Robert Wood Johnson Medical School JOURNEY

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The White Coat Ceremony — a Rober t Wood Johnson Medical Sc hool tradition marking the moment when incoming students assume the symbol of their new profession. The fir st step along a jour ney that...

empowers you to...

search for answers...


Western Reser ve University ’76, Professor of Pediatrics and Chief of the Division of HematologyOncology, Director of Pediatric Oncology at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey • Dr. Kamen applies basic research to patient care and is designated as one of only nine American Cancer Society clinical research professors nationwide, and the only pediatric hematologistoncologist. Currently he is studying reasons why some patients fail therapy or why treatment is sometimes too toxic.


Our professor s are engaged in cutting-edge basic and clinical researc h. Take the c hallenge and join these scientific pioneer s on their jour neys.


University of California–Berkeley ’86, Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Associate Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute •

Dr. Stock has received numerous awards including the National Science Foundation Young Investigator Award. Dr. Stock uses an array of modalities— molecular genetic, biochemical, and Xray crystallographic— to unravel the complexities of structure and function in signal transduction proteins.


ROBERT L. TRELSTAD, M.D. Har vard ’66, Professor and former Chair of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 1981-1998, Acting Director of Child Health Institute of New Jersey, Harold L. Paz Chair in Developmental Biology • Dr. Trelstad was the President of the Society for Developmental Biology and a member of the Advisory Council of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. He was the 1992 recipient of the Distinguished Teacher in the Basic Sciences national award from Alpha Omega Alpha and the Association of American Medical Colleges. Dr. Trelstad’s forward thinking replaced the Pathology course traditional lecture format with reading, small group discussions and computedassisted learning. Small group Path Talk and Case Base ser ve as prototypes for the educational experience at Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School.

think independently...

At Rober t Wood Johnson Medical Sc hool, talented educator s with innovative cur r icula teac h you the skills necessar y for lifelong lear ning

serve the

DENISE V. RODGERS, M.D. Michigan State University ’79, Professor of Family Medicine, Professor of Environmental and Community Medicine, and Associate Dean for Community Health • Dr. Rodgers has led Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School in its mission to provide high quality care to the underser ved. Students are instructed in the community environment with a focus on cultural competence and the family unit.

U.S. News and World Repor t ranks Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School second in the nation in Community Health.

We believe that health care is a basic r ight. Become inspired and enlist in the mission to care for the under ser ved.

DAVID S. KOUNTZ, M.D. SU NY–Buffalo ’85, Associate Professor of Medicine, Chief, Division of Primary Care and Associate Dean for Postgraduate Education

• With Dr. Kountz, students will learn of the complexities of practicing primary care medicine while obser ving a master in doctor-patient communication.

GLORIA A. BACHMANN, M.D. University of Pennsylvania ’74, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, Professor of Medicine, and Associate Dean for Women’s Health • Dr. Bachmann has been a pioneer in the areas unique to the changing female physiology. She has brought the issues of the midlife and menopausal woman to the forefront.

deliver compassionate care

At Rober t Wood Johnson Medical Sc hool, our clinicians provide state-of-the-ar t care inter twined with humanistic ideals.

Lear n from these mentor s and proceed to your training prepared to practice the science and ar t of medicine.


years one &two

Look around you. See the reflections. Diver se interests, diver se cultures, diver se bac kg rounds. Lear n from eac h other...

CHERYL DREYFUS, PH.D. Cornell University Graduate School of Medical Sciences

’76, leading investigator in trophic factors in brain development leads a small group session • Dr. Dreyfus is the Director of one of the many undergraduate research oppor tunities for those interested in medicine, The Neuroscience Undergraduate Summer Research Program.

