Slow Life

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11:34 AM

is a qualified nutritionist

and established writer with a passion for conserving the environment. Kate has many years of experience writing on travel, food, spas









of climate change

is a wake-up call that has caused a growing number of people to voice concerns about the environment and to seek a cleaner, healthier way of living. However, many still remain


analysing eco-friendly concepts and practices. She has authored a number of books, including Eco Chic, Balancing Senses, Qi: Chinese Secrets of Health, Beauty & Vitality, Spa Style Asia-Pacific and Spa Style Arabia, and she is a feature writer for various publications, such as Asia Spa, Vacations and Travel (Australia), and South China Morning Post (Hong Kong).


QC Preflight Point

is a highly-

acclaimed photographer whose work has been showcased in high-profile advertising campaigns and in many books, including Balancing Senses, The Six Senses Cookbook, New Chinese Cuisine and Chiva-Som’s Thai Spa Cuisine. Now with SLOW LIFE, Jorg captures the fragile beauty of the environment and the resort experiences created by Six Senses with his signature style and unique perspective.

uncertain as to how they can make a real and positive influence. SLOW LIFE is the answer. An acronym for a more conscious way of living, SLOW (Sustainable, Local, Organic, Wholesome) and LIFE (Learning, Inspiring, Fun, Experiences) are words that encompass a holistic approach to both individual and environmental health.


has achieved acclaim for

crafting luxurious resorts that are highly environmentally business









embracing the idea of integrating business with concern for planetary wellbeing in order to generate widespread change. With creativity and style, the Six Senses brands have created resort experiences that are environmentally friendly,





ecological and carbon footprint of our homes, workplaces and wherever we choose to be truly is a reachable goal.

FULL OF PRACTICAL TIPS, inspiring case studies and insightful analysis, this beautifully





adopting the SLOW LIFE is both entirely approachable and utterly essential.

FRONT COVER: The organic Fresh in the Garden restaurant overlooks the lush herb and vegetable gardens of Soneva Fushi by Six Senses, Maldives. BACK COVER: Blending in seamlessly with their environment, the pool villas at Six Senses Hideaway Yao Noi, Thailand, are enveloped by verdant tropical greenery that offers both cooling shade and privacy.


Job no : 79300-5 Title : Slow Parenfing-6 Sense Edn Client : (EDM) Scn : #175 Size : 768(w)287(h)mm Co : M7 C0 (R24) (Coagl) Dept : DTP D/O : 24.06.09 (Job no:79300C3 D/O : 06.07.09 Co: CM11)

U.S. $55.00


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A SUSTAINABLE PLANET the call for change / 14

LOCAL KNOWLEDGE the species that share our world / 40

SLOW FOOD an organic feast / 62

SLOW STYLE wholesome beauty / 82


Job no : 79300-2 Title : Slow Parenting Client : EDM Scn : #175 Size : 260(w)280(h)mm Co : M11 (Coagl) Dept : DTP D/O : 15.06.09 (Job no:79300C1 D/O : 29.06.09 Co: CM11)



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SLOW PARENTING learning for the future / 96

THE SLOW HOME AND OFFICE inspiring spaces / 106

SLOW TRAVEL fun adventures / 130

ECO EXPERIENCES six senses resorts & spas / 144



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9:18 AM



Job no : 79300-2 Title : Slow Parenting Client : EDM Scn : #175 Size : 260(w)280(h)mm Co : M11 (Coagl) Dept : DTP D/O : 15.06.09 (Job no:79300C4 D/O : 10.07.09 Co: CM11)

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SLOW LIFE There is more to life than increasing its speed. - Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi

We are living in unusual times. We have dizzying amounts of information at our fingertips. We travel the globe with ease and can view any point on its surface through our computer screens. Surely there cannot be many surprises left? But there are, as humanity confronts its greatest challenge—the rising tide of climate change. Humans have exploited the earth without counting the cost, and unless we do something fast, how can its beauty survive intact to be enjoyed by future generations? People are increasingly voicing concern about the environment, climate change, sustainable practices, the quality of our food and much more; they are seeking a change but remain uncertain as to how they can address these issues and make a real difference in their lifetimes. We are politically, economically and morally obliged to create a new world order, and SLOW LIFE explains how. SLOW LIFE is an acronym that represents the following ideals: • Sustainable • Local • Organic • Wholesome • Learning • Inspiring • Fun • Experiences More than just words, these elements of SLOW LIFE are a prescription for being at the forefront of responsible living and environmental sustainability. The principles of SLOW LIFE offer the support, knowledge and guidance that we need to help us rediscover a cleaner, better and healthier world. By appreciating where the key challenges lie, we can offer meaningful solutions. The food we choose, the clothes we wear, the cars we drive and the places we visit—when combined, all of these minute but important decisions that we make in the home and the workplace can bring about real change—one person, one step at a time. SLOW LIFE is not about doing everything at a snail's pace; rather, it is about actively reducing the ecological footprints of our lives and being fair custodians of our earth. It encourages us to live life rather than rush through it. SLOW LIFE is a very modern concept that learns from the past while embracing the future, and it is spreading fast.

SUSTAINABLE A sustainable society is one that does not destroy the foundations upon which it is built. It satisfies the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainability is about finding solutions to problems without creating new problems.


The “do not disturb” sign at Six Senses Destination Spa-Phuket is made of local stone on which closed eyelids are playfully inscribed; the stunning cliff-top restaurant at Six Senses Hideaway Zighy Bay, Oman. OPPOSITE: Wooden bridge leading to the observatory at Soneva Fushi by Six Senses, Maldives. PREVIOUS: Guests can enjoy the marine life right outside their villa at Soneva Gili by Six Senses, Maldives.



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The landscaping of Six Senses Destination SpaPhuket is made up of edible plants, such as lemongrass, morning glory and banana trees, providing ingredients that often appear on the resort’s food menu. OPPOSITE (FROM TOP): Watering the lettuce at the organic vegetable garden of Evason Phuket, Thailand; sun-ripened cherry tomatoes are full of vitamins and antioxidants that can help prevent cancer.


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Job no : 79300-2 Title : Slow Parenting Client : EDM Scn : #175 Size : 260(w)280(h)mm Co : M3 (Coagl) Dept : DTP D/O : 15.06.09 (Job no:79300C3 D/O : 06.07.09 Co: CM11)

WHY EAT SLOW? With today’s mass-

Those who have started to question how

market consumption, the taste and nutritional

their food choices affect their families and the

value of many foods have been damaged by

world can be left uncertain as to what to eat.

techniques of convenience. Methods for

What should you buy: an organic apple grown

improving shelf life, increasing yield,

in another country or a local apple grown

guaranteeing hygiene and promoting the

down the road? Should I support the farmer

year-round availability of produce are often

who employs exclusively biodynamic principles

achieved by modifying the food to a “new

and techniques even if the produce must be

and better” model with more potential for

transported across the world before ending up

commercial success. But in most cases, this

on my plate? So many diverse questions with

model strips the food of its natural goodness

one unifying answer—of course, it should be

and has a negative impact on the planet.

the food that tastes the best and brings the



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most unashamed pleasure to eat. Our

around you. It is about sparing a moment for

purchasing power can have a dramatic

those involved in the preparation of food, the

impact on how food is produced and the

farmers and the person who cooked the food

types available, and by making conscientious

for you, while you rediscover the joys of sharing

choices that take into account local and

deliciously fresh, soul-nourishing meals.

organic principles along with taste, we can

ORGANIC Organic agriculture is defined as

support deserving farmers and companies.

