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EFSUMB Newsletter

EFSUMB Newsletter European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology

Editorial surprised him at what was obviously a very successful scientific meeting in a very active society.

Because of publishing deadlines this editorial has been written before the EUROSON Congress in Bologna. The meeting promises to be a very successful one in scientific terms with many interesting topics being discussed. I have never been to Bologna before but I understand it is a very beautiful city and I am looking forward very much to exploring the city as well as benefiting from the science. This edition of the Newsletter contains two reports from other meetings this summer. Professor Dietrich viously enjoyed himself very much in Poland and shares with us some of the things that

Lucas Greiner shares with us with typical enthusiasm the outcome of the recent meeting about Emergency and Critical Care ultrasound. It is most encouraging to realise that clinicians in this area are starting to be trained to use this very versatile tool as a direct extension of the clinical examination whilst realising that in relatively inexperienced hands the limitations of the examination must be recognised and someone with greater experience involved if a more detailed search for pathology is to be undertaken. I think those of us involved with ultrasound as a major interest should welcome those who wish to use the tool in a more limited way, pointing out to them the advantages, drawbacks and pitfalls which await the untrained and unwary. It seems that the Educational and Profes-

sional standards committee having published their document on training for those wishing to be involved to high level with ultrasound may need to address training for a more limited level of experience. In a way this is much more difficult if the technique is not to come into disrepute and the operators with such limited training not to be a danger to the patients. Much needs to be done in this area and as I know this is being done in many countries. The next newsletter will give us the opportunity to share with those of you who were not fortunate enough to be there a brief insight into the goings on in Bologna whetting your appetites for the bumper issue early next year which will give the reports from all the Committees and show the direction EFSUMB is heading. David Pilling Editor ERSUMB Newsletter

Polish Ultrasound Society – Polskie Towarzystwo Ultrasonograficzne I was recently invited to Poland (Polish Ultrasound Society) to talk about contrast enhanced techniques in Zamosc in May 2006. I was amazed to find a beautiful Renaissance built city ("Padua of the North") next the to the Ukraine border with an exciting history and beautiful architecture.

History 5 Because of the political government controlled constitution, in the 1950s where ultrasound had started to develop, the basic structure of research and development in Poland differed from that of the Western world with respect to organisation and sponsoring. I was told that in 1983 the Section of Ultrasound was established within the Polish Radiological Society. It is of interest that all physicians

using ultrasound were included into that society. In 1989 the number of members of the Section of Ultrasound increased and was higher than the original radiological society (more then 1000 doctors). In logical conclusion the Polish Ultrasound Society (PUS) was founded 1990. Nowadays Polish Ultrasound Society has approximately 1200 members – doctors of different specialization. Polish Ultrasound Society is a member of EFSUMB.

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EFSUMB Newsletter Board and sections 5

Education 5

The board of PUS consist of 10 persons. At present the President is Prof. Dr. Andrzej Nowicki and the vicepresident Prof. Dr. Wieslaw Jakubowski, well known in Germany over decades. His "voice", Dr. Maciek Jedrzejczyk, gave us a warm welcome and took care of the foreign guests from England, Czech Republic and Germany.

Quarterly "Ultrasonografia" is the official magazine of PUS. PUS runs own publishing catalog called "Praktyczna Ultrasonografia", 14 monographies concerning different ultrasound disciplines and topics have been released util now.

The following sections are forming the society: 3 Physics and equipment section, 3 Surgical section, 3 Gastroenterological section, 3 Vascular (Doppler) section, 3 Fetal echocardiography and obstetrics section.

The ultrasound education (on basic and advanced levels) is conducted by Roztoczanska Szkola Ultrasonograficzna (RSU) by supervision of PUS. More than 1700 doctors benefit from this ultrasound school next to Zamosc every year.

Scientific congress 5 The scientific congress of PUS takes place on a high academic level every 2 years in different parts of Poland. I joined the biannual meeting in May 2006 and found

friends and friendly collegues expressing so much interest in the evolving new techniques. In 1995 PUS introduced its Certificate, the confirmation of ultrasound knowledge including theoretical and practical skills. Person applying for the document needs 2 years of ultrasound practice (supervised by an ultrasound expert) and completing of theoretical course and practical training. Examinations are conducted in academical reference centers. Up to now more than 1800 doctors in Poland have successfully passed the test and practical examination. The Certificate has to be "renewed" every 5 years on the basis of every year minimum limit of accreditation points. Prof. Dr. med. C. F. Dietrich Caritas-Krankenhaus Bad Mergentheim