WILLIAM ZEHRING, PH.D. University of Chicago ’82, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Course Director of Biochemistry and Nutrition, Recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award of the Foundation of UM DN J

I’m helping to train individuals who will be practicing medicine in the year 2050. Our understanding of the genetic and molecular biological basis of human health and disease is expanding at an unprecedented pace. Tomorrow’s physicians and their patients will benefit from a body of knowledge that presentday doctors can only dream of. In Medical Biochemistry, our faculty models a way of thinking and understanding that links the clinical presentation of a disease with the underlying genetic and biochemical cause and with its treatment as well. We include physician and patient inter views, which put a face — and a hear t— onto the topics we cover. It makes for some pretty interesting stuff. Our goal is to provide a foundation of knowledge in human biochemistry and molecular biology that will ser ve our students not only in their subsequent medical school training, but well into their careers. And the learning is just beginning!

DAVID SEIDEN, PH.D. Temple University ’71, Professor of Neuroscience and Cell Biology, Course Director Anatomy, Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs • Dr. Seiden travels throughout the country preparing students in the approach to anatomy.

Our Gross and Developmental Anatomy course has changed continually in order to keep it relevant. We have incorporated the use of radiology including CT and MRI scanning to visualize normal and abnormal structure. Students participate in cooperative learning exercises. Clinical anatomy is emphasized by clinical presentations relating developmental processes with common congenital defects. Practicing clinicians teach alongside basic scientists.

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Work in small groups, where the curriculum shifts from lecture to interactions, in the clinic where learning shifts from the bench to the bedside...

JENNIFER SCHERR, a B.A./M.D. from Rutgers University, has coordinated the ser vice effor ts of the student-created, student-run Homeless and Indigent Population Health Outreach Project (H I PHOP) as Student Director and has represented the student body on the Curriculum Committee. Jennifer was diagnosed with type I diabetes in 1987. She enjoys counseling others and sharing her view that she is not a diabetic but a person with diabetes and many other aspects to her life.

ourstudents in actıon

CHRIS L ANGAN, Dar tmouth, took advantage of our flexible curriculum so that he could maintain his training program in running. Chris was able to qualify for the 2000 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials, vying for a spot to represent the United States at the Summer Olympics. His time placed him in the top twenty-five percent of runners.

TANISHIA WILLIAMS, Seton Hall University, is a former participant in Access Med Program, an ar ticulated degree program with Rutgers University and Seton Hall University to encourage disadvantaged students to enter the medical profession. Tanishia is currently in the laboratory, studying to complete her M.D./Ph.D. dual degree.

Find Suppor t among your peers

OFFREY YOUNG, PH.D. Ohio State ersity ’90, Assistant Professor of chiatry, Assistant Dean for Student • Dr. Young has created the Peer Mentoring Program. Upper classmen are specifically trained to be there should you need some help along the way. The Student Affairs Office provides an array of ser vices om career counseling to cognitive skills enhancement.

NORMA SAKS, ED.D. Rutgers University ’86, Assistant Dean for Educational Programs, Director of the Cognitive Skills Program • Dr. Saks recognizes that students who have been very successful and have been admitted to medical school may need advice on integrating the information presented in a medical school curriculum. She has developed a program available to all students and tailored to individuals. She has a national reputation and is the author of the acclaimed book entitled “How to Excel in Medical School.”


JAME S CREEDEN, Rutgers University Ph.D., Class of 2001

One of the great strengths of our medical school is its flexibility, allowing students with a variety of backgrounds and ambitions the chance to pursue other interests while completing the preclinical curriculum. As a result the student body is very diverse, with students pursuing Ph.D.s, M.P.H.s and J.D.s working alongside the traditional medical students, each bringing his/her unique skills and experiences.

REACH OUT to prog rams beyond the preclinical cur r iculum whic h sur round you on the campus. Rober t Wood Johnson Medical Sc hool enjoys a close relationship with Rutger s, The State Univer sity of New Jer sey. Many of our facilities are co-administered with Rutger s, affording oppor tunities for more collaborative researc h and dual deg ree education. Pic k a scientist from the Researc h Tower or from the Center for Advanced Biotec hnology and Medicine. Try a summer fellowship, be a Student Sc holar for a year, or ear n your Ph.D. Lear n the business of medicine with our 5 year M.D./M.B.A. deg ree, or get on the fast trac k with a M.S. in Infor matics.

or women’s health.

