Advantages of Making a Study Plan
Many people may confuse a study plan with a timetable, but it is not a timetable in actual sense.
Difference Between a Time Table & Study Plan Time Table only mentions the time duration for a particular subject.
Study Plan is more detailed. It speaks about planning, preparation and the problems faced by a student.
Importance of Study Plan • It eliminates all confusion and you will have a clear
picture with proper directions to be followed.
• Study plan makes you feel more organized and helps your scores improve exponentially. With a proper study plan, one can do smart study.
Setting Targets
A study plan helps you to set targets which you will strive to achieve. Achieving a target further motivates you to study more.
Studying Regularly
It is a good thing to study on a regular basis throughout the term as it reduces exam stress to a great level.
Prioritizing your Work
This helps in formulating a better study plan. It gives the required importance to a particular subject.