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Astro Schooner


Egberto F. Ribeiro



Astro Schooner

by Egberto Fioravanti Ribeiro


1st Edition 2017 – Rio de Janeiro Author – Publisher


Egberto F. Ribeiro

International Data in the Publishing Cataloger. Responsible Librarian: Mara Rejane Vicente Teixeira. Parana Public Library - Curitiba - Pr - Brazil. Ribeiro, Egberto Fioravanti. The Astro Schooner / Egberto Fioravanti Ribeiro. Curitiba: E. F. Ribeiro, 2017 – 331 pages. ; 21 cm. Includes bibliography. 1. Brazilian Literature. Parana. 2. Movie Screenplay. 3. Book. I. Title. CDD ( 21º edition)


Search, Text, Pictures in Brazil and abroad, Typing, Translation, Reviewing, Edition, Licenses are by the Author. Register applied for Book and Screenplay, by the Brazilian National Library. Register number 329.978. August 20, 2004 – Rio de Janeiro – Brazil. Movie 1 st Treatment: 120 minutes – 330 Pages – 280 Sequences – 1561 Dialog Takes. The original book is written in Portuguese with the name “A Escuna Astro” and was translated into International English and reviewed in both languages by the Author. Digital Format in PDF – BrOfficeOrg 2017 – Rio de Janeiro © 2004 – 2017 Egberto Fioravanti Ribeiro

ISBN 978-85-906811-3-7 4


Astro Schooner



CHAPTER Preface The Roots The Queen of Seas The Sagaz Departure Schooner Rename English to See Ships Laura South Atlantic The Pilot Birds of Prey The Seizures Headquarter The Ransom The Great Militia Sunday in Pray Scuttled Schooner Artillery Effulgent Justice Ships in Flames Funeral Service The Triumph The Parana Province Epilogue The Ohio's War Governor Bibliography


PAGE 6 30 39 71 92 108 118 142 150 157 161 173 185 198 210 223 229 246 282 289 297 303 309 312 320

DIALOGUE TAKES 152 145 123 102 143 48 58 27 102 62 86 82 68 36 60 183 41 29 14 1561

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The Iberian people aggregates millennial culture, from distinct pre-historical inhabitants, to nations founders of cities as the Phoenician in Cadis and the Grecian in Rosas and Sagunto. The invasions by the barbarous Celtic settled between the rivers D'Ouro and the Tagus. Iberia also became rich province belonged to powerful nations, as Carthage in Hannibal's time and Rome during Julio Cesar's Empire, when several cities were founded. After the falling down of the Roman Empire, the peninsula was occupied by the Visigoth until 739 AC. In this time, Iberia suffered the invasion of the Saracen Moors, with its apogee in 929 during the Cordoba Caliphate. The province Portucalense was in persistent battles, when in 1139 in middle of ceaseless war against Moors and Castile's armies, flourished the Portuguese nation. The Lusitania heroes have been sung by Camþes as the ancestry Celtiberian warriors. The spiritual feelings of the Christian Visigoth and the Jewish capitalism dressed up Iberia with God’s armor 6


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to fight against the Islamic warriors. The Islamic revelation in Yathrib was soon preached over all Arabian nations and neighbors countries. The Islamic faith was to be spread out very fast in few years from Mediterranean Sea to Europe and Asia. The appealing Islamic system to share the despoil among the army, was soon accepted by all followers. That practice had begun against the Jews in Yathrib, the city that received the name of Medina (Prophet's City). At the end of the period of darkness, the Koran was being recited on two thirds of Iberia. On the high of the mosque's tower, the Sheikh convoked the followers for daily prays in the Caliphate of Cordoba. The best lands from the South of Spain to Galizia had been taken by the Islamic followers under power of swords, not caused by religion, but for political power. The low acknowledge about the religion showed a large war affair, that was much more important than to go to Mecca. The Islamic political domain, in name of the religion caused indignation inside the Spanish kingdom in 729AC, when the king began the war called "The Reconquest". In 904, the King Don Afonso began to cast out all the Saracen. The villages, castles and cities were being abandoned by the Islamic that soon were settled by the remaining of the Christian Celtic, Jews converted as New Christian and inhabitants from Galizia. The large victories were much more than the losses on uncountable battles that stimulated Europe's nations to send the first 7

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Crusades to Palestine. The Spanish troops had pushed back the Moors from Iberia, restoring part of Don Afonso's kingdom. Two hundred years later, the Castile's king had given to his daughter Dona Teresa, the Portucalense Province. Dona Teresa married the count Don Henrique de Borgonha and they had a son, Don Afonso Henriques. The old king died and a conflict among the heirs raised up. Just after the death of the count Don Henrique, father of Don Afonso, the young prince decided to become a knight to fight against the Moors. The Infant Don Afonso Henriques, at 14-years-old, assumed a Divine commitment in the Zamora's Church on the Pentecost day of 1125 (1163 in the Spanish Calendar). He dressed the knitting armor the helmet and laid hold of the sword from his grandfather to lead the Spanish army against the Moors Saracen. In three years of battles, he had restored the Spanish domain from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. The great victory at GuimarĂŁes against Spain in June 24, 1128 is considered the Independence Day. Under the strong arms of this Infant Portugal was born, fighting against Spanish and Moors for several centuries. (In the beginning of Rome, the foreigners people were being settled in the region known as Lazio, at the south of the Tiber River. These people kept a solid union in wars against the invaders and built the Roman Empire. The conquest began two centuries and a half before Christ with the Sicilian Province. The several languages in Lazio were 8


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being unified in a Popular Latin, originating the Classic Latin as political identity). In the reconquest war by Don Afonso, the former Roman Province Portucalense received citizens from Galizia to be settled in the city of Coimbra. After the death of the king Dom Afonso Henriques, the kingdom was ruled by his son Dom Sancho I. He began a new administrative structure over the Lusitania land, sending citizens to study abroad. The young nation adopted the notable linguistic contribution of the Galizia to edify its new political identity in Iberia. These facts are very well observed in Portuguese grammar. The first known poetic verses is from 1189 with “A Ribeirinha” (The Little Brook Girl) by Paio Soares de Taveirós. The nobility will incentive the Portuguese language with too many poems, as those written by the king Dom Sancho I and by his grandson the king Dom Dinis with 137 poems. The war supplies were not only by troops, but also on international tribunals, so the necessity of jurists and medical assistance in battles influenced Dom Dinis to install the University of Coimbra in 1290. The courage and Christian spirituality of the Celtic people built the valuable Lusitania army to fight against the Islamic Jihad, whose armies were gathered to invade the country year after year. The commercial engagement brought by the Jews (New Christian) consolidated Portugal as worldwide powerful nation. 9

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The Catholic Verona Council in 1183 established “The Inquisition”. Much more for economic causes than religious were the reason for a entire family be executed by the Dominican Fathers; smashed under torture machine or in bonfire executions. The Jewish people in Europe had built the new social class: the bourgeois. They became victims of people who had taken their money as loan. For such people, the only way to clear all debts, would be after the deaths of all creditors. After the execution, their properties were given to the government and church, it caused an immediate lack of food production. The Portuguese kings saw advantage on that despair and allowed their immigration as citizens, if they accepted to translate their names and to be baptized as New Christians. The Jewish work in Portugal resulted in large agriculture production in the times of King Dom Dinis whose trade agreements with several countries after 1308AD have grown up the national economy and the Christ Order. The Jews non converted and the remaining Moors were subjugated by Acts and treaties in obvious discrimination for their commercial power. In Brazil, the Jews descendants were called “Marranos”. They were hated for their richness, for their friendship with the royal family and because they didn't join to the Republican party-liner. The Military Order of São Bento de Avis was a knighthood organization founded at the beginning of Portugal to fight against the Muslims. Dom John had received the knight honor from Avis and the 10


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disputed Portuguese throne in 1385 (The Avis Dynasty). In the battles against Spain, the Portuguese had improved the craftsmanship of cannons with the metallurgy technical developed by the Moors Saracen (malleable steel). The often Moors invasions over Portugal were causing heavy damage on the maritime tax paid by ships in transit at the Lusitania coast. Dom John and his sons succeed on a secret and large invasion over Ceuta in 1415. The Christian attack on the Islamic Africa eliminated the Muslim's dream to become Caliphs (religious leaders) over the entire Europe. Munitioned with papal edict and a royal obsession, the infant Dom Henrique developed the Indian Plan, to open fire against the Muslims on their own lands. The imprisonment and death of his brother, Dom Fernando in Tangier, made his mind to become much more defined on this purpose. The Plan consisted to turn round the Moors to block their rearguard. It was to impede their often escape to deserts and mountains after every battle. In 1418, the Infant Dom Pedro undertook to do a trip of ten years to Europe and Middle East. He got maps and the book written by Ruticello telling about Marco Polo's trip to Asia. As the invention of gun powder in China had been brought to Europe by Polo, the book received credit of the Avis Dynasty. Despite of in Europe, readers were considering it as a chapter of The Thousand and One Nights, or a joke. The king's Dom John family began to believe that the 11

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prophecies by Daniel about the 5th Empire would be accomplished by Portugal. The restoration of Israel in 1948 was by a Brazilian in UN, son of a Portuguese family (Spider), Mr Osvaldo Aranha. The execution of the Plan of India only would be done by ocean. It required large maritime knowledge to set sail on unknown seas. Dom Henrique contracted navy technician, cosmographs, cartographers and opened the Sagres School in his own house. “The population welfare is in to produce” (Dom Henrique). The successive discoveries of the oceanic isles and lands at the African coast rewarded the Portuguese Nation with 20° of territory extension. The navigator Gil Eanes has been to the Canary islands in the trip when discovered the Cape Bojador in 1434. From that limit began the unknown sea with different currents of wind. “From fixed Pole, where still does not know which another land begins or ends the sea”.1 (The Lusiads Canto 5, Verse 14). The Spanish Diego Garcia Herrera started to explore the Canary Island in 1476. Spain received the Pope's support to vindicate the right “Uti Possidetis” on the Canary Islands (the land belongs to whom lives in and explores it). The Lusitania performance was 1 The Lusiads – Luis Vaz de Camões – 1572 12


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observed by the Holy See. Portugal became the main allied to send the gospel on new lands. The Pope Eugene IV signed a Bull giving to Portugal as mercy, the God's lands not yet discovered. These lands should be kept in Christian domain, while the Islamic religion had not yet been reached by those inhabitants from such islands. At that time, the nations didn't believe to exist anything beyond the Bojador Cape and Portugal received absolute rights since the Canary border to the south. For Rome, the world belonged to God and the lands not yet discovered should be Christian and assured the peace with the Bull Intercaetera. That divisor line was over the parallel 27° (horizontal) that crosses the south of the Canary island and Florida in America. The discovery of America by Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1492 was on the parallel 23°N. The coordinates shown in Europe revealed the New Lands were on Portuguese territory, 50 miles north from the tropic of Cancer. That discovery took all of them to Tordesilhas for a new treaty. The largest international agreement, without any other equivalent on earth's face was signed in the city of Tordesilhas on June 4th, 1494. This treaty firmed among the Catholics kings; Fernando and Isabel from Castle and the representatives from Portugal; Dom John and Dona Leonor. The new Meridian would be moved from 100 to 370 leagues West from the Cabo Verde Islands. (...that inasmuch as among the said lords their constituents, there is a certain difference over what 13

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each one of the said parts belongs, from what until today, day of the making of this capitulation, is to discover in the Ocean Sea...) The Treaty of Tordesilhas. The terms of that agreement was extensive in space and perpetual on time. The Tordesilhas signatories, their heirs and vassals should have to accomplish the treaty, under penalty of ex-communion. Although, a treaty with that magnitude had been established on unknown lands. It should be displeased by all citizens in both nations, under war for three centuries. It should not be acceptable for those who even didn't imagine what was going on. By this way, the treaty could not be perfect and suffered some alterations. The causes of the conflict that began in 1470 only ended after several agreements. The main conciliation finished the 5 years war, after the definitive resignation of the Portuguese king pretension to rule over Castle. (The king Dom Afonso V of Portugal had a marriage not accomplished with his niece Joana of Castle, a princess from the Asturias, royal title in the hierarchy of Castle. Joana was daughter of the king Henrique IV from Castle and Joana de Avis from Portugal. She received her title in 1462, being obeyed to cede her position in favor of her brother, Dom Afonso in 1464, who died four years later. To follow the successive order, the right was for her sister, that disobeyed one of the rules for the Spanish throne. She married a suitor from Aragon and not from Castle. The personal concern of Dom Afonso was to take 14


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advantage on his marriage and to join Portugal and Castle. The Castle's repulse was general, it was unacceptable for Spain to be ruled by Portugal and a new conflict was started by Dom Afonso V in 1474, that was five years long. The peace was reached after the capitulation of the princess Joana who gave up the Castle's throne and the consequent annulment of the marriage. The Treaty of Alcassova on September, 04 of 1479 detained the belligerent animation.) The Lusitania sailing knowledge was producing good results with thousands of miles at the African coast. The Portuguese technical expertise, acquired by the infant Dom Henrique, for so many time overcame those by Spain which committed successive mistakes. Portugal wanted to keep the division line the closest to Europe as possible, to let the Spanish domain to finish on the empty Pacific Ocean, far from the rich spice islands in Asia, according Polo's book. The Treaty of Tordesilhas2 established the border meridian from pole to pole at 370 leagues (1.110 miles) from Cabo Verde's island to west. That archipelago had been cited on nautical charts for too many centuries as the zero grade meridian that divided Orient and Occident, but it was not so clear. Although, Portugal believed in the studies by Dom Henrique according the Marco Polo's trip. Consecutively, all the antipodes islands rich in spices should be owned by Portugal. Spain claimed and Portugal, at least, recognized the existence of a fail in the Tordesilhas' Treaty. The Azores islands were adopted as the new starting 2 Tordesilhas' Treaty – Portugal/Spain - June 7, 1494.


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point for the unknown lands and the divisor meridian was defined at 370 leagues to west. The clever Portuguese didn't want to reveal what in Tordesilhas had been written about the divisor line. The Treaty cited “Unknown Lands�, but the archipelago of Azores had been discovered in the first quart of that century, but for Spain it was not so important. The Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Dias did good use of the wind currents from African coast to southwest, beyond the Bojador. That Captain-major also recognized the atmospheric currents that blow from south America to southeast, taking the sailing boats in windward to few miles from South Africa. Bartolomeu sailed too far from the African coast on a Southward tack, beyond the Good Hope Cape. However, the strong winds from Antarctic and a mutiny on board took him to sail back till to arrive on land. Notwithstanding, he was in Portuguese territory, Bartolomeu placed on the South African coast two stone patterns with the Christ Military Order (The Malta Cross) in name of El Rey (Christ). Vasco da Gama was a nobleman and had been entrusted to explore a new tack to India. He applied the knowledge offered by Bartolomeu Dias and came through that trip till arrive to Calicute. Vasco was introduced to the region's governor, without offering valuable gifts. Vasco's mission was only to keep commerce agreements in Calicute and to install a trade factory in that port. The Samorim was very disappointed with the frugal gift received and kept him detained along 16


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with some other sailors in his palace. The Captain of Vasco's vessel kept as hostages some visitors from Calicute which intended to deal on board, among them was the Samorim's brother. The freedom of Vasco da Gama was negotiated after three days of detainment, when they were released and sailed back to Portugal to give those bad news to king Dom Manuel. As soon as the news brought by Vasco da Gama arrived to Portugal, the king Dom Manuel felt outraged. The king sent in the following year, the Captain-major Pedro Alvarez Cabral 33, to define its domain in Calicute. The Portuguese empire should have to subdue by power, the nations adverse to its monopolist trade inside its own domain. That was a sovereignty matter, much more important than to answer an incident suffered by a vassal. The nobleman Pedro Alvares Cabral would sail to south sea under directly instructions by his friend Vasco da Gama. He assured Cabral the existence of land signals below the Equator line. Vasco also gave him a letter with recommendation for that trip and his most skillful Captains: Bartolomeu Dias, Nicolau Coelho and others. Cabral departed with his fleet from the quay at Belem in Lisbon on March 09, 1500 with thirteen caravels, 1500 men in guns, experts pilots and experienced Captains. That was the largest Lusitania war fleet since the invasion on Ceuta in 1415. In two weeks the fleet arrived to the coast at the Cabo Verde islands, when was started the new 17

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tack to southwest. One vessel was lost, despite of the warning cannons blank shots by the flag ship. After a six week trip from Belem, the signals of land were seen floating on the waves, as it had been said by Vasco da Gama. On the following day, the first shout “land at sight” was thrown on Brazilian waters, on April 22, 1500. The imposing Portuguese disembark on the island at the entrance of Porto Seguro's bay was very well received by the Indians. On the next Sunday, the solemn thanksgiving field mass has been registered on the letter by the public notary Pero Vaz de Caminha. 3 The fleet was at anchor for ten days among that savage people, but with friendly treatment. At the departure day, some young sailors remained on land by their will and some banished criminals were ordered to stay to learn the language. The Captain-major was triumphant when sent back to Portugal Gaspar de Lemos, with the Letter written by Caminha, to announce to Portugal King Dom Manuel the discovery of the “Island of Vera Cruz”. On May 2nd, the resolute Cabral continued his mission, ordering the vessels to weigh anchor and to set sail on a new tack to Southeast. Under the fair convergent winds, the fleet quickly arrived to the African coast on May 24. Bartolomeu Dias had discovered that coast, but as he had suffered with the gusty wind, he called that coast as the Cape of Storms. But, the Portuguese king understood that the name should be changed to “Cape of Good Hope”. The Cabral's fleet arrived to the extreme South of Africa under 3

Letter of Brazil Discovery – Porto Seguro – May 2nd, 1500. Pero Vaz de Caminha



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heavy storm. After five days of boisterous sailing, Cabral was notified about the disappearance of four caravels and the inevitable losses of precious lives, among them, his friend Bartolomeu Dias. The Cabral's crossing to the African oriental coast assured to Portugal the exclusive trading domain in the Far East for an entire century of commerce with Asia. Cabral arrived to the Samorim's Calicute to install a trade factory and to cease the Arabian trade in that Portuguese territory. The order for the Arabian to discharge their ships and to leave the port caused an immediate uprising. The just arrived Portuguese were treachery attacked by the Arabian in the streets of the city and near forty person had been murdered, among them was the notary public Pero Vaz de Caminha, the factory governor Aires da Cunha, some catholic fathers, several employee and soldiers. Cabral applied severe retaliation on Calicute. Two days of round shots on the city result in five hundred deaths and fifteen sunk Arabian ships. After to conclude the replying, Cabral left the destroyed city and sailed to Cochin, where installed a trade factory and went back to Portugal in January with six ships loaded with goods from Orient. On next year, Vasco da Gama sailed to Calicute with an exceptional destruction power, sealing the Lusitania trading domain in the Far East. In 1504, the Samorim from Calicute organized an allied force to fight against the Portuguese factory in Cochin. The commander Duarte Pacheco Pereira had only 70 men, four ships, 18 long range 19

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cannons and a small fort. Pacheco tied his ships doing a barrier at the entrance of the channel. The Samorim was defeated with his army of 5000 men on board of 150 ships gunned with bombards which were sunk. The Samorim did not cause harm against the commander Duarte and left his government in India. After the domain on Cochin, too many Portuguese expeditions sailed to Orient, to register all the islands until the east border of the territory. After the discovery of Brazil, some factories had exceeded the production targets established by the Portuguese crown. Although, the incursion of French traffickers in association with Indian tribes to explore the pau-brasil (blaze-wood) should be stopped. The Moluccas islands were discovered by the Portuguese Francisco Terrão in 1512, when he established in Ternate a factory to produce spice. That news from Asia was a surprise to Spain. The king Charles I from Spain, as he knew about Terrão discovery, organized a secret expedition in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, at the south of Seville to dominate the Moluccas Islands. Three caravels and 60 men, under the command of the Captain-major Juan Dias de Solis, the substitute of Amerigo Vespucci whose death in 1512 had been a large lost to Spain. The fleet departed on October 08, 1515 with real destination kept in secret. The small crew and low food supply and few barrels of water didn't raise suspect that they were going to undertake a circumnavigation. The tack to Canary Islands didn't reveal the great 20


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Spanish interest to sail 5.100 miles beyond the Tordesilhas Treaty through any channel at the south of Brazil. The Solis fleet was anchored in Rio de Janeiro, Cananeia and Santa Catarina. That was an evident tentative to get information from Indians dwellers, shipwrecked or colonizers about any crossing to west, or the silver mines. Solis relegated to second field the mission to Pacific. The Captain-major Solis sailed southward till find the large river and got a new tack to west, exactly as they had been noticed to arrive at Potosi. Solis and his men have disembarked at the north coast of the big river, but they were attacked by savages, probably the Charruas. The remaining crew on board saw how Solis and his fellows had been fallen in a trap. They saw staggered how they have been annihilated. The small garrison of survivors was not enough to set two caravels. The pilot Francisco de Torres was Solis' brother-in-law and commanded one caravel. The pilot Aleixo Garcia commanded other caravel and they departed to Spain. Aleixo was a Portuguese navigator and dweller in Spain. They were touched with that tragedy, but not frustrated. They were far from home, but near to Potosi. The young explorers didn't intend to go back without to conclude the last Solis purpose. Aleixo headed his caravel against the rocky island of Ducks' Port (Sta Catarina) and shipwrecked at the south of the island. It was easier to explain for the Spanish king a shipwreck than a mutiny. Aleixo and ten survivors lived among the Carijohs Indians and built new families. 21

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Aleixo and his fellows did several expeditions at seashore, thinking they were in Spanish territory. They have been to Paranagua bay where Aleixo named it as “Baya de la Corona de Castilla”. In 1521, Aleixo went back to Ducks' Port and organized a troop with two hundreds Indians and headed to the south of Bolivia by the Peabiru Way and by the Chaco. He arrived to the silver mines of Potosi and defeated an Inca settlement, from where he got pieces of gold and silver. In the way back to Ducks' Port in 1525, Aleixo entered in combat against the the Guaranis in the region of Paraguay, where he died. The undertaking by Solis was done by Don Francisco Garcia Loyasa that departed from Spain on December 25, 1525. The discovery of the Philippines islands in 1521, inside the Portuguese border, by the Portuguese Fernão de Magalhães (Ferdinand Magellan), on Spain service, caused a new conflict between the two Iberian crowns. The new war declaration was detained after a negotiation of right through the Saragossa Treaty in 1529. 4 The political domain of Charles I in Europe intimidated any nation to raise guns against Spain, when the Tordesilhas line was moved for the third time. To keep good profits with spices from the Philippines, Spain had proposed to move the limit line of Tordesilhas once more. Portugal was compelled to buy for $350.000 ducat in gold, 17° of the region to the south of that invasion where were the Moluccas. That negotiation was accepted to certify the permanence of the Portuguese factory explored 4 The Treaty of Saragossa – Portugal/Spain – 1529.



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by Francisco Terrão in Ternate since 1512. The Saragossa Treaty on April 22, 1529 moved once more the Tordesilhas Meridian. The information about the presence of French trade factories on Brazilian coast and the lost of the Philippines islands, obeyed Portugal to send a military fleet to Brazil. The bad news about the death of Solis by Indians in the River Plate covered with care the Martim Afonso's fleet. The noblemen and brothers Martim Afonso de Souza and Pero Lopes de Souza were sent to Brazil by Dom John III to demarcate at the Parana river the alteration in 17° occurred on the Tordesilhas Meridian. They arrived to Brazilian coast on January 31, 1531 with the mission to demarcate and to donate lands, to nominate public notary and Justice Officers. Martim seized some French ships loaded with blaze-wood and his brother Pero Lopes de Souza applied heavy night fight against French traffickers ships on escape. Martim sailed southward and in Guanabara's bay he established a factory to explore the blaze-wood. Martim was a land donatory (Person in the nobility who received lands with hereditary right). Martim arrived to Cananeia bringing from Portugal some stones with the mark of the Military Order of Christ, at the entrance of the channel he placed one mark (still exists). He placed that stone pattern was to delimit his own Captaincy, while the lands southward belonged to his brother Pero Lopes de Souza. Martim sent Francisco Chaves to an inland expedition through 23

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the Peabiru, the old way to Peru. To detain the losses of men, Martim designated some War-Captains. One expedition was destroyed by the Carijohs and another expedition went back with hundreds of arrested Indians. In September 26, 1531 they departed southward in two ships. As soon as they arrived at the Cape of Santa Maria, at the entrance of the Silver River, they suffered violent storm. Martim shipwrecked, loosing too many guns and food, but no precious lives. On the beaches of the north coast at the Silver River, Martim found a small ship abandoned by Cabot and equipped her to sail. Martim sent his brother in this ship to demarcate the 17° cited in the Saragossa Treaty. Pero Lopes should sail up the Parana River, till the farthest the ship could go. Pero should have to choose the best place to lay down the stones. On December 12, 1531 Pero cast anchors at the left margin of the river, from where

the waters were coming from

southwest. Pero verified the sun measure at midday and assented two stone marks with the Military Order of Christ. The pattern stones were laid in name of El Rey (Christ) on the oriental margin of the Parana River on 33º 45’ South. Pero Lopes had definitively established the third Portuguese border from south to north, because the Tordesilhas line was from Pole to Pole. That demarcation near San Pedro restored 10° from the 17° Portuguese dead loss on the Philippines islands. That new border had been moved from Laguna to the Parana River. Spain kept the Philippines Islands, while Portugal received the Parana River. (Log 24


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Book – Pero Lopes de Souza – 1531/1532).5 Martim sailed back to North and on January 22, 1532, he cast anchors and declared the foundation of São Vicente. Pero on his way back to Europe met a French fortress in Pernambuco. He warned the invaders to surrender, but the answer was on round shots. Pero ordered his ship batteries to open fire. The fortress was under fire for eighteen days till be destroyed. The French Commander was hanged up on that same site and the prisoners were sent to the Algarves. The foundation of Santa Maria de Buenos Aires didn't succeed. The settlement was soon beleaguered and burnt by Indians, that caused its abandonment. Without food and defense, the Spanish colonizers escaped upward the Parana River, letting behind Buenos Aires in flames. The Spanish arrived to the Paraguay River at a pleasant place on August 15, 1537, day of Nuestra Señora de Asunción. On that settlement grew up the Paraguayan Capital. The few Spanish settlers arrived with Pedro de Mendoza were not enough to occupy all the Nova Andalusia's colony, between the parallels 25°S and 36°S, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. The solution offered by the Derecho de Indias (Spanish Act for Right of the conquered people to become Spanish citizens) was followed by Hernando Árias de Saavedra for the colonization on the East side of the Parana River. Under that system, the Spanish slavery of Indians had been badly received by the clergy. The education of the ordered Indians 5 Log Book by Pero Lopes de Souza – 1531/1532 – At Sea.


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was applied to settle the American Colonies with Spanish citizens. Before the Iberian Union, occurred the foundation of the Province of Guayrá in 1570. Several reductions (villages) were under the Jesuit fathers administration in the East territory of the Parana River. Meanwhile, the Portuguese had founded at the north side of the Silver River, the Colony of the Santissimo Sacramento at 30 miles from Buenos Aires. (The death of the king Dom Sebastião in 1578, at 24-years-old, in combat against the Moors in Alcacer Quibir and whose body was never found, let Portugal without heirs. The successor was his uncle, the cardinal Dom Henrique which died two years later, being the direct next of kin, the Spanish king Dom Felipe II, beginning the Iberian Union. These facts coincide with the 5th Empire cited by the Prophet Daniel in chap 11). In the beginning of the XVII century, to assure the Portuguese right, the General Government in Bahia sent the Bandeirante Commander Antonio Raposo Tavares (paramilitary troop of 3000 men seeking for gold, diamonds and emeralds) to negotiate the Portuguese right Uti Possidetis (the land belongs to whom utilizes it). He also should had to rescue the Portuguese sovereignty in Guayrá, south of the Paranapanema river. Raposo Tavares found already built, twelve Spanish villages. He warned the Jesuits and dwellers: “This land belongs to us and not to the king of Spain”. Fifteen years later, as the 26


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villages had been partially abandoned, the Bandeirantes came back and destroyed the twelve reductions in Guayrá (North of the State of Parana). The remaining dwellers were arrested and sold as slaves in São Paulo. (The Jesuit applied politics to impede the Indians from Guayrá to approach to the Portuguese villages, saying the Brazilian were tyrants and barbarian. For Brazilian settlers, the Jesuit said that beyond the Sea Ridge would have a Spanish invasion to take all properties. That insecurity originated a land of nobody on the Captaincy between the old Tordesilhas Meridian and the Parana River. It raised doubts on the real spirituality reasons for those fathers, beyond it cause the depreciation of 2.4 acres in that region to cost less than a door locker. 6 The non-existing claims from Spain and the absence of its army when the Bandeirantes and Jesuit forces were in confrontation demonstrates the self defense of Jesuits on that land. It has lead everyone to believe in attempt of the Company of Jesus to establish a Republic in the territory of 10° created by the Treaty of Tordesilhas and of Saragossa, which has been demarcate by Pero Lopes de Souza at the North of the Silver River and the old Meridian of Tordesilhas. That should be a main reason why the Portuguese king, by action of the First Minister, the imprisonment, deportation of the Jesuits and to arrest their properties for rebellion and 6 - History of Paraná - Washowicz, Ruy Cristóvão - Publisher of the



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betrayal.7 The war against the Guaranis tribes, after the Jesuit have being cast out from Portugal and Spain colonies show a common agreement from Iberia against that third colonization. That event has been played on several prized movies in Brazil and abroad). The gold washers’ settlement in Paranagua was elevated to the category of village in 1648. The General Government elevated the village to the category of Captaincy in 1656 and nominated the Captainmajor Gabriel de Lara as Captain Settler for the occupation of the lands demarcated by Pero Lopes de Souza. In this period, Lara founded Curitiba and several others villages, reinforcing the possession over the Oriental territory till Sacramento, at 30 miles from Buenos Aires. After the Lisbon Treaty in 1681, new conflict emerged from the Silver River on invasion over Sacramento's Colony. That event took the Pero Lopes de Souza's heir, Marquis de Cascais to propose the sale of the Captaincy of Paranagua in 1709 for the donatory of São Vicente for $40.000 cruzados. The Portuguese government didn't allow the sale and paid in cash that required amount to its owner. In the following year, the Portuguese crown finished the system of Captaincy and joined Paranagua to Santo Amaro and to São Vicente, establishing the Province of São Paulo that until 1770 kept its border at the Silver River. The Silver River Vice Kingdom claimed for the annulment of the agreement kept by both nations since 1529. The requirement sent to 7 - Marquis of Pombal, Decree on July 24th, 1759. 28


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the Holy See for the ex-communion of the signatories and transgressors of the Tordesilhas Treaty was the way to cease the animosity of the most exalted. According the Madrid Treaty on January 13, 1750, both Iberian crowns accepted their borders at the Parana River. After all, Portugal had accepted the Spanish right over the Philippines. However, the border was not accepted by Spanish governor in Buenos Aires and it was enough to detonate a new conflict in the region. The Spanish invasion on Brazilian South forced both crowns to sign the Treaty of El Pardo in 1761. The Spanish didn't accept any treaty and Spain declared war against Portugal. The invasions by Cevallos in 1762, Vertis and by Salcedo in 1763, whose advance was detained by major Bandeira and by the Treaty of Paris in 1763. But, the definition only happened by the Saint Ildefonso's Treaty in 1777. Portugal assumed the accomplishment to give the Oriental side of the Parana River to Spain (Uruguay, Entre Rios and Corrientes). The Badajoz Treaty in 1801 ended the war between Spain and Portugal. The border question between Uruguay and Brazil was defined by the Rio de Janeiro's Treaty in 1828, when Uruguay got its independence. In the monopolist Portuguese trade period, the ultramarine colonies were not allowed to deal with any other country. In this time, the Auditor Rafael Pardinho tried to promote the herb mate from Curitiba in Lisbon. He sent samples of the tea with instructions for use, but it was not accepted by the population. This man was very persistent 29

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and asked for authorization to negotiate the herb mate directly in the Silver River, where there was no interest of the Portuguese trading companies. That proposal pleased Lisbon and Curitiba began a timid commerce, facing the better prices offered by Asunciรณn.

Stone Pattern of The Military Order of Christ. Two stones were seated by Pero Lopes at Parana River December 12, 1531.



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Portugal had begun a repressive campaign to impede the Brazilian Independence. The deaths of Felipe dos Santos in 1720 and Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, the “Tiradentes” in 1792 discouraged the Brazilian politics and assured the Lusitania sovereignty. In the following years, the first metallurgy began the production of iron tools and spare parts in Rio de Janeiro. These industries were near to self sufficient and it was a dangerous signal for Lisbon. In so many provinces of the colony there were factory of glass, cotton fabrics for sugar bags and jute fiber for coffee bags and wool clothes. By a decree signed by the queen Dona Maria I in 1785, all industries had been closed to stop the colony's 31

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development. (After that decree, Dona Maria began to be called in Brazil as “The Mad Queen�, but she and the Lusitania court were very well received in Rio de Janeiro after their successful trip to Brazil when Napoleon invaded Portugal in 1807). During the Continental Blockade by Napoleon against England to block its economy, Portugal tried to keep political neutrality for do not cause damages on its business. In an interview with Le Moniteur de Paris on November 11, 1807, Napoleon was clear saying the Portuguese royal family would end when their troops will enter in Lisbon. That was the secret contract of Fontainebleau signed between Napoleon and Carlos IV from Spain. London showed to Dom John that Napoleon wanted the Portuguese support and persuaded Lisbon to move the court to London or to Brazil. A secret plan of trip to Brazil had been created in the century XVI by King D. Antonio I, who suggested other kings to follow him when in times of crisis, if there were any invasion on Portugal. The plan was formalized by an agreement, according the restored England Convoy Act in 1807. The plan was executed after two days of waiting for the changing of wind for the vessels sails against the heavy current of the Tagus. In the morning of November 29, 1807 impulsed by favorable winds, the Lusitania court began its trip under the escort of the English fleet with 13 ships under the command of Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith to protect 18 Portuguese war ships and 26 cargoes vessels moving 15 thousand persons from the Royal family and 32


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court.8 The heavy rain on the Tagus basin destroyed the roads and the French troop abandoned its canons. The lack of food and guns for French troops arriving from Pyrenees and from Spain were detaining them.9 The Lusitania population was facing the General Junot, former ambassador of France in Lisbon with his broken troops, while the Portuguese Administrative structure was sailing to Brazil. The trip had been done under storms and too many ships suffered damages on hers sails and masts, causing seasick to Queen Maria I that said to never more come back to Portugal for do not have another trip like that. In Elba, Napoleon declared in his memories that he had been deceived only by Dom João, when he tried to despoil Portugal. The Portuguese Aristocracy in that trip to Brazil had large business in Europe, Africa, South America and Asia. Some of them were merchants, exporters, importers and shipowners. The fleet arrived to Salvador in Bahia, where was signed on January 8, 1808 the law for the opening of the Brazilian ports to friend nations, where was revoked the Act of 1785, liberating the industry activities in Brazil . Some sugar exporters disembarked to head their business directly from their sugar industries in Pernambuco. The remaining exporters went to Rio de Janeiro where they continued their commerce to Europe, Africa and Asia, as if they were in Lisbon. The colonial Brazilian urbe in Rio de Janeiro was not provided with sumptuous palaces. The popular 8 - The Journey of the Royal Family to Brazil –Kenneth H Light. IHGP 16/01/2003 Petrópolis. 9 - Old Regiments - Gen. Fortes, Heitor Borges. -Bibliex-1964.


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culture was inept for all that aristocratic refinement. The multitude of aristocrats not well lodged in those ships didn't dispose place for the transportation of their valuable silverware, masterpieces, sculptures and valuable paintings. They arrived in Brazil bringing their fortunes on hands: gold, diamonds and eighty million of Crusades, or one hundred million Sterling Pounds. The half part of the existing capital in Portugal had been strewn on the warm colony (That amount was enough to buy two hundred million bags of coffee, in today's price it means US$20 billion). That opulence was very considerable to finance the Napoleon's war against England. (On a visit to the English flagship HMS Redford after the arrival to Salvador in Bahia, Dom João thanked the English officers who escorted his family and inspected the ship for three hours. In recognition of his successful military escort, Dom João honored Captain James Walker and his top officers with the Order of the Tower and Sword. Dom João appointed this captain to transport safely the 84 treasure vaults on his ship, because the "Royal Prince" was in poor condition and offered no transportation security. The transfer of the safes took three days, extending to more than a month the staying of the Queen in Salvador. In Rio de Janeiro, that valuable cargo was counted during one month..)

The secret meetings for Brazilian Independence ceased instantly, dazzled by the richness scintillating in rough rooms. The foundation of the Bank of Brazil happened four months later. The Portuguese world would offer to these businessmen their colonies to 34


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install trade establishments. However, the mercantile society decided to stay in the court, beside the king and to invest in Brazil. Three years after the arrival of the Portuguese court in Brazil, Paraguay got its Independence. The successive offensives by the troops under the command of Belgrano from Vice-kingdom in Buenos Aires to restore that Spanish Province didn't succeed. The answer from Buenos Aires was to raise a commercial blockade to impede the transportation by the Parana River of all Paraguayan products as: tobacco, cotton, leather and herb mate. To actuate against this boycott, El Supremo (the Paraguayan dictator) decided to eliminate the Spanish exporters’ class and to cease the supplying of cotton for English industries. These events have given to Curitiba the prestige of exclusive supplier of herb mate for the thirsty consumers from the River Plate and Chile. El Supremo expropriated the Catholic Church, arrested its goods, placed the national coat of arms in front of each temple and changed it to public school and published the death penalty. There were no more unlettered people and no more criminals in the country. That was a singular opportunity for the just arrived Portuguese to have good profits in Curitiba’s District. In few years, the exportation of the tea "herb mate" from Curitiba raised to equivalent 25%, compared to all the Chinese exportation of tea to England. The business headed the investors to inland until the lands of Guarapuava. 10 There 10 - Trip to the District of Curitiba.- Hillaire, Auguste de Saint. - Co. Edit. National-1820.


