PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

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Contents 目錄 6

Message from Prof. Peter Yuen, Dean of College of Professional and Continuing Education 專業及持續教育學院院長阮博文教授獻辭


Foreword by Dr Jack Lo, Director of PolyU SPEED PolyU SPEED院長羅文強博士序言

PolyU SPEED 15 – True Colour of Alumni PolyU SPEED 15 – 校友•本色 10

Joe Lai | Art director in a 4As agency stresses on teamwork


Janet Lee Man-wai | Finance graduate becomes a bank’s manager


Otto Choi Hang | A Marketing and Public Relations graduate is now a commercial pilot 蔡恆 | 市場營銷及公共關係畢業生現為商業機師


Nicholas Cheung Ho | Pursuing actuarial studies at a top Australian university


Cheung Miu-yuk | Pursuing a doctoral degree in civic design at the University of Liverpool 張妙玉 | 到利物浦大學研讀城市規劃博士課程


Peter Au Chi-wai | Police college instructor keeps himself updated through continuing education 歐智威 | 警察學院教官 與時並進

黎洛 | 4As廣告公司美術指導 著重團隊精神

李敏慧 | 財務生成銀行經理

張浩 | 負笈澳洲 專研精算


Chung-hei | Right attitude and hard work lead to a double master’s degree in Germany 仲曦 | 百折不撓 努力不懈 遠赴德國修讀雙碩士課程


Wataru Yu Woo-suk | Japanese-korean graduate becomes a local entrepreneur


Fanny Chong Ching-fan | Irish working holiday – The longest journey begins with the first step 莊清芬 | 愛爾蘭工作假期 – 千里之行 始於足下


Fung Yat-lui | From IT senior management to an HKU PhD candidate


Maurice Wong Chak-hin | Degree in Retail Management leads to unrivalled opportunities in a top-notch retailer 王澤軒 | 零售管理學位帶來在頂尖零售商發展的機會


Hazel Tang Hei-yan | Seven-star internship beyond imagination – From Dubai to The Peninsula Hong Kong 鄧熹恩 | 七星級非凡實習 從杜拜到香港半島酒店


Benny Liu Kin-heng | Outstanding graduate works in premium residential estate management 廖鍵恒 | 優秀畢業生從事高級住宅管理工作


Carena Tang Yin-ching | CCTV intern helps RTHK production


Wong Yip-wan | 89-year-old student aims to help others through lifelong learning 黃業雲 | 求學無分老幼 89歲學生助人為本

竹內祐碩 | 日韓裔畢業生成為本地創業家

馮一雷 | 從資訊科技界高層到港大博士生

鄧燕青 | 中央台實習生協助港台製作

Message from

Prof. Peter Yuen Dean of College of Professional and Continuing Education

It gives me great pleasure to extend my warmest

and travel industry management, and psychology and

congratulations to School of Professional Education and

public administration.

Executive Development of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU SPEED) on the memorable occasion of

Over the years, the School has nurtured more than

its 15th anniversary.

10,000 graduates who have completed their bachelor’s degrees, and many of them have become leaders in their







respective industries and professions. This stands as a

Continuing Education (CPCE) oversees the operation

testimony that PolyU SPEED has grown into one of the

of its educational units, PolyU SPEED and Hong Kong

leading self-financing tertiary institutions in Hong Kong.

Community College (HKCC). Throughout the years, PolyU SPEED has been supporting our mission to offer

Looking ahead, PolyU SPEED will continue to broaden

quality higher education opportunities that help students

its portfolio of top-up honours degree programmes so as

build a solid foundation for career development, further

to open up more articulation pathways for sub-degree

study and lifelong learning.

graduates. Besides, the School and its dedicated team of staff will collaborate closely with industry and professional

Since its establishment in 1999, PolyU SPEED has

bodies to enrich students’ learning experiences and

undergone significant expansion from initially offering

widen their horizons.

short courses and diploma/ certificate programmes to currently providing mainly self-financing top-up honours

This commemorative booklet, which contains the sharing

degree programmes. What PolyU SPEED offers has also

of 15 PolyU SPEED alumni, is published to celebrate the

extended from business-oriented programmes to those

School’s 15th anniversary. I sincerely hope that you will

in the areas of applied arts, communication, decision

enjoy reading it.

sciences, information technology, health care, hospitality

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni 校 友 • 本 色

獻辭 專業及持續教育 學院院長 阮博文教授

欣逢香港理工大學專業進修學院 (PolyU SPEED) 成立



今,學院已培育超逾一萬名學士學位畢業生,他們在 不同行業和專業領域各展所長,證明PolyU SPEED已

專業及持續教育學院 ( CPCE) 是 香港理工大學的




── PolyU SPEED及香港專上學院的運作和發展。多 年來,PolyU SPEED秉持CPCE提供優質高等教育的

展望將來,PolyU SPEED將會繼續增辦不同範疇的榮




業生。此外,學院及其教學團隊亦會與工商組織和專 業團體緊密合作,藉以豐富同學的學習經驗,擴闊他

PolyU SPEED自一九九九年成立以來,發展一日千


里,由最初提供短期進修課程和文憑/證書課程,發 展至現時專注為副學位畢業生提供自資榮譽學士學位

為慶祝成立十五周年,PolyU SPEED出版這本紀念特






Dr Jack Lo Director School of Professional Education and Executive Development The Hong Kong Polytechnic University The academic year 2014/15 marks the 15th anniversary

overwhelming demand for our programmes over the years

of the School of Professional Education and Executive

is a testimony to our programme quality and the concerted

Development of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

efforts of our staff, students, alumni and industry partners.

(PolyU SPEED). Over the years, we have kept abreast of the times in terms of programme development, curriculum

PolyU SPEED is also committed to developing its students

design, staff quality, teaching standard and student

into all-round talents by offering them a wide array of student


development activities. Our students are supported by scholarships and sponsorship to take part in overseas

Established in 1999, PolyU SPEED initially offered short

exchange and internship programmes. The overarching

courses and diploma/ certificate programmes. In 2003, in

objective is to develop our students into competent

light of the development of a knowledge-based economy,

professionals, critical thinkers, effective communicators,

we started offering top-up degree programmes to provide

innovative problem solvers, lifelong learners and ethical

articulation opportunities for sub-degree graduates and

leaders through conventional teaching as well as out-of-

to meet the needs of the industry and society. Starting

classroom learning experiences.

from the 2014/15 academic year, all our top-up degree programmes are offered at honours degree level.

In this commemorative booklet “PolyU SPEED 15 - True

PolyU SPEED has developed from a small unit to a sizable

Colour of Alumni”, 15 alumni are invited to share their fond

school with a diversified portfolio of more than 40 top-up

memories of studying at PolyU SPEED and how they fulfil

bachelor’s honours degree programmes for graduates

their aspirations after graduation. Through their stories, we

of Associate Degree and Higher Diploma programmes

hope readers will learn more about PolyU SPEED.

in anticipation of the 2015/16 academic year. The

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni 校 友 • 本 色

序言 香港理工大學 專業進修學院院長 羅文強博士

2014/15學年是PolyU SPEED 15周年誌慶,學院多年

PolyU SPEED亦致力透過不同的學生發展活動,為學




助學生到海外交流及實習,目的是結合傳統教學及課 堂以外的學習經驗,培育優於專業、敏於思辨、善於

PolyU SPEED於1999年成立,最初提供短期進修課程




2003年起開辦學士學位銜接課程,為副學位學生提供 升學機會,配合社會及不同行業的需要;自2014/15

在這本《 P o l y U S P E E D 1 5 - 校 友 ‧ 本 色 》 校


慶特刊,15位校友獲邀分享他們在P o l y U S P E E D 學

學位程度。PolyU SPEED一直穩步向前,從一所細小






多元化的榮譽學士學位銜接課程。多年來,社會對學 院的課程需求殷切,正是學院課程質素的明證和教職 員、同學、校友以及業界夥伴一起努力的成果。


Art director in

a 4As agency stresses on teamwork Joe Lai Bachelor of Arts in Applied and Media Arts Nowadays, multimedia is not only ubiquitous in our daily lives, it also provides a rewarding career for many talented people. Joe Lai, who graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Applied and Media Arts from PolyU SPEED in 2006, thinks the programme helped him embark on a career in a thriving industry.

Expertise built on strong foundations

and present my ideas to them accordingly,” Joe said.

Joe thought that the programme offered by PolyU SPEED enabled him to acquire the relevant knowledge and skills

Practical communication skills

progressively. “The programme covers three major areas:

Joe is now working as an art director for Cheil PengTai,

multimedia, graphic design and media arts. Students have

a 4As advertising company. Talking about the advertising

the exposure to each area and then choose their favourite

work that he loves, Joe recalled a memorable incident:

as a specialism. This enables students to explore their

“A few years ago, I was working in another renowned

interests and strengthen their expertise for a future career.”

advertising company. The client was an international fast food chain which had a huge budget for a promotional

“Apart from theoretical knowledge, the School also

campaign. A series of creative promotional activities,

provides students with opportunities to gain practical

including the design and production of web pages and

experience through its collaboration with various industrial

online games, had been launched to engage public

and commercial organisations. Through these experiences,

participation. The deep satisfaction our team gained after

I realised how an idea could eventually be turned into a

completing this challenging project is beyond words,” Joe

multimedia work. I also learned how to communicate with


the clients, understand their thoughts and requirements,

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

every “ Cherish learning opportunity to explore your own potential.


Joe emphasised that innovative ideas aside, every successful






collaboration among colleagues from different internal departments that helps to gain the trust of the client. The key to success is teamwork and excellent communication skills.

Joe said studying at PolyU SPEED equipped him with the necessary knowledge and skills to develop a career in the multimedia industry.


黎洛 應用及媒體藝術文學士

4As廣告公司美術指導 著重團隊精神 多媒體對我們日常生活的影響無遠弗屆,更為不少具相關才華的人士提供良好事業發展機 會。PolyU SPEED應用及媒體藝術文學士課程2006年畢業生黎洛認為課程的訓練有助他投身這 個多姿多采的行業。

打穩基礎 專修鑽研

溝通技巧 學以致用

黎洛表示,PolyU SPEED的課程讓他循序漸進地掌握











動設計推廣專頁和富趣味性的網上遊戲,讓市民參與 其中。這次充滿挑戰性的機會讓我的團隊發揮無窮創



同學提供實習和訓練機會。這些經驗不但讓我了解如 何將一個意念轉化成一件多媒體作品,更有助我與客





客戶,而當中的關鍵就是團隊精神及卓越的溝通技 巧。

PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

善用每次學習機會, 發揮潛能。

黎洛表示,PolyU SPEED課程的訓練有助 他掌握有用的知識及技能,投身精彩的 廣告及多媒體行業。


Finance graduate

becomes a bank’s manager Janet Lee Man-wai Bachelor of Arts in Business (Finance) After graduating from PolyU SPEED with a Bachelor of Arts in Business (Finance), Janet Lee Man-wai joined a local bank and worked her way up from a temporary staff member to management through continuing education.

Crucial role opens up new dimension

we need to analyse it as well. In addition, data entry

Janet was one of those early graduates of the top-up

requires speed and accuracy. Nothing must go wrong.”

degree programme at PolyU SPEED back in 2007. She

After several promotions, Janet is now a bank’s manager,

was then referred to a local bank by a lecturer at the

demonstrating enhanced communication, presentation

School and worked as a temporary staff member in the

and leadership skills.

back office. Four months later she became a full-time employee because of her outstanding performance.

Clear direction on career planning Despite her hectic work schedule, Janet maintains a

Janet thanked PolyU SPEED for equipping her with the

work-life balance. “Banking is a fast-paced business.

knowledge and practical skills required in the real world.

Sometimes the work makes me feel stressed. That’s

“After becoming a regular staff member, I continued to

why I have begun learning Chinese calligraphy, as I hope

work in the back office,” she said. “Data entry seems

to slow down my pace of life. It also helps me remain

repetitive, but actually it is not. When we input the data,

calm and patient to better understand my colleagues at

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

more, learn more “ Think and work hard.

Be prudent in your words and behaviour.

work.” To stay competitive and acquire more professional knowledge, Janet has enrolled on a master’s degree in corporate governance for her career development. Looking back on her career path, Janet said she had a clear direction for her development upon completion of the programme at PolyU SPEED. She was pleased that she could apply at work the knowledge she had acquired during her studies.

Janet loves travelling because it allows her to appreciate different cultures and expand her horizons.


李敏慧 商業文學士(財務)

財務生成銀行經理 李敏慧在PolyU SPEED取得商業文學士(財務)學位後,隨即加入一家本地銀行做臨時職員, 及後持續進修,拾級而上,現已成為管理層。

後勤重任 別有洞天

職業規劃 方向清晰

敏慧2007年於PolyU SPEED畢業,是這個學士學位銜接







得平靜,而且更有耐性與同事溝通。」敏慧早前報讀 了企業管治的碩士課程,利用工餘時間進修,她希望



讓她很快地適應實際的工作環境:「成為正式員工 後,我繼續留在後勤部門工作。」敏慧說:「後勤部

回顧個人的事業發展,敏慧認為PolyU SPEED課程讓





而『準』,絕不能出錯。」敏慧憑著出色的溝通能 力、表達技巧及領導才能,經過數次晉升後,她現時 已是一位銀行經理。

PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

多想多學、 努力不懈、 謹言慎行。


1 憑著持續進修及高效率的工作表現, 李敏慧在金融行業的發展可謂平步 青雲。

2 敏慧熱愛旅遊,因為這樣能夠讓她欣 賞不同文化,增廣見聞。



A Marketing and Public Relations graduate is now a commercial pilot Otto Choi Hang Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations In a knowledge-based economy such as Hong Kong, corporations





qualifications of their employees and a degree certificate is deemed as the basic entry requirement. For Otto Choi Hang, a 2009 graduate of the Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations, his training and degree qualification acquired from PolyU SPEED helped him achieve his dream job as a pilot.

From graduation to pilot test One step closer to the sky Otto explained that he selected the PolyU SPEED

abroad. After passing the aviation examinations, he

programme as its subject contents are practical, covering

became a qualified private pilot.

strategic public relations and integrated marketing communications. He enjoyed the programme for its

Opportunity comes to those who are well prepared. In

compatibility with his outgoing and outspoken personality.

