Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival http://wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com
Cover Art by Jessie Longbrake, Dupree, South Dakota.
September 11-13, 2015 Jefferson Fair Park ď‚™ Jefferson, WI http://kaywa.me/vf4Uy
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Table of Contents Map of Fair Park Admission .........................................................................3 Gate Hours ........................................................................3 Country Store Hours .........................................................3 Shuttle Service .......................................................................3
Youth Judging Contest ......................................................75 Lead Line – Costume Class ...............................................76 Hall of Breeds .....................................................................77
Vendor Listing ....................................................................11
Sheep Shows Carcass Competition – Pen of 3 ......................................78 Market Lamb ...................................................................80 Open Wool & Meat .........................................................81 Junior Wool & Meat ........................................................83 ASBA Regional Junior Southdown .................................85 MSSBA – Shetland .........................................................86 MSSBA Show Sponsors..................................................88
‘Ma & Pa’ Bring History to Life ........................................13
Wisconsin Club Lamb Association ...................................82
Lambing Barn ....................................................................14
Used Equipment Auction ...................................................90
Crook & Whistle Stock Dog Trial .....................................14
Shepherds & Silent Auctions .............................................91
Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Information......................................................................15 Who’s Teaching & When ................................................16 Classes .............................................................................18 About the Instructors .......................................................41
Stock Exchange – A New Way to Sell Sheep! ....................92
Festival Regulations .............................................................5 General Information ............................................................7 Schedule of Events ...............................................................8 Camping ..............................................................................10
Wooly U – A Sheep Camp for Kids!...................................48 Walk & Knit Relay Challenge ..........................................49 Design Challenge Competition..........................................50 Open & Shetland Hand Spun Skein Competition ..........51 Make It With Wool All About .........................................................................54 Schedule ..........................................................................55 Wisconsin Entry Form.....................................................56 Entry Form – Quilt, Afghan, Novelty ............................56 About - Quilt, Afghan, Novelty Contest .........................55 Lead Line - MIWW Contestants .....................................76 Art Under Foot – Hooked Rug Display ............................57 Wonderful Wisconsin Wool Quilt Display .......................58 Fiber Arts Demonstrations ................................................59 Fleece Shows Open & Junior .................................................................60 MSSBA Shetland ............................................................60 Producer Education Sheep 101 ........................................................................63 Shepherds’ Workshops ....................................................65 Shearing Demonstrations ................................................68 Farm to Table – Cooking With the Chefs! .........................69 Photo Contest .....................................................................70 Poster Contest.....................................................................71 Youth Sweepstakes .............................................................73 Skillathon!...........................................................................74 2 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative Board of Directors & Committees ..................................94 2015 Membership Directory ...........................................97 Index of Advertisers .........................................................104
Map, Country Store & Gate Hours Wonders of Wool Classes Bldg #2
Handler & Exhibitor Parking
Sale Arena
Indoor Arena
Open & Junior Sheep
Sheep Barn
West Exhibit Bldg.
Stock Exchange
East Exhibit Bldg.
Used Equipment Sale
Activity Center
Country Store West
Equipment Sales
Vendor Parking
Exhibitor Parking
Beef Barn
Exhibitor Parking
Country Store East
North Lot General Admission Parking
Crook & Whistle Stock Dog Trial West Trial Field
Milking Parlor
Walk & Knit Way
Exhibitor & Vendor Entrance
MAIN GATE Puerner St.
Jackson Avenue
ADMISSION Admission charged at the Gate: Friday-Saturday-Sunday $8 per person • Kids 8 and under FREE Weekend Passes - $15 (Purchase Passes at Gate) FREE Parking
Wonders of Wool Classes Bldg #1
Rest Rooms
Vendor Parking
Vendor Parking
To North Lot & General Admission
Gate Hours Friday & Saturday 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Sunday 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Thanks to the Jefferson County Antique Collectors, we are providing shuttle service from the North Lot to all Festival activities. The members of the club provide the antique tractors to pull the shuttle, so please remember to thank the driver’s for their generosity!
The Country Store Friday Saturday Sunday
10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Outside Vendors Hours may vary – please check with individual exhibitors. Thank you for supporting our exhibitors! Without their participation, the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival would not be possible.
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 3
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Festival Regulations By purchasing admission and/or entering the premises, attendees agree to regulations as set forth below by the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC. • No soliciting. • No firearms allowed on the fairgrounds. • Controlled substances prohibited on the fairgrounds. • Smoking prohibited in all Fair Park buildings. • Parents/Guardians are responsible for the supervision of all minors. • Minors may not register for Wonders of Wool fiber arts classes or Sheep 101 without the express consent of Festival management. • No distribution or posting of printed materials/flyers/ advertisements except as specifically allowed by Festival management. • All persons enter at their own risk. • Pets are not allowed at the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival and will be denied entry to the festival grounds. The only dogs that will be allowed are certified service dogs, service dogs in training and those dogs participating in the Crook & Whistle Stock Dog Trial. Please leave your pets at home. Thank you! • The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC is not responsible for lost articles or damage to property. • All sales of merchandise and/or services are by express permission of Festival management. • No unauthorized demonstrations.
• No personal announcements can be made by volunteers at Registration. • The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival and Jefferson County Fair Park reserve the right to exclude from the Jefferson County Fair Park and Festival activities any person (exhibitor, spectator, vendor, participant, student) who is in any manner disruptive or who exhibits inappropriate behavior that, in the opinion of Festival or Fair Park management, would disturb the public or cause interruption of shows, events, transactions, classes or any activity associated with the Festival. The Festival may delegate such authority to impose any such sanction to its designated security officers. Said sanction shall also include the right to temporarily or permanently ban participation/attendance at future events. • No bikes, skateboards, roller blades, scooters, golf carts or motorized bikes are allowed on the Festival grounds during hours of operation for the event without express permission of Jefferson Fair Park or Festival management. • No persons allowed on Festival grounds overnight without a camping permit or express permission of Festival management or Jefferson Fair Park. • Sale or distribution of food or beverage items of any kind is strictly prohibited except by permit from Festival management and Jefferson Fair Park. • No photos or video taping of vendor displays or products without permission.
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Experienced and dependable Shearing sheep, goats, alpacas, and llamas. Covering Wisconsin, UP, Northern Illinois, and Eastern Iowa jonesshearing@gmail.com 715-424-1023 www.facebook.com search: jonesshearing Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 5
Statement of Non-Discrimination The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC and the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, creed, religious preference or physical or other disabilities with regard to volunteers, participants or any person associated with or attending the Festival. Statement of Liability All activities of the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC (Festival) taking place on the grounds of Jefferson County Fair Park shall be under the immediate control and direction of the chairperson(s) and/or superintendent(s) for that event or activity, but the Festival, Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative and Jefferson County Fair Park shall not be, in any case, held responsible for any type of loss, injury, actions or damage that may occur or be experienced by exhibitors, vendors, customers, volunteers, students, onlookers, participants or attendees. The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC takes no responsibility for any activity assuming, claiming or advertising affiliation with the Festival which does not take place within the limits of Jefferson County Fair Park and within the posted daily schedule of the Festival. Each exhibitor, vendor or persons displaying for educational, exhibition or instructional reasons any animal, item or product will be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury or damage to, or occasioned by, or arising from any animal or article exhibited by any said person, and shall indemnify the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC, the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative and Jefferson County Fair Park against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto, as well as damage or injury to any other person(s) or property caused by the exhibitor, vendor, or person(s)
6 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
displaying items for educational, exhibition or instructional reasons, or any of the animals exhibited by persons or arising out of, or in any way connected with such exhibition of any of the animals, products or items exhibited, displayed or offered for sale. The care, feeding, safe handling and safety of all animals brought to the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival shall be the sole responsibility of the person or persons exhibiting, displaying or managing such animals, including sheep for display, entered in competition, or for educational purposes; dogs entered in a stock dog trial or stock dog demonstration; or any animal as part of or incidental to a vendor display. Exhibitors and handlers must provide their own feed, bedding, and water for animals in their care. The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC shall provide exhibitors, handlers and vendors with assigned space for their displays and exhibits subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed. By providing such space, the Festival shall not insure, nor be responsible for, the safety of such animals, or the person or persons tending them. Accepted Entries In all cases, the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC reserves the right to reject, accept, or conditionally accept any entry and does not guarantee space in any show, trial or display barns to any entry, as it is intended that only such animals shall be entered and shown as have merit, will be a credit to both the exhibitor and Festival, and are judged not to pose any health risk to other livestock, their handlers and other exhibitors. In all matters related to acceptance of entries, decisions shall be at the discretion of the superintendent in charge of the respective activity, show or exhibition. Any exhibitor who knowingly makes a material misrepresentation may be barred from all future competitions at this event.
General Festival Information – Contact Us! Entry Deadline August 15 Cancellations & Refunds
Wonders of Wool Classes – Registration fees refunded for cancelled classes only. Sheep 101 – Beginning Shepherd Course – No refunds unless course is cancelled. All Other Entry and Camping Fees, Gate Passes – No Refunds.
Master Card, VISA or Discover accepted. All other payments in U.S. funds only. There is a $30 charge for each check returned for insufficient funds. All checks should be made payable to Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC, unless otherwise noted.
Festival Location
The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival is held at Jefferson County Fair Park, 503 N. Jackson Avenue, Jefferson, WI, 53549. To contact the Fair Park office, call 920 674-7148 or 920 674-7149, (8:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday – Friday) or email: info@jeffersoncountyfairpark.com Website: www.jeffersoncountyfair.com
To Contact the Festival Office
The office mailing address for the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative and Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC is 7811 Consolidated School Road, Edgerton, WI 53534. Office phone: 608 868-2505, Fax 608 868-6200, email wisbc@centurytel.net
Festival Website
Catalog & Website Advertising
For information and rates, contact Lynn Crooks 608 723-6817 or email alcrooks@tds.net
Mailing List
To be included on the Festival catalog mailing list, request removal or a change of address, refer to the Festival website homepage, Catalog – Catalog Request
To Volunteer
To volunteer for any Festival activities, show or programs, refer to the website homepage, General Information – Volunteer. The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC is a function of the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative.
2016 Festival Dates: September 8-11 WISCONSIN HANDWEAVERS INC.
www.wihandweavers.org 10 a.m. monthly weaving programs nd 2 Saturdays: Sept. through Dec. & Feb. through May Gaenslen School 1250 East Burleigh, Milwaukee, WI 2015 Annual Loominosity Show & Sale Mark your calendars for Oct. 29 – 31, 2015 New Berlin Public Library 15105 Library Lane, New Berlin, WI BOOTHS 726-727 West | Look for Daily Show Specials
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 7
Schedule of Events (P) Pre-registration required for these classes and activities. Check Map for locations. THURSDAY 8:00-4:00 8:00-7:00 9:00-4:00 10:00-3:00 4:00-10:00 p.m. FRIDAY 7:00 a.m. 8:00-4:00 7:30 7:30 9:00
9:00-4:00 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Noon-5:00 3:00-8:00 6:00-7:30 All Day
Jefferson Fair Park Office Open-Purchase Camping Permits ...................................... Activity Center Vendor Setup – East & West Country Store Buildings/Activity Center REMINDER – The Country Store is NOT open to the general public on Thursday! NEW! Wonders of Wool Class 400 – Exploring the Drum Carder .............. West Exhibit Building Registration Open – Pick-up pre-paid Camping Permits .............................Lobby – Activity Center MSSBA Sheep Check-in .................................................................................................... Sheep Barn Gates Open: 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. - Admission charged. Stock Exchange Open .......................................................................................................... (See Map) Jefferson Fair Park Office Open-Purchase Camping Permits ...................................... Activity Center Registration Open Pick up pre-paid Camping Permits ..................................Lobby – Activity Center Crook & Whistle Stock Dog Trial Opens ............................................................................West Field Sheep 101 – Beginning Shepherds’ Clinic (P) ................................................. West Exhibit Building Photo Contest – Entries open for viewing .................................................................. Activity Center Silent Auction (Donations accepted until 9:00 a.m. Sat.) ............................................ Activity Center Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes (P) Country Store Open Open & Shetland Skein Contest Entry Check-in Design Challenge Entry Check-in ..........................................................Wonders of Wool Building 1 Open & Junior Fleece Show Entry Check-in .................................................... West Exhibit Building Open & Junior Sheep Check-in .......................................................................................... Sale Arena MSSBA Sheep Check-in .................................................................................................... Sheep Barn
Gates Open: 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. – Admission charged. Jefferson Fair Park Office Closed – Go to Registration ............................Lobby - Activity Center 7:00 a.m. Stock Exchange Open .......................................................................................................... (See Map) 7:00-8:00 MSSBA Fleece Show Entries Check-in ............................................................ West Exhibit Building 7:00-9:30 Fleece Show – Open, Junior Entries – Check-in .............................................. West Exhibit Building 7:00-9:00 Open Sheep Check-in ........................................................................................................ Sale Arena 7:30 Crook & Whistle Stock Dog Trial........................................................................................West Field 7:30 Registration Open Purchase Camping Permits Pick up pre-paid Camping Permits ...............................................................Lobby – Activity Center 8:00-10:00 MSSBA Sheep Entries Check-in ....................................................................................... Sheep Barn 8:00 Shepherds’ Workshops (unless otherwise noted)............................................... East Exhibit Building Hall of Breeds ................................................................................................................. Indoor Arena Newborn Lambs!..............................................................................................................Indoor Arena Photo Contest ............................................................................................................... Activity Center 8:00-9:00 Make It With Wool – Registration & Hospitality ........................................ Lobby – Activity Center 8:00-11:00 & 1:00-3:00 Skillathon ....................................................................................... West Exhibit Building (south end) 8:00-1:00 & 3:00-5:00 Open & MSSBA Skein Entry Check-in Design Challenge Entry Check-in ..........................................................Wonders of Wool Building 1 8:45-4:15 Wooly U (P) ............................................................................................Wonders of Wool Building 1 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Country Store Open 9:00 Art Under Foot Hooked Rug Exhibit Open ................................................................. Activity Center Wonderful Wisconsin Wool - Wool Quilts & Wall Hangings ....................................... Activity Center Silent Auction – Deadline for donations!..................................................................... Activity Center 9:00 Judging – MSSBA Fleece Show West Exhibit Building 9:00-11:00 Judging – Make It With Wool ...................................................................................... Activity Center 9:00-Noon Entry Check-in – Poster Contest .................................................................................. Activity Center 9:00-3:30 Silent Auction – Bidding! ........................................................................................... Activity Center 9:00-4:00 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes (P) 8 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
10:00 10:00-4:00 10:00 & 1:00 & 3:00 Noon 12:30 1:00 1:00-3:00 1:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 2:00-4:00 4:30 5:00 6:00-7:00 6:00 SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. 7:30 7:30 7:45 8:00-3:00 8:00-9:00 8:00-9:00 8:00-Noon 8:00-3:30 8:30-3:00 8:30-3:30 9:00 9:00-2:00 9:00-3:30 9:00 9:00 9:30 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 11:00 10:30 10:00-3:00 10:00-3:00 1:00 1:00 3:00 3:30
Judging – Open Sheep Shows – Meat & Wool Breeds ...................................................... Sale Arena Judging – Open & Junior Fleece Shows ........................................................... West Exhibit Building Ma & Pa (History comes alive!) ......................................................................................Indoor Arena Shearing Demonstrations ................................................................................................Indoor Arena Make It With Wool Luncheon – Not Open to Public ................................................ Activity Center Judging – Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Show .......................................................... Sheep Barn New Time & Place! Farm to Table - Cooking With the Chefs! ...................... East Exhibit Building Skillathon! ...................................................................................... West Exhibit Building (south end) Shepherds’ Auction .................................................................................................... Activity Center Consignments Close – Used Equipment Auction .......................................Warm-up Arena (see map) Used Equipment Auction ..........................................................................Warm-up Arena (see map) Make It With Wool - Awards & Best of Wisconsin Style Show Activity Center MSSBA Fleece Show Silent Auction ................................................................ West Exhibit Building Walk & Knit Relay Challenge ................................................................Walk & Knit Way (See Map) Results Posted – Poster Contest ................................................................................... Activity Center Silent Auction of Open-Junior Fleeces ............................................................ West Exhibit Building Lead Line & Costume Class Competition ......................................................................... Sale Arena Gates Open 7:00 a.m. – Admission charged Jefferson Fair Park Office Closed – Go to Registration ............................Lobby - Activity Center Stock Exchange Open .......................................................................................................... (See Map) Crook & Whistle Stock Dog Trial........................................................................................West Field Registration Open Purchase Camping Permits Pick up pre-paid Camping Permits ..............................................................Lobby – Activity Center Judging Contest – Youth Sweepstakes Activity..................................................................... Beef Barn Photo Contest ............................................................................................................... Activity Center Check-in – Junior Sheep Show .......................................................................................... Sale Arena Weigh-in – Market Lambs ................................................................................................. Sheep Barn Skillathon ....................................................................................... West Exhibit Building (south end) Hall of Breeds ..................................................................................................................Indoor Arena Newborn Lambs!..............................................................................................................Indoor Arena Fleece Sale - Private Treaty Open, Junior Fleeces West Exhibit Building Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes (P) NEW! Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Carcass Competition – Pen of Three Judging in the pens – Check at Registration or Sale Arena for Location MSSBA Fleece Show Private Treaty Sale ....................................................... West Exhibit Building Art Under Foot Hooked Rug Exhibit ........................................................................... Activity Center Wonderful Wisconsin Wool Quilts & Wall Hangings ................................................... Activity Center Shepherds’ Workshops (see schedule) ............................................................... East Exhibit Building Judging – Open & MSSBA Skein Competition Judging – Design Challenge/MSSBA Handmade Clothing ....................Wonders of Wool Building I Judging – Junior Youth Sweepstakes Showmanship Junior Breeding Sheep Show to follow ASBA Midwest Regional Junior Southdown Show ... Sale Arena Country Store Open Shearing Demonstrations .................................................................................................Indoor Arena Judging – Market Lamb Showmanship - Show to follow ............................................... Sheep Barn Fiber Arts Demonstrations .....................................................................Wonders of Wool Building 1 Ma & Pa History comes alive! .........................................................................................Indoor Arena Carcass Competition, Pen of Three live placings announced ............................... Activity Center Shearing Workshop ..........................................................................................................Indoor Arena Wisconsin Club Lamb Association Annual Meeting/Awards ........................................... Sheep Barn Festival Closes – Thanks for coming and have a safe trip home!
Mark your calendars for 2016 – September 8-11 Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 9
Camping Permits TO PURCHASE A CAMPING PERMIT* Weekdays - By Phone Call the Jefferson Fair Park office, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm 920.674.7148 Weekdays - In Person Visit the Jefferson Fair Park office in the Activity Center, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Saturday & Sunday of the Festival Go to Registration in the lobby of the Activity Center. *NOTE: Camping permits purchased after August 31 will be an additional $10 per night TO PICK UP PRE-PAID CAMPING PERMITS Thursday 10:00 am – 3:00 pm at Registration Friday-Sunday
7:00 am – 3:00 pm at Registration
PERMITS – PRE-PAID BY AUGUST 31 No services – campsite only — $20 per night, per campsite With Electric hookup — $30 per night, per campsite Full Service — Electric, water, sewer hookup $40 per night, per campsite PERMITS – PURCHASED AFTER AUGUST 31 Additional $10 per night Restrooms & Showers • The Fair Park grounds offers modern & clean restrooms and shower facilities. Five buildings on site with restrooms and 2 that include showers. RV - Electrical & Water Hook-up Sites • 199 sites on 90+ acres • Electricity: 20, 30, & 50 amp • Dump Station on site • Water Hook-ups • 50+ Pull Through Access - Buses & RVs • 100+ Back-in Access - Buses & RVs • Short & Long term rates available • Wi-Fi available for minimal fee • Credit Cards accepted Dry Camp Sites • 30+ acres - No Hook-ups
Marushka Farms
Source for CVM Romeldale fleece, roving, yarns and breeding stock
10 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Vendor Listing All American Fibers, LLC 762 W Alpacas of Prairie Station 768-769 W Anne’s Fiber Expressions 781-782 W Argyle Fiber Mill 794 W Baabaashop, LLC 756-757 W Babe’s Fiber Garden 635 E Bahr Creek - Hooked on Felt 611-612 E Barakel Farm 742 W Barb Lassa Photography 787 W Barnhart Studios - Mother of Purl 671 E Basket Artistry by Susan Preuss 663-664 E The Basket Lady 703 W Best Bags Ever 789 W Bijou Basin Ranch 616-617 E Bittersweet Baskets & Homestead Handles 661-662 E Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill 601-602 E Bleating Heart Haven 607-608 E Blue Tulips - Gosh-Yarn-It 753 W Bramblewool Farm 645 E Briar Rose Fibers 633-634 E Bricolage Studios - Pumpkinhaus 615 E Bumblebee Acres Farm 687 E B’Unique Jewelry & Crafts 733 W Celestial Designs Fiber Arts 721-722 W Circle Studio 618-619 E C J Koho & Yarn Hollow 625-626 E Clemes & Clemes AC Cloudlover Yarn & Fiber 732 W Colorfield Farm 642 E The Complete Sheep Shoppe Illinois Wool & Fiber 778-779 W Corner Post Farm 718 W Croftland Farm LLC 729 W Deb Bender 793 W D. Lee Woolee’s Rabbitry 624 E Designs by Ingrid the Crafty 717 W Enchanted Meadows 639-640 E English Gardens Fiber Mill 622-623 E Ewesful Gifts 709-712 W Ewetopia Fiber Shop 672-673 E Fairy Yarnmother 631 E The Felted Soap Lady 763 W Fencing Solutions LLC Outside Fevolden Farm 676 E Fiber Optic Yarns 654-655 E
Four Crows Farm 745 W Frene Creek Farm 790-791 W Gale’s Art 723-724 W Green Mountain Spinnery 739-740 W The Green Yarn Company LLC 738 W Handspun by Stefania 691-692 E Handweaver 788 W Hearthside Fibers 605-606 E Heaven Sent Home Spun 758-759 W Hello Purl, LLC 613-614 E Hidden Valley Farm & Woolen Mill 649-650 E Homestead Sheep & Fiber 644 E Hooked On Ewe 754-755 W Horizon Rabbitry 674 E Illinois Green Pastures Fiber Co-op 785-786 W Indian Lake Artisans 792 W Interlacements Yarns 773-774 W In the Wool, LLC 646-647 E Jan The Village Weaver 688 E Jaroslava Sobiskova & Joan Grosse 665 E J & L Farm 783-784 W Jehovah Jireh Wool Mill 743-744 W Jennie the Potter 689-690 E Joan Arnold – Artist 741 W Kessenich Loom Co. 660 E Ketcham’s Sheep Equipment Outside Kimmet Croft Fiber 603-604 E Kindred Threads, LLC 641 E Knitter’s Journey, LLC 728 W Knitting Notions 629-630 E Lilac Ridge Farm 730 W Maggie Joyce Recycling 771 W Maple Row Stock & Wool 693-694 E Mid-States Wool Growers 734-735 W Mielke’s Fiber Arts, LLC 636-637 E ModeKnit Yarn LLC 780 W Mohair in Motion 760-761 W Moonwise Herbs & Brooms 632 E Morning Sun Fiber Barn 609-610 E Mountain View Machine Outside Nancy Alison Custom Beaded Purses, LLC 648 E Nasco 713-714 W
Navajo (Dine’) Weaving 651 E Nordic Bohemian 725 W Ogle Design 652-653 E Psalm 23 Farm & Sheeps and Me 670 E Profiles Livestock Show Supplies & Embroidery Outside Purdy Thangz 772 W Rach-Al-Paca Fiber Processing 770 W Rainbow Fleece Farm & Carding Company 683-684 E Red Oak Farm 658 E Rich-Nes Alpacas 677 E River’s Edge Fiber Arts 701-702 W Riverwinds Farms 659 E Sam’s Icelandic Sheep Farm 706 W Sandy’s Palette, LLC 704-705 W The Scarf Connection Heavenly Scent Soaps 675 E Shady Havens Fiber Designs 746-747 W Sheepish Creations 627-628 E The Shepherd’s Purse 775 W The Shepherd’s Wife AC Silver Creek Farm 737 W Spry Whimsy Fiber Arts 736 W Sugar River Fiber & Johhny Skein 731 W Sun Valley Fibers 764-765 W Susan’s Fiber Shop 748-752 W Sutters Gold’n Fleece 766 W Sydell, Inc. Outside Thistle Ridge, LLC 638 E Trading Post for Fiber Arts 666-667 E Tuscany Lampwork Art 686 E Two Black Sheep 767 W Weaver’s Loft 726-727 W Whataview Weaver 777 W Wheeler Clay Studio 776 W Whirlwind Ranch, Inc. 620-621 E Wisconsin Wool Works! 707-708 W WI Sheep Dairy Co-op Maple Hill Farm 715-716 W Wool From Over the Hill 685 E Wooly Bully Yarn 643 E The Woolgatherers Ltd, LLC 656-657 E Wool, Warp & Wheel 678-682 E Yarns by Design 668-689 E Yorkshire Rose Farm 719-720 W
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 11
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“Ma & Pa” Come to Jefferson! Comedy (and history) for all ages…
Indoor Arena
SATURDAY – 10:00 to 4:00 • SUNDAY – 10:00 to 3:00 Tom Kleist and Sandy Fisher find the right mix of humor and history in the programs they take to schools, community groups and service organizations. They call their presentation “Adventures with Ma and Pa” and they bring history alive in classrooms, churches and farm sheds across southeast Wisconsin as they teach about everyday life in the 1800’s and early 1900’s. Fisher says that she and Kleist represent a generation that still has a connection to life before modems; remembering outhouses, pitchforks and hand pumps – the things of early-day life that bear little resemblance to modern households or farms today. Kleist is a former elementary school teacher and auctioneer, who also raises a few goats on his farm near Elkhorn. Fisher, who lives in Waukesha, was an accredited education coordinator and worked at Old World Wisconsin before retirement. Both found their niche in “Ma & Pa” and have visited up to thirty schools a year with their blend of history and humor. In addition, they mix their comedy with historical props – tools and implements from another era – often asking their audiences to guess what the uses of each might have been. Both Fisher and Kleist are intent on sharing their stories and historical perspective with audiences young and old. “If we don’t share it, it’s going to be lost…” Contact Fisher at goatfisher@sbcglobal.net or Kleist at kleist@elknet.net.
Watch history come alive with Ma & Pa! Tom Kleist and Sandy Fisher bring back the good old days and the things of early-day life which bear little resemblance to modern households or farms today. See them in the Indoor Arena on Saturday and Sunday.
Sunday, September 27, 2015 Public Events Facility, Arlington Ag Research Station, Arlington, WI
Viewing Begins - 10:00 a.m. Educational Session - 11:00 a.m. Complimentary Lunch - Noon Sale - 1:00 p.m.
Striving to produce high quality, sound, and high performing sheep that will work for you! Flocks enrolled in the National Sheep Improvement Program.
U of WI 10-190 RR USA Mat Index:118.2 4th ranked elite sire!!
Featured Breeds: Hampshire, Polypay, Rambouillet, Targhee Selling approx. 60-70 Ewe Lambs & 8-10 Rams NSIP performance data will be available on all sale animals Sale organized by UW-Madison Animal Sciences students Questions? Like to be added to our mailing list? Contact: Todd Taylor toddtaylor@wiscmail.wisc.edu 608-846-5858
Miller O-0171 QR Carcass+: 125.4 5th ranked elite sire!!
Like us on Facebook: UW-Madison Sheep Program
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 13
Lambing Barn!
‘Crook & Whistle’ Stock Dog Trial
Indoor Arena – Saturday & Sunday Nothing’s cuter than newborn lambs! Take some time to stop at the Indoor Arena and see mothers with their offspring. Then walk through the Hall of Breeds, watch the sheep shows and shearing demonstrations. Bring your questions! Thanks to Todd Taylor, Shepherd at the UW-Arlington Sheep Research Unit, and the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison for supplying the ewes and lambs for this display!
West Trial Field – Sanctioned Trial Start Times - Approximate FRIDAY Start 7:00 a.m. Nursery 1 Pro-Novice 1 Nursery 2
TRIAL SCHEDULE SATURDAY Start 7:00 a.m. Nursery 3 Pro-Novice 2 Open 1
SUNDAY Start 7:30 a.m. Open 2 Novice 1 Novice 2
TRIAL JUDGE Rose Anderson – Chassell, MI ADMISSION TO THE FESTIVAL $8 per person - $15 weekend pass Kids 8 and under – FREE! Parking FREE! Purchase Weekend Passes at the Gate (Camping permits required for overnight stays.) Enjoy the trial, but please leave your pets at home. Thank you!
Fiber & Yarn Shop Wisconsin Yarn from your Backyard! Local, Sustainable, Top Quality Fibers
Classes, Supplies and Fibers for Knitting • Crocheting • Spinning •Weaving For the Fiber Enthusiast, Novice & Expert Hours of Operation: Sun. & Mon. 12 - 6 p.m., Tues. by appt. only, Wed. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., Thurs. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m., Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
217 W Main St., Evansville (608) 882-0267 • thedancinglamb.com 14 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Please Read
Wonder of Wool Fiber Arts Classes
General Information
Registration Deadline – August 15
CLASS QUESTIONS? Email wisbc@centurytel.net or call 608 868-2505 (eve.)
REGISTRATIONS AFTER AUGUST 15 Class openings will continue to be available until a class is filled. Persons registering after August 15 will not receive a complimentary gate pass. Students who register late should go to Registration upon arrival at the Festival for class locations. Last minute class openings the weekend of the Festival may be available. Stop at Registration in the lobby of the Activity Center to check for class availability. REGISTRATION: LOCATED IN ACTIVITY CENTER The registration and information center of the Festival is located in the lobby of the Activity Center. Any questions about class registrations, fees, camping, last minute registrations or class openings, schedules, lodging, etc. should be directed to the volunteers at the desk. JEFFERSON FAIR PARK OFFICE Questions about camping or fairgrounds facilities should be directed to the office of Jefferson Fair Park, which is open during regular business hours on weekdays only. Contacts for Fair Park personnel are also available at Registration. Phone 920 674-7148. CLASS REGISTRATION FEES The registration fee for half-day classes (3 hours each unless otherwise noted) is $45 per student. Registration fee for a full-day class (6 hours) is $90 per student. Materials fees are to be paid directly to the instructor. MATERIALS FEES Materials fees for all classes are in addition to registration fees and are to be paid directly to the instructor. Do not include materials fees with your class registration fees! REFUND POLICY Sorry – no refunds of class fees unless a class is canceled. STUDENT PACKET & CONTACT Persons registering for Wonders of Wool classes will be mailed a gate pass, class location information and a map of Jefferson Fair Park. Packets will be mailed First Class
via USPS to the address provided on the registration form. One person per registration. The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival will not be responsible for misdirected mail due to incorrect addresses. Unless otherwise noted in the class information, students will be contacted by phone or email only if a class is filled or canceled. Fill out contact information clearly and completely. Unregistered persons or onlookers will not be allowed in any class areas. LIMITED ENROLLMENT Each class has a stated maximum enrollment listed. Classes that do not meet a minimum number of registrations by the registration deadline may be subject to cancellation. Classes may be subject to change or cancellation due to circumstances beyond the control of the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC. Registrations are accepted on a firstcome basis and by date of receipt online. Please check the festival website for periodic updates. ADMISSION TO THE FESTIVAL Admission will be charged at the gate all three days of the Festival – Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Parking is free. Forget your gate pass and you will be required to pay admission – no exceptions! NO PETS! Leave your pets at home. Dogs or pets of any kind will not be allowed in any class area unless they are a certified service dog or service dog in training. CAMPING No person may remain on the grounds of Jefferson Fair Park overnight without a camping permit. Permits may be obtained directly from the Jefferson Fair Park office during weekday business hours. Call 920 674-7148 for further information. Camping permits will also be available at Registration on Saturday during Festival hours. ARRIVAL TIMES Please plan your arrival at the Fair Park to allow for adequate time to park and find your class location(s). Shuttle service from the parking lots will be available all three days. HANDICAPPED PARKING Please note the appropriate Gate for handicapped parking. Only vehicles with valid handicapped designation will be allowed to park close to or adjacent to Wonders of Wool class locations. Vehicles without handicapped designation may be allowed – with Gate permission only - to drop off students adjacent to class sites but must be removed to the appropriate parking lot immediately thereafter. Watch carefully for pedestrian traffic! The speed limit on the fairgrounds is 5 mph.
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 15
2015 Wonders Of Wool General Information
PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED! To receive a gate pass, register for Wonders of Wool fiber arts classes by August 15, based on the online registration date. Persons registering and confirmed for classes by this date will receive a gate pass which will be mailed to them. Students who have received a student packet are NOT required to check in at Registration prior to their class(s). Minors may not register for Wonders of Wool fiber arts classes without the express consent of Festival management. Unregistered persons or onlookers will not be allowed in any class.
Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts
Class Schedule & Instructors – Pre-registration Required – Deadline, August 15 100 Series – Friday Classes • 200 Series – Saturday Classes • 300 Series – Sunday Classes Half-Day Classes = 3 hours • Full Day Classes = 6 hours Note that start times may vary. REGISTER ONLINE by AUGUST 15! www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com
2015 Wonders Of Wool Schedule
THURSDAY – ALL DAY CLASS 9:00 am – 4:00 400 Exploring The Drum Carder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Henry & Roy Clemes FRIDAY – ALL DAY CLASSES 9:00 am – 4:00 pm 101 Beginning Spinning (Repeated - Class 201 & 301) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deb Jones 102 Overture to Estonian Lace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nancy Bush 103 Rug Hooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Harwood 104 Natural Dyes: Adding Iron – How Sad Can be Happy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stefania Isaacson 105 Matching Yarn to Project & Project to Yarn! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Amy Tyler 106 Getting Loopy: Boucle’ Yarns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Underwood 107 The Shepherd’s Rug – A Braided Rug from Roving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letty Klein FRIDAY - MORNING CLASSES 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 120 Entrelac In The Round (4-hour class 8:30 am – 12:30 pm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathy Krause 121 Beginning Knitted Pattern & Chart Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Jo Harris 122 Making Old Fashion Herbal & Milk Based Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Conroy 123 Good In the Clutch II – The Self-Beading Clutch (Wet Felt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly Brandt 124 Small Felted Pocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Wallace 125 4 Fibers, 3 Yarn Sizes, 1 Lovely Cowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carol Rhoades 126 Spinning the Sensuous Silk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Luci Williams 127 Learn Basic Tunisian Crochet & Make Spa Cloths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheryl Thies 128 Polymer Clay Photo Pin Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lynne Bergschultz 129 Buttonholes, Zippers, Cords & Pockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Shroyer FRIDAY - AFTERNOON CLASSES 1:00 – 4:00 pm 140 Mary Had A Little Lamb Basket (4-hour class 12:00 to 4:00 pm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bev Larson 141 Fancy Fascinators – Millinery, Wet Felting, Needle Felting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly Brandt 142 Bamboozeled – Spinning and Blending With Bamboo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Barnett 143 The Home Creamery: Yogurt, Kefir & Simple Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Conroy 144 Small Felted Vessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Wallace 145 Spinning for Knitted Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carol Rhoades 146 Muppet Barf: Creating Unique Yarns with Multiple Rovings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holin Kennen 147 Corded Summer Fruit Shawl – Tunisian Crochet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheryl Theis 148 Beginning Polymer Clay Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lynne Bergschultz 149 Get Gauge (Or Not!) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Shroyer SATURDAY – ALL DAY CLASSES 9:00 am – 4:00 pm 201 Beginning Spinning (Repeated – Class 101 & 301) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deb Jones 202 Tvaandsstickning/Twined Knitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nancy Bush 203 Creating the Yarn You Want . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Amy Tyler 204 Knitting Wrapped Stitches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carol Rhoades 205 Beginning Temari Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Dalhaimer 206 Weave a Pouch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ruth Manning 207 Will That Be One Hump or Two? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Underwood 208 Spinning for a Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Shroyer 16 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts
SATURDAY – MORNING CLASSES 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 220 Multi-Cord Felt Necklace w/Beads (4-hour class 8:30 am – 12:30 pm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janet Falk 221 Herbal Infused Oils, Salves & Lotions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Conroy 222 Wire Core Spinning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emily Wohlscheild 223 Beginning Rigid Heddle Weaving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cheryl Stegert 224 Locker Hooking I – Introduction & Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly Brandt 225 Mitered Knitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annie Modesitt 226 Weave a Rectangle (Continuous Strand Weaving) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jane Grogan 227 Spinning - Using a Navajo Lap Spindle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marilou Schultz 228 SAORI Weaving – Express Yourself on Saori Looms! (Repeated - Class 248 and 342) . . . . . Chiaki O’Brien
SUNDAY – ALL DAY CLASSES 8:30 am – 3:30 pm 301 Beginning Spinning (Repeated – Class 101 & 201) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deb Jones 302 Design With Prefelts - How to Make Them & How to Use Them . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly Brandt 303 Traditional Estonian Socks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nancy Bush 304 Spinning & Knitting Silk Hankies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Amy Tyler 305 Nuno Felt Scarf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Wallace 306 Raw Felted Fleece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Becky Utecht 307 Broom Making: 3 Styles of Whisk Brooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Holzwart 308 The Art of Navajo Weaving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marilou Schultz SUNDAY – MORNING CLASSES 8:30 – 11:30 am 320 Beginning Chair Caning (4-hour class 8:30 am – 12:30 pm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Jo Harris 321 Dyeing Sock Blanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Melissa (Mo) Brown 322 The Other Color Work – Mosaic Knitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Shroyer 323 Introduction to Bengala Dye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chiaki O’Brien 324 Wet & Needle Art Felt: ‘Painting with Fiber In The Woods’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danita Doerre 325 Felted Necklace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jill Johnson 326 Card It – Then Spin It! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melissa Bohrtz 327 Aran Knitting Made Easy! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stefania Isaacson 328 The Brigitte-A Beaded Knit Necklace Purse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nancy VanDerPuy 329 Knitting with Beads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annie Modesitt SUNDAY – AFTERNOON CLASSES 12:30 – 3:30 pm 340 Josephine Knot Reed Basket (4-hour class 11:30 am – 3:30 pm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bev Larson 341 Drop Spindle Spinning for Beginners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nancy Shroyer 342 SAORI Weaving – Express Yourself on Saori Looms! (Repeated – Class 228 & 248) . . . . . . Chiaki O’Brien 343 Creative Fiber Blending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melissa Bohrtz 344 Weave A Sunset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ruth Manning 345 Embellishments! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annie Modesitt
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 17
2015 Wonders Of Wool Schedule
SATURDAY – AFTERNOON CLASSES 1:00 – 4:00 pm 241 Mad for Plaid! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theresa Schabes 242 Coil Basket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jill Colbert 243 Core-Spinning Four Different Ways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melissa Bohrtz 244 Warp Set-Up for Navajo Style Weaving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marilou Schultz 245 Rigid Heddle Weaving (Advanced) – Variable Dent & Two Reeds Exploration . . . . . . . . . . . Cheryl Stegert 246 Locker Hooking II – Additional Techniques! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly Brandt 247 Knitting Beyond the Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathy Krause 248 SAORI Weaving – Express Yourself on Saori Looms! (Repeated - Class 228 & 342) . . . . . . Chiaki O’Brien 249 Combination Knitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annie Modesitt
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Thursday / Friday All Day Classes
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED – DEADLINE AUGUST 15 Unless noted differently, class times are as follows! THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY All Day Classes – 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Morning Classes – 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Afternoon Classes – 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm SUNDAY All Day Classes – 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Morning Classes – 8:30 am to 11:30 am Afternoon Classes – 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm PLEASE NOTE THE ABOVE CLASS SCHEDULES AND PLAN YOUR ARRIVAL AT THE FAIR PARK ACCORDINGLY. ALLOW TIME FOR PARKING AND FOR FINDING YOUR CLASS LOCATION(S). FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE WILL BE AVAILABLE ALL THREE DAYS. THURSDAY – ALL DAY CLASS 400 – EXPLORING THE DRUM CARDER Henry & Roy Clemes – Instructors 6 HOURS This class is for all levels of students, but particularly those trying to decide how a drum carder can help them in their fiber preparation. We will cover all aspects of the drum carder, how and why they work, and the various tools that can increase the efficiency of the drum carder. Students will learn the more usual semi-worsted type of carding as well as woolen carding. We will start with clean, washed wool in the lock and venture on to blending dyed wool top and other fibers. We will work part of the day on manual drum carders and the rest of the day on electric drum carders. We will cover various ways of removing fiber from the drum carder and also ways of storing the carded fiber until you are ready to use it. Students should bring: An attitude for learning and may also bring their own clean fiber with all lanolin removed if they wish to see how it cards on the drum carder. We will be providing enough Clemes & Clemes Elite Convertible drum carders that every student will have one to use. If students have a drum carder and they have questions about it, or would like our opinion, they may bring it to class and we will help them, time permitting. All students will work on an Elite carder in class. There is no materials fee for this class. We will provide the necessary fiber. Students will card several batts and be able to take them home with them. Experience level recommended for this class: None CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE NONE CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 18 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
FRIDAY – ALL DAY CLASSES 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM 101 – BEGINNING SPINNING Deb Jones – Instructor 6 HOURS Repeated as Class 201 Saturday and 301 Sunday Learn to turn wool into your own unique yarns! You’ll try many different spinning wheels during the class, learn the basic techniques to spin a single yarn, and create a two-ply finished skein. No previous spinning experience required. This all-day workshop is designed for the person who has never tried spinning before! Spinning wheels will be provided. Materials fee of $20 covers a generous supply of spinning fiber and spinning wheel rental. (*Fee is $10 for those who bring their own wheel. Wheels must be in excellent operating condition and completely assembled; no antique wheels.) Students should bring: Everything will be provided for this class. Experience level recommended for this class: None CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class (* see above) CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students 102 – OVERTURE TO ESTONIAN LACE Nancy Bush – Instructor 6 HOURS Estonia has a lace tradition spanning nearly 200 years. In this day-long class we will learn about their unique, traditional stitch patterns, special edging and corner treatments for a modern ‘picked up and knitted on’ lace edge, and some very different ways of creating texture in lace. In class, we
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes
103 – RUG HOOKING Linda Harwood – Instructor 6 HOURS This type of rug hooking consists of pulling strips of wool material through a backing to create a design. This all day class will open up a whole new art form in working with wool and will offer students everything they need to know to begin hooking rugs. You will learn the art of rug hooking including information about backings, frames, cutters, hooks and how to finish your hooked piece. Instructor will furnish a small kit consisting of a pattern with enough hand-dyed, cut strips to complete the piece, along with hand-out sheets. Materials fee of $30.00 covers the cost of the kit. *If a student does not have a hook and a heavy wooden, 14 inch hoop, one will be furnished for them. Students should bring: Small scissors, plus *hook and heavy wooden, 14 inch hoop if available. Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner/ Intermediate CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $30 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 18 students 104 – NATURAL DYES: ADDING IRON – HOW SAD CAN BE HAPPY Stefania Isaacson – Instructor 6 HOURS The wide variety of colors from natural dyes can be greatly augmented by adding an iron post-mordant. In
this class we will cover some of the basic natural dyes like cochineal, fustic, logwood, pomegranate and madder, and the effect that adding iron has on the colors that they give. We will cover some of the long history of these dyes, the mordanting process, and some color theory as well. Students will take home dyeing instructions, many samples, and information on each of the dyes used. No experience is necessary. Materials fee of $30.00 covers all dyes, samples to be dyed, all dyeing equipment (stoves, pots, measuring tools, extensive handout of instructions). Students should bring: Apron heavy rubber gloves, 2 old towels, paper towels, hang tags, calculator, pen and paper. Experience level recommended for this class: None CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $30 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 105 – MATCHING YARN TO PROJECT & PROJECT TO YARN! Amy Tyler – Instructor 6 HOURS Which yarn should I buy for this sweater (shawl, socks, hat, afghan)? What would be a good knitting project for the yarn I just bought? Which yarn would be a good substitute for the yarn recommended in this pattern? We will address these questions as well as details about yarn properties (fiber content, yarn structure, softness, elasticity, strength, smoothness, sheen, drape, durability, wrinkle), how to read yarn labels, selection of stitch pattern and project structure, gauge, needle selection, and care/cleaning of your knitted projects. All this information will help you find the most suitable yarns for making the most suitable projects! A $10 material fee covers samples for examination, yarns for knitting, notebook with handouts, sundry supplies. Students should bring: Knitting needles of various sizes and any yarns or patterns you may have questions about. Experience level recommended for this class: Advanced beginner to intermediate knitting CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $10 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students
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2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Friday All Day Classes
will make a small sample scarf which includes all the techniques necessary to make a larger scarf or shawl. Materials fee of $10.00 covers yarn and handouts. Students should bring: Set of 5 #3 (3.25mm) double point needles, a #3 (3.25mm) 16” circular needle (optional) wood or bamboo preferred, stitch markers. Partial skein of worsted weight cotton yarn and a G or H crochet hook and a metal board with magnets or similar for reading and keeping track of charts. Experience level recommended for this class: Intermediate CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $10 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 20 students
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Friday All Day / Morning Classes
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes 106 – GETTING LOOPY: BOUCLÉ YARNS Mary Underwood - Instructor 6 HOURS Bouclé yarn, also called loop or curl yarn, consists of three separate yarns or plies. It is one of the most challenging yarns to master but highly rewarding to make and use. It is critical to be in control of both the wheel and the twist in this process. In this course you will learn to make bouclé in the style that Mabel Ross describes in her book, Handspinner’s Workbook: Fancy Yarns. In the first portion of the class we will be tuning up our consistent yarn spinning skills, exploring various kinds of bouclé, and discussing the design and raw materials that make a good bouclé. Then we will learn the technique and design yarns using various fibers with final use in mind. Each participant will leave with a variety of yarn samples exemplifying the effects of various fibers on the final product and with a working knowledge of how to control energy and plying to make bouclé. Materials fee of $20 covers notebook, class information, and fibers. Students should bring: Wheel in good working condition that has Scotch/Irish tension or very effective means of significantly reducing the pull of fiber into the wheel. (Any questions about your wheel or equipment, please contact the instructor at frontporchtextiles@ me.com or (734) 662-7134.) Three or more bobbins, and 2 commercial or handmade lazy kates with bobbins in a horizontal orientation. Bobbin orientation is critical. You can make your own kate with a shoebox and knitting needles. One spool of fine sewing thread (dark or neutral color). A sense of humor: When the going gets tough, the tough tell jokes. Experience level recommended for this class: Intermediate to advanced CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 12 students 107 - THE SHEPHERD’S RUG – A BRAIDED RUG FROM ROVING Letty Klein – Instructor 6 HOURS This day-long class is for the fiber artist with a closet full of fiber or the shepherd wishing to make something from their wool sheep. Students will learn how to braid roving, felt the braids and sew the braids into a beautiful, functional rug. 20 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
In this class, students will complete a simple chair pad using minimal equipment. We will braid in the morning, the Instructor will take the braids to a Laundromat and the afternoon will be spent sewing. Students can then create their own beautiful rugs at home. Students should bring: Their own roving (or they can purchase roving from the Instructor). They will need about a pound of roving in 2-3 colors or shades. The Instructor will have copies of her book The Shepherd’s Rug, which will be available for purchase. Materials fee of $15 covers all materials and equipment needed, except for roving. Experience level recommended for this class: Basic sewing skills. CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $15 – Payable to Instructor at class. CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students
FRIDAY – MORNING CLASSES 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 120 – ENTRELAC IN THE ROUND Kathy Krause – Instructor 4 HOURS This is a 4-hour class 8:30 am – 12:30 pm I have developed a simple pattern that will get you started in the realm of knitting Entrelac and I’ve taken all the SCARY stuff out! With this simple technique, you will be able to create many projects from cowls and hats to felted purses and totes. NOTE: There is homework with this class! Materials fee of $5 covers handouts and patterns. Homework: With your size 9/16” circular needle and your favorite color of worsted weight wool yarn , cast on 84 stitches. Join in the round being careful not to twist. Knit 2 inches of garter stitch (knit 1 round, purl 1 round). Be sure to bring this homework – completed – to class. Students should bring: Several coordinating colors of worsted weight wool yarn - NO SUPERWASH - these can be half skeins from your stash; a 16” circular needle size 9; and your completed homework. Experience level recommended for this class: Intermediate knitter CLASS TIME 4 HOURS Note start time! CLASS FEE $60 MATERIALS FEE $5 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students
122 – MAKING OLD FASHIONED HERBAL & MILK-BASED SOAP Linda Conroy – Instructor 3 HOURS Join Herbalist Linda Conroy for this fun soap making class! We will begin by learning the basics of soap making and then dive into a hands-on experience, making soap that you will take home. We will make soap with herbs from the gardens, as well as fresh goat’s milk. Participants will go home with instructions and recipes for making soap at home, as well as the soap they make in class. All supplies provided. Dress to mess! Materials fee of $12 covers the oils, herbs and containers for molding soap. Students should bring: Dress to mess! An apron could be helpful. Experience level recommended for this class: Any level
124 – SMALL FELTED POCKET Mary Wallace – Instructor
3 HOURS $45 $12 – Payable to Instructor at class Limited to 15 students
123 – GOOD IN THE CLUTCH II – THE SELF-BEADING CLUTCH (WET FELT) Kelly Brandt - Instructor 3 HOURS Build a fashionable clutch style purse using sheep’s wool. The purse will have an integrated flap and pocket, and no sewn seams. Learn how to use a resist to make an enclosed shape with no sewing for the seams. Add beads that are felted right in during the construction process! It’s about art under your arm! Materials fee of $20 covers monograph, patterns, felting mat, fiber, sewing threads and beads, use of equipment. Students may contact instructor directly with any questions at 616-374-7176 or kellybrandt@yahoo. com or www.teameffortartisans.com. Students should bring: An old towel for soaking up soapy water, a large cellulose sponge. Optional: dishwashing gloves if you do not like having your hands in soapy water; any fibers or yarns of your own that you might want to incorporate in your project. Water to drink. Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner to skilled CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 3 HOURS
This is a great wet felting project for those never having done felting or don’t feel so sure about it. We will create a pretty piece of felt and then hand-sew it to make this cute little pocket. The pockets will be the size to hold business cards, a small phone or a special gift. Please note that wet felting does require some physical work on the part of the participants. Due to the smaller size of this project, the physical activity will not be as strenuous as some felting projects, but there will be some. The materials fee of $7.50 covers the wool and other bits needed for the pocket, tapestry needle, and the bubble wrap plus the use of everything else one needs to felt.
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2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Friday Morning Classes
121 – BEGINNING KNITTED PATTERN & CHART READING Mary Jo Harris – Instructor 3 HOURS Have you ever not made a knitted item because you couldn’t understand the pattern or because it used a knitting chart? In this class students will learn: • Various knitting terms, abbreviations, and symbols used on patterns • How to ‘de-code’ knitting patterns • How to determine the ‘level’ of a pattern - beginner to expert • How to ‘read’ a knitting chart • Tips and Tricks of pattern and chart reading • Pattern and chart reading resources NOTE: This class will not involve any actual knitting, but students may want to bring yarn and needles to ‘try out’ various pattern rows or stitches. Students should bring: A pattern that you’re not understanding, paper for taking notes, pen or pencil. Materials you may want to bring: Basic yarn (no novelty yarn), knitting needles in appropriate size for your yarn. Experience level recommended for this class: Know how to cast on, knit and purl CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE NONE CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Friday Morning Classes
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Students should bring: A couple of different buttons that are about the size of a quarter, a sewing needle, a small sharp-pointed scissors if you have one (if not, we can share mine), towels, a plastic bag to carry home wet items, pen/ paper if desired. Wear clothes you don’t mind getting wet. Experience level recommended for this class: None, but keep in mind wet felting requires physical exertion. CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $7.50 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 12 students 125 – 4 FIBERS, 3 YARN SIZES, 1 LOVELY COWL Carol Rhoades – Instructor 3 HOURS In this 3-hour workshop, you will learn how to prepare and spin four fibers and three yarn sizes: DK weight cashmere, sportweight Merino wool, and lace weight mohair/silk blend. These yarns are combined in the lovely Ombre cowl shown on the Purlbee website: http://www.purlbee.com/2013/08/25/lauras-loop-ombrecowl/. You will practice controlling yarn size starting with the fiber choice, through preparation and spinning technique. You will also analyze and spin to match the millspun yarns recommended for the cowl. Even if you don’t want to knit the cowl, you will learn valuable skills for controlling yarn size. Materials fee of $10.00 covers handouts, washed fleece and prepared cashmere, mohair, and silk (fibers sufficient for sampling in class, not for cowl). Students should bring: Spinning wheel in good working order, hand cards for wool, extra bobbins or 6 index cards for winding yarn to ply; notepaper and pen; optional: mini-combs and/or flick card; contrast cloth (dark on one side, light on the other). Experience level recommended for this class: Advanced beginner spinner and beyond CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $10 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 126 – SPINNING THE “SENSUOUS SILK” Luci Williams – Instructor 3 HOURS This class will bring you back in history to China and the beginning of this “drop in a princess’s cup.” Silk is one of the most challenging and rewarding fibers to work with as it can take on so 22 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
many forms. You will get a chance to work with many of these from the cocoon to dressing a distaff with a cap and spinning pure luxury. We will also explore various combinations of silk and fibers. Students will get to experience both Tussah and Bombyx silk. Materials fee of $20 will cover all the various fibers we will work with, along with handouts. Students should bring: Please bring your wheel, lazy kate, several empty bobbins, distaff or umbrella swift, niddy noddy, notebook and pen. Experience level recommended for this class: This class is for students that are advanced beyond the beginner stages CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students 127 – LEARN BASIC TUNISIAN CROCHET & MAKE SPA CLOTHS Sheryl Thies – Instructor 3 HOURS Learn the technique that has captured the attention of the knitting world. Even if you’ve never knitted or crocheted you can learn Tunisian crochet and create a complex looking fabric that almost appears woven. Easy to learn and quick to work up, Tunisian crochet will take your creativity to new heights. After learning the basics you can make spa cloths! Materials fee of $10 provides a Spa Cloth yarn pack that includes pattern and enough yarn to make several cloths. Students should bring: Size L/11 (8mm) Tunisian crochet hook (can be purchased in class if unable to find elsewhere). 2 partial skeins, each a different color, of smooth worsted weight yarn. Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner level CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $10 – payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 25 students 128 – POLYMER CLAY PHOTO PIN TRANSFER Lynne Bergschultz – Instructor 3 HOURS Learn to use clay to create a permanent and personal piece of photo jewelry! Clip art will be provided, but each student should bring their own Laser copies to make this more personal. Note: Ink jet printers with most home computers will not work for this method. This is critical.
Most large office supply stores and local printers use laser copy machines. The size of your piece will be somewhat determined by the size of your copies. Images no larger than 3” are recommended. Larger photos can easily be reduced on the copier or we can cut them apart and use pieces. Bring at least 2 copies of several images. The subject matter is up to the individual. Old portraits can create a vintage look, travel photos might preserve fond memories, or you can just create a bit of whimsy. I made a transfer of a cow for a pin for a friend who had a special love of cows. So, anything goes. Bring your laser copies and be ready to create! Materials fee of $8 covers all polymer clays, clip art, metallic powders, transfer medium, handout jewelry findings and cords. Students should bring: Bring laser copies no larger than 3’ in either black and white or both. Experience level recommended for this class: No experience required CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $8 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 12 students 129 – BUTTONHOLES, ZIPPERS, CORDS & POCKETS Nancy Shroyer – Instructor 3 HOURS Don’t like buttons and making buttonholes? Want to put in a zipper instead? Need a nice clean edge for the project? This class will show you how to make a perfect buttonhole, effortlessly and figure out the proper spacing and choosing the right size button. We will also cover the perfect edge for a zipper, how to set in and sew zippers and how to lengthen or shorten a jacket zipper to fit the finished edge. I Cords for edges, as a decorative bind off and as a cord to use for ties will be covered, as well as afterthought pockets. Materials fee of $5 covers zippers and handouts. Students should bring: #6 and #8 straight or circular needles and 2 - #6dp needles, and 2 - #8 dp needles 50 gram ball of worsted weight yarn in a light color, wool or wool blend preferred that was used for the homework. Calculator, tape measure, pen and paper, sharp scissors, sewing needle and thread to match your yarn.
Homework Required: Swatch 1: With #6 needles, cast on 30 sts. Row 1: K1 P1 across Row 2: P2, *K1 P1 – repeat from * to end of row. Repeat row 1 and 2 once more Experience level recommended for this class: Intermediate – be able to knit and purl CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $5 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students FRIDAY – AFTERNOON CLASSES 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm 140 – MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB BASKET Bev Larson – Instructor 4 HOURS This is a 4-hour class 12:00 – 4:00 pm A fun basket to weave for all sheep lovers! Approximate size 6 x 10 inches, excluding handle. You will learn to make curls to create the sheep “fleece.” Materials fee of $30 covers the materials needed to complete the basket. Students should bring: All materials provided. Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner CLASS TIME 4 HOURS Note start time! CLASS FEE $60 MATERIALS FEE $30 – payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students 141 – FANCY FASCINATORS – MILLINERY, WET FELTING, NEEDLE FELTING Kelly Brandt – Instructor 3 HOURS Add soap and water to loose wool fibers to make a wet felted base. Then add millinery netting, feathers, and additional decorations to create a hat of mystery and sass suitable for formal occasions and nights on the town! We will explore techniques for adding three dimensional decorations that are felted right into the base fabric. Some experience wet felting with loose fibers very helpful. Materials fee of $20 covers the following: Felting mat, fibers, foundation insert, decorative fibers, netting, feathers, use of felting tools, monograph.
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2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Friday Afternoon Classes
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Students should bring: An old towel for soaking up soapy water, a large cellulose sponge, and dishwashing gloves if you do not like having your hands in soapy water, plus any fibers of your own that you might want to incorporate in your project. Water to drink. Small sewing kit if you prefer to use your own tools. Students may contact instructor directly with any questions at 616-374-7176 or kellybrandt@yahoo.com or www.teameffortartisans.com. Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner to skilled CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 14 students 142 – BAMBOOZELED – SPINNING & BLENDING WITH BAMBOO Nancy Barnett – Instructor 3 HOURS Learn how to make that blah fleece into a fleece with bling by adding brightly colored bamboo fiber! We will start out learning to spin dyed bamboo and then using cards, hackles and a drum carder to blend the bamboo fibers into the white fleece. Bamboo spins easily and the yarn has a brilliant sheen to it, perfect for scarf yarn to knit or weave. Materials fee of $15 covers all bamboo fiber and washed fleece for blending. Students should bring: Cards, combs, hackles – if you have them. Otherwise, the Instructor will have some for your use. A spinning wheel (in good working order) or spindle, ball winder, nostipine, kniddy knoddy, extra bobbins. Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner level CLASS TIME CLASS FEE MATERIALS FEE CLASS SIZE
3 HOURS $45 $15 – Payable to Instructor at class Limited to 10 students
143 – THE HOME CREAMERY: YOGURT, KEFIR & SIMPLE CHEESE Linda Conroy – Instructor 3 HOURS Join Linda Conroy for this half-day class and an introduction to cultured milk. We will make cultured butter, yogurt and kefir as well as simple cheese. The cheese we will make includes a soft, 24 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
spreadable yogurt cheese and a simple pressed cheese called paneer. Adding herbs to cheese will also be covered. Materials fee of $10 covers milk, cheese and cultured milk samples as well as a jar of yogurt each student will take home. Students should bring: Dress to mess - old clothes or an apron helpful. Experience level recommended for this class: Any level CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $10 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 144 – SMALL FELTED VESSELS Mary Wallace – Instructor 3 HOURS This fun wet felting project is a wonderful introduction to felting with a resist. The vessels are made of wool with bits of other materials for the decorative “interest.” Due to the nature of wet felting, this class will require some physical exertion on the part of the participants. The materials fee of $7.50 covers the wool and other bits needed for the vessel, the bubble wrap and the resist. Students should bring: Towels, a plastic bag to carry home wet items, pen/paper if desired. Wear clothes you don’t mind getting wet. Experience level recommended for this class: None, but keep in mind wet felting requires physical exertion. CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $7.50 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 12 students 145 – SPINNING FOR KNITTED CABLES Carol Rhoades – Instructor 3 HOURS Cable patterns make wonderful surface textures in knitting. Cables stand out and look their best if the yarn is plump without being too airy or dense. In this 3-hour workshop, we will discuss various styles of cable patterning and learn how to produce yarns for those styles. You will learn how to choose the best fleece for cable knitting and how to prepare and spin fine semi-worsted yarn for small twisted stitch cables and Aran weight woolen yarn for chunky cables. Materials fee of $5
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes
146 – MUPPET BARF – CREATING UNIQUE YARNS WITH MULTIPLE ROVINGS Holin Kennen – Instructor 3 HOURS Named “Muppet Barf” by knitter Amy Detjen, this method of yarn creation allows a spinner to create one-of-a-kind yarns by spinning several rovings simultaneously. Roving, top, batts and blended fibers are spun in this unique method which can be used as a fiber “stash buster,” a way to salvage dyepot disasters, or to create beautiful yarns from uninspiring colors. Students can experiment with making singles from different fiber combinations and plying them to create sample skeins. Familiarity with long-draw or modified long-draw is highly desirable. Materials fee of $20 covers 4 ounces of roving. Students should bring: Spinning wheel in good working condition with 3 or more bobbins, lazy kate, niddy noddy. Experience level recommended for this class: Intermediate to Advanced CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 147 – CORDED SUMMER FRUIT SHAWL – TUNISIAN CROCHET Sheryl Thies – Instructor 3 HOURS Make this versatile shawl with incredible drape using the Tunisian corded stitch. Worked from side to side, increasing until the back length is achieved, and then decreasing to the number of cast on stitches. If you have basic knowledge of Tunisian crochet, you are ready for this project. Pattern provided in class. No materials fee. Students should bring: 1 skein Rick Rack from
Interlacements or other dk weight yarn! Size L/11 (8mm) Tunisian crochet hook or size appropriate for yarn. Experience level recommended for this class: Basic Tunisian crochet skill CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE NONE CLASS SIZE Limited to 25 students 148 – BEGINNING POLYMER CLAY BUTTONS Lynne Bergschultz – Instructor 3 HOURS Polymer clay is a great medium in which to create that perfect set of buttons to enhance even the most mundane piece of clothing. In this introductory class we will cover both polymer clay basics and button formation including how to make sturdy shanks. As you work, we will experiment with a variety of clay techniques including marbling, stacking, and mokume gane. All tools and materials will be provided. Experience the fun of playing with clay and the satisfaction of producing your own unique buttons. Bring any garment, shawl, purse or project in need of buttons. This is not a requirement, but it’s a nice challenge to design and color match for a specific item. Materials fee of $8 covers polymer clays, glaze, metallic powder and handout. Students should bring: All tools and materials provided. Experience level recommended for this class: All levels – no experience required. CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $8 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 12 students 149 – GET GAUGE (OR NOT!) Nancy Shroyer – Instructor 3 HOURS Gauge – small word, 5 letters, 1 syllable, but it is the KEY to a successful knitting project. It determines the fit, drape and handle. Whose gauge is correct? The listed gauge or the one you got? How does the content, number of plies, and structure of yarn affect the gauge? What if you use the same yarn called for in the pattern, but can’t get their gauge? What if you want to use a different yarn: how can
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covers washed fleece, prepared wool fibers and handouts. Students should bring: Spinning wheel in good working order, hand cards for wool, extra bobbin or index cards for winding yarn onto so you can make 2- and 3-ply yarns, notepaper and pen; optional: mini-combs and/or flick card. Experience level recommended for this class: Advanced beginner spinner and beyond CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $5 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Saturday All Day Classes
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes you get the gauge? We will cover all these questions and more! Materials fee of $2 covers handouts. Students should bring: #7, #8, #9 needles, 50 gram ball of worsted weight yarn in a light color, wool or wool blend preferred that was used for the homework. Calculator, tape measure, pen and paper. Homework Required: Swatch 1: With #6 needles, cast on 30 sts. Row 1: K1 P1 across Row 2: P2, *K1 P1 – repeat from * to end of row. Repeat row 1 and 2 once more Experience level recommended for this class: Know how to knit and purl CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $2 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students
Students should be familiar with using double point needles. Materials fee of $18 per person for yarn (one skein of Z twist yarn from Sweden and a small amount of a contrast color) and handouts. Students should bring: Set of 5 #2 (2.75mm) or #3 (3.25mm) double pointed needles and the usual knitting supplies including a metal board with magnets or similar for reading and keeping track of charts. Experience level recommended for this class: Intermediate CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $18 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 20 students
SATURDAY – ALL DAY CLASSES 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
203 – CREATING THE YARN YOU WANT Amy Tyler – Instructor 6 HOURS
201 – BEGINNING SPINNING Deb Jones – Instructor 6 HOURS Repeated as Class 101 Saturday and 301 Sunday Learn to turn wool into your own unique yarns! You’ll try many different spinning wheels during the class, learn the basic techniques to spin a single yarn, and create a two-ply finished skein. No previous spinning experience required. This all-day workshop is designed for the person who has never tried spinning before! Spinning wheels will be provided. Materials fee of $20 covers a generous supply of spinning fiber and spinning wheel rental. (*Fee is $10 for those who bring their own wheel. Wheels must be in excellent operating condition and completely assembled; no antique wheels.) Students should bring: Everything will be provided for this class. Experience level recommended for this class: None CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class (* see above) CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students
This workshop is designed for the spinner who wants to gain greater control over the final characteristics of the yarn she or he spins. We will practice methods for controlling the thickness and twist of yarns. And we will cover practical techniques for creating yarns that are consistent from bobbin to bobbin, and that match already existing yarns, either hand spun or commercial. We will also touch on techniques for plying a “balanced yarn.” Materials fee of $20 covers samples for examination, fibers for spinning, notebook with handouts, sundry supplies. Students should bring: A spinning wheel in good working order, 3 bobbins, and a lazy kate. Experience level recommended for this class: Advanced beginner-intermediate spinning CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 20 students
202 - Tvåändsstickning/Twined Knitting Nancy Bush – Instructor 6 HOURS Travel to Sweden in this workshop! We will study the traditional technique of two end, or twined knitting, a special way to make mittens, gloves, socks and other warm and sturdy projects. Learn how to carry the two yarns, how to make interesting textures and how to add in colors - all while making a wonderful pair of mittens!
204 – KNITTING WRAPPED STITCHES Carol Rhoades – Instructor 6 HOURS There are so many ways to embellish simple knit stitches. Wrapping single and multiple stitches can be done in a variety of ways to add surface texture and interest to plain knitting. In this 6-hour workshop, you will knit swatches with the Finnish double purl, Finnish wrapped knit stitches, Estonian bud stitch, and more, including multi-color
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2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes
Experience level recommended for this class: Basic knitting skills, including knitting in the round. CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $5 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 205 – BEGINNING TEMARI BALL Mary Dalhaimer – Instructor 6 HOURS Temari (“Hand Ball” in Japanese) is a folk craft born in ancient Japan from the desire to amuse and entertain children with an embroidered toy thread ball. Today the lovely threadwrapped, Japanese embroidered Temari balls are given as tokens of good luck. In this day-long class students will learn the basics of making Japanese Temari Balls. The class will focus on learning how to prepare and mark the ball into a simple eight division. The instructor will supply market balls to enable the students to begin creating a band design. Once this ball is finished, a second ball will be started that will incorporate additional stitching designs. No prior experience is needed. Materials fee of $10 covers two wrapped and marked 4 inch diameter balls, size 5 purl cotton (4 skeins), size 12 needle, V ruler, gold or silver marking thread. Students should bring: A small embroidery scissors Experience level recommended for this class: None CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $10 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 8 students
206 – WEAVE A POUCH Ruth Manning – Instructor 6 HOURS Use tapestry weaving to create a pouch in one day! Students will learn how to weave around a recycled box to create a personalized 3-D pouch to hold their treasures. We will learn basic tapestry weaving techniques and weave with a variety of colors to create the effect you want in your piece. We will discuss box loom set up, the process of weaving and look at ways to finish and line the piece for your use. Beads, cords and closures may add some extra pizzazz to your piece. The instructor will provide all the materials needed for the project and all levels of experience are welcome. Materials fee of $5 covers everything needed for this project. Students should bring: Scissors, note taking materials Experience level recommended for this class; No experience required CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $5 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students 207 – WILL THAT BE ONE HUMP OR TWO? Mary Underwood – Instructor 6 HOURS The answer is ‘two.’ Bactrian camels inhabit all areas of Mongolia, from the northernmost borders with China, Tuva, and Siberia, to the south Gobi. They provide transportation, food, clothing, utility yarn, and occupy a special place in the hearts of Mongolians. And for the record, your teacher has her own camel: Humpty Dumpty! This class is a combined Mongolian travelogue, lecture about camel husbandry, camel fiber, camel racing, and how camel saddles are woven. Following the 45 minute presentation we will design and spin yarn made from pure and blended baby camel hair. Baby camel down is nearly of the same micron count as cashmere. You will come away from this class feeling like you have been to the Gobi, and with your own baby camel fiber to spin. If time permits we’ll learn how rope is made from animal fiber. Materials fee of $20 covers notebook, class information, sample sheets, and fibers. Students should bring: Wheel in good working condition
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2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Saturday All Day Classes
versions. After learning the basics, you will design a pair of wrist warmers. Instructor will assist with information about sizing and adjusting gauge for these special stitches. Materials fee of $5 covers handout packet including basic stitches, templates and patterns for wrist warmers. Students should bring: One 50 gram ball smooth, solid color, 100% wool, sport-weight yarn + 2 balls of same yarn in contrasting colors. I recommend Nature Spun Sport, Dale Heilo or Falk, or Rauma Finullgarn. Set of 4 or 5 dpn (or 2 circulars or long “Magic Loop” circular) U.S. size 2 or 3 / 2.75 - 3.25 mm (or size you normally use with sportweight yarn). Knitting accessories such as scissors, tapestry needle, crochet hook, row marker, notepaper and pen.
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Saturday All Day / Morning Classes
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes that has Scotch/Irish tension or very effective means of significantly reducing the pull of fiber into the wheel. Any questions about your wheel, please contact the instructor at frontporchtextiles@me.com or (734) 662-7134. Whirl(s) with medium and high twist ratios. Lazy kate—preferably one with the bobbins oriented horizontally. Niddy noddy for skeining your samples. Pencils, scissors, scotch tape. You may want to include stick-on labels, small zip lock bags, and clear page protectors to insert pages in your notebooks. Bring lace or fingering weight knitting needles to try out your newly spun yarn if you like. Experience level recommended for this class: Advanced beginner to advanced CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 208 – SPINNING FOR A PURPOSE Nancy Shroyer – Instructor 6 HOURS Are you stuck in a rut, spinning the same yarn over and over again? Do you spin first, and then worry about what you will make if you have enough yarn? This workshop will push you out of your comfort zone! We will decide first what the finished project will be, determine the type of fiber best suited to it, spin an appropriate yarn and then, knit a proper swatch. You will also learn how to figure out how much yarn/fiber you will need to spin before you begin. Materials fee of $18 covers fiber and tools. Students should bring: Spinning wheel in good working order, at least 3 bobbins, lazy kate, niddy noddy, knitting needles – a variety of sizes of #3 - #9, if you have them (the Instructor will have a bunch), plus scissors and pencil. Experience level recommended for this class: Ability to spin and ply a yarn CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $18 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students SATURDAY – MORNING CLASSES 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM 220 – MULTI-CORD FELT NECKLACE WITH BEADS Janet Falk – Instructor 28 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
This is a 4-hour class 8:30 am – 12:30 pm In this workshop, you will learn the tricks of working with superfine Merino wool, dyed in fantastic colors. Come and learn how to wet felt several lengths of cord, slip on a coordinated big hole bead, and attach them into a multi-cord necklace. Complete your necklace easily on your own with several strings of complementary seed beads, contrasting perfectly with the matte felt. Materials fee of $15 covers superfine Merino kit with roving, a big hole bead, matching seed beads, beading needle & thread, use of wet felting tools and materials. Kits will be in several different colorways. Students should bring: 2 old hand towels or 1 old bath towel, plastic bag, pen. Experience level recommended for this class: All are welcome, some upper body strength needed. CLASS TIME 4 HOURS Note start time! CLASS FEE $60 MATERIALS FEE $15 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students 221 – HERBAL INFUSED OILS, SALVES & LOTIONS Linda Conroy – Instructor 3 HOURS Herbalist Linda Conroy will lead participants through the process of making oils, salves and lotions. The focus will be on creating remedies from herbs in the garden. Participants will leave with a list of healing herbs, recipes and preparations made in this workshop. Materials fee of $12 covers oils, jars, beeswax and all supplies for making an infused oil, a massage oil blend, a salve and a lotion. Students should bring: Dress to mess, an apron could be helpful. Experience recommended for this class: Any level CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $12 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 222 – WIRE CORE SPINNING Emily Wohlscheid – Instructor 3 HOURS Students will learn various core spinning techniques using wire instead of thread or yarn as their core. These techniques result in a flexible yarn that is perfect for sculptural
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes
resource sheet. Students should bring: A spinning wheel in good working order that you are comfortable with. Experience level recommended for this class: Intermediate to advanced CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $16 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students 223 – BEGINNING RIGID HEDDLE WEAVING Cheryl Stegert – Instructor 3 HOURS The rigid heddle was designed for ease of warping, economical use of warp, designing the warp on the loom, and is kind and gentle with handspun and so quick to set up it’s a great stash buster! You will warp the loom and begin to weave plus learn several texture techniques to make your first weaving fun and useful! You will be able to use your first project as a scarf or a cowl! The project will not be finished in class but you will have the confidence to proceed and finish at home. *Looms with warping peg and threading hook are available for rent at $15 for the class. Please contact Instructor prior to Sept.1 to arrange for loom rental - 920733-6517. A materials fee of $3 covers handout which includes warping instructions and project notes. Not sure of all the supplies or not wanting to pack all the materials? No worries, supplies for a fee will be available from the Instructor. Supplies fee $5. To reserve supplies, call before Sept. 1. 920 733-6517. Materials fee is separate from rental fee or supplies costs. Students should bring: The following supplies and equipment: *Rigid Heddle Loom: 8” weaving width or more. Any dent reed will work as long as your warp material passes through without abraiding. Warp: Sport or worsted weight yarn – single color or multiple colors ; handspun is fine to use – to be sure it is strong enough, grasp it with both hands about 2 feet apart and pull straight – if you feel it slipping probably not the best to use for a first experience. Varying sizes can also be used in the
warp as well as color. – Should be a fairly smooth yarn and preferably no mohair or sticky yarn for first projects. Weft: same as warp but can use mohair and sticky yarn if you would like. (This is a great class to share stash, if you have some stash to share, please bring.) Also: A shuttle or two, warping peg, threading hook, paper garbage bags opened up and cut to no more than the width of the back beam (if the ratchet is inside, the ratchet must be free to spin). Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $3 – Payable to Instructor at class (Note rental and supply fees listed above) CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 224 – LOCKER HOOKING I – INTRODUCTION & BASICS Kelly Brandt – Instructor 3 HOURS Locker hooking is a hooked rug technique using roving hooked through a foundation fabric. With the loops locked on top of the foundation by a yarn tail, the finished piece is very stable and looks great on both sides. Legend has it that this technique originated in Australia and there is evidence of pieces hooked in this style in the British Isles in the 1920s. You will learn the basic hooking stitch, how to make two kinds of turns, and how to select motifs for projects. This is an effective and decorative way to use up all that roving you have in your stash! Materials fee of $20 covers roving, foundation canvas, locker hook, monograph. Students may contact instructor directly with any questions at 616-374-7176 or kellybrandt@yahoo. com or www.teameffortartisans.com. Students should bring: Water to drink. Your glasses if you wear them for close work. Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 225 – MITERED KNITTING Annie Modesitt – Instructor 3 HOURS Modular Knitting is a general term that embraces several ways of creating multi-directional knit fabric. Two of the most popular modular knitting methods are Entrelec & Mitered- or Domino-knitting. In this class, we’ll cover the basics of Mitered- or Domino-Knitting, learn ways to
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2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Satuarday Morning Classes
knitting, jewelry making, and so much more! Emphasis will be placed on demonstrations and examples of what can be created with the finished yarn. Materials fee of $16 covers 1 oz of textural puni style rolags (2 colorways), 24 yds of spooled 26 G wire, 24 yds of spooled 28 G wire, 2 bands,
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Saturday Morning Classes
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes visualize color variations available in mitered knitting, and begin The Universal Mitered Bag, which can be completed at the knitters own pace after the class. Students should be able to knit, purl, increase and decrease. We will learn new techniques for picking up stitches, joining a new yarn and weaving in the multiple ends of a modular knitting project in class. There is no materials fee. Students should bring: At least 2 different colors of worsted or sport weight yarn (variegated is fine), circular needles of any length to work well with your chosen yarn, a crochet hook the same size or larger than chosen needle. Optional: a second set of circular needles in a smaller size for picking up sts. Experience level recommended for this class: Advanced beginner CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE NONE CLASS SIZE Limited to 20 students 226 – WEAVE A RECTANGLE (CONTINUOUS STRAND WEAVING) Jane Grogan – Instructor 3 HOURS Using a 3.5’x7” wooden loom, participants will learn to weave a rectangle using continuous strand weaving techniques. The rectangles can be stitched together to make a log-cabin style square. Your project will be a small amulet pocket and the class will include weaving instruction and project ideas for woven rectangles, such as cell phone pouch, scarf, potholder, shawl. Materials fee of $25 covers hardwood rectangle loom made by Hazel Rose Looms, weaving hook, yarn for class and instruction handout. Students should bring: Blunt tapestry needle, scissors Experience level recommended for this class: None needed CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $25 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 227 - SPINNING – USING A NAVAJO LAP SPINDLE Marilou Schultz – Instructor 3 HOURS Students will learn how to use a Navajo lap spindle using carded wool. Students will learn to first card the fleece, 30 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
connect the carded wool and then spin it to the stage of using it for a project. Materials fee of $60 covers Navajo spindle, fleece for carding and spinning. Students should bring: Carders to card fleece Experience level recommended for this class: No Experience necessary CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $60 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 14 students 228 – SAORI WEAVING – EXPRESS YOURSELF ON SAORI LOOMS! Chiaki O’Brien – Instructor 3 HOURS Repeated - Class 248 & Class 342 SAORI is very different from the traditional weaving: placing more importance o n free expression and creativity than on technical skills or regularity of the woven cloth. This is a therapeutic/healing weaving technique: students in this class will relax, enjoy, explore and develop positive thinking through weaving. Even though there are only two harnesses, students can still enjoy weaving with many colors, textures and exploration! The warp will be set for students so they can start weaving right away and they will take home whatever they weave. The finished project might be a scarf, table runner or wall hanging. We always try to do what only human beings can do, without imitating machine-made products. No two weavers are alike, so it is very natural that every single cloth, freely woven by people of different personalities, is beautiful in a different way. Irregular selvages and accidental skips of thread add to the un-programmed beauty of SAORI cloths: we admire this irregularity as the unintentional beauty resulting from our natural creativity! Materials fee covers warped SAORI looms, materials (yarn, roving, etc.). Students should bring: Any material they wish to weave into their projects. Experience level recommended for this class: None. CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class. CLASS SIZE Limited to 8 students
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes 241 – MAD FOR PLAID! Theresa Schabes – Instructor 3 HOURS Plaids are a traditional woven fabric pattern which can be replicated in knitting via several techniques: slip stitches, two-stranded intarsia, applied crochet chain and surface weaving. We’ll learn a few, including some where the pattern is worked as you knit, and some where the color work is added after the knitting is completed. A highlight is applied crochet chains, a neat trick to create plaids or embellish any knitted garment. No materials fee but note that homework is required (see below). Students should bring: Worsted or dk yarn in assorted colors (leftovers are fine). If possible, bring a light, medium and dark yarn in the same color. Appropriatelysized needles for your yarn, as well as needles two sizes bigger. Tapestry needle, scissors, crochet hook size G or H. Homework (two swatches): 1) With worsted or dk weight yarn, knit a garter stitch (knit every row) swatch 24 sts wide and as tall as it is wide. Optional: spice it up with two row (one ridge) stripes in two or more colors. 2) With worsted or dk weight yarn, work a stockinette stitch square with vertical channels of purl stitches as follows: Cast on 24 sts. Row 1 (RS): (K4, p1) four times, k4. Row 2 (WS): (P4, k1) four times, p4. Repeat Rows 1 & 2 until swatch is as tall as it is wide. Bind off. Experience recommended for this class: No experience required CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE NONE CLASS SIZE Limited to 20 students 242 – COIL BASKET Jill Colbert – Instructor
In this class you will learn to make a basic coil basket with wool. Students will create a unique basket using a base material and wrapping it with wool. Materials fee of $40 covers all supplies needed to make your coil basket! Students should bring: Everything supplied by Instructor and included in materials fee.
Experience recommended for this class: No experience necessary CLASS TIME CLASS FEE MATERIALS FEE CLASS SIZE
3 HOURS $45 $40 – Payable to Instructor at class Limited to 15 students
243 – CORE-SPINNING FOUR DIFFERENT WAYS Melissa Bohrtz – Instructor 3 HOURS Learn how to core-spin four different ways with Melissa of Hello Purl. In this class you will learn the technique to core-spinning fibers allowing you to create a variety of art yarns. We will be using combed top and textured art batts to core-spin these yarns smooth and textured. First you will learn the basics of core-spinning to create a single core-spun yarn. Next you will discover how to ply a core-spun yarn to create a “bubble wrap” textured art yarn. Then we will work with locks to create a lockspun yarn. Finally you will core-spin over wire to create a hardcore yarn. Students must have a working relationship with their wheel. Know how to spin a single yarn as well as how to ply. Materials fee of $20 covers enough fiber to create all the techniques described in the class description including art batts, combed top and locks, plus wire used for the hard-core core-spinning. Students should bring: Please bring a cone of strong flexible core yarn (not thread) to spin with. A small spool of thread to auto-wrap with. A working spinning wheel preferably with at least a 1/2” orifice. At least two bobbins and any extra fiber you wish to work with. Experience level recommended for this class: Know the basics of spinning and plying CLASS TIME CLASS FEE MATERIALS FEE CLASS SIZE
3 HOURS $45 $20 – Payable to Instructor at class Limited to 10 students
244 - WARP SET-UP FOR NAVAJO STYLE WEAVING Marilou Schultz – Instructor
Navajo rugs are internationally known for their designs and unique four selvages with no open warp. Participant will learn how to set up a warp for weaving a tapestry/rug with four selvages and attach to dowels which will be prepared and ready to attach to a vertical
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2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Saturday Afternoon Classes
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Saturday Afternoon Classes
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes loom. Materials fee of $30 covers wool warp, pre-spun edging & side cords, and nails. Students should bring: A rectangular frame for warping (two 2 x 4s – at least 20” and two 2x4s – at least 26”), two dowels (no smaller than 1” in diameter) or water pipes that are at least 4 inches longer than the shorter 2 x 4s. If bringing water pipes, you will still need two dowels to attach the warp to. (NOTE: The pipes or dowels used for the warp set have to be at 4” longer than the width of the rectangular frame or the width of a loom.) Note: If you have a Navajo style vertical loom, the back side can be used for the warp set-up, if you are willing to put nails in your loom. Experience level recommended for this class: No experience necessary CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $30 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 13 students
colors; painted skeins (dyed across method preferred). Weft: same as warp but can use mohair and sticky yarn if you would like. (This is a great class to share stash, if you have some stash to share, please bring it along.) A shuttle or two, warping peg, threading hook, paper garbage bags opened up and cut to no more than the width of the back beam (if the ratchet is inside, the ratchet must be free to spin) OPTIONAL: 50 card weaving cards, variable dent reed and Philips screw driver for variable dent reed. No supplies or equipment required if the student wants to warp looms provided by Instructor, but the student is encouraged to bring his/her own loom and heddles. If you wish to set up your own loom, you need to bring all warp/weft material and warping needs (see above). Please contact the Instructor at 920-733-6517 for a conversation about your goals prior to Sept. 1 so that you are assured the experience in this class that you would like to have.
245 – RIGID HEDDLE WEAVING (ADVANCED) – VARIABLE DENT & TWO REEDS EXPLORATION Cheryl Stegert – Instructor 3 HOURS Have you purchased or thought of purchasing the new variable dent reed option but not sure what to do with it? This variable dent options opens up horizons to design and novelty yarns not seen before. Come and explore. . . !
Experience level recommended for this class: Intermediate skill level CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $5 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students
Several looms will be set up and students are encouraged to bring their loom with variable dent reed to class or two normal rigid heddles . Class will explore using the variable dent reed in conjunction with the normal rigid heddle, in otherwords using both at the same time! Class will also explore how to use two normal rigid heddles together to expand your weaving options. Students will also be able to weave with cards on a rigid heddle loom – this is not card weaving but another form of thread manipulation in conjunction with the rigid heddle. This is an exploration class – the student will participate in setting up a loom, designing with this new dimension, weaving with two heddles, and discover what weave structures are now possible. Materials fee of $5 covers handout and includes set up variations, project notes. Students should bring: Rigid Heddle loom: 15” weaving width or a loom that will accommodate two heddles and/ or variable dent reed. Any dent reed will work as long as your warp material passes through without abraiding. Warp: Suggestions: 8/4 cotton carpet warp – at least 2 32 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
246 – LOCKER HOOKING II – ADDITIONAL TECHNIQUES! Kelly Brandt – Instructor 3 HOURS Locker hooking is a wonderful craft to create cushiony rugs and pads from roving. Once you have mastered the basic locker stitch and turns, you are ready for additional techniques! In this installment of advanced techniques, we will address diagonal stitches, alternating colors, adding short color changes and free form designs. Materials fee of $20 covers roving, foundation canvas, locker hook, monograph. Students may contact instructor directly with any questions at 616-374-7176 or kellybrandt@yahoo.com or www.teameffortartisans.com. Students should bring: Water to drink. Your glasses if you wear them for close work. Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner to Skilled CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students
247 – KNITTING BEYOND THE BASICS Kathy Krause – Instructor 3 HOURS Possibly you are a new knitter, or maybe, you just need a little refresher course. In Beyond the Basics we will cover several different ways to cast on, the how’s and whys of making increases & decreases, fixing dropped stitches, a few bind off tips and lots of yarn talk…. and MORE! Materials fee of $5 covers handouts. Students should bring: Please bring worsted weight yarn in a light color and size 8 knitting needles. Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $5 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students 248 – SAORI WEAVING – EXPRESS YOURSELF ON SAORI LOOMS! Chiaki O’Brien – Instructor 3 HOURS Repeated - Class 342 & Class 228 SAORI is very different from the traditional weaving: placing more importance o n free expression and creativity than on technical skills or regularity of the woven cloth. This is a therapeutic/healing weaving technique: students in this class will relax, enjoy, explore and develop positive thinking through weaving. Even though there are only two harnesses, students can still enjoy weaving with many colors, textures and exploration! The warp will be set for students so they can start weaving right away and they will take home whatever they weave. The finished project might be a scarf, table runner or wall hanging. We always try to do what only human beings can do, without imitating machine-made products. No two weavers are alike, so it is very natural that every single cloth, freely woven by people of different personalities, is beautiful in a different way. Irregular selvages and accidental skips of thread add to the un-programmed beauty of SAORI cloths: we admire this irregularity as the unintentional beauty resulting from our natural creativity! Materials fee covers warped SAORI looms, materials (yarn, roving, etc.). Students should bring: Any material they wish to weave into their projects. Experience level recommended for this class: None. CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class. CLASS SIZE Limited to 8 students
249 – COMBINATION KNITTING Annie Modesitt – Instructor 3 HOURS Christened “Combination Knitting” by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts (Fall 2000 Interweave Knits maga zine), this combination of Western and Eastern style knitting is faster, creates a nicer tension with less “rowing out” and less wrist strain. Established knitters may enjoy this different method, new knitters can mistress this right away! No materials fee. Students should bring: Light colored worsted weight yarn, needles to work well with yarn. Experience level recommended for this class: Advanced beginner CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE NONE CLASS SIZE Limited to 20 students
SUNDAY – ALL DAY CLASSES 8:30 am – 3:30 pm 301 – BEGINNING SPINNING Deb Jones – Instructor 6 HOURS Repeated - Class 101 & Class 201 Learn to turn wool into your own unique yarns! You’ll try many different spinning wheels during the class, learn the basic techniques to spin a single yarn, and create a two-ply finished skein. No previous spinning experience required. This all-day workshop is designed for the person who has never tried spinning before! Spinning wheels will be provided. Materials fee of $20 covers a generous supply of spinning fiber and spinning wheel rental. (*Fee is $10 for those who bring their own wheel. Wheels must be in excellent operating condition and completely assembled; no antique wheels.) Students should bring: Everything will be provided for this class. Experience level recommended for this class: None CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class (* see above) CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students
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2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Sat. Afternoon / Sun. All Day Classes
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Sunday All Day Classes
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes 302 – DESIGN WITH PREFELTS: HOW TO MAKE THEM & HOW TO USE THEM (WET FELT) Kelly Brandt – Instructor 6 HOURS Use wet felting techniques to make several prefelts in various colors! We will create a flat piece of felt using these prefelts to explore positive and negative space in design. Learn how to create hard edged shapes in your felt surface. You will be able to turn this piece into a book cover, clutch, or pillow top. Materials fee of $30 covers the following: Felting mat, fibers for the prefelts and base, decorative fibers, use of felting tools, monograph. Students may contact instructor directly with any questions at 616-374-7176 or kellybrandt@yahoo.com or www.teameffortartisans.com. Students should bring: Three old towels for soaking up soapy water, a large cellulose sponge. Optional: dishwashing gloves if you do not like having your hands in soapy water; any fibers or yarns of your own that you might want to incorporate in your project. Water to drink. Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner to Skilled CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $30 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 14 students 303 – TRADITIONAL ESTONIAN SOCKS Nancy Bush – Instructor 6 HOURS Learn about Estonian knitting traditions by studying the socks from Kihnu Island. Students will begin a pair of socks, learning some interesting Estonian techniques: a special cast on, unique cuff treatment and knitted braids. Students should be able to use double point needles and have some experience with 2 color knitting for this class. Materials fee of $28.00 covers yarn needed and handouts. Students should bring: Set of 5 #1 (2.25mm) or #2 (2.75mm) double point needles about 8” long as well as the usual knitting supplies including a metal board with magnets or similar for reading and keeping track of charts. Experience level recommended for this class: Intermediate CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $28 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 20 students 34 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
304 – SPINNING & KNITTING SILK HANKIES Amy Tyler – Instructor 6 HOURS Silk hankies are a “mawata” silk that consist of very thin layers of silk cocoons that have been stretched over a square frame. We will learn techniques for preparing these hankies for spinning, and then we will spin them in a variety of ways, including Navajo plying. We will cover strategies for making your hands smooth to minimize snagging of silk on your hands, and strategies for knitting unspun and spun silk hankies. Materials fee of $20 covers samples for examination, fibers for spinning, notebook with handouts, knit stitch patterns, sundry supplies. Students should bring: A spinning wheel in good working order, 3 bobbins, a lazy kate, and some knitting needles of various sizes. Experience level recommended for this class: Intermediate spinning, basic knitting CLASS TIME CLASS FEE MATERIALS FEE CLASS SIZE
6 HOURS $90 $20 – Payable to Instructor at class Limited to 15 students
305 – NUNO FELT SCARF Mary Wallace – Instructor 6 HOURS Nuno felting is the technique of working wool fibers through open weave fabrics to create a lightweight fabric with wonderful drape. In this introductory felting class, learn about nuno felting while creating a beautiful scarf made from merino wool and silk fabric. Please keep in mind that this class will require a lot of standing and rolling and other physical exertion. Materials fee of $30 covers silk fabric, merino wool, bubble wrap. Students should bring: Please bring towels, a plastic bag to carry home wet items, pen/paper if desired. Wear clothes you do not mind getting wet. We don’t intend to get soaked, but we are working with water and things do happen. Experience level recommended for this class: None, but keep in mind wet felting requires physical exertion. CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $30 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 8 students
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes
307 – BROOM MAKING – 3 STYLES OF WHISK BROOMS John Holzwart – Instructor 6 HOURS Discover the art of making handmade brooms! Little John will guide you through these beautiful and functional creations, and you will learn to make a traditional flat whisk, a fantail whisk (also known as a turkey wing) and a hawk tail whisk broom. All materials are provided and ready for your use. Discussion about decorative options will be included. Please refrain from wearing open toed shoes. Materials fee of $15.00 covers broomcorn and sewing materials. Students should bring: A sharp knife and scissors. Please refrain from wearing open toed shoes. Experience recommended for this class: Any level
6 HOURS $90 $15 – Payable to Instructor at class Limited to 12 students
308 – THE ART OF NAVAJO WEAVING Marilou Schultz – Instructor 6 HOURS This class will introduce the participant to an appreciation of Dine weaving by creating a small rug on a traditional upright loom. Dine weavings are internationally known for their unique designs and techniques using vegetal, natural and aniline dyed handspun wool. Traditional preparations of wool— carding, spinning and dyeing— will be discussed. Participations will learn basic weaving techniques on a prepared warp using 100% wool weft that will be provided. No prior weaving experience is necessary. Material Fee of $60 covers: Heavy weaving weft (2-3 colors available for class); narrow dowels; cable cord and cotton twine; cable ties; wool including edging cord & side cords and weaving wool; warp (re-spun and pre-warped); shipping charges to send looms, wool, supplies to Jefferson, WI; finishing needles; use of weaving tools. Instructor will have extra wool and tools available for sale. *Optional: Participants may order a loom from the instructor for $50 (about a 15” x 20” using two by twos). Students should bring: An upright or rectangular loom with the inside measurements of at least 15” by 20”; two 7/8” x 18” dowels for above size loom otherwise will need dowels that will fit across weaver’s loom; one - 1” x 18” dowels for above size loom otherwise will need dowels that will fit across weaver’s loom (NOTE: OR three 7/8” x 18 dowels instead of the one inch x 18”); clothesline rope if using a small loom, otherwise three turnbuckles (size 1/4” x 7 3/4” eye to eye or eye/hook, available at hardware stores); container/basket for wool pillow/blanket to sit on (optional). The following are optional items for students to bring: (Bring if you already have them otherwise, the instructor will have tools for loan.) Weaving tools (batten and/or weaving comb); 12 - 14”long narrow crochet hook (hook at both ends work better, used for finishing); measuring tape; tapestry or yarn needles. Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner – no experience necessary. CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $60 – Payable to Instructor at class (*note above option) CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students
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306 – RAW FELTED FLEECE Becky Utecht – Instructor 6 HOURS Create a sheep-friendly felted “sheepskin” using a raw fleece. Students can bring a fleece from their favorite sheep or purchase a small fleece to create a luxuriously warm and wooly lap blanket, couch throw, wall hanging or rug. We will explore various fleece types and their most appropriate uses. Projects can be used as lap blankets, couch throws, wall hangings, or rugs. Shepherds and fiber lovers alike will appreciate the efficiency of washing and felting a fleece all at the same time! Students must have an understanding of the felting process, the physical ability to roll and full a wet fleece and can expect to get wet and smell a bit “sheepy.” Materials fee of $25 covers roving/combed top, silk or cotton gauze, handouts, but does not include fleece for project. *Students may purchase a fleece for an extra charge. Students should bring: A 1-5 lb. unwashed fleece with minimal VM/chaff (It should still be hanging together, not picked apart with staple length of at least 3 inches. For best results, do not choose a fleece that is already partially felted.) Solar pool cover with bubbles, 3.5’ wide by 6-8’ long; Pool noodle; Mosquito netting or tulle 76’ wide by 6-7’ long; 2-3 old bath towels; garden watering can with sprinkler head; 5 gal bucket; your favorite bar soap and felting tools; two plastic bags for wet items; optional: bed risers and apron if desired. Experience level recommended for this class: Previous felting experience required CLASS TIME 6 HOURS CLASS FEE $90 MATERIALS FEE $25 – Payable to Instructor at class* CLASS SIZE Limited to 12 students
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Sunday Morning Classes
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes SUNDAY – MORNING CLASSES 8:30 – 11:30 am 320 – BEGINNING CHAIR CANING Mary Jo Harris – Instructor 4 HOURS This is a 4-hour class 8:30 am – 12:30 pm Ever wonder how a caned chair seat is made? Then this is the class for you! In this class students will hand cane a trivet using natural strand cane. Other topics that will be discussed include: the difference between the various types of caning; the different types of caning materials; the 7-step method of hand caning; how to care for caned furniture. A materials fee of $25 covers the cost of the trivet kit and supplies (includes caning pegs, instruction booklet, natural strand cane, binder cane). Students should bring: Small hand clippers or shears, small rag, spray bottle, container for water (in addition to spray bottle), paper for notes, pen or pencil, awl or ice pick Experience level recommended for this class: No prior knowledge of caning or caning skills needed CLASS TIME 4 HOURS Note start time! CLASS FEE $60 MATERIALS FEE $25 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students 321 – DYEING SOCK BLANKS Melissa (Mo) Brown – Instructor 3 HOURS Have you ever knit or crocheted with a beautiful gradient and wished that you could create your own color way for a special shawl or pair of socks? Using long sock blanks (about 400 yards each) and acid dyes, you will design and dye a gradient (or any other pattern you like) with your end project in mind. Class covers the basics of dyeing (procedures, safety and color effects), color theory and planning for your specific project. We will also use some special techniques for truly unique yarns that will delight you as you knit them. Materials fee of $18 covers 1 sock blank, dyes, gloves and other small items. *Additional sock blanks will be available from the Instructor at $12 each. Sock blanks are knit with sock yarn that is 80% washable Merino and 20% nylon. Instructor may have a few 100% wool blanks available in natural cream and gray. Students should bring: Wear clothes that can get stained or bring a full apron. If you have a niddy noddy or swift, please bring it (we will share, so don’t buy one if you don’t already own one). 36 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Experience level recommended for this class: No experience required CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $18 – payable to Instructor at class (* Note above) CLASS SIZE Limited to 12 students 322 - THE OTHER COLOR WORK – MOSAIC KNITTING Nancy Shroyer – Instructor 3 HOURS Slipping stitches from one needle to the other without working them is a way to work 2 or more colors without carrying the unused color along like in Fair Isle knitting. Barbara Walker called it Mosaic knitting because the resulting patterns resembled Mosaic tiles. Mosaic patterns involve two or more colors, but only one color is used per row. In this class you will learn to follow written patterns and graphs, which are specific to this technique, how to work Mosaic knitting in the round and flat and with both knit and purl stitches, while you make a cute fish washcloth. There is no materials fee. Students should bring: #8 straight or circular needles and2 contrasting colors of worsted weight cotton yarns of 50 grams each. Lion Brand Kitchen Cotton or Sugar or Cream are good examples. 2 ring binders, pen and paper, sharp scissors. Experience level recommended for this class: Ability to knit and purl. CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE NONE CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 323 – INTRODUCTION TO BENGALA DYE Chiaki O’Brien – Instructor 3 HOURS A natural Japanese dye, Bengala dyes are made from soil, ‘environmentally safe,’ and fun to use. The dyeing process doesn’t require hot water so it is appropriate for students of all ages. Children and adults alike will find this to be a fun technique, just like playing with mud! Everyone will learn about the history and cultural significance of this unique dyeing form as they color t-shirts, scarves, shawls, and
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes
Students should bring: Plastic bag(s) to take dyed material home, towels (bigger is better) on which you don’t mind getting dye and a hand towel for your hands. * See above regarding bringing your own materials to dye. Experience level recommended for this class: No experience required. CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $5 - $24* Payable to Instructor at class. CLASS SIZE Limited to 12 students. 324 – WET & NEEDLE ART FELT – ‘PAINTING WITH FIBER IN THE WOODS’ Danita Doerre – Instructor 3 HOURS Students will use wet and needle felt techniques to create an Art Felt Water Color with fiber. We will hand blend fibers to create an evening sky with an Angora moon in a wooded area on a haddyed, wet felted background as a canvas. We will incorporate llama yarn as trees and hand-spun wool as flowers, vines and fence as you work on your art-felt piece. Students will use a barbed, felt needle to lock fibers into place with a pecking motion of the wrist, as well as wet felting the piece in between a session of needle felting, to create a water color painting with wool from a palette of fiber. A blanket stitch will finish off the edges and a wall hanger will be provided. We will also discuss attaching your piece to a burlap canvas as an option. (Your felted piece will be damp when you take it home.) Materials fee of $25 covers hand-dyed, wet-felted background piece, 36 and 38 gauge felt needle, natural fiber roving, dyed fiber, specialty and hand-spun yarn, blended alpaca/sheep wool, thread and yarn, dish soap, shear material, bubble wrap with cords, and wood piece with hook for hanging your felted picture. Students should bring: Foam pad, approximately, 12 x 12 x 2 inches, covered with pillow case or cloth (this will get damp), scissors, Thermos of hot water, spray bottle for
water, 2 towels, 2 plastic bags for wet towels and to carry your project home. Experience level recommended for this class: All levels of experience CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $25 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students 325 – FELTED NECKLACE Jill Johnson – Instructor 3 HOURS Using the ancient art of wet felting, you will create a felt pendent around a large stone bead and a felted cord with an incorporated clasp will complete your own original piece of jewelry. We will spend some time talking about how to embellish both the pendent and necklace with embroidery and beads for your own unique fashion statement. Materials fee of $10 covers Cormo wool, large stone bead, some cotton embroidery floss and other decorative bits, needle, small felting mat and plastic, and the use of soap, water containers and other miscellaneous felting tools. Students should bring: Towel, small sharp scissors, and any beads or embroidery floss you may wish to use Experience recommended for this class: No previous felting experience needed CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $10 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 12 students 326 – CARD IT - THEN SPIN IT! Melissa Bohrtz – Instructor 3 HOURS Wondering how to card and spin a batt? Card some batts then spin them up with Melissa of Hello Purl. First you will learn some tips and techniques to using a drum carder to create batts. You will discover how to layer fibers to create batts using a variety of natural and synthetic fibers. With these fibers you will be able to create a textured batt, a blended batt, a striped batt, and a batt of your choosing. Then in the second part of class you will learn some tips and techniques to spinning yarn from the batts you just carded. Students must know the basics of spinning and plying yarn. Materials fee of $20 covers the use of fibers in class including combed top, loose fibers and a variety of add-ins. Students will work with 1-2 ounces at a time
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so on. We begin with a process of applying pre-fixer to the material. You are welcome to dye multiple items in a session for an additional material fee. This is not a soaking dye, so be ready to knead the material! We will bring all 12 colors that are available in North America. Materials fee will range from $5 to $24, depending on what you would like to dye. We will bring t-shirts, scarves, shawls and bandannas. *If you are bringing your own material, please make sure it is clean (washed). White or light beige preferred. There will be a dye fee (approximately $3 for an adult t-shirt or its equivalent)
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Sunday Morning Classes
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes and make at least 4 different batts which will be used to spin into yarn. Students should bring: Please bring a working spinning wheel and extra bobbins. If you have a drum carder, please bring it as there will be a limited number to share. Students may also bring plying yarns and additional fibers to work with. Experience level recommended for this class: Know the basics of spinning and plying CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 12 students 327 – ARAN KNITTING MADE EASY! Stefania Isaacson – Instructor 3 HOURS The Irish knitter has traditionally used her knitting needles as a paintbrush to portray a picture of her feelings in her work. Each one of those beautiful patterns has significance, and when put together in a sweater for her loved one to wear, the knitter conveys her feelings by the meanings of the patterns, creating not only a work of art, but a personal expression of her caring for the one she loves. This class will cover all the basic traditional patterns that Irish knitters used to make those wonderful sweaters. It will let you know the meanings and feelings behind the patterns so that you will be able to design and create that personalized and special sweater. You will learn to “read” the sweater as you are working, so that you won’t have to rely on a chart or pattern. This way, you can just enjoy the knitting and the satisfaction in the act of creating. In the class, we will work on samples of all the patterns, and then put them together in a sampler. You will go home with instructions for each of the patterns and samples of each. Also, you will begin a sampler which can easily be turned into a pillow top or wall hanging. Students must know how to knit and purl. Materials fee of $20.00 covers all yarn to be used, handout with patterns and their meanings. Students should bring: Size 7 or 8 knitting needles (can be straight or circular). Experience level recommended for this class: Must know how to knit and purl. Having previously done a cable will be helpful. CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 38 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
328 – THE BRIGITTE – A BEADED KNIT NECKLACE PURSE Nancy VanDerPuy – Instructor 3 HOURS This is a mini-purse (sometimes called an Amulet Bag) that is worn as a necklace. It uses only the knit stitch. It is made using the technique of Beaded Knitting (beads are strung onto the knitting thread, Perle Cotton, and then worked into the knitting project). The student will not finish the project in class but we will cover all the techniques needed to complete it. Materials fee covers kits that will be available in class in a variety of colors. Several choices of kits will be available, ranging from $17 to $19*. The kit includes beads, thread, knitting needles, focal beads, and sewing needles. Students should bring: A ruler and scissors Experience level recommended for this class: Beginning knitting level of skill CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $17 - $19* Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students 329 – KNITTING WITH BEADS Annie Modesitt – Instructor 3 HOURS Beads add a magnificent and whimsical touch to so many hand knit garments, and there are several ways to add small pearls, sequins, beads and other small touches to your knitting. Learn to knit beads into fabric, add beads as you knit, and strand pearls between stitches. There is no materials fee. Students should bring: Light colored dk or sport weight yarn, needles to work well with yarn, size 6/0 beads (approx 100) Experience level recommended for this class: Advanced beginner CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE NONE CLASS SIZE Limited to 16 students
2015 Wonders of Wool Fiber Arts Classes SUNDAY – AFTERNOON CLASSES 12:30 – 3:30 pm
341 – DROP SPINDLE SPINNING FOR BEGINNERS Nancy Shroyer – Instructor 3 HOURS Learn to use a drop spindle in an easy, stress-free way! Learn the difference between worsted vs. woolen spinning and learn to Andean ply and then finish the yarn. Determine the ‘weight’ of the yarn. We will also discuss what to look for when buying a drop spindle. Materials fee of $7 covers the fiber and wpi tool. Spindles will be available for use during class and will be available for purchase following class. Students should bring: Pencil, scissors Experience level recommended for this class: None CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $7 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 15 students 342 – SAORI WEAVING – EXPRESS YOURSELF ON SAORI LOOMS! Chiaki O’Brien – Instructor 3 HOURS Repeated - Class 228 & 248 SAORI is very different from the traditional weaving: placing more importance o n free expression and creativity than on technical skills or regularity of the woven cloth. This is a therapeutic/healing weaving technique: students in this class will relax, enjoy, explore and develop positive thinking through weaving. Even though there are only two
343 – CREATIVE FIBER BLENDING Melissa Bohrtz – Instructor 3 HOURS Get creative in fiber preparation and artistically blend fibers to create textured yarns with Melissa of Hello Purl. In this class you will discover how to blend fibers into batts, rolags and pulled rovings. Learn how to use a drum carder, blending board and hackle to prepare a variety of fibers including natural and synthetic. With the use of the equipment and fibers you will learn how to layer and blend fibers as well as add texture to batts, rolags and pulled rovings to help create textured art yarns. We will also discuss your creative wishes as a fiber artist so that you can create a specific blended effect you may desire in your work. Materials fee of $30 Use of fibers in class including combed top, loose fibers and a variety of add-ins. Students will work with 1-2 ounces at a time and can make 2 batts, 2 sets of rolags and 3 pulled roving and use around 8-10 ounces of fiber. Students should bring: Please bring any fibers of your own that you wish to use, as well as any blending equipment you may have because there will be a limited number of tools to share in class. Experience level recommended for this class: None CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $30 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 12 students
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2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Sunday Afternoon Classes
340 – JOSEPHINE KNOT REED BASKET Bev Larson – Instructor 4 HOURS This is a 4-hour class 11:30 am – 3:30 pm Start by creating the Josephine knot and then weave the basket into it. Sizes will vary but should be approximately 8-10 inches round. Color choices will be available. Materials fee of $30 covers all materials needed to complete the basket. Students should bring: Nothing. Instructor will provide all materials Experience level recommended for this class: Beginner level CLASS TIME 4 HOURS Note start time! CLASS FEE $60 MATERIALS FEE $30 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students
harnesses, students can still enjoy weaving with many colors, textures and exploration! The warp will be set for students so they can start weaving right away and they will take home whatever they weave. The finished project might be a scarf, table runner or wall hanging. We always try to do what only human beings can do, without imitating machine-made products. No two weavers are alike, so it is very natural that every single cloth, freely woven by people of different personalities, is beautiful in a different way. Irregular selvages and accidental skips of thread add to the un-programmed beauty of SAORI cloths: we admire this irregularity as the unintentional beauty resulting from our natural creativity! Materials fee covers warped SAORI looms, materials (yarn, roving, etc.). Students should bring: Any material they wish to weave into their projects Experience level recommended for this class: None. CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $20 – Payable to Instructor at class. CLASS SIZE Limited to 8 students
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Sunday Afternoon Classes
2015 Fiber Arts Classes 344 – WEAVE A SUNSET Ruth Manning – Instructor 3 HOURS Try tapestry weaving for the first time and create the sunset or sunrise you imagine! Students will learn basic tapestry technique, design a simple landscape and blend colors to create the sunset effect desired. We will discuss loom set up, weaving with several colors at once, and look at examples of the Instructor’s work. The Instructor will provide looms, bobbins, and all the yarns needed for the project, but if you have a few bits and pieces that inspire your sunset, bring them along. All levels of experience are welcome! Materials fee of $5 covers all the yarn needed for this project, plus printed materials and use of looms. Students should bring: Scissors, any small bits of novelty, hand-spun or interesting yarns that might be used to add to your sunset if you desire. Keep in mind the Instructor will provide all you need. Experience level recommended for this class: No experience needed CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE $5 – Payable to Instructor at class CLASS SIZE Limited to 10 students 345 – EMBELLISHMENTS! Annie Modesitt – Instructor 3 HOURS Once a sweater or knitted garment is finished, is it REALLY finished? Why not accentuate your lovely items with knit embellishments such as flowers, leaves, knots, knit fringes, several types of cord and knit buttons! Your mind will be opened to knitting as a 3-dimensional craft! No materials fee for this class. Students should bring: Light colored worsted weight yarn, needles to work well with yarn. At least one additional contrasting color in the same weight. Experience level recommended for this class: Advanced beginner CLASS TIME 3 HOURS CLASS FEE $45 MATERIALS FEE NONE CLASS SIZE Limited to 20 students 40 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing Workshops & Supplies Travel tours for yarn lovers! • Hand Spinners Cruise – October 8-17, 2015 • Fall Spinner's Retreat, Baraboo WI November 5-8, 2015 • Great Britain Wool Tour – June 17-28, 2016
Fiber arts workshops Mercantile•Travel tours
715.284.4590 Black River Falls, WI Open by appointment Email: deb@fibergarden.com
Meet Our Instructors Nancy Barnett – Alton, Missouri
Lynne Bergschultz – Fredonia, Wisconsin
128 – Polymer Clay Photo Pin Transfer 148 – Beginning Polymer Clay Buttons Artist Lynne Bergschultz, has been working in polymer for over a decade and continues to be dazzled by its vibrant colors, versatility and creative potential. Just as this medium has gained recognition as a legitimate medium, Lynne’s work has also grown. Her polymer clay buttons and accessories have been published in Belle Armoire and Quiltmaker magazines and sold in shops and galleries and at fiber events around the country. Lynne taught art in the public schools for ten years, then had a career in illustration and design and now focuses primarily on polymer clay buttons, beads, jewelry and fiber arts. As an instructor her workshops give her the opportunity to share her enthusiasm with others – bringing her artistic career full circle.
homestead in Lake Odessa “just to keep the pasture down.” In the spring, she fell in love with the lustrous fleece revealed by the shearer’s work. She designed a queen sized picture quilt top and hand carded the filling to make her first comforter. She had so much fun with her first project that she went looking for more things to do with her fleeces. She taught herself locker hooking, felting, and hand spinning and is still exploring knitting, crocheting, weaving and other fiber skills. Through her fiber based cottage business, Team Effort Artisans, Kelly has shown and sold fine wool crafts at shows, galleries, and festivals. Her enthusiasm for sharing fiber crafts and animals has led Kelly to teach spinning and felting to children and adults at festivals and schools throughout the Midwest.