Where your professors are accessible and approachable...
HAROLD L. PAZ, M.D. University of Rochester, ’82, M.S. Lifescience Engineering Tufts University ’79, Dean, Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, conducts teaching rounds in Pulmonary Clinic.
TRY AN ELECTIVE OR CREATE ONE. Rober t Wood Johnson offers an array of non-credit electives offered weekly at convenient times. Learn medical Spanish, find out about Alternative and Complementary Medicine, check out the fast pace of an emergency depar tment, learn about issues in pediatrics, geriatrics
MARK FISHER, Brandeis University ’97, Class of 2002, will gain a dual M.D./M.P.H. degree with the School of Public Health on an epidemiology track.
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NADIA OVCHINSKY, B.A./M.D. from Rutgers University, RWJMS Class of 2002, is completing her study in the M.B.A. program, healthcare management track.

RAYMOND C. ROSEN, PH.D., SU NY Stony Brook ’72, ofessor of Psychiatry and acting Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, is an internationally renowned researcher in sleep disorders and sexual dysfunction. Dr. Rosen has authored er 100 papers and chapters on aspects of sleep disorders and human sexuality. He is well known for his work in erectile dysfunction. SANDRA R. LEIBLUM, PH.D., University of Illinois ’71 , Professor of Psychiatry and Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, joins Dr. Rosen as the Co-Director of the Center for Sexual and Marital Health. She specializes in sex therapy, women’s health, and infertility, has authored or co-edited over 80 chapters and articles, and is the North American Editor of the Journal of Sexual and Marital Therapy.

STUDENTS AT Rober t Wood Johnson Medical Sc hool complete their third and four th year s on one of two clinical campuses, in New Br unswic k where Rober t Wood Johnson Univer sity Hospital is the pr incipal teac hing hospital, along with other affiliate hospitals, and in Camden where Cooper Hospital/Univer sity Medical Center ser ves as a single teac hing site.

Eight week bloc ks of core clinical clerkships in Medicine, Surgery, Obstetr ics and Gynecology, Pediatr ics, Family Medicine, and

Psyc hiatry are spent in our many state-of-the-ar t facilities with accomplished clinical scientists. Students try out their newly acquired clinical skills through a ser ies of Objectively Str uctured Clinical Exercises (OSCEs). Students perfor m history and physical examinations on real or standardized patients, for m a differential diagnosis, and establish a management plan.

Robert Wood Johnson Medical School will prepare physicians in the care of the ever increasing older population. ELAINE LEVENTHAL, M.D., PH.D., University of Wisconsin ’74, Ph.D., Yale University ’66, Professor of Medicine, is the Director of the Gerontological Institute and the Director for the Geriatric Assessment Center. She coordinates an interdisciplinary team of health care professionals in the compr hensive medical assessment of patients 55 years of age and older

Attending physicians provide immediate feedbac k to the students on their physical examination skills, communication skills, and professionalism.

MICHAEL LEWIS, PH.D. University of Pennsylvania ’62 , University Distinguished Professor, Depar tment of Pediatrics, Director of the Institute for the Study of Child Development, world renowned child psychologist, leads a faculty of diverse professionals in understanding individual children through the study of normal and atypical behavior patterns. Ask “why do children….?” and Dr. Lewis is likely to know the answers.

years three&four Continue on your jour ney transitioning to clinical medicine... 10

our students ın action

Prepar ing you to meet oppor tunities and take them to the limit...