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were investments to pavement of the Itupava's Way, hydraulic engineering on the Nhundiaquara's river, quay at the Beach Street in Paranagua and at the bay. Two shipyards were built in Paranagua for 300 tons ships and one in Morretes for small ships. The ships coming from Europe and from United States had its hull covered by copper plates, but not all of them. The lazy port operation and the loading of cargoes delayed the ships for three months. Enough time for ships be attacked by borer mollusk, as the buzano, existing in all south ports. The Navy examination in ships revealed hundreds of holes with flow of water and the ships were condemned by the authorities. The cargoes had to be moved to another ship and the damaged sailing ships were sold on auction at very low prices. These ships were bought by shipowners and sent immediately to be restored in shipyards. After the repairs, these ships were used for the transportation of cargoes and passengers between Rio de Janeiro and the port of Rio Grande. The commerce of firewood was the main energy resource present in every house, beyond lumber for housing, food, herb mate, sugar, coffee and rice from south ports. The trading of these goods between Paranagua and Rio de Janeiro was enlarged to Silver River, Africa, Asia, Europa and North America. The immediate growing up of the economy in Curitiba's District in the Sao Paulo's Province attracted investors, politician and received the first immigrants from Germany. 36


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After the Royal Family’s coming back to Portugal, the succession right of the Bragança Dynasty required the Regent Prince, Dom Pedro I in Lisbon. To impede the access of any adventurer in the Brazil's government and to keep the loyalty of the military force in Lisbon, Dom Pedro sent back the Portuguese army to Portugal to guarantee the throne to his daughter. Dom Pedro organized the Brazilian Navy and the Constitution Assembly. After a new warn from Lisbon, the party of the high social class in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo convinced Dom Pedro to stay in Brazil. On September 07, 1822 the Regent Prince was in a trip to São Paulo when received a message from Rio de Janeiro at the margin of the Ipiranga's River. Dom Pedro took knowledge of the Portuguese measures taken against him. Dom Pedro called all his followers at the river's margin and declared the Independence of Brazil. That was the beginning of the First Kingdom and the search for international recognition. The first nation to agree with the Brazilian Independence was the United States of America, followed by Mexico, Argentina and France. Portugal would recognize the Independence after the payment of an indemnity of 2 million sterling Pound to England, for its navy escort of the Portuguese court to Brazil. The English Freight Money Act had a toll of 2% over the transported value. The escort value was equivalent to four million bags of good coffee. The English recognition would be part of an agreement with Brazil for fifteen years: The 37

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supplying of lumber for ships; land for Shipyards; reduction on importation fees for English products; prohibition of slave traffic on ships and give to England the right to visit on board. The Emperor Dom Pedro I vacillated and unfastened the friendship ties with England. A cloud of menace and the applying of force, was floating after the arrival of an English fleet to Rio de Janeiro. Dom Pedro signed on November 23, 1826 the agreement valid for fifteen years, to receive the English recognition for the Independence. On the second kingdom, on March 12, 1845 the Brazilian Emperor was Dom Pedro II, at 19-years-old. He notified England for the expired term of fifteen years for the right of “visit and search” written on that agreement signed by his father. In answer, England noticed that the Parliament had voted on August 08, 1845 the Act Aberdeen, to impose the end of traffic ships, the right for visit on board, imprisonment and condemnation of its Commander and shipowners under English Court. The well known expression by the Queen Victory was: “They don't exist!” The English Act known as Prize Money stimulated the accomplishment of the Aberdeen Act. The enemies ships, cargoes and prisoners arrested were evaluated by commissaries on board of the War Ships. After the register, the ships were taken to be sold by auction in England. The gross money gotten was divided in two parts: 35% for the British Government and 65% for the crew. The money gotten by the 38


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crew was divided in eight parts and distributed among the crew of the ship which arrested or destroyed the traffic vessel. The fleet Commander received one part; the Captain of the arrest ship received two parts; to chief officer, boatswain and surgeon was given one part; to Lieutenants and officers was given one part; to aspirant and Sergeants was given one part and for all sailors were given the last two parts. Apprehensions of great amount as Spanish galleons were profitable to pay to a sailor the wage of 400 Pounds, or four hundred monthly wage. The autonomy of the Flag Ship Commander and the motivation for the Royal Navy crew, induced them on Asia in 1849 to destroy 46 Chinese junk, gunned with short range cannons to defend the access to Hanoi at the Tonquim river's mouth. In this same year, another six Portuguese ships had been seized at the African Coast causing large protest in Lisbon. After the Portuguese claims, that squad was moved to Brazil. The incidents done by English cruisers at Brazilian coast were ordered to finish on July, 1850. Just after that, the squad did some arrests, but few years later the fleet was cast out from Brazilian coast. The English production of coffee in Ceylon and sugar in Mauricio’s Island with hands of work by the immigrant cooties didn’t overcome the Brazilian exports of sugar, produced by slave hands. The application of slave hands of work in the production of sugar and coffee in Brazil reduced the exporting prices and discouraged the English colonization in Asia. 39

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In the spring of 1849 arrived to Brazil the English fleet under the command of Rear-Admiral Barrington Reynolds. The squad was being moved from Africa, caused by severe arbitrary practiced against Portuguese cargo ships. The flagship was the frigate HMS Southampton, under the command of Captain Cory, gunned with 50 artillery pieces. The fleet had other ships; the steam corvette with screw propeller HMS Sharpshooter, under the command of the Lieutenant John Barley; the steam corvette HMS Rifleman, under the command of the Lieutenant Crofton; the steam corvette HMS Tweed, under the command of Lord Russell; the steam corvette HMS Harpy, under the 40


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command of the Lieutenant Dalton; the steam corvette with side wheels paddle, HMS Cormorant, under the command of the Cap Herbert Schomberg. The cruisers had to impede the slave traffic in sailing ships at the Brazilian coast.11 One of the ships was chosen monthly for the mail transportation between Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo and Buenos Aires. Also there were the suppliers ships as: HMS Crescent under the command of the Lieutenant Brantley; the HMS Hermes under the command of the Lieutenant Fish Burnt. All these ships worked to give support for the squad with supply and coal from England. The steam corvettes were gunned with four side cannons caliber 64 and two turrets on axis with cannons caliber 80. The reference of the caliber means the iron round ball weight in Pounds (0,453kg). The war ships also were the preparatory schools for officers training for ship's command beyond steam machine engineer, seafaring and artillery pieces. The King’s letter boys entered in the new career at twelve and after four years as officer apprentice working as assistant, to be approved in a knowledge examination in England. The officer level began as midshipman and aspirants. In two years, there are


examination in the Admiralty in Southampton to become Lieutenant. At 20-years-old, the Lieutenant could be promoted for ship’s command. 11 - Microfilm Collection of the Public Library of Paraná – Jornal do Commercio – Ships arrivals – Congress Discussion – January/July 1850


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The English Mr Hudson was the Entrusted of the British Business and for the Intelligence Service in Rio de Janeiro. He denounced to the rear Admiral Reynolds some Brazilian sailing ships and steamers as being applied to slave’s traffic: Fidalga, Imagem, Sem Nome, NV Paquete de Santos, Astrea, Santa Cruz, Paulina, Serêa, Leônidas, Astro, Rival, Velha de Dio and the Lucy Ann (Dona Ana). The changing of the brig’s name “Sagaz” to “Astro” few days before the English visit to Paranagua. The same reason for burning the brig-schooner “Rival" in the shipyard of Cabo Frio. All that facts are not fruits of serious investigations, but a obvious list written after the registers by English Cruisers, otherwise, those ship's names should not be known. The seizure in Brazilian sea to get the “Prize Money” caused indignation not only on our people, but also on Lord Hutt in the English Parliament. An author under the pseudonym of “Anglicus” published in English on Jun 29, 1850 in the Jornal do Commercio the verses “Lines Suggested by Recent Events”, in protest against the Royal Navy.



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1- The galley “Santa Cruz”12 The channel between the continent and de São Sebastião Island in the Paulistanian seashore was a maritime route from Santos to Rio de Janeiro. In the morning of January 02, 1850, the galley Santa Cruz was approaching of this channel loaded with 20.000 bundles of firewood to Rio de Janeiro. The commander of the HMS Rifleman was the Lieutenant Crofton which after ordering the ship to stop, he and his men went aboard the Santa Cruz. After verifying the books and the absence of traffic vestige, he let the sailing ship to continue her trip. In this afternoon, the HMS Cormorant, under the command of the Captain Herbert Schomberg, stopped the same galley Santa Cruz in front of Ilhabela. The corvette sent two cutters with gunned men to go aboard the ship. The Lieutenant Luckraft stayed on foot on the forecastle waiting for his men to go aboard, to follow them in safe. “No quarter!” That order was for crew and passangers to come out the cabins and holds and stay on deck. The sailors worn uniform of white canvas, large shirt-collar to the back, straw hat with ribbons and gunned with muskets and swords. They approached to the ship to aboard her by the stay of the main mast. The menaces with swords scared the passengers and crew, taking them to the deck. 12 - Jornal do Commercio January 10th, 1850.


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The Lieutenant Luckraft walked up on the hatches cover and ordered his men to seek for any slave traffic vestige and asked for the ship’s Commander. “I want all the crew and passengers on deck, now!” “Let's open the hatches to verify the cargo!” Another sailor answers. “The hatches are sealed, sir!” The sailor tells the officer. “Don’t mind! To break the seals” The Lieutenant orders. “There are too many truss-frames, baking pan and rings, sir!” “The ship is loaded with firewood, sir!” “There are too many water barrels, sir!” “This is a traffic ship!” The Lieutenant Luckraft sentences. “It is an abuse!” The boatswain claims against that. “We are taking 20.000 bundles of firewood to Rio de Janeiro as we do for years. This is the manifest cargo with the Customs stamp. The Stones and bags with sand are for the ballast, as every ship does it.” The Commander protested to the Lieutenant. “That paper doesn’t have any value. This ship is too old to be sent to England. Now, this ship belongs to Her Majesty and we have order to plunder her. To disembark the crew and passengers and to set on fire.” The Lieutenant Luckraft ordered. “Sir! There are too many passengers; including women and children on board.” 44


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“Let them go downstairs to the cutters and disembark them on the beach.� At nightfall, the cutters were sent to the beach with the crew and passengers. The scared children and women were watching to the lightened sea by the burning vessel in front of Ilhabela. The expression of frighten on the sailors’ face, the indignation on children eyes and the women in despair reproduced the large provocation and English menace on the Brazilian merchant fleet and to the Brazilian Navy.


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2- The passenger steam ship “São Sebastião”.13 The steamer São Sebastião was sailing at 19 PM on January 23, 1850 near the Ilha dos Patos. The ship was taking from the North ports to Rio de Janeiro, several military and civilian passengers; among them was the Deputy João José Moura de Magalhães and the English John L. Hook, Brazilian consul to Serra Leoa. On a warm summer day, the passengers had taken a sit bellow a white awning in the forecastle. Some of them were walking and talking at the main rail, when they notice a battle ship to approach. The boatswain noticed the 1st Lieutenant Torrezão, Commander of the steamer, about the approaching of a war ship. “Commander Torrezão! There is an English battleship on course to cut our tack.” “I hope the military on board don’t retort any aggression, if any English troop come on board.” “Do we have to ask for the passengers to be in their cabins?” “I don’t think so! It would put the ladies in panic.” While the ship’s Commander was giving order to the crew, the battle ship HMS Rifleman made a shot to stop the steamer. The round shot raised a water column in front of the steam ship São Sebastião. 13 - J ornal do Com m erci o – Febru ar y 2nd,1850. 46


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“To stop the machines!” The pilot ordered the helmsman. The passengers at the main rail saw the shot on the water and ran to the cabins corridor. “Gentlemen! Let's go to my cabin, there you'll be in safe.” Two cutters with sailors from the HMS Rifleman were approaching to go on board of the steamer. The hard and exigent English sailors kept the passengers on deck, while another group was ordered to rummage the ship. Two Lieutenants jump on board by the main rail asking for the Commander. The exasperated passengers called up for the Commander Torrezão. “Commander Torrezão! This is an insult for Brazilian sovereignty.” The Deputy João José de Moura Magalhães of the General Assembly in Rio de Janeiro was furious with that incident. “Mr Deputy, Army officers and gentlemen, don't be so worried about. I have all yours papers in order, include those from your servants.” The Commander said to them, trying to calm down all passengers. “Becalm, Mr Deputy Magalhães. I will talk to the English officers.” Mr John L. Hook knows how to persuade the sailors. “Mr John Hook! You are consul and you must consider that for first, we have to wait for their decisions.” The Commander gives instruction to the Brazilian consul to Serra Leoa. “Torrezão! Why do you have gunned men on board?” The 47

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Deputy asked. “Mr. Deputy, the military troop on board is being transported as passengers. In this trip we are taking some officers and recruits from the North to Rio de Janeiro.” “I’ll do a protest speech in the General Assembly. It is as the Deputy Henriques de Rezende says: A friend who does not pay and a knife which does not cut, if mislaying it, that matters little. The same was said by the Marquis of Pombal to Lord Clinton: We can live better without you, than you can live without us.” The Lieutenant Crofton was followed by two sailors when entered in the Commander‘s cabin. Torrezão had gathered all those illustrious passengers in his cabin. “Who’s the ship’s Commander and where are the maritime documents?” The English officer asks them. “I am the Commander and these are the documents.” The Commander Torrezão answers and showed the cargoes manifests. “This ship does not have the Lloyd’s Register certification”. “According the Brazilian Act, this ship is registered by the Companhia Ybérica de Seguros.” “The England Government only recognizes the Lloyd’s Register.” “Lieutenant! The English crown does not have any power to rule on Brazilian waters.” The Deputy answered looking into his eyes. 48


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“I am English citizen and Brazilian consul to Serra Leoa. The Royal Navy is committing a serious mistake putting you as officer. I’ll make an official protest letter to the English Embassy in Rio de Janeiro against your arbitrary procedure.” The consul answered hardly to the officer. “We are in the accomplishment of the rear admiral Barrington Reynolds orders.” “I am sure that his orders are in reference against criminals on international waters, not against citizens and Brazilian officers in their own territory. Commander Torrezão! Would you please to follow these men to their cutters!” “Thank you Commander! We don’t need your kind help.” The Lieutenant does a signal with his hand to his sailors and raises his hat to take leave and walks backward to the door, leaving the cabin. The English Commander left the steam ship São Sebastião and went on board to his cutter, while the steamer took her trip to Rio de Janeiro.


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3- The Passengers' Steam Ship “Paquete de Santos”14 The Lieutenant Crofton was the Commander of the HMS Rifleman. On February, 10 1850, the English corvette was anchored in front of the Palmas Island in Santos. The steam ship “Paquete de Santos” was sailing to Rio de Janeiro when was ordered by Crofton to stop. The Commander of the passenger steamer ordered to stop the machines. The English Commander ordered to lay down on sea two manned cutters to follow him to aboard the passenger vessel. The sailors row their cutters to the steamer main stay to go on board. “No quarter!” Crofton ordered while the cutters were being tied alongside the ship. After the gunned men had come on board, the Lieutenant Crofton followed them and asked for the ship’s Commander to see the ship's register. The Commander gave him the registers from Brazilian Navy, but instead of to read the documents shown, the Lieutenant Crofton declared the ship as applied in slave traffic. The Lieutenant ordered the crew and passengers to leave the ship on cutters. In few minutes, men and women with their children were moved to the cutters and disembarked at the Goes’ beach. The steam ship for passengers “Paquete de Santos” was manned and sent to Santa Helena's island. 14 - Jornal do Commercio – February 16, 1850. 50


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4- The brig-schooner “Polka” 1 5 In the working afternoon of May, 15 1850, the brig-schooner “Polka” of 106 tons was docked at the Macae’s quay on a general cargo loading. Two cutters from the HMS Cormorant approached to visit. “Let’s go on board!” The Lieutenant Luckraft orders his men. “Sir! This brig-schooner seems to be in normal loading operation.” “Tie the cutters at her main stay and climb on the main rail.” The sailors come on board followed by the Lieutenant Luckraft. “Who is the Commander?” The English officer asks for. “It’s me! My name is master Antonio.” The master answered. “According the Brazilian and English agreement, I want to see the ship's papers.” “Let’s go to my cabin, please!” The master invites him. “Three men to follow me! The Lieutenant asks for his men. “These are the ships’ certification and the cargoes manifest and the Passenger’s Registers Book and the crew roll.” “The Certification is not from the Lloyd‘s Register.” “This ship is under the register of Company Ybérica of Insurance.” The Commander answered showing him some papers. 15 - Jornal do Commércio – May 18, 1850. 51

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“Sir! Some gunned dwellers are coming.” A sailor comes at the door and notices the Lieutenant. The sailor advised him as soon as he saw some citizens on the ship’s way. The people were near the quay with muskets in hands walking resolutely to the ship Polka. “Have a good afternoon, Mr Commander. We are going back to the HMS Cormorant.” The English cutters were unlaced from the stays, while the cargoes loading goes on. The time of work had finished at the sun set and the workers left the ship. The dawn of May, 16 1850 was silent at the first hour. Two cutters left the HMS Cormorant and row again heading to the brig Polka. The Lieutenant Luckraft stands up at the cutter’s forecastle and orders the sailors to be quiet. The silvered new moon rays outlined the mountains and reflected on the small waves the silhouette of two cutters in assault. The sailors approached the brig in silence to aboard her by the stay of the main mast. “No quarter! A sailor noticed. The English invaded the cabins and founded three black men sleeping. The Lieutenant lightened a match and found a candle. The men awakened and sat down on the beds to answer some questions. “Are you slaves?” “Yes, but we are registered as sailors in this ship” 52


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“Where are the other sailors and the Commander?” The Lieutenant Luckraft asked. “They are sleeping in their houses.” A scared sailor answers. “You must to abandon the ship, now” The officer orders them. “No! We can't leave the ship!” They answer in one voice. “Take them out from this ship!” Luckraft ordered his men to cast out the sailors from the ship. The English kicked the Brazilian sailors to run out the ship to notice the commander. The sailors hit the warning bell at the quay. “Release all the hawsers and springs! Bring the ship’s tow-rope to the cutters and let’s tow her to open sea.” Luckraft orders them. The cutters were towing the ship, while a sailor continued hitting the warning bell to notice the people about the ship. The warning bell sounded into the night and soon the Commander arrives running at the quay, while buttons his coat. The Commander Antonio Claudio Pereira was very sorry when he saw his ship being taken away by two English cutters. The furious man was brandishing in the air his clenched fist, while the people with muskets arrived to face the English sailors. “England has lost its dignity. Now, they are no more than a despicable gang of thieves!” The Commander declared while shakes negatively his head.


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5- The Confrontation on Pereque's Beach.16 On May 16th, 1850, the quick weather change is a nature advice to fishers telling them the mullet’s shoals are arriving. The Pereque beach in Santos is a pleasant place with its north side closed by mountains. Some groups of fishers with their nets of two fathoms high by one hundred fathoms long run to the beach. They wait for the arrival of mullets shoal at the Pereque beach. While the fishers wait for a sign by a person in charge to spy the shoals arrival, they talk and drink cachassa to warm their bodies against the wind and drizzly rain in a house's porch. One spy on the high of a rock at the seashore was looking over the waves. Suddenly, without doing his known sign (Eh, Eh), the man leaves the post to notice in person for his fellows.17 “Leonil! Leonil! A cutter with a lot of English sailors has disembarked on your lands at the beach.” One of Leonil's fishers noticed him about the invasion. “They are the thieves which have stolen the steamer Paquete de Santos. Let’s leave the fishing nets aside and call everyone who has guns at home. We’ll cast out these pirates invaders.” The sailors were the crew of an English cutter, under the 16 - Jornal do Commércio – May 22, 1850 – Congress Speechs. 17 - The Gentle Kraft Fishing of Mullet - Corrêa, Marco Fabiano-Publisher: Dep. Imp. Official of the State of Pr. - 1989.



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command of the midshipman James Kingston Ryan. They had been sent by Lieutenant Crofton, Commander of the HMS Rifleman, to seize any Brazilian cargo ship which were leaving the Port of Santos. The midshipman didn’t know the warm wind in the morning would change to bad weather by the afternoon. All fishers at the coast know how to interpret these natural weather signs. The warm wind in the morning and the agitated movement of clouds, the thin rain at afternoon is to warn people at the beaches and in downtown that it is time for the arrival of mullets shoals. The cold rain started falling when the English cutter was near the sailing boats route. The midshipman Kingston decided to go ashore, taking advantage of the south wind. On the beach, they gathered at a bonfire to dry their wet clothes, to cook some food and to wait for the weather changing. There were near forty fishermen with guns approaching in silence between the trees. Each one had prepared its musket with buttered paper filled with powder and bullet. They should have to do a heavy attack as the sordid apprehension of the steamer Paquete de Santos. “Let’s approach in silence at shot reach.” Leonil ordered. “We are going to reply the insult.” A fisherman says while walks slowly with his musket ready to shoot. “We are ready to shoot!” The fishermen answer. 55

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“Attention, fire!” Leonil commanded the first discharge. The cry to order the break out of shooting were given, while the sailors under a rain of bullets run seeking for shelter behind the cutter. The muskets gun fire on the ten sailors was followed by cries of pain and the order to cease fire was given by Leonil. A sailor with a shot on his head lies dead on the sand and another with a bullet shot on his shoulder was helped by his fellows. The midshipman Ryan asked for cease fire to help his men. “Sir! Joseph Veneer is dead and Albert is injured.” “Let’s wave the hats to call for a cease fire.” The sailors took the dead man and the wounded one to go on board of the HMS Rifleman. The dead man and the wounded were taken on board of the HMS Rifleman. The Commander Crofton denounced to the English consul in Santos the attack suffered on Pereque beach. The Lieutenant asked for a severe punishment for the fishermen. Leonil and forty fishers were imprisoned, but in few days they were put in freedom. Only Leonil was kept in the fortress prison, but the Santos’ citizens had recognized his heroic action against the English Navy. Everyone wanted his freedom, even his enemies.



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6- The brig-schooner “Malteza”18 On June 18, 1850, at ten o'clock in the morning, the Brazilian brig-schooner Malteza was stopped by the HMS Sharpshooter. That war ship was under the command on the Lieutenant John Barley, nearby the Cabo Frio fortress. Two cutters approached the schooner to stop her and to go on board. “No quarter!” The sailors gathered the passengers and crew on the deck while the ship’s hold were being searched. The Commander Barley asked the ship’s documents to the master and declared the apprehension. “This ship is being arrested by the British crown.” The Lieutenant sentenced the ship destiny. “This ship isn’t transporting any slave, only general cargo and passengers.” The Commander tries to defend his property. “All the crew and passengers must go to the cutters and be moved to the Sharpshooter.” The scared passengers and crew were moved to the war ship. The fortress had done two shots on the waves, but the vessel sailed too far from the range shots towing the schooner. On the next two days, the English sailors moved all the cargoes, sails, rudder, tiller, instruments and the anchor from the cargo ship to the HMS Sharpshooter. At down 18 - Jornal do Commercio – June 21, 1850 – Chamber of Commerce Note.


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of June 20, 1850, the crew and passengers on board the war ship saw the Malteza be sunk at sight of the fortress.



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7- The brig-schooner “Conceição” 19 In the break of the day June 20, 1850, the brig-schooner Conceição was sailing at nine miles from Cabo Frio. The HMS Sharpshooter ordered the Commander of the schooner to lower sails. The English crew came on board and gathered the Brazilians passengers and crew on the deck while his sailors were breaking the holds lockers with the Customs seal. “Who is the Commander?” “I am master José Netto!” “This ship has too many water barrels.” “It is salty water for ballast as all commanders do.” “All crew and passengers must go to the cutters to be moved to the Sharpshooter to join the crews and passengers of the brig-schooner Malteza. You all will be sent to an open trial in England.” “We are in Brazilian waters doing the transportation of goods and passengers as we do for more than twenty years. This ship is not being applied in any slave traffic.” “We’ll be at anchor near the Itaipu Island while the schooner is being prepared to set sail to England. I’ll go to Rio de Janeiro to take orders from the rear admiral Reynolds.” 19 Jornal do Commercio – June 23, 1850.


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The passengers and crews were sent by the cutters to the war ship. The Lieutenant went to the flag ship HMS Southampton in his cutter and came back at night. He received orders from the RearAdmiral Reynolds to send the ship to England and to disembark the Brazilians from the two arrested ships. The anguish was on the passengers’ face when they saw the schooner Conceição set sail to England with all their belongings. At 10 AM of Jun 22, all passengers and crews were put off at the Santa Luzia’s beach.



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8- The brig-schooner “Rival” 20 On June 26, 1850, the HMS Cormorant kept its paddles on and all her gunnery turned to the fortress in front of Cabo Frio. The Lieutenant Luckraft approached at the fortress with three cutters and arrived at a small cove between the rocks, where a Sergeant was waiting for him. “Sergeant, this is a copy of the treaty between Brazil and England. We are getting in the channel to verify any presence of traffic ships. The HMS Cormorant will be waiting for us at the entrance of the river.” The Lieutenant asked permission to enter. “Well! As there are no traffic ships inside the channel, you are allowed to cross to the river.” The three cutters entered the river and soon they saw a brigschooner with two masts and right set of sails at anchor in front of a shipyard in her building final stage. The schooner “Rival” belonged to the shipowner Francisco Gonçalves Lages. Too many carpenters and crew were working on deck. The English cutters rowed directly to the schooner. “Look at the brig-schooner! She has near one hundred feet long!” An English commented. “Let’s approach to go on board.” The Lieutenant said. 20 - Jornal do Commercio – July 2nd, 1850.


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On the ship’s deck, the carpenters noticed the English sailors approaching to the main rail. The workers didn't allow the English sailors to go on board. They all cried to the English to keep away from the schooner. “I won’t allow you on board! There is nothing to be seen by a cruiser when a ship is being built.” The boatswain told to his carpenters. “They are near fifty gunned man.” A carpenter warned him. “Give me an iron ballast ingot.” The master asked. “They are climbing on board by the main stay, sir.” “Here is the ballast ingot, sir.” “The English are imposing a climate of terror in our territorial sea. Let’s see if his cutter bears this iron bar.” The boatswain dropped the ingot on the cutter with several sailors. “You did a perfect shot on the cutter, sir.” “The cutter won’t sink because she has floating tanks in her castles.” The boatswain said as they saw the river water to invade the cutter. “They are coming on board with sword and gun shots. Do we have to abandon the ship, sir?” “Why does the Commander of that fortress doesn't do anything?” “They are casting out from the ship all the crew and carpenters under sword stabs, sir.” An afraid carpenter told him. 62


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“Help me to move this trunk to my cutter.” The boatswain asked. “Yes, sir!” The carpenter took one trunk handle. “To abandon the ship!” The boatswain ordered to leave the ship before anybody were wounded. While the boatswain was giving orders to his men, he didn’t notice an English officer coming on board by the main rail. Luckraft jumped on deck and walked slowly with two flintlock pistols at full cock in his hands. “Halt! You have damaged my cutter.” The Lieutenant Luckraft approached at less than ten steps from the stupefied boatswain. The officer shot on the man's face that cried and dropped on the deck. “The boatswain was shot!” A sailor noticed, while the crew and some carpenters dived in the river and swam to the shipyard. The crew on board saw the boatswain be cowardly wounded and they walked down to the boats that approached to take them. “Ask for the doctor to help the boatswain.” Cried a sailor for a boater. “Is he well?” the boater asked. “I don’t know! He was shot on his face.” After some time, the Customs boat approached to the Rival taking the doctor. “Keep clear from this ship!” The Lieutenant Luckraft warned 63

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the Customs boat's crew, while ordered his men to put in safe his broken cutter. “I am doctor and there is a man wounded on board.” “Only the doctor is allowed to come on board, the rest of you must wait in your boats.” Luckraft warned the rowers in the boats. The doctor approached to the boatswain and applied a bandaging to stop the bleeding. The Lieutenant Luckraft took off the Brazilian flag from the stern mast and threw away on the deck to change by the English flag. “This man has to be sent to the hospital.” The doctor said. “Take him out from this ship!” The Lieutenant answered. “You should have to respect the Brazilian flag.” The Doctor said. “This flag is worthless!” The Lieutenant said with disregard. To challenge the Brazilian Doctor, the Lieutenant took his sword and cut the Brazilian flag in strips that fell on the deck, while the doctor was taking the boatswain out of the ship. The Customs boat went to the shipyard, while the Rival was being towed to the HMS Cormorant. “Let's tow the ship by the other river's margin.” Luckraft ordered his sailors. “Lieutenant! Out of the channel is too shallow.” “Move! The dwellers are arriving with muskets on hands. We 64


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must be out of their shots reach.” “We are grounding, sir.” A sailor advised him while the ship headed to Southeast and grounded. “If we can’t tow her out to sea, let’s take in the Cormorant some fuel to burn her.” The gunned dwellers approached behind the stones choosing a better place to begin shooting. “Have a look at the cutter.” A man in a boat said. “They are leaving the Rival. A carpenter said from another boat, thinking the English wanted to abandon the ship.” “They have left too many men on board to keep in safe the broken cutter.” A sailor reconsidered the English departure. “Sir! The Brazilian are gathering behind the rocks.” “They'll do nothing while the ship will be here. But very soon, they'll have bad news.” The Lieutenant answers to them. The cutter approached the HMS Cormorant and some sailors quickly walked on the stairs and came back with some buckets in theirs hands. Their cutter soon came back to the Rival where Lieutenant Luckraft was waiting for them. “Let’s spill kerosene over the deck! I’ll put on fire on the ship with the Brazilian flag strips.” The Lieutenant Luckraft approached his gun on a flag strip soaked with kerosene on the deck and did a shot. The fire spread over 65

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all the deck, on the ropes and sails. The English in their cutters withdrew from the schooner Rival bursting into flames. The exasperated population began to shot against the English sailors. The fortress Commander was without action to face the ship’s power of fire and did nothing. “Lower your heads and answer the fire, if you want to go back alive.” Luckraft warned them. The Commander Schomberg received the Lieutenant and his men. He noticed the commissary Mr Robins to receive the report from Luckraft to evaluate the schooner Rival for the Prize Money. “Yes, Commander! I'll give a good value for this ship.” “Mr Sullivan, take the southwest course to Rio and Paranagua!”



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9- The Brig-Schooner “Velha de Dio” On July 04, the brig-schooner Velha de Dio left the port of Rio de Janeiro to Campos. That was a 102 tons ship under the command of the master Francisco José Pimenta. The schooner was stopped by the corvette HMS Tweed, under the command of Lord Russell. The schooner crew and passengers were sent to the war ship. The cargo and instruments, rudder and anchor from the schooner were also removed to the corvette. After all the cargo had been taken, the ship was sunk on July 07, 1850.


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10- The Passenger Steamer “Carioca” The dwellers in Angra dos Reis opened fire against the English sailors when they were coming at the quay to seize the steamer "Carioca". The 104tons ship belonged to the Company Ubatubense and was applied in the transportation of passengers. The boatswain of a ship in cargo loading at the quay called for the police help. “Officer, Officer! Three English cutters are near the port and the master Mr José Narciso de Almeida has only 16 men. He will need our help.” “Let’s hit the alarm Bell to call gunned dwellers.” The English sailors in the cutters heard the bell's sound and some shots. They knew what had happened in Pereque and didn't want to suffer the same aggression. “Sir, the dwellers are shooting with muskets.” “Let’s go backward!” The Lieutenant ordered them to go back. “Cease-fire! The English cutters are going back to their ship”. The police officer gives orders to his men. “They know what the Brazilians are going to do.” The police officer is the authority in several cities where there is no National Guard Quarter. For more than 300 years, the dwellers were organized in militias to defend the land against any invasion. 68


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11- Undesirable People21 The English treachery action in Cabo Frio broke the good relationship with the Brazilian people. A climate of hostility took place in Rio de Janeiro. In the boat station of São Domingos at 6 PM on July 07, 1850, three English sailors were waiting the Niteroi boat for the court and people began a physical aggression against them. “English thieves!” “Let’s teach them for do not steal ships.” “Let’s hit them with firewood piece!” “Take this thieve!” A man hits one of the sailors and soon all of them were being hit. “Are you all crazy? This matter won’t be resolved with aggression.” A merchant of Niteroi faced the population to protect the sailors. “Mr Brito! You know that beating is the only one language the English understand.” “So, let’s hit them.” Cries a young man while another angry man with a wooden baton hits on the sailor's head that falls down on the soil and from the wound some blood drops on the ground. “You must to wait for the General Assembly decision”. “Mr Brito! We have to teach these thieves what their fathers 21 Jornal do Commercio – Police Notes – July 8th , 1850.


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didn’t have taught them”. “You don’t have to aggrieve the legal proceedings in Rio de Janeiro. Go back home!” “Mr Brito, this casualty will happen in tragedy.” “Let them to go in peace, please. Go back home!” Mr Brito says taking the sailor by his arm to help him to stand up. “Thank you, sir!” The English sailors thank him by the help and under Mr Brito’s protection they wait for the barge at the quay. In this same time in front of the Hotel Le Pharoux in Rio de Janeiro, three English officers were leaving the Hotel. They suffered a sudden aggression by transients. The Police arrived in a hurry and finished the fighting. In the Public Square at the quay, a sailor was insulted by person that approach to him with pieces o firewood in their hands. “You all take care of your goods! There is an English thieve in the vicinity!” “This one has plundered the Queen a lot and now he steals our ships.” “You are a lucky man for do not be in Arabia. Otherwise, the Muslims would have cut off your hand.” The sailor was being knocked down by hands and firewood’s hit till he fell down. The man understood he was being hit because he could be an English sailor, so, he noticed them he was not English. 70


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“Eh! I’m not English, I’m German!” The man explains with strong Germany ascent. “What did he say?” “Don’t hit this man anymore!” “I am German!” The sailor repeated. The aggressors were very ashamed and helped the sailor to stand up. The man got a hand scarf to clean his bleeding mouth. “Would you please, excuse us, but you have a Briton face.” “We hope you may understand the reasons why we are against the English sailors.” “In your place, everyone would do the same, perhaps the worst!”


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The afternoon of June 06, 1850 was an usual busy day. There were several ships on the anchorage in the Guanabara’s Bay. The brigschooner23 Sagaz was in front of the Largo do Paço (Palace Square) waiting for the Customs dispatch and the last maritime Agent's instructions. The Schooner “Sagaz” was 175 tons DWT, two masts and right set of sails. She was on time to depart southwards. The boatswain was busy giving tasks for the sailors. Some seamen began their service on the deck, while others climbed the high ladders of the masts and prepare the right set sails to leave the port. 22 - Jornal do Commercio June 07, 1850. Customs and Maritime Police notes. 23 - Ships. - Van Loon, Hendrick W. -Bookstore of the Globe-1936.