Melissa (Mo) Brown – Verona, Wisconsin
321 – Dyeing Sock Blanks Mo is an enthusiastic and patient teacher who loves to share her knowledge with others. She has had extensive experience teaching everyone from beginners to experts. Knitting since childhood, she started spinning and dyeing wool in college and now has her own flock of sheep. Most days you can find her at The Cat & Crow in Mt. Horeb, helping knitters, thinking up (often not writing down) patterns to go with newly dyed colorways, and new, interesting yarns that have arrived at the shop.
Nancy Bush – Salt Lake City, Utah
243 – Core Spinning Four Different Ways 326 – Card it – Then Spin It! 343 – Creative Fiber Blending Melissa is one half of the fiber arts duo that runs Hello Purl. She has been carding and creating textured art yarns since she began her fiber adventures in 2010. She loves to blend colors and textures in her fiber work as well as try out new and unusual fibers. In addition to her fiber arts business Melissa is a mother of two little boys. She lives on a small homestead with her very supportive husband and their chickens. She has two German Angora rabbits who supply her with fiber to spin and a cat which doesn’t. She also loves to knit and her favorite way is with chunky yarn on big knitting needles.
102 – Overture to Estonian Lace 202 – Tvåändsstickning/Twined Knitting 303 – Traditional Estonian Socks Nancy has a passion for traditional knitting techniques and uses of ethnic patterns. She has a degree in Art History and post–graduate studies in color design and weaving in San Francisco and Sweden. She has published articles and designs in many magazines including PieceWork where she is currently a member of the editorial advisory panel. She teaches workshops in the United States and abroad, is the author of Folk Socks (1994), Folk Knitting in Estonia (1999), Knitting on the Road, Socks for the Traveling Knitter (2001), Knitting Vintage Socks (2005) and Knitted Lace of Estonia:Techniques, Patterns, and Traditions (2008), all published by Interweave Press. She owns The Wooly West, a mail order yarn business.
Kelly Dubois Brandt – Lake Odessa, Michigan
Henry and Roy Clemes – Pinole, California
Melissa Bohrtz – Sobieski, Wisconsin
123 – Good in the Clutch II – The Self-Beading Clutch (Wet Felt) 141 – Fancy Fascinators – Millinery, Wet Felting, Needle Felting 224 – Locker Hooking I – Introduction & Basics 246 – Locker Hooking II – Additional Techniques! 302 – Design With Prefelts: How to Make Them & How to Use Them Kelly started on her wool craft odyssey in 1975 with four horned Dorset sheep which came to her five acre
400 – Exploring the Drum Carder This class will be taught by the tag team of Henry and Roy Clemes. Henry has been building fiber art equipment for over 44 years and drum carders for 37 years. Roy has worked with his dad for 21 years taking time out to go to college. Together they have introduced many interesting innovations to the fiber arts community. They regularly instruct spinners in the use of drum carders for carding specific fibers and work closely with animal growers to get a better return on their investment.
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142 – Bamboozeled – Spinning and Blending With Bamboo Nancy has been spinning and raising sheep for 30 years. She raises Shetland, Border and Blue Faced Leicester sheep and Angora rabbits. She is a popular teacher at fiber events in many Midwestern states, including Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Indiana. She is the recipient of two Sustainable Agriculture awards, one of which was for her Angora/wool socks. She lives in the Missouri Ozarks with her husband of fifty years.
Meet Our Instructors Jill Colbert – La Crescent, Minnesota
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Instructors
242 – Coil Basket Jill has a small sheep farm where she raises Coopworth and CVM sheep and just added a Lincoln to her small flock. She also has three alpacas and a guard llama. She hand dyes and spins her wool and works at making beautiful creations with her fiber.
Linda Conroy – Sheboygan, Wisconsin 122 – Making Old Fashion Herbal & Milk Based Soaps 143 – The Home Creamery: Yogurt, Kefir & Simple Cheese 221 – Herbal Infused Oils, Salves & Lotions Linda Conroy is a bioregional herbalist and wild food aficionado. Her life is dedicated to connecting with the green world and her primary mentors are the plants which never cease to instill a sense of wonder in her daily life. During her 20-year span as an herbalist she has completed two herbal apprenticeship programs, studied for close to a decade with Isla Burgess of the International College of Herbal Medicine, has become certified as a Wilderness First Responder and has completed a permaculture design course. Conroy is a much-soughtafter presenter on topics of herbal medicine, wild food, women’s health and nonviolent communication. She is the founder of Moonwise Herbs (www.MoonwiseHerbs.com) and the Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference (www. MidwestWomens.com).
fiber education has been through classes at Tri-County Fiber Studios & Llama Farms, sheep and wool festivals in Kentucky and Wisconsin and WTC Junior College as well as llama conferences in Minnesota and Wisconsin. She is a member of Three Rivers Spinning and Weaving Guild, Cameron Park Market and Midwest Llama Association. Her Art Fiber booth received the Peoples’ Choice Award at ArtInspire in La Crosse, WI in 2014.
Janet Falk – Milwaukee, Wisconsin 220 – Multi-Cord Felt Necklace w/Beads Jan Falk is an Alverno College graduate, art teacher and artist. Dabbling in various textile media for years, the tactile magic of wet felting grabbed her and has held her captive for over 8 years. She enjoys witnessing the “aha” moments when first time students experience the transformation of wool to felt in its many forms. Playing with color and texture just adds to the learning and enjoyment. Jan teaches in Milwaukee, Racine, and Madison, shows her work in Southeastern Wisconsin, and has had work selected for juried exhibits including Wisconsin’s first Fiber Biennale in 2013. She continues to take classes from other felt artists to explore and expand her art.
Jane Grogan – Madison, Wisconsin 226 – Weave a Rectangle (Continuous Strand Weaving)
Mary is a life long knitter, weaver, felter and temari ball maker, who has exhibited at the John Michael Kohler Art Center in Sheboygan, Wisconsin Handweavers, Sheboygan County Fair and Midwest Handweavers biannual conference.
Jane Grogan started weaving on a 4-shaft table loom in 1979, but it wasn’t until she acquired a 7-foot triangle loom in 1990 that she found her dream tool. The “instant” warp while you weave has provided endless hours of fascination. Jane has since added smaller size looms to her collection which are perfect for “on the go” projects. Jane has held workshops on continuous strand weaving technique at Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival, Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Fair, Black Sheep Gathering, MKG Knit-In, and the Great Midwest AlpacaFest.
Danita Doerre – Stoddard, Wisconsin
Mary Jo Harris – Madison, Wisconsin
Mary Dalhaimer – Sheboygan, Wisconsin 205 – Beginning Temari Ball
324 – Wet & Needle Art Felt: ‘Painting with Fiber in The Woods’ As a fiber artist, interior designer and Certified ILRSD Llama Fleece Judge, Danita has been involved with fiber since her first purchase of a llama named Forrester in 1996. Since then Forrest Ridge Llamas and Alpacas houses four llamas, 2 alpacas and 1 sheep, for a variety of natural eco-friendly fibers. Her specialty is needle felted soft sculptures and fiber art. She loves to create fiber art pieces with soft expression and depth using natural fibers in wet felted, braided, lap loom weavings, hand spun yarn, art felt paper, hand-dyed and dry-felted. All of her designs are one-of-a-kind and are inspired by nature and her coulee region surroundings. “All fiber has a purpose and my passion is to work with natural fleeces and be part of a heritage culture of handcraft pieces of ‘fiber art.’” Her 42 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
121 – Beginning Knitted Pattern & Chart Reading 320 – Beginning Chair Caning Mary Jo Harris lives in the knitting Mecca of Madison. She has been a teacher all of her adult life and has formally taught knitting for the last 8 years at various sheep and wool festivals, fiber festivals, Knit-In’s, and teaches locally for Madison College and the Wisconsin Craft Market. In the last several years, she has added chair caning classes to her teaching repertoire. Mary Jo designs knitting patterns and has written a book entitled Double Knitting—Inside Out, which is available through Amazon or Ravelry. As an active member of the Madison Knitters’ Guild she has an almost constant opportunity to discuss anything and everything knitting-related. On her website (www.Toadknits.com) she also blogs about her life as a knitter and makes her designs and book available.
Meet Our Instructors Linda Harwood – Ionia, Michigan 103 – Rug Hooking
John Holzwart – Sheboygan, Wisconsin 307 – Broom Making: 3 Styles of Whisk Brooms John Holzwart is a naturalist, permaculturist, educator, beekeeper, wild forager and traditional broom maker. He has a passion for wild foraging and for grafting and growing unusual fruit. He has his design certificate in permaculture and applies these principles to his daily life. John teaches and demonstrates the many traditional skills he practices at events across North America. His kindness and commitment to personal growth shine through as he interacts with the public. He is also the training director for the Wisconsin Mankind Project. You can often find John in the woods looking for broom handles, mushrooms and other wild edibles. You can learn more at www. moonwiseherbs.com.
Stefania Isaacson – St. Charles, Illinois 104 – Natural Dyes: Adding Iron – How Sad Can Be Happy 327 – Aran Knitting Made Easy Stefania has been a life-long knitter, and started spinning and dyeing to supply herself with “the best yarns in the world!” She got her certificate of excellence in Handspinning from the Handweaver’s Guild of America in 1997. Since then she has opened her own business called Handspun by Stefania and taught numerous workshops dealing in natural dyes, spinning and knitting. She has spoken about the fiber arts to numerous groups, and has appeared on Home & Garden TV as a guest on the Carol Duvall Show. She sells handspun, natural hand-dyed yarns, original knitting kits using her own yarns and patterns, hand-dyed roving dyed with natural dyes, and handmade baskets. She was previously a high school English teacher, and now enjoys teaching spinning, dyeing, and knitting to fiber enthusiasts. Most recently, Stefania has authored a book on natural dyes called In Search of the Perfect Green—and Orange, Too!
325 – Felted Necklace Jill is the shepherd behind RiverWinds Farm and their award winning Cormo wool. She has always been fascinated with wet felting and the amazing things that can be created with a little wool and water. In recent years she has taken wet felting, beading, and embroidery and combined them into her own unique art form. Empowered by her acceptance into juried art shows and the kind words of so many people, she is finding more and more time to create felt art. Jill wants her students to be excited about wool and the endless possibilities it possesses. When not felting or stitching, she is still shepherding her sheep and raising her two sons.
Deb Jones – Black River Falls, Wisconsin 101 – 201 – 301 Beginning Spinning Deb is from Black River Falls, Wisconsin. She is an enthusiastic handspinner and teaches spinning workshops throughout the region, including at Sievers School of Fiber Arts. Deb is owner of The Fiber Garden, a year-round fiber arts school and shop that has been featured in such magazines as American Small Farm, Impressions, and Positive Thinking. For Deb it’s a means to promote fiber arts and combine her love of spinning, dyeing, teaching and country living!
Holin Kennen – Evansville, Wisconsin 146 – Muppet Barf: Creating Unique Yarns with Multiple Rovings Holin is an award-winning spinner from Evansville who started spinning thirty years ago, driven by her curiosity about the life of pre-industrial America and English country people. A self-taught spinner, she has garnered numerous awards, including Best of Show at the Los Angeles County Fair and the Wisconsin Spin-In. Holin has volunteered at the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival Fleece Show for ten years and been its Coordinator for the past three. She recently opened her own fiber shop, The Dancing Lamb, in her Victorian home in downtown Evansville. She enjoys many historic activities including gardening, baking bread, knitting, dyeing fiber and lives by oil lamp and Internet with her wife and two Corgis.
Letty Klein – Kalamazoo, Michigan 107 – The Shepherd’s Rug – A Braided Rug From Roving Letty Klein has been making custom braided rugs from roving for almost 20 years. She has raised Karakul sheep since 1982 on Pine Lane Farm near Kalamazoo, MI. and has judged sheep and fleece shows all across the country. She is on the Michigan Sheep Breeders Association Board of Directors and is Vice President of the Weavers Guild of Kalamazoo. A graduate of Michigan State University,
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2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Instructors
Linda Harwood practices the early American art of rug hooking. Her skill and eye for color have brought commissions both in America and internationally. The themes, texture and color of the rural landscape emerge in her work, influenced by her family life on a sheep and cattle farm. “In my hooking I use recycled wool as well as new wool material. I want the hooked pieces to look old, and therefore I over-dye the wool. I have been hooking for over thirty years and teaching since the early 1990s.” As a fiber artist Linda has enjoyed sharing her knowledge with others. Her work has been seen in magazines, books and on television. Visit her web at www.harwoodhookedonewe.
Jill Johnson – Boyd, Wisconsin
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Instructors
Meet Our Instructors with a degree in Microbiology, she is a retired research scientist from Upjohn/Pfizer Animal Health. She has a regular column in the Black Sheep Newsletter. Along with co-author Ann Brown they have conducted rug braiding workshops all across the country since their book The Shepherd’s Rug – A Braided Wool Rug from Roving was published in 2006.
Kathy Krause – Clintonville, Wisconsin 120 – Entrelac In the Round 247 – Knitting Beyond the Basics The Krause’s started the family llama farm, Pine Knoll Llamas, located in Clintonville, back in 1988. Kathy’s passion for fiber started with a llama outing where she saw llama fiber being combed. An “internal switch” was flipped on that she says changed her life forever! She now shears around 50 llamas a year and processes about half of those fleeces. Kathy states that she enjoys every aspect of wool and all levels of processing. She says “There is no greater joy than to take a fleece and to work with it and see the finished product.” She is one of the founders of “fiber thing,” an event that was held annually in Shawano, Wisconsin and still remains a committee member of the current “fiber thing” event called “Winter Weekend Warmup.” Kathy and her husband, Richard, have opened a retail yarn and spinning shop called The Copper Llama. The shop is located on their property in an old restored 1300 sq foot shed which offers a full line of commercial and specialty yarn and accessories, rovings and fibers for the spinner/felter.
Bev Larson – Lafayette, Indiana 140 – Mary Had A Little Lamb Basket 340 – Josephine Knot Reed Basket I have been weaving since 1988 and teaching since 1999. I love to share the joy of basket weaving with those around me and have done so by teaching in Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and the Caribbean on the Basket Weaving Cruises. Making basket weaving fun, relaxing, and inspiring is my goal. In 2003 I won the Eiteljorg Museums Weavers Challenge. In 2009 I added broom making as an outshoot of weaving and it too is now a passion.
Ruth Manning – Madison, Wisconsin 206 – Weave a Pouch 344 – Weave A Sunset Ruth Manning teaches and creates art at her studio in Madison, specializing in handwoven tapestry with a focus on portraits and personal narrative work. She has taught in public school art rooms, conference and camp settings and individual classes. 44 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Annie Modesitt – St. Paul, Minnesota 225 – Mitered Knitting 249 – Combination Knitting 329 – Knitting With Beads 345 – Embellishments! A native of Ohio, I taught myself to knit at age 25 before a move from New York City to Texas. The Texas tenure didn’t last, but knitting did, and upon my return to the New York area I began knitting for other designers and designing for major knitting magazines. My work has appeared in Interweave Knits, Vogue Knitting, Knitters Magazine, Cast On, Family Circle Easy Knitting, McCalls Needlework and many international fiber & yarn oriented publications. I teach worldwide and across the United States. I knit using the Combination Method and believe that there truly is no wrong way to knit. I live in St Paul with my husband, kids and assorted pets.
Chiaki O’Brien – Chaska, Minnesota 228 – SAORI Weaving – Express Yourself on Saori Looms! (Repeated as Class 248 & 342) 323 – Introduction to Bengala Dye Chiaki took a Bengala Dye workshop in the summer of 2012 in Japan. She really loved how easy, fun and natural the process was. She applied the Jerome Fiber Artist Project Grants to learn more about Bengala Dye and was fortunate to receive the grant and went to Japan in early 2013 to study under her mentor for a week. She now teaches at various places such as Weavers Guild of Minnesota, Art Educators of Minnesota Fall Conference, Iowa Sheep and Wool Festival, Shepherd’s Harvest (MN) as well as exploring more about Bengala dye by creating.
Carol Rhoades – Madison, Wisconsin 125 – 4 Fibers, 3 Yarn Sizes, 1 Lovely Cowl 145 – Spinning for Knitted Cables 204 – Knitting Wrapped Stitches Carol has taught spinning and knitting throughout the U.S. and abroad for many years. Her particular interest is in primitive wools and how they are used for traditional knitted garments in Scandinavia and the U.K. Carol has published numerous articles in Spin-Off magazine, is featured on Interweave’s Hand Carding DVD, and also writes for PieceWork. She has translated many Scandinavian knitting, crochet, and weaving books into English.
Theresa Schabes – Pewaukee, Wisconsin 241 – Mad for Plaid! Theresa’s first published sweater pattern appeared in the Spring 2006 issue of Interweave Knits. Since then her designs have been featured in major knitting magazines and books, including the covers of Interweave Knits, Knitter’s Magazine (twice) and Knit Noro. She recently began self-publishing patterns and blogging under the
Meet Our Instructors
Marilou Schultz – Mesa, Arizona
227 – Spinning – Using a Navajo Lap Spindle 244 – Warp Set-Up For Navajo Style Weaving 308 – The Art of Navajo Weaving Marilou Schultz is Navajo, originally from the Dine Nation. She is renowned as a weaver and known for her experimentation of Navajo rugs using Churro sheep wool in weaving tapestries. She comes from more than four generations of weavers and the weaving is being passed onto the younger generation as well. Marilou teaches at various museums and festivals through the U.S. and also participates in the Heard Museum Indian Market and the Sante Fe Indian Markets where she has won numerous awards for her traditional and contemporary rugs.
Nancy Shroyer – Cary, North Carolina
129 – Buttonholes, Zippers, Cords & Pockets 149 – Get Gauge (or Not!) 208 – Spinning for a Purpose 322 – The Other Color Work – Mosaic Knitting 341 – Drop Spindle Spinning for Beginners Nancy Shroyer knits, spins, weaves, dyes, designs, teaches and invents in Cary. Her philosophy is to make working with fiber easier for everyone. She has found many shortcuts, techniques and formulas that can save time and anxiety. This has led her to develop Nancy’s Knit Knacks, whose products are sold worldwide.
Cheryl Stegert – Appleton, Wisconsin
223 – Beginning Rigid Heddle Weaving 245 – Rigid Heddle Weaving (Advanced) – Variable Dent & Two Reeds Exploration Cheryl has a fiber gene! Knitting, crochet, weaving, spinning, tatting, and many other fiber crafts have intrigued her from an early age. She has taught all variety of classes at Yarns by Designs in Neenah for over 15 years. It still amazes her how people through the ages can take a fiber, add twist and then create the most gorgeous fabric, sculpture, tapestries and works of beauty! Just by pulling loops through loops, intertwining threads, knotting them and pulling them through fabric! When she isn’t doing fiber, she works as a church administrator, loves technology
and is working on her genealogy – it is amazing how many ancestors wove and spun – way back to the Mayflower and beyond. It’s in the genes!
Sheryl Thies – Fitchburg, Wisconsin
127 – Learn Basic Tunisian Crochet & Make Spa Cloths 147 – Corded Summer Fruit Shawl – Tunisian Crochet After retiring from a career in healthcare, Sheryl Thies decided to follow her artistic passion – combining fiber, texture and color. In addition to designing and teaching both knitting and Tunisian crochet, she enjoys travel and spending time outdoors. She can often be found on the bocce court, either playing or refereeing. She is the author of several books, including Tunisian Crochet Encore and Slip Stitch Knits.
Amy Tyler – Lake Ann, Michigan
105 – Matching Yarn to Project & Project to Yarn! 203 – Creating the Yarn You Want 304 – Spinning & Dyeing Silk Hankies Amy’s formal training was in modern dance, kinesiology, and physiology. She then taught physical therapy students about critical inquiry, evidence-based practice, and research design. Ten years ago she left the academic life to pursue fibers arts. Now she teaches spinning and knitting at venues across the country and is well known for her animated and engaging teaching style. She has published articles in Spin-Off and PLY Magazine. Her art and science backgrounds give her a keen understanding of learning movement skills, composition, pattern recognition, and systematic exploration. The result is her focus on spinning and knitting technique, texture, three-dimensional structure, and knit designs that exploit handspinning techniques. You can find out more about her work on her website, http://www.stonesockfibers.com and on her blog, http://stonesockblog.blogspot.com.
Mary Underwood – Ann Arbor, Michigan
106 – Getting Loopy: Boucle’ Yarns 207 – Will That Be One Hump or Two? Mary is a ‘self-guided’ textiles enthusiast. A spinner, weaver, and frequent traveler to Mongolia, she documents nomadic textile traditions, and generally returns laden with cashmere, yak and baby camel hair. She’s also devoted years to researching textiles in early to mid 1900’s Quebec. For her business, Front Porch Textiles and Fuzzworks, Mary produces handspun yarns and handwoven textiles, teaches, and researches for publication and lectures. She is equally comfortable with a spinning wheel or Indian charka but revels in producing classic knitting and weaving yarns. She’s devoted over 20 years to learning spinning and weaving skills and passing that knowledge on through classes, lectures, articles in SpinOff, Handwoven, and Complex Weavers, and participation in study groups and organizations. Learning, the pursuit of excellence, and a daily dose of adventure rule in Underwood’s world.
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2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Instructors
name Woolly-Wits. Theresa’s specialties include plaid patterns, modular design, entrelac, and skirts. Her focus is on patterns which flatter the even-less-than-perfect figure. As a teacher, Theresa has been affiliated with Knitche in Downer’s Grove, Illinois for ten years. She has also led programs at knitting guilds, including the Fox Valley Knitter’s Guild (St. Charles, IL), Old Pueblo Knitter’s Guild (Tucson, AZ) and West Suburban Knitting Guild (Hinsdale, IL). Knitting event teaching gigs include Madison Knitters Guild Knit-In 2015, YarnCon 2014 and 2015 (Chicago, IL) and Stitches Midwest 2010. She also volunteered her time leading an elementary school knitting class for seven years.
Meet Our Instructors Becky Utecht – Mora, Minnesota
2015 Wonders Of Wool Fiber Arts Classes Instructors
306 – Raw Felted Fleece Becky Utecht raises sheep and makes fiber art, specializing in feltmaking. Using the wool from her flock of Bluefaced Leicesters, Shetlands, and Teeswater crosses she creates two- and three-dimensional art including garments, accessories, home decor and wall art. She enjoys sharing the fun and magic of felting with her students, appreciating the unique the knowledge and aesthetics they bring to the subject. She has studied with renowned feltmakers from many countries and her work has been included in fine art shows, wool festivals, and pubications in the the New York Times and “500 Felt Objects.” She operates River Oaks Farm & Studio in rural Mora, Minnesota, www.rjutecht. com.
Nancy VanDerPuy – Sheboygan, Wisconsin 328 – The Brigitte – A Beaded Knit Necklace Purse I have been a knitter for most of my life but was introduced to bead knitting and crochet when I worked at a museum and discovered vintage beaded purses. After doing research, I found most of them were knit! I studied and practiced the old techniques and have now written two books about bead knitting as well as teach classes and do art shows. I use some of the centuries-old patterns but I also create new, more updated patterns. It’s my desire to not only carry on this traditional art but inspire others to try it.
Mary Wallace – Cambridge, Wisconsin 124 – Small Felted Pocket 144 – Small Felted Vessels 305 – Nuno Felt Scarf Mary is a long-time teacher of felting. She has taught at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival for many years and at the Midwest Felters’ Symposium, the Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Festival, and at numerous schools throughout the area. Recently she had the wonderful experience of teaching felting to grade school students as a visiting artist. Her students have ranged in age from pre-school to retirement age and beyond. She has taken many felting workshops from teachers throughout the world and continues to learn new and exciting things regarding felt, fiber, and art. She is a member of the popular Earth, Wood, and Fire Artists Tour (www. earthwoodandfiretour.com), the longstanding Black Hawk Artists in Fort Atkinson (on Facebook) , and the newly emerging Cambridge Arts Council (www. cambridgewiarts.com). Her studio is in rural Cambridge. Luci Williams – Hartford, Wisconsin 126 – Spinning the Sensuous Silk Luci is a master spinner, weaver and fiber artist, originally from Minnesota. She has owned and operated her fiber art retail stores throughout the southeastern 46 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
part of Wisconsin and has been spinning for 25+ years. Her love of fibers was born after her experience as a Costume Guide Interpreter at Old World Wisconsin. There she taught herself to spin and continued educating herself on her farm in Richfield with her many Merino/Corriedale sheep and five kids. She has taught for years at the WI Spin-In, at many guilds throughout the state, the “Knitch” in Delafield, Ben Franklin in Oconomowoc, workshops at Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival, Madeline Island School of the Arts, Museum of Wisconsin Art in West Bend and at her own retail stores/schools in Germantown, Cedarburg, Hartford and West Bend. She owns the fiber art school, Sheeping Beauty Fibre Arts. Luci has appeared on several cable TV shows as well as Outdoor Wisconsin, Country Handcraft magazine and many newspaper articles. She is now “on the farm” in Hartford, raising Shetland sheep, teaching fiber art classes and enjoying life. History and traditional textiles are of great interest to her and this all comes out in her classes. Luci has been the State Wisconsin Spin-In Coordinator and president of the “The Friendly, Feisty Fiber Guild.”
Emily Wohlscheid – Battle Creek, Michigan
222 – Wire Core Spinning Emily Wohlscheid is a teaching multimedia artist. She travels around the Midwest (and sometimes beyond!) to share her wares and the knowledge she has accumulated on her creative journey.
Wool, Warp & Wheel Fiber Art Studio
5605 Mill Street, Richmond, IL (815) 678-4063 www.woolwarpandwheel.com Tues-Fri 7 PM – 9 PM Sat-Sun 10 AM – 5 PM We carry a large selection of natural fiber yarns, prepared spinning fiber and fleeces, as well as a full line of tools and equipment for spinners, knitters, and weavers. Every Sunday is “Open Workshop,” where the coffee is hot and the help is always free.
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 47
Wooly U — A Sheep & Fiber Camp for Kids! Pre-registration Required!
Register Online YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER ONLINE! Pre-Register by August 15
An all-day sheep and fiber camp for KIDS 8-16 years of age! Spend a day at the festival learning crocheting skills, how to dye yarn, try your hand at felting and get the basics of weaving on a loom you can take home! We will also visit the newborn lamb display, watch sheep shearing, see some unusual breeds of sheep and get a lesson in Wisconsin’s rural history. In addition, you’ll be able to customize your own Wooly U Camp T-shirt, get your “diploma” and a course handbook. Camp begins at 8:45 a.m. on Saturday, September 12 and will end promptly at 4:15 p.m. We will start the day’s activities in the Wonders of Wool Building 1 (see map of Fair Park). Cost is only $35 per student. You will need to bring a bag lunch, but we will furnish water, lemonade and milk as beverages. Snacks will be provided throughout the day. Wear clothes that can get dirty and stained from dyeing fiber. (All our dyes are non-toxic!) All supplies are furnished.
HOW TO PRE-REGISTER Register online by going to the festival website www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com On the homepage, go to Youth Activities and then click on the selection bar Wooly U. You will register under Saturday All-Day classes, Class 600 on the Fiber Arts Classes page. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one. Registration per student is $35 and does not include admission to the Festival. Registration will appear as Class 600. Sorry – no walk-ins accepted. Limited to 20 students
Please note: We will need parental/guardian contact information for the day as well as any specific information that we need to know about a student. The Instructors will need to easily contact a parent in the case of an emergency.
Wool And
cotton Co.
knit.crochet. spin. 5626 Broad St | Greendale, Wisconsin | (414) 235-4746 | www.woolandcottonco.com 48 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Walk and Knit Relay Challenge Saturday – 4:30 PM • The race is taking place on an asphalt surface. Please wear suitable footwear and be aware that knitting needles can be hazardous. Festival and organizers are not liable for injuries. Registration deadline - August 15. Walk-Ins MAY be accepted (or may not be able to be accommodated). Register for Wonders of Wool Class 500 ($20/team of 4) or Class 501 ($10/person if registering as an individual). Those persons registering as an individual will be assigned to teams by the organizers. No refunds given for cancellations. Contact Mary Germain with questions at mgermain55@gmail.com or 414964-7746.
This Walk and Knit event was inspired by a similar teamrelay race that takes place in Estonia, known there as Käi ja Koo. Join together with your friends (teams of four) in this friendly, fun, fast-paced, walking and knitting event. OR sign up individually and we will put a team together for you. Proceeds from this event will support youth activities related to wool. If you can’t walk and chew gum at the same time, come and watch as teams take on the challenge of knitting while walking, and cheer on your favorite team. Walk and Knit Rules: • Each team will have one knitting project to work. The yarn ball is kept in a knitting project bag, hanging on the competitor’s wrist. The bag and knitting will be handed over from one team member to another at the end of each lap, as in a relay race. • Each team member walks one lap about 100 yards long, while knitting in stockinette stitch on circular needles. • Points will be given to each team based on the number of stitches knit (higher number of stitches = more points) and the time to finish the course (faster time = more points), and points will be subtracted for errors (dropped stitches, etc). The team with the most points wins. • Teams will be composed of four members (at the discretion of the judges, teams with fewer members may participate and individual members may walk more than one lap so that a total of four laps are completed by each team) • Supplies (yarn, circular needles, knitting project bags) will be provided by organizers. • All team members must report to Walk & Knit Way (the road just south of WOW Classes Bldg #1) between 4:00-4:15 on Saturday. The event will take place on Walk & Knit Way beginning at 4:30 pm. • Before the start, each team’s knitting project will be prepared, with 100 stitches cast on and the first four rounds knit using sport-weight yarn and size 5 circular needles.
Sincere thanks to the following sponsors and supporters! Arachne Spinners Guild, Cream City Yarn, The Dragonfly Yarn Shop, Fiberwood Studio, Greater Milwaukee Knitting Guild, Iris Fine Yarns, Kaleidoscope Fibers, knitch, Knitting Knook, The Knitting Room, The Knitting Tree, Madison Knitting Guild, Midwest Yarn, Needles ‘n Pins Yarn Shoppe, River Boutique and Yarns, Sievers School of Fiber Arts, The Sow’s Ear, Spin of Door County, Studio S Fiber Arts, The Wool & Cotton Co., and Yarns by Design. HOW TO REGISTER Register online by going to the festival website www. wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com On the homepage, go to Wonders of Wool Classes and then click on the selection bar Walk & Knit. You will register under either Class 500 (Team) or Class 501 (Individual) under Fiber Arts Classes. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one. Registration does not include admission to the Festival. Registration will appear as either Class 500 or Class 501. If registering for a team only one team member should register!
www.illinoisgreenpastures.org info@illinoisgreenpastures.org 815-751-0887 Stop by and explore our booth #785-786 located in Country Store West.
Fresh fiber from our family farms to your hands, we offer fabulous yarn, roving, batting and much more. Fine to long wools and everything in between, our fibers are hand-dyed as well as naturally colored. Illinois Green Pastures Fiber Cooperative
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 49
Design Challenge Competition! Sunday – Wonders of Wool Building 1
Make a Statement – Naturally! Unleash your inner fashion design skills and enter the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival Design Challenge Competition! Clothing and accessory entries must be original designs, and can be woven, crocheted, felted or knitted, and the material can be any natural fiber. Open to all. Grand prize is $100, sponsored by Wool, Warp & Wheel, Richmond, IL. (Booths 778-782 Country Store-East). Second and third place winners will receive gift certificates worth $40 and $25 respectively from the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival. Do not enter items that have been entered in previous years. NEW! MSSBA Entries: The top-placing Shetland handmade entry submitted by a member of the Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association (MSSBA) will receive a rosette supplied by that organization. Please indicate MSSBA membership on the entry form when submitting entries. Contestants may bring entries to the Wonders of Wool Building I (WOW I), Friday: 12:00 – 5:00, Saturday: 8:00 – 1:00 and 3:00 – 5:00. You will find entry forms in this catalog. Please, one entry per form. Make copies as necessary. Each individual entry, along with a $5 entry fee, must be identified with the following printed information: 1. Name of person entering garment or accessory; complete address, telephone/email address of contestant;
2. Full description of the item(s) entered; 3. Natural fiber(s) utilized in construction of entry 4. A brief statement describing the inspiration for your entry. 5. Please supply clear individual garment bags or clear covers for clothing items and appropriate protection for accessory items (covers will be available if you are unable to supply your own). 6. Questions, contact Lisa Shuppe (lshuppe@yahoo.com) 262 573-3110. Judging will take place in the Wonders of Wool Building 1, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Sunday. Judging is open to the public, but please, no talking or questions during the judging phase. Results will be posted and entries open to viewing during check-in/registration hours and upon completion of judging. All entries will remain on viewing until 4:00. Entries may be picked up from 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. All entries must be picked up and signed out by 4:30 p.m. Open to residents of any state. Wisconsin Make It With Wool contestants are encouraged to enter, however, this competition is not affiliated with the national or Wisconsin MIWW competition.
Design Challenge Competition Registration Form One Form Per Entry - $5 Fee Per Entry Please print clearly. Thank you! Entry MUST be an original design! Please bring completed entry form, along with entry, to the Wonders of Wool Building I. Check-in Hours: Friday Noon – 5:00; Saturday 8:00 – 1:00 and 3:00 – 5:00 Name ________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ City _________________________________________ State _____ Zip____________ Email ________________________________________________________________ Phone______________________________________________MSSBA Member? YES FULL DESCRIPTION OF ENTRY (One entry per form please!) NATURAL FIBER USED IN CONTRUCTION INSPIRATION FOR ENTRY
50 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Open & MSSBA Shetland Handspun Skein Competition Sunday – Wonders of Wool Building 1 CHECK-IN:
Wonders of Wool Building 1 Friday: 12:00 – 5:00 Saturday: 8:00 – 1:00 and 3:00– 5:00
Sunday - 9:00 a.m. Wonders of Wool Building 1
(circle appropriate category on registration form) I - Shetland • II - Other (list Fiber – Wool, Alpaca, etc)
1: Children, age 11 and under* 2: Youth, age 12 – 17 3: Beginner Adult, less than one year experience 4: Experienced Adult, more than one year experience 5: Advanced, have won a first place award in any skein competition or teach (or have taught) spinning 6: Just for FUN, exhibit only, not judged* 7: Drop Spindle, 1 – 2 yrs experience 8: Drop Spindle, 3 yrs and up experience *See below for entry fee and premium exceptions.
A: Fine B: Medium C: Bulk D: Novelty: must be at least 50 % natural fiber (List Fibers, i.e., Dog/Cat/Alpaca/etc) E: Other Fibers (i.e., Bison, Flax, cotton, etc)
Skeins judged on a point system. Points based on following criteria: 1. Fiber Preparation/Cleanliness 2. Spinning Technique 3. Skill (Difficulty) 4. Finishing, 5. Appropriateness for intended use. 6. Sample swatch included Entries open to public viewing during registration, during check-in hours and at completion of judging until 4:00 Sunday. All entries must be picked up between 4:00 – 4:30 on Sunday. Judging open to the public, but please, no questions or talking during the judging phase. Thank you!