2012, when a local airline company was recruiting cadet

Also, the practical knowledge that he acquired can be

pilots, he jumped at the long-awaited chance. After rounds

readily applied in the workplace.

of interviews and tests, Otto was selected as one of the 12 trainees to join the company’s first pilot training scheme

Upon graduation from PolyU SPEED, Otto joined the

in New Zealand. At present, being a second officer, he is

disciplined force of the Hong Kong SAR Government.

undergoing specialised training to master the operation of

Being a man of action, he liked the challenges of the work.

various types of commercial aircraft apart from his normal

However, he found himself becoming more passionate

civil aviation duties. He is also required to undertake a

about being a commercial aircraft pilot. To fulfil his dream

regular series of rigorous assessments.

of flying, he took leave from work to study aviation courses

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

attitude will “ Your determine your altitude. Be positive and you will reach the blue sky.

Training ground for developing initiative and inquisitiveness Talking about the greatest benefit he gained from PolyU SPEED, Otto said the programme helped him boost his academic qualifications so that he can realise his dream of flying. Also, it has developed in him a proactive attitude to learning. “The lecturers are very willing to motivate students to nurture their initiative in solving problems. Such cultivation of initiative was useful for my pilot training and current work, as pilots have to make independent judgments and solve imminent problems before and during the flight. Also, I was impressed by the harmonious learning ambience at PolyU SPEED. I hope to build a similar atmosphere in my crew.” Otto shared with his fellow students at PolyU SPEED a common saying in the aviation industry: “Your attitude will determine your altitude.” He said. “Be positive and keep reminding yourselves to aim higher. Eventually you will reach the vast blue sky.”

Otto received stringent training to master the operation of a commercial aircraft.


蔡恆 巿場營銷及公共關係文學士

市場營銷及公共關係 畢業生現為商業機師 在香港這個知識型經濟社會,企業對人員的學歷要求愈來愈高,而一張學位證書往往已成 為入職的基本門檻。對於巿場營銷及公共關係文學士課程2009年畢業生蔡恆而言,他在 PolyU SPEED獲取的訓練與學士學歷有助他達成當機師的夢想。

畢業後應考機師 天際追夢


蔡恆表示,他選擇修讀PolyU SPEED課程,因為其內容






享受整個學習過程,此外,課程中實用的知識讓他能 夠在工作上學以致用。

學會主動 查找答案 問到他在PolyU SPEED最大的得著是甚麼,蔡恆說課程除










常常要作出獨立的判斷,解決突發問題,因此必須養 成主動解決問題的態度。此外,在學院修讀期間,師






PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

態度決定高度, 只要保持積極向上, 定能闖出一片藍天。

最後,蔡恆以航空業內的一句術語「態度決定高度」 來勉勵一眾同學:「只要保持正面積極,不斷鞭策自 己天天向上,最終會衝上廣闊的藍天。」

蔡恆表示,在PolyU SPEED獲取的訓練與 學士學歷有助他達成當機師的夢想。


Pursuing actuarial studies at a top Australian university Nicholas Cheung Ho Bachelor of Arts in Business (Finance) PolyU SPEED is one of the leading self-financing tertiary education institutions in Hong Kong, with a mission to provide sub-degree graduates with quality top-up degree programmes, enrich students’ learning experiences and provide flexible educational opportunities for lifelong learners. Take Nicholas Cheung Ho as an example. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Business (Finance) in 2011. One year after completing the programme, he chose to study abroad in Australia.

Taking a break from work

atmosphere at PolyU SPEED is strong. The lecturers are

After completing the top-up Bachelor’s degree studies

always keen to teach and discuss matters with students.

at PolyU SPEED, Nicholas joined the insurance arm of a

I really appreciate their passion for imparting knowledge.

major international financial services group with a history

I still keep in contact with my lecturers and we have

of over 150 years. After working there for about a year, he

become friends,” he said.

decided to pursue postgraduate studies overseas in order to broaden his horizons and gain a global perspective

Enjoying life in Australia

while still young. He completed a Master of Commerce,

Talking about his life in Australia, Nicholas found the

with a specialisation in Actuarial Studies, at Macquarie

country a picturesque and tranquil place. Unlike the

University in Sydney last year.

hustle and bustle of Hong Kong, the shops in Australia usually close at 6pm. However, amazing attractions like

Looking back, Nicholas was glad that he accepted the

sunbathing on the Gold Coast, skiing in the Australian

advice of his lecturers at PolyU SPEED to set his sights

Alps and diving on the Great Barrier Reef make Australia

high and aspire to a master’s degree. “The learning

one of the most desirable countries in the world to live in.

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

try your best and “ Always never give up. You will reach your goal one day.

Therefore, it was no surprise that Nicholas planned to stay in Australia after finishing his postgraduate studies. Lastly, Nicholas told current students of PolyU SPEED: “The road to success may have hardships and challenges, but there are always different paths to achieve the desired goals.” He encouraged them to try their best and never give up; they will reach their goals one day. He also emphasised the importance of getting good academic results at Bachelor’s degree level if they hope to go on to further studies. Nicholas said his outstanding academic achievements at PolyU SPEED helped him a great deal. Achieving outstanding academic success at PolyU SPEED helped Nicholas a great deal in furthering his studies on a master’s programme in Australia.


張浩 商業文學士(財務)

負笈澳洲 專研精算 PolyU SPEED是本地自資高等學院之一,專注開辦與副學位畢業生職業志願相關的優質學位銜接 課程,豐富學生的學習經驗,並為有志終身學習人士提供靈活的教育機會。以2011年商業文學 士(財務)課程畢業生張浩為例,他在完成課程後的一年,選擇到澳洲深造,放眼世界。

放下工作 向海外闖


張浩在PolyU SPEED完成學士學位銜接課程後,獲一家








悉尼麥覺理大學的精算學研究商業碩士課程。 最後,他勉勵PolyU SPEED的同學:「通往成功的路往 張浩感謝PolyU SPEED講師們的教誨,讓他獲益良







課程考取優異成績。而他在PolyU SPEED獲得的良好學


術成績使他能夠順利在澳洲升讀碩士課程,便是最佳 證明。

在澳洲享受愜意生活 談到在澳洲的生活,張浩認為這個國家風光如畫,生 活平淡簡樸,這裡的商店與熙來攘往的香港不同,一

PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

只要努力不懈、 永不言敗, 終會達成目標。


1 張浩(右)與家人一起分享碩士畢業 的喜悅。

2 在PolyU SPEED考獲良好成績,有助張 浩(右)負笈澳洲升讀碩士課程。



Pursuing a doctoral degree in civic design at the University of Liverpool Cheung Miu-yuk Bachelor of Arts in Business (International Business) When Cheung Miu-yuk completed her sub-degree studies, she chose PolyU SPEED’s Bachelor of Arts in Business (International Business) programme. After graduating from PolyU SPEED in 2010, she continued to study for a Master of Science in Management at the University of Liverpool, and is now pursuing a doctoral degree specialising in Civic Design.

Facilities conducive to learning

per cent of universities in the world. It is also a member of

Miu-yuk chose PolyU SPEED because she believed

the Russell Group which represents 24 leading universities

its programmes could enhance her credentials and

in the UK. What’s more, the University of Liverpool

professional competence. Subsequently, this also opened

established the first planning school in civic design in the

the door to postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom

world,” she said.

(UK). “At PolyU SPEED, the classes are held on two state-of-the-art campuses which give us an environment

Hoping to serve her country

conducive to learning. I clearly remember the late nights

Miu-yuk’s doctoral thesis focuses on the study of

when I and my classmates worked in the library and

branding as a contemporary perceptual dimension of

computer centre, as well as the wonderful moment when

urban design. “This is an interdisciplinary field of study

we celebrated our academic achievements,” she said.

examining environmental perception in urban design, and demonstrating how branding can be used as a

Miu-yuk chose the University of Liverpool for her

contemporary dimension to make a place better for

postgraduate studies because of its long history and its

living,” she explained. After completing her doctorate,

reputation for world-class teaching and research facilities.

