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EFSUMB.fm Seite 1 Dienstag, 8. August 2006 4:43 16


EFSUMB Newsletter


European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology


worked very well and many delegates enjoyed the ability to sample some of the Korean culture alongside the technical

A lot seems to have been

every two years, rather than every three

exhibitions. The social highlight of the

happening in the world of

years, as in the past. Our congratulations

conference was a banquet, with some

ultrasound since the pre-

go to the team from Vienna for the hard

most excellent performances of Korean

vious newsletter.

As you

work they have already put into this, but

opera, fan dancing, and a spectacular de-

will see from the article

I'm sure there is much more to be done to

monstration of Korean drum music set in

achieve a successful meeting in 2011.

a modern idiom, with chefs beating on

from Lucas Greiner and Kurt Jäger, the

wooden blocks, rather than the more tra-

WFUMB meeting in Seoul, South Korea, was very successful and our congratula-

The choice of Seoul for the 2006 World

tions must go to Byung Ihn Choi and his

Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine

team for organising a most excellent

and Biology Congress was made in 1999,

Many who attended said this was one of

meeting. Prior to that, the American Ins-

and it was quite clear to all concerned, on

the most spectacular meetings they had

titute of Ultrasound in Medicine had held

arriving at the Congress, that the time had

ever attended and I would agree entirely

their meeting in Washington. This, again,

been spent very profitably organising a

with that. The science was of the highest

is always an excellent meeting, with a

most comprehensive meeting. The mee-

order, attention to detail was immacu-

combination of new ideas and refreshers.

ting itself was preceded by International

late, and social events made everyone

This year, the institute made Kurt Jäger a

Breast Ultrasound Society and Musculos-

feel they had truly sampled Korea. The

Fellow of its institute. This is a great ho-

keletal Ultrasound Society Symposia on

President of the Organising Committee,

nour and our congratulations go to Kurt

the Saturday and Sunday. These were

Byung Ihn Choi, and his team had made

for what is now worldwide recognition of

very well received, particularly the

very good use of the seven years' run up

his position in ultrasound.

hands-on musculoskeletal sessions. The

to this meeting and I know from talking to

companies all exhibited the best they

some of the team from Australia, who are

On the subject of WFUMB, at its council

have to offer. They shared the exhibition

due to organise the meeting in 2009, they

meeting in Seoul, it was confirmed that

hall with an open space, where, during

felt this would be a very difficult act to

the WFUMB meeting in 2011 will be in

most of the conference, there was a



The more astute of you will

stream of demonstrations of Korean

notice that the meeting has been brought

crafts, dancing, and music. At first sight it

David Pilling

forward from 2012, as it has been decided

would seem somewhat incongruous to

Editor EFSUMB Newsletter

that, in future, WFUMB meetings will be

have these side by side, but certainly it

Asum 2006

Ultraschall in Med 2006; 27

16th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology London 3—7 September 2006

Victoria 14—17 September 2006 36th Annual Scientific Meeting Australasian Society for Ultrasound In Medicine

International Society of Ultrasound in

Melbourne Convention Centre, Victoria,

Obstetrics and Gynecology ISUOG




ditional drums.

EFSUMB.fm Seite 2 Dienstag, 8. August 2006 4:43 16


together party, the social program, and the Congress Banquet. In a comprehensive and impressive closing ceremony, the data of this most successful congress were summarized, and the invitation for the next World Congress was launched. It will be truly


11th WFUMB World Congress in Seoul - South Korea, 28th May —1st June 2006

challenging for the organizers of the 12th

Motto: A better world with ultrasound

World Conference in Sydney, Australia to cope with these data and the always warm and friendly atmosphere of this

This was another really very good World

An outstanding overview was given in

congress – no doubt; however, they will

Congress, carefully planned and with

the Congress Speech by Barry Goldberg

meet this demand successfully.

perfect choreography carried out by Prof.

on the topic of "A better world with ultra-

Choi as Congress President, Prof. Kim as

sound" – concluding amongst others that

The way of globalization as we ex-

Congress Secretary, and their highly effi-

clinical ultrasonography counts for about

perienced it in Seoul over these few days

cient and always friendly team. No mi-

25% of all imaging procedures world-

is really good for ultrasound – us as users

nute of the five day congress was wasted,

wide; that there is a revolution in the uti-

and providers, and for our patients.

