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6. Conclusion

To sum up, every government in an overpopulated country or city are facing pressures to provide for its people. Thus forming a strong operable housing system. The government is a social-welfare organization. it works for the benefits of its people by providing security, social services, and economical growth (Koontz, 2010). So when a countries population exceeds the government efforts, it becomes harder for the government to provide (Srivastava, 2016).

Egypt suffers from severe overpopulation. Where a load of its population is poured on cities like Cairo, Giza, and Alexandria, putting extra efforts for the government to properly implement its roles (Srivastava, 2016). Outcomes of overpopulation like inequality, shortage of human and energy resources affect interfere with people'sstandards of living and as this dilemmais kept unmanaged, it drains the life of the livingcommunities. Furthermore, as the population keeps on growing the victims of all of this are the living humans living under the consequences of this. People as a result of overpopulation don't receive their full rights for a living (Shah, 1998). They are deprived of comfortable education, food, water, social services, job opportunities, and a clean environment. The Egyptian government's responsibility towards overpopulation seems inevitable, and efforts to eliminate this problem were done by building New cities besides the overpopulated ones, campaigns encouraging the one-child policy and migration (Michaelson, Experts urge Egypt to rethink two-child population strategy, 2019). But the country is yet suffering from overcrowding and temporary energy, gas water cuts leading to a corrupt housing system. So as long as the country is overpopulated there extra efforts expected from the government and extra resources are needed from the people for a better housing system (Srivastava, 2016).


As an approach escaping population and the governmental framework, there was the “Off-grid” living movement which is housing that is fully independent of any government utilities (Reynolds, 2017). An Offgrid house system provides full Relianceon the house to operate for human needs. Architect Michael Reynolds started the Earthship system of housing which is a sustainable and environmental Off-grid living approach. Reynold's development of the Earthship system is based on the full detachment of the government housing system and developing an independent system that addresses the human and the environment needs. A system like this provides an opportunity for a lot of people who aim for a better Environmental living and freedom from the government framework. This could be a positive turning point for Egypt because it offers an opportunity for Egyptians to be aware of their house system, escape from different types of pollutions caused by the grid, and using their waste for the benefit of the environment instead of damaging it, which is what the current housing system is doing.

Egypt's overpopulation led to a corrupt housing system that seems inevitable for the government to repair. Living Off-grid since it provides detachment from the government system. It can be the best solution for solving the overpopulation crisis in Egypt and reducing the efforts for the government to repair the housing system and also reduce the people's consumption of resources since they are not properly produced insequence to Egypt population. Living off-grid in Egypt will require the Off-grid home system to be compatible with Egypt in terms of environmental conditions, material, and context, and the Earthship seems to be the most compatible since they are initially made to resemble a spaceship that produces its food, water, and energy. And Similar to a ship they sustain any environmental conditions applied to it like storms, earthquakes, and heavy rain. The Earthship built in different countries is similar in their form and plan. There areonly some building components that are added or neglected to make the most compatible use of them like solar panels and rain collectors. The next chapter will include case studies off-different off-grid homes, the case study chapter aims to analyze the techniques and tools required for living off-grid.

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