New York City (NY, USA), June 11–14th, 2006

The Second World Congress on Ultrasound in Emergency and Critical Care Medicine The target of this World Congress on Ultrasonography was "point-of-care" ultrasound in emergency and critical care medicine. A rich programme with a large number of international experts both in the faculty and in the audience was offered during the four days, attended by a total number of some 400 medical doctors from all five continents. As clinicians, they were specialized in the topics of emergency medicine and critical care in a variety of intra-hospital settings (emergency departments, perioperative areas, intensive care units, ambulances) and out-of-hospital scenarios (road accidents, disaster and mass casualties, etc.). Over the last two years these colleagues have been gathering in an international network rapidly developing into a well structured world society (WINFOCUS = World Interactive Network Focused On Critical Care UltraSound, www.winfocus.org). In pre-congress courses, clinical ultrasonography in its "point-of-care" function was discussed in smaller groups. Lectures in the plenary sessions were given on topics such as assessing the lung and

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heart in dyspnoea and in shock , thromboembolism, vascular emergencies, acute abdomen, torso and limb trauma, etc. In well attended parallel sessions (including posters), all the various fields of interest in abdominal, thoracic, cardiac, bones, joints, and soft tissue ultrasonography in emergencies and in intensive care were considered as central themes and demonstrated in detail, including sessions concerning basics of technology, hands-on training in "knobology" and various US-guided needle techniques such as vascular access, nerve blockage, emergency draining procedures, and others. An impressive number of training models including porcine heads and limbs (to assess procedural guidance, ocular trauma and fractures) was provided. The mostly younger medical colleagues made an uncomplicated approach to and an unbiased use of ultrasonography, in more or less a selfevident manner, not hindered by any fears that it might be too difficult to learn or to practice – for the ultrasonographyoldies in the congress a refreshing experience since we felt they were right. Even a non expert use of ultrasonography is in

some focused instances better than none, and the best way to learn the fine arts of ultrasonography simply is to do it – bakked up as far as possible with the best of theoretical and practical guidance and training available, of course, and with an effective gradual competence-based approach. In this sense, the congress made an excellent and highly successful effort to bring clinical ultrasonography to the position it deserves in providing an optimal use and service for all our patients, particularly those in emergency and intensive care circumstances. In this sense, the idea and the objectives of the congress as worded before were achieved: bringing qualified ultrasound to all acute and critically ill patients, in all out-of-hospital and in-hospital clinical settings, by developing and fostering, on a global and multi-disciplinary basis, continuing education, technology development, clinical research and international teamwork. Ultrasonography as a clinical decision making and problemsolving tool has a lot of attractive features – immediate availability, real-time insights into the body with

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DEGUM-Mitteilungen high resolution at low cost, safe interventional guidance, etc., as we all know. In short: ultrasonography is so convincingly good in emergencies and other critical settings as well as in clinical routine use, that it is already now an indispensable clinical tool. The use of ultrasonography should not be restricted to any of the medical subspecialities, it should be available to all medical doctors who need to use it responsibly for their patients.

Next year, on the occasion of the third World Congress (Paris, May 9–11th, 2007), the overviews and the state-ofthe-art presentations will leave room to "point-of-care ultrasound" enhanced protocols, for all clinical emergencies, based on international consensus and, as far as possible, on clinical evidence (see www.winfocus/Paris2007.html).

Lucas Greiner, MD Professor of Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology Honorary Secretary EFSUMB lgreiner@wuppertal.helios-kliniken.de Luca Neri, MD Emergency Surgeon and Intensivist WINFOCUS coordinator luca.neri@winfocus.org

DEGUM-Mitteilungen Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin


Chirurgie Bad Langensalza 3 Chirurgie, interdisziplinär, Abschlusskurs: 17.11.06–19.11.06 Leitung und Auskunft: PD Dr. med. habil. G. Ortmann, Tel. 03603/855-673, Fax 03603/855-390, EMail: g.ortmann@hufeland.de

Hamburg 3 Abdomen, Retroperitoneum, Aufbaukurs, BMode: 27.9.06–30.9.06; 26.9.07–29.9.07 3 Abdomen Retroperitoneum, Grundkurs, BMode Duplex: 01.11.06–04.11.06; 24.01.07– 27.01.07; 13.06.07–16.06.07; 31.10.07– 03.11.07 Leitung und Auskunft:PD Dr. H. Niebuhr, Dr. U. Nahrstedt, Frau Kaul, Chirurgische Abt., Asklepios Klinik Nord, Campus Heidberg, Tangstetter Landstr. 400, 22417 HH, Tel. 040/181887-2688, Fax 040/181887-2997, E-Mail: www.hamburger-sonokurse.de