“an ecological production management

As consumers become increasingly

biodiversity, biological cycles and soil

cleaner, purer food, the paradigm is finally

biological activity”. While most organic foods

starting to shift, as past traditions are being

taste great and are packed with nutritional

unearthed for a new and better way of eating.

goodness, in recent years, the term has been

Dining is becoming less about bland uninspiring

abused for commercial advantage. Although

produce made more appetising with unhealthy

organic practices cannot ensure that produce

additives and more about the heart-warming

is completely free from residue (the difference

unadulterated goodness of real wholesome

between an organic and non-organic product

food. Much of this is due to the success of the

might be minimal), the methods of production

Slow Food movement ( This

aim to minimise the pollution of the air, soil and

movement seeks to protect invaluable food

water. However, in many countries, the control

heritage in a world where the pleasures of

of organic production is not very efficient,

taste are not always learned through leisurely

which, when coupled with the insufficient

meals around a lively table. It links the pleasure

knowledge of some food producers, causes

of eating with awareness and responsibility,

the food not to be truly organic. In addition,

believing that the enjoyment of excellent foods

many of the organically labelled fruits and

and wines should be combined with efforts to

vegetables on sale today were grown so far

save countless traditional foods such as the

away that, by the time they get to your

cheeses, grains, vegetables, fruits and animal

kitchen, they will have lost much of their

breeds that are disappearing due to the

goodness. Further, becoming certified organic

prevalence of convenient “fast” foods.

is a costly and time-consuming process for

Wholesome (SLOW) food is less about topping up the body’s energy levels and much more



/ 67

system that promotes and enhances

discerning, searching in greater numbers for

Eating Sustainable, Local, Organic and

QC Preflight Point

small producers who often cannot justify the hefty price tag attached. If buying organic, ensure that your local

about arousing emotional satisfaction. It is

retailer can justify the higher price tag

about learning to taste, smell and adore even

associated with most of the produce by asking

the simplest of fresh seasonal food, such as the

where the product was grown, when it was

ripeness of a freshly picked summer tomato or

picked and if it truly is organic. If you are

the newness of a richly green salad leaf. It is

satisfied with the response, you will be more

about living and being as you were born to by

certain that what you are buying is really doing

getting in tune with your body and the world

you and your family some good.


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A SCHOOL FOR THE 21ST CENTURY A vision of shaping the minds of the next generation in order to help them become ecologically responsible citizens led Bali-based John Hardy and his wife Cynthia to create the Green School (see Green School is designed to be a fertile environment for future thinkers and creative problem solvers, knowledgeable about all aspects of life and capable of being leaders in a changing and challenging world.While the traditional subjects such as mathematics, languages, arts and science are at the core of the curriculum, each student’s creative potential is also continually challenged while he or she is actively learning how to offset carbon emissions, start businesses, design and build lasting sustainable buildings and farm organically by helping to grow the very food that is eaten by the students in school. Set on 8 hectares (20 acres) of land on Bali’s Ayung River, just 15 minutes from Ubud in central Bali, the school lives in perfect symbiosis with the natural ecology. It is constructed almost entirely of packed earth and bamboo.The 75 small campus buildings are cooled and powered by micro hydropower, solar power and bio-diesel; the organic gardens provide fruit, vegetables, herbs and even cocoa for the school’s kitchen.The school’s five water buffalo feed a biogas system that extracts methane, and the leftover waste gets fed to worms, creating a rich compost that goes straight back into the school’s gardens.


Job no : 79300-2 Title : Slow Parenting Client : EDM Scn : #175 Size : 260(w)280(h)mm Co : M11 (Coagl) Dept : DTP D/O : 15.06.09 (Job no:79300C2 D/O : 03.07.09 Co: CM11)

The unique curriculum aims to instil in the children social responsibility, honesty, ethics and compassion by focusing on providing a well-rounded, holistic education. Moreover, on a separate campus across the river in Sibang, Abiansemal, Green Camp is an activitybased, extra-curricular centre with residential and day camps for students aged from seven to 18.This “learning by doing” environment focuses on the study of permaculture and sustainability, while also offering a variety of activities that encourage entrepreneurialism and creativity. Global studies, life-skills training, team outwardbound activities and the development of creative self-expression are core elements of all camps. Green Camp students sleep in cosy, custom-built yurts (a tent-like structure) and share access to all the Green School’s amenities across the river. John Hardy explains the unique and compelling philosophy of the Green School and Green Camp, saying: “We are nurturing current and future generations of children to interface directly with their living environment and to engage with society in new ways, so that the changes we collectively make to address the environmental imperative will have longevity.We believe that Green School’s diverse creative education can achieve this.We are committed to delivering generations of global citizens who are knowledgeable about and inspired to take responsibility for the sustainability of the world.”



