Good Schools Guide June 2015

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CHOOSING OPTIONS ‘Think outside the box’ when choosing a school Carrie Chan

CHINESE LEARNING Brushstrokes to perfection Carmen Tao

SPECIAL EDUCATION Sparing thought for special needs John Brennan

INTERNATIONAL CURRICULUM Look at international schools from all angles Carrie Chan

CASE STUDY Taking the global path to success John Brennan


30 36 40

ARTS AND SPORTS Going flat out for games and culture John Brennan

BETWEEN THE LINES Learning to love the printed word John Cremer

ADMISSIONS ADVICE Top five signs of ‘unreadiness’ for a Chinese school? Ruth Benny



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‘Think outside the box’ when choosing a school

Photo: iStockphoto

Parents must bear in mind the many factors that need to be taken into account before making a final decision, writes Carrie Chan


n recent years, more financially privileged local parents have flocked to get their teenage children admitted to either Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) or international schools. Many believe these schools can better equip their children for overseas tertiary institutions or even world-class universities. Some even think that higher school fees or bigger brands may mean better quality. These parents have a higher regard for DSS colleges for their greater autonomy in areas such as curriculum design, medium of instruction and class sizes. More international schools are embracing the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma programme, which mirrors overseas undergraduate programmes more closely than the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE). For instance, parent Ling Chi-keung sent his son to international schools for both primary and secondary stages because the language training was better. He says the schools also did a better job in fostering children’s social sensitivity.

It is important to know whether the teaching staff is stable and whether they truly care for students IP KIN-YUEN

Ling also believes that the IB programme will open up more doors as it is widely recognised by various countries. International school students can use the summer breaks to enrich other areas of life, rather than focusing on academic studies. “Students in international schools have better language skills to express themselves as early as Grade Three or Four,” Ling says. “But in traditional elite schools, a lot of time is spent on drilling and remedial classes. There is also too much emphasis on getting the right scores.” However, educators are calling on parents to step back and address school selection from a broader perspective, arguing that a complex combination of factors can affect a child’s development.

These include the school’s atmosphere, children’s capabilities, vocational direction and a family’s financial situation, as well as whether parents wish to send their children abroad for tertiary education. Parents should also think carefully over whether the school’s programmes can best build up their children’s self-esteem. Most importantly, educators think parents should avoid a blind belief that higher school fees or a more prestigious name automatically means better quality. Education sector legislator Ip Kin-yuen advises parents to observe how current students at their desired schools behave rather than simply believing in the brand. To Ip, it is vitally important

to assess whether it is financially worthwhile investing in sky-high education fees when there may be other, cheaper options offering a reasonably high level of education. Ip has seen cases where famous institutions charging exorbitant fees offer only outdated, second-hand facilities. “International schools definitely afford more freedom,” he says. “But parents need to know whether their children behave well in the way they dress and talk. It really differs from school to school.” Parents can visit school open days, or observe whether students look happy on a normal school day. “It is important to know whether the teaching staff is stable and whether they truly care for students,” Ip

says. “They also need to be open-minded over children’s needs.” Lee Suet-ying, chairwoman of the Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools, says parents must first pay attention to their children’s capabilities and preferences. “Most parents stick to the traditional way of thinking. But they need to think outside the box,” Lee says. “For example, most believe schools which use English as the medium of instruction are better. But they need to think twice as to whether their children can cope. Otherwise it can jeopardise their self-esteem.” Lee says parents should look beyond the attainment of good academic grades and instead explore factors that may boost their children’s confidence. “This generation of parents should understand that employers do not just look at academic results but also the [graduates’] attitude and confidence level,” she points out. In some cases, when their children are interested in pursuing arts or sports-related careers, parents should consider sending them to schools which place an emphasis on the relevant training.

students of a similar class and family background. Parent Eleanor Chan Wing, mother of 12-year-old girl, prefers this as she says it can help “screen out students who are performing less satisfactorily”.

For instance, Jockey Club Ti-I College in Sha Tin is a government-aided secondary school which specialises in sports and visual arts.

Chan says she can also meet parents who are more willing to invest in their children’s education.

Some privileged families choose DSS or international schools because they want their children to mingle with

“As we live in the Tin Shui Wai district, there is a mixture of family backgrounds,” she says. “By sending my daugh-

ter to a DSS school, I can make sure that she hangs out with the right people. I can feel reassured that her peers’ parents truly care for their children.” Ip understands why some middle or upper-class parents are willing to pay higher school tuition fees for exclusivity, but says it can be educational for children to interact with people from different backgrounds in a traditional local school. “There is the possibility of a greater understanding of var-

ious lifestyles, and children’s scope of life can be widened,” he says. “If they aspire to be social leaders, they definitely need this type of exposure.” Despite the common conception that local schools have a more rigid curriculum, Lee says that most students at local schools can enjoy great study flexibility during Forms One to Three. She argues that many government schools do in fact have very high-quality teachers who fulfil the requirements laid down by the government.

Most parents stick to the traditional way of thinking. But they need to think outside the box LEE SUET-YING

Lee Suet-ying

Photo: Edmond So

However, she admits that students need to face a more knowledge-intensive curriculum afterwards in preparation for the DSE examinations. Ip admits it is never easy to make critical choices for children. Parents often have to rely on nominal information, such as school fees, as part of their judgment as it is hard to measure education quality in simple terms. “It often takes a long time to understand the effects of a school’s educational policies,” he says.

Ip Kin-yuen

Photo: May Tse

Photo: Nora Tam

IB at a glance The four International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes are designed for students aged from three to 19. The roots of the IB lie in a desire to create a common curriculum and university-entry credential for students moving from one country to another. These days, beyond ensuring a continuity of the learning process across borders, the IB system is also valued for its emphasis on critical thinking, intercultural understanding, and the importance it places on exposure to various viewpoints. The IB Learner Profile characterises model students as: inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded,

John Brennan caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective. The IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) was introduced in 1997 to provide a system of education in authorised schools for children aged from three- to 12-yearsold. The curriculum is transdisciplinary, meaning that it focuses on issues which cross subject areas. The Middle Years Programme (MYP) covers students between the ages of 11and 16. It is made up of eight subject groups and encourages students to make practical connections between their studies and the real world.

The subject groups are: language acquisition, language and literature, individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics, arts, physical and health education, and design. MYP students also complete a long-term project they plan and manage themselves, and every year they engage in a collaboratively planned interdisciplinary unit. The IB Diploma Programme (DP) is for 16- to 19-year-old students. The DP curriculum is made up six subject groups and the DP core, comprising the theory of knowledge, creativity, activity, service and the extended essay. Student assessment in the DP comes in the form of both exams and teacher assessment

for most courses. The DP is widely recognised by the world’s leading universities, including 105 in Britain, 1,676 in the United States and 57 In Australia, according to the official IB website. The IB Career-related Programme (CP) covers the same school years as the DP, but is intended for students who are engaged in career-related learning. However, it does not close the door on the option of students going on to university and further or higher education.


to perfection

Photo: Dickson Lee

Mastering the art of Chinese writing at an early age is becoming a skill that is widely sought-after, writes Carmen Tao

The ideal time for children to start writing Chinese is when they are five years old GLORIA CHAN LEUNG SUK-CHING


hen learning a new language, reading and writing generally go hand in hand. With Chinese tipped to become a major language of the future, many parents in Hong Kong want to expose their children to it at an early age, to better prepare them for opportunities. But how early is “early”? Principal Gloria Chan Leung Suk-ching of Kau Yan School, a private primary school in Sai Ying Pun, suggests children can start reading Chinese from the age of three. “The ideal time for children to start writing Chinese is when they are five years old as before that, their small muscles are not well developed. Chinese is hard to write and children need fine motor skills to be able to do so,” she says.

So how does one begin? Chan says there are many methods for teaching children to write Chinese, such as learning brushstroke order, how to hold a pencil, sitting correctly, through observation and practice. “As the children progress, reading helps to expand their vocabulary and they will learn word patterns and sentence structure before moving on to drafting paragraphs and essays of their own as they grow older,” she says.

apps developer Aedify Technology, Venus Lee Lan-kiu, says most parents in Asia and Hong Kong are eager to get their children to use a pen to write early on. However, Lee believes some pre-writing exercises are necessary to help train children’s muscles and visual perception before they start using a pen to write. Launched more than six months ago, Aedify’s Chinese Letter Academy app has garnered more than 100,000 users in Asia alone and was featured as an Apple 2014 Best App. Using a curriculum based on the one devised by the Education Bureau, the app teaches children how to write Chinese characters and shows a demonstration of the correct stroke order first, so that users see it before they practise writing it, thus forming a visual memory.


Lee says using both visual-

Sidney Kwan, co-owner of Swallow Arts Cultural Centre, agrees with Chan as children at that age are beginning to recognise more shapes and forms. “Learning Chinese characters at this stage is mostly visual,” Kwan says. “Chinese writing is an art form and incorporates thousands of years of history.”



Young learners at Swallow Arts Cultural Centre.

If children can develop a positive attitude in learning, and in a stress-free environment, they can learn anything when they put their mind to it, be it Chinese, French, German SIDNEY KWAN

Screen shots of Aedify’s Chinese Letter Academy.

and kinaesthetic-memory will help children remember the right stroke order, and that having this correct habit will enable them to better manage character compositions. “We don’t mean to replace any traditional learning, but we think the app can facilitate the learning being more fun and make the learning process less painful,” she says. Unlike others, the app can also detect if a stroke is written correctly and there is an emphasis on practice. Kwan agrees that practice makes perfect and this is especially true for learning Chinese. He says that if students are not practising after their normal school classes, they will eventually fall behind. “Tutoring should be target-

ed at the children’s weakness and not just for the sake of occupying their time after school,” he advises. This concept also rings true for Eddie Tang, father of five year-old Marcus, who attends P1 classes at Kiangsu-Chekiang College International Section. He believes reading and practising writing every day is the best method for primary school-aged children to learn Chinese, and that parents have a key role in teaching and educating their children. As such, Tang spends up to an hour each evening from Monday to Saturday tutoring his son in English, mathematics and Chinese. Although Marcus studies at an international school where simplified Chinese characters

are taught, to ensure that he is on par with local primary school students, his father spends a few minutes during each session teaching him up to 10 traditional characters, as these are more complicated and widely used in Hong Kong. Writing new characters out a few times, Tang guides his son step by step through the correct stroke order before asking him to try copying it. A simple reward system involving a sticker of Marcus’ favourite Avenger action hero after each session helps motivate him and a special present is awarded once 30 stickers have been collected. It is time well spent, as not only do father and son spend quality time bonding and devel-

Tutoring should be targeted at the children’s weakness and not just for the sake of occupying their time after school SIDNEY KWAN

oping a habit of revising and reinforcing past learning, but since taking this hands-on approach from when Marcus was four years old, his Chinese abilities have developed rapidly. “He can read the captions on TV and the Chinese advertising shown on the street,” his father says. As mastering any language is not easy, Kau Yan School tries to encourage an active interest in students through learning in small groups, games, drama and experience. “If one of our students is having difficulty learning Chinese, our school offers ‘pull out’ classes during and after school hours to help them. Some parents do hire tutors to help with homework,” says Chan. “We

also use children’s books and calligraphy writing to engage our students.” Kwan, who also runs calligraphy classes at his tutorial centre, considers that the benefits of calligraphy in helping someone learn to write Chinese cannot be described either in one paragraph or in a thesis. If pressed for an answer, he says: “In essence, not only does it help in learning the character itself, it teaches patience, concentration, and builds a person’s character and temperament.” This is a noble skill which many parents would aspire for their children to have. So can children from non-Chinese backgrounds also learn

Chinese? Kwan says that “if children can develop a positive attitude in learning, and in a stress-free environment, they can learn anything when they put their mind to it, be it Chinese, French, German”. Chan also believes they can, although she says it is difficult as it is a second language. “Nowadays, there is a lot of additional support available such as the internet,” she adds. “Our school gives parents links to websites which teach accurate character pronunciation, songs and poems which the children like to listen to. We find bilingual books also help with the learning process. Some parents even learn Chinese at the same time as their kids from the

beginning, and their active participation really encourages their children.” She further advises that families need to expose their children to the local community, as active engagement with locals will help with learning Chinese, especially the listening. Chan says the government can do more to help with learning Chinese, especially for non-Chinese speaking ethic minority students. “They can allocate more resources and offer different course levels to cater to students who are not as proficient in Chinese. It’s not as effective to rely simply on schools and parents who have limited access to resources.”

Sparing thought for

special needs Finding schooling that caters to children with disabilities or impairments is not always easy, writes John Brennan

Photo: iStockphoto


ong Kong’s education system provides services for those children with special educational needs (SEN), such as visual or hearing impairment and physical or intellectual disability. Students with severe SEN, or multiple disabilities, can be referred to special schools for intensive support, while others whose needs are less acute can attend ordinary schools in the government system. Currently, there are 60 aided special schools in Hong Kong, and all children aged six or above with SEN enjoy free and universal basic education in the local system. However, for many expatriate and some other families with children with SEN, these schools are not a realistic option. Karin Wetselaar is the principal of the ESF’s Jockey Club Sarah Roe School, a purpose-built international special school. “I’ve visited many of the local, Cantonese-speaking special schools and they’re fantastic,”

says Wetselaar. “But communication is already an issue for a child with special educational needs, so it would be very rare for English-speaking parents to send their child to a Cantonese-speaking school. “There are a limited number of places available in special schools with a curriculum in English – some parents home school and buy in therapy. But it’s very difficult, and it’s not unusual for parents to move to another country to find a suitable school,” she adds. Wetselaar points out that the Jockey Club Sarah Roe School, which opened in 1986, currently has 70 enrolled students aged five- to 19 - but has a waiting list with about 100 names on it. “In Hong Kong, and internationally, more and more children with autism go to a mainstream school. A lot of these children can cope with a bit of support in the mainstream or in a learning support centre. “So the children who come to us have more complex needs – they might have some physical as well as intellectual disabilities. They may be con-

Photo: Dickson Lee

fined to a wheelchair, or have additional medical needs,” Wetselaar says. The school staff consists of specialist teachers, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, a physiotherapist, a registered music therapist and a nurse. The facilities include a hydrotherapy pool, specially designed changing and toilet areas, and therapy rooms. Despite the additional costs all this entails, Wetselaar is proud of the fact that the school’s fees are the same as at every other ESF primary or secondary school.

There are a limited number of places available in special schools with a curriculum in English – some parents home school and buy in therapy KARIN WETSELAAR

“Every child [joining the school] has an individual education plan and that outlines their learning goals,” she says. “This plan is developed with the teacher, the therapist, the family and, possibly, the student, if we thought they could be involved. We look for their strengths, and monitor their learning, and tailor our teaching to where they’re at. “We work a lot on helping the students to be as independent as possible. A lot our students struggle with communication – many of them are either non-verbal or have very little speech. So there’s a big focus

Every child [joining the school] has an individual education plan and that outlines their learning goals KARIN WETSELAAR



Photo: May Tse




on communication because it’s very hard to get what you want and need if you can’t tell people. And, also, it’s very hard to assess their learning if they can’t respond consistently.” Though the school’s students are enrolled on a full-time basis, Wetselaar says she and her staff consider each child’s individual needs and strengths and look for opportunities for their inclusion at other schools, or in other programmes, in addition to their time at the Jockey Club Sarah Roe School. “And as they get older we look out to the community for opportunities for them to learn some work skills,” she adds. The teachers she looks to recruit – whether transferring

from mainstream education, or fresh from special education training – have to be passionate and willing to learn. “Most of our teachers would have some special needs qualifications but it’s not mandatory,” she says. To be accepted by the Australian International School Hong Kong (AISHK) students must have sufficiently good English language skills and be functioning at a level which enables them to access the curriculum. But, even given this criterion, the school still caters for students with varying degrees of need. “Our Learning Enrichment Centre is a busy hub within the school,” explains Fiona Barringer, head of learning strategies at AISHK. “We ca-

ter for students from Prep through to Year 12. Some students are supported throughout their school life and others have support on a short-term basis or in a particular subject area. “Our philosophy is very much inclusion-based and, therefore, we like to support our students within the classroom,” Barringer says. “We do have some programmes in the Primary Division that are run on a term basis and target a specific need. In Year 1 we run a very successful literacy programme – a reading club – which targets students who need a boost with their reading skills. “We also offer homework help students. While dents do have

after-school for targeted some stua diagnosis

such as dyslexia, ADHD, Asperger’s syndrome, dyspraxia, language disorders and auditory processing difficulties, these are not prerequisites to receiving extra assistance.” In addition, support is available to students with physical disabilities and to students for whom English is not their first language. “We assess students, plan programmes as necessary and support teachers with in-class strategies,” Barringer continues. “We have a range of full- and part-time teachers, qualified psychologists and counsellors, a private speech pathologist and classroom assistants who work with students who require assistance.”




Congratulations Class of 2015! Equipped with Advanced Placement courses and the diploma of Alberta Education, Canada, CAIS alumni advance to universities in North America, the United Kingdom and around the world.

Photo: Franke Tsang

Look at international schools

from all angles

Schooling with a cosmopolitan outlook is an appealing option, but parents must tread warily when deciding, writes Carrie Chan


arent Ling Chi-keung was clear that he wanted to send his son to an international school embracing the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma. His son, who is in grade 8, is now attending Chinese International School (CIS). “If he takes the IB, he can either enter local universities, or choose to study abroad,” Ling says. “Many countries, including the US, New Zealand and Australia, also recognise the programme.” Jane Foxcroft, principal of West Island School, agrees with Ling that parents need to pay attention to whether the curriculum can dovetail into any university worldwide.

factors to be taken into account. Parents need to consider international school choices from various angles. “What is the mission and vision of the school, and how is this evident in what happens in reality?” she says. “By visiting the school and talking to students and teachers at open days or during an appointment, it should be evident that the words of the mission statement resonate in curriculum and approaches to learning.” The curriculum choice should not be just about choosing between IB, GCE or GCSE. However, for Foxcroft, the personalisation of the curriculum is crucial for matching students’ aspirations in the long term.

“The IB is recognised internationally as a rigorous curriculum which is accepted globally as having high standards,” Foxcroft says. “Equally, for British universities A-levels are currency.”

“There [should be] both breadth of experience but also choice. The latter allows students’ independence and a growing sense of depth in learning,” she says.

However, in the hunt for the right international school, Foxcroft points out that there are many other important

Extracurricular activity is often a key part of life in international schools. To Foxcroft, parents should consider the

schools’ ability to offer a range of opportunities which help nurture different facets of learning. Often these activities can be another way to understand a student’s strengths. “Exam results are often taken as a measure of success. It is more important, though, to understand the value added to the student by being at that school than to look at data without more information,” she says. The breadth of experience and the emphasis on extracurricular activities was evident in Ling’s case. CIS requires students to spend their Year 10 in its Hangzhou subsidiary to widen the scope of their horizons. While some parents initially were worried that students would lack support in other extracurricular activities, the school had arranged for teachers to conduct the interest classes. “The school did make great efforts to complement the academic training,” Ling says. “To me, it is very mature. But of course, they have the financial capability to do this.”

Legislator Ip Kin-yuen, who represents the education sector, says that families aspiring to send their children to international schools should also consider their options from a financial point of view.

when the standard of living is sacrificed,” Ip says. “For example, some families might not be able to afford overseas travel with their kids. But this can be an important part of their upbringing.”

Great caution is needed in allocating the right amount of resources in education.

Ip adds that parents should also research individual schools’ requirements on investing in debentures.

Within the international schools’ circle, the range of fees can be high. Harrow International School charges about HK$170,000 for a school year, with the addition of annual boarding fees, starting at HK$95,000 for students in Year Six or above. Schools under the English Schools Foundation (ESF), which now enjoy subvention by local government, generally charge lower fees. The annual school fee is around HK$105,700 to HK$111,100. However, after 2016, parents will find the fees much higher than they are now as the government begins phasing out its subsidy to ESF schools. Ip says parents need to consider carefully whether it is worth sending their children to the most famous and expensive schools rather than the good, more affordable, ones. “It may not be healthy when parents spend a large part of their income on school fees,

Most international schools now require students to be covered by one of the several classes of debentures they issue, whose prices have risen significantly in recent years. For those which do not need debentures, a capital levy or fee for nomination rights may be needed instead. The discussion over debentures was even more heated earlier this year when Victoria Shanghai Academy issued about 50 refundable corporate debentures with a face value of HK$2.5 million each, for school expansion plans. There was a second round of about 200 individual debentures with a face value of HK$800,000 each. Companies that buy corporate debentures get priority for their staff members’ children to attend the school. Last month, some parents whose children were attending Canadian International School also complained about the rise in debenture value despite its financial surplus.

The bond has also risen substantially – from HK$300,000 in 2007 to HK$900,000 this year. Parents can take over a debenture from graduating students but they have to pay the school an undisclosed transfer fee. In conclusion, Foxcroft says parents need to decide what is most important for their child. “Students are individuals, and consequently the decision must be a measured one. Happiness is actually the key to good learning outcomes,” she points out. For a more thorough assessment, school visits are an important part of the preparation process. It is also essential to browse the schools’ philosophy and approach on their websites.

It is more important to understand the value added to the student ... than to look at data without more information JANE FOXCROFT

Taking the global path

to success

ESF schools have adopted the International Baccalaureate (IB) with enthusiasm, writes John Brennan


ong Kong’s English Schools Foundation (ESF) has shown an enthusiastic commitment to the IB programmes. All nine of the ESF’s primary schools, its four kindergartens and the primary section of both of its private independent schools follow the Primary Years Programme (PYP). Similarly, each of the five ESF secondary schools, as well as the two private independent schools, pursues the DP – although only the latter two offer the Middle Years Programme (MYP). The ESF’s primary teaching and learning advisor, Rebecca Clements, explains why the organisation first decided to introduce the IB curriculum into its schools.

“Our primary schools were following the UK national curriculum and we felt that this particular curriculum was not meeting the needs of the vast majority of our students,” she says. “We looked at different options and decided that the PYP was the best fit for our students as it was concept-based, transdisciplinary and had international mindedness as a core tenet.” The ESF’s private independent school in Ma On Shan, Renaissance College, is one of the few schools in the world authorised to offer all four IB programmes: the PYP, the MYP, the Diploma Programme (DP) and the Career -related Programme (CP). “One of the reasons parents choose us is because the PYP and MYP are enquiry-based and the students are active learners,” says Dr Harry

Brown, principal of Renaissance College. “The students who really thrive on our programmes are the independent learners.” Brown can point to some clear advantages to his school’s full adoption of the IB framework. “When it comes to IB learner attitudes and pedagogy, students are speaking the same language throughout. It’s a more seamless transition,” he says. Also, he believes, MYP students avoid unnecessary pressure in Year 11. “Because the Year 13 IB Diploma exam is a high-stakes exam, we don’t feel the need to put another one in there, such as the IGCSEs, because we get the results we need at the end. “And in all areas we ‘back-

Photo: May Tse

When it comes to IB learner attitudes and pedagogy, students are speaking the same language throughout DR HARRY BROWN

wards design’ and spiral our curriculum with the concepts that are needed in the Year 13 exams: maths, science, humanities, and all the different subjects we offer. We spiral it back as far as the PYP, but this is particularly true within the MYP.” Brown notes that the fact his school’s teachers also teach in the MYP adds rigour to that programme. He is keen to point out that students cannot fail a DP – they will get a score indicative of how well they’ve done – so there is no danger a student will be left with nothing because they did not take formal external exams in Year 11. “Even if you got a three or a four on a scale of seven, in say, a maths exam, it does tell the university that you’re applying to that you’ve followed a very rigorous curriculum that’s university-based,” Brown points out. “The courses are all university-level – basically, university foundation courses done over two years. That’s why so many universities are eager to enrol IB Diploma students,” he says. Brown goes on to explain that the broadness of the twoyear programme creates a well-rounded individual who is ready for university. “They are proficient in a first language, they are proficient in a second language, they’ve all studied maths, science, humanities and the arts, as well as a course called theory of knowledge, and they’ve written a 4,000-word senior thesis that’s been externally

moderated, and done at least 150 hours community service,” he says. As long they can handle the level of English required, Brown says the students from local schools who enter Renaissance College in Year 12 enjoy the teamwork, the camaraderie with teachers, the smaller classes and the atmosphere at school. They also tend to do well on the DP. Last year, more than 900 Year 13 students across the ESF’s five secondary schools and two private independent schools completed the DP. Out of all of them, 98 per cent achieved the full DP, with 55.4 per cent achieving 35 or more IB points, and 22.1 per cent achieving 40 or more points. The average score for students was 35 points and 13 ESF students were able to achieve the maximum 45 points. Originally published in SCMP on June 8, 2015

Dr Harry Brown

Going flat out

for games and culture The importance to education of a grounding in physical exercise and artistic pursuits is highlighted in Hong Kong schools, writes John Brennan

We see the value of the arts in helping to develop confident, eloquent students MARK BEACH


he importance of sports and the arts to students’ personal and physical development is acknowledged across Hong Kong’s range of educational systems, and enshrined in the Education Bureau’s list of key learning areas.

is probably the best I’ve ever seen [in a school] and has a lighting control deck that is the same as the one used at the Beijing Olympics.”

But with the pressure supposedly on young people to focus on career-related learning, and with the space available for pitches and pools at a premium, how do arts and physical education fare in practice?

“We also have a huge dance studio, several acoustic music rooms, which include a recital room, with recording and editing booths,” Beach adds. “We have a broadcasting suite which we use for film and media studies and then we have a suite of art and design rooms.”

Mark Beach is principal of Discovery College, where students from Year 1 to Year 13 follow International Baccalaureate (IB) curricula in which the arts are a core element. “When the ESF built Discovery College they made sure there were incredible facilities for the arts,” he explains. “Our performing arts theatre

In total, the school has five major drama spaces, including black box and white box theatres.

The school opened in 2008 and from the beginning, Beach says, the decision was made to go beyond what was stipulated in the formal curriculum. Events such as young performer and ensemble evenings, annual productions for both primary and secondary students, and an

annual concert, have all become part of school life. ”In our very first year, we started our annual Arts Festival, now our Arts and Cultural Festival, which is a whole week featuring visiting artists, art workshops and art experiences,” Beach adds. “We don’t want to be known as a performing arts school, though, because we are a rigorous academic curriculum school – but we do temper that by adding, ‘with a strong emphasis on the arts’,” Beach explains. “This is because we see the value of the arts in helping to develop confident, eloquent students. “The data around the essential skills employers are looking for these days features 21st century skills, such as the ability to work together in teams, being able to present in multiple ways, being confident, able to solve problems, being innovative, able

YCIS basketball teams.

to identify where things are going wrong and being able to fix them. These softer skills are becoming more important and the arts help develop them,” Beach says Jacques Thomass, head of Art at Yew Chung Educational Foundation, says the arts play a central role in the school’s life and the education of its students. “All students are given opportunities to participate in a diverse range of activities, including artist-in-residence lead projects and excursions, external visiting-artist workshops, gifted and talented workshops and co-curricular activities, annual musicals, concerts, and internal and external art competitions,” he says. Thomass believes lifelong skills that are valuable in any career, such as analytical thinking and creativity, can all be developed through the arts.

Facilities at Discovery College.