ENTRY FEE, RULES & INSTRUCTIONS: $3.00 per skein entry fee, *except for Classes 1 & 6, for which there are no entry fees. Use catalog or downloadable on-line form. Entries must be filled out completely when entrant registers or the entry will be disqualified. Judge and/or skein superintendant reserve the right to give awards to quality skeins only, move skeins to appropriate categories, split, close or combine classes. 1. All work must be that of the entrant. 2. Skeins entered must have been completed since the 2012 Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival 3. Skeins must be TWO or more ounces in weight (attached swatch can be added to weight) 4. Skeins must be wound on a TWO-YARD niddy-noddy 5. All entries must be gently figure-eight tied in four places. Do not twist into a tight skein but leave hanging loosely. 6. ALL skeins MUST have a 3”x3”, no larger than 4”x4” swatch attached to the skein. Swatches can be Crochet, Knit, Woven, or other method showing the yarn in a finished example. Points will be deducted for skeins not having the required swatch. 7. The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC assumes no liability for lost, stolen, or damaged entries. 8. Questions, contact Lisa Shuppe (shuppian@charter.net) AWARDS:
1. Ribbon award to 1st and 2nd places in Classes: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 (all lots and categories) 2. Monetary award to 1st and 2nd places in Classes: 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 (all lots and categories) 3. Achievement Certificate awarded to all categories, classes and lots. 4. All 1st and 2nd place monetary award winners will be combined for a single Best in Show Award.
First Place - $10.00
Second Place - $5.00
Best in Show - $25.00
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 51
Open & MSSBA Handspun Skein Competition
(Make copies as necessary) One Skein per Entry Form - $3.00 Fee per Entry No entry fee for Classes 1 and 6. Please print clearly – Thank you! Bring completed entry form, along with entry fees, along with skein and swatch to WONDERS OF WOOL BUILDING 1 Check-in hours: Friday 12:00 – 5:00 • Saturday 8:00 – 1:00 and 3:00 – 5:00 Skein must have been completed AFTER January 1 of competition year. Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Intended Use of Skein _________________________________________________________________________________ Category (Circle or List)
Shetland _____________________ Other (Wool, Alpaca, list fiber) ________________________
Class _____________________________________________ Lot ______________________________________________ (See Skein Competition for Class and Lot information.) Entry forms not completed will be disqualified. • Points deducted for non-compliance of swatch attachment.
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•No Order Too Small!
Core Spun Rug Yarn•
Round Barn Fiber
52 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Now Offering Core Spun Yarn!
815-201-1800 help@roundbarnfiber.com
Wisconsin Wool Works!
Support Your Industry! Join the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Co-op Family memberships only $25/year
608 868-2505 | www.wisbc.com
WISCONSIN STATE FAIR August 6-16 WISCONSIN SHEEP & WOOL FESTIVAL Sept. 11-13 Grassroots Promotion of Wisconsin Fiber Artists The Wisconsin Wool Works! is a function of the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative, promoting the wool industry and providing a sales outlet for fiber artists and businesses.
YORKSHIRE ROSE FARM Pedigree Romney Sheep (Natural & Colored)
ROMNEY & SAMM BREEDING STOCK Yarn / Roving / Hides /Freezer Lambs
Rambouillet (Merino type), Tunis & X-Breed Fleeces
Come see us in the Country Store West Barn Booths 719-720 Vibrant Colored Hand Dyed Yarns Gorgeous Sheepskins FROM OUR FLOCK WITH PRIDE
David & Carole Pine 608-469-0790 www.yorkshirerosefarm.com email: yorkshirerosefarm@gmail.com
Registered Shetland Sheep Spinning, Weaving and Knitting Equipment Spinning Fibers, Yarn and Patterns, Handmade Items Brochure Available Registered Shetland Sheep Breeding Stock For Sale Member NASSA and MSSBA
Alan & Chris Greene www.Shepherdwoodsfarm.com christinegreene52@gmail.com • 815-496-2628 Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 53
All About – Make It With Wool Entry Deadline — August 15 Who Can Enter? (Ages as of 1/1/15) Preteens Age 12 and under Juniors Ages 13-16 Seniors Ages 17-24 Adults 25 and older Novelty Item Any age What Can I Enter? One-Piece Garment: Dress, jumper, jacket, coat or cape Two-Piece Garment: Coat, jacket, cape, blouse/shirt, vest or sweater With….Dress, jumper, skirt, pants or shorts Ensemble: 3 or more garments listed above worn together at one time Novelty: See Novelty Contest for details What Fabrics/Yarns Can I Use? Fabric and yarn requirements are 100% wool, or wool-blend (minimum 60% wool or specialty fiber) for each fashion fabric or yarn used. Specialty fibers include mohair, cashmere, alpaca, camel, llama and vicuna. The entire garment must be wool or wool-blend fabric. IMPORTANT: Test your fabric prior to construction of your garment. Send 5”X 5” samples to the State Director along with $5.00 per swatch. These will be sent to the Montana Wool Lab for testing. Once your fiber passes fiber content testing at the lab, it will be certified to be used in the contest. Swatches sent with entry forms must be received four weeks prior to the contest to allow for wool testing. What Are the Judging Criteria? • Appropriateness to contestant’s lifestyle • Coordination of fabric/yarn with garment style and design • Contestant’s preparation • Construction quality • Creativity • Judging is private and decisions are final. How Do I Enter? Complete an official entry form for each entry. Each entry requires a $12.00 National fee and a $15.00 Wisconsin fee. Entry fees are non-refundable. Entry forms for the garment contest and the Wisconsin Novelty contest are included in this catalog and also on the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival website. Further information is available from the State Director or at UWEX offices. Are There Prizes? Preteens receive up to 3 placings in state competition, but do not advance to national finals. Junior and senior winners advance to national competition. Scholarships of $1000 and 54 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Wisconsin’s 2014-2015 Make It With Wool Senior Winner, Sara Mark of Ixonia, and Junior Winner, Kimberly Westenberg of Watertown, competed at the National Make It With Wool competition in Reno, NV, held in conjunction with the ASI convention. Westenberg received the National Award for the Outstanding Needlework Garment. $2000 are awarded at a national level. The Wisconsin Adult Winner receives a cash award. Novelty items receive cash awards but do not advance. Sewing machine, Pendleton fabric, notions, equipment and other prizes are awarded at both the state and national competitions. Open to Wisconsin residents. Age as of January 1, 2015. Preteens, junior, senior and adult contestants must select, construct and model their own garments. All garments entered in competition must have been completed after January 1, 2015. Make It With Wool is for anyone interested in sewing and fashion design using wool or wool blend fabrics, knitted, crocheted or woven clothing or accessories. Across the U.S. junior and senior contestants compete in state competitions, with the top entries competing in the National Competition in Scottsdale, AZ in January of 2016. Wisconsin does not have district competition. Contact State Director Wynn Wittkopf, 262-367-6192 or jwwittkopf@core.com for additional information.
2015 Make It With Wool Wisconsin State Competition Entry Deadline – August 15 Competition Schedule Saturday – September 12th Activity Center 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
Registration Activity Center Lobby Pictures of contestants taken
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Construction Judging Begins (Free time for contestants)
12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
Style Show Practice Activity Center Stage
2:00 p.m.
Best of Wisconsin Style Show & Presentation of Awards Activity Center Stage Official Entry Forms must be submitted to State Director by AUGUST 15th Wisconsin Make It With Wool State Director Wynn Wittkopf N35 W29202 North Shore Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072 Phone: 262-367-6192 (Home) 262-370-1433 (Cell) Email: jwwittkopf@core.com
Make It With Wool – Novelty Contest Entry Deadline – August 15 CONTEST CLASSES Class A: Novelty Items for Youth (Ages 18 & under) Class B: Novelty Items for Adults Class A: Novelty Items for Youth (Ages 18 & under) 1. Novelty items include, but not limited to: Slippers, purse, scarf, hat, mittens, stuffed animals or artwork 2. Items may be knitted, crocheted, woven, sewn or felted 3. Yarn, fabric, or fibers must be at least 60% wool or specialty wool fibers including mohair, cashmere, alpaca, camel, llama, or vicuna. Class B: Novelty Items for Adults 1. Novelty items include, but not limited to: Slippers, purse, scarf, hat, mittens, rugs, artwork, clothing, etc. 2. Items may be knitted, crocheted, woven, sewn or felted 3. Yarn, fabric, or fibers must be at least 60% wool or specialty wool fibers including mohair, cashmere, alpaca, camel, llama, or vicuna. To enter, please complete the MIWW Novelty Entry Form found in this catalog. Remember to securely attach your name to each item.
“Sewing With Nancy” Construction Awards for 2015! Sewing With Nancy, the popular PBS television show starring Nancy Zieman, will sponsor two sewing construction awards at the 2015 Make It With Wool contest. Two $100.00 cash awards will be presented to the Best Constructed Garment. Rules and entry forms for the MIWW competition can be found under Make It With Wool on the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival website (www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com) or on the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative website (www.wisbc.com). For additional information, contact MIWW State Director Wynn Wittkopf at jwwittkopf@ core.com or 262-367-6192.
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 55
Make It With Wool National & State Entry Form Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ City: ____________________________ Zip: _________________ Phone #: (Home) _______________________ (Cell)______________________ Email:_______________________________________ Age Category (your age on 1/1/15): Date of Birth: ___________ Age: ______ Male/Female: ______ ________Pre-teen (12 & under) ________Junior (13 – 16) ________Senior (17 – 24) ________Adult (age 25 & older) ________Made for Other Modeled by: ______________________________________________________________________________ Garment to be entered:___________________________________________________________________________________________ _____1 Piece Garment _____2 Piece Outfit _____Ensemble – 3 or more garments Pattern Company: ____________________________________ Pattern #: _______________________________ Pattern Company: ____________________________________ Pattern #: _______________________________ Pattern Company: ____________________________________ Pattern #: _______________________________ Sewing Machine Used: ______________________________Serger Used: _______________________________ Number of Yards of Wool Fabric Used: ______ Number of Skeins of Wool Yarn Used: ______ My fabric(s)/yarn(s) have been tested at the MSU Wool Laboratory: ____ Yes ____ No If Yes, Lab Test Number: ________% Wool: ________ Lab Test Number: ________% Wool: ________ Mail FIRST copy of this form and: • 5” x 5” sample of each piece of wool fabric used (If your entry is knitted or crocheted, attach a 5” x 5” sample and label from skein of yarn.) • $12 for National Entry TO: National Make It With Wool Box 123 Albany, OH 45710
Mail SECOND copy of this form and: • 5”x 5” sample of each piece of wool fabric used (If your entry is knitted or crocheted, attach 30” of each yarn used.) • $5 per fabric/yarn swatch for testing • $15 for State Entry TO: Wisconsin Make It With Wool N35W29202 North Shore Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072 BY: AUGUST 15, 2015
In consideration of being accepted to compete at any level (state or national) in the MIWW program, I agree to abide by all rules set forth in the official MIWW entry brochure and the rules & regulations of those in charge. I will accept the decision of the judges as final. I further agree that those in charge will have the right to eliminate me if I fail to comply with said rules. I hereby certify that I personally selected and made this garment. It is my own planning and workmanship. My garment(s) are made from a minimum of 60% loomed, knitted, crocheted or felted wool fabric or yarn. ______________________________________________________ Contestant’s Signature
_____________________________________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian (if minor)
Wisconsin Novelty Entry Form: Due 8/15/15 Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ City: ____________________________ Zip: _________________ Phone #: ______________________________________________Email: _________________________________________________ Check Category: _____ Class A: Novelty for Youth _____ Class B: Novelty Items for Adults Item Description: ___________________________________________
Entry Fee: $15.00 payable to WI MIWW (non-refundable) Entry can be individual or group, all ages One Entry Form & Entry Fee per item Mail to: Wisconsin Make It With Wool N35W29202 North Shore Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072
In consideration of being accepted to compete in MIWW, I agree to abide by the rules set forth in the official entry brochure and by the rules and regulation made by those in charge. I will accept the decision of the judges as final. I further agree that those in charge will have the right to eliminate me if I fail to comply with said rules. I hereby certify that I made this article. MIWW will not be help responsible for loss or damage to articles. ______________________________________________________ Contestant’s Signature
56 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
_____________________________________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian (if minor)
“Art Under Foot”
A Display of Hooked Rugs Coordinated by the
Cream City Rug Hooking Guild Friday - Saturday - Sunday – Activity Center The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival is privileged to again welcome the return of the Cream City Rug Hooking Guild and an impressive display of handcrafted rugs, ‘Art Under Foot’. The Cream City Rug Hooking Guild was formed to develop interest in rug hooking and encourage creativity and high standards in the art form of rug hooking. The guild provides an environment in which our members can improve their hooking
skills, exchange ideas and enjoy socializing. The sixty guild members from the greater Milwaukee area help to increase the knowledge and quality of rug hooking by demonstrating the art as well as planning educational activities. Guild members meet twice a month and have workshops twice a year. For additional information email: creamcityRHguild@wi.rr.com.
Kimmet Croft Fiber Fairy Hare and Softie-Angora / Merino Worsted Merino - 25% Angora Stock Yarn Yarn Kits for Bohus - Poems of Color
In a picturesque island setting we offer weeklong and weekend classes in weaving, basketry, quilting, knitting, spinning, surface design and more. M a y – O c t o b e r. D o r m i t o r y available.
5850 SCHUDY RD. WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WI 54495 https://www.etsy.com/shop/Kimmetcroftfiber email: kimmetcroft@solarus.net
www.sieversschool.com mail@sieversschool.com (920) 847-2264
715-421-0121 OR 888-BOHUS-40
We’re here for what’s next. 800-237-7193 ext. 10 - sheepandgoatfund.com
The NLPA Sheep and Goat Fund assists the U.S. sheep and goat industries by financing projects that strengthen and enhance the production and marketing of sheep and goats and their products. It is a valuable tool to expand your operation and take it beyond the farm gate. Learn how you can benefit from the fund at sheepandgoatfund.com.
Invest in equipment and business development Facilitate flock/herd expansion Improve marketing and product quality
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 57
“Wonderful Wisconsin Wool” Wool Quilts & Wall Hangings Saturday & Sunday – Activity Center Presented by
Wisconsin Museum of Quilts & Fiber Arts Located in Historic Cedarburg, Wisconsin
Create • Preserve • Educate
The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival is privileged to welcome the members of the Wisconsin Museum of Quilts & Fiber Arts (WMQFA) and thanks them for their continued support. The museum’s roots go back to 1988 when a group of quilters in southeastern Wisconsin founded the Wisconsin Quilt History Project, Inc., whose mission was to preserve the history and creativity expressed in quilts through documentation and research. Since 1988, over 8,000 quilts and their stories have been captured. In 2001, the group purchased the HoffmannBoeker farmstead as the future home of a museum dedicated to creating, preserving and teaching fiber arts. The WMQFA has since refurbished the barn for use as a gallery and education center. In addition to quilt documentation, the WMQFA collects and displays important historical fiber arts. Highlights of its holdings include: • The Joe and Mary Koval Collection, 27 vintage quilts and a large collection of 18th and 19th century fabrics. This collection includes a rare and stunning Baltimore Album Quilt, typical of brides’ quilts and created in 1845. • The James A. Taylor Coverlet Collection consisting of 35 hand-woven, 19th Century coverlets, including examples of overshot, double weave, summer and winter in a variety of colors. • The magnificent Mariner’s Compass Quilt, created in 2006 by Luella Doss, Moey Anderson and many volunteers and based on a Judy Mathieson design. The quilt recognizes donors who have collectively raised over $1.3 million for the new museum which opened in 2011. • A collection of antique sewing machines from treadle to featherweight styles. 58 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
• The Maggi and David Gordon Collection consisting of 13 vintage quilts, including an Amish Roman Stripe crib quilt and an 1893 Redwork. • A range of other textiles, including knitted pieces, embroidered work, lace, Stevensgraph, vintage clothing, hats and aprons. Come to enjoy special events and exhibits in our new Barn Museum Galleries. The WMQFA is dedicated to educating the public about the artistic, cultural, historical and social importance of quilts and fiber arts. For information about the benefits of membership, upcoming classes and events, call 262-546-0300, email info@wiquiltmuseum.com or visit the website www.wiquiltmuseum.com. Museum Exhibits and Museum Gift Shop are open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 10 am – 4 pm; Sunday, Noon – 4 pm. Admission. Groups welcome! The Wisconsin Museum of Quilts & Fiber Arts is located at N50 W5050 Portland Rd., Cedarburg, WI.
Fiber Arts Demonstrations
Spin•Off magazine has all the tools you need to create beautiful handspun yarn. Inside each issue you’ll find:
Wheels p. 50
Plan your
p. 24
spinnin gdaily.c om SO_CoverSpg2015 FF.indd
1 2/6/15 8:23 AM
Make Cotton Combs
Watch demonstrations of traditional fiber arts in the Wonders of Wool Building 1, from 10:00 to 3:00 on Sunday. For over three decades, the Marshall Pleasant Spinners have shared a common interest in traditional fiber arts and textile skills. For information on the group’s activities, contact Allen Holzhueter at awholzhu@wiscmail.wisc.edu.
IN THE DRYER? . . . SEE WHY! .54
spinnin gdaily.c om 11/6/14 7:47 AM
SO_CoverWin2015 FF.indd
• Beautifully designed projects for knitting, weaving, crocheting and more. • Expert tips and step-by-step instructions. • Latest information on spinning tools. • Helpful techniques to help everyone- from the beginner to the most advanced spinner. • Heartwarming stories.
Go to www.spinoffmagazine.com, or call us at (800) 767-9638 Sign up to receive our e-newsletters: www.spinningdaily.com Do you have a product or service you would like to promote? Contact us for a package of print and digital media to increase your sales!
Please email Sarah Rovelli at: srovelli@interweave.com
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 59
Fleece Shows
Open & Junior
A Youth Sweepstakes Event!
JUDGES Open & Junior Show – Letty Klein, Kalamazoo, MI CHECK-IN Friday—3:00 - 8:00 pm Saturday—7:00 - 9:30 am JUDGING Saturday—10:00 am—Junior, Open Shows SALES - OPEN & JUNIOR FLEECES Saturday—6:00 - 7:00 pm—Silent Auction Sunday—8:30 - 3:00—Private Treaty PREMIUMS Each Class: 1st - $15 • 2nd - $12 • 3rd - $10 • 4th - $7 Champion Open Fleece: Each Division $25 and Rosette Reserve Champion Open Fleece: Each Division $20 and Rosette Best of Show: Traveling Trophy Champion Open & Junior Show Fleeces compete for Best of Show Traveling Trophy plus a cash award of $25 Sponsored by The Dancing Lamb, Evansville, WI Top Placing Junior Fleece $15 Cash Award given to highest placing Junior Fleece SHOW RIBBONS & BANNERS SPONSORED BY NASCO Booths 713-714 Country Store-West YOUTH SWEEPSTAKES Junior fleece show exhibitors are now automatically entered in and eligible for Youth Sweepstakes awards. (Please refer to Youth Sweepstakes page for details.) FLEECE SHOW COORDINATORS Open/Junior Show: Holin Kennen 608 882-0267 toholin@gmail.com Entry Questions: Leah Dickson 608 566-3504
Hammer Sheep White and Colored Lincoln Rams and Ewes David Hammer
6738 Hilldale Rd Cuba City, WI 53807
608-778-5014 davidhammer@centurytel.net 60 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
s 10 Years Spinning Fine Yarn Rach-Al-Paca Fiber Processing
Rachel & Alan Boucher
18495 Goodwin Avenue Hastings, MN 55033 651-485-7916 www.rachalpacafarm.com Rachalpacafarm@aol.com Drop off your fiber & receive free return shipping.
1. Who May Enter: The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival Fleece Show is open to all exhibitors, who may enter a fleece in competition only, OR enter in competition and either or both the Private Treaty or Silent Auction sales. Junior exhibitors may enter in either the Junior or Open shows, but not both. Fleeces offered for sale must be entered in competition. A fleece may be entered in one class only. Fleeces not offered for sale will be released following judging on Saturday. 2. Entry Fee: $6 per fleece. Payable at entry, non-refundable. A downloadable entry form can be found online at wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com. Bring entry forms to the West Exhibit Building at the Festival on Friday or Saturday (see check-in times above) DO NOT MAIL ENTRIES! 3. Entries must be pre-weighed. 4. Fleeces must be owned by exhibitor or exhibitor’s family and from current (2014-2015) wool crop with no more than 12 months growth. All fleeces entered into competition should be well skirted, unless entered into the Commercial Class, in which case manure tags and larger organic/vegetable material should be removed, at a minimum. Judging will be based in part on the suitability of the fleece for handspinning, unless entered in the Commercial Class. Any exhibitor needing information about skirting a fleece for entry into the handspinning class or for sale, please contact Holin Kennen at toholin@gmail.com. 5. Junior Exhibitors: Must be 19 or under as of January 1, 2015. 6. Responsibilities of the Judge: The Judge reserves the right to move fleeces into appropriate classes if so determined; disqualify fleeces; make awards to quality fleeces only; and/or combine or close classes in the case of insufficient numbers.
7. Silent Auction* – Private Treaty Sales – OPEN/JUNIOR SHOW FLEECES: The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC (WSWF) will act as a broker for all fleeces offered for sale at the Festival. Prices for Private Treaty Sale fleeces will be set by the individual exhibitor by time of entry and the price will be indicated on the entry tag. Exhibitors may not reduce the sale price of any sale fleece until 1:00 p.m. Sunday. Sales commission on all Open and Junior Show fleeces will be 10% of gross sales. Fleeces offered for sale must be entered in competition. * Fleeces remaining unsold following the Silent Auction will be sold at the Private Treaty Sale unless picked up by the close of the Silent Auction on Saturday evening or other arrangements made with Fleece Show staff. Payment for ALL Silent Auction or Private Treaty sales of fleeces (Open-Junior or MSSBA) will be made to the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, commission deducted as noted above and settlement made to consignors at a later date. The WSWF assumes no responsibility for lost, damaged, stolen, mislabeled or erroneously sold fleeces. Fleeces not removed from the exhibit area by 3:30 Sunday become property of the Festival. Any fleeces not offered for sale will be released Saturday upon completion of judging. All sale fleeces released at 3:00 Sunday.
Tailwind Farm Tim, Beth & Jill Miller
Rambouillet Sheep Rambouillet Sheep Working Border Collies Working Holstein Border FeedersCollies & Straw Holstein Feeders & Straw
Tim, Beth & Jill Miller 12827 W. State Road 81 12827 W. State Road 81 Beloit, WI 53511 Beloit, WI 53511
608-751-2963 608-751-2963
www.tailwindfarm.com • tailwindfarm@gmail.com Yearling Ram at left is headed www.tailwindfarm.com • tailwindfarm@gmail.com to National Show & Sale, July 11th, Pipestone, MN.
Fiber Artist
Joellyn Cobb Find us at
EWESFUL GIFTS East Barn of the Country Market Booth 707 & 708
- FOR SALE RAMBOUILLET EWES & RAMS • will breed to lamb fall, winter, spring for 9-11 years • ewes 2015 wool clip 13#, top dollar • 80% for sale are twins/triplets • 180% weaned live winter/158% fall Tim, Beth & Jill Miller • 100 # lamb in 120-140 days 12827 W. State Road 81
Rambouillet Sheep Working Border Collies • longevity; produce Holstein Feeders & Straw
Tailwind Farm
WI 53511 15 EWE LAMBSBeloit, - 15 RAMS 608-751-2963 FALLS, WINTERS, YEARLINGS www.tailwindfarm.com • tailwindfarm@gmail.com
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 61
OPEN SHOW CLASSES Division I - Commercial Market Class (White or Natural Colored – NO covered fleeces) Commercial classes to be judged on suitability for the commercial market. Classes: 1. Fine 2. Medium 3. Coarse Division II. White Handspinning Fleeces (Covered or uncovered) Division II classes to be judged on suitability of wool for handspinning. Classes: 1. Fine 2. Medium 3. Coarse 4. Longwool 5. Double-coated Division III. Natural Colored Fleeces (Covered or uncovered) Division III classes to be judged on suitability of wool for handspinning. Classes: 1. Fine 2. Medium 3. Coarse 4. Longwool 5. Double-coated
JUNIOR SHOW CLASSES Division I – Commercial Market Class Division II – White Handspinning Fleeces Division III – Natural Colored Fleeces
62 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Asylum Farm Sheep & Poultry We sell Fleeces, Yarn, & Roving for Hand Spinning
Shelley Hazlett-Gooch Juneau, WI 53039 asylumfarm@gmail.com www.asylumfarm.com
Livestock also available • Come see us in the Hall of Breeds!
Goochland Acres English Shepherds Working English Shepherds Perfect for Homesteads & Farms
Member of The English Shepherd Club & American Working FarmCollie Association
Sheep 101 hoto Contest
A clinic for shepherds of all experience levels! Pre-registration required!
Friday – FRIDAY Saturday– –SEPTEMBER Sunday 12 • West Exhibit Building
410/403&% #: 800%."/ 4 ."3,&54 Pre-register online by August 15 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.
Hospitality Hour — Sponsored by the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative Going Green! Pastures for Sheep Sheep run Sheep best on &grass! Undersander, -related photos in the Wisconsin WoolDan Festival’s Wild University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor of Agronomy, explores foringrasses and legumes, along with seeding rates and management practices to get the most e place at the Wisconsinfertility, Sheepvariety & Woolselection Festival the lobby of from going green. n Friday through Sunday, September 11 - 13. 10:00 a.m. The ABCs of Flock Health Practical approaches to parasite control, foot care and treatment, annual vaccination schedules, common signs of illness generalsponsor, flock management in sheep. Dr. J.L. Goelz, DVM, Pipestone Veterinary Services, Pipestone, MN. Sheep & Wool Festival and theandcontest the Wisconsin submit your wool photos for their annual photo 11:00sheep a.m. andMoving the Flock: Thinking About Stock Dogs Steveraise Riddle, Worden, IL,WSBC has been training, trialing and offering sheep dog demonstrations for the past 25 plus regardless of whether they sheep or are memyears. While he will be the first to admit there is so much more to learn about this centuries old craft, he will share his in the of shepherding, sed on clarity, content, experiences composition andartappeal. Visitorsoffering to the his insights into helping you decide which path to take in training your own dog. This will be time well spent in some of the tips and secrets (yes, there are a few) of training and l vote on the finalist photos, and premiums will be awardeduncovering to handling a dog. ber of contest entries. Lunch on your be postmarked byown August 15 1:00 p.m.
What Works – Or Not!
Scenic, Kids and Sheep, Any Other Sheep or Wool Photo,like andexperience. Learn first hand from a panel of seasoned shepherds what works In the sheep business, there’s no education for themmay – and just asmore important, didn’t. Plenty of tips to make your everyday flock management go a little easier. nd younger). Photographers enter than what one catphotograph in each category. ROTATING SESSIONS BOE XIJUF QSJOUT BOE UIFZ TIPVME OPU CF NPVOUFE Clinic participants will be split into two groups and rotate between the Indoor Arena and Sale Arena. OZ FBDI FOUSZ .BLF DIFDLT QBZBCMF UP 8JTDPOTJO 4IFFQ Times are approximate and as follows: 2:00 to 3:30
Shows & Conte sts
w DBSE BOE BUUBDI JU UP UIF CBDL PG FBDI QIPUPHSBQI 5JUMF 15 Minute Break rapher’s name, address, phone number and e-mail address. 3:45 to 5:15 ory also must include the age of the 101 photographer. Sheep participants are encouraged to wear appropriate clothing and footwear. F OVNCFS PG DPOUFTU FOUSJFT SESSION 1 S BMM WPUFT XJMM SFDFJWF UIF HSBOE QSJ[F B HJGU DBSE GSPN WoodLambing Time Health Management Lab ......................................................................................................................Indoor Arena veloping services. (www.woodmansdigitalphoto.com) This hands-on workshop will focus on basic health care practices for newborn and young lambs, care of lactating ewes, vaccination $ UP CF VTFE PS SFQSPEVDFE BU JUT EJTDSFUJPO 5IF 8JTDPOTJO sites, udder problems and more! Dr. J.L. Goelz, DVM, Pipestone Veterinary Services, Pipestone, MN. Thanks to the University of right to publish a selectionArlington of finalist entries Wisconsin Wisconsin-Madison Sheep Unit in forthe supplying the ewes and lambs. ival and WSBC websites and in other selected media. Entries
SESSION 2 Growing the Flock: Selecting for Replacements ................................................................................................................ Sale Arena HOTO CONTEST ENTRIES All sheep are not TO: alike! Todd Taylor, Shepherd, UW-Madison Arlington Sheep Unit, talks about selection of ewe lambs for 9 N. County Road M, the Milton, WI 53563 replacements, importance of structural soundness, breed characteristic, phenotype, the value of records, along with biosecurity tcalf at 608/868-3268 or tjmetcalf@centurytel.net issues when purchasing animals. Thanks to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arlington Sheep Unit for supplying the ewe lambs.
For all your livestock fencing and pasture water system needs. Sales, service and installation. Randy 5768 MainCutler Street 25541 0 #PY t "VCVSOEBMF 8* Co. Hwy N, Milladore, WI 54454 4UPSF t )PNF Cell 715-305-5670 • Home 715-457-2781 $FMM rcutler@tznet.com &NBJM SDVUMFS!U[OFU DPN
Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival • 65
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 63
Sheep 101 Sheep 101 is a day-long workshop and will be held in the West Exhibit Building (see map) unless otherwise noted. Go to the south end of the building off the main drive. From the Activity Center, enter through the Fleece Show section of the building. This clinic requires pre-registration. Register on-line at www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com Visa, Master Card and Discover accepted. Registration per person is $65 and includes admission to the Festival. Persons registering by the on-line registration deadline of August 15 will be mailed gate passes to the address shown on the registration form. Registration Deadline - August 15 Late Registrations Miss the registration deadline? Check with the Festival office at 608 868-2505 (evenings), email wisbc@centurytel.net or go to Registration in the lobby of the Activity Center. Daily admission is $8 per person or $15 per person for a weekend pass. Camping? Camping permits are available through the Jefferson Fair Park office. Call 920 674-7148 during weekday business hours (8:00 am to 4:00 pm) to reserve a campsite. For more details see “Camping.”
Sample us for 4 weeks…FREE! Our readers enjoy features about rural living, outdoors, livestock, yarns of yesterday, news and events, Plus Much More! To take advantage of this offer, contact Mike Carlson at mike.carlson@ecpc.com or call 888-833-9268 Ext. 3885 For information about advertising in The Country Today, contact: Sue Bauer at The Country Today P.O. Box 570, Eau Claire, WI 54702 1-800-236-4004 - Ext. 3276
64 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
This offer is valid for non-subscribers only. The Country Today is a weekly publication.
Shepherd’s Workshops Saturday and Sunday
Registration not required EAST EXHIBIT BUILDING (Except as noted)
SATURDAY FOUR PART SERIES – AMERICAN LAMB: FARM TO TABLE PRESENTERS: Jeff Sindelar, Extension Meat Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison Meat Science & Muscle Biology Lab Robby Weyker, Manager, UW-Meat Science & Muscle Biology Lab Cody Hiemke, Niman Ranch Lamb Program Manager & Past Director, American Lamb Board. Jack Kaestner, Chef Instructor, Milwaukee Area Technical College Participating Culinary Arts Students – Milwaukee Area Technical College Supported by a 2015 grant from the American Lamb Board to the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative 8:30 a.m. 10:15 11:30 12:30 p.m. 1:00
PART 1 - Carcass Cutting Demonstration ......................................... 90 minutes Break PART 2 – Value-Added Processing...................................................... 60 minutes Break PART 3 – Pricing Individual Retail Cuts From the Carcass ............45 Minutes Lunch PART 4 – Farm to Table: Cooking With the Chefs!
This is a four-part series designed for direct marketers, processors or anyone wanting to learn more about getting the best marketable yield from a lamb carcass. In Part 1, Jeff Sindelar and Robby Weyker will break down two to three carcasses. Some cuts will be standard, and some won’t! Learn the basic retail cuts, how to merchandise legs, break shoulders into grillable cuts and collect carcass data which we will use for Part 3 of this series. In Part 2, Jeff Sindelar and Robby Weyker will focus on value-added or further processed options for lamb plus discuss ways to improve meat quality and consumer satisfaction through product enhancement. They will also cover sausage manufacturing approaches, including hands-on demonstrations. In Part 3, Cody Hiemke will discuss the pricing of lamb cuts for direct marketers according to cost of processing and production. This will be the first public presentation of a “Cutout Calculator” and “Yield Tracker” that he has developed for the American Lamb Board. Part 4 brings Chef Instructor Jack Kaestner to the stage, where he and culinary students from the Milwaukee Area Technical College will prepare recipes based on the lamb cut and processed during the morning sessions. SATURDAY VETERINARY SESSIONS Dr. J.L Goelz, DVM – Pipestone Veterinary Services, Pipestone, MN 10:00 a.m.
Staying Out of Trouble – The Pitfalls of Late Pregnancy The last few weeks of a ewe’s pregnancy and into the hours before birth can be the most expensive time in the management year for a producer. Problems like ketosis, milk fever, ring womb, prolapse, difficult birth – all can send your bottom line into a tailspin. Learn how to stay of trouble with s common sense approach to late pregnancy.
2:00 p.m.
Foot Facts – Keep ‘Em Standing! Lots of problems can keep your flock off its collective feet: Foot rot, laminitis, scald, dermatitis, orf (soremouth) or strawberry foot rot, poor hoof care, just to name a few of the debilitating diseases that can come calling. Learn how to avoid it with proper management and common sense when purchasing stock.
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 65
SUNDAY 9:00 a.m.
The Dollars & Cents of Shearing Management: It’s Your Money! Too many sheep producers don’t consider shearing to have any major role in flock management except to schedule the shearer, get the sheep inside and have lunch ready. But the reality is that a shepherd may be chalking up real losses because of poor decisions at shearing time. David Kier, Professional Shearer, Eleva, WI, will discuss how shearing affects a ewe’s metabolism and how bad timing can show up on your bottom line. Take a new look at the multiple management options for shearing and be prepared to challenge conventional wisdom!
A Fleece for Every Purpose WEST EXHIBIT BUILDING What kinds of wool breeds are good for sweaters? Which ones might be good for weaving? How about socks? In this eyes-and-hands-on workshop, you will be able to examine raw fleeces from different breeds and learn about how they might be used in finished projects. Not all wool breeds are alike and their unique qualities make them better suited for particular purposes than others. Fleece Show Coordinator Holin Kennen will guide you through the basics so that you can choose fleeces which suit your needs.
OPP Update: The Latest Research Ovine Progressive Pneumonia (OPP) is a chronic viral disease of sheep caused by a lentivirus, which is characterized by a long incubation period. In sheep, the virus primarily infects the udder and lungs, and infection results in reduced milk production, lighter weaning weights in lambs, greater death and culling rates of ewes, and increased replacement rates. New results from USDA researchers suggests that costly artificial rearing of lambs is not necessary to reduce the flock incidence of OPP, and a commercially available genetic test allows selection of animals with a reduced susceptibility to OPP. Learn the results of recent studies on genetic susceptibility and transmission of Ovine Progressive Pneumonia. Dave Thomas, Professor of Sheep Management & Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison. NSIP WORKSHOP SERIES Rusty Burgett, Program Director, National Sheep Improvement Program, Harlan, IA LET’S GROW Paid for in part by the American Sheep Industry and supported by The Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative
9:00 a.m.
National Sheep Improvement Program—An introduction to NSIP and how EBVs contribute to genetic progress in the US sheep industry Productivity improvement has been outlined as a key priority of the sheep industry through the ASI Let’s Grow initiative. This begins with selecting sheep with genetics that can advance the industry. In this section, we will discuss how NSIP is the genetic foundation for a profitable US sheep industry by explaining what estimated breeding values (EBVs) are and how they are calculated. We will how EBVs compare to other production information like raw data and ram tests.
NSIP in the Commercial Sheep Industry—How the entire industry can benefit from quantitative genetic selection The main goal of NSIP is to increase productivity and profitability to the entire US sheep flock. This only happens when the genetics for increased production from NSIP flocks enter the commercial sheep sector. Here, we will discuss how the commercial shepherd can benefit from EBVs and how to use the data when selecting your next breeding animals. The feature of this topic is how quantitative genetic selection will increase your bottom line.
NSIP producer panel—Question and answer session featuring local shepherds who are using NSIP Hesitant about joining NSIP? Need to ask how NSIP can improve your flock? Here, you can hear it straight from the producers who are using NSIP. This session is an open forum where any question about NSIP and genetic selection can be asked. Join us to hear from the people using NSIP every day.
12:00 p.m.
Nuts and Bolts of NSIP—Open forum about joining NSIP, data collection, data submission and interpreting data returned from NSIP At first, reaping the benefits of NSIP can be overwhelming. In this session, we will simplify every aspect of being in NSIP from how to join, how to collect and submit data and how to use the EBVs you receive in your selection process. A projector will be set up with the Pedigree Master software to demonstrate exactly how to use the program.
66 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
A Banner representative will be on hand each day to take pictures at the picture stand. Capture the memory of the Wisconsin Festival!
