry from the same dam. All animals owned by the exhibitor.
Department –Youth Goat Show 4-H/ FFA Feeder Steer 2016 Feeder Heifer 2016 Heavy Feeder, steer or heifer
Dairy Goat Superintendents: Jolyn Kawano 307-254-0245 Helen Carter 307-202-2466 Aimee Kawano 307-754-4757 Meat Goat & Market Goat Superintendents: Sara Skalsky 307-899-1742 Vicki Hogen 541-417-0429
Exhibit Location: Sheep Show Ring Premium Schedule: Small Animal Schedule
04 05
Rules: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. 2. All exhibitors must enter the Stall/ Pen/ Cage Division 4000 (Dairy) or 4500 (Meat Goat) to reserve a stall/ pen/ cage. Refer to page 14 rule #9 in the Generals Rules: Exhibits & Exhibitor. Do not change pens without speaking to the Superintendent(s). These pens have been assigned to you. You must have permission from the Superintendent and this change must be made with the Fair Office. 3. Does only will be shown. 4. All breeds will be shown together by age. 5. Horned animals will not be allowed to show. 6. Mandatory Milk Out –all does must be milked at 9:00 p.m. the night before the show. 7. All dairy goat exhibitors are expected to wear white clothing when showing. 8. Market Goats are to have their milk teeth in place or may have lost one or both of their milk teeth, but there shall be no evidence of breaking skin or eruption of the two permanent teeth. 9. Market Goats may be disbudded, tipped, polled or shown in their natural horned state. 10. Market Goat exhibitors are allowed to use either halters or collars when showing. 11. Market Goats are to be uniformly slick shorn 3/8 inch or less. Legs may have hair up to the hock and knee only. 12. Abuse: The Park County Fair does not condone excessive bracing, slapping or lifting legs of Market Goats in the show ring or while on the grounds. 13. Scrapies: Goat exhibitors at Wyoming Jackpots, County Fairs and State Fair are reminded of the Wyoming livestock Board’s requirement that all sheep and goats exhibited in Wyoming must be individually identified with a USDA – APHIS approved scrapie identification. The only exception to the tag requirement is that registered animals may be identified with a registration tattoo and must be accompanied with a photo copy of their current registration papers listing the exhibitor as owner. All goats must be scrapie tagged regardless of registration status. Goats not meeting these requirements will not be allowed to enter/ check –in.
Senior Milking Doe Class: 06 Under 2 years 07 2 years and under 3 years 08 3 years and under 5 years 09 5 years and over Group Entry Class: 10 Dam & Daughter, consists of one senior doe and her own milking daughter 11 Junior Get –of –Sire, consists of three does from the Junior Doe Class, the get of one sire, with at least one doe in milk. Sire must be named. Judged by breed. 12 Senior Get –of –Sire, consists of three does from the Senior Doe Class, the get of one sire, with at least one doe in milk. Sire must be named. Judged by breed. 13 Produce of Dam, to consist of two does, the produce of same dam. Dam must be named. 14 Dairy Herd, to consist of four does in milk. All must be owned by the exhibitor.
Division 8016 –Dress A Goat Premiums: 1st $10.00 2nd $8.00 3rd $6.00 General Rules: 1. Each exhibitor is allowed one (1) entry. 2. Exhibitor does not have to own the animal being shown. 3. Exhibitor may not enter the Open and Youth Divisions. Class: 03 04
Most Original Most Humorous
Division 8017 –Breeding Meat Goat Department/ Division Special Awards: Champion Breeding Meat Goat Reserve Champion Breeding Meat Goat Champion Breeding Junior Doe Reserve Champion Breeding Junior Doe Champion Breeding Senior Doe Reserve Champion Breeding Senior Doe
Division 8014 –Dairy Goat (All Breeds but Nigerian Dwarf/Minis and Pygmy) Division 8015 –Dairy Goat (Nigerian Dwarf/Minis and Pygmy Breeds) Department/ Division Special Awards: Champion Youth Junior & Senior Doe Reserve Champion Youth Junior & Senior Doe Best Senior Doe of Youth Show Best Junior Doe of Youth Show Best Udder of Youth Show Champion Overall Dairy Goat (Open/ Youth Combined)
Junior Yearlings, 12 months under 18 months old Senior Yearlings, 18 months and under 24 months old
$20 $18 $20 $18 $20 $18
$20 $18 $15 $15 $20
Junior Doe Class: 01 Doe kid born after April 1st of current year 03 Doe kid born January 1st to March 31st of current year 04 Doe kid born September 1st to December 31st of the previous year
Senior Doe Class: 05 Yearling doe one (1) to under two (2 ) years, born September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2016 06 Two (2) year doe two (2) to under three (3) years, born September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2015 07 Three (3) years and older, born before September 1, 2014
Junior Doe Class: 01 Junior Kids, under 4 months old 02 Intermediate Kids, 4 months and under 6 months old 03 Senior Kids, 6 months and under 12 months old
08 Best Pair of Does, any age –Shown by a single exhibitor 09 Breeders Get –of –Sire, group to consist of three (3) does, any ages and the get of one sire and have been bred by exhibitor –Sire to be named
Division 8018 –Market Goat Department/ Division Special Awards: Champion Market Goat Reserve Champion Market Goat Champion Feeder Goat Reserve Champion Feeder Goat
$20 $18 $20 $18
Division 4500 – Stall Assignment (Goat Barn) ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER THIS DIVISION TO RESERVE A STALL/ PEN/ CAGE Class: 01 02
Initial Weight Class Pen of Three
Department –Youth Horse Show 4-H/ FFA 11. Horse Superintendents: Miniature Horse Superintendents:
Katie Bennett Brook Curnow
Tami Lloyd Christy Muecke
307-254-4432 406-281-4030 307-679-8901 307-254-0390
