Effects of Euro Zone Crisis on Singapore Presented By:
Introduction The total trade amount in Singapore is 3 times its
GDP. This makes it one of the most open economies in the world. The euro zone crisis has been described as the major risk the country. This is especially in respect to its financial and economy systems. The Central Bank warned that the nation needed to brace for ‘adverse turn of events’ in August 2011. http://www.essaysexperts.net /
Discussion  Euro zone crisis made governments take
necessary steps that were needed to reverse the state of things.  Government of Singapore warned its citizens to prepare for adverse turn of events.
Immediate Effects in Singapore A shadow in financial markets . Singapore experienced a dry up of credit
account . Retraction of euro zone banks trade activities. Singapore braced itself for excessive outflows and inflows of capital and this impacted the Singapore dollar. http://www.essaysexperts.net/
The EU is known as the largest trade partner
for Singapore. Reduced trade with the region means that the recession spectra will only rise higher. Special attention to the markets is required. The manufacturing industry in the country makes a quarter of the GDP which is the measure of value of the state of economy in the city. People should prepare themselves to brace any storm they might be exposed to. http://www.essaysexperts.net/
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