PRIYA GOR University of Chicago ’96, RWJMS

Class of 2000, Alpha Omega Alpha, residency in internal medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Rober t Wood Johnson has provided me with a nurturing environment for both academic and personal growth. The professors are approachable and enjoy teaching. I found mentors that modeled professionalism in their patient care and their academic pursuits. Because of the knowledge and skills I gained in basic and clinical sciences, I felt prepared to pursue training in any residency program. Many of my classmates matched in top-notch residency programs. As an intern, I appreciate and utilize the knowledge and skills I acquired as a medical student. I earned my wings here at Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School and I am prepared to fly.

Diverse minds, high aspirations...

JAME S ZAMORA California State ’96, RWJMS Class of 2001, class leader and community advocate, husband and father, plans a career in pediatric emergency medicine.

LIZ ROBINSON Har vard University ’97, RWJMS Class of 2002, is a student scholar in surgical research, ballet dancer, and aspiring surgeon.

e “ ”
A degree from Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School leaves graduates well-rounded from the experiences offered by a first-rate institution

JAMIE LYNNE REEDY, M.D. RWJMS ’95, M.P.H. Johns Hopkins University ’94, internship and residency Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School, Chair of the Advocacy Committee of the Association of Clinicians for the Underser ved and Chair for the Government Affairs Committee of the New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians.

JEFFREY BRENNER, M.D. RWJMS ’95, internship and residency Swedish Medical Center, Washington State, Instructor in Family Medicine Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School–Camden, and strong community advocate in Camden, runs a solo practice providing comprehensive family ser vices, including obstetrics. He continues the tradition of community ser vice and teaching by running the StOP-Student Outreach Program at Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School-Camden.

where we have gone...

F. CHARLE S BRUNIC ARDI, M.D. RWJMS ’80, residency in surgery, Health Science Center

SU NY–Brooklyn, is Chair, Michael E. DeBakey Depar tment of Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine and Executive Director of the Multiple Organ Transplant Center at Methodist Hospital. He is also an accomplished guitarist and composer.

RICHARD J. JACKSON, M.D. RWJMS ’71 residency in medicine and pediatrics at University of California–San Francisco and M.P.H. in Epidemiology at the University of California–Berkeley and the Centers for Disease Control, is the director of the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Contr

IN 1990, DRS. BRENNER AND REEDY had just star ted medical sc hool. They wanted to increase their exposure to patients and to help the needy. They founded HIPHOP— Homeless and Indigent Population Health Outreac h Project. This project has received funding from President Clinton’s Cor poration for National and Community Ser vice A quar ter of our students take par t in HIPHOP In addition, many other projects now thr ive:

MOMS — the matc hing of a pregnant teenager with a HIPHOP volunteer through prenatal care to delivery

CARE — suppor t ser vices for cancer patients

STAATS — Students Teac hing AIDS Awareness to Students


Alumnae Deans at Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School Doctors Dunston: mother and daughter alumnae

FRANCE S DUNSTON, M.D. RWJMS ’78, M.P.H. University of Nor th Carolina, Chapel Hill ‘85, residency Medical College of Virginia, was the New Jersey tate Commissioner of Health and Associate Dean for pecial Programs at New Jersey Medical School. She is ently Professor and Chair of ediatrics at Morehouse School of Medicine. Her daughter K ARL A DUNSTON, M. D. graduated from Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School–Camden in 1998 and is currently completing her residency in emergency medicine at Emory as Chief Resident. She had been awarded the Excellent Teaching Resident Award. Dr. Dunston’s academic interests include Public Health and International Emergency Medicine.

GEZA KISS, M.D. RWJMS ’95, residency in anesthesiology and fellowship in Pain Management at Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School has joined the faculty as Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology. Dr. Kiss, having trained as a doctor of chiropractic medicine, represents one of the many graduates who came to our school having initially pursued another career path. We graduate physicians who were teachers, attorneys, physical therapists, athletes, dancers, clergy, musicians...