Banner Sheep Magazine
The nation's largest all breeds sheep magazine offering • Auction Results & • Breeder & Association • The Latest Breed News Sale Catalogs Advertising • Health & Management Tips • Human Interest Stories • Nine Colorful Issues • Coast-To-Coast • Veterinarian Articles Printed Annually Show Reports
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Shearing Demonstrations & Workshop Indoor Arena Saturday: Sunday: Sunday:
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.—FREE Shearing Workshop
David Kier returns to Jefferson to demonstrate the craft and skills of sheep shearing. David has a degree in Agriculture & Animal Sciences from the University of Arizona and learned the shearing trade over a four-year period while in New Zealand. He then spent 18 years shearing in California before returning to Wisconsin. He regularly travels throughout Wisconsin shearing flocks both large and small and maintains a commercial flock on his own farm near Eleva. Watch a skilled shearer in action: Learn more about wool, shearing techniques, handling a fleece and the sheep that produced it. Special thanks to Todd Taylor and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arlington Sheep Unit for supplying the sheep! Sunday – 9:00 a.m. – East Exhibit Building The Dollars & Cents of Shearing Management: It’s Your Money! Too many sheep producers don’t consider shearing to have any major role in flock management except to schedule the shearer, get the sheep inside and have lunch ready. But the reality is that a shepherd may be chalking up real losses because of poor decisions at shearing time. In this free session, David Kier will discuss how shearing affects a ewe’s metabolism and how bad timing can show up on your bottom line. Take a new look at the multiple management options for shearing and be prepared to challenge conventional wisdom!
2015 Wisconsin Shearing Schools September 19 – Indianhead Sheep Breeders Association Fall Shearing School Duane Klindworth Farm, Augusta, WI Information: 715 286-4157 www.indianheadsheep.com December 5-6 – Beginning Sheep Shearing School, Sheep Unit, University of Wisconsin Arlington Agricultural Research Station, Arlington, WI. Registration/Information: Todd Taylor, 608 846-5858 • toddtaylor@wisc.edu. Co-sponsored by Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative www.wisbc.com
68 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Cooking with the Chefs! Saturday – 1:00 pm
New Time – New Place!
Farm to Table East Exhibit Building
“Crafting flavor together – by working with local farmers and their ultra fresh and naturally flavorful food, makes cooking fun and easier.” ~ Chef Jack Kaestner
A perennial favorite at the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, Jack Kaestner, Chef Instructor at Milwaukee Area Technical College, joins the Lamb: Pasture to Plate series of educational sessions as he again prepares his favorite recipes using the finest of Wisconsin lamb! The four sessions are supported by a 2015 grant to the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative from the American Lamb Board and will be held on Saturday of the festival, beginning at 8:30 a.m. in the East Exhibit Building. Chef Jack will host the cooking session that begins at 1:00 p.m. and will be joined by some of his culinary arts students from Milwaukee Area Technical College. An advocate of Buy Local, Chef Jack supports local producers and advocates for sustainable grown ingredients and has been a leader in establishing the Farmer-Chef Connection in southeast Wisconsin. As a special feature this year, he will be integrating the finest of Wisconsin sheep cheeses into this year’s demonstration of easily crafted lamb recipes. A native of Baraboo, WI, Kaestner, whose education includes a culinary degree from Culinary Institute of America (Hyde Park, New York) as well as a BS in Food Science/Food Service Administration from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, was the Executive Chef at Oconomowoc Lake Club, from 1991 2012. While there he drew from local, sustainably grown food for creating the menus and meals at the Lake Club and continues to support local growers. Starting in the fall of 2012 he became a Chef Instructor at Milwaukee Area Technical College in the Culinary Arts. He is also a founding board member of Slow Food Wisconsin and is an Emeritus Board Member of Town and Country Resource and Development. Jack feels the importance of the food served is not just the final product or the fresh local food, but also the relationship that develops with his clientele and farmers. It is this relationship that changes food from a homogenized commodity to something of intrinsic value.
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Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 69
Wild and Woolly Photo Contest On display in the Activity Center
Friday - Saturday - Sunday
Awards sponsored by: Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative—$50 The Banner Magazine—Gift Subscription Ewesful Gifts—$50 Gift Certificate Wisconsin Shepherd—Up to 4 - $25 Cash Awards Ewephoric!—$50 Gift Certificate Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association Give us your best shots! The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival and the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative invite you to submit your sheep and wool photos to their annual photo contest. The contest is open to everyone, regardless of whether they raise sheep or are WSBC members. Judges will select the winning photos based on theme, clarity, content, composition and appeal based on the category entered. Entries must be postmarked by August 15. CONTEST RULES: Enter photographs in the following classes: • Scenic Photo, • Just Lambs, • Kids and Sheep, • Wisconsin Shepherd Cover Photo (Only Color Portrait format – no Landscape accepted) • Photo Taken by Youth (only for youths aged 18 and younger as of August 15) Photographers may enter more than one class, and they may enter more than one photograph in each class. • Enter color or black-and-white prints that are approximately 8” x 10”—do not mount the entry. • A $5 per photo entry fee must accompany each entry. Make checks payable to Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival (WSWF). Write the following information on a 3” x 5” card and attach it to the back of each photograph: Title of photo, contest class, and the photographer’s name, address, phone number and e-mail address, and if a member of MSSBA. Entries in the Photo Taken by Youth class also must include the age of the photographer as of the entry deadline date of August 15. • By entering the contest, all photographers and those photographed agree that entries become the property of Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative to be used or reproduced at its discretion with due credit given to the photographer. The Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative reserves the right to publish any Photo Contest entry in the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival catalog, the Wisconsin Shepherd, on the Festival and WSBC websites and in other selected media and venues such as shall be deemed appropriate in the promotion of the cooperative’s events and activities, but shall not sell or license same to any third party. 70 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
“Take Me Down to the Little White Church” - by Crystal Retzlaff. 2014 Best of Show, 1st Place Winner Scenic Photo and Cover Photo for the Spring 2015 Wisconsin Shepherd.
• A Best of Show entry will be selected by the judges. • MSSBA Photo Entries: The top-placing photo submitted by a member of the Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association (MSSBA) will receive a rosette supplied by that organization. Please indicate MSSBA membership on the entry form when submitting entries. • Wisconsin Shepherd Cover Photo: Photos submitted must be in color only and in Portrait format suitable for a cover print for the Wisconsin Shepherd magazine. Entries will be judged on composition and suitability for media print. Landscape format photos entered in this category will be placed into another class based on the decision of the Photo Contest Coordinator and judged accordingly. MAIL PHOTO CONTEST ENTRIES BY AUGUST 15 TO: Debbie Petzel, 2037 – 180th Ave., Centuria, WI 54824 Questions? Contact Debbie at 612 578-1528 or dspetzel@gmail.com
Poster Contest Activity Center
A Sweepstakes Event!
The 9th Annual Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival Poster Contest! Open to all ages (Age as of January 1, 2015) Colorbook Beginner Junior Intermediate Senior Adult
3 Categories
Ages 3 – 7 Ages 8 – 10 Ages 11 – 13 Ages 14 - 16 Ages 17 – 19 20 and up
Educational Promotional Colorbook Picture – Ages 3-7 only
Poster Requirements: 1. Posters must be a minimum of 14” x 22” in size – either vertical or horizontal.
7. Dates for the 2015 Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival are September 11-13.
2. You may enter up to two (2) posters total – one each, in two different categories.
8. Judges have the option of moving posters to another category.
3. For Colorbook Pictures – Contact Nancy Zernicke for details. (See below) or download online at wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com.
9. Posters must have name, address, phone number, age/age division, and category legibly written on the back. (Age as of January 1, 2015)
4. You may use a variety of materials in making your poster, such as markers, tissue paper, natural fiber material, colored pencils, etc.
10. Posters/Colorbook pictures should be brought to Nancy Zernicke in the Main Hall of the Activity Center from 9:00 a.m. until Noon on Saturday.
5. Promotional posters can be about your flock, farm, breed, products such as wool, lamb or sheep dairy products, or about Wisconsin’s or the national sheep industry.
11. Judging will take place Saturday afternoon in the Activity Center.
6. Educational posters must be instructional and should either teach something about sheep, sheep products or inform or teach viewers about the sheep industry.
12. Posters need to be picked up at 3:30 p.m. Sunday. 13. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Zernicke phone 715 584-1093 or email nzernicke@gmail.com.
Winning entries may be reproduced by the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC or by the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative.
Black Sheep Newsletter
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Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 71
72 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Youth Sweepstakes Educating for the future! The purpose of the Youth Sweepstakes is to encourage youth attending the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival to participate in as many educational and exhibition events as possible and to expand their knowledge and proficiency in sheep production. Awards are given to reward youth demonstrating proficiency and knowledge across educational and exhibit areas. The goal of the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival youth programs is to offer educational experiences that are high quality and will give youth exposure to, and prepare them for, future competition. We encourage 4-H, FFA and other youth groups preparing for district, regional or national competition to attend and participate in any of these events. The following events are included in Youth Sweepstakes: Educational: Skillathon Judging Contest Poster Contest Lead Line Youth Sweepstakes Showmanship MSSBA Youth Showmanship
Exhibition: Junior Fleece Show Junior Breeding Sheep Market Lamb (exhibition only) MSSBA Fleece Show MSSBA Breeding Sheep Show
Age Divisions: (Age as of January 1, 2015) Beginners: 8 – 10 Junior: 11 – 13 Intermediate: 14 – 16
Senior: 17 – 19
Entry: Any youth who enters any of the events listed above is automatically entered in and eligible for Youth Sweepstakes awards. Be sure to pay close attention to all rules, regulations and participation schedules within each event. Scoring: Individuals are encouraged to compete in any and all of the listed events. Points will be awarded based on participation and placing within each event. Overall points will be determined by a combination of total points from an individual’s four highest scores; not more than two of those scores may come from exhibiting breeding animals, fleeces or market lambs. Note to Market Lamb Exhibitors: There will be a separate showmanship division for market lamb exhibitors that will be based on Wisconsin Club Lamb Association age breaks and which will count for WCLA points, but not for Youth Sweepstakes points. Results will be announced during selection of Junior Supreme Champion sheep on Sunday. Cash premiums provided by Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative 1st - $100.00 2nd - $75.00 3rd - $50.00 An embroidered award will also be presented by Profiles Show Supplies & Embroidery to the highest placing individual in each age division. Thank you to Sue and Jim Rupnow for their generous support of this event! Youth Sweepstakes is sponsored by the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative through the generous support of bidders at the Shepherds’ and Silent auctions. THANK YOU!
Primitive Rug Hooking Linda Harwood Fiber Artist New Owner
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spinnery.com Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 73
Skillathon! West Exhibit Building – South End
A Sweepstakes Activity!
8:00 – 11:00 1:00 – 3:00
8:00 - Noon
We welcome back Sam and Pat Wiford of Wapakoneta. OH, who were responsible for establishing the Skillathon and making it an enjoyable and educational experience for kids of all ages! Never been to a Skillathon? It’s easy and it’s fun: It’s a walkthru of individual stations, where your knowledge of sheep and sheep production will be tested - lambing problems, docking, feeds, anatomy and a whole lot more. What happens if you don’t know an answer? Don’t worry – first of all, this is a learning experience. If you’re stumped, you get help, which is the great thing about this activity. No one fails at a Skillathon! The Skillathon is part of the Youth Sweepstakes and is supported by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Animal Sciences Department The goal of the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival youth programs is to provide educational experiences that are high quality and that will give youth exposure to and prepare them for future competition. We encourage 4-H, FFA and other youth groups and individuals preparing for district, regional or national contests to attend and participate in any of the Youth Sweepstakes events. Points will be awarded to Sweepstakes contestants based on participation and placing within each event. Refer to Youth Sweepstakes page for complete details. *Note: Ages 7 and under are not eligible for Sweepstakes awards.
Skillathon Competition For those participants that wish to compete on a points scale for Skillathon awards, we will offer scoring sheets, with age categories listed below. Age categories (except for 7 and under) correspond with the Youth Sweepstakes program and are as of January 1, 2015. Age Categories: 7 and Under* Beginner: 8 – 10 Junior: 11 – 13 Intermediate: 14 – 16 Senior: 17 – 19 Youth Sweepstakes is sponsored by the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative through the generous support of bidders at the Shepherds’ and Silent auctions. THANK YOU!
22nd Annual
Shepherd’s Clinic and Trade Show Saturday, February 6, 2016 WITC Conference Center Rice Lake, WI
Finding the Profit in Your Flock
For Youth, Beginning Shepherds, Advanced Shepherds and Wool Growers & Crafters Nationally Known Speakers ~ Silent Auction ~ Awards Luncheon Topics Covering All Aspects of the Sheep Industry
Indianhead Sheep Breeders Association Representing Sheep Producers and Supporting Businesses in the 22 County Indianhead Region of Northwest Wisconsin
For Information about ISBA and the clinic, please go to:
74 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Youth Judging Contest Beef Barn – Sunday
A Youth Sweepstakes Activity! Registration - 7:45 a.m. Starts at 8:00 a.m. Ends 10:30 a.m. - Official discussion of placings. Work at your own pace!
By participating in this event you are automatically entered in the Youth Sweepstakes contest. See Youth Sweepstakes for more details. Age Divisions: Beginner: 8 – 10 • Junior: 11 – 13 • Intermediate: 14-16 • Senior: 17 – 19 No pre-registration required! Contest Makeup: Place 2 to 3 classes of Breeding Sheep Place 1 class of Market Lambs Answer 10 questions on each class
Identify 5 retail cuts from lamb Fleece class
To maximize the educational opportunities of this event, official placings and answers to all questions will be discussed at the conclusion of the event. If you have never competed in a livestock judging contest or are a seasoned pro looking to keep your skills sharp, this contest is for you! Youth Sweepstakes results will be announced and awards presented during the Junior Breeding Sheep Show on Sunday afternoon in the Sale Arena.
Refresh Your Knowledge on Sheep Medicine this Spring with the Second Edition of a Bestseller By
Philip R. Scott New to this edition • • • • •
Includes separate chapters on the respiratory system and the foot Includes new diseases and conditions including Schmallenbergh virus, anthelmintic resistance, CVM, pelvic nerve paralysis, and updates on Blue tongue disease Presents new treatments as well a new names for parasites and bacteria Contains new clinical cases Includes more than 800 all new colour images and illustrations, including images from ultrasound and radiology
Praise for the previous edition “...any practice that does any work with sheep, whether hill or lowland, commercial or lawn mowing, should buy a copy of this book... the illustrations alone make this textbook worthwhile, and the layout is excellent.” —Veterinary Times May 2015 | 449pp | ISBN: 9781498700146 | $119.95 $95.96 Also available as an eBook
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Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 75
Lead Line Saturday, 6:00 pm – Sale Arena
A Youth Sweepstakes Event!
The Lead Line is a competition where entrants are judged on the fashion and fit of their wool garments (purchased or handmade) while leading a sheep. The objective of this event is to present a class of sheep in the most attractive manner, to give spectators a real opportunity to view a style show and to improve the image of a sheep show that promotes wool. This event showcases the beauty and versatility of wool clothing for all occasion wear and gives youth the opportunity to showcase their involvement in the sheep industry. SHEEP COSTUME CLASS The Sheep Costume Class is open to any individual or family interested in sheep. The object is to promote lamb and wool. The exhibit is to be judged on the attractiveness and originality of the costume and theme or idea presented by both competitor and sheep. This class is open to all exhibitors 6 months to 100 years of age! *All other rules apply. Lead Line Entry Fee: $10.00 per entrant ($5.00 for any entrant participating in the 2015 Wisconsin Make It With Wool competition) ENTRY DEADLINE – AUGUST 15 Entry Deadline: August 15 - ENTER ONLINE! www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com Late Entries: Late entries will be accepted until August 29 with an entry fee of $15; $10 for entrants participating in Make It With Wool. Entries may be entered online Location: Sale Arena (Open and Junior Sheep Show Arena) Schedule: 5:00 – 5:45 p.m. – Check-in 6:00 p.m. – Lead Line – Classes will enter youngest to oldest. 1. Entrants must wear a garment made of wool; garments may be purchased or constructed by or for the entrant and should be age appropriate and lend elegance to the class. The garment should be made of 70% wool. Does not apply to Sheep Costume Class. Please see above for *Sheep Costume Class requirements 2. Sheep must be an ewe (of any age - no rams), conditioned, fitted and trained to show at halter. Rules for exhibiting sheep at the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival will apply to these animals. Lead Line sheep do not have to be owned by the contestant. 3. Entrants must provide a one-page commentary of 200 words or less to be read during the class including the following: breed of sheep being led, sponsor of the animal (if any), brief biography, awards received, hobbies, sheep interests, schooling and description of garment. Please write the commentary in the third-person and as it will be read by the announcer (e.g. “Sue is leading a Hampshire yearling 76 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
ewe named.” not “I am leading…”). Commentary must be typed and submitted to the Registration/Information Desk (lobby of Activity Center) by 8 a.m. the day of the competition. Failure to submit commentary will void the entry and entry fee. There will be no exception to this rule. Entry fees are non-refundable. 4. Entrant’s age on the day of the competition will determine his/her class. CLASSES Class 1 – Beginner Costume Class (age 10 and under) Class 2 – Intermediate Costume Class (age 11- 16) Class 3 – Senior Costume Class (16 and above) ** The age group for the costume class is subject to change: will depend on number of participants. ** If participating in the Costume Class, you may have a team of individuals, however cash prizes will be split amongst the team. Class 4 – Age 10 & under Class 5 – Ages 11-13 Class 6 – Ages 14 - 16
Class 7 – Ages 17 – 19 Class 8 – Ages 19- Over
5. Awards: Cash prizes for 1st through 4th places as follows: • 1st Place $25 • 3rd Place $15 • 2nd Place $20 • 4th Place and down $10 6. Have difficulty accessing the Festival website? Contact 608 868-2505 evenings or email wisbc@centurytel.net. Questions? Please call Brittany Morgan at 513-850-3603, or email at Brittany.Morgan09@gmail.com. Judging Standards: A. Garment Construction; visibility of wool Style and/or Fashion Accessories B. Entrant’s Poise Entrant’s Appearance C. Control of Animal Presentation and Appearance of Animal
Hall of Breeds Saturday – Sunday
Indoor Arena
The American sheep industry recognizes over fifty different breeds of sheep and in Wisconsin alone close to sixty of those breeds are represented among the members of the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative. Some producers raise sheep that have very fine wool, well suited for the fiber industry, such as Coopworths or Merinos. Others raise hair sheep such as Katahdins that are adaptable to hot weather climates, while many producers specialize in meat breeds like Suffolks or Hampshires. There are breeds such as the East Friesian that produce excellent quality milk used in the growing Wisconsin sheep dairy industry and there are also producers making an effort to keep exotic breed populations at a healthy level. No matter what kind or type of sheep may interest you whether a fiber breed for your craft, a 4-H project for your child, or possibly a flock of production sheep - stop by the Hall of Breeds! Breeders will be on hand to discuss the merits of the sheep they raise, along with history, primary purpose and characteristics, and can also provide information on breed registry and state/national association membership. We thank those participating exhibitors! For more information, contact Larry Wilson at corycats@tds.net.
National Teeswater
Specialty Show Saturday, September 12, 2015 at Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival
Judge TBA
Entry Deadline August 15 For more information, contact Sue McFarland at 920-623-4237 Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 77
Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Carcass Competition Pen of Three
Entry Deadline – August 15 Reserve Pens Online! www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com Click on Carcass Competition
How It Works • Exhibitors enter pens of 3 lambs at Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival. • Lambs are judged in the pens - 9:00 am Sunday • A single lamb is selected by the judges for the carcass part of the show. • The carcass lamb is harvested and purchased by the UWMadison Meats Lab • Remaining two lambs sell at auction at Equity Johnson Creek September 14. • Live placings announced at 1:00 pm Sunday – Activity Center • Carcass awards made at 2016 Arlington Sheep Day. 1. Enter Online – Entry Fees: - $25 per pen of 3 animals for current Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Co-op members, $50 per pen of 3 for non-members. If you do not have access to a computer, contact the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Coop Office at 608 868-2505 (evenings). Entry deadline is August 15. Entries accepted on a first-come basis until 10 pens are filled based on online entry. Limit – 1 pen of 3 per person making entry. Only those sheep for which the pen fees have been remitted will be permitted to be penned in the barns. No in-transit sheep. Sheep entry fees do not include admission to the Festival. Admission is charged at the gates Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Check catalog schedule for gate hours. Daily admission is $8 per person, kids 8 and under FREE. Weekend passes at $15 per person may be purchased at the Gate. Exhibitors will receive gate passes at the discretion of the respective sheep show superintendents.
w w w. s h e e p i n g b e a u t y f i b r e a r t s . c o m
Sheeping Beauty Fibre Arts Luci Williams, owner a. t. e. w.
W533 State Rd 33, Hartford, WI 53027 262.623.0244 luci@sheepingbeautyfibrearts.com www.sheepingbeautyfibrearts.com
78 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
2. Eligibility: The WSBC Carcass Competition is open to wether or ewe lambs, commercial or purebred, weighing between 115 and 165 pounds. Lambs must have between 3/8 inch and 1 inch of fleece by September 11. No muzzles, drenching, cold water baths, ice wraps, blanketing, patch shearing, coloring, or fitting permitted. Lambs must have free range of their respective pens. 3. Health Certificates: NOTE: Sheep originating from outside Wisconsin must be accompanied by a currently valid certificate of veterinary inspection for interstate movement, to be submitted at check-in. Superintendents will collect and hold health certificates until release at which time a copy will be returned to exhibitors. No sheep showing any symptoms of contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to be unloaded, shown or exhibited. All sheep entries must comply with USDA scrapie regulations and programs and must be identified with official, individual scrapie identification. 4. Disease symptoms: Any evidence of sore mouth, ringworm, foot rot, pink eye, wool fungus or any other contagious diseases will eliminate all entries transported by that exhibitor, which will then not be permitted to unload or show. 5. Drug Withdrawal: Persons entering sheep in the Carcass Competition will be responsible for observing the required and/or recommended withdrawal times for any and all feed additives, antibiotics, dewormers, vaccines or any compounds fed to the lambs they have entered into this competition. Any evidence to the contrary uncovered at any stage of this competition may result in immediate or eventual disqualification of the lambs and/or carcasses and may cause an exhibitor to be banned from future competitions or the forfeiture of any and all premiums or payments. (See Statement of Liability)
PASKEY SUFFOLKS Quality Suffolk Sheep
FOR SALE Breeding stock, lamb pelts and roving Shelby, Scott & Lisa Paskey 5213 County Highway TT Cottage Grove, Wisconsin 53527 (608) 837-3725
6. Inspection: All sheep subject to inspection prior to unloading. 7. Identification: All lambs entered must have birth dates recorded upon arrival. All sheep entries must comply with USDA scrapie regulations and programs and must be identified with official, individual scrapie identification. 8. All Pens Assigned: Pens will be assigned by show superintendents. Due to limited available penning, tack pens may not be allowed. Please plan accordingly. Pen cards will be provided. 9. Feeding/care: Feeding and care of lambs until they leave the grounds for harvesting or marketing is solely the responsibility of the exhibitor. Shavings will be provided as bedding. 10. Judging: Lambs will judged in their respective pens on Sunday morning by a panel of three judges. 11. Carcass Lamb: A single lamb from each pen of three will be selected by the panel of judges to be harvested, and the meat purchased, by the University of Wisconsin Meats Lab. Carcass data will be taken by University of Wisconsin-Madison Meats Lab staff and faculty and carcasses placed by standard and established indexing criteria. 12. Market Lambs: The remaining two lambs in each pen of three will be transported to Equity Co-op at Johnson Creek on Sunday evening.
13. Payment for Lambs: Payment for all lambs will be made directly to the named exhibitor and to the address shown on the entry. 14. Contest Results: Live placings will be announced on Sunday afternoon at 1:00 pm in the Activity Center. Carcass contest results will be announced in the Fall Issue of the Wisconsin Shepherd and awards presented at the 2016 Arlington Sheep Day-Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Co-op Annual Meeting in Arlington, Wisconsin. 15. Awards: Premium payout to ten placings. A traveling trophy and $200 will be presented to the top live placing pen at 2016 Arlington Sheep Day. A $200 Award will be presented to the exhibitor of the top placing carcass lamb. A $100 bonus will be added if the top placing carcass lamb is part of the first place live placing pen. 16. Right to Use Data: The Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Coop reserves the right to record, photograph or otherwise utilize and/or share data and information from any and all Carcass Competition entries for programming, publications or presentations. 17. Transportation: Transportation of lambs off the festival grounds and to either Equity Co-op in Johnson Creek or to the UW-Madison Meats Lab will be provided by Carcass Competition Committee members unless any disqualification shall cause an exhibitor to be required to remove his/her entries from the festival grounds. 18. Liability: All Festival regulations shall apply.
Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association in conjunction with the
Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival will host the following events
Friday, Sept. 11th thru Sunday, Sept. 13th, 2015 Sheep show Judge: Maurice Wakeling, Somerset, England Fleece Show Judge: Gillian Wakeling, Somerset, England SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY EVENING 4-10 pm Shetland sheep check-in FRIDAY All day Sheep check-in 10 am-12 pm Inspection Workshop 1-3 pm Presentation TBA w/Judges Maurice & Gillian Wakeling 3-5 pm Shetland Fleece entries—West Exhibit Bldg 5-6 pm MSSBA Pizza Party in Sheep Barn 5-6 pm MSSBA AGM in Sheep Barn (bleachers)
SATURDAY 8-10 am Shetland sheep check-in 7-8 am Shetland fleece entries due—West Exhibit Bldg. 9 am Shetland fleece show—West Exhibit Bldg. 12:30 pm SHARP! Shetland Sheep Show—Sheep Barn 2-4:30 pm MSSBA Shetland Fleece Silent Auction 9 am-4:30 pm MSSBA Silent Auction—Sheep Barn 6 pm Pot Luck Dinner near South end of Sheep Barn All Shetland Breeders Welcome—bring a dish to pass SUNDAY 9 am
Handspun Shetland Skein Judging—WOW Bldg.
Changes this year!!!—Shetland Handmade Items & Photo Contest will be combined with the main festival competitions, but will still have the Shetland Awards given out for best Shetland entries. Please refer to the festival open show competitions for rules, locations, deadlines and judging times.
CONTACT INFORMATION MSSBA President/Show Chair: Kelly Bartels 608/558-5099 (or) okacres@hotmail.com Vice President /Asst. Show Chair: Garrett Ramsay (218) 371-6106 (or) ramsayfarms@gmail.com
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 79
Open Market Lamb Show JUDGE Check the website! ENTRY DEADLINE August 15 – Enter Online www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com WEIGH-IN 8:00 – 9:00 Sunday SHOW – SHEEP BARN Sunday Immediately following Showmanship which starts at 10:30 a.m. Grand Champion - $400 Reserve Grand Champion - $200 Breed Champions - $50 SHOW RIBBONS & BANNERS SPONSORED BY NASCO
Thank You! Booths 713-714 Country Store-West
MARKET LAMB SHOW RULES OF ENTRY 1. Entry fee: $15 per lamb, online entry dated no later than August 15. Non-refundable. 2. Late entry fee: $20 per lamb after August 20. Day-of-show entries ACCEPTED. 3. No limit: Open to all ages of exhibitors. No limit to the number of lambs entered. 4. Wether or ewe lambs eligible: All lambs must carry a USDA scrapie tag. 5. Splits: Classes split according to breed, weight and number of entries at discretion of show management. 6. Breed character: If breed classification officials determine that an entry does not exhibit the characteristics required by that breed association, the entry will be transferred to the crossbred division. 7. Breeds with less than 5 head: Entries will go into the All Other Breeds Class. 8. Health Certificates: NOTE: Sheep originating from outside Wisconsin must be accompanied by a currently valid certificate of veterinary inspection for interstate movement, to be submitted at check-in. Superintendents will collect and hold health certificates until release at which time a copy will be returned to exhibitors. No sheep showing any symptoms of contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to be unloaded, shown or exhibited. All sheep entries must comply with USDA scrapie regulations and programs and must be identified with official, individual scrapie identification. 80 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
9. Wool length: All market animals must be sheared prior to weigh-in - no more than 1/4 of an inch of wool. Show management may ask exhibitors to re-shear animals prior to weigh-in. 10. Disease symptoms: Any evidence of sore mouth, ringworm, foot rot, pink eye, wool fungus or any other contagious diseases will eliminate all entries transported by that exhibitor, which will then not be permitted to unload or show. 11. Inspection: All sheep blankets/sweaters/stockings will be removed for unloading inspection and weigh-in. 12. Pens: Pens may be available for show day if requested prior to show and will be assigned by the Superintendent. Permanent pens must be cleaned before departure or a $20 clean-out charge per pen will be assessed. Due to limited penning, exhibitors are encouraged to show from their trailers. 13. Market Lamb Showmanship – 10:30 am: For WCLA points, Showmanship age breaks for market lamb exhibitors will follow the Wisconsin Club Lamb Association age breaks. 14. Youth Sweepstakes Showmanship: Sunday – 9:30 a.m. – Sale Arena. The four age divisions will follow the Youth Sweepstakes age breaks and will count toward Youth Sweepstakes points. 15. Risk: All exhibits will receive the best care and protection afforded by the facilities provided, but at all times are subject to the owner’s risk. No animals other than those participating in the respective shows or exhibits will be permitted in the barns. 16. Superintendent: John Alf – 608 449-0707 17. Admission: $8 per person, $15 per person weekend pass. Kids 8 and under FREE.
Open Sheep Show JUDGES Check the website! ENTRY DEADLINE August 15 – Enter Online www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com CHECK-IN SCHEDULE Friday – 6:00 – 7:30 pm Saturday – 7:00 – 9:00 am SHOW – SALE ARENA 10:00 a.m. – Saturday RIBBONS & BANNERS SUPPLIED BY NASCO
Thank you! Country Store-West Booths 713-714 OPEN SHOW CLASS NUMBERS C1 – Yearling Ram C5 – Yearling Ewe C2 – Fall Ram Lamb C6 – Fall Ewe Lamb C3 – Winter Ram Lamb C7 – Winter Ewe Lamb C4 – Spring Ram Lamb C8 – Spring Ewe Lamb C9 – Best Flock (1 ram/2 ewes owned by exhibitor) Champion Ram Champion Ewe Reserve Champion Ram Reserve Champion Ewe Age Base Dates Yearling – Born Sept. 1, 2013 through Aug. 31, 2014 Fall Lamb – Born Sept. 1, 2014 through Dec. 31, 2014 Winter Lamb – Born Jan. 1, 2015 through Feb. 15, 2015 Spring Lamb – Born on or after Feb. 16, 2015 Entries are open to all registered breeds and wethertype sheep. Exhibitors are limited to two entries in each individual class and one entry in flock class. Sheep used in flock class must be exhibited in the individual classes. Rams and ewes entered in wether-type breeding classes are not required to be registered and must list “wether-type” as the breed on the Sheep Entry Form. Order of show based on breeds entered.
Central Livestock Association, LLC A Subsidiary of Cooperative Resources
Top Prices! Sheep & Goat auction every Tuesday 8:00 AM All Classes of Sheep & Goats Welcome
Open Show Awards Champion & Reserve Champion Ram & Ewe, Each Breed - Rosettes For each breed having a minimum of 10 individual sheep entries, the Champion Ram and Champion Ewe will be awarded $50. Reserve Ram & Ewe will each receive $25. Additional awards may be provided. Supreme Champion Ram & Ewe – over all Wool Breeds – Additional Award Supreme Champion Ram & Ewe – over all Meat Breeds – Additional Award
We also sell Sheep Monday thru Thursday 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Zumbrota Market 44326 County 6 Blvd
For more information call Tom Ostlie at 612-532-0966 or visit our website at www.centrallivestock.com
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 81
OPEN SHEEP SHOW RULES OF ENTRY Enter Online: $8 per head. Enter sheep online at www. wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com. If you do not have access to a computer, contact the Festival office at 608 8682505. Entry deadline is August 15. Late Entries: $10 per head – after August 15 and until August 30 (online entry date). No entries accepted after August 30 – No day of show entries. Fees: Only those sheep for which the $8 entry fee has been remitted with application for entry will be permitted to be penned in the barns. No in-transit sheep. Sheep entry fees do not include admission to the Festival. Admission is charged at the gates Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Check catalog schedule for gate hours. Daily admission is $8 per person, kids 8 and under FREE. Weekend passes at $15 per person may be purchased at the Gate. Exhibitors will receive gate passes at the discretion of the respective sheep show superintendents. Ownership: All breeding animals must be entered and exhibited under the registered name appearing on the records of the respective breed association as of August 15, 2015. Arrival & Entry Check-in: All original registration certificates must be in order and presented at check-in. Non-registered, wether-type sheep must check in with a written record of birth dates and USDA scrapie tags. All sheep will have their official identification recorded. Health Certificates: NOTE: Sheep originating from outside Wisconsin must be accompanied by a currently valid certificate of veterinary inspection for interstate movement, to be submitted at check-in. Superintendents will collect and hold health certificates until release at which time a copy will be returned to exhibitors. No sheep showing any symptoms of contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to be unloaded, shown or exhibited. All sheep entries must comply with USDA scrapie regulations and programs and must be identified with official, individual scrapie identification. Parking: Please park all vehicles and trailers to the west and south of the Sale Arena and Sheep Barn. Parking next to barns and buildings is prohibited except for loading and unloading. No In-transit Sheep: In-transit sheep are not allowed in the barns or on the grounds. Only sheep for which the $8 per head entry has been paid will be allowed to be penned in the barns. Departure: All Open and MSSBA breeding sheep may be dismissed at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, but have the option of remaining on exhibit through the close of the Festival at 3:30 p.m. Sunday. Cleaning Pens: All permanent pens must be cleaned following dismissal or a $20 per pen cleaning fee will be assessed. Place manure and bedding in the aisle in front of pens. No dogs in the barns! All Pens Assigned: Pens will be assigned by show superintendents. Due to limited available penning, tack pens may not be allowed. Please plan accordingly. 82 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Wisconsin Club Lamb Association Annual Meeting & Awards Presentation Sunday – 3:00 p.m. Sheep Barn Show Ring The Wisconsin Club Lamb Association (WCLA) welcomes all members, junior exhibitors and families to its Annual Meeting & Awards Presentation! For more information, please contact Alan or Heidi Thorson, 920 344-1235 or metrohamps@ hotmail.com. The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival 2015 Market Lamb Show is a WCLA sanctioned event! For show entry information: wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com
Fiber Festival Inc. Festival August 15th & 16th, 2015 Workshops August 12th~15th • Fiber Animals • Animal Shows • Music • Herding Dog Demos • Shearing Demos • 120 Vendors • Arts Displays • Youth Activities • Mini Workshops Contact us @ 269-948-2497 or staff@michiganfiberfestival.info www.michiganfiberfestival.info Location of the Festival: Allegan County Fairgrounds Allegan, MI
Junior Sheep Show JUDGES Check the website! ENTRY DEADLINE August 15 – Enter Online www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com CHECK –IN SCHEDULE Friday: 6:00 – 7:30 pm Saturday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 – 9:00 am SHOW – SALE ARENA Showmanship – 9:30 am Breeding Classes – Upon Completion of Showmanship Show Order – Alphabetically by Breed BANNERS & RIBBONS SPONSORED BY NASCO
Thank you! Country Store-West Booths 713-714
JUNIOR BREEDING SHEEP & ASBA MIDWEST REGIONAL JUNIOR SOUTHDOWN SHOW RULES OF ENTRY Enter Online: $8 per head. Enter sheep online at www. wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com. If you do not have access to a computer, contact the Festival office at 608 8682505. Entry deadline is August 15. Sheep may be shown in both Open and Junior Shows by paying the $8 entry fee for each show and completing both entry forms. Limit 2 entries per class. No flock or group classes. Late Entries: $10 per head – after August 15 and until August 30 (online entry date). No entries accepted after August 30 – No day of show entries.
Fees: Only those sheep for which the $8 entry fee has been remitted with application for entry will be permitted to be penned in the barns. No in-transit sheep. Sheep entry fees do not include admission to the Festival. Admission is charged at the gates Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Check catalog schedule for gate hours. Daily admission is $8 per person, kids 8 and under FREE. Weekend passes at $15 per person may be purchased at the Gate. Exhibitors will receive gate passes at the discretion of the Superintendent. Eligibility: Age of exhibitor must be 19 or under as of Jan. 1, 2015. ASBA Midwest Regional Junior Southdown Show exhibitors must be 21 years of age or younger as of Jan. 1, 2015. Arrival & Entry Check-in: All original registration certificates must be in order and presented at check-in. Non-registered, wether-type sheep must check in with a written record of birth dates and USDA scrapie tags. All sheep will have their official identification recorded. Ownership: Registration papers may be in name of individual youth, family, or the family’s farm name. Wether-type Sheep: Crossbred and non-registered ewes and rams are eligible to show in wether-type ewe classes. Write “not-registered” as the breed on entry form. Health Certificates: NOTE: Sheep originating from outside Wisconsin must be accompanied by a currently valid certificate of veterinary inspection for interstate movement, to be submitted at check-in. Superintendents will collect and hold health certificates until release at which time a copy will be returned to exhibitors. No sheep showing any symptoms of contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to be unloaded, shown or exhibited. All sheep entries must comply with USDA scrapie regulations and programs and must be identified with official, individual scrapie identification. Parking: Please park all vehicles and trailers to the west and south of the Sale Arena and Sheep Barn. Parking next to barns and buildings is prohibited except for loading and unloading. Departure: At conclusion of Junior Breeding Sheep and ASBA Regional Junior Southdown shows.