Exhibit Location: Horse Arena Premium Schedule: Horse Schedule Rules: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. 2. All exhibitors must enter the Stall/ Pen/ Cage Division 7000 (Horse) or 7500 (Mini Horse) to reserve a stall/ pen/ cage. Refer to page 14 rule #9 in the Generals Rules: Exhibits & Exhibitor. Do not change pens without speaking to the Superintendent(s). These pens have been assigned to you. You must have permission from the Superintendent and this change must be made with the Fair Office. 3. All 4-H Horse exhibitors must pass the State Safety Certification on each horse and working cow horse events they are showing prior to the entry deadline in order to show at the Park County Fair. 4. See the show order and area designations listed in this department. Please take note that the times and arena designation can be changed due to numbers and the judge’s wishes. Time changes will not be move up but to a later time. 5. Each horse identified to one (1) rider or handler only. FFA exhibitors must have owned/ leased their horse by May 1st of the current year. No other member can share any one (1) horse with another 4-H/ FFA member. A member may show in 4-H and FFA performance classes with different horses, two (2) designated (not including the project horse) in 4-H and up to two (2) in FFA. Youth exhibitors may enter no more than two (2) horses in the same halter class. They are expected to exhibit their own horses, but if both horses are in the same class a youth member can show for another youth member. 6. An exhibitor may enter each performance class only once. If you are entering a 4-H and a FFA horse make sure the right horse is entered in the correct class. 7. All classes to be conducted in accordance with the Wyoming 4-H Horse rule book or American Horse Show Association Rules. (Copy in the 4-H Extension Office) All Miniature Horses classes will be conducted in accordance with the
12. 13. 14.
17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22.
23. 68
American Miniature Horse Rules. (Copy in the 4-H Extension Office) When a 4-H exhibitor needs assistance in preparing their horse to show a parent or leader may check tack, give advice or hold a horse prior to entering the arena. Parents or Leaders help is permissible only when the exhibitor is actively participating in the preparation. Cleaning of stalls, sweeping aisles, feeding and watering must be done by the youth exhibitor themselves. In the interest of safety exhibitors ten (10) and under may have their horses saddled and bridled or harnessed by a parent, leader or other 4-H member. Horses can be released when you are done showing. All stalls must be cleaned and returned to the original condition. Parents may help clean stalls at release time. All stalls must be checked by the Superintendent before you can be released. All horses must be off the grounds by noon on Monday. Hats, boots and a long sleeved shirt must be worn by all exhibitors. FFA member are required to wear official dress for Showmanship. Assigned numbers shall be worn on the exhibitor or on the horse pad and plainly visible while in the show ring. If you are showing a 4-H horse and a FFA horse make sure you are the correct assigned number. Wrong numbers can lead to disqualification for that class. Superintendents will be checking each members care of their horse daily. Failure to keep stalls cleaned, horse(s) fed twice daily and fresh water available at all times result I possible forfeiture of awards and premiums, loss of State Fair eligibility and/ or being banned from showing next year. Horse must be fed at least twice daily by 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Water must be kept in front of horse(s) at all times and stall door latches must be secured (i.e. snaps) while horses are in the stall. Feed must be stored in your trailer or in a tack stall. Feed is not to be stacked outside stall doors. This is mandatory! No dog(s) allowed! Horses must be entered in at least one class to be on the fairgrounds. No horses on the midway or grassy area on the west side of the fairgrounds. Keep your horses in the area surrounding the horse stalls and arena. Do not lope or gallop your horse on the roads or grass areas, the ground is hard and rocky and dangerous for you and your horse! Person(s) not enrolled in 4-H or FFA are not allowed on a horse. At any time while at the Park County Fair, this includes parents and leaders. Parents or trainers are not allowed train or rider horse(s) at fair. Absolutely no mistreatment of horse will be tolerated! Riders must be properly seated on their horse at all times, no legs hooked over saddle horns or sidesaddle. No double riding! At the Park County Fair Snaffle Bits will be allowed on Junior Horses (Five (5) years and under). Riders can never ride without proper equipment, this means saddle, bridle and gear appropriate to class. No bareback! After the horse(s) are shown they should remain in their stall, except to exercise or clean stall(s). Horse may be exercised in the arena or warm –up arena. All of the above rules will be enforced! Violators will lose their premiums and/ or not be allowed to show the following year. All manure should be dumped in the marked manure dump areas only. Promptly clean up horse dropping in all areas. Project I, II and III Horse Requirements: The youth must be actively enrolled in Park County 4-H or FFA, at least eleven (11) years old by January 1st of the current year. 4-H members must provide a yearly written plan detailing who will be helping the member with the foal and helper’s qualifications. This plan is to be turned into the Park County 4-H Extension Office no later than May 1st. Halter Classes are to be entered according to the horses breed
27. 28.
