Case study A role play cross-curricular lesson:
“The mystery of the lost tulip flower in E.E.E.EK of Levadia” Sofia Badila Ioanna Sarrou Ioannis Ilias
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
Case study A role play cross-curricular lesson:
“The mystery of the lost tulip flower in E.E.E.EK of Levadia” Ioannis Ilias Sofia Badila Ioanna Sarrou Introduction Many experts in the field have tried to define creativity and creative thinking (Guilford, 1950, 1959, 1962, 1986; Jaqoui, H. 1975; Piaget 1960; Torrance, 1962, 1965, 1966; Lee, Webberlen & Litt, 1987). We could say that Creativity is a person’s capability to produce genuine ideas as well as to find alternative ways of answering a tricky question or to solve a puzzling question (Paraskevopoulos, 2004). Therefore, it could be said that is also the capability of producing an idea or a new project based on someone’s imagination. Nowadays’ psychologists debate if creativity is just a gift of nature or it can also be taught. The remaining question is: how? The answer lies in education and teaching which both perceive creativity as the outcome of a process, as an act that brings about a “surprised amusement”, an “effective surprise”, as J.Bruner puts it. The creative teacher motivates his students, sparks their interest, triggers their imagination, as well as guides them through inquiry-based and experiential learning into knowledge. He is also taking into consideration the characteristics of creativity and gives their students opportunities for experimentation, visualisation, innovation and finally, helps them carry out a new idea, an original product of imagination. Aims The purpose of this case study is to understand the methods by which a group of students of a special needs school can develop creative ways of thinking or enhance their creativity through the implementation of an one hour lesson activity. The activity gives the students the opportunity to engage in a role play crosscurricular lesson and meet not only the learning objectives but also learn in a creative way. Specifically, students were expected to... together, collaborate and be engaged in the activity. ...use their imagination.
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
...employ strategies in order to achieve the goal of finding the next clue. critical opinions. ...overcome non-performance anxiety. ...feel happy and more confident at the end of the activity. Methods (description) The activity carried out in the schoolyard and in the schools’ greenhouse lab. Outdoors activities are the best option for promoting social distancing, considering the instructions given due to covid-19 pandemic spread. Ten (10) participant students, diagnosed with developmental cognitive delay, learning difficulties and high functioning autism had to read a short text and then follow the clues that helped them solve a mystery. Clues are short activities in a sequence and one leads to another. Subject areas involved are language, maths, art, botany and horticulture and ICT. The team was given a sealed envelope with a worksheet and other useful material as well as a tablet, a smart phone and a bluetooth pocket printer. The team had to vote for their classmate that is best at reading. Then, all together must cooperate to find the right answers that lead them to the solving of the mystery. Precise practical instructions were given throughout the activity, everytime it was needed. A video and photos were taken throughout the process (with written parent’s consent). Results “Play detective” lessons can be very amusing while achieving learning objectives. Results show that students were very eager to find the clues and solve the mystery. They worked very well as a team, showing respect for everyone's needs and capabilities. They acknowledged others' good qualities and helped each other to carry out every short task successfully. Everyone put effort and in the end felt the approval and the joy of being part of this team. The mystery was solved and the schools’ next door neighbor voluntarily participated and welcomed all students in her garden (where the tulip flower was hidden) with a baking tray of cookies! The gain was many-sided. Fun, social skills, learning skills, communication skills, organisational skills, analytical skills, IT skills, all were related to this type of activity task. Students expressed themselves, expressed opinions and they were very good in making assumptions (eg. relate the sketch portrait of the puzzle to the real life
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
