Portfolio Eduardo de Francisco del Saz

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Eduardo de Francisco del Saz


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Simulation of natural growth

Copenhagen 路 Autumn 2014 路 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts MASTER: CITA STUDIO 路 coding class

ee ff ss aa zz eduardodelsaz.wix.com/delsaz



- Curriculum vitae - Academic projects -


Helix City Autumn 2013 · Technical University of Madrid · ETSAM School of Architecture Prof: Jesús Anaya · Advanced construction · pages 05 - 08



Robotic picturesque Autumn 2014 · The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts · KADK School of Architecture MASTER: CITA STUDIO · Computation in architecture · pages 09 - 12



Threshold, A clearing in the forest Spring 2014 · Technical University of Madrid · ETSAM School of Architecture Unit: J.G. Gallegos · Architectural design VII · pages 13 - 16



Social housing Autumn 2013 · Technical University of Madrid · ETSAM School of Architecture Unit: Javier Frechilla · Architectural design VI · pages 17 - 20



1/3 + Terol Spring 2014 · Technical University of Madrid · ETSAM School of Architecture Unit: Felipe Colavidas · Urban design · pages 21 - 24



Museum of architecture Autumn 2013 · Technical University of Madrid · ETSAM School of Architecture Unit: Javier Frechilla · Architectural design VI · pages 25 - 28



Tensioned textile formed ceramic Autumn 2014 · The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts · KADK School of Architecture MASTER: CITA STUDIO · Computation in architecture · pages 29 - 32

- Complementary education Mark West workshop · Thin masonry shell structures · pages 33 - 34


Photography · Architecture, landscape, portraits, details · pages 35 - 36


Others · sketches, graphic design, model making · pages 37 - 38

Eduardo de Francisco del Saz eduardo.defrancisco.delsaz@gmail.com +45 52 78 00 35 Nationality: Spanish Date Birth: 19/10/1992 Personal website: eduardodelsaz.wix.com/delsaz

personal profile A highly motivated, creative student with a very high command of computer design and able to work well in a team and independently. I am used to adapting to high pressure situations and tight deadlines whilst remaining both all-rounder and entusiastic. Besides being responsible and decisive, I am talented and an open minded and out-standing personality.

education 2015 · Reading my 5th year at Technical University of Madrid, as exchange student in The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture (KADK), in the master program CITA Studio: Computation in architecture. 2014 · Construction workshop with Mark West in Copenhagen: Thin masonry shell structures. 2013 · Main subjects graded: Advanced construction: 9/10 Construction II: 10/10 Arch. design VI: 8.5/10 Territorial planning: 9/10 Arch. design V: 9/10 Urban project: 9.5/10 2010 · State exam to gain entry School of Architecture with a calification of 9.2/10

awards 2014 · Erasmus scolarship in The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture (KADK) in Copenhagen. 2014 · Publication in “115 Días #01_Cultura POP”. Magazine that collects the best work of the teaching unit José Gonzalez Gallegos in ETSAM. 2013 · Exhibition “El espacio público y la fiesta”, organized by Valentín Berriochoa. 2012 · Publication in Construction II CD: Collection of works honored with special mention. 2010 · Scolarship in Contemporary School of Humanities. Classes of literature for young writers. 2009 · Scolarship in Autonomic University of Madrid. Assembly and programmation of a robot. 03 ·

work experience 2015 · Logo design of a new company Reborn Age, Copenhagen. Website not open yet. 2012 · Volunteer in Europe Solar Decathlon, Madrid. Communication and organization tasks. 2011 · Chemistry, spanish, maths and physics teacher to pre-university students.

skills Autodesk AutoCAD, Revit · Microsoft Office · Adobe Creative Suite Acrobat Pro, Illustrator, Photoshop, In Design, Lightroom · 3D Modelling and rendering Google Sketchup, Rhinoceros 5.0, Grasshopper + python, 3D Studio Max, V-ray · Visualization media Hand sketching, model construction, arquitectural and marketing photography · Others programs Maple, Sony Vegas Pro, Cinema 4D · Languages Spanish as a native language, english level B2 and french basic level

interests Writing poetry and narrative, hand drawing, photography, computation in architecture, group activities such as summer courses and workshops, travelling, graphic design, music.