31. 32.
or breed sire, unless obviously a color breed. “Other Class” is for purebred horses of breeding other than those listed below. Mixed breeds must be entered in the breed class the horse most closely resembles. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to present questionable horses to the Superintendent(s) prior to the entry deadline. Unapproved animals entered in the “Other Class “will be reclassified at the Superintendents discretion. Ponies are classified by height. They shall measure 58 inches or less at the withers. Ponies 38 inches or less need to be entered in the Miniature Horse Division 2580. Halter classes are too be shown in hand at walk and trot. Halter exhibitors can wear English or Western attire. No hack or bridles will be allowed in Halter Classes. First and second place Halter Class winners will compete for the Championship placing in their respective division. Halter Classes with less than three (3) entries will be combined with successive classes within sex and breed until a minimum of three (3) horses compete. If there is not three (3) horses within a sex and breed, no Grand or Reserve Champion will be awarded. Breeds not listed will have a Halter Class provided if three (3) or more animals of the same age and sex entered. Rules for Western Pleasure and Ranch Horse Pleasure: You will not be permitted to use the same horse for Western Pleasure and Ranch Horse Pleasure. To decide which class your horse belongs in use the following guide line: a) Western Pleasure should carry themselves with a level top line (meaning they should look level from the poll, between the ears, to the withers to the croup). They should move in a slow gait but not to excessively slow. These horses might be shown at a breed show, AQHA or APHA & etc. b) Ranch Horse Pleasure horses should be allowed to carry their head and neck in a more upright fashion that is comfortable to the horse’s confirmations. They will also move at a faster gait than a Western Pleasure horse keeping in mind the conformation of the horse and the work a ranch horse would do. These horses might be used on a ranch or used as a speed event horse. ****Once a horse is designated as a ranch horse it can only be entered in ranch classes when the option is available. Example – You must do Ranch Horse Trail if you decide your horse is a ranch horse. Rules for Trail and Ranch Horse Trail: You will not be permitted to use the same horse for Trail and Ranch Horse Trail. To decide which class your horse belongs in use the following rules: a) Trail class will follow the regular trail horse rules in the current 4-H Rule Book. b) Ranch Horse Trail is designed to show a horse’s ability and willingness to perform several tasks that might be asked of him during the course of a normal days’ ranch work. The obstacle may include a gate, roping a stationary steer, dragging a log, water hazard, hobble or ground tie, put on and remove slicker, remove carry and replace an item on the bridge, crossing obstacles, ride over at least four (4) logs and load and unload a horse into a horse trailer. Horses shown in the Ranch Horse classes will not be expected to follow the same grooming rules as those stated in the 4-H Rule Book for showmanship at halter, but will be allowed to follow the grooming rules for the Ranch Horses. (Copy in the 4-H Extension Office) Only Ranch Riding is offered at the Wyoming State Fair. Ranch Riding is a new class. To get information and patterns please see the 4-H office or visit www.woming4h.org/park4h. Beginner: First and Second year 40Hers under ten (10). This class is for 4-Hers with limited prior experience. One (1) time entry only.
34. Team Sorting to be considered a timed event. 35. Goat Tying rules to be consistent with the Junior Rodeo Association. 36. Miniature Horses are classified by height. They shall measure 38 inches or less at the withers. 37. Only one (1) Miniature Horse may be entered in each class except in Solid & Multi –Color Halter class, where additional horses may be exhibited by another 4-H member, entered under the owner/ lessee number. 38. Only Miniature Colts under two (2) years and will be allowed to show in the Halter Class. 39. The Park County Fair Management reserves the right to interpret these rules and regulations and arbitrarily to settle and determine all matters, questions and differences in regard to arising out of and not covered by these rules. Individual High Point Award The 4-H Council sponsor calculates the 4-H High Point Award for the Youth Horse Show. Each 4-H division is figured on one (1) horse one (1) rider combination. Halter Classes are not counted toward the high point. In the event of a tie, the winner of the Showmanship Class will be awarded the high point. Points are as followed: 1st 10 points 2nd 9 points 3rd 8 points 4th 7 points 5th 6 points 6th 5 points 7th 4 points 8th 3 points 9th 2 points 10th 1 point Individual FFA High Point Award FFA sponsors calculates this award. All FFA Performance and FFA Showmanship classes will count toward this award. Halter Classes are not counted toward the high point. The high point earner will receive a belt buckle. The points are calculated per individual not per horse. In the event of a tie the winner of the Showmanship Class will be awarded the high point.
Division 8018 –Halter Horse Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion Mare Rosette & $20 Reserve Champion Mare Rosette & $18 Grand Champion Gelding Rosette & $20 Reserve Champion Gelding Rosette & $18 Overall Champion Mare Rosette & Award Sponsored by Overall Champion Gelding Rachel Olsen & Lisa Eaton
Division 7000 – Stall Assignment (Horse Barn) ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER THIS DIVISION TO RESERVE A STALL/ PEN/ CAGE Gender & Age: A B C D E F G H
Halter Class: Appaloosa Arabian Paint Pony Quarter Horse Other
Filly, current year Filly, yearling Filly, two (2) years Aged Mare Gelding, current year Gelding, yearling Gelding. Two (2) years Aged Gelding
A B 001 002 009 010 027 028 035 036 043 044 051 052
C 003 011 029 037 045 053
D 004 012 030 038 046 054
E 005 013 031 039 047 055
F 006 014 032 040 048 056
G 007 015 033 041 049 057
H 008 016 034 042 050 058
Division 8019 –Performance Horse
Division 7000 – Stall Assignment (Horse Barn)
Friday –July 21st afternoon – Evening Break 4:00 p.m.
Working Cattle* Events:
Exhibitor Group: A B C D E F
Goat Tying Dummy Roping Breakaway Roping Team Roping Working Cow Horse Ranch Sorting *All 4-H members wanting to participate in the working cattle events must have a current safety endorsement.
