Our Ways for Wellbeing
Our Ways…
How does e-Qualitas work to support wellbeing?
Ways of Working
Empathetic workplace
Email etiquette
The practices that are and can be in place to help work be more productive and to reinforce boundary and respect.
Trainees Mentors/ITT Leads Tutors
August conferenceempathetic workplaces
E mail curfew and coding. Links to teacher as professional.
Mentor bulletin to be sent out regularly each week.
Agreed ways that we work at eQ such as empathetic workplace behaviours.
Curfew hours
eQ Staff
Agreed ways that we work at eQ such as empathetic workplace behaviours.
Curfew hours
Same working practices to be put in place for mentors with regards to email curfew.
Email etiquette
Ways of Watching and Winning
Wellbeing curriculum
Self-regulation. How do you help yourself and those in any teams you manage to watch that the balance is maintained.
Always being aware of the best time-efficient methods to routine tasks. Sharing practice from others
The wellbeing curriculum introduces trainees to evidenceinformed methods and strategies that trainees can embed into their practice, helping them to manage their wellbeing throughout and beyond their training year.
Mentor bulletin and training links to wellbeing strategy and wellbeing and workload pause point.
Reflection on wellbeing through tutor training sessions encouraging talk and self-reflection on how people are both managing and managing their time
Knowing the signs. Knowing how to re-balance yourself. Directors and line management encouraging talk and self-reflection on how people are both managing and managing their time.
Directors and line managers setting up methods to share good practice around working procedures and practices. Sharing the expertise in the team to free up time by learning from each other.
How does e-Qualitas work to support wellbeing? Trainees Mentors/ITT Leads Tutors
eQ Staff Ways of Waving
Trainee wellbeing strategy and mechanisms for flagging wellbeing
There will be bumps in the road. How can you wave at us to alert us that you need some help and support?
This is a good piece of training for them. How to talk about their workload as it builds, rather than waiting for when it is too much.
Trainees will be introduced to our wellbeing strategy so they are aware of the support that they can access.
Wellbeing strategy video to be shared with mentors and summary to be shared on the website so mentors have a good understanding of the ways of flagging wellbeing concerns for trainees.
Mentor wellbeing check ins– drop-in sessions, mentor training as an opportunity for mentors to flag any wellbeing concerns.
Mentor animation video.
Tutor training sessions as an opportunity for tutors to flag any workload or wellbeing challenges
Encouraging staff to use the mechanisms for talking and alerting their line management when help is needed.
Ways of Wishing
QA, feedback and implementation of this
Knowing that you have agency and changes can be made. Encouraging contributions; things you wish could be better. eQ is a listening organisation.
We have our trainee surveys, and we take feedback and act on it.
Use of the trainee council to identify feedback to act on.
Mentors and ITT leads invited to be part of governance. Opportunities for mentors to feed back at training days, tutor visits
Opportunities for tutors to feed back through the tutor survey and shadow visits.
Directors and Line managers should be alert to feedback and be ready to make changes for the btter.