referees Jesús Anaya, PHD Architect. Contact: jesus.anaya@upm.es · 04

01 Helix City Autumn 2013 · Technical University of Madrid · ETSAM School of Architecture Prof: Jesús Anaya · Advanced construction by: Claudia Muñiz, Rebeca Martín, Alicia G. de la Cámara & Eduardo de Francisco del Saz

This project is the result of the subject “Advanced Construction”, whose main statement was to choose a project of modern technology not built, and propose a construction and structural solution. The project chosen was Helix City, designed by architect Kisho Kurokawa in 1961. This is a project of the Metabolist movement, thinked to provide answers to the problem of urban density, population growth and increased traffic flows using two tools: the forms of nature and computing. Geometry is an important point in the project, and has been parameterized using Grasshopper to have greater freedom in the design process. The proposed solution is based on a module of 128 meters high and 90 meters in diameter, height groupable. The tower structure consists of a core of concrete coated pipes of steel, and four helices that have one wider tapered oval section in the intersection points thereof, thus reinforcing the knots. These linear structures are armed inside to prevent deformation. Boxes containing habitable spaces are supported by the helices, passing through the core. The structure of these boxes consists of two main trusses supported by steel rings foundry located in the main structure, and serve to build the forged with beams and composite slab, lightening the final weight of the building. As a single envelope for each tower case there is a homeostatic facade that dynamically adjusts its balance and has mechanisms for self-regulation. It is a system that works similar to the pupil of the human eye, increasing in size by itself automatically when we have great solar incidence to protect the building and contracting alone on a cloudy day to allow the entry of light. In addition, homeostatic facades not require human action or implement a complicated and expensive automatized system to operate. As a result of this construction system is achieved a tower capable of adapting to different places and situations, making possible the construction of cities as Kisho Kurokawa proposed long ago.

05 ·


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General plan and section Geometric process Construction process

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Detailed plans and sections Section 路 detail Structural unit right Axonometric view 路 detail Structural nodes Homeostatic facade

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02 Robotic picturesque Autumn 2014 路 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts 路 KADK School of Architecture MASTER: CITA STUDIO 路 Computation in architecture with: Magdalena Haslinger & Jesper Nislev

The project is located in the city of Wolfsburg, Germany. In its urban component, seeks to create a new green space in the city to break the dominance of cultural axis that houses all the main buildings. Responding to the required program, the proposal is an open Fablab to occur throughout the park, which develops as a single and continuous topography where different activities take place outdoors. This is accomplished the task of recontextualization of robots and other new techniques in order to bring this culture to citizens. The building is in one of the mountains that define the park, merged with the artificial nature. The particularity of this project lies in the double skin that covers the building and makes it part of the park. It is a metal structure that houses rails by which the robot can move, working in the vegetation hanging from the structure. Thus, the occupant of the building can command the robots to change plants, improving indoor living conditions. Furthermore, studies have been developed on the optimal planting for each part of the structure, by using advanced computer systems design, in order to improve the quality of the created space and vegetation that occupies.

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Detailed section 路 robot working range Adjustments 路 topography Cover system and structure Outdoor

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Base plan Cross section Computational studies for vegetation Change over the year



w i n t e r

type 1

type 2

type 3

type 4

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type 5

type 6

s u m m e r

types 1-7


A clearing in the forest Spring 2014 · Technical University of Madrid · ETSAM School of Architecture Unit: J.G. Gallegos · Architectural design VII * Published in “115 Días #01_Cultura POP”, magazine that collects the best works of students

The project objective is to intervene in the Battersea Power Station in London to create a museum for pop art. The proposed idea is to create a large forest to join the around of the station with the park located on the other side of the railroad tracks. The museum is conceived as a clearing in the forest, using the Battersea as a limit to create a large public space dominated by the use of concrete, which provides the sculptural character to the proposal. The towers of the old and iconic building are a landmark in the city, and locate the museum within the large green mass in which it is inserted, and guide visitors from the river to the inner square. This place is a great space to celebrate festivals or large concerts, and organizes the circulations of the interior spaces. The exhibition rooms are grouped on one side, and are set back from the old facade to allow the entry of natural light into the building, achieved thanks to the new holes made in the facade. Access into the building are created by shaded areas, hiding frames of windows and doors for greater cleaning in the outside. Pop art museum is a place created for enjoyment, where people always take precedence over art.