Senior -4-H Intermediate -4-H Junior -4-H Beginner -4H FFA All Ages
Performance Class: Programmed Ride Hunt Seat Equitation Hunter Under Saddle Ranch Horse Pleasure Ranch Sorting Ranch Horse Trail Project I Lunge Line Project II Ground Drive Project III Drive Pair Pace Western Horsemanship Western Riding Reining Western Pleasure Project II Pleasure Project III Pleasure Trail Project III Trail Project II Trail Project I Trail Pole Bending Goat Tying Dummy Roping Breakaway Roping Flag Race Team Roping Barrels Working Cow Horse Ranch Riding
A 059 064 069 074 ----081 ----------------090 095 100 105 --------112 ------------120 125 130 135 138 143 145 150 151
B 060 065 070 075 ----082 ----------------091 096 101 106 --------113 ------------121 126 131 136 139 ----146 ---152
C 061 066 071 076 ----083 ----------------092 097 102 107 --------114 ------------122 127 132 ---140 ----147 ---153
D 062 067 072 077 ----084 ----------------093 098 103 108 --------115 ------------123 128 133 ---141 ----148 ----154
E 063 068 073 078 ----085 ----------------094 099 104 109 --------116 ------------124 129 134 137 142 144 149 ---155
Saturday –July 22nd at 8:00 a.m.
F ---------079 080 ---086 087 088 089 ----------------110 111 ----117 118 119 -------------------------
Large Arena: Western Pleasure Western Horsemanship Ranch Horse Pleasure (horses five (5) years and under) Ranch Horse Pleasure Western Riding Ranch Riding Reining
Saturday –July 22nd at 9:00 a.m. Small Arena: Trail Ranch Horse Trail Project I, II, and III Trail
Saturday –July 22nd at 6:00 p.m. Large Arena: Pair Pace Flag Race Pole Bending Barrels
Sunday –July 23rd at 6:00 p.m. ---------
Large Arena: Hunter Under Saddle Hunt Seat Equitation Project I Lunge Line Project Horse Interviews
Approximate Youth Horse Show Schedule The schedule is subject to change depending on the number of entries in each class prior to fair… Classes typically run from the oldest age to the youngest.
South Arena:
Friday –July 21st at 8:00 a.m.
Programmed Ride Project II Ground Drive Project II and Project III Pleasure C
Northside of Big Arena: FFA Showmanship Beginner Showmanship 15 minute break Project I Project II Quarter Horse Other
Division 8020 –Miniature Horse Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion Mare Rosette & $20 Reserve Champion Mare Rosette & $18 Grand Champion Gelding Rosette & $20 Reserve Champion Gelding Rosette & $18 Overall Mare $30 sponsored by Rachel Olsen Overall Gelding $30 sponsored by Rachel Olsen
Southside of Big Arena: Junior Showmanship Intermediate Showmanship Senior Showmanship Project III 15 minute break Arabian Appaloosa Pony
Division 7500 – Stall Assignment (Horse Barn) ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER THIS DIVISION TO RESERVE A STALL/ PEN/ CAGE *** Only one entry per class with the exception of color class. 70
please call the Superintendent. All exhibitors must enter the Stall/ Pen/ Cage Division 5000 to reserve a stall/ pen/ cage. Refer to page 14 rule #9 in the Generals Rules: Exhibits & Exhibitor. Do not change pens without speaking to the Superintendent(s). These pens have been assigned to you. You must have permission from the Superintendent and this change must be made with the Fair Office. Superintendents will assign cages to facilitate judging. Do not change cages! If an exhibitor changes/ moves from their assigned cage they will forfeit their premiums. 3. One (1) entry per exhibitor. 4. Poultry entered into the Youth Poultry Show are not eligible for the Open Class Poultry Show. 5. Classes will be judged per American Standards of Perfection. 6. All single entries must be brought to the table to be judged, with the exception of Young and Mature Trio, Pen of Three (3) and Geese which will be judged in their cage. Each exhibitor is responsible for getting their animal to the table at the time the class is judged. 7. No fowl will be allowed to compete in more than one (1) class or for more than one (1) prize. 8. Exhibitors must provide their own containers for feed and water. 9. Exhibitors must feed, water and clean under their poultry cage by 9:00 a.m. daily or they will forfeit their premiums. 10. Clean Up: Remove containers from the cage and ensure they are disposed of. Remove wood shavings from under the cages and place in the manure dump. If cages are not clean by Sunday, July 30th by 11:00 a.m. the exhibitor will forfeit their premiums.
Halter Class: A Miniature Horse thirty four inches (34”) & under B Miniature Horse thirty five inches (35”) to thirty eight inches (38”) Conformation Halter Class: 01 A –Aged Mare, three (3) years & older 02 A –Weanling Mare, two (2) years & under 03 B –Aged Mare, three (3) years and older 04 B –Weanling Mare, two (2) years & under 05 A –Aged Gelding, three (3) years & older 06 A –Weanling Gelding/ Colt, two(2) years & under 07 B –Aged Gelding, three (3) years & older 08 B - Weanling Gelding/ Colt, two(2) years & under
Solid Color Halter Class: 09 A –Mares 10 B –Mares 11 A –Gelding 12 B –Gelding Multi –Color Halter: 13 A –Mares 14 B –Mares 15 A –Gelding 16 B –Gelding Costume Class: 17 A –Mare and Gelding 18 B –Mare and Gelding A B C D
Senior -4-H/ FFA Intermediate – 4-H Junior – 4-H Beginner – 4-H
Performance Class: Jumping Obstacle Country Pleasure Driving Jeopardy Obstacle Driving
Division 8021 –Chickens A 19 23 27 30 33
B 20 24 28 31 34
C 21 25 29 32 35
Division 5000 – Cage Assignment (Poultry Barn)
D 22 26 ----------
ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER THIS DIVISION TO RESERVE A STALL/ PEN/ CAGE Gender/ Pen: A Cocks; male fowl one (1) year and older B Cockerel; male fowl less that one (1) year old C Hen; female fowl one (1) year and older D Pullet: female fowl less than one (1) year E Mature Trio; one (1) cock and two (2) hens of the same breed/ variety over one (1) year of age