Miu-yuk hopes to work on improving the design and

“The University of Liverpool is ranked among the top 1

quality of towns and cities in China. She also wants to

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

there is a will, “ Where there is a way.

Self-confidence is the first step to success.

promote urban planning and regeneration, as well as better environmental management. When not working on her thesis, Miu-yuk spends her leisure time cooking, cycling, working out at the gymnasium, and teaching Chinese in the local community. Travelling to other European countries has also become one of her favourite pastimes during holidays. Miu-yuk encouraged current students of PolyU SPEED, saying: “Where there is a will, there is a way. Selfconfidence is the first step to success.” Miu-yuk learned these principles from her parents, who always taught her that great deeds were accomplished not by strength, but through perseverance. For Miu-yuk, studying at PolyU SPEED opened the door to postgraduate studies in the UK.


張妙玉 商業文學士(國際商業)

到利物浦大學研讀 城市規劃博士課程 張妙玉完成副學位課程後,報讀PolyU SPEED商業文學士(國際商業)學士學位課程。2010年 於PolyU SPEED畢業後,她負笈英國升學,於利物浦大學修讀管理學理學碩士課程,並在完成 碩士課程後攻讀博士學位,研究城市規劃。

優越設施 有利學習


妙玉選擇在PolyU SPEED升讀學士學位課程,因為她相信






生學習。妙玉說:「PolyU SPEED的課程在兩座設備完








興奮時刻。」 妙玉現時除了在大學進行研究和學術訓練外,課餘時 妙玉表示,選擇在利物浦大學攻讀研究生課程,是因




施。利物浦大學被評為世界最優秀大學之首1%,亦是 英國羅素集團旗下24間著名大學成員之一。利物浦大

妙玉勉勵PolyU SPEED的同學:「有志者事竟成,自信是



PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

有志者事竟成, 自信是邁向成功 的第一步。

被她視為楷模的父母常常教導她,個人成就是由毅力 而非氣力創造而成的。



Police college instructor keeps himself updated through continuing education Peter Au Chi-wai Bachelor of Arts in Policing and Public Order Peter Au Chi-wai was a PolyU SPEED graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Policing and Public Order in 2011. As an instructor at the Hong Kong Police College, he believes that he has to keep himself updated through lifelong learning in order to nurture the new generation of police cadets.

Exchange of ideas at overseas conference

Peter was thankful that the programme has changed his

Peter explained why he selected the PolyU SPEED

attitude towards teaching by enabling him to understand

programme: “Offering many real case studies for class

how to teach effectively as well as learn diligently. The

discussion from the outset, the lecturers then expounded

theoretical knowledge that he has acquired from the

the relevant academic theories of the cases to improve

programme is not only applicable at his workplace, but

students’ learning effectiveness. They also taught students

it also enables him to better understand the profession

to look at issues with new ideas and perspectives. For

of policing. “I attended the Annual Police Academic

example, the job of community policing has become

Conference in Budapest, Hungary and had a fruitful

more difficult than ever, both locally and globally. There

exchange with the representatives from around the world.

are international studies showing that problem-solving

The knowledge of policing and public order that I acquired

and communication skills are the most effective ways to

from the programme helped me understand more about

enhance community policing. Therefore, students of this

the policing issues in their countries. It was indeed an eye-

programme are required to take the subject of Social

opening experience,” he said.

Psychology to gain a better understanding of society and the world. This shows the comprehensiveness of the curriculum.”

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

you have learnt “ What should be useful one day. It is meaningless if we learn all day but do not know how to put it into practice.

Nobel Prize recipient Professor Charles Kuen Kao, “Father of Fibre Optics”

Positive attitude towards lifelong learning Peter believed the completion of the programme was a personal accomplishment. “The main duty of the Police Force is to ensure that our society is a safe and stable place to live in. To uphold the rule of law and to maintain law and order, the police also need to acquire new knowledge to keep themselves up-to-date. The programme has not only enhanced my academic qualification and confidence in teaching, but also cultivated a positive attitude towards lifelong learning. Currently, I am pursuing a master’s degree in education management.” Peter considered continuing education as the driving force for a balanced

Peter (right) attended the Annual Police Academic Conference with PolyU SPEED’s Deputy Director, Dr W. K. Yung (centre) and the Programme Leader, Dr Sandy Chau in Budapest.

life. He hopes to set an example for his colleagues so that they will continue to enrich their knowledge and maintain the professionalism of the Police Force.


歐智威 警政及公共秩序文學士

警察學院教官 與時並進 作為香港警察學院的教官,PolyU SPEED警政及公共秩序文學士課程2011年畢業生歐智威相信, 要培育優秀的警察學員,自己必須透過持續進修,增進知識,才能與時並進。

國際會議 交流心得


智威指出,PolyU SPEED開辦的警政及公共秩序文學




實個案供同學討論,然後解釋個案背後的相關學術理 論,有助提升學習成效。此外,講師鼓勵同學以新思

積極心態 終身學習












程,繼續進修。」智威認為,持續進修是保持均衡生 活的動力,他希望以身作則,鼓勵同袍自我增值,不

智威稱讚這個課程改變了他的教學心態,皆因課程令 他學懂教學相長、孜孜不倦的道理。他在課程中所獲 取的學術理論不單能夠學以致用,更令他對警政專業 有更深入的認識。「我出席了在匈牙利布達佩斯舉行

PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色


學問學懂之後,一定有用; 一天到晚只是學習, 不懂運用實踐是沒有 意思的。 – 諾貝爾獎得主「光纖之父」高錕教授

作為香港警察學院的教官,智威相 信,要培育優秀的警察學員,自己 必須透過持續進修,增進知識,才 能與時並進。


Right attitude and hard work lead to a double master’s degree in Germany Chung-hei Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration “If you can take it, you can make it.” Chung-hei is an encouraging example of this maxim. Although his public examination results failed to meet the entrance requirements of governmentfunded bachelor’s degree programmes, he didn’t give up looking for alternatives to improve and upgrade his prospects. After completing an associate degree, Chung-hei’s hard work and right attitude helped him continue his education at PolyU SPEED, and obtained a Bachelor’s top-up degree in Public Administration in 2012.






institutions in the Nordic countries, to earn academic credits.

After graduation from PolyU SPEED, Chung-hei went to Germany and studied for a Master of Arts and an MSc

In Germany, non-local students are allowed to work part-

in Social Sciences in European Studies, an international

time for up to 120 days each year. However, Chung-hei

double degree programme jointly offered by the

preferred travelling to other German cities to immerse

University of Flensburg and the University of Southern

himself in local cultural heritage. “The overseas experience

Denmark. “Apart from acquiring academic knowledge,

reminded me of an old Chinese saying: ‘Similar nature

I also experienced different cultures and broadened my

nurtures similar culture’. My observation is that due to

horizons,” he said. As students were allowed to transfer

the influence of Anglo-American culture, people in Hong

credits obtained from some European Union universities

Kong have business acumen and place more emphasis

under the European Credit Transfer System, Chung-

on earning a return. It is clear that the Germans and

hei also took a summer course at the University of

other Europeans treasure their cultural inheritance and

Copenhagen, one of the largest research and education

diversified values. They are keener to preserve their cultural

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

those who have faith, “ For just follow the right path,

work hard and aim high. Life is full of opportunities.

inheritance than gain a financial return,” he opined.

