Some New Friends -Eleni Kontos
Brett He’s a professional dancer. $215
Pleaether Friend #1 $180
Pleaether Friend #2 $180
Big Paul He’s not that big, but he might as well be. $200
Karen Karen’s is a siamese twin who has decided that her spirit animal is the buffalo. $180
Bubba He’s the best $200
Jerry Some people complain about his constantly open mouth. $200
Big Paul He’s not that big, but he might as well be. $200
Dana She’s named after Scully, from the x-files. $180
String Bean Few people know his real name $180
Eleni Kontos has always been good at making friends. These ones are made of clay, with plush bodies. Some have hands painted on. As an illustrator and ceramacist, creating these dolls is a way of exploring different character, features and styles in the 3rd dimension. Throughout the process of their creation, each develops a personality and relationships with the others that inspires stories.