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reflect the culture that produced them and

senses have an inescapable influence on the

represent a healthy relationship to the world. A

development of creativity, emotions and the

child is never too young to start learning about

nervous system in children. These perceptions

the significance of food. Letting babies play

are present from the very earliest stages of

with food (while supervised) helps them

development. Every day, through the precise

understand the feel, taste and smell of foods.

workings of the body, growing children receive

By the age of five or six, children should be

a non-stop barrage of sensations from the

able to distinguish the four basic tastes (sweet,

environment and culture in which they live.

salty, bitter and sour).

Research has shown that the greater the

describe the differences in the taste of foods

exposed to, the better the possibility of

they are eating. Does the food taste good or

developing an intelligent and balanced

bad, sweet or salty? Those that are especially

personality, well suited to deal with the

interested can write or draw their perceptions.

complex web of life.

By the age of 12, when their analytical manage to critically examine sensory

vegetation, colours, smells and tastes—in

perceptions, and they can start cooking meals

contrast to an increasingly anonymous and

on their own. By actively engaging children

standardised urban environment, can be

during meals, of all ages, they will learn to

detrimental to future generations. For instance,

enjoy the wholesome pleasures of the table. It has been said that it is impossible to

bigger cities can induce a conditioned reflex

watch a plant grow without getting a sense of

that causes a kind of apnoea (temporary

the miracle of life. Use mealtimes to trace the

cessation of breathing) that can lead to

food being eaten, from seed to plate. Explain

progressive weakening of the sense of smell.

the role of farms in the community food system,

The same can be said for food. The

or for even more impact, grow your own

repetitive taste of many fast foods, caused by

vegetables and herbs. If you do not have a

the use of artificial flavourings, is generating a

garden, herbs will thrive in containers, window

progressive decrease in taste sensitivity. The

boxes or hanging baskets, as long as there is

result is that we fail to appreciate the varied

adequate light and water.

and ever-changing flavours of natural foods

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capacities are more advanced, children

rhythms of the natural world—its climate,

some anthropologists say that pollution in

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Make meals fun by asking children to

abundance of stimuli that children are

Our progressive separation from the

QC Preflight Point

Cooking classes can further nurture a love

such as local fruits and vegetables.

of fresh foods. Where possible, choose the


classes that focus on seasonal, local foods with

rediscover nature by introducing it to children

recipes that are simple to replicate at home.

through food. Connecting young people with

More information and ideas for stimulating a

food is integral to both their future and that of

healthy appreciation of food can be gleaned

the food industry. Local foods are especially

from the ideals of the Slow Food movement

important in this cognitive journey, as they


Mother and daughter busy cooking dinner together. OPPOSITE (FROM TOP): The Green School in Bali is built almost exclusively from sustainable, natural materials such as packed earth and bamboo; children developing their artistic creativity at the Green School.



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Job no : 79300-2 Title : Slow Parenting Client : EDM Scn : #175 Size : 260(w)280(h)mm Co : M11 (Coagl) Dept : DTP D/O : 15.06.09 (Job no:79300C1 D/O :29.06.09 Co: CM11)