person). They were good at visual search performance, calculations, sequencing and riddles problem solving. A student was motivated to write the next scenario based on a history lesson! They were given the opportunity to use new technologies incorporated in a language lesson but they showed difficulty in using them efficiently. They also showed poor performance skills when they had to put the puzzle pieces together. Found it a bit challenging to work independently without teachers’ guidance and they asked for some extra help every now and then. Hopefully, they ‘ll become more skillful in the future. Outcome can bring generalized results to other similar situations in the future. References ● Bruner, J. (1962), On Knowing: Essays for the left hand. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Press. ● Guilford, J. (1962). Potentiality for Creativity. Gifted Child Quarterly. Vol. 6, No. 3, 87-90. Retrieved on 20/09/2020 from ● Guilford, J. P. (1959), The three facets of intellect, American Psychologist, 14, 469 - 479. ● Guilford, J. P. (1986),Creativé talents:Their nature, uses and development, Bufallo, NY: Bearly Limited. ● Guilford, J.P. (1950), Creativity: Its measurement and development, American Psychologist, 5 (2). ● Jaqoui, H. (1975), La Creativite, Seghers, Paris ● Lee, V. & Webberley, R. & Litt, L. (1987), Νοημοσύνη και δημιουργικότητα, (μτφρ. Γ. Μπαρουξής). Αθήνα: Κουτσουμπός. ● Piaget, J. (1960), The child’s concept of the word, New Jersey: Helix Books, Rowan and Allend (1983 ed.). ● Torrance, E. P. (1962), Guiding creative talent, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall. ● Torrance, E. P. (1965), Rewarding Creative Behavior: Experiments in Classroom Creativity, New Jersey: Prentice – Hall. ● Torrance, E. P. (1966), Torrance tests of creative thinking, Bensenvill, IL: Scholastic Testing Service. ● Torrance, P. (1995). Why fly? A Philosophy of Creativity. Ablex Publishing Corporation. ● Paraskevopoulos, J. (2004). Δημιουργική Σκέψη στο Σχολείο και στην Οικογένεια. (εκδ. ίδιου). Athens, 2004.
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
The mystery of the stolen tulip flower in E.E.E.EK. of Levadia
A few months ago, Mr Panagiotis, the garden lab teacher, planted a rare tulip flower in order for his students to participate in the flower contest that the School Lab Association of Central Greece is hosting. Later this morning, Thanasis, a student, entered the lab to water the tulip and realised that the plant is missing!Everyone is so upset! Who did such a thing and why? The school manager assigned you as the “Retrieval Team of the lost tulip”. You have to put all the clues together to find the culprit behind this malignant action. Save your school’s participation in the flower contest!
#1. Test your knowledge. Find the right answer and discover if the culprit is a woman or a man! If A is the most frequent answer, the culprit is a woman, if B is the most frequent answer, the culprit is a man. Use your tablet to scan the QR code below. Then read the online page text and circle
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
the right answers:
1. The word “tulip” comes... Α. definitely from the persian word “turban”. Β. we are not sure. 1. The tulip flower is... Α. a bulb plant Β. a seedling plant 2. Tulips should be planted in... Α. the summer Β. the autumn
1st clue→(put in a circle) the culprit was a... woman
#2. Solve the riddle to find out the culprit’ s age!
I’m a two digit number. My first digit is an odd number. I’m right in the middle of 60 and 80. Which number am I? 12
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
2nd clue→ The culprit is _______________ years old.
#3. Search in the word search puzzle to find the culprit’s name! Ζ
3rd clue→ The culprit’s name is ________________ .
#4. Match the puzzle pieces together to reveal the culprit’s face!
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
4th clue → The culprit looks very much alike to... _____________________ !!!
#5. Find out where the tulip flower is right now! Replace each image below with the word that describes it better. Put the words in a sentence and… save the contest!!!
5th clue → The tulip flower is … _________________ ____________________________________________________________ .
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
You did it !!! The culprit is _____________ and the tulip flower is ________________________ _________________________________________ . #6. What now? As a team you need to discuss and decide what you should do in order to take your flower back! Write down your thoughts in a small paragraph .
_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ .
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
Το μυστήριο της χαμένης τουλίπας στο Ε.Ε.Ε.Ε.Κ. Λιβαδειάς
Λίγο καιρό πρίν, ο κύριος Παναγιώτης, ο καθηγητής του εργαστηρίου γεωπονίας φύτεψε μαζί με τους μαθητές του μια σπάνια τουλίπα για να συμμετάσχουν στο διαγωνισμό τουλίπας που διοργανώνει ο σύνδεσμος εργαστηρίων εκπαίδευσης Στερεάς Ελλάδας. Σήμερα το πρωί που ο Θανάσης πήγε να ποτίσει το λουλούδι, διαπίστωσε πως η γλάστρα είχε εξαφανιστεί! Όλοι οι μαθητές του εργαστηρίου γεωπονίας είναι ανάστατοι…. Ποιος να έκανε κάτι τέτοιο και γιατί; Ο διευθυντής του σχολείου σας διορίζει Ομάδα Ανεύρεσης της χαμένης τουλίπας. Συνδυάστε τα στοιχεία και ανακαλύψτε τον ένοχο πίσω από αυτή την κακοήθη πράξη πριν να είναι αργά! Σώστε τη συμμετοχή του σχολείου στο διαγωνισμό! #1. Τεστ γνώσεων. Βρες τις σωστές απαντήσεις και μάθε το φύλο του δράστη! Αν οι περισσότερες απαντήσεις είναι τα Α, ο δράστης είναι γυναίκα. Αν οι περισσότερες απαντήσεις είναι τα Β, είναι άντρας.
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
1. Χρησιμοποιώντας το τάμπλετ, σάρωσε τον κωδικό QR που σου δίνεται.
Διάβασε το κείμενο στο οποίο κατευθύνθηκες και μετά κύκλωσε τη σωστή απάντηση. Η λέξη τουλίπα προέρχεται… Α. Σίγουρα από τη λέξη “τουρμπάνι” Β. Δεν είμαστε ακόμα σίγουροι 2. Η τουλίπα είναι... Α. Βολβώδες φυτό Β. Σπορόφυτο 3. Οι τουλίπες φυτεύονται... Α. Το καλοκαίρι Β. Το φθινόπωρο
Στοιχείο 1ο →(κύκλωσε)
Ο δράστης είναι... γυναίκα
#2. Λύστε το γρίφο και ανακαλύψτε την ηλικία του δράστη!
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
Είμαι διψήφιος αριθμός. Ο πρώτος μου αριθμός είναι μονός. Βρίσκομαι ακριβώς ανάμεσα στο 60 και το 80.
Στοιχείο 2ο → Ο δράστης είναι _______________ χρονών.
#3. Μέσα στο κρυπτόλεξο κρύβεται το όνομα του δράστη! Ψάξε να το βρεις! Ζ
Στοιχείο 3ο → Το όνομα του δράστη είναι ________________ .
#4. Φτιάξε το πορτραίτο του δράστη! Πώς; Ενώνοντας τα κομμάτια του παζλ!
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
Στοιχείο 4ο → Ο δράστης μοιάζει με _____________________ !!! #5. Ανακάλυψε που βρίσκεται αυτή τη στιγμή η γλάστρα με την τουλίπα! Αντικατάστησε κάθε εικόνα με μια λέξη που ταιριάζει. Μετά, συνδύασε τις λέξεις σωστά και… σώσε το διαγωνισμό!
Στοιχείο 5ο → Η γλάστρα με την τουλίπα βρίσκεται … _________________ ____________________________________________________________ .
E.E.E.EK. of Levadia SEN secondary school
Creative Schools Erasmus project 2020
Τα καταφέρατε!!! Ο δράστης είναι _____________ και η τουλίπα βρίσκεται ________________________ _________________________________________ . #6. Και τώρα; Συζητήστε τι πρέπει να κάνετε για να πάρετε την τουλίπα του εργαστηρίου σας πίσω. Γράψτε μια σύντομη παράγραφο με την απόφασή σας.
_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ .
E.E.E.EK of Levadia 2020