Catholic Views on Marriage and Divorce Presented By:
Introduction Catholic views on marriage and divorce have
made many people angry with the Church. They view marriage as a covenant between man and woman that binds them in a life partnership. Catholics view marriage as a vocation. Binds man and woman while naturally leading to procreation and children education. In the view of Catholics, marriage is and should be a sacrament.
Elements of Catholic Marriage Catholic couple has to be ordinarily married in
the Catholic Church by a priest. They must choose to enter into a marriage knowingly and freely. They must know what marriage is and be ready to be in it for their entire life. Mutual good and fidelity must be the intention of the spouses
Psychological and physical ability of the
spouses should also be in good condition. Marriage is a sacramental and indissoluble union that God established at the Garden of Eden. Marriage is an enduring union. Christians married via a Catholic Church wedding are brought together by a bond. This bond makes two individuals one in the marriage sacrament.
Catholic views on divorce Catholic Church does not recognize civil
divorce. Divorced persons are allowed to receive Holly Communion. They must have good standing in the church and not have been remarried again. If they were in a previous marriage that was not recognized by the church, it must be annulled first. Catholics support the persons affected by it.
Catholic Views on Marriage and Divorce Presented By: