2 minute read
Space and Science inspire Swaffield School
Swimming is a Lifesaving Skill
Why do children need to learn to swim?
My name is Miss Joyce, and I am a self published author of 2 children’s books: I don’t like swimming and Swimming is great, for 5 - 9 year olds. I have been a swimming instructor for 29 years, teaching all abilities, including deaf and autistic children. Total pupils taught: 21,500, aged 3 months to 97 years old.
At age 8, I learnt to swim at school. I was awarded my 10 metre certificate, soon after. I didn’t realise this childhood experience would determine my future, to become a swimming instructor. Years later, I received my first certificate teaching others how to swim. Subsequently, I devoted my life to encouraging and inspiring people, to take up this lifesaving skill.
Swimming is the only sport, on the national curriculum, that can save your child’s life, and help them save someone else’s. By learning basic water safety skills, anyone can become confident and competent in water.
Whilst covering lessons, I noticed pupils were always unprepared. I decided to write books to help them. My aim was to provide information, and reflect the diversity of the kids that I taught in a multicultural society, to ensure they could see themselves represented and depicted in books.
Swimming is a lifesaving skill that everyone should learn. Join a centre today!
for book sales at: www.missjoyceswimming.co.uk Introducing Miss Joyce
Who am I and what do I do?
I have been teaching swimming for over 29 years and have taught over 21,500 pupils ranging from the age of 3 months to 97 years old, teaching all over the globe from the UK to Europe, East to West Africa. These pupils include state and private school children with all abilities, including deaf and autistic children. At the age of 8, I learned how to swim through school lessons in South London. I was so happy when I achieved my 10 metres certificate, so my dad framed it, but little did I know that I would become a swimming teacher myself. I really wish that I still had that certificate now, as in my 25th year of teaching, I returned to the pool where I received my first certificate, to teach others how to swim. Life really does go in circles... My favourite hobby is travelling, which has allowed me to swim in all kinds of waters. From scuba diving in the Red Sea of Egypt to swimming with dolphins in the Indian Ocean of Mauritius. I have climbed Dunn’s River Falls in Jamaica, slept on the beach in St Lucia waiting for turtles to lay their eggs and, cruised the Caribbean Sea. I love getting to know the locals and making friends, learning about their culture and seeing the wildlife, and have even walked with lions in the Gambia and handled crocodiles in Spain. I use my travelling experiences to help me with my most challenging pupils, to encourage them to learn to swim so that if they are ever in a difficult situation in the water, either on holiday or at home, they can have the confidence to save a life, whether that is their own or even someone else’s.
Plus, being able to swim gives you great confidence and it is a marvellous low impact sport. And now based on all my experience I am writing books to encourage children to get the most out of their swimming lessons and most of all, enjoy this lifesaving skill.