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Pupils learning to sign

The world’s first Muslim ballet school

Working on a unique combined ballet and poetry syllabus

The company was founded upon a passion for child development, holistic wellbeing and raising the Muslim community to make a positive impact in the world. The company’s mission is to help every child to embody both Grace & Poise in the physical sense, but also to have Grace in their characters and Poise in their identity as a Muslim.

G&P opened their doors in January 2019 and has since established 6 sites across London and have recently expanded into Birmingham. The company also offers ballet to poetry in curriculum within Islamic Schools.

G&P start their ballet classes from 2 years old and above, with classes becoming girls only from 6 years olds plus to cater for modesty. The syllabus and

poetry has been written specially for the Academy and spoken word poetry is used rather than music. The academy has Ladies

Only performances and the progress of the children is checked through annual ballet examinations.

Ballet to Poetry helps the child to develop physical skills such as coordination and control. Alongside physical benefits, the spoken word poetry helps the child to develop cognitively and expressively by engaging with storytelling through movement and expression. The poetry has a natural rhythm whilst using imagery and dynamics to support movement development and explore positive messages and themes depicted in the poems.

G&P has been a great success in supporting children and it is believed their way of working hugely encourages children’s confidence, imagination, creativity, physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Whilst classical ballet involves music, Grace & Poise’s unique way of exploring literature facilitates language development, critical thinking and creative expression.



Many of our parents relocate from London, looking to settle in the area so their daughter can come to St Catherine’s. We’ve created a brief guide to help you explore the local area and consider possible places to call home. Email Sally Manhire on prepadmissions@stcatherines.info or call 01483 899665 and we’ll send your guide to you straight away. Good luck with the house hunting!

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