“Bred for Utility”
Richard & Mark Roembke 3696 Country Aire Drive Cedarburg, WI 53012
“Tested for Production”
Richard 262.377.1491 rsrmke@att.net Mark 262.707.0032 mjrhamps@hotmail.com
Cleaning Pens: All permanent pens must be cleaned following dismissal or a $20 per pen cleaning fee will be assessed. Place manure and bedding in the aisle in front of pens. No dogs in the barns! All Pens Assigned: Pens will be assigned by show Superintendent. Due to limited available penning, tack pens may not be allowed. Please plan accordingly.
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 83
Age Base Dates – ALL BREEDS Yearling – Born Sept. 1, 2013 through Aug. 31, 2014 Fall Lamb – Born Sept. 1, 2014 through Dec. 31, 2014 Winter Lamb – Born Jan. 1, 2015 through Feb. 15, 2015 Spring Lamb – Born on or after Feb. 16, 2015 Class Numbers – Junior Breeding Sheep – ALL BREEDS EXCEPT SOUTHDOWNS J 1 Yearling Ram J 5 Yearling Ewe J 2 Fall Ram Lamb J 6 Fall Ewe Lamb J 3 Winter Ram Lamb J 7 Winter Ewe Lamb J 4 Spring Ram Lamb J 8 Spring Ewe Lamb
Note to Market Lamb Exhibitors: Market Lamb Showmanship will start at 9:30 a.m. in the Sheep Barn. This will be a separate showmanship division based on Wisconsin Club Lamb Association age breaks and counting toward WCLA points. Special Awards Supreme Champion Ram Reserve Supreme Champion Ram Supreme Champion Ewe Reserve Supreme Champion Ewe Breed Champions & Reserve Champions Showmanship Champions Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival Junior Sheep Show
Class Numbers - ASBA Midwest Regional Junior Southdown Show SO 1 Yearling Ram SO 2 Fall Ram Lamb SO 3 Winter Ram Lamb SO 4 Spring Ram Lamb SO 5 Yearling Ewe SO 6 Fall Ewe Lamb SO 7 Winter Ewe Lamb SO 8 Spring Ewe Lamb YOUTH SWEEPSTAKES SHOWMANSHIP: Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Sale Arena. The four age divisions will be determined based on Youth Sweepstakes age breaks. Beginners 8 – 10; Junior: 11 – 13; Intermediate: 14 – 16; Senior: 17 – 19.
Providing you with quality fencing products,
SOLUTIONS harpen s o s l a We can per blades! p your cli
(920) 342-0001 bkohl_001@hotmail.com 84 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
installation, and honest advice since 2002. Let us know how we can help you. Dealer of: ➭ Gallagher ➭ Common Sense ➭ Centaur HTP ➭ Ritchie Waterers
Stop in and see us at our booth during the Festival, we’d love to answer any questions you may have. Don’t forget to try the SmartFence, it will change the way you view rotational grazing... you’ll never have to hand wrap your “portable” fence again!
ASBA MIDWEST REGIONAL JUNIOR SOUTHDOWN SHOW Sunday – Sale Arena The American Southdown Breeders Association has designated this show as the ASBA Midwest Regional Southdown Show, hosted by the Wisconsin Southdown Association. Refer to the Wisconsin Southdown Association website for more information on premiums, awards and special junior Southdown activities. www.wisconsinsouthdowns.com Entry Deadline: AuguSt 15 Enter Online: www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com If you have difficulty using the online entry form, contact the Festival office at 608 868-2505 (eve.) or email wisbc@ centurytel.net. Age of Exhibitor: 21 years of age or under as of January 1, 2015. Rules of Entry: All Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival Junior Sheep Show rules of entry apply. No in-transit sheep.
ASBA Futurity Points: ASBA Futurity Points can be earned from BOTH this show and the Saturday Open Show. Exhibitors should complete the points submission form found on the ASBA website and have show management sign the form before you leave! Arrival: Exhibitors are welcome to arrive as early as Friday. Please indicate on your entry form if you need penning or will show from your trailer.
SPECIAL AWARDS Champion Ewe & Ram – Engraved Awards Reserve Champion Ewe & Ram – Embroidered Awards Rookie Award (All youth 9 years of age or older as of January 1, 2015 showing Southdown breeding stock for the first year are eligible. Points will be accumulated for showmanship and up to two classes. Please let us know at check-in if this is your first year showing Southdowns.) Southdown “Top Gun” Award Embroidered sheep blanket will be presented by the Wisconsin Southdown Association to the highest point junior Southdown member participating in the Youth Sweepstakes. The Wisconsin Southdown Association will prorate $500 in premiums for the classes. Showmanship The top placing Southdown junior in each showmanship division will receive an award. Social Hour Wisconsin Junior Southdown members will be hosting all Southdown exhibitors with a social at approximately 5:30 Saturday afternoon including welcome bags, food, games and group photos. For more details on the Midwest Regional Junior Southdown Show: Barb Bishop 608 347-5580 barbara@mbgenetics.com Troy Lobdell: 608 482-1502 lobdell@yousq.net Samantha White 608 873-3962 rwhite@litewire.net
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 85
Sheep Show
Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association JUDGE Maurice Wakeling, Somerset, England, UK ENTRY DEADLINE August 15 ENTER ONLINE www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestivel.com CHECK-IN Thursday – 4:00 – 10:00 pm Friday – All Day Saturday – 8:00 – 10:00 am SHOW – SHEEP BARN 12:30 pm – Saturday, September 12 MSSBA Show – Class Numbers Use the following class numbers in making entries.
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9
Youth Showmanship* Senior Ram Yearling Ram – (2014 only) Ram Lamb – (2015 only) Pair of Ram Lambs – (2015 only) Champion & Reserve Champion Ram Senior Ewe Yearling Ewe – (2014 only) Ewe Lamb – (2015 only) Pair of ewe Lambs – (2015 only) Champion & Reserve Champion Ewe
Exhibitors in the Midwest Shetland Sheep Show are limited to two (2) entries in each individual class and one (1) entry in each group class. Sheep used as a group entry must be exhibited in an individual class. First and second place winners in individual classes will qualify for the Champion drive. Trimming and fitting of Shetlands is not allowed. *Do not send entry fees for showmanship or costume classes.
YOUTH SWEEPSTAKES Junior MSSBA exhibitors are eligible for Youth Sweepstakes awards and are automatically entered if they 1.) Are between 8 and 19 years of age as of January 1, 2015; and 2.) Exhibiting sheep or fleeces entered under their own name. Please see Youth Sweepstakes page for more details.
86 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
S 10 S 11 S 12 S 13 S 14
Dam & Daughter – (Any age) Best Small Flock – (1 Ram, 2 Ewes) Best Fleece on Hoof – (One entry per exhibitor) Costume Class* Best Modified, Spotted or Colored Shetland
Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Show Awards 1–5 Placings – Ribbons Champions – Plaque and $50 and Special Rosette from MSSBA Reserve Champions – Plaque and $25 and Special Rosette from MSSBA Classes 10, 11, 12 – Rosette Awards and premiums for the Midwest Shetland Sheep & Fleece Shows are supported by the Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association and the show sponsors listed on the Sponsors Page. Thank you for your support! MSSBA SHOW RULES OF ENTRY Enter Online: www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestivel.com or contact the WSWF office at 608 868-2505. Entry deadline is August 15.
and placed in the aisle or a $20 per pen clean-out fee will be assessed.
Late Entries: $10 per head – after August 15 and until August 30 (online entry date). No entries accepted after August 30 – No day of show entries.
All Pens Assigned: Pens will be assigned by show superintendents. Due to limited available penning, tack pens may not be allowed. Please plan accordingly.
Arrival & Entry Check-in: All original registration certificates must be in order and presented at check-in. All sheep will have their official identification recorded.
Ownership: All breeding animals must be entered and exhibited under the registered name appearing on the records of the respective breed association as of August 15, 2015.
Health Certificates: NOTE: Sheep originating from outside Wisconsin must be accompanied by a currently valid certificate of veterinary inspection for interstate movement, to be submitted at check-in. Superintendents will collect and hold health certificates until release at which time they will be returned to exhibitors. No sheep showing any symptoms of contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to be unloaded, shown or exhibited. All sheep entries must comply with USDA scrapie regulations and programs and must be identified with official, individual scrapie identification.
Supreme Champion Drive: Sheep shown in the Open and Junior Shows are eligible for the Supreme Drive. Sheep from the MSSBA show may participate in the supreme drives in either the Open or Junior shows, but must be shown in those shows and have paid an additional $8 per head entry fee per show.
No dogs in the barns!
Fees: Only those sheep for which the $8 entry fee has been remitted with application for entry will be permitted to be penned in the barns. No in-transit sheep. Sheep entry fees do not include admission to the Festival. Admission is charged at the gates Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Check catalog schedule for gate hours. Daily admission is $8 per person, kids 8 and under FREE. Weekend passes at $15 per person may be purchased at the Gate. Exhibitors will receive gate passes at the discretion of the show superintendent. Parking: Please park all vehicles and trailers to the west and south of the Sale Arena and Sheep Barn. Parking next to barns and buildings is prohibited except for loading and unloading. No In-transit Sheep: In-transit sheep are not allowed in the barns or on the grounds. Only sheep entered in the show will be allowed to be penned in the barns. Departure: All Open and MSSBA breeding sheep may be dismissed at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, but have the option of remaining on exhibit through the close of the Festival at 3:30 p.m. Sunday. Cleaning Pens: Pens on the South end of the Sheep Barn do not need to be cleaned. The stationary wooden pens on the North end must have all manure and bedding raked out
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 87
MSSBA Sheep & Fleece Show Sponsors The Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association acknowledges the continuing support of these sponsors in making the 2015 MSSBA Show possible and thanks the many volunteers that make the show a success! Youth Showmanship Shetu Farm Debbie Powers
Yearling Ram Creedy Flock-UK Sue Watson
Ram Lamb Fifth of Firth Farm Cynthia Caillagh
Pair of Ram Lambs Davis Welding Inc Pat & Deb Davis
Senior Ewe Shepherdwood Farm Alan & Chris Greene
Yearling Ewe Bartels & Co. Tap Jim & Rhonda Bartels
Ewe Lamb Ramsay Farm Garrett Ramsay
Pair of Ewe Lambs Sheltering Pines Stephen Rouse
Champion Ram OK Acres Shetlands Mike & Kelly Bartels
Champion Ewe Mahlkuch Electric Jeff & Terri Mahlkuch
Reserve Champion Ram Emancipation Acres Erica Solis & Joel Helge
Reserve Champion Ewe Kindred Spirit Farm Donna & Ken Carlucci
Dam & Daughter Lancien Farm Cyndee Wolff
Best Small Flock Asylm Sheep & Poultry Shel Gooch
Best Fleece on Hoof Kimberwood Farm Kim Nikolai
Senior Ram Sommarang Farm Dwight & Lori Stephenson
FLEECE SHOW SPONSORS White Adult Fleece Ewes Have It Barbara Reiter
White Lamb Fleece Winter Sky Wool Co. Karen Valley
Colored Adult Fleece Illinois Wool & Fiber Mill Jane Zeien
Colored Lamb Fleece Winter Sky Wool Co. Karen Valley Rooed Fleece – Any Age Glen Tamarack Farm Russ & Terry Dukerschein
Champion Shetland Fleece Argyle Fiber Mill Kristi Langhaus
Reserve Champion Shetland Fleece Fibre Works Farm Linda Wendelboe Champion Rooed Fleece Pretty Oak Farm Maurice & Gillian Wakeling - UK
Friends of Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC Fine Fleece Shetland Sheep Association Show Committee: Kelly K. Bartels, Pres./Show Chair Co-Chair/V. Pres-Garrett Ramsay 88 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
A Youth Sweepstakes Event! JUDGE MSSBA Show—Gillian Wakeling Somerset, England, UK
CHECK-IN Friday—3:00 - 8:00 pm—All Entries Accepted Saturday—7:00 - 8:00 am—MSSBA Entries JUDGING Saturday—9:00 am—Shetland Show SALES - MSSBA FLEECES Saturday—2:00 - 4:00 pm—Silent Auction Sunday—9:00 - 2:00—Private Treaty RELEASE TIME (See below) PREMIUMS Each Class: 1st - $15 • 2nd - $12 • 3rd - $10 • 4th - $7 Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Assoc. Special Awards for MSSBA Show (Please see MSSBA sponsors page) SHOW RIBBONS & BANNERS SPONSORED BY NASCO Booths 713-714 Country Store-West FLEECE SHOW COORDINATORS MSSBA Show: Garrett Ramsay, (218) 371-6106 ramsayfarms@gmail.com MSSBA Entry Questions: Garrett Ramsay or Kelly Bartels 608/558-5099 okacres@hotmail.com 1. Who May Enter: The Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association Fleece Show is open to producers of Shetland fleeces who may enter a fleece in competition only, OR enter in competition and either or both the Private Treaty or Silent Auction sales. Fleeces offered for sale must be entered in competition. A fleece may be entered in one class only. Fleeces not offered for sale will be released following judging on Saturday. 2. Entry Fee: $6 per fleece. Payable at entry, non-refundable. A downloadable entry form can be found online at wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com. Bring entry forms to the West Exhibit Building at the Festival on Friday, Sept. 11 or Saturday, Sept. 13. (see check-in times above) DO NOT MAIL ENTRIES! 3. Entries must be pre-weighed. 4. Fleeces must be owned by exhibitor or exhibitor’s family and from current (2014-2015) wool crop with no more than 12 months growth. 5. Responsibilities of the Judge: The Judge reserves the right to move fleeces into appropriate classes if so determined; disqualify fleeces; make awards to quality fleeces only; and/or combine or close classes in the case of insufficient numbers. 6. Silent Auction – Private Treaty Sales: The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC (WSWF) will act as a broker for all fleeces offered for sale at the Festival. Prices for
Private Treaty Sale fleeces will be set by the individual exhibitor by time of entry and the price will be indicated on the entry tag. Sales commission on all MSSBA fleeces will be 10% of gross sales deducted for the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival and an additional 2% of the gross sales price deducted for the Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association. Sales of MSSBA show fleeces will be by fleece and not by pound. Fleeces offered for sale must be entered in competition. Payment for ALL Silent Auction or Private Treaty sales of fleeces will be made to the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, commission deducted as noted above and settlement made to consignors at a later date. The WSWF assumes no responsibility for lost, damaged, stolen, mislabeled or erroneously sold fleeces. Fleeces not removed from the exhibit area by 3:30 Sunday become property of the Festival. Any fleeces not offered for sale will be released Saturday upon completion of judging. All sale fleeces released at 3:00 Sunday. MSSBA SHOW CLASSES White Adult White Lamb Colored Adult Colored Lamb Rooed Fleece TO ENTER: DOWNLOAD ENTRY FORM Bring entry form to CHECK-IN—DO NOT MAIL
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 89
Used Equipment Auction 2:00 p.m. Saturday
Warm-up Arena
Auctioneer: Bob Johnson – Badger State Auction This a great opportunity to buy or sell all types of equipment: feeders, scales, seeders, electric fencers, trimming stands, carders, water tanks, hand tools, small farm implements – you name it! Even items for the fiber arts such as spinning wheels, carders and looms! Plan now to consign or buy! CONSIGN ONLINE! www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com OR Download the consignment form and mail to WSWF, 7811 Consolidated School Road Edgerton, WI 53534 OR Fill out a consignment form day of sale. Items consigned must be delivered to the Warm-up Arena by 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. Sale starts at 2:00 p.m. 15% of the gross receipts on all items sold through the auction will be taken as a commission by the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative. • Items bid back by a consignor will be charged 15% commission on the bid-out price. • All sales final. • Items remaining on Festival grounds after 3:30 p.m. on Sunday become property of the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative. • No pharmaceuticals, vaccines, dewormers, insecticides, paints, herbicides or chemicals of any type accepted as consignments. • All items sold as-is – no warranties, express or implied provided by the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Co-op or Badger State Auction. • Festival Admission - $8 per day, $15 per weekend pass. Kids 8 and under are free. Parking is free. • The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Co-op and Badger State Auction are not responsible for loss or damage of items consigned or purchased. All purchases become responsibility of buyer at point of sale. Questions? Contact Lynnette Taylor – Sale Manager, at 608 846-9536 taylorsheep@yahoo.com
90 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Shepherds’ Auction Saturday – 1:00 p.m.
Activity Center
Register for a $100 Free Bid!! When you register as a buyer on Saturday, September 12, you'll get a chance to win a $100 free bid from WSBC Auction Committee. A record $10,800 was raised at the 2014 Shepherd’s and Silent Auctions for youth scholarships and educational events! If you were a donor/buyer in 2014, you would have helped over 1000 youth through: • Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Co-op College Scholarships – up to $3000 in scholarships offered annually • FFA Sheep Proficiency Awards • Wooly U at the Sheep & Wool Festival • Wisconsin Livestock Breeders Association (WLBA) Show Camp • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival Youth Sweepstakes • Wisconsin Make It With Wool and travel to National MIWW Contest • Indianhead Sheep Breeders Association Youth Clinic • Wisconsin State Fair 4-H/FFA Premier Exhibitor Program • WLBA Spring Preview Show and Summer Spectacular The next generations will be the industry leaders in sheep and wool production, so please help our educational/scholarship fund with your support. But, did you also know that the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative Education Fund is for education of all ages! It’s true: Like the YouTube site, we want to “Fund Ewe” adults too and promote the production of lamb, sheep dairy products and fiber in a humane, healthy and sustainable way. Go to www.wisbc.com and click on education fund see how your WSBC membership can help "FUND EWE!” Auction services provided by Bob Johnson Badger State Auction & Real Estate Milton, Wisconsin
Silent Auction Bidding from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Saturday!
Activity Center
Like your auctions slow and steady, but with a hint of bidding excitement? Here’s a great opportunity to bid on unique gift items, sheep supplies, fiber arts equipment and more while supporting the many activities and projects of your cooperative! Silent Auction donations accepted from 9:00 a.m. Friday until 9:00 a.m. Saturday. Want to contribute? Contact Tim Miller, Director, Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Co-op at 608 751-2963 or email tailwindfarm@ gmail.com prior to the Festival. You may contribute by filling out the online, downloadable contribution form at www. wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com. Forms also available at Registration in the lobby of the Activity Center. The Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Co-op acknowledges with great appreciation the many Country Store and other vendors and contributors who have supported these fund raising efforts since the Shepherds and Silent Auctions were begun in 1990. We would also like to express our sincere appreciation to Auctioneer Bob Johnson, Badger Auction Service & Real Estate, Milton, Wisconsin, who has donated his time, clerking staff and many auction items over the years.
Wisconsin Department of Ag Secretary Ben Brancel announces the WSBC scholarship winners Robyn Wittkopf and Jessica Taylor at the 2014 Shepherd’s Auction at Jefferson.
Thank you!
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 91
Stock Exchange
A New Opportunity to Sell Your Sheep!
See map of Fair Park Looking for a better way to buy or sell breeding stock? You now have that opportunity through the Stock Exchange, a new market place where thousands of sheep and fiber enthusiasts can view them – the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival! It’s easy! Any kind of sheep can be sold: registered, commercial, wether-type, fiber-type, lambs, yearlings, mature, rams or ewes. Sellers can even offer to breed ewes and arrange for delivery at a later date. Sheep do not have to be washed or fitted, but should be presentable and healthy. Sellers can set up bid boards at their pens, sell at a set price or negotiate with buyers as they please any time between Friday morning and Sunday afternoon of the Festival. RESERVE PENS ONLINE! Go to: www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com Click on Stock Exchange Fee: The rental fee for a 5 x 8 foot pen is $25. (Does NOT include admission to the Festival.) Reserve pens online only, www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com . Sellers reserving pens in the Stock Exchange must be current members of the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative. Membership is $25 per year and includes a free, three-month classified ad on the WSBC website. Purchase memberships online with pen reservations. Other Charges: None. Pen Availability: Until barn is filled. First come basis. Contact: Elmer Held, 920 948-1831, eheld3084@charter.net. Health Certificates: NOTE: Sheep originating from outside Wisconsin must be accompanied by a currently valid certificate of veterinary inspection for interstate movement, to be submitted at check-in. Sale superintendents will collect and hold health certificates until release at which time a copy will be returned to exhibitors. No sheep showing any symptoms of contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to be unloaded, shown or exhibited. All sheep entries must comply with USDA scrapie regulations and programs and must be identified with official, individual scrapie identification. If Wisconsin sheep are sold out of state, exit health papers can be written at the Festival at an additional cost to the Seller. It is the Buyer’s responsibility to be cognizant of and adhere to the entrance requirements of his/her own state. Warranties & Guarantees: None. There are no warranties or guarantees, either expressed or implied, as to the suitability or merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose with respect to the sheep being sold through the Stock Exchange. All sales agreements and or contracts are between Buyer and Seller only and no other parties assume any liability, legal or otherwise, express or implied. Liability: Please see below and Seller Information. Payment for Sheep Sold: Any and all payments for sheep sold through the Stock Exchange are strictly between Seller and Buyer. Neither the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative nor Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC will accept, hold or 92 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
guarantee payment for any sheep merchandised through the Stock Exchange. Arrival & Departure: Sheep may arrive or leave at any time between 7:00 a.m. Friday and 3:00 p.m. Sunday. Identification: All sheep sold through the Stock Exchange must have proper identification recorded with sale management and records will be maintained by the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative per Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection requirements. All sheep must have official scrapie identification eartags in place upon arrival. Include scrapie ID numbers when entering Stock Exchange sale sheep online. Downloadable forms are available online www.wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com. If you have questions about what constitutes official ID, call Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection at 608 224-4874. Seller Information: Neither the Stock Exchange managers, volunteers or persons acting on behalf of the Stock Exchange, Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative, or the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC, can or will assume any responsibility as to the authenticity of any pedigrees, bloodlines, or information provided by Sellers or representatives thereof, or pen cards and the subsequent genetic performance of any sheep purchased. Any information, guarantees or claims provided and/or offered by individuals renting pen space for the purpose of selling sheep in the Stock Exchange is strictly between the Seller and Buyer and will not be enforced by the Stock Exchange managers, Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative or the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC. No In-transit Sheep: In-transit sheep are not allowed in the Stock Exchange or on the grounds. Only sheep recorded for sale will be allowed to be penned in the Stock Exchange barn. All Pens Assigned: Pens will be assigned by show superintendent. Due to limited available penning, tack pens will not be allowed. Please plan accordingly. Cleaning Pens: All permanent pens must be cleaned following dismissal or a $20 per pen cleaning fee will be assessed.
Parking: Please park all vehicles and trailers to the west and south of the Sale Arena and Sheep Barn. Parking next to barns and buildings is prohibited except for loading and unloading. Statement of Non-Discrimination The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC and the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, creed, religious preference or physical or other disabilities with regard to volunteers, participants or any person associated with or attending the Festival. Statement of Liability All activities of the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC (Festival) taking place on the grounds of Jefferson County Fair Park shall be under the immediate control and direction of the chairperson(s) and/or superintendent(s) for that event or activity, but the Festival, Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative and Jefferson County Fair Park shall not be, in any case, held responsible for any type of loss, injury, actions or damage that may occur or be experienced by exhibitors, vendors, customers, volunteers, students, onlookers, participants or attendees. The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC takes no responsibility for any activity assuming, claiming or advertising affiliation with the Festival which does not take place within the limits of Jefferson County Fair Park and within the posted daily schedule of the Festival. Each exhibitor, vendor or persons displaying for educational, sale, exhibition or instructional reasons any animal, item or product will be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury or damage to, or occasioned by, or arising from any animal or article exhibited by any said person, and shall indemnify the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC, the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative and Jefferson County Fair Park against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto, as well as damage or injury to any other person(s) or property caused by the exhibitor, vendor, or person(s) displaying items for educational, exhibition or instructional reasons, or any of the animals exhibited by persons or arising out of, or in any way connected with such exhibition of any of the animals, products or items exhibited, displayed or offered for sale. The care, feeding, safe handling and safety of all animals brought to the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival shall be the sole responsibility of the person or persons exhibiting, displaying or managing such animals, including sheep for display, sale, entered in competition, or for educational purposes; dogs entered in a stock dog trial or stock dog demonstration; or any animal as part of or incidental to a vendor display. Exhibitors and handlers must provide their own feed, bedding, and water for animals in their care. The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC shall provide exhibitors, handlers and vendors with assigned space for their displays and exhibits subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed. By providing such space, the Festival shall not insure, nor be responsible for, the safety of such animals, or the person or persons tending them. Accepted Entries In all cases, the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival, LLC reserves the right to reject, accept, or conditionally accept any entry and does not guarantee space in any show, trial or display barns to any entry, as it is intended that only such animals shall be entered and shown or sold as have merit, will be a credit to both the exhibitor and Festival, and are judged not to pose any health risk to other livestock, their handlers and other exhibitors. In all matters related to acceptance of entries, decisions shall be at the discretion of the Superintendent in charge of the respective activity, show or exhibition. Any exhibitor who knowingly makes a material misrepresentation may be barred from all future competitions at this event.
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 93
Wisconsin Sheep Breeders 2015 Board of Directors Alan Thorson..................... President ................................. Columbus ........................920-344-1235 Jeff Nevens ........................ Vice President ......................... Lodi .................................608-576-9474 Ryan Bingen....................................................................... Allenton ...........................262-339-9816 Maralyn Fowler .................................................................. Cascade ...........................920-528-8013 Sara Hildebrandt ................................................................ Plainfield .........................715-340-4812 Brandon Knutson ............................................................... Clinton .............................608-732-4955 Laura Meyer ....................................................................... Watertown .......................920-206-8445 Tim Miller .......................................................................... Beloit ...............................608-751-2963 Debbie Petzel ..................................................................... Centuria ...........................715-646-2640 Sue Rupnow ....................................................................... Wausau ............................715-590-4660 Keith Schultz ...................................................................... Fort Atkinson ...................920-568-0895
Executive Secretary Jill Alf ................................................................................ Edgerton ..........................608-868-2505
Wisconsin Shepherd Editor Robert Black ...................................................................... Columbus ........................920-623-3536
Wisconsin Shepherd Ad Executive Lynn Crooks ....................................................................... Lancaster .........................608-723-6817
2015 Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative Committees Annual Meeting & Recognition Banquet ................................................................................Jill Alf Alan Thorson Carcass Contest .................................................................................... Brandon Knutson, Chairman Tim Miller, Alan Thorson Communication (Website-Facebook-Wisconsin Shepherd) ........................Alan Thorson, Chairman Jill Alf, Bob Black, Carol Black, Lynn Crooks, Jeff Nevens, Debbie Petzel Membership Promotion ...................................................................................Tim Miller, Chairman Brandon Knutson, Deb Petzel, Keith Schultz, Alan Thorson Producer Education ..........................................................................................Tim Miller, Chairman Ray Antoniewicz, Elmer Held, Cody Hiemke, Maralyn Fowler, Dr. David Thomas, Todd Taylor Shepherd's Auction ..........................................................................................Tim Miller, Chairman Etta Held, Brandon Knutson, Richard & Sylvia Roembke, Sue Rupnow, Richard & Barb Schultz State Fair Sheep Show Representative ........................................................................... Sue Rupnow Used Equipment Sale .........................................................................Lynnette Taylor, Co-Chairman Ryan Bingen, Co-Chairman Youth & Education/Scholarship..................................................................Debbie Petzel, Chairman Jill Alf, Sara Hildebrandt, Tim Miller, Jeff Nevens Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival ...............................................................Robert Black, Chairman WSBC Board of Directors Wisconsin Wool Works! ................................................................................... Carol Black, Manager Jill Alf, Robert Black, Jeff Nevens, Sue Rupnow, Alan Thorson WSBC Stock Exchange ................................................................................. Elmer Held, Chairman Steve Bingen, Laura Meyer, Alan Thorson Wisconsin Make It With Wool State Director ............................................................ Wynn Wittkopf American Sheep Industry Representative ..................................................................... Keith Schultz Wisconsin Livestock Breeders Association Representative ............................................... Jordan Alf 94 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Key To Breed Abbreviations Al AnGo/G Bar BFL BL BlWsh BoerG Boor BCh Brit Soay CL ClF Col Com Coop Cor Corm Cot CVM D DaSh Do Dorpr
Alpaca Angora Goats/Goats Barbados Bluefaced Leicester Border Leicester Black Welsh Mountain Sheep Boer Goats Booroola Border Cheviot British Soay Club Lambs Clun Forest Columbia Commercial Coopworth Corriedale Cormo Cotswold California Variegated Mutant Dogs Dairy Sheep Polled Dorset Dorper
Efr EL Fin GD Got Ha Hdo Ice IdF Jac Kat La Lin Llama LL Mer Mon Mrnx Mule Nav NCh NCW OEB So Ox
East Friesian English Leicester Finn Guard Donkeys Gotland Hampshire Horned Dorset Icelandic Ile de France Jacob Katahdin Lacaune Lincoln Llama Longwool Leicester Merino Montadale Merinox Mule Navajo North County Cheviot Natural Colored Wool Old English Babydoll Southdown Oxford
Pol Ra Rom Romn Roy Wht Sal SAMM ScBl Sh ShetSh So StCrx Su Ta Tswtr Tex Tu WDorpr Wen WT WSWF Vendor WWW
Polypay Rambouillet Romeldale Romney Royal White Salish South African Meat Merino Scottish Blackface Shropshire Shetland Sheep Southdown St Croix Suffolk Targhee Teeswater Texel Tunis White Dorper Wensleydale Wether-type Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival Vendor Wisconsin Wool Works!
