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EFSUMB Newsletter

EFSUMB Newsletter European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology


As we approach the end of the year it has been interesting to look back over what has been achieved. In terms of the newsletter the most important achievement was the publication of the long awaited minimal training standards in edition 1. It has given us all a very good starting point in discussing levels of training required for undertaking competent safe ultrasound examinations. Whilst there are some who know little of the technique who feel that the requirements are much too rigorous, it is important to set a standard which is realistic and achievable so that those who wish to practice independently are aware of what might be expected of them. Certainly I have been involved in discussion with groups of clinicians who wish to introduce ultrasound as a required competency to be achieved by their trainees but are unable to give the trainees the time to get the training – a difficult problem. We have had a number of other contributions to the Newsletter, mainly from other members of the publications committee whom I have press ganged into providing a contribution. These have all been interesting giving insight into meetings they have attended or issues of interest to ultrasound. I am very grateful to all those who have gone to the trouble of providing such articles.

In the last edition I congratulated Kurt Jaeger on his recent election to honorary membership of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. I have since received a communication reminding me that Christian Nolsoe has likewise been honoured by the Australian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine. The Australian Society have developed very close links with the Danish Society including an exchange programme which promises much. The British Medical Ultrasound society have similar links at Presidential level with the Australian Society and it is very good to see such close cooperation between societies separated by large distances. It can only be good for ultrasound. The Annual Scientific Meeting in Bologna was both scientifically and socially a great success. All the organisers are to be hartily congratulated for all their hard work. The weather tried to make it difficult for the delegates with torrential rain for much of the time but perhaps that wasn't such a bad thing as it encouraged people to participate more fully in the meeting rather than enjoying the undoubted alternative attractions of Bologna which were many. The hard work of producing the Newsletter goes on and at the end of the year I would like again to thank Gianna for the work she puts into this which is only a small part of her duties as General Secretary but one which she carries out with great diligence. She and I (and a number of others particularly in the executive bureau) now have the hard work of producing the Newsletter for the start of next year with its larger number of pages and containing the reports of all the committees from the meeting in Bologna.

Because of the deadlines much of this needs to be done before Christmas so please think about us when you are all preparing for the festive season and we are working hard over word processors (as well as enjoying ourselves). David Pilling Editor EFSUMB Newsletter

SonoWorld Europe Launched A European version of the popular educational website for ultrasound users has been launched (www.sonoworldeurope.com). It is intended to give a European perspective to the original site, SonoWorld, and is directed by Prof. David Cosgrove of Imperial College, London. An Advisory Board is being formed to EFSUMB. Their advice and guidance will direct the enterprise. Membership is free to registrants, who are expected to be ultrasound users across the spectrum, and the Euro-specific content will cover teaching cases (which will be accepted after peer review) and news items of a specifically European nature. This will include legislative matters (e.g. on microbubble contrast agents), practice directives and recomendations and notices of European meetings. SonoWorld Europe is supported by ISUOG and EFSUMB (with its official journal Ultraschall in der Medizin) and by European ultrasound manufacturing companies.

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EFSUMB Newsletter

Report of Euroson 2006 This year the EUROSON Congress of Ultrasound was a great success. The 18th gathering of this prestigious event took place in Italy, hosted by the charming old city Bologna, which is famous for its unique architecture, history and exquisite food.

Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States. This is a remarkable score considering that EUROSON is after all a strictly European congress organized by the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Continuing medical education played as always an important role in this gathering, which offered a series of courses, lectures, round tables, clinical sonographic workshops, bookmarks in ultrasound, sessions of oral communications and satellite symposia divided among different medical specialities. We had the opportunity to listen to numerous ultrasound experts who were willing to let us in on their knowledge and new discoveries. They were all very well prepared and the participants have all praised the high quality of the lectures.

Bologna was able to offer interesting sightseeing tours, and boasts the longest portico in the world, starting from Piazza degli Aragonesi to the church dedicated to St. Luca who was the patron saint of the Medici family. From the church you can enjoy a view of Bologna, which is particularly enchanting at night. However, Bologna is also a modern city, well known for its precious contribution to the development of ultrasound scanning techniques. The EUROSON Congress has for years attracted the attention of the whole world. Five continents were thus represented this year by 700 participants coming from 38 countries of which 11were non-European: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Latvia, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,

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In the medical profession regular updating of knowledge is a must and continuing education keeps us going, but it is just as important to be acquainted with the most recent results of scientific research. Also this time the EUROSON Congress could offer a variety of scientific news presented in 257 abstracts, 143 oral communications and 81 posters dealing with different specialities, such as gastroenterology, obstetrics-gynaecology, musculoskeletal, breast, nephro-urology and male reproductive system, interventional, physics-basic-technology, contrast agents, general and vascular Doppler, paediatrics, etc. The congress presented also an excellent opportunity to gather information about the latest technological developments

and innovations in the field of ultrasound equipment and accessories, as there were numerous stands hosting the most important manufacturers. In addition to this, also various publishing houses were represented displaying the newest literature on the subject.

