More than just a story The importance of Drama Each summer term, many primary and prep schools end their Year 6’s KS2 journey with a public performance of a musical, play or pantomime. So, why has this become a convention? In short, ‘putting on’ a play can be an incredibly rich learning
experience for young people, whilst also acting as an opportunity to stretch and challenge students in a range of capacities. Jess Wittert, Head of Prep Drama at St Catherine’s Bramley, says: “Stories have an important place in helping children and adults alike to understand the world we live in. Through stories we are invited to explore different cultures, characters, relationships and emotions. Often, coming-of-age tales seem incredibly relevant; stories where characters go on rich adventures, face complex challenges and have no choice but to learn and grow from their mistakes. Tales where
characters must work together to achieve a common goal, or where children’s voices hold important messages that are heard by the adults around them are also subjects that young people connect with and are inspired by. “It is always my hope to inspire confidence in all my students so that they leave the Prep School feeling that they can achieve anything that they set their minds to. By working together as a large
Maren Kelly our specialist science teacher will help your daughter keep asking ‘Why?’ She offers hands-on learning and plenty of experiments in our purpose-built WonderLab. Earning the School a Primary Science Quality Mark for excellence in teaching, Mrs Kelly will help your daughter create comets, explore the human body and follow a life-cycle. She’s set in motion Natural Scientists, Medics and Computer Scientists. Visit us. Call Sarah Waller our Registrar on 01483 899665, or email prepadmissions@stcatherines.info
OPEN MORNINGS Friday 13th October 2023
Thursday 8th February 2024
St Catherine’s Prep, Bramley GSA Day & Boarding School since 1885 | 4-18 years | Guildford www.stcatherines.info | admissions@stcatherines.info