no topic in the clinical application of ul-

lization of US with widespread use in-

trasonography was omitted, and all

creasing not only among established and

Lucas Greiner,

aspects of relevance on the topics of phy-

experienced specialists but also other

EFSUMB Honorary Secretary

sics, safety, education, spread and policy

medical disciplines who find the use of US

Kurt Jäger,

of ultrasound imaging in diagnosis and in

to be an important part of their diagnostic

EFSUMB Past President

intervention were covered. This holds

and therapeutic armamentarium as for

true both for all state of the art lectures

example in emergency and intensive care

presented and for all other plenary lec-

medicine; and that the future of ultra-

tures in all areas including the clinical

sound never looked better. The evidence

specialist`s increasingly widespread use

points to ultrasound helping to make the

of diagnostic and interventional ultraso-

world a better place by improving the

nography as for example in obstetrics and

quality of healthcare in developed and

gynaecology, in gastroenterology, in car-


diology, in urology, and so forth. The pro-

around the globe.




The 6th Romanian EUROSON School, Oradea/Romania, 25.—26 May 2006

Ultrasonography in Emergencies

gram was clearly and cleverly set up in a great number of refresher courses (with

An excellent scientific poster exhibition

altogether 204 lectures), plenary and

was arranged, demanding many hours of

key-note lectures (10 and 25, respec-

reading by the delegates. The best were

tively) with technical innovation, hot fo-

given prizes during the Congress Banquet

cus (5 and 10 lectures, respectively), and

together with the certificates (and the

three lunch sessions (feeding both spirit

cheques) for the Young Investigator

and body); in addition, a session on edu-

Awards after a challenging contest of lec-

cational topics offered 5 lectures with

tures on varied topics.

about 70 colleagues attending). A total of

Bild: Michael Bachmann Nielsen and Lucas Greiner

The industrial exhibition displaying all

been invited, and the total number of re-

products of the sponsoring industries, to

This was another really good Euroson

gistered participants was 3235, mostly

whom we must be very grateful, gave a

School event, organised by the Romanian

medical doctors.

complete survey of all the "technical

Society of Ultrasonography, focusing on

tools" ultrasound systems and adjuncts

ultrasound in emergencies, fulfilling all

The horizons and beyond of clinical and

such as interventional products that we

EFSUMB requirements, with topics of

investigational ultrasonography were co-

use was provided in a total of 162 booths.

emergencies in abdominal, thoracic, uro-

vered by the world's greatest experts in

logical, gynecological, musculoskeletal,

various fields, coming from 76 nationali-

A glimpse or a bit more of an impression

and other diseases. An unrivalled number

ties of the World Federation of Societies

of the hosting nation`s very rich tradi-

of participants – 234 medical doctors –

for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

tions, history, and artistic performances

attended this Euroson School and made it


was had, too, during the social evening

a truly memorable teaching and learning

events including the nicely arranged get

Ultraschall in Med 2006; 27

232 speakers and/or chairpersons had

EFSUMB.fm Seite 3 Dienstag, 8. August 2006 4:43 16

event with participants following the lectures, asking clever questions and giving comments from their own experience. This once more proved the high standards of clinical ultrasonography in Romania in all relevant fields of ultrasonography, as was obvious to the invited speakers from other European countries (from Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, and Spain). The programme and organizing committee – headed by Radu Badea and Petru Mircea, both from Cluj Napoca, and Ioan Sporea from Timisoara – had set up a syllabus, and an evaluation test several pages length concluded the course. As the social event on the last evening, a short organ concert at the Roman Catholic Church, led from working with ultra-sound to the beauties of audible sound to relax from intense listening, lecturing, and learning. This was also the case later in the evening with dancing. An EFSUMB certificate of participation was handed out to all colleagues successfully fulfilling the given criteria. It is suggested to all our member societies try to arrange such successful and high quality teaching also under EFSUMB criteria and support (see www.efsumb.org, and click "bylaws"). The next Euroson School course in Romania is already being planned for the end of May 2007, to be held in Craiova, with a probable






International Research Award Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association Deadline for submission: 31st december 2006 www.jtgga.org/index.asp?page=award

EUROSON 2006 Bologna 15—19 September 2006 Please visit the site: www. euroson2006.com

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