Seize the opportunity with a firm belief Chung-hei has finished his thesis, a comparative study of identity issues in Scotland and Hong Kong. Having completed his Master’s degree, Chung-hei planned to work in Europe for a few years to accumulate valuable overseas work experience for his future career. “For those who have faith, just follow the right path, work hard and aim high. Life is full of opportunities,” he said.

Despite his disappointing public examination results, Chung-hei reached his academic target via PolyU SPEED.


仲曦 公共行政文學士

百折不撓 努力不懈 遠赴德國修讀 雙碩士課程 「皇天不負有心人」, 仲曦正是一個令人鼓舞的例子。雖然他的本港公開考試成績未能符 合升讀政府資助學士學位課程的要求,但他沒有放棄尋找升學出路;仲曦好學不倦、力爭 上游,終於循副學士途徑繼續升讀PolyU SPEED,並於2012年修畢公共行政文學士學位銜 接課程。

靈活取學分 兼增廣見聞


仲曦在PolyU SPEED畢業後便負笈德國,修讀由弗倫








部份歐盟成員國的大學推行學分轉移計劃,他亦利用 這個機會到北歐其中一間在研究及教育方面最具規模

堅持信念 把握機會




文,並獲頒碩士學位。他有意在歐洲工作數年,累積 寶貴的海外工作經驗,為未來事業發展鋪路。他寄語


PolyU SPEED的同學:「只要有信念,找到適合的途徑,



作,反而到其他德國城市遊歷,體驗風土人情。仲曦 認為:「在德國留學,令我想起一句老話:『一方水 PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

只要有信念,找到適合 的途徑,不斷努力, 放眼世界,便可把握 許多發展機會。

仲曦雖然在香港的公開試成績未如 理想,但他透過入讀PolyU SPEED, 同樣能夠實現學習目標。



graduate becomes a local entrepreneur Wataru Yu Woo-suk Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management As a Japanese-Korean born in Hong Kong, Wataru Yu Woo-suk was educated at international schools and is fluent in Japanese, Korean, English, Cantonese and Putonghua. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Management from PolyU SPEED in 2012, Woo-suk ventured into the Korean gourmet business, using his knowledge of diverse cultures and his proficiency in different languages.

Support and encouragement from lecturers

tours. The move gave him a strong connection with the

Woo-suk treasured the “bond” that he established with the

Korean community. It also helped to build up his business

PolyU SPEED lecturers. “The mentors whom I met at PolyU

contacts and connect him with his Korean heritage more

SPEED are passionate about sharing their experience and

closely. In order to learn more about Korea, Woo-suk

professional knowledge of the hospitality industry. They

decided to sell his shares in the travel agency and left for

gave specific advice on my future development based on

Korea to find his ancestral roots.

my personality, giving me a greater understanding of my potential. I was then inspired to become an entrepreneur

Applying hospitality knowledge to serving

upon graduation. They are always helpful and have given


lots of suggestions on my future business plans,” Woo-

Refreshed and inspired after his trip, Woo-suk opened

suk said.

a chic Korean restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui, promoting Korean food culture. He attributed the success of his

After graduation from PolyU SPEED, Woo-suk invested in

restaurant to his studies at PolyU SPEED. “Without the

a travel agency specialising in handling inbound Korean

knowledge and experience gained at PolyU SPEED, I could not have developed my career in the hospitality

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

simple smile can “ Aresolve problems and

make a big difference.

management industry as smoothly. The curriculum of the programme covers not only the work of frontline practice in the hospitality industry, but also the relevant management and financial knowledge. All the knowledge and training acquired are beneficial to the running of my own business,” Woo-suk said gratefully. “The essence of what I learned from the programme is ‘to care for the customers and serve with a smile’. Making your customers feel like they are at home is the fundamental key to success. At my restaurant, food quality and hospitality with a smile come first because heartfelt service always helps overcome glitches in operations and ensures ongoing improvement.”

Woo-suk appreciated the willingness of his PolyU SPEED lecturers to discuss his future career development and inspire him to become an entrepreneur.


竹內祐碩 款待業管理文學士

日韓裔畢業生 成為本地創業家 竹內祐碩是日韓混血兒,生於香港,中學時入讀國際學校,他通曉日語、韓語、英語、廣 東話及普通話。祐碩2012年於PolyU SPEED取得款待業管理文學士學位,其後憑着對多元 文化的認識及通曉多國語言的優勢,踏上韓式美食的創業路。

亦師亦友 支持鼓勵

款客之道 學以致用

祐碩十分珍惜他與PolyU SPEED講師們所建立「亦師


亦友」的關係:「我在PolyU SPEED遇到的良師,除



PolyU SPEED所學到的知識,有助他的款待管理事業







在PolyU SPEED畢業後,祐碩曾投資一家專門接待韓









PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

一個簡單的笑容, 往往可以化解不少 問題,化危為機。

竹內祐碩讚賞PolyU SPEED的講 師非常願意跟他討論其未來發展 方向,並加強他創業的信心。


Irish working holiday – The longest journey begins with the first step Fanny Chong Ching-fan Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations Having a global perspective has become increasingly important nowadays. Fanny Chong Ching-fan, who graduated from PolyU SPEED with a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Public Relations in 2013, seized the opportunity to join the International Summer School Programme offered by the School for cultural exchange at a renowned university in the United States (US), paving the way for her subsequent academic and personal journeys abroad. In love with multiculturalism

After completing her Bachelor’s degree programme at

Fanny said that her study at PolyU SPEED was fruitful.

PolyU SPEED, Fanny worked for a marketing company,

“The small-class teaching model facilitates interaction

applying what she had learned to the real world. At

between students and lecturers, and creates an

the same time, she applied for a master’s degree

effective study atmosphere. Apart from my terrific fellow

programme in the United Kingdom (UK), and was later

classmates, I was fortunate to learn from a group of caring

admitted to University College London, allowing her to further

and passionate lecturers who were also the mentors of

experience western lifestyle and culture while still young.

our academic as well as our personal issues.”

Applying knowledge on a working holiday Fanny fondly recalled being awarded a sponsorship

Out of her passion for travel and adventure, Fanny decided

by PolyU SPEED to join an exchange programme at

to spend a working holiday in Ireland before beginning her

the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) in the US.

postgraduate studies in the UK. “My exchange experience

“Through this cultural exchange, I learned how to solve

at UCB has greatly aroused my interest in multiculturalism.

problems independently. This precious opportunity not

Therefore, I chose to spend a year experiencing

only broadened my horizons, but also inspired my passion

and learning different cultures through the scheme,”

for cultural diversity,” Fanny said.

she explained.

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

confident and cherish “ Be the opportunity. Brave the challenge and realise your dreams.

As part of the agenda of her holiday, Fanny is now working in a restaurant in Ireland. Apart from greeting customers, she also provides input for the restaurant’s online promotional campaigns. “The restaurant owner knows that I have a Bachelor’s degree in marketing and public relations. Therefore, I became involved in promoting the restaurant through its website and Facebook page, enabling me to apply my knowledge of digital marketing,” she said. Fanny encourages her fellow students at PolyU SPEED to

Fanny (fourth from right) made many new friends during her exchange programme at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), in the US.

seize the opportunity to realise their dreams.


