Exploring EGAT Dams

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10 DAM





Location Sam Ngao District, Tak Province.

Dam Features Type Height Crest elevation Crest length Crest width Maximum width (at base) Reservoir’s storage capacity


Concrete arch gravity 154 meters + 261 meters (MSL) 486 meters 6 meters 52.2 meters 13,462 million cubic meters

Power Plant The hydroelectric plant situated at the dam base

has a total installed capacity of 779.2 MW from its seven conventional hydropower generating

units (Units 1 – 6 of 82.2 MW each and Unit 7 of 115 MW) and one reversible pump turbine

unit. Bhumibol Unit 8 has double-fold functions,

serving as a water pump during the off-peak hours to recapture water from the lower reservoir and

pump it back up to the upper reservoir; and also operating as a generator to produce electricity during peak periods.

Operation Year : Units 1-2 : 1964

Units 3-6 : 1967, 1967, 1968 and 1969 Unit 7 : Unit 8 :

1982 1996

Date of Inauguration : May 17, 1964


Facilities Accommodations We offer visitors with comfortable, clean, and

beautiful rooms. With full facilities, our rooms namely Chidchol, Phukaew, Hongyok and

Pingtara are various to suit the visitor’s different requirement.

Ruen Rub Rong Restaurant The restaurant is ready to serve you with various kinds of food and dessert.

Valentine’s Island is an island of

peace where visitors can enjoy sandy beach that

is suitable for swimming. To get to the island, it

takes only 15-30 minutes by boat from the dam.

Kaeng Sroy Temple is an old temple

situated in Ping River. This area was once called Sroy city, one of the ancient cities. The temple

is one of 99 temples of the city that still exists,

Meeting Rooms

while most temples are now submerged. There is

Our meeting rooms are various to serve different

the city where the villagers welcomed him with

purposes including meeting, seminar, social event, wedding celebration, etc. with full facilities.

Golf Course At Bhumibol dam, we offer standard golf course with 18 holes. The visitors can experience great

view and fresh air as our course is surrounded by wild and rare trees.

Recreational Parks There are recreational parks at Bhumibol Dam namely Nam Phra Thai Garden and Chaloem

Phra Kiat Garden for visitors to experience good view and atmosphere. The parks are decorated with sculpture, fountain, flowers, and orchid arbors. It is also great for relaxing activities.


Nearby Tourist Attractions

a legend that Lord Bhudda once stopped by at

flowers and food. Before he left the village, Lord

Bhudda gave the villagers a lock of his hair. Then the villagers constructed the chedi (pagoda) to enshrine the hair.

Rowing and Canoeing Racing Tournament The Rowing and Canoeing Association of

Thailand in cooperation with EGAT has held

Thailand’s National Rowing and Canoeing Racing Tournament at Bhumibol dam. It is a way that EGAT sponsors and supports Thai athletes to

participate in Asian Games and the Olympics in the near future.

950 Check Dams The project was officially established on February 18, 2014 to celebrate Bhumibol Dam 50th

Anniversary. It aims to sustainably protect and

restore forests, ecosystem, and natural resources with the participation from EGAT staff and

community. This enhances the people to recognize the value of the natural resources. The project

covers the site of Bhumibol Dam, communities around the dam site, and reservoir area.

For further information and reservation, please contact: Bhumibol Dam : Sam Ngao District, Tak Province Tel. (055) 549509, (055) 881211-5 extension 4002

EGAT Head Office : 53 Charan Sanit Wong Road, Bang Kruai, Nonthaburi 11130 Tel. (02) 436 6046-8




Location Dam Features Type Height Crest elevation Crest length Crest width Maximum width (at base) Reservoir’s catchment area Reservoir’s storage capacity

Pha Leod Sub-district, Tha Pla District, Uttaradit Province. Earth dam with clay core 113.6 meters + 169 meters(MSL) 810 meters 12 meters 630 meters 13,130 square kilometers 9,510 million cubic meters

Power Plant


The power plant houses four 125 MW generating


units, totalling 500 MW of generating capacity

and can annually generate 1,245 million units of electric power.

Operation Year : 1974

We offer visitors with comfortable guest houses and rooms. Our rooms are equipped with full facilities including air-conditioner, television, refrigerator, and hot shower.

Date of Inauguration : March 4, 1977


Rabeang Nan Restaurant At Rabeang Nan Restaurant, we serve visitors

with various kinds of food with reasonable price. We also have set menu to serve you breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Tourist Attractions Sumalai Park was created by EGAT in

honor of H.M. Queen Sirikit on the auspicious occasion of Her Majesty’s Fifth Cycle (60th)

Meeting Rooms Our meeting rooms are various to serve different purposes including meeting, seminar, event, wedding celebration, etc. with full facilities.

