FSS Events, Programs & Activities
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020
Movie Night at Postl Point Nov. 13-14 | 6 p.m. Enjoy outdoor movies at Postl Point on Friday and Saturday nights! Parking will accommodate up to 40 vehicles per show. Sign-up is required; visit www.signupgenius.com/go/odrmovies to reserve your space. Admission is FREE and open to all Eglin personnel and family members.
Friday, Nov. 13 Black Panther PG-13, 2018, Action/Adventure Saturday, Nov. 14 Spider-Man: Far From Home PG-13, 2019, Action/Adventure
36th Annual Greeting Card Competition Registration Now Open! The festive tradition continues! All base organizations are invited to show their holiday spirit and enter Eglin's 36th Annual Greeting Card Competition. Create a giant holiday card wishing season's greetings from your organization to the Eglin community. Cards will be set up and displayed throughout December along both sides of the west section of Eglin Boulevard, from the intersection at Nomad Way to the All Wars Memorial. A panel of judges will evaluate the displays based on theme, originality and workmanship; the panel will then select 1st through 3rd place and honorable-mention winners to be awarded cash prizes totaling over $1,200. Cards must be officially registered for the contest at Postl Point, completed and displayed at their designated spots before Friday, Dec. 11 to be included in the judging. Winners will be announced and presented with awards in person at the respective units. Contact or go to Outdoor Recreation at Postl Point to register. (850) 882-5058 Sponsored by Eglin Federal Credit Union. No Federal endorsement of sponsors intended.