“Raising a Passion for Excellence” Dave & Mary Troxel Chris, Sara, Courtney and Seth
Lambs out of “Burnout”
N6127-9th Ave Plainfield, WI 54966 Sara 715-340-4812 Farm 715-335-6854
Sara.troxel@rpespud.com Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 95
12 month subscription - $30 USD online at: www.theshepherdmagazine.com or mail check to: The Shepherd | PO Box 168 | Farson | WY 82932 Name: Address: City:
Breeding & Reproduction • Nutrition • Animal Husbandry • Management • Wool Disease & Parasites • Pasture Management • Marketing • Feeding Strategies • Industry Resources Research & Development •Lambing/Kidding • Cooking • Guardian Animals • Breed Profiles 96 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
2015 Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative Memberships CHRISTINE & EDWARD ABEL SPRUCE SPRINGS 5450 COUNTY LINE RD RUDOLPH, WI 54475 715-435-3228 Kat ROMAINE ACE FAMILY ACELINE SUFFOLKS 658 TIPPERARY RD BROOKLYN, WI 53521 608-835-5264 Su WT JILL, JOHN, JORDAN & JESSICA ALF ALF HAMPSHIRES 7811 N CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL RD EDGERTON, WI 53534 H: 608-868-2505 C: 608-449-0611 alfhamp@centurytel.net Ha ALL AMERICAN FIBERS MIKE & ANNETTE CROUSE 12307 W IL ROUTE 173, UNIT A HEBRON, IL 60034 847-902-7802 mill@allamericanfibers.com www.allamericanfibers.com Fiber Mill WSWF vendor ROBERT ALLEN ALLEN FARM PUREBRED POLYPAYS W11456 MCDONALD DR MERRIMAC, WI 53561 608-745-4603 aggienbob@yahoo.com Pol DAVID ALLEN ALLEN’S CLUB LAMBS N4503 IRISH RD CHILTON, WI 53014 920-849-9774 davallen1@frontier.com Su DAVID ALLEN ALL-LYNN JERSEYS S3951 GROTE HILL RD REEDSBURG, WI 53959 608-524-4786 So Ch SARA AMELSE W4075 CTY RD H IRMA, WI 54442 715-453-2746 saraamelse@hotmail.com ShetSh BETH ANDERSON NO NAME FARM 5856 EAST ST WAUNAKEE, WI 53597 608-849-3647 nonamefarm@tds.net RAY J ANTONIEWICZ A-Z FARM 1820 SCHUSTER RD OREGON, WI 53575 608-212-8522 azfarmoregon@gmail.com
ARGYLE FIBER MILL LLC KRISTI LANGHUS 200 E MILWAUKEE ST ARGYLE, WI 53504 608-543-3933 peter@argylefibermill.com www.argylefibermill.com WSWF vendor CORINNE ARNEVIK-HANSEN & VICTORIA ARNEVIK 2550 12 3/4 AVE CAMERON, WI 54822 715-205-9603 chansen@sdlwi.org Su WT BAA BAA SHOP LLC SUELLEN THOMSON-LINK 16734 W DORNER RD BRODHEAD, WI 53520 608-897-3983 thomson-link@litewire.net www.baabaashop.com WSWF Vendor BARB LASSA PHOTOGRAPHY BARB LASSA 5633 KNUTH RD WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WI 54495 715-424-1376 lassa.barb@gmail.com www.barblassa.com WSWF vendor ELVIRA BARRAZA EL POTRO 7824 W WATERFORD AVE MILWAUKEE, WI 53220 414-578-0689 ebarraza86@yahoo.com Su KELLY K. BARTELS OK ACRES SHETLANDS W7505 HWY 11 MONROE, WI 53566 608-558-5099 okacres@hotmail.com www.okacres.com ShetSh CAROL BATTENBERG W5670 FINDER RD JOHNSON CREEK, WI 53038 920-699-2233 batten2@tds.net Do Com ALYSSA & ALEC BAUMER HI-WAY C COLUMBIAS W3896 HARVEY LANE MINDORO, WI 54644 608-769-3591 hiwayccolumbias@charter.net Col KAYLEE & JACOB BAZILLE BAZILLE FAMILY FARM N8630 450TH ST BALDWIN, WI 54002 715-684-9529 kjbazille@yahoo.com So WT
BEAR LAKE ENTERPRISE, INC & CEDAR LANE DORSETS BILL & HOLLY KEOUGH E5656 NORTH WATER DR MANAWA, WI 54949 920-596-1931 bksheep@wolfnet.net www.bksheep.com Do DEB BENDER PO BOX 223 DEERFIELD, WI 53531 608-219-8802 eieiomom@gmail.com DaSh Efr NCW Com RICHARD & CHERYL BEUSCHER CHERICH FARM W1895 CTY RD T MT CALVARY, WI 53057 920-922-4486 cbeuscher@hotmail.com Romn MARK BEYER TRIPLE H FARM 2972 WAYSIDE RD GREENLEAF, WI 54126 920-655-1686 umbeyer@hotmail.com Tex BIJOU BASIN RANCH EILEEN KOOP 16971 CTY RD 102 ELBERT, CO 80106 719-347-2254 ekoop@bijoubasinranch.com www.bijoubasinranch.com WSWF vendor RYAN BINGEN 5821 HWY 33 ALLENTON, WI 53002 262-339-9816 ryan.bingen@gmail.com WT STEVE BINGEN FAMILY BINGEN LIVESTOCK 6380 GLEN COURT WEST BEND, WI 53095 262-629-4221 sbingen@charter.net Ox MICHAEL & BARBARA BISHOP MB GENETICS, INC W4628 HALL RD RIO, WI 53960 H: 920-992-6183 C: 608-347-5580 southdowns@mbgenetics.com www.mbgenetics.blogspot.com So ROBERT & CAROL BLACK EWESFUL GIFTS 7868 STATE RD 73 COLUMBUS, WI 53925-9117 920-623-3536 rbblack@powercom.net www.ewesfulgifts.com Hdo WWW WSWF vendor DICK & JUANITA BONIFACE 2462 LAKE GEORGE DR NW CEDAR, MN 55011 763-753-4636 agrifolks@gmail.com
ERVIN & LINDA BORLESKE RIVERBEND LIVESTOCK PO BOX 161, E6248 LANE DR REEDSBURG, WI 53959 608-524-2509 sheep@rucls.net Com
DR STEVE CARLSON CARLSON RAMBOUILLET W9945 570TH AVE ELLSWORTH, WI 54011 715-425-5050 jccmath@yahoo.com Ra
RONALD & KATHRYN BRAUN BRAUN EARTH ACRES 3316 CTH S CATO, WI 54230 920-732-3212 braunearthacres@gmail.com Su Do
ALLAN & SALLY CASPER N6095 330TH ST MENOMONIE, WI 54751 715-235-7600 skcasper@wwt.net Do
WILLIAM & JEAN BREW BREW CENTURY FARM S120 COUNTY RD A WISCONSIN DELLS, WI 53965 608-254-7428 BRIAR ROSE FIBERS CHRIS ROOSIEN 7950 HANNA LAKE AVE CALEDONIA, MI 49316 616-554-4900 roosien10@sbcglobal.net www.briarrosefibers.net WSWF vendor GREG & VICKI BRICKNER S-508 COUNTY RD G WONEWOC, WI 53968 608-464-3930 gvbrickner@yahoo.com Com LINDA BRION SHEEPS AND ME W4050 HWY 32 ELKHART LAKE, WI 53020 920-980-5040 sheepsandme@gmail.com Lin Tswtr JOHN BUHLER N1010 COUNTY RD KW CEDAR GROVE, WI 53013 920-668-6339 johnbuhler@frontier.com Do BUMBLEBEE ACRES FARM CARISSA TROIA 5307 IRISH LANE HARVARD, IL 60033 815-861-2083 bumblebee@bumblebeeacres. com www.bumblebeeacres.com WSWF vendor LLOYD & PHYLLIS BURGENER RAM-LIN ACRES 18081 SCHAUFER LN RICHLAND CENTER, WI 53581 608-604-3580 ramlinacres@gmail.com Lin MATTHEW CANTER E7630 ROGNSTAD RIDGE RD CASHTON, WI 54619 740-818-1583 matthewacanter@gmail.com ScBl
NORB CHESNEY LITTLE CHESNEY RANCH W7775 COYNE RD FOND DU LAC, WI 54937 920-948-0827 ncbowzer0@gmail.com Ch Do MARK & DIANE CHRISTENSON 6114 CTY HWY T CHIPPEWA FALLS, WI 54729 715-874-6612 christensonma@gmail.com Com JOELLYN COBB HOOKED ON WOOL PRIMITIVES 1919 ROBERT DR CHAMPAIGN, IL 61821 217-369-2086 hooker4710@gmail.com www.hookedonwoolprimitives. blogspot.com “Ewenique” One of a Kind Gifts ROBIN COMER SHEEPHILL FARM PO BOX 2007 RANCHO SANTA FE, CA 92067-2007 sheephillfarm@hotmail.com Com ANDY & FLORENCE CONNORS AFPK CONNORS HAMPSHIRES 1266 HWY 92 VERONA, WI 53593 608-832-4444 afpkhamp@tds.net Ha Mon WT Com PHILIP CONNORS & SAVANNAH MEYER 8248 AUSTIN RD VERONA, WI 53593 608-832-8080 Ha MARY & CHUCK CORBETT N3139 MARTIN RD COLUMBUS, WI 53925 608-698-8014 mcorbett@netwurx.net Com CROFTLAND FARM, LLC MARALYN FOWLER W8151 COUNTY RD F CASCADE, WI 53011 920-528-8013 mfowlfarm@msn.com www.croftlandfarm.com WSWF vendor
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 97
2015 Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative Memberships ARIN, LYNN, MASON, AVERY & CASSIDY CROOKS 6742 ST RD 35/81 LANCASTER, WI 53813 608-723-6817 alcrooks@tds.net Do EDWARD & EVELYN CROOKS W1948 HWY OK BRODHEAD, WI 53520 608-897-2041 raisinlady69@gmail.com Com WT RANDY CUTLER CUTLER COUNTRY COMFORT 2554 CO HWY N MILLADORE, WI 54454 715-305-5670 rcutler@tznet.com BFL ShetSh D LEE WOOLEE’S RABBITRY & YARNS DONNA TOWELL W317 S6853 SCHNITZLER RD MUKWONAGO, WI 53149 414-378-3250 dlwoolees@centurytel.net www.dlwoolees.com WSWF vendor TERRI DALLAS N5826 WOLF RIVER RD SHAWANO, WI 54166 715-304-9483 tdallas@crinet.com WT CL LARRY & LINDA DAVIS TRIPLE LD FARM N5611 CHURCH RD MONTICELLO, WI 53570 608-328-4321 lindadavis@tds.net Kat Drpr LYNNE DAVIS SUNNY MEADOWS FARM 42835 N CRAWFORD RD ANTIOCH, IL 60002 847-395-3868 sunnymeadows.farm.il@ gmail.com Cor LEAH DICKSON HAWKEYE HILL N8161 POLINSKE RD PORTAGE, WI 53981 608-566-3504 dicksonleah7@gmail.com ED DITTBRENNER DITTBRENNER FARMS 309 STATE RD 48 CUMBERLAND, WI 54829 715-419-1952 editt@centurytel.net Su DALE & JUDY DOBBERPUHL MINT GOLD RANCH 5807 CTY RD X DEPERE, WI 54115 920-864-7732 mintgoldranch@gmail.com www.mintgoldranch.com Su
TIM & RUTH EHLEN 10225 E WAITE RD CLINTON, WI 53525 608-201-0776 Do Com GERALD & DEBBIE EIGENBERGER HARES TO EWE WOOLS N8218 STATE RD 57 ELKHART LAKE, WI 53020 920-876-2258 hares2uwool@yahoo.com WWW JAMES & ELINOR ELPHICK 612 SHADY LANE PARDEEVILLE, WI 53954 608-429-3278 RON ENGELKE 16182 HWY 126 BELMONT, WI 53510 608-732-4802 Ha GARY ERICKSON MAPLE CREST FARM 1896 220TH ST HUMBOLDT, IA 50548 515-332-1680 gssheep@ncn.net Col Ha LAURIE FABRIZIUS W5640 CTY RD CS POYNETTE, WI 53955 608-635-7910 Com FAIRY YARNMOTHER SUSAN FORBES 922 MAIN ST DELAFIELD, WI 53018 262-893-6389 fairyyarnmothers@gmail.com www.fairyyarnmothers.com WSWF vendor CAROL FALK FALK’S FARM E1114 LONE PINE RD WAUPACA, WI 54981 715-281-8262 cafalk@sbcglobal.net Col GREG FARRIS REBEL MOON FARM/GREG FARRIS 16619 HARPT LAKE RD MISHICOT, WI 54228 920-629-4615 greg.farris66@yahoo.com Ch REID & STEPHANIE FORMO FORMO FARMS, INC 3965 E BRIGHAM RD BLUE MOUNDS, WI 53517 320-424-2832 formo@live.com www.formo-farms.com So FOUR CROWS FARM MELISSA BROWN & NED KESSENICH 932 CTH U VERONA, WI 53593 608-843-8060 fourcrowsfarm@mhtc.net WSWF vendor
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MARALYN FOWLER CROFTLAND FARM, LLC W8151 COUNTY RD F CASCADE, WI 53011 920-528-8013 mfowlfarm@msn.com www.croftlandfarm.com Kat Do Corm MARTIN GONZALEZ PO BOX 3933 JOLIET, IL 60436 708-518-1110 Ra TERRY GROTH FARM 45 3180 HWY C JACKSON, WI 53037 414-305-6452 groth4@att.net facebook/farm45LLC Kat RICK GRUWELL GRU-WELLL FARM N2001 W HARMON LODI, WI 53555 608-370-3572 rgruwell@merr.com Pol MARY GUELIG N5092 PINE RD EDEN, WI 53019 920-477-3585 Kat DAVID & KATHERINE HAMMER 6738 HILLDALE RD CUBA CITY, WI 53807 608-759-4304 608-778-5104 davidhammer@centurytel.net Lin Ra CRAIG HARTWIG FAMILY 257 E CHURCH ST OAKFIELD, WI 53065 920-583-1918 Su DON & MARY HAUSSER HAUSSER POLYPAYS S67 W38381 HIGHWAY ZZ EAGLE, WI 53119 262-495-2692 d.mhausser@gmail.com www.hausserpolypays.webs. com Pol HEARTHSIDE FIBERS LARRY & LAEL WILSON W3476 CTY B JOHNSON CREEK, WI 53038 920-699-2362 yarn@hearthsidefibers.com www.hearthsidefibers.com ShetSh WSWF vendor ELMER & ETTA HELD RIVER BEND FARM 117 N MAIN ST, PO BOX 56 OAKFIELD, WI 53065 920-583-3084 eheld3084@charter.net Su
JERRY HELD FAMILY RIVER BEND FARM 289 THACKERY DR OSHKOSH, WI 54904 920-931-5147 Su JENNIFER HERZBERG W485 LIENKE RD COLUMBUS, WI 53925 920-484-3849 jherzberg@centurytel.net CODY HIEMKE MAPLETON MYND SHROPSHIRES 1773 KOSHKONONG RD STOUGHTON, WI 53589 415-302-8035 cjhiemke@gmail.com www.facebook.com/ mapletonmyndshropshires Sh FRANK & BARB HINTZSCHE HINTZSCHE SHEEP FARM 3951 SOUTH MULFORD RD ROCHELLE, IL 61068 815-561-5538 815-561-5537 BL Cor HOMESTEAD SHEEP & FIBER NORA AHLEN 2219 GROVE RD BAILEY’S HARBOR, WI 54202 920-839-2705 jhahlen@itol.com WSWF vendor JOE, KRISTY, JEFF, JOSH & JORDAN HUBER J & K FARMS 748 STATE RD 82 WISCONSIN DELLS, WI 53965 608-547-8273 WT Pol JEROME A., EILEEN & JACOB HUBER HUBER SHEEP SHEARING 220 FREEDOM LANE OXFORD, WI 53952 608-586-5735 Com ILLINOIS WOOL & FIBER MILL & THE COMPLETE SHEEP SHOP JANE ZEIEN 10828 CALEDONIA RD BELVIDERE, IL 61008 815-721-4799 jane@ilwoolfibermill.com www.ilwoolfibermill.com www.completesheepshoppe. com WSWF vendor INDIANHEAD SHEEP BREEDERS ASSOCIATION JACKIE JOHNSON, TREASURER 9977 130TH AVE BLOOMER, WI 54724 715-568-1186 jjjohnson@bloomer.net www.indianheadsheep.com
INTERLACEMENTS YARNS, LLC TRACEY SCHUH 3250 FROELICH RD ABRAMS, WI 54101 920-826-5970 tracey_schuh@hotmail.com www.interlacementsyarns. com WSWF vendor J & L FARM LORA & JERRY VALENTA 10017 RAVINE DR TWO RIVERS, WI 54241 920-901-4062 jlsheep@juno.com BL Com Su WSWF vendor VAL JANSEN 5939 WAUSAUKEE RD WEST BEND, WI 53095 262-339-2580 johnorval@charter.net Cor RICK JESKE JESKE FARM 877 BINGHAM RD EDGERTON, WI 53534 608-884-1920 fjjeske75@gmail.com Kat DAVID H JOHNSON EQUITY LIVESTOCK COOP 401 COMMERCE AVE, PO BOX 1003 BARABOO, WI 53913 608-356-8311 djohnson@equitycoop.com www.equitycoop.com CHARLES JONES ROCKY RIDGE N5987 15TH AVE WILD ROSE, WI 54984-5938 920-622-4334 Com BARB, BRODY, BRIANNA & BROOKLYN JONES VERNON VIEW W224 S10850 BIG BEND DR BIG BEND, WI 53103 262-939-2812 bjones@wi.rr.com So MARK & SUE KENWORTHY KENWORTHY FARM 17354 INTERLUDE RD TOMAH, WI 54660 608-372-7340 markkenworthy@yahoo.com Cot RYAN KERR ALL FORAGE FARMS W8843 OLD 54 RD SHIOCTON, WI 54170 920-250-2783 allforagefarms@gmail.com Sh DAVE & KATE KINNEY 14155 TALLACKSON RD DURAND, IL 61024 815-218-5205 kate.kinney@monroeclinic.org So
2015 Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative Memberships PAUL, RACHEL & NICOLE KIRCHNER KIRCHNER FARMS N11462 PALMER RD CLINTONVILLE, WI 54929 715-460-4469 gonesheepcrazy7@gmail.com Ha Su MARK & MARIE KJORLIE CHICORY MEADOWS FARM 1019 OVIATT ST KAUKAUNA, WI 54130 920-766-4563 chicorymeadows@sbcglobal. net Su Ra Com GARY T & DYLAN R KLUG HIGHLAND HAMPSHIRES PO BOX 383 HARLAN, IA 51537 712-202-4461 klughihamp@tm.net Ha So BRIAN KNUDSON 14934 W DORNER RD BRODHEAD, WI 53520 608-879-2251 brian.knudson@wi.usda.gov Com MIKE & LESA KNUTH ROYAL K RANCH S7440 ELI VALLEY RD LOGANVILLE, WI 53943 608-727-2617 lesa.knuth@wicw.net Com BRANDON & MICHELLE KNUTSON DIAMOND K SHEEP COMPANY 8605 KEMMERER RD CLINTON, WI 53525 608-732-4955 diamondkclublambs@yahoo. com Ha WT Pol So MAUREEN KOCH N1912 DOUBLE D CAMPBELLSPORT, WI 53010 920-539-4791 koch_maureen@hotmail.com ShetSh Com CVM KATHY KONING MCCLURE 4596 OSBORNE RD WINNEBAGO, IL 61088 815-335-2015 kkoningmcclure@frontier.com Ra CL Rom NCW GREG KOTTKE FAMILY COTTONWOOD CREEK FARMS W7089 KENYON RD OAKFIELD, WI 53065 920-583-3232 gmkottke@frontier.com So WT MARY KRETZSCHMAR ENGLISH GARDENS FIBER MILL & SHEEP FARM 9790 STATE 76 CALEDONIA, MN 55921 507-896-0427 mklambs@acegroup.cc www.englishgardensfibermill. com BFL
MARY KUEHL SHEPHERD’S WAY FARM W310 S749 MAPLE AVE WAUKESHA, WI 53188 262-349-3373 kuehl.shepherdsway@gmail. com ShetSh Cor Su ROBERT & PENNY LEDER BEAR CREEK SHEEP STATION N8714 COUNTY RD T BEAR CREEK, WI 54922 715-752-3459 rpleder@frontiernet.net www.bearcreeksheep.com Com SAMM Efr Boor EILEEN LEGUE 3100 GENEVA ST RACINE, WI 53402 262-639-9629 legue@sbcglobal.net DONNA LEIN FAMILY LEIN CORRIEDALES & LINCOLNS 7295 I AVE ARLINGTON, IA 50606 563-425-4262 Cor Lin LILAC RIDGE FARM THERESE LACASSE 8716 RIDGE DR BELLEVILLE, WI 53508 608-832-6819 sdflach@yahoo.com www.lilacridgefarms.com WSWF vendor RANDY, BRANDON & BRIAN LOEHRKE LOEHRKE SUFFOLKS N7290 29TH DR WAUPACA, WI 54981 loehrkefarm@gmail.com Su Com TODD LUEDTKE FAMILY 426 CROWFOOT AVE FOND DU LAC, WI 54935 tluedtke@holidayautomotive. com Ra LAURA MATTHEWS PSALM 23 FARM 12223 LAX CHAPEL RD KIEL, WI 53042 920-273-1849 ps23farm@yahoo.com http://psalm23farm.blogspot. com ShetSh Com AnGo CLAUDEEN MCAULIFFE N3220 HALE RD NEOSHO, WI 53059 920-625-2544 ShetSh Ice LAURIE & BRAD MCDOWELL CAP TEN RIDGE 1535 SPEEDWAY RD VERONA, WI 53593 608-576-5732 bmcdowell2577@gmail.com ShetSh
PETER & INGRID McMASTERS SPRY WHIMSY FIBER ARTS, LLC 171 W MAIN ST STOUGHTON, WI 53589 608-239-0688 peter@spryshimsy.com www.sprywhimsy.com WSWF vendor LAURA, ANDY & JORDAN MEYER EMERALD VALLEY FARM N8020 SWITZKE RD WATERTOWN, WI 53094 920-206-8445 tractorgirl76@hotmail.com Ox KEN MILLER SAND BAY FARMS 93740 HYDE RD BAYFIELD, WI 54814 715-779-0147 sandbayfarms@centurytel.net WDrpr TIM, BETH & JILL MILLER TAILWIND FARM 12827 W HWY 81 BELOIT, WI 53511 608-751-2963 tailwindfarm@gmail.com www.tailwindfarm.com Ra GENE & AUDREY MOMONT INDIANHEAD RANCH 206 RANCH RD IRON RIVER, MI 49935 906-265-4276 gmomont@up.net Com ANN MOSES 5570 BELLBROOK RD BROOKLYN, WI 53521 608-220-6362 mosesae@gmail.com BCh PAUL MURRAY DIAMOND “M” FARM 929 E NORTH ST APPLETON, WI 54911 920-915-9925 murraypaul@att.net Ra BOB NELSON CEDAR GROVE KATAHDINS W4037 CTY RD RR CEDAR GROVE, WI 53013 262-305-6027 bobnelson855@gmail.com Kat CHRIS NELSON CRYSTAL LAKE ALPACA FARM 4907 RIVER RD FRANKFORT, MI 49635 231-920-7085 crystallakealpacas@gmail. com www.crystallakealpacafarm. com Al
JEFF, LESLIE, JOELLE & ANDY NEVENS A&J NEVENS LIVESTOCK N1225 HILLESTAD RD LODI, WI 53555 608-592-7842 aandjnevenslivestock@ frontier.com http://myplace.frontier. com/~jrnevens Ta WARREN & ELLEN O’BRION IRISH ACRES W4050 PALMER RD RIO, WI 53960 920-992-3747 irishacres@centurytel.net Pol OGLE DESIGN KIM OGLE 2705 E ARMOUR AVE SAINT FRANCIS, WI 53235 414-481-9286 ogledesign@yahoo.com www.ogledesign@etsy.com WSWF vendor KEVIN & TONJA PALMER 4 1/2 ACRE FARM N6834 EAST RIVER RD BRILLION, WI 54110 920-242-5448 silphiumfarm@aol.com Mer Su ShetSh BARB PARSONS ANIMAL ACRES LLAMAS S64 W39570 CTY RD CI DOUSMAN, WI 53118 262-495-4944 barbparsons1234@yahoo.com www.animalacresllamas.com Llamas for show, guard & fleece SHELBY, SCOTT & LISA PASKEY PASKEY SUFFOLKS 5213 CO HWY TT COTTAGE GROVE, WI 53527 608-837-3725 lrpaskey@gmail.com shelby@nlgslaw.com Su THOMAS & LINDA PEETERS WILLOW FARM W7147 COUNTY RD JJ HORTONVILLE, WI 54944 920-757-5204 peeters@execpc.com ShetSh RAYMOND PEREZ PO BOX 187 VAUGHN, NM 88353 H: 575-584-2667 C: 575-799-9999 Ra DEBBIE & EMILY PETZEL WIND SWEPT CREST SHEEP FARM 2037 180TH AVE CENTURIA, WI 54824 612-578-1528 dspetzel@unity.k12.wi.us Sh Com
GRAHAM & MARGARET PHILLIPSON LITTLEDALE FARM 21925 CTY HWY ZZ RICHLAND CENTER, WI 53581 608-647-7118 littledalefarm@countryspeed. com www.littledalefarm.com NCh ScBl Mule DICK & GRACE PIECHOWSKI HOLMLAND FARMS N1060 STATE RD 22 WAUPACA, WI 54981 715-258-2757 holmlandfarms@gmail.com Su ROCK PLEDL 2825 N MARYLAND AVE MILWAUKEE, WI 53211 414-690-9088 rtp@pledlcohn.com DOUGLAS & MARY QUAAK N6748 COUNTY RD 577 INGALLS, MI 49848 906-753-4153 CIF & Nav HEIDI QUIST PRAIRIE WILLOW FARM 31015 OLINDA TRAIL LINDSTROM, MN 55045 651-238-5370 prairiewillowsfarm@gmail.com www.prairiewillowsfarm.com Fin Got RALPH RABACH RABACH SHEEP 5028 CTY TT STURGEON BAY, WI 54235 920-743-7143 Ha Su Com RACH-AL-PACA FIBER PROCESSING RACHEL BOUCHER 18495 GOODWIN AVE HASTINGS, MN 55033 651-485-7916 rachalpacafarm@aol.com www.rachalpacafarm.com WSWF vendor RAINBOW FLEECE FARM & CARDING CO PATTY REEDY & ANDY WERSAL W7181 HUSTAD VALLEY RD NEW GLARUS, WI 53574 608-527-5311 rainbowfleece@gmail.com www.rainbowfleecefarm.com WSWF vendor GARRETT RAMSAY RAMSAY FARMS-WHITE PINE 3149 460TH ST PERHAM, MN 56573 218-371-6106 ramsayfarms@gmail.com www.ramsay-farms.com ShetSh BFL RED OAK FARM WELDON & LEEANNE RICHERT PO BOX 188 ROBERTS, WI 54821 715-558-2768 rbtsvet@att.net WSWF Vendor
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 99
2015 Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative Memberships ANN REDMER THE REDMER FARM 8705 W PLYMOUTH CHURCH RD ORFORDVILLE, WI 53576 608-201-7188 amoyer2151@aol.com Ice RICHARD & GRETCHEN REGNERY WHITEFISH BAY FARM 3831 CLARK LAKE RD STURGEON BAY, WI 54235 920-743-1560 innkeepers@ whitefishbayfarm.com www.whitefishbayfarm.com Cor NCW ANN REISER THE SHEPHERD’S PURSE 6342 ALLEN RD SOBIESKI, WI 54171 920-822-8546 areiser52@gmail.com www.myshepherdspurse.com Lin LL MARIAH RICHARDSON RICHARDSON FARMS W395 S4505 HWY Z DOUSMAN, WI 53118 262-470-2010 mrichardsonfarms@gmail.com Su RIVER’S EDGE FIBER ARTS CAROL LARSEN PO BOX 631 GRAND LEDGE, MI 48837 517-643-9968 carol@riversedgefiberarts.com www.riversedgefiberarts.com WSWF vendor RIVERWINDS FARM JILL JOHNSON 11666 CTY RD D BOYD, WI 54726 715-667-3499 theflock@riverwindsfarm.com www.riverwindsfarm.com WSWF vendor MARK, JULIE, ERIN & REBECCA ROEMBKE MJR HAMPSHIRES 3504 COUNTRY AIRE DR CEDARBURG, WI 53012 262-707-0032 mjrhamps@hotmail.com Ha RICHARD & SYLVIA ROEMBKE ROEMBKE HAMPSHIRES 3696 COUNTRY AIRE DR CEDARBURG, WI 53012 262-377-1491 rsrmke@att.net Ha JIM & SUE RUPNOW RUPNOW HAMP SHOW LAMBS T6617 N. TROY WAUSAU, WI 54403 715-590-4660 profshowsupply@aol.com www.wisconsinshowlambs.com Ha WT
PAT RYAN BURR OAK FARM 1732 80TH AVE DRESSER, WI 54009 715-755-2530 burroakfarm@centurytel.net NCW BARB SALAS N8996 HW 26 PO BOX 133 BURNETT, WI 53922 920-689-0124 salasfarm@hotmail.com Com BOB & SHARON SCHAEFER EVERGREEN FARM D2720 DAY AVE MARSHFIELD, WI 54449 evergreen@tznet.com BCh RICHARD & KAREN SCHAMBOW CASS HOLLOW TUNIS 3501 N DOHS RD EVANSVILLE, WI 53536 608-876-6804 Tu RICH, JUDY, TOM & RACHEL SCHAMBOW HIGH POINT SUFFOLKS 2417 W STARK RD JANESVILLE, WI 53545 608-743-1473 highpt@hughes.net www.highptsuffolks.com Su FRED H. & GEORGE O. SCHILLING INDIAN GARDEN LLC N685 S GARDEN RD WATERTOWN, WI 53098 920-262-3026 Com KEVIN & STACY SCHMOLL SCHMOLL SHOW LAMBS E6113 SPRINGBROOK RD WAUSAU, WI 54403 715-370-2064 stacyschmoll@msn.com WT Ha THERESE & TIM SCHROEDER SCHROEDER FARM W4351 KRUPP RD BLACK CREEK, WI 54106 920-984-3710 tschroedersheep@yahoo.com Su WT Com KEITH & BECKY SCHULTZ FAMILY LEVEL HILLS FARM 400 OAKRIDGE COURT FORT ATKINSON, WI 53538 920-397-0732 levelhillsfarm@sbcglobal.net So TRACY SENGUPTA FIREFLY FIELDS 4110 W PLYMOUTH CHURCH RD BELOIT, WI 53511 608-345-8555 tracy@fireflyfields.com www.fireflyfields.com Fin
100 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
SERENITY SPRING WOOL ISABELA CASTANEDA 22000 VICTORIA LANE RICHLAND CENTER, WI 53581 301-502-2886 serenityspringwool@gmail.com www.serenityspringwool.com Romn MATT & PEG SHEAFFER SANDHILL FAMILY FARMS, LLC 16228 SKINNER RD BRODHEAD, WI 53520 608-897-2209 info@sandhillfamilyfarms.com www.sandhillfamilyfarms.com Com StCrx DEBBIE L SKUBAL E1099 COUTNY RD KB DENMARK, WI 54208 920-255-4159 dlskubal59@gmail.com CARI SLATER 10628 W CTY RD M EVANSVILLE, WI 53536 608-931-4304 carislater96@gmail.com WENDY S SLEIDER W289 S2954 ROAD DT WAUKESHA, WI 53188 414-630-4902 fsleider@wi.rr.com DAN & SHELLY SMERCHEK FAMILY SMERCHEK SHOW LAMBS/ KDK SOUTHDOWNS 1813 BIRCH RD ROSHOLT, WI 54423 715-347-1957 smerchek@wildblue.net www.kdksouthdowns.com www.smerchekclublambs.com CL WT So LARRY STROBEL STROBEL’S LITTLE SIX W4011 EBENEZER DR WATERTOWN, WI 53094 920-253-7207 strobelsix@gmail.com WT Su MARLIN & GERALYN SUBRA SUBRA SUFFOLKS W15142 CTY RD P TAYLOR, WI 54659 715-662-3003 blossombarn@centurytel.net Subra Suffolks/Facebook Su WT JOE & LIZ SUTTER SUTTER’S GOLD ’N FLEECE YARN SHOP 9094 COUNTY RD O ST GERMAIN, WI 54538 715-479-7634 liz@suttersgoldnfleece.com www.suttersgoldnfleece.com WSWF vendor
SYDELL INC KYLE CHRISTIANSEN 6935 SD HWY 50 BURBANK, SD 57010 605-624-4538 sydell@sydell.com www.sydell.com WSWF vendor TODD TAYLOR FAMILY JHT LIVESTOCK W7460 MEEK RD ARLINGTON, WI 53911 608-846-9536 taylorsheep@yahoo.com Col So Ha Lin THE SCARF CONNECTION STEVE & ERIN WHALEN N1596 HWY H LAKE GENEVA, WI 53147 262-249-0157 altiva@idcnet.com WSWF vendor THISTLE RIDGE LLC KAY & DAVID HATCH 9881 BELVIDERE RD ROSCOE, IL 61073-8500 815-298-7491 815-298-7490 hatch_ks@yahoo.com WSWF vendor MERLIN & BETTY THOM THOM’S ROLLING HILLS N5160 HWY 151 COLUMBUS, WI 53925-8982 H: 920-623-3978 C: 608-712-3978 Com MARTY & TERRI THOMAS THOMAS CLUB LAMBS 5463 TOWNHALL DR PULASKI, WI 54162 920-366-2428 wreststuds@aol.com www.thomasclublambs.com CL JIM THOMPSON W2068 GARY LANE IXONIA, WI 53036 262-389-5004 Com ALLAN, HEIDI & TY THORSON METRO HAMPS W460 SYDO RD COLUMBUS, WI 53925 920-344-1235 metrohamps@hotmail.com www.wisconsinshowlambs. com Ha WT BILL & PENNY TRACY TRACY SHOW LAMBS 3417 OLD C BLUE RIVER, WI 53518 608-537-2101 bptracy@mwt.net Ha WT CHRISTINA TROMPLER 3305 LAKE DR HARTLAND, WI 53029 262-352-9149 christina.trompler@ neoshotrompler.com
DAVE & MARY, SARA, CHRIS, COURTNEY & SETH TROXEL TROXEL COLUMBIAS N6127 9TH AVE PLAINFIELD, WI 54966 FARM: 715-335-6854 SARA: 715-340-4812 dmtroxel@hotmail.com sarahildebrandt15@gmail.com Col PHYLLIS TURNER 7707 N BROOKLINE DR MADISON, WI 53719 608-833-5962 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSINMADISON/ARLINGTON SHEEP UNIT TODD TAYLOR SHEPHERD W4857 MEEK RD ARLINGTON, WI 53911 608-846-5858 toddtaylor@wiscmail.wisc.edu Ha Ra Ta Pol CORINNE URESK 3 RIVER BLUFF RD ELGIN, IL 60120 608-648-2713 Com TOM VAASEN 4392 HWY 81 E LANCASTER, WI 53813 608-723-6782 IdF LYNN & KEITH VALIQUETTE N8091 AMUNDSON COULEE RD HOLMEN, WI 54636 608-526-4339 lynnevaliquette@mac.com ClF VICTOR & CHRISTINE VOIGT VICLAND FARM 628 HWY W REEDSVILLE, WI 54230 920-772-4235 vvvcollins@lsol.net Su LAURA VOLKMANN & RICK BOESEN QUESO CABEZA FARM 21879 V DR N OLIVET, MI 49076 269-749-9404 llamas@quesocabezafarm.com www.quesocabezafarm.com Ice PAUL & CAROL WAGNER HIDDEN VALLEY FARM/ WOOLEN MILL 14804 NEWTON RD VALDERS, WI 54245 920-758-2803 hvfarmwoolenmill@lakefield.net www.hiddenvalleyfarmwoolen mill.com Coop SUE & DAN WALLACE 29115 CTY HWY P KENDALL, WI 54638 608-463-7552
2015 Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative Memberships 2015 Board of Directors
PETER & MARY WALLACE WHITE DOVE FARM 173 CTY RD A CAMBRIDGE, WI 53523 608-884-4301 whitedove@litewire.net NCW Cor
WISCONSIN SHEEP DAIRY COOPERATIVE MAPLE HILL FARM PO BOX 207 BRUCE, WI 54819 715-503-2391 rrsf@sheepmilk.biz tmichielson@chibardun.net www.sheepmilk.biz WSWF vendor
STEVE & ERIN WHALEN THE SCARF CONNECTION W5737 GREENING RD WHITEWATER, WI 53190 262-348-6754 altiva@idcnet.com Cor
WSBC Seats new board at Annual Meeting: (l-r front row) Jeff Nevens, Vice-President, Lodi; Sue Rupnow, Wausau; Alan Thorson, President, Columbus, (l-r second row) Tim Miller, Beloit; Laura Meyer, Watertown; Ryan Bingen, Allenton. (l-r third row) Brandon Knutson, Clinton; Sarah Troxel, Plainfield; Keith Schultz, Fort Atkinson; Debbie Petzel, Centuria. Not shown: Maralyn Fowler, Cascade.
JOSH & MANDY WHITLOCK WANDERING PEACOCK FARM N2637 MAIDEN LANE RD REESEVILLE, WI 53529 920-626-6365 farmers@wanderingpeacock farm.com www.wanderingpeacockfarm.com LL Rom CVM Romn ED, DANA & MAURA WIENERS OAK SHADE FARM W1620 STATE RD 11 BURLINGTON, WI 53105 262-763-9049 oakshade@wi.rr.com Sh WT KENNETH & MAKI WIERING 6998 TANNERY RD TWO RIVERS, WI 54241 920-657-1281 makiswiering@hotmail.com Com ROBERT WIESE KURTH FARMS N41 W28899 IMPERIAL DR PEWAUKEE, WI 53072 262-370-1422 Ha Do LISA WILLIAMS 11440 CROCKETT RD ROSCOE, IL 61073 815-222-7158 jessnchasin@yahoo.com BL DOUG & ROY WILSON CORNER VIEW CLUB LAMBS N4357 CTY RD T SHAWANO, WI 54166 608-215-4490 cvclublambs@hotmail.com www.cluublambpage.com/cornerview CL Ha Su CATHY WINEMAN CATHYS CREATIONS M636 GALVIN AVE STRATFORD, WI 54484 715-687-4744 sheephides@gmail.com www.cathys-creations.com Col Cor
MIKE WISHNESKI & KATE CARLSON BIG SKY SHEPHERDS RANCH 4373 KRUEGERS QUARRY RD OCONTO, WI 54153 920-834-5709 Feeder Lambs LISA WITAK LISA WITAK FAMILY W6144 CTY RD WW OCONTO, WI 54153 715-938-4099 lwitak@yahoo.com Ha JON & WYNN WITTKOPF FAMILY KURTH FARMS N35 W29202 NORTH SHORE DR PEWAUKEE, WI 53072 262-367-6192 jwwittkopf@core.com Ha Do BL WOOL FROM OVER THE HILL KALEN NICHOLS W3944 KAMMES DR BELLEVILLE, WI 53508 608-424-3938 nicholsk-loon@hotmail.com WSWF vendor WOOL WARP & WHEEL ROB CETNER PO BOX 225 RICHMOND, IL 60071 815-678-0697 woolwarpandwheel@peoplepc.com www.woolwarpandwheel.com WSWF Vendor YORKSHIRE ROSE FARM DAVID & CAROLE PINE W5416 KING RD RIO, WI 53960 608-469-0790 yorkshirerosefarm@gmail.com WSWF vendor NANCY ZERNICKE & SEAN BURTON HEART PRAIRIE SUFFOLKS & HAMPS W8190 ISLAND RD DELAVAN, WI 54115 N: 715-584-1093 S: 262-206-1033 nzernicke@gmail.com Ha Su Com
Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 101
102 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
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The Performance Leader in Baby Animal Nutrition Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival • 103
Index of Advertisers (W) indicates website advertiser — wisconsinsheepandwoolfestival.com All American Fibers ............................................................................. 68 American Lamb Board........................................................................ 102 American Livestock Magazine .............................................................. 90 Asylum Farm ........................................................................................ 62 Bahr Creek Llamas & Fiber Studio (W) ............................................... 14 Banner Sheep Magazine, The................................................................ 67 Barb Lassa Photography ......................................................................... 5 bk Sheep Nutrition ................................................................................ 59 Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill (W) ...................................................... 55 Black Sheep Newsletter ......................................................................... 71 Bleating Heart Haven (W)..................................................................... 58 Central Livestock Association .............................................................. 81 Complete Sheep Shoppe, The ............................................................... 40 Country Today, The ............................................................................... 64 Croftland Farm ................................................................................ 84, 92 Cutler Fence .......................................................................................... 63 Dancing Lamb, The............................................................................... 14 Early American Life .....................................................Inside Back Cover English Gardens Fiber Mill (W) ........................................................... 86 Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association .................................... 1 Ewesful Gifts (W) ................................................................................. 69 Fencing Solutions.................................................................................. 84 Fevolden Farm .................................................................................... 101 Fiber Garden LLC ................................................................................. 40 Fort Atkinson Chamber of Commerce (W) ........................................... 72 Green Mountain Spinnery ..................................................................... 73 Groenewold Fur & Wool Co. ................................................................ 71 Hammer Sheep ...................................................................................... 60 Hidden Valley Farm & Woolen Mill ....................................................... 2 Hooked on Ewe (W).............................................................................. 73 Hooked on Wool Primitives .................................................................. 61 Illinois Green Pastures Fiber Cooperative ............................................ 49 Illinois Wool & Fiber Mill ................................................................... 53 Indianhead Sheep Breeders Association ............................................... 74 Jefferson County Tourism Council ......................................................... 4 Jones Shearing ........................................................................................ 5 Ketcham Sheep, KSEM, Inc. ...................................... Inside Front Cover Kimmet Croft Fiber (W) ....................................................................... 57 Marushka Farms.................................................................................... 10 McHenry County Fair (W) .................................................................. 104 Merrick’s Animal Nutrition, Inc. (W) ................................................. 103 Michigan Fiber Festival ........................................................................ 82 Midwest Shetland Sheep Breeders Association .................................... 79 104 • Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival
Mielke’s Fiber Arts LLC ....................................................................... 74 National CVM Conservancy (W) ............................................................ 6 National Livestock Producers Association (W) .................................... 57 National Teeswater Show ...................................................................... 77 Paskey Suffolks ..................................................................................... 78 Rach-Al-Paca Farm ............................................................................... 60 Rich-Nes Alpacas .................................................................................. 63 Roembke Hampshires ........................................................................... 83 Round Barn Fiber Mill .......................................................................... 52 sheep! Magazine ................................................................................... 12 Sheep Medicine ..................................................................................... 75 Sheeping Beauty Fibre Arts .................................................................. 78 Shepherd, The ....................................................................................... 96 Shepherd’s Harvest Sheep & Wool Festival.......................................... 64 Shepherdwoods Farm............................................................................ 53 Sievers School of Fiber Arts ................................................................. 57 Spin•Off Magazine ................................................................................ 59 Susan’s Fiber Shop................................................................................ 47 Sydell (W) ............................................................................................. 62 Tailwind Farm ....................................................................................... 61 Troxel Columbias .................................................................................. 95 UW-Madison - Badger Production Sale ............................................... 13 Weavers Loft ........................................................................................... 7 Wisconsin Handweavers Inc. .................................................................. 7 Wisconsin Wool Works ......................................................................... 53 Wool & Cotton Company ..................................................................... 48 Wool, Warp & Wheel ............................................................................ 46 Woolgatherers LTD (W) ........................................................................ 93 Yorkshire Rose Farm............................................................................. 53
Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative 7811 Consolidated School Road Edgerton, WI 53534
Jefferson County Fair Park 503 N. Jackson Avenue Jefferson, WI 53549 Getting to the Festival . . . From Madison: I-94 east to Johnson Creek, exit Hwy 26 south. Hwy 26 to Hwy 18 exit. Left on Hwy 18 to Jackson Ave and north (left) on Jackson to Fair Park. From Milwaukee: I-94 west to Johnson Creek, exit Hwy 26 south. Hwy 26 to Hwy 18 exit. Left on Hwy 18 to Jackson Ave and north (left) on Jackson to Fair Park. From Chicago: I-90 north to Hwy 26 Janesville exit. Hwy 26 north to Hwy 18 exit and then right on Hwy 18 to Jackson Ave and north (left) on Jackson to Fair Park.