MARIE TRONTELL, M.D. RWJMS ’76, residency and fellowship Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs


Boston Children’s Hospital and fellowship

DAVID A. L A SKOW, M.D. RWJMS ’81, residency Beth Israel Medical Center and fellowship University of Alabama, where he remained for 10 years as the Director of Pancreas Transplant Surgery and Pediatric Kidney Transplant Surgery. Dr. Laskow is currently the Chief of Kidney/Pancreas Transplant Surgery at Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School. Since the inception of the Transplant ser vice in 1999, Dr. Laskow has performed hundreds of surgeries. Dr. Laskow is researching the risk factors associated with graft and patient sur vival.

Massachusetts General Hospital, Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Gastroenterology, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

C AROL A. TERREGINO, M.D. RWJMS ’86 residency and fellowship Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Assistant Dean for Admissions


WITH STATE-OF-THE ART FACILITIE S in Piscataway, New Br unswic k, and Camden, Rober t Wood Johnson Medical Sc hool offer s the most diver se, well-rounded, and intellectually stimulating medical sc hool education available. Fast-paced urban teac hing hospitals in New Br unswic k and Camden provide unique oppor tunities to lear n and par ticipate in diagnositic evaluations, treatment modalities, and community outreac h. The facilities on the Piscataway campus create an unparalleled environment where students interact with researc her s in a contemplative sc holarly setting.

places to grow...

The RESEARCH TOWERS and the DANIEL I. KESSLER TEACHING LABORATORIES on the Piscataway campus (above), house the laboratories and offices for basic science faculty and instructional environment for the basic science curriculum.

The CENTER FOR ADVANCED BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE (right) houses cutting-edge research effor ts, allowing students access to the latest in equipment and the brightest minds in a variety of fields.

ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON UNIVERSIT Y HOSPITAL (left), a ter tiary care referral center and Level I Trauma Center which provides care for the surrounding Central New Jersey community, includes a helipad (above) for receiving severe trauma cases. The CLINIC AL AC ADEMIC BUILDING (right) houses research laboratories, outpatient ser vices and administrative offices for the clinical faculty.

Our str uctures and our ideas are in rapid expansion phase...

At Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School we are committed to the young. The CHILD HEALTH INSTITUTE will break ground soon. The research focus will be in developmental biology with par ticular emphasis on genetics, cell differentiation, brain and behavior. The broad scope of the institute will be to integrate with other medical school institutes and develop an international center with emphasis on disease treatment and prevention. And there is more. The construction of a new Children’s Hospital by Rober t Wood Johnson University Hospital is in progress.

The ENVIRONMENTAL AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SCIENCE S INSTITUTE offers an array of programs of study toward the M.P.H. degree: environmental and occupational health, biometrics, epidemiology, health systems and policy, health education and behavioral science, and family health.

The CANCER INSTITUTE OF NEW JERSEY is the only center in the state designated by the National Cancer Institute, and only one of 13 designated nationwide. It has a strong basic science research base and its clinical researchers conduct numerous clinical trials. Students learn about the outpatient practice of oncology in both adult and pediatric populations. An inpatient hospital facility is being built by Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital adjacent to the Cancer Institute to provide some of the most comprehensive oncologic services in the nation.


AL CENTER (above), a ter tiary e facility and a Level I trauma Center with a helipad, which ser ves awling Southern region of New Jersey and the CORIELL INSTITUTE (right), a center for studies on cancer and human genetics with the world’s epository.


a path to excellence...

FIRST YEAR COURSE S Biochemistry; Introduction to the Patient-Case Based Learning; Medical Ethics; Cell Biology and Histology; Gross and Developmental Anatomy; Neuroscience; Environmental and Community Medicine; Medical Genetics; Biochemistry of Nutrition; Medical Physiology; Medical Microbiology and Immunology

SECOND YEAR COURSE S Pathology and Laboratory Medicine-Behavioral Science and Psychiatry; Biostatistics/Epidemiology; Clinical Pathophysiology; Human Sexuality; Physical Diagnosis and Clinical Decision Making; Physical Diagnosis and Clinical Decision Making in Psychiatry; Pharmacology-Case-based Learning

Application Process

Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School par ticipates in the American Medical College Applications Ser vice (AMC A S). Applications may be obtained from the A AMC World Wide Web site at All applications will be reviewed after the Admissions Committee receives your Medical College Admissions Test scores and letters of recommendations (a pre-medical advisory committee evaluation or three academic recommendations). Inter views will be arranged at the invitation of the Admissions Committee.