Köln 3 Sonographie des Abdomens für Anfänger, Grundkurs: 7.10.06–8.10.06 Leitung und Auskunft: Univ. Doz. Dr. Meiser, Salzburg, SonoPro Medico, Friedrichshof, 50997 Köln, Tel. 02236/66067, Fax 02236/63499, E-Mail: institut@sonopromedico.org

Rostock 3 Abdomen, Retroperitoneum, Schilddrüse, Thorax (ohne Herz), Abschlusskurs für alle Fachrichtungen: 16.11.06–18.11.06 Leitung und Auskunft: OA Dr. med. J. Bernhardt, Klinikum Südstadt Rostock, Klinik für Chirurgie, Südring 81, 18059 Rostock, Sekretariat Frau S. Mellendorf, Tel. 381/4401-4401, Fax 0381/4401-4109, EMail: gastrozentrum@kliniksued-rostock.de

Echokardiographie Bad Nauheim 3 Transösophageale Echokardiographie, hands-on Trainingskurs, TEE begrenzt auf 10 Teilnehmer: 28.10.06; 9.00-17.00 Leitung und Auskunft: Dr. Roland Brandt, Kerckhoff Klinik, Benekestr. 2-8, 61231 Bad Nauheim, Dr. R. Brandt, Tel. 6032/996-0, Fax 06032/996-2298, EMail: r.brandt@kerckhoff-klinik.de

Berlin 3 Echokardiographie, Abschlusskurs, Ein- und zweidimensionale Echokardiographie,www.echokurs.de: 27.10.06–28.10.06 Leitung und Auskunft: Dr. E. Lieback, Andrea Marx, Tel. 030/99299840, Fax 030/99299841, EMail: andrea.marx@avicom-vision.de 3 Echokardiographie, Abschlusskurs, Doppler, www.echokurs.de: 28.10.06–29.10.06 3 Echokardiographie, Refresherkurs, Vitiendiagnostik: 11.11.06 3 Echokardiographie, Grundkurs, Ein- und zweidimensionale Echokardiographie, www.echokurs.de: 1.12.06–3.12.06 3 Echokardiographie, Abschlusskurs, M-Mode, B-Mode, www.echokurs.de: 27.10.06– 28.10.06 Leitung und Auskunft: Dr. E. Lieback, Andrea Plüß, Tel. 30/992 99840, Fax 030/992 99841, EMail: andrea.marx@avicom-vision.de

3 Echokardiographie, Abschlusskurs, B-MMode, nähere Infos unter www.kardiowerkstatt.de: 2.2.07–3.2.07 Leitung und Auskunft: Prof. Dr. med. A. Hagendorff, MIFO, Ingo Bohn, Tel. 06209/713636, Fax 06209/713632, EMail: ibohn@t-online.de

Magdeburg 3 Echokardiographie, Abschlusskurs, Farbdoppler: 28.10.06–29.10.06 Leitung und Auskunft: PD Dr. med. Till Höfs, Frau Sabine Brasch, Tel. 0391/791-3301, Fax 0391/791-3303, EMail: sabine.brasch@klinikum-magdeburg.de

Reutlingen 3 Echokardiographie, Grundkurs, Doppler: 11.11.06 Leitung und Auskunft: Dr. med. M.H. Hust, Klinikum am Steinenberg, Med. Klinik, Kardiologie, Dr. Hust Tel. 07121/200-3451,Fax 07121/200-3574, EMail: mhhust@gmx.de

Wiesbaden 3 Transösophageale Echokardiographie, Grund- u. Aufbaukurs, TEE: 20.10.06– 21.10.06

Leipzig 3 Doppler und Farbdoppler, Grundkurs, nähere


Infos unter www.kardiowerkstatt.de: 26.10.06–28.10.06 3 Doppler und Farbdoppler, Aufbaukurs, nähere Infos unter www.kardiowerkstatt.de: 2.11.06–4.11.06 3 Echokardiographie, Aufbaukurs, B-M-Mode, nähere Infos unter www.kardiowerkstatt.de: 13.12.06–16.12.06

Frau Marion Schapheer-Risse Ellerstr. 9, 53119 Bonn Tel.: 0228/9766131, Fax: 0228/9766132 E-mail: geschaeftsstelle@degum.de Öffnungszeiten: Mo–Fr 8 bis14 Uhr

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