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The quay at the Largo do Paço had several small boats doing the transshipment of goods to the sailing ships on the anchorage in operation to load and unload cargoes. Too many men were carrying bags on their heads, small boxes and rolling over heavy barrels. Near the square, alongside the beach, was the Fish Market where the men were taking victuals for sale. A known black young boy walks singing to announce his coconut cakes on a tray on his head. “Coconut cakes, customer!” “It’s made with coconut-from-Bahia.” Two black men were bringing some soap boxes on two wheels carts to laid down the boxes at the quay’s border in front of a man writing with a pencil on a notebook with hard cover. “Look! It's the coconuts' Nho Nho.” “Do you have a coin of ten?” Asks a man who carried the cart. “No!” Answered the other worker while was piling up some boxes with soap on the quay. “Do you want coconut cakes?” The man with the notebook asked looking serious to them. “Yes, sir!” “Nhonho! How much does it cost?” The man asked. “It's only a vintem (twenty cents of reis) each one!” “Give two cakes for them, please.” The man took from his pocket two small coins and gave to the boy, that uncovered the tray and 73

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offered the cakes to the workmen. The small gang thanked the man with white shirt and blue necktie, that continued checking a cargo list. The men discharged the cargo and went back to a warehouse alongside the Hotel Pharoux. They were taking a full lot of a hundred boxes to the city of Campos to be loaded in another ship. The man worked to the Customs as foreman and had the responsibility to count and verify the cargoes weight moved by the gang. The black men are slaves working for some owners and were required daily by the agents of merchant ships. The paying to their owners was by a tax established by the Customs and paid by the exporters to their owners. A fast trotting of horses stopped the loud voices and folk songs, taking the people's attention to keep clear the place near the stairs in front of the Pyramid Fountain. A two horse-drawn carriage with bent awning approached speedily to the quay at the Largo do Paço. A passenger wearing white suit looked the ships on the anchorage, he was seeking for the “Sagaz”. As they approached to the quay, the man hit on the side of the carriage with a walking stick, signalizing to stop. He could to identify the ship's name, painted with white letters on a black wooden board with brown frame. “That one is the Sagaz! The schooner which is to leave today to Rio Grande.” The man with heavy Lusitania accent talked to the passengers in the carriage. 74


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He spook to them pointing to a schooner at anchor amid a cluster of ships in the anchorage near the Ilha das Cobras (Snacks Island). The carriage stopped in front of the Pyramid Fountain and three men left it to contemplate the beautiful schooner with two masts and well painted in varnish. The man with a white suit coat was the maritime agent. He was taking a leather briefcase and had a walking stick that was shaking in the air to call for a boatman. Another young man had a white dust-coat and brought a black leather case. The third man dressed a gray suit coat and also brought a leather briefcase. A rowboat approached at the stairs to take them to the Sagaz. They walked down the stone stairs to go aboard. After two hundred yards, the rowboat arrived at the stairs of the schooner. The three men were received by her Commander on the top of the gangway. “Good afternoon, Mr Souza!” “Good afternoon, Mr Franco! I want to introduce you Dr Mendes. This is Mr Samuel, the Customs Guard-major that has come to verify the hatch seals before the departure.” The agent spoke while was shaking hands with Franco. “Nice to meet you. You are welcome on board!” The Commander received them with wide smile. “The doctor has come to see how healthy the passengers and the crew are.” The agent told him. “Of course! You are allowed to see all of them.” 75

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“Thank you, Mr Commander!” The doctor said. “Mr Samuel, the cargo has been fastened and all hatch covers have been sealed by the last Guard-major on board.” The Commander explained. “This is our usual last verification.” The Guard-major said. “Please, Commander! Ask for the passengers and crew to come on the deck, I need to see them.” The doctor asked for help. “Boatswain! Call for the passengers and crew on deck.” “Yes, sir! No Quarter” “The city of Rio de Janeiro is seriously infected by this fever and there are no medicines to cure the people. The general use of mercury to wash the throat and massages don't show better result for the health of people seeking for cure.” The doctor commented. “People talk about the French war ship that after leaving Rio de Janeiro was in quarantine in Uruguay. The newspaper say that five men died and other forty suffered with that fever, isn't it?” Franco said. “Yes! It happened to the French crew in the steamer warship “Gassendi”. I’ve read in the newspaper from Montevideo about tenths of deaths in another warship from USA, from France and also from England.” Mr Souza answered him. “It is very grievous to happen for any crew in ships. The fever in Rio de Janeiro is being very cruel. Every one just now weeps over the lost of the young prince D Pedro Afonso. The princess Dona Isabel also 76


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was contaminated by the fever. Fortunately, the princess has survived.” The doctor noticed them. “The infant D Pedro was always happy and beloved by everyone. His death was a great loss.” The agent commented. “Excuse me sir, but the passengers are arriving.” The doctor said. The passengers sat down on some chairs put on the deck. A young woman with curly blond hair covered by a hat was followed by a young servant took the Commander Franco attention. They look at each other and Franco smiled and raised his hat to salute her. “I have the manifest cargoes and the authorization for the “Sagaz” to leave the port, Mr Commander.” Noticed the Agent. “Please, Mr Souza, let’s go to my cabin.” The Commander moved his arms to the cabin’s door. In a last glimpse to the passengers, Franco noticed the young woman looking to him, but she deviated her eyes to look over the island while holds her hat. The shipping-agent got into the cabin and put his hat and his walking stick on a hat rack attached at the wall. He opened his briefcase and took some papers to give to the Commander that was taking his seat behind the table. “Please, sit down Mr Souza!” The Commander said. “Thank you! Commander Franco. Here are the registers of the passengers, the servants, Maritime Police permission and manifests. The 77

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manifests are clean and with the Customs stamp. The cargoes are under the insurance policy by the Company Ybérica. The goods are under insurance, because its price is lower than those by the Lloyd’s Register. However, for economy reason, the ship is without insurance by Lloyd's, but under the Ybérica. We all know the rivalry between these insurance companies. England has difficult with the Company Ybérica of Insurance and by the way, in few years nobody will hear about the Lloyd’s Register in Brazil.” The agent explained. “There is no reason for a shipping company to pay the expensive insurance of the Lloyd's, while there is the Ybérica offering insurance policy at lower price. Anyway, this ship only does navigation along the coast and we all know very well the bays, channels, stones and ports. Mr Le Blon has been here by the morning to verify the goods.” Franco told him. “He is the inspector for Buxarco & Romaguera that is the broker of the Ybérica. Does Mr Coelho have noticed you for a port call in Santos to buy coffee for our customer from Rio Grande?” “Yes! He brought to me in this morning the money for the payment of one hundred bags of coffee and to pay the taxes in Santos. I will buy five hundred bundles with packages of herb mate and two hundred bags of rice in Paranagua. If there were not too many taxes, the owners’ profits with the selling of jerked beef and leather would be higher.” 78


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“The Empire tax of 12% is too high and several dealers in Rio de Janeiro have claimed against the privilege of 8% given to England. Any way, if there were any lumber seller interested in the transportation to Rio Grande, load it at the backward low hold.” “Mr Coelho has told me about new seizure of cargoes ships done by some English war cruisers, isn't it?” The Commander Franco asked. “Really! The situation is dangerous after the arrival of an English squad that was moved from Africa. Now the Brazilian ships in our coast do not have peace. The passengers are thrown on the beaches and the shipowners are no more in safe. I ask God to protect you, for do not happen anything bad in your trip.” “Thank you, Mr Souza!” Franco thanked his agent. “Did you do the sailors registration in the Port Captaincy?” “Yes! We all have been registered in the Port Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro. Mr Coelho has registered all the ship’s documents and the shipyard. Everything is according the law.” “The Commander Nascimento has arrived to Rio on May, 10 with the yacht “Estrela Brilhante”. He will leave tomorrow to Paranagua with Commander Gio Batta Rossi and the Commander Severiano. They will surpass you near Santos. If there were any trouble, take their help.” “The Commander Nascimento has been here yesterday and we talked about what to do if there were any seizure. Any way, if 79

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everything will be all right, in two weeks we’ll be together in Paranagua.” “Excuse me sir! I’ve just seen all the passengers and crew.” The doctor and the Guard-major came in the cabin. “How do they are, doctor?” Franco asked him. “They are fine! All of them are very well and the ship is allowed to depart. If somebody will show high fever, keep him in a cabin till arrive to the next city.” “Mr Commander, please take this letter of congratulation for the President of the Town Council in Paranagua.” “It will be given.” Franco assured him. “I am expressing my feelings for do not attend this honorable invitation for the solemnity to the entrance into office of the councilors. But, I declare my solidarity to the new Province. Have you all a nice trip!” The shipping-agent apologized and gave the envelope to the Commander. He stood up and took his hat and his walking stick on the hat rack and left the cabin, followed by the doctor and by the Guardmajor. On the deck, the men waved to the Commander and walked down to the rowboat. “Have a good trip, Commander!” Mr Souza waived with his walking stick while walked down the gangway. “Thank you, sir!” Franco waived with his hat. 80


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The three men walked downstairs to the boat that was waiting for them and they went back to the Paço's quay. The rowboat was moored at the stone stair and the agent ordered the boatman to wait for the arrival of the supply cargo to take it for the ship. The three men entered in the carriage, while two horse carts loaded with supply approached to the quay. The Boatswain at the main rail noticed the Commander. “Commander! The ship's supply is just arriving.” “Mr Boatswain! Prepare all the crew! We’ll leave the port after you’ve received all the supply. We can’t lose the tide and the wind.” “Of course, sir!” The Boatswain ordered the sailors to move quickly the cargo from the boat to the ship. The sailors walked down the stairs and took the bags and packages with fresh meat, fruits and vegetables. “Take the stair aboard!” The Boatswain ordered the sailors to take the stair to lay and tie it at the main rail. “To get under sail! To weigh anchor! To untie tow-ropes and springs!” The Commander Franco was taking a brass megaphone to give orders to the crew. The workers at the quay, transients and some passenger’s relatives were seeing the ship’s departure. They waved with colorful silk scarf for the passengers on board. The sea-breeze blew on the sails and the ship began to move slowly toward the channel. The steersman 81

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headed the ship's forecastle to the bar, leaving the anchorage. “To unfasten the afterward sails!” Some passengers waved and others were seeing the steersman to spin the helm to head the ship out of the bay. The passengers at the main rail ran to stern and continue to wave. The persons on the quay saw the sailing ship under full sail to leave the anchorage of Rio de Janeiro. “Set main sail!” The Sagaz under full sail was approaching to the open sea at the bar sailing between the fortress of Holy Cross and St John. The passengers at the main rail on the deck looked at the city surrounded by mountains. The cook sounded the bell from the galley, inviting the passengers to have dinner at 5PM. In the dining-hall, the tables with high board were provided by the passenger’s servants that kept in order the porcelain trays, dishes and silverware. The passengers felt their seats very uncomfortable, lightly bent to starboard. The dinner was carefully served in the snug sailing boat. “Is the salad at your tasteful, Madam.” “Thank you Mary. Give that dish for Mr Cordeiro, please.” “Would you like to have diner with us, Commander.” A passenger invited Mr Franco, in visit to the dining-hall, amid the sound of cutlery and china-ware. The commander Franco, with large smile, approached to the 82


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table where was a southern family with destination to Rio Grande. “I hope you appreciate the dinner. Today we have green vegetables, but on the day after tomorrow it will be wilt. Thus, enjoy it because until we arrive to Santos the dinner will be without green salad.” “You could to plant a kitchen garden on deck.” A lady said. “It is impossible, madam! That's why, we the gauchos don't dispense the green chimarrão.” “That is a campanha's secret.” Mr Cordeiro completed the phrase of the southerner Commander Franco. They laugh and the Commander asked for their permission to go to a next table. Some sailors, after dining, took seat on ropes on the stern deck. Some of them were smoking pipes, cigars, other were seat on chairs for the delicious and hot chimarrão. A sailor was playing his guitar and soon was followed by another that arrived with a Celtic drum and they played southern melodies. The ship was slightly bent by the wind and the passengers had a careful walk on the deck. They looked at the mountains of Rio de Janeiro and had a fun with the song. The night fell down and some passengers went to their cabins. The young passenger with curly blond hair stays with her servant at the main rail with her hat in the hands. They notice the Commander approaching. “Good evening, Lady! Do you appreciate the southern music?” The Commander Franco asked her with strong Gaucho’s accent and 83

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with verb conjugated in second person of the singular. “Good evening, Mr Commander Franco. Yes, I do like this song. It takes me to remember the operas bufas, as La Cantatrice Villane by the Italian Valentino Fioravanti and Il Barbieri di Seviglia by Rossini in the Lisbon Theater.” “Your youth surprises me. You are a very charming pretty woman, beyond your knowledge in arts.” “Thank you!” “How did you know my name?” “I've read it in the ship’s departure column in the Jornal do Commercio. Excuse me for do not have told you, my name is Laura.” “I could not take out my eyes from you when the doctor called you. Your hat was covering your head, but not your blond hair. The persistent sun adorned your gold curling hair fallen on your shoulder.” For a while the young woman trembled, as soon as she saw herself on the deck, as if she were watching that place with his eyes. “The seascape at the Rio de Janeiro's coast is very enchanting, don’t you agree?” She said only to take control over herself again. “This nature, the mountains... Everything is splendorous, but all of that extinguishes facing you.” “By your accent I would say you are Gaucho. Am I right?” “Yes, you are right! I am Gaucho from Rio Grande and you?” “I am from Olinda. Are you married?” 84


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“Widower! I have a daughter... Luciana... 3-years-old...” “Your wife should be a very lovely person.” “She was a very caressing woman. She died last year.” “I’m sorry!” The young answered with real feeling. “That loss shot very deeply on Luciana. Are you engaged?” “I have a boy friend, but he is in Coimbra.” “Is he a student?” “Yes! He will be an excellent lawyer.” “Would you like to have a liquor in my cabin?” “Its nice! This trip will delay too much. As there is nothing to be seen by night, I’ll go with you.” “Madam!” Laura’s servant caught her by the arm. “Joana! Do I have to order you? Be quiet and go to my cabin, now. Don't say a single word and just wait for me. The Commander is just being kind to me.” Laura whispered to her servant. “But... the colonel, your father has ordered me...” “You must do only what I say. Don't listen to anybody else and take my hat, please!” The young woman subdued her servant with calm. The night fell in deep darkness and the wind blowing on the ropes plays a sweet melody. The stronger gusts of wind on the sailcloth resounds as cheerful drums. On the topsail, the watchman was below a fish-oil lamp and hit the bell slowly. Sometimes, he looked behind at the 85

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horizon covered by a long green and yellow pennant that swings on the foremast sails. On the deck, a couple went into the Commander’s cabin, with a tenuous light, while a black woman walked downstairs to the stern cabins taking a hat in hands. Five days later, at the dawning of June 11, 1850 the Sagaz had crossed the São Sebastião Island and approached to the Santos’ bar. The watchman on the high of the topsail, with his left hand in shell at his mouth, noticed aloud pointing to south. “Santos’ bar at sight!” The pilot ordered a sailor to notice the Commander in his cabin. “Santo's bar, sir! The sailor knocked the door to notice the Commander and went back. The Commander waked up and saw the face of his sleeping lover. He kissed her lightly till she opened her eyes. “Good morning! You should have gone to your cabin earlier.” “Who would be worried about me? I’m only a passenger going to the São Paulo’s Province.” “I am very worried about you and I won’t permit any scandal against this perfumed silky body.” “You look at me with tender, but I look at you with extreme passion.” “I’ll keep in my heart all the feelings from your bright eyes. 86


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The suavity of your voice strengthen me to face the day.” “A woman can’t hide the flames of her passion, neither to escape from the claim of her blazing heart.” “I hope you know what you are saying.” “I’m sure you know it very well, Commander. We belong to the first generation of that sovereign nation whose name is Brazil. It means that we have the most authentic dreams. Our souls are living in a romantic breathtaking atmosphere. It has never been felt here for the last three centuries.” “The seamen know that young women, at your age, are delicious lovers. When not, devoted wives and excellent family mothers.” “My mother has got married too early. But I hope do not be engaged to nobody.” “Don’t you fear for anonymous pregnancy?” “My grandmother always says: there is no seed that germinates with water and soap!” “Would you like to fly as the bees or as the hummingbirds, taking the tastes from different nectar in this huge garden?” “I want to love and to live the sensuality, while the illness of this century has not included me in its fatal enroll.” “Did you have loved someone else beyond your boy friend?” “No! You are my second flower.” 87

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“Would you live a few more if you merry me?” “Nevertheless, I would not be so strong to run from death.” “Let’s finish that so sinister talking. We have to get out separately for do not scandalize the passengers.” “To scandalize? The worst has just happened. It is impossible to hide. All of them know my steps on this deck to go in and out from your cabin.” “My heart has ceased beating. My blood sails under the wind of your love. These days have flown so quickly as a fowl dive. But now, when has arrived the time to say so long, I can’t stay away from who is part of myself.” The Commander kissed her lover and stood up to wear himself, under the girl’s smiling eyes. He put his hat, took his spyglass and went to the deck. The passengers stopped him for some questions. “How many time do we have to wait till our arrival in Santos?” “We’ll arrive to Santos’ bar in two hours. The day is just breaking, but the wind is weak. I hope you take advantage of this time for a delicious breakfast in the dining-hall.” The Commander looked to the passengers going to the dininghall, while he took his brass spyglass to see an English warship at anchor. “Boatswain! There is a steam war ship at the bar.” “We’ll we have any trouble, Commander?” Laura approached 88


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and asked him. “No, miss Laura. It is only an English corvette waiting for traffic ships.” “The Brazilian law permits the slave traffic. Doesn’t it?” “Yes! But England wants to keep out a Spanish Insurance Company to warrant the profit of the English Insurance Company. They also want to destroy our merchant fleet, to drive Brazil off the abroad commerce with several Portuguese Colonies in Asia.” “What impertinence! During two hundred years the English didn’t mind with the new lands, however after the discovery by Portuguese and Spanish they want to take by power what was gained by intelligence and courage.” Laura spoke with political accent. “Spain and Portugal have fought hardly against the Islamic in Iberia for six centuries. The Catholic Church gave to the Iberian kings by mercy, the God’s lands to be discovered. If the Iberian kings didn't have pushed the Saracen back to Africa, the today's Europe would be under Arabian governments and nobody would know the Scotch whiskey.” “The Tordesilhas treaty now is contested on the entire world. But if Portugal were not so strong, the Brazilian lands would be from Angra dos Reis to São Luis in the Maranhao.” Laura said as her father. “In Rio de Janeiro, people does not talk in another thing, unless the aggression committed by the English cruisers.” Franco said. 89

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Some passengers and crew sailors approached to the Commander. They demonstrated semblance of fear and anguish. “They are gathered in the bridge waiting for us.” “Did they lay down to sea any cutter? The master Leopoldino asked.” “Not yet! But they won’t delay to do something mischievous.” The Commander Franco answered. “They know there are several ships in departure from Santos with valuable cargoes of coffee.” Laura presumed the English procedure. “I hope the Santa Cruz fortress may give us protection.” The master Leopoldino said. “The fortress does not have chance against those cannons caliber 80. Master Leopoldino! Lead the Sagaz on our way to the estuary, while I'll write the trip on the Log Book.” On the high of the topsail, the watchman of the HMS Rifleman cried “Sail ho!”. Some sailors, officers and commissaries heard the watchman screaming out and went to the bridge's deck. A midshipman knocked the Commander cabin’s door. “Come in!” The 2nd Lieutenant Crofton answered while was writing an office letter diving a pen carefully in a porcelain ink pot. “Excuse me Commander Crofton! There is a Brazilian brig arriving to Santos.” 90


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“Is the ship in ballast or does she have any cargo?” “She is in ballast, sir.” “Let’s go to the bridge!” The Lieutenant took his spyglass from a drawer and followed the midshipman to the bridge. Crofton fitted the lenses with fog halo to examine the ship. The crew and civilian were commenting the ship’s value and talking about the profits. “This ship is the Sagaz and is not totally on ballast, she must have general cargo on board.” The Lieutenant does a quick evaluation about the kind of cargo. “Then, we can wait to seize her when she will leave the port loaded with coffee.” The doctor suggested. “This is a wonderful ship, Mr Commissary, look her with the spyglass.” “Sir, we don’t have coal enough to persecute ships on high sea.” The chief engine noticed to the Commander. “Mr Engineer, today the HMS Sharpshooter will come from Montevideo to Santos and will arrive to Rio de Janeiro in two days. I am writing to Rear-Admiral Reynolds, asking for authorization to buy coal in Santos. I am justifying this deal, saying that we are waiting for the departure of traffic ships.” “Is the Sagaz in the file, sir?” “Don’t mind! We’ll be substituting the HMS Sharpshooter on 91

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the mail service from Rio to Uruguay and we won’t have another better opportunity for our Prize Money. Let’s wait for the departure of the Sagaz Schooner to seize her.” With that news, the officers, civilian and sailors celebrated with victory screams.



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On the afternoon of June, 11 1850, the 41 tons yacht Estrela Brilhante (Bright Star), under the command of master JosĂŠ Francisco do Nascimento approached to the Santos bar. Beyond the crew, there was on board the Commander Nascimento and the passengers Severiano do Nascimento (his brother and Commander of the same company) and the Italian Gio Batta Rossi (the shipowner and partner in the company). They all were apprehensive as they noticed an English war ship at the Santos' bar. The partners of the shipowner Mr Antonio Fernandes Coelho gave order to the pilot to change the tack to enter in the port of Santos. Francisco looked to the ship at the bar with a spyglass. 93

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“What does the English war ship intend to do?” The pilot asked. “They are waiting for any steam ship to steal.” Mr Rossi answered relegating to another ship his fears. “The Sagaz is a wonderful ship!” Master Severiano said. “Now she is beautiful! But when we bought her, she was leaking as a sieve with the hull plenty of holes caused by the ship worm mollusks buzano.” Nascimento told how the ship was damaged. “I think the Sagaz has arrived today by the morning.” “Perhaps she may not be docked yet.” Rossi commented. “These English are taking out our spirit of calm! Notice the positions of the ships at anchorage, it means the high tide is coming in.” Severiano said. “So, let's take advantage of the flood tide.” Rossi ordered him. “To enter in the bar!” The order from master Nascimento was done immediately by the steersman. “That one is the HMS Rifleman. The crew on the bridge is watching our arrival.” “The machines are producing low smoke; it means they will continue on anchor.” “These English are sordid. They chose the best ships to seize. Later they say the ships were applied in slave traffic.” Rossi commented and entered in his cabin, while the yacht sailed in front of the cruiser. 94


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“They are applying an English law in our own territory, only to justify they action.” Nascimento was furious. “Those men are only interested on the Prize Money.” Rossi came back and said, while the yacht approached to the fortress. A cutter sailed from the fortress to meet them. “To lower sails!” The Commander ordered the crew. “The fortress cutter is just docking at the stair.” “Good afternoon, Sergeant!” “Good afternoon, Commander! There are passengers or cargo to Santos?” “No!” Master Nascimento answered. “Does this ship won’t load any cargo in Santos?” “No, Sergeant! We just have seen an English corvette and we want to know if our ship Sagaz is in safe.” “There are several ships waiting the corvette HMS Rifleman to leave the bar. All of them are afraid to leave the port” “Is Mr Leonil still in the fortress jail?” Nascimento asked him. “Yes, he still is in jail. But people are giving honors to him as hero, because he has fought against the invaders of the Brazilian soil.” “He will be a national hero. May I to enter the bar?” “Yes! You may! See you later, gentlemen!” The Commander waited for the cutter departure and ordered to set sail. 95

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“The English are showing too much serenity with the foreign ships in Santos.” “They want Brazilian ships loaded with coffee.” “Why don’t they seize any American ship?” “Because they are thieves, but not stupids. They have just finished a war against the United States and don't want to begin another one” The Commander answered. “Did you see the Sagaz?” The Commander Rossi asked to the watchman. “Look! The Sagaz is docked near the Customs House.” “The tide won't change now, we can be docked at her side.” The yacht approached to the Sagaz and the crew task was to prepare the ropes and springs to dock at the schooner. “To lower Latins! To prepare the hawsers!” The Sagaz was moored at the quay and the Commander Franco was talking to his Agent, when entered a sailor noticing him about the arrival of the yacht Estrela Brilhante. “The Customs dispatch for one hundred bags of coffee was just paid and the permission is to load tomorrow morning.” The shippingagent noticed the Commander. “Al right! Tomorrow morning will begin the loading.” “Master! The yacht Estrela Brilhante is arriving at the port.” “The Nascimento's yacht? There is something wrong. Let’s go 96


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to the deck.” The Commander stood up with surprise. “They are asking to dock.” The sailor noticed him. “Give orders for the passengers to keep clear from the deck and to take care with the ropes that will be launched.” The agent said carefully. “Master Nascimento wants to talk to us.” The Agent said. “Perhaps the yacht has been stopped by the English corvette.” The Commander supposed. “This is the English tactic: they show that everything is correct to seize at the end.” The Agent told him. “Rossi, let’s go on board of the Sagaz!” “Good afternoon, Franco!” “Good afternoon, gentlemen!” “Is there any trouble?” Franco asked them. “Not yet, but it seems to a great one be in course.” Rossi said. “You have arrived in good time, Mr Rossi. Come to my cabin.” The men entered in the cabin and Rossi closed the door. “Gentleman! I want to introduce you to our shipping-agent Mr Silva. Among us there are no secrets. Sit down, please! Today in the morning as we received permission to dock, I was called by the Ports Captaincy.” “Why?” The just arrived men asked at one voice. “Because the Captain Josiah wanted to talk to the shipowners. 97

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He asked me in strictest secrecy and told me about a file of Brazilian ships to be arrested, where is included the name of the Sagaz.” “The Sagaz? We have bought this ship by gold's weight.” Rossi cried with anger and knocked on the table. “The English won’t seize the Sagaz! Instead, I’ll scuttle her.” Nascimento said menacing to sink his own ship. “Let’s go to the Ports Captaincy to require the changing of this ship’s name.” Rossi proposed to his partner. “Do you have a new name in mind?” Franco asked him. “I'm thinking in something like star.” Rossi answered. “A star is an astro.” Nascimento said “The name Astro has five letters and must be painted on the same board.” Franco agreed while was looking the Log Book cover. “Let's go at once to change her name, from Sagaz to Astro.” Rossi agreed to Nascimento and Franco. “The ship’s documents are in this briefcase and the Log Book is here.” The Commander Franco gave to them the leather briefcase with the documents. “Franco, at nightfall you have to order the carpenter to take out the ship’s name boards. Tell him to scratch the name Sagaz and to paint the name Astro. I believe that it won't be noticed by the English.” Rossi asked him as he took the briefcase. “What about the passengers?” Franco asked the agent while 98


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was writing on the Log Book. “The North-American barge Muckengen has the blue flag with the eagle, it means that the Minister to Brazil (Ambassador) is on board and the ship is in departure from Santos to Paranagua and there are vacancy cabins. I'll check the passengers tickets with the agent for the American consulate. Tell the passengers that for security reason, they will be moved to another ship, without additional fees.” The shippingagent Mr Silva noticed them. “Franco, give me please paper, ink pot and a pen for me to write a letter to Mr Antonio in Rio de Janeiro.” Franco showed him his writing desk to write a letter to his partner. “Tell him why to scuttle the Sagaz.” Nascimento said. “I've just done! Master Franco, you must to command the yacht Estrela Brilhante back to Rio de Janeiro and give this letter to Mr Antonio Fernandes Coelho to notice him about our plan.” The shipowner Rossi gave a new order to master Franco, while applied the blotting paper on the fresh ink, fold back the paper and heated wax to seal up an envelope. “Mr Rossi! I'm sorry, but I don't abandon my ship in bad weather. I’ll ask for master Leopoldino to command the yacht in my turn.” Franco was excited with the event. “All right! Tell him to leave while the tide is almost going out. 99

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Now let's go to the Captaincy in the agent's carriage.” Rossi said. Nascimento, Rossi and the agent left rapidly the cabin and went to the carriage where they waited for Franco. Laura, followed by Joana, approached to the Commander's cabin to bid farewell to Franco. But through the open door she saw the Commander talking to master Leopoldino. “I’ll just go to Rio and I ask God to bless your trip to Paranagua, Commander Franco.” Master Leopoldino said and left the cabin with the letter and raised his hat to Laura at the door. “Commander! My brother Andre has come to take me to São Paulo. I’m going back home, but I want to tell you that I'll never forget you. I hope you have the same feeling.” Laura said as she approached to Franco. “Laura! I can’t think about to lose you. Your bright eyes have enlightened the darkness of my loneliness and brought life to my soul.” “Every time you arrive to Santos, announce your ship in the newspaper Gazeta de Santos. Then, in São Paulo I’ll know where to meet you.” Laura's eyes have dived in a deep sea of tears. “If our destine will separate us forever, nevertheless, I'll wish the entire world plenty of happiness for you along your fiance.” Franco said and kissed Laura's hands. “In the beginning of the trip when I knew you, I began to feel something different in my soul that I couldn't to identify. It was an 100


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exciting feeling that ceased as soon as I was along with you. I considered I was afraid for be in a sailing ship or perhaps, the smell of sisal ropes, the sails or by the wet varnish. I don’t know how I could not to identify my feelings. But now, I just know I've fallen in love for you.” She wrote with tears on the true lines of her feelings. “Would you marry me?” Franco asked her. “Please, I need more time to answer!” She said in doubt. “I’ll miss you, but we'll know how to overcome the suffering.” “I would like to go to Paranagua.” Laura insisted. “That trip will be very dangerous. You have seen the English, didn’t you?” Franco tried to answer with words what his heart denied. “I am Brazilian and daughter of Portuguese. I can’t to imagine the possibility to lose my love for a mob of mutiny thieves.” Laura decided to fight for her love. “You are too young and fragile to be involved in conflicts.” Franco wished to protect her. “If the circumstances requires, I'll fight alongside you. Manuela from Tucuman in Buenos Aires and Anita Garibaldi in Rio Grande do Sul did the same, didn't they?” Laura drew a deep breath, dried her eyes, lost her fragility and changed her tenderness with aggressive voice. “Your eyes testify your words. If you don't want to go home, you may take the American ship that will depart in safe to Paranagua.” Franco gave her an opportunity to go. 101

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“I will go! My family has relatives from Olinda in that city.” Laura justified herself and opened a wide smile of happiness. “I’ll write your name in the passengers roll that is being sent to the American ship.” Franco explained and didn't hide his happiness. “We'll be together very soon!” Laura promised with pleasure. The lovers delighted a passionate and ardent kiss. Laura let the Commander’s cabin to meet her brother and his servants that were waiting for her on the deck with her baggage. Franco waved to Laura and to her brother on the deck and called for a sailor to send the passenger's roll to the American ship. While the sailor went to the ship Muckengen, Franco walked down the stairs to the carriage where the shipowners were waiting for him. “Please, Andre! Don’t take my baggage to São Paulo, put it in the American ship Muckengen. I am going in safe to Paranagua.” Laura told to her brother a new plan. “Are you crazy, Laura! The English Navy is seizing Brazilian ships. Our mother won’t bear so hard affliction.” Laura's brother was too worried about her decision to go to Paranagua. “Andre! Take to São Paulo only the trunk with silverware and porcelains that our grand mother has sent to our mother.” Laura ordered her brother to take the heavy trunk with him. “Laura, you know very well what our father is able to do for that.” Andre and Laura knew their father's reaction. 102


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“If he wants to do something, he can do against England in the General Assembly. But now, I need your help. I’ve met my real love and I don’t want to lose him.” Laura talked to her brother with deep feeling of passion. “You did this same talking about the young Adriano.” Andre warned her for so much impulsiveness. “Please, my brother! The Commander Franco has just asked me to marry him and I'm confused.” Laura revealed her real intention. The two brothers embrace themselves and walked to their carriage that will take them to the American ship. The carriage taking the shipowners stopped in front of the Navy building. Franco, Nascimento and Rossi left the carriage and the agent raised his hat to bid farewell. The carriage followed its way while the men entered in the navy's building and have been received by a Sergeant. “Good afternoon, sir!” “Good afternoon, Sergeant! We are shipowners and want to change our ship’s name.” “Do you have the register property and the Log Book?” “Yes! They are here with the cargo papers.” “You have to sign the requirement in the register book for me to make the Sagaz' Closure Term and the Astro's Opening Term.” “Where is Captain Josiah?” 103

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“The Commander is in his office.” “We want to talk to him.” “Sailor! Take these gentlemen to the Commander, while I provide the registration and the stamps for the transshipment manifest.” The sailor went with the men to a room with a polished brass plate identifying the Commander office. “Mr Commander! Some shipowners want to talk to you.” “Let them to come in!” The Commander ordered. “Good afternoon, Commander Josiah! These men are the owners of the ship Sagaz.” Franco introduced them to the Commander. “Please gentlemen, seat down! I have talked to master Franco, today by the morning about the security of the Sagaz. This is a matter that requires confidentiality. I have received from the North-American consul in Santos, a file sent to him by the Ambassador to Rio de Janeiro, Mr David Tod. It is a list of Brazilian ships to be seized by the English cruisers. You must know that your ship Sagaz is in this file.” “You know, Commander Josiah, our ship is not applied on slave traffic. We sail at Brazilian coast from Rio de Janeiro to Rio Grande.” Nascimento explained their honest work. “I know that. But the English take advantage of the fragile relationship between Brazil and the United States, caused by the American schooner Armstrong scuttled by her Captain for do not be arrested by an English war ship in the Island of Fayal in the Azores. If 104


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you don't know, I'll tell you. When the Portuguese government was established in Rio de Janeiro, the United States and England were in war since 1812. An English fleet was sent for invasion on the Louisiana Campaign. When the war vessels were sailing at the Fayal island, they identified the American schooner Armstrong, a gunned privateer by Letter of Marque (Legal authorization to cargo ship actuate as war ship) under the USA flag which was receiving water and supplies. The English tried during a day and a night to arrest the schooner defended by 90 men. When the schooner ammunition was by the end, her commander decided to scuttle her with a shot of cannon Long Tom in the hold, for do not give her to English. At the strife end, almost forty English sailors have died and several wounded. The expenses were protested by the USA government against Portugal. The paying agreement was signed in Rio de Janeiro, but until today, the debt was not yet cleared. That American Ambassador David Tod is actuating to receive the values. Britain considers there is no power to stop them.” The Commander Josiah said. “We want to change our ship’s name to Astro for do not be arrested by England. We’ll leave Santos to Paranagua on daybreak.” Nascimento told his plan to Commander Josiah. “You must do it as soon as possible. They want to moor their ship at the coal station” Commander Josiah forewarned them. “What about Mr Valencio Leonil. Will he be sent for an open 105

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trial?” Franco asked to Josiah. “This is being examined by Judge Antonio de Souza Militão Aembere that said there was no evidence. Everyone in Santos ask for his freedom, even his enemies acknowledge his act of heroism.” “Commander, here is the ship’s registration book, the certificate to be signed and the new LogBook.” The Sergeant said while put the book on the table. “I hope this event will cease soon.” The Commander said to hope for peace, while signed the papers. “What do we have to do, if the English chase after us until Paranagua?” Rossi questioned the Captain. “Paranagua has a good fortress and the National Guard is ready to answer any foreign aggression.” The Commander answered him. “The Brazilian government has to act in self defense.” Franco suggested. “Things are not going very well with our neighbors. Our government has great trouble in the Argentinean border and also with Uruguay. The troop under the command of the Baron of Jacuhy was annihilated by an Uruguayan ambush, when he was fighting against cattle thieves. The Paraguayan government is buying heavy guns from Germany since last year. In January, a decree was signed by His Imperial Majesty to buy 54 new war ships, including fourteen steam ships.” The Commander talked to them while dried the ink with a 106


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blotting paper. “I was known that the Brazilian Navy is training officers in the English Navy, isn't it?” Rossi asked the Commander. “Yes! They are learning the steam machines to apply in the Brazilian fleet. Some steam ships are being burned on high sea, caused by the negligence of hers own crews. Today there are some war ships on shipyards in Rio de Janeiro and in Bahia to install steam machines.” The Commander printed a stamp on the certificate with the Arms of the Empire of Brazil. “We hope to have in few years a navy so strong as those existing in Europe.” Franco said. “That is not the only way for Brazil to keep its own sovereignty. The most powerful guns that we have earned from Portugal are the international courts. We are living in a world seeking for peace. The nation that violate such principle will be growing up against the countries and will suffer serious lost.” The Commander said while gave the Property Certificate, Log Books and the manifests to Rossi . “Thank you for the new registration, Commander.” “Have a nice trip!” Franco, Nascimento and Rossi left the Commander’s Office with the “Astro” registration in due form and on time for the trip. They arrived to the Astro, but the yacht Estrela Brilhante had just departed to Rio de Janeiro. Master Leopoldino was taking a letter to the shipowner 107

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Antonio Fernandes Coelho explaining the last events and measures that would be taken, if they will suffer any menace by the English cruisers.



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On next day before the day break, the brig-schooner Astro departed to Paranagua, taking advantage of the ebb tide stream. The English cruiser was at anchor on the east side of the estuary, near Palm Island. The weak sun rays colored of yellow the Astro schooner's sailcloth, disclosing her southward tack. The sibilant HMS Sharpshooter painted the sky and the sea with black smoke, while the Astro sailed lazily under low wind to open sea. The English crew stayed to see ships. On the morning of June 18, 1850, the Astro was near to Paranagua bar. The crew and the shipowners were talking and sipping chimarrĂŁo, on the after deck near the steersman. 109

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“We are being hunted in our own country as if we were criminals.” Nascimento claimed against the English, while filled up the mate gourd with hot water and gave it to Rossi. “I hope the letter I’ve sent to Mr Coelho in Rio de Janeiro, explaining our plan, did not have sent to England with the master and the yacht Estrela Brilhante.” “Any English signal?” The steersman asked to Rossi. “The Figueira’s Island is on sight!” The watchman warned them from the topsail. “Fortunately, we are in safe!” Rossi drew a deep breath and to be free from all that tension he sipped the hot mate. “Do we have to sail to Antonina or to discharge all the lots in Paranagua?” Franco asked them. “The ship must be discharged in Paranagua. We can’t be hidden with a ship for too much time.” Nascimento answered. “We have family and commitment to honor.” Rossi completed. “The population in Rio de Janeiro is exasperated by the late seizures and it increases the people's hate against the English.” “Of course! If the seizure will continue without end, very soon there will be nobody to transport firewood to Rio de Janeiro.” “I am sure, that Lieutenant Crofton would do to the Astro, the same he did to the steamer Paquete de Santos.” “Who wrote the Act of Cruisers was not the king or the people, 110


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but the British Parliament. They are the only one responsible for that tragedy.” Rossi wanted to find the guilt for those events. “Why did you say that?” Franco asked him. “Because the politician have created a law that benefits their relatives and friends. They receive great pay gotten by the price list of the Act of Cruisers and Convoy.” Rossi answered. “How much does earn a fleet Commander?” “The fleet’s Commander takes 1/8 of the seizures.” “How much does earn a Captain of an English war ship?” “The Captain earns 2/8.” Rossi explains. “It is too much money for only one man. How much does earn a sailor like us?” “It has a variation according the cargo value. Some sailors have earned near four hundred month wages.” “Aha! That explains the English madness. A sailor monthly wage is generally one Pound. Four hundred pounds are enough to buy 800 bags of coffee. It is a good prize for any sailor.” “They are mercenary and don’t mind to die by fever or under musket shots.” Franco answered. “Attention steersman! Take the Northwest tack to enter in the channel.” Nascimento ordered the sailor at the rudder. “In Cabo Frio, the fortress also made some shots on the English ship.” Rossi commented. 111

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“The incident with a cutter and ten sailors from the HMS Rifleman in Pereque may cause serious trouble to Brazil.” A sailor was afraid for what had happened. “Look! The register cutter is going to the channel.” The steersman noticed while they approached to the fortress. “Lower sails!” Nascimento gave the ordered. “Good afternoon, Commander!” “Good afternoon, Sergeant!” “Are the cargo documents in order?” “Yes! The manifests are here. We are coming from Santos to discharge all the general cargo because we were near to be seized by an English war ship.” “Which English ship?” “The HMS Rifleman.” “I’ll notice the Commander Barbosa. You are allowed to enter.” On the high of the Whale’s Mount, the telegraph flag was raised up to notice the Customs for the arrival of a cargo ship. In few more than one hour, the Astro approached to the Cotinga Island. The Astro sailed around the Cross Point to enter on the anchorage in front of the Taguaré River. “Boatswain! Verify the draft to launch the anchor.” “Lower top sails!” “To cast anchor!” 112


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“To wrap on all sails!” “The Customs cutter is arriving with the Guard-major, our agent and the doctor.” The boatswain noticed them. “Good afternoon, gentlemen! Come on board.” “Good afternoon Mr Rossi! The herb-mate lots to Rio Grande are ready for loading.” The agent noticed Rossi. “We won’t load any cargo! We are going to discharge all the cargoes and to move at the Cross Point.” “Is there any cargo from the sealed holds to discharge?” The Guard-major Francisco asked the Commander.” “All the cargoes are addressed to Rio Grande, but we'll have to discharge all the lots in the Customs Warehouse.” “Is there any trouble with this ship?” “We have been near to be seized by an English cruiser in Santos.” “Everyone is afraid for the last happenings.” “Is there anybody with fever?” Dr Eduardo Killer asked to the Commander. “No! We all on board are in good health.” “You are allowed to go to downtown.” “Thank you, sir” “The seals are in order. Does anybody want go to downtown in the Customs cutter?” 113

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“Certainly! Let’s go to talk to Commander Guimarães in the Customs House.” “I have a mail from Rio de Janeiro for the President of the Town Council.” Franco showed them the official letter. Franco and Rossi were followed by Severiano and Nascimento that left the ship to got aboard the Customs cutter. “How many men are there in the National Guard?” Rossi asked the Guard-major. “There are few more than seven hundred men, sir.” “This is an affair to be treated directly with the Commander.” The cutter with a plaid awning and eight rowers in few minutes arrived to the Customs pier in downtown. The men followed the Guardmajor to the third floor of the building, near the office of the Customs Inspector. They saluted the guards at the Command’s door. “Gentlemen, this is the Commander’s office.” “Thank you!” “Good afternoon, Sergeant!” “Good afternoon, Francisco, Franco! How can I help you?” “We want to talk to the Commander. Tell him that we are the owners of the Sagaz that now has the name Astro.” The Sergeant walked to the open door where there was a brass plate: Command of the National Guard. “Master Franco and some shipowners want to talk to you.” 114


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“Tell them to come in.” The men were sent to the 1st Battalion commanding officer. The Comendador Correia Jr was in courtesy visit to Commander Guimarães. “Franco, Rossi, come in!” The Commander called them. “Thank you, Sergeant.” Nascimento said. “Good afternoon, Comendador!” Rossi saluted them. “Good afternoon, Mr Comendador!” Nascimento saluted them. “Good afternoon, Mr Rossi, Mr Severiano, please, seat down!” “How are the business going in Rio de Janeiro?” The Comendador Correia asked them. “The fever in Rio is hard, but for our ships it is being worst!” “Are you talking about the fever or about the English?” The Commander Guimarães asked them. “Is there anything worst than those Britons?” Franco claimed. “Do you like a chimarrão gourd?” The Commander Guimarães offered mate tea to them. “I do!” The Gaucho Nascimento accepted immediately. “Sergeant, would you please bring a chimarrão for us.” The Commander asked. “I have an official letter from Mr Souza from Rio de Janeiro to the President of the Town’s Council.” Franco gave the letter to Comendador Correia Jr. 115

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“I’ll send it to the President.” “Thank you, Comendador!” Franco thanked him. “Gentlemen, we are here because our Sagaz is in a file of Brazilian ships to be seized by English cruisers. We had to change the ship’s name to Astro for she does not be taken in Santos.” Rossi revealed them. “In Santos, the master Leopoldino commanded the yacht Estrela Brilhante back to Rio de Janeiro, to Mr John Guimarães. I’ve sent a letter to our partner Mr Coelho.” “Is the Port of Santos under blockade?” The Comendador Correia asked them. “No! But the HMS Rifleman was on anchor at Santos’ bar. The authorities have talked to us about a file of ships fir the seizures.” “Which file is that?” The Comendador Guimarães asked. “The Navy’s Commander in Santos, Captain Josiah was advised by the North American Ambassador about a file where is included the Sagaz and some other our ships.” Rossi told them how they were known. “We’ve changed in Santos the register name of the Sagaz to Astro.” Nascimento explained. “We fear for the arrival to Paranagua any war ship from England.” Rossi commented. “The North-American Ambassador David Tod and his wife 116


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Maria Smith are waited in Paranagua by these days. They will be hosted by Captain Antonio Pereira da Costa, the Chile’s consul.” The Comendador Guimarães told them. “Yes, we have some passengers moved from the Astro to the Muckengen from Santos to Paranagua”. Nascimento explained. “We are in a hard campaign to emancipate the Curitiba’s District from the São Paulo Province. There will be several authorities arriving to Paranagua in the following days to know the political availability for a self-sustainable province. Mr Tod is our guest for the Town Council election and their entrance in office. He wants to know and to evaluate the region’s pine potential to some investors in his country. He may offer to us any diplomatic support.” The Comendador Correia Jr explained. “Despite of the restrict business between the United States and Brazil, I saw he uses the Minister flag on his ship. As Ambassador, does he have any instruction for military action?” Rossi asked. “We can’t to shape any presupposed. We all get indignant by that English procedure, but let’s wait for real facts to take correct measure.” The Comendador Guimarães answered him. “We’ll begin to unload the cargoes from the Astro tomorrow morning. All the cargo we are taking are addressed to Rio Grande. After the discharge, the ship will be moved to the Cotinga’s calm water.” Nascimento said. 117

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“That’s the best place, deep and safe.” The Comendador Correia Jr agreed. “Meanwhile, I advise you to take out the sails and navigation instruments.” The Comendador Guimarães advised them. “Any way, the hull was plenty of holes made by the buzano and it was repaired in Rio de Janeiro. The old sails will be changed by new one here in Paranagua, where there are excellent sail makers. That was the recommendation said by Mr Coelho.” Rossi said. “We let our investment on your trustful hands and we will be waiting for good news. See you later, gentlemen!” Rossi felt their real support. “We’ll be grateful for your help, Commander.” Nascimento answered knowing they would be in safe with the authorities help. “See you later, Commander!” The shipowners left the Command Office. The seamen left the Customs building and went to some shops at the Beach Street to acquire ropes, canvas and to contract workers to repair their ship. The request for new sails had been done by Mr Coelho from Rio de Janeiro. The Commander Rossi had been sent for the City Council to represent some cosignatories and ship owners from Rio de Janeiro. The wholesaler at the Beach Street offered them transportation to go back on board and at nightfall they arrived to the Astro.