Birthday Anniversary in 1992. Open for public use, the park provides a variety of recreational

areas and facilities, such as colorful garden plants, a lotus pond, herb gardens, playgrounds, a multipurpose ground, an exercise ground etc. Erected as a landmark of the park is a Sculpture of

Golf Course

Enlightenment, a lotus sculpture symbolizing Her

At Sirikit Dam, the golf course is comprised of 18

Majesty’s intelligence and kindness in supporting

and holds the various big golf competitions.

famous worldwide.

holes. It is one of the best courses in the province

and promoting Thai arts and crafts to become

Thai Massage At Sirikit Dam, we offer you the traditional Thai

massage. Our masseurs are local people who were trained and certified by the provincial public health office. Fee:

Body massage 150

Foot massage 150

baht/hour baht/hour

Service hour: 8.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m.

Queen Sirikit Bridge was constructed in honor of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit to

commemorate Her Majesty’s 72nd Birthday

Anniversary. The bridge connects the left bank of the Nan River with Sumalai Park, providing an easy access for public to enjoy the beauty of

flowers and plant species of Sumalai Park and the scenic Nan River.


Nearby Tourist Attractions Phraya Phichai Dap Hak Memorial is located in front of the

Wat Phra Borom That Thung Yang or Wat Phra That Thung Yang is an old temple featuring a large,

circular-shaped Sri Lanka-styled Chedi (Pagoda) enshrining a Holy Relic. The temple is located near Thung Yang market, about 5 km from the

provincial hall in honor of a governor of Muang


during the Thon Buri period, who valiantly fought

Fish Breeding Center

Pichai (south of Uttaradit) about 200 years ago with Burmese invaders until one of his swords broke in two.

Wat Phra Thaen Sila At is situated

at the hilltop 6 km away from the town. The

temple features the base of a sermon platform

built with laterite, one of the sacred objects of the province.

Sak Yai Forest Park is in Nam Pat District, about 19 km away from Sirikit Dam. The park features the world’s largest teak tree estimated to be about 1,500 years old.

Bo Lek Nam Phi is about 14 km away from Thong Saen Khan District. It is a source

of the best quality steel which was used to make

swords and weapons in the past. Today there are

The storage dam that was built could affect the number of existing fish in the reservoir. While the number of some species increased, other

species became rare. The fish breeding center was then established with the aim to protect the fish

species in the reservoir by finding proper species for breeding, using both of natural and artificial

insemination. The center releases many species of bred fish to the reservoir every year such as Nile

Tilapia, carp, clossbreed etc. The record shows that the community can gain 16 million baht per year from fisheries in the Sirikit Dam reservoir. The

center does not only protect the environment but

also enhances the economy growth and well-being of communities

two “wells” in existence. One of those called “Bo

Phra Saeng” is believed to have been used to make swords for kings only.

For further information and reservation, please contact: Sirikit Dam : Tha Pla District, Uttaradit Province Tel. (055) 461134

EGAT Head Office : 53 Charan Sanit Wong Road, Bang Kruai, Nonthaburi 11130 Tel. (02) 436 6046-8




Location Dam Features Type Height Crest length Crest width Reservoir’s catchment area Reservoir’s storage capacity



Tha Kra Dan Sub-district, Si Sawat District, Kanchanaburi Province. Rockfill dam with clay core 140 meters 610 meters 15 meters 419 square kilometers 17,745 million cubic meters

Power Plant


The power plant that is a reinforced concrete


building houses 5 generating units. For units 1-3, each has the generating capacity of 120 MW,

while units 4-5 are pumped storage generators,

each of which has the generating capacity of 180 MW. The total generating capacity of these 5

At Srinagarind dam, we offer the visitors with 5

types of rooms equipped with full facilities namely Beach House, Tub Tim House, Pae-Tai House, Phai-Toon House, and Erawan House.

generating units is 720 MW.

Operation Year : 1980 Date of Inauguration : June 15, 1981



Boat service

Ruen Thara and Erawan restaurants are ready to

At Srinagarind Dam, visitors can take a boat

serve you with delicious food and drink.

for sightseeing in the reservoir. We have 3 boats

(Khwae Yai 1, Khwae Yai 2, and Khwae Yai 3) to serve the visitors with the capacity ranging from 40 to 100 persons. Please check the price at our service center.