“The arts also play a massive role in our promotion of international-mindedness, as they are languages that all people speak and that cut across racial, cultural, social, educational and economic barriers,” he says. The Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation (HKYAF) is a charity that provides free arts experience for young people aged from five to 25. In the year to March, HKYAF worked directly with 68,277 participants. “We have noticed that there are generally fewer and fewer students who focus on and study the arts,” says an HKYAF spokesperson. “This is mainly due to the syllabus change [in the New Senior Secondary (NSS) curriculum followed by local schools], which has resulted in fewer schools having the resources to give students comprehensive and good visual arts teaching. “However, on the positive

side, OLE [the Other Learning Experiences component of the NSS] has offered many young people the opportunity to get in touch with the arts,” the spokesperson adds. “And from the performing arts side, we find that young people are generally getting training at a much earlier age – though usually outside school – and are becoming more technically capable than ever before.” Ryan Choi, a Form 6 HKDSE student at La Salle College in Kowloon, manages to combine his studies with a level of training that helped him win fencing gold and silver medals at last year’s Nanjing Youth Olympic Games. “Sport does fit in with my studies, as fencing also teaches me to do things systematically,” he says. “Every single match requires a high degree of concentration, otherwise you cannot defeat your opponent. I can stay focused while completing tasks, whether

Sport does fit in with my studies, as fencing also teaches me to do things systematically RYAN CHOI

Sports are as important as academic excellence at La Salle.

they are homework or revision, and finish them efficiently and successfully.” Beyond fencing, Choi doesn’t seem to find his sporting options limited at La Salle. “I also enjoy playing handball, basketball and volleyball in school during my leisure time. There are many kinds of sports at La Salle College for students to take part in, such as rugby, badminton, table tennis, swimming, athletics, cross-country, bowling, archery, squash and tennis.”

Facilities inside the school include a swimming pool, a fullsize gymnasium and a fitness gym. “But outside, our site is quite small and we don’t have a lot of space,” Beach explains. Catering for its sports-loving students requires the PE department to be flexible. Until recently, beyond a two-thirdssize basketball and netball court, the school had no option but to use grass areas in the park that surrounds it, or hire local facilities.

According to Beach, Discovery Bay, home to Discovery College, “is as close to a ‘western-type’ community as you could find anywhere in Asia, I’d imagine.

“However, we’ve just opened two, half-size artificial-turf football and rugby pitches in front of the school, though not on our grounds,” Beach says.

“So you’ve got multitudes of kids who are absolutely madkeen on sports. This is true, not just for our western students, but our Asian students as well.”

An agreement with the company that manages Discovery Bay means that the school will manage these pitches and share them with the community when students are not using them.

Allan Fraser, co-curricular activities co-ordinator at YCIS, is proud of the success its students have achieved in external basketball, badminton, golf and swimming contests. “The secondary sports programme provides a range of indoor and outdoor fitness and sports challenges,” he says. Team and individual sporting activities take place in YCIS’s indoor gymnasium, fitness gym and swimming pool, as well as on its outdoor tennis and basketball courts. Fraser notes that even schools less well endowed with facilities can still provide their students with opportunities for physical exercise. “In Hong Kong people become creative – perhaps by doubling the use of a space, or by using rooftops,” he says.

Learning to

love the printed word The explosion in computerised entertainment and social media makes it more vital than ever to find ways to get children to read books, writes John Cremer


aced with the competing attraction of computer games, mobile devices and much else, getting children to read widely and regularly is often an uphill task.

However, as parents and educators are well aware, therein lies the key not just to better academic results but, as importantly, to the whole world of facts, fiction, ideas and interests which shape individual characters and create broader options and opportunities in the years ahead. For that reason, school librarians in Hong Kong have a special responsibility which reaches far beyond their administrative duties. In essence, their role is to encourage a love of reading and a search for knowledge linked to – but also separate from – the formal study of classroom

subjects. And, in doing so, they can clearly have a life-defining impact on successive generations of students. “The priority is to promote reading and use of the library because that is such an important aspect of all-round education,” says Jenny Au, librarian at SKH Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School in Wan Chai. “We try to adopt a ‘whole school’ approach by collaborating with teachers to give assignments which require use of library resources. But there is also a committee to formulate strategies and activities to get students interested and involved.” For instance, earlier this year a guest speaker was invited to give a talk and recommend up to 40 books teenagers should consider. The list included a wide range of fiction, non-fiction, biographies and interests such as handicrafts. All

those mentioned were on display immediately afterwards and, in some cases, extra copies were purchased in order to meet demand. Au notes that such initiatives help to instil the concept of leisure reading. The school has a “build your own brain”, or BYOB, programme which expects everyone to make their own selections. These can range from romances and fantasy novels in English or Chinese, to biographies of Martin Luther King, Walt Disney and Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai, with adventure stories from Japan a particular favourite at present. This is also a good way of broadening the choices made by senior-form students preparing book talks for their school-based assessment (SBA). “We encourage them to give their talks to the junior forms

as a way of building up confidence and letting the younger students know what they are reading,” says Au, who also teaches English and liberal studies for S1 and S2 classes. “We also had a ‘battle of the books’ a few years ago and have tried to maintain that spirit of friendly competition.” To that end, the library keeps a list of recommendations, which is updated every year. Understandably, the focus is on “quality materials”, includ-

Photos: Nord Anglia International School

Photo: Dickson Lee

ing novels such as The Giver by Lois Lowry, The Lions of Little Rock by Kristin Levine, and The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis. However, noting the perennial problem of “reluctant readers” – more usually boys – Au also stresses the importance of having choices designed to engage even the least enthusiastic of students. This could mean, for example, biographies of legendary basketball player Michael Jordan and golfer Tiger Woods or plain-

ly written movie tie-ins like Night at the Museum 3. “It is an effective way of motivating some students, even if they are not reading the book I might want them to read,” says Au, who is currently working her way through a biography of pianist Lang Lang. “Sometimes, they will have already seen the movie, but to get them started, we will have the novel together with the DVD.” Catering




We have an online learning platform with e-books and expect students to do some assignment reading this way JENNY AU

groups and levels, there are also class libraries with books and magazines such as National Geographic ranked from A to F, according to perceived difficulty. Subject teachers help to make the selections and, during the year, to get individual students to branch out and challenge themselves. “Nowadays, we have an online learning platform with e-books and expect students to do some assignment reading this way,” Au says. “The platform also has some softer things like ‘games’ for language learning because we believe time spent online should be constructive.” For Leanne Richardson, librarian at Nord Anglia International School, which accepts children from Years 1 to 7, one way to encourage reading is by ensuring the library is open every morning from 7.30am. In addition, each house is allotted specific lunchtimes. Pupils are taught how to find books. And each class comes once a week to borrow and have time to read what they want. “For us, the library is the heart of the school and a very busy place,” Richardson says. “Children are coming in all the time and we have inviting and engaging displays to promote particular books and a love of reading in general.” To coincide with the official opening of the new library in late April, the school organised a Book Day, with prolific local writer Nury Vittachi invited to speak at workshops throughout the day and encourage students to read and

write more. Other events over the preceding months included an exclusive session for Year 7 with Antarctic adventurer Matt Dickinson at the Hong Kong Young Readers Festival. Pupils were introduced to the works of Chaucer by putting on a production of The Canterbury Tales. And a series of poetry recitals featured the likes of William Shakespeare and Robert Burns. “We make recommendations and encourage students to talk to each other and their parents about books they love,” Richardson says. “In addition, we see how reading aloud to students during class library time can stimulate imagination, foster natural curiosity, expand vocabulary, and develop logical thinking. Children everywhere love hearing a good story and getting lost in books themselves.” With a new library to look after, Richardson has set herself two priority tasks. One is to keep adding to the current stock of around 5,000 titles, with perhaps a few thousand more in the next couple of years. Selections will include classics, award winners, and those reflecting student interest and curriculum needs. The other is to come up with reading lists which can be tailored to each child’s personal interests and personal growth. “It is easy enough to put the right books in the right hands,” Richardson says. “For students, finding the time to read between all their other activities is the real issue.”

We see how reading aloud to students during class library time can stimulate imagination, foster natural curiosity, expand vocabulary, and develop logical thinking LEANNE RICHARDSON

Top five signs of ‘unreadiness’ for a

Chinese school?

Plumping for a bilingual education for your child is a big step. If you are unsure about the idea you should consider these questions, writes Ruth Benny


s I advise parents on choosing a school for their children, and we discuss the possibility of a bilingual school, I can quickly detect signs of unreadiness. Committing to a Chinese-language education – whether or not Chinese is a home language – is not just a school choice; it’s a lifestyle choice. It’s not for everyone. I often hear parents express doubts with variations of the following phrases. Here’s my take on each (with a lot of personal experience), of particular relevance to non-Chinese-speaking parents: #1: I’ll let him or her try and see if he or she likes learning Chinese. I won’t push it.

Ruth Benny is a former teacher, teacher trainer and parent of two primary schoolchildren. She is the founder of

If you’re serious about your child learning Chinese, some (to a lot of!) pushing is necessary. In pre-school, gentle encouragement is all that’s needed, with a little “top up” in the form of an additional class, especially if Chinese isn’t a home language. By K2 (age four) or K3 (age five), a tutor or extra class may be needed once or twice a week. At primary, a little more “pushing” in terms of keeping on top of homework and, very

probably, tuition in the evenings (up to five or six times a week). “I love doing hours of dictation and masses of homework!” Said. No. Child. Ever. “Pushing through” is nearly always worth it. If you incorporate the extra homework and/or classes into your “normal” life from an early age, your child will more easily accept it as normal and get on with it. #2: We should concentrate on English first and maybe he or she can learn Chinese later.

Photo: Franke Tsang

Many people, including speech therapists, used to believe that introducing more than one language early on confuses children and may lead to “language delay”. The Hong Kong government still advocates this approach, where “mother-tongue teaching” usually means teaching in Cantonese. They say: “Educational research worldwide and in Hong Kong have (sic) shown that students learn better through their mother tongue.” However, this belief has largely been discredited. Barbara Zurer Pearson, author of Rais-

ing a Bilingual Child, says: “From just days after birth, all infants can tell the difference between many languages”. She says this is especially true when the languages are quite different – as different, for example, as Chinese and English. “At that young age, infants generally still have trouble telling two very similar languages apart, like English from Dutch. But by about six months of age, they can do that too,” she says. The confusion myth is probably the result of older research that looked at poorly designed studies and drew the conclu-

sion that early exposure to two languages put children at a disadvantage. This research prompted educators to push immigrant parents to drop their heritage language and emphasise proficiency in English (most studies done in the US or Britain). In Hong Kong, we have a complex situation. We have local schools that cater mostly to Cantonese-speaking families. These schools support Chinese-language learning well and English not so much. Conversely, international schools support English-language learning

From just days after birth, all infants can tell the difference between many languages BARBARA ZURER PEARSON

Photo: Franke Tsang

very well and Chinese not so much. We have a few schools that do both equally well, but not many. Early, frequent, consistent exposure to Chinese is undoubtedly the foundation on which to build fluency and literacy. How and where English fits into that scenario depends very much on the family’s situation, notably the parents’ own proficiency. #3: We don’t speak Chinese at home so it will be impossible. It is possible for non-Chinese parents to raise children perfectly able to master both the spoken and written forms of Chinese. It is not easy. For this reason, it’s not usual. However, it is becoming more common, especially in “local” schools where children learn Cantonese and Putonghua. As a non-Chinese-speaking parent myself in this situation, I believe we have to be demanding with our children’s teachers. A very common tendency is for teachers to allow them to slack off “because they are not Chinese or don’t have Chinese-language support at home”. To reiter-

ate: early, frequent, consistent exposure to Chinese plus an attitude of “failure is not an option” and all that entails, makes it possible for the very determined. #4: I want him or her to be bilingual but I don’t want lots of homework! It is a lifestyle choice as well as an educational one. Inevitably, your children will be doing homework every school night, at weekends and even during holidays. You may need a tutor/parent or other helper some, or all, of these nights. You may take the children to mainland China or Taiwan for summer camps, and you are likely to be constantly looking for ways for them to “keep up”. You’ll hopefully balance this in what you do as a family when you’re not involved with school work. This will hopefully ease off as the children get older and are more organised and responsible. #5: We’ve been trying this for two years, and he or she doesn’t speak any Chinese so we’re giving up. It depends when you start-

ed, of course, but productive skills (speaking and writing) take longer than receptive skills (speaking and listening). Children from English-speaking homes will usually prefer speaking English in response to Chinese for some time. Some will take years to speak Chinese fluently, despite understanding. So, if your little one started Putonghua playgroup at four-to-six months (or at least by eight months), and still hasn’t uttered more than a few words of Chinese at three-years-old, don’t fret – it’s not unusual. Many parents tell me they experience the “switch”. One day – and no-one knows when that day will come – it’s as if a switch is flipped in your child’s brain and they are “suddenly” fluent. Of course, this isn’t sudden at all; they’ve been learning all along. Did you ever doubt them?

It is possible for non-Chinese parents to raise children perfectly able to master both the spoken and written forms of Chinese









INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS Preschools Multiple locations ALISON’S LETTERLAND INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN Causeway Bay: 2/F, Marco Polo Mansions, 10 Cleveland Street; 4/F, Capital Commercial Building, 26 Leighton Road Sheung Wan: 1/F, Wing Hing Commercial Building, 139 Wing Lok Street Jordan: 7/F, Will Strong Development Building, 59 Parkes Street Tel: 5188 0671 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery-K3 Number of students: Varies from school to school Year founded; 1996 Curriculum: British early years foundation stage and key stage one Medium: English and Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Language, literacy, fix-it phonics class, Putonghua, ballet, drama, yoga, music Fees: HK$5,940/month; HK$8,910/month

ANFIELD INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN Kowloon Tong: 5 Cumberland Road, Tel: 2794 3668 E-mail: Hung Hom: L2, Phase 1, Laguna Verde, 8 Laguna Verde Avenue Tel: 2766 3882 E-mail: Website: Primary section: 2 Lung Pak Street, Tai Wai, Sha Tin Tel: 2692 8823 E-mail: Year groups: K1-3, P1-6 Year founded: 1999 Curriculum: British early foundation stage, key stage 1 and 2 adapted to local setting Medium: English and Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: English and Putonghua Fees: Y1-6 HK$108,000/year

DEBORAH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE 25 locations in Hong Kong and on the mainland Tseung Kwan O Tel: 2217 7933 Hung Hom Tel: 2774 1669 Tin Shui Wai Tel: 2447 2669 Tai Po Tel: 2665 4333 Ma On Shan Tel: 2642 6033 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Preschool-kindergarten Year founded: 1978 Medium: Cantonese, English, Putonghua Special programmes: Special software to support syllabus Extra-curricular activities: Ballet, London College of Music Examinations (LCM), Abacus courses, art Fees: Half day : HK$40,200 - $54,000 / year; Full day : HK$62,760 - $74,760 / year

DISCOVERY MONTESSORI SCHOOL Central: 3/F, Mandarin Building, 35-43 Bonham Strand Tel: 2850-8006 E-mail: Year groups: 12 months to six Number of students: 130 Teacher/student ratio: 1:8 (Playgroup); 1:7 (Little Casa); 1:10 (Casa Class) Year founded: 2011


Discovery Bay: Unit 101, 92 Siena Avenue Tel: 29871201 E-mail: enquiry@discoverymontessori. info Website: Year groups: age 1-6 years Number of students: 200 Teacher/student ratio: 1:10 Year founded: 2010 Curriculum: Montessori Medium: English and Putonghua Special programmes: Montessori playgroup Extra-curricular activities: Field trips, sports days, International World Fair Day, summer programs Fees: HK$7,000/month(halfday);HK$10,500/month (full-day)

LEARNING HABITAT KINDERGARTEN Tsing Yi: L1, Commercial Building, Villa Esplanada, 8 Nga Ying Chau Street Tel: 25015500 Hung Hom: UG45C, The Laguna Mall, 8 Laguna Verde Avenue Tel: 2363 1500 Tai Kok Tsui: Shop 2, 5/F, Hampton Loft, 11 Hoi Fan Road Tel: 2510 5105 Tseung Kwan O: L1, Le Prestige, Phase 2A, Lohas Park Tel: 2363 3005 E-mail: Website: Year groups: age 2-6 Number of students: 1,500 Number of teachers: 100 Average class size: 28 Year founded: 2000 Curriculum: Child-centred approach. Parentchild reading scheme, Letterland and Synthetic phonics. Medium: English, Cantonese and Putonghua Fees: K1-K3 (Cantonese and English) HK$4,400-HK$4,500 (half-day); HK$7,400 (full-day); K1-K3 (Putonghua and English) HK$4,700-HK$4,800 (half-day); HK$7,700 (full-day)

PARKVIEW INTERNATIONAL PRE-SCHOOL Hong Kong Island: Tower 18 Parkview, 88 Tai Tam Reservoir Road Tel: 2812 6023 E-mail: Kowloon: Podium Level, Kowloon Station, 1 Austin Road, West Kowloon Tel: 2812 6801 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 1- 6 Number of students: 685 Year founded: 1989 Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) Medium: Hong Kong campus – English and Putonghua; Kowloon campus – bilingual class in English and Putonghua and trilingual class in English, Cantonese and Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Hong Kong campus – Putonghua, drama, sport, English, creative art, phonics, ballet, mathematics, piano. Kowloon campus – English enhancement, Putonghua Wonderland, music and movement, ballet, yoga, soccer, Creative Artists, Little Chefs and Saturday playgroup Fees: $38,000-HK$46,000/year (one-year old); HK$90,000 (half day/two to three

years old); HK$180,000 (full day/three to five years old)

SUNSHINE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL PRESCHOOLS Chi Fu: G/F, Block 1, Fu Lai Yuen, Chi Fu Fa Yuen, 1Chi Fu Road Tel: 25513781 E-mail: Clearwater Bay: Level 7, Silverstrand Mart, 2 Silver Cape Road Tel: 2358 3803 E-mail: clearwaterbay@sunshinehouse. Discovery Bay: 137-138, 1/F, Discovery Bay Plaza Tel: 2987 8143 E-mail: dbay@ Pok Fu Lam: Commercial Development Block A, Pok Fu Lam Gardens, 108 Pokfulam Road Tel: 2551 3213 E-mail: pokfulam@ Tung Chung: 2 Mei Tung Street, Tung Chung Crescent, Lantau Tel: 2109 3873 E-mail: hk Website: Year groups: 1-6 Class sizes: 20-25 Year founded: 1990 Curriculum: British. Play-based thematic approach by multicultural team Medium: English and Putonghua Special programmes: Enhancement classes, extended day sessions Extra-curricular activities: Reading, Putonghua, phonics, maths, arts and craft, cooking, science, computer, sport Fees: HK$20,000-HK$75,700/year

THINK INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN/NURSERY Kowloon: G/F, Phase 3, Laguna City, 99 Cha, Kwo Ling Road Tel: 2727 4747 E-mail: Kowloon Tong: 5 Lincoln Road Tel: 2338 0211 E-mail: Ma On Shan: Level 2, Sunshine Bazaar, 28 Sai Sha Road Tel: 2633 7800 E-mail: Mei Foo: The Podium, Nob Hill, 8 King Lai Path Tel: 2727 7585 E-mail: Website: Year groups: age 2-6 Year founded: 1994 Curriculum: Bilingual education for local children, English-only preschool for international children Fees: Bilingual classes: HK$47,250/year to HK$61,700/year; International classes: HK$49,350 – HK$61,700

TUTOR TIME INTERNATIONAL NURSERY & KINDERGARTEN Central: 1/F, 45-53 Graham Street Tel: 2812 6889 Braemar Hill: LG/F, Braemar Hill Shopping Centre, 45 Braemar Hill Road Tel: 2529 1833 Mid-Levels: G/F, 5 Caine Road Tel: 2529 2288 Tai Tam/Red Hill: Unit 101, 1/F, Red Hill Plaza, 3 Red Hill Road Tel: 2813 2688 Kowloon Tong: 1Dorset Crescent Tel: 2573 9188

9 Suffolk Road Tel: 2529 1188 E-mail: Website: Year groups: age 6 months-6 Number of teachers: 28 Average class size: 16Association Membership: Learning Care Group, US Year founded: 2001 Curriculum: StartSmart and LifeSmart encouraging whole-child development. Subjects include nature, design, music Medium: English, Putonghua Special programmes: Language, phonics Extra-curricular activities: Kung fu, piano Fees: HK$99,880 - $104,760 / year (half day)

VICTORIA EDUCATIONAL ORGANISATION Upper Kornhill Nursery: G/F, 14 Hong Yue Street Tel: 2513 1108, 2513 1208 E-mail: Middle Kornhill Nursery & Kindergarten: 2/F, 18 Hong On Street Tel: 2885 1888 E-mail: Lower Kornhill International Nursery & Kindergarten: 2-8 Hong On Street Tel: 2885 3331 E-mail: Causeway Bay Kindergarten & Nursery: 32 Hing Fat Street Tel: 2578 9998 E-mail: North Point Nursery: 5 Fook Yum Road, Ko Fung Court, Harbour Heights Tel: 2571 7888 E-mail: South Horizons International Nursery & Kindergarten: Phase 2, Podium Level Tel: 2580 8633 E-mail: Belcher’s International Nursery & Kindergarten: L3, Westwood, 8 Belcher’s Street Tel: 2542 7001 E-mail: Ho Man Tin International Nursery: 9 Carmel Village Street, Carmel-on-the-Hill Tel: 2762 9130 E-mail: Harbour Green Kindergarten & International Nursery: G/F, Harbour Green, 8 Sham Mong Road, Kowloon Tel: 2885 1928 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 8 months-5 years Number of students: 3,850 Accreditation: IBO World School Association membership: Victoria Shanghai Academy Year founded: 1965 Curriculum: Trilingual learning environment and activities, inquiry-based learning Number of teachers: 280 Extra-curricular activities: Di Zi Gui, Go, Chinese painting, drama, kung fu, lion dance Fees: Playgroup HK$1,502-HK$5,388/ month; Nursery & Kindergarten HK$5,271HK$7,150 (half-day); HK$7,698-HK$8,852 (whole-day)/month

Hong Kong Island BAMBINO ENGLISH PLAYSCHOOL Flat F, 4/F, Causeway Tower, 16-22 Causeway Road Tel: 2576 5269


INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS Website: Year groups: age 2-6 Number of students: 78 Number of teachers: 5 Class sizes: 5-10 Year founded: 1978 Curriculum: Teachers engage each child through arts and craft, educational toys, workbooks, singing, story time and numeracy Medium: English and Putonghua Special programmes: Sewing Fees: HK$24,852-HK$31,392/year

CASA DEI BAMBINI Shop 2 on G/F & Shop 3 on LG1/F Grand Scholar No.419K Queen’s Road West Tel: 2259 3372 E-mail: Website: Facebook: casadeibambinihk Year groups: walking to age 6 Number of students: 200 Number of teachers: 5 Year founded: 2007 Curriculum: AMI Montessori 0-6 years Medium: English and Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Putonghua, art, music, yoga, maths, language Fees: from HK$4,000 - HK$100,000 per year

CITY KIDS PRESCHOOL AND PLAYGROUP 2/F, East Wing, 12 Borrett Road, Mid-Levels Tel: 2522 4446 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Playgroup and Pre-School ( 10 months-6 years) Playgroup-20 per session Pre-School 15 per session Number of teachers: 2 per class Class size: 15 Curriculum: Early years’ foundation stage Medium: English Special programmes: Putonghua, sports Play-lates Fees: Preschool HK$45,400 /year; building levy HK$2,000 per child with first billing cycle

ETONHOUSE INTERNATIONAL PRE-SCHOOL 102, 1/F Red Hill Plaza, 3 Red Hill Road, Tai Tam, Hong Kong Tel: 2353 5223 E-mail: Website: Year groups: age 1-6 Year founded: 2013 Ratio: Playgroup 1 native-Englishspeaking and 1 native-Putonghua-speaking teacher; 1:8 for Nursery and 1:10 for Kindergarten Curriculum: International inquiry-based curriculum inspired by Italy’s Reggio Emilia Pre-Schools Medium: English and Putonghua Fees: Playgroup HK$4,840-HK$6,050/ month; Nursery (half-day) HK$9,700/ month; Kindergarten (half-day) HK$9,700/ month

HIGHGATE HOUSE SCHOOL G/F & 2/F, 100 Peak Road, The Peak Tel: 2849 6336 E-mail: Website: Year groups: age 2 months – 6 years Number of students: 200 Number of teachers: 9 and 7 assistant teachers

SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2015

Class size range: 8-25 Year founded: 1992 Curriculum: Designed to support healthy, balanced development Medium: English, Putonghua & Bilingual (English & Putonghua) Special programmes: Parent/Main Caregiver & Baby groups, Parent and Helper Workshops Extra-curricular activities: Putonghua, Creative Activities and Transition to Primary classes Fees: Kindergarten and nursery HK$2,500-HK$13,000/month

ISLAND CHILDREN’S MONTESSORI SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN Units B-C, G/F, 16 Tin Hau Temple Road, North Point Tel: 3427 9100 E-mail: Website: Year groups: N1-K3 Number of students: 180 Number of teachers: 18 Class size range:12-24 Year founded: 2008 Curriculum: Montessori Medium: English and Putonghua Fees: K1-3 HK$78,100/year; pre-nursery HK$5,500/month

LITTLE MONTESSORIAN LEARNING CENTRE 19/F, Jardine Centre, 50 Jardine’s Bazaar, Causeway Bay Tel: 36210010 E-mail: Website: Year groups: age 18 months-6 years old Number of students: 130 Teacher/student ratio: 1:6 Year founded: 2007 Curriculum: Montessori Medium: English and Putonghua Special programmes: Montessori playgroup, maths, phonics Extra-curricular activities: Field trips, sports days, day camps, workshops for parents Fees: HK$1,880 to $4,000/month

MONTESSORI FOR CHILDREN House A, Phoenix Garden, RBL 1033, Tai Tam Village, Stanley Tel: 2813 9589 E-mail: Website: Year groups: age 30 months to 6 Number of students: 51 Number of teachers: 4 Average class size: 14 Year founded: 1986 Curriculum: Focus on physical, mental, social and aesthetic development Medium: English and Putonghua Special programmes: Stretch-n-Grow, book week, culture, language immersion Extra-curricular activities: Putonghua Fees: HK$40,640/term (2 terms)

OISCA JAPANESE KINDERGARTEN G/F, Ming Yuen Mansion Phase 2, 26-48 Peacock Road, North Point Tel: 2775 5899 E-mail: Website: hongkong/ Medium: Japanese Fees: HK$4,800/month


NURSERY UG/F, Block 27, South Horizons, Ap Lei Chau Tel: 2875 0452 E-mail: Website: Year groups: age 2-6 Number of students: 284 Number of teachers: 25 Year founded: 1980 Curriculum: Emphasis on right-brain development, advanced maths and music programme Medium: English, Putonghua, French, Spanish Fees: Pre-nursery HK$6,000/month; K1-K3 HK$5,800/month (half-day)

SMALL WORLD CHRISTIAN KINDERGARTEN 10 Borrett Road, Mid-Levels Tel: 2525 0922 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Age 2 years 8 months up to 6 Number of students: 250 Number of teachers: 15 Teacher/student Ratio: 1:10 Year founded: 1986 Curriculum: Biblical Foundation Curriculum and International Primary Curriculum (Early Years) Medium: English, with Putonghua exposure Fees: HK$5,320/month

SOUTHSIDE KINDERGARTEN 109 Repulse Bay Road, Repulse Bay Tel: 2592 7527 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery, kindergarten Number of students: 105 Number of teachers: One Qualified Teacher and One Education Assistant per class Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:6 ratio for 3-4 year olds and 1:9 ratio for 4-6 year olds Medium: English and Putonghua Year founded: 2000 Special programmes: Individual support using Sylvan’s programmes Extra-curricular activities: Daily Putonghua, Arts & Crafts, Music, Field Trips, Sports Day, Christmas Show, Stretch-N-Grow, and Daily Sylvan Learning Lessons Fees: HK$8,800.00 per month

ST TERESA’S KINDERGARTEN 1Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley Tel: 2813 8567 E-mail: Website: Year groups: age 32 months to 5 Number of students: 60 Number of teachers: 4 Average class size: 24 Year founded: 1998 Curriculum: Thematic approach based on children’s own experiences and current events Medium: English and Putonghua Fees: HK$48,000/year

STARTERS SCHOOL Flat B, 1/F, Tung Hey Building, 12-22 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai Tel: 2527 8676 E-mail: Website:

Year groups: age 3 to 6 Number of students: 125 Number of teachers: 6 Year founded: 1977 Curriculum: British early childhood Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Phonics, learning-through-play classes Fees: full-day HK$6,900/month; half-day HK$4,720/month

WEMBLEY INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN 2/F, Tang Kung Mansion, 31Taikoo Shing Road, Taikoo Shing Tel: 2567 5454 E-mail: Website: kindergartenhongkong.blogspot. hk Year groups: age 2-6 Average class size: Teacher-pupil ratio 1:7 nursery; 1:12 kindergarten Year founded: 1984 Curriculum: International Medium: English Special programmes: Pat-a-pet programme Extra-curricular activities: Phonics, maths, creative writing, art, music, drama, Putonghua Fees: kindergarten HK$3,440/month; TOTS HK$3,000/month

Kowloon KINGSTON CHILDREN’S CENTRE AND KINDERGARTEN 12-14 Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong Tel: 2337 9049 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 1 to 4 years Number of students: 168 Number of teachers: 2 per class – one native English, one native Putonghua Class size range:16-18 Year founded: 1996 Curriculum: IB PYP. Putonghua, English, music and movement. Medium: Putonghua and English Extra-curricular activities: Wide range Fees: HK$7,880-HK$8,200/month (5 days/ week); capital levy for Kingston Children’s Centre HK$100,000; capital levy for Kingston International Kindergarten HK$50,000

KOWLOON BAPTIST CHURCH KINDERGARTEN 2/F, 300 Junction Road, Kowloon Tong Tel: 2336 6213 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K1-2 Number of students: 150 Number of teachers: 6 Average class size: 25 Year founded: 1975 Curriculum: Christian principles with learnthrough-play and thematic teaching approach Medium: English Special programmes: Christmas services Extra-curricular activities: Sunday school Fees: K1-K2 HK$2,800 /month (half-day)

MILLS INTERNATIONAL PRESCHOOL The Spectacle, 8 Cho Yuen Street, Yau Tong, Kowloon Tel: 2717 6336 E-mail: preschool@millsinternational.


INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS Website: Year groups: Pre-nursery, K1, K2, K3 Number of students: 120 Number of teachers: 12 Average class size: 20 Year founded: 2013 Curriculum: British Early Years Framework incorporating MindUP Medium: English and Mandarin Extra-curricular activities: Communication Skills, Food Art, Drama and Creative Movement, Design & Technology, Arts & Crafts, DiscoveryArts™ Science, EQ/IQ, and many more Fees: Pre-Nursery HK$6,000+/month (11 months) Preschool HK$6,000+/month (10 months)

STAFFORD ENGLISH KINDERGARTEN 14 Stafford Road, Kowloon Tong Tel: 2337 2388 E-mail: Website: Curriculum: Three aspects – English, Putonghua and Cantonese; academic subjects; internationalism Medium: English, Cantonese and Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Tennis and violin Fees: HK$43,488-68,200/year

YORK INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN 49-51Cumberland Road, Kowloon Tong Tel: 2336 1483 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 2 to 6 years Year Founded:1979 Average class size: 15 Curriculum: Trilingual based on internationalism, academic subjects and activities such as astronomy Medium: English, Cantonese and Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Violin and tennis Fees: HK$57,596/year-HK$87,996/year

YMCA INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN 2/F, YMCA, 41 Salisbury Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui Tel: 2268 7766 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 32 months-6 years Number of students: 140 Number of teachers: 13 Year founded: 1982 Curriculum: British. Child-centred approach and group learning, maths, social development and physical play gym, art and music Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Swimming, football, taekwondo, basketball Fees: HK$5,341/month (half day), HK$9,387 (full day)

New Territories BOX HILL (HK) INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN AND PRESCHOOL Ma On Shan: G/F, Block 10, Phase One, Vista Paradiso, 2 Hang Ming Street Tel: 2750 6323 Fo Tan: 327 Podium of Jubilee Square Tel: 2688 2161 Tseung Kwan O: Shop K01, L2, Metro Town


Tel: 2623 0023 Wonderland Villas: No 21, G/F, Commercial Complex of Wonderland Villas, 9 Wah King Hill Road, Kwai Chung Tel: 2151 1383 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 2-6 Number of students: 800 – 900 Number of teachers: 80 – 90 Average class size: 20 – 28 Year founded: 2004 Curriculum: UK National Curriculum Medium: English, Cantonese and Putonghua Special programmes: Music programme Extra-curricular activities: Enrichment program and playgroups Fees: $4,600 – $5,280 / month (depending on campus)

DAVID EXODUS KINDERGARTEN UG/F, Block 4, Julimount Garden, Hin Tin Street, Tai Wai, Sha Tin Tel: 2693 3772, 2699 0100 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K1-3 Number of students: 50 Year founded: 1988 Number of teachers: 3 Average class size: 24 Curriculum: Thematic approach, learning through play Medium: English Special programmes: Special needs Fees: HK$50,000/year

DISCOVERY MIND INTERNATIONAL PLAY CENTRE AND KINDERGARTEN Kindergarten: G/F, 401, Marina Commercial Centre, 2-8 Coastline Villa, Peninsula Village, Discovery Bay, Lantau Tel: 2987 8088 Play centre: Shop 139B, Discovery Bay Plaza, Lantau Tel: 2987 8028 Play centre and kindergarten: G/F, Seaview Crescent, 8 Tung Chung Tel: 2987 8070 E-mail: Website: Year groups:15 months-3 years Curriculum: Fun and structured hands-on activities. Tung Chung school follows British based foundation stage Medium: English, Putonghua

INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL – KINDERGARTEN G/F, Kam Ho House (Block H), Kam Fung Court, Ma On Shan, N.T. Tel: +852 3920 0010 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Reception 1-2 Number of students: 144 Number of teachers: 5 Number of Teacher’s Assistants: 4 Average class size: 18 Year founded: 2001 Curriculum: North American Curriculum adopted for children aged 3 to 5 years. Medium: English Special programmes: Summer Fun Camp Co-Curricular Activities: Gymnastics, Jazz, Dance, Drama, Cooking, Lego, Art Fees: HK$57,600 per annum

LEAPFROG KINDERGARTEN 11Pak Tam Chung Village, Sai Kung Country Park, Sai Kung Tel: 27911540

E-mail: Website: Year groups: K1-2, PG1-3 Number of students: 80 Class size range: 15-20 Year founded: 1997 Curriculum: British early years foundation. Learn through play with Putonghua-speaking assistants Medium: English and Putonghua Special programmes: Putonghua Fees: HK$42,000/year

ST LORRAINE ENGLISH KINDERGARTEN 15 Sai Ching Street, Yuen Long Tel: 2476 0091 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Kindergarten Curriculum: US and British educational standards. School works regularly with schools in Wales, Florida and Australia Fees: HK$50,382-HK$81,600/year (halfday); HK$53,784/year (full-day)

SKIP (SAI KUNG INTERNATIONAL PRESCHOOL) 159 Che Keng Tuk Road, Sai Kung Tel: 27917354 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 1-5 Number of students: 120 Average class size: 20 Year founded: 1989 Curriculum: British foundation-stage literacy and numeracy, arts and craft, music, personal and social skills through play Medium: English Special programmes: Split classes Fees: Kindergarten HK$33,000-44,500/ year; Playgroup HK$125-150/session

ZEBEDEE INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN Wing A and B, Yat Wing House, Yat Nga Court, Nam Wan Road, Tai Po Tel: 2650 3339 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K1-3 Number of students: 80 Number of teachers: 8 Average class size: 18 Year founded: 2008 Curriculum: British foundation stage. Native English-speaking, play-based learning environment Medium: English Special programmes: English enhancement Extra-curricular activities: English Smarties, English playgroup, Kindermusik Cambridge YLE Starters, art, dance, music and movement and Putonghua Fees: HK$47,850/year

Primary and Secondary schools Hong Kong Island CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 36 Nam Long Shan Road, Aberdeen Tel: 2525 7088 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-Reception to Grade 12 Number of students: 1,850 Number of teachers: 180

Average class size: Pre Reception to Prep: 20; G1-G8: 20-24; G9-G12: 10 Accreditation: IB World School, Ontario Secondary School Diploma Association membership: IBO Year founded: 1991 Curriculum: IB and OSSD Curriculums. Special emphasis on Chinese studies (Putonghua) Medium: English, Putonghua (second language) and French Special programmes: 1:1 iPad and 1:1 laptop programmes Extra-curricular activities: Sport, music, art Fees: Pre Reception and Reception (half day) HK$87,150/year; Prep to Grade 6 HK$120,000; Grade 7-8 HK$142,200; Grade 9-12 HK$156,650-HK$162,650

CARMEL SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Website: Year groups: 1-18 Number of students: 360 Number of teachers: 59 Class sizes: 14-24 Accreditation: IB World School, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Year founded: 1991 Curriculum: Jewish and secular education. IB MYP, diploma Medium: English, Putonghua, Hebrew, French Fees: HK$60,000/year (1-3 years); HK$81,000/year (3-5 years); HK$130,500/ year (kindergarten and elementary)

CARMEL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 10 Borrett Road, Mid-Levels Tel: 2964 1600 E-mail: Extra-curricular activities: Putonghua club, basketball, judo, tennis, newspaper club, street dance, dodge ball, IT club, karate, cricket, Robotics Thrill Fees: $130,500/year

ELSA HIGH SCHOOL 460 Shau Kei Wan Road, Shau Kei Wan Tel: 3665 5388 E-mail: Medium: English Curriculum: IB-PYP/MYP/DP Extra-curricular Activities: Maths, science, fitness, Putonghua, French, chess, photography, drama, app design, debating, Hapkido, classical guitar Fees: HK$130,500/year

GANEYNU AND CARMEL PRESCHOOL L3-4 One Robinson Place, 70 Robinson Road Tel: 2249 7600 E-mail: Extra-curricular activities: Yoga, soccer, Mandarin, judo, cooking, Muscles in Motion, science, Mini-sport, Messy Sensory Play, music and movement, dance, Story book Adventure, arts and crafts Fees: Ganeynu HK$60,000/year; preschool HK$81,000/year

CHINESE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 1 Hau Yuen Path, Braemar Hill, North Point Tel: 2510 7288 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Reception-Y13 Number of students: 1,400+ Number of teachers: 189 Class size range: 14-22 Accreditation: Council of International


INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS Schools, New England Association of Schools and Colleges Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools, National Association of Independent Schools Year founded: 1983 Curriculum: English, Putonghua, maths, other subjects at primary level. International curriculum. Secondary students follow the IB MYP and IB Diploma. Arts, sports and community service included. French, Spanish at secondary level Medium: English and Putonghua Special programmes: CIS Hangzhou for Y10 students Extra-curricular activities: Team and recreational sports, performing arts, community service, interest groups Fees: Reception HK$122,300/year; Years 1-6 HK$162,100; Years 7-11 HK$191,500; Years 12-13 HK$194,200; Annual Levy HK$17,500; Nomination Rights HK$75,000

DELIA SCHOOL OF CANADA 5-7 Tai Fung Avenue, Taikoo Shing Tel: 3658 0508, 3658 0338 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-grade 1-G12 Number of students: 1,100 Number of teachers: 75 Class size range: 16-25 Accreditation: Ontario (Canada) Ministry of Education, Hong Kong Education Bureau Association membership: Delia Group of Schools Year founded: 1987

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Curriculum: Ontario curriculum leading to Ontario secondary school diploma. All core academic subjects, arts, intensive ESL, English, Putonghua, French and Japanese Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Basketball, badminton, art, choir, dance, swimming Fees: Pre-Grade 1HK$95,000/year; Grade 1-8 HK$100,000; Grade 9-10 HK$105,000; Grade 11-12 HK$110,000

FRENCH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Kindergarten and Primary: 34 Price Road, Jardine’s Lookout (International Stream: Reception – P4, French Stream: Moyenne Section to CE2) Kindergarten and Primary: 68 Gillies Avenue South, Hung Hom, Hong Kong (French Stream: Grande Section to CM2) Primary: 1 Cheung Man Road, Chai Wan (International Stream: P5-6, French Stream: CM1-2) Secondary: 165 Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley Tel: 2577 6217 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Reception to Upper 6: must be aged 4 (International Stream). Moyenne section to Terminale, must be aged 4 (French Stream) Number of students: 2,600 Number of teachers: 207 Average class size: 24 Accreditation: Agency for French Teaching Abroad, IB World School, Cambridge International Examinations Association membership: Agency for

French Teaching Abroad, IBO, Cambridge International Examinations Year founded: 1963/64 Curriculum: International Stream follows British curriculum, with focus leading to IGCSE, IB diploma. French Stream follows French national curriculum Medium: English in International Stream, English and French in French Stream Special programmes: International Stream: IB Bilingual Diploma French Stream: the American section or “Option Internationale du Baccalauréat” (OIB) Extra-curricular activities: theatre, volunteer projects, dance, music, sports Fees: International Stream: HK$ 97,943 – HK$157,782/year, French Stream: HK$ 85,980 – HK$ 130,988

GERMAN SWISS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 11 Guildford Road, The Peak Tel: 28496216 162 Pokfulam Road, Pok Fu Lam (kindergarten, lower primary) Tel: 28496217 (Pok Fu Lam), 30 Oi Kwan Road, Wan Chai (Upper Primary) Tel: 2849 6218 (Wan Chai) Sai Kung: Room 7, 1/F, East Garden Plaza, 66 Yi Chun Street, Sai Kung Tel: 2792 8111 E-mail: Website: Year groups: English: kindergarten EKG1-2, primary Y1-6, secondary Y7-13. German: kindergarten 1-2, preschool (DVOR), primary K1-4, secondary K5-12

Number of students: 1,295 Number of teachers: 151 Average class size: 12-26 Year founded: 1969 Curriculum: German stream leads to International Abitur; English stream to IGCSE, AS, A-levels, IB diploma Medium: English and German Extra-curricular activities: Sport, music, drama, debating, community Fees: Kindergarten – Sai Kung HK$92,000/ year; Kindergarten HK$130,100; DVOR*/K01-K05/Y01-Y06 HK$130,100; K06-K10/Y07-Y11HK$157,000; K11-K12+/ Y12-Y13 HK$165,850; non-refundable application fee HK$3,700

HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Primary: 23 South Bay Close, Repulse Bay Secondary: 1Red Hill Road, Tai Tam Tel: 3149 7000 E-mail: Website: Year groups: R1-G12 Number of students: 2,600 Number of teachers: 248 Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools Year founded: 1966 Curriculum: American-style education. Asian and Chinese studies, Putonghua, information technology, advanced placement courses Medium: English Special programmes: Not provided Extra-curricular activities: Sports, art,


INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS technology, music, services, clubs Fees: R1 (half day) HK$103,800/year; R1(long day) HK$192,000; R2-G5 HK$192,000; G6-G8 HK$198,200; G9-G11 HK$217,500; G12 HK$218,200; capital levy HK$15,000

INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS FOUNDATION ACADEMY 1 Kong Sin Wan Road, Pok Fu Lam Tel: 2202 2000 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Foundation year-G12 Number of students: 1,320 Number of teachers: 190 Class size range: 18-20 Accreditation: IB World School Association membership: IBO, Council of International Schools Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: FY-G5 Putonghua and English immersion programme; IB MYP for G6-10; IB diploma G11-12 Medium: Putonghua and English Special programmes: Shuyuan Extra-curricular activities: Sport, arts, community services, clubs, student council Fees: Primary HK$150,400/year; G6-10 HK$174,700; G11-12 HK$189,900

INTERNATIONAL MONTESSORI SCHOOL South Horizons Campus (kindergarten): G/F, Blks 23 to 23a, South Horizons Phase 3, Ap Lei Chau Tel: 28610339 Mid-Levels Campus (kindergarten): Tung Fai Gardens, 17 Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan Tel: 2857 7007 Tin Hau Campus (Kindergarten & Primary): 62 Tin Hau Temple Road, Tin Hau Tel: 2156 9033 Stanley Campus (Kindergarten & Primary): Ma Hang Estate Phase III, Stanley Tel: 25667196 Tel: 27722468 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K-P6 Number of students: Kindergarten: 450, Primary: 400 Year founded: 2002 Number of teachers: 104 Average class size: 25 with two teachers Curriculum: Montessori, Dual-language, interactive, inquiry-based learning Medium: English and Putonghua Special Programmes: art, music, English as a Second Language, IT, Extra-curricular, Activities: Judo, sailing, dance, gymnastics, soccer, science, chess, art, music, cooking Fees: Nursery and kindergarten: HK$110,000/ year

ISLAND CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 70 Bridges Street, Sheung Wan Tel: 2537 2552 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Year 1 – Year 6 Year founded: 2012 Number of students: 270 Number of teachers: 45 Average class size: 22-25 Curriculum: International Primary Curriculum; UK National Literacy Programme, Australian National Maths


Medium: English and Mandarin Fees: Year 1-6 HK$101,200/year; Capital levy HK$12,650/year

KELLETT SCHOOL – THE BRITISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL IN HONG KONG Preparatory School: 2 Wah Lok Path, Wah Fu, Pok Fu Lam Tel: 3120 0700 Prep & Senior School: 7 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay Tel: 3120 0700 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Reception-Y12 Number of students: 1166 Number of teachers: 114 Average class size: 23 Accreditation: Regular inspection by Penta International Association membership: Federation of British International Schools in Southeast Asia and East Asia Year founded: 1976 Curriculum: British, leading to GCSE, IGCSE, A-levels Medium: English Special programmes: Special needs places Extra-curricular activities: Extensive range Fees: Reception-Year 6 HK$130,300/year; Y7-11HK$169,600; Y12-13 HK$178,100 Corporate Debenture: HK$500,000 (depreciating over 8 years to zero); Individual Debenture: HK$100,000 (depreciating over 7 years to zero)

KIANGSU-CHEKIANG PRIMARY SCHOOL KIANGSU-CHEKIANG COLLEGE Primary: 30 Ching Wah Street, North Point Tel: 2570 4594 E-mail: College: 20 Braemar Hill Road, North Point Tel: 2570 1281 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K-Y13 Number of students: 898 Number of teachers: 64 Class size range: 20-26 Accreditation: IB World School, Edexcel, Cambridge International Examinations Year founded: 1993 Curriculum: British Medium: English and Putonghua Special programmes: Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Arts and craft, sports Fees: Kindergarten, reception HK$51,000/ year; P1-6 HK$72,000; Y7-13 HK$94,000; registration deposit: two months’ tuition fee (refundable); application HK$500

KOREAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 55 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho Tel: 2569 5500 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Reception-Y13 Number of students: 370 Number of teachers: 39 Average class size: 15 Accreditation: Hong Kong Education Department, Cambridge International Examinations Association membership: Cambridge International Examinations Year founded: 1994

Curriculum: National curriculum for England for reception classes; syllabi for Year 1 to Year 9 designed and approved by Cambridge International Examinations Syndicate; IGCSE in Year 10 & 11 and AS & ALevels in Year 12 & 13 Medium: English Special programmes: English Language support from Year 1 to Year 9 Extra-curricular activities: English, Putonghua classes, special sports, art, science club, drama and music Fees: Reception HK$66,000/year; primary HK$83,500; secondary HK$94,000; application HK$1,000

SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Primary: 23 Nam Long Shan Road, Aberdeen Tel: 2872 0266 Secondary: 2 Police School Road, Aberdeen Tel: 2919 6966 E-mail: Website: Year groups: PY1-S4; IB diploma Number of students: 1,308 Number of teachers: 146 Class size range: 20-25 Accreditation: IB World School, Cambridge International Examinations Association membership: Singapore Ministry of Education Year founded: 1991 Curriculum: Singapore curriculum, IGCSE, IB Diploma Medium: English and Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Academic clubs, sport, performing arts, uniformed groups Fees: Preparatory years HK$75,000/year; primary section HK$108,000; secondary section HK$126,000; IB Diploma Programme-DP1-2 HK$148,000; nonrefundable application fee HK$3,000 Debentures: HK$200,000 (Personal), HK$500,000 (Corporate); Capital Levy HK$10,000 (Personal), HK$80,000 (Corporate)

SIR ELLIS KADOORIE PRIMARY SCHOOL 9 Eastern Hospital Road, Causeway Bay Tel: 2577 3489 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: 350 Number of teachers: 35 Average class size: 25 Year founded: 1891 Curriculum: Local, Putonghua, Hindi, Urdu, moral and civic education Medium: English, Cantonese and Putonghua Special programmes: Scheme for newlyarrived children, summer lessons in Chinese Extra-curricular activities: Percussion band, choir, Scouts, Girl Guides, basketball, football, cricket, taekwondo, gardening, table tennis, skipping, Drama, Dance Fees: not required (government school)

THE HARBOUR SCHOOL 2/F, 23 Belcher’s Street, Kennedy Town Centre, Kennedy Town Tel: 2816 5222 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-K to Grade 8 Number of teachers: 19

Average class size: 13 Year founded: 2007 Curriculum: US Special programmes: Gifted Programming and Learning Support Fees: Kindergarten HK$125,000/year; Grade 1-8 HK$128,750 Annual capital levy HK$17,000. Entry fee: HK$15,000

VICTORIA SHANGHAI ACADEMY 19 Shum Wan Road, Aberdeen Tel: 3402 1000 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-12 Number of students: 1,718 Number of teachers: 168 Average class size: 28 Accreditation: IB World School, CIS, NEASC, ACAMIS Association membership: International Baccalaureate Organization(IBO), Council of International Schools(CIS), New England Association of Schools and Colleges(NEASC), Association of China And Mongolia International Schools(ACAMIS) Year founded: 2004 Curriculum: IB PYP, MYP, IB Diploma Medium: English, Putonghua. Chinese and English teachers co-teach in Primary Special programmes: Sport, performing arts, leadership, summer services Extra-curricular activities: Wide range Fees: (Subject to EDB): Y1-5 HK$112,300/ year; Y6 $128,000/year; Y7-8 HK$129,800/ year; Y9-10 HK$131,000/year; Y11-12 HK$162,180/year Debenture: HK$500,000

Kowloon AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 125 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong Tel: 2336 3812 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Early childhood-G12 Number of students: 840 Number of teachers: 66 Average class size: 17-23 Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Association membership: East Asia Regional Council of Schools, National Association of Independent Schools, College Board Year founded: 1986 Curriculum: US Medium: English Special programmes: Personal and social development, visual and performing arts, outdoor education, leadership Extra-curricular activities: Sports teams, school productions, personal and social development programme, band, MUN, Community Service Fees: Early childhood HK$67,600/year (halfday); early childhood-G2 (full-day) HK$101,100; G3-5 HK$106,500; G6-8 HK$114,000; G9-12 HK$125,000

AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 3A Norfolk Road, Kowloon Tong Tel: 2304 6078 Email: Website: Year groups: Reception-Y12 Number of students: 1,125 Class size range: 22-26 Accreditation: NSW Board of Studies, IB


INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS World School Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools Year founded: 1995 Curriculum: Australian from Reception to Y12. IB diploma in Y11-12. Students can sit for Higher School Certificate Medium: English and Putonghua Special programmes: ESL, learning centre for special needs students Extra-curricular activities: Wide range, including sport, arts, academic, community service Fees: Reception HK$80,700/year; preparatory-Y6 HK$115,900; Y7-10 HK$133,800; Y11-12 HK$140,400 (HSC), HK$173,600(IB); depreciating debenture (12.5 per cent) HK$100,000 or capital levy of HK$15,000; application HK$1,500

CALIFORNIA SCHOOL 3/F, Front Block, Lung Ma Building, 550 Nathan Road, Yau Ma Tei Tel: 2388 9844 , 9822 7549 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Primary 1 to Form 7 Number of students: 100 Number of teachers: 12 Year founded: 1992 Curriculum: Local for primary. British for secondary, leading to IGCSE & A-levels. Emphasis on business-oriented subjects Medium: English Special programmes, average class size, Extra-curricular activities: Debates, Picnic, etc. Fees: P1-3 HK$1,400/month; P4-6 HK$1,600; F1-3 HK$1,950-2,350; F4-F7 HK$2,700-3,950

CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE PC LAU MEMORIAL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Preparatory-G3: Lai Yiu campus, Lai Yiu Estate, Wah Yiu Road, Lai King Tel: 2778 3370 G4-12: Kowloon City campus, 2 Fu Ning Street, Kowloon City Tel: 2713-3733 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Preparatory-G12 Number of students: 850 Number of teachers: 86 Class size range: 20-25 Accreditation: Alberta, Canada Association membership: ACAMIS Year founded: 1992 Curriculum: Alberta curriculum leading to Alberta Diploma; Advanced Placement (AP) programme leading to AP International Diploma Special programmes: Putonghua at every grade level (simplified or traditional) Medium : English Extra-curricular activities: Basketball, soccer, track, dance, karate, student representative council, community and global outreach, social justice, yearbook Fees: HK$84,200 – HK$133,800/year

CONCORDIA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 68 Begonia Road, Yau Yat Chuen, Kowloon Tel: 27899890/23976576 E-mail: Website: Year groups: G7-12 Number of students: 90 Year founded: 1990 Curriculum: North American Medium: English

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Extra-curricular activities: Wide range, including music, dance, drama, basketball team, badminton team, Christian fellowship, karate, student council Fees: G7-8 HK$109,500/year; G9-10 HK$112,700; G11-12 HK$117,200

INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN QUALITY MUSIC SECONDARY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL 182 Po Kong Village Road, Diamond Hill Tel: 2777 3828 E-mail: Website: Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: Local, supplemented by special focus on classical music, Bible studies, arts Medium: Cantonese, Putonghua and English Fees: G1-3 HK$48,000/year ; G4-6 HK$53,000; G1-3 HK$48,000; G4-6 HK$53,000; G7-9 HK$55,000; G10-12 HK$56,000/year

KINGSTON INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 105 and 113 Waterloo Rd, Kowloon Tong Tel: 2337 9031 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Primary 1 - Primary 6, Through Train to ICHK Number of teachers: 40 Average class size: 18 Accreditation: International Baccalaureate (IBPYP), ISO Year founded: Kindergarten: 1996, Primary: 2001 Curriculum: IBPYP Framework Medium: Bilingual: English and Putonghua (traditional characters) Extra-curricular activities: Choir, String Ensemble, Floor Hockey, Football, Taekwondo, Cooking, Art, Robotics Fees: (for 2015-16 school year) : P1 and P2: 115,00 P3 and P4: 121,000 P5 and P6: 127,000 Capital Levy for New Students: P1-P3: 100,000 P4-P6: 50,000

NORD ANGLIA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 11 On Tin Street, Lam Tin Tel: 3958 1488 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Primary Year 1 – 6; Secondary Year 7 – 8 (Year 9 from 2016) Year founded: 2013 Curriculum: English National Curriculum Medium: English Average class size: 22 Extra-curricular activities: A wide range Fees: Primary HK$138,390/year; Secondary HK$154,350/year Capital enrolment fee HK$80,000

integrates local and overseas curriculum. Pupils must take up one instrument. Medium: English, Putonghua and Cantonese Extra-curricular activities: A variety of activities are offered on Saturdays Fees: Y1-5 HK$64,152/year; Y6-8 HK$86,559; Y9-11HK$87,362; Y12 HK$87,360