Several awards were distributed during the Congress to encourage particularly young scientists to continue their struggle towards scientific progress. The EUROSON „Young Investigators“ Award was thus won by a young scientist from Rotterdam, while a SIUMB committee assigned awards to five excellent oral presentations and three highly illustrative posters. This year also two additional awards for the East/West European Scientific Cooperation were assigned to the best abstracts presented by authors from countries formerly belonging to the Soviet Union. The traditional Gala Dinner was held at the Isolani Palace and was attended by about 250 guests. This splendid palace lies in the centre of Bologna overlooking Piazza Santo Stefano. It was built in the 15th century and since 1671 it has been in the hands of the Isolani family. The original structure of the palace has been preserved with nine lavishly frescoed rooms and the old cellar rooms, whose refined atmosphere now hosts important cultural events. This year's congress offered a splendid concert for organ and choir held in the old basilica „Santa Maria dei Servi“. This basilica was built by the Servants of Mary in the 14th to 16th centuries, designed by Andrea da Faenza, the Prior General of the order. It boasts a beautiful quadriportico and contains numerous precious works of art, including Cimabue's Madonna and Child.

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This year's Congress was possible thanks to the continuous commitment of numerous people. The organizing and scientific committees and consultants had worked very hard for the success of the meeting and we are all much obliged to them for their experience and efforts. The meeting is over now and we have all gone back to normality - to our usual professional and private lives, hopefully wiser than we were before attending the

Congress. I hope that you will all have fond memories of our meeting and that you are already looking forward to attending future congresses contributing to them with scientific breakthroughs or just with your presence and personal wish to learn more about ultrasound evolution. Francesco M. Drudi MD

DEGUM-Mitteilungen Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in der Medizin

DEGUM-Zertifizierung einer qualifizierten Ultraschallweiterbildung Liebe DEGUM-Mitglieder, der Vorstand hat auf Anregung der Bundesärztekammer beschlossen, ab 01.01.2007 Krankenhausabteilungen und andere klinische Einrichtungen zu zertifizieren, die eine qualifizierte Ultraschallweiterbildung durchführen. Das Zertifikat kann beantragt werden von Abteilungen, die folgende Voraussetzungen erfüllen: 1. DEGUM-Ausbilder (Stufe 2) in der Abteilung

2. Nachweis eines Ausbildungscurriculums 3. Stellungnahme des Assistentensprechers zur Ultraschallweiterbildung (Ausbildungscurriculum wird praktisch umgesetzt) 4. Gerätenachweis (DEGUM Stufe 2) 5. Nachweis Literatur-/Lehrbuchfundus und Internetzugang 6. Die Abteilung/Einrichtung muss das gesamte Spektrum des jeweiligen Fachs abdecken.

Dr. Henning Bartels und Prof. Dr. Kurt Jäger sind Ehrenmitglieder der DEGUM Dr. Henning Bartels

Auf der Mitgliederversammlung anlässlich des Dreiländertreffens Ultraschall 2006 in Graz wurden Dr. Bartels und Prof. Jäger zu Ehrenmitgliedern der DEGUM ernannt. Dr. Henning Bartels ist Urologe und war bis zum Eintritt in den Ruhestand (2005) Chefarzt der Abteilung Urologie im Krankenhaus Göttingen-Weende. Er hat die Entwicklung der Ultraschalldiagnostik

Anträge sind an die zuständige Sektion/ den zuständigen Arbeitskreis zu richten. Die Zertifizierung erfolgt für 3 Jahre. Es wird eine Gebühr von 150 € erhoben. In Vorbereitung ist außerdem die Zertifizierung interdisziplinärer Ultraschallzentren. Mit herzlichen Grüßen Prof. Dr. Eberhard Merz, Präsident der DEGUM Prof. Dr. Christian Arning, Vizepräsident der DEGUM

im Fach Urologie wesentlich beeinflusst und ihre Verbreitung gefördert. Seit Anfang der 70er-Jahre hat er selbst mit Ultraschall gearbeitet und Kriterien für die Anwendung in der Urologie definiert. Damals gab es viele Vorbehalte und Vorurteile gegen die urologische Sonografie. Mit engagiertem und überzeugendem Einsatz für die Methode hat er erreicht,

Geschäftsstelle: Frau Marion Schapheer-Risse Ellerstr. 9, 53119 Bonn Tel.: 0228/9766131, Fax: 0228/9766132 E-mail: geschaeftsstelle@degum.de Öffnungszeiten: Mo–Fr 8 bis14 Uhr

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