莊清芬 市場營銷及公共關係文學士

愛爾蘭工作假期 – 千里之行 始於足下 全球日趨一體化,令具備國際視野人才的重要性與日俱增。PolyU SPEED市場營銷及 公共關係文學士課程2013年畢業生莊清芬把握機會,參加學院舉辦的國際暑期學習計 劃,負笈美國著名大學進行交流,為未來海外升學及生活體驗之旅鋪路。


工作假期 學以致用

清芬回顧PolyU SPEED的校園生活,自言獲益良多,「課










向我們提供意見。」 清芬「工作假期」的其中一個環節是在愛爾蘭一家 清芬在PolyU SPEED學習期間,最難忘的是獲得學院贊











最後,清芬寄語PolyU SPEED的同學要把握機會,實



請報讀英國碩士課程,最終獲倫敦大學學院取錄,趁 年輕體驗西方的生活方式與文化,擴闊視野。

PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

相信自己, 珍惜機會; 勇於挑戰, 實現夢想。


1 由於清芬熱愛旅遊,她決定到英國升

讀碩士課程前,先前往愛爾蘭展開 「工作假期」, 在愛爾蘭一家餐廳 任職 。

2 清芬(左)與友人攝於愛爾蘭的 Phoenix Park。



From IT senior management to an HKU PhD candidate Fung Yat-lui Bachelor of Arts in Psychological Studies Fung Yat-lui, a 2013 graduate of the Bachelor of Arts in Psychological Studies programme at PolyU SPEED, gave up a well-paid and distinguished career in order to pursue a doctoral degree. His experience exemplifies that everything is possible – if only you try hard enough.

PolyU SPEED is the first step for academic

foundation of theoretical knowledge in psychology, which

pursuit of psychology

would be important for their further studies,” he said. After

Yat-lui majored in Information Technology (IT) at university

graduation from PolyU SPEED, Yat-lui continued to study

and worked in the IT field for over 20 years. He developed

for a Master of Applied Psychology at PolyU. At present,

an intense interest in psychology after attending some

he is pursuing a full-time PhD programme offered by The

relevant short courses after work during that period of

University of Hong Kong, with a focus on the body-mind-

time. In 2010, he made a bold move by giving up his

spirit treatment effect on the biomarker of cancer patients

career to devote himself wholeheartedly to the study of

and a study on psycho-social therapy for cancer patients

psychology. “Combining the know-how of science and

from sociological and psychological perspectives.

sociology, Psychology is a very humanistic and practical discipline in the social sciences field,” he said.

Life experience helps put things in perspective For those who are interested in studying psychology,

Well begun is half done. Yat-lui chose PolyU SPEED’s

Yat-lui shared his experience: “My strong passion and

Bachelor of Arts in Psychological Studies programme as the

interest in psychology makes me persistent in pursuing

first step for his full-time academic pursuit of psychology.

a doctoral degree. Looking back, I had to understand the

“The programme provided students with a solid academic

psychology of customers when handling daily customer

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

is filled with “ Life options and possibilities.

service work in the IT field. My interest in psychology was thus triggered by my solid work experience, which also helped me understand the relevant theories related to psychology.” When asked about the seemingly high price that he paid for changing his role from a member of senior management to a full-time student, particularly for a father of two like him, Yat-lui said: “Life is not a straightforward path. It is in fact filled with options and possibilities. Also, I would like to be a role model for my sons and tell them the importance of lifelong learning.”

After completing a Master of Applied Psychology at PolyU, Yat-lui is pursuing a full-time PhD at The University of Hong Kong.


馮一雷 心理學科文學士

從資訊科技界高層 到港大博士生 PolyU SPEED心理學科文學士課程2013年畢業生馮一雷為了追求學問,放棄高薪厚職,持續進 修至博士學歷,他的進修經歷帶出凡事皆有可能:只要你願意下苦功。

報讀PolyU SPEED 專心鑽研心理學的 第一步







程,愈讀愈對這個學科產生強烈興趣。2010年,一雷 毅然放棄事業,全心全意進修心理學:「心理學結合

生活體驗 令學習更有效




對這門學科有濃厚興趣,令我可以堅持到底。回想起 來,我從事資訊科技行業時,每當處理日常客戶服務

好的開始是成功的一半。一雷選擇PolyU SPEED心理





學理論時更事半功倍。 」

和理論,有助同學畢業後修讀更高學歷的課程。」 他說。

為了追求學問,身為兩子之父的一雷決心由企業高層 變成全職學生,有人可能認為代價未免太高。不過對


PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色


人生可以 有無限的選擇 及可能性。

好說明人生不一定是一條直路,當中可以有無限的選 擇及可能性。我亦身體力行、以身作則,向兒子說明 學海無涯的道理。 」

一雷以身作則,向兒子說明人生的旅程其實有 無限的可能性及選擇。


Degree in Retail Management leads to unrivalled opportunities in a top-notch retailer Maurice Wong Chak-hin Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Retail and Service Management After graduating from the Associate in Business (Global Business) programme at Hong Kong Community College (HKCC) of PolyU, Maurice Wong Chak-hin enrolled on the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Retail and Service Management [BA (Hons) in RSM] at PolyU SPEED in 2012 via the “2+2” articulation pathway at the College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPCE).

A programme beyond compare

“We have a better understanding of the operation of the

“Enrolling on a retail and service management programme

retail and service sector in the workplace. The lecturers

was a major decision in my life,” Maurice, a Student

taught us theoretical knowledge as well as selling,

Ambassador at both PolyU SPEED and PolyU HKCC,

communication and interpersonal skills. They also shared

admitted. “The degree programme was the first of its kind

their professional experience with us. As for the internship

in Hong Kong. No comparisons could be made as there

programme, it helped students secure jobs more easily

were no similar programmes on the market. However, I

after graduation,” Maurie said.

saw the potential in the retail industry, which has been developing rapidly in recent years.”

Building a career from the ground up In 2013, PolyU SPEED collaborated with the ImagineX

Maurice was most impressed with the internship

Group, part of The Lane Crawford Joyce Group, a leading

component of the programme as it allowed students to

retailer group of luxury brands with over 150 years of

work at established retailers for around three months to

history in Hong Kong, to introduce a Retail Internship

gain practical industry experience. Students were also

Programme exclusively for graduates of the BA (Hons) in

required to submit a reflective report after their internships.

RSM programme. Maurice and eight other students were

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

the internship opportunity “ Grasp to enrich your experience in the industry for future career development.

selected out of some 100 classmates for the Programme. They received six months of comprehensive training in various departments, gaining experience in shop management, purchasing, sales management, product display and visual merchandising. Maurice said that there was no shortcut to building a solid career in the retail and service sectors. He recalled the advice of the general manager: “All senior management started as juniors who worked their way up to where they are. As part of my career plan, I am determined to develop a solid understanding of the operation of each department during my training. I will also sharpen my skills and broaden my experience in the industry. I hope I will take up a

Maurice (second from right, back row) attended the celebration party of internship programme completion organised by ImagineX, a subsidiary of The Lane Crawford Joyce Group. Dr Vanessa Liu, the Programme Leader, was also invited (fourth from left, back row).

managerial position in several years’ time,” he said.