SEAR ROGERS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 45-47 Grampian Road, Kowloon City Tel: 2547 5479 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y7-13 Number of students: 130 Number of teachers: 1:20 Average class size: 15 Year founded: Secondary 1982, Primary 1990 Curriculum: British Medium: English, with French and Chinese as second-language options Extra-curricular activities: Dance, drama, music, football, swimming, basketball Fees: Y1-6 HK$79,200/year; Y7-9 HK$92,400; Y10-11HK$86,000; Y12 HK$98,500; Y13 HK$88,650; application HK$600

YEW CHUNG INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Early childhood: 3 Somerset Road, Kowloon Tong Primary: 2 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong Secondary: 3 To Fuk Road, Kowloon Tong Tel: 2338 7106 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 6 months-5, Y1-13 Number of students: 2,500 Number of teachers: 200 Average class size: 20-25 Accreditation: IB World School, Cambridge International Examinations Year founded: 1932 Curriculum: International, British-based, IGCSE, IB Medium: English, Putonghua and Cantonese Special programmes: World classroom, English, Chinese Extra-curricular activities: Choirs, orchestras, bands, clubs, sports groups Fees: Infant & Toddler Learning Programme 3 days HK$$56,177/year; 4 days HK$74,888; 5 days HK$93,610; P1-6 HK$169,680; Y7-11& Pre IB HK$165,200; IB Diploma Programme (Y12-13) HK$168,980. Debentures: HK$200,000 (secondary and refundable)

New Territories



L6 Caldecott Road, Piper’s Hill, Kowloon Tel: 2148 2052 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-12 Number of students: 1,559 Number of teachers: 161 Average class size: 28 Accreditation: Cambridge International Examinations Centre, IGCSE, IB World School Year founded: 2002 Curriculum: Theme-based approach

Discovery Bay, Lantau Island Tel: 2914 2142 (kindergarten), Tel: 2987 7331 (primary/secondary) E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery-secondary Number of students: 940 Average class size: 20-24 Year founded: 1983 Curriculum: British. Specialist teachers for physical education, music, Putonghua, information and communication technology

Medium: English Fees: Kindergarten HK$8,860/month; primary Y1-6 HK$9,600/month; secondary Y7-11HK$12,760/month development levy HK$450,000 (premium, one-off)

HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL HONG KONG 38 Tsing Ying Road, Tuen Mun Tel: 2824 9099 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K1 to Y13, Boarding available from Y6 Number of students: Over 1000 (AY201415) Number of teachers: 100 (AY2014-15) Class size range: Maximum 18 in Early Years, 24 in Pre-Prep, Prep School and Senior School and 15 in the Sixth Form Year founded: 2012 Curriculum: Early Years Foundation Stage (K1 to K2), New Primary Curriculum and the UK Primary Strategy for Literacy and Mathematics (Y1-Y5), and National Curriculum of England (Y6-Y8) progressing to IGCSEs (Y9-Y11) and A-Levels (Y12-Y13) Medium: English Fees: K1-K2 HK$130,681/year; Y1-Y5 HK$149,637; Y6-Y11HK$170,923; Y12-Y13 HK$177,700; application fee HK$1,500; annual capital levy (for students without Capital Certificates and Debentures) HK$50,000

HONG KONG ACADEMY 33 Wai Man Road, Sai Kung Tel: 2655 1111 E-mail: Website: Year groups: PK1-G12 Number of students: 560 Number of teachers: 100 Accreditation:Western Association of Schools and Colleges Association, Association of China and Mongolia International Schools, Council of International Schools Year founded: 2000 Curriculum: Hands-on, inquiry-based learning within the IB PYP, MYP framework, Integrated technology, Chinese culture and language Medium: English Fees: PK1-PK2 HK$54,500/semester (2 semesters/year); K-G5 HK$75,400; G6-G8 HK$81,000; G9-G10 HK$85,000; G11-G12 HK$89,000; application fee HK$3,000; capital levy HK$20,000; family debenture: HK$500,000

INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 1 On Muk Lane, Shek Mun, Shatin, N.T., HK Tel: +852 3920 0000 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-G12 Number of students: 1094 Number of teachers: 98 Average class size: 11 for Secondary School, 20-25 for Elementary School Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Association of Christian Schools International Association membership: East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS), International School Sports Federation of Hong Kong (ISSFHK), Asia ChristianSchool Conference (ACSC), Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)


INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS Year founded: 1992 Curriculum: Multi-disciplinary with a North American focus Medium: English Special programmes: Summer Fun Camp, Bridges Program (supporting diverse learners) Co-Curricular Activities: Global Citizenship, National Honor Society, Model UN, GIN, Competitive and Intramural Sports, Choral and Instrumental groups. Fees: Elementary (Pre-Grade 1 - Grade 5) $104,900 per annum High School (Grade 9 - Grade 12) $142,500 per annum Bridges (Diverse Learners): HK$89,900 per annum + Tuition Middle School (Grade 6 - Grade 8) $139,000 per annum

INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE HONG KONG 60 Sha Tau Kok Rd, Sha Tau Kok Tel: 2655 9018 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y7 to 13 Number of students: 300 Number of teachers: 36 Average class size: 18 Accreditation: Authorised IB World School Association membership Council of International Schools Year founded: 2008 Curriculum: GCSE/IGCSE, IB Diploma

Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: compulsory participation on Tuesdays and during CAS Week Fees: Y7-9 HK$140,200/year; Y10-11 HK$146,200; Y12-13 HK$156,000; capital deposit HK$80,000 (refundable)

INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE HONG KONG HONG LOK YUEN (formerly Hong Lok Yuen International School) 3 Twentieth Street, Hong Lok Yuen Tel: 2658 6935 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery to Year 6 Number of students: 453 Accreditation: Council of International Schools (CIS) Year founded: 1984 Curriculum: IB PYP Medium: English Number of teachers: 25 Average class size: 25 Extra-curricular activities: wide ranging Fees: Pre-nursery (4 days) HK$24,700/ year; part-time nursery HK$61,500; fulltime nursery to Y6 HK$106,800

JAPANESE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 663, Tai Po Road, Tai Po Tel: 2834 3531 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Reception to P6

Number of students: 670 Association membership: IB World School Year founded: 1997 Medium: English (international section) Japanese (Japanese section) Curriculum: PYP IB Number of teachers: 45 Class size range: 25-30 Extra-curricular activities: Sports, dance and martial arts Fees: International Section - $91, 900 per year, annual capital levy $14, 000

LANTAU INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Upper Primary: 17-19, Lo Wai Tsuen, Pui O, Lantau Tel: 2984 0302 Lower Primary: 113 Tong Fuk Village Tel: 2980 3676 Reception class: No.22 Cheung Sha Upper Village, Lantau Island, H.K. Tel: 29840069 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Reception to P6 Number of students: 261 Number of teachers: 17 Class size range: 15-22, reception class 15, primary 22 Year founded: 1993 Curriculum: British Medium: English, with Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: After-school clubs such as drama, soccer, cooking

Fees: P1-6 HK$68,000/year; two months’ deposit (non-refundable)

NORWEGIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Kindergarten: 175 Kwong Fuk Road, Tai Po Primary: 170 Kam Shan Road, Kam Shan Village, Tai Po Tel: 2658 0341 (primary) E-mail:, office@nis. Website: Year groups: Playgroup, K1-2, Yr. 1-6 Number of students: 240 (including Kindergarten) Number of teachers: 20 Average class size: Kindergarten 18, Primary 25 Accreditation: International Primary Curriculum Year founded: 1994 Curriculum: International Primary Curriculum, British Literacy Curriculum, Australian Mathematics Curriculum, Connect Christian Studies Curriculum Medium: English, Putonghua Special programmes: Support for students with learning difficulties, EAL support Extra-curricular activities: English classes, after school activities Fees: $81,600 payable in 10 installments; Capital Levy: $10,600



16 Station Lane, Hung Hom, Kowloon Tel: 2526 3061 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: 40 Number of teachers: 23 Average class size: 8-10 Association membership: Autism Partnership Year founded: 2007 Curriculum: Autism-specific with teacher student ratio of 1:2 Medium: English, Cantonese Special programmes: Individual therapy, parent training, home visits, interest classes Extra-curricular activities: Yoga, dance, painting, cookery, sports Fees: HK$20,000/month; two months’ refundable deposit; application HK$2,500

3rd Floor, Wui Tat Centre, 55 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: +852 3563-8060 Email: Website: Age group: 2 – 15 years old Teacher/Student ratio: 1:1, 1:4 Medium of Instruction: English, Cantonese and Mandarin Programmes: Intensive 1-on-1, Partnership, Group, Integration Curriculum: British Curriculum, individualised education programme (IEP), Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Fees: $7,000 and up

AUTISM PARTNERSHIP HONG KONG 7/F, 633 King’s Road, Quarry Bay Tel: 2526 3812 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 15 months and above Number of staff: 80 Accreditation: Applied Behaviour Analysis Year founded: 1999 Curriculum: Gain skills and a better quality of life through Applied Behaviour Analysis Medium: English, Cantonese Special programmes: Individual therapy, home sessions, school shadowing, social groups, parent training, boot camps Fees: HK$22,800-HK$42,600/month


FAMILY PARTNERS SCHOOL 4/F, 148, Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan Tel: 22916000 E-mail: Website: under construction Year groups: 5-14 Number of students: 24 Number of teachers: 10 Class size: maximum 6 Association membership: Autism Children Foundation Year founded: 2008 Curriculum: Maths, English, science, Chinese, PE, visual arts technology; personal, social and humanities education; Other Learning Experiences Medium: English Fees: HK$16,500/month

JOCKEY CLUB SARAH ROE SCHOOL 2B Tin Kwong Road, Ho Man Tin Tel: 27619893 E-mail: Website:

Year groups: 5-19 Number of students: 70 Number of teachers: 10 Average class size: 1:8 teacher-pupil ratio Accreditation: Asdan programme Association membership: English Schools Foundation Year founded: 1985 Curriculum: Individualised programmes to foster learning and development. Thematic approach for primary students, Asdan programme for secondary. Medium: English Special programmes: Education for pupils with severe learning difficulties Extra-curricular activities: Variety of sports Fees: Y1-6 HK$78,700; Y7-11 HK$110,600; Y12-13 HK$116,200 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

NEW PAGE LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS Room 905, Capitol Centre, Jardine’s Bazaar, Causeway Bay Tel: 28827711 Shop 835B, Metropolis, Hung Hom Tel: 29948080 Room 1101, Nanfung Centre, Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan Tel: 26119941 E-mail: Website: Year founded: 2011 Curriculum: speech, occupational, autism spectrum disorder, dyslexia therapy Medium: Chinese and English Class size: 1:1 Fees: not provided


G/F, Yuen Fai Court, 10 Sai Yuen Lane, Sai Ying Pun Tel: 2548 7123 E-mail: Website: Year founded: 1999 Educational services: Curriculum: autism-specific education with mainstream academic syllabus incorporated for children aged 3 to 11 Medium: English Teacher/student ratio: 1/2 Fees: HK$9,000/month (half day) / HK$13,500/month (full day) Therapy Services Occupational and speech therapy for all children aged 2.5 to 18 Medium: English and Chinese Full Fees: HK$800 for 45 minutes treatment *Subsidised therapy fees are available to families who are eligible to apply. Please contact the centre for information on subsidy application.

THE CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTRE 4th Floor, Prime Mansion, 183-187 Johnston Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: 2849 6138 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Up to age 6 Number of students: 330 Number of teachers: Special educational needs teachers, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, physiotherapists Average class size: 8-10; staff-student ratio 1:3 and 1:1 Association membership: HKCSS, AmCham Year founded: 1976 Curriculum: The CDC’s curriculum


SPECIAL NEEDS SCHOOLS is based on the Early Years Guidance from the Department of Education, UK, and includes areas of development such as numbers, space and measure, communication and language, literacy, physical development, understanding the world, art and design and personal, social, emotional development. Regular routines and activities are included such as circle time, art, free play, small group and individual stations. In addition to the curriculum the CDC supports the students learning through the use of Letters and Sounds, Jolly Phonics, Handwriting without Tears, Portage and Boogie Mites. Additional augmentative systems include PECS, therapeutic listening, IT communication systems e.g. switches and Go Talks. As part of the programme children can be eligible for a developmental assessment twice a year to monitor progress and formulate goals. Medium: English, Cantonese Special programmes: Evidence-based intervention for children with special needs Extra-curricular activities: Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), Social Skills Groups, Educational Assessments, Language Groups, Attention Groups, Occupational Therapy Groups, Numeracy and Literacy Groups Fees: HK$650-HK$6,200 (fee remission available)

THE CHILDREN’S INSTITUTE OF HONG KONG 2/F Kennedy Town Centre, 23 Belcher’s Street, Kennedy Town

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Tel: 2812 2144 E-mail: Website: Accreditation: IRD charitable organisation Association membership: Hong Kong Association for Behaviour Analysis, Association of Behaviour Analysis International, Behaviour Analysis Certification Board. Partner with Harbour School Year groups: 3-12 Number of students: 26 Number of teachers: 27 Class size: One-on-one Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: One-on-one instruction, with some group instruction. Medium: English, special Putonghua programmes Extra-curricular activities: TCI@HOME, STARS social skills programme, music, art, PE Fees: HK$31,601.78/month

THE NESBITT CENTRE LG/F Sai Ying Pun Community Complex, 2 High Street, Sai Ying Pun Tel: 2813 4550 Integrated Life Skills Centre: 15/F Block F Senior Staff Quarters, Pamela YoudeNethersole Eastern Hospital, 3 Lok Man Road, Chai Wan E-mail: Website: Year groups: Post-16 Number of students: 40 Number of staff/facilitators: 18 Class size: 5-10

Accreditation: Standards and Monitoring Services based in New Zealand Association membership: Hong Kong Council of Social Services Year founded: 1993 Curriculum: Vocational training, independent living, life skills and sensory programmes Medium: English Special programmes: Two Chai Wan centre offers experience living away from home; two social enterprise cafes in Central employing students from the centre and other NGOs. Extra-curricular activities: Sailing, art community projects, Hong Kong Award for Young People and mentorship opportunities Fees: HK$6,800/month

Springboard @ KIS 55 Lei King Rd, Hong Kong Tel: 2569 5500 Website: Year found: 1994 Curriculum: A primary school class and a middle school class at Korean International School. British curriculum catering for children with mild to moderate learning difficulties. Medium: English Fees: Not provided.


ENGLISH SCHOOLS FOUNDATION Students joining ESF’s nine primary, five secondary schools and Jockey Club Sarah Roe School in 2015-16 year onwards are charged a one-off, non-refundable capital levy (NCL). It will be HK$38,000 for students entering Year 1, and reduced on a sliding scale for students joining in higher year groups. Visit non-refundable_capital_levy A refundable HK$7,000 debenture must be bought for each child.

English Schools Foundation A new ESF International Kindergarten in Tung Chung will open in August 2016 with eight classes, for a total of 352 children.

Preschools ESF ABACUS INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN Mang Kung Uk Road, Clearwater Bay Tel: 2719 5712 E-mail: Website: schools/abacus Year groups: K1-2 Number of students: 188 Number of teachers: 9 Average class size: 22 Year founded: 2002 Accreditation: IB World School Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme (PYP). Play-based interactive inquiry programme. English and bilingual streams. Medium: English Special programmes: Language and culture of China for the English stream Extra-curricular activities: Sport Fees: HK$68,000; bilingual class: HK$78,000; refundable debenture HK$7,000

ESF INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN, TSING YI Maritime Square, 33 Tsing King Road, Tsing Yi Tel: 2436 3355 E-mail: Website: schools/tsing-yi Year groups: K1-2 Number of students: 352 Number of teachers: 11 Average class size: 22 Year founded: 1999 Accreditation: IB World School Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme (PYP). Play-based interactive inquiry programme. Medium: English Special programmes: Chinese Extra-curricular activities: English classes Fees: HK$68,000; refundable debenture HK$7,000

ESF INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN, WU KAI SHA Level 1, 599 Sai Sha Road, Sha Tin Tel: 2435 5291 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K1-2 Number of students: 308 Number of teachers: 11 Average class size: 22 Year founded: 2009 Accreditation: IB World School Curriculum: IB PYP. Play-based,


inquirybased programme in a range of group sizes Medium: English Special programmes: Chinese language, support for students with additional learning needs Extra-curricular activities: English language, drama and sports classes Fees: HK$68,000; refundable debenture HK$7,000

ESF INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN, HILLSIDE 43B Stubbs Road Tel: 2540 0066 E-mail: Website: schools/hillside Year groups: K1-2 Number of students: 352 Number of teachers: 11 Average class size: 22 Year founded: 1998 Accreditation: IB World School Curriculum: IB PYP. Play-based interactive inquiry programme Medium: English Special programmes: Chinese and learning technology Extra-curricular activities: English, music and drama classes Fees: HK$68,000; refundable debenture HK$7,000

Primary BEACON HILL SCHOOL 23 Ede Road, Kowloon Tong Tel: 2336 5221 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-6 Number of students: 540 Number of teachers: 30 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 1967 Accreditation: IB World School, Council of International Schools (CIS), Southern China PYP Network Medium: English Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme. Special Programmes: The school can cater for 21children with more significant special educational needs. We offer specialist programmes for Music, PE, Putonghua and Learning Technologies. We have a strong commitment to the environment and the expressive arts. The school is very well resourced for technology. Extra-curricular activities: Wide ranging, many activities offered by external agencies Fees: HK$78,700 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

BRADBURY SCHOOL 43C Stubbs Road Tel: 2574 8249 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-6 Number of students: 720 Number of teachers: 42 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 1980 Accreditation: IB World School, Council of International Schools, Association of China and Mongolia International Schools Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme Special programmes: Special needs catered for in Learning Support Centre.

Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: A wide range, led by staff and outside providers Fees: HK$78,700 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

CLEARWATER BAY SCHOOL Lot 235, DD229 Clearwater Bay Road, Kowloon Tel: 2358 3221 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-6 Number of students: 720 Number of teachers: 38 Average class size: 30 Accreditation: IB World School, Council of International Schools Year founded: 1992 Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme Medium: English Special programmes: Learning Support Centre for students with moderate learning and physical needs. Specialist music, physical education and Putonghua programmes Extra-curricular activities: Wide range run by staff, ESF Educational Services and private companies Fees: HK$78,700 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

GLENEALY SCHOOL 7 Hornsey Road, Mid-Levels Tel: 2522 1919 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-6 Number of students: 360 Number of teachers: 20 Average class size: 30 Accreditation: IB World School, Council of International Schools Year founded: 1959 Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme Medium: English Special programmes: Individual Needs learning support. A comprehensive excursion programme; Y6 students travel to China as part of their inquiry programme Extra-curricular activities: A wide range run by staff and outside providers. Fees: HK$78,700 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

KENNEDY SCHOOL 19 Sha Wan Drive, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong Tel: 2855 0711 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-6 Number of students 900 Number of teachers: 43 Average class size : 30 Accreditation: IB World School, Council of International Schools Year founded: 1961 Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme Medium: English Special programmes: Specialist teachers for Music, PE and Putonghua. A strong PE and performing arts programme and commitment to environmental sustainability Extra-curricular activities: A rich and varied programme Fees: HK$78,700 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

KOWLOON JUNIOR SCHOOL 20 Perth Street, Kowloon Tel: 3765 8700

E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-6 Number of students: 900 Number of teachers: 50 Average class size: 30 Accreditation: IB World School, Council of International Schools Year founded: 1902 Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme Medium: English Special programmes: Individual needs department incorporating learning support classes; classes for children with moderate learning needs Extra-curricular activities:Wide range run by school staff and outside agencies Fees: HK$78,700 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

PEAK SCHOOL 20 Plunkett’s Road, The Peak Tel: 2849 7211 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-6 Number of students: 360 Number of teachers: 19 Average class size: 30 Accreditation: IB World School, Council of International Schools Year founded: 1911 Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme Medium: English Special programmes: Learning support centre for children with moderate learning difficulties Extra-curricular activities: Wide variety run by school staff and outside agencies Fees: HK$78,700 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

QUARRY BAY SCHOOL 6 Hau Yuen Path, Braemar Hill, North Point Tel: 2566 4242 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-6 Number of students: 720 Number of teachers: 37 Average class size: 30 Accreditation: IB World School, BTEC accredited, Council of International Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Year founded: 1991 Curriculum: Y7-11offers a broad range of subjects leading to GCSE and IGCSE; Y12-13 IB Diploma Pathway; Applied Learning Pathway and Work and Life Skills Pathway for students with special needs. Chinese is available as a foreign, second and first language Medium: English Special programmes: Learning support centre; provision for students whose first language is not English Extra-curricular activities: Sports, drama, music, debating among 200 activities offered Fees: HK$78,700 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

SHA TIN JUNIOR SCHOOL 3A Lai Wo Lane, Fo Tan, Sha Tin Tel: 2692 2721 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-6 Number of students: 900 Number of teachers: 49 Average class size: 30


ENGLISH SCHOOLS FOUNDATION Accreditation: IB World School, Council of International Schools Year founded: 1988 Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme Medium: English Special programmes: Learning support class for children with moderate learning difficulties, specialist teaching in Mandarin (daily lessons), PE, ICT, music, information literacy Extra-curricular activities: A wide range provided by teachers and outside agencies Fees: HK$78,700 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

Secondary ISLAND SCHOOL 20 Borrett Road, Mid-Levels Tel: 2524 7135 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y7-13 Number of students: 1,200 Number of teachers: 95 Average class size: 12-30 Accreditation: IB World School, BTEC Accredited, Council of International Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Year founded: 1967 Curriculum: Y7-8, a school-designed curriculum building on the IB PYP; Y9-11, a wide range of courses, including GCSE and IGCSE; Y12-13, IB Diploma; Applied Learning Pathway leading to BTEC and GCE AS-level qualifications; Work and Lifeskills Pathway for students with special needs. Chinese available as a foreign, second and first language

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Medium: English Special programmes: Learning support centre for students with moderate learning difficulties. Provision for students whose first language is not English Extra-curricular activities: Sports, drama, music, debating. Local and overseas community service opportunities Fees: Y7-11 HK$110,600; Y12-13 HK$116,200 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

KING GEORGE V SCHOOL 2 Tin Kwong Road, Ho Man Tin Tel: 27113029 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y7-13 Number of students: 1,800 Number of teachers: 138 Average class size: 12-30 Accreditation: IB World School, BTEC Accredited, Council of International Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Secondary Geography Quality Mark Year founded: 1902 Curriculum: Y7-11offers a broad range of subjects leading to GCSE and IGCSE; Y12-13 IB Diploma Pathway; Applied Learning Pathway and Work and Life Skills Pathway for students with special needs. Chinese is available as a foreign, second and first language Medium: English Special programmes: Learning support centre; provision for students whose first language is not English Extra-curricular activities: Sports, drama, music among many options. Local

and overseas community services Fees: Y7-11 HK$110,600; Y12-13 HK$116,200 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

SHA TIN COLLEGE 3 Lai Wo Lane, Fo Tan, Sha Tin Tel: 2699 1811 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y7-13 Number of students: 1,200 Number of teachers: 101 Average class size: 12-24 Accreditation: IB World School, BTEC Accredited, Council of International Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Year founded: 1982 Curriculum: Y7-11 offers a broad range of subjects leading to GCSE and IGCSE; Y12-13 IB Diploma Pathway; Applied Learning Pathway and Work and Life Skills Pathway for students with special needs. Chinese is available as aforeign, second and first language. Special programmes: Learning support centre; provision for students whose first language is not English Extra-curricular activities: Sports, drama, music, debating; local and overseas community service opportunities Fees: Y7-11 HK$110,600; Y12-13 HK$116,200 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

SOUTH ISLAND SCHOOL 50 Nam Fung Road, Aberdeen Tel: 2555 9313 E-mail:

Website: Year groups: Y7-13 Number of students: 1,420 Number of teachers: 111 Average class size: 15-26 Accreditation: IB World School, BTEC Accredited, Council of International Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Association membership: English Schools Foundation Year founded: 1977 Curriculum: Years 7 to 11 offers a broad range of subjects leading to GCSE and IGCSE; Y12-13 IB Diploma Pathway; Applied Learning Pathway and Work and Life Skills Pathway for students with special needs. Chinese available as a foreign, second and first language Medium: English Special programmes: Learning support centre; provision for students whose first language is not English Extra-curricular activities: Sports, HKAYP, drama, music, debating and overseas service trips among 200 offered Fees: Y7-11 HK$110,600; Y12-13 HK$116,200 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

WEST ISLAND SCHOOL 250 Victoria Road, Pok Fu Lam Tel: 2819 1962 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y7-13 Number of students: 1,200 Number of teachers: 95 Average class size: 12-30 Accreditation: IB World School, BTEC


ENGLISH SCHOOLS FOUNDATION accredited, Council of International Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Year founded: 1991 Curriculum: Y7-11 offers a broad range of subjects leading to GCSE and IGCSE; Y12-13 IB Diploma Pathway; Applied Learning Pathway and Work and Life Skills Pathway for students with special needs. Chinese is available as a foreign, second and first language Medium: English Special programmes: Learning support centre; provision for students whose first language is not English Extra-curricular activities: Sports, drama, music, debating and service opportunities among 200 activities offered Fees: Y7-11 HK$110,600; Y12-13 HK$116,200 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau)

Private Independent Schools

DISCOVERY COLLEGE 38 Siena Avenue, Discovery Bay, Lantau Island Tel: 3969 1000 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-13 Number of students: 1,335 Number of teachers: 106 Average class size: 15-30 Accreditation: IB World School, Council of International Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Association membership: English Schools Foundation Year founded: 2007 Curriculum: IB Primary, Middle and Diploma Programmes; Applied Learning Pathway available through transfer to other ESF schools Medium: English Special programmes: Academic, performing arts, sports, visual arts Extra-curricular activities: Sports,

drama, music, debating, local and overseas community service opportunities Fees: Y1-6 HK$101,700; Y7-11 HK$136,000; Y12-13 HK$137,500 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau); nonrefundable building levy: HK$5,900 a year

RENAISSANCE COLLEGE 5 Hang Ming Street, Ma On Shan Tel: 3556 3556 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-13 Number of students: 2,100 Number of teachers: 155 Average class size: 10-27 Accreditation: IB World School, Council of International Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Association membership: English Schools Foundation Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: An IB World School fully authorised to offer all four International

Baccalaureate programmes: PYP, MYP, IBDP and IBCP Medium: English Special programmes: scholarship programme available in academic, drama, music, sports and visual arts category Extra-curricular activities: Sports, drama, music, debating; local and overseas community service opportunities Fees: Y1-6 HK$98,900; Y7-11 HK$132,400; Y12-13 HK$ 133,900 (subject to final approval by the Education Bureau); nonrefundable building levy payable by all new incoming Y1 students is HK$50,000. New students entering Y2-12 will be required to pay a prorated contribution.