***Open Class Miniature Horse information has been moved to the open class division.
Department –Youth Poultry Show 4-H/ FFA Superintendents:
Caroline Butters Chelsea Moger
F Young Trio; one (1) cockerel and two (2) pullets of the breed/ variety under one (1) year of age G Fryer Pen of Cockerels H Fryer Pen of Pullets
307-754-3037 307-250-5404
Exhibit Location: Rabbit/ Poultry Barn Premium Schedule: Small Animal Schedule Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Champion Standard Male Grand Champion Standard Female Grand Champion Standard Trio Grand Champion Bantam Poultry Male Grand Champion Bantam Poultry Female Grand Champion Bantam Trio Grand Champion Waterfowl Male Grand Champion Waterfowl Female Grand Champion Turkey Overall Grand Champion Turkey Trio Grand Champion Bird of Show Reserve Champion Bird of Show
Standard Poultry Class: Breeds A American 001 Asiatic 007 Continental 013 English 019 Mediterranean 025 Other Breeds 031
Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette
Bantam Poultry Class: Game Breed 037 Single Comb Clean Legged (Non -Game) 043 Rose Comb Clean Legged 049 All Other Combs Clean Legged 055
Rules: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions 71
B 002 008 014 020 026 032
C 003 009 015 021 027 033
D 004 010 016 022 028 034
E 005 011 017 023 029 035
F 006 012 018 024 030 036
Department –Youth Rabbit Show 4-H/ FFA Feather Legged Other Breeds
Fryer Class: Fryer Pens
Superintendents: Lisa Price 307-754-4893 Exhibit Location: Rabbit/ Poultry Barn Premium Schedule: Small Animal Schedule Department/ Division Special Awards: Grand Best of Breed Six and Four –Class Breeds Reserve Best Opposite Sex Six and Four –Class Breeds Champion Fur Rabbit Reserve Champion Fur Rabbit Grand Best of Breed Six –Class & Crossbred Reserve Best Opposite Sex Six –Class & Crossbred Grand Best of Breed Four –Class & Crossbred Reserve Best Opposite Sex Four –Class & Crossbred Overall Best of Breed Purebred & Crossbred Rabbit Overall Best Opposite Sex Purebred & Crossbred Rabbit Overall Best Meat Pen and Single Frye Overall Reserve Meat Pen and Single Fryer Overall Best Roaster Overall Reserve Roaster
Division 8022 –Turkeys Division 5000 – Cage Assignment (Poultry Barn) ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER THIS DIVISION TO RESERVE A STALL/ PEN/ CAGE Gender and Age: A Tom; male one (1) year or older B Young Tom; one (1) year or older C Hem; female one (1) year or older D Young Hens; less than one (1) year old E Mature Trio; one (1) tom and two (2) hens over one year (1) old of the same breed/ variety F Young Trio; one (1) tom and two (2) hens under one (1) year old of the same breed/ variety Class: All Standard Varieties
Rules: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. 2. All exhibitors must enter the Stall/ Pen/ Cage Division 5000 (poultry) or 5500 (rabbit) to reserve a stall/ pen/ cage. Refer to page 14 rule #9 in the Generals Rules: Exhibits & Exhibitor. Do not change pens without speaking to the Superintendent(s). These pens have been assigned to you. You must have permission from the Superintendent and this change must be made with the Fair Office. 3. Only three (3) entries per exhibitor per class. 4. All rabbits must be tattooed in the left ear. Tattoo number must be recorded on the exhibitor entry form. 5. No rabbits under eight (8) weeks old at fair. 6. Purebred rabbits will be judged in competition with crossbred rabbits. All varieties will be judged together. 7. Each exhibitor is responsible for seeing that his/ her animals are at the judging table at the time the class is judged. 8. Exhibitors must feed, water and clean under their rabbit cage by 9:00 a.m. daily or they will forfeit their premiums
073 074
Division 8023 –Ducks Division 5000 – Cage Assignment (Poultry Barn) ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER THIS DIVISION TO RESERVE A STALL/ PEN/ CAGE Gender and Age: A Drake; male one (1) year and older B Young Drake; male less than one (1) year old C Hen; female one (1) year or older D
Young Hen; female less that one (1) year old
Class: Heavy Weight Ducks
A 075
B 076
C 077
D 078
(Saxony; Rouen; Perkin; Muscovey; Aylesbury)
Medium Weight Duck (Buff; Cayuga; Crested; Swedish)
Light Weight Duck
Division 8025 –Rabbits
(Runner; Magpie; Campbell)
Duck Bantam Weight
Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette $4 $2 $4 $2 $10 $8 $8 $6 $8 $6
(Call; Caroline Wood; East Indie; Mallard; Mandarin; Spotted Australian)
Division 8024 –Geese Division 5000 – Cage Assignment (Poultry Barn)
Gender and Age: A Junior Doe, up to six (6) months B Intermediate Doe, six (6) to eight (8) months C Senior Doe, eight (8) months and older D Junior Buck, up to six (6) months E Intermediate Buck, six (6) to eight (8) months F Senior Buck, eight (8) months and older
ALL EXHIBITORS MUST ENTER THIS DIVISION TO RESERVE A STALL/ PEN/ CAGE Gender and Age: A Gander; male one (1) year or older B Young Gander; male under one (1) year old C Goose; female one (1) year old or older D Young Goose; female under one (1) year old Class: Heavy Weight Geese
A 091
B 092
C 093
D 094
Six Class Breed Class: California Checkered Giant Cinnamons English Lop D’ Argent Flemish Giant French Lop Hotot New Zealand Palomino Satins
(Toulouse; Emden; African)
Medium Weight Geese
