Fifty at Fifty Donation Appeal Leaflet

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50 at 50 Campaign

Be Part of Fairfield’s Future

Be Part of Fairfield’s Future In 2012 Fairfield Halls will be 50 years old. We are looking for 50 local companies and organisations to make a donation of £1000 to help us celebrate 50 years of service to Croydon and the arts. This support will enable us to share the celebrations with the community as we stage special exhibitions and events throughout the year. Fairfield Halls has been at the centre of Croydon life for 50 years. Since the Queen Mother opened the building in 1962, some of the greatest stars of music, variety, comedy, opera and theatre have graced Fairfield’s stages and it is a venue of national and cultural importance. Looking ahead, with the help of a one-off capital grant from Croydon Council, we will be fully refurbishing the buildings over the next few years. This will make sure that Fairfield can play its part for many years to come. We welcome more than 500,000 people to over 500 performances and events every year, including 100,000 children and young people. Very few people realise that Fairfield Halls is not run by Croydon Council but is an independent not-forprofit organisation and a registered charity (Registered Charity Number: 1026483). It costs £11,780 a day to run Fairfield Halls and only 17% of our turnover comes from government funding. The rest has to be raised through our activities and through fundraising. Join the 50 at 50 Campaign and help us continue to provide the people of Croydon and beyond with a world-class arts facility.

Join the 50 at 50 Campaign and be part of Fairfield’s future! Fairfield’s 50 at 50 Campaign supporters will receive the following benefits:

Acknowledgement in Fairfield’s foyer and Annual Report Exposure on the ‘Fairfield at 50’ anniversary website Acknowledgement in the 50th Birthday Gala Brochure and the 2012 pantomime programme 4 tickets to the Press Night of the pantomime and access to the exclusive after show party, as well as the opportunity for an additional 4 tickets during the run 2 tickets to the 50th Birthday Gala event Other special ticket offers to selected events throughout the 50th year, subject to availability One free meeting room hire during 2012, subject to availability

If you would like any more information, please contact Elinor Wood on 020 8603 3899 or email

Donation Form Fairfield’s 50 at 50 Campaign Please complete the following and return to: Development Department, Fairfield Halls, Park Lane, Croydon, CR9 1DG I wish to join the 50 at 50 Campaign and make a donation to Fairfield Halls of (please tick): £1000 (+ VAT)

Other £

I enclose a cheque made payable to ‘Fairfield (Croydon) Ltd’ I would like to make a bank transfer or pay by card, please contact me My telephone number is: My email address is: Name: Company: Address:

Be Part of Fairfield’s Future

Be Part of Fairfield’s Future Fairfield Halls is the cultural heart of Croydon. Over 500,000 people a year attend shows and events at Fairfield. This includes 100,000 children and young people.

Elinor Wood, Development Manager, Fairfield Halls, Park Lane, Croydon, CR9 1DG

T: 020 8603 3899

E: Registered Charity No. 1026483

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