DIRECT SUBSIDY SCHEME Primary DELIA (MAN KIU) ENGLISH PRIMARY SCHOOL Cheung On Estate, Phase II, Tsing Yi Tel: 2432 5123 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: Not given Accreditation: Association membership: Delia Memorial School (Broadway) Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: Education Bureau syllabus with a special focus on English Medium: Putonghua, Chinese, English, French Extra-curricular activities: Phonics lessons by native-speaking English teachers Fees: HK$7,370/year

LINGNAN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION (HONG KONG) PRIMARY SCHOOL 33 Pak Tin Street, Shamshuipo Tel: 27768453 E-mail: Website: htm Year groups: S1-6 Number of teachers: 21 Number of students, accreditation, association membership: Not provided Year founded: 1964 Curriculum: Small-class teaching Special programmes: Art Integration for Kids and Young Liberal Learners, experiential learning Medium: English, Chinese Extra-curricular activities: Table tennis, dance, drama, current issues discussion club Fees: HK$1,284/month

PO LEUNG KUK CAMõES TAN SIU LIN PRIMARY SCHOOL 6 Hoi Ting Road, Yau Ma Tei Tel: 2367 3318 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6


Number of students: 1,000 Number of teachers: 74 Average class size: 33 Year founded: 1996 Curriculum: Education with a holistic perspective through diversified academic programmes and extra-curricular activities Medium: All subjects are conducted in English. Chinese is conducted in Putonghua. Special programmes: 3rd language – Basic French / Spanish / Japanese Extra-curricular activities: More than 50 ECA related to Sports, Music, Arts. School teams - Chinese Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, choirs, handchime ensembles, Triathlon, Latin Dance, Campus TV, etc. Fees: HK$14,800/year

PO LEUNG KUK HKTA YUEN YUEN PRIMARY SCHOOL 26 Tsing Hoi Circuit, Castle Peak Road, Tuen Mun Tel: 2450 1588 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: 720 Number of teachers: 60 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 2005 Curriculum: Theme-based Medium: English, Putonghua (for Chinese language only) Extra-curricular activities: Ball games, chess, handicrafts, swimming, Latin dance, exchange study tours Fees: HK$10,500/year

PO LEUNG KUK LAM MAN CHAN ENGLISH PRIMARY SCHOOL Sheung Heung Road campus (Primary 4-6): 24 Sheung Heung Road, To Kwa Wan Tel: 2712 1270 Farm Road campus (Primary 1-3): 2 Farm Road, To Kwa Wan Tel: 2755 7799 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: 710 Number of teachers: 53 Average class size: 33 Association membership: Po Leung Kuk

Year founded: 2007 Curriculum: Integrated curriculum with inquiry-based learning through project work in P.1 Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Music, sport, art, Scouts, basic languages, overseas tours Fees: $12,800/year

WF JOSEPH LEE PRIMARY SCHOOL 9 Tin Fai Road, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long Tel: 34014995 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: 818 Number of teachers: 65 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 1997 Curriculum: Activity-based learning stresses bi-literacy and trilingualism Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Track and field, swimming, recital, campus TV Fees: HK$12,000/year

Secondary BUDDHIST FAT HO MEMORIAL COLLEGE 99 Tai O Road, Tai O, Lantau Island Tel: 2985 5365 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 350 Number of teachers: 45 Average class size: 15-25 Year founded: 1977 Curriculum: English and Chinese streams, HKDSE, GCSE, GCE Medium: English(EMI stream), Cantonese (CMI stream), Putonghua Special programmes: Boarding house education designed to enable all boarders to discover their strengths, and to make the most of their talents within BFHMC and beyond. 3 Levels of Chinese Language to fit the needs of local and international students (GCSE, GCE, DSE) Advanced English and Mathematics programmes for elite students. After-school tutorial classes. Mindfulness practice programme

to enhance students’ adversity quotient. Extra-curricular activities: Subsidised overseas study tours. Participation in local and international Sports Events, e.g. “RunOurCity” programme, Standard Chartered Marathon, Joint-school Rugby Programme and Oxfam Trailwalker. More than 20 clubs and interest groups. Fees: 2015-2016 school fees: S1, S2, S4, S5 HK$5,100/year; S3, S6 HK$4,800/year Scholarship: More than HK $300,000 scholarships for elite students. Remission scheme for needed students.

CARITAS CHARLES VATH COLLEGE 4 Chung Yat Street, Tung Chung Tel: 2988 8821 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S4-6 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: Chinese, English Special programmes: Business & Technology Education Council, Workplace Attachment Programme (WBL) Number of students: 430 Number of teachers: 26 Year founded: 2003 Extra-curricular activities: Life-wide learning day, school carnival, social services Fees: S4-6 HK$8,400/year

CHAN SHU KUI MEMORIAL SCHOOL 10 Tat Chee Avenue, Yau Yat Chuen, Kowloon Tel: 2380 0241 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,200 Number of teachers: 66 Average class size: 35 Year founded: 1973 Curriculum: HKDSE (16 subjects) Extra-curricular activities: Hiking, English drama, debate team, badminton, art, music Fees: S1-3 HK$700/year S4-6 HK$6,000/ year

CHINA HOLINESS COLLEGE 18 Wai Wai Road, Sham Shui Po Tel: 2386 4734


DIRECT SUBSIDY SCHEME E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 520 Number of teachers: 36 Year founded: 1976 Curriculum: English and maths classes according to learning ability. Crosscurriculum project learning in junior forms Special Programmes: Religion Studies Medium: Cantonese Extra-curricular activities: Various programmes for S1-3 and NSS arts curriculum for S4-5 Fees: S1-3 HK$2,830/year; S4-5 HK$6,200/ year; S6 HK$9,800/year

CHINESE YMCA SECONDARY SCHOOL Tin Fu Court, Area 102, Tin Shui Wai Phase 6 (School 2), Yuen Long Tel: 2540 8650 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of teachers: 81 Medium: English, Chinese Year founded: 1961 Curriculum: Quality Christian education Fees: HK$11,000/year

CCC KUNG LEE COLLEGE 17 Tai Hang Drive, Causeway Bay Tel: 2577 5778 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S4-6, foundation diploma (QF2), diploma (QF3) Number of students: 400-500 Number of teachers: 43

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Average class size: 30 Association membership: Hong Kong Hotels Association, SKAL Hong Kong, Hong Kong Association for Computer Education, Adobe Certified Associate Accredited Examination Centre, ICDL Accredited Examination Centre, Microsoft IT Academy. Oracle Academy Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: New senior secondary curriculum, hospitality and tourism management, business Medium: Chinese, English Special programmes: School-based programme for preparation of applied learning, Western food and beverage, creative business, advertising and multimedia design Extra-curricular activities: Wide variety of clubs, including creative writing, magic, bridge, film, sports, verse-speaking Fees: S4-5 HK$12,000/year; 2-year Diploma programmes HK$13,000 $15,000/year

CONFUCIUS HALL SECONDARY SCHOOL 77 Caroline Hill Road , Causeway Bay Tel: 2576 3415 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 300 Number of teachers: 32 Average class size:30 Accreditation: Confucius Hall Year founded: 1953 Curriculum: Discovery Learning method. School-based curriculum for junior forms, with Analects as a compulsory subject

Medium: S1-S2 English & Chinese; S3-S6 Cantonese Extra-curricular activities: About 30, including Chinese culture, arts, sports Fees: S1-2 HK$3,800/year; S3 HK$3,400/ year; S4 HK$3,000/year; S5 HK$1,700/ year ; S6 free

DELIA MEMORIAL SCHOOL (BROADWAY) 80-86 Broadway, Mei Foo Sun Chuen Tel: 2742 2028 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 911 Number of teachers: 51 Average class size: 38 Year founded: 1972 Curriculum: HKDSE, tailored to the needs of non-Chinese speakers, such as classes in Chinese as a second language, GCSE Chinese Medium: English, Putonghua, Cantonese Extra-curricular activities: community service, local and overseas field trips Fees: S1-3 free; S4-S6 HK$3,000/year

DELIA MEMORIAL SCHOOL (GLEE PATH) 1-3, Glee Path, Mei Foo Sun Chuen Tel: 27415239 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of teachers: 40 Year founded: 1971 Curriculum: School-based curriculum enriched with life-wide learning programmes

Medium: English, Cantonese, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: More than 30 clubs and interest groups Fees: S1-3 free; S4-6 HK$3,000/year

DELIA MEMORIAL SCHOOL (MATTEO RICCI) 223 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong Tel: 2389 6299 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 600 Number of teachers: 44 Average class size: 30-40 Year founded: 1984 Curriculum: HKDSE and School-based Chinese Curriculum (GCSE, GCE-AS level & GCE- A level) Medium: Cantonese, Putonghua, English Extra-curricular activities: Smart Team, Big Brother and Sister Scheme, school band Fees: S1-3 free; S4-6 HK$3,000/year

DELIA MEMORIAL SCHOOL (HIP WO) 221 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong, Tel: 2342 3198 Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,500 Number of teachers: 82 Average class size: 40 Year founded: 1980 Curriculum: HKDSE, Chinese as a foreign language in GCSE Medium: Cantonese, Putonghua, English Extra-curricular activities: Smart Team, Big Brother and Sister Scheme, school


DIRECT SUBSIDY SCHEME band, cheering team and 30 other clubs Fees: S1-3 free; S4-6 HK$3,000/year

ECF SAINT TOO CANAAN COLLEGE 6 Lee On Lane, Kwun Tong Tel: 2372 0033 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of teachers: 59 Number of students: 720 Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: Christian holistic education Medium: English, Cantonese Fees: S1$21,000/year; S2 HK$18,600/year; S3 HK$14,100/year


HEEP YUNN SCHOOL 1Farm Road, Kowloon Tel: 27110862 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,080 Number of teachers: 72 Average class size: 36 Year founded: 1936 Curriculum: 21 subjects in eight categories Medium: English, Chinese, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Wide range Fees: S1-2 HK$3,000/month


270 Jockey Club Road, Fanling Tel: 2670 0541 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,200 Number of teachers: 72 Average class size: 40 Year founded: 1964 Curriculum: Whole-person development Medium: English, Cantonese, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: More than 50 Fees: S1-3 HK$5,500/year; S4-6 HK$4,500/year

8 Tin Fai Road, Tin Shui Wai Tel: 2650 0016 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 900 Number of teachers: 66 Average class size: 30-35 Year founded: 2001 Curriculum: Anglo-Chinese and English streams leading to HKDSE Medium: English, Cantonese, Putonghua Special programmes: Remedial classes Extra-curricular activities: More than 60 Fees: S1-3 HK$3,740/year; S4-6 HK$6,740/ Year



303 Clear Water Bay Road, Kowloon Tel: 2321 0250 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,246 Number of teachers: 108 Average class size: Core subjects in S1-2 20; others 30-40 Association membership: Association of English Medium Secondary Schools Year founded: 1957 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: English, Cantonese, Putonghua Special programmes: Maths enrichment courses and school-based French programme Extra-curricular activities: More than 50 clubs and teams including archery, choir, band, athletics, swimming Fees: S1-3 HK$35,000/year; S4-6 HK$45,000/year

GT (ELLEN YEUNG) COLLEGE 10 Ling Kwong Street, Tiu Keng Leng Tel: 2535 6867 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 525 Number of teachers: 63 Average class size: 24-28 Association membership: Gifted Education Council Year Founded: 2005 Curriculum: EDB, with various extensions in syllabus Medium: English, Putonghua in Chinese language subjects in junior forms Special programmes: Accelerated classes, elective days, talent classes and sport Fridays Extra-curricular activities: Touchball, rugby, cycling, fencing, gymnastics and tennis Fees: G7 HK$2,980/month; G8-G9 HK$3,180/month; G10-G12 HK$3,380/ month


4 Kan Hok Lane, Tseung Kwan O Tel: 2623 3039 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 700 Number of Teachers: 56 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: Chinese Extra-curricular activities: leadership training, cultural, sport and art activities, exchange programmes Fees: S1-S3 HK$4,280/year; S4-6 HK$7,110/year

HKFYG LEE SHAU KEE COLLEGE 12 Tin Kwai Road, Tin Shui Wai Tel: 2146 1128 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 680 Number of teachers: 67 Average class size: not more than 35 Year founded: 2006 Medium: English Curriculum: HKDSE Extra-curricular activities: wholeperson development, education camp, chess, music Fees: S1-3 HK$20,500/year; S4-6 HK$30,750/year

HKICC LEE SHAU KEE SCHOOL OF CREATIVITY 135 Junction Road, Kowloon Tong Tel: 2180 9595 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S4-6 Number of students: 336 Number of teachers: 53 Average class size: 15-20 (normal); 20-30 (special) Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: HKDSE

Medium: Cantonese, English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Literacy, music, dance, debating Fees: S4-6 HK$26,000/year

HKMA DAVID LI KWOK PO COLLEGE 8 Hoi Wang Road, Mong Kok (West), Kowloon Tel: 2626 9100 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-S6 Number of students: 820 Number of teachers: 63 Average class size: 32 Accreditation: HKMA Year founded: 2000 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: English, except Putonghua in junior forms Extra-curricular activities: More than 40, including music, sport, uniformed groups Fees: S1HK$29,239; S2 HK$30,700; S3 HK$32,230; S4HK$30,270; S5 HK$28,670/ year; S6 HK$27,260/year

HONG KONG BAPTIST UNIVERSITY AFFILIATED SCHOOL WONG KAM FAI SECONDARY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL 6 On Muk Lane, Shek Mun, Sha Tin Tel: 2637 2270 Email: Website: Year groups: S1-S6 Number of students: 830 Number of teachers: 89 Average class size: 27-33 Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Local or overseas excursions for exchange and extended learning Fees: S1-S6 HK$37,300/year (Awaiting approval from EDB)

KIANGSU-CHEKIANG COLLEGE 20 Braemar Hill Road, North Point Tel: 2570 2261 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 700 Number of teachers: 50 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 1958 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: English, Putonghua, Cantonese Special programmes: Small classes for special needs students Extra-curricular activities: Uniform groups, arts activities, choir, drama Fees: S1-6 HK$5,530/year

KOWLOON SAM YUK SECONDARY SCHOOL Junior section: 52 Boundary Street, Mong Kok Tel: 2397 3181 Senior section: 14, Sycamore Street, Tai Kok Tsui Tel: 2394 4081 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 819 Number of teachers: 49 Average class size: 35 Year founded: 1950 Curriculum: For senior forms, subjects selected to cater for the diversity of

interests and need for further studies and career development Medium: English, Cantonese Extra-curricular activities: Academic, social services, fine arts, sport Fees: S1-2 HK$2,100/year; S3 HK$1,980/ year; S4 HK$ 1,880/year; S5 HK$1,780/ year; S6 $1,680/year

LAM TAI FAI COLLEGE 25 Ngan Shing Street, Sha Tin Tel: 2786 1990 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-S6 Number of students: 850 Number of teachers: 68 Average class size: S1-3 36; S4-6 36 Year founded: 1994 Curriculum: Emphasis on correct learning attitude and study habits. Language learning, nurturing students to be biliterate and trilingual Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: One Life One Sport programme, service groups, societies Fees: S1-5 HK$20,000; S6 HK$19,470/year

LAW TING PONG SECONDARY SCHOOL 8 Ma Chung Road, Tai Po Tel: 2685 1210 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 800 Number of teachers: 76 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 1991 Curriculum: We offer a broad range of subjects to create a challenging and international experience, to prepare our students to be global citizens. Subjects include Performing Arts, Spanish, Design Technology and Food Science Our courses are skills based and encourage students to take responsibility for their learning. Classrooms are equipped to support mobile learning Medium: English. Language taught Putonghua and Spanish Extra-curricular activities: More than 50 clubs and Study Trips abroad Fees: S1-3: HK$14,300; S4: HK$14,880; S5-6: HK$17,740/year

LI PO CHUN UNITED WORLD COLLEGE OF HONG KONG 10 Lok Wo Sha Lane, Sai Sha Road, Sha Tin, Ma On Shan, N.T., Hong Kong Tel: 2640 0441 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S5-6 Number of students: 254 Number of teachers: 28 Average class size: 12 Accreditation: United World Colleges Association membership: United World Colleges Year founded: 1992 Curriculum: IB programme in a residential school setting Medium: English, Chinese Special programmes: Quan Cai programme of creativity, action and service, China Week, Project Week Extra-curricular activities: 72 programmes covering creativity and services Fees:


DIRECT SUBSIDY SCHEME 1) Local Hong Kong students: HK$242,000* 2) Overseas students: HK$288,000* (*Subject to change and subsequent approval from the Hong Kong Education Bureau. Fees include all tuition and residential (boarding and food) costs, books, stationery and IB examination entry fees.)

Medium: Cantonese, English Extra-curricular activities: More than 40, including tae kwon do, athletics, rock climbing, fencing, orchestra, uniformed groups Fees: S1HK$4,050/year; S2-3 HK$1,900/ year; S4-6 HK$4,050/year


55 Kung Lok Road, Kwun Tong Tel: 2341-2932 Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,234 Number of teachers: 76 Average class size: depends on student ability, selected subjects Year founded: 1954 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: Chinese, English immersion class Extra-curricular activities: Academic best performance scheme, summer makeup programme, writing competitions, debates, athletic competitions Fees: S1: HK$200/month

26 Sung On Street, To Kwa Wan Tel: 2462 3932 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 900 Number of teachers: 69 Average class size: 30 Association: Po Leung Kuk Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: Focuses on all-round development, languages, IT, S4-6 HKDSE core subjects Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Sport, music, astronomy Fees: S1-S5 HK$28,000/year ; S6 HK$27,000/year



51Tin Wah Road, Tin Shui Wai Tel: 2448 2960 E-mail: Website: home.action Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 950 Number of teachers: 62 Average class size: 33 Year founded: 1954 Curriculum: Full range of subjects

2 Kan Hok Lane, Tseung Kwan O Tel: 2706 6969 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,000 Number of teachers: 71 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: Languages, drama, Chinese painting, community; uniformed teams


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Medium: Cantonese, English Special programmes: Laptop for students, IT interactive classroom and digital-game-based learning centre, student exchange Extra-curricular activities: Wide range Fees: S1HK$8,550/year; S2-3 HK$6,400/ year; S4-6 HK$ 8,550/year

ST MARGARET’S GIRLS’ COLLEGE Mei Tin Road, Mei Lam Estate, Tai Wai, New Territories Tel: 2549 0301 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 450 Number of teachers: 36 Class sizes: 30-35 Association membership: Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Scheme Schools Council Year founded: 1965 Curriculum: HKDSE Special programmes: Tailor-made life education course in four key areas – academic, careers, personal, social Extra-curricular activities: Multicultural days, English drama competition, education camp, leadership training, community service, campus TV, overseas study tours Fees: S1-3 HK$8,000/year; S4-6 HK$13,500/year

ST PAUL’S CONVENT SCHOOL 140 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay Tel: 2576 1692 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-S6

Number of students: 1,300 Number of teachers: 95 Average class size: 35 Accreditation: Edexcel International Teaching and Assessment Centre; HKSAR Professional Development School; Microsoft School of the Future; UNESCO China ESD Exemplary School Year founded: 1854 Curriculum: HKDSE, IGCSE, GCE A-levels Medium: English Special Programmes: Creative media, Ming Yi, family life education and digital music; overseas visits and language programmes Extra-curricular activities: More than 50 clubs; an emphasis on greening the school and environmental projects Fees: S1-3 HK$25,000/year; S4-6 HK$27,500/year

ST STEPHEN’S COLLEGE AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL 22 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley Tel: 2813 0272/ 2813 0360 E-mails: Websites: Year groups: P1-6, S1-6 Year founded: 1903 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: English, Putonghua Special programmes: Mandatory boarding, creativity programme, exchange and immersion programmes Extra-curricular activities: More than 40, including sport, culture, arts, music Fees: HK$72,500/year(P), HK$56,500/ year(S)


DIRECT SUBSIDY SCHEME STEWARDS POOI KEI COLLEGE 56 Siu Lek Yuen Road, Sha Tin Tel: 2345 4567 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,000 Number of teachers: 81 Average class size: 35 Year founded: 2004 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: English, Cantonese, Putonghua Special programmes: Learning Without Walls approach experiential learning Extra-curricular activities: More than 80 clubs and teams, global education, community service Fees: HK$18,500/year

TAI PO SAM YUK SECONDARY SCHOOL 2 Tai Po Tau Drive, Tai Po Tel: 2665 3459 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 840 Number of teachers: 65 Average class size: 35 Year founded: 1956 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: English Special programmes: Certificate course from an American college Extra-curricular activities: Music, special interest groups, academic clubs, uniformed groups, physical activities Fees: S1HK$650/month; S2-3 HK$575/ month; S4-5 HK$575/month; S6 HK$4,750/ year

TAK SUN SECONDARY SCHOOL 27 Ning Tai Road, Ma On Shan, Sha Tin Tel: 2317 4339 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-S6 Number of students: 901 Number of teachers: 71 Average class size: 30-36 Association membership: International Boys’ Schools Coalition Year founded: 2000 Curriculum: Emphasis on whole-person development. Medium: English (Cantonese and Putonghua for Chinese-related and personal development subjects) Special programmes: All F1 students attend summer adaptation programme, parenting education programme. Activity week experience programme Extra-curricular activities: Sport, music, student association, societies and clubs Fees: S1-S6 HK$22,000/year

THE CHINESE FOUNDATION SECONDARY SCHOOL 9 Harmony Road, Siu Sai Wan Tel: 2904 7322 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 900 Number of teachers: 68 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 2000 Curriculum: Local, school-based junior secondary Medium: English, Chinese subjects in Cantonese, Putonghua Special programmes: Gifted scheme in languages, maths, science, creativity, and


leadership; French, Spanish and Japanese courses, music, visual arts, sports, study tours Extra-curricular activities: 29 clubs and societies under intellect, interests and services categories. Fees: S1HK$13,000/year; S2-S3 HK$11,800; S4-S6 HK$17,300

UNITED CHRISTIAN COLLEGE (KOWLOON EAST) 2 Lee On Lane, Kwun Tong Tel: 2343 6677 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 900 Number of teachers: 70 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: Classes streamed according to students’ English ability. English curriculum mixes local and American syllabus to allow smooth transition for overseas studies. Language options in French and Japanese Medium: English, Cantonese, Putonghua Special programmes: Alternative Chineselanguage programme for university admission under Jupas; overseas exchange; applied strategic thinking programme Extra-curricular activities: Baseball, floor hockey, social service, board games Fees: S1-2 HK$26,000/year; S3-5 HK$23,000/year; S6 HK$22,000/year

WAI KIU COLLEGE 17 Wai Chi Street, Shek Kip Mei Tel: 2777 6289 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 759 Number of teachers: 51 Year founded: 1966 Curriculum: Full range of subjects Special programmes: Refined English Enhancement Scheme Extra-curricular activities: Yoga, board game, ball game and music Fees: S1-3 HK$300/month, S4-6 HK$3,200/year

YMCA OF HONG KONG CHRISTIAN COLLEGE 2 Chung Yat Street, Tung Chung Tel: 2988 8123 E-mail: Website: Year groups taught: S1-6 Number of students: 950 Number of teachers: 84 Average class size: 28; GCE 15-20 Accreditation: Cambridge International Examinations, Edexcel International Association membership: Council of International Schools Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: HKDSE and International curriculum: IGCSE, UK GCE A Levels Medium: English Special programmes: Pastoral care augmented by services of special education teachers, EAL co-ordinator, educational psychologist and school social workers Extra-curricular activities: 37 clubs including rugby, cricket, netball, hockey, Spanish and Japanese culture, theatre Fees: S1-2 HK$35,000/year; S3-4 HK$31,000/year; S5 (DSE) HK$28,000/ year; S6 (DSE) HK$24,500/year; S5 (GCE)

HK$52,000/year; S6 (GCE) HK$49,000

WORKERS’ CHILDREN SECONDARY SCHOOL 14 Princess Margaret Road, Ho Man Tin Tel: 2714 4115 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 920 Number of teachers: 56 Average class size: 38 Year founded: 1946 Curriculum: Full range of subjects Medium: Cantonese, English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: More than 40 groups in academic subjects, music, arts, sport, community services Fees: S1-3 HK$2,860/year; S4-6 HK$7,050/year

Through-train schools CREATIVE PRIMARY SCHOOL (PRIVATE) 2A Oxford Road, Kowloon Tong Tel: 2336 0266 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: 650 Number of teachers: 61 Average class size: 25 Accreditation: IB PYP candidate school Association membership: International Alliance for Invitational Education Year founded: 1985 Curriculum: IB PYP Medium: Cantonese, Putonghua, English Extra-curricular activities: School team training, orchestra, music instrument classes, Scouts, dance, martial arts, camps Fees: P1-3 HK$90,200/year; P4-6 HK$92,400/year

CREATIVE SECONDARY SCHOOL 3 Pung Loi Road, Tseung Kwan O Tel: 2336 0233 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 750 Number of teachers: 75 Average class size: 20-23 for S1-4; fewer than 20 for S5-6 Accreditation: IB World School, IAIE Inviting School Award Association membership: IBO, Hong Kong Schools Self Evaluation Network, International Alliance for Invitational Education Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: Promotes IB learner profile. HKDSE, IB MYP Diploma Medium: English, Putonghua Special programmes: refer to website Extra-curricular activities: Week of “learning outside classrooms” Fees: S1-2 HK$6,550/month; S3-4 HK$6,950/month; S5 (DSE) HK$7,450/ month; S6 (DSE) HK$9,320/month; S5 (IB) HK$9,900/month; S6 (IB) HK$ 12,320/ month

DIOCESAN BOYS’ SCHOOL 131 Argyle Street, Mong Kok Tel: 2711 5191 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-S6 Number of students: 1,359 Number of teachers: 118 Average class size: S1-4 27; S5-6 37;

S6-7 31 Year founded: 1869 Curriculum: Local, leading to HKDSE and IB diploma. Primary school focuses on projectbased and cross-curricular learning Medium: English, Putonghua Special programmes: More than 45 elective subjects, including Japanese, museum studies, astrology and etiquette. French available for non-Chinese speakers, and Chinese as a second language Extra-curricular activities: More than 40 clubs and student organisations Fees: P1-6 HK$42,750/year; S1-6 HK$40,300/year; G10 (IB) HK$40,300/ year; G11-12 (IB) HK$70,900/year

DIOCESAN GIRLS’ JUNIOR SCHOOL 1 Jordan Road, Kowloon Tel: 2277 9200 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: 723 Number of teachers: 44 Average class size: 36 Year founded: 1860 Curriculum: A comprehensive formal curriculum with extensive range of informal functions and activities Medium: English, Cantonese, Putonghua Special programmes: Project-based learning, speech and drama activities, overseas tours Extra-curricular activities: Clubs, educational visits, sports teams, choirs, orchestras, bands, science activities Fees: HK$56,000/year

DIOCESAN GIRLS’ SCHOOL 1 Jordan Road, Kowloon Tel: 2277 9100 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,200 Number of teachers: 87 Average class size: 40 Year founded: 1860 Curriculum: Small collaborative learning groups organised for four core subjects: English, Chinese, Maths, liberal studies Medium: English, with Chinese-related subjects taught in Cantonese, Putonghua Special programmes: Project-based learning, cultural classes, overseas tours Extra-curricular activities: Sport, music, life education programmes, drama, science workshops Fees: HK$38,000/year

EVANGEL COLLEGE 7 Chi Shin Street, Tseung Kwan O Tel: 2366 1802 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6, S1-6 Number of students: 1,728 Number of teachers: 138 Average class size: 30-35 Accreditation: Quality Assessment Management Accreditation Scheme Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: English Special programmes: Learning marathon, remedial and enrichment programmes and programme to support diverse needs Extra-curricular activities: Music, sport, visual arts, science, drama, languages, maths, ICT, uniformed groups Fees: P1-6 HK$16,300; S1-6 HK$19,970/ year


DIRECT SUBSIDY SCHEME FUKIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL 83 Chun Wah Road, Kwun Tong Tel: 2578 1745 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,281 Number of teachers: 101 Average class size: 35 Year founded: 1951 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: English Special programmes: IGCSE course, university foundation course, work placement Extra-curricular activities: More than 100 clubs, interest groups Fees: S1-2 HK$15,400/year; S3 HK$11,980/ year; S4-5 HK$14,630/year; S6 HK$13,720/ year