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THE ECO-VILLA The Eco-Villa is a zero-carbon-emissions suite at Soneva Kiri by Six Senses on Koh Kood,Thailand. It showcases a range of experimental environmental technologies incorporated into a bio-climatically designed luxury pool villa, which was built to demonstrate that, even on the remotest of islands, the best of comfort and convenience can be enjoyed while treading very lightly on the earth. The Eco-Villa was constructed from locally sourced building materials by a team of highly skilled local Thai craftsmen, including mud brick experts, terracotta potters, master carpenters and stonemasons, who used a combination of modern building design and state-of-the-art, zero-carbonemissions, clean-energy technology combined with indigenous skills and knowledge. Low-embodied-energy materials, recycled waste products and green building techniques were used throughout the construction. Key building features include the use of local sandstone; rice husks; soil and straw for the walls; harvested, kiln-dried and treated timber; FSC-certified pine and reclaimed

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teak for the ceiling, floors and fittings. Recycled egg crates were used in the drainage layer of the green roof, and soda bottles found a new life as glass bricks in the shower. Other features include driftwood beds, canvas ceiling fans, solar powered electricity and air conditioning, a natural rainwater-filtered swimming pool, a rainwater collection and harvesting system, a wine cellar and a sturdy bamboo spaceship hammock made from rattan and leaves with a soft rubber mattress. Light emanates from a central skylight that is perfect for viewing the stars at night. The Eco-Villa’s energy needs are met via a hybrid system of clean renewable energy, comprising a wind turbine, photovoltaic solar panels and a microhydro system using wastewater from the restaurant located above the villa. The landscaping is an eclectic blend of endemic, adapted plants and organic, edible plants and herbs. Much of the existing vegetation was preserved, and any trees that could have been harmed during the construction of the Eco-Villa were temporarily moved to a nursery and then replanted on site.


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ECO EXPERIENCES: SIX SENSES RESORTS & SPAS To create innovative and enlightening experiences that rejuvenate the guests’ love of SLOW LIFE is at the heart of Six Senses’ philosophy. Six Senses is a resort and spa management and development company established in 1995, which runs resorts under the brand names Soneva by Six Senses, Six Senses Hideaway, Six Senses Latitude and Evason, in addition to Six Senses Spas and Six Senses Destination Spas. SLOW LIFE is the guiding philosophy of all Six Senses properties. As a result, the local environment is treated with the utmost respect to ensure its sustainability and that of the local host communities. The health of the global environment is also addressed by the enactment of company-wide iniatitves.

SONEVA BY SIX SENSES—INTELLIGENT LUXURY is committed to offering luxuries of the highest international standards in an environment that nurtures an indigenous feel in design, architecture and service and where nature becomes a part of the guest experience. A Soneva resort has a limited number of accommodations, all offering generous personal space.

SIX SENSES HIDEAWAY is the private pool villa category of the Six Senses brand, in which contemporary architecture merges with the natural environment to give abundant personal space, uncompromised standards of luxury and the finest attention to detail.

SIX SENSES LATITUDE offers a greater number of accommodations than Six Senses Hideaway, while maintaining exacting attention to detail and ample living space. A Six Senses Latitude offers an eco-friendly resort experience with a diverse design personality and a strong sense of community.

EVASON introduces a collection of unique resorts that follow the Six Senses philosophy of uncompromised responsibility to the environment and the host community. Evason resorts are family Picnic on White Rock at Six Senses Hideaway Zighy Bay, Oman. Previous: The award-winning Earth Spa at Six Senses Hideaway, Hua Hin, constructed with natural materials, performs an array of luxurious treatments.


Job no : 79300-3 Title : Slow Parenting Client : (EDM) Scn : #175 Size : 260(w)280(h)mm Co : M7 C0 (R24) (Coagl) Dept : DTP D/O : 22.06.09 (Job no:79300C3 D/O : 06.07.09 Co: CM11)

friendly, while also offering a vast array of guest services and facilities.

SIX SENSES SPAS are a key element of all Six Senses properties and offer a comprehensive range of holistic wellness, rejuvenation and beauty therapies, many focusing on indigenous treatments of their host communities. Six Senses Spas are also hosted by other prestigious hotels and resorts.

