Self organization learning environment

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Self-Organization Learning Environment Presented By:

Introduction  Self-Organized Learning Environment (SOLE)

is a place where students can work in teams in their learning activities.  SOLE enabled me to understand opportunities offered to students who participate in self-organized learning.  Technological features helps students to enhance their learning activities.

Importance of SOLE  Offers students a chance of monitoring their    

class activities . Students are given a chance of keeping up with our interests. Introduction of new learning activities that are studied in teams. It was the most significant SOLE program . Teamwork offers profound effects on development of various communities.

Roles give During SOLE  Roles that had to be distributed among group    

members. It was to be given to those who are good at what as a team. They included setting up equipment that was to be utilized in the SOLE program. Members were assigned roles that matched their expertise. This was seen as a learning process for group members.

Learning Environment  Was designed to enable people to identify given    

requirements with ease. There were also individuals who could not easily adapt to the new environment. This was however quickly settled. This is because many group members could they solve their issues with the new learning environment. Best features of SOLE program should be in an environment where students are given a certain level of freedom.

SOLE Supervision  Various student groups may need supervision in SOLE.  This is to prevent the possibility of their activities being     

irrelevant. The supervision should not affect student’s freedom to participate in activities. The activities are to be essential in their learning processes. The right environment for a SOLE program should be visible for everyone who passes through them. This will ensure that the program is delivered in student’s safety elements. This will reduce unobtrusive monitoring of tasks taking place in a classroom (Dabbagh

Work Cited  Dabbagh, Nada, and Anastasia Kitsantas.

“Personal Learning Environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learning.” The Internet and higher education 15.1 (2012): 3-8.

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