(Sevastapol; Pilgrim; Am. Buff; Saddleback Pomeranian)
Light Weight Geese
(Tufted Roman; Egyptian; Chinese; Bar Head)
A 001 007 013 019 025 031 037 043 049 055 061
B 002 008 014 020 026 032 038 044 050 056 062
C 003 009 015 021 027 033 039 045 051 057 063
D 004 010 016 022 028 034 040 046 052 058 064
E 005 011 017 023 029 035 041 047 053 059 065
F 006 012 018 024 030 036 042 048 054 060 066
Department –Youth Sheep Show 4-H/ FFA Any Other, six class purebred Any Other, six class non purebred
Superintendents: 067
069 070 071 072
075 076 077 078
A 079 083 087 090 094 098 102 106 110 114 118 122 126 131
B 080 084 088 091 095 099 103 107 111 115 119 123 127 132
307-899-8064 307-272-3236 307-754-3130
Exhibit Location: Sheep Show Ring Premium Schedule: Small Livestock Schedule
Gender and Age: A Junior Doe, up to six (6) months B Senior Doe, six (6) months and older C Junior Buck, up to six (6) months D Senior Buck, six (6) months and older Four Class Breed Class: Dutch Dwarf Hotot Havana Himalayan Holland Lop Jersey Wooly Lionheads Mini –Lop Mini Rex Netherland Dwarf Polishes Rex Any Other, four class purebred Any Other, four class non purebred
Jasi Eskeli Dicksie Michael Regan Smith
C 081 085 089 092 096 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 133
Department/ Division Special Awards: Champion Breeding Ram, each breed $30 Reserve Champion Ram, each breed $20 Champion Breeding Ewe, each breed $30 Reserve Champion Breeding Ewe, each breed $20 Champion Overall Breeding Female (Open/ Youth Combined) –Wallace McClaflin Award donated by the Park County Fair Board $50 Champion Overall Ram (Open/ Youth Combined) –Lloyd Snider Award donated by Perkins Show Lambs & Karst Family $75 Champion Feeder Lamb $20 Reserve Champion Feeder Lamb $15 Champion Market Lamb, (light, medium & heavyweight) $20 Reserve Champion Market Lamb, (light, medium & heavyweight) $15 Overall Grand Champion Youth Market Lamb $30 Overall Reserve Champion Youth Market Lamb $20 Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Youth Market Lamb jackets donated by Simplot Champion Pen $20 Reserve Champion Pen $15
D 082 086 090 093 097 101 105 109 113 117 121 125 130 134
Meat Animal Class: 132 Meat Pens (limited to one (1) pen per exhibitor), three (3) rabbits all the same breed and variety; Age limit not over ten (10) weeks; Weight limit five (5) pounds 133 Single Fryer, weight between three (3) to five (5) pounds. Roaster Class: 134 Rabbits entered into this class must be under six (6) months of age; Minimum weight of over five (5) pounds and a maximum weight of eight (8) pounds. Fur Class: 135 Normal Fur, white only –American, Beveren, Britannia Petite, Californian, English Lop, Florida White, Himalayans, Polish, New Zealand 136 Normal, all colors but white –American, Beveren, Britannia Petite, Belgian Hare, Champagne D’ Argent, Checkered Giants, Cinnamon, Crème D’ Argent, Dutch, English Lop, English Spot, Giant Chinchilla, Harlequin, Havana, New Zealand Palomino, Polish, Rhinelander, Silvers, Silver Martin, Tans 137 Rex, white only –Mini Rex and Rex 138 Rex, all other colors but white –Mini Rex and Rex 139 Satin, white only –Satins 140 Satin, all other colors but white –Satins 141 All Other Breed Fun, all colors –American Chinchilla, American Sable, Dwarf Hotot, Flemish Giants, French Lop, Hotot, Holland Lop, Lilac, Lionhead, Mini Lop, Netherland Dwarf, Silver Fox, Standard Chinchilla 142 Fryer Fur, all colors –Rabbit from the Meat Pen Class
Rule: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. 2. All exhibitors must enter the Stall/ Pen/ Cage Division 6000 to reserve a stall/ pen/ cage. Refer to page 14 rule #9 in the Generals Rules: Exhibits & Exhibitor. Do not change pens without speaking to the Superintendent(s). These pens have been assigned to you. You must have permission from the Superintendent and this change must be made with the Fair Office. 3. All Lamb are to be uniformly slick shorn 3/8 inch or less. Legs may have hair up to the hock and knee only. All Market Lambs must have been shorn within seven (7) days of fair. 4. All blankets must be removed before the animal enters the scale. 5. The Park County Fair does not condone excessive bracing, slapping or lifting legs of Market Lambs in the show ring or while on the grounds. 6. Scrapies: Sheep exhibitors at Wyoming Jackpots, County Fairs and State Fair are reminded of the Wyoming livestock Board’s requirement that all sheep and goats exhibited in Wyoming must be individually identified with a USDA – APHIS approved scrapie identification. The only exception to the tag requirement is that registered animals may be identified with a registration tattoo and must be accompanied with a photo copy of their current registration papers listing the exhibitor as owner. All sheep must be scrapie tagged regardless of registration status. Sheep not meeting these requirements will not be allowed to enter/ check –in. 7. Youth exhibitors exhibiting livestock can only enter each animal in the Youth Show or Open Class but not both. Youth Show animals will be allowed to show in the Open Class provided there is an open class animal in that class. In the event that there is animal in that class, the youth’s animal will be allowed to show in the Open Class Any Other Recognized Breed show. 8.
Show order for Market Lambs classes will begin with White Face, then Speckled Face and concluding with Black Face.
Division 8040 –Feeder Lamb 9.
The show order for Breeding Sheep classes will be determined by Superintendents on show day to make the best use of time.
Class: 01 02
Pen of Three Feeder Lambs Feeder Lamb, Initial Class
Breeding Sheep Divisions: Wool Breeds: Division 8026 –Columbia Division 8027 –Rambouillet Division 8028 –Targhee
Division 8041 –Orphan Lamb
Meat Breeds: Division 8029 –Dorset Division 8030 –Hampshire Division 8031 –Suffolk
Rules: 1. Sheep must be fitted by the 4-H/ FFA member. 2. Sheep must owned and shown by the contestant. 3. Contestants may be required to demonstrate fitting skills.
Class: 01 02
Division 8042 –Best Fitted Sheep (SHORN)
Class: 01 02 03 04
Additional Breeds: Division 8032 –Natural Colored Sheep Division 8033 –Wether Sires Division 8034 –Any Other Recognized Breed Division 8035 –Any Crossbreed
Rules: 4. Sheep must be fitted by the 4-H/ FFA member. 5. Sheep must owned and shown by the contestant. 6. Contestants may be required to demonstrate fitting skills.
04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
Class: 05 06 07 08
Ram, two (2) years old or older Ram, one (1) year old and under two (2) Fall Ram Lamb, born Sept. 1st to Dec. 31st of previous year Winter Ram Lamb, born Jan. 1st to Feb. 15th of current year Spring Ram Lamb, born after Feb. 16th to June 1st of current year Pair of Ram Lambs Ewe, two (2) years old or older Ewe, one (1) year old and under two (2) Fall Ewe Lamb, born Sept. 1st to Dec. 31st of previous year Winter Ewe Lamb, born Jan. 1st to Feb. 15th of current year Spring Ewe Lamb, born after Feb. 16th to June 1st of current year Pair of Ewe Lambs Best Four Head of Lambs, from one exhibitor – Both sexes represented Breeding Flock, owned by one individual –Flock shall consist of one (1) ram any age, four (4) ewes any age
Pen of Three Market Lamb
$10 $8 $10 $8 $10 $8 $10 $8 $10 $8 $15 $10
Rules: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. 2. Eligibility of Fleece: Each fleece must represent not more than twelve (12) months growth, except that in the case of yearling fleeces, sixteen (16) months growth will be allowed. 3. Qualifications: Any fleece entered in competition shall be discriminated against if: a) Showing any paint or tar brands (soluble branding fluids permissible) b) Showing excessive dung locks or tags
Initial Weight Class –White Face
Initial Weight Class –Speckled Face
Division 8039 –Market Sheep –Black Face Class: 01
Department/ Division Special Awards: Champion Ram Breed Fleece Reserve Champion Ram Breed Fleece Champion Ewe Breed Fleece Reserve Champion Ewe Breed Fleece Champion Ram Commercial Fleece Reserve Champion Ram Commercial Fleece Champion Ewe Commercial Fleece Reserve Champion Ewe Commercial Fleece Champion Ewe Commercial Colored Fleece Reserve Champion Ewe Commercial Colored Fleece Grand Champion Fleece of the Show (Open/ Youth Combined) Reserve Champion Fleece of the Show (Open/ Youth Combined)
Division 8038 –Market Sheep –Speckled Face Class: 01
Wendy Smith
Exhibit Location: Wool Room (Poultry Barn) Premium Schedule: Wool Schedule
Division 8037 –Market Sheep –White Face Class: 01
Senior Intermediate Junior Beginner
Department –Youth Wool Show 4-H/ FFA
Division 8036 –Market Sheep Class: 01
Senior Intermediate Junior Beginner
Division 8043 –Best Fitted Sheep (UNSHORN)
Division 6000 – Stall Assignment (Sheep Barn)
Class: 01 02 03
Single Orphan Pen of Three Orphan Lambs
Initial Weight Class –Black Face
c) Discolored by excessive moisture d) Cotted e) Showing a weak staple or break in fiber f) Containing excess burns or other vegetable matter g) Fleece may be shown no more than once in a fair Preparation of Fleece: Spread out the fleece on a clean table or floor, skin side down, taking care, taking care not to pull or open fleece as it is handled. The fleece will look like a pelt or hide. At this stage, before rolling or tying, remove all heavy tags, stained wool, any foreign matter. Rolling the fleece takes four easy steps: 1) Begin at one side and loosely fold eight (8) to ten (10) inches of the edge toward the center of the fleece. 2) Do the same on the other side, but fold toward the center two (2) times –until the twice folded portion lies on top of the first fold. 3) Fold in the head wool. 4) Roll the entire fleece from the breach toward the shoulder and long side wool. Fleece is now ready to be tied. Using paper fleece twine, wrap it in two directions and tie as you would a package. There should be no loose ends hanging from the fleece. It should be loose enough to make judging easy, yet compact enough to prevent it from falling apart when handled.