SIX SENSES DESTINATION SPAS provide complete immersion into healthy and mindful living and are dedicated to transforming the lifestyle of their guests. Personal life-passages are created for each guest and are supported by a regime of activities and deliciously fresh organic cuisine.



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SONEVA FUSHI BY SIX SENSES, MALDIVES Set on a 45-hectare (100-acre) island within one of the furthest atolls from the capital of MalÊ, legendary Soneva Fushi presents an understated yet sophisticated style that allows guests to enjoy the authentic beauty of the destination. Soneva Fushi captures the very essence of a castaway fantasy. Of the 65 villas, more than half offer private pool options, while the Jungle Reserve introduces the Maldives’ first tree house. Dining alternatives abound and just about anywhere you choose is complemented by an excellent wine cellar. The resort grows much of its own produce in vegetable and fruit gardens. Moreover, there is an award-winning Six Senses Spa, an astronomical observatory and a PADI dive centre.

SONEVA GILI BY SIX SENSES, MALDIVES Soneva Gili is set in a sparkling lagoon, with jetties threading across the shallow waters to 44 over-sized stilted villas and a vast Private Reserve, all featuring rooftop and over-water sundecks. Sumptuous daybeds complement the rustic chic interiors, and all villas feature a host of creature comforts. Several villas feature private Spa Suites. Come ashore for some great dining choices and equally great wines from the Gourmet Cellar. The Six Senses Spa offers everything for perfectly balancing the senses, and the resort has its own fully equipped PADI diving school, plus a variety of water activities.




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11:34 AM

is a qualified nutritionist

and established writer with a passion for conserving the environment. Kate has many years of experience writing on travel, food, spas









of climate change

is a wake-up call that has caused a growing number of people to voice concerns about the environment and to seek a cleaner, healthier way of living. However, many still remain


analysing eco-friendly concepts and practices. She has authored a number of books, including Eco Chic, Balancing Senses, Qi: Chinese Secrets of Health, Beauty & Vitality, Spa Style Asia-Pacific and Spa Style Arabia, and she is a feature writer for various publications, such as Asia Spa, Vacations and Travel (Australia), and South China Morning Post (Hong Kong).


QC Preflight Point

is a highly-

acclaimed photographer whose work has been showcased in high-profile advertising campaigns and in many books, including Balancing Senses, The Six Senses Cookbook, New Chinese Cuisine and Chiva-Som’s Thai Spa Cuisine. Now with SLOW LIFE, Jorg captures the fragile beauty of the environment and the resort experiences created by Six Senses with his signature style and unique perspective.

uncertain as to how they can make a real and positive influence. SLOW LIFE is the answer. An acronym for a more conscious way of living, SLOW (Sustainable, Local, Organic, Wholesome) and LIFE (Learning, Inspiring, Fun, Experiences) are words that encompass a holistic approach to both individual and environmental health.


has achieved acclaim for

crafting luxurious resorts that are highly environmentally business









embracing the idea of integrating business with concern for planetary wellbeing in order to generate widespread change. With creativity and style, the Six Senses brands have created resort experiences that are environmentally friendly,





ecological and carbon footprint of our homes, workplaces and wherever we choose to be truly is a reachable goal.

FULL OF PRACTICAL TIPS, inspiring case studies and insightful analysis, this beautifully





adopting the SLOW LIFE is both entirely approachable and utterly essential.

FRONT COVER: The organic Fresh in the Garden restaurant overlooks the lush herb and vegetable gardens of Soneva Fushi by Six Senses, Maldives. BACK COVER: Blending in seamlessly with their environment, the pool villas at Six Senses Hideaway Yao Noi, Thailand, are enveloped by verdant tropical greenery that offers both cooling shade and privacy.


Job no : 79300-5 Title : Slow Parenfing-6 Sense Edn Client : (EDM) Scn : #175 Size : 768(w)287(h)mm Co : M7 C0 (R24) (Coagl) Dept : DTP D/O : 24.06.09 (Job no:79300C3 D/O : 06.07.09 Co: CM11)

U.S. $55.00


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