HfHelicopter Flying Handbookh ch04

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Chapter 4

Helicopter Components, Sections, and Systems Introduction This chapter discusses the components, sections, and systems found on most modern helicopters. Helicopters come in a variety of sizes and shapes, but most share the same major components. The chapter introduces the major components/ sections of the helicopter and the systems that correlate with each. Knowing how the components and systems work on the helicopter enables the pilot to more easily recognize malfunctions and possible emergency situations. Understanding the relationship of these systems allows the pilot to make an informed decision and take the appropriate corrective action should a problem arise.

Airframe The airframe, or fundamental structure, of a helicopter can be made of either metal, wood, or composite materials, or some combination of the two. Typically, a composite component consists of many layers of fiber-impregnated resins, bonded to form a smooth panel. Tubular and sheet metal substructures are usually made of aluminum, though stainless steel or titanium are sometimes used in areas subject to higher stress or heat. Airframe design encompasses engineering, aerodynamics, materials technology, and manufacturing methods to achieve favorable balances of performance, reliability, and cost. [Figure 4-1]


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