05 06 07 08
(light, medium, heavyweight and feeder)
$15 Overall Grand Champion Youth Market Swine $30 Overall Reserve Champion Youth Market Swine $20 Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Youth Market Beef jackets donated by Simplot (light, medium, heavyweight and feeder)
Rules: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. 2. All exhibitors must enter the Stall/ Pen/ Cage Division 8500 to reserve a stall/ pen/ cage. Refer to page 14 rule #9 in the Generals Rules: Exhibits & Exhibitor. Do not change pens without speaking to the Superintendent(s). These pens have been assigned to you. You must have permission from the Superintendent and this change must be made with the Fair Office
Breeding Swine Divisions: Division 8050 –Duroc Division 8051 –Hampshire Division 8052 –Yorkshire Division 8053 –Any Other Breed Recognized Breed
Corriedale, ram fleece Corriedale, ewe fleece Columbia, ram fleece Columbia, exe fleece
Division 8049 –Commercial Farm Flock Fleece Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
$15 $20 $15
Reserve Champion Market Swine,
Division 8048 –Breed Fleece Fleeces shown from purebred sheep Class: 01 Rambouillet, ram fleece 02 Rambouillet, ewe fleece 03 Targhee, ram fleece 04 Targhee, ewe fleece
Reserve Champion Boar Champion Female Reserve Champion Female Champion Market Swine,
Class: 01 02
Ram Fleece, 64’s -80’s, fine Ewe Fleece, 64’s -80’s, fine Ram Fleece, 62’s -60’s, 1/2 blood Ewe Fleece, 62’s -60’s, 1/2 blood Ram Fleece, 58’s -56’s, 3/8 blood Ewe Fleece, 58’s -56’s, 3/8 blood Ram Fleece, 54’s -50’s, 1/4 blood Ewe Fleece, 54’s -50’s, 1/4 blood Color Ewe Fleece
03 04 05 06 07
Department –Youth Swine Show 4-H/ FFA Superintendents:
Toni Perrine Paul Bridges
Division 8054 –Market Swine
307-250-5440 307-254-2589
Division 8500 – Stall Assignment (Swine Barn)
Exhibit Location: Sale Barn Premium Schedule: Small Livestock Schedule Department/ Division Special Awards: Champion Boar
Junior Gilt, born March 1st of the current year Senior Gilt, born January 1st to February 28th of current year Junior Yearling, born September 1st to December 31st of the previous year Producing Sow, born before September 1st of the previous year Junior Boar, born March 1st of the current year Senior Boar, born January 1st to February 28th of the current year Junior Yearling Boar, born September 1st to December 31st of the previous year
Class: 01
Initial Weight Class
Department –Livestock Stall Assignment Questions: Park County Fair Office
ADDITIONAL REQUIRED DATA ON ENTRY FORM: 1. Exhibitor Name(s) 2. Animal Breed, name & Quantity Information if more than one animal in pen 3. Note: Data will be entered exactly as provided
Rules: 1. Read all Rules & Regulations on livestock in the General Rules and Youth Show rules. If you have any questions please call the Superintendent. 2. Only one cage, pen or stall will be assigned for each entry. 3. An entry may contain multiple animals and exhibitors. 4. Cages, pens and stalls with multiple exhibitors will need to designate a Pen Representative to submit the Livestock Assignment entry. 5. The Pen Representative must furnish a cell phone number for emergency contact purposes. 6. An Exhibitor may request more than one cage, pen or stall. 7. Livestock assignment cards will be generated electronically by the Fair Office. 8. Superintendents will obtain livestock assignment cards from the Fair Office prior to the Fair. 9. Superintendents will assign cage, pen and stall locations. 10. Pens may NOT be relocated after assigned without the Superintendent’s approval. 11. Replacement livestock cards can be obtained from the Superintendents or from the Fair Office during the week of fair. 12. Use additional lines as necessary on the entry form to provide ALL required data. 13. Data on the Livestock Assignment card will be entered exactly as indicated by the Pen Representative. 14. Exhibitors who wish to pen 4H and FFA animals together in one pen, must designate one club, thus class, they want their animals to be peened with. Once the stall cards are hung in the bards, exhibitors can add additional information to the card.
Examples of required information: Exhibitor Name(s): *Sally Smith * Bobby, Sally and John Smith *Sally Smith and Elmer Weston *ACME Livestock Ranch Examples of Animal Breed, name * Quantity Information (not limited to the following): *2016 Cow/Calf *Austra Whites Pen 3 Pullets *Sr. & Jr. Milking Goats (2) *Quarter Horse mare “Sunny” *Jr. Holland Lops “Hopper” & ”Thumper” *Pen of 3 Market Lambs *Crossbred Market Swine (3)
Division 2000 –Beef Barn Division 3000 – Dairy Cattle Barn Division 4000 – Goat Barn Division 4500 – Meat Goat Barn Division 5000 – Poultry Barn Division 5500 – Rabbit Barn Division 6000 – Sheep Barn Division 7000 – Horse Barn Division 7500 – Miniature Horse Barn Division 8500 – Swine Barn Class: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Open Class FFA – Cody FFA – Powell FFA – Meeteetse Bittercreek 4-H Cody Sharp Shooters 4-H Crazy Cayuse Wranglers 4-H Heart Mountain 4-H Hillbillies 4-H Little Hooves 4-H Lonestar League 4-H Shoshone Rough Riders 4-H Southfork Community Clicks 4-H Sure Shots 4-H Upper Greybull 4-H Willwood 4-H Making Strides
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