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The soft sun rays have accentuated the green tonality on the grass plot, between stems of trees and clear-cutting at the anchorage’s margin. The scarce mangrove new vegetation (taken for firewood) has emerged on the waves swinging in golden sparks from the sun. The green leaves nuance have contrasted with the lightening rays on the waves and on the yellowing sandbanks. The warm wind blowing from Northwest in this morning has announced a fine and cold drizzly rain and wind for this afternoon. It always happens in the beginning of winter. The boats under full sail roam about rivers and bays in this morning of Wednesday of June 19, 1850. The boats transport goods 119

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between the warehouses at Beach Street and the Customs House's pier to ships at anchors in the Cotinga, in front of the Taguare River. The Guard-major arrived on board of the Astro to break the seals for the stevedores to begin the work. As soon as the holds were opened, the workers began to discharge the lots of general cargo to Rio Grande. Rossi took along his belongings from the Astro and moved it to the ship Dona Ana that was loading herb mate in small barrels and lumber. The Commanders Franco, Severiano and Nascimento were looking for the cargoes for do not suffer any damage. They ordered the stevedores to be careful to handle the winch when they were moving the cargoes from the holds to the boats moored alongside the ship. The watchman on the Cotinga’s telegraph, in front of the chapel, hoisted the flag to notice the Customs another ship’s arrival. The cutter’s boss at the Customs pier sent a man to notice the Guardmajor and the doctor to come for the customs boat for a new ship to visit. The ship’s bell sound coming from behind the Cross Point called the attention of the crews on other ships anchored. A barge with three masts and sails on right frame and long pennant with the North American colors was arriving. The ship slowly turned around the dangerous stones and headed to the anchorage. The masters Nascimento and Severiano approached to the main rail on the Astro after-deck to see the arrival of the sailing boat “Muckengen”. 120


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“The United States Ambassador must be arriving in this ship. It is possible that now we may have any direct protection against the English cruiser.” Nascimento talked to his brother. “Laura!” Franco was at the main rail when whispered a woman's name in loud voice, at few steps of his friends. “Who?” Nascimento asked him. “Didn't you see her? That is the young lady from Olinda I knew in the Sagaz, during the trip from Rio de Janeiro to Santos.” “What is going on, man?” Nascimento asked him. “I am thinking to get married.” “Is she beautiful?” Severiano asked him. “She is a very pretty girl!” “Your daughter really needs a new mother.” Severiano commented slapping his shoulder. “I am thinking to build a hydraulic engineering for herb mate in Morretes and perhaps, I'll go to live with Laura in Curitiba.” “The young women from Olinda are extroverted. She couldn't to live in that so isolated village of Curitiba.” Nascimento said. “Look! She is waving on the forecastle.” “She is from Galizia! Nascimento said with a large smile.” “Yes! Her relatives are from Coimbra. Look at her blond hair. We must go to help her with her baggage.” Franco said. “Let’s go aboard on row boat!” Severiano ordered some men 121

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from his crew. “The Guard-major in the cutter is showing the place for them to cast anchor.” The 254 tons DWT sailing ship, with North-American flag “Muckengen” sailed in front of the Astro and cast anchor on a site indicated by the Guard-major. Dr Killer and Francisco went on board and talked to the passengers, among they were Laura, the NorthAmerican Ambassador, his wife and some of their children. The Commander Franco followed by Nascimento and four sailors moored the boat at the Customs boat and went on board to take Laura’s baggage. “I miss you!” Laura said opening her arms to embrace Franco. “For me, these few days seems to be years.” Franco said as soon as he kissed her. “I want to introduce you to master Severiano and master Nascimento; they are brothers and partners of the Sagaz.” “Nice to meet you! My name is Laura. But, on proposal, where is the Sagaz?” “The pleasure is mine, lady. The ship whose name was Sagaz is that one at anchor beside the Cross Point. We have changed her name to Astro, before our departure from Santos.” Nascimento explained. “Oh! I didn’t know about that. I’ve asked you about the Sagaz because when I woke up, the Sagaz had just left the port.” “We have left the English to see ships in Santos.” 122


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“You are smart!” Laura said with a soft smile. “Would you like to have lunch with us in the Astro?” Franco invited her. “Thank you! On the afternoon we’ll have to go to downtown.” Laura noticed him. “It'll be great!” Franco agrees. “I was invited by Mr Tod’s wife for a recital in the house of the Chile’s consul. Come on, I want to introduce you to them.” “I don't know them, but it will be a good occasion.” Franco agreed. “Come with me!” Laura took Franco by his hand to introduce him to the Ambassador and his wife. “Miss Laura, Miss Laura! I've been seeking for you.” Mrs Tod said to her. “Mrs Tod! I want to introduce you the shipowner Mr Nascimento and his brother Mr Severiano and the Commander of the Astro schooner, Mr Franco. Mr Nascimento and Mr Franco, this is the Ambassador of the United States of America to Brazil Mr David Tod and his wife Mrs Maria Smith Tod” “How are you, gentlemen?” The Ambassador was wearing a long coat and blue bow tie greeted the Brazilians with a large smile and shook hands. The Ambassador had deep voice and a agreable smile “It’s nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Tod.” 123

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“Miss Laura has talked very well about you, Mr Franco.” Mrs Maria Smith said. “As I can see, she didn't lye.” The Ambassador's wife, Mrs. Maria Smith had fine apple's face and brown hair tied on the back. Despite of her sad eyes, she was a cheerful person. “Your arrival to this town has fascinated us.” Franco answered with care. “I don’t want to take out your attention, but the Guard-major is calling you.” Laura told to Mrs Maria Smith that run after quickly to pick up on her lap the little Grace, two years old, who was holding the hand of her brother William, sis years old. They were followed by a careful baby sitter contracted in Rio, who was taking on her lap the little Sallie, with only six month. “Look how pretty are those little Brazilians, Franco. “Little Brazilians, Miss Laura?” “Yes! They were born in Rio de Janeiro, but the little William was born in the United States, he wants to become industrial like his father. They are very precious persons.” “Congratulations for your children, Mrs Tod.” Franco said. “Thank you, Mr Franco. We have four more children studying in Ohio; Charlotte, John, Henry and George, I miss them all. Please Miss Laura, don't forget our meeting tonight.” Mrs Tod remembered her. “I won't lose that recital for nothing.” Laura answered. Some persons went to downtown on boats sent by the agent. 124


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The Ambassador and his wife and children went to the Customs boat. “I'll see you soon.” Nascimento waved for the new friends. “When we’ll get on board the Astro, I’ll ask to Joana to prepare our lunch.” Laura suggested looking to Joana that smiled very happy. “Mrs. Laura! You know that Anastacio was chosen by me, because he loves the Portuguese cuisine. He is just preparing a special meal for you. But I also know that he will appreciate to be helped by Joana.” “What a kindness! I was thinking you had disembarked him in Santos. Did you have a good trip?” “That was a very good trip, without incidents.” “Is everything in order in the Astro?” “Certainly! The cabin and the bathroom are exclusively yours.” Nascimento called them to come on board and soon they arrived at the Astro’s stair. Some sailors were called to help them with Laura's baggage. Nascimento went back to the deck where the cargoes were being discharged to the Customs. Joana shook up the toilette soap into the warm water in the bathtub. The bathroom was lightened by a small bronze window. Joana helped Laura to take out her clothes and saw her to dive in the suds and to relax closing her eyes. Joana applied a Mediterranean sponge on her shoulder, when somebody knocked the door . “That’s him!” Laura said to Joana. 125

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Joana went to the door and saw through the small venetian bellow the door, the Mr Franco's boots. “This is the Commander Franco.” Joana whispered to Laura. “Joana! Let him come in! Would you please, to take my yellow towel in my baggage? That towel you gave me is musty ” “Come in please, Mr Commander.” Joana opened de door and allowed Franco to enter, while she left the bathroom. “You are radiant!” Franco approached and looked at the young woman amid suds. “I am dying for so great missing. Take off your clothes and come with me.” The Guard-major, Mr Francisco had received the task to take on board to downtown the Ambassador and his family. Early in this afternoon, the Customs row boat docked at the Beach Street quay in front of the steep street of Bom Jesus where the couple disembarked. The baggage and trunks were taken by horse carts to Cap Costa house at the Order Street. To transport the couple and sons, the Comendador Correia Jr had provided a chariot. After the personal effects be unloaded, the Guard-major ordered the boat master to dock the boat at the Customs pier, while he would go on foot to his office. In the National Guard Command, the Guard-major met the Comendador Correia Jr talking to Commander Guimarães. “Commander Guimarães! The American ship has just cast 126


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anchor. The Ambassador, his wife and their children have been taken to the Captain Costa's house.” The Guard-major noticed them. “Thank you, Francisco! I’m sure of your courtesy.” “I’m glad to have received them. The Ambassador is a gentleman and his wife is a very kind lady. But excuse-me, I have to go to our office before to leave for lunch.” “Comendador Correia! The separation plan is going on very well. We shall accomplish the Captain Costa invitation and let's go to his office in the consulate of Chile to welcome the Ambassador of the United States.” The two men greeted the Battalion Guard at the door to the Order Street. They left the Customs house through the causeway between the garden and the Order Street. That beginning of winter was agreeable and the Commander Guimarães has worn a gray dress-coat with light blue necktie. The Commended Correia Jr was buttoning his waistcoat and seemed to be uncomfortable. All the dwellers in downtown and in the sites knew them very well; both Comendador were the most popular godfathers. “Good afternoon, Manuel!” “Good afternoon, Mr Commander!” At the Order’s Street, the two men walked resolute and gesticulate when were saluted by people on the sidewalk. “Good afternoon Comendador!” 127

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“Good afternoon, Mr Juvenal! Good afternoon, Dona Nizinha!” The Comendador Correia Jr salutes the woman. The two men stopped in front of a door sided by two shields: The Chile consulate and the Argentinean Vice-consulate. The attendant in the office noticed them through the window and got out to the street to invite them to come in. “Gentlemen! The Captain Costa waits for you in his office.” Mr Gomes saluted both men in the street. “Thank you, Mr Gomes!” The Commander Guimarães thanked him. “He is with the American Ambassador”. The clerk answered without to notice that the Captain Costa was coming. “Commander Guimarães, Comendador Correia! What a great honor! Come in to my office. The Ambassador of the United States, Mr Tod has just arrived from Santos.” “Thank you, Mr Captain!” The men thanked and followed him. In the office of the Chile’s consul, the illustrious visitor Mr Tod stood up to shake hands with the authorities which were being introduced by Captain Costa. “Mr. Tod, this is the Commander Guimarães and this is the Comendador Correia Jr. Both are from the National Guard and Entrepreneurs in downtown”. The Captain said. “It’s a great honor to meet you Comendador! I’ve heard about 128


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you in Santos and in Rio de Janeiro, but I didn’t imagine you were so young, for so significant titles.” The ambassador was taller than the Brazilians, blue eyes, thin lips, light brown hair fallen on the large forehead and was wearing a dark dress-coat and a blue bow tie. “That’s the way used by His Majesty the Emperor to acknowledge our commercial efforts. I am 41-years-old and the Commander Guimarães is 37.” The Comendador Correia said. “We have read on newspaper about your action in the court in Rio de Janeiro”. The Commander Guimarães said. “I am 45 years old and I was senator by my state Ohio and now as Minister to Brazil, I have all diplomatic commitment in the court. Although we don't have in English a correct translation for your title of Comendador, but I know that it is a title of the Brazilian nobility.” “Of course! We also know that in English it means who ministers a liturgy office, but that is not our attribution.” “Please gentlemen, I hope you want to seat down!” The Captain suggested pointing to the chairs “Did you have a good trip from Rio de Janeiro, Mr Tod?” “That was a great trip, we have been to Santos for some days. I am very surprised by the great number of ships in this port.” “This port and the natural resources from this land has been the reason for our economical growth. The Portuguese investors knew the existence of millions pine trees to export. But, they also knew that there 129

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are no adequate roads for the transportation.” The Commander Guimarães said. “Mr Ambassador, we are worried about the last happenings to our cargo ships fleet and your presence in this city is very important.” Comendador Correia Jr said in half voice. “What does my country can do for yours?” “Do you want a chimarrão?” The Cap Costa asked them. “I do!” The Comendador Correia Jr agreed. “Mr Gomes! Would you please, ask to Dona Teresa a mate gourd and a kettle of boiling water?” The Captain asked to his assistant, as he noticed how interested in the talk he was. “Gentlemen! The ship "Sagaz", according the Port Captaincy in Santos, is in a file of ships to be seized by England.” “Exactly! I need to talk you about that. I was known in Rio de Janeiro about a file of Brazilian ships to be seized, but that file had been furbished by Mr James Hudson from British Intelligence Service.” “Brazil must ask for diplomatic support against such abuse.” The Comendador Guimarães suggested. “Before my appointment by President Polk, as Minister to Brazil, I was senator for the state of Ohio and we had several diplomatic international affair like that one your are suffering. Actually, my country is dealing in Rio de Janeiro one of that cases.” “That would be the case of the schooner Armstrong at Fayal?” 130


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Captain Costa asked him. “Exactly! Since January of last year, my country is about to finish that case. Portugal has asked to several countries in Europe to intermediate, but my country didn't accept any decision unless the payment. By that way, my country has sent a squad for the blockade of the Tagus River. The loss of the American shipowner in 1814 was calculated to nearly 20 thousand bags of coffee. In this year, the interests have raised the debt to 44 thousand bags of coffee.” Mr Tod answered. “We all know that your country has good shipyards, but you need lumber, don't you?” The Comendador Correia commented. “Yes! We have several shipyards at the East coast, but we have only oak and cedar for navy industry, but Brazil has large variety of quality lumber. When I was invited by Captain Costa to visit Paranagua, I have seen the opportunity to know your authorities, the lumber potential and trading in your region.” Mr Tod explained. “Mr Tod didn’t have yet the opportunity to know the authorities from Paranagua in Rio de Janeiro. I hope that in the reception tonight you will know them.” The Cap Costa said. “Tonight, we'll introduce you to all of them.” The Commander Guimarães told him. “Mr Tod, you should go to Curitiba to know the wood potential in our region.” The Comendador Correia suggested. 131

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“I can assure you that our tea mate exportation have increased to 25%, compared to all China’s tea exportation. If there were a good road from the highland to our port, we should have dominated the lumber market in the world.” The Captain Costa said. “I want to know the potential of pine trees in this region and according I know, its not the same Taeda Pine existing in my country. My business in the United States are coal, steel and rail road, but too many traders have talked in Rio de Janeiro about the high quality of the Araucaria Pine. Some North American importers want to buy not only pieces of jissara for horse carts, but also to buy the Araucaria lumber. One ton of Taeda Pine in my country costs US$35,00, a few more than three pairs of navy pistols.” “There are million of tons of Araucaria, but there isn't a good road to transport the lumber from Curitiba to the port. It is a fight of two hundred years.” The Commander Guimarães explained. “I have read in the newspaper in Rio de Janeiro that Curitiba's County intends to separate itself from the Province of Sao Paulo, all of that caused only by a road?” The Ambassador asked. “In your trip to Curitiba, you will know the Itupava way closely, not only by newspaper. You will see the real need of a wellbrought-up road to win the challenger Marine Ridge.” The Comendador Correia Jr said. “What does impede you to build up a good road or a railroad? I 132


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believe there are mines of coal and iron to explore in your country and it only will be possible with good railroads.” Mr Tod commented. “The political power is impeding the technical development of the project for the localization of the road and railroad. 24 The railways concession proposes a rail from the city of Antonina, where it will follow the course of the Cachoeira's river to overpass alongside the Sea Ridge. This project will be too far from the region producer of tea and lumber and we'll continue to use the Itupava. Beyond the new railway and road company will need the Province’s guarantee bond for the financing.” The Captain Costa explained moving his eyes to the Comendador Correia. “The same has happened in the United States. The farmers were contrary with the idea of a rail far from their lands. But when they saw the railroad in operation, they realized the distances have disappeared. The importance of a railroad is to link farther regions to other regions alongside the rails, because it takes advantage of that infrastructure for the transportation of their goods.” The Ambassador commented. “Too many deputies in the Assembly in São Paulo belong to the Conservative Party and they give us the support for a road and a railroad. However, the deputies from the Liberal Party fear to lose the economical resources from this region. The great economical power of 24 - Roads of the Districts of Curitiba and Paranagua - Moreira, Júlio Estrela -

Imp. Official-1975.


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Paranagua is on the Conservatives hands, where the unavoidable separation is required.” The Comendador Correia revealed. “Does a new Province will offer the support for a road?” Mr Tod asked them. “That’s why a new Province must be established.” The Captain Costa showed his prevision. “Your land is generous by offering so many natural resources. I saw the mountain beyond the bay and there is a lower region next it, where there should be rivers to facilitate the installation of a railroad. In my state and in several others, the railroads follow the courses of rivers. I do hope that you may obtain the proper goal. The Ambassador agreed. “Really! We have the herb mate, the Araucarias and too many rivers to offer hydraulic energy for the engines, beyond this emerging trouble with England. We need to know the actual relationship with the United States, after the Lisbon Blockade.” The Commander Guimarães asked him. “The agreement signed by king D João VI in 1814 in Rio de Janeiro, was not carried out by the Portuguese government. The Brazilian Emperor agreed to pay 44:000$000 réis for the North American schooner Armstrong, that had been scuttled by her commander for do not be given to England in the Fayal Island in the Azores, after a day long combat. As the Portuguese government was established in Brazil, His Majesty the Emperor Dom Pedro II promised 134


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to execute the agreement. So, the order to raise the blockade was done.” The Ambassador said. “By that International agreement, your country has put an end point on the existing divergences between the three nations. But now, we need your the United States could give any support to us against England?” The Commander asked him. “We have a common diplomatic issue to deal; I need your support at the Imperial Government to resolve the case of the schooner Armstrong and you need my support at the issue of the English squad. The government of my country wants to strength the trade and friendship with Brazil. At least, we were the first nation to recognize your Independence and sovereignty, and the most important of all to me is that my two last daughters are Brazilian born in Rio de Janeiro.” The Ambassador had agreed after that explanation. “We do accept this deal! You have given to us a blow of hope against the English squad and we have great influence inside the Imperial Government to favor you in the case “Armstrong.” The Commander Guimarães insisted. “The ship "Sagaz" would be sized by the HMS Rifleman in Santos, if their owners did not have changed her register to the new name Astro.” The Comendador Correia told him. “I’ve sent a confidential copy for the Navy Commander in Santos. Every shipowner on the entire world can change the name of 135

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their ships.” The Ambassador revealed his action. “The English will know soon that the Sagaz has changed her name and will come to Paranagua to seize her.” The Captain said apprehensive. “Your country has power to persuade any nation.” The Commander Guimarães said to the Ambassador. “That is a matter that requires analysis from my government.” The Ambassador answered. “Mr. Tod! We don’t have time enough to consult Rio de Janeiro and the least to consult Washington.” The Commander Guimarães answered. “If this is an emergency, the deal is done! Now, we must to know the defense force you have”. The Ambassador asked. “We have a garrison of three hundred men at the 1st Battalion and a militia of eight hundred men that can be joined in few hours.” The commander Guimarães answered. “How do you work with a militia?” Mr Tod asked. “Since the Jesuit fathers invasions near the Paranapanema river at few miles to the Northwest in the beginning of the 17 th century, has been used the force of Militia to cast them out. The Portuguese government has established and supplied several militias forces for all over the country, from the Northeast to South. Every citizen used to hunt with fire guns has been enlisted to the militias. They are gunned by 136


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the government to fight against any invader force as soon as they are called. In our region, we call the militia by shot of some old bronze cannons placed at Pieces' Island. Since then, Brazil has faced the Jesuit forces in the South, French, Dutch and English. In time of peace, some of these militias has become the famous Bandeirantes (flagstaff) to explore the inland from the Atlantic Ocean to the border at the Parana river. “That's a very important way to keep peace in a country. My trip to Paranagua was announced to all Embassies in Rio de Janeiro, during a farewell reception. The English squad’s command knows I am here and they won’t take any belligerent action against the city.” Mr Tod answered to calm down all of them. “But inglese accuse your country to protect the slave trade”. Said the comendador Correia. “They accuse my country to be in favor of slavery, but this is not true. Many of our ships have already left to make the slave trade. I have also asked my government for drastic measures.” The Ambassador Tod concluded. “Now, we can feel ourselves in safe with your support.” Commander Guimarães commented. “Excuse me, gentlemen! The chimarrão is ready, but Mrs Julia has asked for your presence to lunch.” Dona Teresa announced at the door, taking a mate gourd and a kettle with boiling water. 137

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“Thank you, dona Teresa! Gentlemen come in to our diningroom.” The Captain Costa invited them. “I have secure informers in Rio and from my consul to Santos. They have noticed me about any England step. I can assure you that none aggression on this town has been mentioned.” The Ambassador told them while they were walking in the corridor. “I believe that we have received the desired answer.” The Commander Guimarães says. “While I’ll be here, the city will be free from any gunnery.” The Ambassador gave them a partial support. “Thank you, sir! That's enough for our action.” “It’s a pleasure to have you in our town, Mr Tod.” “Wouldn't you like to follow the Ambassador in his trip to Curitiba?” The Captain Costa did a personal invitation to Commander Guimarães. “In the actual circumstance, we can’t be far from downtown. We'll have another opportunity.” The Commander answered. “Tonight, Julia will perform a piano recital. It will be a social and political reception to introduce the Ambassador Mr Tod and his wife, Mrs Maria Smith, to our society. We would like to count with you in and your honorable wives.” The Captain Costa invited the Commander Guimarães and the Comendador Correia Jr. “My wife and Mrs Julia have programmed this reception on 138


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December in Rio de Janeiro. She has sent a personal invitation for a young lady we knew in the trip to Paranagua.” The Ambassador told them. “It will be great!” The Captain Costa agreed. “We’ll be here, it's a pleasure to hear her performance.” “You may count with us.” On the last five years, the nightfall has attracted the children to the streets of town, where was scintillating the lights of prosperity. Even the women thrust themselves with the elbows on the windows sill. All of them wanted to see the municipality clerk to light the olive-oil lamps at the house’s walls at the Order Street. The 36 lamps rented to the municipality coast 1/3 of the monthly expenses in olive-oil, (near ten bags of coffee a year). The man walked quickly carrying a burning stick to insert it through a hole under the lamp to flame the large wick. Then, a yellowing lighting sprang up from the glassy frame on the man’s face. The women in the windows laughed watching the children playing with their shadows projected on the walls. In that small city thirsty for information, the news run quickly by the little-mouths. They were children that from their houses or from the streets, listening to any interesting news, soon they run in a hurry to tell to people. The dwellers were also with their attention headed for the Captain’s house. Some children were at the other side of the street looking at the persons arriving to Mrs Julia's house. The boys looked at 139

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the military uniforms, while the girls commented upon the black silk dresses and fascinated with the elegant and colorful French fashion the young ladies were dressing. Inside the house, the smiling Julia, Mrs Maria Smith and the English teacher Mrs Jessica James were receiving the civilian and military authorities. They lead the guests by hand to the living-room, or to the hall where the piano was placed. Mrs Maria Smith, the teacher Mrs Jessica James and Mrs Julia were talking at the door when Laura, Leocadia and Franco arrived. “Good evening, Mrs Tod and Mrs Costa!” Franco greeted them. “Franco, Laura, Leocadia, come in! You are welcome to my house. I want to introduce you to the American teacher Mrs Jessica James of the Elementary School.” Mrs Julia introduced them. “Nice to meet you!” Mrs Jessica James greeted both. “Nice to meet you Mrs Jessica James.” Franco and Laura answered and called aside Mrs Julia to tell her something. “We have something important to tell you.” Laura said. “That's a great opportunity to tell you that Laura and I have decided to announce our engagement tonight.” The Astro's commander was happy as he told her. “What wonderful news! That event requires liquor for such special celebration. Julia called them to join to the guests to head a pledge to Franco and Laura. 140


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Julia asked the guests to raise the glasses of drink to cheers that engagement. Captain Costa also invited the young couple to live in downtown after wedding. Franco answered saying that they would study with care that invitation. Julia invited all of them for the piano's hall. The young lady sat down with charm and opened the cover of the ebony and ivory fingerboard. Mrs Tod and Mrs Jessica James placed correctly the piano’s candle arms for Julia to read the musical score. The matrons, some young women, Laura and Leocadia took their seats behind Julia. The first music notes at the piano invited the men in the Captain’s office to stop talking and be taken by the melody flavor to the speechless room. The friends and visitors followed the delightful performance by the skillful Julia’s hands. The sonata “Claire de Lune” by Beethoven was almost interrupted by high applause. Laura and Leocadia commented the beauty of art. The ladies were seat on French chairs, disposed below the chandelier made with crystals from Bohemia, soon all of them have been involved by the rare music magic and felt to be floating inside of themselves. The cheerful touches of “For Elisa” have fascinated the select audience. The diplomats, politician, shipowners and military went back to the Captain’s office to continue the exciting talk about the new province, under the flavor of the Madeira wine, very appreciated in political meetings. 141

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In the dining-room, Helena and a group of women were doing the finishing touches on the table, prepared under the rigor and art of the French cuisine. As the cheering finished after a new melody, Helena recognized the last music composed by Julia. Helena was an unconditional music lover and asking permission for the women in the dining-room, she went to the music room to listen her friend. The Captain Costa and Mr Tod also joined to the persons talking about the Julia's music. After Julia finished her repertoire, Mrs Maria Smith called the attention for the teacher at the piano, Madam Jessica James to play some musics. The performance of classics by teacher James were very appreciated by the mothers, whose daughters were studying with her. The guests have arrived to the city to participate in the election day for the Town Council in the year of 1850. That event was political, but also social, with several meetings in the houses of illustrious dwellers and in the local secret society.



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The HMS Cormorant’s crew was working hard from the House Machine to the command's bridge during the end of the second quarter. The piston rods were involved in sibilant steam flush hammering ceaselessly on the steel frame structure to spin two wheel paddles at the hull. The war vessel was sailing southwards, as troop marching under the rhythm of drums. In this Saturday's dawn, the sky was clean in last quarter moon. On high sea, the winter wind from South Hemisphere whistled against the wooden frame of the ship's window. In the command bridge, the pilot was writing on the Logbook the date “29th of June – 1850” and consulted the polished brass watch at the wall in front of the rudder. “It’s almost four o’clock! Please Mr Mc Bride, go to the house machine and get the usual registers, it’s time for the routine reading”. The pilot asked and waited for the return of his assistant. After few minutes the young assistant arrives. “Sir, the pressure is 5atm, 5 revolutions/min and coal 580lbs/hour.” The assistant said showing him the registers in a notebook with hard cover. “The barometer height indicates 29” and 83% of air humidity and the atmospheric temperature now is 72° Fahrenheit (22° Celsius).” Answered the pilot writing on the notebook (29/83/72). “Now we will verify our position and the sea temperature”. The 144


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pilot said taking the sextant and a bronze thermometer in a shelf with high border. “I’ll open the bridge's door, sir.” Said the young apprentice of the English Navy, receiving the bronze thermometer from the officer's hands. “Thank you. Mc Bride!” “It's not too cold as in the Silver River, sir.” The assistant of pilot commented. The pilot saw his assistant grabbed at the main rail lowering to sea the thermometer. The pilot was a seamen used with the cold weather and the strong North Sea wind, and knew very well how to keep his balance on deck, only bending his knees. After locating in the sextant a star and horizon, he approached himself to the illuminated window for readings and to write on the notebook, where there were several other observations, like temperature, barometric pressure and humidity. “Horizon, Moon, Alpha Centaur and South Cross”. The officer wrote each degree found and came back to the command bridge. The assistant came in and closed the door, while the pilot put the sextant in the shelf and went to the table at the wall. The assistant followed him to the table where there was a wrapped maritime chart and a parallel ruler. “I will take a lamp for you.” The assistant said to Mr Sullivan. “Thank you!” The pilot walked to a shelf with several nautical 145

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charts, he chose one and unwrapped it on his table. “Are we near to Paranagua?” The assistant asked. “I a recalculating the course, because we sailed faster on return by the Malvina's Stream.” The pilot answered. “This stream is interesting.” The assistant commented. “The studies are on the beginning, but we know that this stream offers pleasant breeze and icy waters on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro during the entire year.” The pilot said. The pilot laid one side of the parallel rulers on the starting point on Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro... The officer moved the arms of the two rulers to slide on the chart until to find the arrival point on the Uruguayan coast, where stopped the compasses bar-line. “Are you calculating, or did you remember of them?” “How could I forget of them? I’ve marked a cross on this chart where our seven deceased fellows were launched into the sea.” The pilot Sullivan answered. “That fever was near to annihilate our fleet!” “The "HMS Tweed" suffered eighteen losses.” “I hate this country.” “We didn’t come here to cry! We’ve come here to execute an order and you are hear to learn navigation.” “I’m sorry, sir! May I help you to calculate the distance since Cabo Frio?” 146


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“Our South coast coordinate is 25° 30'S and 48º 15'W and wrote on his notebook 25º ¹/²'S and 48º ¼'W. We are 6 degrees since Rio de Janeiro, to Cabo Frio you should add 1 degree and 30 minutes.” “Multiplying 7 degrees times 60 minutes we get 420 minutes, plus 30 minutes it is equal to 450 minutes. So, according your way point on the chart, we have sailed 450 miles and we must be near to Paranagua bar, right?” “Yes! Despite of you are only thirteen, you are learning quickly. Besides, you have begun to learn geography when the British astronomer George Airy chose Greenwich to install the Transit Circle for Star Time and it's going to be the first meridian, in place of the Portuguese at the Cabo Verde island. It will be remarkable upon your entire life.” The Pilot told his assistant. “Thank you, sir! We have been sailing by these waters for too many times and as all apprentices, I also want to become an officer.” “I'll notice our Captain that we are on time to enter the bar” The pilot took a boatswain pipe and looked to five polished brass cover attached by chain. He chose the number 3 and took off the lid of the nozzle intercom that links the bridge to the Captain's head of bed. Two short whistles woke up the Commander Schomberg. In a grave voice, the Captain answered through the same nozzle. “Yes, Mr Sullivan!” “Sir! We are near the Paranagua bay.” 147

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“Great, Mr Sullivan! Change the route and order my assistant to come here”. “Yes, sir! Mc Bride, please, go to the lodging to wake up the Captain's assistant and tell him to go to the Captain's cabin.” “Immediately, sir!” The pilot gave the order to the steersman that turned the rudder slowly for a new tack. The young assistant hung the fuel lamp at the wall and left the bridge. He walked down the steps to the twilit deck and went carefully to the forecastle. He walked fumbling and holding on ropes ladder of the mainstay and trying to keep himself on foot in the swinging war vessel. He arrived to the lodging door and went downward by the forecastle stairs to get in the sailor’s lodge, illuminated by a small olive oil lamp. He knocked the side of a swing wooden box, hung by chains under a wooden beam. “Backer!” The young assistant called for his friend while took care with another swinging sleeping-box. “Mac Bride? What is happening?” The somnolent assistant asked, while tries to put away his blanket. “The Captain Schomberg needs your help in his quarter.” “Thank you, Mc Bride! I’m just going.” Backer got down from the swinging rectangular sleeping box and went to a table where there was a jar and a basin to wet his face. In few minutes both of them left the apprentices lodging and went upstairs 148


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to the command bridge. Backer stopped in front of the Captain's cabin door and Mac Bride proceeded for the bridge. “Excuse me, sir!” Backer knocked at the cabin's door. “Come in, Mr Backer!” The assistant opened the door and entered. The Commander's cabin was provided with one large bed with two drawers, a wardrobe with opened doors showing several hangers, where there is a scarlet coat with yellow lapels. The three beaks hat was on a table with four chairs, an opened wooden trunk with some belongings, a writing desk and two serpentine steam heaters. “Good morning, sir!” “Good morning, Mr Backer! Help me to put my boots and later bring my breakfast.” “Yes, sir!” The assistant took the boots and helped him. “Do you like the Royal Navy?” The Captain asked him. “I am following my uncle’s career.” “How did you get in the British Royal Navy?” “I was introduced as King’s Letter Boy at eight month ago, after I've completed twelve years.” “Time goes by very quickly. In few years you’ll be sent to the Admiralty for examination to be promoted as midshipman and in the next three years you’ll be promoted as Aspirant and later Lieutenant.” “This is a great career, and you are an excellent Commander.” 149

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The assistant says while the Captain stands up. “I thank you for this kind eulogy, Mr Backer! And now, bring my breakfast, please!” On the top sail high of the HMS Cormorant, the watchman cried at five o'clock. The Captain Schomberg entered in the bridge. “Paranagua bay in sight! “To enter bar!” “Sir! We are no more on deep-sea. This channel is shallow and we need a pilot.” “To call for a pilot!”



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The pilot Santiago was at home in Honey Island. He approached to the window to see the Shell’s beach. His wife walked in silence behind him with a blanket on her body. “There will have good weather today?” She asks embracing him by the back. “Yes! Today it will be a good day! Did you sleep well?” He asked her and turned around to kiss her very kindly. “I always sleep very well when you are along with me.” “Let me light the lamp.” Santiago groped on the cupboard to find out a cup with matches. The crack of match broke the threshold of darkness. Santiago caught the iron arm to raise the fire wick of the lamp of fish oil. The soft bright light soon revealed the slim body of a pretty young woman. “Our parents didn’t want our happiness.” 151

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“No wonder, I was only thirteen.” “Your aunt was thirteen when she got married.” “I think that was why my father disagreed.” The light draws two bodies on the curtain. On the beach sand two men were walking and saw the light through the window. “Look, Miguel! Santiago is already awaken.” “Lets go to ask him for his fishing net. With good weather the mullets won’t arrive.” “If the mullets won’t come at the beach, we'll go to high sea for a net fishing.” “If bad weather falls over the sea impeding us to sail, there are crabs on the beach and in the swamp.” Pedro and Miguel laughed with the several possibilities of how to get money. “Santiago!” The men called for his friend, but the sea waves pounding from the other side of the island covered their calling. “I’m hearing voices calling for you. I’ll go to dress myself.” “They are our neighbors Pedro and Miguel.” “Good morning, Santiago!” “Good morning! Come in, its cold outside.” “Would you like to fish?” “Not today! I must go up the mount to see if has arrived any ship. If not, I’ll take Anita and Carlos to Paranagua to meet Maria. Today is the Saint Peter's holiday.” 152


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“We'll need you lend us the net.” Pedro asked him. “You may take it, but pay its part. Now, I'll go up the mount.” Santiago wore his coat and took a case with the spy glass and left the house with his friends. Anita approached at the window. “Good morning, Mrs Anita!” They saw and saluted the woman. “Good morning! The breakfast is just done!” “Another time, thank you!” On the Shell’s mount, the pilot Santiago looked at the darken Ocean. His eyes run from farthest south to the north at the Palm Island. He drove his eyes to inland bay and the fortress. There was no one ship arriving. Santiago sat down on the grass, while he watched the sea, he babbled a pray. He climbed on a flat stone and took the case to catch a spy glass. That was the break of the day and the first sun rays cut the sky and reflected on Santiago's face, revealing his tanned skin by the sun. Suddenly, he saw through the obfuscate lenses the crossing of a ship amid dense smoke. He jumped on the stone to lean his elbow to have a better focus on a ship coming in the channel's route. His eyes have brightened of happiness. He put the spy glass inside the case and run down the hill. “Anita! Anita! Wake up Carlos, there is a steamer arriving and I’ll need his help.” “Carlos!” Anita laid the table for the breakfast and listened her husband and called for her son. 153

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“I’ve just heard, mom! I’m going outside for a while.” “You have to wear warm clothes, it's cold outside.” After the breakfast, They heard two steam pipes whistle mixed in deep and sharp that sounded strongly over the isle. “Carlos! Let’s go, the ship is calling for a pilot.” “Santiago! We have heard the ship’s signal and we are going to help you with the boat.” Pedro and Miguel appeared at the door to help their friend. “Thank you Pedro! I’ll need your help.” “All right, the fishing will be later. Pedro will go with you” “Let’s go Carlos!” Santiago cried leaving the house with his friends. On the shell’s beach, the fishers moved the boat forward on logs to take her to the waves. The small crew in Santiago’s boat took their position on board to raise the sail. The seagulls bawl and dive to take fishes for the first meal. The pounding of waves over the stones sprayed spume yellowed by the sun. Half hour later, Santiago was near the ship. “This ship is too large.” Carlos looked to the ship and commented. “She may weight a thousand tons.” Santiago answered. “Look the cannons!” Pedro pointed to the huge barrels. “Pedro, seat down at the helm. I’ll go on board by the steps.” 154


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Santiago stood up and climbed the rope ladder at the mainstay on his boat to reach the ship's ladder. “Wait for the right wave.” Pedro advised him. “Carlos, take care with the ship waves.” Santiago ordered. “God keep you, dad!” Carlos blessed him. “We’ll be together in Paranagua.” Santiago promised. Santiago jumped on the ship's ladder where some sailors helped him to go aboard of the HMS Cormorant. On the deck, some sailors with dirt clothes of coal were in a hush walking from the stern lodging to the machine house. A young machine engineer assistant hastens them to go faster. Santiago leaned back his body against the main rail and high board. The sailors entered in a door going downward to the machine house. “Mr Pilot! What is your name?” An officer asked him in Portuguese. “My name is Manoel Felipe Santiago.” The pilot answered shaking hands. “I am the Lieutenant Luckraft, follow me to the bridge.” “Nice to meet you, sir.” The pilot answered. “Mr Commander, this is the pilot, Mr Santiago.” The officer introduced Santiago to Captain Schomberg. “Can you help us to sail in safe till the port and to review our chart?” The Captain asked. 155

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“Yes, sir! You may head the forecastle between two sand banks.” The Pilot told him pointing to the channel between two islands. “Half speed ahead!” Sullivan moved the lever of the machine telegraph and stopped it on “Half Speed Ahead.” The sound of a bell came from the House-machine and the ship began to move slowly. Captain Schomberg with gray hair and low cut beard seemed to be at 50-years-old. The Captain wore scarlet coat with yellow lapels, white trousers and black top boots. “The channel is a few more to the south and the draft has twelve feet in low tide.” Santiago described in details the bar entrance. “So, we’ll sail in safe, our ship has nine feet draft. Mr Sullivan, Full speed” The Commander said to the pilot and went to his quarter to write an official letter to the fortress authorities. The war vessel sailed on the channel between the sand banks and entered in the bay. After sailing half hour, the ship arrived to the fortress. A Sergeant with two soldiers in a cutter approached to the ship, to do some usual questions. The Lieutenant Luckraft saw the cutter which approached. He took the intercom to talk to the Captain. “Sir! A Sergeant in a cutter is doing signal to stop us.” “To keep the wheels in low speed! Mr Luckraft, please take my official letter for the Commander of the Fortress.” The Commander ordered his officer, while the cutter moored at the stair. The Lieutenant Luckraft went to attend the Sergeant. 156


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“Name of the Commander and his purpose to come to Paranagua.” The Sergeant asked while was writing on his notebook. “Captain Herbert Schomberg! We are coming to Paranagua to accomplish the agreement between Brazil and England.” The Lieutenant Luckraft answered while kept the envelope in his belt. “Any declaration of disease on board?” The Sergeant asked. “No!” The Lieutenant answered! “Your ship is allowed to come in!” The ship's clerk Mr Lindsay took the Log Book to register the last event, while the ship was arriving to the Cotinga’s Island at 11:00h on June 29, 1850. The officers and commissars were on the bridge and they saw over the Cross Point, several pennants on the masts of a cluster of ships on the anchorage.