Memorial Park The Memorial Park was built in April 1990 with its completion in March 1991 in the occasion that HRH Princess Srinagarind celebrated

her 90 years. The park represents the concept

that was inspired by the princess’s recognition

Meeting Rooms We have various rooms to suit visitors’ needs for conferences, seminars, and social events with a

totally integrated support system providing stateof-the-art facilities.

Golf Course


on the value of time and uses sundial as the

representative symbol. Later in October 21, 2000 on the occasion of HRH Srinagarind 100 year

Anniversary, EGAT built her statue which was

located at the park for the public to pay respect.

Nearby Tourist Attractions Erawan Waterfalls are located in the

Erawan National Park, Sri Sawat District. The

falls are situated among wild jungle and are one of

the most beautiful falls in Asia. The total height of the 7-tiered falls is 1,500 meters.

Benefits The community gains more income because of

fisheries in dam which is a perfect place for fish reproduction. The dam releases the water in the

dry season to push out and prevent the sea water not to flood and damage the area of Mae Klong River Mouth.

Pra That Cave is about 75 km from the

city of Kanchanaburi and 10 km further north of

the Erawan Falls to the Huay Mae Khamin Falls. It is situated in the Erawan National Park. Inside the cave, beautiful stalactites and stalagmites are found. The cave is 20 meters long, and it can be explored within 1 hour

Huai Mae Kamin Waterfalls are located in Sai Yok District and Thong Pha Phum District about 110 km from the city of Kanchanaburi and 50 km from the Erawan

Falls. They are limestone waterfalls which have

seven levels. A path that goes all the way to the top is provided for the convenience of visitors. The visitors can also experience rustic forest surrounding the area.

For further information and reservation, please contact:

Srinagarind Dam : Si Sawat District, Kanchanaburi Province Tel. (034) 574206

EGAT Head Office : 53 Charan Sanit Wong Road, Bang Kruai, Nonthaburi 11130 Tel. (02) 436 6046-8




Location Dam Features Type Height Crest length Reservoir’s area Reservoir’s storage capacity



Khao Phang Sub-district, Ban Ta Khun District, Surat Thani Province. Rockfill dam with clay core 95 meters 761 meters 185 square kilometers 5,639 million cubic meters

Power Plant


The power plant is situated on the right bank of


the river. It is a reinforced concrete building that houses three 80 MW generators, totaling 240

MW of generating capacity. The power plant can generate 554 million units of electric power per annum.

Operation Year :

comfortable accommodation at an affordable

price. A choice of guest rooms is available to

suit visitors’ needs. All types of guest rooms are furnished with air conditioning and complete room facilities.


Date of Inauguration : 30, 1987

At Rajjaprabha Dam, we offer the visitors with

Meeting Rooms September

We have meeting rooms to suit visitors’ needs for conferences, seminars, and social events with a

totally integrated support system providing stateof-the-art facilities.

Golf Course We offer the visitors with standard golf course of 18 holes. Also, there is a golf shop inside offered for golf players for their most convenience.


Nearby Tourist Attractions In Surat Thani, a big and important province in the South of Thailand, there are several tourist attractions including sea, islands, mountains, temples, and archeological sites.

Sing Khon Cave Temple is situated in Khiri Rat Nikhom District. It is an ancient

temple built during Ayutthaya Period. Inside the cave, there is a Bhudda image in sitting posture together with many ancient objects. Moreover, around pagoda or chedi and cave wall, there

are several Sangkhalok wares (Celadon) buried underground.

Wat Phra Borom That Chaiya was built around 1,200 years ago during Sri

Wichai period, enshrining a Holy Relic. It is about 54 km from the city center.

Koh Samui is around 84 km from Mueang

District. It takes 2-3 hours to get there by boat

or ferry. Koh Samui is an island of natural beauty

and charm, a place of beautiful white sand beaches and clear warm water where you can relax and

enjoy several sea activities. Also, there are many small and big islands surrounding Koh Samui.


Ang Thong National Marine Park is archipelago located to the west of Koh

Samui. It is abundant with sea natural resources

including beautiful corals. It takes about 1.5 hours from Koh Samui to get there.

Benefits The reservoir is a source for fisheries making

income for those who live around the reservoir. Annually, they can earn 5 million baht in total from fisheries. The water released from the

reservoir assists agriculture in the dry season,

especially the farmers in Ban Ta Khun District, Khiri Rat Nikhom District, and Phunphin District.