Preference for admission is given to bona fide residents of the state of New Jersey. However, we recognize the impor tance of geographic diversity among our students and we encourage out of state applicants with outstanding credentials to apply to our school.

Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School places high value on a balanced undergraduate education. While this balance will vary with the background and interests of the individual, it is expected that applicants will have exposed themselves to course work in the humanities, the behavioral sciences, and the liberal ar ts as well as the premedical sciences.

Dual Degree Programs at Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School

THE M.D./PH.D. PROGRAM at Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School, in conjunction with UM DN J-Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Rutgers University, offers an in-depth biomedical scientific education. Tuition suppor t and stipend are available.

THE M.D./J.D. PROGRAM allows for completion of both degrees in six years of full-time study. Both Rutgers University School of Law in Camden and Seton Hall Law School sponsor this dual degree program.

THE M.D./M.P.H. PROGRAM allows completion of both degrees in a five year period. Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School sponsors this program with the School of Public Health and Rutgers University. There is full tuition suppor t during the M.P.H. phase for selected students.

THE M.D./M.B.A. PROGRAM is sponsored by Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School and the Rutgers University Graduate School of Management. The program may be completed in five years with full tuition suppor t during M.B.A. phase available for selected students.

New Jersey Institute of Technology and the UM DN J-School of Health Related Professions join Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School in offering the M.D/M.S. IN INFORMATIC S PROGRAM.

An M.D./M.S. IN JURISPRUDENCE IN HEALTH L AW AND POLICY is offered in association with Seton Hall Law School. This program is specifically designed for those who desire to study Health Law and Health Policy without obtaining a J.D. degree. The program is completed in five years.

We encourage students in post baccalaureate programs to apply. We also encourage applications from individuals with diverse backgrounds and careers in other disciplines.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS the MC AT and a minimum of three years of college consisting of 90 semester hours of college work. The following undergraduate courses are required:

Biology or Zoology (with laboratory) ..............................................2 semesters

Inorganic Chemistry (with laboratory) ............................................2 semesters

Organic Chemistry (with laboratory) ..............................................2 semesters

Physics (with laboratory) ................................................................2 semesters

College Mathematics ......................................................................1 semester

English ............................................................................................2 semesters

16 the

Academic Depar tments



Emergency Medicine

Environmental and Community Medicine

Family Medicine


Molecular Genetics and Microbiology


Neuroscience and Cell Biology

Obstetrics,Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences


Pathology and Laboratory Medicine



Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Physiology and Biophysics


Radiation Oncology



Independent Centers and Institutes Affiliated with RWJMS/U M DN J

The Cancer Institute of New Jersey

Dean and Betty Gallo Prostate Cancer Institute

at CI NJ

Cardiovascular Institute

Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine

Child Health Institute of New Jersey

Clinical Research Center

Coriell Institute for Medical Research

Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Center of Excellence

The Eric B. Chandler Health Center

The Women’s Health Institute

Interdepar tmental Centers

Center for Biomedical Imaging

Center for Biostatistics

Center for Child and Reproductive Environmental Health

Center for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

Center for Molecular Therapeutics

Center for Neuroscience

Center for Stress Management and Behavioral

MedicineGastrointestinal and Liver Tumor


Genitourinary Tumor Study Group Center

Gerontological Institute

The Hear t Center of New Jersey

Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Center

The Melanoma and Sarcoma Center

The New Jersey Center for Environmental Hazards Research (Gulf War Research Center)