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Cross Point and the Cotinga's Anchorage





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The Astro's commander was talking to his crew on the deck, when their attention was soon driven to the steam machine noise coming from the other side of the Cotinga Island. “Which noise is that?” Severiano asked looking to the bay. “It’s a steam machine noise!” Nascimento answered. “Is it the HMS Rifleman?” Severiano asks while grits his tooth. “No! This hammering noise is too strong, if compared to the silent screw propeller of the Rifleman.” Franco spook looking to Laura that approached scared. “Look! It is a corvette steamer with side paddles.” A sailor cried on the main mast. “The Astro will be seized!” Severiano foresaw the end of his ship. “What do you do?” Laura asked to Nascimento. “We can’t do anything against them.” Nascimento said to her. “We don’t have to surrender so easily!” Franco muttered knocking the rail. “Listen! The brig Polaca is sounding her warning bell!” “They are calling the crew to fight or to escape!” “This is the HMS Cormorant. This war vessel is the same that has put fire on the Santa Cruz in Ilhabela on January and is the one that has stolen the schooner Polka in Macaé last month.” 159

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“The Cormorant is surrounding the Cross Point.” “This ship will enter in the anchorage to arrest all the ships. I hope Rossi stays on board of the Dona Ana.” The HMS Cormorant, 60 meters and 1057 tons, a 300hp steam machine, two side paddle-wheels, three masts, six cannons on board; four barrels cal 64 (pounds) under deck, on forecastle two turrets with breech blocks and smooth soul mounted on axis and roller bearing cal 80 (pounds). The ship entered carefully on the anchorage. The boatswain measured the draft of the sand bank at the Costeira’s swamp, covered by scarce mangroves vegetation. The order had been done by the Captain to cast anchor on a safe place near the Taguaré River. There where on the anchorage several ships in discharge of salt and loading lumber and herb mate. Two ships left the port, sailing between the cargo ships and the HMS Cormorant. “Seventeen feet! Sixteen feet! To stop the paddle-wheels!” The assistant on the forecastle noticed the Captain through the intercom the approaching over a sandbank. The Commander ordered to stop the engine, while in a glimpse he saw the sailing boats rowing in front of him. (The sailing boats with numerous crew on board, arms and munition on deck and guns loaded, but not within range to give warm reception. – Captain Report). That was a self advice to let them go. “The Cormorant is at anchor, while a brigantine with rows and 160


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a schooner are leaving the port.” Franco said. “Let’s leave following the ships now.” Laura suggested. “We are without sails and any movement will be a reason for them to open fire against us.” “If they will try to take the Astro, I’ll put in action our plan.” Nascimento said. “You’ll be at risk and they will arrest you.” Severiano said. “Franco and Severiano stay with me on board. The crew must to disembark, now.” “I won’t let you, Mr Franco. I want to stay on board with you.” “You can not stay, Laura! The crew is taking out to the cutters all the equipment and documents, because Nascimento is going to scuttle the Astro.” Franco told her in low voice. “The English won’t take away this ship. Please, Mrs Laura!” Severiano ordered her to get down to the boat with the crew. “Everyone has to take yours belongings and go down to the boat. This is an order to abandon the ship and to keep the boats nearby.” “Fortunately the silverware I’ve brought from Olinda is now in São Paulo.” Laura commented to Franco that kissed her face. “Not so bad, but you have to disembark. Go to Leocadia's house in downtown. As you belong to her family, surely she will receive you.” Franco suggested and holding her hands took her to the gangway.


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The winch lowered the anchor amid clouds of steam and strident noise. The task on board was going on under the boatswain pipe whistles at the Commander’s orders for the seizure. The garrisons, under the command of its officers, were positioned at the cutters hang on her cranes. “Lieutenant Luckraft!” Order the crew to lower the cutters. “Captain! There are two ships leaving the port.” “I want some artillery men in the powder house to take the munition to feed each peace with ten Shrapnel for 300 yards and ten grapes. Now!” 162


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Two ships with garrison gunned sailed slowly in front of the HMS Cormorant. Santiago noticed Schomberg had looked around to feign he didn't mind, while Lieutenant Luckraft was giving tasks to the officers. “Lieutenant Kantzov! Midshipman Buckley! Order your garrison to be gunned and lower the cutters! Let’s seize the remaining ships. Lieutenant Kantzov head to seize the Sereia, Mr Buckley row to the Lucy Ann that now has the name Campeadora. I will go to the large one that is the Hannibal, but now has the name Conclusao.” The Lieutenant Luckraft organized the seizure. The Lieutenant Kantzov’s cutter approached to the Sereia (Mermaid). The sailors looked at the ship and said in Portuguese: “Oh! Este está Sereia.” (The correct form is: “Oh! Este é o Sereia”). That expression was heard by her crew and stevedores. The cutter was moored alongside the Sereia. The sailors with strap hat and blue ribbon were wearing white canvas uniform with large collar on the shoulders. They climbed up the stay mast to go on board. They did some musket shots to scare the workers and with sword in fist to threaten and to dominate the carpenters and sailors. The English sailors raised a shout to take the lead and to seize the schooner Sereia. “Verify all traffic items! Rings, latticeworks, water barrels and pans for cooking foods.” Kantzov sent his orders and the sailors quickly spread out by the entire ship. 163

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“We've found some traffic items!” Two sailors noticed him. “Who is the ship's Commander?” The Lieutenant asked. “He is in downtown.” The workers answered. “Take the sailor out of the ship and tow the schooner to the Cormorant!” Kantzov ordered. The Lieutenant Luckraft cutter was moored alongside the schooner Dona Ana and between shots and command voice, the ship was taken. “Who commands this ship?” “The Commander is in his cabin.” A sailor answered while the Commander Rossi came to deck with some papers. “These are the ship's documents, there is no cargo on board because we are empty to do some repairs.” “Let's verify if there are traffic items.” Luckraft gave some orders and walked down to the hatch with five sailors. “Sir! There are rings on the beams and separation panels. There are also latices at the hatchway and too many pans.” “Go down on the keel and verify, if there are water barrels.” “Yes, sir! There are several water barrels.” Answered a sailor from the darken hatch. The English sailors and the Lieutenant came back to the deck and walked to the stern. The commandant Rossi followed them. “What is the real name of this ship; Dona Ana or Leonidas?” 164


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“This vessel has belonged for too many shipowners. Every shipowner always chose a new name for his ship.” “All traffic items have been found out in this ship! Henceforth, this ship is registered in the name of Her Majesty, the Queen of England.” The Lieutenant Luckraft decreed the vessel's destiny. “Every ship, including yours, has rings for cargo fastening. Every ship has latticeworks on hatchways for vent. Every ship has casks with water for ballast. Every ship has large pans for troops meals.” “My order is for you to evacuate this ship immediately. To weigh anchor! To launch the tow rope!” The orders were executed by the English sailors, while the Lieutenant was writing on his notebook with a pencil. “This ship is being applied on Brazilian coasting trade and passenger trips, but she is not used for traffic. You can't do that!” Rossi took off the papers from the hands of Lieutenant Luckraft. The sailors caught the towing ropes to send it to the cutter. Rossi went up on them for aggression with the fist and shooting the legs of those that were taking the ropes. “Sir! The carpenters and sailors are resisting us.” “Take aim on them!” An English sailor caught Commander Rossi while other tied him with a rope. “Let's tie down this beast!” The sailor cried. 165

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“You are arrested to be sent for a trial according the Bill Aberdeen. Tie his hands and take all of them to the ship.” Rossi and his men were sat in silence on the cutter's bottom, while they saw the Dona Ana being towed to the HMS Cormorant. “Commander! These men have reacted against our crew and we had to arrest all of them.” The Lieutenant said for the Commander and showed him the Brazilian sailors and carpenters. “You may unfasten them.” The Commander ordered. “Sir! I ask your permission to seize the Hannibal, that now has the name Conclusao and later I'll seize the Astro that is the nearest.” “You are allowed to seize them.” The Commander said. The Lieutenant Luckraft went to his cutter and the Commander Rossi was sent to Cap Schomberg quarter. “What is your complete name and nationality?” “My name is Gio Batta Rossi and I am Italian.” “What is your relationship with the Dona Ana?” “I'm the Commander.” “Who is the shipowner?” “The shipowner is Mr José Joaquim de Oliveira. He lives in downtown.” “You know that you have been arrested according the agreement signed By England and Brazil in November 23, 1826.” “We all know that the visit right on Brazilian ships mentioned 166


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in this agreement has been finished 15 years ago. Thus, this agreement does not have any value.” “We are keeping the agreement with Portugal.” “Come on, Mr Commander! All the world knows the English officers of Her Majesty are interested only in the Prize Money.” “It is not true, Mr Rossi! The Admiral Nelson never got valuable Prize Money.” “Of course! The Admiral Nelson was a honorable man, he never did so ashamed thing as you did. If he were in the command of your ship, he would never ordered his officers and sailors to go in the middle of night to cut the ropes of a ship docked to load legal cargoes, as the HMS Cormorant's did to the Polka at the port of Macaé.” “Your ship has a burden of proofs that she is applied on slavery traffic, including there are too many fresh water barrels.” “Fresh water? These barrels are filled with salty water used for ballast. Don't you do the same when the Cormorant is empty?” “The Act from the British Parliament by Lord Aberdeen, published on August 08, 1845, transfers for the English tribunals to pronounce condemnation sentences that were not been declared by Brazilian courts. “We are not within England jurisdiction! My detainment, also the Brazilian sailors and carpenters in your ship are illegal. On the British

government will be imputed all the responsibility for this 167

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action.” “Your threaten do not intimidate me. But, for you do not consider it as illegal detention, you and your fellows are allowed to walk on the vessel's deck and to see my ship till we finish the arrests.” The Commander Schomberg answered him. “Am I free?” Rossi asked him. “Yes! You may go.” Rossi left the commandant's cabin and on the deck he met the pilot Santiago. “Mr Rossi!” Santiago called him. “Pilot Santiago! How are you?” “Do the Paranagua authorities will help us?” “I don't know. I've noticed them two weeks ago.” “Does the Commander Schomberg will let we go?” “He told me that our freedom will happen only after the end of the seizures. To keep us in calm, he has let us to visit his ship.” “So, let's go! I would like to see the fire pieces, but I was afraid to be accused as spy. Though, there is a midshipman following me all the time.” Santiago said moving his inferior lips to Mr Backer. The Lieutenant Luckraft came close to the three masts sailing boat “Conclusão”, 412 tons and asked for her Commander, the ship's register and the cargoes papers. “Who Commands this ship?” Luckraft asked while looked 168


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around and saw how old and dirty was that ship. “It's me! This is the cargo manifest of fire wood to Rio de Janeiro.” The master apprehensive answered giving to him the papers. Luckraft just wanted to leaf the papers and said those documents were in order and gave it back to the master and called his men to leave the ship. “Good afternoon, master!” Luckraft saluted the Commander. “Good afternoon, Lieutenant!” The master in calm answered. “This ship is in order, let's go to the Astro!” On the Astro's deck, Nascimento, Franco and Severiano were talking and saw an English rowboat arriving. “An English boat is coming in!” Franco noticed them. “Severiano, go aboard the rowboat to the island side and wait for me till I have finished my job.” Nascimento said. “Take care, man!” Severiano answered. “I'm going to hide myself between the stern frames at the keel. If they want to take the Astro, tonight they will have a great surprise.” Nascimento said and went downward by the hatchway. “I'll stay here to watch over.” Franco advanced to notice him. “We'll be waiting for you at the Cotinga island.” Severiano answered and went aboard the rowboat. Nascimento ordered the crew for do not impede the English to come aboard and went downward by the hatchway to the fore keel. He 169

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raised the false keel's cover and laid down between the wet hull frames near several barrels filled with ballast water. The English sailors arrived aboard the ship followed by Luckraft, plenty of care for do not suffer any aggression. “Who is the schooner Commander?” “He is in downtown.” Franco answered to him. “Verify the traffic items.” The Lieutenant gave orders to his men that ran to stern ward to visit from deck to the commandant's cabin and from the lodgings to the stern-frames. “This ship is under repair, sir.” Franco explained. “My men will verify.” Luckraft answered. The sailors verified the tiller deck, the lodgings, the galley and the forecastle deck. Then, they came back. “There are no pans!” A sailor announced. “There are no food!” Another completed. “This ship is under repairs.” Franco repeated. “No canvas sails nor sailing instruments. Another sailor said. “This ship has been plundered.” Luckraft said. “This ship was bought on the last year and we are doing some repairs.” Franco declared. “Let's verify the hatch.” Luckraft ordered. “This hatchway is open, sir!” The sailors wide open all hatchways to light till the hold frames 170


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and went downward the stairs to the quarters, followed by the careful Lieutenant. They verified several rings screwed in the deck beam and several wooden panels. “The hatchway to the hold is covered by lattice frames and there are rings at the beams. These are signals that this is a traffic ship.” Luckraft said. The Lieutenant ordered the men to go downward to the hold, where usually are placed stones, sand bags and barrels with water for ballast. The noise of waves hitting against the hull were mixed with the sailors steps on the hold floor. Nascimento listened to the sailor's voices very close to him and covered his sweaty face with his coat lapel to hush up his heavy breathing. A sailor bunged up a barrel and dived his hand in the water and put in his mouth. “Her there are only barrels with salty water, sir!” “Salty water barrels? This is a very nice schooner and will get high bid in the Royal Navy's caution in Southampton. Let's go upstairs to tie her at our rowboat. If the ebb tide permit us, we will tow her at once to the Cormorant.” The Lieutenant said. Nascimento heard the quick steps going up to the main deck and raised the false keel's cover. He stood up and looked to his wet coat and cleaned it quickly with his hands, while began to seek for the hold drain pipe. He inclined carefully a barrel and rolled it to open the place where there were two holes on the floor. Nascimento put his hand into 171

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the holes and found two bronze plugs with butterfly screwed on the flange. He unscrewed the bronze plugs for draining water from the hold, till a strong gush of water invaded the frames. “Sir! There are several Brazilian rowboats in the vicinity.” A sailor advised Luckraft that walked to the forecastle. “So, let's go to the cruiser to ask for help.” A sailor said. “For a while, let's help Mr Buckley with that galley. I'll suggest our Commander to move the war vessel from the south side of the island, for the north side of the island.” Luckraft told them his idea. The English sailors went to their cutter and let the Astro behind. Franco realized that it was time to call back the Commander. Nascimento in the hold heard the steps on the gangway and the English sailors voices getting weak. A deep silence invaded the hold. Only the sound of waves hitting on the hull were possible to be heard, soon the Franco's voice called the Commander attention. Nascimento left the hold taking two bronze plugs in his hands. “Did you open the drain pipe to scuttle the Astro?” Franco asked. “We didn't have another choice.” Nascimento answered very sad. “Let's take a boat, while the English have gone to help the seizure of the Campeadora.” Franco suggested. “Hey, Franco!” Laura beckoned to Franco. 172


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“Come on board now!” The men brought some rowboats alongside the Astro and called for their Commanders. “Where is my trunk?” Nascimento asked to them. “It's here with me, sir!” The boatswain answered him. “I'll go in your boat. I have to change my coat.” Nascimento said. Franco left the Astro to go on board where Laura was. Nascimento stopped on the top of the gangway, raised the hat and put it on his chest and in loud voice said: “Pardon, my Lady, for what I have just done. But, I'll be back soon.” Nascimento promised while raised his hat and left the ship. “Let's go directly to the Commander Guimarães office in the Customs House, while you take the Laura's baggage to Mrs Leocadia's house” Nascimento ordered them.


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The Customs House in the Old Jesuits' College




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The Old Jesuits' College in 1850 1- First floor: Level of the Beach Street. Left Side: Market and Bathrooms. Middle and right side: Customs Warehouse. 2- Second Floor: Customs Warehouse. 3- Third Floor: Level of the Order's Street. Left Side: National Guard. Middle: National Guard. Behind: Chapel at the level of the Order's Street. Right Side: Customs Officers Rooms.


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Several public services had been established at the old Jesuits' School. The Customs Office with its warehouse; the Headquarters of the 1st Battalion of Infantry and its arsenal and the Public Market. People was gathered in front of the building at the Order Street claiming for an austere measure against the English war vessel. The Customs Inspector had convoked the city authorities and the military command for an emergency meeting in his office. The Customs Office was placed in a large room on the 3rd floor at the corner of the building, in front of the Taguaré river. Franco and Nascimento approached to the guard at the building entrance. “Excuse me, sir! My name is Nascimento and this is the Commander Franco and this is the master Severiano. We represent the Astro schooner shipowner and we want to talk to the Commander Guimarães.” “The Customs Inspector, the authorities, the Commander of the Battalion and some officers are in a meeting for more than two hours. Come with me to the room where they are.” The soldier invited them to enter. The three men followed the soldier upstairs till they arrived to the Customs Officers room where authorities were talking about the events. “Wait for a moment, please!” The soldier opened the door and asked permission to enter. The three men saw the authorities sat down at 176


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the table with green velvet tablecloth and some officers on foot. “Things are bad.” Severiano said while the soldier came back. “Only two men were allowed to enter.” The guard noticed. “I'll stay outside waiting for you.” Severiano said. “That God help us!” Franco prayed in low voice. “It is a piracy action! We don't have to tolerate any criminal to say what we have to do. I suggest, we must have to ask for help of the North American Ambassador, David Tod. He is in downtown.” Suggests the Commander Guimarães. “We must to act cautiously or we will be massacred by the Republican of the Liberal party-liners in the Province Assembly in Sao Paulo and also in the Senate. If it will happen, we'll lose the emancipation cause and we will have to continue to transport cargoes by the Itupava on mules back.” The Comendador Correia said. “We all know very well their thinking – all from the Monarchy values nothing!” The Judge Dr Filastrio commented. “Really! I also agree to ask for the Ambassador help.” The Inspector Caetano said. “We can't to separate our political activities from commercial; both are society affairs and we must give the deserved protection.” The Judge Dr Filastrio explained. “Sergeant! Go to my house and give this short letter to Mr Tod. Take two soldiers with you to protect him amid the multitude” The 177

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Captain Costa wrote a short letter asking for the Ambassador to come urgently for that meeting. “Paranagua is too far from the great political centers to wait for a General Assembly decision. We do not have enough time to get support from anyone else, we only have the National Guards forces and the Militias.” Dr Filastrio explained. “Gentlemen! England has arisen a serious problem to the Public Power of the Empire of Brazil and also for the owners of cargoes and ships. In such seizure of ships, England has confiscated from the Brazilian government the taxes generated in our legal exportation, beyond the liable taxes from ships and cargoes. As the Customs Inspector, I have invited you to my office to get a military support and to analyze a well-organized answer to our Empire. If any income from the Brazilian Government will come to be taken by England or any other country, all the Empire of Brazil will ask us, “What are you doing in this government?” Each coin taken by England must be recovered, or we have to apply on their war vessel the twice of damages they have caused on us.” The Customs Inspector Mr Caetano de Souza Pinto spoke to the National Guard and authorities, receiving strong applause. “We are here to help you!” Nascimento answered and all of them turned their faces on him. “Mr Nascimento, what can we do for you?” The Commander Guimarães asked him. 178


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“My ship is sinking at the Cross Point and my partner, Mr Franconi, was seized by the cruiser.” Nascimento answered with anger. “We have just analyzed that matter and will send a commission for that ship to negotiate the release of all detained workers. The pilot's wife has been here, also asking for help.” Mr Guimarães said. “I can help you with my men and guns.” Nascimento offered help for a gunned confrontation. “Thank you, Nascimento!” The Comendador Correia Jr said. “We must to know, how many men does the English Commander have on board?” The Commander Guimarães asked to Nascimento. “We have to provide a larger number of soldiers.” The Comendador Correia Jr justified. “According the English navy, the HMS Cormorant is a thousand tons ship and is near two hundred feet long, so she is a 7 th Class ship and must have 135 men on board. I believe that soldiers in guns are about eighty men.” Nascimento explained. “So, to face that war ship, we must to send one hundred men for heavy artillery and one hundred men with light guns for a possible combat on land.” The Comendador Correia suggested. “Do we have ammunition enough for muskets and cannons?” The Commander Guimarães asked to his officer that was sat down beside him. 179

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“The last month report says that we have only five barrels of powder and almost 200 round shots, beyond grapes and Shrapnel.” The officer answered. “If we count only with the local groceries, we have ammunition for three days of fire.” The town councilor Mr Joaquim answered, looking to the apprehensive faces. “Comendador Guimarães, you are the National Guard Commander, can you tell us what is the actual conditions of the fortress?” The Judge Dr Filastrio asked. “Excuse me! Let me answer to Mr Judge.” The Captain Costa stood up to answer. “The fortress has eight canons caliber 12 (pounds) and four caliber 18 (pounds). If the pilot will take the ship by the channel before the stones, we'll have good shots by all cannons. But if they will leave on high tide by the false bar sailing around the Pieces Island, the ship will be out of reach by the caliber 12 and it will be very difficult to hit them with the round shot caliber 18. Beyond that, some pieces have their carts broken and must be repaired.” The Captain Costa answered. “We must send ammunition and wood to repair the carts.” The Comendador Correia Jr said. “We must to send carpenters.” The Chief of Police said. “Let's call immediately the volunteers from the militias who live in downtown with age between eighteen to twenty-five years old. If 180


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we don't get people enough, we'll do as we have just agreed; we'll send soldiers from the 1st Battalion without the National Guard uniform.” The Commander said. “A great number of volunteers is amid the crowd in front of this building.” The Captain Costa said. “Captain Costa, give order to join the volunteers now and give them guns, bullets, powder and fuse and paper for them to make their own cartridges. We will answer any legal process saying what we have agreed to do. We will say that it was an independent reaction from the uncontrollable youth that did all that by their own decision.” The Commander explained his order. The Captain Costa wrote quickly the order on a sheet of paper and gave it to a herald sergeant, asking him to read it immediately for the crowd. “Let's send a commission to bring back the sailors and workers detained in the HMS Cormorant.” The Chief of Police Mr Barroso said. “Tonight we'll send the volunteers to the fortress by the south channel to Honey Island.” The Comendador Correia Jr Suggested. “We must do some arrangements.” The judge Dr Filastrio said. “First: we'll send a messenger to the fortress to notice our decision to the Captain Barbosa and to bring his daughters and the boy.” “Second: We need the help of a doctor and a nurse to take care of the wounded.” 181

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“Dr Filastrio! Don't you forget to send a protest letter to the English Commander and another to authorize the Commander Barbosa to impede the escape of the ships.” The Commander Guimarães said. “I'll write all the letters. The letter to Commander Barbosa I'll send only after we'll have rescued all the arrested workers. Because the English Commander may use the hostages as human shield.” The judge Dr Filastrio justified his fear. “Colonel Guimarães! As you are the Commander of the National Guard, you must to keep your troop on alert to be on duty till the end of this state of war.” The Comendador Correia Jr said. “Of course! The Captain Costa has just ordered the soldiers.” “I hope that nothing we have discussed in this room will come to be heard by the Paulistanian deputy in the Province Assembly. Otherwise, so long Parana Province.” The Commander Guimarães lamented. “Last night there was a meeting in the Masonry with the presence of several visitors. Today, I'll send a note asking for a new meeting for the brotherhood tonight”. The Comendador Correia said. “Just now, when we are getting support for our emancipation and with so much guests in downtown, happens a fatality like that. What do we say for the guests?” Dr Filastrio expressed his indignation. “Dr Filastrio is correct. We don't have how to say: Ladies and gentlemen, don't be scared with the shots. We are only giving a special 182


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treatment for the British Royal Navy.” The Commander Guimarães spoke ironically. “On Monday morning at ten o'clock, when the assembly in the town-council will open the service, we'll tell them all that event.” The Judge Dr Filastrio exposed his idea. “Now, let's get down to work! Who will go to the English ship?” The Commander Guimarães asked them. “What will we do, if the English Commander will detain the delegates?” The town councilor Mr Joaquim asked. “Let's give them one hour to negotiate.” The Comendador said while a deep silence hovered them all in the room. I heard the herald by reading the convening of volunteers. If they don't come back, I'll go on board.” The Ambassador David Tod answered from the office's door, breaking the silence. “Mr Ambassador!” All of them said at one voice. “Thanks for your attention for my request, Mr Ambassador!” The Captain Costa told him. “The English may propose to exchange the ships by the detained citizens.” The Comendador Correia Jr suggested. “In this case, the delegates must to accept.” The Ambassador answered. “But, as the detained are not criminals, the English will never leave the port with our intact ships, neither for nothing in this world.” 183

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Nascimento declared his decision, just begun with his own ship. “To raise the hand, who wants to participate in that mission” The Commander Guimarães proposed. “I feel myself as the stork taking out the bone from the wolf's throat.” The Chief of Police said with a hand over his head, while he saw the Town Councilor Mr Joaquim to raise up his hand. “As La Fontaine has said: "Isn't enough for you to save your neck?” Mr Joaquim answered with a bitter smile. “Dr Filastrio! You are a fine and high-bred man, however, we need a hard and determined official letter to build up the effect this affair requires.” The Commander Guimarães said to the Judge. “Don't be worried, Mr Commander. We all know that you dictate skilfully several letters at the same time, but my texts are already done in my mind.” The judge Dr Filastrio answered him. “Mr Chief of Police and Mr Town Councilor, go and negotiate the rescue of our people and come back alive! It is an order!” The Commander Guimarães advised them. “Let's do everything for the new Province of Parana and for Brazil!” The Town councilor Mr Joaquim spoke in solemn voice. The authorities left the room and the National Guard Commander went to his Quarter followed by the Ambassador Mr David Tod. A Sergeant entered in the Commander's Quarter to announce. “Sir! We have received information that more than fifty 184


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volunteers have joined up.” “Thank you! It is near five o'clock. Is there any notice about the delegates?” The Commander asked. “We have some observers on the Order Church's steeple and they said the Customs boat is just alongside the ship.” “Thank you! Tell us all the action in the bay.”


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Corridor of the Customs House





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The Captain Herbert Schomberg was on the bridge's deck with his officers, when the sailors ran to take their guns. The Customs rowboat came near to moor alongside the gangway. “Halt!” Ordered a sailor, at the Captain's sight. “We have come to negotiate with the Commander Schomberg.” The Chief of Police Mr Barroso announced. “Take them to my Quarter.” The Captain ordered his men to let the authorities to come on board. “What agreeable surprise!” Santiago said with loud voice. “Chief of Police Mr Barroso and Mr Joaquim. How do we get away from this ship?” Rossi asked them very upset. “Franconi, Santiago! How are you? Anita has been to the Inspector Caetano office few hours ago. She was worried about your presence on board.” The Chief of Police, Mr Barroso said to him. “She was furious when an officer aimed his gun against her brother.” Santiago told them. “You may come in!” The Lieutenant Luckraft invited both of them to enter in the bridge cabin and introduced them to the Commander. “What can I do for you, gentlemen?” The Captain Schomberg was sat down at the table and asked them in French. “I am the Chief of Police and this is the Town Councilor Mr 187

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Joaquim. We have come to take home some Brazilian workers that are detained on board against their will.” The Chief answered in French. “These men were in ships without legal register. The ships I've arrested have several names on the hull and are equipped for slave traffic. The ships have been arrested in accomplishment to the agreement between England and Brazil.” The Commander Schomberg said. “If the arrested vessels were of traffic, you should have a lot of slaves on board. Where are them? The Councilor Mr Joaquim asked. “Mr Commander, we all know the long term you refer, has been expired at nine years ago in 1841.” The Chief answered looking into the Captain eyes. “We are executing the orders by the Act Aberdeen.” The Captain tried to justify his action. “Excuse me sir, but inside Brazilian borders who writes the laws are Deputies and Senators in the General Assembly and we are responsible for the accomplishment of the laws. Nobody has given for you any authority to make laws according your will inside our country.” The Town Councilor Mr Joaquim answered him. “That apprehension on Brazilian waters is illegal.” Rossi protested. “Come on, Mr Commander! Be reasonable! England needs much more from Brazil, than Brazil from England. These few ships 188


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arrested will represent much more harmful loss for English industries. We'll be eight million consumers out of the market for English products.” The Town Councilor Mr Joaquim showed him the English trade damage in course. “My obligation is to fulfill the orders given by Rear-Admiral Barrington Reynolds, the fleet Commander.” The Captain said. “That your obligation does not hide your interest in the Prize Money, Mr Commander. However, we want to know about the detained Brazilians?” The Chief of Police Barroso asked him. “The English affairs concern only to us, but your people will be judged in our tribunals.” Schomberg declared. “Under what accusation an English tribunal will condemn a Brazilian navy carpenter doing his job in his own country?” The Chief of Police asked. “Not all of them are carpenters!” Schomberg noticed him. “So, you must give liberty for the carpenters!” Barroso said. “I am a very tolerant man and will consent you all to sign up a habeas-corpus. But, about the ships, I have to accomplish the law.” The Captain Schomberg resolved the question. “And what about the pilot?” Mr Joaquim asked the Captain. “The Mr Pilot is here by his will and must to continue his task till the end. When we'll leave the bar, he will be disembarked without troubles. He has not yet finished his job, whereas he is in the place of a 189

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sailor dead in Uruguay.” The Captain Schomberg answered. “Would you please, to provide a pen, ink and paper for the detained men to sign a requirement?” The Town councilor asked him. “Of course! I want you all to cite the names and occupation.” Schomberg told them giving a pen, ink pot and paper. “I'll write down the requirement.” The Chief made ready. “Thank you, sir. We have an officer to do it.” The Captain said, while orders as sailor to ask for Mr Lindsay. The English clerk arrived, sat down at the table and wrote the requirement. After that, the Captain allowed the entrance of one by one of the detained in the bridge to sign up the document. The Commander Rossi was known by everyone by the nickname Franconi. He signed “Gio Batta Rossi, Commander of the Audaz, Tereza and Dona Ana”. (That was the name of one of the passengers in the yacht “Estrela Brilhante”, registered in the Navy Police three weeks ago in Rio de Janeiro.) “You all are free. But, there are no place for you all in the Customs rowboat.” The Chief of Police said to the workers. “I'll go swimming as soon as possible, before these perverted execute their bad idea.” Rossi showed his opinion. “The boats wait for you at one hundred yards, to stay beyond the muskets reach.” The Chief warned them. “I'll go to the Cross Point by myself. See you later in the 190


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Customs House!” The Italian known as Franconi answered to them. Rossi climbed on the main rail and dived into the sea. He withdrew swimming to a boat, where the rowers were beckoning to him. The call to arms in the Pillory Square by Captain Costa moved a great number of the Militia volunteers. Nascimento took his men to the groceries at Beach Street to buy barrels of powder gun. Franconi, still soaked to skin, arrived followed by several sailors from the arrested ships and gathered to them in a only proposal: Do not let the English to take the ships untouched. At the Beach Street there was a great activity among the volunteers that will go to the fortress. Too many young men were taking food, other were in a line to give their names, others were loading ammunition barrels, other were loading rafter and timber for the boats moored at the quay. Laura was in Leocadia's house of two story. All that shouting took their attention and some people in the house went to the street. The two ladies ran to the balcony. The fresh wind from the river at night fall, wasn't enough to refresh the Lusitania blood which was boiling with hate in their veins. “I'll go with them to the island.” Laura said. “So, I'll follow you.” Leocadia completed. “Do you know how to shot?” Laura asked her. “Of course! My father and my husband have taught me.” 191

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“Mr Chopitea?” “Yes! We were very active in our trading company in Chile and I had to know how to protect myself.” “Do you have any gun at home?” Laura asked her. “I have some Spanish clavinas (carbine) from my deceased husband and everything you may need.” “Do the guns are in order? “Yes, they are! While our people are on the sidewalk to know about the last events, let's change our clothes and to take the guns.” The women left the balcony to dress an appropriate cloth and soon they appeared in the living room, where Leocadia arrived with some equipment. “I choose a canvas cartridge belt with greasy papers filled up with gunpowder, fuses and bullets. You have only to pull up the cartridge by the string. But what about you, do you know how to shot? Leocadia asked her pulling up a cartridge by the string. “You know very well that our history has begun in Bahia with Paraguassu, whose husband was Caramuru. My brother and I have learned how to manage fire guns and sword-fighting when we were teenager.” Laura answered holding a gun in the horizontal to examine it. “You surprise me every time. My mother descends directly from the Duke of Lanoya, that's why we have the blood of the brave Guimarães' fighters, where Portugal was founded.” Leocadia told her 192


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while pounded the cartridge with the rod. “People have to know how to manage guns for do not perish under criminal hands.” Laura agreed while pounded with a rod the cartridge with string and bullet. “I also know the court routine requires some skillfulness. His Majesty the Emperor has been trained by the Lieutenant Colonel Luís Alves de Lima e Silva, who became senator and colleague of his father.” Leocádia said demonstrating to know about the court. “Talking about fathers, don't you forget to notice your parents that you are going to fight in Honey Island. It will be a great loss if they will be told by the little-mouths.” “No! I'll ask to my servant to tell him only tomorrow. But now, here we go! As Manuela from Tucuman and Anita from Laguna have joined to noble causes, we'll do the same.” Leocadia spoke aloud and with reliant voice. For the first time, the retinue of curious boys following the man who lights the oil lamps didn't happen. There were too many simultaneous events to confuse the little-mouths. Every time there were some news happening to impose the crazy scurry of boys. The Pillory Square was weakly illuminated by two olive-oil lamps with trembling flames by the wind. Both women walked dressing clothes to ride on horseback and they were top booted. Notwithstanding, they were taking heavy weapon, they were walking quickly between 193

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tool trunks, powder casks and volunteers. The young men smiled happy as soon as they saw the two women among them in that troop. Laura stopped at the stone Pillory and trod one foot on the first of the four stairs to rest the butt of the clavina (rifle) on her leg. Leocadia had two belts on her shoulders and was taking a clavina under her right arm. The women were seeking for Franco in that crowd. “Franco!” The wind was waving the golden Laura's hair seemed to be from an angel hovering over a battle field. At her side was Mrs Leocadia with black hair and thick eyebrow looking around like an eagle. “Franco!” Franco and Nascimento were arriving from the Town Council Building at the Order Street and they listened those feminine voices asking for Franco. “Franco, your fiancee asks for you.” Nascimento told him. “What do they intend to do with all those guns? Franco asked. “By their clothes, they want to go to combat. “Hi, Laura! What are you doing with that gun?” “We are going to fight in Honey Island.” Leocadia answered. “This is a wonderful Spanish clavina, isn't it? Laura asked him with a large smile and lifts the rifle to show him. “What do you intend to do? Can you explain it for me, Laura? “What do you have to tell me, Mrs Leocadia?” Nascimento 194


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asked. “I've been fighting for this Province for much more time than you can to imagine, Mr Commander.” Leocadia answered him. “Does your father know about your decision?” Franco asked. “No! I am widow without child and I can do what I want”. “The Captain-major Manoel Pereira, your father, will destroy our ships with his own hands, if anything will happen to you in that island. I thank your help, but both of you must go back home. It is a task for men.” Nascimento intervened and answered very furious. “I didn't come here to stay closed at home. I'll go with you, Mr Franco.” Laura advanced to answer him. “Listen to me, Mrs Leocadia! You have told us in the Dona Julia's evening recital that Mr Augusto Cysneiros from Portugal has asked you in marriage. Don't change your happiness.” Nascimento insists to change Leocadia's plan. “It will be too dangerous. You are a Lady in the Brazilian court and must not to take part in such affair.” Franco said to her. “Please! Let me help you.” She begged them with tears of hate. “I'm sorry, Mrs Leocadia.” Nascimento answered, while Leocadia take out from her shoulders one belt after the other and gives them to Laura. “Take care of yourself!” Leocadia advised Laura kissed her face and went back home very sad. 195

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“What about me, Franco. I only have you! What can I do?” Laura asked him as she puts the belts on her shoulder. “You can't follow us to the Honey Island. We'll have to walk all night long through the island swamps. If you really want to help, you must take the boat with Dr Killer. He is in the Customs pier and needs hospital-nurses.” Franco said to her. “I'll do it just now.” Laura said kissing him softly and left the square quickly, taking two guns on her shoulders. Several boys were behind the Pillory at the slope side, smoking some corn straw cigarettes from a pack found on the street. The littlemouths have heard the talking and left running to announce: “The Galizia young woman will be nurse in the fortress.” One boy spoke with difficult, suffocated by the corn straw cigarette smoke. “Mrs. Leocadia won't go to fight.” Another boy cried, getting rid of the embers from the corn straw cigarette that had opened and fallen over him. “Who does not have signed the list yet?” Nascimento asks. “Look, Mr Franco! The young men from the Militia are arriving in civilian clothes and commanded by a sergeant of the National Guard.” A local sailor noticed him. “Thanks God! Now I am confident of our strength. The authorities may have received support from the American Ambassador Mr David Tod for do not let us alone.” Franco commented. 196


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“We'll need much more boats for the transportation till Honey Island.” The Commander Freire, from the Campeadora, noticed them. “Don't worry, Freire! We'll depart at nine o'clock and till then, some boats will add to our troop.” The Lieutenant Ricardo began to notice all of them. “Discharge all the barrels with powder far from the fuses at the quay.” Rossi was still wearing wet cloth and advised all of them. “We have our tools in order.” Some carpenters were introduced. “Each man must take his own food. Take care with fire! You are allowed only to chew tobacco. I don't want to see nobody smoking cigars, cigarette of corn straw nor pipe.” The Lieutenant Ricardo ordered. “My straw!” A volunteer crushes a package of corn straw cigarette and threw it on the ground. “Every one who has fire guns, don't forget to take grease paper for gunpowder, fuses and bullets for muskets.” The Captain Costa advised them. A horse cart stopped at the Customs pier and some servant discharged medicine boxes and supplies. They took the boxes for the Customs rowboat. The master and the sailors were ready to depart since the nightfall. They have been waiting for the medicine, the messenger, the physician and the nurses. 197

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“Will the English stop us?” Laura asked to Dr Killer. “I don't think so. We'll sail as if we were only passengers.” Dr Killer answered taking her hands to help her. The master and the rowers set the Latin sail to take the Northeast tack to sail alongside the Cotinga's Island. At the other side of the island, in the middle of the dark night, the HMS Cormorant seemed to be a ghost ship with its smoky and sibilant noise. Several sailors gunned with muskets arrived to the main rail and looked at the sailing boat near the ship. “I will cover the boxes with a sail cloth on the forecastle.” The master said. “They consider themselves superior and that we are harmless.” Dr Killer said looking to the white waterline painted on the hull under the plates that cover the wheel paddles. Some strong hammerings on iron coming from inside of the ship, just below the copper sheets covering the wheel paddles, called the doctor's attention.



