Some unknown facts about spanish language

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In Love with Sp a n ish La n gu a ge ? Som e Un k n own Fa c ts a b ou t it

If we check out world’s data:

Span i sh is t h e m ost w id ely sp oken la n gu a ge in t h e w or ld …. Ma d e you r ch oice t o lea r n Sp a n ish ? Her e a r e som e qu ick in t er est in g f a ct s a bou t t h e la n gu a ge.


Spanish is heavily influenced by the Arabic language. The Iberian Peninsula was ruled by Arabs for 800 years. Some commonly derived Spanish words are Alfombra (rug), Alacrรกn(Scorpion), Barrio (neighbourhood) and these were derived from Al-Khumrat, Al-Aqran, and Barraa respectively in Arabic.


Across the globe, Spanish is the most studied language. In the year 2010 approx 20 million people studied this as a second language.


Almost 22 countries consider Spanish as their official language.


It is the most phonetic language in the world. If a person knows how to spell a word then he would know the way it is pronounced.


Spanish is one of the 6 official languages of the United Nations. Other languages include Chinese, Arabic, English, Russian and French.


Futbol (Football), pulover (pullover), Sueter (Sweater) etc are few words which are derived from Spanish.


It is the third most frequently used language on internet.


Spanish language shares its vocabulary with English language thus; there are almost 3000 Spanish words that you will be able to identify without even knowing the language.


Almost 30,500 words in Spanish are such which contains all five vowels.


Till 18th century, Spanish was a diplomatic language. Due to the greatness of the empire the language was used as a diplomatic language in many countries including Great Britain, France and Italy.

L ear n i n g Sp an i sh can be f u n an d en r i ch i n g at t h e sam e t i m e. Ed u w i zar d s h av e ex p er i en ced Sp an i sh h om e t u t or s w h o can m ot i v at e y ou t o l ear n an d ad ap t t h i s n ew l an gu age w el l .

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