If you want to download you can find it here: http://graphicriver.net/item/design-marketing-brochure-a4-and-us-letter-v1-/7064255
Design Marketing Brochure – 32 Pages
Minimal and Professional Marketing Brochure Design for creative businesses, created in Adobe InDesign that comes with two paper sizes including US Letter and International A4.
This Brochure features:
A4 page size and US Letter Page size
CMYK @ 300 DPI – Print-ready
Adobe InDesign for CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 and CC (.inx, .idml, .indd
Adobe PDF (.pdf)
32 Page Template
Customize any Font and Colour
Easily add additional pages or duplicate existing page layouts
All files are super organised and full layered. Major text styles used within the templates can be found in the paragraph and character styles menus. One Master Page has been included to aid in layout consistency between pages.
Fonts Used:
Chaparral Pro – Link for Download
Montserrat – Link for Download
or customise fonts to mat