FUKIEN SECONDARY SCHOOL AFFILIATED SCHOOL Phase 2,Yau Tong Estate, Kowloon Tel: 2606 0670 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: 519 Number of teachers: 53 Average class size: 23 Year founded: 2009 Curriculum: Small-class teaching. Phasing in EMI classes since September 2011. Enriched school-based curriculums in English and Chinese Medium: English, Putonghua Special programmes: P1-P2 homeroom classes with NET teachers supported by local teachers to teach English, mathematics, thematic studies and life education Extra-curricular activities: Music, sport, visual arts and languages Fees: Chinese stream HK$18, 000/year; English stream HK$30,000/year

HKBUAS WONG KAM FAI SECONDARY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL 6 On Muk Lane, Shek Mun, Sha Tin Tel: 2637 2277 (primary); 2637 2270 (secondary) E-mail: (primary); (secondary) Website: Year groups: G1-12 Number of students: 1,752 Number of teachers: 161 Average class size: 30-35 Accreditation: World Education Alliance Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: Balanced and diverse new senior secondary curriculum equips students for further studies and personal growth Medium: English, Putonghua Special programmes: Split, enrichment and remedial classes for specific subjects Extra-curricular activities: Chamber orchestra, Chinese drums, sports, robotics Fees: HK$35,000/year

HKCCCU LOGOS ACADEMY Primary school: 5 Ling Kwong Street, Tseung Kwan O Secondary school: 1Kan Hok Lane, Tseung Kwan O Tel: 2337 2126 (primary) 2337 2123 (secondary) E-mail: Website:

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Year groups: FS1-2, DS1-3, DS4-5, MS1-4 Number of students: 2,100 Number of teachers: 158 Average class size: 30-35 Accreditation: IB World School, AdvancED, National Council for Private School Accreditation, Accreditation International Association Membership: IBO, AdvancED, National Council for Private School Accreditation, Accreditation International Year founded: 2002 Curriculum: Spans 11 years, instead of the traditional 12, leading to HKDSE, IB Diploma Medium: English, Putonghua, Cantonese Extra-curricular activities: Clubs, sport, fellowships, service teams, field trips, competitions, exchange programmes Fees: 2014 -2015 School year,FS1-2, DS1-3 HK$24,600; DS4-5, MS1-4 HK$27,800; IBDP HK$72,000/year

HKUGA PRIMARY SCHOOL 9 Yee Shing Street, Chai Wan Tel: 2202 3922 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: 728 Number of teachers: 53 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 2002 Curriculum: Inquiry-based teaching, plus various modules and extended-learning activities Medium: Cantonese, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: More than 50 after-school, extended-learning activities Fees: HK$24,500/year

HKUGA COLLEGE 9 Nam Fung Road, Wong Chuk Hang, Aberdeen Tel: 2870 8815 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 900 Number of teachers: 90 Average class size: 30 Association membership: Hong Kong Schools Self-Evaluation Network Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: Fosters global cultural awareness through a student-centred approach to teaching and learning Medium: English, Putonghua, Cantonese Extra-curricular activities: Academic, sport, music and arts, services, culture Fees: S1HK$35,000; S2 HK$36,000; S3 HK$37,000; S4 HK$38,000; S5 HK$39,000; S6 HK$40,000/year

HON WAH COLLEGE 3 Harmony Road, Siu Sai Wan Tel: 2817 1746 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-S6 Number of students: 1,000 Number of teachers: 74 Year founded: 1945 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: English, Cantonese Extra-curricular activities: Uniform groups, leadership training Fees: P1-6 HK$1,496/month; S1-5 HK$1,610/month; S6 HK$2,300/month

LUTHERAN ACADEMY 25 Lam Hau Tsuen Road, Ma Tin, Yuen Long

Tel: 8208 2092 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Y1-11 Number of students: 960 Number of teachers: 107 Average class size: 25 Year founded: 2010 Curriculum: IBDP (candidate school), HKDSE, aims to launch IBPYP, IBMYP Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Chinese painting (primary levels), football, tae kwon do, tennis Fees: Y1HK$52,080/year; Y7 HK$53,490/ year; Y10 HK$57,050/year; Y11 HK$52,830(HKDSE)/HK$68,150 (IBDP)

PO LEUNG KUK LUK HING TOO PRIMARY SCHOOL Po Lam Estate Tseung Kwan O, New Territories Tel: 27010011 E-mail: Website: Year founded: 1988 Medium: Cantonese, Chinese, English Extra-curricular activities: Study tours, jazz dance, badminton, soccer, judo, swimming Fees: HK$13,000/year

PO LEUNG KUK LAWS FOUNDATION COLLEGE Primary school: Po Lam North Road, Po Lam Estate, Tseung Kwan O College: 8 To Lok Road, Tseung Kwan O Tel: 27010011; 27018778 (college) E-mail: Website:; Year groups: P1-S6 Number of students: 1,364 Number of teachers: 117 Average class size: Not more than 30 Association membership: Hong Kong Healthy Schools Award Scheme Year founded: Primary school 1988; college 2004 Curriculum: A through-school policy to help students at different learning stages Medium: English, Putonghua, French Special programmes: Gifted programmes Extra-curricular activities: Leadership training, sports, orchestra media arts Fees: P1-6 HK$13,000; S1-3 HK$18,000; S4-6 HK$22,000/year

PUI KIU COLLEGE 1 Tai Wai New Village Road, Sha Tin Tel: 2602 3166 Website: Year groups: G1-12 Number of students: 1,500 Number of teachers: about 100 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 2005 Curriculum: Full range of subjects Medium: Putonghua, English Extra-curricular activities: 45 clubs or groups in leadership, sport, services, culture Fees: Local students: G1-G6 HK$2,240/ month; G7-G9 HK$2,460/month; G1011HK$3,100/month; G12 HK$4,600/month; non-local students: G1-G6 HK$6,615/ month; G7-G9 HK$6,800/month; G1011HK$7,997.7/month; G12 HK$11,427/month

PUI KIU MIDDLE SCHOOL 190 Tin Hau Temple Road, North Point Tel: 25662317 E-mail: Website:

Year groups: S1-6 Class sizes: 30 to 40 Association membership: Pui Kiu Education Foundation Limited Year founded: 1946 Curriculum: HKDSE (15 subjects) Medium: Cantonese, Putonghua, English Extra-curricular activities: Sports including basketball, soccer and crosscountry, debating, Scouts, choir, Chinese Orchestra Fees: S1-3 HK$6,630/year; S4-6 HK10, 180/Year

ST MARGARET’S CO-EDUCATIONAL ENGLISH SECONDARY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL 33 Sham Mong Road, West Kowloon Tel: 2396 6675 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-S6 Number of students: 1,077 Number of teachers: 104 Average class size: 19-25 Year founded: 1965 as girl’s college, 2003 as co-ed school Curriculum: Emphasis on language proficiency and life education Medium: English, Putonghua Special programmes: Phonics and IPA, One Sport and One Art for Each Student programme Extra-curricular activities: Interest clubs, groups, uniformed groups, sport, arts Fees: P1HK$38,000; S1HK$36,600/year

ST PAUL’S COLLEGE PRIMARY SCHOOL 777 Victoria Road, Hong Kong Tel: 3710 1777 Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: 561 Number of teachers: 41 Class sizes: 30-33 Year founded: 1851 Curriculum: Local, with flexibility to cater to individual students Medium: English, Cantonese, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Sport, choral speaking, service groups Fees: HK$30,000/year

ST PAUL’S COLLEGE 69 Bonham Road, Hong Kong Tel: 2546 2241 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,023 Number of teachers: 93 Association membership: Sheng Kung Hui Year founded: 1851 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Sport and music Fees: S1-S6 HK$38,000/year

ST PAUL’S CO-EDUCATIONAL COLLEGE PRIMARY SCHOOL 11 Nam Fung Path, Wong Chuk Hang Tel: 2526 1882 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: 840 Number of teachers: 94 Average class size: 28 Year founded: 1915


DIRECT SUBSIDY SCHEME Curriculum: Developing a spirit of inquiry, languages, information technology, life skills. Medium: Cantonese, English and Putonghua Special programmes: Multi-intelligence, Mathematics Olympiads Fees: HK$60,000/year

ST PAUL’S CO-EDUCATIONAL COLLEGE 33 MacDonnell Road, Mid-Levels Tel: 2523 1187 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,227 Number of teachers: 128 Average class size: 33 Accreditation: IB World School Association membership: Round Square School Year founded: 1915 Curriculum: Small-group learning for core and elective subjects. HKDSE and IBDP Medium: English, Putonghua Special programmes: Chinese-language programmes for non-Chinese speaking students; French and Spanish as third language options; gifted programmes Extra-curricular activities: Student

exchange with 13 sister schools worldwide, experiential learning Fees: S1-6 HK$55,000/year; IB diploma HK$85,500

TSUNG TSIN PRIMARY SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN (PRIVATE) 58 Tai Po Road, Kowloon Tel: 2777 3679 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-P6, J1-J6, K1-K3, IKG1-IKG3 Number of teachers: 51 Year founded: 1897 Medium: Putonghua, English Extra-curricular activities: Sports day, talent show, story-telling and drama Fees: Anglo Chinese speaking steam HK$2,802/month; English-Putonghua speaking stream HK$4,000/month

TSUNG TSIN CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 58 Tai Po Road, Kowloon Tel: 2777 3679 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Kindergarten-S6 Number of students: Kindergarten and junior 1,480; secondary 676 Number of teachers: 129 Average class size: Kindergarten 30;

junior school 25-29 Association membership: Hong Kong Schools Self Evaluation Network Year founded: 1897 Curriculum: Primary section mixes local curriculum with more creative international practices. Secondary section prepares students for local exams, plus IELTS Medium: English, Putonghua, French, Japanese Special programmes: Gifted education Extra-curricular activities: English, Chinese, Japanese and French programmes, arts, sports Fees: K1-3 HK$26,260 (half-day); J1-6 HK$56,890; P1-6 HK$39,390; S1 HK$29,500; S2-4 HK$28,000; S5-S6 HK$26,500/year

YING WA PRIMARY SCHOOL 3 Ying Wa Street, Sham Shui Po Tel: 2728 3320 E-mail: Website: Year groups: P1-6 Number of students: 918 Number of teachers: 60 Average class size: 30 Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: A 12-year through-train

policy with Ying Wa College helps students achieve a balanced development in areas covering ethics, intellect, social skills and aesthetics Medium: Cantonese, Putonghua, English Special programmes: speech therapy Extra-curricular activities: Sport, music, interest groups Fees: HK$15,000/year

YING WA COLLEGE 1Ying Wa Street, Sham Shui Po Tel: 2336 8838 E-mail: Website: Year groups: S1-6 Number of students: 1,200 Number of teachers: 80 Average class size: S1-3 40, S4-S6 30 Year founded: 1818 Curriculum: HKDSE Medium: English, Cantonese, Putonghua Fees: S1-S6 HK$17,600/year

MAINLAND SCHOOLS Beijing 3E INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL No 9-1 Jiang Tai Xi Lu, Chaoyang District Tel: (8610) 6437 3344 E-mail: admissions@ Website: Year groups: nursery to elementary Number of students: 170 Number of teachers: 34 Average class size: Nursery 12; prekindergarten 16; kindergarten 18; elementary 20 Accreditation: Council of International Schools Year founded: 2005 Curriculum: Research-based Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Wide range Fees: 108,300-164,500 yuan/year

AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BEIJING No 7 Louzizhuang Rd, Chaoyang District Tel: (8610) 8439 4315 E-mail: Website: Year groups: kindergarten to senior secondary Number of students: 2,300 Number of teachers: 300 Accreditation: Australian Government Association membership: NIT Education Year founded: 2004 Curriculum: Australian Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Wide range Fees: 74,500-94,500 yuan/year

BEANSTALK INTERNATIONAL BILINGUAL SCHOOL No 38 Nanshiliju, Chaoyang District Tel: (8610) 8456 6019 Email: Website:


Year groups: kindergarten to senior school Number of students: 1,200 Teacher-student ratio: 1: 5 (secondary) 1:10 (primary) Year founded: 1993 Medium: Putonghua and English Curriculum: Cambridge IGCSE for Grades 9 and 10. IB Diploma for senior school and candidate school for the IB Primary Years Programme. A candidate for accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Extra-curricular activities: Clubs, excursion and field trips Fees: 168,000 yuan (primary and secondary)/year

BEIJING BISS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL No 17, Area 4 Anzhen Xili, Chaoyang District Tel: (8610) 6443 3151 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten-G12 Number of students: 400 Number of teachers: 65 (50 foreign) Average class size: 16 Accreditation: IB World School, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development, Beijing Education Commission Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools, Council of International Schools, IBO Year founded: 1994 Curriculum: IB PYP, MYP, diploma. Students prepared for external IB exams in Grade 12 Medium: English Special programmes: ESOL Support, Putonghua, Japanese, Korean taught at native level. Spanish as second language Extra-curricular activities: Sports,

music, dance, drama, chess, languages Fees: 104,100-187,000 yuan/year

Medium: English, Putonghua Fees: 85,000-198,000 yuan/year



77 Baiziwan Nan Er Road, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 8771 7171 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery-G12 Number of students: 728 Number of teachers: 108 Average class size: Nursery 14; kindergarten 16; elementary 22; middle, high school 22 Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Council of International Schools Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools, International Schools Athletics Conference, East Asia Regional Council of Overseas Schools Year founded: 2005 Curriculum: IB Medium: English, Putonghua Special programmes: Cultural exchanges with other local and international schools Extra-curricular activities: More than 30 options in sports, art and music Fees: 160,500-246,600 yuan/year

BEIJING CONCORD COLLEGE OF SINO-CANADA Cong Lin Zhuang Yuan, Tongzhou District Tel: (8610) 8959 8882 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery-G12 Number of students: 1,100 Number of teachers: 105 Average class size: 25 Accreditation: College Board (AP), East Asia Regional Council of Overseas Schools Year founded: 1997 Curriculum: AP, Canada, China

15 Liyuan Street, Tianzhu County, Shunyi Tel: (8610) 8416 7718 E-mail: enquiry-brbs@brbs.regoschool com Website: Year groups: age 1 to 18 Average class size: 20 Accreditation: Cambridge International Examinations Board and Edexcel Education Curriculum: UK national curriculum working towards the IGCSEs and A-levels Medium: English Special programmes: fine arts, music, Mandarin, French, Spanish Extra-curricular activities: Swimming, gardening, tennis and basketball Fees: 108,150-190,550 yuan/year

BEIJING WORLD YOUTH ACADEMY 18 Huajiadi Beili, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 64617787 E-mail: Website: Year groups: G1-12 Number of students: 520 Number of teachers: 80 Average class size: 20 Accreditation: IB World School, Unesco, Beijing Municipal Education Commission Year founded: 2001 Curriculum: IB MYP, diploma Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Interest clubs Fees: 150,000-180,000 yuan/year

CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BEIJING 38 Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District Tel: (8610) 6465-7788 E-mail:


MAINLAND SCHOOLS Shunyi campus: 7, Yuyang Road, Houshayu District Tel: (8610) 8046-6191 E-mail: admissions_shunyi@cis-beijing. com Website: Year groups: Nursery-G12 Number of students: 1,100 Number of teachers: 115 Average class size: 25 Accreditation: IBO World School, New Brunswick Canada Department of Education Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools, Unesco Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: Montessori, nursery and prekindergarten; Canadian-based IB PYP, MYP Medium: English, Putonghua, Korean, French. Extra-curricular activities: Wide range Fees: 85,000-198,000 yuan/year

DEUTSHE BOTSCHAFTSSCHULE PEKING 49A Liangmaqiao Lu, Chaoyang District Tel: (8610) 8531 6100 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Kindergarten-G12 Number of students: 670 Number of teachers: 70 Average class size: 20 Accreditation: KMK (Kultusministerkonferenz) Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: Germany Medium: German, English, French, Latin, Putonghua. Extra-curricular activities: Wide range, including science, arts, sport, languages Fees: 10,000 euros/year

DULWICH COLLEGE BEIJING Legend Garden campus: 89 Capital Airport Road, Shunyi Tel: (8610) 6454 9000 Beijing Riviera campus: 1Xiang Jiang Bei Lu, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 8450 7676 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Toddler to Year 13 Number of students: 1,400 Average class size: 16-21 Accreditation: IB World School, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development, Council of International Schools Cambridge International Examinations, Edexcel International Examinations Centre, SAT and ACT testing centre, IB World School Association membership: Federation of British International Schools in South East Asia and East Asia, Association of China and Mongolia International Schools, ECIS Year founded: 2005 Curriculum: Based on UK national curriculum, IGCSE; IB diploma programme Languages: English, Putonghua, Spanish, French, German Special programmes: Learning support, English as an additional language Extra-curricular activities: Sports, drama, music, film-making Fees: 33,100-242,000 yuan/year


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Club, Lido Place, Jichang Road, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 6430 1503 CBD Global Trade Mansion Campus: Floor 3 Block D Global Trade Mansion, Guanghua Road, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 6586 6534 Palm Springs Campus: Palm Springs International Apartments, No 8 Chaoyang Park South Road, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 6539 8867 CBD Central Park Campus: Central Park Bldg 19 No 6 Chaowai DaJie, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 6533 6995 Eastern Province Campus: Eastern Province, No 88 Dingsi Road, Bei Qi Jia, Changping Tel: (8610) 8176 0828 Wangjing Baoxing Campus: Bao Xing International Phase 2, Wang Jing, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 8478 0511 Arcadia Campus: Block 1, Arcadia Villas, Houshayu, Shunyi Tel: (8610) 8047 2983 Dawang Road Peking House Campus: No 20, Xidawang Road, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 5870 6779 Overseas Chinese Town Campus: Jinchan Huanleyuan 1 – jia 2 Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 6738 8985 Olympic Village Campus: Corner of Beichen West and Kehui Road,Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 8437 1007 Datunli Campus: Kehui Road, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 8480 6163 Midtown Campus: Guang Qu Jia Yuan Building, 21Guang Qu Men Wai, Chongwen Tel: (8610) 6749 5002 Ocean Landscape Campus: Yu Quan Road Shijingshan Tel: (8610) 68615800 Poly Garden Campus: Poly Garden Building 24, 390 Yang Guang Jie, Miyun County Tel: 18600683708 Website: Year groups: 1-6 Number of students: 750 Number of teachers: 120 Average class size: 25 Accreditation: American Montessori Society, Etonkids Montessori Teacher Training Academy Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: Montessori Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Summer and winter camps, arts, sports, science Fees: 140,000-200,000 yuan/year

HARROW INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BEIJING No 287 Hegezhuang Village, Cuigezhuang county, Chaoyang Upper School: Block 4, 5 Anzhenxili, Chaoyang Lower School: Grassetown, South Gequ Village, Song Zhuang, Tongzhu Tel: (8610) 6444 8900 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery-Y13 Number of students: 715 Number of teachers: 80 Average class size: 18 Accreditation: Council of International Schools; New England Association of Schools and Colleges; British examination authorities; New England Association of Schools and Colleges; SAT Test Centre Association membership: Federation of British International Schools in South East Asia and East Asia

Year founded: 2005 Curriculum: British Medium: English Special programmes: Gifted and talented, EAL English language support Extra-curricular activities: Expedition week, sport, performing arts Fees: 77,400-249,600 yuan/year

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BEIJING 10 An Hua Street, Shunyi Tel: (8610) 8149 2345 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten-G12 Number of students: 1,960 Average class size: Kindergarten 12, senior classes 20 Accreditation: NEASC; CIS; IB World School; NCCT. Member of EARCOS, NACAC and the College Board Year founded: 1980 Curriculum: PreK3-12 within framework of Learning 21@ISB. ISB offers a US-accredited college preparatory programme; IB Diploma or IB Certificate options for G11-12, as well as AP courses in G11-12 in calculus and Chinese Medium: English Extra-curricula activities: Sports, crafts, performing arts, and service clubs Fees: 91,060-234,620 yuan/year

IVY ACADEMY East Lake Villas campus C-101, East Lake Villas, 35 Dongzhimenwai Main Street, Dongcheng District Tel: (8610) 84511381/0 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 2-6 Number of students: 64 Number of teachers: 16 Average class size: 15-18 Accreditation: MI Institute Year founded: 2004 Curriculum: Based on the Multiple Intelligence theory and the Pathway approach Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Rollerblading, Orff music, art, PE, cooking, gardening Fees: 152,800 yuan/year; Nursery (halfday) 100,000 yuan/year

IVY BILINGUAL SCHOOLS Ocean Express campus Building E, Ocean Express, 2 East Third Ring North Road, Chaoyang District Tel: (8610) 8446 7286/87 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 2-6 Number of students: 160 Number of teachers: 33 Average class size: 20-25 Accreditation: MI Institute Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: A combination of Chinese national curriculum and English curriculum based on the Multiple Intelligence theory Medium: English, Chinese Special programmes: Rollerblading, Orff music, art, PE, cooking, gardening Orchid Garden campus Orchid Garden, 18 Xin Jin Road, Cui Ge Xiang, Chaoyang District Tel: (8610) 8439 7080 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 2-6

Number of students: 80 Number of teachers: 20 Average class size: 20-25 Accreditation: MI Institute Year founded: 2008 Curriculum: A combination of Chinese national and English curriculum based on the Multiple Intelligence theory Medium: English, Chinese Special programmes: Rollerblading, Orff music, art, PE, cooking, gardening Fees: Full day 80,000 yuan/year; Half day 60,000 yuan/year

KEYSTONE ACADEMY Houshayu, Shunyi District Tel: (8610) 5825 6008 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Kindergarten to G12 Number of students: 280 Number of teachers: not provided Average class size: Primary 18; Middle School 16 Year founded: 2014 Curriculum: IPC; MYP; DP Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Sports, music, visual art and drama activities Fees: 220,000-350,000 yuan/year

KOREAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL IN BEIJING 37 Wanjing Beilu, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 5134 8588 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Preschool-G12 Accreditation: Korean government Year founded: 1998 Curriculum: Broad-based – pre-school to G12 Medium: English, Putonghua, Korean

LYCEE FRANCAIS INTERNATIONAL DE PEKIN 4, Sanlitun Lu Tel: (8610) 6532 3498 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Preschool-G12 Number of students: 1,050 Number of teachers: 100 Average class size: 20-30 Accreditation: Agency for French Teaching Abroad Year founded: 1964 Curriculum: French Medium: French, English, Putonghua, Spanish, German Special programmes: French-English, French-Putonghua classes Extra-curricular activities: Sports, music, drama Fees: 7,000-13,000 euros/year

RDFZ (RENDA FUZHONG, AFFILIATED TO RENMIN UNIVERSITY OF CHINA) INTERNATIONAL SECTION No 37 Zhongguancun Avenue, Haidian Tel: (8610) 62513962 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Ages 12-16 Number of students: 5,000-6,000 Number of teachers: several hundred Average class size: 40 Year founded: 1950 Special programmes: Specific curriculum for foreign students Medium: Putonghua Fees: 50,000 yuan/year


MAINLAND SCHOOLS SAINT PAUL AMERICAN SCHOOL 18 Guanao Yuan, Qinghe, Haidian Tel: (8610) 8070 3429 E-mail: Website: Year groups: G7-12 Number of students: 251 Number of teachers: 28 Average class size: 15-20 Year founded: 2007 Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricular classes: Wide range Fees: 140,000 yuan/year

SMIC PRIVATE SCHOOL 9 Liangshuihe 2nd Street, Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area Tel: (8610) 6785 3030 Website: Year groups: PreK-G9 Number of students: 1100 Number of teachers: 177 Average class size: 17-28 Year founded: 2005 Association membership: SMIC Private Schools (Shanghai, Beijing) Curriculum: Kindergarten: Montessori; elementary, middle and high: national, American and Singapore Medium: English, Mandarin (French and Japanese electives) Special programmes: Field trips, activities and parent activities Extra-Curricular Activities: Over 30 electives Fees: not provided

SWEDISH SCHOOL BEIJING Gahood Villa, Xi Bai Xin Zhuang, Hou Sha Yu Zhen, Shun Yi District Tel: (8610) 6456 0826 E-mail: Website: Year groups: age 2-12 Number of Students: 70 Number of Teachers: 8 Class Size: 10 or below Year founded: 1994 Curriculum: Swedish National Curriculum Medium: Swedish Fees: 50,000-120,000 yuan/year

THE CHILDREN’S HOUSE INTERNATIONAL MONTESSORI KINDERGARTEN China World Trade Centre Campus: China World Trade Centre, No. 1 Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue Tel: (8610) 6505 3869 Lufthansa Centre Campus: Unit S114, Lufthansa Centre Building, No. 50 Liang Maqiao Road, Chaoyang District Tel: (8610) 6465 1305 Yosemite Campus: Yosemite Villa, No. 4 Yuyang Road, Shayu Town, Shunyi District Tel: (8610) 80417083 Yayunxinxin Campus: Yayunxinxin Community Home, No. 1Xidian Road, Chaoyang District Tel: (8610) 5202 0293 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nusery to Primary Number of students: over 300 Number of teachers: 16 Average class size: 20 Year founded: 1992 Medium: English, Putonghua, Spanish Fees: Half day 42,500 – 58,000 yuan/year; Full day 61,000- 72,000 yuan/year



No 9 An Hua Street, South Side, TianZhu Tel: +8610 80473558 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-Nursery – Year 13 Number of teachers: 115 Average class size: 15 Year founded: 2003 Accreditation: Independent School Inspectorate (ISI-UK), International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) Curriculum: Enhanced English National Curriculum, IB Diploma, German Thuringia Medium: English, German Other languages taught: Chinese, German, French, Swedish, Spanish, Latin Extra-curricular activities: over 100 ASAs including Competitive Sports, Sports for Fun, Model United Nations, Cookery club, Chess Club, Chinese Chess, Lego League, Math and Physics Club, 3D Design and Printing, Time Commanders, Orchestra and Choir, Cinema Club, Latin, Ancient Greek, War Hammer, Cross Fit, Story club, Creative Crafts, Chinese Painting & Calligraphy, Play dough, Yoga & Stretch, Computer Club, Sewing, Space Adventures, Movie Makers, Website Design, Mine craft, Wheels Club, Outside Play, and Drama Club. Fees: RMB 114,372-268,310

THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF BEIJING, SANLITUN Primary Campus: No 5 Xiliujie, Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District Early Years Campus: No 7 Beixiaojie, Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District Tel: (8610) 85323088 (Primary Campus) (8610) 85325320 (Early Years Campus) E-mail: sltadmissions@britishschool. Website: sanlitun Year groups: Pre-Nursery to Year 6 Number of teachers: 37 Average class size: range – 15-22 Year founded: 2003 Accreditation: A Nord Anglia Education school, COBIS, FOBISIA Curriculum: English National Curriculum Medium: English Other languages taught: Mandarin, German (for native speakers) Extra-curricular activities: After school activities (ASA) programme compulsory for children from Year 1 to Year 6. T The clubs fall within the strands of physical, academic, creative, and musical. Fees: 107,449–209,659 yuan/year

THE INTERNATIONAL MONTESSORI SCHOOL OF BEIJING Building 8, 2A Xiang Jiang Bei Lu, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 6432 8228 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery to Grade 6 Number of students: 350 Number of teachers: 90 Teacher/student ratio: Nursery 1:4; kindergarten 1:6; elementary 1:8 Accreditation: International Montessori Association Membership: American Montessori Society; affiliated with International Montessori Teaching Institute Year founded: 1990 Curriculum: International Montessori

