Ericsson Health & Safety Policy statement
Contents Ericsson Health & Safety Policy statement HS&E consultation
3 4
Getting more information Employee safety induction
13 14
HS&E coordinators and representatives
Minimising the risk of fire
Essential information
Occupational health
The Health & Safety Policy Statement defines and
Good health and safety standards can only be
establishes our General Policy for Health and Safety
achieved with the understanding and participation
as required by the Health and Safety at Work Act
of all our members of staff. We recognise that giving
1974 with ultimate responsibility of the Managing
responsibility to everyone is the most effective way
Director. It provides details of the organisation,
of minimising Health, Safety and Environmental
the arrangements and other pertinent procedures
currently in operation. To find out more about how you can help our
First aid
Incidents at work
Building emergency plans
The Ericsson policy, which you should read and
company become a role model in health, safety
understand, sets down the direction for health
and environmental controls and to understand your
and safety. It establishes the framework for the
responsibilities, please look up the HS&E policy on
management activity and relationships which will
the intranet.
deliver and maintain the control of health and safety. The Health and Safety General Policy will be
Reporting incidents
Minimising risks when using DSE
Protecting the environment
The Head of Health, Safety and Environment
reviewed accordingly to meet business needs at
is appointed as the ‘Competent Person’ under
least annually.
Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 in order to assist in the application of the provisions of current health and safety legislation and in devising and applying protective measures.
Ericsson Health & Safety Policy statement
Health, Safety & Environmental consultation
Health, Safety & Environmental coordinators and appointed safety representatives (where appointed) Action Points
Ericsson considers consulting employees on
The organisation chart depicts that Ericsson
Health safety & environmental protection are
The role of the HS&E Coordinator/safety
health and safety matters to be very important in
is committed to consult across all levels of
everyone’s responsibility. Although managers are
representatives is to:
creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working
vested with overall responsibility for implementing
environment. By consulting employees, Ericsson
the Company’s Health & Safety Policy, it is
wants to motivate staff and make them aware of
recognised that local support have a vital part to
health and safety issues. We can become more
play in supporting day-to-day implementation.
Participate in the work of the safety consultation
Keep you informed of HS&E issues that affect your group and raise HS&E issues you are unable to resolve
Assist with periodic inspections of the work area
Identify and report on, unsafe equipment, working conditions and practices
Develop a positive HS&E culture by promotion and participation in safety and environmental education
Represent employee’s views about risk assessments and control measures.
efficient and reduce the number of incidents and work-related illnesses.
Departments are encouraged to appoint, from amongst their employees, a local HS&E coordinator
Consultation involves employers not only giving
(or “safety rep”). The number of representatives
information to employees but also listening to
required will vary with size of department,
and taking account of what employees say before
geographical spread and level of risk. Ericsson’s
they make any health and safety decisions. If a
H&S Department is available to advise on the
decision involving work equipment, processes or
appropriate level of cover.
organisation could affect the health and safety of employees, Ericsson will allow time to give the
HS&E Coordinators do not incur any additional legal
employees or their representatives information about
liabilities over and above those of other employees.
what is proposed; also give the employees or their representatives the chance to express their views.
Know who your HSE coordinator/ safety rep is
Familiarise yourself with the HS&E pages on the intranet
Speak to your line manager if you wish to become a HS&E coordinator and a vacancy exists.
Ericsson will take account of these views before they reach a decision.
Health, Safety & Environmental consultation
Health, Safety & Environmental coordinators and appointed safety representatives
Essential information Risk Assessment
First aid arrangements
Planning and implementation
Risk Assessment is a process we use at work and
You should ask your line manager, to see the risk
First aid facilities are available at all manned
Planning is key to the success of all management
home, for identifying hazards and risks. We then use
assessments and controls for the hazards and risks
Ericsson premises.
functions, but planning needs implementation. Of
the information gathered, to decide on how controls
that you will be exposed to, during the course of
can be put into place, to eliminate or reduce the
your work.
hazards and risks. Hazard – Something with the potential to cause harm Risk –
Action Points •
Know how to locate your department risk Assessments
Follow the advice given in the risk assessment
Notify your manager if you have a concern that any significant risks have been overlooked
Find out who is your department first aider
course you can have the best planning process Qualified first aid personnel have been appointed
in the world but it will not work unless it is
throughout the organisation, details of first aid
implemented. All departments should have an HS&E
personnel are displayed at prominent locations
plan in order to implement the annual corporate HSE
within each building and available on the MUNWE
HS&E intranet site.
