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2023 Outlook
In this section, we've pulled together what we see on the horizon for skillbuilding and training in the year ahead.
2022's top ten categories tell the story of the emergence from COVID-influenced learning priorities (managing hygiene and how to remote work) to those of our "new normal." These are the learning categories that write the story for how we will work and train in 2023.
Most likely, the job individuals have dedicated themselves to is no longer the same as when they first started in the position. To ensure continued professional growth, individuals need to adopt a lifelong learning mindset seeking out programs on their own to grow the necessary skills to stay up-todate and remain valuable, no matter their employer.
The topics we've identified indicate their importance as new (or renewed) essential skills categories for organizations and individuals today. It's back to business.. and back to basics for everyone, no matter the seniority.
Three learning trends are noticeable:
(1) Leading the Way- leadership learning covering every aspect and career level;
(2) Back to the Basics- back to basics fundamental learning of key skills appropriate for all; and (3) Life-Work Harmony- learning that allows individuals to keep work and personal lives in balance and reduce the prospect of burnout.
The common thread among the three trends are their human-centric focus. Individuals and organizations learned during the pandemic that people and people skills matter. The coming year will be the continued application of that learning.