Mars science city - Design brief

Page 1

figur e56vi sualspect s( cahi l )




figur e57chemei str yl ab ( cahi l l )


t hemosti nnovat i vef eat ur ei nt hebui l di ng desi gni st hedi st r i but i onofdi f f er entsci encef aci l i t i esandt hei rr el at i ont oeachot her .di f f er entl abr oomshasai t sownorcombi nedanal yt i cal r oom. st or agesandpr epr oom besi del absar et akeni nt oconsi der at i oni nt het hedesi gnof t hepl assr oomsar ei nt egr at edwi t hl abst oal l owi nt er act i onbet weenact i vi t i esdonei n t hecl assr oomsandt hel abs




program Precentageofareaaccupi ed figur e60casestudi esdi ffer entpr ogr amscomapr edaccour di ngt ot hei rar ea


chapter5 desi gn bri ef




Addi t i veManuf act ur i ngCent er( AMC) AdvancedLar gePr eci si onSt r uct ur es( ALPS) Labor at or y Ast r obi ogeochemi st r yLabor at or y Cal i f or ni aLabor at or yf orAt mospher i cRemot e Sensi ng( CLARS) CyberDef enseLabor at or y Cr yogeni cChemi st r yLabor at or y Cr yogeni cXRayDi f f r act i on( Cr yoXRD)Lab CubesatDevel opmentLab El ect r i cPr opul si onLabor at or y For mat i onCont r olTest bed( FCT) I nSi t uI nst r umentLabor at or y( I SI L) Ki net i csandPhot ochemi st r yLabor at or y Mar sYar d Mi cr odevi cesLabor at or y( MDL) Mi cr oPr opul si onLabor at or y( MPL) Met al l ur gyFaci l i t y OceanWor l dsLab Oper at i onsPl anni ngSof t war eLab Opt i calCommuni cat i onsLabor at or y Or i gi nsandHabi t abi l i t yLabor at or y Pl anet ar yI nst r umentf orXr ayLi t hochemi st r y ( PI XL)Labor at or y Quant um Sci encesandTechnol ogyLabor at or i es SHERLOCI nst r umentDevel opment/Ast r obi ol ogy Spect r oscopyLabor at or y Smal lSat el l i t eDynami csTest bed( SSDT) SpaceBi ot echnol ogyandBi omol ecul arLab ( SBBL) St abl eI sot opeAnal ysi sFaci l i t y( I SOLAB) Tabl eMount ai nFaci l i t y


Labf ar ms Bat hr ooms Tr ai ni ngf aci l i t y Pl anet ar i um Mar ssi mul at i ons Recept i ons Mar sad Exhi bi t i onar eas Spacecamps Tr ai ni ngf aci l i t y Audi t or i um Lect ur ehal l s 3dpr i nt edf aci l i t i esspan Rocketr esear chcent r e Rockett est i ngspace Cent r algat her i ngar ea Soci alar eas Conf er encear eas Secur i t yr ooms Mechani calr ooms Tr acks Lounge Lobbys Br eakoutspaces Foodcour t s DATACENTRS Humanwast er ecycl e f aci l i t i es Renewabl eener gyf aci l i t i es

Theproj ecti sexpect edt ohavedi f f erentf aci l i t i esbutt okeepi nmi nd t herei smai nf aci l i t i eswi t hcert ai nrel at i onst oensurecompat i bi l i t yt o st andardbi gspanproj ect .


chapter6 concept


si t el ayout

pr oj ectobj ect i ves

f or msacour di ngt o pr oj ectobj ect i ves

i nor dert ohar moni ze di f f er entf aci l i t i es mor e f aci l i t i esar er equi r ed

subf aci l i t i es

appl yi ngsub f aci l i t i est o f or m


chapter7 REFRENCES


Dej t i ar ,F.( 2012) .Snøhet t aDesi gnsPl anet ar i um andI nt er st el l arCabi nsi nNor wegi anFor est .Ret r i evedf r om Ar chdai l y: ht t ps: / / www. ar chdai l y. com/ t ag/ ast r onomy Mot t a,E.D.( 2012,j ul y2) .El quiDomosAst r onomi calHot el/Rodr i goDuqueMot t a.Ret r i evedf r om Ar chdai l y: ht t ps: / / www. ar chdai l y. com/ 249790/ el qui domosast r onomi cal hot el r odr i goduquemot t a?ad_sour ce=sear ch&ad_medi um =sear ch_r esul t _al l Pi nt os,P.( 2019) .Uni ver si t yofLet hbr i dgeSci enceCommons/KPMBAr chi t ect s+St ant ecAr chi t ect ur e.Ret r i evedf r om Ar chdai l y: ht t ps: / / www. ar chdai l y. com/ 928560/ uni ver si t yof l et hbr i dgesci encecommonskpmbar chi t ect spl usst ant ecar chi t ect ur e?a d_sour ce=sear ch&ad_medi um=sear ch_r esul t _al l samr a,o.( 2019) .MySt or y&Bi o.Ret r i evedf r om samr a:ht t p: / / www. omar samr a. com/ i nf or mat i on/ bi o/ STI EDI NG,S.( 2015) .MOHAMMEDSALLAM:THEEGYPTI ANONHI SWAYTO MARS.Ret r i evedf r om Cai r oscene: ht t ps: / / www. cai r oscene. com/ Li f eSt yl e/ Egypt i anMohammedSal l amOnHi sWayToMar sone TEAM,C.( 2015) .27YEAROLDBECOMESNASA' SFI RSTEGYPTI ANASTRONAUT.Ret r i evedf r om cai r oscene: ht t ps: / / www. cai r oscene. com/ Buzz/ 27Year Ol dBecomesNASAsFi r st Egypt i anAst r onaut Wong,J.( 2019) .Ast r onomi calPar kofZhenzeHi ghSchool/Speci f i cAr chi t ect s+Uni tAr chi t ect s.Ret r i evedf r om Ar chdai l y: ht t ps: / / www. ar chdai l y. com/ 894504/ not r eadyast r onomi cal par kof zhenzehi ghschool speci f i car chi t ect spl usuni t ar chi t ect s?ad_sour ce=sear ch&ad_medi um=sear ch_r esul t _al l


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