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The Gate of the Fortress of Our Lady of Pleasure




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At nine o'clock, on that winter night, the Beach Street was dark and empty, only the oil lamps an the houses of commerce were offering some lights to that place. Twenty boats had departed from the quay to Honey Island taking 200 men and equipment. They had gone by the river at the south of the Cotinga's Island for do not sail in front of the war ship. Near midnight, the boat's master announced to doctor Eduardo they were going to run ashore in front of the fortress. A sentinel, at the sentry box on the high of the fortress wall, watched a boat to ground on the beach with some persons on board. The soldier called for the Captain Barbosa in the Headquarter room and asked for the passengers identification. “Halt! Who's there?” “I am Dr Eduardo Killer from the hospital. I have orders from the Paranagua authorities to come with some medicine, surgery supplies and a messenger with letters for your Captain.” The Captain Barbosa and the Sergeant were in the Headquarters for routine and to change the guards at the second quarter. They heard the guards' voice and ran up the rampart above the gates. The guard noticed them about the just arrived boat and the passengers. The Captain couldn't see them very well in the darkness, but as they had given their names for the sentinel, the Captain ordered the Sergeant to 200


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let them to come in. While voices were sent to open the gate. Both men walked downward by the stone ramp to the gate. “Open the gate! Let them come in!” The Captain Barbosa and the Sergeant arrived to the gateway giving orders for the soldiers. The prison's corridor has stone roof in arch and is lightened by oil lamps hung at the wall. The soldiers opened one of the two heavy gates and saw two men and two women standing on the stones in front of the gate. The Captain approached to the doorstep to receive them. “Good evening, Commander!” Dr Killer was taking carefully the women by their arms, when they entered in the corridor he saluted the Captain. “Good evening, Dr Eduardo!” Come in to the fortress. “Thank you, sir! This is my hospital-nurse Miss Luciana and that is Miss Laura, a volunteer that has arrived to help us and this is our messenger.” “Nice to meet you! You are welcome to the Fortress of Our Lady of Pleasure.” The Captain welcomes them shaking hands. “Thank you!” Laura answered him. “Thank you, sir! We have some medicine boxes in the boat and we need help to discharge.” Doctor Killer said indicating with his hands. “Sergeant! Order two soldiers to take the boxes and wake up the cooker to prepare a meal for the visitors.” The Captain said. 201

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“Take care! There are some bottles in the boxes.” The doctor warned the soldiers. “I have a message for you, Mr Captain.” The messenger said. “Come in to my headquarter!” The Captain invited them. “This is an office letter from the Municipal Judge Dr Filastrio for the fortress Commander. There is a multitude of volunteers coming in several boats by the south side of Honey Island. They will arrive here by the morning.” The messenger said looking to the Captain and gave him the office letter. The Captain received the sealed envelope, opened and read the letter. After reading the letter, the Captain was thoughtful. He opened the table drawer and took a leather briefcase to keep the office letter and put it back into the drawer. He lift up his face to the messenger and for Dr Killer and concluded. “Now I have orders from the authorities to open fire against the English cruiser. I'll follow the Dr. Filástrio instructions. I'll write an official letter for the HMS Cormorant Commander as the Judge suggests.” Said the Captain. “Dr Filastrio has entrusted me to take tonight your children to Paranagua.” The messenger noticed the Captain. “I am waiting for that possibility, since two weeks ago, after the Astro schooner arrival and much more now, after the arrival of the HMS Cormorant on this morning. Wait for me in this headquarters, 202


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while I'll go to my children rooms to notice them.” The Commander asked for permission and left the group. The Commander walked slowly on the stone pavement. He asked for a soldier to light the lamps to illuminate the causeway. When the sky was clean at night, it was possible to see the Whale's mount silhouette behind the house. The Captain stopped at the doorstep and looked to the house, to the powder house at the left side and to the chapel at the right side and thought a little. He looked to the chapel and asked to the soldier at the lamp to prepare that place for the hospital. The short old man with large mustache entered in the living room and took a match to light a fish oil lamp and knocked the doors. “Joaquim! Ana! Wake up children!” “Dad! What is happening?” “Come to the living room. I must have a word with you.” “What is going on?” The oldest daughter asks him, while she sits down on a chair and her youngster sister comes to seat on her legs. “I've just been noticed by Dr Eduardo Killer and by a message sent by the Judge that the English war ship has arrested several sailing boats at the Cotinga's island. I must to impede them for do not leave the port. I want you to go along with the messenger to your grand-mother's house in Paranagua.” “There will have combat?” The son, Joaquim asked him. “When?” The oldest daughter asked. 203

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“Maybe on Sunday or Monday, at the beginning of the ebb tide. But there is the possibility to happen nothing.” “May we to stay with you?” The younger daughter asked. “No! If your mother were alive, she would not let you stay here in this fortress. Now, I want you to prepare your baggage to follow the messenger. Dr Eduardo has brought two nurses that will stay in the hostess room.” “Just now that we have arrived for vacation. I won't let you alone in combat.” Joaquim claimed. “I also want to stay. I can help you to fill the cannon gunpowder cartridges.” The oldest daughter justified. “I can help Dr Killer with the wounded.” A little girl said. “We also want to stay.” The young girls claimed. “May I to invite the nurse to sleep with me?” The youngest daughter asked embracing a porcelain doll. “I always have imagined that someday it would happen. When I was prisoner of the Orientals, because there were some traitor mercenaries in our Navy, I was very upset about my parents. We could take the Castile's ship, when was taking us to another prison and we escaped to Brazil. Now it's time for my sons to comfort me and for whom I am much more worried about.” “For Brazil! Joaquim calls them in loud voice.” “For Brazil! For our country!” The brothers repeated the words 204


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and ran to hug their father. “Well, children. Go back to sleep!” The Commander went back to his quarter in the fortress where the messenger, the physician and the nurses were having a meal with coffee and biscuits. “Where are the children?” The messenger asked him looking to the garden. “They won't go! They want to help us in the combat.” “But, they are children!” Dr. Killer protested. “It is not possible to believe that your children don't want to go.” Laura doubts for what she has just heard. “They always knew that it would happen.” The Captain said. “I'll go to talk to them. Laura suggested and stood up. “Thanks for your kindness, Lady. But, they won't to accept your help. They are much more used to military life than to civilian.” The Captain answered and convinced her to sit down again. “May I go back home, now?” The messenger asked. “Yes, you may! The Captain allowed him. “Thank you very much for the meal, Captain. See you later. “You are welcome!” The Captain shook his hand. “God keep you in peace!” The messenger said and left them, walking quickly to the boat. “Dr Eduardo! There is a bed for you in the Guards lodging. I 205

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believe you'll feel comfortable and the nurses will be very well in our guest's room.” The Captain said, while they took their belongings. “See you tomorrow, Commander.” On Sunday morning, June 30, 1850, the volunteers arrived to the fortress beach. The sentinel called for the Commander. Laura and the nurse Luciana were helping the older daughter to prepare the breakfast for the children. “Sir! There is a crowd arriving by the beach.” The guard said. “Good morning, Commander! They are the sailors and the Militias volunteers. They are taking materials and ammunition.” The Doctor answered at the side of the Captain Barbosa. “Good morning, Doctor Eduardo! I will ask them do introduce themselves.” “We are the owners of some Brazilian cargoes ships arrested and some dwellers from Paranagua.” Rossi introduced himself. “What do you intend?” The sentinel asked him. “By decision of the authorities in Paranagua and by order of the Commander of the National Guard, the Comendador Manuel Antonio Guimarães, we are here to give support for the Commander Barbosa.” “Open the gates!” The Commander Barbosa gave the order. “Why all that fluster?” Laura asked. “The volunteers have arrived!” Joaquim answered looking the 206


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gate. “Franco!” Laura whispered the beloved name and ran to the kitchen's door and saw Franco, Nascimento and Rossi coming through the gateway. “Laura!” Franco beckons to his beloved young girl. The men stop in the corridor with the Commander in the middle. “Good morning, Mr Commander! Did you receive the office letter from the Judge, Dr Filástrio, giving authorization to open fire, as the way to impede the war ship to leave the port with our ships?” “Yes! I've received it last night. Come to the headquarter.” The shipowners and officers followed the Captain. Nascimento told to Captain Barbosa what happened in Santos and why he changed the name Sagaz for Astro and the hard measure against his own ship. “By this way, I've scuttled the Astro.” Nascimento told him. “The Brazilian people will recognize your extreme gesture and the legitimate expression of repulse against the English. It is evident that the Republican will disregard your effort. “When we were sailing alongside the ship, I've heard somebody hammering any iron piece. It has make me know that the machine house is exactly below the white line painted on the hull, just behind the wheel pad box. Dr Eduardo revealed. “It's the ship's vulnerable point. The Captain said. “How are your artillery pieces? Rossi asked. 207

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“Some pieces are small and we need to repair its carts. Do you know the ship's armament? The Captain asked for details about the ship's guns. “Yes! While I've been detained in the Cormorant, I could to verify their guns and ammunition. They have four cannons caliber 64 (28,992kg) at port side and starboard and two caliber 80 (36,24kg) on forecastle at both sides. These two cannons are on axle and with round shots, long shrapnel and net grapes.25 “They won't use grapes because it is not appropriate against fortress. I believe they will use only long shrapnel with wings. The English have good artillery men for navy combat, but against fortress it is different. The ship will be unstable with the action of the waves and it will impede good shots. However, our guns are stationery and we'll have much better shots them the ship. They have three cannons against us, while we have twelve against them (at the end of the combat, the fortress had only two cannons on carts. The shrapnel may cause several casualties among our artillery men when explode launching musket bullets for everywhere. In 1816, the Brigadier Alvares has cast out the Argentinean Artigas from Rio Grande do Sul with two cannons and shrapnel. But, if they use round shots, they won't cause any damage on us. The commander Barbosa analyzed the possibilities. 25 - Six Centuries of Artillery. - Lieut. Col. Artillery. Alves, J. V. Portella -

Bibliex - 1949



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“As soon as the boys arrive with the materials, we ask you Mr Captain to instruct them.” The shipowner Rossi asked him. “Well! Lieutenant Ricardo and Lieutenant Joaquim, let's wait for the volunteers to have the breakfast. Later, order them to come together into the chapel for artillery instruction, before they kill themselves as in the shipyard.” The Captain was afraid with some inexperienced militias volunteers. Laura went to the window in the thick wall of the Captain's office. She has in her hands a enamelware cup with coffee and a slice of bread. She listened to the talking between the shipowners and officers. Franco saw her at the window and went to the garden to meet her. “A day far from you seems to be an eternity.” Laura whispered in low voice as she gave him the coffee. “You are like the Captain: violent with the enemies, but kind with his sons.” Franco answered her. “I want to know how are you, in face that eminent battle? She asked. “Don't be afraid with me, but take care of yourself.” Franco said. “I'm in calm. In Portugal the medical treatment is so important as the military training, here it won't be so different.” Laura answered. “Soon we'll be back to our ship.” Franco promises. “My blood boils when I think that the fishes are living in our 209

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love nestle.” Laura says. “All that will finish soon. We'll have too many time together.” “Do you promise?” She asked him. “I do! But now, I must to go back. We have too many work. Thank you for the coffee”. Franco kissed her softly, at the sight of the volunteers drinking coffee sat down on the ramp.



Astro Schooner

The Church of the Third Order of Saint Francisco




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The city dwellers were entering and leaving the churches all night long. All of them were seeking for God's protection and the Saints' favor for their sons in Honey Island. While some mothers in lost sight to strum their rosaries, the men didn't hide their apprehension with the inevitable way for combat which their sons were trailing. After the Militia volunteers departure, the gathering of men in the streets and corners moved for the churches. The oldest men were talking about the combats in Uruguay and Argentina during the Cisplatina War. The comments were also on the most recent revolution against Garibaldi's troops in Rio Grande do Sul. The Italian had called to arms the small population to fight against the Empire for five years, to get the Independence of that Province. At day break, men and women with imbeh liana's basket at the forearm went to the Market, in front of the Pillory Square. The Street Order and several other had pavement with stones from the SĂŁo TomĂŠ islands. These black stones had been used as ship's ballast, during the slave trade in the last century. That street begins behind the Customs House and finishes in the public square at the Comendador quay. This is the highest street in the city and has several sumptuous two story building. Near the Customs House, there are several offices at the street level. In the street half there are the commerce houses and at the end is the industrial side, with several 212


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warehouses for exportation of lumber and herb mate and two shipyards. Early in the morning, the new bell in the Order Church was beating very sad. After the arrival of that English war ship, the traditional commemoration of the Saint Peter's day on Saturday had lost its brightness. A young woman with a hand bag in her arm stopped in front of the half-open gate to the porch at the side of the Captain Costa's house. The noise of silverware from the dining room called the woman's attention that entered to visit the family. The woman opened the side door and walked through the living room with fine decoration and French fashion furniture on Arabian tapestry. The illumination was provided by several luster and chandeliers with crystals made in Bohemia. The Germany piano and several chairs showed the culture level of that family. The windows were covered by green velvet curtains with golden embroideries and tied by silk pendants with ivory rings. Near the corridor was the flight of stairs for the rooms. On the two newels of the varnished stair to the second floor, there was a pair of pine cones carved in hardwood. To the left side of the corridor was the Captains office with his library and at the right side was the Julia's Painting atelier. The large dining-room was at the end of the corridor where the couple was having the breakfast, served by the maidservant Antonia. “Good morning, Mrs Julia, Mr Captain! Excuse-me! I didn’t 213

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have knocked the door because it was opened. Are you well?” The woman greeted the couple, and kissed Mrs Julia. “Good morning, Helena! Don't mind if the door was open or not. The messenger sent to the fortress yesterday, has just arrived early in this morning to talk to Mr Costa and when he left we didn't locked it.” Julia has explained. “Sit down for the breakfast.” The Captain invited her. “Thank you! I've just got my breakfast.” “Yesterday at the afternoon, Julia was not in very good health. Dr Eduardo Killer has been here, before he went to the fortress. He said that the sneezes and the low fever were consequences of the sudden weather changing on last week. “The bad weather has brought a cold wave by these days. Thanks God it was not a pernicious fever or pneumonia.” “You are in good appearance and good-humored. It means that you are recovered from that bad cold. “Thanks, Helena! Julia is well.” The Captain said while touched his wife’s hands affectionately. “Was Dr Eduardo called for the fortress?” Helena asked him. “Of course! He was called by the authorities because he is the Surgeon-major. The wounded will need physician and volunteer nurses. Even the Mrs Leocadia's relative who has just arrived from Olinda, has embarked to Honey Island.” The Captain said. 214


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“Laura has let her servant with me, while she is absent.” “She's a courageous girl! Have a look at the news, Julia! Master Pedro Miranda of the Saquarema's sailing boat has brought on this morning these newspapers from Rio and Santos.” “News from the court! That's wonderful!” Julia’s eyes shone, while she leafs through some pages. “It's up to date! The last edition from Rio has only ten days.” The Captain said reading on the first pages. “Are you going to the mass?” Helena asked her. “Certainly! I’m waiting for Leocadia to go with me. Perhaps her guests are delaying her. Our guests, the American Ambassador and his family from Rio de Janeiro are still sleeping upstairs.” “I've heard a child cry for a along time.” The Captain said. “Yes, that was the little Sallie, she is only six month and is very kind to me.” Julia told them. “This child is not too young for a trip like that?” Helena asked. “The Ambassador Tod is an important politician to come here alone. This period as Minister to Brazil will be an important chapter of his biography.” The Captain said. “You are very pretty in this Daguerreotype.” Helena said looking to the small metallic picture on the table. “Did you like? I've just received it two days ago. It worth the tiresome exposition without a single movement to register the plate in 215

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the laboratory at the Braziers Street in Rio de Janeiro. Fortunately, that process is faster than an oil painting.” Julia gave explanations to Helena, while the Order's Church bell has had tolled too sadly again. “Who has died? The Order Church's bell is so sad.” “Nobody has died, Helena! Not yet. I want to know if there are good news from Rio.” The Captain told her and got up to read other editions. “Antonia! Would you please clean the table and wake up the guests.” Julia asked for the maidservant that puts on a silver tray the plates, used cups and silverware. “There are news about a theater company.” The Captain said. “Look! There is a poetry published in English in the Commerce Journal. I believe it has been written by somebody from the English consulate.” “What is the subject?” The Captain asked her. “Listen! The author signs with the pseudonym of Anglicus. The title is: Lines Suggested by Recent Events.” “The flag of our isle has floated long while. Not been by the boldest defied. But that proud flag is stained, For humanity feigned And to pirates now, near allied.” “This poetry of Anglicus is too heavy. He should have felt 216


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himself really reviled with the apprehensions by the fleet of Admiral Reynolds.” The Captain said sitting down beside his wife. “The end reveals the meaning.” The Helena said. “Aha! I just know who Anglicus is!” Julia said smiling. “Your intelligence would surprise your grandfather! Who do you think Anglicus is?” The Captain asked kissing her slightly. “Do you remember when we came back from Rio de Janeiro?” “Yes! We had been invited by the Colonel Guimarães for his knighthood ceremony in the Rio de Janeiro's court and we left the city after the Christmas. Your behavior in the court was worthy to a princess. Also Dona Leocadia de Chopitea26 was radiant after Mr Jose Augusto Cysneiros had told the court he wanted to marry her. The Captain reminded.” “Although most of the invited did not confirm if they would come to Paranagua or not. Although, almost all of them had congratulated us for the new Province. Those were four exhaustive lovely weeks, dinners in the embassies, theaters, operas, receptions and parties.” Julia confessed. “The endless delightful parties in the court crushes out envy on the Republicans.” Helena criticized. “The advertising promoted by them is a shameless fake as they accuse the Empire for slavery. At least, these men and women already 26 - Genealogy Paranaense – Negrão, Francisco. - Paranaense Press -1927.


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were slaves in their lands.” the Captain Costa protested. “Do you remember the passenger of the steam ship São Sebastião that was stopped under cannon shot by the English ship Rifleman?” Julia asked him. “Of course! There were some military on board, a deputy and the Brazilian consul to Sierra Leona. That was very commented in the court.” “Do you remember the consul's name?” “Yes, I do! His name was Mr John L. Hooks.” “That's the Anglicus, the Author! He is the only person who should have felt on his own skin the despair to suffer an imminent shipwreck provoked by the fleet from his own country.” Julia revealed with proud. “The consul, as an English citizen, has qualified England as “almost allied of pirates.” He should be much more specific if he had removed the adverb: “almost”. There were a lot of people yesterday afternoon in the Customs.” D Helena changed her comments to a new event. “Yes, a commission was organized to bring back home the personnel detained by the HMS Cormorant. The commission did an excellent work, only the pilot Santiago was kept on board till finish his work.” The Captain concluded. “I fear so much for Anita’s children.” Dona Helena said. 218


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“While the English war ship does not leave Paranagua, all the parents will spend days into the churches.” Julia said. “Our hearts are squashed when a ship brings official letters from the War Minister asking for hundreds of soldiers for any region of the country. If anyone of the boys in Honey Island will die, he will be taken to be be buried in our cemetery. The mothers will have a worthy reward to know where they are, to spill their tears over them. The pain is agonizing when they are buried in distant lands of the North or in any site of the Silver River as happened to some in our families.” Helena lamented bored to tears rolling down on her face, while the melancholic bell tolls again. “The messenger arrived from Honey Island in this morning, saying that the Commandant Barbosa children didn’t want to leave the fortress. They preferred to take care of the wounded. The boys and girls in Paranagua are the same Iberian Celtic warriors.” Julia eulogized. “There is a Lieutenant in the artillery that has fallen in love by a commandant’s daughters.” The Captain told the news. “That’s a good reason for the girl to stay in the fortress.” Helena agreed with the girl. “I am going to the Headquarters, but before I will see our warehouse, we still have some herb mate lots to Buenos Aires. Because these events, I've stopped the cargo loading yesterday afternoon. If the English ship will leave the port today and the peace be reestablished, we 219

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will restart the loading immediately. This English commandant doesn’t have good sense; he decided to attack a city that has been for three centuries the largest center of military defense in the whole south. For a population of 9.300 souls, our Legion of the National Guard has 1.156 trained men and almost all the inhabitants of the city are from the Militia that have already used weapons of combat.” “That's why we live in peace!” Helena said. The Captain kissed Julia and Helena, and tighten the swordbelt with shoulder strap and a silver hem on the blue coat with gallons of Captain and the kepi with the emblems of the 1st. Battalion. “Have a nice day, ladies!” In the two story house of the Comendador Correia Jr, the wide table for the coffee was being set for the children that didn’t have received the first communion, while others were in feast for the mass. The older men and women were fasting for the communion. Since the disturbance happened in the previous day, a deep silence was established in the cheerful mansion. The strong harmony in the family was shown on all Sunday’s meeting in this house. The relatives arrived to the mass time in the Order Church and later, all of them were joined till the evening. Some servants with awning chairs were in front of the house, waiting for the ladies to take them to the mass. After the breakfast, Ildefonso arrived with a wooden sword. The children were enthused by histories heard in the last week. The boys began to play on 220


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the balustrade stairway as if they were in a schooner. “Get out from this ship!” Ildefonso shouted on the first flight of the stairway, brandishing his sword against his brother and cousins that escape running upstairs. “No! This ship is been taken in name of La Valleja! “Get out from this ship every corsair from La Valleja! The other sisters and cousins faced him on the stairway, but they were defeated under the sword strikes by the valiant slave.” “I'll dive in the sea!” The corsair Captain, cries and jumped over the handrail, near falling on Dona Gertrude that was walking with the little Leocadio on her arms. “Very well! But take care for do not get dirty your clothes before the mass.” His mother was sat down at the large table and advised him. They recollect the slave Antonio history when he fought against the Castile's pirates few years ago. The ship belonged to the Captain-major Manoel Antonio Pereira that was sailing from Rio de Janeiro to Paranagua. Some Uruguayan pirates at night on high sea have boarded and put about the ship. The pirates intended to take the ship to Uruguay, but the slave Antonio bravely cast out the captain and imprisoned the pirates in the hatch. “What about to set the Imperial Court Ceremony?”


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“Who wants to characterize the Emperor?” Maria Barbara asked. “I’ll be!” Afonso answered. “It is very well! Let’s go to the living room.” Quickly the the children organized an imperial throne room to the molds of the court in Rio de Janeiro. The ceremonies and parties in the Imperial Palace was competed by noblemen, political, clergy, civil and military authorities. The curious children always have heard the reports from relatives that have been to the Palace. All of them were very enchanted with the possibility that someday, they also will visit the Imperial Palace. The characters took places on the chairs and the play began. “Come in the Herald to announce the hero!” Barbara called her cousin while was telling him what to speak. “Here is the heroic slave Antonio from the city of Paranagua, who saved the ship, recovered the cargo, imprisoned the corsairs in the ship’s hatch and did the pirate Captain do cast out himself to sea.” The herald announced. “Get near thyself, put your kneels down and kiss my august hands. For your zeal and fidelity, I enfranchise you with the letter of freedom! The Emperor Dom Pedro II granted him. The little Ildefonso kneels down and kisses Afonso’s hands. Everybody clapped their hands for that event that represents the dreams 222


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of eight millions of Brazilians. The women arrived from the kitchen to watch that spontaneous scene. “I’ve appreciated it very much. But now, every one has to put the chair on its place and all to the church. The Comendador Correia ordered. The mucama (maid-servant) spill the seasoning of spices in the clay bowl on the pork ham where was laid since last night. In other bowl there was fresh meat for the roast beef. The mullets cuts were seasoned in the previous day, they wrapped each one with banana's tree leaves to roast in the oven. “Do you have some mullets for the lunch?” One of the children asked to the servant, when he ran through the kitchen. “Yes! I’m doing according your taste; with cassava flour and fried in olive-oil.” The old mucama answered smiling. “Hmm, delicious! Keep a big one for me.” The boy asked. “I'll be waiting for you” “Thank you, Teresa!”


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Point of the Cross at the Cotinga's Island





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The HMS Cormorant had been moved to the other side of the Cotinga Island, staying away from the Astro. During the dawn, one of the preys had loosen the hawser and the sailor launched a cutter to take her. They saw the Astro was half submerged and noticed the Captain. At daybreak the Commander Schomberg went to inspect the ship's machine and the cannons. “Good morning, Mr Chester!” “Good morning!” The Captain Schomberg greeted the machine engineer that consulted the steam-gauge. “Did you clean the boilers?”27 The Commandant asked him. “Only the port side, sir. Yesterday while the boiler was hot; the boys have removed the crust of the ashtray before it get too thick. Today they will clean the starboard furnace and boiler that are already out of work; we are waiting for the temperature to decrease to a supportable level. “After that cleaning, will stop the black smoke?” “Yes! The air circulating easily will burn the coal very well. Today we’ll clean the water pipes to remove oil and grease from the reservoir.” “Tomorrow, we will put out to sea before the high tide with rested men. Light the two furnaces and be prepared to sail under full 27 Course of Specialization of Machines. - Min. of the Navy-Imp. Navy – 1943.


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speed on the channel in front of the fortress. The furnaces should be fed by reduced loading interval.” Schomberg gave orders to the engineer. “After the crossing by the fortress, will do normal feeding?” “Yes!” “Do you believe the Brazilian will dare us?” “I am sure about that, the American Ambassador is in Downtown and must not be touched. But anything will stop us. See you later!” “See you later!” The Captain left the House Machine, Chester wrote on the black board the schedule to advise the coal furnace feeders. -REDUCED LOADING INTERVAL“I would like to be on the artillery.” The coal feeder Richard Bowden said to some friends which were looking to the Captain and his assistant going away. “Here inside is safer.” The adolescent assistant of the machine engineer, William Donnison answered him, pointing for the stairway wet by the leak of water and oil from the gasket of the piston rod. Commander Schomberg and the young Backer walked to the Gun Turrets for inspection. The midshipmen were the chiefs of each one of the artillery pieces. The commander verified the lubrication of the wheels, the condition of the round rail, the breech block porthole with bow to press the powder cartridge, the axle stub, the bearing of the 226


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trunnion hole with fixed quadrant and needle reading. “Use the round grenades Shrapnel with fuses for 300 yards (330m).” The commandant recommended them. “The grape shots with bullets are ready on a pile.” The midshipman informed to the Captain. After concluding the supervision, the commander asked for master Sullivan and a carpenter to follow him to go down to the sea in his gig to seize the “Astro”. The boatswain John Carnegie sounded a long and sharp whistle with his pipe at the glances of the crew in line on the deck. Captain Schomberg approached to the gangway and took out his three beaks hat and laid it on his chest and bent his body in reverence to whom was above him: The ship! After that, he covered his head and walked the gangway downwards to his gig, at the glances of the sailors and officers. The haughty Captain stood up on his gig with the left foot stepping on the bottom and the right supported on the forecastle. The sailors began to row in direction of the two masts on sight of the shipwrecked Astro. They sailed alongside the three arrested preys and soon they were turning the Cross Point. “Look, Mr Captain! Only the masts are at sight.” “I've just been noticed, Mr Sullivan.” The Captain answered. They were in calm when they noticed there were no Brazilian 227

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cutters near them. The gig approached to the Astro and the carpenter tied a line on a mast and they rowed to the other mast while Sullivan extended the line. “How many feet?” Schomberg asked with his notebook on hands. “Thirty-six feet, sir! (11 m).” He answered. “Great! We need to remove a sample of the mast to present to the Admiralty.” The commander said and pointed for a tool box. “Let me take my tool box.” The carpenter said. “Can you to saw a piece of the flagpole?” The Captain asked. “Yes, sir!” The carpenter answered. “Thank you!” The Captain registered the measures in his book. “Do it at once!” Sullivan said as he looked around to others ships whose crews were on the deck. “The Brazilian have determination. They have chosen to scuttle the ship than to give her to us. “It is not a good signal. Let's row back to our vessel, Mr Sullivan.” The Captain ordered. Satisfied with the piece gotten to present to the tribunal, they row back to the ship. The gig was moored at the steps of the gangway and the boatswain whistled the pipe to announce the Commander arrival on board. The officers and sailors were on the deck waiting for the Captain entrance. Schomberg removed the three beaks hat with the right 228


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hand and lowered his head in respect to whom is the uppermost than him. After the reverence he placed the hat and entered in the ship followed by Sullivan. The Captain asked for the pilot Santiago and lieutenant Luckraft to begin the draft calculations to leave the Cotinga’s Island. “What can I do for you?” The pilot asked. “We have to choose another road to leave this port.” Luckraft said looking to the nautical map that Sullivan was opening on the table. “On the other side of the bay, beyond the Snake Island, there is the channel of the false bar that is too shallow. The health service anchorage is only for the ships in quarantine. The most advisable is for you to sail by the same channel where the ship has arrived.” Santiago concluded. “I believe the Pilot's suggestion is correct, Mr Captain.” Sullivan answered. “It is much more important to face difficulties with prudence than to perish trying to escape.” Luckraft told him. “Tomorrow we will put out to sea before the high tide, to get the fastest speed as possible during our crossing in front of the fortress. The Captain assured his decision.


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East Batteries





Astro Schooner

The three churches in downtown have daily service to attend all the dwellers in all social classes. The slaves attend the mass service in the church of Saint Benedict. The most of the populations attend the mass in the Rosary Church. The rich men and their families attend the mass in the Church of the Third Order of Saint Francis. On this Sunday June 30, 1850, the Order Church is replete of followers for the Sung Mass, in this cheerful day to honor the apostle Saint Paul. This is a special day, because on the following day will happen the election to choose the Town Council members. In the city there are too many authorities from the Province of São Paulo and from the court in Rio de Janeiro and they will attend the Mass. The singers of the Order Church's Choir are since early in the morning practicing some religious song. “The Saint Thomas of Aquino's hymn is too long, so let's sing only the last strophe.” The maestro instructs the singers. “Tantum ergo sacramentum....” Men and women light candles on several candle holders at the door's side to the Order Street, in front of the the river's brae yard, with sight to the Cotinga Island. Some women, dressing fine dark clothes in English fashion, arrive in awning chairs carried by two servants. The women cover the heads with black silk veiling and walk along the aisle of hardwood pews to seat in front of the sanctuary. The young women 231

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dress clothes in pleasant colors by the French fashion, attired with silk gloves and white linen veiling on her heads. A young woman holds at her chest a white mass book enriched with golden embroidery. Each one takes their usual seats and begin and pray following the rosaries handling beads in multi-color gems. A young woman holds a rosary with silk string, green gems with chain and crucifix made of gold. Some devoted ladies are sat down at the aisle with sight directly to the golden altar, babbling endless prayers to the Creator. Some ladies are decorating the altar with flowers vase for the high mass, few later at ten o’clock. The bell continues to peal in sad rhythm. In the opposite side of the lateral entrance, Anita with black silk veil is seated with Carlos and Maria waiting for the mass. In the market, some separate groups talk giving support for the taken measures. There is a cluster of canoes docked side by side at the market quay. The rowers arrived in the dawn to sell their fruits and fishes, waiting for the buyers that talk about some interesting things. Inside the Custom House, soldiers walk in the corridors while others clean their muskets. Inside the chapel in the fortress, the volunteers were waiting for a quick artillery instruction. The boys sit down on the few pews, some of them are sat on the floor and others stand up at the wall. “Gentlemen volunteers, if we'll try to compare Brazil and England in a real condition, we are weaker then the Britons. But, the 232


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insult they have practiced, turns them smaller than us. You are here not to fight for blind enthusiasm or bitterness. You have to fight with wisdom, calm and precision in the shots. If somebody wants to give up the fight, you are free to go back home while there is time; nobody is forced to stay in the fortress. To those who really want to fight, I will entrust you the whole zeal to repel the insult that our nation is suffering.” The Commander Barbosa had accepted that help. A deep silence filled up all the chapel and nobody answered with words, gesture or even fear. “I was noticed about an incident in a downtown shipyard, two month ago. It happened when the barge “Rufina” of 305tons was going downwards on her ship's cart. I know there was a discharged of cannon on the stern castle that caused the gunner death. It must not to repeat, never!” “That was an accident! The blank shot should gleam the launching, but the ship shacked on the cart. The slave Pedro was behind the piece and fired the charge. The cannon recoil launched itself over him.” One of the boys comments the casualty. “In combat there are no place for mistakes. The gunners behind the cannons have suffered much more fatal casualties than by the enemy’s shots.” The Captain has advised them to be kept in safe. “What is the rod set?” One of the volunteers asks. “The ramrod set are the wood stems used to press the 233

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gunpowder and bullet into the cannon, to pound and to clean the bore with the rake and to remove wad, water pail to extinguish fire in the bore. The shooter has to keep the wick burning to burn the fuse.” The commander Barbosa explains. “How many men will be necessary for each cannon?” One of the volunteers asks him. “There is one man to place the gunpowder and other to place the round shot. There is the man with the ramrod to abed the cartridge and the bullet on the gunpowder bag. There is the cleaner with the iron rake. There is the shooter to prick the cartridge and to put the fuse in the touch hole and to fire with the wick and three support men. To move the cart cannon are necessary ten men, each one must hold an extremity of the wide leather belt.” “Last year, an English fleet with two steam ships and a corvette sank a fleet of 46 Chinese junks with 1,250 cannons, at the mouth of the river in the Gulf of Tonquim, near Hanoi in Cochin China. Don't be afraid for our batteries. Two centuries ago in India, the Commander Duarte Pereira with a small fortress, four ships and eighteen cannons destroyed 150 Arabian ships with 1.500 cannons. Few years later, in a naval confront, the Portuguese batteries won the Chinese ships in 1543, at the island Tanga-Shima close to Kobe in Japan.” 28 Lieutenant Joaquim told them. 28 - Shooter's Bible - Weise, Robert E. -Stoeger Publishing Co. 1984.



Astro Schooner

“Attention! The loader must place the package with gunpowder and the man with the ramrod to push it inside the cannon with the extremity of leather.29 The second loader places the ball and to press well for do not let empty spaces, or the shot loses power. The shooter should make a hole in the gunpowder package through the touch hole to place the fuse in the cannon to be fired with the wick in the extremity of the iron rod.” The Lieutenant Ricardo teaches them. “Take care after each shot! There is always ember remaining in the cannon. The loader must to wet the sponge in the pail and to pass in the pipe to extinguish any remain of fire. If there were ember, the gunpowder package will explode in the moment that it is placed in the cannon.” The Lieutenant Joaquim advised them against mistakes. “How do we calculate the distance from the fort?” “I'll tell the officers the targets distance and they will do the angle calculations with pendulum.” The Captain Barbosa answered. “What are the range of the cannons?” “The cartridge of ten pounds (4,500kg) of gunpowder for round shot caliber 18, ranges two and a half miles (4,600m) and produce an impact of 4,400 pounds (2,000Kg), covering from the fortress to the Island of the Pieces. The cartridge of six pounds (2,700kg) of gunpowder for round shot caliber 12, doesn’t cover the whole bay, but they produce impact of 2,600 pounds (1,200Kg).” The commander Barbosa explains to them. 29 - Old Regiments - Gen. Fortes, Heitor Borges. -Bibliex-1964.


