Human Rights at Breakfast-EN

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training of trainers, project management, EU management, and human resources management.


disseminate their work and to attract people interested in the field.

Initiatives promoting non-formal education in Romania

Școala altfel (Alternative School)

Non-Formal Education Laboratory: an annual event having as aim to promote the principles of non formal education and to bring together people with experience on different educational methods. After some editions, guides and compendia with the methods tested in the laboratory were elaborated.,

Școala Altfel is an initiative adopted by The Ministry of Education consisting in conducting non-formal educational activities within the formal school time during one week of the school year. It represents an effort to realize a connection between formal and non-formal education, and it’s also an opportunity to connect the activity of the school with the educational programmes of civil society focused on nonformal education.

Civil Society Gala is a project initiated in 2002, which aims at promoting and rewarding the activity of NGOs from Romania.

University programmes

Volunteq: a national event having as main topic the European Voluntary Service programme, attended by NGO leaders, volunteers, volunteers managers, specialists in non formal education and youth. Connector: An international event dedicated to the practitioners of non formal education field and to those from other fields willing to share and to develop together learning methods and tools that are meaningful, with impact at both personal and professional level. Connector is an event that exploits at international level the experiences from the Non formal Laboratory. Frequently, such events are also organized by public institutions in offering support for youth organisations, helping them to

There are in Romania only two relevant Master degree programmes: at Babeş - Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, on the Management of Public and Nonprofit Institutions (in English) and at the National School for Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest, where the curricula of different study programmes include references to civil society, youth work and human rights.

5. HUM AN RI GHTS EDUC ATI ON METHODS The fifty methods presented in this manual are tested by youth workers participating in the international mobility in Lima and Cusco, Peru, 2016 and by the six international volunteers from Peru and Guyana, which did a six months volunteer stage in Romania during 2017.


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