Weekly Update 08.18.21

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FSS Events, Programs & Activities

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Intramural Football Coaches Meeting Thursday, August 19 | 1 pm

The Eglin Fitness Center invites you to attend the coaches meeting for the upcoming Intramural Football season! All who are interested in coaching or participating are encouraged to attend the meeting at the Main Fitness Center Gym in order to ensure a smooth transition into the upcoming season. Intramural sport leagues are open to participants over the age of 18 who have base access and are assigned to or affiliated with units at Eglin. 850-882-6223

96 FSS O&M Hiring Event

Wednesday, September 8 | Register by August 31 The 96 FSS Civilian Personnel Section is hosting an Operations & Management (O&M) Hiring Event on Wednesday, Sept. 8! Interviews will be conducted with direct hire authority by appointment only. All who are interested in being interviewed are encouraged to pre-register online at https://afcs.force.com/s/events?eventId=a02t0000007YX2FAAW by Tuesday, Aug. 31. For more information, contact the Civilian Personnel Section. 850-882-6258

Bingo at the Bayview Kick-Off Party

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Wednesday, September 1 | 5 pm

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Eglin's Bayview knows how to spell the secret to great riches: "B-I-N-G-O!" Join the festivities and celebrate the return of Bingo at the Bayview with a kick-off party on Wednesday, September 1. Bingo cards and rental machines will be available for purchase at 5 p.m. on a first-come first-serve basis, and the first ball called for the first game at 6:45 p.m. Play is open to all with base access ages 18 and older, and players -will enjoy a FREE hoedown-style meal of BBQ pork sandwiches, potato -salad and baked beans. Attendees may purchase drinks at the bar. 850-882-4766 Thank you to the Eglin Federal Credit Union for sponsoring this event!

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