王澤軒 零售企業及服務管理(榮譽)文學士

零售管理學位帶來 在頂尖零售商發展的機會 王澤軒在PolyU HKCC修畢工商業副學士(環球商業)課程後,循理大專業及持續教育學 院的「2+2」升學途徑,於2012年升讀PolyU SPEED零售企業及服務管理(榮譽)文學士 課程,朝著零售服務業的方向發展。

獨有課程 香港首創

由低做起 打穩根基

曾擔任PolyU SPEED及PolyU HKCC學生大使的澤軒

2013年,PolyU SPEED與連卡佛載思集團旗下的俊思









程可帶來良好的就業前景。 」

期半年的培訓。他們在不同的部門實習,汲取店舖管 理、採購、營銷管理、產品展示和櫥窗設計等經驗。

澤軒感受最深刻的,是課程會安排同學在暑假期間於 大型零售機構進行約三個月的實習,他認為這是十分









對不是空降的。 」

同學融會貫通;至於這個寶貴的實習計劃更有助我們 畢業後找到工作。」

PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

抓緊實習機會, 了解行業運作, 為未來事業發展鋪路。

澤軒未來的職業規劃是專心把握機會,在見習期內熟 習各部門的運作,打好基礎,裝備好自己,期望數年 後晉升成為管理層。

澤軒(左)曾擔任PolyU SPEED的首屆學生大使之一。


Seven-star internship beyond imagination – From Dubai to The Peninsula Hong Kong Hazel Tang Hei-yan Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Travel Industry Management There is a “brand name” in each industry. Burj Al Arab, one of the world’s most luxurious hotels, is a brand name per se in the hospitality and tourism industries. Tourists dream of staying there and hotel executives aspire to work there. If a student of hospitality or tourism was given an opportunity to work in such a lavish hotel, it would indeed be a dream come true! Extraordinary service – each customer is a

heartfelt VIP service and cares about every single detail of


hospitality. “For instance, an elderly couple had spent 10

Hazel Tang Hei-yan graduated with a Bachelor of Arts

years planning a stay at the hotel,” Hazel said. “When they

(Honours) in Travel Industry Management at PolyU

finally arrived at the lobby, the staff queued up and greeted

SPEED in 2014. She was fortunate to be selected by

them with a traditional Arabian welcome ceremony. Then

the School as one of the interns at the Burj Al Arab hotel

we surprised them with a cake, champagne and a live

in Dubai. “Our School collaborates with The Emirates

music band, which were all prepared well ahead. These

Academy of Hospitality Management, therefore we have

were their memories of a lifetime and I was glad to be

the opportunity to work at its related hotels in Dubai for

there too.”

internships and exchange,” she said. “I was so lucky to pass the interview and work at the Burj Al Arab hotel,

While the guests realised their dreams at the hotel,

which was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”

Hazel has her career path already mapped out. “Thanks to this valuable internship, I was determined to work in

Hazel said that Burj Al Arab, a seven-star hotel, provides

the hotel sector. Also, I have collaborated closely with

world-class facilities with a style and luxury that are beyond

people from over 80 countries and learned to cater for

imagination. In addition, the hotel offers each guest a

guests from diverse cultures and different nationalities,”

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

better to travel far than “ Ittoisread voluminously.

Cherish every valuable opportunity. Be grateful for what you learned.

she explained. “Without the caring and careful prior arrangements of the School, such as the Information Session on the Dubai Internship Programme and the timely assistance the School offered me during my visa application, I wouldn’t have joined Burj Al Arab and gained practical experience in providing top-notch service to guests in Dubai,” Hazel added.

Putting textbook knowledge into practice Thanks to the internship experience at Burj Al Arab, Hazel is now working at the front desk of The Peninsula Hong Kong, the city’s historic five-star hotel. Whenever she encounters any difficulties, she will think of how the lecturers at PolyU SPEED would use their professional experience, as well as case studies, to equip herself with the skills and attitude that are needed to solve problems. Hazel is indeed very grateful to the School for everything she has learned.

During her Dubai internship, Hazel (left) gained experience that was both fruitful and unforgettable.


鄧熹恩 旅遊服務業管理學(榮譽)文學士

七星級非凡實習 從杜拜到香港半島酒店 每個行業也有行內的「名牌」,就像全球最豪華酒店之一的帆船酒店(Burj Al Arab), 便是款待及旅遊業中的名牌 ── 行內人士對它趨之若鶩,各地遊客更會慕名而來。假如 修讀相關學科的學生有機會到這所高檔次的酒店實習,簡直就是夢想成真!

頂級服務 ── 每位客人都是貴賓


鄧熹恩2014年在PolyU SPEED 修畢旅遊服務業管理學




選派到杜拜帆船酒店作實習生,讓她眼界大開。「學 院與阿聯酋酒店管理學院有合作計劃,因此同學可申







國家的朋友合作,學會與來自不同文化和國籍的客人 溝通。 」

熹恩表示帆船酒店被譽為七星級酒店,不論在設施和 服務方面,那種頂級的豪華氣派實在是超乎想像。此








店大堂,員工早已列隊在旁,用傳統的阿拉伯歡迎 儀式迎接他們,我們隨即奉上早已預備好的蛋糕、香

PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

讀萬卷書不如 行萬里路。 珍惜每次難能 可貴的機會, 感恩每個學習契機。

書本理論 學以致用 熹恩在帆船酒店獲取的實習經驗,使她獲香港歷史最 悠久的五星級酒店 —— 半島酒店聘請為前台服務員。 每當在工作上遇到困難時,她便會想PolyU SPEED講 師在課堂上如何引用專業經驗及實際個案,教導他們 排難解困的技巧和態度。熹恩至今仍十分感謝學院所 提供的學習機會。

熹恩在杜拜的實習經歷不但收穫豐富, 而且令她一生難忘。


Outstanding graduate

works in premium residential estate management Benny Liu Kin-heng Bachelor of Arts in Housing Management Benny Liu Kin-heng, a 2014 graduate of PolyU SPEED’s Bachelor of Arts in Housing Management, is optimistic about the prospects of the real estate and property management industries. He is therefore starting his career in property management and setting himself a clear career goal.

Catching up with the trend of professionalism

legal obligations of different stakeholders very useful,”

Apart from the knowledge and skill sets required in a

he added.

promising industry, the possible introduction of a licensing system for property management professionals was

Horizons broadened through internships

another key reason for Benny to take the programme. “The

During his study at PolyU SPEED, Benny had the

Bachelor of Arts in Housing Management programme

opportunity to work for a public rental housing estate

that I studied was accredited by the Chartered Institute

managed by the Hong Kong Housing Society. Benny was

of Housing (CIH). Upon the fulfilment of the relevant

therefore employed by a leading real estate and property

requirements, students can obtain CIH chartered

management conglomerate after graduation. Currently, he

membership. The programme was also recognised by

is working at a high-end residential estate on Hong Kong

the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS),”

Island. His daily work ranges from the management of

Benny said. “The programme covered different subject

the clubhouse and other facilities, to organising activities

areas relating to housing management, such as building

for residents.

construction, property maintenance and legal studies. In particular, I found the legal knowledge, such as the

Benny said he realised that besides professional

potential risks involved in estate management and the

knowledge, it is equally important to have common sense

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

Excellent communication skills and common sense are important for career development in every industry.

and soft skills, in particular people skills. “The proper handling of different requests and comments from the tenants requires a high degree of emotional intelligence and sophisticated interpersonal skills,” he said. Looking ahead, Benny hopes to have the opportunity to focus on the property management of shopping malls. He will continue to equip himself for a more challenging working environment in the future.

Benny (right) obtained scholarship during his study at PolyU SPEED.