Likelihood that harm will occur and the
We believe business planning to be so fundamental
possible severity of the injury or outcome
to our HS&E performance, that we audit directorate and departmental performance against them
Risk Assessments will be carried out by
departmental, trained risk assessors and will be documented.
Essential information
First aid arrangements
Manual handling of loads
Building emergency plans Action Points
The most common causes of absence through
injuries in the workplace are those caused by manual handling of loads, also slips, trips & falls. Avoid lifting any object that causes you discomfort and wherever possible, use a mechanical aid.
Avoid carrying loads up or down stairs
Slips and trips can result in broken bones and be the initial cause for other incidents such as falls from height.
Follow some simple safe lifting techniques when lifting loads: >
Manual handling of loads
Make sure the task is within your capability and that you are physically fit for the job Check the load for sharp edges, heat and stability before lifting it
Place your legs shoulder width apart when lifting and lowering the load
Keep your back straight when lifting, carrying and lowering the load
Report all incidents to your manager/supervisor or HS&E advisor and log it using intranet Incident reporting procedure
Footwear should be suitable for the environment you work in
Clear up spills if you are able to, or report them and other tripping hazards to Facilities Helpdesk
For all permanently manned sites, Ericsson has
Ericsson recognises that all employees who have
developed Building Emergency Plans. These plans
volunteered to accept duties outside their normal
have been created for the safety of employees,
work are an essential part of these plans and is
customers, visitors and all others, who may work at,
committed to ensure their initial and continued
or visit, these sites.
competence through regular training programmes.
The plans are complementary to existing procedures
Know the geography of the building, escape routes and the route to the assembly point.
Know the fire evacuation procedure
Know the site relevant Emergency number
that are in place to satisfy statutory requirements or Ericsson directives. All of the plans rely on the appointment of competent team members, led by a Building Emergency Officer, the teams also include a Deputy Building Emergency Officer, First Aiders and Fire
See HSE Intranet pages for more information.
Wardens. The members of the teams have all volunteered to undertake their assigned duties in addition to their normal roles.
Building emergency plans
Reporting incidents
Minimising risks when using display screen equipment
Action Points • •
Action Points When health, safety or environmental incidents
We all use computers at work, some more than
Know how to report an incident
do occur, whether or not they result in injury, it is
others. It is important that we assess the impact on
Check that remedial actions have been carried out – you cannot assume that someone else has done it for you.
essential to identify the root cause of the incident.
health and that information and training, is offered
This will help us learn from the experience and make
to all employees. An online e-learning course is
improvements to ensure a repeat does not occur.
available on the intranet, as well as a DSE self-
Find out who your department first aider is
to improve our HS&E performance. Make sure you
The following points will help you to control and
Follow guidance on correct posture, reducing eye strain and workstation setup
play your part.
minimise risks, when using your computer:
Report immediately, any repetitive aches, strains etc, to your line manager
procedure or contact the Health and safety Department for assistance
Contact the nearest first aid person who will provide emergency treatment if required, and who will contact the necessary emergency services for more suitable treatment if required.
Reporting incidents
Request equipment via your line management, when your self assessment indicates that it is required to reduce risks to health e.g. document holders, wrist supports, headphones etc
assessment. We all play an important role in ensuring we continue
Report all incidents via intranet incident reporting
Work through the DSE training presentation on the Ericsson intranet Complete the online DSE selfassessment annually or sooner if any changes are made to your workstation/location, and report any health concerns to your line manager
Make sure that you complete DSE assessment as minimum annually
Speak to your line manager regarding eyesight tests
Familiarise yourself with the HS&E pages on the intranet
All employees can benefit from assistance towards the cost of eyesight tests where required.
Request any further information or training, if required
Minimising risks when using display screen equipment
Protecting the environment
Getting more information
Ericsson values the environment highly and is firmly
Recognising risks you encounter at work or those
Action Points • •
Try to avoid printing, and print doublesided if you must print at all. When purchasing items or services, check whether they are the most environmentally responsible before you order.
To minimise driving, use public transport, walk, cycle, or share a lift.