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View of the assembly Base plan (0) Rest of the plans Central courtyard 路 accesses

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Surroundings Site plan Cross section Interior view

Comic 路 inventing a story Approach by models Roof plan 路 16

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04 Social housing Autumn 2013 · Technical University of Madrid · ETSAM School of Architecture Unit: Javier Frechilla · Architectural design VI

The hundred dwellings required in this project are located in a modest neighborhood of Madrid, on the edge with “Casa de Campo”, a large historic park that articulates several areas of the city. The objective of this project is to integrate these dwellings in a natural environment, but creating a relationship with the existing built area. The first decision is to split the program into a tower that houses half of the program, and a low block containing the other half. The tower consists of a large volume of glass that is taller than the existing towers, designed by Sáenz de Oiza. The lower block is made up of single family homes, and adapts its section to topography of the land. This block creates new urban spaces that facilitate the circulation of the neighborhood, and communicate it with the park. It has a flat roof, where neighbors can share outdoor activities, which creates a large cantilever to shade the commercial corridor located next to the district. Creating a sense of privacy, the houses are elevated, reserving the ground floor for the garage. The living rooms have a double height with a large window so that light is introduced into the housing. The views of the trees make believe that you are alone in the middle of nature.

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Elevation of the assembly Site plan Emplacement: Bat谩n, Madrid

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Single family dwelling: plans Tower: standard plan Cross section type “a” Cross section type “b” Visualizations: exterior and interior

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05 1/3 + Terol Spring 2014 路 Technical University of Madrid 路 ETSAM School of Architecture Unit: Felipe Colavidas 路 Urban design

The project involves the regeneration of the quarter Tercio y Terol of Madrid and the creation of a new zone with 1,500 new dwellings. After a thorough analysis of the current condition of the neighborhood, the main problems are diagnosed and the proposal stage begins. The first is the trace of a new urban structure that join the district with the town from three interventions: the redevelopment and reconstruction of the old neighborhood, rehabilitation and redevelopment of historic axis of Tercio y Terol, and the redefinition of park boundary of San Isidro. For new dwellings, the relationship between public space and parceled space is around 50% each. The density is increased, making the proposal more cost-effective and a parceled space more controlled, giving more clearity, and allowing more freedom for the building. The road traffic is carried to the perimeter, leaving the center as a pedestrian path. Continuous urban form is proposed in order to achieve a great formal rotundity. The blocks open to the street, giving the public space higher visual quality under a green perspective background.

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New urban structure Parceled space and network of free public spaces View of the assembly Types of housing, modules and blocks

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Main square · plan and section Urban details



Views · public spaces Block · elevations, plans and axonometric

It aims to achieve an image of unity and chorality, giving the impression of a unitary district in which there is a large formal rotundity while respecting the existing. The urban space becomes a continuous image, in which both the vegetation and street furniture pavement are maintained with the same criteria throughout the field, varying certain singular points to provide a unique character to certain areas where required. The public spaces like squares are presented as unique elements that respond to the particular place in which found, and relate directly each with an endowment. Wooded areas that produce shaded in summer, and water points in the floor which serve both as child’s playground and cool places in summer are proposed in these spaces.

standard floor

base plan

garage floor

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06 Museum of architecture Autumn 2013 路 Technical University of Madrid 路 ETSAM School of Architecture Unit: Javier Frechilla 路 Architectural design VI

The plot for the new Museum of Architecture is located in the museums axis of Madrid, adjacent to the Botanic Garden. The aim of the Project consists of creating a new benchmark in the cultural area of the city. The Museum is divided in two different volumes, a concrete box located at the bottom of the plot, which houses the secondary program, and a large exhibition hall embedded in the slope of about 10 metres. Above this room there is a new urban space, created as a public square to provide access to the library, workshops or warehouses located in the concrete building. This square is directly connected to the botanical garden, which acts as the project background. The exhibition hall has its own access from Murillo Square and is connected to the upper plaza by a public stairway. Expository interiors turn towards the garden through full-height windows, filtering sunlight thanks to mobile louvres. Spaces of concrete building are illuminated by a lattice created in the north and south facades, different depending on the solar incidence. On the top floor, the library has a terrace that articulates the main facade and provides a vantage point to view the city of Madrid. The project gives a new representative elevation to the Paseo del Prado, creating a versatile public space to promote citizen encounter.