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“If the ship will sail by the False Bar?” A volunteer asks him. “When I was detained in the Cormorant, I talked to the pilot about that possibility and I told him to ground the ship, if the Commander insists in moving by that channel.” The commander Rossi of the ship Dona Ana told them. “How fast do we take to prepare each shot?” “Good shot can be repeated in two minutes.” The Commander Barbosa answered. “If the English will attack by land?” “Against infantry troops up to 300 yards we use the shrapnel that are shells filled with powder and 60 musket bullets to explode up few feet on the troops. The powder load explodes on few feet above the troops. When the infantry is in the proximity of the piece, we use grape shots. That are charges of bullets are wrapped in twine net that burns with the fire, throwing the projectiles directly on the troops.” “Where to shot on a ship?” “The shots must be done on water line, but everywhere on the hull is available. The Cormorant has furnaces, water reservoir, heating water tanks and two steam machines. All these pieces are in the center of the ship, behind the wheel paddles, at the level of a white line painted on the black hull. This is the ship's heart.” The Commander Barbosa explained. “How to aim with so heavy cannons?” 236


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“The Captain will tell us the distance. I and Lieutenant Joaquim will calculate the angle and the future point for each shot. The shooter will wait for the ship to reach at the target point to shot.” The Lieutenant Ricardo teaches them. “What about the muskets?” The Lieutenant Joaquim holds a musket with barrel of three feet length to teach them. “To charge a musket or pistols, take out the ramrod that is below the barrel; introduce the cartridge made of greased paper and string with the right measure of gunpowder and push it with the ramrod until the end. Introduce the bullet pressed by the string and push with the ramrod. Open the pan covering to perforate the paper cartridge and introduce the fuse through the touch hole. Pull back the hammer spur at full cock and only to shot on target at 100 yards (91m). If someone has a pistol , the target must be at six braces (10m).” “Will the fortress garrison give support to each piece?” “Of course! The pieces will have trained soldiers following your action all the time. The volunteers for the infantry and the substitutes of the batteries must be quartered, protected against the iron splinter and against the bullets. You will leave the quarter only when you’ll be called, otherwise stay protected.” The Lieutenant Ricardo recommends. “We need volunteers to fill the cloth cartridges with gunpowder and to prepare the campaign hospital in the chapel.” The Commander 237

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Barbosa concludes. The boys leave the chapel and go to the kitchen for the coffee that is ready and soon after the breakfast they will be with new energy. The bad situation of the repairs (carts) of the pieces, really doesn’t guarantee the portliness that demonstrates for who sails in front of the fortress. The carpenters do some repairs in the carts of the newest cannons of caliber 18. The older cannons of caliber 12 had its carts in terrible state of conservation and some of them were fallen on the ground. The Commander Barbosa’s daughters and his son joined to the volunteers to fill the cartridges and Shrapnel. The shooters brought gunpowder barrels and cloth bags for the right measure of fine gunpowder to each caliber. They covered the floor of the Gunpowder House with canvas and took tankards made of coper for each caliber. They began carefully to prepare the ammunition. At the afternoon, they had prepared 50 gunpowder bags for round shots and 50 Shrapnel. (The total used in combat by caliber 12 there were 30 round shots and 20 Shrapnel. By caliber 18 there were 20 round shots and 30 Shrapnel). Dr Eduardo taught the boys how to place the pews for surgery tables and beds. Laura and the nurse took out the medicine from the boxes and disposed them on a table alongside the altar. “This chapel will be our medical center and the pews are just well placed. I'll ask to the carpenters to make two handbarrows.” Dr 238


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Eduardo says to Laura. “Let's do everything now!” Said a carpenter. In the Customs office, the Inspector Mr Caetano and the authorities are writing the official letters. “Dr Filastrio, did you write de official letters?” The Comendador Correia asks him. “Yes, I did! Last night I talked to the North American Ambassador who suggested me to write a protest official letter to the Commander of the HMS Cormorant claiming for the ship's liberation. After the protest letter, I should have to write a Service Order for the Commander Barbosa to do the use of the military force to impede the ships departure without the Customs dispatch.” The Judge explained to him. The commander Guimarães reads and gives it to the Comendador Correia Jr that reads aloud to all the presents that agree with the terms. The Inspector Caetano sends it to the Cormorant's Commander by the Guard-major Francisco. “Guard-major Francisco! Take this official letter to the English Commander, please!” The Inspector says to him. “Yes, sir!” Francisco received the document and went to the Customs pier where the cutter was with eight rowers waiting for orders. The Customs cutter sailed the whole Taguaré River and went by the large anchorage 239

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and turned around the Cross Point. The cutter approached to the steam ship gangway, but Francisco was impeded to go on board. The Commander was in his quarter with some officers when they listened the orders voice by his men. “Halt!” The sailors on the gangway cry to Francisco. “Mr Sullivan, go outside to see and tell me what is going on.” “I am taking a message from the Paranagua Judge to the ship's Commander.” “A Customs clerk is taking a letter for you.” “Receive it and bring to me. Tell the messenger to wait.” The Commander gave orders to his officer. “Here is the letter, sir!” “Mr Luckraft! Read it to me, please!” “Yes, sir! Here says:”



Astro Schooner

“Municipal Judge of the Term of Paranagua Province of São Paulo. June 30, 1850 To Mr Commander of the HMS Cormorant. The undersigned Municipal Judge of the Term of Paranagua in the Province of São Paulo, having witnessed an iniquitous act practiced in the afternoon of yesterday in the Port of this city by the Mr Commander of HMS Cormorant that without the smallest respect attention to the National Pavilion threw to capture inside of the same port, three Brazilian ships anchored, judging his rigorous duty to protest against the referred Mr Commander of Cormorant for the damages and losses that such seizure have to result for the subject of this Empire. The actually aggravating circumstances that presided the iniquitous act practiced are of such carat that could not to let of impeding the undersigned to qualify this same act as truthful piracy. If the undersigned were not hindered by the respect, due to the English pavilion, when under it has been practiced acts from very different nature from those that have been expected. 241

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To the undersigned is not licit to presume that from the part of the Mr Commander of Cormorant would have ignorance of the most essential principle of the International Right and for consequence, the rigorous obligation where is met the same Mister to respect the territorial seas belonging to a friend nation. It was with the largest surprise that the undersigned received a verbal communication from the Customs Guard-major of this city, consisting it in that the Mr Commander of Cormorant told him to have come to this port to arrest or to capture the ships that were in appliance of the illicit traffic of Africans, adding by this one that no satisfaction had to give to the authorities of the country. The undersigned would fail to his duty if he did not bustle in repelling the hypothesis of being true such communication. Perhaps bold measure of effect repels him because just after having accomplished, equally bustle in doing to feel to the same Mr Commander of Cormorant that when proven will be the ships now captured were applied or that had been applied in the illicit traffic of Africans, being them anchored in Port from that city, the authorities of the country would know how to accomplish their duties proceeding in conformity with the laws of such traffic. The undersigned cannot let to be in extreme painful that have the Mr Commander of Cormorant practiced an act so outrageous as are pointed against the sovereignty and the dignity of the nation is not licit 242


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to repel such acts, except by the ways and means of the protest that now he does. At lastly, the undersigned has to beg to the Mr Commander of Cormorant that deigns himself to accuse the receiving of the same protest. Signed: Judge Dr Filástrio Nunes Pires.”

“Thank you, Mr Luckraft! I'll answer to him.” “Will you write to them?” Sullivan asked him. “Yes! I’ll write an official letter to them and I’ll send back the one I’ve just received. Mr Luckraft, would you write this office letter in Portuguese, please?” The Commander asked him. “Of course!” Luckraft agreed.

To 243

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The Mr Municipal Judge of the Term of Paranagua.� Mister In response to your ruling now received, I only have to express you that apprehending Brazilian ships, English or of any other nationality in the waters of Paranagua or elsewhere in the ports and bays of Brazil that serve for the slavery trade, I am executing the restricted orders received from the Commander in chief of the British squad in that part to whom I will not lose the time of making reference about your protest. With the safety of my largest respect, I have the honor to be, HMSS Cormorant, June 30, 1850. Captain Herbert Schomberg.�

The Commander Schomberg signed and gave both official letters to Luckraft to send to the Guard-major. As he arrived to the 244


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Customs building, Francisco gave the officials letters to the Judge Dr Filástrio. The Commander Guimarães and Correia Jr. lamented the Schomberg answer and they consider to have been exhausted all the reconciling possibilities. “Dr. Filástrio! You must send an official letter to the Commander of the fortress ordering the impediment for the exit of the seized ships by the Cormorant.” The Inspector Caetano de Souza Pinto said. “Messenger! Take this official letter to the Commander Barbosa in the fortress.” “I'll leave in another faster sailing boat immediately, sir.” Night falls rapidly in this season and the fortress beach was diving in deep darkness when a boat grounded on the beach in front of the fortress. A man left the boat and ran to the gate. The volunteers were in guard on the high of the rampart when they saw man to approach. “Halt! Identify yourself!” The sentinel asks for. “I have a message from the Municipal Judge for the Commander Barbosa.” “Open the gates! The Lieutenant Joaquim ordered from the high of the wall.” “Come in! The Commander waits for you in his quarter with his officers and some civilians.” “Good evening! Commander Barbosa, this is an official letter 245

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from the Municipal Judge.” The Commander reads the document and stands up. “Gentlemen! We already have orders from the authorities of the

Province of Sao Paulo for do not let the seized ships to leave the port. My responsibility is protected. Now, only will prevail our military competence and the support of God.” “If God is for us, who will be against us?” A young man screams. “Nobody!” They answer in chorus and raise their hats.



Astro Schooner

Line of Fire




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The day break was very lazy on this Monday morning of July 1st 1850. This day seemed to be equal to all winter's morning. The cold, the gulls and frigates diving to seek for food fascinated the boys sat on the wall. When the water fowls took paratis (mugil) and have began the slow and heavy flight, soon others follow the fowls in screeches, trying to steal them. The bay life didn't disturb the volunteers laid alongside the cannons or at the parapet on the rampart. The most of them slept on the floor tiles in the wide quarters and into two jails with stoned roof beside the main gate. The soft aroma of coffee spread out by the fortress dependence, as if it were calling for the boys. “Lieutenant Joaquim! Call the soldiers and volunteers to fly the Brazil's Flag. The Captain ordered. The sound of the clarion commanded the few soldiers and some volunteers. To others was necessary to give explanation for them to understand what did it say. In few minutes, the green and yellow Imperial Brazil's Flag was flying softly on the high of the mast, 248


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sprinkling courage over the young men. On the high of the Whale Mount, the watchman was looking over the Cotinga, waiting for the departure of the war steam ship. “Volunteer to relief guard on the Whale Mount.” Lieutenant Ricardo asks. “I'll go!” “Keep your eyes on the telegraph's flag of the Cotinga's Island to notice us the departure of the war vessel.” The Lieutenant told him. In the warehouse of the Customs Building, the officers were counting some linen lots received from the United States from the barge Muckengen, discharged on Friday. On the quay the employees and stevedores were loading the flat boat and lighters with herb mate and lumber for the ships going to Rio de Janeiro. It was also being completed the herb mate shipment for the ship Flor do D’Ouro of 272 tons that will sail to Montevideo. The news about the HMS Cormorant departure increased the visitors and dwellers’ anxiety. Every one has waited for the beginning of the hostilities at any moment. In front of the Municipality Council building, at the Order Street a multitude was waiting, under heavy silence, for the beginning of the solemnity to swear in loyalty by the aldermen and dwellers. That century practice was repeated since the Portuguese Colony times, with small changing in the text. (After the Judge has read the letter of Swear in Voices to the Constitution decreed 249

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by the Province's Government of S. Paulo and by the Emperor. The people answered: "Assim o juramos!" (Like that we swear!). A fisherman was going to Guaraquessaba and sailed with his canoe alongside the Cormorant. He saw the pilot Santiago among the sailors at the main rail. “Santiago!” The fisherman saw the pilot and called him. “Mr Ferreira!” Santiago answered from the main rail. “Take care! The Judge, Dr Filastrio gave orders to Commander Barbosa to open fire against this ship.” “Thank you, Mr Ferreira! I’ll be in safe place.” “What did he say?” Mc Bride asked, approaching to Santiago as he saw him to talk to the fisherman. “He said that the Government Authorities have given orders to the fortress commander to open fire against your ship.” Santiago answered him, while they walked to the command bridge. Santiago looked to the bridge’s clock. It was eight o’clock and thirty minutes and the sailors have finished the meal. The commander authorized to weigh anchor and to begin the movements of the 300HP pistons of the steam machine to spin round the side wheels. There are too many people in the house of machines since the nighttime to feed the furnaces. The engineers verified all the time the pressure gauge of the boilers. The auxiliary stokers roll the barrels, break the cover and drop coal on the steel floor in front of the furnaces. 250


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The stokers fill the shovels with coal and look at the base of the brilliant fire sheet. They throw the coal on the correct place and repeat this movement for three times and close the small porthole. They wait for the transformation of the coal in coke till the complete burning of gases. “To weigh anchor!” The Commander gave orders by the intercom to the officer on the forecastle. “Forecastle artillery in combat position!” The midshipman gave instructions. “Captain! We have been noticed that the fortress will impede our course. Therefore, we should take advantage of the ebb tide, because we are towing three ships with more than one thousand tons. Luckraft explained for the Captain his point o view. “Thank you, Mr Luckraft! Ask the pilot what’s the possibility to sail by the north coast of the bay?” The Commander Schomberg asked him, watching with his spyglass the beaches of the Pieces Island. “None, sir! The channel is too shallow and has several sand banks and does not offer safe navigation for sailing boats, the least for heavy steam ships.” Santiago answered to Luckraft. “How far from the fortress can we sail?” Sullivan asks to Santiago while was consulting the maritime chart. “No more than three hundred yards. There is a dangerous undersea range in front of the fortress.” The pilot Santiago warned them. 251

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“It doesn’t matter! We will leave the port by the same channel through where we have entered. Full Speed Ahead!” The Commander ordered. Sullivan moved the telegraph lever in the command bridge, ordering the chief engineer to start the ship's engines. The engineer answered the telegraph order moving the lever in the machine house, while asked to his assistant to start the opposite machine. The opened valves of the pistons made the machines puff out to spin the side wheels. The used steams are sent to the condenser to go back to the boilers as fresh water, for do not cause corrosion. The good air circulation in the furnaces happens when the grates are clean. The exhaustion of steam and burned air through the stovepipe raises the combustion and the temperature in the boilers. “Stokers! To feed in reduced loading interval!” The engineer of machines opens the brass faucet and verifies the level of water in the boilers. Chester finds only steam sprays, quickly he opened the distiller register and put more water up till it drained through the faucet, completing the level. The ship moves slowly and the commandant seats down at his table, waiting for his officers and he asks to his assistant to call for the pilot. The watchman on the high of the Cotinga Island heard the anchor's winch noise and raised the telegraph flag. The volunteer was arriving to the observation place on the Whale Mount when he saw the 252


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Cotinga's signal, noticing that the ship was leaving the anchorage. On the streets in downtown, a group of little-mouths run from shop to houses announcing the ship's departure. “The English ship is towing three sailing boats!” Cried a boy. “There will have combat!” Screamed another one. In the Right Street, two neighboring ladies in their windows talk about the last happenings. “Today the little-mouths are tireless!” “They are in that crazy scurry since early in the morning. What a lot of topics do they have to tell us!” “I don’t know what does cause such fear on that people: Portuguese, Spanish, Republican or English. If it were necessary, let’s learn how to speak in English, don't you agree?” A smiling old lady, bend forward on the windowsill, asked to her neighbor. “We don’t go as far as that! I hope do not lose the monthly allowance from my deceased husband, if there were the emancipation of the Curitiba's District from the São Paulo's Province.” The fearfulness lady explained. “We can see that there are two wars happening here on the same time: One war in the Town Council and another in the fortress.” “Do you go to swear loyalty to the Emperor, Mrs Aurea?” “I don't have sworn in the last ten years. The Emperor doesn't need my declared of fidelity.” The woman answered moving her 253

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shoulders. “There are too many liars that would like to kick off the Emperor. But today, they'll be in the first row to swear in!” The lady criticized that ceremony. “Today will be a long day. Let’s go into the house and to close our doors and windows, for we also do not be involved. See you later, Mrs Belinha!” The old woman suggested and said farewell to her neighbor while closed her window. “See you later, Mrs Aurea!” Answered her kind neighbor. Fortress. “Hornblower! To call for meal!” “This coffee smells good!” Answered a volunteer. “I'm so tired that I do not feel hungry.” A carpenter said. “The volunteers have brought too many bread from home!” “My mother is thinking on me! A volunteer said looking at his cup. “Enemy steam, ho!” The watchman warns from the Whale Mount. The watchman's voice from the high of the mount sounded as a thunder. The volunteer's hearts suffered a sudden Adrenalin spasm. The first reaction was to look at the bay. The masts of the ships were not yet 254


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in their sight from the fortress rampart. Few minutes later, the long silence was broken by the heavy noise of the ship's pistons and cranks spinning the wheels. The ship was towing the galley “Campeadora” (Field Seeker) with her starboard hawser. Little behind, with the port side hawser was the brig-schooner “Sereia” (Mermaid). The last one with a long port side hawser was the brig-schooner “Dona Ana” (Lady Ana). “Artillery to take battery position! Infantry to quarters!” The Commander Barbosa ordered the men that followed him in order, as if they were used to do that. Laura serves coffee to Franco, to the Lieutenant Ricardo, to the Doctor, to the nurse and to the Commander's family in the chapel. The clarion sound freezes her heart, but she goes on impassible with a coffeepot on her hand. The Commander older daughters calls for Laura and the nurse to help them with a large kettle with boiling water and ribbons of cotton sheets. “I must go now, Laura. God keep you!” Franco kisses her and goes to the rampart. The yacht Nova Providencia entered the bar and they saw the steam ship leaving the Paranagua port. “Steersman! Let the channel free and take care with the waves. The Captain Barbosa had written a letter to send to he ship's commander when they were arriving to leave the bay. 255

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“Sergeant!” The Commander Barbosa asks for his Sergeant. “Yes, sir!” “Take this official letter for that war ship!” “Immediately, sir!” The Sergeant Oliveira quickly took the letter and asked for two rower soldiers for the register cutter and left the beach to stop the steamer in the middle of the channel.

To 256


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Commander of the HMS Cormorant. Dear Sir. I have the imperial government’s order for do not allow you to take the national ships that are not dispatched by the authorities and nor for me as Commander of this fortress, because otherwise I see myself forced to open fire on the steam ship that you command. God keep you. Fortress of the Bar of Paranagua. July 01, 1850. Captain Joaquim Ferreira Barbosa Captain Commander of the Fortress.

“Steam ship non authorized to leave the port on course! Register cutter on course!” Lieutenant Ricardo informed the Captain Barbosa. 257

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The Commander Barbosa was coordinating all his tasks wearing the blue coat of artillery, eight brass buttons and white trousers, high kepi with brass jugular and panache. He had two pistols in his large leather black belt with shoulder strap and sword. “Steam ship non authorized to leave the port at one miles and a half. Garrisons on position! To correct the inclination degrees!” The Commander Barbosa ordered his officers. Cormorant The Captain Schomberg with his spyglass saw from the bridge’s deck, the cutter with two rowers. A sergeant on foot with his boot on the forecastle was sailing to the middle of the channel to intercept his course. “They are sending a cutter to us. To stop machines!” The Commander Schomberg ordered the pilot. “Just a moment, Captain! We can not to stop now, because the stream will take the preys ahead the Cormorant and the hawsers will coil bellow the wheels shovels and we will lose the control of the ship” Lieutenant Luckraft foresaw that something worst would be going to happen. “Thank you, Mr Luckraft! Full speed ahead!” Schomberg reconsidered his decision and ordered to go forward. 258


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Fortress “Sir! The cutter is on ship's sight, but the machines are still spinning.” The Lieutenant Ricardo notices de Captain. “Attention! To prepare advertising blank shot, by the cannon caliber twelve of the first battery at North.” Commander Barbosa on foot beside the sentry box ordered the first volley. “To prepare a blank shot!” The Lieutenant Joaquim ordered. “Steam ship non authorized to leave the port at one mile and a quart!” After several years in the island, the Captain had marked the trees at the beach as distance reference. “Charge ready!” The loader answered, while the garrison has covered the ears. “Attention! Keep clear off the piece. First battery, Fire!” The shooter blew on the wick to stir up the fire and touched it on the fuse. The bag filled with six pounds of gunpowder (2,7 kg) exploded. The charge went off and the cannon recoil threw the piece on the ground. Two soldiers were rowing the register cutter on shallow water at the beach with their face to the fort. They felt the air displacement, the strong light, the heat, the smoke and explosion.


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“Sergeant! We’ll stay between two fires.” The soldiers said with scare with that shot on them. “To row backward! There won’t be any ultimatum letter!” The sergeant ordered the soldiers to withdraw. Both rowers changed their position on board and began to row counter ward to the fortress. Shell's Bay A shipowner from Paranagua, José Francisco Correia with his yacht “Nova Providência” (37 tons), was arriving from the port of Rio de Janeiro and was going to the fortress. The yacht Commander witnessed the beginning of the combat and for do not be involved in the conflict, he quickly changed the course to the beach. The Commander ordered his small crew to lower the sails and to cast anchor, for them all to be safe in the Shells’ Bay. HMS Cormorant. Impassive, the Captain Herbert Schomberg was looking to the fort and saw the flash and the grizzly smoke growing up over the wall. He heard the sound of the fire mouth, even so he didn’t have seen nor heard the ball. He believed that was just a warning shot. “They did a blank shot.” The Captain said. 260


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“Do we stop?” Sullivan asked. “No! The register cutter is rowing counter back. It is a signal that they are ready for a combat.” The Lieutenant Luckraft said. “All the civilians must go to quarters. The Brazilian pilot must stay in the bridge to guide the steersman.” The Captain Schomberg orders his crew screaming out. Fortress Chapel “The fortress has began the confrontation!” The Doctor alongside the altar warned the nurses and the children. “Let's run to the altar corner.” The children, nurses and the Doctor walked crouched to the corner. “Let me take my guns!” Laura said taking her muskets and belts with ammunition to lay down at the wall near them. “That dry shot was a blank shot!” Joaquim said. “I hope the English understand that order.” Laura said.

Town Council The ceremony to the election in the City Council began at ten 261

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o’clock in the morning, as it has been done by the last two hundred years. The table was presided by the Municipal Judge Dr Filástrio Pires Nunes who called to seat at the table, the authorities from the District of Curitiba, from Sao Paulo's Province and from Rio de Janeiro. The judge arranged his glass on the nose and began to read the Imperial Annulment Act from the last year election and... (explosion). An explosion at far distance trembled the windows interrupting the reading. The authorities began to talk among themselves, obligating the Judge to use the hammer. Several authorities pull out from their coat pocket the clocks and opened them to consult: Ten and ten! “Gentlemen! That was only an accidental shot.” The Judge tried to calm down the authorities and immediately continued the reading of the document...(explosion). “We are sorrow for we have arrived at that point, but that was unavoidable.” Explained the Comendador Correia Jr. “Gentlemen!. The Brazilian sovereignty has been outraged in this port, as also it has happened to others national ports. On the day before yesterday has entered in our port a ship from a friend nation, but with bellicose behavior found only in pirate ships. We used all means to negotiate with the English Commander the liberation of the Brazilian workers arrested by the HMS Cormorant. Thanks to God, we have succeed on that negotiations. However, our vindications for devolution of goods and ships arrested, without demonstrations of criminal proves, 262


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did not have the expected consideration. Thus, to assure the sovereignty of Brazil to keep its own taxes and to preserve the properties of sailing companies under its jurisdiction and as appointed authorities, is our duty to keep Brazil with all due respect it deserves, even through the resource of force, as this case in demand...(new sound of explosion). The Commander Guimarães stand up at the table and explains with calm. Fortress “Steam ship non authorized to leave continues her course.” “To prepare the cannons with round shot on targets at one mile. That God bless all of us, making to prevail the right and the justice. The commander Barbosa prayed in low voice. “Fire!” Lieutenant Joaquim ordered. Cormorant “God!” Lieutenant Luckraft claimed when he saw the flash that flourished in the fortress wall with gray smoke. A bullet grew in his direction, crossing over the ship's forecastle, proceeded by another round shot over the stern. Another flash, smoke, a new round shot has crossed to stern ward, resounding the wooden crash from the schooner Sereia. 263

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“They are throwing round shots on us and the swinging of the waves are now stronger. As we approach to the bar, we don't have precise shots, Mr Captain! This ship is too unstable and we'll be aimless and fated to miss several shots!” Lieutenant Luckraft complained. “Now there is no way to stop. Alive fire of two minutes on the fortress!” Schomberg ordered his officers. “Forecastle gun turret with Shrapnel and starboard batteries with round shots!” The Captain ordered by the intercom. “Fire!” The midshipmen ordered their batteries. Downtown The Customs’ clock vibrated on the wall at 10:30h and the shots were going on from land and sea. The dwellers in downtown soon began to identify the explosions from the ship’s pieces. These were stronger, although more cadenced. The dwellers were furious, the English Navy should not have provoked that confrontation. In the houses, people felt the strong rumblings by the displacement of air on the windows and roofs. When several shots were detonated simultaneously, fell down roofing tiles and wall housing plasters.



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Order Church On this Monday morning without mass, children were playing alongside the Order Church, in the empty awning chair's garden. The first and far shots have scared them. They knew that their mother were preying in the church for their brothers in Honey Island. But that noise was stronger than those by fireworks with uvah tail or muskets that they had heard two days ago. The little-mouths arrived running at the other side of the Street Order, in front of the the river's brae yard to verify. “There is smoke from Honey Island!” Cried a boy from the high of the church's tower bell. However, he was see nothing. “Let's go to the river's brae yard!” Invited a boy inside the church. Anita was preying on the knee on the pew. She closed her eyes and has counted the beads nervously. The explosions made her to pray with more fervor. She dried her tearful eyes with a cambric handkerchief and looked at her side, but she didn’t see Carlos neither Maria. “Carlos, Maria!” Anita on knee sought for her children. “She is the wife of that Pilot betrayer! A matron muttered with aggressive eyes. Anita was worried about the children. In a quick sight by the church, she noticed that people fixed glance upon her severely. Those 265

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were not compassion glances for her husband taking risk of death on board of that war ship. Those glances were like fingers pointing for a presupposed guilt, as an Inquisition verdict. All of them were considering her husband as a betrayer, because he was rendering service to England. Anita left her place to seek for the children and saw them stood up at the door step of the church's main entrance. “Don't cry, Maria! Dad will be back soon!” Carlos was holding his sister hands, trying to calm down her. “When dad will be back?” Maria asked him sobbing. “Carlos, Maria!” Anita approached and embraced the children. “Mom, tell to Maria that dad will be back soon.” Carlos asked. “Let's wait for him in your uncle's house! Those brutal tongues hurt us much more than the English cannons.” She said to them. Anita and the children left the church and went away directly to Francisco’s house. Yacht “Nova Providencia”. “The fortress has entered in combat. Let's cast anchor at the Shell's bay.” The yacht master ordered to put about. “The war ship is towing three sailing ships.” A sailor on the deck does the commentary while they cast anchor. 266


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“Certainly it's an English cruiser that has seized ships and the fortress is replying the aggression.” The shipowner said. “There are too many people in the fortress.” The master said while all of them were going to the main rail, to see the battle in a privileged place. “They must be the Militia volunteers helping the artillery.” The shipowner added. “They are doing worthy shots. Look the wooden pieces flying. The fortress has hit another shot on a ship on tow.” “Now they have hit a cutter on the war vessel.” “Give more, Commander Barbosa!” A Gaucho sailor raised a clenched fist and shout for the fortress victory. Fortress. “Attention all batteries! Fire stand easy!” The Commander ordered free sequence of shots. “Sir! The first battery at North, with caliber 12 does not have more condition to shot.” Master Freire told the Captain. “Give support to another cannon!” The Captain ordered him. “Immediately, sir!” “To place the cannons at Northeast and East! To shot on the hull's white line of the enemy ship”. The Commander ordered. 267

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“Enemy ship entering on my line of fire. Attention shooter. Fire! The Lieutenant Joaquim has commanded several pieces at the same time. “That shot was perfect, Nascimento! The English will be ashamed for their entire life when they remember those rhombus on the hull. Rossi commented. “Enemy ship at three quarts of mile! Both calibers to prepare for Shrapnel with fuses for half mile! Wait for approaching!” The Commander Barbosa ordered the pieces.

HMS Cormorant At the forecastle turret, the midshipman Lanesdale was waiting for a wave movement to place the fortress on the line of fire. “Attention Battery! Fire!” The midshipman waited for the smoke to dissipate and looked to the mount where the Shrapnel exploded. Bored, he knocked on the turret. “To prepare a new charge!” Lanesdale ordered the men that quickly opened the breech block to prepare a new charge. “To wet the bore! To clean the bore! To place Shrapnel! Powder cartridge! To close the breech block!” 268


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“Charge ready, sir!” “To correct the turret position on five degrees.” The loaders moved the handling lever to aim the heavy gun on the target. “Cannon in position!” “Attention shooter! To wait the wave movement. Fire!” Lanesdale saw the projectile exploding again between the trees on the hillside of the Whale’s Mount. He ordered a new charge. Seized Ships A Shrapnel from the fortress exploded over the hatch of the schooner Dona Ana and a rain of bullets hit her empty deck. The little crews in the three preys were protected in the galley at the ship's stern, while the round shots were being shot on them. (After the combat, the Brazilian ships had suffered near fifteen shots each one and two of them were completely irreparable.) Fortress Some shots from the war ship had hit the fortress stonewall with seven feet of thickness (2,13m). Other had hit the beach or the mount, but without damages. The Shrapnel from the ship had fuses for larger range than the necessary, so all of them flew over the rampart and 269

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exploded on the Whale Mount. The hillside is at few steps behind the Commander's house and the chapel, where were the doctor, the nurses and the scared children. An explosion on the roof of the Commander's house scared the Doctor. “A Shrapnel has exploded over your house.” The doctor reported to the young Joaquim. “I hope it didn't have done any great damage.” He answered. The doctor, the nurses and the commandant’s daughters stoop down at the chapel’s wall. The newest daughter looked at the altar and saw the image of the fortress patroness to tremble and almost to fall down with the explosions. Quickly she stood up and without fear of Shrapnel bullets she walked to the altar and called for her sister to help her. The little girl took down the image from the niche and went back hugged to the statue of the Lady of Pleasures. “After that, I promise to attend all poor in Paranagua without to receive payment.” Dr Killer swore looking to the Lady on the child hands. (Ten days later on the Town Council meeting, Dr Eduardo Killer gave a letter with his proposal). The volunteers at the batteries carried out theirs functions correctly. In the heat of the combat, the volunteer Carlos Silvestre forgot to wet the pipe after a shot. He inserted the cartridge bag with gunpowder in the cannon with some embers. The charge detonated and Silvestre fell backward, suffering light burns on his face. 270


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“Wounded man! To send a volunteer for relief garrison in the second battery.” The Lieutenant Joaquim. “I'm blind! I can’t see anything!” Sylvester screamed out with the hands covering his face. A Corporal supported Sylvester's arm on his shoulder and guided him to the chapel to be medicated. While the Doctor was medicating the volunteer, the corporal was talking to the children to calm down. The nurse and Laura clean the burning with warm water, while Dr Eduardo Killer was preparing an unguent. After has finished the therapeutic treatment, Dr. Eduardo discharged Silvestre to go back and to give support to his battery. Laura and the Corporal helped the young man to go back to his battery, despite of a bandaging on his face, he was without eyelashes and eyebrows. “Thank you, Miss Laura!” Silvestre thanks her. “Take care for do not be wounded again!” She advises him and saw the Corporal and the young man going to the rampart. “Miss Laura! Go back to the chapel!” The Lieutenant Ricardo warns her alongside a piece. “I can't see Franco in all that smoke!” She said while some projectiles drones over the rampart exploding on the Mount. “He is at the southeast batteries. Go back!” Ricardo orders her while a rain of bullets from a Shrapnel falls down on the roofs. “Are you well?” The nurse asked as she entered in the chapel. 271

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“Yes! I'm fine, thank you!” Laura answered. HMS Cormorant. The ship's deck was covered by smoke. Another shot from the fortress on the hull blew up wood splinters to the air. The Commissary Mr Robins, the boatswain Carnegie and Dr Mac Kinlay were in the officers dinning room waiting for the end of the combat. The civilians closed the ears with their fingers, waiting for shots of the pieces on board. Santiago was seated on a bench at the pilot's table, sided by two gunned sailors. He looked the marine chart of the Paranagua bay. However, his thoughts were on Anita, Carlos and Maria and in the consequences for his aid to an enemy ship. Even though, the city’s authorities knew that until that time, the English Commander was not withholding him on board, for a time longer than the expected. Santiago was trying to count the shots by the fortress, there were up to thirty. In the house of machines the stokers were feeding the furnace while others were spilling over some casks with coal. Some shots had hit the hull between the steel caves frames opening rectangular rhombuses, illuminating the piles of casks, causing fear in the sailors. “Quickly! Let’s go behind the victuals store, beside the stairway!” Donnison guided some stokers as measure of safety. A shot of caliber eighteen crossed the hull and hit on a pile of 272


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casks with coal at few steps from the boilers. A frightful cry called the attention of the stokers and the engineer’s of machines assistant that run to help. The young stoker was uninjured, but scared. “We’ll be under the wheel box paddle that certainly is the better place, because it is much more reinforced than in the whole empty space of the hatch in the house machine.” The stoker Richard Bowden run to there. “On that time, I would like to be in the artillery.” Said a stoker. Fortress. The gunners no more shot only against the preys, but they are tuning their aim on the hull of the steam ship. The voices of command from the batteries intensified the cadence of the shots. The main target is the war ship, as she is now on the closest position to the fortress. “Attention northeast battery! The ship is entering on your shot line! The target is on the white line on the wheel front side. Lieutenant Joaquim notices them. “Attention! Fire!” The Lieutenant orders to shot. HMS Cormorant. A projectile caliber 18 hit the wheel paddle opening the hull 273

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and averaged the tubes of the water pumps. The shot had opened a hole on the starboard paddle cover and hit on the steam condenser tubes. The round shot hit violently the place where the sailors were looking for protection. Wooden splinters flew on everywhere and the broken iron pipe was throwing out boiling water on the steel floor. The seawater was invading the machine house by the wheel paddle movement. The call for help and screams of pain resounds for the stairways and corridors. There was panic among the wounded sailors trying to abandon the house of machines, judging to be shipwrecking. Several stokers had been thrown against the port side boiler and on the casks of coal. Other had been wounded by boiling water, steam, broken iron pipes and wooden splinters. “Doctor! Doctor!” Desperate shouts call for the surgeon’s presence. “Bowden and Donnison are wounded! Dr Mac Kinlay! Mr Hambly!” The stokers ask for help. “Carpenter! There is a great water flowing through the hull!” Other stoker says. “To open the valves to drain water from the keel!” The boatswain Carnegie arrived to tell the Captain's order. “I’m closing the valve for the starboard wheel paddle!” Answered the engineer. “It is draining out all the water from the condenser and the 274


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wheel paddles are gushing sea water in the hatch.” The engineer’s assistant says. “To stop feeding the starboard boiler for do not to explode! The engineer said to the stokers. “The Captain order is to keep the port side wheel paddle on full speed.” The boatswain Carnegie told to the engineer. “Doctor! Bowden has been hit on the legs by the round shot and by wood splinters.” A stoker calls for the doctor. “Where is Bowden?” The Doctor asks. “He laid on a coal-sludge losing too many blood.” A stoker answers the Doctor. The tremble of the suffered impact and the screams from the house of machines had alerted the doctor to take his case of instruments and to go to that place. Dr Mac Kinlay and his assistant quickly approached to the bloodstained body. He tore his pants and applied a tourniquet on the groins to contain the hemorrhage of both squashed legs. The Doctor doesn’t have what to do for Richard’s legs, mixed with coal and the bilge water. Richard has lost too much blood and was taken on a canvas stretcher for the infirmary, beside the house of machines. The companions laid Richard on the surgery table. “Water, please! I'm thirsty!” Bowden implored to the surgeon’s assistant that offers him a cup with rum to alleviate the suffering. “I’ll have to amputate both legs immediately. The Doctor said 275

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to his assistant. “The Doctor will need burning coal.” The assistant said to Bowden friends. The fellows which had brought Bowden on the stretcher, look one to each other in silence. The chosen among them ran to take a blaze shovel. “Take a handsaw in the toolbox.” The surgeon asked to his assistant, while he attached the Bowden arms with leather belts on the surgery table. “Give him another gulp of rum and place the leather gag in his mouth.” The doctor was instructing his assistant, while placed at the table a tray with small wooden knife with thin iron blade. The surgeon washed the legs squashed above the knees. “No!” Bowden protests aloud when sees his companion bringing a shovel with burning coal. The Bowden power melts as snow in the sun. The pain, noise of machines, shots, voices and anguish bewilder his mind. Bowden gathers the last forces and he emits a shout suffocated by the gag. His soul appeals to recover the life that prematurely is been reaped. The discharges of the starboard cannons tremble all the surgical instruments on the tray. These noise covered the last Bowden groan. “Here is the handsaw.” The assistant gave the handsaw to the 276


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surgeon. “He is dead!” Dr Mac Kinlay attested. “Come in the next wounded!” The assistant called at the door. “Mr Luckraft! Ask to the pilot if we can sail out to sea.” The Captain asked to his officer. “Yes, sir! The channel has twelve feet.” The Pilot said. “We can not not sail in such state of damage. We must to cast anchor in front of the Shell's Mount.” Lieutenant Luckraft answered. “Commander! The masts of the preyed ships imped us to shot on the fortress. “Our shots are falling on the sea! To cease fire!” The Commander Schomberg ordered to stop shooting at 11:00 AM. “We are in the fortress range, Captain!” Mr Sullivan said. “We must be out of the fortress range. The Captain said. “Mr Smith! Give me the average report, please!” The commander asked to the Chief Officer the report of average. “The stern galley was shot and Alfred Ward was wounded, sir!” Sullivan received the report by the intercom. Yacht Nova Providencia “Look! There are five holes on the hull!” The master said. “The war ship is going to shipwreck.” A sailor said. 277

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“The fortress is being victorious!” The yacht crew gave three cheers for what they have seen. Fortress. A Shrapnel had exploded near the chapel where the nurses and the children were praying ceaseless to the Lady, the fortress protector. “I'm not hearing the shots from the ship! The English war ship has ceased fire.” The older daughter commented. “Yes! But our batteries are still shooting.” Laura said. “It means that our fire capacity is higher than the English ship. Joaquin said.” “Does it mean that the combat is over?” The nurse asked. “I'll go outside to verify! Joaquim said. “Wait! Let's wait for Captain Barbosa to cease fire.” The Doctor Eduardo warned Joaquim. “Do you believe that the English will let the preys at anchor and will go back to continue fighting?” Joaquim asked him. “Who knows?” The Doctor answered. County Council The Judge began to read the Imperial Act. “Gentlemen! Our fortress still does some shots. It means that 278


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Captain Barbosa is not so bad as the ship.” The Judge commented. “The ship has stopped shooting at half hour before. The Comendador Correia said when consulted his pocket watch at 11:30 h. “Listen! The fortress cannons are still shooting.” The Police Chief told to Comendador Correia alongside him. “It is possible the ship sailors have disembarked on the beach and Captain Barbosa is shooting Shrapnel.” The Comendador answered. “We must go there!” The Chief of Police told. “I will go with you” Answered the judge. “Take the Customs cutter” The Inspector said. Fortress “To cease fire!” The Commander Barbosa ordered, as he noticed with his spyglass that the fortress shots did not reach the ship. “Is there any wounded?” The Lieutenant Ricardo asked. “Only me!” Silvestre answered showing his scorched face without eyelashes and eyebrows. “There are material damages? The Commander asked. “Any, sir! Only the roof edge on your house over the kitchen, there are several broken tiles. Lieutenant Ricardo answered. “Put back the cannons in combat order immediately and to repair those fallen. If the enemy war ship come back, she will be 279

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received under round shots! The lieutenant Ricardo ordered. “Volunteers! We have washed our honor, as the Brazilian have done in the last three centuries and a half. That was the last English Prize Money in our country. Congratulations!” The Captain declared. The boys hug themselves. Other shouts words to honor God. The clarion call resounds over the fortress to continence and reverence for the Brazilian Flag on the top of the mast. “Listen to the clarion! The combat is over!” Joaquim shouted. “Did we win?” The youngest daughter asked, running to the chapel's door. “Yes, we did! Let's go to the rampart.” The older daughter said. The Commander's son, the young Joaquim Ferreira walk hugged with his older sister, while other sister ran on the ramp, as if she were in the fortress for the first time. In the middle of the animation, Lieutenant Ricardo saw the commandant’s daughter walking up to the ramp and he ran for a sweet hug, under the commander’s vigilant glances. The officers and soldiers threw their hats to the air in huge celebration. The volunteers that were waiting in quarters ran to the rampart. Dr Killer and a nurse followed the volunteers. The Captain asked for his youngest daughter. Joaquim said that a nurse was helping her to put the statue on the altar. Franco didn't see Laura and ran quickly to the church. He met her at the altar with the little girl sobbing hugged 280


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to the statue. After hugs and kisses, Franco put the image in the niche and took the little girl in his arm and hugged to Laura, they walked to the rampart. Downtown The long silence of guns took everyone to understand the cease fire had been given and it filled up of curiosity all of them. The City Council ceremony went on to elect the Town Councilors and to entrance into office. There was only one substitution among the candidates chosen in the last year. The Judge Dr Filástrio Nunes Pires and the Chief of Police José Francisco Barroso, fearing some serious consequences that the volunteers should have suffered, decided to sail after lunch to the fortress. The Customs cutter was prepared to take the authorities to the Fortress. “I believe the combat is finally over!” Comments a grocery owner to his customers and several little mouths in front of the door. “The fortress was the last one to cease fire!” Said a fisherman. “So, It means the warship has lost the fighting”. A barber with white cloth answered. “The fortress won! The fortress won! The little mouths were hearing the adults comments and run to notice to the dwellers.