Switch off equipment when not in use
Enable “power save” facilities on electronic equipment
Order products that generate the least amount of waste and use the recycling facilities for any wastes that are generated
Unless carrying objects, or medically unfit, use the stairs in preference to lifts
Protecting the environment
committed to sound environmental practice in our daily operations as a telecommunications provider. We are working to ensure that we minimise the
impact on the environment when undertaking any of our activities and strive to preserve the beneficial qualities of the environment in which we undertake our activities by: >
Continually improving the efficiency of our resource usage
Minimising waste generation through the application of reduce, reuse and recycle practices wherever practicable and by ensuring that unavoidable waste is disposed of responsibly
Managing our diverse range of activities so that impact to air, water, land, sound, visual quality, or flora and fauna is minimised
Working with our employees to adopt sound environmental work practices, and by providing adequate training and resources to ensure practices are carried out Insisting that our contractors and suppliers meet the same stringent environmental standards we have set for ourselves and Being open and responsive to the environmental concerns of the community and government.
we may present to the public and the environment are important and for this reason we aim to train our employees to the highest standards. For example, your job may require you to understand subjects such as risk assessment, first aid, fire precautions, rooftop safety, tower climbing and rescue or managing safely.
Getting more information
Employee safety induction Action Points •
Ask your line manager if you have not received an HS&E induction
Understand the Company’s Directives
Read the department’s risk assessment
Carry out your workstation assessment
Observe our “clear desk/clear screen” directive
Park on site only if authorised to do so, keep within designated bays, and be alert to other traffic movements.
Undertake online HS&E, Fraud and Security training modules
If you are a manager, read our separate Manager’s Guide to HS&E
If you are a manager, book to attend the essential Managing Safely course
Employee safety induction
Minimising the risk of fire Action Points
Information and Guidance We go to great lengths to avoid and detect fires in
Fires can be prevented in the workplace by following
You will be given safety induction training at work;
To support our policies and procedures we produce
premises as well as ensuring that personnel can
a few simple precautions:
this should be completed as soon as possible but
information and guidance. This can be found on the
evacuate rapidly in an emergency situation. The fire
within two weeks from joining the Company. As a
HS&E intranet pages.
procedure in your place of work will be covered as
minimum you will be told about:
part of your induction training and you will be given a fire instruction leaflet on your first day. Regular alarm
> Welfare facilities
tests and drills will familiarise you with the actions in
> Emergency procedures > Incident Reporting
the event of an emergency
Adopt a clear desk policy and prevent rubbish accumulating
Follow the no smoking policy in buildings
Avoid bringing electrical appliances into work unless your line manager approves and adds them to the electrical inspection register
Never carry out any hot work such as soldering in buildings unless you have a hot work permit.
> Computer workstation safety > Housekeeping standards > Departmental rules > Your support network and where to obtain further advice
Make sure that you know your department fire warden
Know what to do in case of fire
Work through the online Fire e-learning module
Understand the colours, shapes and symbols of warning signs – heed them.
Minimising the risk of fire
Occupational health Action Points Our approach to Occupational Health is to empower
Non-occupational factors include lifestyle matters
staff to make well-informed decisions that will
such as:
You must report all sickness absence by telephone to line manager
Report any ill-health symptoms to your manager that you feel may have been caused or exacerbated by work
Contact HR if you require advice and support on company policies and procedure as well as legislative requirements
Employees must report sickness absence by
Make “healthy lifestyle” choices!
telephone to their line manager.
Only lift heavy items if you have been trained, and have seen a manual handling assessment
Support our occasional health promotion campaigns
enable them to take responsibility for their health and absenteeism levels. The role of a manager is
Poor diet
to provide a steady flow of information, to make
Misuse of alcohol and drugs Smoking
sure that staff are not made ill by the work they undertake. Occupational Health risks at Ericsson include:
Occupational health
Ergonomics (upper limb disorder and back pain), musculo-skeletal
> >
Radio frequency emissions Pressure from physical and psychological demands of job (stress and tiredness)
Weather exposure outdoors (skin)
High level of telephone or computer use (hearing and eyes)
Hereditary predisposition
Lack of activity/exercise
> >
Excessive sun exposure Poor sleep quality
Occupational health
We trust you have found this guide informative, but there is a lot more information on what we do to ensure your safety and health whilst at work, as well as minimising our impact on the environment. Please visit the HS&E pages on the intranet to find out more. Comments are welcomed from anyone having constructive suggestions for improvements to the Company’s Health Safety & Environmental organisation, arrangements and documentation. Please email them to the HS&E Manager.
Occupational health
Occupational health