Medium: English and Chinese Extra-curricular activities: Language clubs, (French and Spanish), Chinese painting, baking, wushu, football, swimming, chess Fees: 98,000-177,000 yuan/year

WESTERN ACADEMY OF BEIJING PO Box 8547, 10 Lai Guang Ying Dong Lu Tel: (8610) 5986 5588 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery-G12 Number of students: 1,550 Average class size: 21 Accreditation: IB World School, Council of International Schools Association membership: New England Association of Schools and Colleges; National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development; IBO Year founded: 1994 Curriculum: IB PYP, MYP, diploma programmes from Nursery-G12 Medium: English Special programmes: English language support, learning support, support for gifted Extra-curricular activities: Sports, art, music, theatre, clubs Fees: 98,000-252,000 yuan/year

YEW CHUNG INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF BEIJING 5 Honglingjin Park, Houbalizhuang, Chaoyang Tel: (8610) 8583 3731 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K2-Y13 Number of students: 750 Average class size: Varies Accreditation: New England Association of Schools and Colleges; Council of International Schools; National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development; Cambridge International Examinations Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools Year founded: 1995 Curriculum: IGCSE, IB diploma Medium: English, Putonghua Special programmes: World classroom, experiencing China Extra-curricular activities: Calligraphy, painting, cooking, drama, origami, photography, tap/break dancing Fees: 72,500-253,000 yuan/year

Shanghai AMBER MONTESSORI SCHOOL OF SHANGHAI 1101, Wu Ding Road, Jingan District Tel: (8621) 6267 0866 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten to kindergarten Number of students: 50 Number of teachers: 15 Average class size: 23 Curriculum: Montessori education Medium: English, Putonghua Year founded: 2010 Fees: 120,000 yuan/year

AMERICAN UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL 688 Jiyou Road, Huacao Town, Minhang District Tel: (8621) 6296 8877

E-mail:; admissions@ Website: Year groups: Senior high school Average class size: 20 Curriculum: Advanced Placement; IGCEs; SATs Medium: English and Putonghua Year founded: 2012 Fees: 165,500–163,000 yuan/year

BRIGHT START ACADEMY 2F, Building 3, 10 Cangwu Road, Xuhui District Tel: (8621) 64517908 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten to kindergarten Number of teachers: 10 Average class size: 16-18 Medium: English and Putonghua Year founded: 2009 Fees: Half day 3,500 yuan/month; Full day 5,000 yuan/month

BRITANNICA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 1988 Gubei South Road Tel: (8621) 6402 7889 E-mail: admissions@britannicashanghai. com Website: Year groups: Pre-Nursery – Year 11 Number of teachers: 40+Teaching Assistants Number of students: 300 Average class size: 20 Curriculum: English National Curriculum, IGCSE Medium: English Other languages taught: Mandarin, French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Hebrew (all native and non-native) Extra-curricular activities: Over 80 activities covering; dance, drama, sports, languages, music and art. Memberships & Accreditations: Cambridge International Examinations, COBIS, Council of International Schools, Council of British International Schools Year founded: 2013 Fees: 139,370 – 216,310 yuan / year

British International School Shanghai, Puxi 111 Jinguang Road, Huacao Town, Minhang, Puxi Tel: (8621) 5226 3211 ext. 1518 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-Nursery – Year 13 Number of teachers: 130 Average class size: 18 Year founded: 2004 Accreditation: IBO World School, Council of British International Schools (COBIS), Edexcel, PRC Certificate of Approval 3100738501346; Shanghai International Schools, Federation of British International Schools in Asia (FOBISIA), Association of China and Mongolia International schools (ACAMIS) Curriculum: English National Curriculum, IGCSEs, IB Diploma Programme Medium: English (including speciality teaching for EAL) Other languages taught: Putonghua, Dutch, French, German, Korean and Spanish taught at native and non-native levels Extra-curricular activities: More than 180 ECAs. Also offer additional courses


MAINLAND SCHOOLS run by expert coaches before and after school and at weekends. Fees: 199,155 RMB to 281,035 yuan/year

Nord Anglia International School Shanghai, Pudong 2729 Hunan Lu, 600 Cambridge Forest New Town, Pudong Tel: (8621) 5812 7455 E-mail: or Website: Year groups: Pre-Nursery to Year 13 Number of teachers: 100 Average class size: 18 Year founded: 2002 Accreditation: IBO World School, COBIS, ACAMIS, FOBISIA, EDEXCEL, Cambridge and Edexcel International Examinations, IPC, Council of International Schools Curriculum: UK (English National), IPC (International Primary Curriculum), IGCSE, IBDP Medium: English Other languages taught: Mandarin, French, German, Spanish, Korean, Dutch School Extra-curricular activities: after school and weekend activities Fees: 99,575–281,035 yuan/year

CONCORDIA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SHANGHAI 999 Mingyue Road, Jinqiao, Pudong Tel: (8621) 5899 0380 E-mail: admissions@concordiashanghai. org Website: Year groups: Preschool-G12 Number of students: 1,200 Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools, East Asia Regional Council of Overseas Schools Year founded: 1998 Curriculum: American, in Christian context. Advanced Placement courses. Fees: 150,000-206,000 yuan/year

DULWICH COLLEGE SHANGHAI Main campus: 266 Lanan Road, Jinqiao, Pudong Dulwich College Kindergarten Shanghai Campus: 425 Lanan Road, Jinqiao Tel: (8621) 5899 9910 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Toddler-Y13 Number of students: 1,500 Accreditation: Council of International Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development, IB World School for Diploma, Cambridge International Examinations, Edexcel International Examinations Centre, SAT testing centre Fees: 80,000-269,500 yuan/year

ETONHOUSE INTERNATIONAL PRE-SCHOOL 40, Pucheng Road Tel: (8621) 5896 8686 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten to kindergarten Number of students: 45 Number of teachers: 6 Average class size: 18 Curriculum: Inquire.Think.Learn

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framework influenced by the Reggio Emilia philosophy Medium: English, Putonghua, French Year founded: 2013 Fees: Half day (pre-nursery and nursery 1) 96,000 yuan/year; Full day 120,000 yuan/ Year

FUDAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 325 Guoquan Road Tel: (8621) 65111292 E-mail: Website: Year groups: G1-12 Number of students: 252 Accreditation: Shanghai Education Bureau, International Division of High Schools Affiliated to Fudan University, IB Association membership: College Board; Western Association of Schools and Colleges Curriculum: International and English medium curricula Fees: 34,000-38,000 yuan/per semester

HANGZHOU INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 78 Dongxin Street, Bin Jiang Tel: (86571) 8669 0045 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery-G12 Number of students: 350 Number of teachers: 40 Average class size: 16 Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Association membership: East Asia Regional Council of Overseas Schools Year founded: 2002 Curriculum: American-based, adapted to China. English, Putonghua, ESL Medium: English Special programmes: Advanced Placement Extra-curricular activities: Wide range Fees: 100,000 yuan – 230,000 yuan/year

HAPPY MARIAN XINLEI KINDERGARTEN 692 Changle Road, Jingan District Tel: (8621) 5403 8040 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 24 months to 6 years old Number of students: 100 Number of teachers: 24 Average class size: 18 Curriculum: Taiwan Happy Marian system Medium: English, Putonghua Year founded: 2004 Fees: Not provided

JULIA GABRIEL CENTRE 75 Wuxing Road, Xuhui Tel: (8621) 6437 3773 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten to kindergarten Number of students: 90 Number of teachers: 26 Average class size: 15 Curriculum: IGCSE, Singaporean Accreditation and affiliations: Shanghai Education Bureau Medium: English, Putonghua Year founded: 2007 Fees: Not provided

LYCEE FRANCAIS DE SHANGHAI Qingpu campus: 350 Gao Guang Lu Tel: (8621) 3976 0555

Pudong campus: 1555 Jufeng Road, Building D Tel: (8621) 6897 6589 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Toddler to Y13 Number of students: 1,500 Accreditation: Agency for French Teaching Abroad Year founded: 1995 Curriculum: French Fees: 59,900-125,100 yuan/year

MAPLE LEAF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Changning campus: C-401Fahuamen Mansion, 555 Fahua Town Jinshan campus: International Education Park, Maple Leaf Road, Zhufeng Highway, Fengjing Town Tel: (8621) 6012 7777 Website: Year groups: Junior and senior high school Number of students: 200 Number of teachers: 25 Average class size: 25 Accreditation: Maple Leaf Education Systems Curriculum: local curriculum(junior high), Canada Medium: English, Putonghua Year founded: 2013 Fees: 38,000-95,000yuan/year

MONTESSORI SCHOOL OF SHANGHAI Xuhui campus: 21DongHu Road Tel: (8621) 5403 7699 Email: admission.xuhui@montessorisos. com Qingpu campus: 586 Gaojin Road Tel: (8621) 5988 6688 Email: admission.qingpu@montessorisos. com Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten to kindergarten Number of teachers: 25 Accreditation: American Montessori Society Curriculum: Montessori Medium: English, Putonghua Year founded: 2005 Fees: 70,000–114,000 yuan/year

RAINBOW BRIDGE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 2381 Hong Qiao Road, Shanghai Tel: (8621) 6268 9773 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 18 months-G7 Number of students: 342 Accreditation: IB PYP World School Year founded: 1997 Curriculum: American, IB PYP Fees: 117,900 -172,800 yuan/year

SHANGHAI AMERICAN SCHOOL Puxi campus: 258 Jin Feng Road, Huacao Town, Minhang Tel: (8621) 62211445 Pudong campus: Shanghai Links Executive Community, 1600, Lingbai Road, San Jia Gang Tel: (8621) 62211445 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten-G12 Number of students: 3,105 Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges, IBO World School,

Advanced Placement Year founded: 1912 Curriculum: American, IB diploma Fees: 134,000- 210,000 yuan/year

SHANGHAI ANGELS KINDERGARTEN (KOREAN) 375 Hongzhong Road Tel: (9621) 64012393 E-mail: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten to kindergarten Number of students: 130 Number of teachers: 36 Average class size: 10 Curriculum: South Korean Medium: Korean, English, Putonghua Year founded: 1998 Fees: Not provided

SHANGHAI ANGELS KINDERGARTEN Tel: (8621) 5988 3458 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 1-6 Number of students: 300 Number of teachers: 35 Average class size: 20 Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: International primary, local Chinese stream Medium: Putonghua, English Special programmes: Drums, rollerblading, drama Fees: 100,000-110,000yuan/year

SHANGHAI COMMUNITY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS Hongqiao campus: 1161 Hongqiao Road Tel: (8621) 62614338 Hongqiao early childhood campus: 2212 Hongqio Road Tel: (8621) 62614338 Pudong lower school: 800 Xiuyan Road, Kangqiao Tel: (8621) 5812 9888 Pudong upper school: 198 Hengqiao Road, Zhoupu Tel: (8621) 5812 9888 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery-G12 Number of students: 2,500 Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges, National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development, IB World School, Advanced Placement Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools Year founded: 1996 Curriculum: International with an American framework Fees: 130,000-230,000 yuan/year

SHANGHAI HIGH SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL DIVISION 989 Baise Road Tel: (8621) 6410 0430 E-mail: Website: Year groups: G1-12 Number of students: 2,900 Average class size: 20 Medium: English Number of teachers: Not provided Accreditation: IB World School, College Board Year founded: 1865 Curriculum: American, IB, Advanced Placement, Chinese


MAINLAND SCHOOLS Fees: 100,000-110,000 yuan/year

SHANGHAI KOREAN SCHOOL 355 Lianyou Road, Huacaozhen, Ming Hang Tel: (8621) 6493 9500 E-mail: Website: Year groups: G1-12 Year founded: 2000 Curriculum: Korean Medium: Korean, English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Jazz, yoga, badminton, Korean art

SHANGHAI JAPANESE SCHOOL High School Division 277 Jin Kang Lu, Pudong Xin Qu Tel: (8621) 2023 6750 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Senior high school Number of students: 140 Number of teachers: 29 Average class size: 25-30 Curriculum: Japan Accreditation and affiliations: Ministry of Education and Science, Japan Year founded: 2011

SHANGHAI JINCAI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 26 E Shan Road, Pudong New Area Tel: (8621) 5033 1668 Email: Website: Year groups: Elementary, middle school, senior high school Number of students: 300 Number of teachers: 90 Average class size: 20 Curriculum: AP, IB, IB MYP, US Accreditation and affiliations: IBO Medium: English, Japanese, Korean, German Year founded: 2001 Fees: 68,000 – 76, 000 yuan/year

SHANGHAI LIVINGSTON AMERICAN SCHOOL 580 Ganxi Road, Changning Tel: (8621) 6238-3511 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery-G12 Number of students: 600 Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools, CISSA, SISAC Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: Californian school system Medium: English, Putonghua, Japanese, Spanish, French Fees: 98,000 -169,000 yuan/year

SHANGHAI PINGHE SCHOOL 261 Huangyang Road, Pudong Tel: (8621) 50311866 E-mail: Website: Accreditation: IB World School, Commission on International and TransRegional Accreditation Association membership: IBO Year groups: G1-12 Year founded: 1996 Curriculum: International, IB Medium: English, Putonghua Fees: Not provided



159 Diannan Road, Xinzhuang, Minhang Tel: (8621) 5488 8320 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 2-18 Number of students: 180 Average class size: 16 Accreditation: National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development, Council of International Schools, Cambridge International Examinations Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: British, leading to IGCSE and A-levels Medium: English, Putonghua, Dutch, French, German, Italian and Spanish Extra-curricular activities: wide variety Fees: 92,700-216,300 yuan/year

SHANGHAI SHANGDE EXPERIMENTAL SCHOOL International Division 1688 Xiuyan Road Tel: (8621) 6818 0017 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Kindergarten to Grade 12 Number of teachers: 25 Average class size: 25 Curriculum: Canada, IB, IBDP, IB MYP, IB PYP, Japan, US Medium: English, Putonghua, Japanese Year founded: 2007

SHANGHAI SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Xu Hui Campus: 1455 Hua Jing Road, XuHui Tel: (8621) 6496 5550 Minhang campus: 301 Zhu Jian Road Tel: (8621) 62219288 E-mail: Website: Year groups: pre-nursery – G12 Number of students: 1,500 Number of teachers: 216 Average class size: Preschool: 10 to 18; primary-high school: 22 Accreditation: Council of International Schools, IB World School, IGCSE test centre, Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board, National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook development Association membership: iPSLE, SAT and ABRSM Year founded: 1996 Curriculum: Primary syllabus based on Singapore curriculum; school-based curriculum in G7-8, IGCSE in G9-10; IB Diploma for G11, 12 Medium: English, Putonghua Special programmes: Intensive Support Programme, golf in primary school Extra-curricular activities: Sport, orchestra, performance group, robotics Fees: 116,000- 200,000 yuan/year

SHANGHAI UNITED INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Hongqiao campus: 999 Hong Quan Road Tel: (8621) 34316025 Wanyuan campus: 509 Ping Ji Road Tel: (8621) 6498 1238 Gubei Secondary campus: 248 Hong Song Road East Minhang Tel: (8621) 5175 3010 Pudong campus: 48 Xue Ye Road Tel: (8621) 5886 6080 Shangyin campus: 185 Long Ming Road Tel: (8621) 5417 8143 Jiaoke Secondary campus: 55 Wan Yuan Road Tel: (8621) 6480 9986

E-mail: Website: Year groups: 5-18 Number of students: 1,000 Accreditation: IB World School, National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development Association membership: IBO Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: IB Fees: 81,000-90,000yuan/year

SHANGHAI UTSUKUSHIGAOKA MONTESSORI KINDERGARTEN 22 (Mandarine City), 788 Road, Hongxu Tel: (8621) 6405 6318 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 3-5 Number of students: 250 Accreditation: National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development Association membership: Montessori Year founded: 1996 Curriculum: Montessori Medium: Japanese, English, Putonghua Fees: HK students 7,000 yuan/month, Japanese 85,000 yen/month

SHINE ACADEMY 5F, 814 Pudong Da Dao, Pudong Tel: (8621) 5062 3237 E-mail: info@ShineAcademy.Asia Website: www.ShineAcademy.Asia Year groups: Pre-kindergarten to kindergarten Number of students: more than 25 Curriculum: Individualised Learning Programme Medium: English Year founded: 2012 Fees: 107,503 yuan/year

SINO EUROPEAN INTERNATIONAL PRE-SCHOOL Building 2, Yun Plaza, 1999 Puming Road Tel: (8621) 5045 8668 Email: Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten to kindergarten Number of students: 200 Number of teachers: 24 Average class size: 15 Curriculum: SEIPS Medium: English, Putonghua Year founded: 2008 Fees: 123,500–152,000 yuan/year

SOONG CHING LING KINDERGARTEN International Division Hong Mei campus: 3908 HongMei Road, Changning District Tel: (8621) 6242 9851 Zhao Xiang campus: 1 YeHui Road, QingPu District Tel: (8621) 6975 6216 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten to kindergarten Number of students: 150 Number of teachers: over 30 Average class size: 16-22 Curriculum: Cross-curricular, Montessori Medium: English, Putonghua Year founded: 1991 Fees: 11,000–13,000 yuan/month

SMIC PRIVATE SCHOOL SHANGHAI 19 and 169 Qing Tong Road, Pudong Tel: (8621) 5855 4588

E-mail: Website: Year groups: G1-12 Number of students: 2,500 Accreditation: Education Bureau of China Association membership: Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp Year founded: 2001 Curriculum: Kindergarten bilingual; elementary and middle/high schools in English and Chinese Fees for English Track: 40,040-49,480 yuan/semester Fees for Chinese Track: 23,313- 24,142 yuan/semester

THE CHILD ACADEMY Jingqiao campus: 1888 Xinjinqiao Road, Pudong Tel: (8621) 6855 8658 Zhangjiang campus: 88 Keyuan Road, Pudong Tel: (8621) 2898 6828 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten to kindergarten Number of teachers: 17 Medium: English, Putonghua Year founded: 2007 Fees: Half day 21,000 yuan/term; Full day 32,000 yuan/term

THE LITTLE URBAN CENTRE PRE-SCHOOL Building No 233, Fang Dian Road, 779, Pudong Tel: (8621) 5187 2889 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 1 to 6 years old Number of teachers: 12 Average class size: 15-25 Curriculum: mixture of US and UK Medium: English, Putonghua Year founded: 2012 Fees: 8,800 yuan/month

TINY TOTS INTERNATIONAL PRE-SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN 43 Fu Xing West Road Tel: (8621) 6431 3788 50 Gu Mei Road Tel: (8621) 6480 8933 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 20 months to 6 years Number of students: 130 Accreditation: Shanghai International Schools Association Year founded: 1997 Curriculum: Tiny Tots Sequential Step System Fees: 119,800 yuan/year

WELLINGTON COLLEGE INTERNATIONAL SHANGHAI No. 1500 Yaolong Road, Pudong Tel: (8621) 5185 3866 E-mail: admissions@wellington-shanghai. cn Website: Year Groups: Pre-Nursery-Y13. Boarding available for Y7-13 Number of Students: 500 Average Class size: 16-22 Accreditation: Partnered with Wellington College in the UK. IB World School. CIS and FOBISSEA membership pending Association membership: SISA, IBO, IGCSE/Edexcel Year Founded: 2014 Curriculum: Pre-nursery to 14 years –


MAINLAND SCHOOLS English National Curriculum; 14-16 – IGCSE; 16-18 – IB Diploma Programme Medium: English, Putonghua, French, Spanish, German Extra-curricular activities: Wideranging between 3.30pm and 5.00pm on weekdays. Academy Programme in evenings and at weekends Fees: 80,200 – 285,000 yuan/year

(awaiting accreditation) Medium: Putonghua, English Special programmes: dual language immersion and summer programmes Extra-curricular activities: Sports, arts, music, community services, exchanges Fees: not provided


555 Lian Min Road, Xujing Town,Qingpu Tel: (8621) 6976 6388 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery-G12 Number of students: 776 Accreditation: IB World School Association membership: SISA, CISSA, IBO Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: IB PYP, MYP, diploma Medium: English, Putonghua, German, French, Swedish, Finnish Special programmes: Learning needs, English as an additional language, German Fees: 62,565 – 203,700 yuan/year

Hongqiao campus: 1765 Hongqiao Road, Building 8, Shanghai Tel: (159) 2152 6449 Zhudi campus: 355 Jidi Road, House 5, Shanghai Tel: (159) 2152 6449 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten to kindergarten Number of students: 50 Number of teachers: 4 Curriculum: US Medium: English, bilingual Years founded: 2008 and 2011 Fees: Fall semester: Morning drop-off 8,800 yuan, Full day 26,500 yuan; Spring semester: Morning drop-off 11,500 yuan, Full day 30,200 Yuan


Guangzhou & Shenzhen


Puxi-Gubei campus: 18 West Rong Hua Road Tel: (8621) 6219 5910 Puxi-Hongqiao campus: 11 Shui Cheng Road Tel: (8621) 6242 3243 Pudong-Century Park campus: 1433 Dong Xiu Road Tel: (8621) 5045 6475 Pudong-Regency Park campus: 1817 Hua Mu Road Tel: (8621) 5033 1900 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K1-Y13 Number of students: 2,300 Number of teachers: 320 Average class size: Varies Accreditation: IB World School, New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Council of International Schools, National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development Association membership: Cambridge International Examinations, IBO Year founded: 1932 Curriculum: Global education in English and Putonghua, leading to IGCSE and IB diploma Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Wide range Fees: 88,000-245,000 yuan/year

YK PAO SCHOOL Changning campus: 20 Lane 1251, West Wuding Road Song Jiang campus: 1800 Lane 900, North Sanxin Road Tel: (8621) 6167 1999 E-mail:, Website: Year groups: Y1-12 Number of students: more than 1,000 Number of teachers: more than 180 Class sizes: 20-26 Accreditation, association membership: Shanghai Education Committee, Cambridge International Examinations Year founded: 2007 Curriculum: Shanghai, IGCSE, IB Diploma

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ALCANTA INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE 1130 Baiyun Dadao Nan, Baiyun District Tel: (8620) 8618 3999 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Senior high school Number of students: 81 Number of teachers: 13 Average class size: 17 Medium: English, Putonghua Accreditation: IBO Curriculum: IB, IBDP Year founded: 2011 Fees: 128,000–168,000 yuan/year

AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF GUANGZHOU Preschool-G5: 3 Yan Yu Street South, Ersha Island, Yuexiu Tel: (8620) 8735 3392/or 3393. E-mail:; G6-12: 19 Kexiang Road, Science Park, Luogang Tel: (8620) 3213 5555 E-mail:; E-mail: Website: Year groups: Preschool-G12 Number of students: 980 Number of teachers: 94 Average class size: 20 Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges, IB World School Association membership: Council of International Schools, East Asian Regional Council of Schools, Association of China and Mongolia International Schools, Asia Pacific Activities Conference Year founded: 1981 Curriculum: IB Medium: English, Putonghua Fees: 64,500-98,650 yuan/semester

CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF GUANGZHOU Cambridgeshire Garden, Namcun Town Panyu District Tel: (8620) 3925 5321

E-mail: Website: Year groups: Elementary Number of students: 110 Number of teachers: 14 Average class size: 12-13 Accreditation: ISI Curriculum: Canada Year founded: 2012 Medium: English, Putonghua, Arabic Fees: 70,000 yuan/year

CLIFFORD SCHOOL (INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME) Clifford Estates, Panyu District Tel: (8620) 84711441 E-mail: international@clifford-school. Website: Year groups: G1-12 Number of students: 525 Number of teachers: 55 Average class size: 30 Accreditation: Manitoba province, Canada Year founded: 1996 Curriculum: Manitoba Medium: English Fees: 46,700-55,530 yuan/year

ECOLE FRANÇAISE INTERNATIONALE DE CANTON Favorview, Wu Shan, Tianhe District Tel: (8620) 3879 7324 E-mail: Website:

GUANGZHOU GRACE ACADEMY Riverside Garden, Panyu Tel: (8620) 8450 0180 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Kindergarten-G12 Number of students: 55 Accreditation: Model school for ACE School of Tomorrow Year founded: 1994 Curriculum: Accelerated Christian Education Medium: English Fees: 72,000- 98,000 yuan/year

GUANGZHOU HUAMEI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Huamei Road, Tianhe District Tel: (8620) 87210372 Website: Year groups: kindergarten-G12 Number of students: 2,600 Number of teachers: 260 Average class size: 20 Accreditation: Chinese Education Bureau Year founded: 1993 Curriculum: International with programme for the gifted Medium: English Fees: 28,000 yuan/semester

GUANGZHOU NANHU INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 55 Huayang Street, Tiyu Dong Lu, Tianhe Tel: (8620) 3886 6952 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-nursery-Y13 Number of students: Not provided Accreditation: British Qualifications and Curriculum Authority Year founded: 2002 Curriculum: British, leading to IGCSE, A-levels Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Student

council, parent-teacher association Fees: 118,000-160,000 yuan/year

HUAMEI BOND INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE 23 Huamei Road, Tianhe District E-mail: Tel: (8620) 3358 6506, 87210868 Website: Average class size: 25-35 Year founded: 1993 Curriculum: Canada Fees: 72,000-85,000 yuan/year

THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF GUANGZHOU 983-3 Tonghe Road, Baiyun District 510515 Tel: +86 (20) 8709 4788 E-mail:, Website: Year groups: Toddlers to Year 13 (full school) Number of teachers: 100+ Class sizes: 16-24 Year founded: 2005 Accreditation: A Nord Anglia Education School, University of Cambridge Examination Centre, PSAT/SAT Centre, member of the Federation of British International Schools In Asia, member of the Council of British International Schools, member of the Council of International Schools, Registered with the Chinese Ministry of Education. Curriculum: English National Curriculum Medium: English Other languages taught: Chinese, Spanish, French, and German Home Language Programme Extra-curricular activities: After school activities take place four days each week with activities ranging from physical, academic and creative to music, arts and dance. A sports schedule also operates each weekend and the school has a full annual residential trips programme. Fees: 37,260–197,690 yuan/year

THE FRENCH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL GUANGZHOU Favorview Palace, Wushan, Tianhe District Tel: (8620) 3879 7324 Email: Website: Year groups: Kindergarten – Grade 12 Number of students: 143 Number of teachers: 21 Average class size: 25 Curriculum: French BAAC Year founded: 1997 Fees: 58,300–104,800 yuan/year

YEW WAH INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION SCHOOL OF GUANGZHOU No. 9, Xue’er Street, Beixing, Huadong Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, P.R.C., 510897 Tel: (8620) 8683 2662 / 400 860 9778 Email: Website: Year Groups: ECE K2 – Y13 Class sizes: 16 – 25 Year Founded (Foundation): 1932 Year Founded (GZ campus): 2014 Accreditation: University of Cambridge Examination Center Medium: English & Chinese (Mandarin) After-School-Activities: Sports, Arts, Music & Academia Fees: 178,000-248,000 yuan/year


MAINLAND SCHOOLS BUENA VISTA CONCORDIA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Tel: (86755) 2823 8166 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K3 – G8 Number of students: 175 Number of teachers: 17 Average class size: 21 Curriculum: US Medium: English, Putonghua Year founded: 2011 Fees: 100,000 yuan (family discount for second and third child)/year

GREEN OASIS SCHOOL Tianmian, 4030 Shennan Middle Road, Futian District Tel: (86755) 8395 9000 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Year 1- 12 Year founded: 2006 Number of students: 650 Number of teachers: 21 Average class size: more than 25 Curriculum: English National Curriculum; IGCSE Fees: 44,500-52,000 yuan/semester