Nam Thalu Cave is the beautiful cave with splendid stalactites and stalagmites and a

creek. The mouth of the cave is 500 meters wide. To get there, the visitors can take the boat from the dam for 2 hours and continue on foot for 4 kilometers.

For further information and reservation, please contact:

Rajjaprabha Dam : Ban Ta Khun District, Surat Thani Province Tel. (077) 242555 extension 5600, (077) 242561

EGAT Head Office : 53 Charan Sanit Wong Road, Bang Kruai, Nonthaburi 11130 Tel. (02) 436 6046-8





Location Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi Province.

Dam Features Type Height Crest length Crest width Reservoir’s catchment area Reservoir’s storage capacity


Rockfill dam with concrete facing slab 92 meters 1,019 meters 10 meters 3,720 square kilometers 8,860 million cubic meters

Power Plant


Vajiralongkorn Power Plant houses three 100


MW conventional hydroelectric generating units with Francis turbines, which totally provides an

average annual energy output of 760 million kWh.

Operation Year : 1984

At Vajiralongkorn Dam, we offer the visitors with comfortable accommodation with full facilities at an affordable price. A choice of guest rooms and houses: Rajawadee, Leelawadee, Puthachad, and Fueng Fah, is available to suit visitors’ needs.

Date of Inauguration : January 9, 1986

Restaurant At our restaurant, we are ready to serve you

delicious food and drinks with reasonable price.

Meeting Rooms At the dam, we have different kinds of rooms for conferences, seminars, and social events.


Tourist Attractions Along the highway no. 323 from the town of

Kanchanaburi to Vajiralongkorn dam in Thong

Pha Phum District lie several tourist attractions

that are either historical and archeological sites or natural wonders worth a visit.

Golf Course Our standard golf course with 18 holes is ready to

Japanese Imperial Army and assembled by the

Allied prisoners of war during the World War II.

serve visitors with full service.

An estimated 16,000 war prisoners and 49,000

Boat service /reservoir sightseeing

of the bridge and Death Railway, which provided

At Vajiralongkorn Dam, visitors can take a boat

for sightseeing in the reservoir. We have 2 boats (Khwae Noi 6 and Khwae Noi 9) to serve the

visitors with the capacity ranging from 12 to 50 persons. Please check the price at our service center.

Other Facilities : swimming pool, tennis

court, football field, futsal field, and shooting range


The Bridge over the River Khwae was brought from Java by the

impressed laborers died during the construction

Japanese Army an alternative to the sea route, to

Rangoon. The bridge is so famous that it appears as a scene in many films and novels.

Prasat Muang Singh Historical Park are of considerable

Wang Wiwekaram Temple is

the Prasat Muang Singh (or the Tower of the

edges Khao Laem or Vajiralongkorn Dam. The

archaeological interest. The principal structure, City of Lions) is believed to be the westernmost outpost of the Angkor-centered Khmer empire.

The historical park also exhibits skeletal remains and a variety of Khmer-influenced artifacts.

situated on a hill side on the southern outskirt

of Sangkhlaburi District. This extensive temple abbot, Luang Pho Uttama was highly revered among local people including tribal folk and Burmese.

Sai Yok Noi Waterfall is 52 km far

from town on Highway 323 which parallels the Khwae Noi River to Vajiralongkorn Dam. This

beautiful roadside cascade is best visited between

July - October when water is most plentiful. It is also known as Khao Phang Waterfall.

Hin Daad Hot Spring is located

135 km from town. This natural hot spring was

discovered by Japanese soldiers during the Second World War. Visitors can enjoy hot spring bath

which has therapeutic value. It is also known as Kui Mang Hot Spring.

Three Pagoda Pass, 22 km far

from Sangkhlaburi District, marks the rugged

Thai-Myanmar border and is the site of a small

but thriving border market. The three miniature pagodas are memorials to a traditional invasion route favored by Burmese troops during the Ayutthaya period.


Benefits The reservoir that covers the area of 388 square

kilometer is suitable for fish breeding. The water

in the dam helps pushing the waste water released from the factories besides the two banks of Mae Klong River and sea water at the Mae Klong

River Mouth. The quality of water in the river is then better. With the storage purpose, the dam

can mitigate the flood in the rainy season in the Mae Klong Basin.

For further information and reservation, please contact:

Vajiralongkorn dam : Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi Province Tel. (034) 598030, (034) 599077 extension 2501, 2502

EGAT Head Office : 53 Charan Sanit Wong Road, Bang Kruai, Nonthaburi 11130 Tel. (02) 436 6046-8




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