Lord, is it I? 2 26: 20-2 w e h t t a M By: John Robert Jayabalan | India
LORD, IS IT I? - MATTHEW 26: 20-22
Now the time came, Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with His disciples. It could have been a last intimate fellowship if the traitor had not been among them. Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him. So, the mood of the Omniscient was different from the mood of the ignorant disciples. Jesus was shaken in spirit during those hours of togetherness. So, He did not keep His knowledge about the betrayer to Himself but disclosed it during the meal with the words: Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.
We should also be ready for this. When the Lord gives a warning, either through His Word or by admonishing us within ourselves, let us not pass over it lightly, as if we are strong enough to overcome. It is not self-confidence that makes us victorious over sin, but trust in God.
That struck the disciples like a thunderbolt. One of the twelve who were always with Jesus was to deliver Him to death. That made them very sad. Who was it going to be? All twelve were in the picture. Suddenly, almost no one trusted in himself. Therefore, the Lord first heard the question eleven times. 'Lord, is it I?'
My child listen when your father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck Proverbs 1:8-9 (New Living Translation).
How often children despised the counsel of the parents? Overconfident children do not like correction or discipline. They think they can do what they think best. Sometimes it is too late to alter a situation they precipitated.
It speaks well of those eleven disciples that none of them felt too strong to question themselves. That is a blessed state.
Let us follow the Lord wholeheartedly, not the world.