Art Under Pressure Style Guide

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W ho A re W e?

Table of Contents 05

Who Are We?


Our Logo


Logo Usage


Color Usage


Color Application


Color Palette


What not to do




W ho A re W e?

Ar t Under Pressure is a one stop shop for local music, apparel, skateboarding, custom graphics, and graffiti supplies.


W ho A re W e?

Servicemark Rules The Art Under Pressure logo, including its design elements, colors, and tagline, are servicemarks owned by Art Under Pressure. The logo may only be used in accordance with this Style Guide. Never alter the logo in any way. The electronic logo files available that are supplied by Art Under Pressure are the only files that should be used.

Art Under Pressure Logo The Art Under Pressure logo is a foundational component of our brand. It has been designed t o r e p r e s e n t t h e m o m e n t u m a n d i d e a l s o f our company, make us highly recognizable, and differentiate us in a competitive marketp l a c e . When used with care, our logo and accompanying elements becomes a powerful tool for building and maintaining equity in the Art Under Pressure.


L ogo U s age



Clear Space Unless otherwise prescribed, the logo should be surrounded by an area of white space equal to at least half X-height units. The X-height is defined as a square whose sides are the same length as the height of the “sprayed arrow and organization’s name”in the brand logo.


Minimum Acceptable Usage The minimum size of the logo is 2mm.


Color Usage White Background Black and White

Solid Background


Co lor A pplication

White Background

Solid Background

Color Applications For Logo Appropriate use of the logo is the most important part of mantaining the Art Under Pressure brand. The Consistency of its appearance is critical to communicating the principles and overall strenght of the brand. Color Variations Only these logo combinations are permitted. Do not create your own variations. Always reproduce them from approved artwork.


C olor P alette

C ol or Pal et te CMYK: To en s ure c o rrec t c o l o r repro duc ti on u s e f or f ou r c olo r pri nti ng. PMS : Primari l y f o r l o go c o l o r m a tc hi ng a n d t w o c olor prin tin g. PMS Co l o rs a re s ta nda rd c o l o r s with the majority of printers around the world. RGB/ HEX: Us ed f o r web a nd s c reen a ppl i c a t i on s , th i s i n c l u d e s P o w e r P o i n t p r e s e n t a t i o n s . R G B / HEX c olors wi l l no t repro duc e the c o rrec t c ol or s if printed professional, therefore they are not to be used for printed materials. Your screen my c onv e rt the c o l o rs di f f erentl y dependi n g on spe c if ic setti ngs a nd c a l i bra ti o n. HE X v a l u e s a r e stan dard on the web.

CMYK 20/0/91/0



HEX # d6e03d

CMYK 0/79/100/0

RBG 230/68/22

HEX # f15c22

Pantone 7578

CMYK 0/95/0/0

RBG 224/0/128

HEX # ed1c91

Pantone 233

Pantone 396


W ho A re W e?


What not to do

Unacceptable Logo Usage Our logo is a costumed designed artwork. With this in mind the proportions and positioning of each element in our logo configurations are important to uphold. Never alter the logo in any way. Here is a list of common mistakes to make it easy to avoid misrepresentation:

Do not use any other typeface.

Art Under Pressure

Do not display the logo on an angle.

Do not abreviate the name of organization.


Do not use pastel colors in the logo or background.

Do not strech or distort the logo in any way.

Do not use use different colors for both name and logo.

Do not use any foreign objects as part of the logo.



Type fac e Th e Appropria te ty po gra phy i s i m po rta nt i n t h e p r e s e n t ation of our bra nd. The gui del i nes bel o w ex p l a i n w h i c h ty pe f ac es c an be us ed i n s pec i f i c c o ntex ts ; d o n ot v a r y f rom th ese spec i f i c a ti o ns o r i ntro duc e o the r t y p e f a c e s .

Av eni r (L i g h t) ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Av eni r (B ook ) ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 A v eni r ( M ed i u m ) ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 A ve n ir ( B la ck ) ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

F r ut ige r ( L ig h t) ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 F ru ti g er ( R om a n ) ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 F ru ti g er ( B old ) ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Fr u t i g e r (Bl a c k ) ABCDEFGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Primary Typeface: Avenir The typeface is an important element of the Art Under Pressur brand appearance. The Avenir type family is used to complement the Art Under Pressure logo, it sets a confident, contemporary tone. Avenir gives users a lot of flexibility by offering a broad range of type weights and styles, for both headline and text.

Web Typeface: Avenir Use for web and screen applications. PowerPoint Presentations: Avenir


W ho A re W e?

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