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF SHENZHEN ORIENTAL ENGLISH 10 Xuezi Road, Bao An Education Town, Bao An District Tel: (86755) 27516124 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Elementary, Secondary School Year founded: 2003 Number of students: 480 Number of teachers: 60 Average class size: 25

Curriculum: IB; IBDP; IB PYP; International Secondary Programme Fees: 35,000–85,000 yuan/year

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF NANSHAN SHENZHEN Flat 166, Nanguang Lu Tel: (86755) 2666 1000 E-mail: Website: Year groups: PG1-G12 Number of students: 420 Accreditation: New Brunswick Department of Education, Advanced Placement courses Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools Year founded: 2002 Curriculum: Canadian. Advanced Placement Medium: English, Putonghua, French Fees: 51,000-60,000 yuan/year

MISSION HILLS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 1 Mission Hills Road, Shenzhen Tel: (86 755) 2801-0733 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Age 3 to Grade 12 Year founded: 2015 (Pre-School K1-K3); 2017 ( Grades 1-12) Curriculum: blending IB, Ontario and Chinese Medium: English and Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: wide range Fees: Pre-school full day starting at 90,000 yuan per year

OXSTAND BOND INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE 2040 Buxin Road, Luohu District Tel: (86755) 25813954

E-mail: Website: Year groups: Secondary School Number of students: 860 Number of teachers: 91 Curriculum: Canada Year founded: 2004 Fees: 84,260–99,460 yuan/year

QSI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF SHEKOU Bitao Building, 8 Tai Zi Road Tel: (86755) 2667 6031 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Age 2-17 Number of students: 967 Number of teachers: 80 Average class size: 15 Accreditation: IB World School, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools, East Asian Regional Council of Schools Year founded: 2001 Curriculum: American, IB, Advanced Placement courses Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Athletics, performing arts, model United Nations Fees: 49,000-118,200 yuan/year

QSI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF SHENZHEN-NANSHAN A1, TCL Science Park, 1001 Zhongshan Yuan Road, Nanshan District Tel: (86755) 83713122 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 3-13 Number of students: 579 Number of teachers: 28 Average class size: 12-18; preschool 5

Association membership: Association for the Advancement of International Education Year founded: 2007 Curriculum: American Medium: English Special programmes: Chinese and French Extra-curricular activities: Sports, arts Fees: 66,000-12,600 yuan/year

SHEKOU INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Jing Shan Villas, Nanhai Boulevard Tel: (86755) 2669 3669 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Preschool-Y12 Number of students: 680 Number of teachers: 82 Average class size: 16 Accreditation: IB World School, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, National Centre for School Curriculum and Textbook Development Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools, East Asia Regional Council of Overseas Schools Year founded: 1988 Curriculum: Experiential learning; IB Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Productions Fees: 80,000-179,000 yuan/year

SHEN WAI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 29 Baishi 3rd Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen Tel: (86755) 8654 1200 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten, Elementary

MAINLAND & MACAU SCHOOLS SHENZHEN AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Podium, Meishulanshan Garden Building, 116 Wenxin 2nd Road, Nanshan Tel: (86755) 8619 4960 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Preschool-G8 Number of students: 200 Number of teachers: 14 Average class size: less than 20 Year founded: 2009 Curriculum: American project-based learning Special programmes: ESL Extra-curricular activities: Various Fees: 84,000-120,000 yuan/year

UTAHLOY INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Guangzhou: 800 Sha Tai Bei Road, Bai Yun Tel: (8620) 8720 2019 Zengcheng: San Jiang Town Tel: (8620) 82913201 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K-Y12 Number of students: 900 Number of teachers: 134 Average class size: 15-24 Accreditation: IB World School Association membership: Council of


International Schools, Association of China and Mongolia International Schools Year founded: 1997 Curriculum: IB PYP, MYP, diploma Medium: English Special programmes: Native languages Extra-curricular activities: Sport, drama, chess, Chinese art, modern dance Fees: 99,000-169,000 yuan/year

Macau MACAU ANGLICAN COLLEGE 109-117 Avenida Padre Tomas Pereira, Taipa, Tel: (853) 2885 0000 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K1 to F6 Number of students: 21,400 Number of teachers: 130 Average class size: 25 Year founded: 2002 Curriculum: IGCSE, A-levels Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricula activities: field trips Fees: 31,000 patacas (K1-P6)/year; 56,240 –59,240 patacas (F1-F6)/year

ST ANTHONY’S ENGLISH NURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN 1/F, 743 Avenida da Praia Grande Tel: (853) 2832 2088

E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery to kindergarten Number of students, accreditation, association membership: Not provided Average class size: 16-25 (2 teachers each) Year founded: 1989 Curriculum: Based on themes Medium: English, Putonghua Number of teachers: Not provided Extra-curricular activities: Handicrafts, My First Computer, Putonghua, English for K3 Fees: 2,350-3,080 patacas/month

SCHOOL OF THE NATIONS Rua do Minho, Taipa Tel: (853) 2870 1759 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K1-Gr.12 Number of students: 600 Number of teachers: 80 Average class size: 15-25 Accreditation: IB World School, IGCSE Year founded: 1988 Curriculum: IB and international curriculum Medium: English,Putonghua Special programs: Well established Special Education and ELL (English Language Learners) programs, Strong

Arts programs (Music, Drama, Dance and Visual Arts) Extra-curricular activities: Wide range Fees: 58,000 – 95,200 patacas/year

THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MACAO Macao University of Science and Technology, Block K, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa Tel: (853) 2853 3700 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-K to G12 Number of students: 1,150 Number of teachers: 88 Average class size: 21 Accreditation: Alberta, Canada Association membership: Association of China and Mongolia International Schools, Australia Boarding Schools Association Year founded: 2002 Curriculum: Canadian Medium: English Special programmes: Mandarin classes, support classes for all, including special needs Extra-curricular activities: Sports (competing locally and internationally), drama, band, clubs, student council Fees: 51,000-101,000 patacas/year


SINGAPORE SCHOOLS Preschools CHATSWORTH KINDERGARTEN 1, Jalan Kayu Tel: (65) 64815585 E-mail: admin@chatsworthkindergarten. com Website: www.chatsworthkindergarten. com Year groups: 2-6 Accreditation: Ministry of Education’s Kindergarten Curriculum Guide Year founded: 2003 Curriculum: Language and literacy development, environmental awareness Medium: English, Putonghua Fees: Pre-Nursery S$2,407; Nursery S$2,073; K1-2 S$2,541

kindergarten11E.htm Year groups: 30 months to 5 years Number of students: 400 Number of teachers: 70 Average class size: Playgroup: 15; Nursery: 20 Year founded: 1989 Curriculum: Based on the Japanese system Medium: Japanese Extra-curricular activities: tropical garden, swimming, outdoor games Fees: Entrance fee S$ 1,200; Building fund S$ 500; Monthly School fee S$ 950; Monthly (Pre Nursery) S$ 900 (Nursery/ K1/K2)


Branch 1: No 7 Seraya Lane Branch 2: 21 West Coast Road Tel: (65) 6348 4780 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 2-6 Number of teachers: 20-50 Year founded: 1995 Medium: Japanese, English Extracurricular activities: Pre-Sap Immersion Putonghua programme, Putonghua Early Childhood Programme Fees: Full Day S$1,300/month (East branch ); S$1,400 (West branch)

16 Ramsgate Road Tel: (65) 6342 0100 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 3-6 Association membership: Konohana International Year founded: 1984 Special Programme: immersion education, second language acquisition Medium: English, Japanese Extra-curricular activities: gymnastics, group activities, Sodoku Fees: Registration S1,000; deposit S$1,200; childcare fee S$1,200/month; facility expenses S$900/year




Main campus: 2 Orchard Boulevard Tel: (65) 6252 3322pasha E-mail: Website: Year groups: 18 months to 6 years Association membership: EtonHouse Group Year founded: 1995 Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme Medium: English, Putonghua Fees: Registration S$2,000; Pre-Nursery half day S$6,300/term; full day S$7,600/ term Branch campus: 15 Claymore Road Tel: (65) 6737 3322 E-mail: Year groups: 18 months-6 years Association membership: EtonHouse Group Year founded: 1995 Curriculum: Reggio Emilia Medium: English, Putonghua, Japanese, Hindi Extracurricular activities: Skills in exploration, research, and teamwork Fees: S$17,550-S$21,000/year

ITALIAN SUPPLEMENTARY SCHOOL Embassy of Italy, 101 Thomson Road #27-02/03 United Square Tel: (65) 6466 4849 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery-high school Year founded: 1986 Curriculum: Italian as Second Language (L2) Class, A-levels in Italian Medium: Italian Extra-curricular activities: Christmas recitation, carnival, seminars

JAPANESE KINDERGARTEN 251 West Coast Road Tel: (65) 6779 3434 E-mail: Website:

SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2015

25 Ettrick Terrace, Siglap Tel: (65) 6446 4636 E-mail: Website: www.rosemountkindergarten. com Year groups: 2-7 Year founded: 1999 Curriculum: International inquiry-based curriculum; social, physical, emotional, cultural and academic development Medium: English Extracurricular activities: music, drama, dance and visual arts Fees: Two mornings S$2,646; full time S$9,410

Primary and secondary schools ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL (INTERNATIONAL) SINGAPORE 61 Jalan Hitam Manis Tel: (65) 6472 1477 E-mail: admission@acsinternational. Website: Year groups: Y1 (Secondary 1) to 6 (JC 2) Number of students: 750 Number of teachers: 100 Year founded: 2005 Curriculum: Foundation IGCSE, IGCSE, IB Diploma Programme Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: basketball, art, student leadership programme Fees: Registration S$3,210; Y1-4 S$24,000/year; Y5-6 S$27,000

AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SINGAPORE 1 Lorong Chuan Tel: (65) 6883 5155 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Prep-12 Number of students: 300

Number of teachers: 70 Average class size: 25 Number of students: 1,080 Number of teachers: 105 Average class size: 20 Year founded: 2011 Accreditation: IBO Curriculum: IB, IB PYP Medium: English, Putonghua Fees: 80,000–120,000 yuan/year

AVONDALE GRAMMAR SCHOOL 318 Tanglin Road Phoenix Park Tel: (65) 6258 8544 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Preschool - Year 6 Number of students: 300 Number of teachers: 70 Year founded: 2007 Curriculum: Australian Special Programmes: Putonghua, French Medium: Putonghua, French Extra-curricular activities: Music, languages and physical education Fees: Application S$2,140; pre-school S$1,485-S$2,149; Foundation-Y5 S$2,273; Y6-8 S$2,499

BRITISH COUNCIL NURSERY SCHOOL 30 Napier Road Tel: (65) 6473 1111 Website: singapore.htm Year groups: prep-P1 Number of teachers: 150 Year founded: 2007 Curriculum: 2015 PSLE Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Interactive whiteboards, learning with DVDs and iPads Fees: Nursery: S$1,385-S$1,555; Kindergarten: S$1,385-S$1,555

CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 5 Toh Tuck Road Tel: (65) 6467 1732 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Lakeside Campus: ECE to Grade 12; Tanjong Katong Campus: ECE to Grade 8 Average class size: 18-26 Accreditation: IB World School, member of the Council of International Schools Year founded: 1989 Curriculum: IB Primary Years, Middle Years and Diploma programmes Medium: French, English, Mandarin Extra-curricular activities: In-line skating, photography, floor hockey, gymnastics Fees: Application: S$1,784; S$12,213S$30,856/year

CHATSWORTH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Orchard Campus: 37 Emerald Hill Road Tel: (65) 6737 5955 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 3-18 Accreditation: Cambridge IGCSE Centre, International Baccalaureate and WASC Association membership: Chatsworth Support Group Year founded: 1994 Curriculum: IGCSE, American High School diploma or IB diploma. Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Basketball,

swimming, football team Fees: Application S$214; confirmation S$2,140; K1-K2: S$19,790; Y1-6: S$23,000; Y7-9: S$23,510; Y10-11: S$24,550; Y12-13: S$26,460 East Campus: 25 Jalan Tembusu Tel: (65) 6344 5955 E-mail: information@chatsworth-east. com Website: Year groups: 3-10 Accreditation: IB Primary Years Programme Year founded: 2005 Curriculum: PYP Medium: English, Mandarin Special Programmes: Personal, social Extra-curricular activities: First Aid, CPR training, football, floor hockey Fees: application S$214; confirmation S$2,140; K1-K2 S$20,590; Y1-6 S$23,932

CHINESE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 60 Dunearn Road Tel: (65) 6254 0200 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K1-G12 Average class size: 25 Accreditation: IB school Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: IBPYP Medium: English Special Programmes: IELTS class Extra-curricular activities: Culture, chess, dance, sports Fees: S$24,396-S$26,215

DOVER COURT PREPARATORY SCHOOL 301 Dover Road Tel: (65) 6775 7664 Email: Website: Year groups: Nursery – Year 11 Number of teachers: 80 Average class size: 22 Year founded: 1972 Curriculum: British Language of instruction: English Other languages taught: Mandarin, French Extra-curricular activities: Sports, computer animation, music, boot camp, clubs Fees: Termly fees after 7pc GST Nursery $4,012.50 – Y12 $8308.55

DPS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 36 Aroozoo Avenue E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-nursery-G12 Teacher-student ratio: 1:19 Accreditation: Delhi Public School Society Year founded: 2004 Curriculum: ICSE/ISC/IGCSE Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Nutrition, Scrabble choir, young chef, web designing Special Programmes: exchanges Fees: Registration S$2,500; S$3,210-S$7,704

DULWICH COLLEGE 71 Bukit Batok West Avenue 8, Singapore, 658966 Tel: (65) 6890 1000 E-mail: admissions@dulwich-singapore. Website: Year groups: 2-14 Association membership: The Dulwich


SINGAPORE SCHOOLS Family of International Schools Year founded: 2014 Curriculum: English National Curriculum (ENC) from Pre-Nursery (aged 2) to Year 9 (aged 14) in 2015. Medium: English Special Programmes: Dulwich Mandarin Programme, Social and Health Education Extra-curricular activities: competitive sports, competitive swimming, residential visits, music concerts, Art & DT, extracurricular activities, Fees: Application S$4,000; S$14,700 S$37,780

EXCELSIOR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 201Ulu Pandan Road Tel: (65) 6536 6566 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 2- G12 Number of students: 2,500 Average Class Size: 20; Early Years: 25 Association membership: Cambridge International School (ICE, AS/A-level, AICE), International Baccalaureate Primary Years Year founded: 2013 Curriculum: CIPP, CIE, IGCSE study, GCE Medium: English, Putonghu, Spanish, French Extra-curricular activities: Dance, drama, music, art and sport Fees: Not provided

ETON HOUSE INTERNATIONAL PRIMARY SCHOOL AND PRESCHOOL 33 Jalan Afifi 04-01EtonHouse 51 Broadrick Road, Singapore 439501 Tel: (65) 6746 3333 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 18 months to Y6 Teacher student ratio: Pre-NurseryNursery 1:4-10; K1-2 1:15; Y1-6 1:25 Accreditation: IB World School, Council of International Schools Association membership: EtonHouse Education Centre, EtonHouse International Education Group Year founded: 2007 Curriculum: based on IB Primary Years Programme Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Chinese cultural classes, Pre-Sap immersion Putonghua, sports Fees: S$17,815-S$23,807

FRENCH SCHOOL OF SINGAPORE 3000 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3 Tel: (65) 6488 1160 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 2-17 Number of students: 2,400 Accreditation: French Foreign Ministry (AEFE) Year founded: 1999 Curriculum: French, mathematics, physical education and sport, science, humanities Medium: French Fees: annual registration S$2,675; S$14,300-S$23,300

GERMAN EUROPEAN SCHOOL Main Campus: 72 Bukit Tinggi Road (pre-school and secondary school) Junior School Campus: 300 Jalan Jurong Kechil, (pre-primary and primary)


Tel: (65) 6469 1131 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-G12 Number of students: 1,500 Accreditation: Excellent German School Abroad, IB World School Association membership: Rijnsland Education Worldwide Year founded: 1971 Curriculum: IB Programmes (PYP, MYP, DP) Medium: Putonghua, French, Portuguese, German Special Programmes: Vocal, instrumental Extra-curricular activities: Sports Fees: S$4,730-S$31,140

GLOBAL INDIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Queenstown Campus: 1& 3 Mei Chin Road Tel: (65) 6508 3700 E-mail:admissions@sg.globalindianschool. org Website: Year groups: Kindergarten-G12 Accreditation: IMC RB National Quality Award Association membership: Global Indian Foundation Year founded: 2002 Curriculum: IB Diploma Programme, Cambridge IGCSE Programme, Central Board of Secondary Education, Global Montessori Plus for Nursery to Kindergarten 2 Medium: English, Indian, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Karate, badminton, cricket, soccer, junior athletics Fees: S$3,073-S$6,743 East Coast Campus: 82 Cheviot Hill Tel: (65) 6442 6670 Year groups: Kindergarten-G12 Number of students: 1,200 Number of teachers: 80 Teacher-student ratio: 1:18 Accreditation: World Class Award by Asia Pacific Quality Organisation Year founded: 2002 Curriculum: IGCSE, Central Board of Secondary Education, Global Montessori Plus Medium: English, Indian, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Yoga, debating, home economics, Hindi, IT, dance Fees: S$2,872-S$4,176 Balestier Campus: 51 Jalan Rajah Tel: (65) 6254 3258 Year groups: Kindergarten-G12 Number of students: 1,000 Accreditation: Quest for Excellence Award by Asia Pacific Quality Organisation Year founded: 2008 Curriculum: IB Diploma Medium: English, Indian, Putonghua Fees: S$2,872-S$3,744

HOLLANDSE SCHOOL 65 Bukit Tinggi Road Tel: (65) 6466 0662 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Kindergarten-12 years old Number of students: 525 Number of teachers: 80 Year founded: 1920 Curriculum: International Primary Medium: Dutch, English, French Extra-curricular activities: Pre-school Jip and Janneke, sports Fees: Registration S$3,000; S$18,121

HWA CHONG INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 663 Bukit Timah Road Tel: (65) 6464 7077 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Secondary 1 to Pre-U 2 (G7-12) Number of students: 600 Accreditation: IB schools Association membership: Hwa Chong cluster of schools and colleges Year founded: 2005 Curriculum: IB Diploma programme Medium: English, Putonghua Extracurricular activities: Sports, art Fees: S1-4 S$18,000; Pre-university 1 and 2 S$20,400

INSWORLD INSTITUTE 2 Serangoon Road, The Verge 03-18 Tel: (65) 6732 1728 E-mail: Website: Year groups: High school-undergraduate Number of students: 120 Number of teachers: 14 Class sizes: 4-12 Year founded: 2004 Curriculum: GCE London Examination Board Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: art and photography, futsal and dance club Fees: Application S$2,500. Course fees: S$6,500

INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY SCHOOL 27A Jubilee Road Tel: (65) 6776 7435 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-school-G12 Number of students: 400 Average class size: 15-20 Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Association of Christian Schools International, Ministry of Education Association membership: Network of International Christian Schools Year founded: 1993 Curriculum: American-based Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Sports Fees: Application S$2,000; enrolment S$1,200; annual tuition Junior Kindergarten S$16,380; Kindergarten-G5 S$20,459

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SINGAPORE Elementary School (Grades K to 5) 25 Paterson Road Tel: (65) 6235 5844 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K-G5 Number of students: 750 Number of teachers: 80 Accreditation: IB World School Association membership: East Asia Regional Council of Overseas Schools, Council of International Schools Year founded: 1981 Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme Medium: English and others Extra-curricular activities: Sports, drama and theatre programme Fees: Enrolment S$3,210; tuition S$22,280- S$31,620 Middle School (G6-8) Tel: (65) 6737 6407

Year groups: G6-8 Number of students: 750 Number of teachers: 80 Accreditation: Apple Mac platform school Association membership: Western Association of Schools and College Curriculum: Middle Years Programmes Medium: English and other languages Extra-curricular activities: Chess, band, art and language clubs, musical and drama Fees: Application S$3,000; enrolment S$1,200; tuition G6-8 S$27,690

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL SINGAPORE (G9-12) 21 Preston Road Tel: (65) 6475 4188 E-mail: Website: Year groups: G9-12 Number of students: 750 Number of teachers: 80 Accreditation: IB World School Association membership: Western Association of Schools and College Curriculum: Diploma Programme Medium: English and other languages Extra-curricular activities: Soccer, netball, tae kwon do, yoga, field sports Fees: Application S$3,000; Enrolment S$1,200; tuition S$31,620.

K-12 INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY 89 Kampong Bahru Road Tel: (65) 3158 1367 E-mail: Website: Year groups: America’s K-12 Number of students: 200 Accreditation: AdvancED, NCAA Association, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement Curriculum: US diploma Medium: Spanish, French, German, Latin Extra-curricular activities: Sports, cooking, German club, photography, astronomy Fees: S$4,995-S$6,995

NPS INTERNATIONAL 10 Chai Chee Lane Tel: (65) 6294 2400 E-mail: Website: Year groups: early years to G12 Number of students: 1500+ Teacher-student ratio: 1:13 Accreditation: IB school Association membership: National Public Schools, Central Board of Secondary Education (India) Year founded: 1959 Curriculum: CBSE programme, IGCSE, (Cambridge UK),IB (IBO, Switzerland) Medium of instruction: English Extra-curricular activities: Campteen, conference, drawing, pen-pal programme, Host of sport and non sport activities: Cricket, Football, Basketball, Tennis, Badminton Fees: Admission: Two months’ tuition fee Tuition: $1050.00-$1875.00

ONE WORLD INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 696 Upper Changi Road East Tel: (65) 6542 2285 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 3-14 Accreditation: IB, registered with the










SINGAPORE SCHOOLS Council for Private Education, Garodia Group Year founded: 2008 Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme, Cambridge International Examinations Programme for Middle School Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: A wide range such as choir, chess, yoga, rock band etc Fees: Registration S$2,400; Tuition S$16,369 - S$26,719

OVERSEAS FAMILY SCHOOL 25F Paterson Road Tel: (65) 6738 0211 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-K to G12 Number of students: 3,580 Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Year founded: 1991 Curriculum: IB Primary and Middle Years programmes OFS High School Graduation Diploma, Study Preparation Programme Medium: French, German, Japanese, Putonghua, Spanish, English Extra-curricular activities: Various Fees: Application S$2,000; tuition S$10,000-S$18,500/semester

SINGAPORE AMERICAN SCHOOL 40 Woodlands Street Tel: (65) 6363 3403 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-K-G12 Number of students: 3,878 Number of teachers: 345 Average class size: 22 Accreditation: Western Association of Schools and Colleges Association membership: Interscholastic Association of Southeast Asian Schools Year founded: 1956 Curriculum: American-based, Advanced Placement Programme Special Programmes: Interim semester (China, Switzerland, South Africa, Vietnam) Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Sports, community service, debating team Fees: Application $2,500; registration $12,840; annual tuition S$11,675-S$30,154

SINGAPORE KOREAN SCHOOL 71 Bukit Tinggi Road Tel: (65) 67410778 E-mail: Website: Year groups: N1-G12 Number of students: 300 Number of teachers: 58 Association membership: The Korean Language Centre Year founded: 1993 Curriculum: Korean National Curriculum Medium: Korean Fees: Registration S$3,000; N1S$6,000/ semester; N2-K2 S$4,500; G1-6 S$4,700; G7-9 S$6,800; G10-12 S$8,400

SJI INTERNATIONAL 490 Thomson Road Tel: (65) 6353 9383 E-mail: Website: Year groups: 12-18 Number of students: 710 Association membership: St Joseph’s Institution


Year founded: 2006 Curriculum: IGCSE, IB Diploma Medium: English, Chinese, Indonesian, Malay, Spanish Extra-curricular activities: Aikido, sports, philosophy club, photography, physics club Fees: Application S$1,070; registration S$570; G7-8 S$23,332/year; G9-10 S$23,276.00; G11-12 S$27,248.00

STAMFORD AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 1 Woodleigh Lane (off Upper Serangoon Road), 357684 Singapore Tel: (65) 6653 7907 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Pre-K to G12 Accreditation: IB World School, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Association membership: Cognita Schools Group Year founded: 2009 Curriculum: International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme (PYP, MYP, DP) integrated with the American Education Reaches Out (AERO) standards Medium: English, Mandarin, Spanish Extra-curricular activities: sports, including Taekwondo, Tai Chi, Soccer; crafts including movie making, cooking and Quilting; language including Spanish club, chinese culture and performing arts Fees: Application S$3,160; S$13,846S$35,984/year

ST JOSEPH’S INSTITUTION INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 38 Malcolm Road Tel: (65) 68715202 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Prep 1-G6 Number of students: 1,600 Accreditation: Ministry of Education’s 2005 Masterplan Awards, Sustained Achievement Award for Sports Association membership: Saint Joseph’s Institution International Year founded: 1852 Curriculum: Integrated Programme track and O-level track, International Baccalaureate Diploma Medium: English, Putonghua Extra-curricular activities: Performing arts, sports, triathlon, social service Fees: Registration S$1,605; Pre1-2 S$25,540/semester; G1-6 S$25,540

ST FRANCIS METHODIST SCHOOL 492 Upper Bukit Timah Road Tel: (65) 6760 0889 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Secondary-Diploma Number of students: 500 Accreditation: Four-Year EduTrust certification, Consumers Association of Singapore, Singapore Quality Class for Private Educational Organisations, bizSAFE Level 3 Certification Association membership: The Methodist Church in Singapore Year founded: 1960 Curriculum: O-level syllabus as outlined by the Ministry of Education, SingaporeCambridge General Certificate of Education Medium: English, Putonghua Special Programmes: English immersion programme, student exchange

Extra-curricular activities: Orchestra, art, ice-skating, chess, judo, gymnastics Fees: S$15,000/year

SWISS SCHOOL SINGAPORE 38 Swiss Club Road Tel: (65) 6468 2117 E-mail: Website: Number of students: 280-300 Number of teachers: 45 Year groups: Little Tots – P6 Accreditation: Educationsuisse (Swiss Government Approved School); Council of Private Education Association membership: Swiss School Association, network between FDFA, EDI Year founded: 1967 Curriculum: Swiss-based Medium: English and German Extra-curricular activities: Field trips, soccer, sports, arts, music Fees: Registration S$2,675; annual tuition: S$7,050 to S$21,300

TANGLIN TRUST SCHOOL 95 Portsdown Road Tel: (65) 6778 0771 E-mail: Website: Year groups: Nursery to Sixth Form Number of students: 2,690 Number of teachers: 190 Accreditation: IB World School, inspected by Ofstead Year founded: 1925 Curriculum: English National Curriculum from the Early Years Foundation, through Key Stages 1, 2 and 3, I/GCSE and A Level, IB Diploma or A Levels in the Sixth Form, International Baccalaureate, A-LevelGCSE Medium: English Extra-curricular activities: Field trips, sports Fees: Enrolment S$2,675; S$7,918-S$13,155/Term










1207 Dover Road Tel: (65) 6775 5344 E-mail: Website: Year groups: K1-12 Number of students: 3,000 Number of teachers: 300 Accreditation: IGCSE in G9-10, IB Diploma in G11-12 Association membership: UWC Movement Year founded: 1971 Curriculum: Guided by the UWCSEA profile, UWCSEA K1-G8 Academic programme, (I)GCSE, IB Diploma Medium: English Fees: As per academic year K1-G1 : $28,320 G2-G5: $28,455 G6-G10: $33,705 G11-G12: $35,025 Boarding: $32,670


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