1 minute read

What Emerged from Shift Lab 2.0?


Uncertainty / Patterns / Insights

Prototyping can be the most exciting part of the social innovation process, but also the messiest. Prototyping involves taking knowledge, observations, and insights from the field, and translating them into actionable ideas that can be replicated and scaled to other users or communities. It is a highly creative, physical, and non-linear process. It frequently challenges status-quo assumptions. The “a-ha!” moments are only limited by the duration and resources of the lab.

In addition to the above, prototyping to fight racism brings a mix of experiences, perspectives, histories and learnings to bear onto a “wicked problem.” Responding to racism as it manifests at the institutional and social level can invoke painful, powerful emotions. Tears were shed during prototyping sessions. This is particularly true for racialized participants, who were asked to draw on their own experiences of discrimination at the hands of another person, organization or system. In contrast to prototyping a mobile app, or a new flavour of toothpaste, this is unfiltered, uncomfortable work. But it is only through an intense visioning of what the future could look like that we can arrive there.

Clarity / Focus

Research Concept

The Process of Design Squiggle by Damien Newman

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