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Supervisory Board

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After Autumn Congress we continued working on our goals. A services document for Team/Projects/BAs and an Event Health Guide about measures for the COVID-19 pandemic have been created. An evaluation of the current Strategic Plan was done during WIBOM. A GDPR guide has been created and the Terms and Conditions of EESTEC.net have been updated while finally a new EESTEC website has been published. Works towards a new logo of EESTEC have been made too.

The Spring Congress in Belgrade remained rather uneventful compared to the whole Turmoil on our AC. Most notably the EESTEC positioned in Delft has been voted for dissolution and the General Assembly decided that we need a new logo and more work should be put towards it.


As for the last steps in our mandate we are currently in the middle of the handover process with the Board-Elect.

Alexander Geiger - LC Aachen Alexander Mutz - LC Karlsruhe Simon Trumpf - LC Karlsruhe Gasper Kirbis - LC Ljubljana Leonidas Avdelas - LC Athens

Congress OCs

Autumn Congress Organising Committee (ACOC): LC Zurich Spring Congress Organising Committee (SCOC): LC Belgrade

What have been the hardest challenges to overcome and what did you enjoy the most this mandate?

The hardest challenge was to adapt the work of 5 people to a Board of 4 after the resignation of the chairperson. What we enjoyed during this mandate is meeting each other in various places in Europe, working together and having results from our work. Seeing our impact on branches and individuals was something that really kept us going through the rough patches and will forever leave some of the best memories we will be keeping from this year. Also the memes.

Is there anything that, if you could, you would have done differently during your mandate?

There are always things that can be improved and our mandate is not an exception to that. We tried our best and gave a lot, which might not have yielded as much success as we would have wished for on all fronts but in the end it is what we could give both as individuals and as a team. We definitely hope for a less troublesome year for the next Board.

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