New Jersey Comprehensive Breast Care Center

Perinatal Institute

Thoracic Tumor Study Group Center

Trauma Center

The Vascular Center of New Jersey

Depar tment-Based Centers and Institutes

New Jersey Pain Institute

Centers for Education and Training in Environmental Health

Clinical Center of EOHSI

Ozone Research Center

The Resource Center of EOHSI

Center for Healthy Families and Cultural Diversity

Spor ts Medicine Center

Cardiac Arrhythmia Center

Center for Coronary Ar tery Disease Reversal

Center for Disease Management and Clinical Outcomes

Center for H IV Infection

Comprehensive Sleep Disorders Center

Corporate Wellness Center

Crohn’s and Colitis Center of New Jersey

Digestive Disease Center

Geriatric Assessment Ser vice

Hear t Failure Center

Hyper tension Outpatient Center

Initiative in Molecular Medicine

Lipid Disorder Center

Lyme Disease Center

The New Jersey Center for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lupus

New Jersey Regional Hemophilia Program

Osteoporosis Center

Psoriasis Clinic Research Disease Center

Rober t Wood Johnson Dialysis Center

Scleroderma Program

Thrombosis Center

University Renovascular Center of New Jersey

Advanced Center for Parkinson’s Disease Research

Comprehensive Epilepsy Center

Neuromuscular and ALS Center

The Center for Women’s and Perinatal Health Initiatives

Fetal Wellness Center

Institute for Reproductive and Perinatal Genetics

University Center for Reproductive Endocrinology and Fer tility

Women’s Wellness Center

Center for Human Development and Developmental Disabilities

Elizabeth M. Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities – The University Affiliated

Program of New Jersey

The Child Sexual Abuse Program of the Central New Jersey

Regional Child Abuse Center

Institute for Children with Cancer and Blood Disorders

Institute for the Study of Child Development

New Jersey SI DS Resource Center

Center for Psychopharmacology Research

Center for Sexual and Marital Health

Comprehensive Ser vices on Aging

Institute for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders

Student Interest and Activity Groups

American Medical Student Association

Christian Medical and Dental Society

Emergency Medicine Interest Group

The Student National Medical Association

Obstetrics & Gynecology Interest Group

Catholic Medical Student Association

Jewish Medical Students Society

H I PHOP (Homeless and Indigent Population

Health Outreach Project)

Operation Smile — RWJMS Chapter


Student Government Association

American Women’s Medical Association

Spor ts Medicine Society

American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin

Family Medicine Interest Group

Clinical Neuroscience Society

HARTS (Healing Ar ts)

Laennec Society (Internal Medicine Interest Group)

Valentine-Mott (Surgery Interest Group)

International Healthcare Group

Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People in Medicine

M D/MPH Student Organization

Medical Students for Choice

Military Medical Student Association

Multicultural Diversity Group

Muslim Student Association

Organization of Student Representatives of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Peer Mentor Contacts

RWJ Today

Scribe Ser vice

BA/M D Student Association


Produced by the Office of Admissions, UM DNJ–Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School

Text: Carol A. Terregino, M.D.

Ar t Direction & Design: Bruce Hanson/EGADS

Principal Photography: Dennis Connors

Photography Assistants: WIll Landin, Michael Cardone, Karenann Sinnocchi, Jennifer Capaldo, Josh Davis, Mary Beth Dus, Elisabeth Sherman

Additional photography: Page 8/Chris Langan, cour tesy Chris Langan; Page 12/F. Charles Brunicardi, cour tesy F. Charles Brunicardi, Richard J. Jackson, cour tesy Richard J. Jackson; Page 12-13/Dunstons, Nigel Marson

Image of the Child Health Institute on Page 15, cour tesy Rober t Trelstad.

Printing and Pre-Press Production: Oaks Printing Company, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

more information call the Office of Admissions (7 32) 235-4576 Visit our Admissions website at
learn more about Rober t Wood Johnson Medical School, visit R OBER T W OOD JOHNSON MEDICAL SCHOOL

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