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The anchor of the Brig-Schooner Dona Ana Municipality of Almirante TamandarĂŠ, near to Curitiba. That historical piece was rescued from Palm Island in 2001.


Santiago was at the main rail of the bridge looking to a crowd on the Honey Island beach, when he saw a canoe from Honey Island 283

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approaching. He wanted to leave that ship, the sooner as possible. He saw the Captain into the Command Bridge and came in to talk to him. He noticed the steersman was guiding the ship out of the channel. “The tide is low and you are to close to the sand bank. You have to sail according the new draft on the maritime chart.” The pilot Santiago approached to the Pilot Sullivan and noticed him about the existing sand banks in the proximity of the Palms Island. “Thank you, Mr Pilot! But, we will be on anchor here, beside the Palms Island to make some repairs. “I understand!” Santiago answered. “To stop the machine! To lower the anchor!” The pilot Sullivan gave order through the intercom. The Captain Schomberg was depressed seated on a bench in front of the Pilot's table and was waiting for his officers with the losses and damages report. Santiago approached to the Captain. “May I talk to you, Mr Captain? “Of Course, Mr Pilot” “I want to disembark, sir! I've just given the last instructions to your Pilot and there is a boater coming to take me to land.” Santiago noticed the commandant. “No! Your job does not finish here. You will go with our ship to Santos.” The Captain stood up to look at the cutters broken on the deck and answered him hardly. 284


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“Mr Captain, I have family in Paranagua!” “My family is in England, Mr Pilot!” Santiago asked him permission and displeased, left the command bridge. On the deck he saw Pedro rowing a canoe. Santiago did some signals with his hands to Pedro go back and he saw some volunteers from the gunned Militia arriving among the crowd to the Shell's Bay. The Doctor and the Boatswain entered in the Bridge to report the losses and damages. “Mr Captain! We have a death and two wounded. The Doctor said. “Who is the dead, Mr Mac Kinlay?” “The dead is the stoker Richard Bowden, sir.” “I'm sorry, I'll send a letter to his mother and I will designate her to the Admiralty to receive the Prize Money.” “Mr Captain! Here is the damages report.” The Boatswain opened his notebook to read. “Go on, Mr Carnegie!” “We have suffered five shots on the hull and one in the galley and two cutters are broken. The starboard wheel paddle is being repaired and will spin round in two hours. The condenser tubes are being repaired. The three preys are too much averaged and we cannot to repair them on time. The galley is in order for a safe sailing to Santa 285

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Helena. However, the two schooners have several frames broken and can not to sail in safe.” “Mr Carnegie, do the possible to restore the Cormorant's hull.” “Immediately, sir!” The Boatswain answered and left the bridge. “Lieutenant Luckraft! To prepare a crew for the galley to send her to Santa Helena's Island.” “Lieutenant Kantzov! You must to take all material end goods from the schooners and to remove everything to the galley that will sail to the Santa Helena's Island. After plundering both ships, you must to set on fire.” The Captain gave all orders at once. In front of the Palm Island, the remaining cutters approached to the averaged ships and began to take wood, the crane burton, jiggers, bells, rudders, helms, anchors, sailing instruments, hawsers, springs, sailcloth, food, cargoes and personnel effects. After several trips, everything had been moved to the galley Campeadora that was partially loaded with lumber and herb mate. The sea was rugged on that afternoon when the Dona Ana's anchor was being lowered in the Lieutenant Kantzov's cutter. A strong wave careened the cutter and the heavy anchor slide out and dived into the sea. (That anchor was found by divers in 2001 and donated by Navy to the Municipality of Almirante Tamandaré, a town near the Grand Curitiba, in commemoration of its foundation). 286


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The Lieutenant Kantzov ordered to set on fire the brigschooners Dona Ana and Sereia. The fishermen and Militia on the Honey Island Beach had witnessed all the activities in the ships. The fire on the ships and the smoke flying to North by the wind, announced the approaching of new mullet shoals. After the hull has been repaired, the HMS Cormorant began to spin round the wheel paddles. It was near 4:00 PM when the Cormorant weighed anchor to sail to open sea in the crisply ocean. The war ship sailed towing the galley Campeadora, while two schooners were in flames on the stones alongside the Palm Island. In that time, the Customs cutter taking the Judge and the Chief of Police was arriving to Honey Island and approached to the fortress. “Look, Dr Filastrio! The English cruiser is leaving the bar towing a galley and let the schooners in flames.” The Chief said. “What a pity! I'm anxious to see the fortress.” The Judge said. “Lieutenant! The Customs cutter is arriving! The sentinel said. “Open the gates! The Lieutenant Ricardo ordered. The two representative of the municipality authorities entered in the fortress and were received with applause. The Judge and the Chief of Police arrived to the fortress beach and were received by the Commandant Barbosa. The Captain reported to all of them the facts and declared the great national victory. The Judge was amazing with the military skillfulness of the volunteers that went to Shell's bay to prevent 287

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any possible invasion and for those sailors that will defend the fort for more some days. Among the brave volunteers was the commander of the galley Campeadora, master Victor da Silva Freire with his fifteen sailors and the masters of the seized ships. “Gentlemen! You are welcome and rejoice with such victory against that Briton out-of-law.” The Captain said. “Any casualties? Dr Filastrio asked him. “None, sir!” The Captain answered. “Any damage on the fortress? The Chief asked. “Only few roof tiles were broken.” The Lieutenant answered. “Our men will stay on guard.” Freire announced. “These brave seamen have offered to us great help.” The Commander Barbosa said and introduced some dwellers, the Doctor and the nurses, the shipowners Rossi, Nascimento, Franco, Freire and several sailors. “I want to congratulate you for your behavior of justice and loyalty to the Empire of Brazil and for your courage shown in this fortress.” The Judge Dr Filastrio expressed the authorities gratitude. “If anybody wants to go back to downtown, we are leaving now. Thank you! The Chief of Police said. “Yes, sir! We have a lot of things to do in downtown to rescue our sunk ship.” Franco said hugged by Laura. “We'll go, Dr Filastrio.” Nascimento and Rossi agreed. 288


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“Don't you go with us, Freire?” Rossi asked. “No! I'll stay to defend the fortress until the arrival of another ship from our company to take us to Rio de Janeiro. It was a pleasure to fight under the orders of the Commander Barbosa.” Freire declared. “Good bye, Commander Barbosa. Thank you, volunteers!” The Judge, the Chief of Police, Dr Eduardo, the nurse Luciana, Franco, Laura with her guns and ammunition belts and the shipowners went to the customs boat. The night was dark and fell a thin an cold rain from south wind. The rowers struggled as they approach to the Cross Point and soon they saw the masts of the shipwrecked Astro. Rossi looked to her masts and casts down his eyes. “Tomorrow early in the morning, we'll begin to raise the schooner.” Nascimento promised. “I hope so!” Rossi muttered and waggled his head negatively.



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On the setting of the sun, the Cormorant was approaching to Cananeia. Captain Schomberg ordered to stop the machines and said to the Pilot Mr Sullivan to read the coordinates while was possible to see the sun position, covered by clouds. The Captain wanted to write on the chart, the place where the funeral rite for Richard Bowden would be done. “To Stop machines! The Captain ordered the steersman. “Mac Bride! Would you please, come with me to read the sextant.” Sullivan called his assistant. “Boatswain! Call for the crew on deck!” The Captain asked. After reading the sextant, Sullivan wrote on the nautical chart the name Bowden and scratched a small cross. For eight times the crew was rendering homage to deceased fellows in the last two months. Some lives had been lost by yellow fever and now the death had arrived in combat. The Boatswain made use of pipe whistles to call the crew on deck for the ceremony in honor of Richard Bowden. Some sailors arrived with olive oil lamps, while another four were taking a stretcher on their shoulders, the body of Richard Bowden. The lifeless body was 290


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wrapped up in a shroud made of sailcloth and was placed on a table. A cannon round ball inside a net for grape charge was attached to the body. The Captain ministered the funereal rite citing some biblical references. After the reading, the boatswain emitted a lugubrious whistle with the brass pipe. The four sailors raised the stretcher and took it to the main rail. Lieutenant Luckraft commanded the garrison to salute with musket shots, while the stretcher was slowly being inclined to the sea. The body glided and dived in the waters of the Brazilian coast. Santiago watched the melancholic rite on the deck of the command bridge. At the end of the boatswain whistle, the Captain entered to quarter and the crew went to their lodgings. The HMS Cormorant weighed anchor and set in motion the wheels with destination to Santos' bar, where arrived on the following morning. The crew designated for the galley Campeadora (Lucy Ann) was gunned. The Commissary had signed the documents to the Admiralty, with information about the destroyed ships. The galley set sail for a fifteen days trip to the Island of Santa Helena to be repaired and be sent to auction in Southampton. In Santos, the Commander Schomberg sent Lieutenant Kantzov with an office letter for the English consul, telling the event happened with the Fortress in the Bay of Paranagua in the Province of SĂŁo Paulo. Santiago was going aboard of the cutter to leave the ship, but was impeded by Lieutenant Luckraft. 291

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The Lieutenant Carlton was the new Commander of the HMS Rifleman. Lieutenant Crofton was known in Santos and was kept in the consulate, waiting for a ship to take him to England. Carlton arrived from Buenos Aires in this morning and saw the damages on the HMS Cormorant. He took his cutter and sailed to the HMS Cormorant to talk to Captain Schomberg. “What happened, Captain Schomberg?” Carlton asked to Schomberg in the Command Bridge. “When we were towing three traffic sailing ships, we were attacked unexpectedly by the Paranagua fortress.” The Captain answered. “Let's go to Paranagua to shell on the city.” “We can't do that. The slaver North American, the Ambassador David Tod is in Paranagua. If we'll do any shelling on the city, we'll enter in conflict against the United States, Brazil and against others European fleets at anchor in Uruguay that certainly will give support to Brazil. However, I'll wait for determination from our consulate in Santos.” “I am leaving to Rio de Janeiro. Is there any message to Rear Admiral Reynolds?” “There is, but I'll give him by myself.” “See you later in Rio.” The Lieutenant Carlton shook hands with Schomberg and left the Cormorant. 292


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“May I talk to you?” Santiago asked to Schomberg after the Lieutenant Carlton left the ship. “Come in!” The commandant showed him a seat. “I must to disembark, Captain!” “I am thinking to send you to England. You will be convicted for to have betrayed our confidence, for do not reveal a better road for the exit of this ship and for to have placed the HMS Cormorant in serious risk.” “When your ship arrived to the port of Paranagua, you have asked for a pilot. That’s what I’m doing since them. You should have to leave the port, by the same channel for where you have entered. Otherwise, you should have grounded in any other channel. The consequences would be disastrous, if this heavy steam ship were grounded amid a combat. As ship’s pilot, I have done my job with accuracy and liability. The Captain of this ship is the only one person responsible for all the damages she suffered and for those caused by her. You know the authorities in Paranagua agreed with you for me to stay on board as pilot. So, you are not entitled to keep me in this ship, it will be interpreted by our authorities as a kidnap.” Santiago talked while the Captain was looking to the beach through a broken window. On the morning of July 4th 1850 in Santos, the Pilot Santiago was paid by the Captain Schomberg the amount of five pounds sterling (ten bags of coffee). He was sent by a cutter to the beach of the Goes to 293

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be disembarked at 9:00 AM. “We have orders to disembark you at the beach.” “Thanks to God!” Santiago said. The pilot disembarked at the beach and sought for help to go to Santos, where he arrived by the afternoon. Despite of the pilot had been advised by Lieutenant Luckraft for do not tell nobody about what had seen and heard on board of the war vessel, Santiago went to the Police Station to complain. By the gravity declared by the subject, the Chief of Police took the Santiago's deposition and sent it to the Judge. The report was taken immediately to the President of the Province in São Paulo. The rumor about Santiago ran fast and too many people went to the Police Station to get better information. The edition

of the

newspaper “Correio Mercantil” of Santos on the following day published “...The news said to ignore the extension of the damages suffered by the fortress.” But the opinion of the editor stirred the country. “It was just known that the Paranagua fortress had been razed and the garrison had been victimized in the accomplishment of their duty.” “That deposition is too grave. I must to communicate to the Governor of the Sao Paulo's Province those facts happened in Paranagua, just tonight.” The Judge answered to the Chief of Police. “What did happen to the Paranagua fortress and its garrison?” A newspaper reporter asked to Santiago. 294


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“I could not see. There was too much smoke on the wall. I don't know if that was fire inside the fortress or cannons smoke.” “We must to wait for official information from Paranagua.” The Chief of Police answered to the reporter. On July 05, 1850 the HMS Cormorant arrived to Rio de Janeiro. The Captain Herbert Schomberg took his gig and sailed to the flagship HMS Southampton, to give his report to Rear-Admiral Reynolds. “Commander Reynolds! This is the detailed report about our trip to Paranagua.” Schomberg gave the report to Commander of the English squad in Brazil. To Rear Admiral Barrington Reynolds. “HMS Southampton” to the sea July 5, 1850 Sir. I have the honor to inform you that I have returned from my cruising ground to make you acquainted with a violent interruption to my successful fulfillment of the orders I received from you for the apprehension of the slaves’ trade... The circumstances I have to report is an attack made on H. M. S Cormorant, under my command, by the guns of the fort at the entrance of the waters of Paranagua on the 1st instant while I was employed towing out to sea three slave vessels... “ 295

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“Does the HMS Cormorant can sail to England?” The RearAdmiral asked him very bored. “Yes, sir! The ship can sail.” Schomberg answered. “Wait on anchor on the bay for my new orders, while the British Embassy will protest against the Empire of Brazil for damages caused by the fortress. This report you must to give to the Admiralty in Southampton to ask for the necessary repairs on the HMS Cormorant. “Give me your permission to leave, sir!” Schomberg asked. “For your good job arresting several ships, I will send a recommendation letter for the Admiralty exalting your name.” “Thank you, sir!”



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Beach Street – Dona Isaiah's Quay



On Tuesday in the morning, there was a thin rain falling since last night. Franco, Nascimento and Rossi arrived early to the quay. They 298


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were seeking for good young divers, for the preparative to hoist up the Astro, before the ship get deeply grounded on the mud. The weather was not favorable to ship loading, but the first stevedores were appearing to be chosen by any maritime agent. The volunteers began to arrive in tens of boats. One by one all of them were disembarking at the Comendador quay. They stayed waiting for the arrival of their last fellows. The little-mouths just appeared and quickly went back hastily to announce the triumphant arrival. Several of them slipped up and fell down with their leather shoes on the wet stones at the corner of the Beach Street and Bom Jesus lane. For a while, they stopped and cleaned the sores with the hands. However, they were happy with those good news and even hobbling, they continued the crazy running. In few minutes, people ran to the quay and soon there was a large agglomeration of friends, relatives and sailors from foreigner ships. As usual since the colony times, the store owners in Beach Street










commemorations. However, caused by the events happened in the day to honor Saint Peter and Saint Paul, the fireworks had not been sold. The general euphoria also had involved those store owners. They took to the front stores, the bundles of fireworks with long tails made of uvah and with lighted cigars they launched them over the Taguare river. After the arrival of the last boat, Sergeant Oliveira convoked all 299

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of them to go to the National Guard. The sergeant was leading the triumphant young volunteers that were being received with applause by the people along the street. The persons on balconies of two story houses shouted tirelessly: “Viva o Brazil”. Laura, Leocadia and other persons in the house were talking in the living room with balcony to the Taguare River. They have been attracted by that people in a fluster, shouts and fireworks. They went to the balcony and saw the crowd coming in the Beach Street, having in the front row the Sergeant Oliveira. Immediately, all in the house also ran to the balcony and began to salute the heroes with white handkerchiefs. Silvestre saw the nurse and whistled to call her attention. Laura recognized the slightly burned young man and saw Franco that was inviting her to join to them. Laura and Leocadia left the balcony and went down the stairs running to the street to join to them. In the Pillory square, the heroes received the greetings from the aldermen and authorities, interrupted by applause and shouts of... “Down the Monarchy!” “Down the Pillory!” “Live the New Province!” “Excuse me, gentlemen! Before all of you go back to your affairs, we'll need good divers to raise our schooner.” Rossi asked. “We all know how to dive!” A volunteer answered with some fellows. 300


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“May I help you?” The American Ambassador asked. “Mr Tod! How can you help us?” Franco asked. “The Commander of the Muckengen has just told me that he may help you to hoist up the Astro with his ship. As I'll do a trip to Curitiba and he will be waiting for me, there will be no trouble for him to help you.” The Ambassador answered. “We all do accept and thank you once more for the American help.” Nascimento answered followed by great applause of the crowd. “We also may help you! We are loading cargoes to Montevideo and do not suffer no one lost if we offer our help with our ship.” The Commander of the ship Flor D'Ouro spoke. “Thank you, Commander!” Rossi thanked him. “Gentlemen! We know that His Majesty, the Emperor, will adopt hard measure against England or against us, when the British government will come to claim against the damages suffered by his ship. We ask you all to keep this combat under absolute secrecy and to keep silence during the process, that may strength itself for years. The Judge Filastrio asked. “We know the attitude of the Imperial government in such events. So, we must to keep under concealment the names of the authorities here present in downtown. All names must be in nondisclosure for do not be cited as responsible for such reprisal to the English ship. However, the youth that so bravely knew how to defend 301

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us, must assume such responsibility. The Commander GuimarĂŁes finished his discourse with that advice and received a long applause. Since then and until nowadays, the young dwellers from Paranagua sent to render military service are considered and treated as men without discipline. With the help of two ships, on that same weekend, the Astro's deck was at the sea level. After that help, the two ships that have sustained her hoisting up span by span, were no more necessary. Uncountable buckets of water to empty the hatches had been used to wash and to clean the mud and the mollusks, inside and outside the ship. After a month of work, they finished the repairs, painting and the sails making. On September, protected by new laws and by the withdrawing of the English cruisers from the Brazilian coast, the brigschooner Astro sailed to Rio Grande with all her cargoes. The works for the building of the market had began in 1850, when happened the disappearance of the stone Pillory. Only a century later, that symbol of law was found, hidden under the soil in the same place where it had been erected on January 06, 1646. The work of art on the upper pole was broken, there was no brackets, neither the bronze hatchet. The Monarchy also had finished. The authorities didn't say anything about the disappearance of such monument. Was that, part of any silence agreement? At least, in two hundred years, that Pillory was used only two times and people's voice asking to put down it had been accomplished, sealing the silence 302


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The Pillory was the symbol of Justice erected in Paranagua on January 06, 1646.30 It disappeared in 1850 and was found in 1953 after excavation on the same site. It is now in the Institute Historic and Geographic of Paranagua, 150 meters from its original place.

30 - Symbol of Justice in Paranaguá – 01/06/1646 – Municipality Council.


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The news about the event were soon in the streets of Rio de Janeiro, told by sailors and passengers arriving from South. The official facts happened in Paranagua arrived to Rio de Janeiro on July 07, 1850. “Listen! The newspaper Correio Mercantil from Santos notices that the Paranagua fortress has been razed by an English cruiser and its garrison has been victim in the accomplishment of their duty to defend the city.” A reader said rounded by several curious persons. The news from Rio was refereed to notices arrived from Santos. The nation suffered a large commotion and a great feeling of loss. “The newspaper Jornal do Commercio says that the yacht "Velha de Dio" was shipwrecked by the HMS Tweed, under the command of Lord Russel!” Said another reader. “Here also there is a protest letter from several shipowners.” 304


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“Let's go to the Senate and to ask for hard measures from the government!” Another man suggested, followed by a crowd. The proximity of the people to their representatives favored the gathering of a crowd to the General Assembly. “Gentlemen! Go back home! The War Council will have a meeting on this afternoon. Thus, wait until tomorrow for official declaration by the Minister Queiroz.” On the morning of July 08, at 10:40 AM, the assembly was opened with a multitude of curious crushing themselves in the saloon of the Assembly, galleries, corridors and stairs. The Minister Euzebio de Queiroz was introduced at the tribune and gave an office letter for the President of Assembly by his sergeant of orders asking for a term of eight days to answer the appellation by Deputy by São Paulo Silveira da Motta. “The govern could not to talk with all that frankness that wishes and that the nature of that business requires.” The Minister explained. “While the Ministry waits for official communication from Paranagua, the country is anxious to know what are, at the govern sight, the explanations that from the tribune are being ministered to us.” The Deputy Mello Franco asked for explanations. “My require is to ask the govern of São Paulo's Province to send to this Council the file of names of the Commander of that fortress 305

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that at few days has defended with dignity the right and the national sovereignty gravely offended by the commander of the steam ship HMS Cormorant inside that port (supported).” The asking by the Deputy Carneiro Campos to honor the heroes received countless shouts of “supported” by representatives in the Assembly and by visitors.

MEASURES TAKEN BY BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT Decree July 29, 1850. The fortresses and forts garrison in the bays and the coasts of this Province use the means of force that dispose to avoid the capture of Brazilian ships or of any other one nation for foreign ships. The fortresses commandants owe, even so before the use the force, by these fortifications should inform the cruiser by means of blank-shots they are in territorial sea and protected by the fortress. Likewise that you authorize the same officers to request by the Police Authorities or National Guard, the precise force for the services in the fortifications, when the respective garrisons were not enough to repel the aggression.

1. – To authorize the fortress to open fire against invaders. 2. – Imperial Decree to forbid the visit by English ships.



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3. – To raise the taxes on English products from 8% to 60%. 4. – Imperial Decree to impede the transportation of slaves. 5. – To raise the District of Curitiba to the Category of Province with name of "Parana" . – 1853. 6. – The installation of buoys in Paranagua channel. – 1871. 7. – The Lighthouse in Honey Island. – 1872. 8. – The Gracious Road. – 1873. 9. – The Paranagua Port Concession. – 1873. 10. – The Rail Road. – 1885. 11. – The freedom of Slaves by Princess Isabel. – 1888. 12. – The population of Paraná raised 400% in 35 years.


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AUGUST 29, 1853. Dom Pedro II, for grace of God and unanimous acclamation of the people, Constitutional Emperor and Perpetual Defender of Brazil. We make to know to all subjects that the Legislative General Assembly Decreed and We want the following Law. Art. 1º The District of Curitiba in the Province of São Paulo is elevated to the category of Province with the denomination of Province of Parana. Its extension and limits will be the same of the referred District. Art. 2º The new Province will have as capital, the city of Curitiba while the respective Assembly do not Decree the opposite. Art. 3º The Province of Parana will give a senator and a deputy to the General Assembly and its Provincial Assembly will count of 20 members. Art. 4º The Government is authorized to create in the same Province the Fiscal Stations indispensable for the collection and Administration of the General Incomes, submitting later what has determined to the knowledge of the General Assembly for the definitive approval. Art. 5º Be revoked the dispositions in contrary. We order, therefore to whole the authorities to whom the knowledge of this Law to belong, that accomplish it, make to accomplish and to keep entirely as it 308


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contains. The Secretary of State of the Empire makes it to print, to publish and to distribute. Given in the Palace of Rio de Janeiro at twenty-nine of August of eighteen hundred and fifty three, thirtieth second of the Independence and of the Empire. By: Francisco Gonรงalves Martins


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The owner of horse troops Paula Gomes and the industrial Comendador Correia Jr were the most enthusiasts for the emancipation of Curitiba. The Comendador Correia Jr wrote in his last days: “I have desired to be useful to my country, promoting the separation of the District of Curitiba. It seemed to bring consideration among my fellow citizens. In contrary, envious they discredit me, relatives persecute me and I saw myself in necessity. To save my credit, I had to be apart from my family in front of my engine, working to see if I can let my family educated and unembarrassed, learning from myself that in this world, the best actions only bring disgust.” His son, Ildefonso Pereira Correia was the Baron of the Blue Ridge (Barão do Cerro Azul), industrial of the tea herb mate and founder of the Commercial Association of Parana. The Baron was 310


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murdered during the Federalist Revolution on May 20, 1894 on the Marine Range. The execution place was near the Itupava's Way and the Nhundiaquara river, where the Lusitania investors had built 53 herb mate hydraulic engines. The scarps of the Marine Range had been the base of the Parana Province. However, in this Century XXI we must to measure the losses and earns with the English presence at the Brazilian coast. With England, the emancipation movement got an strong support of advertising in so short term that shouldn't never had another similar with the broken entrepreneurs, to get the emancipation of Curitiba and foundation of the Province of Parana. The political evidence of the Liberal party against the Monarchy is notable. Even today is the political mean, social or educational, there is no mention of the “Emancipation of Curitiba.” To obfuscate the brightness of the Monarchy is being cited the “Emancipation of Parana”, knowing that the Province of Parana has never been emancipated. The fragile relationship between Brazil and England since 1850 was seriously aggravated with the question originated by the ambassador Sir Willian Dougall Christie, that resulted in the rupture of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The English domain on Asia withdrew definitively Brazil from that market, causing serious damages to the economy of the Province of Parana, where was kept a traditional trade with India and China since 1808. 311

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The bad relationship of the citizens of Paranagua with Anita was the reason for her to move to Curitiba, where she waited for her husband. The Pilot Manoel Felipe Santiago and his family living in Curitiba could stay in touch with all relatives in Paranagua. In September 26, 1881, the Pilot Manoel Filippe Santiago was nominated as Paranagua Bar's Pilot after his test of knowledge and practice by appointment of the Commander of the Port Captaincy Cap Joaquim Guilherme de Mello Carrao of this city.31 Four years later he died in Curitiba, where was buried.

31 - Manoel Felippe Santiago – Pilot Nomination Letter – Navy Library – RJ.



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The Ohio's War Governor

David Tod Ohio Senator, Governor and Minister to Brazil

The presence of the American Ambassador David Tod in 313

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Paranagua was not registered on the Town Council books or on any other file. It is well understood, when we know the Politician had the fear of the Emperor's reaction, as the last American Ambassador had bad relation with the Emperor. On the other hand, the Republican followers wanted to erase any positive evidence of the Monarchy power in the country. However, Brazilian Historians and politicians keep in secret the confrontation, as if their were the only resources. The politicians did not expect that Commander Herbert Schomberg would comment the staying of Ambassador David Tod in Paranagua 32 in his report to Rear Admiral Barrington Reynolds, whose report to Lord Palmerston remarks the support of Mr Tod and whose report to Mr James Hudson also cites Mr Tod and whose report to Minister Paulino de Souza in Rio de Janeiro also does the reference on Mr Tod. The local politics did not cause fear to the English commander, but the disclosure of his shares in Brazilian waters by U.S. Ambassador would reveal the real intentions of invading a country weaker and would raise an international outrage. A military response could be undertaken with the support of another more powerful nation. The Professor David Carneiro, one of the most renowned historian in the Parana's state, has been at the National Archive in London, from where he got information directly from the registers on the HMS Cormorant's Log Book – ADM 53/3759. The reaction of the 32 Incidente Cormorant – David Carneiro – Curitiba. Pg 52.



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politician and historians was to put in doubt such trip and the registers, whose Professor with great fidelity knew how to report. When I asked to the President of the Historic Institute of Paranagua about the existence of any register telling the presence of the Ambassador Tod, the answer was: “Don't touch on that!” The question is whether the Paranagua Masonry has some record of the event, but the fire the building suffered have destroyed all evidences . Was the participation of Mr Tod on this event so strong, that he should be kept in secrecy for do not involve his country? The Ambassador David Tod was Senator by the State of Ohio, in USA and was invited by President James Polk to become Minister to Brazil in 1847, where he has been till 1851. Married to Maria Smith and father of five sons, in December 16th, 1847, his daughter Grace Tod was born in Rio de Janeiro and in December 4 th, 1849, his daughter Sallie Tod was also born in Rio de Janeiro.33 The service done by Ambassador David Tod to his country in Brazil was very important, including the representation of the Privateer ship “General Armstrong” in discussion for almost forty years. In 1816, the Captain Samuel Reid of the General Armstrong Petitioned the American Congress for compensation for the officers and crew of the scuttled General Armstrong, but he didn't succeed. Later his son tried the neutral intervention by the Sweden king, but he didn't accept. The next international court to intermediate was France in 1853, by Louis 33 - Library of Congress – Papers David Tod – Washington DC – USA.


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Napoleon who decided General Armstrong case in favor of Portugal and England. The last deal was in 1883, when the American Congress, appropriated $70,739 to General Armstrong shareholders for loss of the privateer and personal effects. 34 The United States after the conflict with France and Mexico negotiated the acquisition of land during the eighteenth century, requiring heavy rates distributed to US states. The Lincoln government plan on ending slavery was displeased by southerners and lit the mind to the separation. After November 1860, seven Southern states and four North States began the Conventions Ordinances Secede, under peaceful split until the following year. The Battle of Fort Sumter in April 12, 1861 sparked armed clashes in other states, Southerners wanted to continue slavery and the Union wanted to prevent the separation of the states. When the war broke up in Virginia at 80 miles from the border of Ohio, the Confederates had caused great losses to the Union Army, making clear its intention to block the Ohio river and to destroy the railway and bridges. The former ambassador to Brazil, David Tod was governor of Ohio and in September 2nd, 1862 he issued a call up, following the same instructions of call to arms for militia he saw in Paranaguá "... each one should bring weapons, ammunition and food".35 34 - S am uel Chest e r R ei d F am il y P ape rs – 2009 – Li br ar y of C ongress – Washi ngt on – DC – US A. 35 - Historical Memory of the City of Paranagua. - 1850 Santos, Antonio Vieira dos. Municipallity of Paranagua.



Astro Schooner

“Our southern boarder is threaten with invasion. I have therefore to recommend that all the loyal men of your counties at once form themselves into military companies and regiments to beat back the enemy at any and all points he may attempt to invade our state. Gather up all the arms in the country and furnish yourselves with ammunition for the same. The service will be but a few days. The soil of Ohio must not be invaded by the enemies of our glorious government.” The governor Tod requested 15,000 weapons to the Union and after the call to arms according the Act of Militia of 1792, he received from the following hours to two days, a militia of 16,000 names which was met with popular support, serving food and clothing. These volunteers were the “Minute Men” in the Ohio's militia. They were young farms workers and area residents who were motivated to defend their State, while the 600 men of the “Minute Men” regimented in St. Louis wanted to begin the war since the previous year, to form the Confederate States of America. The Ohio's Militia detained for three times the Confederate Army during the invasions attempt on Cincinatti from September 1 st to 13th, 1862. The Militia known as "Squirrels Hunters" helped the Union digging trenches and raising fortifications to repel the Confederate army. After this victory, Governor David Tod dismissed the troops, but publicly he asked the volunteers to wait for a new call. In July of the following year, General John Hunt Morgan took a cavalry of 2,000 317

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confederates to invade Cincinatti, but was defeated in thirty days by militia support. For his successful strategy, people gave to Mr Tod the nickname of “The War Governor�. President Lincoln in recognition for his help during the war and for his exceptional ability in finances management, invited him to be the Secretary of Treasury, he declined after his weaken health. Mr Tod died of stroke in 1868, four years after the end of the war. His death was a great loss for the State of Ohio and also for the entire country, mainly after the Black Friday, which happened on the next year. Th first Great Economic Depression in USA. Mr Tod should know very well how to overcome it.

Certificate of Reservist Militia The Squirrel Hunters



Astro Schooner

The TOD Homestead in Youngstown, OH, USA. Authorities in Paranagua feared the Emperor would apply severe punishment on the youth, “caused by this conflict� against England. Instead, Congress thanked them all including the reading of their names on the tribune, for having brought peace and cheer to the people of Rio de Janeiro and the politicians of the country. England raised good profited from several seized ships, but suffered severe loss of trade with the rise to 60% in import duties, thereby eliminating their products in the Brazilian market. The name of Paranagua was lifted in the country and the desired Emancipation of the County of Curitiba was signed by Emperor Dom Pedro II three years later, with the founding of the Province of Parana. 319

Egberto F. Ribeiro




Astro Schooner

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 - The Lusiads, Luis Vaz de Camões – 1572 – Lisbon. 2 - Tordesilhas' Treaty – Portugal/Spain - June 7, 1494. 3 - Letter of Discovery of Brazil – Porto Seguro – May 2nd, 1500. Pero Vaz de Caminha 4- The Treaty of Saragossa – Portugal/Spain – 1529. 5 - Log Book by Pero Lopes de Souza – 1531/1532 – At Sea. 6 – History of Paraná - Washowicz, Ruy Cristóvão - Publisher of the Teachers-1968 7 – Marquis of Pombal, Decree on July 24th 1759. 8 – The Journey of the Royal Family to Brazil –Kenneth H Light. IHGP 16/01/2003 Petropolis. 9 – Old Regiments - Gen. Fortes, Heitor Borges. -Bibliex-1964. 10 – Trip to the District of Curitiba.- Hillaire, Auguste de Saint. - Co. Edit. National-1820. 11 – Microfilm Collection – Public Library of Paraná – Jornal do Commercio – January/July 1850. 12 – Jornal do Commercio, January 10th, 1850. 13 – J o r n a l d o C o m m e r c i o – F e b r ua r y 2 n d, 1 8 5 0 . 14 – Jornal do Commercio – February 16, 1850. 15 – Jornal do Commercio – May 18, 1850. 13 – Jornal do Commercio – May 20, 1850. 14 – Jornal do Commercio – June 21, 1850. 15 – Jornal do Commercio – June 23, 1850. 16 – Jornal do Commercio – May 22, 1850. 17 - The Gentle Kraft Fishing of Mullet - Corrêa, Marco Fabiano-Publisher: Dep. Imp. Official of the State of Pr. - 1989. 18 – Jornal do Commercio – June 21, 1850 – Chamber of Commerce Note. 19 – Jornal do Commercio – June 23, 1850. 20 – Jornal do Commercio – July 2nd , 1850. 21 – Jornal do Commercio – Police Notes – July 8th , 1850. 22 – Jornal do Commercio June 07, 1850. Customs and Maritime Police notes. 23 – Ships - Van Loon, Hendrick W. -Bookstore of the Globe-1936. 24 – Roads of Districts of Curitiba and Paranagua - Moreira, Júlio Estrela - Imp. Official-1975. 25 – Six Centuries of Artillery. - Lieut. Col. Artillery. Alves, J. V. Portella - Bibliex – 1949 26 – Genealogy Paranaense. - Negrão, Francisco. - Paranaense Press -1927. 27 – Course of Specialization of Machines. - Min. of the Navy-Imp.


Egberto F. Ribeiro Navy – 1943 28 – Shooter's Bible - Weise, Robert E. -Stoeger Publishing Co. 1984. 29 – Old Regiments - Gen. Fortes, Heitor Borges. -Bibliex-1964. 30 – Symbol of Justice in Paranagua – 01/06/1646 – Municipality Council. 31 – Manoel Felippe Santiago – Pilot Nomination Letter – Navy Library – RJ. 32 – Incident Cormorant – David Carneiro – Curitiba. Pg 52. 33 – Library of Congress – Papers David Tod – Washington DC – USA. 34 - S a m u e l C h e s t e r R e i d F a m i l y P a p e r s – 2 0 0 9 – L i b r a r y o f C o n gr e s s – Wa s h i n gt o n – D C – U S A. 35 - Historical Memory of the City of Paranagua. - 1850 Santos, Antonio Vieira dos. Municipality of P a r a n a gu a .



Astro Schooner

THE ASTRO SCHOONER By Egberto Fioravanti Ribeiro Translated by the Author Original in Portuguese “A Escuna Astro”. Reg. BN 329.978 – 04/25/2004. Brazilian History. Fiction in prose. 1º Treatment for Screen to Cine/TV. 245 Pages. 278 Sequences. 1561 Dialogue Takes. 120 minutes.

©2004 – 2017 Egberto Fioravanti Ribeiro 1st Edition 2017 – Rio de Janeiro Author – Publisher ISBN 978-85-906811-3-7


Egberto F. Ribeiro

BIOGRAPHY Egberto Fioravanti Ribeiro was born in Antonina, Parana in Brazil in 1950, where began his studies. Son of a railroad telegrapher and account Lourival Ribeiro and the former clerk at the Parana Telephone Company and elementary teacher Maria Augusta. At six years old, the railroad company moved his father to Paranagua, in a new trustworthy service as station manager to attend the growing up of the coffee exportation. Three years later, all the family was also moved to Paranagua, where the Author lived for forty years and where was graduated as Portuguese and English teacher and Bachelor in Administration by Unespar at the Fafipar Campus. In his professional life, the Author worked for grain exporters companies, and to Gremos, in a federal and private association, a joint venture to improve the harvest transportation. The Author was approved in public examination in 1974 and worked at Paranagua Port till his retirement. In 1970 he knew Maurigilda and five years later they married and are parents to Ricardo, who lives in Rio de Janeiro and works as TV Editor and Leyre, Medical Assistant in the USA, married and has two sons. In 2001 during a visit to the Port with students of the SENAC, the Author was intrigued with the origin of an anchor on a container cart which was parking at the gate of the Port of Paranagua. Since then, the Author began a deep search in downtown, in the Navy, in the History of the Parana State and Brazil, at the Parana Public Library and Paranaense Museum. In 2011, the



Astro Schooner

Author also got precious help from the Abbot's History of Ohio and Family Search Org, to explain the presence of the American Ambassador David Tod in Paranagua in 1850. In 2011, the Author knew some contacts in London and got a copy of some pages of the HMS Cormorant's Logbook. The data found has been related by the Historians from Parana; Antonio Vieira dos Santos and David Carneiro. Books Published Geração Intrépida – ISBN 978-85 -906811-5-1 Intrepid Generation – ISBN 978-85-906811-4-4 A Escuna Astro – ISBN 978-85-906811-2-0 The Astro Schooner – ISBN 978-85-906811-3-7 Logística de Container – ISBN 978-85-906811-0-6 New Method For Port Logistics – ISBN 978-85-906811-7-5 The Cause of Port Bottleneck in Brazil. ISBN 978-1539873426 A Causa do Gargalo Portuário no Brasil – ISBN 978-85-922677-1-1 The Believers on Mount of Olives. 2005 – ISBN 978-85-906811-1-3


Egberto F. Ribeiro

Screen play *Script and production in (Super “8). 10’ “The Caiçara”. 1981. *Script and production in (Super “8). 10’ “Sun, Sea and Life”. 1981 *Script and Direction for Documentary in (Super-8). 16’ “The Visit of the President Figueiredo to Paranagua” “(Institut Hist. and Geographic of Paranagua). 1982. *Instruction Script. – 35’ “Knowing the Container”. 2001 *Documentary Script – 55’ “Itupava “The Emancipation’s Way”. 2003.



Astro Schooner

THE ASTRO SCHOONER by Egberto Fioravanti Ribeiro Digital Edition – New Ortography Reg. BN 329.978 – 25/04/2004. Ficção em prosa. Estrutura de 1º Tratamento para roteiro de Cine/TV. 178 Páginas. 288 Sequências. 1561 Tomadas de Diálogos. 120 minutos. ©2004 – 2017 Egberto Fioravanti Ribeiro 1ª Edição 2017 – Rio de Janeiro Autor – Editor ISBN 978-85-906811-3-7 327

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