廖鍵恒 房屋管理學文學士

優秀畢業生從事 高級住宅管理工作 廖鍵恒是PolyU SPEED房屋管理學文學士課程2014年畢業生,他認為地產及物業管理 行業的前景大有可為,所以決定在物業管理這個行業發展,並訂下清晰的事業目標。





展前景十分樂觀外,另一個原因是隨着業界正考慮實 施發牌制度,規定物業管理從業員必須領取牌照,他








師學會亦認可這個課程的專業資格。」他補充說: 「課程廣泛涵蓋與物業管理相關的不同科目範疇,包







實習環節 擴闊見識 鍵恒在PolyU SPEED修讀課程期間,曾於香港房屋協 會轄下的公共屋邨工作。他畢業後便獲一間具規模的 地產及物業管理服務公司聘用,負責公司旗下位於香 PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

不論從事任何行業, 要解決大小問題, 常識及應對技巧 同樣重要。

閒時鍵恒喜歡與朋友一起四處 遊歷,增廣見聞。


CCTV intern

helps RTHK production Carena Tang Yin-ching Bachelor of Arts in Professional Communication A scholarship is recognition of a student’s academic achievement. An internship is a valuable opportunity for a student to put theory into practice. Carena Tang Yin-ching, who graduated from PolyU SPEED in 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts in Professional Communication, enjoyed the best of both worlds and is moving towards her life goal.

Finding direction through an internship

work. “Watching every single word and sentence that I

During her studies at PolyU SPEED, Carena was awarded

wrote being broadcast on the national programme gave

two scholarships, which helped to boost her confidence in

me a sense of achievement. I am now working part-time

academic pursuits. She was also a Student Ambassador

at Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK), paving the way for

for PolyU SPEED, enabling her to unleash her

my future career development in the mass media,” Carena

diverse talents.


As a Student Ambassador, Carena participated in a wide

While Carena was fortunate enough to work at CCTV

range of activities to help promote PolyU SPEED and

during her internship, she found it rewarding to apply the

shared with prospective students her learning experience

knowledge learned at PolyU SPEED to her work. After

at the School. The experience she accumulated then,

graduation from the School, she worked at Wanchai and

such as event management and communication skills,

Central & Western District Industries and Commerce

later proved conducive to her internship and career

Association. “Serving the Board of Directors, I needed


Carena was therefore selected by the

to organise meetings, communicate among different

School as one of the few to work as an intern at China

merchants, and liaise with people from all walks of life.

Central Television (CCTV) in translation and production

The communication skills that I learned at PolyU SPEED

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

roads lead to “ AllRome. You will reach your goal as long as you are tenacious.

have helped me a lot in fulfilling various tasks,” she said.

Final project, priceless experience Looking back on her campus life, Carena recalled: “The most unforgettable experience was the final-year project to pitch the ‘Stop Gambling’ campaign to the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. Although there were twists and turns during the process, we worked closely as a team. Finally, our proposal was adopted and our work was displayed at MTR stations. The experience was invaluable.” Carena was given plenty of learning opportunities at PolyU SPEED. She was also grateful to the lecturers who were very helpful. “The School provides scholarships and internships to facilitate students’ all-round development. My horizons are therefore broadened,” she said.

Carena says she was fortunate to work at CCTV for her internship.


鄧燕青 專業傳意文學士

中央台實習生 協助港台製作 獎學金的設立,是學院對學生的學業成績予以肯定;而實習工作,是讓學生有機會學 以致用,從實踐中學習。PolyU SPEED專業傳意文學士課程2014年畢業生鄧燕青在學 業和實習兩方面同樣表現出色,現正向著人生目標進發。



燕青在PolyU SPEED修讀期間,共取得兩項獎學金,



會各界人士。我從PolyU SPEED 學到的溝通技巧在工




畢業習作 寶貴經驗

與有興趣報讀PolyU SPEED的學生分享她在學院的學










國性節目上播出,那種成就感,令我對充滿挑戰性的 電視行業產生熱愛。現在我於香港電台兼職工作,正

燕青親身體驗到PolyU SPEED的學習機會處處,她說:


「學校提供獎學金及實習贊助等機會,幫助同學全面 發展,我亦因此眼界大開。 」

對燕青而言,能到中央電視台實習固然是一件幸運的 事,而能夠在工作中運用所學知識才是她最大的收 穫。正如燕青於學院畢業後,曾於灣仔中西區工商業 PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

條條大路通羅馬, 堅持向前,目標必達。



1 能與東華三院合作,燕青(左二)說 當中汲取的實務經驗十分寶貴。

2 燕青 ( 右四 ) 表示,最難忘是與同學 一起為畢業習作展覽群策群力,互相 合作。


89-year-old student aims to help others

through lifelong learning Wong Yip-wan Short course in Social Policy and Services for the Elderly

“Live and learn” is perhaps the most suitable description of the attitude of Wong Yip-wan, an 89-year-old student who is still learning diligently. In 2014, he completed a short course on Social Policy and Services for the Elderly at PolyU SPEED, aspiring to help himself and others.

A dream of pursuing doctoral degree

enrol on the short course in Social Policy and Services

Yip-wan took a number of short courses at PolyU SPEED

for the Elderly is that it provided a lot of useful information

which span different academic disciplines, including

about the silver hair generation such as the statistics of an

economics and psychology. “I started my working life at

ageing population. “I want to know more about the elderly

the age of 12 and retired at 50 due to the closing down

population in Hong Kong, its future situation as well as its

of the factory,” he said. “For me, life actually began after

global trends. It is worthwhile to complete the course and

retirement as I seized the day to enrich myself through

I am striving for the dream of pursuing a doctoral degree

learning, an opportunity I did not have when I was young.”

in future,” Yip-wan said.

As a father and grandfather, Yip-wan no doubt enjoyed more than enough support from his family in pursuing his

Sharing tips to stay healthy

studies. Yet he insisted on paying his own tuition fees as

Apart from reading and studying, Yip-wan said he was

he wanted to fulfil his dreams with his own savings.

also interested in examining the relationship between plants and human well-being. “The key to good health is

Undoubtedly, Yip-wan is a keen learner who is passionate

to go to bed and get up early, and maintain a balanced

about knowledge. One of the key reasons for him to

life. I get up at 4am every day to do exercise,” he revealed.

PolyU SPEED 15 - True Colour of Alumni

key to staying healthy: “ The maintain a balance in life, work, diet, exercise and everything.


Yip-wan believes that to stay healthy it is important to maintain a balanced life.


黃業雲 安老社會政策與服務短期課程

求學無分老幼 89歲學生助人為本 用「活到老,學到老」這句話來形容黃業雲畢生追求學問的態度最貼切不過,89歲高齡的 他仍孜孜不倦地學習。業雲剛於2014年修畢由PolyU SPEED開辦的安老社會政策與服務短 期課程,他希望學成後能助己助人。



業雲在PolyU SPEED已修讀了多個短期課程,研習的


課題包括經濟學及心理學等,橫跨不同學術領域。他 娓娓道來原因:「我自12歲開始便踏足社會工作,直










達成進修夢想。 業雲好學不倦,他表示修讀安老社會政策與服務短期 課程,是因為課程提供很多有關人口老化的資料,例 如人口老化的統計數據等,有助他進一步了解銀髮市 場。「我想了解現時香港老年人口的最新數據、未來 人口老化的情況以及國際趨勢等。此外,我覺得花時

PolyU SPEED 15 - 校 友 • 本 色

健康之道,關鍵在於 做到生活、工作、飲食、 運動,以至 任何事都保持平衡!

業雲堪稱「活到老,學到老」的典範, 他正朝著博士學位這個夢想邁進。




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