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“The Pantheon of Agrippa fits in the museum of architecture”



Site plan · cultural axis “Paseo del Prado” Access square · main facade Composition of volumes

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From top to bottom Plan 1 路 access square Plan 0 路 exhibitions Visualization 路 under the square

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From top to bottom Elevation 路 facade to the park Elevation 路 facade to the street Longitudinal section Cross section

07 Te n s io n e d te x tile form e d c e ram i c Autumn 2014 路 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts 路 KADK School of Architecture MASTER: CITA STUDIO 路 Computation in architecture with: Chen Chi Lo, John Reynders & Miguel Ruiz-Rivas

The project investigating the reaction that occurs in the clay when struck. Layering technique has been developed, mixing different types of fabric above and below the clay. The final solution consists of placing elastic web, then a layer of clay, and over a cotton cloth. After you hit with a hammer, the top fabric is removed and keep drying for a few hours. The end pieces are hung at different heights, creating a virtual ceiling. This process has been industrialized using an ABB robot hitting the clay under previous orders given by grasshopper. Moreover, the virtual roof is designed according to parameters of acoustic and light according to the room to be occupied, so that each part is different. For this reason the use of the robot becomes essential.

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Digital model · Grasshopper Kangaroo Surface deformation Manual process





SrelaxS SrelaxSE fext · external force SrelaxE, SrelaxS, SrelaxSE · specify distances between neighbours


Elastic forces









1 · assembly of the sand box · 2 · layering from bottom to top: sand - elastic fabric - wet clay - cotton fabric · 3 · tool, attachment to the robot arm · 4, 5 · hammering · 6 · pulling out the fabric · 7 · drying · 8 · hanging

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attractors points

pattern depth


+ -

surface height from ground floor





holes depth

panels 路 industrialization 31 路


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Computational process 路 industrialization Robot ABB tool path Watch video on https://vimeo.com/116088032 Exhibition at Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of arch. Installation

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M a r k We s t workshop Thin m asonry she ll struc ture s Autumn 2014 · The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts · KADK School of Architecture MASTER: CITA STUDIO · Computation in architecture with: Lyn Poon, Hulda Jónsdóttir & João Paulo Rossi Carrascoza

This workshop was led by Mark West, the Founding Director of the Centre for Architectural Structures and Technology (C.A.S.T.) at the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Architecture (Winnipeg MB), where he is a Professor in the Faculty Architecture (with a cross appointment in the Faculty of Engineering). For three weeks, the project involves the construction of a curved wall by using an EPS fabric formed mould. During this time, some studies about tiling, light and arraignments possibilities were developed. Also the computer design thinking was applied to predict the structural behavior of the wall, so knowing the maximum percentage of holes and their optimal position. The last stage was the real construction at 1:1 scale, subsequently removing the mold to check the operation of the structure.

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Tiling studies Aggregations Model 1:5 Computational analysis Construction process

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Ph o to graphy To see more, visit me on Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/habitarlared/

Louisiana Museum · Copenhagen · Denmark

Votive church · Vienna · Austria

Staircase · Vatican · Italy 35 ·

Artxanda · Bilbao · Spain

Dawn · Rome · Italy

Tour Eiffel · Paris · France

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O the rs

Logo · Studies for a company · Copenhagen · Graphic design

Architectural design I · Tower · Madrid · Model making & photography

Cellular automata · Copenhagen · Coding

37 ·

Architectural design V · Market · Barcelona · Hand drawing

Escuelas Pías · Madrid · Hand drawing

Príncipe Pío · Madrid · Sketching

· 38

Thanks, if you want to see more, or in a better quality, you are welcome to visit my website http://eduardodelsaz.wix.com/delsaz And to contact me: eduardo.defrancisco.delsaz@gmail.com Spain +34 625 79 42 61 Denmark +45 52 78 00 35

back cover image


Simulation of natural growth 路 phases

Copenhagen 路 Autumn 2014 路 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts MASTER: CITA STUDIO 路 coding class

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